Remote Viewing at the 2014 UFO USA Tour

Angela Thompson Smith, Ph. D.

Mindwise Consulting

One-Day Introduction to Remote Viewing


UFO USA Tour 2014

The hotel conference table is littered with water bottles, paper, manuals, and packets of soft clay, pens, coffee cups, and workbooks. The 10 adult students, intent and engaged, are bent over sheets of templates and plain white paper, using black ink pens, and attempting to “see” a hidden picture target that has been identified only by a random alpha-numeric, a coordinate, 730ORQ.

The majority of the students have travelled over 7,500 miles from Hong Kong to attend the 2014 UFO USA Tour in Sedona, AZ. The week-long Contact in Sedona Tour has been organized by Director Neil Gould and Tour Master Jake Gould, in conjunction with the Exopolitics Institute, and runs from February 28th through March 4th, 2014. On the final day of the Tour, the team gathers in the hotel conference room for an accelerated introduction to the mind-skill of remote viewing.   Basically, remote viewing is the trained ability to mentally describe distant locations and events using something other than the known five senses. Remote viewing has a 40 year history of research, development, and applications and now has training schools, researchers, and practitioners around the world.


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Dr Angela Smith – Remote Viewer, Mindwise Consulting.







Dr Angela Smith – Remote Viewer, Mindwise Consulting.

The class begins each training session by identifying their name, location, date and time, on their paper – – because you have to know where you are before zooming off into the cosmos to locate another time and place! In this case, the random coordinate is the “address” of a specific event at a specific location at a specific time that the students are asked to identify.










neiljakeThe students have already been through remote viewing exercises that morning, learning to identify colors, shapes, and form; they have mentally tracked a member of the class out-and-about in Sedona; and receiving just a geographic coordinate, latitude and longitude, used this cue to remote view a specific location and event in the past. Now they come to something a bit more complex: they are given an “encrypted coordinate” of a hidden location and an event that they are asked to identify and model.

Cheuk Fei straightaway starts getting logical things going through his mind: he writes that this must be a photo/image, a newspaper image, reporters, all actual images from the previous picture target, and he shuttles these off to the side of the paper as analytical overlay or AOL.  Then he relaxes and lets his “inner vision” take over. He identifies a shape and begins to model it in clay: the shape is complex: convex and curved on one side and indented several times on the concave side. He doesn’t know what he is modeling, just whatever feels right. He takes only 5-10 mins to get his impressions, then write them down, and make his clay model.

Once all the students have completed their short session, they are given feedback: in this case the coordinate 730ORQ was linked to a hidden question: “What did Kenneth Arnold specifically see on June 24th, 1947 near Mount Rainier that he described as like ‘saucers skipping across the sky?’” What Kenneth Arnold sketched after his encounter were not “saucers” but 9 objects, like oddly-shaped boomerangs, traveling around 1,200 miles per hour.


Cheuk Fei models Kenneth Arnold’s target

There were other successes in the class, too. Using just an alpha-numeric coordinate and “stream of consciousness” remote viewing, students were able to identify other events, locations and individuals. Even an historic event that was described in a 16th century woodcut prompted correct images. At sunrise on April 14th, 1561, citizens of Nuremberg, Germany reported that “The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects, red, black, orange and white discs and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels appeared whereupon the objects promptly began to fight one another.” The 16th century artist Han Glaser memorialized the event in a colorful woodcut. Students described the colors and shapes of the hidden picture target and Tour Leader Neil Gould actually described and drew cannon shapes in his session.


Nuremberg, Germany 1561

Where do we go from here, students were eager to read and learn more about remote viewing and were each given a copy of UK researcher Daz Smith’s book: CRV – Controlled Remote Viewing: Collected manuals and information to help you learn this informative art, as well as published articles on remote viewing applications. Another UFO USA Tour is planned for Roswell, NM in October, 2014 and I plan on returning to teach another Introduction to Remote Viewing course. Hope you will join us there for an experience that is “out of this world”!


Angela Thompson Smith Ph.D. has 30 years experience in the psychology, parapsychology and remote viewing fields including 5 years working at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory and 20 years in the RV field as a trainer, researcher, and in consulting. Dr. Smith is also a published author, an ordained shamanic practitioner, and currently lives and works in Boulder City, NV. Her website is

DR. ROGER K. LEIR Podiatric Surgeon DIES: His Contribution is Historical K Leir

Dr. Roger K. Leir died on March 14, 2014.

Dr.  Roger K. Leir, Doctor in Podiatric Medicine and a podiatric surgeon made history because through his efforts 17 truly anomalous objects were recovered from individuals claiming to have been surprised in their lives by alien abductions. The analysis of these objects were carefully done in a scientific manner in several accredited and serious research institutions and labs and showed a series of anomalies that still deserve to be studied.

Various results as to the metallurgy, the lack of foreign object/immune response rejection and of any signs of port of entry on the skin being medical mysteries, electromagnetic radio emissions at several frequencies detected while inside the body, hexagonal single wall carbon nano tubes associated with metals, a unique meteoric iron isotope and combinations of other isotopes that don’t naturally occur  on Earth, orthorhombic sodium chloride crystals,  and other truly anomalous, unique features were found. There were metallic objects coated with what appeared to be a biological material. There were attached filaments filmed following a magnet when some objects were removed from the body. There was so much more that needs to be understood! Why wouldn’t this already be the “smoking gun” evidence?

Dr. Roger K. Leir’s work deserves to be continued. It behooves us all as humans and it behooves honest scientists. We need to find out! Are we being tagged by some varieties of ET without our permission? 

Dr. Leir thank you for your devotion to the truth for the collective good of us all. Thank you for trying to find out what might these “implants” be for by trying to find out their characteristic for so many years! We need to know who is monitoring us or for what purpose some individuals are being “implanted” with unique objects that are nor rejected by the body and that emit electromagnetic waves while in the body!

In a recent interview at the Joshua Tree “Contact in the Desert” Conference (2013) he told me that some scientists in Brazil were beginning to associate themselves with him for this research.  There were new vistas opening up. This research must continue. More people must be interested! It shows PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of a unique technology which – in conjunction to other forms of physical and non physical evidence – shows that  the extraterrestrial hypothesis (an intelligent extraterrestrial presence on Earth) is indeed quite plausible and rational. Why would the speed of light be the limit our scientific understanding places on older, more technologically advanced intelligent beings? Why would we expect them to show up to us as we would show up to them if we were the ones travelling to an alien world?  Shouldn’t EVIDENCE on its own terms be what really guides our scientific and intellectual attitudes?… YES!
Given the general lack of interest and response from the mainstream medical and scientific community Dr. Leir’s work is highly commendable. He represented the courage and honesty missing and was a trailblazer with the strength of character to continue moving forward sharing as much information as allowed by our society… as it should be. He was a true American, a true Man and a true World Citizen! Dr. Leir manifested a healthy search for honest-to-God knowledge and ethical scientific procedure as it should be! He was a dedicated scientist that first of all cared to find the empirical facts to guide him beyond any attachment to established or conventional theories and social conventions in the “scientific” milieu. facts were first even if they surpassed theory.

Dr. Leir was a key figure bringing legitimacy to the extraterrestrial issue, contributed greatly to the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and did much to end the formal institutional academic-political taboo on the extraterrestrial subject. His work will continue serving that purpose. It will continue blossoming.

He didn’t want to be the only accredited scientific person in the world working on probable alien implants. Let’s join him in the effort.

Dr. Roger K. Leir worked with a team of valiant researchers. He lectured in many UFO conferences and among other books wrote seminal books titled “The Aliens and the Scalpel: Scientific Proof of Extraterrestrial Implants in Humans” and “Casebook: Alien Implants”  on the subject of alleged implants. He testified at the  2013 “Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure” at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. along with a number of scientific and academic experts, former government officials, retired military personnel and pilots. Shall we open our eyes to the truth and its implications?


The Washington Post misrepresents the Hon. Paul Hellyer

Press Release

For Immediate Distribution

Hellyer-Paul-1Toronto [ZNN] Correspondence has been sent to the Washington Post by ZlandCommunications on behalf of the Hon. Paul Hellyer as a result of an article published on Jan 13.2014 by Max Fisher of the Washington Post’s World News section.

In the article Fisher relies on fallacious sources and uses inadequate fact checking to misrepresent Mr. Hellyer’s position on the Extraterrestrial issue.

“Mr. Hellyer categorically rejects all… sources used by the Washington Post’s Max Fisher…”

To: The Washington Post

The Hon. Paul T. Hellyer misrepresented by the Washington Post in World News Article 
Re: Article by Max Fisher and the Washington Post Foreign Staff – Jan 13, 2014
Iranian news agency says the U.S. is secretly run by Nazi space aliens. Really.
In consultation with the Hon. Paul T. Hellyer, former Minister of National Defence in Canada, we have been directed by Mr. Hellyer to inform Mr. Fisher and the World News Department at the Washington Post that Mr. Hellyer categorically rejects all and any statements and sources used by Mr. Fisher which in any manner serve to associate Mr. Hellyer with the following: Edward Snowden, Mr. Snowden’s documents, the NSA, the FSB (the Russian Federal Security Service), the web site and the Fars News, in his January 13, 2014 article.



ZNN Contact details:

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John Podesta – Back with Barack

Podesta ImageZlandlineUnder-2

Press Release

For Immediate Distribution

Toronto [ZNN] ZlandCommunications has learned that Barack Obama is bringing back former Clinton White House Chief of Staff – solicitor and CEO – John Podesta as an advisor. Podesta also served as Co-Chair of the White House Transition Team following Obama’s election as President.

However there appear to be several areas of significant differences of opinion on major issues between Obama and Podesta. Among the areas of disagreement, as listed in an article posted by Time’s Zeke J. Miller, are major issues such as:

Drone Secrecy, NSA Spying and yes – you guessed it UFOs.

Even the most casual observer of the wild world of Washington politics would wonder why Obama would bring Podesta’s brand of disenchantment on major tactical issues back into the White House squadron of minds. On the surface, this seems like Barack is leaning into a right hook.

Is Podesta sticking to his guns when he made public statements in 2002 at The National Press Club in Washington DC against the White House by stating: “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.”Watch video for the complete Podesta statement.

Podesta also wrote the foreword to UFOs – Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record a book by Leslie Kean that rose to number 29 on the NY Times Bestseller list.

