Article by Chris Bradford July 19, 2021 (
• In February 1942, just weeks after the Japanese air force attacked Pearl Harbor, officials received warnings over a 10 hour period that mainland Los Angeles could be under siege by Japanese forces. Eye-witnesses claimed to have seen and taken photos of the bright lights of the extraterrestrial craft in the skies over Los Angeles.
Article by Chris Ndetei July 09, 2021 (
• Serge Monast was a Quebec journalist, poet, and essayist who died at age 51 in 1996. He was one of the most outspoken critics of UFO activity that began after WWII and was seeking an explanation that didn’t involve extraterrestrials. After years of meticulous research, in 1994, Monast published a report dubbed ‘Project Blue Beam’. The report related a four-stage NASA government operation to control people’s minds, contrive a New Age religion, and initiate a new world order. He died of a heart attack in December 1996, just a day after being arrested and imprisoned for disseminating ‘prohibited information’. His followers believe he was slain by government agents using psychotronic weaponry.
• According to Monast, the first stage of NASA’s Project Blue Beam was to develop earthquake-triggering technology, triggering quakes in strategic sites worldwide. These in turn would unearth religious artefacts that would refute standard religious beliefs. Stage One is believed to have been implemented in 2012 when the Earth experienced strong earthquakes that geologists could not explain. An earthquake in the Middle East purported to uncover the skeletal remains of Jesus.
• Monast believed that Stage Two would have NASA display three-dimensional optical holograms and laser projections in near space. Hologram images of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, and Krishna would appear over four different parts of the world and merge into one entity – the Antichrist. This Antichrist would then begin to discredit the doctrines of the four largest world religions. In fact, there have been several sightings of holograms in the skies around the world. For example, an entire metropolis recently appeared in the clouds over China. Also, a video of a Jesus crucifix and a transparent humanoid emerged in the sky.
• Stage Three would involve the US government’s development of telepathic communication technology which would deceive people into thinking that their god was speaking to them. It is claimed that an entire US government department is striving to develop communication through brain signals. Telepathy has been successfully used to manipulate monkeys’ limbs.
• Stage Four would employ various technologies that could manipulate people’s minds, convincing them that an extraterrestrial invasion was already taking place on other planets and that the rapture was about to occur here on Earth. This event would disrupt peaceful cooperation, resulting in instability and mistrust. Moreover, these devices would allow the Antichrist to have complete control over the thoughts of the people.
• Monast’s Project Blue Beam publication caused quite a commotion. Recent achievements of holographic technology point to evidence that the Four Stages have begun to materialize. Or they may just be coincidences. The disappearance of Serge Monast’s children has also raised fears that the US government is concealing something. We can only wait and see if the events predicted in the document occur.
At the close of World War II, the increasing activity of unexplained flying objects
Serge Monast
(UFOs) attracted the interest of several experts. The US Air Force, scientists, and media initiated investigations after combining information about the sightings.
Committees were formed to provide explanations, but they were useless. As a result, Serge Monast began to speak up and have his voice heard. In 1994, he published a compiling report dubbed Project Blue Beam.
Who was Serge Monast?
Serge Monast was a Quebec journalist, poet, essayist, and conspiracy theorist. He is best known to English-speaking readers for Project Blue Beam and the conspiracy theories that surround it. He was one of the most outspoken critics of UFO activity, and he published an approach known as Project Blue Beam.
Serge Monast was born in 1945 and died from a heart attack in December 1996, just a day after being arrested and imprisoned. Because he exposed so much about NASA’s activities, his followers believe he was slain with psychotronic weaponry. What was in the document he published? What is the Blue Beam Project of NASA?
What is Project Blue Beam?
Serge Monast’s conspiracy theory, Project Blue Beam, was meticulously recorded after years of research. It was said to be a four-step government operation to control people’s minds and then introduce them to new world order and religion.
Step 1: All archaeological information questioned
The development of sophisticated top-secret weaponry to trigger earthquakes in specific, strategic sites worldwide, unearthing religious artefacts, and creating the false impression that beliefs had all been misinterpreted and misunderstood.
The first stage is believed to have already been implemented in 2012 when the Earth experienced strong earthquakes. However, perplexed scientists had no clear-cut explanations for how the earthquakes happened in the space of two days.
As a result of the earthquakes, there were purported discoveries of a tomb said to contain the skeletal remains of Jesus, giving rise to speculation.
2:04 minute ‘Project Blue Beam’ video examples (‘maleep’ YouTube)
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Article by Gautam Peddada July 7, 2021 (
• On July 16, 1945, the world’s first atomic bomb was exploded at Trinity Site, 200 miles south of the Los Alamos National Laboratory where it was designed. It basically marked the ending of WWII. At this time, there were numerous claims regarding the existence of odd lights performing impossible maneuvers in the skies near Los Alamos. Several memorandums from Director of Military Applications James McCormack Jr. were obtained through FOIA requests. “The motion of the bodies (estimated at between 14 and 20 in number) appeared to be a swirling nature,” writes McCormak. “…[I]t was impossible to resolve individual shape however, the general impression was gained that bodies were white.” Thereafter at the same spot, seven UFO crashes would occur in New Mexico between 1945–1950.
• In August 1945, two boys, Jose (9) and Reme (7), were searching for a cow on a ranch west of Trinity Site in San Antonio, New Mexico when they heard a thunderous explosion. They followed the sound and spotted a 25–30 foot avocado-shaped vessel containing two living beings. The boys hid for days watching the military collect the crashed wreckage. Jose and Reme took a piece of this spaceship, which one of them still possesses today. Jacque Valle’ and Paola Harris have just co-written a new book: Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret, which recounts a 20-year effort to retrieve this artifact. It is currently being peer-reviewed in a controlled scientific study.
• Mac Brazel worked as a foreman on the Foster Ranch, a few miles from the town of Corona, New Mexico. In July 1947, Brazel discovered that his sheep would not cross the rubble to get to the water because of a significant amount of debris blocking their path. Brazel went into town and told Jesse Wade, the owner of a bar about the situation. Wade told him to report it to the Army base in Roswell. Brazel then went to the Corona Drug Store to make the call.
• The Department of Defense insisted that the Roswell event was crashed test balloon – a story that has all the hallmarks of a cover-up. Over 90 people have come forward to confirm Mac Brazel’s testimony, including Mac’s son Bill Brazel. Bill’s alien “disc pieces” collection was confiscated by the Air Force in 1949 after he “spoke too much” at a Corona, New Mexico pub the night before. When Chuck Wade, Jesse’s son, heard that the Army had taken Bill Brazel’s artifacts, he became suspicious and determined to delve more into the UFO issue.
• On July 2, 1947, a young Gerald Anderson, along with his father, brother, uncle, and cousin traveled from Albuquerque to the Plains of San Augustin when they came upon a 32-foot crashed UFO. Gerald informed Chuck Wade that there were four aliens: one alive, one injured, and two dead.
• Shortly after, word got around and people started coming out to see the crash site. An archaeologist brought five of his students. This crash site was dubbed “Barney Barnett site” after another local. These citizens were crowding around and discussing the wreck when a military staff car arrived, followed by a truckload of soldiers who promptly encircled the people. The officers told them harshly that they were not authorized to be there, and that if they told anybody what they had seen, they would be killed.
• Wade was informed by Gerald Anderson that the military had brought a flatbed truck, a crane, tanker vehicles, truckloads of supplies, and even a bulldozer. Anderson said that it looked like an invasion force. The Army’s rows of pitched tents remained for many days. Chuck Wade shared casually that they pilfered “a military canteen and an army cot from their center of operations”.
• Chuck and Nancy Wade have since visited the UFO crash site three times with an adult Gerald Anderson, digging for any artifacts that may still be out there. In the spring of 2004, Nancy and Chuck Wade along with UFO researcher Art Campbell and four other workers retrieved eight pieces of alien foil. Wade took six of the pieces to Material Physicist Steven Colbern of Neutron Star Nanotechnology in Oxnard, California. There the scientists
• The samples were photographed using a magnification microscope and examined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine the concentrations of the component and trace elements in each sample. They were also subjected to the field of a Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NIB) magnet. They found that the samples included very rare alloying elements not found in aluminium alloys in 1947. The coatings on the samples were especially unique – rich in silica, titania, magnesia, sulphate, phosphate, and chloride mixed with the metal. The presence of carbon nanotubes in the samples suggests that they could be “smart metal” materials. This sort of composite metal was definitely not accessible in 1947. The isotopic ratios of the sample elements were highly skewed in comparison to their terrestrial values, suggesting that the samples came from an unknown source.
• Dr. Russell Vernon Clark performed an investigation and found that the materials discovered at San Augustine and Corona (Roswell) crash sites are quite similar in composition to a different artifact retrieved from the Roswell site. “The composition of this material was found to be greater than 99% silicon,” said Dr. Clark. “Therefore it should be considered that this material is both manufactured and extraterrestrial in origin.” As a result of his participation in the Roswell artifact study, Dr. Clark found himself the target of a disinformation campaign. The University of California issued a statement that Dr. Clark was not a university employee – an outright public deception.
• Author of the book: American Cosmic, Diana Pasulka claimed in a podcast interview in 2021 that the strange materials in Chuck Wade’s possession are legitimate, and that the US government is in possession of wrecked UFO vehicles. Former Pentagon officials Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo have also supported this contention. Today, there appears to be legitimate scientific research on items recovered from Roswell crash sites.
• In American Cosmic, a NASA Engineer with one of the highest degrees of security clearance in the US Government claims that extraterrestrials are “gifting” humanity their technology by purposely crashing their off-world vehicles in the southeastern New Mexico area.
• It is perplexing why the mainstream media continues to overlook genuine assertions about the event. Small-town folks are allowed to convey their fantastic tales to the rest of the world, but they receive no help from the scientific community to either clarify or put a stop to the misconceptions. Is the entirety of the media suffering from cognitive dissonance? Or are we dealing with the greatest secret ever kept by a Government from it’s citizens?
The Los Alamos National Laboratory was founded in 1943, just a few years after
Mac Brazel
World War II began, with a single goal in mind: to design and produce an atomic weapon. It only took 27 months. The world’s first atomic bomb was exploded at Trinity Site, 200 miles south of Los Alamos, on July 16, 1945. This test demonstrated that the Laboratory’s scientists had effectively weaponized the atom.
During this era of nuclear development, there were numerous claims from respectable scientists and physicists regarding the existence of odd lights performing impossible maneuvers near Los Alamos. Several memorandums from Director of Military Applications James McCormack Jr. have been obtained through FOIA requests.
“The motion of the bodies (estimated at between 14 and 20 in number) appeared to be a swirling nature, not unlike a flock of towering geese or a handful of leaflets in an up-draft. Either due to distance or size, it was impossible to resolve individual shape however, the general impression was gained that bodies were white.”
Soon after the letter was written, the military would be dealing with what appears to be the greatest secret ever kept by a Government against it’s citizens. The manner the United States ruled would alter forever for reasons only known to the gatekeepers of the National Security Complex. Diana Walsh Pasulka, author of the Oxford-published book American Cosmic, refers to New Mexico as a sacred site since it is considered to be the spot where alien intelligence revealed itself to humans. In religious studies, such an occurrence is known as hierophany. A heirophany is a holy manifestation. It happens when a nonhuman intelligent being falls from the sky to the ground or otherwise manifests itself. In American Cosmic, a NASA Engineer with one of the highest degrees of security clearance in the United States Government explains that extraterrestrials are gifting humanity technology by purposefully crashing off-world vehicles. It’s tough to accept such a claim, but the procedure should begin by analyzing any
James McCormack Jr.
debris to establish its origin.
Seven unknown craft crashes (gifts?) would occur in New Mexico between 1945–1950. Starting in August 1945, when two boys, Jose and Reme, ages 9 and 7, were searching for a cow that was ready to deliver a calf on a ranch west of Trinity Site in San Antonio, New Mexico. They heard a thunderous explosion, identical to the one they had heard a month earlier. They followed the sound and spotted a 25–30 foot avocado-shaped vessel containing two living beings. The youngsters hid for many days, watching while the military collect the crashed wreckage. Jose and Reme extracted a piece of this spaceship, which one of them still possesses today.
This incident is documented in Scientist and US Air Force Project Blue Book Consultant Jacque Valle’s new book Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret, which was released in June and co-written with Paola Harris. Featuring an investigation that took over 20 years. The artifact, which had been retrieved and concealed all these years, is currently being peer-reviewed in a controlled scientific study.
The Famous Roswell Incident
Mac Brazel discovered a significant amount of debris on the Foster Ranch, where he worked as a foreman, in July 1947. Mr. Brazel traveled a few miles to the town of Corona and asked Jesse Wade, the owner of a bar, to close his establishment and follow him to the debris field. Jesse was informed by Mac Brazel that his sheep would not cross the rubble to get to the water. Mr. Wade turned down Mac’s request, but he did advise that Mac Brazel report the incident to the military in Roswell. Mac then went up to the Corona Drug Store and asked Geraldine Perkins, the shopkeeper, to accompany him to the ranch. He also declined, but Geraldine assisted Mr. Brazel in making a phone call to Roswell. The rest of the story is history.
Jesse Wade subsequently admitted to Chuck, his son, that he wished he had gone to the ranch with Mac Brazel. One has to wonder how history would have been written if this had happened.
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Article by Brandon Gage June 30, 2021 (
• Recently, the NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, a former astronaut and Democratic United States Senator from Florida, admitted on CNN that he believes that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe and that he could not rule out the possibility that a small percentage of UFOs have otherworldly origins. “Are we alone? Personally, I don’t think we are,” Nelson said. “People are hungry for this kind of information and they’re going to keep searching.”
• This is an extraordinary statement for a NASA Administrator to make given the US government’s history of cover-ups and denials surrounding the subject of aliens and spaceships from other planets visiting Earth. If the government is slowly grooming the public about the existence of life beyond our world (or our dimension), it could not come at a more crucial time for our species.
• Conventional wisdom states that society would break down into chaos if people were suddenly informed that there are extraterrestrial beings out there with technologies that could be millions of years ahead of ours – keeping tabs on us. Resulting doomsday predictions of mass riots, war, alien invasions, and religious extremism have been popularized in the media since the 1950s when the modern UFO craze began. Those concerns might have been valid during the Cold War when the United States and the Soviet Union were ready to annihilate life on Earth at a moments’ notice. But we no longer live in that world.
• Despite our small differences, humanity is interconnected like never before. Geographical borders no longer divide us. Instead, demagogues and power-hungry charlatans have exploited our technologies to manipulate the population into believing that neighbors are each other’s enemies and that deeply-held personal beliefs – no matter how ridiculous – hold more weight than objective truths.
• If it were to be revealed that Earth is and has been visited by extraterrestrial beings from another part of the galaxy, it would be a uniting wake-up call for every human on this planet. If ETs are hostile, they could wipe us out without so much as a warning and we would be powerless to stop it. That has not happened, so there is little reason to believe that it will.
