Antarctica is a land about to be exposed over its well-guarded secrets and ancient hidden mysteries …
In 1955, as a result of a secret agreement reached between the Eisenhower Administration and a German breakaway group in Antarctica, a transnational corporate space program began to emerge. The secret infusion of personnel and resources from US military contractors into Antarctica allowed this transnational corporate program to steadily grow into a major space power, which would eventually surpass and eclipse the secret space programs run by the US Navy, Air Force, and the classified space programs of other nations.
Whistleblower claims substantiate that many of the classified programs conducted there violate the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, and constitute “crimes against humanity” due to the abuse of a captive slave labor force. Dr. Michael Salla daringly exposes the major corporations involved in these illegal programs, and how the truth is hidden from company shareholders and the public. Today, Antarctica’s secrets are slowly being revealed by the increasing volcanic activity that is melting the massive ice shelves, exposing ancient artifacts and crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Full disclosure of Antarctica’s history, and current events involving multiple space programs and transnational corporations, will vitally aid in transforming our planet, and prepare humanity for the major geological events that lie ahead as the melting ice unveils all that has previously been hidden.
Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Program is approximately 380 pages in length, and is Book 3 in the Secret Space Programs Series.
There has been much controversy over a February 5 blog post by former Forbes Magazine editor, Benjamin Fulford that a German Space Program based in Antarctica has secretly reached a deal with U.S. and global authorities, and is ready to reveal itself. Such a disclosure will lead to life changing antigravity and other suppressed technologies being released, according to Fulford.
Fulford does not name his sources or offer any direct evidence supporting his controversial claim, but recent visits to southern Argentina by U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, does offer important circumstantial support. Fulford’s claim therefore merits close examination in light of what Tillerson and Bezos were really doing in Argentina.
Fulford cites unnamed Pentagon sources for his controversial assertion. On Monday, February 5, he wrote:
A major peace deal was reached last week in negotiations that took place literally under the light of the blue-blood super moon in a certain Asian country last week, according to sources who were present. As are result of this, the Nazi faction of the world military-industrial complex has agreed to align itself with the light side of the force. Thus in the near future, Nazi technology, notably anti-gravity and hypersonic (Mach 20+) air travel, will be made available to the “surface population,” of the planet, the sources say… We will have more details toward the end of this report.
Towards the end of his blog post, Fulford gives the promised additional details:
In any case, now that the Nazis have agreed to come out of hiding and rejoin the human family, there is simply no military power left that will support any more Khazarian genocidal projects. The Nazis are now run by a generation that is in their 30’s and who have no experience with or involvement in the horrors of World War II. For that reason, they have no reason to hide.
In any case, according to the source mentioned above, the Nazis have not really been hiding at all. In the real world, most Nazi leaders who were not arrested at the end of World War 2 did not go to Antarctica or even South America. Instead, they went to Spain, which was still run by a Fascist government after the war ended. Many stayed in Spain, but others moved on to Cuba and Nevada, among other places. The infamous Area 51 and other bases in Nevada are mainly bases for testing advanced Nazi aerospace technology, according to this source. This technology will now be shared with the general population, the source says.
The Nazi bases in Antarctica, this source says, are far smaller and less significant than many believe. He says disinformation about giant Nazi bases in Antarctica was deliberately put out by the Nazis in order to keep Nazi hunters off their trail. The reality is that they did find warm hollows under the ice created by volcanic hot springs, but that that the water was undrinkable.
In answer to a reader’s question about the intentions of the present German leadership in Antarctica, Fulford added:
The new generation of Nazi leaders renounces the genocidal plans of their fathers and grandfathers and wishes to share their wonderful technology with humanity. As such, we should welcome them, and hopefully their secret space program will not have to be secret any more.
There has been extensive eyewitness testimony given by insiders such as William Tompkins (a former US Navy operative and aerospace engineer), Clark McClelland (a former NASA employee), and Corey Goode (former secret space program participant) about a fully functional German secret space program in Antarctica that covertly established agreements with the U.S. military industrial complex in the 1950’s.
Some of this eyewitness testimony was covered in Books One and Two of my Secret Space Program Series, and a more detailed examination along with supporting evidence is forthcoming in Book Three: Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs (March 2018).
In short, there is much evidence that a German space program was secretly created in Antarctica, and that agreements reached with the U.S. Military Industrial Complex led to its expansion, and the establishment of what Jim Marrs and others refer to as the Fourth Reich.
This is where the Argentinian city of San Carlos de Bariloche, (aka Barilcoche) becomes important. According to credible sources, Adolf Hitler escaped the war to establish his primary residence in Bariloche, which is located in Patagonia, the southern-most region of Argentina. World War II historians such as Harry Cooper and Dr. Jerome Corsi have cited extensive documents and eyewitness testimonies supporting such rumors.
In addition, Martin Bormann escaped to Argentina and made it a hub for a postwar Nazi capital flight program called Operation Eagle Flight. Bormann’s capital flight program not only financed a covert global attempt to establish a Fourth Reich, but also funded a German secret space program in Antarctica.
With the confluence of international finance and exiled Nazi leaders, Bariloche became the de facto capital of the Fourth Reich, and the place U.S. leaders would regularly visit to reach agreements with the Antarctic based German space program.
This is evidenced by visits to Bariloche by U.S. Presidents such as Dwight D. Eisenhower (February 28, 1960), William Clinton (October 18, 1997), and Barack Obama (March 24, 2016) all visited Bariloche ostensibly for economic development and/or environmental protection. The real reason may well have involved covert negotiations with leaders of the German SSP out of Antarctica.
President Dwight Eisenhower arrives in Bariloche, Argentina where he signed a Joint Declaration for economic development and environmental protection.
This why the February 3 trip to Bariloche by Secretary Rex Tillerson becomes important. Was he there simply to discuss “ecological exchanges” as State Department Undersecretary Steve Goldstein stated to the press? Or was Tillerson there to conduct secret negotiations with a new generation of leaders from the German Antarctic Space Program, as Pentagon sources allegedly told Fulford?
What lends further plausibility to Fulford’s claim of secret negotiations is Amazon founder and world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, simultaneous visit to Argentina. On February 3, an Argentinian newspaper released a story about Bezos unannounced visit to the Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia to “save the earth”:
The American businessman Jeff Bezos, founder and director of Amazon, owner of the legendary newspaper The Washington Post and founder of Blue Origin, a company that aims to make suborbital and commercial orbital trips, is located in the Argentine Patagonia.
The billionaire today tweeted a photo in front of the Perito Moreno glacier. “This is the impressive Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia, we send robotic probes to all the planets of the solar system, and the Earth is far the best, we go to space, but to save the Earth,” said Bezos. [Google Translation]
It’s worth emphasizing that Bariloche is the fourth largest city in the region of Patagonia, with a sufficiently large airport to accommodate their aircraft. Tillerson and Bezos could have very easily attended secret negotiations respectively representing the highest levels of U.S. government and industry.