The litany of pro-UFO statements made by Podesta goes on – seeming like an invasive venom that Obama is either ignoring or embracing for some unknown reason. It simply does not make sense that a US President – latched into a regime of secrecy – would employ the offices of a high profile public advocate of the UFO/ET issue. Then again when has American politics ever made sense?

Many questions arise from this surprising appointment of Podesta as an advisor. Podesta’s work and leadership as CEO of the Center for American Progress have engendered many sharp edged criticisms among his researchers and writers about the direction of democracy under the current administration.

Does Podesta’s appointment signal a new approach to Obama’s poor and constantly eroding public image? After all, this is the season of giving; this appointment would be a gift of immeasurable value to a President whose popularity is little more than a vanishing star.

Does this appointment signal a new approach to Obama’s exceptionally poor record on government secrecy and transparency?

Is Podesta’s appointment the first of several harbingers heralding Obama’s administration is in trouble – sensing it is on the road to a one term Presidency and that something needs to be done – now – to rescue the floundering White House tycoon?

Finally – does John Podesta’s political resurrection, including his palpable and reborn influence, mean the UFO/ET Disclosure movement has found a voice within the White House intelligentsia?

It comes as a rare and peculiar twist of fate that Podesta’s historical rebuke of the US policy of secrecy and silence on the UFO/ET matter originated from the very same hallowed institution that hosted the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure sponsored by American disclosure activist Stephen G. Bassett and Canadian entrepreneur Thomas Clearwater this passed May – yes – at ‘Disclosure Central’ – otherwise known as The National Press Club in Washington DC.

Being this close to Christmas, this apparently joyous news just might be the perfect gift to those advocating the birth of government disclosure of the UFO/ET issue.

Make no mistake – Podesta’s star is certainly rising – but will it shine on the UFO matter and give rise to renewed hope to those who follow disclosure … and the star?

As aired into the ether of Radio Land by a legendary UFO enthusiast, radio host and broadcaster – countless numbers of times – “These are strange days… indeed.”

Read more: Click on – Time and NBC

Why do you think John Podesta was brought back into the Obama White House?

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Toronto | Canada | | 905.278.1238
A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

An extraterrestrial ethical understanding & consciousness development

A Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide
A Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide

Is a practical, universal ethics compatible with ethically advanced, benevolent, cosmic civilizations possible for humanity? Does it require the slow progression in psychological developmental stages of a majority of individuals? If so, what if the social system and culture (s) regress from slowly developing (and challenged) democracies to pre-modern stages? If we have the wherewithal or potential to be substantially different, does it require a shift in attitudes that can be stimulated worldwide thanks to the dire environmental circumstances (and other so-called “hypercomplex,” “wicked” problems) that we are provoking and for which we must adapt or perish? Or does it require AI to surveil and control our lives, perhaps in combination with massive genetic engineering, hybridizing with specific extraterrestrial species, or (as some channeled material mentions) will inevitably come about as some sort of “ascension” process thanks to vibratory frequency shifts forcing us to change? We need to be realistic and consider all reasonable possibilities.

What kind of ethics do we need to establish a constructive rapport with the kind of extraterrestrials that may be the most respectful and positive to our long-term well-being? Harmonious universal values and principles become personally binding and not just “lofty words” disconnected from “reality” and soon to be forgotten IF our sense of belonging, our self-identity expands beyond irrational, pre-integral exclusivisms and we become intimately connected with levels of trans-rational (not non-rational), integral inclusivism. These levels include and transcend the “either-or” physical logic of distinctions and may even transcend and also transcend and include the “both-and” relational logic of the subtle worlds of energy and life. They vibrate with the heart of love as a higher, more inclusive form of logic that may be known in the Orient as “neti-neti” or “neither-nor.”

After years of reviewing contactee literature, I’d say that many alleged extraterrestrials seem to have an expanded sense of belonging, not only in a cognitive sense and in ways of dealing with complexity and multidimensionality but also in heartfelt, spiritual, and instinctive a-rational (not irrational) terms. These types of ETs seem to be more human-compatible and to offer the most human-enhancing and whole free will-respecting contacts. The question is can we rise to the challenge and get a grip of such an ethics as exopolitical ambassadors representing the whole human species?

There’s an ethical understanding called the “Bredam.” The Bredam or Cosmic Song of the Universe is not found in any particular place but is everywhere at once. It is not written in any language, books, manuscripts, or codes. Its place and expectation is from always. There is no secret needed to find it because as it is it is without you (as a separate being). It is a perennial form of energy and all have access to it when the time arrives (this is an alleged ET transmission to a contactee within Mission Rahma).”

Within the (international but mostly Latin American) ET contact group called “Mission Rahma” (originated in 1974 by Sixto Paz Wells, his family and friends inside the (now extant) Peruvian Institute of Interplanetary RelationsIPRI” (founded by his father Carlos Paz García Corrochano in 1955), the “Bredam” is alleged to be a moral understanding and a set of “laws” adhered to in every planetary civilization that functions under the spiritual authority of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy. I suppose that it would also apply to civilizations that follow the spiritual advice of an even higher council of the Nine of Andromeda.

The following extract is a conceptual transmission that allegedly took place during a contact experience in which a physical and inter-dimensional transference to “Morlen” (Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter) was achieved through an artificially generated dimensional gateway called “Xendra.” I translated the following passage inspired on the “Bredam” from


One can only see well with the heart

One can only identify correctly with intuition

One can only understand well with respect to reasons

One can only judge well with an understanding of motivations

One can only dialogue adequately with tolerance to diverse opinions but,

above all, one can only teach well through example.”

Mission Rahma” is one of several contact missions that relate with specific varieties of our extraterrestrial forefathers/elder cosmic brothers. These particular “forefathers” admit that in the past they committed several mistakes that hurt humanity. Nonetheless, this particular group currently seems to be aligned with the love-based esoteric teachings of the world religions and to be very respectful of Master Jesus the Christ in particular because this being is one with the “Cosmic Christ” or Logos, the firstborn in an ultra-terrestrial Universe. The latter element seems to be a reason why they found a more receptive human community among Spanish-speaking, idealist, spiritual seekers willing to consistently work with a lofty mission without excesses of fanaticism.

Why can’t we be motivated by lofty values, feelings, understanding and spirituality and not be fanatics? The motto currently used in this contact experience goes something like this: “Rahma is to love, God is love, Christ is the lord and the Mission is for Humanity. Why can’t this also be important for intelligent, wise, technologically advanced extraterrestrials? Why can’t there be a level of consciousness capable of balancing the dichotomous excesses to which pre-integral human minds tend to fall?

In the word “Rahma” “Ra” symbolizes the “Sun” and “Divine Light;” “Ma” symbolizes “the Earth” and the letter “h” symbolizes our “humanity” capable of bringing light and wisdom to Earth but also to the Cosmos and, furthermore, of acting as a “bridge” to the highest dimensions of existence which extraterrestrials themselves do not reach. Even if the group is numerically small (perhaps in the thousands over the years in more than 20 countries), the unity of altruistic purpose and collective spiritual “work” is deemed an effective representation in the name of humanity.

Allegedly, according to physical contactees from this group, Ganymede (the moon of Jupiter) harbors a technologically-sustained intentional community (a multi-faceted colony of colonists from many civilizations which did not adhere to the Orion rebellion). The colony (called “Morlen”) is thought to be located in another time frame and subtler vibratory level of physical reality. It is also considered to be the local seat (or at least a local seat) of the “Council of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy.” After preparing themselves a group of individuals was transported there all at once and also Sixto Paz Wells may have been taken there by himself.

The truthfulness and objective reality of the Mission Rahma contacts are validated by decades of shared experiences of people that have followed the same contact methods and obtained similar interpretations without being abused according to common sense human standards. Some “anomalous” sightings were verified collectively even with the presence of news reporters. Hundreds of people have experienced various kinds of contact including holographic, physical, energetic, and telepathic and, while the sense of mission and the information indeed has a spiritual pseudo-religious-sounding appearance, this doesn’t mean that genuine contacts don’t surpass physical and psychical components and are capable of going into the spiritual heart of the matter or into crucially important spiritual reasons.


The point is that spirit and not technology or power-seeking, unending distrust-enhancing and manipulation are keys to these kinds of high-level, loving, and mutually respectful contacts with friends we can trust. Even so, what might seem as simple pseudo –religiosity and none else to rigid, modern “rational” minds and feelings are not accompanied by a rigid “follow the leader” scam. They are usually accompanied by order, freedom, coherence, voluntary work, and sufficient rationality. Let’s not confuse spirituality with fanaticism and technology-power seeking contacts with genuine contacts. There are instead many kinds of contacts and beings in a complex range of interactions across the globe.

While I’m quoting ideas expressive of the “Bredam,” this “code” is more like the “spirit of the law” thought to be felt and understood by the spiritual heart and through common sense. Some of the sayings that follow (allegedly communicated by extraterrestrial “guides” and by some of their spiritual “masters” during telepathic transmissions) may give us a better sense of this unwritten “code”:

Close your eyes to see; Open your heart to understand; Seal your lips to vibrate; Feel the Christ presence to shine.

The beginning of reason is logic and the logic of its beginning is its end. Reason doesn’t rest in knowledge but in wisdom.

The goal of a wise master is not that his disciple equals him but to be surpassed by him; in this way he will have an opportunity to become a disciple once again.

What you understand with the heart is integrated with the mind and is communicated with the sublime act of love.


These guidelines were extensively used within the Mission Rahma contact groups, especially during the first years. Ideally, the guidelines which serve to judge the truthfulness and positive contributions of an extraterrestrial message could also give us some hints on the “Bredam” that inspires whom we would call “benign” or “life-enhancing,” “freedom-respectful” extraterrestrials: 1) A genuine life-enhancing message is coherent and logical (in the classic rational sense). 2) It possesses a simple and yet profound wisdom. 3) It is positive and provides options for change and improvement, never falling prey to catastrophism. 4) It always provides a new contribution or something new and isn’t simply the repetition of previous messages, or contradicts the previous messages but, rather, expands and deepens upon them. 5) It is outside of time: Its knowledge transcends time. 6) It brings an intuitively perceived subtle contribution which quite often reason (classical reason) cannot understand. This is a sense of light and spirituality which is felt upon relating to the message. 7) A genuine message is universal and not personal or exclusive. It doesn’t exalt the “antenna” or receiver above the rest of the participants whose role in harmony is just as crucial. It doesn’t over-differentiate. 8) It can propose specific spiritual tasks or a change for the good but never impose them on others.