• In the meantime, we are living through a real-time disaster movie of our own making because our leaders chose to ignore the science and focus on short-term financial gain. The ‘summer of hell’ has begun in North America with temperatures soaring past 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Canada and in the Pacific Northwest. Sea level rise is being blamed for the deadly condo collapse in Sunrise, Florida. In the American West, a historic megadrought is literally draining Lake Mead and other sources of water for millions of people. The bill for such grotesque negligence is coming due, and fast. If someone is out there, now would be the time to make it known. Our collective destiny may depend on it.
I was an X-Files kid. I still binge-watch reruns on Hulu. That quintessential 90s show inspired a generation to look up at the sky and wonder what or who is really out there. The answer may be closer than ever.
Last weekend, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Administrator Bill Nelson – a former astronaut and Democratic United States Senator from Florida – admitted on CNN that he believes that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe and that he could not rule out the possibility that a small percentage of unidentified aerial phenomena – more popularly known as UFOs – have otherworldly origins.
“My feeling is that there is clearly something there. It may not necessarily be extraterrestrial, but if it is a technology that some of our adversaries have then we’d better be concerned,” he said. “Remember, the universe is so large. We have a program in NASA called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. But thus far we don’t have any receipt of a communication from something that’s intelligent.”
Bill Nelson
But, he added, that does not mean humanity has no neighbors in the cosmos.
“Are we alone? Personally, I don’t think we are,” he said. “The universe is so big. It’s 13 and a half billion years ago when the universe started. That’s pretty big. People are hungry for this kind of information and they’re going to keep searching.”
Those are extraordinary statements for someone in Nelson’s position to be making given the United States government’s history of coverups and denials surrounding the subject of aliens and spaceships from other planets visiting Earth. His words are even more amazing when coupled with recent footage released by the Pentagon of military encounters with unidentifiable craft speeding through the sky and bouncing in and out of the ocean, seemingly defying the known laws of physics.
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Article by Kyle Mizokami June 1, 2021 (
• After World War II, the Nazis emerged with an almost mythical reputation for high-tech weapons: tanks, jets, and rockets. The American military considered the achievements of Nazi scientists and engineers to be so advanced that in the later stages of the war, the US Army sent reconnaissance teams into Germany to secure scientists and military technology before other powers, particularly the Soviet Union, could capture them, under Project Paperclip.
• The noted aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun who invented the V-2 rocket was among the Paperclip trophies. Von Braun later designed the Saturn V rocket for NASA’s Apollo program.
• US forces put these German scientists and engineers to work on developing anti-gravity technology. According to legend, the Germans developed a bell-shaped anti-gravity craft known as ‘Die Glocke’. Rumors of the device first appeared as Nazi sci-fi in the 1960 book Morning of the Magicians, and then showed up in Igor Witkowski’s 2000 book Prawda o Wunderwaffe (The Truth About the Wonder Weapon), followed by Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point—as a “glowing, rotating contraption” that possibly had “some kind of antigravitational effect,” or was even a “time machine” that was part of an “SS antigravity program” for the “Repulsine” flying saucer.
• Cook even suggests that the notorious SS colonel Hans Kammler traded Die Glocke to the US military in exchange for his freedom. Kammler disappeared in the closing days of World War II and was never seen again. Mainstream historians claim that Die Glocke crashed outside Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in December 1965.
• According to dubious mainstream historians, all of this is ‘extraordinarily unlikely’. If the U.S. had had access to anti-gravity technology, then where are the anti-gravity planes? And NASA attributes the Kecksburg Incident to the reentry of a failed Soviet Venus probe, Cosmos 96.
• Nevertheless, the legend of “Die Glocke” (“The Bell”) persists in conspiracy and UFO circles. A new video from military historian Mark Felton (see below) explores the bell-shaped device that Adolf Hitler’s Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary organization purportedly developed. However writers and sci-fi hoaxers may have actually concocted the machine, plying the postwar reputation of Nazi scientists being capable of almost any technological feat.
• [Editor’s Note] Is it that hard to imagine that Hitler was allied with a malevolent extraterrestrial race who provided the Nazi’s with advanced technology in return for the German’s long-term assistance in capturing and controlling this planet, along with other worlds throughout our galaxy? This would explain how Hitler became so fanatical and confident that he could take over the world. William Tompkins said that he saw Hans Kammler at a NASA facility in Huntsville, Alabama. If the thing that the military took away at Kecksburg was just a Soviet satellite probe, then why didn’t they parade it in front of the media as a Cold War trophy? Of course the deep state military industrial complex orchestrated all of it.
‘Where are the anti-gravity planes’ you ask? The deep state has kept all of this advanced technology hidden from the public in order to control it and thereby control the planet, just as their extraterrestrial overlords had planned. We have seen these “UFOs” in our skies ever since World War II. More recently we’ve seen smaller ‘drone’ versions of them “swarming” Navy vessels. The US Navy has patented the technology and the US Senate has requested an intelligence report on them due out this month. Of course, the report will reveal nothing, because the deep state holdouts in the Pentagon and Congress do not want the public to know that we have this technology. They see a better use of this ‘unknown phenomenon’ to create public fear and panic of a national security threat. The deep state can exploit this to demand greater and greater defense budgets, to justify more black budget projects, and to persuade the people to willingly turn over their rights and freedoms in return for this deep state military faction stepping in to save the world from a false flag UFO invasion. Let’s hope and pray that the white hat Alliance military leaders will not allow this to happen.
Die Glocke
Did Nazi scientists, eager to devise a weapon that could throw back advancing Allied
rendering of the Kecksburg ‘craft’
armies, create a time-traveling UFO to win World War II? Almost certainly not. Nevertheless, the legend of “Die Glocke” (“The Bell”) persists in conspiracy and UFO circles.
A new video from military historian Mark Felton, included below, explores the bell-shaped device that Adolf Hitler’s Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary organization purportedly developed. However, sci-fi writers and hoaxers may have actually concocted the machine, plying the postwar reputation of Nazi scientists being capable of almost any technological feat.
Even though the Nazis lost World War II, they emerged from the war with an almost mythical reputation for high-tech weapons. Nazi tanks were often technically superior to Allied tanks; the Luftwaffe flew fighter jets in combat before the Allies did; and the V (for Vengeance) series of terror weapons, including the V-1 cruise missile and V-2
Wernher von Braun
ballistic missile, made for terrifying, though strategically questionable, weapons.
Adversaries considered the achievements of Nazi scientists and engineers to be so advanced,
Wernher von Braun
in fact, that the U.S. Army sent reconnaissance teams into Germany in the later stages of the war to secure scientists and military technology before other powers, particularly the Soviet Union, could capture them. The effort, known as Project Paperclip, secured V-2 missiles and important figures like Wernher von Braun, the infamous aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun who invented the V-2 and later designed the Saturn V rocket for NASA’s Apollo program.
According to legend, Die Glocke was reportedly one such German “wunderwaffe” (“wonder weapon”).
Rumors of the device first appeared as Nazi sci-fi in the 1960 book Morning of the Magicians. Die Glocke also showed up in Igor Witkowski’s 2000 book Prawda o Wunderwaffe (The Truth About the Wonder Weapon)—and soon after, Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point—as a “glowing, rotating contraption” that possibly had “some kind of antigravitational effect,” or was even a “time machine” that was part of an “SS antigravity program” for the “Repulsine” flying saucer.
14:15 minute video on Die Glocke (‘Mark Felton Productions’ YouTube)
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Article by Emma Parker May 14, 2021 (
• 1st Lt. Walter Haut served as the press officer for Roswell Army Air Field at the time of the Roswell New Mexico UFO crash on July 8, 1947. Haut died in 2005. On his death, Haut signed a declaration saying: “I am convinced that what I personally observed was some type of craft and its crew from outer space.”
• At the time, Haut wrote the initial press release that said a “flying disk” had crashed on a ranch near Roswell during a powerful storm. Haut’s statements in the Roswell Daily Record was later redacted, and the story was changed, with the US Army Air Force trying to pass the crash off as a weather balloon. Today, the Roswell crash is generally regarded as a 70 year government cover-up.
• Haut’s friends, Dennis Bathaser and Wendy Connors, filmed a video of Haut in 2000 detailing his extraterrestrial experience. It is reported that in the video, Haut claims there was “one body” in the Roswell crash, a “relatively small body” that could be comparable to a “10 or 11-year-old child.” He said the body was “pretty well beaten up” but could not remember the color of the life form at the time.
• Researcher Anthony Bragalia first published the video to his UFO website (which I could not find – Ed). Bragalia told The Sun: “The video was given to me by a close friend of Walter Haut’s named Dennis Balthaser for distribution. The video had previously only been viewed by a small circle of researchers and Haut family members. Given all the new information on UFOs coming out, they felt the time was right to let everyone see it.” “The confessional video helps to confirm the extraterrestrial nature of the Roswell crash.”
Walter Haut
An-ex US Army press officer said he saw the body of a “beat-up alien” the “size of a
1st Lt. Walter Haut
10-year-old child” after the infamous Roswell UFO crash in 1947.
Walter Haut served as the press officer for Roswell Army Air Field 1st Lt. and kept the secret of the Roswell, New Mexico, up until his death.
His friends, Dennis Bathaser and Wendy Connors, filmed a video of Haut in 2000 detailing his extraterrestrial experiences.
In the video, Haut claims there was “one body” in the Roswell crash, a “relatively small body” that could be comparable to a “10 or 11-year-old child.”
Roswell Museum depicts a ‘child-sized’ alien on a gurney
He said the body was “pretty well beaten up” but could not remember the colour of the life form at the time of the recording.
Researcher Anthony Bragalia first published the video to his UFO site after the Pentagon released documents confirming the existence of UFO’s.
Mr Bragalia told The Sun: “The video was given to me by a close friend of Walter Haut’s named Dennis Balthaser for distribution.
“The video had previously only been viewed by a small circle of researchers and Haut family members.
“Given all the new information on UFOs coming out, they felt the time was right to let everyone see it.
“The confessional video helps to confirm the extraterrestrial nature of the Roswell crash.”
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• A January 2014 Forbes magazine article revealed secret files leaked by Edward Snowden (pictured above). Apparently, the files came from the Iranian Fars News Agency archive of nearly two million documents, guarded by the National Security Agency-Central Security Service under Iran’s department of defense.
• The secret files reveal that extraterrestrials “have been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and that several types of these aliens, including the “Tall Whites”, are working with the US Air Force in Nevada. Representatives of the Tall Whites met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 when the “secret regime” that currently governs the nation was established. However, as early as 1930, the Tall Whites were assisting the Germans, and then the Nazis, as evidenced by the fact that during the four years of World War II, Hitler built 1,163 technologically advanced modern submarines in German shipyards.
• The secret file contains a report by the Iranian secret services revealing the motives of the Tall Whites’ association with earth humans. It is nothing less than absolute domination over human beings, which would occur as part of a programmed “final phase.” To increase the chances of success, the Tall Whites would be helping to set up a global electronic surveillance network charged with concealing their dangerous existence.
• The secret file also points to Barack Obama as a representative of this shadowy “secret regime,” according to the website, and to another faction of extraterrestrials about whom even less is known.
• Before the Democrats ostensibly took over the White House this year, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla) served as the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Openly concerned about UFOs reportedly flying over US military bases with impunity, the committee included in a bill that President Trump signed into law a provision requiring military and intelligence officials to declassify and release information on UFOs by this summer.
• Not too long ago, the very existence of UFOs was completely denied by the government. Now, government officials are making UFOs public knowledge. Are we very far from coming right out and admitting that extraterrestrial beings exist and are already living here in our reality?
After former President Donald Trump signed into law a bill on Dec. 27, forcing the Pentagon and
‘Tall Whites’
spy agencies to reveal the secrets of the UFO phenomenon within the next 6 months, the pressure to know the truth has been mounting.
The opening towards the subject of the visits of extraterrestrial intelligent beings is growing more and more, going from a time when their existence was completely denied to making their knowledge mandatory for the citizens, as it was published at the time by the British media The Sun.
Although the declassification of the documents is still two months away, information on this delicate subject has been accumulating for decades, and among the most surprising is the Iranian version, according to which an extraterrestrial leader would rule the United States.
Deep State traitor Barack Obama President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Apparently, there is ‘”irrefutable evidence’ of an ‘alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda’ that directs U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945″ cites Forbes in January 2014.
The source for Iran’s Fars News Agency would be an archive of nearly two million documents guarded by the National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS), run by the Department of Defense.
Senator Marco Rubio
Likewise, the controversial computer specialist and former CIA agent, Edward
Hitler surveying his Nazi U-Boat fleet
Snowden, was the one who leaked the revealing secret files.
They claim that extraterrestrials “have been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and that several types of these aliens, including the “Tall Whites,” are working with the U.S. Air Force Nevada.
Members of this species met in 1954 with President Dwight D. Eisenhower when the “secret regime” that currently governs the nation was established.
However, as early as 1930, they were technically assisting the Germans, and especially the Nazis, as evidenced by the fact that from building only 57 submarines during the four years of World War II, they manufactured 1,163 technologically advanced modern submarines in their shipyards.
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Article by Jane Clinton April 10, 2021 (
• Among the late Prince Philip’s varied interests, the Duke of Edinburgh (pictured above) was said to be fascinated with UFOs and amassed a sizeable library of books on the subject. It is believed his interest was sparked by his uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, who wrote an official report about an unidentified craft landing at his Broadlands estate in Romsey, Hampshire.
• Prince Philip spent the summer of 2019 reading The Halt Perspective which explores the Rendlesham Forest Incident. Dubbed “Britain’s Roswell”, US Air Force security personnel stationed at nearby RAF Woodbridge, Suffolk reported seeing strange lights on December 26th and 28th 1980 in the surrounding forest. US servicemen claim to have gotten within touching distance of a “craft of unknown origin”.
• The Halt Perspective was co-written by retired US Air Force Col Charles Halt, who was the base deputy commander at the time, along with retired West Midlands detective, John Hanson. In a letter to Mr. Hanson, Prince Philip’s private secretary Brigadier Archie Miller-Bakewell wrote: “I am certain it will be read with close interest over the summer.” Upon Prince Phillip receiving another book by Mr. Hanson, Haunted Skies: The Encyclopedia of British UFOs, Miller-Bakewell again replied: “His Royal Highness will add this copy to his collection.” It is believed the duke spent decades collecting such titles on extra-terrestrial activity.
• John Hanson’s ex-father-in-law Chief Petty Officer Edward West served in the Royal Navy with Lord Mountbatten on the HMS Kelly. West said that the Duke had twelve of Hanson’s UFO/extraterrestrial books on his shelf. “I’m quite proud of Prince Philip,” said Hanson. “[W]hy shouldn’t he have been interested in UFOs, because for goodness sake, that is something that we should treat seriously rather than flippantly. It is a phenomenon that has baffled mankind for millennia.” Hanson adds, “Even Prince Charles is interested in it and Prince William”
• Derek Dempster, a former RAF pilot who went on to become a reporter for the Daily Express and then founding editor of Flying Saucer Review, spoke of “allies” in the likes of “Sir Peter Horsley, who had been Station Commander at North Weald, and was then equerry to Prince Philip”. “We received collaboration from Henry Chinnery, who was Horsley’s successor,” said Dempster. “Both men had a keen interest in keeping the Palace posted on ‘flying saucers’ and we used to exchange files with them.”