Indeed, this is what Dr. Joseph Farrell, who was the first to report on the Tillerson and Bezos visits, contends is what happened:
Mr. Bezos’ comments seem to imply that the purpose of his Patagonian glacierology expedition is related to space matters… which, again, conjures that image of Mr. Obama in Bariloche with NASA folks in tow. (And let’s not forget the Chinese presence in the region, again for ostensible “space related” purposes.) So, yes, my high octane speculation is that Mr. Bezos’ visit to the region is related to Mr. Tillerson’s, and that the purpose is not glaciers or Fullbright scholarships or talks to nature preserves, though it should be noted that the “nature” angle figures as a covering story both for Mr. Tillerson and Mr. Bezos! That alone suggests to me coordination, and that the trips are, indeed, related somehow. It’s that other influence in the region that raises the questions: Nazis. Bariloche was, after all, home and headquarters, more or less, to Dr. Ronald Richter’s very strange postwar plasma experiments for Juan Peron. The so-called Nazi Estancia, the “Ranch,” a vast cordoned-off area of some 10,000 square miles, is in the region.
The important point here is that Mr. Bezos may have given a clue about the real nature of the ongoing interest of “big names” and “big money” in the region: space, and advanced technologies, and that the real purpose of these strange visits is related directly to these.
Farrell’s observations here are very insightful. The Tillerson and Bezos visits were very likely connected to secret negotiations with a new generation of Nazi leaders willing to publicly release advanced space technologies.
Lending further credence to such an observation is the role of the Chinese military in running a joint space program facility with the Argentinian government that came into operation in 2016 in the Patagonia region, around the time of President Obama’s Bariloche visit.
This brings us back to Fulford’s unnamed Pentagon sources that told him about negotiations taking place at an Asian country around the time of the January 31 Super Blue Blood full moon. These negotiations involving global elites (aka Deep State/Cabal/Illuminati, etc.) apparently paved the way for the German space program to be revealed.
Four days later, Tillerson and Bezos show up at Bariloche, arguably with Chinese space program representatives already operating in the Patagonia area, to strike a deal with the new generation of German Antarctic leaders.
While many of Fulford’s claims remain controversial and unsubstantiated, his most recent claim of a secret agreement being reached with a new generation of leaders of the Fourth Reich willing to publicly reveal themselves and release fantastic life changing space technologies, is backed by significant circumstantial evidence, and deserves serious investigation.
by Arjun Walia January 22, 2018 (
UFO’s have been spotted many times over Antarctica, and many claim there are ET remnants and a lost civilization being covered up in Antarctica.
Over the past seventy years we have seen an enormous amount of evidence showing that UFOs are real, and that some of them might be of extraterrestrial origin. The U.S. government and former government officials recently released information of a Pentagon study of UFOs and an F-18 cockpit video tracking a “tic tac” shaped UFO in 2004. They claim that the Pentagon program was shut down. But these types of black budget programs are never actually shut down. This is a type of secrecy that’s common in the secret world of black budget and special access programs.
The government and power elite have deceived us with fake news on so many different topics. Examples would be the so-called war against drugs and terrorism. UFO groups and movements have a long history of infiltration by government agents. The UFO field is full of disinformation. One must do their research and learn to use their discernment.
Still, there is plenty of information out there that comes from sources that can be completely verified. Based on corroborating evidence, it appears that a clandestine black budget Secret Space Program does exist. If anybody is claiming to come from this black budget program, the least we can do is hear them out and then compare it with all the existing information we have today.
Corey Goode claims to have been part of the Secret Space Program, having numerous experiences with extraterrestrial beings. It is true that Goode’s credentials in this program cannot be verified, and some seriously doubt his credibility. Corey appears to be sharing information that could be real, although one cannot yet identify who he truly is within these programs. This is why we must use our intuition when looking at this sort of information. ‘How does it feel?’ is a question to ask yourself. (see 2:52 minute video clip of Corey Goode below)
When it comes to the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials, who can we really trust? The best sources are the opinions of researchers from around the world, and the ‘whistleblowers’ that come forward. Many of these people have some amazing stories that corroborate the stories of others and the information that’s already out there. This makes it easier for UFO researchers to put two and two together.
It’s up to you to decide what resonates and what doesn’t.
Are there aliens in Antarctica? Were there ever? The idea of aliens or a lost civilization having once inhabited, or still inhabiting, Antarctica has been talked about for some time. This isn’t all that far fetched when you consider that we have been, and are currently being visited by extraterrestrials.
It has been hypothesized for centuries, and within the past decade alone, we have seen an enormous amount of evidence showing that UFOs are real, and that some of them might be extraterrestrial in origin. In fact, at the end of 2017, the US Government released an official video of one of these objects for the first time ever. It was filmed travelling at speeds and performing maneuvers that no known air-craft can. The Navy pilot, and another recently retired gentleman from the Department of Defense, Louis Elizondo, both shared their belief that these objects are extraterrestrial, as have many others before them.
The footage came via an “Ariel Threat Identification Program” that had been running, and claims say that it was shut down. Based on all of my research, these programs have been running for a long time, and they’ve never actually been shut down.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behooves us, in case of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defense Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
Corey Goode, author and alleged Secret Space Program whistleblower has talked about a process of revealing this UFO and ET information to the public slowly. A process referred to as ‘drip disclosure’ or ‘slow disclosure.’ This in itself raises a number of questions and concerns, one of them being the fact that the government and those who use their power to influence government policy have deceived us and provided the public with fake news on so many different topics. A few great examples would be the so-called war against drugs and terrorism. Why should we expect accuracy and truth when it comes to the topic of UFOs?
In a recent interview we did with Corey Goode, we spoke about some of the recent findings in Antarctica as it relates to warm environments beneath the ice that could harbour life. This immediately raises the question of “are we about to hear more drip disclosure about Antarctica?” Why is this question raised? Because many have claimed there are ET remnants and a lost civilization being covered-up in Antarctica.
UFO’s have also been spotted many times in Antarctica. Here’s one document from the CIA archives to use as an example, it states as follows:
“ANTARCTIC FLYING SAUCERS” – A group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers has been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British bases (military) in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney islands in quick circles.”
What’s Going On In Antarctica, Who Can We Trust?
When it comes to the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials, who can we really trust? The best sources to go off of are the documents that we have, the opinions of researchers from around the world, and the ‘whistleblowers’ that come forward. This is the best way to present information in a credible way and have it touch the masses, especially those who are still unaware of the subject. The positions these whistleblowers have held in their own is right is quite shocking, from ex-Directors to Lockheed Martin, to four star generals and more.