Some Personal Reflections: Is a Cosmic/Universal Ethics Humanly Possible?

It seems that – in relation to most ET groups coming to Earth/our physical time frame – whatever their orientation might be they at least perceive themselves as part of a coherent planetary species as a group. Their consciousness is sufficiently integral to operate under a universal concern that goes along with the capacity and responsibility to manipulate space-time. The different groups seem to agree with shared engagement rules even if they might have serious differences among themselves. Thus, it is not easy to judge them under our simpler “either-or” incipient rational parameters. We would need to mature a level of consciousness that identifies with larger living-intelligent wholes, like with the whole of Earth and with the whole of our Earth human species. Only then we might achieve a form of cosmic sovereignty and respect from other species who might want different things from us. Only then can we expect some varieties of ETs not to manipulate us for us to give them permission to intervene us as inferior creatures. Only then and when we understand the power of our free will and creative potential can we safely engage with the whole variety of ET groups and not just with those that respect us the most (as the ET groups that have been operating through Mission Rahma volunteer participants).

Reflecting on what causes self-reflective, intelligent beings to behave for the benefit of others I realize that a most crucial ingredient is the shared values of the group we participate with in a vital or personally important way. If our self-identity depends on valuing being humans and our group implicitly says “humans are tough” we’ll try to show toughness. If we are Americans and our self-identity depends on groups that implicitly say that “Americans are predestined by God” we’ll support that. Every value we support, if it is partially true will not just negate its opposite. It will support our core sense of self-identifications and also leave out other partially true values. Nevertheless, the more UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE our sense of self and group-related values are, the more these values will partially coincide with other people’s. It may be a matter of gradually expanding our inclusivity along with greater values with which our sense of self-identity can coexist with.

Can we expect ETs to risk openly contacting us in our own terms any time soon? Can we live by a universal and unspecified ethics like the “Bredam?” Can we listen and resonate with the “Song of the Universe?” I think that we already do it to a greater or lesser extent in so far as we value others besides ourselves to whichever degree. Nonetheless, I also think that that to do so in a similar way as the alleged extraterrestrials mentioned in this essay more importantly requires an expansion or leap in the spiritually (Monad presence) “heart-felt” and constitutionally (gross and subtle bodies integration) “instinctively-felt” self-identity. These are the spiritual and fundamental sides of our conscious capacity to include. Secondarily it requires a cognitive expansion into a trans-systemic, integral-level understanding. In other words, cognition and mental understanding may be necessary and useful but not as fundamentally important as spiritually-inspired feelings and structurally-inspired instincts. This may be why benign extraterrestrials often choose not just people who don’t have a personal stake in institutions but also who are not very intellectually inclined. Their good feelings and good instincts about their contacts are in these cases what matters most.

While cognitive expansion of our conscious “space” would deal with extraterrestrials (and any other form of life) in depersonalized, Third Person-objective, inter-systemic ways (like a “Vulcan” from the TV series “Star Trek” would) spiritual and instinctive conscious expansion would deal with extraterrestrials in personal, First Person-subjective ways. Both ways could be necessary but the latter would be more fundamental since even subjectivity may be ultimately linked to the Universal Conscious Presence that gives rise to everything, including objects and the intelligence needed to understand them.

Perhaps a basic “gentlemen’s agreement” kind or respect in our relations with ETs may require our self-identities to embrace a healthy cognitive respect for the vital integration of all systems (terrestrial and extraterrestrial) but a kind and superior alignment with the highest good for everyone, in the long run, may require a self-identity extended by an opening of the heart. This opening of the heart may lead to a more coherent and profound logic cohering different ways of knowing interpenetrating realities/realms and not to a fanaticism as is erroneously assumed by some proud modern rationalists which oversimplify the issue.

Contactees within Mission Rahma (as well as contactees from other groups, theosophists, new agers, and channelers) have generally privileged the former kind of leap and within Mission Rahma, it has been called a leap into the “Fourth Dimension of Consciousness.” This appears to be a level of consciousness in which individuality is not lost but in which there’s a healthy interest in the good of the whole in which an individual participates. Planet-wide challenges call for this kind of consciousness in which integral solutions can be applied and in which local or personal closed-minded preferences inimical to the harmony of the whole (as a species and the planet’s life forms) are reorganized for the good of all individuals as participants in that greater unit.   Different world and culture transforming collectives need to start recognizing each other,  coming together, and integrating their advanced ideas into an even greater level of unity-coherence-knowingness.

Preparing the planet for open contacts is about integrating the Good, True and Beautiful elements of many complementing integrative ideologies and movements. 

In fact, this expansion, this development or perhaps “leap in consciousness” might also correlate with the research and theories put forth in the work of several coinciding developmental psychologists like Dr. Clare W. Graves’ and his “Levels of Existence” (, Dr. Elizabeth Cook-Greuter and her “Action Logics,” Dr. Jane Loevinger’s and her “Stages of Ego Development” ( and Harvard Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Behavior Dr. Robert Kegan’s and his “Orders of Consciousness” ( Research like this being recognized by Integral Theory followers (who tend to be psychologists) also needs to be incorporated into the exopolitical and world transformation discourse.

In relation to a cognitive and self-identity level of awareness capable of dealing with the world as a whole (and in my view even perhaps) with extraterrestrial contact Professor Kegan refers to the possibility of an emerging “Inter-Individual Order of Consciousness.” Consciousness and cultural evolution is possible and a universal tendency according to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. While success is not pre-determined we can make use of the cosmic tendency to develop more inclusive forms of life, downloading higher potentials from subtler levels of existence and actualizing them through choice in “bottom-up” evolution. At least all of these researchers using different kinds of structuralist methods through psychological tests and other approximate objective ways of quantifying human psychological development coincide with one of the fathers of Humanistic psychology, Dr. Abraham Maslow ( who thought that higher stages of human development were indeed possible

I think that each particular group of self-aware and self-reflective beings on Earth (and elsewhere) admit values which themselves are degrees of understandings which ultimately derive from the original explicated Source, the sound and light sustaining all of creation, universes, densities, realities and materiality. As that which provides essential meaning, coherence and order it has been variously recognized in different religions as: All inclusive love, the Logos/Christ, the Word, AUM, the compassionate Buddha Mind, and even by esoteric mystics as a vibratory essence of MIND behind the seven Hermetic principles given in The Kybalion  (which may have been written or telepathically received by William Walker Atkinson but still remains hauntingly inspiring).

The human sense of order, of right and wrong, of better and worse, of more or less harmonious, of what to value, include or to exclude so as to choose and evolve would emerge from this original vibration at the Heart of all that is manifesting or may manifest relatively to each other entity. The ability to recognize the vibration surpassing definition but aligned with Truth, Order, Beauty, and shared Harmony would always be with us (however we may have been genetically modified for the worse) because without it intelligent living systems would not flourish. It would be naturally encoded within our bodies and our DNA blueprint. This knowingness would enhance and harmonize with all forms of constructive harmonious meaning-making, logic, and order and so we would know that it is not foible and self-deception.

If we felt it as a single thread connecting our body, mind and spirit essences and their corresponding “bodies” we would be potentially capable of acting more inclusively and kindly to all of life, extending our vital participating self (and absolutely necessary) sense of belonging and participation to the entire Cosmos made of living entities at all levels sustauined by the Creator Source, God, Oneness, Being, LOVE.



Atkinson, William W. & Philip Deslippe (edit) (1908/2011). The Kybalion. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin: Los Angeles.

Contacto Rahma Blogspot

El Bredam: Código Moral Cósmico

González, Ricardo. (2007). El Decadrón. Proyecto ECIS Publicaciones: Buenos Aires.

Kegan, Robert (1994). In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Harvard University Press: Cambridge.

Misión Rahma New York Blogspot

Paz Wells, Sixto. (2000). The Invitation. 1st World Library: Fairfield.

Unidos en el Contacto

Wilber, Ken “The Kosmos Trilogy, part II. Excerpt B: The Many Ways we Touch” at,2

Wilber, Ken (2006). Integral Spirituality Boston: Integral Books.


By Giorgio Piacenza

A Tribute to Jesse Marcel Jr.


In Memoriam

It is with great sadness and a sense of profound loss that we announce the death of Jesse Marcel Jr.

Few figures in history have captured the imagination and journalistic presence that Jesse brought to the world community about contact with the Others.

His conviction and testimony about what his father Jesse Marcel Sr. showed him one night as a young boy in July of 1947 – the remnants of the ROSWELL CRASH – are an indelible part of a history denied to us by those in government and the military that Jesse himself served with honour and dignity.

It is fitting therefore that a tribute to Jesse, from one who knew him well – Kevin Randle – be a legacy to the people of the world who will read it.

ZNN is proud to bring you this intimate tribute.

Take a moment to know the man through the eyes of Kevin Randle – one who well knew the man – Jesse Marcel Jr.


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Apollo 11 photo reveals base on far side of moon

NASA image AS11-41-6155 reveals what appears to be an alien base on the far side of the moon.
NASA image AS11-41-6155 reveals what appears to be an alien base on the far side of the moon.

A photo from the online archive of the Apollo 11 mission reveals what appears to be a base on the far side of the moon. The object appears to be on the moon’s surface and is well illuminated. It is symmetrical with a long shaft separated at each end by a small sphere with another in the center. The spheres appear to be living quarters with connecting corridors. The object was recently discovered by an observer and announced today on UFO Sightings Daily. The photo, AS11-41-6155, is significant since whistleblowers have claimed that NASA regularly scrubs or destroys photos with any evidence of alien life or artificial structures. The Apollo 11 photo does not appear to have been digitally altered in any way, and may be stunning visual evidence of alien life on the far side of the moon.

Here is what the observer who first discovered the photo had to say in an email sent to Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily:

I need to let you know about my discovery of what seems to be some kind of UTO (unknown Terrain Object) or UFO, that appears on one of the pictures from an Apollo mission which I don’t remember which one (Apollo 11) it was…I took some screenshots so that you can see the object in very good detail. To me it looks like some kind of crystal tube with something that appears like an antenna or some kind of special weapon…not sure what it is, but we can figure it out. The first image is the original one which has lots and lots of unknown objects on the surface of the moon! J.M.

The object is well illuminated and symmetrical. It appears to be artificial structure of some kind.