• Dempster, who died in 2012, went on: “There was also a shorthand writer for Lord Mountbatten, named Dan Lloyd, who was an ex-Royal Navy man. He was also very interested in ‘flying saucer’ matters and shared this interest and new research material with Mountbatten. It was said, at the time, that Mountbatten kept lever files of UFO photographs to show visitors on the bridge of the warships when he was at sea.”
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Among his vast and varied interests, the Duke of Edinburgh was said to have had an enduring fascination with UFOs and amassed a sizeable library of titles on the subject.
It is believed his interest was sparked by his uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, who wrote an official report about an unidentified craft landing at his Broadlands estate in Romsey, Hampshire.
Prince Philip reportedly spent the summer of 2019 reading The Halt Perspective which explores the Rendlesham Forest Incident which has been dubbed “Britain’s Roswell”.
United States Air Force (USAF) security personnel stationed at nearby RAF Woodbridge, Suffolk, reported seeing strange lights on 26 and 28 December 1980 in the surrounding forest.
Lord Louis Mountbatten
Servicemen went to investigate with one even claiming they got to within touching distance of a “craft of unknown origin”.
Charles Halt with John Hanson
The Halt Perspective was co-written by retired US Air Force Col Charles Halt, who was the base deputy commander at the time, and retired West Midlands detective, John Hanson.
In a letter to Mr Hanson, Philip’s then private secretary Brigadier Archie Miller-Bakewell wrote: “I am certain it will be read with close interest over the summer.”
Then after receiving another book on the topic by Mr Hanson, Haunted Skies: The Encyclopedia of British UFOs Brigadier Miller-Bakewell again replied: “His Royal Highness will add this copy to his collection.”
Archie Miller-Bakewell Derek Dempster
John Hanson, whose ex-father-in-law, Chief Petty Officer Edward West, known as Ted, was on HMS Kelly with Lord Mountbatten, told i that the Duke had 12 of his books on the extraterrestrial.
Mr Hanson said: “I’ve got about 12 letters from the Duke’s private secretary that say the prince found the subject interesting.
“I’m quite proud of Prince Philip, why shouldn’t he have been interested in UFOs, because for goodness sake, that is something that we should treat seriously rather than flippantly. It is a phenomenon that has baffled mankind for millennia.”
He added: “Even Prince Charles is interested in it and Prince William”
It is believed the duke spent decades collecting such titles on extra-terrestrial activity.
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Article by Jon Lockett March 22, 2021 (
• In the 1990’s, British entrepreneur Ray Santilli claims to have “restored” a version of an original video clip of an alien being’s autopsy allegedly conducted by the US military after it was retrieved from the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. Santilli said that he obtained the 1947 video from a retired US military cameraman. But since the film footage was in such poor condition, he embellished the original video with ‘reproductions’ of the medical room using animal organs and pig brains in a London flat, trying to be as true to the original as possible. Then Santilli sold the embellished footage to TV stations in 33 countries – before filmmaker and magician Spyros Melaris blew the whistle on him for peddling a fake autopsy video. Said Santilli, “What we did was a restoration of the original film. The film still maintain its integrity.”
• Author and UFO investigator Philip Mantle was among the first to see the bogus video that went on to fool millions around the world. On March 22nd he was featured in a TV expose’ on BLAZE pay television called “Alien Autopsy:The Search for Answers”. Mantle reveals a CIA document that made its way to the internet containing an email thread from the files of the late NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell. The email thread shows that the CIA had studied ‘real’ footage of an alien being dissected over a decade before Santilli’s embellished autopsy video.
• Mitchell’s email thread was sent primarily to Robert Bigelow and the scientists at his ‘National Institute for Discovery Sciences’ or ‘NIDS’ in 2000 who were trying to track down and authenticate the Roswell alien autopsy video. Says Mantle, “There are a number of people linked to the thread but the main guy they are speaking to is a Dr. Christopher ‘Kit’ Green and he worked for the CIA many years back on what he called their weird desk. They are quizzing Dr. Green about his comments on the alien autopsy film and, apart from saying he thought it was authentic, it goes on to add that back in 1980 or 1981 at an official briefing at the Pentagon they showed him another alien autopsy film. “The photos of the alien cadaver Kit saw were consistent with the cadaver seen in the 1995 Santilli film/video.”
• According to the leaked CIA document, in January 2001 Dr. Green provided his professional evaluation of the footage. A summary of Dr. Green’s evaluation stated: “The Alien Autopsy film/video is real, the alien cadaver is real, and the cadaver seen in the film/video is the same as the photos Kit saw at the Pentagon briefing.”
• Does this prove that there were other Roswell alien autopsy clips being studied at least 10 years before the bogus film was made? As Mantle says, someone of Dr. Green’s experience and standing would not be fooled by a fake film. He was indeed shown other films, fake or real, by the CIA. Ray Santilli believes the fact that Dr. Green claims he saw the video before his was published only goes to prove his footage must be real.
• Sergeant Clifford Stone worked as a UFO crash retrieval expert with the U.S. Army in the 1960s. In an archive video, Stone tells how he once saw senior officers watching what he later learned were “genuine ” alien dissection videos.
• Mantle sums up his investigation by saying: “Something did crash at Roswell – even the authorities in the US admit that.” Investigator Ben Smith notes that a journal written by a US Army major who was first on the scene (Major Jesse A. Marcel) may hold the secrets to what has been described as the biggest cover up in US military history.
• [Editor’s Note] “Let me just be clear,” said Santilli, “I was not there in 1947, so I can’t say for sure if it is an alien, but it is the original camera footage.” “By the time we got back, (the film) had deteriorated to a certain extent and we were not able to use it and (we) recreated a fair section.” When the recreated footage was released, however, Mr Santilli and his team did not make it clear it was a remake of poor quality original footage, which Santilli still possesses. The recreation video was produced inside a north London flat. The “dead alien” was sculpted by motion picture special effects expert John Humphreys, using cow and lamb organs from a local butcher shop. The 1940’s-era surgeons’ outfits and medical equipment were supplied from prop providers in the UK and USA. The 16mm film was then spliced with an original Pathe newsreel to help convince experts from Kodak that it could be real.
According to Linda Moulton Howe and Richard Dolan, a Memorandum by Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green dated March 23, 2001, giving his “professional evaluation of the ‘Alien Autopsy Film/Video and other related information”, was leaked by physicist Eric W. Davis to Robert Bigelow and revealed that this 1995 Santilli video of an alien autopsy of a “6-fingered, 6-toed” alien entity is in fact real. The being was retrieved from a crashed saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Dr. Green “was briefed three different times during and after his tenure at the CIA on topics relevant to UFOs and the Roswell Incident Alien Autopsy.” Dr. Kit Green confirmed that the “Alien Autopsy film/video is real, the alien cadaver is real, and the cadaver seen in the film/video is the same as the photos Kit saw at the Pentagon during briefing # 2.” Dr. Green’s career began in 1969 as a Senior Division Analyst for neurosciences at the CIA. In the mid-1970s, Dr. Green was a program manager for Controlled Remote Viewing research.
Ray Santilli
AN INVESTIGATOR who spent a decade probing the infamous Roswell autopsy footage reveals leaked documents appear to show the CIA studied ‘REAL’ footage of aliens being dissected years earlier.
Author Philip Mantle, Britain’s most renowned UFO investigator, was among the first to see the bogus video which emerged in the mid 90s and went on to fool millions around the world.
He is now fronting a new TV expose called Alien Autopsy:The Search for Answers – airing on Blaze tonight – which sets out to separate the facts from fiction.
In it he looks into a bombshell email chain which reveals one CIA expert was duped by the 17-minute hoax video and also how US spooks apparently studied other alien autopsy clips years before the fake one emerged.
Spyros Melaris
There are even claims one intelligence agency expert – Dr Christopher Green – was shown dissection footage at an official briefing in the Pentagon at the beginning of the 1980s.
The now infamous Roswell clip was first unveiled by Brit entrepreneur Ray Santilli who claimed he
Philip Mantle
obtained it from a retired US military cameraman while seeking archive footage of Elvis Presley in the US.
It was said to show an alien lifeform which had perished in the 1947 UFO crash being cut up and examined by military medics at a top secret location – which some believed was Area 51.
He went on to sell the footage to TV stations in 33 countries – before film maker and magician Spyros Melaris claimed he had actually faked the footage using animal organs and pig brains in a London flat.
Dr. Christopher ‘Kit’ Green
Now Philip has revealed leaked documents claim CIA specialists were seemingly called in to look into other mystery autopsy footage more than decade earlier.
He told the Sun Online: “The thing about the alien autopsy video is that something
Robert Bigelow
else always crops up.
“What reinvigorated the interest in the alien autopsy is that a couple of years ago a mysterious email thread was released online.
“The email was to Robert Bigelow, the US billionaire, who used to run an organisation called NIDS (The National Institute for Discovery Sciences).
Clifford Stone
“Basically Bigelow hired a number of scientists to work on UFO projects for him and in 2000 or 2001 they contacted me to try and gain access to some pieces of the original celluloid of the film.
Major Jesse A. Marcel
“This email thread had come from the files of the late Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon.
“There are a number of people linked to the thread but the main guy they are speaking to is a Dr Christopher ‘Kit’ Green and he worked for the CIA many years back on what he called their weird desk.
“They are quizzing Dr Green about his comments on the alien autopsy film and, apart from saying he thought it was authentic, it goes on to add that back in 1980 or 1981 at an official briefing at the Pentagon they showed him another alien autopsy film.”
If true, that would appear to indicate that there were other alien dissection clips being studied at least 10 years before the bogus film was made.
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Article by Arjun Walia February 2, 2021 (
• In a declassified CIA document dated 1959 (see here), UFO researcher Fred A. Kirsch replies to a previous letter criticizing the famous psychoanalyst Dr. Carl Jung (pictured above) for his belief in flying saucers. Kirsch points out that other persons of integrity and reputation have also expressed their belief in UFOs and the Air Force’s cover-up of the truth about these objects. These persons include former director of the naval guided missile research program Admiral Delmar Fahrney and former chief of the CIA Roscoe M. Hillenkoetter, both of whom would be in a position to know.
• In his letter, Kirsch goes on: “If Jung were the only responsible person to make such charges, we could brush the whole thing off as nonsense. However, when a number of pilots, radar operators, and other trained observers agree that the UFOs are real, a serious reappraisal of the situation is in order.”
• 1959 was the same year that Jung released his book: “Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies”, which examines “not the reality or unreality” of UFOs but their “psychic aspect” and what it may signify that these phenomena are occurring at a time of Cold War “when humankind is menaced as never before in history”.
• In 1957, New Republic editor Gilbert A. Harrison wanted to get this Jung’s perspective on UFOs for his magazine. “The problem of the UFOs,” writes Jung, is that while “there is no certainty about their very nature…there is…overwhelming material pointing to their legendary or mythological aspect.” “[I]t looks to me as if something were seen and even confirmed by radar, but nobody knows exactly what is seen.”
• In an article: “Flying Saucers Come From A Distant World” in The American Weekly, October 24, 1954, Hermann Oberth, mentor to Wernher Von Braun and the ‘father of spaceflight’ stated his belief that “flying saucers are real” and that “they are space ships from another solar system” and manned by intelligent observers “of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.”
• In his very last interview before his death, Colonel Robert Friend, who from 1958-1962 was a director of the US Air Force UFO investigation ‘Project Blue Book’ suggested that the Air Force knew what these UFOs were. The first CIA director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, once said, “It is time for the truth to be brought out…Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officials are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about Unidentified Flying Objects.” And former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor Dr. Brian O’Leary said we now have “abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.”
• While UFOs have gone mainstream today, many people have concerns about “real” UFO disclosure given the fact that governments and mainstream media have deceived the public on so many occasions.
Admiral Delmar Fahrney
Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the very first director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) once said that “It is time for the truth to be
Roscoe M. Hillenkoetter
brought out…Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officials are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about Unidentified Flying Objects”
He said this decades ago. Hillenkoetter is also mentioned in this declassified document archived and released by the CIA. This particular document also mentions Carl Jung. It reads as follows: This is a reply to the letter (Aug. 6) criticizing Dr. Carl Jung for his belief in flying saucers and his charges that the Air Force has been covering up the truth about these objects. I would like to point out that Dr. Jung is not the first person of integrity and reputation who has made such charges. He is merely the latest. Exactly the same charge has been made by Admiral Delmar Fahrney, former director of the naval guided missile research program, and by R.M. Hillenkoetter, former chief of the Central Intelligence Agency. Both of these men would be in a position to know how much the AF investigation of saucers really found.
The piece was written by Fred A. Kirsch, a well known UFO researcher.
So what did they really find? Keep in mind this document is from 1959, it’s now 2021. How much has been discovered and how much has been kept from the public? In his very last interview before his death, Colonel Robert Friend, who from 1958-1962 was a director of Project Blue Book (U.S. Air Force UFO investigation project) suggests the U.S. Air Force knew what these object were. Fast forward to today, and we now have
Colonel Robert Friend
“abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” (Dr. Brian O’Leary, former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor)
The document goes on:
If Jung were the only responsible person to make such charges, we could brush the whole thing off as nonsense. However, when a number of pilots, radar operators, and other trained observers agree that the UFOs are real, a serious reappraisal of the situation is in order.
Today, UFOs have gone mainstream, and the same information is being emphasized. For example, Christopher Mellon, who was the former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002, recently made an appearance on CNN stating the same facts about these objects. Many people have concerns about “mainstream UFO disclosure” given the fact that governments and mainstream media, according to many, have deceived the public on so many occasions.
Gilbert A. Harrison
The same year that this document pertaining to Jung was written, he released his book called Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, which examines “not the reality or unreality” of the titular phenomena, but their “psychic aspect,” and “what it may signify that these phenomena, whether real or imagined, are seen in such numbers just at a time” — the Cold War — “when humankind is menaced as never before in history.”
It seems, in my opinion, he was quite convinced of the phenomenon. Especially given the fact that he accused the Air Force of a cover-up. Again,
Dr. Brian O’Leary
fast forward to today and we now know he was right.