That being said, UFO groups and movements also have a long history of infiltration by government connections. Whether they do this, and have done this to find out more information, or to simply litter the field with disinformation is completely separate topic. Organizations like MUFON or initiatives like Project Bluebook are great examples.
This field is full of disinformation, and one must really do their research and learn to use their discernment.
A more modern-day example would be the To The Stars Academy, the group that the US Government went through to release their recent UFO video.
For the most part, the whistleblowers that have come forward are all sharing some very interesting information that corroborates with a lot of information others in the field are sharing as well. To many of them, the reality of the extraterrestrial hypothesis isn’t even a question, based on what they’ve experienced.
“I also learned about incidents involving nuclear weapons, and among these incidents were a couple of nuclear weapons sent into space were destroyed by the extraterrestrials. . . . At the very end of the 70s and the early 80s, we attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the moon and explode it for scientific measurements and other things, which was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials. They destroyed the weapon before it got to the moon.” – Colonel Ross Dedrickson
The next step, would be to examine those who claim to have contact with these beings, and many have.
“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” – John Mack
Many of these people have some amazing stories that corroborate with the stories of others and the information that’s already out there. This makes it easier for UFO researchers to put two and two together.
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by Arjun Walia November 1, 2017 (
Go to the CIA’s electronic reading room and type in the word “UFO,” and you’ll see there is no shortage of documents that span not only the CIA’s website, but on a global scale. Hundreds of thousands of pages of de-classified documents show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that intelligence agencies and global militaries have an extremely high interest in the UFO phenomenon, and have had this interest for a very long time.
One CIA document dating back to 1965 states: “A group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers has been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British (military) bases in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney islands in quick circles.”
We now know that groups like the CIA have been putting a tremendous amount of resources into studying this topic, and it makes you wonder, what type of information do they have now, more than five decades later?
This information is most likely locked up in Special Access Programs (SAPs), within the Black-Budget (containing unacknowledged and waived SAPs). These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’
Multiple high ranking people from various fields, including those from within the intelligence/military community, have flat out said on multiple occasions that these agencies are aware of multiple races that have made contact with the human race.
The third director of the post-World War II United States Central Intelligence Group (CIG), the third director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and the very first director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, once told the world, via the New York Times in 1960, that, “behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs,” and that, “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
The key words are here are “official secrecy and ridicule,” which is why, for so many years, you were perceived as a crazy person at the slightest mention of UFOs, let alone intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Today, however, it’s a much different story. Hundreds of thousands of pages of de-classified documents show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that intelligence agencies and global militaries have an extremely high interest in the UFO phenomenon, and have had this interest for a very long time.
For example, just go to the CIA’s Freedom of Information Act electronic reading room, and type in the word “UFO,” and you’ll see for yourself. There is no shortage of interesting documents that span not only the CIA’s website, but on a global scale.
“Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979).
On top of documents, their release has sparked a number of high-ranking officials from various fields, from top military brass, politicians, and credible figures from within academia, astronauts and more. Here’s one of hundreds of statements.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behooves us, in case of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
The Document Referencing Red, Green & Yellow “Flying Saucers”
This document, straight from the CIA , relays several pieces of information, with the part about these UFOs highlighted in brackets, which suggests special attention paid to it. It goes to show just how interested, and how important this topic is within the intelligence community. They’ve been studying it for years under the guise of “national security,” a term now used to classify everything, and protect the interests of the global elite as well as allow them to basically do whatever they please, with justification.
It states as follows:
“ANTARCTIC FLYING SAUCERS” – A group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers has been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British bases (military) in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney islands in quick circles.” What’s even more interesting is that this document is more than five decades old, dating back to 1965.
It highlights one of the main questions that the release of these documents have raised: we now know that groups like the CIA have been putting a tremendous amount of resources into studying this topic, and it makes you wonder, what type of information do they have now, more than five decades later? What have they found out with regard to who/what are operating these things, how they work, where they come from, and what their intentions are?
This information is most likely locked up in Special Access Programs (SAPs), within the (containing unacknowledged and waived SAPs). These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
Judging by the fact that there is substantial evidence that the Germans were making flying saucers as far back as 1941, as well as other countries, could these particular “flying saucers” be crafted by another country? Perhaps manufactured by the Germans, soviets, China, or whoever, to conduct reconnaissance missions over other countries’ military installations?
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The U.S. military industrial complex has been conducting military research and development in Antarctica that grossly violates the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, according to secret space program insider Corey Goode. In previous updates he has described his two visits to Antarctica and the secret excavations occurring with an ancient civilization buried under the ice sheets.
Recently, scientists have confirmed the existence of networks of thermally heated caverns under the West Antarctic ice sheets and have speculated on the kind of life that could be supported there. These scientific announcements help corroborate Corey’s claims of extensive underground facilities that contain space ports, and are conducting military research and development there.
In this latest series of questions and answers, Corey describes the history of these Antarctica Treaty violations and how it began with a merging of the US military industrial complex with a German secret space program established in Antarctica during WWII.
Significantly, he refers for the first time to secret space ports and elite facilities built in Argentina and Brazil, which were first established as part of the German space program. These are now part of a corporate run space program he describes as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC).
Most disturbing is Corey’s reference to the human rights abuses occurring in Antarctica under the illegal military research and development there by the U.S. military industrial complex, which is controlled by the ICC. He identifies Argentina and Mexico as additional locations where such abuses are occurring.
MS – Michael Salla
CG – Corey Goode
Questions for Corey Goode on Antarctica
MS – You say that Project Iceworm was a means for the US military to secretly place weapons systems in Antarctica. Were nuclear weapons included among the weapons eventually taken to Antarctica?
CG – Project Iceworm was originally developed to house ICBM bases in strategic regions across the Arctic and Antarctic. This project was also coopted to build research and development bases in the Antarctic for both military and military industrial complex entities to utilize for the development of highly unethical and illegal operations.
Nuclear weapons were indeed installed in these polar missile siloes. A number of ICBM’s that are currently deployed do not have nuclear warheads but do have kinetic weapons similar to the Rods from God. Each warhead carries up to 3 kinetic projectiles.
MS – What was the relationship between the US military and the German secret space program hidden under the Antarctic ice shelf after Project Iceworm? Was it collaboration or competition as a result of secret agreements reached with the Eisenhower Administration by the German SSP/Dark Fleet?
CG – The original German Secret Space Program was mostly cannibalized into the ICC and the MIC SSP. Remnants of the original German Secret Space Program are associated with the Dark Fleet who is mostly stationed outside our solar system and works closely with the Draco. The merging of the German Program with American Programs occurred almost immediately. The MIC SSP and groups that later became the ICC only began to build bases in Antarctica in earnest after the 1952 treaty that was signed between the US and the German Break Away Group.
MS – The Antarctic Treaty that came into effect in 1961 commits signatory nations to peaceful and scientific activities in Antarctica. In what ways is the Treaty being currently violated?