Location of object on far side of moon in image AS11-41-6155 - its relative size made it escape detection until recently. Click image for enlargement.
Location of object on far side of moon in image AS11-41-6155 – its relative size made it escape detection until recently. Click image for enlargement.

Significantly, whistleblowers have come forward to claim that NASA and affiliated government agencies have a policy of destroying or altering photos that reveal artificial structures on the moon or in space. Karl Wolfe, for example, claims that he witnessed NASA, the NSA and the US Air Force cooperating to remove such structures from Apollo and satellite imagery when detected. The Washington Times had this to say of Wolf’s whistleblower testimony:

Karl Wolf, an Air Force sergeant who was assigned to the National Security Agency, said that mysterious structures were discovered on the far side of the moon when the United States was mapping its surface before the 1969 lunar landing. Those photos too were culled out of the public record.

Another whistleblower is Dr Ken Johnston who was a manager of NASA’s Data and Photo Control Department. Johnston claims that he also witnessed moon photos showing artificial structures and was asked to destroy the photos. He refused and was fired by NASA.

If tampering of Apollo and satellite imagery of the moon’s surface is a regular policy implemented by various NASA and other US government agencies as Wolf and Johnston claim, then Apollo imago AS11-41-6155 may have remained unaltered since the object it depicts escaped detection. The photo is very large (40 megabytes) and it takes close scrutiny to discover the anomalous object. In conclusion, Apollo 11 image AS11-41-6155 may be smoking gun proof of an alien base on the far side of the moon.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Nuclear Base Security Police Officer touches landed UFO


Toronto [ZNN] Stephen G. Bassett Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group and co-ordinator of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has placed video summaries on the CHD web site of some of the most stunning and dramatic witness testimony of the Washington DC event held from April 29 to May 3 2013.

ZlandCommunications. along with other members of the North American and international press sat spell-bound in the Washington DC National Press Club hearing room as dramatic and unnerving testimony was given by a US soldier about how he witnessed the landing of an unidentified craft – approximately 9 feet long by 6 feet high.

The video segment below actually reveals how this military officer approached and touched the landed UFO as his partner witnessed the entire event.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure video includes:

  • Testimony from two military security police officers who served on an American nuclear base in the UK who were the first on the scene of a UFO landing. These officers saw the craft land. One of the officers approached the craft and reports making a diagram of the vehicle, recording the embossed hieroglyphics on the craft and touching the craft while running his hand over the hieroglyphics. Both have suffered severe physical ill-effects and PTSD.
  • Testimony from a US nuclear facility Launch Commander who witnessed the shut-down of 10 nuclear ICBM missiles at Malmstrom AFB in 1965 during the appearance of a UFO over missile silos.
  •  Stunned reactions from former members of Congress who formed the hearing committee to review 30 hours of testimony from 40 witnesses.

Members of the press should consider this as verified, high priority and need to know information.

Watch the entire video at:

Journalists wishing further details on this dramatic testimony are asked to contact ZlandCommunications for details on reaching these witnesses.

To review all information on the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure go to: 

ZNN AudioNews – Listen to Security Officer describe his encounter (1 min. 30 secs)

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ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Toronto Ontario Canada



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British UFO Document Release Designed to Deflect Public and Media Interest says former UK MoD UFO specialist Nick Pope

British X-Files photo







Nick Pope – former UK MoD UFO Specialist 

[Photo-Courtesy NatGeo]

Toronto [ZNN] Reuters Press has released information to the wire indicating that the British government has made it a practice to deflect attention away from the UFO issue among members of Parliament and the media. This, according to a former Ministry of Defense UFO specialist.

Nick Pope – a former administrator in the UK Ministry of Defense in charge of UFO projects indicated that claims by the British MoD that UFOs are of no defense significance “…is designed solely to keep Parliament, the media and the public off our backs.”

It appears that by down-playing the national security significance of the massive compendium of declassified UFO reports released by the UK government over the last several years, the UK Ministry of Defense has attempted to ‘soften’ the impact of the grave national security implications caused by craft of unknown origin entering and leaving sensitive UK military airspace with impunity.

What does this mean? Essentially the UK government appears to implicitly concede they are virtually helpless in tracking down these ‘unknowns’ – even with their most sophisticated aircraft.

Conclusion: Major military forces in the world – the UK, the USA, France and other nations’ military do not have control over their own air-space as they espouse. Eventually this will become a difficult and indisputable admission that will have to be made on the international stage by leaders of the so-called free world.

Many in the UFO research community also feel the UK government’s process of dumping UFO files into the public domain is in essence, a jaundiced and suspicious attempt to appear transparent while, in reality – insiders well know that the UFO issue is of deep concern to UK officials.

An August 2010 CBS News Report certainly illustrates this as does a BBC article on the very same topic.

In her CBS News article Ann Binlot brings forward evidence that Winston Churchill may actually have ordered a clamp down on the dissemination of information to the public and media about UFOs. The BBC article which also quotes Pope extensively provides details such as: “The files(UFO files) come from more than 5,000 pages of UFO reports and letters and drawings from members of the public, as well as questions raised by MPs in Parliament.“

The Reuters press release goes on to say: “…[O]ther provocative comments by Pope have just been published in an article by UFOs and Nukes researcher Robert Hastings, who discovered a credible UFO involvement in the famous Rendlesham Forest/RAF Bentwaters case, which occurred in Suffolk, England.”

Robert Hastings author of UFOs and NUKES in his exhaustive research on Bentwaters stated: “If the incident at the Weapons Storage Area [at AFB Bentwaters] actually occurred, and it appears that it did, then UFOs do indeed pose a defense threat to the UK.”

To read the entire press release click on: Reuters Press UFO Release

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 ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Toronto Ontario Canada | 905.278.1238


A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

ExoNews TV Launches on Father’s Day 2013

Happy Fathers Day – ExoNews TV has arrived!

ExoNews-logo-alien-faces - Copy[June 16, 2013 – ExoNews TV] Nearly every day we hear news that we are not alone in this vast universe. Scientists are confirming the existence of exoplanets in the habitable regions of their suns. Scientific opinion has shifted from outright skepticism to curious optimism that extraterrestrial life will soon be confirmed to exist. More political leaders are disclosing what they know, or are willing to listen to evidence regarding extraterrestrials visiting our world. Captains of industry are meeting to discuss the implications of advanced extraterrestrial technologies in aerospace, biotechnology, energy production and more!

ExoNews TV brings you ground breaking stories about extraterrestrial life, and how this impacts our lives at the individual, national and global levels. ExoNews TV covers the increasingly popular fields of exoplanetology, exobiology, exopolitics, exotheology; and many new exciting fields of knowledge focusing on the implications of extraterrestrial life and technology.

 ExoNews TV has been officially launched on Father’s Day, 2013, and will release regular video stories featuring the latest news about alien life and technology. All videos are designed to be succinct presentations of the most pertinent information on an extraterrestrial related topic to four minutes or less – ideal for all those in a hurry to get their ExoNews!

Upcoming stories feature evidence that NASA is ignoring evidence of life on Mars; that the Vatican is preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure; that new fusion technologies promise to revolutionize space travel within our solar system; whether President Obama secretly has aliens protecting him, world business leaders meeting to discuss the implications of extraterrestrial technologies; and many more exciting ExoNews stories.

 Watch our official ExoNews trailer.


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Squirrel on Mars photo goes mainstream – evidence of Martian life?

Close up of NASA/JPL photo of what appears to be a squirrel/rat on Mars. Credits:  UFO Sightings Daily
Close up of NASA/JPL photo of what appears to be a squirrel/rat on Mars. Credits: UFO Sightings Daily

A photo of what looks like a squirrel or rat on Mars first released in September 2012 suddenly became a hot topic after Fox News covered the story on May 29. Fox was quickly followed by Discovery News, International Business Times and other major news outlets. It appears that the mainstream news is interested in raising the possibility that the Curiosity Rover is capturing images of life on Mars, even though the coverage is slanted towards dismissing such a possibility. In the meantime NASA has remained silent on photographic evidence of animals on Mars from its own Mars rover instruments. According to NASA, Mars atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide with only a trace amount of oxygen 0.13% – not enough to sustain animal life on Mars. If Mars atmosphere is inhospitable to life what is the Curiosity Rover photographing on Mars – rocks that look like animals, animal life that has somehow adapted to live in the Martian atmosphere, or Earth animals released in secret NASA experiments on Mars?

The Curiosity Rover mission photographed what appears to be a rodent of some kind – a rat or squirrel – back on September 28, 2012. Scott Waring from UFO Sightings was the first to post the story about what he thought looked like a squirrel on December 4. He wrote:

A friend emailed this in to me today … and it’s really amazing and strange. I guess that’s why I love this one so much. It’s a cute rodent on Mars. Note it’s lighter color upper and lower eyelids, it’s nose and cheek areas, its ear, its front leg and stomach. Looks similar to a squirrel camouflaged in the stones and sand by its colors. …

There was no mainstream news interest in Waring’s fascinating discovery. Joseph Skipper from Mars Anomaly Research provided the first detailed analysis of the photo with an article on May 10 where he claimed:

Believe it or not, in the above image shown just a presented [sic] by NASA and with no graphics work in it by me, there is very strong anomalous life evidence of mammal life. The question is it of life on Mars similar to that here on Earth encountered by the Curiosity rover on Mars Sol 52 or, alternatively, is it proof that someone has been messing around with the imaging and managed to miss something very important, something revealing what is really going on with the Curiosity imaging.

In the Fox News story, the writers favored the conclusion that the photo depicted rock with an animal face in it:

Others pointed out that the similarity in coloring and position mean it was most likely just a rock, fingering the psychology phenomenon known as pareidolia, a propensity to pick out faces from everyday objects and structures.

Charles Poladian from the International Business Times embraced Fox News explanation  that it was the psychological problem of pareidolia.  Ian O’Neill from Discovery News followed up and mocked the idea that the photo was of a real animal on Mars:

But as you may have guessed, after exercising an ounce of logical thought, what was once a cute furry four-legged creature suddenly becomes… wait for it… this is a good one… a rock. And there you have it ladies and gentlemen: We’ve found a rock on Mars… that looks like a rat.