In 1957, New Republic editor Gilbert A. Harrison wanted to get this Jung’s perspective on UFOs in his magazine. You can see (via The Awl) a scan of Jung’s response to Harrison’s query, the text reads as follows:
The problem of the Ufos is, as you rightly say, a very fascinating one, but it is as puzzling as it is fascinating; since, in spite of all observations I know of, there is no certainty about their very nature. On the other side, there is an overwhelming material pointing to their legendary or mythological aspect. As a matter of fact the psychological aspect is so impressive, that one almost must regret that the Ufos seem to be real after all. I have followed up the literature as much as possible and it looks to me as if something were seen and even confirmed by radar, but nobody knows exactly what is seen. In consideration of the psychological aspect of the phenomenon I have written a booklet about it, which is soon to appear. It is also in the process of being translated into English. Unfortunately being occupied with other tasks I am unable to meet your proposition. Being rather old, I have to economize my energies.
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Article by Arjun Walia January 27, 2021 (
• Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.” Last year, Pentagon UFO program astrophysicist Eric W. Davis confirmed retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Apollo 13 astronaut Edgar Mitchell once told the world: “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
• Numerous stories suggest that multiple governments have been successful in bringing down UFO craft in an attempt to find out more about them and reverse engineer them ever since the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO crash and the two Roswell UFO crashes in 1947. Former Air Force officer and US Atomic Energy commissioner Colonel Ross Dedrickson blamed the Roswell crashes on the disruption in the magnetic field caused by the detonation of nuclear weapons in the region, crippling the UFO craft’s navigation system.
• The most viewed document in the public FBI archive is an account of an Air Force investigator written by FBI agent Guy Hottel to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. According to Hottel, the Air Force investigator claimed that three flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico (two near Roswell in 1947, one near Aztec in 1948). They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots. According to the informant, the saucers crashed in New Mexico due to high-powered military radar in the area interfering with the controlling mechanisms of the saucers. Of course, others have subsequently claimed that the story was a hoax.
• The FBI document is from the 1950s, a time when UFOs were popular within the mainstream due to an explosion of UFO sightings after the US dropped the atomic bomb. Even President Truman stated that the subject of UFOs is brought up at “every conference that they’ve had with the military.” “[T]here’s always things like that going on, flying saucers,” said Truman, “and they’ve had other things you know.” This was also around the time in 1952 when a formation of UFOs flew over Washington DC unimpeded.
• If all of this was going on 70 years ago, what has been happening today? Not a lot. People have lost trust in the government to tell us the truth. Big media is being exposed as complicit in the mind-control of the public’s perception of events and issues. People are recognizing the illicit connections among intelligence agencies, government and big corporations.
• Still, after decades of ridicule and secrecy, UFO disclosure is exploding in the mainstream media. People are seriously considering the idea that we are being visited by other beings. Hopefully, the public’s awakening to the reality and acceptance of UFOs will be a catalyst to our awakening to the true nature of our reality, the prospect of a higher purpose in life, and the potential power of our collective human consciousness.
astronaut Edgar Mitchell
Apollo 13 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell once told the world that “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” He is seen
Defence Minister Paul Hellyer
making these statements in this documentary. Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked with the Pentagon UFO program stated that he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency, as recently as March 2020 about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 has confirmed that he was present during this testimony. He himself has been quite outspoken about the phenomenon over the past few years. Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–2013, came across some interesting documents suggesting that the UK was desperate to capture UFO technology. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.”
The thought of attempting show aggressive actions against objects that show no aggression themselves is concerning to me. This activity on our part (humans) comes when the behaviour of these objects are not indicative of any type of threat. They often perform evasive maneuvers to avoid our aircraft and the majority of the time, there is no type of retaliation observed. This makes one question our own behaviour and the way our governments have responded to the UFO phenomenon, it’s not something to be proud of in my opinion.
astrophysicist Eric W. Davis
The information above isn’t even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the topic of crash/UFO retrievals. There are numerous stories suggesting that multiple governments have been successful in bringing down these craft in an attempt to find out more about them and also, perhaps, reverse engineer them. Roswell is not the only case. Here’s an article I’ve wrote about the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO crash, for example.
Colonel Ross Dedrickson
Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who had a long stint with the Air Force as well as the US Atomic Energy commision claimed that the detonation of nuclear weapons polluted the magnetic field which some of these craft relied on to operate.
What Happened: A document that made some noise within the mainstream in 2013 due to the fact that’s it’s been viewed more than 1 million times and is, according to the FBI, their most viewed document, reads as follows
An investigator from the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
According to Mr. (redacted) informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanisms of the saucers.
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Article by Harry Pettit January 20, 2021 (
• John Greenewald Jr., proprietor of the ‘The Black Vault’ website, a repository of over 2 million declassified government documents on UFOs, recently topped off his data collection with a final data dump from the CIA, which the CIA claims to be everything they have on UFOs. While many UFO (or ‘UAP’ – unidentified aerial phenomenon) claims may turn out to be tricks of the light or a faulty airplane instruments, a handful of them are real targets of investigations by the Pentagon.
• Within the pages of these declassified CIA documents is a bizarre story of a mysterious explosion in a small Russian town, which ripped off roofs, blew out windows, and left a 90ft-wide crater. Another file details a Bosnian fugitive who claimed to have made contact with aliens. While Britain’s secret UFO files were also opened up to the public recently, the British government acknowledges that they plan to keep one particular UFO dossier secret for another 50 years, to the chagrin of the UFO community. Last year, one researcher claimed that the discovery of alien life was not only “inevitable” but “imminent”. And a NASA scientist has admitted it’s entirely possible that aliens have already visited Earth – and we simply never noticed.
• One intriguing CIA report details a mysterious occurrence reported by multiple terrified townspeople of Petrozavodsk near the border of Finland in northeastern Russia in 1977. Witnesses described “very fine rays” raining down from the high-speed object, which appeared like a “huge star” over the town. The CIA file appears to be a copy of a story published at the time by Russia’s TASS news agency. According to the report, “On 20 September, at about 0400 a huge star suddenly flared up in the night sky, impulsively sending shafts of light to the Earth. The star moved slowly toward Petrozavodsk and spread out over it in the form of a medusa.” The light then “hung there, showering the city with a multitude of very fine rays which created an image of pouring rain.” After the rays ceased, the “medusa” turned into a bright semi-circle and moved in the direction of nearby Lake Onega. A semi-circular pool of bright light, “red in the middle and white at the sides”, then formed in a shroud of grey cloud on the lake’s horizon.
• According to citizen reports, the ordeal lasted between 10 and 12 minutes. The CIA document states that what caused the phenomenon “remains a riddle”. Russian weather experts reported having never seen anything like it, and that no “technical experiments” were being carried out at the time. “Many eyewitnesses” from various parts of the city reported sightings, meaning it was unlikely to be a mirage.
image of ‘Petrozavodsk phenomenon’
DETAILS of a mysterious UFO that shined bright rays of light onto a Soviet city in the 1970s have emerged from a treasure trove of declassified CIA documents published online.
Multiple reports from terrified locals described “very fine rays” raining down from the high-speed object, which appeared like a “huge star” over Petrozavodsk in what is now western Russia.
Dated September 1977, the once top secret CIA file appears to be a copy of a story published at the time by Russia’s TASS news agency.
It was released earlier this month as part of a dossier of newly uncovered declassified records on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs).
Known as the “Black Vault”, the database is available thanks to a decades-long effort to access CIA records dating back as far as the 1970s.
According to one of hundreds of files in the vault, a peculiar UFO sighting above Petrozavodsk peaked the interest of agents almost 54 years ago.
“On 20 September, at about 0400 a huge star suddenly flared up in the night sky, impulsively sending shafts of light to the Earth” the report reads.
“The star moved slowly toward Petrozavodsk and spread out over it in the form of a medusa.”
The light then “hung there, showering the city with a multitude of very fine rays which created an image of pouring rain.”
After the rays ceased, the “medusa” turned into a bright semi-circle and moved in the direction of nearby Lake Onega.
A semi-circular pool of bright light, “red in the middle and white at the sides”, then formed in a shroud of grey cloud on the lake’s horizon.
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Article by Lou Milano January 15, 2021 (
• John Greenwald Jr. recently released a trove of CIA documents related to UFOs on his Black Vault website. Among these is the story of Leon Davidson. In the late 1950s, having earned a PhD from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science and being recruited into the Manhattan Project during WWII, Davidson was sought after in the new field of computer development. Davidson worked with IBM, Union Carbide, the Nuclear Development Corporation out of White Plains, NY, and was an engineering design supervisor at Los Alamos, New Mexico where he assisted in the development of cutting-edge atomic technology.
• Davidson became a volunteer for the Civil Defense Filter Center in White Plains, NY, tracking UFO activity in the New York Metro area. Davidson also began publishing at least seven pamphlets on ‘flying saucers’, some of which can still be found in the archival collection on Columbia University’s Library website. You can also find them for sale on Amazon. The Amazon book description says of Davidson’s findings: “Examines the last Project Blue Book Report by the U.S. Air Force (No. 14), showing how the government lied, in order to cover up not only their own experimental craft, but also the possible existence of extraterrestrials. For many years, this volume was almost impossible to obtain.” Needless to say, these pamphlets became very popular.
• In the late 1950s, Davidson began requesting information from an array of Government agencies about UFOs. For example, Davidson wrote to ask for information regarding a strange communication received by a public radio station which the Government claimed was Morse code. Davidson’s response from a Wallace W. Elwood, Captain USAF, was that it was not a ‘space message’, but Morse Code from a public radio station. But Davidson persisted, saying that he did not believe this was Morse Code due to the “characteristics of the sounds on the tape recording of the message”.
• Declassified CIA documents show that Davidson was becoming a nuisance to the agency. Nevertheless, Davidson had convinced a Congressional committee to allow him to publish and distribute his pamphlets. A CIA memo refers to Davidson seeking information for a “space magazine”, resulting in a string of internal agency memos as to how to ‘handle’ Davidson. “Dr. Leon Davidson is on our backs again. He wants a verbatim translation of the space message and the identification of the transmitter from which it came.” “Can you obtain from the attic the message translation… we’d like to dismiss this man once and for all. If you cannot obtain this information, Davidson is going to pressure us…”
• The 1957 CIA memos continued: “We are sending …a publication of Davidson’s criticizing the Air Force for concealment of information on flying saucers. Incidentally, Davidson is …no fool and it appears that the attic is treating him as one if they think he can be satisfied with a SOP such as Captain Elwood’s.” “Davidson was calm and pleasant but very determined. …[W]e wish to bow out of this thing, but urge that headquarters…and the attic…concern themselves with this man and try to satisfy him. Please do not…let us down on our agreement to communicate with him. We are committed.”
• The references to “the attic” in these CIA documents references a department, research lab or physical space where evidence is analyzed, maintained and or stored at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. It’s either an official code name or an unofficial nickname.
• The Pentagon will intentionally make this new information dump overwhelming and confusing the way the CIA did in their response to Davidson’s requests during the 1950s and 60s. Davidson died in 2007 at the age of 84 in White Plains, NY. With all he accomplished and the truths he tried to share, his story and work only exist in the margins because the government didn’t want any of it getting out. Whatever this mysterious Morse Code communication was, we know that the CIA thought it was important enough to keep away from Leon Davidson. If enough people become convinced the United States government is hiding something on the UFO topic, we can all work together to force their hand.
Davidson’s pamphlet
Leon Davidson was a native of New York City who was born in 1922. Davidson was a highly educated man who earned a PhD from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. As a student at Columbia, he was recruited into the Manhattan Project.
In the late 1950’s, Davidson became a sought after talent in the new field of computer development. Davidson got contracts with the Nuclear Development Corporation out of White Plains, NY and worked with IBM and Union Carbide.
In addition, Davidson became a engineering design supervisor at Los Alamos, New Mexico where assisted in the development of the most cutting-edge atomic technology of the day.
Right around the same time (late 50’s), Davidson became a volunteer for the Civil Defense Filter Center in White Plains, NY. The center studied and tracked UFO activity in the New York Metro area.
It’s also around this time period that Davidson became a nuisance to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). CIA documents from that era that were once considered classified, have been made available to the public.
Davidson’s pamphlet
John Greenwald Jr. is an author and podcast host (The Black Vault). According to the NY Post, Greenwald has been taking advantage of the Freedom of Information Act for years. He has sent countless Freedom of Information Requests to the U.S. Government seeking information related to UFO activity in the states.
Greenwald recently shared thousands of CIA documents that the agency released to him. Some of these documents are internal agency communications about Leon Davidson’s UFO research.
Like Greenwald, Davidson was requesting information from an array of Government agencies about UFOs. Davidson got the agencies attention and there are documents in which unnamed agency members communicate with one another on how to handle Davidson if he should reach out.
Davidson was writing an article for a publication the CIA referred to as a “space magazine” and was seeking information about a communication the Government claimed was morse code. In a document (Ref #-C00015243) from 1957, an agency member whose name was redacted wrote the following: “Dr. Leon Davidson is on our backs again. He wants a verbatim translation of the space message and the identification of the transmitter from which it came. Your attention is called to a letter to Davidson from Wallace W. Elwood x Wallace W. Elwood, Captain USAF x USAF, Attic x Attic, dates 5 x 5 August 1957 x 1957, in which Elwood tells Davidson the message was identifiable as morse code and from a known US x US licensed radio station.
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Article by Jesse Marcel III, Denice Marcel and John Marcel December 7, 2020 (
• In 1947, our grandfather, Major Jesse Marcel (pictured above), was an intelligence officer stationed at the 509th US Army Bomb Group in Roswell, New Mexico, at the time the only atomic bomb unit in the world. In July of that year, a mysterious crash occurred in the desert outside Roswell that would change our father’s (Major Marcel’s son, Jesse Marcel Jr.) life, and our family’s lives, forever.
• The officer in charge of the 509th, Colonel William H. Blanchard, chose Major Jesse Marcel to investigate the crash site near Roswell and to report back. What Major Marcel found was remarkable, and he believed that the craft that had crashed was not made by human hands. We, Major Marcel’s grandchildren, were told growing up that he had broken protocol and a few orders by packing up some of the debris to share with his son and wife, our father and grandmother. As he shared these illicit pieces of crash material with his family members, our dad recalls grandpa saying that they were looking at “pieces of a flying saucer.”
• Dad would talk about seeing, as a 10 year old kid, foil sheets that were incredibly strong yet light as a feather, and other details of that night. He described small structural beams from the craft with hieroglyphic-looking writing that would appear when you looked at them at an angle. Roswell researchers Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmidt spoke to eyewitnesses who also saw foil-like material that would return to its original shape no matter how much you twisted or tried to wrinkle it.
• On summer trips to visit our grandfather in Louisiana, grandpa would add to the story. He told us that he had also seen glass-like fiber optic materials strewn throughout the debris, and even what appeared to be an animal hit by the craft when it crashed. He described how it took five or six large cargo trucks to transport all the debris back to the base. But grandpa was still very guarded when it came to telling us too much. We could see that he was conflicted between the need to expose the entire story and the need to honor his military oath.
