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Conscious Participatory Ufology and the Pro-Institutional Disconnect


(We need a more constructive, participatory approach that can also be objectively verified)

Conscious Ufology: Like the study of meteorology, UFO phenomena are not easy to reproduce at will. Like social groups it is also difficult to predict how the phenomena are going to behave. However both meteorology and sociology are practical and valid fields of modern science with useful degrees of predictability. But the key to a more advanced ufology doesn’t rest in forcing or attempting to reproduce phenomena at will but instead to work as a new breed of scientists in a more participatory way. And, yes, it is in part like in the social sciences. The subject becomes involved with the object (and vice-versa) but what would correspond to social effects becomes physically visible in a way that deeply affects the ordinary behavior of matter expressing internal aspects that appear to “change reality.”

What we normally call “reality” can shift as subjectivity interacts with deeper material potentials. Here subject and object affect each other more deeply. Unlike the patterns of physical matter studied by classical physics, the physical patterns of genuine “anomalous,” otherworldly UFO phenomena are not completely stable but instead malleable and interactive, more inclusive of what seem to be more involved quantum macroscopic effects through mental coherence. That which is not normally detectable in common physical patterns becomes momentarily detectable as physical matter itself seem to show aspects that are normally hidden. The interplay between consciousness and being becomes more ALIVE and modifies stable physical matter and spacetime.

Retrocausal spacetime cancellation (accompanying the greater effect of subjectivity) also seem to be at work here.The regular scientific method is useful for many of ufology’s aspects once a trace, record or modification has been left but it is also insufficient in terms of a live interactive situation. Therefore, serious ufologists need to evolve their “proto science” accordingly (let ‘s think of “proto science” as a field of inquiry with emerging scientific aspects and with the potential to become a full-fledged science). And with this, the scientific method itself (as applicable to a whole new range of natural phenomena) can also evolve.

If we were to learn to respectfully summon genuine, otherworldly UFO phenomena in a participatory way by blending our subjective intelligence with the intelligences behind UFOs and were able to record the evidence, we would begin the next stage of ufology that would be more experimental and more participatory. And now that we are talking about “participation” in which subjects are involved, we need to talk about rights, respect and rules of engagement, both for humanity-respectful, intersubjective, inter-reality ET intelligence and for the small % who may not be in our best interests; not over-emphasizing the negative as this may be way too limited, an extension of the old warmongering mentality and deleterious in the long run for humanity.

There is a room for the military, even for defense against some ETs and for keeping some technological secrets from the public but the new approach must be about BUILDING COMMUNITY, finding and teaching a more connective universal paradigm. More members of humanity should grow to the point of not being vicariously represented by people with a traditional dichotomous mentality, however well-intended some may be. Unfortunately, predominant, classical military mindsets seem to be in those capable of being culturally influential and willing to take UFO-ET matters seriously. And they count with great material resources. Most other institutional cultural leaders do not care or want to risk getting involved. Revealing, communicating and educating is great but NOT with the Evil alien mindset underneath! This will expose humanity, the U.S., “them” and all of “us” to a continuity of problems. Like begets like.

It’s as if every time there is a massive institution involved, the discourse is distorted towards mass marketing, you name it: the Church or churches, universities, the film industry, the military, aerospace corporations handling UFO and retro engineering for better weapons, even the largest civilian UFO organization as it expands is falling into this. Big institutions suffer from a disconnection syndrome from the common folk, whom they are suppose to benefit. The practical, decision-making political power of the common man is almost nil compared with that of corporations and their lobbies. For the most part, the needs of the latter are heard over the needs of the former. And the first victim is the truth itself that should serve The People to make good assessments, to evolve in solidarity and choose wisely. That barrier between large, recognized institutions and The People prevents and stalls a beneficent outcome as per the extraterrestrial situation. And this lingers on and on year after year, all the while the small voices of The People, the grassroots having experiences is shared with modest repercussions. It is time for a major grassroots revelation, not manipulated under an “evil alien” institutional presentation. It is time for The People to prevail over the institutes that should in fact represent them much better under a “representative democracy” but which are controlled by “the few.” It is time for a very serious consciousness shift. To stop reinforcing through entertainment, catering to fear-based narratives or by excessively propping up marketing through negative news and views, or else we will remain behind the times.  

For a proper Galactic Diplomacy to succeed we need much more comprehensive assessments. And we need a more constructive, participatory, intersubjective approach that can also be objectively verified. And, along new scientific perspectives, we need to evolve our ways of feeling, judging, relating.

Hasn’t Tom DeLonge heard something credible about the need for “Conscious Evolution?” Tom needs to think about learning to work peacefully with our forefathers, in fact, space relatives; specially those aligned with the expectation that humanity will succeed in developing its full potential. This doesn’t discard God or the possibility that several ET civilizations intervened our developing species in the past some for good, some for illth.  But the overall picture emerging shows that we do not need to over-emphasize the negative aspect.  Neither deny but nor over-emphasize. 

Hasn’t he studied the many, in fact thousands, contactee-experiencer testimonies about mostly pro-humanity extraterrestrials given by sane people (even anonymously) whose voices cannot be denied and also HAVE TO be seriously considered? Unfortunately, his assessment of the situation – however popular it might get – seems to be really skewed by personal preconceptions, biases that incline him towards an “us vs them” limited and selective way of seeking information. Experiencers at large and dedicated, long-standing research such as Mary Roswell (author of “The New Human: Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage”) show that our perspectives and our conscious capacity to handle multiple perspectives without being dominated by an “us vs. them” mentality is key to work a healthy exopolitical relationship with multiple ET intelligences.

The enormous possibilities that Consciousness brings are applicable to humanity, to its awakening, (even for being respected by the few less respectful ET varieties without the need to over-rely on technology) and are much greater than a classical over-extended, dualistic, military-technological approach.

The anonymous survey by FREE (www.experiencer.org) expands our personal (preference-biased) assessments into a  more reasonable overview: See the 2016 initial research data summary at http://www.experiencer.org/initial-research-data-summary/


⦁    Overall, 85% have stated their contact with NHIBs have been “Positive”;
⦁    84% do not want their Contact experiences with the NHIBs to stop.
⦁    9.7% believe the NHIBs are Bad or Malevolent.
⦁    62% have stated that the NHIB have tried to help them.
⦁    71% feel Expanded Consciousness in the presence of the NHIBs.
⦁    66% have felt Love from these NHIBs.




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Benevolent Extraterrestrials, Catholic Church, exoconsciousness, Exopolitics Hong Kong, extraterrestrial contact, galactic diplomacy, Giorgio Piacenza, Tom Delonge, UFO disclosure

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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