While the major news media were dismissive that the NASA/JPL photo showed an actual animal on Mars, there was an interesting possibility raised by Scott Waring in an update:

A lot of people are emailing me saying that this squirrel was part of a NASA experiment to test  how long it would live on the surface of Mars and I do believe this does sound like something they might do. Why would they not tell us about it? Because the squirrel would be expected to die eventually and that would get PETA to fight against them in a court of law. SCW

Could animal life survive on Mars in some secret NASA experiment testing adaptability to high carbon dioxide levels? According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals:

Inhalation of CO2 at a concentration of 7.5% increases pain threshold, and concentrations of 30% and higher cause deep anesthesia and death with pro­longed exposure … In rats, un­consciousness is induced in approximately 12 to 33 seconds with 80% to 100% CO2 and 40 to 50 seconds with 70% CO2.

Not all animals immediately succumb to high carbon dioxide and can resist for varying lengths of time according to the AVMA guidelines:

On the day of birth, rats and mice ex­posed to 100% CO2 required exposure times of 35 and 50 minutes, respectively, to ensure death. By 10 days of age, exposure times of 5 minutes were sufficient to en­sure death.272,273 For adult mink, 5 minutes of exposure is sufficient to ensure death using 100% CO2, but not using 70% CO2. Rabbits of the genus Oryctolagus also have prolonged survival times when exposed to CO2.

It’s possible that earth animals released on Mars may survive for extended periods – enough to be monitored in secret experiments.

There are three possible conclusions over the squirrel/rat photo taken on Mars. One, the photos depict rocks that appear to be animals in a case of pareidolia, as sceptics insist. Two, terrestrial animals have been released on Mars in some secret NASA experiment monitored by the Curiosity mission. Finally, the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen on Mars is not what NASA is telling us and indigenous animal life exists on Mars.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading:

Is that a lizard on Mars – why is NASA silent?

ET, UFO, UFOs, sighting, sightings, alien, aliens, rat, lizard, rodent, Mars, Rover, curiosity, May, 2013, life, biology, news, discovery, Top Secret, NASA, classified, information, hackers, black hat,
Curiosity photo showing lizard on Mars. Click image for original NASA photo. Credit:

A photo from the Mars Curiosity Rover reveals what appears to be a small animal or lizard on Mars. The photo was taken on February 20, 2013 by Curiosity’s MASTCAM and a high resolution copy is available on NASA’s JPL/Caltech website. The image was originally discovered by a Japanese researcher in March and uploaded to Youtube on May 14. The small figure appears to have a tail, four legs and has the characteristics of a lizard. If the object is indeed a lizard, then the photo from NASA’s own Curiosity mission not only reveals that life exists on Mars, but is also evidence that NASA is ignoring direct evidence of life.

Here is what Scott Waring from UFO Sightings had to say about the Lizard looking creature:

This odd creature was discovered on Mars by a person in Japan in March. This animal was not the first to be discovered in NASA photos but is in a long line of strange creatures. Remember the last one we reported that was very similar to a squirrel … Well this one also seems to resemble a rodent but also may be a lizard. With water existing on Mars in small amounts, its possible to find such desert animals wandering around…although very rare mind you.Then again, is NASA placing animals from tiny cryogenic chambers inside the rover onto the surface of Mars to conduct tests?

The Martian squirrel photo that Waring is referring to is discussed here. Again, another photo from NASA’s Curiosity mission that appears to show an animal on Mars – yet NASA remains silent. Why? Is it, as Waring believes, because NASA is secretly conducting biological tests with terrestrial animals secretly transported there?

The official answer from NASA/JPL is that the Curiosity Mission is designed to find evidence of the conditions for past life on Mars in rocks and soil – e.g., water and chemical compounds necessary for life. Any evidence of current life on Mars is outside the mission parameters of the Curiosity mission. This in itself is noteworthy given evidence that the 1976 Viking Mission conducted tests for life on Mars and the original results were positive, and then deemed inconclusive. The ensuing controversy has not abated with new scientific analysis upholding the original positive results that life was found on Mars.

Also, Dr Thomas Van Flandern former Chief Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory released his own research findings about photos from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft that there was current vegetation on Mars in the form of shrubs, and trees. In an April 5, 2001 Press Conference at the National Press Club, Washington DC., he presented his evidence of vegetation on Mars along with his analysis of evidence of artificial structures. Van Flandern also revealed the strong opposition to him publishing his findings in peer reviewed scientific journals – a clear way to minimize the ground breaking results that there was photographic evidence of life on Mars. Despite Van Flandern’s professional standing in the astronomical community, NASA and the scientific community ignored his pioneering research revealing vegetation on Mars.

Despite ongoing controversy of the 1976 Viking experiments and Van Flandern’s analysis of photos revealing vegetation on Mars, NASA decided not to include scientific equipment for testing or analyzing data suggesting current life on Mars. Consequently, the Curiosity mission is not designed to analyze any evidence of current life on Mars. As a result, any photographic images of life roving the Martian surface is either ignored, or is dismissed as an anomaly by NASA.

What is the general public to conclude about NASA’s Curiosity Mars mission and lack of equipment for discerning current life on Mars? As the anomalies pile up, we see more and more photographic evidence of what clearly appears to be life on Mars, yet NASA continues to remain silent or obfuscates the obvious. Is the latest photo from Mars Curiosity evidence of life on Mars, or evidence that NASA is secretly conducting biological experiments on the Martian surface?

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

While the White House Sleeps – UFO news hovers

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure dislodges former Congress members’ skepticism

Washington DC – Little question remains that the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was indeed a staggering close encounter of the Fourth Estate kind. Yet, blinkered journalist, the White House and the big boys at ABC – CBS and NBC didn’t quite get the message – or, if they did, they’re not letting on they know about news of the UFO cover-up nipping at their heels.

In addition to The Huffington Post’s*Lee Speigel and Mitch Potter of the Toronto Star’s Washington Bureau** leading the way in premier press coverage, the biggest coup of the hearing – the former Congressional leaders did get the message.

It was almost as if a surgically rendered tactical lobotomy was performed by each witness on the former Congressional members. Under the watchful eye of CHD organizer and Chief Surgeon Stephen G. Bassett – with no anesthesia needed, the evidence perplexed, astounded and ultimately convinced each Congressperson that – there is truly something very strange going on in our skies and deep and dark factions within the US government know all about it.

Just down the road while the White House slept, the UFO news hovered. Sustained by in depth accounts by 40 expert witnesses, the evidence virtually grabbed the entrenched and oft-times skeptical mind-set of six former Congressional leaders by the scruff of the neck – shook out any Thomas Aquinas knots of doubt, leading each member to assume a 180 degree turn-about by the end of the week on the authenticity of UFOs and ETs engagement of the planet; each of their Friday summations professed unanimous support for the Disclosure effort. A declaration proposal was formulated to present to the UN – “We’ll hear more about this soon,” said Bassett.

Waves of documentation about UFO sightings by pilots, radar confirmation by the FAA, the scrambling of military jets to chase UFOs and an onslaught of de-classified documents lapped at the shores of incredulity over the five days – proving unequivocally that the US government and their intelligence agencies know and have known full-well for 65 years what’s going on. Secrecy reigns supreme.

What did we learn?

  • Trillions of dollars neatly sequestered in SAPs (Special Access Programs) to develop reverse engineered craft (ones simplistically modeled after crashed UFOs),
  • Documents showing that Presidents and elected official have been left out of the loop,
  • The astounding realization that Congress and the Senate as democratic bodies of oversight have no inkling about the ET state of affairs in their crumbling democracy,
  • This squirreling away of trillions has sucked the life out the American education system, health care and augers the eventual death of social security programs; despite the hyperbole emanating from the ever tensing jaw of one – Barrack Obama – that the nation is strong,
  • UFOs are real – we are not alone.

Proof?  You ask… Well – if you’re a journalist asking that – can’t help you there – you weren’t in attendance to see and hear what was proven ten times over on each day of the hearing by people like expert researcher and author Richard M. Dolan and UFO archivist Peter Davenport of NUFORC. So – get out there – do the research for the love of Mike – get up to speed on the politics and research behind the biggest story on the planet… orrr – keep on covering the size of Kim Kardashian’s waistline and Congressional grid-lock (yawn). Continue to ridicule the UFO phenomenon on the basis of ignorance and wax on endlessly about why Brad Pitt is the sexiest man alive.

There is, however another choice you can make: Join the movement- become part of the inevitable wave of disclosure due to strike the shores of a very troubled and tired democracy. ZNN is open and willing to assist any news organization to connect with the leading experts and officials in the military, research community and legal profession to acquire documentation and sources on this matter.

So, how can you get the full view of what went on?

Well.. ZNN will do stories and radio over the next while on the event – to focus in on specifics – that’s what we do. But want the best scoop zone? Go to the Huffington Post and join Lee Speigel*. He has brilliantly assembled a ‘day-by-day’ chronicle of the entire CHD. Spiced up by clever insights and well crafted commentary, the facts all come out. Having been at the hearing over 5 days – ZNN monitored all the media reports – Lee’s accounts are the most comprehensive over the 5 days.

Have a peek – it’s almost like being there.

Other top-notch coverage:

– Front page print edition coverage Mitch Potter**  The Toronto Star – Washington Bureau.

– Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Media page.

-In essence there’s a message here for the neophyte and hard-ball blinkered journalist.  It adds up to one very simple question: UFOs are real – the government knows it – why don’t you?

Victor Viggiani M.Ed.

News Director

The ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Toronto | Canada

905.278.1238 |

A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

April Will Be A Good Month For UFO/ET Disclosure

By Ed Komarek

8d833e9e625d3acc239aabdd12d803aaApril is shaping up to be a good month for UFO/ET disclosure.  Many of us in the UFO/ET community now realize that appealing to governments to disclose is not going to work, and that it’s up to an informed public to disclose.  We believe that western governments will not disclose on their own because they are mostly being controlled by a Bilderberg global elite and their corporations.  This elite privileged class is composed of European royalty, international bankers, industrialists and international corporations.        We believe that the evidence from whistle-blower testimony clearly shows that trillions of dollars have been made the past 70 years from reverse engineering some ET technology, and suppression of other technology.  This process of technological insertion into defense and the marketplace is described very well by Col Corso in his book The Day After Roswell.
This 70 year old extraterrestrial technological bonanza has added immensely to elite financial and political power over the rest of us driving us toward an Orwellian New World Order.  Therefore there has been a very strong incentive by powerful global special interests to drag out the cover-up as long as possible to maintain these tech monopolies, even while falsely claiming national security issues.
Fortunately for the global public the Russian Oligarchy has lost a lot of ground to the Western Oligarchy since the breakup of the USSR.  The Russian elite now realize that the Western Oligarchy derives a lot of its power from exploiting and suppressing extraterrestrial technologies and that disclosure would weaken this power.  April has begun with the circulation of the reasonably accurate Russian UFO/ET documentary Men in Black with English subtitles on the Internet.  This has followed serious disclosure comments by Russian President Medvedev.