• As a (US Navy) military family in the early 1970s, we moved to wherever our father, Jesse Marcel Jr., was stationed – from the Great Lakes of Michigan to the rural town of Clancy, Montana. Our father educated us in everything from physics to astronomy. When not in school, we would stand side-by-side with dad working on one of his many projects. One such project was to grind thick plates of glass into a parabola shaped mirrors for a telescope he was building in the backyard. We would spend awe-filled nights looking at the sky, the rings around Saturn or the moons of Jupiter, through that telescope. When we were peering through his telescope, dad would say that we humans are not alone in the universe and there was a chance that extraterrestrial beings could be looking right back at us.
• While our father, Jesse Marcel Jr., had been silent for decades (before his passing in 2013), people never stopped asking where the debris ended up, or whether our grandfather had kept a memento. We, his children, found a diary amongst his things which had not been shared with the public. The contents of the diary were finally shared in a History Channel three-part series: “Roswell: The First Witness”, which premiered on December 12th.
• Our family is not surprised about the continued interest in Roswell given the inconsistencies in the early explanations shared by the government, along with a number of witness testimonies. Although the US Air Force stated in the 1990s that there was no “cover-up”, but that the object that crashed was a top secret balloon that was part of Project Mogul, designed to monitor Soviet nuclear testing. Still, there are many who believe it is still an unsolved “UFO” mystery.
• Grandpa considered himself lucky to have been the right person at the right place at the right time, even though it came at the cost of exposing our family to the world. With the actions that Major Jesse Marcel took both at the time of the incident and leading up to his death, we believe he showed that he well understood the extraordinary uniqueness of the event. Today, it is widely accepted that we are not alone in the universe, whatever that truly means. Incidents like the 1947 Roswell incident have inspired scientists, astronauts, and even a few grandchildren to look into the sky with hopes of someday meeting our celestial family. Grandpa would be pleased.
Maj Jesse Marcel’s grandkids: Jesse Marcel III, Denice Marcel and John Marcel
Our grandfather, Major Jesse Marcel, was a decorated intelligence officer in 1947 stationed at the 509th Bomb group, at the time the only atomic bomb unit in the entire world. He played an integral role in planning the group’s nuclear strike sorties over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and had an illustrious career guarding some of the most important secrets of the Second World War.
Maj. Jesse Marcel and others looking over dubious crash material
In early July of that year, a mysterious crash occurred in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico and he was chosen to investigate the crash site and report back to his superior, Colonel William H. Blanchard. What he found was remarkable, and he believed that what he was examining was not made by human hands. We were told growing up that he broke protocol and a few orders by packing up some of the debris to share with his son and wife, our father and grandmother, before returning to the army base. This was an event that would change our father’s life, and our own, forever. As they were examining the material, our dad clearly recalls grandpa saying that they were looking at “pieces of a flying saucer.”
Maj. Jesse Marcel’s son, Jesse Marcel III
Dad would share with us many more details of that night, often at dinner time with Star Trek playing in the background for effect. He would talk about seeing foil sheets that were incredibly strong yet light as a feather. He would further describe beams with hieroglyphic looking writing that he claimed would appear if you looked at them at an angle.
In their book Witness To Roswell, Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmidt spoke to eyewitnesses who said
The US military ‘accidentally’ reporting the truth about UFOs in 1947
that they saw “metal” material, like that described by our father, that returned to its original shape no matter how much you twisted or tried to put a wrinkle in it.
On summer trips to visit our grandfather in Louisiana, he would add to the story. He told us that he had seen glass-like fiber optic materials strewn throughout the debris in the field and even what appeared to be an animal hit by the craft that had crashed. He would describe how it took five to six large 2.5 ton 6×6 cargo trucks to transport all the debris back to the base.
As we grew older, Grandpa would share more of the story with us but was still very guarded when it came to telling us too much, maybe out of concern that information that haunted him would come back to haunt us. We could see on his face that he was conflicted between the need to expose the entire story as he saw it and the need to honor the oath he had taken to his country. We would try to get him to tell us more, but with a career in intelligence, he knew how to record and keep a secret.
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Article by Katie Machado October 6, 2020 (
• In 1639, the Massachusetts Puritan, John Winthrop, wrote in his journal an account of one of his men, James Everell, which occurred on the dark evening of March 1st. Described as a ‘sober’ man, Everell and two other men were on a river in a rowboat. Suddenly, a light lit up the night sky and appeared to “flame up”. The bright object, estimated to be about nine feet in diameter, remained stationary in the sky. Then it would speed off ‘in the figure of a swine’, according to Everell. The entire event was said to have gone on for hours with the light darting back and forth above them. The distance the light flew back and forth between was a span of roughly two miles. This eyewitness account was confirmed by other eyewitnesses in the area.
• When the light finally faded, the men in the boat found themselves a mile upstream with no idea as to how they arrived there. None of them had any memory of having rowed themselves in that direction. Some speculated that the boat drifted with a strong current or wind. However, others believe that there was something even more unexplainable at work.
• Five years later, Winthrop recorded another incident in his journal. This encounter occurred in Boston in January of 1644. Around midnight, three men were rowing into Boston harbor when they saw lights emerging from a cave in the shape of a human being. The lights then flew over town before vanishing into thin air. Later that week at 8 o’clock in the morning, a light ‘as bright as the Moon’ rose over Boston harbor before joining with another. The two lights converged and split several times, according to Winthrop’s account, before flying out of view and disappearing into the night. Winthrop noted that the lights sometimes ‘flamed’ and sometimes ‘sparkled.’ Even more astonishing, a disembodied voice accompanied the lights, saying ‘Boy! Boy! Come away! Come away!’ – repeating twenty times. Then it occurred again, two weeks later, with the same voice bellowing on the other end of Boston town.
John Winthrop
It’s a known fact that many early civilizations allegedly had their fair share of extraterrestrial and paranormal encounters although they may have described things a bit differently than we do today. Rather than watching an episode of Ghost Hunters on TV or scanning through an article just like this one on the internet, the first-ever recorded accounts of anything suspicious were written down in things such as journals. Rarely, they would make it in the village paper, and often, stories of the unknown would be spread through town via word of mouth.
One such account is actually that of early settler John Winthrop in 1639 and it has proven to have been the first known account of something seemingly extraterrestrial. While the Puritans certainly didn’t refer to these things as UFOs or strange beings as ‘aliens,’ his account, for all intents and purposes, is quite interesting… and it’s not the only one from that time.
March 1, 1639: The Encounter
For starters, we must remember that during the 1600s, things such as jet engine planes and military craft were not in existence (at least, not to the knowledge of the common people). Therefore, spotting anything in the sky that wasn’t a star or potentially a planet was shocking, as satellites certainly didn’t exist then, either. This is why on a particularly dark spring night during 1693, the account by John Winthrop was so chilling. Among stories of early Puritan life, Winthrop recorded an incident during which a man by the name of James Everell and two others had been out on a rowboat on the river when a light lit up the night sky. Everell was described as a ‘sober’ man, according to, therefore his word was not to be taken lightly.
The light they saw appeared to ‘flame up’ and was estimated to be roughly three square yards. After it lit up the sky and remained stationary for a short time, Everell’s account says that it sped off ‘in the figure of a swine.’ Interestingly, the entire event was said to have gone on for hours with the light darting back and forth above them. The account takes an even stranger turn, however, when it’s alluded to that the men were actually momentarily abducted – or at least, that’s what it would have been called in today’s age. Since the distance the light flew back and forth between was a span of roughly two miles, this eyewitness account was confirmed by other eyewitnesses in the area, as well.
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Article by Ryan Dube October 2, 2020 (
• The Sherman Ranch in Northeastern Utah, more infamously known as the ‘Skinwalker Ranch’, has a long history of paranormal phenomenon. It has been noted that the UFO “hotspots” that are located in the ‘four corners’ states of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado – where the most intense number of UFO sightings and paranormal phenomenon occur – are typically close to US military installations. Another significant correlation is the fact that many of these hotspots are located near Native American reservations, namely the great Navajo Nation.
• Regarding the tribal history of Northeastern Utah in particular, the Ute Tribe’s ancestors occupied the area for over a thousand years. In the 19th century, the Utes (among other tribes hostile to the Navajo) allied with the United States Army to carry out some of the worst atrocities against the Navajo people. In 1863, part of the ‘Canyon Chelly Campaign’ included Kit Carson and General James Charlatan attempting to starve the Navajo by placing a bounty on Navajo livestock. Ultimately, military campaigns, starvation and bribery resulted in the Navajo surrender.
• Only a few Navajo surrendered, however. Adopting a scorched earth policy, Colonel Carson and his men scouted throughout Navajo-land, chasing, killing, capturing Navajo, confiscating and burning crops, and offering food, clothing and shelter to those who surrendered. Some Navajo were permitted to keep their flocks and drive them to Ft. Stanton, aka Bosque Redondo. The troops were aided by other Native American tribes with long-standing memory and enmity toward the Navajos, chiefly the Utes.
• The Navajo finally surrender en masse in the spring of 1864. This resulted in the “Long Walk”, when over 8,000 Navajo men, women and children were forced to march for two months, over 300 miles to Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Two hundred Navajo died in this forced march. Some, however, escaped to the mountains such as Navajo Mountain and the Bears Ears. Anger and hatred grew in the Navajo hearts against the whites and the Utes. This resentment was handed down from generation to generation. Even today, Navajo ‘witches’ will conjure extra-dimensional beasts to ward off white men and Utes.
• Navajo witchcraft is apparent in stories of the Navajo “Skinwalker”. Skinwalkers were considered “wer-animals” – native people who used an animal skin to transform themselves into a particular animal. Still, anyone could see that they were not the animal, but a human in disguise.
• James Donahue, a writer who lived with a practicing witch on a Navajo reservation, relates witnessing such a shape-shifter. One evening in July 1980, he and his wife were alone at their house. Their dogs began to bark, and his wife told Donahue that there was a wolf in their yard. They tracked the wolf to an old Navajo “Hogan” or primitive structure. But as they tracked the animal, the wolf’s paw prints turned to a petite human woman’s footprints. They ended at the wall of the Hogan. It was plain to the Donahues that the woman had taken on the appearance of a wolf, then reverted back to her human body and walked through the wall of the locked Hogan structure.
• Anthropologists believe that most Native American tribes of this region are descendants of the Anasazi, or “Ancient Ones”. The Anasazi suffered a mysterious and sudden decline, much like the Mayans. Ancient petroglyphs found near Hopi villages providing a “mythical” history. The ‘Emergence Myth’ depicts spirits, or ‘kachinas’, emerging to this world through a hole in the ground at a sacred site near the Little Colorado River close to the Grand Canyon known as the ‘sipapu’.
• Las Vegas newsman and co-author of the 2005 book: Hunt for the Skinwalker, George Knapp notes that UFO events don’t begin to describe the rich array of unusual phenomena in the Skinwalker Ranch area. While Native American tribal leaders are reluctant to speak to outsiders, a local who knows the Ute tribe well told Knapp that the Utes take the tribal lore of strange creatures and sightings very seriously. Said the local, Hicks: “They think the Skinwalkers are powerful spirits that are here because of a curse that was put on them generations ago by the Navajos. And the center of the whole legend is this ranch. The Utes say the ranch is ‘the path of the Skinwalker.’ Tribal members are strictly forbidden from setting foot on the property” as Navajo ‘witches’ still conjure reality-bending, multi-dimensional magic that goes back to the days of the Ancient Anasazi.
• Tom Gorman and his wife bought and lived on the Skinwalker Ranch during the 1990s. When they first moved there, they were unloading furniture when Mrs. Gorman spotted an extremely large wolf walking across their pasture. It came right up and sat next to the Gorman’s dog. The Gormans even petted the animal. Then the wolf strolled over to the corral and grabbed a calf by the snout through the bars. Gorman and his father began beating on the wolf’s back with sticks but it wouldn’t release the calf. So Gorman grabbed a .357 Magnum pistol from his truck and shot the wolf twice at point-blank range. It dropped the calf and calmly looked at the family. Gorman shot it two more times, but the animal showed no sign of distress – or even blood. Gorman got his hunting rifle and shot the wolf again, this time causing part of its flesh fly off. But the wolf wasn’t even fazed. After a sixth shot, the wolf casually trotted across the field into a muddy thicket. Gorman and his father tracked the beast for about a mile, following its paw prints through the mud. But the tracks suddenly ended as if the wolf had simply vanished into thin air.
• When Gorman examined the chunk of wolf flesh, he said it looked and smelled like rotten meat [EN: the reanimated corpse of a wolf?]. None of his neighbors knew anything about any tame, over-sized wolves in the area. But many other witness accounts of Skinwalker sightings speak of strange misshapen, odd wolf-like creatures. A few weeks later, Mrs. Gorman encountered another wolf that was so large, its back was parallel with the top of her window as it stood beside her car. The wolf was accompanied by a dog-like animal that she couldn’t identify. Keep in mind that the appearance of the shapeshifter depends on the appearance of the human “witch” who forms the beast.
• An excerpt from Knapp’s book recounts a local describing the occurrences at a particular location: “Some very strange things have happened at the precise spot where I’m sitting. It is here that a visitor was accosted by a roaring but nearly invisible creature, something akin to the Predator of movie fame. It is here that a Ph.D. physicist reported that his mind was invaded, literally taken over, by some sort of hostile intelligence that warned him that he was not welcome. It is here that an entire team of researchers watched in awe as a bright door or portal opened up in the darkness and a large humanoid creature crawled out before quickly vanishing. And it is here that several animals–cattle and dogs–were mutilated, obliterated or simply disappeared.”
• A couple of years later, Gorman and his wife were driving on the ranch and saw something “low to the ground, heavily muscled, weighing perhaps 200 pounds, with curly red hair and a bushy tail” attacking – and almost playing with – one of their horses. When Gorman got within 40 feet of the animal, it literally vanished before his eyes. There were claw marks on the horse’s legs. Others reported seeing this beast as well.
• On another occasion, a friend was visiting the Gormans at the ranch. This visitor was alone meditating when they saw something “large and blurry” moving through the trees – not quite invisible, but camouflaged like in the Predator movie. It swiftly moved across the pasture, covering 100 yards in seconds. When it reached the man, it let out a ferocious roar. The visitor was so scared, he grabbed on to Gorman and wouldn’t let go. He has never returned to the ranch.
• On the night of March 12, 1997, barking dogs alerted the team to something lurking in a tree near the ranch house. Tom Gorman grabbed a hunting rifle and they all took off in their trucks toward the tree. At a distance of forty yards, they could see huge set of yellowish, reptilian eyes on head that had to be three feet wide. At the foot of the tree was a massive dog creature. Gorman shot at both animals. The creature on the ground vanished. The thing in the tree fell, landing heavily in the patch of snow below. When the men ran up to the tree, they found neither the animal nor any blood. They had a professional tracker come out the next day to no avail. But at the bottom of the tree, they found and photographed claw prints which they later matched to that of a prehistoric velociraptor.