CG – Yes, this is one of the reasons I have been heavily leaned on to stop talking about the R&D Bases down there. I was told to focus on the ancient civilization that was located under the ice as well as the environments I encountered within the ice caverns that were created by geothermic energy.
As I was getting these warnings we began to see new information coming in about Antarctica that would give fertile ground to anyone who wanted to talk about finding unexpected things under the ice on this remote continent. We soon saw an announcement in the news about a University discovering unexpected ecosystems under the ice within these Ice Caverns. They mention that the temperatures in these ice caverns reach over 20 degrees Celsius allowing people to be comfortable in only tee-shirts.
I had also discussed that geothermic vents created giant ice caverns that often led up to holes on the surface that were natural heat vents. This too popped up in the news recently (also here)
We have also reported on excavations that are going on under the ice via steam and explosives that is destabilizing the major ice shelf in the region. I would expect that with the noted increase in geothermic activity along with the continued excavation beneath the ice, we will see more cracks and large sections of ice breaking off into the ocean.
MS -You have said that in 2016 you were given an aerial tour of up to six of Antarctica’s secret industrial facilities. Which of these are space ports used for the Dark Fleet and/or Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate?
CG – I believe the major bases and under ice ports I saw were now mostly in control of the ICC who through its many tentacles controls other programs such as MIC SSP.
Six industrial facilities pointed out to Corey Goode during his 2016 trip to Antarctica
MS – Are there Dark Fleet/ICC space ports in Argentina?
CG – Yes, I’m told there are minor space ports in Argentina and Brazil. I was told of one other location in South America that I cannot recall.
MS -What role does the town of Bariloche (which Presidents Eisenhower, Clinton and Obama have visited) play in the Dark Fleet/ICC program out of Argentina?
CG – I’m told that major meetings between various secret societies (Black Sun etc) and Nazi leaders have occurred there since the 1950’s. High level meetings are said to be held there to this day. I don’t have any other information than that.
MS -You have said that what is happening in Antarctica far exceeds alleged abuses at the secret Dulce underground base in New Mexico. What human rights violations and experiments are occurring at secret Antarctic bases?
CG – Yes, These R&D Bases do Nuclear, Biological and Radiation Experiments on Humans. There are a number of human cloning operations going on in these and other bases.
MS -Are such abuses also happening at the Argentina space port facilities?
CG – Absolutely, but to a much lesser degree. Similar bases have been reported in Mexico’s “zone of silence” area.
MS -What do you know about an elite bunker in Brazil and an underground network that extends north to the US and south to Antarctica?
CG – It was supposed to be a next generation bunker. Many of the previous bunkers had been compromised by the development of exotic weapons systems by the enemies of these Elite. This new bunker was to be extremely sophisticated and house many of the “True Elites”, not the figure head Elites we would be familiar with currently.
This base came to my attention originally in a report over a year ago that stated that supplies were being moved into this bunker at an alarming rate. About a year later I heard that these Elite were beginning to move their family members and personal possessions into this bunker.
During this time entire families would disappear from their homes. Relatives would file missing persons reports stating that the family had disappeared without a trace. When investigated it appeared that moving trucks had pulled up and loaded very quickly according to testimony from baffled neighbors.
Many of these families ended up in this and similar facilities. This all seems to be a part of a build up to something very big occurring on the surface of the Earth.
MS -What do you know of other NATO countries discoveries in Antarctica?
CG – Other NATO countries have made interesting discoveries. I am receiving information from NATO sources that a number of countries have not only made similar discoveries under the ice in Antarctica, but many of these countries are also conducting similar R&D in the region.
MS -What is the latest you have heard about the secret excavations in Antarctica of the buried Pre-Adamite civilization, and the Pre-Adamites still alive in stasis chambers in their mothership?
CG – I have not been briefed on the current status of the stasis chamber beings. I have received a few briefings on what was found under the ice. I reported most of that information in an online report as well as on Cosmic Disclosure.
by Arjun Walia September 19th, 2017 (
• In 1960 the NY Times quoted CIA directors admitting “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
• A CIA document dated 1965 relates that three UFOs were tracked for two hours flying in formation over Antarctica.
• The CIA has released hundreds of statements by top officials from various fields and countries referring to the study of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitations.
• For many decades, government UFO studies have been secretly conducted and classified under “national security”.
• The findings of these ET/UFO studies remain secret in black budget “Special Access Programs” that are exempt from reporting requirements.
• Isn’t it time that all of our government’s true findings on extraterrestrial visitors and UFOs were publicly disclosed?
The third director of the post-World War II United States Central Intelligence Group (CIG), the third director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and the very first director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, once told the world, via the New York Times in 1960, that, “behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs,” and that, “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
The key words are here are “official secrecy and ridicule,” which is why, for so many years, you were perceived as a crazy person at the slightest mention of UFOs, let alone intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Today, however, it’s a much different story. Hundreds of thousands of pages of de-classified documents show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that intelligence agencies and global militaries have an extremely high interest in the UFO phenomenon, and have had this interest for a very long time.
For example, just go to the CIA’s Freedom of Information Act electronic reading room, and type in the word “UFO,” and you’ll see for yourself. There is no shortage of interesting documents that span not only the CIA’s website, but on a global scale.
“Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979).
On top of documents, their release has sparked a number of high-ranking officials from various fields, from top military brass, politicians, and credible figures from within academia, astronauts and more. Here’s one of hundreds of statements.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behooves us, in case of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
The Document Referencing Red, Green & Yellow “Flying Saucers”
This document, straight from the CIA , relays several pieces of information, with the part about these UFOs highlighted in brackets, which suggests special attention paid to it. It goes to show just how interested, and how important this topic is within the intelligence community. They’ve been studying it for years under the guise of “national security,” a term now used to classify everything, and protect the interests of the global elite as well as allow them to basically do whatever they please, with justification.
It states as follows:
“ANTARCTIC FLYING SAUCERS” – A group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers has been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British bases (military) in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney islands in quick circles.”
It’s strange how other unrelated factors are inserted into the document, and interesting how this part is highlighted.
Quite telling isn’t it? What’s even more interesting is that this document is more than five decades old, dating back to 1965.
It’s also interesting, given the lore that surrounds Antarctica, and possible extra-dimensional/terrestrial beings.
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• A cave system warm enough to harbor life has been discovered underneath the ice of Antarctica.
• DNA evidence of lifeforms living in the caves may be that of unknown species.
• Light filters deep into the cave system where the overhead ice is thin.
• It is said that in WWII, the Nazis relocated the core of the Third Reich to Antarctic caverns when it was becoming apparent that they could not win the war.
• Is this part of a soft disclosure to begin to tell people what is really going on under the ice in Antarctica?
