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Secret Police Audio Files Prove Men Who Claim They Were Abducted by Alien Creatures With Lobster Claws Were Telling the Truth

by Emma Parry            February 7, 2018             (thesun.co.uk)

• British ufologist Philip Mantle has republished a book about “the Pascagoula Abduction” a bizarre ET encounter that took place in in Pascagoula, Mississippi on the evening of October 11th 1973. Mantle deems this one of the “most unique close encounters on record.” The story is supported by audio tape of the two abductees obtained by the British news website, The Sun Online.

• Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 19 (pictured above), were fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River when they heard a whizzing sound. An oval shaped craft, 8 ft across, suddenly appeared near them levitating 2 ft above the ground. A door opened and three 5 ft tall “humanoid” creatures emerged and “floated” them into the UFO.

• The ET beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, “carrot-like” growths for their nose and ears, no eyes, slits for mouths, one leg, and their heads connected directly to their shoulders with no discernible neck. The beings’ skin was described as wrinkled and pale in color.

• Both men reported being paralyzed and numb. The younger, Calvin, fainted from fright. Charles claimed that he was scanned by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, 6 to 8  inches in diameter. After about 20 minutes, the pair were levitated, or “floated”, feet dragging on the ground, back to their original place on the river bank. The craft left and terrified men went to their car and sat for 45 minutes.

• They first tried reporting the encounter to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but were told to go to local sheriff’s department. They arrived at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department at 10:30 pm and gave their report. After 30 minutes of questioning, Sheriff Fred Diamond decided to leave the men alone in a room rigged with a hidden microphone to try and find out if they were lying or not.

• In the recording, the men remain highly distressed and never stray from their story. This so-called “secret tape” had been held on file at the Jackson County Sheriff’s department since 1973. Charles and Calvin even asked to take a lie detector test to prove their honesty.

• Within days, Pascagoula was the center of an international news story with reporters swarming the town. Tiring of the publicity, Charles and Calvin moved 150 miles north of Pascagoula where Calvin was admitted to a hospital for an emotional breakdown.

• Charles, on the other hand, appeared on Dick Cavett’s TV talk show in January 1974, and spoke occasionally at UFO conferences. Charles also co-wrote a book about the event titled UFO Contact at Pascagoula, which is now being republished by Philip Mantle. Charles died on September 9, 2011, at age 80, but never backed away from his alien abduction story.


Secret police audio files reveal that the two men behind one of the craziest “alien encounters” ever recorded were telling the truth, a UFO researcher has claimed. The bizarre Pascagoula incident involved two fishermen who claimed to have been captured by three alien creatures with lobster-like claws and taken into a UFO – before being released.

Audio recorded by the sheriff’s department when the men reported the incident, obtained by Sun Online, show the men were highly distressed by the alleged incident – and never strayed from their story – even when cops left them alone and secretly taped them.

The audio files prove the two men were telling the truth, according to Brit ufologist Philip Mantle, who has republished a book about the incident, which he calls one of the “most unique close encounters on record.”

The incident took place in October 1973, when keen fishermen Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 19, were on the banks of the Pascagoula River, in the US state of Mississippi, and heard a whizzing sound overhead.

They claim that an oval shaped “craft”, some 8ft across, suddenly appeared near them and seemed to levitate about 2ft above the ground.

A door opened and three creatures – who were “humanoid” in shape and about 5ft tall – emerged and seized the men, “floating” them into the UFO, they later told police.

Both men reported being paralysed and numb – while Calvin claimed that he had fainted due to fright.

The men said the creatures had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, “carrot-like” growths for their nose and ears, and only one leg and their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck.

The creatures’ skin was described as pale in colour, wrinkled, with no eyes and slits for mouths.

On the ship, Charles claimed that he was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8  inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body.
Calvin claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during hypnotic regression he offered some hazy details.

The men said they were released after about 15-20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson’s feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank.

The terrified men claimed to have sat in a car for about 45 minutes, trying to calm themselves before they tried to report the sighting to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but were told to go to police.
At about 10:30pm, the pair arrived at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Mississippi, where they gave a report of what happened and were questioned by officers.

After around 30 minutes of questioning, Sheriff Fred Diamond decided to leave the men alone in a room that was rigged with a hidden microphone – to try and find out if they were lying or not.

He assumed that if they were lying it would become immediately apparent when the two spoke privately but instead, they continued to act incredibly distressed – and never straying from their fantastic tale.

This so-called “secret tape” had been held on file at the Jackson County Sheriff’s department since 1973.

Seeing that the police were skeptical of their story, Charles and Calvin even insisted that they take lie detector tests to prove their honesty.

Within days, Pascagoula was the centre of an international news story, with reporters swarming the town.

Tiring of the publicity, Charles and Calvin moved to Jones County, Mississippi, about 150 miles north of Pascagoula, where Calvin was eventually admitted to hospital for what was described as “an emotional breakdown.”

While Calvin avoided public attention, Charles appeared on Dick Cavett’s TV talk show in January 1974, and spoke at occasional UFO conferences.

He also co-wrote a book about the event with William Mendez titled “ UFO Contact at Pascagoula”, which is now being republished by Philip Mantle.

Charles died in September 9, 2011, at age 80, but never backed away from his alien abduction story despite ridicule.



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• Charles Hickson, Calvin Parker, Pascagoula Abduction, Philip Mantle

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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