• The common denominator to all of these sightings is that these creatures can be recognized from their imperfect gait, appearance and movements. In addition, sometimes the pastures would unexplainably light up at night like a football stadium, with shafts of light emanating from the ground. Others have said they’ve heard what sounded like heavy machinery operating under the earth. Tom, his son and his nephew once heard loud, disembodied male voices emanating from 20 feet above their heads, talking in some unintelligible language.
• According to Pueblo history, there are two kinds of sipapus (holes in the ground). One is the original sipapu mythology, from which the ‘First People’ emerged from the ‘Lower World’. This is the portal through which the dead pass to the spirit world. Legend has it that the dead would reemerge after a few days, their bodies revived. But today only the spirits (e.g.: ‘kachinas’) may pass through the sipapu. Secondly, Native Americans believe that the numerous small holes in the ground, or on ice/in water, are sipapus from which spirits can come up to communicate with the humans. Such holes have been found at the Skinwalker Ranch. One cold day, Gorman found many of the holes dotted around his pasture. They were perfect, concentric circles, as if scooped up by a large ‘cookie cutter’. Smaller ones were also found there.
• Special bodies of water or even special places in the landscape are often considered to be sipapus as well. A circular impression was once carved out of the ice on a pond near the ranch. It was six feet in diameter and about a quarter-inch deep into the half-inch thick ice. But there were no muddy footprints at the bank. The ice could not have supported much weight anyway.
• In 1995 and 1996, the Gormans and others reported 12 separate incidents of seeing large orange circles flying over the trees of the homestead. They would commonly see floating spheres of different sizes and colors. Gorman claims that holes would open up on the orange spheres for other smaller spheres to fly out. By early 1996, sightings of blue spheres the size of a softball, made of glass, and filled with bubbling blue liquids that seemed to rotate inside, became commonplace at the ranch. In April 1996, the Gormans watched a blue orb repeatedly circle the head of one of their horses. The horse was illuminated by an intense blue light, and there was a sound like static electricity in the air. The orb seemed to be intelligently controlled. When Gorman approached the horse with a flashlight, the orb darted off, maneuvering through tree branches with speed and dexterity.
• The Navajo refer to the use of “lightning” which they utilize through Navajo witchcraft as either positive protection or as a negative weapon. Witches can also conjure a form of magic called the “Frenzy Way” which magically influences the minds and emotions of others. The Gormans say the blue spheres seemed to generate severe psychological effects on the family. Family members felt waves of fear roll over them whenever the blue orbs appeared.
• One evening in May 1996, Gorman was outside with three of his dogs when he noticed a blue orb darting around in the field near the ranch house. Gorman urged his dogs to go after the orb. The three dogs chased and snapped at the orb, but it dodged and maneuvered just beyond their reach. The orb led the dogs out across the pasture and into the thick brush that borders the field. Gorman says he heard the dogs make three terrible yelps, then they were silent. The next morning, Gorman found there three round spots of dried and brittle vegetation. In the middle of each circle was a black, greasy lump. Gorman surmised that his dogs had been incinerated. After this encounter, the Gormans decided to sell the ranch and move.
• The famous scientist and Ufologist, Jacques Vallee, believes that UFOs are “windows” to other dimensions manipulated by intelligent, often mischievous, always enigmatic beings. Did the the Anasazi/ Ancient Ones learn to harness these “windows”? Navajo mythology speaks of a ‘trickster’ being who, through his foolish actions, reveals the limitations of the spiritual and material realities and the consequences of transgressing them for one’s own ego. According to Vallee, “The UFO phenomenon …represents a level of consciousness that we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them. It…generally behaves as a control system…that is subtly manipulating human consciousness.”
• With the creation of these extra-dimensional ‘windows’, a picture starts to form of a misleading and malevolent ‘trickster’ being or force that is able to pass through dimensional wormholes and enter our plane of reality at will. The Ancient Anasazi’s spiritual practices and rituals may have weakened the fabric of space and time between the spiritual worlds. The horrors and bloodshed brought by the white colonists may have created a consciousness of retaliation that gives malevolent spiritual forces free reign in this region of Northeastern Utah.
The Skinwalker Ranch in Northeastern Utah, otherwise known as the Sherman Ranch, has a long history of paranormal phenomenon. This phenomenon received the most media attention after the December 2005 publication of Hunt for the Skinwalker, a detailed book about the ranch and the NIDS investigation, co-written by Dr. Colm Kelleher and George Knapp.
The Skinwalker and Other Dimensions
The purpose of this article is not meant to outline the activities at the ranch – the NIDS investigation and Knapp’s visit to the ranch was described in great detail in Hunt for the Skinwalker.
The purpose of this article is to compare many of the phenomenon observed by the researchers at the ranch, with the long and fascinating Native American history in the area. The parallels that are uncovered when the two are placed side by side are very interesting, as well as somewhat disconcerting.
To place the phenomenon into a historical context, it’s important to explore the history of Northeastern Utah – in particular the history of the land before Europeans ever arrived and during their arrival.
Many people recognize the significance that most of the UFO “hotspots” which are located from Utah down through Arizona and New Mexico, are also located near military installations. But another significant correlation is the fact that many of these hotspots are located bordering or at least neighboring Native American reservations.
Many people don’t realize that the area of the country where most of the intense number of UFO sightings and paranormal phenomenon occur – New Mexico, Arizona and Utah – is also the location of a country within a country – the great Navajo Nation.
the ‘Long Walk’ of the Navajo nation
THE NAVAJO NATION — A third world country
September 2002
I had not realized that there is a third world country in the USA, but there is. It is the Navajo Nation. This country is a huge area in New Mexico, Arizona and Utah that is mostly desert and mountains. I recently spent nine days in the area doing a pastors’ conference, preaching and lecturing. The country is awe inspiring for the stark beauty of the landscape.
Not only is the land beautiful – but it is rich in Native American history, culture, as well as an entire host of strange phenomenon, including UFO’s.
A Wicked Past
Anyone familiar with the infiltration of this area of the country by white settlers will recall the horrors, the slaughter, and the unimaginable actions by both the United States military and the Natives of the area.
The tribal history of Utah in particular, including the Ute Tribe, who’s ancestors occupied the area for over a thousand years, includes a great deal of tragedy and horror. It’s important to make note of the fact that the Utes allied with the United States army in attacks against the Navajo people.
The mid 1800’s saw some of the worst atrocities by the United States Army against the Navajo people of this region. In 1863, part of the Canyon Chelly Campaign included Kit Carson and General James Charlatan attempting to starve the Navajo by placing a bounty on Navajo livestock.
This is an important footnote for our following observations – that this was an important target of the whites to obtain submission from the Navajo – the reduction of Navajo livestock. Livestock are often a target of the strange UFO phenomenon – such as the cattle mutilations.
After numerous military campaigns, the conflicts with their Utes neighbors, and pressure from New Mexican allies – the resulting starvation of the Navajo, followed by the use of bribery, resulted in a massive Navajo surrender: Few Navajo surrendered and with a scorched earth policy, he [Colonel Kit Carson] and his men scouted throughout Navajoland, chasing, killing, capturing some Navajo, confiscating and burning crops, and offering food, clothing and shelter to those who surrendered. Some Navajo were permitted to keep their flocks and drive them to Ft. Stanton, aka Bosque Redondo. The troops were aided by other Native American tribes with long-standing memory and enmity toward the Navajos, chiefly the Utes.
This massive Navajo surrender resulted in an 8,000 Navajo march, called the “Long Walk”, before being incarcerated at Fort Sumner, New Mexico.
In the spring of 1864, over 8,000 Navajo men, women and children were forced to march over 300 miles to Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Approximately 200 Navajo died during the two month long march, known as the Long Walk of the Navajo.
This is an important second item to note – that those who didn’t surrender escaped to the mountains, in particular Navajo Mountain and the Bears Ears.
There they waited for the release of their relatives. It isn’t hard to imagine the anger and hatred that grew in the hearts of those who escaped the fate of the Long Walk toward the whites, and possibly toward the Ute as well.
The tradition of the Navajo to maintain an oral history means that only the Navajo truly understand the magnitude of the effect this event had on the hearts and minds of the Navajo people. The generational memory of the Navajo run deep…we can be certain that any resentment from this event has been handed down from generation to generation.
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Article by Arjun Walia August 7, 2020 (
• In July 1952, numerous ‘UFOs’ were reported flying over Washington, D.C., many of which were filmed. The sightings were confirmed by civilians, military, radar operators and pilots. Military jets were dispatched to take a closer look at these objects, but whenever they got close the UFOs instantaneously accelerated at speeds still unattainable by any known aircraft today. The incident was known as “the Big Flap” and is well known among ufologists.
• Air Force Colonel Ross Dedrickson gave a first person account:” I counted nine (UFOs) … they were round, the typical disk type aircraft, spacecraft. But they were there, they were illuminated, they were quite visible, their configuration was quite conspicuous. (see 24-second video clip below)
• The sightings over the White House were reported by every major American newspaper at the time. President Truman held a press conference where he urged government officials to “discuss” this topic “in every meeting” that the administration had with the military. Truman added that “there’s always things like that going on – UFO’s – and they’ve had other things you know.”
• General Nathan Twining wrote a memo on September 23, 1947 stating that the “phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious” and that “the reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly air-craft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.”
• The UFO topic truly leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. We have been visited and are still being visited by intelligent beings that are not human. The realization that we’re not alone is quite significant. In the past, UFOs were considered a “conspiracy theory”. Not enough people had yet been exposed to it, and we waited on the mainstream press and leadership to tell us when it was okay to talk about. We tend to put the conspiracy label on topics that simply go against what we currently believe as opposed to what is true. In this process, we believe it is ‘logical’ to ignore evidence on the UFO topic. And the UFO field has been plagued with disinformation. It can be difficult to arrive at any sort of truth/conclusion about the subject.
• Are these elusive extraterrestrial beings hoping to see a change in our planet before revealing themselves? Are they hoping that we as a civilization will become more peaceful, harmonious and less destructive? We have so much potential to create an incredible experience on this planet, where all life can thrive. But we hold it back with our limiting beliefs, lowered states of consciousness, and an inability to open our minds to this reality. Perhaps the ET/UFO phenomenon will help with our mind-expanding process more than we realize.
• Examples from our ancient past show that UFOs have been documented for thousands of years. This continues today with many instances of videos, radar trackings, etc., documenting UFOs. Recent footage of UFOs released and confirmed by the Pentagon also makes this quite clear. In addition, there are millions of pages of declassified documents from multiple government agencies describing encounters with objects that perform maneuvers no known aircraft is capable of doing.
• But we don’t need ‘them’ to tell us that extraterrestrial UFOs exist. The copious amount of video footage, pictures, and thousands of documented cases make it clear that something is going on.
• [Editor’s Note] To get the back story about the operators of these UFOs over Washington DC, and their motives, see the ‘Editor’s Note’ in this previous ExoArticle.
President Truman
Did you know that UFOs have been filmed/documented for thousands of years? There are many
USAF General Nathan Twining
examples from our ancient past that show this, and many modern day examples in the form of videos, radar trackings etc. For example, here’s one of many documents that can be found within the CIA’s electronic reading room that makes it quite clear that authentic footage exists.
Recent footage of UFOs released and confirmed by the Pentagon also makes this quite clear, not to mention millions of pages of declassified documents from multiple government agencies describing encounters with objects that perform maneuvers no known aircraft is capable of doing. The thing is, we didn’t need ‘them’ to tell us, and footage, pictures and thousands of interesting cases make one thing quite clear, something is going on.
What Happened: One example from the past I like to use comes from July of 1952, when multiple UFOs were filmed flying over Washington D.C. In fact, during that summer there were a number of sightings reported. These sightings were known as “the Big Flap” and are quite well known among many ufologists. During that time, military jets that were sent out to take a closer look at these objects did so to no avail. The objects instantaneously accelerated at speeds that are still not attainable today by any known man-made craft, similar to the many examples that exist today. All of the sightings during this time were confirmed by civilians, military, radar operators
USAF Col Ross Dedrickson
and pilots. The same goes for many sightings today, with the Pentagon’s recent release being a prime example.
General Nathan Twining, author of a September 23, 1947 memo stated that the “phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious” and that “the reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly air-craft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.”
The sightings over the White House rocked local consciousness and were being reported by every major American newspaper at the time. They caused so much of a stir that President Truman held a press conference to answer questions about the event. During that conference, he admitted that government officials “discuss” this topic “in every meeting” that the administration has with the military. He went on to say that “there’s always things like that going on, UFO’s and they’ve had other things you know.”
24-second clip of UFOs over DC in July 1952 (‘Kristian Nikolosky’ YouTube)
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Article by Andy Shipley July 17, 2020 (
• Declassified CIA documents have revealed “the global scope of CIA activities and the evolution of its interests… from assessments of the Soviet economy, to public perception of the Vietnam War abroad, to perceived communist influence in Latin America, to the rise of the terrorist threat, and more eccentric issues like UFOs and psychists,” said an expert in intelligence and international security at the University of Glasgow, Damien Van Puyvelde. “All of these can be linked to the broader context of the Cold War.”
• In particular, the documents show the extent that the American CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) have kept tabs on Scotland. Some of the weirdest records relate to the controversial Stargate program, which is credited for influencing the 2009 movie: The Men Who Stare at Goats, starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor, in which US special forces attempt to harness paranormal powers as a weapon – by trying to explode the hearts of animals just by looking at them.
• A 1964 report by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) research group lists UFO sightings across the globe and includes a mysterious case in Wigtownshire on April 4, 1957 when three Scottish radar posts tracked a UFO that “dove and circled” at between 60,000 and 14,000ft. Wing Commander and eyewitness, W P Whitworth, is quoted as saying, “Quite definitely this was no freak. It was an object of some substance and no mistake could have been made.” The report’s recommendations include boosting attempts to communicate with extraterrestrials and even drafting ‘space law’ to govern how humans interact with ET. “On the basis of the evidence in this report, NICAP has concluded that UFOs are real and that they appear to be intelligently controlled. We believe that it is a reasonable hypothesis that UFOs… are manifestations of extraterrestrial life.”
• In the 1980s, the CIA took an interest in the work of leading Edinburgh University parapsychologist Deborah Delanoy. With a hidden camera, Delanoy exposed a 17-year-old self-proclaimed metal-bender named Tim as a fake. A report reveals that “Tim confessed to deceptive behavior. He said that he was a practicing magician who had wished to see if it were possible for a magician to pose successfully as a psychic in a laboratory.” According to Van Puyvelde, the CIA took an interest in the Scottish spoon-bending teen after rumors that the Soviet Union was interested in psychics in the 1970s. “The CIA’s own conclusion by the mid-1990s was that the entire program was not useful to its operations.”
• On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was brought down over the Scottish village of Lockerbie. By 1990, the investigation was still ongoing and it would be another year until two Libyans were indicted. According to CIA notes, on June 7, 1990, a psychic was tasked with describing a photo of the reconstructed baggage carrier which held the plane’s bomb. In 22 pages of scrawled notes and sketches, the psychic revealed: “There is a bomb in the box and it explodes. It makes me think of a bomb blowing up a person. I can see red, fire and jagged flames. Something about the target makes my eyes burn.”