The newly found cave systems on Antarctica may be home to unknown life forms, as the caves are warm enough to support plant and animals yet to be identified by experts.
Experts are very excited: “Some of the DNA evidence that we found implies that maybe there are things living in these caves that we know nothing about. There could even be new species.”
Researchers exploring Antarctica have made a shocking discovery as they’ve stumbled across extensive cave systems warmed by a nearby volcano.
Experts say that inside the caves a secret ecosystem of plants and animals supported by the warmth of an active volcano may thrive.
Furthermore, forensic analysis of soil samples from these caves have revealed intriguing DNA traces of algae, mosses, and small animals: “It can be extremely hot inside the caves – even up to 25 degrees Celsius in some caves. You could wear a T-shirt in there and be pretty comfortable,” said lead researcher Ceridwen Fraser from the Australian National University. “There’s light near the cave mouths, and light filters deeper into some caves where the overlying ice is thin.”
Fraser explained that most of the DNA found in the caves near or beneath Mount Erebus was similar to DNA of plants and animals including mosses, algae, and invertebrates found elsewhere in Antarctica, but not all sequences could be completely identified, which means that scientists may have stumbled across completely unknown species.
The cave system is believed to have formed after of steam traveling through their passages.
“The results of this study give us a tempting preview of what could live under the ice in Antarctica, there might even be new species of animals and plants,” he added.
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• Australian scientists concede that there may very well be warm caves underneath Antarctica’s glaciers due to the volcanic activity.
• There is a possibility that entire ecosystems exist beneath the frozen surface, including new species of plants and animals.
• [Editor’s Note] This study supports the theory that Nazi’s established a base under Antarctica during WWII, and that secret bases still exist there today.
A secret world of animals and plants—including unknown species—may live in warm caves under Antarctica’s glaciers, scientists said Friday.
The caves, hollowed out by steam from active volcanoes, are light and could reach temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit), researchers said, raising the possibility of a whole ecosystem of flora and fauna deep beneath the frozen surface.
A study led by the Australian National University around Mount Erebus, an active volcano on Ross Island in Antarctica, showed extensive cave systems.
Lead researcher Ceridwen Fraser said forensic analyses of soil samples from the caves had revealed intriguing traces of DNA from algae, mosses and small animals.
While most of the DNA was similar to mosses, algae and invertebrates found elsewhere in Antarctica, not all sequences could be fully identified.
“The results from this study give us a tantalising glimpse of what might live beneath the ice in Antarctica -– there might even be new species of animals and plants,” she said.
“The next step is to go and have a really good look and see if we can find communities living beneath the ice in Antarctica.”
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Author Michael Salla talks about UFO’s, Aliens and discovery of an ancient city underneath the Antarctica and he thinks the governments will announce this by the end of year. Published on Truth Be Told WebTV, September 5, 2017.
On March 14, Israeli News Live published a provocative story titled “The Fallen Angels Imprisoned in Antarctica and are still Alive.” The commentator, Steven Ben-Nun, analyzed the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which describes the experiences of Enoch, a pre-deluvian biblical figure, who was taken into the heavens to witness and play a key role in a major celestial conflict.
This is the authorized audio narration of the article “Will President Trump Disclose Antarctica Discovery to Start Economic Boom?”, which was published on on January 31, 2017. The article is narrated by its author, Dr Michael Salla.
In the run up to World War II, German secret societies and the Nazi SS were guided to three large caverns in Antarctica by Reptilian extraterrestrials, according to former U.S. Navy intelligence operative William Tompkins. In his latest ExoNews TV interview, released today, Tompkins describes how the Reptilians helped the Germans/Nazis build underground bases in remote Antarctic caverns, which were located next to even larger caverns controlled by the Reptilians.
According to Tompkins, the U.S. Navy learned of the existence of these secret Antarctic bases from their spies embedded in Nazi Germany, who found that the Nazis/Germans used these remote bases to launch space missions to the Moon, other planets in our solar system, and, most remarkably, to distant interstellar locations.
Tompkins says that the Germans began moving equipment and supplies to Antarctica as early as 1913, which coincides historically with the Second German Antarctic Expedition from 1911-1913. This period also coincides with the increasing role of German secret societies in exploring remote global locations for occult knowledge.
The movement of equipment accelerated in the lead up to World War II. In his interview, Tompkins cites 1934 as the beginning of this acceleration, even though historical records point to 1938 as the launch of the Third German Antarctic Expedition:
The move from Germany to Antarctica was in operation from 1934 way before the war started. In fact some of the stuff went down in 1913.
In last week’s ExoNews TV episode, Tompkins revealed that secret agreements had been reached between Hitler’s regime and Draconian Reptilians. In this week’s episode he discussed one of the major elements of this agreement:
Large portions of equipment were sent down there. But right next to them were three tremendous size caverns which the Reptilians had. Not Grays, but Reptilians. Germany got two more, about a tenth the size of the big Reptilians [cavern]. They were able to … [go] down, usually by submarine. They built these flat submarines, these regular class, so they could ship all this stuff down.
Tompkins remarkable information is consistent with Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz who referred on three occasions to an impregnable fortress being built for Hitler in a remote location using Germany’s advanced submarine fleet:
… the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress.
The second occasion was in in 1944, when he revealed how plans were in place to relocate Hitler so he could launch new plans for his thousand-year Reich:
The German Navy will have to accomplish a great task in the future. The German Navy knows all hiding places in the oceans and therefore it will be very easy to bring the Führer to a safe place should the necessity arise and in which he will have the opportunity to work out his final plans.
Finally, Dönitz’s remarks at his Nuremberg war crime trial clearly suggest that it was Antarctica where Germany’s most advanced technologies had been secretly relocated by his submarine fleet. At the trial he boasted of “an invulnerable fortress, a paradise-like oasis in the middle of eternal ice.”
Donitz’s remarks were made plausible in 1966 by cartographer and artist Heinrich C. Berann for the National Geographic Society. In Berann’s depiction of an ice-free Antarctica, he shows underwater passageways that run throughout the Antarctic continent. This provided a plausible way in which submarines could travel under the ice for considerable distances to Nazi Germany’s “invulnerable fortress”.
Ice Free Antarctica
Donitz’s claims are further supported by documents provided by an alleged German submarine crewman after the war, which described the instructions for U-Boat Captains to reach the Antarctica bases through the hidden passage ways. Below is an image of the document with the translated instructions.
In today’s interview, Tompkins describes simultaneous flying saucer programs that had been developed by the Nazis. One was in Germany, while the second was in Antarctica. In his response to a question about where Germany’s antigravity craft were being built, he said:
They built the prototypes in Germany. They built pre-protype, something which is ready for production, in Antarctica. They put this stuff in production in the countries all over Germany [Occupied Europe], and they continued to build similar vehicles in Antarctica.