Medvedev referred the press to the Russian Men in Black movie months ago in an indirect endorsement of the documentary.  The Western press thought and reported that he was joking, thinking he was talking about the American comedy Men in Black.  However, you can see from this video clip that he was very serious.
On April 21 Dr. Steven Greer will be introducing to the public his long awaited UFO disclosure documentary called Sirius in Los Angles California.   We expect that Steve will describe in great detail the reasons behind the UFO cover-up in this cloud financed movie documentary.   Therefore this effort should really help take a bite out of the cover-up.

Furthermore, Steven Greer makes it very clear that it is the Global Elite who are now the overriding force behind the UFO/ET cover-up.  There is controversy surrounding a very small human or

.  Also some donors are upset because they felt they were contributing to a disclosure film not to be used as a marketing tool to solicit more funds for Sirius activities.
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 Exopolitical activist Steve Bassett will hold a citizens hearing in the Washington Press Club building that will bring a large number of UFO/ET whistle-blowers to testify to the mainstream press and to sitting and retired members of Congress.  Like Sirius this has been a very expensive undertaking that should really help build public and press awareness to helping with the disclosure process.   The controversy in this case is about the failure to disclose how much the participants in hearing are being paid.  It is being alleged that many of the participants in this hearing are being paid beyond expenses.
Already this month retired Airman Charles Hall has been on the lecture circuit in Australia describing his experiences with the Tall White extraterrestrials while working at Nellis AFB in the early 1960s.  Charles has written 4 books on the Tall Whites and now is promoting his new book on what he knows of the Greys.  Charles got mainstream coverage before the trip in Australia.
Not to be left out, I too am promoting my own modest low budget UFO/ET disclosure.  My disclosure efforts now center around a free Kindle promotion in which I am allowed 5 days every three month cycle to promote my disclosure book UFOs, Exopolitics and the New World Disorder free on Kindle.  It will be free on April 13, 14, and 15.  I will be on Richard Dolan’s radio show 9-11 EST, Saturday April 13. The nice thing about this modest disclosure effort is that no donations are required.  I only hope that people who have benefited from the book will repost in the social networks, so even more people can benefit beyond those I reach myself.
In summary we can do this folks, if we all work together.  It’s up to us to tip the balance of power for a full and open disclosure.   Every new person that becomes a UFO/ET activist is one more step toward ending this insidious cover-up that is destroying not just human evolution, but even the earth itself.  Please join my efforts on Facebook (I accept all friendships) and if you are on Twitter and other social networks please promote this article there as well.  It’s imperative that we work hard to promote good credible UFO/ET information and not just complain about all the UFO trash clogging up the social networks.

(Copy and Distribute Freely)
Ed Komarek’s blog:

A UFO Manifesto for Journalists

Untitled1For more than 65 years, there have been worldwide reports of sightings, landings and crashes of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) which are under intelligent control, and which travel at speeds and with aeronautical capabilities far surpassing those of known, earthly military and commercial aircraft. Those accounts have been affirmed by the testimony of many reliable witnesses, including astronauts, generals, admirals, law enforcement officials, airline pilots and other highly credentialed individuals. Some UFO crashes have been retrieved by military personnel of the United States and other countries, and several witnesses have viewed and handled the bodies of the occupants of those extraterrestrial (ET) craft.

A seminal research document titled “UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?”  published in 1999 by an independent group of former French generals, space scientists and other high officials concluded: ” A single hypothesis sufficiently takes into account the facts and, for the most part, only calls for present-day science.  It is the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitors.  Advanced as of 1947 by certain U.S. military personnel, today it is popular worldwide.  It is discredited by a certain elite but is plausible.  Scientists (astronomers, physicists, engineers, futurologists, etc.) have elaborated on it enough for it to be received – as a hypothesis – by their peers.”

If the ET Hypothesis is valid, humankind faces the greatest scientific discovery in history – the existence of non-human, intelligent off-planet life forms with interstellar propulsion capabilities.  Thus, this meeting of cosmic cultures will inevitably affect every segment of Civilization, including religion, politics, science, technology, health, agriculture, and the complete spectrum of human life will likely be challenged by confirmation of a larger reality.

Contemplation of the effects of this reality on various Earth cultures and the probable and preferred responses from those cultures is a critical research/education project for the best minds willing to undertake the challenge.  Needless to say, participation by the world’s top journalists is an essential requirement for the successful investigation and resolution of the complex issues which are bound to arise with full disclosure of the extraterrestrial visitation.

Since  1947, the UFO/ET phenomenon has been subject to a highly compartmentalized U.S. government coverup that has been largely justified in terms of “national security”, despite official pronouncements by the Air Force that UFOs have never posed a threat to U.S. military operations or the security of the nation.  This is a curious assertion considering repeated documentation of UFO incursions at nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons laboratories, nuclear weapons storage facilities, and nuclear weapons launch facilities. Clearly, the truth regarding these incursions is a prime topic for serious investigation and reporting by professional journalists.

In response to citizen inquiries to the White House concerning extraterrestrial visitation, the Office of the President has stated: ” The U.S. governments has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.  In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public eye.”

This presidential statement is completely contrary to evidence offered by highly respected researchers and former U.S. officials, several of whom have offered to provide testimony under oath to the U.S. Congress.  This conflict between “official Knowledge” and independent/citizen knowledge cries out for investigative reporting.

Over the years, every top-level news organization in the United States has been frequently approached by UFO contactees and UFO researchers with events, information and evidence related to UFO/ET phenomena.  With few exceptions, the major media news organizations have defaulted on that issue, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN news television.  Additionally, most major media organizations have treated anyone who has spoken or written about UFOs to be intellectually stunted and worthy of rejection and ridicule.  Many journalists, like many academics have failed in their obligation to treat a very important issue fairly and objectively.

To remedy this gross violation of journalistic principles and ethics, responsible journalists need to:

  1. Undertake serious efforts to raise public awareness concerning the many controversies surrounding UFO/ET issues, including the “truth embargo” which has seriously plagued the problem;
  2. Fully utilize the U.S. Freedom of Information Act to seek release of secret documents related to the extraterrestrial presence;
  3. Support the call for Congressional hearings on UFO/ET matters;
  4. Press the White House for an additional search of military and intelligence agency files which are known to refute its’ public statements concerning extraterrestrial visitation;
  5. Ask the White House for an explanation as to why the public has been subjected to a fraudulent coverup concerning UFO/ET matters;
  6. Seek identification of the agencies, people and other countries involved in the coverup;
  7. Encourage other journalists in the U.S., and around the world to appropriately investigate and report on UFO/ET phenomena.

In sum, the UFO/ET issue is one of the most serious, perplexing problems confronting the human race.  Therefore, it is imperative that the journalists of the world meet their professional obligation to regularly investigate and report the truth regarding the issue and related matters.

This Manifesto was compiled by Bill Wickersham, Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies, University of Missouri – Columbia. He has been  interested in the UFO phenomenon for over 50 years,   During his 15 years in Washington, D.C., he had an opportunity to interact  with several individuals who were very  close to the UFO/ET issue. Email:

Alien Implants in People – Physical Characteristics Found

By Giorgio Piacenza

Supposedly this X-Ray shows an alien implant that was later removed from a mans spine.
This X-Ray shows an alien implant that was allegedly  removed from a man’s spine.

Is this old news or current news? Well it is happening now. And how many people know of the latest findings (PHYSICAL EVIDENCE) of extraterrestrial implants?  From the research of podiatric surgeon Roger Leir , chemist material scientist (and nano tube technological expert) Steve Colbern and physicist Robert Koontz I’ll summarize it for you. A good reference is found here. Grey Alien Implants: A worldwide phenomenon or perhaps localized by zones but in many cases they are physically detectable. Have you noticed a strange object after a strange dream or sleep paralysis?


Prosaic answers will most likely suffice but in some cases…actual advanced alien implants have been detected. What are they made of? Quite often Meteoric Iron (with non-earthly isotopes) with cobalt and significant amounts of iridium. They have isotopic ratios that do not occur naturally on Earth. One was of a class of nickel-iron meteorites called hexahedrites.  Speculatively: Heavier isotopes might have been formed near the galactic core and-or due to supernovas. They are normally irregular and covered with an oily shell+ hard coating that prevents body rejection. Produce no immune response. Biological tissue grows from the metal. This was seen with EDX Electron Microscopy. Some of the implants  emit FM electromagnetic radiation radio signals  before removal in scalar-related frequencies 93 MHz, 15 MHz, even a frequency used in sattelite space communications.  Seem to have a surface coating, sensitive to phonons in order to retransmit soundwaves.


If you break them they reassemble (Bob Koontz). There are carbon nano tube electronics in these devices not found in nature (Steve Colbern). They seem to be single-wall nano tubes. Steve Colbern, chemist material scientist, nano technician finds them far advanced from formal Earth  (and possibly covert Earth) technology.  Roger Leir mentions that they are often found in many places, rather superficially in the body but also near bones.  Nerve cells connect to the devices!! Some of the objects have strong magnetic fields of over 10 milligauss. Some 15% of abductees show significant fluorescent glows on skin area for up to 1 month (detectable with UV-A, but more with UV-B and UV-C). Small metal detectors and X-rays and Gauss meters can detect them in the body. Off course if with X-rays it’s difficult to locate them CAT scans can locate them more precisely. No visible signs of entry/no known portal of entry. If entry signs are detected right after an implant event they close up and leave no mark in a day or two. About 24 implants have been recovered. Some have regular ortho rhombic crystalline structures of sodium chloride that are rectangular and varying in size (Steve Colbern). Perhaps they are used to generate scalar radio frequencies (Bob Koontz). Often when podiatric surgeon Roger Leir tries to remove them with surgical steel they move away from the scalpel. If about 2% of U.S. population with various signs of abduction is really indicative, perhaps the number of implanted people is -relatively speaking- quite large. If this is real. How many individuals are being implanted or monitored in other ways by non-grey ET beings? This is constantly news because it is still happening and new evidence is always coming up. See this evidence directly obtained by Joanne Summerscales from AMMACH at the 2013 IUFOC (see embedded video or click here).