• Another pair of ‘secret’ reports from August 1951, shows how meticulously US intelligence monitored the industrial output within the Soviet bloc to detect any military or technological use. The reports focused on the production of screws and bolts in what was then Czechoslovakia. An order from 1950 was made for ‘one tonne of two-pointed rivets imported to Prague from Dieck’s Ltd in Glasgow’. The CIA found it suspicious that “There is a complete lack of all sizes of winged screws. There are none at all in stock”. An evaluation of the material was ordered.
• A memo marked ‘confidential’ from August 6, 1964 – the day after a report was made to Congress on the notorious (and later debunked) Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the US escalation of the Vietnam War – examined Scotland’s reaction to US retaliatory airstrikes in North Vietnam. The memo said that the escalating crisis in South East Asia was front page news in the UK – with most media backing US action. “The only anti-American incident reported was in Glasgow where demonstrators daubed slogans outside the US consulate.”
• A terrorism review from 1983 delves into a rise in letter bombs in the UK by groups such as the Scottish National Liberation Army. The report was deemed so sensitive, it was only released in 2010 in a “sanitized” form. The review identifies targets of letter bombs sent in 1982 to include government offices in both Edinburgh and Glasgow, unnamed political party headquarters, and the offices of the British Industry Secretary and the Prime Minister in London. They conclude: “In the attacks to date, the letter bombs have contained only small amounts of explosives, probably to avoid personal injury and to preclude discovery by security measures.”
• Another ‘secret intelligence report’ from 1984 tackles European, including Scots, support for communist regimes in Central America. With the Soviet Bloc’s “massive propaganda and disinformation” campaign, the leftist guerillas appeared to be winning the propaganda war in the west. Insurgents were coordinating their international ‘peace movement’ activities through Mexico City. “There is no way a small Central American country or even Cuba could mount a worldwide propaganda campaign of this kind,” said the report.
• Other CIA documents include an analysis of Social Democrat Roy Jenkins’ ‘Glasgow by-election’ victory in 1982, overturning a Tory majority; a ‘terrorist’ attack on the US consulate in Edinburgh with three “gasoline” bombs hurled against the building; and Pakistan’s move into a Scottish and Indian dominated jute fiber production industry.
• Van Puyvelde notes that, “Overall, it is quite remarkable that the CIA is making all of this material available online. By comparison, the (British) Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) does not make its records available at The National Archives or its website. This is a missed opportunity to improve public understanding of intelligence.”
Incredible evidence has emerged of the extent that American CIA agents have kept tabs on Scotland.
Declassified documents range from paranormal research to political intrigue – lifting the lid on the Scots ‘X-files’.
Dusty files locked away include UFO sightings, psychic powers and Cold War espionage over decades of spy games.
Damien Van Puyvelde
Some of the weirdest records relate to the controversial Stargate programme which has long fascinated conspiracy theorists.
The shadowy work was widely credited for influencing the 2009 movie The Men Who Stare at Goats – starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor.
In the film, US special forces attempt to harness paranormal powers as a weapon – by trying to explode the hearts of animals just by looking at them.
Deborah Delanoy
Lecturer in intelligence and international security at the University of Glasgow Damien Van Puyvelde said: “The references reflect the global scope of CIA activities and the evolution of its interests.
“From assessments of the Soviet economy, to public perception of the Vietnam War abroad, to perceived communist influence in Latin America, to the rise of the terrorist threat, and more eccentric issues like UFOs and psychists.
“All of these can be linked to the broader context of the Cold War.”
Buried in the historical files is a 1964 report by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena research group – which included retired armed services chiefs.
Kept in closed CIA files for nearly 40 years, the 186-page document lists UFO sightings across the globe and includes a mysterious case in Wigtownshire on April 4, 1957.
It tells how three radar posts tracked a UFO which “dove and circled” at between 60,000 and 14,000ft.
The close encounter was described by Wing Commander W P Whitworth, based in Scotland, as: “Quite definitely this was no freak.
“It was an object of some substance and no mistake could have been made.”
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Article by Sebastian Kettley July 8, 2020 (
• On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong (pictured above) and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to stand on the surface of the Moon. A popular story is that Armstrong encountered an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon’s surface that forced NASA to drastically alter its lunar plans. Three Apollo missions were canceled, and Apollo 17 became NASA’s final Moon landing in 1972. The space agency’s goals were refocused on constructing an operational space station in low Earth orbit. An unused Saturn V rocket from one of the canceled missions was repurposed and transformed into Skylab – the US’s first space station – which was operational for about 24 weeks between 1973 and 1974. For the past twenty years, astronauts have been living on the International Space Station.
• The seeming lack of progress in NASA Moon missions led many to question whether the Moon landings ever happened at all, or if something had prevented the agency from returning. On December 18, 2007, the NASA Lunar Science Institute was asked directly whether the reason that NASA had not gone back to the Moon was because Armstrong saw alien base camps on Moon. Astrophysicist and interim director for the institute at the time, Dr David Morrison answered, “Although you would never know this from the distorted perspective of some groups that post crazy claims on the internet, there is no scientific evidence for UFOs or aliens; no aliens or alien artifacts were seen on the Apollo or any other human space missions; and such false claims are irrelevant to the space policy of the United States or NASA.” “Fringe groups who believe in UFOs and aliens do not influence NASA space policy, fortunately.”
• In November 2017, Dr Morrison was asked again if it was true that Armstrong saw an alien base camp on the far side of the Moon, and whether other “missionaries” had been sent to the Moon as well. Dr Morrison replied, “It is not true. …There were no aliens on the Moon. Armstrong and other Apollo astronauts saw no evidence of aliens either on the near-side or the far-side of the Moon.” “You seem to be confusing science fiction with reality.” And “they were not missionaries,” Morrison added.
• “Believe me,” said Dr Morrison, “reality is more interesting than this sort of fantasy. And in addition, it is real.” Morrison claimed that the Apollo program was cut short as a result of drastic budget cuts that made the Moon landing effort unfeasible.”There are many complex issues that have determined our human space program for the past 30 years, mostly dealing with politics, technology, and availability of funding.”
• [Editor’s Note] We know from several sources that Armstrong did see extraterrestrial craft during his visit to the Moon in 1969. Because he was under a strict non-disclosure order, he became close-mouthed and reticent to discuss his feat for the rest of his life, which is strange being the first man to walk on the Moon (as far as the mainstream public is aware).
We know why Armstrong remained quiet about his encounter with alien craft. The question here is why is Dr Morrison claiming that “there were no aliens on the Moon…(there is) no evidence of aliens either on the near-side or the far-side of the Moon,” “… (there is) no scientific evidence for UFOs or aliens…or alien artifacts…”? Is he lying as directed or simply ignorant of the truth? We have learned that the NASA space agency is really two organizations. The NASA that the public sees is merely a front for the Uber-NASA that is far more advanced than its public counterpart. The secret Uber-NASA is one of a handful of secret space programs run by the US government, and one of many out in deep space. This distinction was made at the space agency’s inception in the late 1950s. They brought in former Nazi rocket scientists to create a public space program to get to the Moon using out-dated rocket technology, just to appease the masses. Behind the scenes however, the former Nazis struck a deal to provide the American military-industrial-complex (deep state) with advanced anti-gravity/electromagnetic spacecraft technology so long as American industry assisted the Nazis with the development of the breakaway German colony’s own space fleet under the ice of Antarctica.
High-level NASA administrators know about this hidden history and are sworn to secrecy. Lower level NASA administrators and scientists do not. I would guess that Dr Morrison is not aware of NASA’s secret space program, and is simply regurgitating the disinformation and propaganda that the deep state has instilled into his and the entire mainstream mindset.
On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to stand on the surface of the Moon. Three years later, NASA astronauts Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt of Apollo 17 were the last to do so. In the 50 years since the Moon landing, human space exploration has been limited to low Earth orbit as humans have been living on the International Space Station (ISS) for close to 20 years now.
NASA’s Dr David Morrison
The seeming lack of progress in sending crews to the Moon has led many to question whether the Moon landing ever happened at all.
Even more bizarrely, many people have suggested over the years NASA did go to the Moon but something has prevented the agency from returning.
A popular myth among online conspiracy theorists is Mr Armstrong saw something on the Moon’s surface that forced the US space agency to drastically alter its plans. Namely, some people believe the astronaut encountered an extraterrestrial or alien presence on the Moon.
On December 18, 2007, NASA was challenged to address the theory, putting to rest rumours of an alien base on the Moon.
A question posed to the NASA Lunar Science Institute read: “If this is not true that Armstrong saw alien base camps on Moon then why no NASA plans for a base station at Moon and there have been no moon missions for the past 20 years or so?”
The question was answered by Dr David Morrison, an astrophysicist who at the time served as the interim director for the institute, now the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute.
He said: “Although you would never know this from the distorted perspective of some groups that post crazy claims on the internet, there is no scientific evidence for UFOs or aliens, no aliens or alien artefacts were seen on the Apollo or any other human space missions, and such false claims are irrelevant to the space policy of the United States or NASA.
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Article by Christina Stock and Donald Burleson July 6, 2020 (
• Being from Roswell, New Mexico, Donald Burleson became a UFO researcher and author. He has given numerous lectures at the International UFO Museum and Research Center, especially during the annual UFO festival in Roswell, which had been canceled this summer due to the pandemic. Here, Burleson points out two examples of when the US government “eliminated” high-profile individuals deemed ‘dangerous’ because they knew too much about the hidden reality of an extraterrestrial presence, and “traitorous’ because they were considered ‘at risk’ of revealing the truth to the public.
• In Burleson’s book, UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe, the real story about how and why the renowned actress died was sufficiently disturbing to break ground “that badly needed breaking”. In 1962 at the age of 36, Monroe became privy to classified information about UFO crash retrievals due to her secret dalliances with President John Kennedy. A famous CIA document, issued the day before she died, states that Monroe knew about “the visit by the president at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space.”
• Monroe happened to talk to several people on the telephone about her plans to have a news conference to tell all she knew from her affairs with both John and Robert Kennedy, including evidence of alien beings kept at a military installation. If this had been revealed publicly, President Kennedy would have been exposed to charges of treason for divulging classified information. Attorney General Robert Kennedy then would have been duty-bound to prosecute his own brother for an arguably treasonous act. Instead, Monroe was murdered by lethal injection to keep her from talking.
• Burleson filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the wiretap transcripts of Marilyn’s telephone conversations referring to JFK inspecting aliens at a military base. Being denied, he filed an appeal based on the bombshell CIA document. The government accepted the appeal, thereby recognizing the authenticity of the CIA document.
• Burleson’s second example involves J. Robert Oppenheimer, the renowned and respected scientist who produce the world’s first atomic bomb, allowing the United States to prevail in World War II. But in 1953, the shadow government didn’t like Oppenheimer’s public opposition to the H-bomb. (Oppenheimer believed the government should focus on tactical nuclear weapons and didn’t have a need to develop the H-bomb.) President Eisenhower caved in to political pressures to revoke Oppenheimer’s top secret security clearance.
• But in truth, the shadow government wanted Oppenheimer out of the picture because he knew too much about the hidden extraterrestrial presence. It is a documented fact that Oppenheimer was part of the government scientific team that was sent to investigate the UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico in March 1948. It is probable that Truman had also called him in on the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. After he lost his security clearance in 1953, Oppenheimer went before the Atomic Energy Commission in 1954 to try to get his clearance back. The chairman of the commission was Gordon Gray, a member of the secret government over sight group known as Majestic 12, and he knew of Oppenheimer’s involvement in top-secret UFO crash retrievals. No matter how persuasive his letters of support, Gray felt that it was time to take Oppenheimer out of the loop, effectively discrediting and silencing him.
• Burleson and others find it reprehensible that the government would treat a beloved actress and a national hero so badly. He wishes that he could right the wrongs perpetrated on such people by a malevolent government. He correlates his circumstance with that of Cassandra in Greek mythology who was blessed with the gift of prophecy, but cursed to have no one ever believe any of her prophecies. Burleson feels as if he too were cursed by the gods to be given the ability to see and reveal the truth of a shadow government acting only upon its own malevolent agenda — while it being too late to do the victims any good. But we can at least try to do something about the quality of their memory.
J. Robert Oppenheimer
The cancellation of the 2020 Roswell UFO Festival because of the coronavirus pandemic has set me thinking about lectures I’ve done myself at the International UFO Museum and Research Center for that yearly extravaganza, based on my own research.
Gordon Gray
I recall the first lecture I did on the contents of my book “UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe,” where I had the feeling that by putting those facts before an audience, we were starting to break some ground that badly needed breaking. The real story about how and why the timelessly renowned actress died is a stunningly disturbing account.
Basically, the argument I make in the book is that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by government people, in 1962 at the age of 36, because in her dalliances with President John Kennedy, she became privy to classified information about UFO crash retrievals.
Donald Burleson
A now famous CIA document, issued just the day before she died, states that one secret she unfortunately knew about had to do with “the visit by the president at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space.” (I’m quoting exactly.) When I filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the wiretap transcripts of Marilyn’s telephone conversations, the CIA declined to admit having them, and I filed an appeal based on the CIA document mentioned. They accepted the appeal, thus inadvertently authenticating the document for me, and for all of us. They wouldn’t accept an appeal based on a purported CIA document that they didn’t recognize as being legitimately their own.
Sadly, shortly before her death, Marilyn spoke to various people over the telephone about her plans to have a news conference to tell all she knew from her affairs with both John and Robert Kennedy, and all the facts converge upon the conclusion that she was murdered by lethal injection to keep her from talking. Otherwise it would have been a nightmare for the Kennedy administration, as Robert Kennedy, being Attorney General, would have been called upon to prosecute his own brother for the arguably treasonous act of disclosing highly classified information to someone not authorized to possess it.
And the Marilyn Monroe matter isn’t the only time I’ve found myself digging into the dark truths surrounding a prominent person’s disastrous treatment at the hands of a secret-loving government.
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Article by Bhaswati Guha Majumder June 21, 2020 (
• At the dawn of the space race in the 1960s, a secret mission code-named ‘Project A119’ was devised by the US Air Force out of Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico to demonstrate to the Soviets and to the entire world that the U.S. could dominate space by exploding a bomb on Moon’s “terminator” – the area between the part of the surface that is illuminated by the Sun and the part that is dark. The military planned to add sodium to the bomb to make it glow and be highly visible to the naked eye from Earth. The plan was never carried out to avoid an “unparalleled scientific disaster.”