Tompkins then shares one of the most astonishing secrets gained by the Navy spies embedded in Germany. With the help of the Reptilians, the Nazi’s Antarctica program had successfully launched manned missions to the Moon, planets, and even other star systems.
Now the question was asked whether did we ever get to the Moon? You see it was in some way, it was well known that the Germans had a number of vehicles that flew out and came back. One of the first ones, they got into trouble, they crashed and the whole group died. But that was almost all coming from Antarctica. Way before, four years before, the war ended, they were always moving all of this stuff out. And so the flights, almost everything came from Antarctica with the same people. … I don’t know if it was true or not, but it was stated by some of those fellows [Navy spies] that they had gone to other stars and come back.
Tompkins remarkable claims corroborate the testimony of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, who claims that from 1987 to 2007, he had access to smart glass pads, which described the successful Nazi space program that operated out of Antarctica.
Goode said the Antarctica program was controlled by German secret societies rather than the Nazi SS:
As explained, the Nazi remnants that were made up mostly of Secret Societies that created a “Break Away Civilization,” kept the most advanced technology secret from even their highest Military and Political leaders, setup enclaves in South America and Antarctica. The locations in Antarctica were some ancient civilization ruins that had remained occupied by certain groups in thermal area’s that cause area’s similar to lava tubes and domes under the glaciers.
Goode goes on to corroborate Tompkins claim that the Nazi bases were built adjacent to caverns controlled by another advanced civilization, the Reptilians:
There was an underground and under glacier city complex that was already occupied and setup in a couple of locations and the NAZI’s renovated an area that was mostly crushed above the surface but had plenty of room under the domed ice, thermal underground energy and caverns (accessible via U-boat under the ice flows and openings that made it ideal for a hidden multipurpose base) that were perfect for them to secretly build out during the entire Second World War
What makes Tompkins claims difficult to dismiss are documents he has published in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, supporting his main claim that he participated in a covert Navy Intelligence program that disseminated Germany’s advanced aerospace secrets to selected U.S. aerospace companies, think tanks and universities.
Furthermore, documents, and statements by Admiral Donitz, support Tompkins claims that Nazi Germany had succeeded in locating and building underground facilities under the Antarctic continent. The long route under the Antarctic ice sheets, which the German submarine fleet allegedly took to reach these hidden caverns, gives credence to Tompkins claims that Reptilian extraterrestrials had provided the Nazis with the information necessary to locate the hidden Antarctic caverns, and the under-ice passage ways to reach them.
In the next episode of ExoNews TV, we will hear from William Tompkins how the Nazis used slave labor in their hidden Antarctic bases, and that the Italian government had also developed a flying saucer program headed by the famous inventor, Gugliemo Marconi that was secretly operating out of hidden South American locations.
Google Earth Image of one of the strange entrances into Antarctica. Image Credit: UFO Sightings Daily
On Google Earth one can find two large entrances that extend below the Antarctic surface and ice near the coastline. For some observers, they are natural caverns formed over time by the intense Antarctic weather conditions. Not so according to Scott Waring owner of the popular UFO Sightings blog. In a post released yesterday, Waring claimed that they might be entrances to an alien base or a secret facility of some kind. He highlighted a video containing close-ups of the two large entrances. In the video, there is also an image of what Waring believes to be a huge saucer shaped object buried under melting ice near Antarctica. While there is no Google Earth image available of the mysterious buried UFO, the cave/base entrances are available for independent analysis. If the latter are indeed entrances to underground bases, then it would appear that claims that UFOs have bases in Antarctica, and may have even helped fleeing World War II Nazis escape a punitive U.S. Naval expedition, are not so far-fetched after all.
Let’s begin by examining the two large entrances discovered on Google Earth which are highlighted in a Youtube video uploaded on June 8 by Stephen Hannard showing various angles of the entrances. These entrances are available for independent confirmation at the following Google Earth coordinates (-66° 36′ 12.58″, +99° 43′ 12.72″ and -66° 36′ 12.58″, +99° 43′ 12.72″) They show entrances into the rocky underground. The first is approximately 30 meters high and 90 meters across. The video also shows a UFO allegedly found by Google Earth, but it is claimed that the image was removed and is no longer available.
Very interesting and intriguing images from Google Earth, which seem to show two possible entrances to an alien base or at least an entrance to something, and a huge saucer shaped object buried in the ice. If there are Alien bases in the Antarctic it would follow that there are ET craft their also.
Waring’s comments appear to accept a connection between the two large entrances and the alleged crashed UFO found in melting ice on South Sandwich Islands. The video shows no obvious connection other than all were allegedly discovered using Google Earth – the UFO, as mentioned earlier, is no longer available for independent confirmation. There is no independent confirmation that the UFO is genuine.
Nevertheless, the two entrances are clearly genuine and immediately raise the question over their artificiality. According to Hannard’s Youtube video, one of the entrances looks as though it has a metal canopy or dome covering it. This suggests that it is artificial. So if one or both of the entrances are artificial, then who built them? Are they recent, or some artifact from a bygone age when Antarctica was not covered by ice. Interestingly, the famous Piri Reis map show Antarctica without ice suggesting that its ice sheets are a geologically recent phenomenon.
One intriguing possibility is that the entrances are related to post-World War II events related to an alleged NAZI exodus to Antarctica, and a brief military confrontation between the US Navy and UFOs based under or near Antarctica.
An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary revealed new information about the US Navy Antarctica expedition of 1946/47 – Operation Highjump. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd whose expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities” according to initial news reports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview in Chile that his Task Force had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.”
After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on Operation Highjump. A 2006 Russian documentary made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of the Operation Highjump mission to Antarctica. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile. While there is a possibility the report resulted from US disinformation fed to a known Soviet mole, the more likely explanation is that the report exposes the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed in underground facilities in or near Antarctica.
The mysterious entrances found in Antarctica by Google Earth may be nothing more than naturally formed entrances into caverns that extend under the Antarctic surface and ice. The entrances, on the other hand, may be artificially constructed entrances into underground UFO bases. If the latter option is correct, then perhaps we have an historical answer to where the mysterious UFO forces came from that attacked Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump expedition in early 1947.
According to John Kettler, a former US military contractor and scientist, there is an expanding UFO war that is now taking place in waters off Antarctica. Kettler cites unnamed “sensitive sources†to substantiate his claims that a US led coalition of naval forces is militarily engaging with hostile extraterrestrials. This UFO war is an extension of alleged naval battles off the coast of San Francisco earlier reported by Gordon Duff from Veterans Today who refers to his own unnamed “reliable†sources. There is little more than a collection of unnamed sources supporting such allegations, and there is good reason to conclude that Kettler’s and Duff’s claims are part of a psychological warfare operation that may be related to planning for a false flag alien event. There is one historical incident that casts light on whether or not Kettler’s claims are part of a psychological warfare program being slowly unveiled to the world. There is new evidence that Admiral Richard Byrd’s famed 1946/1947 naval expedition Operation High Jump did encounter and battle a mysterious UFO force in Antarctic waters.