Historic interview reveals national security secrets learned from extraterrestrials

giant-rock-movieAn historic television interview with George Van Tassel recorded in June 1964 reveals a number of technologies that have been secretly developed by the U.S. Air Force and Navy based on information first gained from extraterrestrial visitors. Among the national security secrets revealed by Van Tassel is that the U.S. Air Force has possessed antigravity technology since at least 1956. Van Tassel claims to have witnessed a practical demonstration of antigravity technology in 1953 when he was taken up into an extraterrestrial spacecraft that had landed at Giant Rock airport in California which he managed at the time. In the interview, Van Tassel further claims that technologies based on retrieving visual scenes from any time period, including television signals and even time travel itself, have been developed, and then classified for national security reasons by the U.S. Navy. Based on his extraterrestrial contact experiences, Van Tassel devoted great effort to developing time travel technology and expanding human longevity through the four stories tall “Integratron” he built at Giant Rock. He died of a heart attack in 1978, only weeks before the scheduled completion of his Integratron. Circumstances surrounding his death suggest that the knowledge he gained on extending human longevity, another topic with important national security implications, had been appropriated by U.S. authorities for secret development.

The television interview was conducted by Jack Webster from KVOS TV on June 18, 1964. Chief among Van Tassel’s claims is that he was taken up into an extraterrestrial spacecraft and given technological information by four space visitors that were human looking, and about 5’ 6” in height on August 24, 1953. One of the visitors was 700 years old according to Van Tassel. He was given a simple mathematical formula for time travel that directly correlated frequency with time in an inverse relationship. Remarkably, Van Tassel claims that the technology had subsequently been developed to view any visual scene from any time historic period. The technology was quickly classified by the U.S. Navy and the inventor was forced to work in a secret project. The time travel/viewing technology described by Van Tassel in his 1964 interview is similar to what was much later described as “Project Looking Glass” which whistleblowers claim to be run by the U.S. Navy.

The equation Van Tassel received from his 1953 extraterrestrial contact became the basis for his development of the Integraton, a four stories tall structure that would lead to cellular rejuvenation and increase human longevity. It was intended to be free and open to the general public. On the verge of completing his Integratron project in 1978, Van Tassel died in mysterious circumstances of a heart attack. Select U.S. government agencies then intervened to confiscate material and documents from his property. The Integratron project was then abandoned. Van Tassel’s pioneering research on cellular rejuvenation and human longevity was very likely absorbed into a highly classified project that again had important national security implications.

Finally, in the interview, Van Tassel also says he witnessed first-hand the antigravity technology of the extraterrestrial visitors who have had bases on the moon for centuries. Van Tassel also claimed that the US Air Force has developed antigravity technology in highly classified projects in 1956. Antigravity technology based on the principle of electrogravitics was discussed in open source scientific literature up until 1956 after which such research suddenly became highly classified. No more scientific studies had appeared after 1956. Van Tassel’s claim gives a plausible answer for the mysterious disappearance of antigravity research from open scientific literature. Government agencies had succeeded in demonstrating their practical value, and importance for national security. All subsequent open source or civilian efforts to develop antigravity technologies were either classified or repressed. In the case of Otis Carr, a disciple of Nikola Tesla, his own civilian based antigravity technology was repressed with terrible results. Carr was jailed on trumped up charges and it was only four decades later, in March 2006, that one of Carr’s technical assistants, Ralph Ring, came forward to reveal the truth. Carr had successfully developed antigravity technology, and was subsequently repressed by national agencies.

The 1964 television interview with Van Tassel is a classic that features that pioneering research of one of the most important contactees from the 1950s, and some of the knowledge that was acquired with extraterrestrial assistance. The interview reveals three of the most important national security secrets in the USA that have been developed for well over five decades; antigravity technology; cell regeneration and human longevity; and time travel /viewing of the past and future. A film based on the life of George Van Tassel is currently under production featuring Hollywood actor, Kevin Gage. The film, Giant Rock: The Greatest UFO Story Never Told, will reveal more details of Van Tassel’s knowledge of time travel, antigravity and rejuvenation – knowledge that has been secretly developed by select national security entities for almost six decades.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on websites or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

The Hon. Paul Hellyer to deliver keynote address as Toronto plays host to International UFO/ET Disclosure Media Event

 ET Disclosure Event

Toronto has been chosen to host a premier international event on February 7th to preview and promote a Congressional forum for Citizens' Hearings on Disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The Toronto preview will feature addresses by former Canadian Minister of Defense The Honourable Paul T. Hellyer, Stephen G. Bassett Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group – Washington DC and Canadian research analyst Grant Cameron.

This event will be streamed-live on the internet for the international audience.

"Declassified and classified government documents prove beyond any doubt this phenomenon has been discussed, analyzed, assessed and sequestered at the highest levels of governance and military authority on the planet." Victor Viggiani M.Ed. – News Director – The ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork.

Read all details about this Canadian Disclosure event at:

A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

Rising UFO Presence? Nearing Disclosure? Competing Interests?

Photo: Antonio Urzi in Guadalupe Mexico January 26 2013
It seems that in this year 2013 the number of good UFO sightings and videos is showing a rising trend. may this stimulate formal governments to take initiatives to begin disclosing some previously kept secrets in their own ways? In spite of so many earthly matters to be solved, how long can they hold on to denial without looking foolish? Some of these craft may even be from the so called "secret space program" as triangular vehicles (sometimes with bumps or strange protruberances) clearly seen and filmed also seem to be on the rise.
Antonio Urzi in Guadalupe Mexico January 26 2013Mr. Antonio Urzi who filmed a craft on December 22, 2012 recently sent me through Facebook photos of UFOs from Guadalupe, Mexico, dated January 25, including people watching them (see above & right).
Even famous abdectee, authorr and researcher Whitley Strieber wrote that there may be an ongoing wave of sightings:
Is this a temporary wave or a trend that will last? Perhaps some otherworldlers want to show up a bit more in a purposeful manner to stimulate awareness and promt government(s) disclosure and yet perhaps others can't help it (due to changing physical-hyperphysical conditions linking ET physical densities with ours?). So far the year has started quite promising: 

If disclosure were to become inevitable due to a greater number of ET craft seen and filmed (for instance click here) let me venture into orienting suppositions: Most ETs may have something in common: An interest in our manifesting-creative potentials as a species. Perhaps these potentials are of such magnitude that they could even change our "visitors" realities right now. Perhaps only by being ignorant of our inherent power "they" are able to manipulate us. Thus we would definitely need to be educated about who we are as the "space brother" types allegedly suggested to Truman and Eisenhower in the 1950's also allegedly before certain varieties of reptilians and grays (and other less ethically lofty species) were semi-officially engaged into aliances with greater acceptance. Perhaps many patriots were trying to but time and to acquire technology. But perhaps this is now out of hand. If we recognize our spiritual and creative potentials and also essential spiritual and physical birthright (the highest reasons why we were seeded in the first place, even if we were interfered with afterwards), we won't feel the need to rely so much on technological advantage and manipulation out of false pride or fear and we will learn to act in accordance with our sovereignty.
As contactee material suggests some ET beings may be respectfully waiting to inform and educate us so we can realize what our greatest potential is all about and this may include eventually reaching spiritual levels of manifestation beyond our ET forefathers. Some other ET groups may care less and want to harvest us sooner than later being after our genetic, psychic and spiritual potentials in intrusive and -sometimes- subtly deceiving ways since we implicitly allow their interventions or "exopolitical intervention" consciously or unconsciously, by our secret craving for externally manipulating technologies (transdimensional or not), by holding on power intererests or by secret alliances (sometimes motivated by patriotic self-defense and sometimes by selfish power interests). Perhaps primarily self-serving ETs or desperate ETs with atrophies and other problems consider the fact that we don't display our rights as sovereign beings an exopolitical permission to come after us..after all, perhaps they or their ancestors donated and invested into our gene pool. . Perhaps our destroying ecosystems emboldens them to proceed even more. They seem to need our complex, multi-species potentials to reach a higher level of reality manipulation than what is available through their technology?
Are the main ET groups (perhaps 12 main genetic lines?) that allegedly seeded us claiming a right to intervene each in their own ways in their own ways for their own benefits. Their descendants or subgroups would also claim to have a right on this "harvest." However, actualizing that "right" would depend on how much awareness about our spiritual condition selves we have, want to have and-or how much awareness was suppressed by abusive interventions. There may be many factors to consider in "cosmic law" order to allow or not to allow different forms of intervention on our species. Our collective disrespect for the planet and our holding on to a state of ignorance (perhaps supported by a dumbing down negative educational programming) may even give them more rights under certain rules of intervention.If genuine ET crafts appearing in greater numbers are increasingly making some kind of disclosure inevitable may our governments and us choose a path that restores our sovereign rights and principled ideals.
Perhaps our greatest safety rests in discovering who we are and why there's so much cosmic interest around us. Let's not surrender hearts and souls to despair and cynicism but start educating ourselves with awareness, respect, love.
By Giorgio Piacenza

Is that a crashed UFO on Mars?

An anomalous object has just been found on Mars that appears to be a crashed UFO lying just under the Martian dust. The object was discovered by Scott Waring using Google Mars Map which gives users the ability to examine the Martian surface using satellite imagery. In an announcement released today, Waring estimates it to be about 30 meters wide and 60 meters long. According to Waring, it has the shape of a “Star Wars land cruiser.”

Many anomalies that appear artificial have been found on Mars, and the moon for that matter, using NASA satellite imagery by Waring and other researchers. NASA scientists routinely attribute such anomalies to purely geological processes and don’t bother to investigate further their possible artificial nature citing mission priorities and costs. In the rare case of a public outcry as happened in the 1976 Viking Face on Mars controversy, NASA will schedule future missions to provide further satellite images that typically only raise further questions.

This is how Waring explains his Martian discovery:

I was looking over Google Mars and discovered what looks like the equivalent of the Star Wars land cruiser. You can make out the shape and structure very well and even the two vertical wings in back. Using Google Ruler I found that the craft is 61 meters from nose to end, 33.3 meters from tail to tail, 29.23 meters wide and 4.8 meters thick.

Here is what a Star Wars land cruiser looks like, it does have a striking resemblance to what Warring discovered.