• Greenewald’s book also discloses the US military’s “Project Horizon”, in which the US Army planned to establish a permanent colony of 10 to 20 people on a Moon base by 1966. The plan was promoted in 1959 by the Chief of Research and Development for the U.S. Army, Lt General Arthur G. Trudeau, who claimed that if the U.S. could beat the Soviets to the Moon, “the prestige and psychological advantage to the nation will be invaluable.” They went so far as to design suits for the landing party and bulldozers for the construction. But the cost of the endeavor was estimated at over $6 billion annually (or $53 billion per year in today’s dollars), and was therefore shelved. Greenewald told the NY Post, “You look at these documents and wonder if this is what they’re telling us. Imagine what they’re not.”
• Today, NASA’s Exploration Technology Development Program is working on a plan to establish a permanent Moon base for scientists and astronauts. Also, Lewis Dartnell, a professor at the University of Westminster, has proposed a “Moontopia” city to be built inside massive hollow tubes formed by lunar volcanic eruptions.
• [Editor’s Note] It appears that while the Army’s plan to establish a Moon base was publicly terminated, the military industrial complex revised their plan by creating a NASA space program to occupy the public’s imagination by hiring ex-Nazis to put Americans on the Moon using rocket technology, while secretly pursuing a ‘secret space program’ to explore and colonize space using advanced anti-gravity and electromagnetic/warp drive technology throughout the ensuing decades.
And according to SSP whistle-blowers, the Nazis did in fact build a lunar base within hollow volcanic tubes on the Moon in the early 1940s, which the American military industrial complex improved upon and expanded during the 1950s and 60s through a subsequent collaboration with the post-WWII Nazi remnant headquartered in Antarctic, along with their reptilian allies.
Blowing up the moon — this idea may look like a sci-fi movie plot, but it is a fact that the U.S. government made plans to explode a bomb on moon’s “terminator” — the area between the part of the surface that is illuminated by the sun and the part that is dark.
Lt Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau
It was a secret mission code-named “Project A119.” The project was conceived at the dawn of the space race in the
John Greenewald Jr.
1960s and designed to be monitored by a U.S. Air Force division located at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. All the details of this secret mission came to light in a recent report titled, A Study of Lunar Research Flights.
The Explosion of Moon
It is quite obvious that the plan did not work out. But if the U.S. had done, the explosion would have been visible from earth with naked eyes as the military had planned to add sodium to the bomb, which would make it glow and make it visible during the explosion.
John Greenewald Jr., author of the new book “Secrets From the Black Vault: The Army’s Plan for a Military Base on the Moon and Other Declassified Documents that Rewrote History” said, “A nuclear bomb on the surface of the moon was definitely one of the stupider things the government could do.”
The author also runs a website called The Black Vault, which is the largest civilian archive of declassified government documents including around 2.1 million pages. This webpage includes classified documents on assassinations and other phenomena legally obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests.
Greenewald wrote in his book that the U.S. Air Force devised the moon plot as they wanted to show the Soviets and the entire world that they can dominate space as well. Based on one such declassified document, he said that the plan was never carried out, most possibly due to the its potential to trigger an “unparalleled scientific disaster.”
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Article by Susan Leighton June 8, 2020 (
• A ‘mafia source’ has apparently extracted a video file from Soviet KGB archives of an effort by the Soviets during the 1960s to search for extraterrestrial remains buried in the Egyptian desert 13,000 years ago. The video (see below) shows KGB agents recovering a mummified, 6’-7’’ alien body.
• Sami Sharaf, a founder of the Egyptian Intelligence Service and the Minister for Presidential Affairs in the 1960s under President Gamal Abdel Nassar, is said to have led the excavation team to unearth the alien mummy.
• According to The Daily Mail, the Soviets were searching for alien remains in the Egyptian desert to obtain military secrets or advanced technology of some sort. Many ancient astronaut theorists believe that the Egyptians were assisted by extraterrestrial technology in building the great pyramids in Giza, Egypt.
• A Russian scientist by the name of Viktor Ivanovich claims to have seen classified materials surrounding this expedition, and validated the finding of the alien mummy. (This might be the same Viktor Ivanovich who developed flight control systems for rockets for the Russian space program.)
An alien mummy was supposedly buried in Egypt 13,000 years ago. Recently, found footage has been unearthed of KGB agents making this monumental discovery. While this sounds intriguing, could this be possible?
Ancient astronaut theorists believe that we have been visited by UFOs in the past. Some individuals believe that the Egyptians had extraterrestrial assistance when building the great pyramids. While others in the scientific communities believe that human ingenuity is behind some of the greatest monuments ever constructed.
According to The Daily Mail, the Soviets were searching for alien remains in the desert because they wanted to obtain military secrets. While this is vague reasoning it could mean that they were hoping to acquire advanced technology of some sort.
The video that was recovered supposedly came from a mafia source that apparently extracted the file from the KGB archives. Sami Sharaf, one of the founders of the Egyptian intelligence service (and Minister for Presidential Affairs in the 1960’s under late President Gamal Abdel Nassar) led the excavation team to unearth the alien mummy.
1:29 minute video of KGB Finding Alien Mummies in Egypt (‘Viral Freak’ YouTube)
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Article by Chris Wellman March 26, 2020 (
• On March 26th, Bob Dylan released a new ‘song’ called ‘Murder Most Foul’. The epic track, which runs nearly 17 minutes, focuses on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Said Dylan of the release, “Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty over the years. This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting. Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you – Bob Dylan.”
• Whether “a while back” means Dylan recorded the song months or years ago remains a mystery. It is Dylan’s first self-written song release in eight years. It contains minimal violin, piano and light percussion backing his quiet vocal tone. (see YouTube music video of ‘Murder Most Foul’ below) There’s literally half an album’s worth of lyrical material for Dylanologists to dissect. (see Editor’s Note below for my own dissection)
• The lyrics speak extremely literally of the Kennedy assassination, with a bent toward conspiratorial takes on the event. As the song goes along it breaks more freely into a pop-culture fantasia, referencing 1960s and 70s events with catchphrases such as “The Beatles are coming, they’re gonna hold your hand” and “I’m going to Woodstock, it’s the Aquarian age / Then I’ll go to Altamont and stand near the stage.” Dylan invokes myriad cultural references, from Buster Keaton to Houdini, ‘Gone With the Wind’ to Nat King Cole, Marilyn Monroe to Patsy Kline, the Eagles to the Allman Brothers. (see the song lyrics here – and NPR’s list of the 74 referenced songs here)
• Occasionally, Dylan directly marries his pop-culture references and the assassination, as when he sings, “You got me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, you fill me with lead.” Or: “What’s new pussycat, what’d I say / I said the soul of a nation been torn away.” When it comes to the actual assassination, Dylan doesn’t skimp on the details, describing the kill shot and frantic exit from Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Dylan does not shy away from provocative lines such as “We’ve already got someone here to take your place” and with regard to Kennedy’s brothers, “we’ll get them as well.”
• In 1964, only three months after the murder, Dylan and entourage reportedly drove the President’s route through Dealey Plaza so that Dylan could determine for himself what happened on that fateful day. He’s had 56 years to think about it. Writes Dylan: the killing of JFK was “right there in front of everyone’s eyes,” but became the “greatest magic trick” — one he thinks still has some relevance in 2020.
• [Editor’s Note] It is telling that among the few words that Dylan has said about this song, ‘Murder Most Foul’, he exhorts us to “stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.” For me, Dylan’s opus marks a seminal moment in human history. I can feel the change happening in our society as the false reality that has been the mainstream narrative since World War II is being stripped away. It is a glorious thing to behold. And with this release, Bob Dylan contributes greatly to this paradigm shift.
There are very few artists with the star-power to be able to pull this off. The mainstream media cannot ignore this level of celebrity. As a cultural icon, he is now regarded as a ‘wise elder’ in American society. He is someone we believe has not been compromised, and whom we can look to for the truth. We can assume that as a major celebrity since the 1960s, Dylan has been exposed to truths at the highest level. And, courageously, Dylan uses his renown to call out the deep state government jackals who murdered JFK, cementing their sinister grip on governmental power for their own ends.
In this opus, Bob Dylan clearly blames a conspiratorial group of men for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Being led to the slaughter like a sacrificial lamb, He said, “Wait a minute boys, you know who I am” “Of course we do, we know who you are” Then they blew off his head while he was still in the car
There’s no mention of Oswald. The assassination is depicted as a professional hit job, “Perfectly executed, skillfully done.” Just who was this group of men that Dylan accuses? Public ridicule and mocking are notorious tools of the deep state, as UFO researchers well know. In perhaps the most obvious reference to the deep state government, Dylan alludes to Lyndon Johnson being ‘put in office’ by them:
We’ll mock you and shock you and we’ll put it in your face We’ve already got someone here to take your place
In verse 2, Dylan assures us that he is familiar with JFK assassination lore and knows what he’s talking about. “There’s three bums comin’ all dressed in rags” is a reference to the ‘three tramps’ who were arrested at Dealey Plaza, said to be Chauncy Holt, Charles Rogers and Charles Harrelson (the actor Woody Harrelson’s father), who were deep state operatives deployed there to sow confusion after the shooting.
Dylan also manages to randomly include the work ‘bannister’ in verse 2 – perhaps alluding to Guy Bannister, an FBI agent turned private investigator who recruited Oswald to the intelligence community in New Orleans. As an FBI agent, Bannister had been charged with investigating several UFO sightings in the Idaho/Montana area. Of course, every sighting was dismissed as a hoax.
Toward the end of verse 2, Dylan asks: “What is the truth and where did it go? Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know.” Oswald and Ruby were two of many related to the assassination who were subsequently silenced by the deep state. Says Dylan, “There’s a party going on behind the Grassy Knoll.”
Verse 3 continues with Dylan’s blatant references to “they” who plotted Kennedy’s death. “I’ve (JFK) been led into some kind of trap.” “They mutilated his body and they took out his brain. What more could they do? They piled on the pain.” This refers to persistent evidence that Kennedy’s brain had been replaced for the autopsy, with his real brain kept as a deep state souvenir.
Kennedy’s soul was the soul of the nation. “But his soul was not there where it was supposed to be, For the last fifty years they’ve been searchin’ for that freedom, but only dead men are free.” Dylan is saying that fifty years after JFK’s death, freedom still doesn’t exist among we the living.
Then Dylan shifts to the point of view of Kennedy: “[Y]ou filled me with lead, that magic bullet of yours has gone to my head.” Of course, the ‘magic bullet’ is a fiction used by prosecutor Arlen Specter of the Warren Commission to support a ‘single bullet theory’, in order to draw attention away from the true deep state culprits.
They killed him once and they killed him twice Killed him like a human sacrifice
Dylan is saying that the deep state killed Kennedy, the man, and they also killed Kennedy, the dream. Kennedy’s dream was to overcome the deep state tyranny and ‘splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.’ But with the assassination, “[T]he age of the Antichrist has only just begun”. With “Johnson sworn in at 2:28”, the fate of America was sealed, and the American people may as well “throw in the towel.”
Verse 4 is devoted to the American culture that consequently suffered under decades of deep state rule. Among these pop culture references, Dylan mentions Jack Ruby and Marilyn Monroe – both of whom were connected to the assassination and were poisoned by CIA/deep state operatives. (Monroe was told of the extraterrestrial presence by Kennedy, and threatened to reveal it to the press. Dallas nightclub owner Ruby was a bagman for the deep state tasked with killing Oswald before he could talk. The deep state then killed Ruby in turn.) Dylan may have also included an extraterrestrial being among those affected by the assassination, citing “the man with the telepathic mind”.
Toward the end of the opus, Dylan reminds us that “They killed him on the alter of the rising sun”, just as America was rising with the consciousness of the planet. Then, Dylan invokes the Kennedy brothers, Bobby and Ted, to characterize the deep state’s utter contempt for rule of law and the American public.
Don’t worry, Mr. President, helps on the way Your brothers are comin’, there’ll be hell to pay Brothers? What brothers? What’s this all about? Tell them, “We’re waiting, keep coming, we’ll get them as well”
The deep state’s ruthless and invisible hand suppressed the Kennedy brothers and taunted the American public. Where was the public outrage against the plotting deep state operatives within our government? The public proved too intimidated or brain-washed to stand up against this evil cabal. Being all powerful, the deep state only continued to threaten anyone who dared to question their authority: “We’re waiting, keep coming, we’ll get them as well.”
It is very unusual for a celebrity to put a target on their back by coming out and bluntly revealing such dangerous truths. It is said that Dylan worked for years on the wording for this composition. Why then did he choose to release it now? Is Dylan telling us that the time has come for a shift in human consciousness? Is Dylan aware of the imminent downfall of the deep state? Of the arrests? The termination of the Federal Reserve? The global financial reset? Is Dylan aware of an awakening within the mainstream public? Such an awakening will invariably lead to further revelations of the existence of advanced technologies that can transform the planet; the existence of secret space programs, bases and colonies throughout the solar system and beyond; and not only the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, but the fact that they are all around us, and that it is time for the human species on Earth to join with a thriving galactic community.
To be sure, Dylan’s presentation to the American mainstream establishment of the truth about the JFK assassination by a deep state bastion within the government represents a fundamental shift in our collective consciousness. I commend and applaud Bob Dylan for his courage, his patriotism, and his fidelity to the people, as opposed to the uber-elite cabal and the deep state military industrial complex that usurped our democracy for themselves when they eliminated a President who would return the legacy of this planet to we, the people.
John F. Kennedy
For years, Bob Dylan fans have spoken in a sort of hushed awe about the longest song he ever released,
Bob Dylan
“Highlands,” an album side-length 1997 track that ran 16 minutes and 31 seconds. Now, 23 years later, he’s slightly outdone himself. As the clock struck midnight on the east coast Friday morning, Dylan released a new song, “Murder Most Foul,” that has a running time just seconds shy of the 17-minute mark — and it’s an epic free association on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Little information was given about the surprise track, except for a brief statement from Dylan himself:
“Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty over the years.
“This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.
“Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.
“Bob Dylan”
A Dylan representative said the statement was all the information they would be releasing about the song, so whether “a while back” means a matter of months or many years remains a mystery.
Dylan’s tender vocal tone — a trademark of his more recent shows and recordings — and elements of the song’s minimal bed of violin, piano and light percussion quickly had hardcore fans guesstimating that the tune might actually be of fairly recent vintage.
His last album of original material, “Tempest,” came out in 2012, although he has released three sets of his interpretations of songs from the Great American Songbook in-between, the last of which was the triple-album “Triplicate” three years ago. Rumors have been rampant that this year Dylan might be releasing his first album of self-penned songs in eight years, but there’s been no confirmation of that.
The lyrics of the monumental track will fascinate Dylanologists who’ve waited years for something fresh to dissect, since there’s literally half an album’s worth of lyrical material just in one track here.
In verses that proceed freely enough that it’s not always easy to break them down into separate stanzas, the lyrics often speak extremely literally of the Kennedy assassination, with a bent toward conspiratorial takes on the event. But as the song goes along it breaks more freely into a pop-culture fantasia.
16:56 minute – Bob Dylan’s ‘Murder Most Foul’ official music video (‘Bob Dylan” YouTube)
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