According to John Kettler, who has written a series of articles claiming that the US Navy along with its allies are battling hostile extraterrestrials based in underwater locations in the Pacific:
The UFO War continues to expand, with heavy action in the Antarctic Ocean … according to highly sensitive sources. Two submarines of the Chinese PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army Navy) have been slammed together, resulting in injuries, but no fatalities, to the submariners inside them.
Last night, 20 UFOs, traveling at 25,000 mph, left the Antarctic Ocean in a group and went to Guadalajara, Mexico. Another group of 15, flying at the same speed, went to Argentina. This morning, 12 more emerged and went to Chile.
Duff made similar claims to a UFO war in the Pacific that he originally reported in September.
Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.†The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore. The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.
UFO War in the Pacific has now become a five-nation coalition war through the Pacific Basin, per supersensitive terrestrial sources. Naval forces involved include the U.S. Navy (U.S.), PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) (China), JMSDF (Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force) (Japan), ROKN (Republic of Korea Navy) (South Korea) and ROCN (Republic of China Navy) (Republic of China/Taiwan)… Total is around 200 ships, including two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups, many additional surface combatants (frigates through cruisers), numerous submarines and multiple URGs (underway replenishment groups) to keep all the warships fueled, munitioned, crews fed and supplied with  multitudes of items. The UFO War is an unprecedented kind of coalition war–with all the headaches and political delicacies that entails.
Given that Kettler, along with Gordon Duff, only cite unnamed sources in support of an expanding UFO war in the Pacific and now Antarctica, it is tempting to dismiss their claims as part of some agenda to make the general public believe in hostile extraterrestrials attacking the US military and allies. There is one historical incident that does give circumstantial support for Kettler’s and Duff’s claims. In 1947, a US naval expedition did appear to engage in a UFO war – one where the US Navy apparently suffered significant casualties and had to withdraw.
An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary was recently translated into English. It revealed new information about the US Navy Antarctica expedition of 1946/47 – Operation Highjump. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd whose expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities†according to initial news reports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview in Chile that his Task Force had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.â€
After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on Operation Highjump. A 2006 Russian documentary, recently translated, made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of the Operation Highjump mission to Antarctica. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties†as stated in initial press reports from Chile. While there is a possibility the report resulted from US disinformation fed to a known Soviet mole, the more likely explanation is that the report exposes the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica.
In the Soviet intelligence report, never before known testimony by two US Navy servicemen with Operation Highjump was revealed. The most revealing was Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot, who is quoted as saying:
The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil, and flew between the masts [of the ship] at such a high speed that the radio antenna oscillated back and forth in its turbulence. An aircraft [Martin flying-boat] from the Currituck that took off just a few moments later was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object, and almost instantly crashed into the sea near our vessel…. About ten miles away, the torpedo-boat Maddox burst into flames and began to sink… Having personally witnessed this attack by the object that flew out of the sea, all I can say is, it was frightening.†[Our Real “War of the Worlds”]
There is a serious question mark over whether or not another USS Maddox served with Operation Highjump, and a further question arises over whether the US misled Soviet authorities with false intelligence in 1947. Despite these unresolved questions, there is a very real possibility that the 1947 Soviet report is substantially accurate. If so, then we have a historical precedent for the US Navy battling an unknown UFO force in Antarctic waters.
The lack of confirmed sources makes Kettler’s and Duff’s claims of an undeclared war between hostile extraterestrial forces and a US led naval coalition in Antarctica and/or the Pacific, something to be seriously questioned, if not dismissed altogether. This is especially so given whistleblower testimony that a UFO false flag war has been planned for several decades. The likelihood that Kettler and Duff are unknowingly disseminating misinformation about hostile extraterrestrials as part of a false flag UFO scenario is high as I have written earlier.
The alleged 1947 UFO battle in Antarctica involving the US Navy either really happened or was US misinformation fed to the Soviets during the Stalin era, and later released to the general public in 1991. If the Soviet report is based on disinformation, then its release serves to promote international conditions for a future false flag UFO operation. If the Soviet report is substantially accurate, then the historical precedent of a 1947 UFO US Navy battle suggests that it would be unwise to simply dismiss Kettler’s and Duff’s claims as disinformation. In either case, great vigilance is required on the part of those investigating claims of battles between a US led alliance of naval powers, and hostile extraterrestrials based in undersea bases in Antarctica and/or the Pacific Ocean.
Nazi UFOs arriving in Antarctica. Accompanied by Nazi UFOs. Artwork: JIm Nichols.
An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary was recently translated into English revealing new information about a US Navy Antarctica expedition in 1946/47. Originally scheduled for a six month period, the “scientific†expedition was officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program,†and given the operational name Highjump. The naval component of Operation Highjump was known as Task Force 68 and comprised 4700 military personnel, one aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and number of naval support ships and aircraft. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd, who had been ordered to: “to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent.†Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities†according to initial news reports based on interviews with crew members who spoke to the press while passing through Chilean ports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview that Task Force 68 had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.â€
Admiral Byrd’s statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced. After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious Byrd led Naval expedition to Antarctica. A 2006 Russian documentary, recently translated, made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of Task 68’s mission to Antarctica. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties†as stated in initial press reports from Chile. While there is a possibility the report resulted from US disinformation fed to a known Soviet mole, the more likely explanation is that the report exposes the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica.
It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939. According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, “the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress.” If the fortress was in Antarctica, was it built by the Nazis, or discovered there? After the defeat of Nazi Germany, according various sources, elite Nazi scientists and leaders escaped to this impregnable fortress by Uboats, two of which experienced difficulties and surrendered in Argentina.
In the Soviet intelligence report, never before known testimony by two US Navy servicemen with Operation Highjump was revealed. A recent article in New Dawn by Frank Joseph gives a detailed analysis of the two eyewitness accounts, only the latter of which was mentioned in the 2006 Russian documentary. John P. Szehwach, a radioman stationed on the USS Brownson, gave testimony of how UFOs appeared dramatically out of the ocean depths. On January 17, 1947 at 0700 hours, Szehwach said:
I and my shipmates in the pilothouse port side observed for several minutes the bright lights that ascended about 45 degrees into the sky very quickly… We couldn’t i.d., the lights, because our radar was limited to 250 miles in a straight line [Our Real “War of the Worlds”]
Over the next several weeks, according to the Soviet report, the UFOs flew close over the US naval flotilla which fired on the UFOs which did retaliate with deadly effects. According to Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot:
The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil, and flew between the masts [of the ship] at such a high speed that the radio antenna oscillated back and forth in its turbulence. An aircraft [Martin flying-boat] from the Currituck that took off just a few moments later was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object, and almost instantly crashed into the sea near our vessel…. About ten miles away, the torpedo-boat Maddox burst into flames and began to sink… Having personally witnessed this attack by the object that flew out of the sea, all I can say is, it was frightening.†[Our Real “War of the Worlds”]
There is a major problem with Sayerson’s quote. There has been no torpedo boat named Maddox in the US Navy.  In the Russian documentary, the incident described by Sayerson (misspelt Sireson) refers instead to the destroyer “Murdoch.†There was, however, no destroyer named “Murdoch†active in the US Fleet in 1947. Instead there was a destroyer named “Maddox†(DD-731), but it did not serve in Operation Highjump. In fact, the USS Maddox was the destroyer fired upon in the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964.
According to Frank Joseph the USS Maddox was “either a torpedo boat, or torpedo-carrying destroyer.†He goes on to explain what may have happened to the Maddox mentioned in the Soviet report:
A USS Maddox was indeed sunk by enemy action, but five years earlier by a German dive-bomber during the Allied invasion of Sicily. Actually there were at least three American destroyers known by that name (DD-168, DD-622 and DD-731) all of them contemporaneous. The US Navy has long been notorious for falsifying the identity of its ships and re-writing their histories if they embarrass official policy…. So too, the “Maddox†cited by Soviet espionage was similarly consigned to an official memory hole. [Our Real “War of the Worlds”]
If Joseph is correct, then it is very possible that a USS Maddox was destroyed during Operation Highjump, and the US Navy changed official records to hide this. An alternative explanation is that the 1947 Soviet report contained U.S. orchestrated disinformation that was being conveyed to Soviet authorities by a Soviet mole known by the US intelligence community. Though plausible, this is highly unlikely given that the US and USSR were still allies at the time of Operation Highjump, and had a common interest in finding and destroying any hidden Nazi base(s) in the South Atlantic.
The destructive technology used by the UFOs in the Soviet intelligence report was not something that had been developed by the defeated Nazis who had only shortly before been forced to retreat to the South Atlantic. It appears the UFOs were not intent on destroying Task Force 68, but forcing it to turn back. Were the UFOs protecting the retreating Nazis and/or their own presence in Antarctica? Was the Stalin era report disinformation deliberately fed to Soviet authorities by US intelligence? What is the most likely answer is that the Soviet era report released in the 2006 Russian Documentary was substantially correct. This suggests that Admiral Byrd’s initial press report was accurate – a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at “incredible speeds†had emerged. Most importantly, the UFO force had inflicted heavy casualties on the US Navy that was powerless to oppose it. The world’s first known battle between the United States military and an unknown UFO fleet based near Antarctica very likely occurred in 1947, and the general public has never learned about it until now.
For the first time, the legendary 2006 Russian documentary ‘Third Reich – Operation UFO’ in its entirety, fully translated into English and available for free viewing. Many thanks to Irina Du Toit for the translation and the saucer people for the subtitles.
The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd’s ill-fated ‘Operation Highjump’ expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organisations of all: the ‘Thule Society, ‘Vril Society’ and the ‘Ahnenerbe’
One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of ‘Base 211’, the legendary underground Nazi base in the Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of ‘New Swabia’; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa ‘rat lines’ or American ‘Operation Paperclip’ activities. In addition, the film analyses the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica.
The other core theme is the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program and the many evidential strands that this area generates. From the supposed channeling of extraterrestrial engineering schematics by members of the German occult group ‘Thule Society’ in the early part of the twentieth century to the ‘implosion engine’ of Viktor Schauberger and its possible appropriation by the Third Reich.
Bringing us to the the latter part of the twentieth century the documentary illustrates the many sightings of unknown crafts around the Antartic region and the theoretical basis for polar wormholes as entrance and exit points for visiting extraterrestrial spaceships and the possible involvement of HAARP, as well as asking why nearly all American Antarctic bases seem to be populated by agents of the National Security Agency and CIA.
Like the study of any phenomena and/or events that exist at the edges of consensus reality, occupy imaginal realms and are subject to historical revisionism; the interface of myth and reality is a shifting mosaic of fact, speculation, disinformation and fantasy, or to use the phrase of head CIA counter-intelligence spook, James Jesus Angleton, we have entered a “wilderness of mirrors”.
Certainly there are elements in the documentary that give cause for concern such as the alleged “Special Bureau 13”, the Nazi secret flying saucer research group and its similarity to the top secret government agency in the early eighties role playing game “Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic ” (though equally the RPG title could be an insider homage to this secret Nazi organisation). Likewise, there is the lack of information on the existence of the US Navy destroyer ‘Murdoch’ in the testimony recounted by pilot ‘John Sireson’ in his description of the flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd’s fleet (testimony taken from an interview by the late pioneering American researcher Leonard Stringfield).
Operation UFO: Bases in the Antarctic
For the more dedicated – several years of recent research by UK based David Griffin, authentic Kiwi experiencer Alec Newald and Nexus Magazine editor Duncan Roads may similarly locate off-shoot theories as to why a certain ET race was working from pre WW1 era on a small island in the Falklands – right up to its invasion by UK forces in 1982. From here we enter the mind-bending realms of A.I. or ‘sentient nano’ substances [AKA the ‘black goo’ – that’s a long story re the creation of that term/meme!], geopolitical covert wars and bizarre deaths at a British firm called Marconi in the immediate years after the war with Argentina. For more on the latter, vast evidence files – search google material or specific keyword video searches related to conference talks by Griffin and Newald on youtube or formal Nexus DVD. Otherwise, an early (ie: 3-way research process, still in informal draft phase) radio interview with US station “A Global Focus” can be found archived here:
The initial context and disclosure of the black goo – or sentient nano substance.
Equally, the testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the ‘Operation Highjump’ fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly “pole to pole”. Likewise, the creation of ‘New Swabia’ is as much a historical fact as the ‘impossible’ existence of the ‘Piri Reis’ map.
What sets this documentary apart from most others of its kind is the inclusion of high ranking Russian scientists and military personnel and their testimony should not be discounted.
As the great American anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory says of many elements of deep politics: “its food for thought and grounds for further research”.
Exopolitics UK and ‘The Saucer People’ are looking for other non-English UFO/alien related videos to help translate and subtitle, we have dozens of Russian documentaries waiting to be translated into English. If you speak Russian and are interested in translating any of this material please get in touch.
Likewise, if your country of origin has produced any UFO/alien documentaries and are interested in creating English translations to be subtitled please contact us.
It took a lot of hard work to make the translation of this documentary into English and create the subtitles and we would like to dedicate our work to the late American researcher Wendelle Stevens who is quoted in the film, In our opinion, Wendelle, who died in 2011 was one of the few genuine professional researchers in the UFO community and is sadly missed.