Waring created a Youtube video using Google Mars Map where he zooms in on the object that certainly appears to be artificial in shape. Buried just under the Martian surface, it invites further investigation and analysis.

Don’t expect NASA scientists to rush to examine Waring’s claim by sending a rover mission to investigate. Maybe the secret Space Fleet that Gary McKinnon discovered by hacking into Pentagon computers and Ronald Reagan revealed in his memoirs, could investigate. If so, don’t expect the results to be announced anytime soon. Perhaps we will not have to wait too long, if Elon Musk succeeds in putting 80,000 colonists on Mars. Waring’s UFO crash may be just an unusual geological formation; or perhaps in a time long ago, there were “Star Wars land cruisers” racing over the Martian surface.

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla. 

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Russian PM not joking – extraterrestrials live among us according to MIB documentary

Prime Minister Medvedev reveals extraterrestrials secrets in Russian MIB documentary

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s off-air comments that Russian Presidents are given a secret file about extraterrestrials living among us created much media interest. Most news reports claimed that Medvedev was simply joking. His apparent reference to the Men In Black movie as a source of information on a super secret agency that monitors extraterrestrials on Earth was commonly cited as key evidence that he was in fact joking.  The reasoning is that no political leader would refer reporters to a comedy to clarify national policy. It has now emerged that Medvedev was not referring to the Men in Black comedy after all, but to a recent Russian television documentary titled “Men in Black” that reveals many details about an extensive cover up of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

After completing an on-air interview with five television reporters on December 7, 2012, Prime Minister Medvedev continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that the microphone was still on. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded:

Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.

After giving his detailed comments to the reporter on extraterrestrials, Medvedev was translated as follows in a Reuter’s report: “More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black’”.  The Reuters translation was used by a number of media sources in concluding that Medvedev was joking, and his comments needed to be taken with a grain of salt. For example, one reporter said:

… before Russian alien conspiracy theorists can say “told you so,” the Russian PM quickly indicated that his comment was a joke. “More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black,’” he said.

Another reporter subtitled his article: “Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev makes a crack about aliens, and conspiracists promptly lose their minds.”

However, a more accurate translation of what Medvedev actually said about the Men in Black phenomenon was: “You can receive more detailed information having watched the documentary film of the same name.”  So Medvedev was referring to a Russian “documentary film” titled Men in Black, not the Hollywood blockbuster by the same name. Since the Russian documentary was recent and not well known outside of Russia, most Western media accepted the Reuter’s translation. The documentary was translated into English and released on Youtube on December 18, 2012.

It’s true that while Medvedev was giving his detailed response to a female reporter’s question on extraterrestrial life, the reporter was broadly smiling, and other reporters could be heard laughing in the background. Yet Medvedev appeared very serious throughout his elaborate response, and did not appear to be joking. So was Medvedev referring to the Men in Black Hollywood comedy to, at best, reveal valid information to the reporter using dry humor? Or was Medvedev instead giving a candid admission about Russian Presidents being given a secret briefing paper on a secret agency created to monitor extraterrestrials living among us, and referring to a recent Russian documentary for the reporter to follow up?

In the Russian Men In Black (MIB) documentary, a number of prominent UFO cases in Russia and the USA are discussed. The Roswell UFO crash is covered, along with a number of extraterrestrial abduction cases, and UFOs disabling nuclear weapons facilities. The documentary examines testimony that extraterrestrial bases have been established on Earth, and that some are in restricted US military areas with the full knowledge of the Pentagon. The documentary even goes on to seriously discuss President Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with extraterrestrials, where agreements were reached with some of the visitors giving them permission to take some of the Earth’s resources in exchange for advanced technology. If Medvedev wanted the female Russian reporter to explore some of the information he was revealing, then it makes sense that he was in fact referring to the Russian MIB documentary.

This leads to an incredible conclusion. If Medvedev was in fact referring to the Russian MIB documentary, then he was implicitly endorsing information that extraterrestrials have established bases on remote US military facilities with Pentagon approval. Even more startling is that Medvedev was endorsing the claim that President Eisenhower had in fact met with extraterrestrials, and reached agreements for advanced technologies to be traded for planetary resources. Initial media reports of Prime Minister Medvedev’s off-air comments were simply unaware of a Russian documentary titled Men In Black, and wrongly concluded that he was referring to the MIB comedy. As the translated text of his comments now makes clear, Medvedev was referring to a Russian documentary exposing the Men in Black phenomenon, and was candidly advising the Russian reporter to investigate some of the claims found in it to learn about a worldwide cover up of extraterrestrials among us.

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. 

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Top 10 extraterrestrial life stories for 2012 – Year in Review

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

2012 was a watershed year in the expanding public awareness of the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and its political and social implications for earth. NASA landed another rover on Mars with the scientific means to determine if Mars once hosted life. NASA sponsored scientific projects continued to find more exoplanets, some of which reside in the habitable regions of their suns. More than anything else, exoplanet discoveries continue to excite scientists with the possibility that extraterrestrial life exists elsewhere in the universe, and the possibility of contact. Scientists though are divided on whether this would be a good or bad thing since they don’t agree on how extraterrestrials would respond in contact with a resource rich planet such as earth. Then we have news stories based on whistleblowers and even a former Russian President revealing what may be really happening behind the scenes when it comes to government policy on extraterrestrial life. Important news developments in 2012 make it inevitable that the study of extraterrestrial life and its political implications – generally known as exopolitics – will receive even more attention in 2013 and beyond. Here is my list of the top 10 extraterrestrial life stories for 2012 – in descending order to the Top Extraterrestrial Life Story of the Year.

#10.  On August 25, Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon died from heart failure. According to NASA insiders and an alleged ham radio transmission intercept, what Armstrong witnessed during his 1969 moon walk changed his life, and led to the eventual abandonment of the manned lunar missions. According to alleged leaked documents, two huge extraterrestrial spacecraft watched the Apollo 11 landing, and observed the Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon walks. Did Armstrong carry his moon secrets to the grave? Further reading: First man on moon dies along with secrets of what he saw

#9 On May 25, the movie Men In Black (MIB) III was released. In it, an idea is presented in an outrageously comedic way. Extraterrestrial visitors live on our world and are monitored by a secretive governmental agency that hides the truth from the American public. The movie is based on stories circulating since the early 1950’s of mysterious MIB traveling around in dark suits in vintage cars, persuading people to be silent about their experiences concerning UFOs and alien life. Does MIB III use comedy to hide the truth in plain sight? Further Reading: Men in Black III – Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight

#8 November 28. CNN aired a story that according to a declassified report, the Air Force plan involved sending a nuclear missile that would detonate on impact with the lunar surface. The project was titled “A Study of Lunar Research Flights” (aka “Project A-119”) and was planned in 1958. According to the declassified report, the plan was never implemented. According to one senior US Air Force officer, however, not only was an attempt made to detonate a nuclear bomb on the moon decades later, but there was an external intervention to destroy the missile. Further reading: Did the US Air Force attempt to nuke the moon?

#7 In April, Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College was authorized by his employers to discuss military plans to respond to an alien invasion. Springer responded to questions by an Australian Television program exploring possible responses to an alien invasion that aired on Easter Sunday. In the segment titled ““U.S. military making plans for an alien invasion,” he discussed the implications of humanity being confronted by an extraterrestrial threat. Springer’s comments confirm for the first time that the Pentagon has drawn up contingency plans for an extraterrestrial invasion. Further Reading: Pentagon plans for Alien invasion exist according to military professor

#6 In April, a team of scientists analyzing data from the 1976 Viking Mission concluded that life on Mars was detected in one of the four experiments conducted by the two robotic landers. Their report, “Complexity Analysis of the Viking Labeled Release Experiments,” released in the International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences resurrected a controversy over the results of the Viking Mission’s “Labeled Released experiment” designed by Dr Gilbert Levin. The Viking mission was the only Mars mission so far that was designed by NASA to detect life. Dr Levin was confident that the experiment had detected microbial life on Mars, but his NASA colleagues disagreed and his startling finding was forgotten in the Martian sands of time. This new scientific investigation concluded that Levin was right all along. Further Reading – 1976 life on Mars controversy resurrected in new scientific report.

#5 On October 20, Gordon Duff, the senior editor of the popular Veterans Today website, released a blog featuring an interview recorded on Coast to Coast Radio four days earlier, Duff provided details of a briefing document he personally witnessed in 1982 while working for an unnamed government agency. Duff claims that the document contained references to two treaties with extraterrestrial civilizations. The treaties, according to Duff, were coerced upon the USA and other countries by a hostile extraterrestrial race. Further Reading: Secret US alien treaties exist according to Veterans Today Senior Editor

#4 In September, according to Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, intelligence sources were revealing that hostile extraterrestrials are militarily engaging with world naval forces. In an article, provocatively titled, “UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco,” Duff claims that the Chinese navy is lending assistance to the US in battling these hostile forces in what looks like a real life version of the recent movie Battleship. Duff claims that his intelligence sources are Asian, and that US naval forces are stretched thin in the Pacific due to a beefed up naval presence in the Persian Gulf. Duff admits that the story stretches credibility but that his source is usually reliable, thereby raising the possibility that either the story is largely accurate and/or officially sanctioned disinformation. Are we being prepared for an alien false flag invasion? Further Reading:  Is Alien UFO false flag event on the way?

# 3 Back in May, NASA accounted that for the first time, it was able to detect infrared light from a rocky “super-earth” variety of exoplanet. The Spitzer Space Telescope detected infrared light from the exoplanet “55 Cancri e” which has a rocky core and is nearly twice the Earth’s diameter, and eight times its mass. While 55 Cancri e is much too close to its sun – 55 Cancri A – to sustain life as we know it, the detection is a historic first for NASA. The detection of infrared light on the super-earth category of exoplanets, prime candidates for finding extraterrestrial life, makes possible the discovery of alien cities in distant solar systems. Further Reading: Detecting extraterrestrial cities on exoplanets becomes possible

#2 On December 14, Britain’s Director of Public Prosecutation (DPP) announced that Gary McKinnon will not face prosecution in the United Kingdom for hacking into the computer systems of NASA, the Pentagon and other government agencies in search of information on UFOs. McKinnon claimed to have found photographs, film, and other evidence of alien spacecraft secretly held by various U.S. government agencies. While the US extradition order is still valid and could be activated in other countries if McKinnnon travelled abroad, the DPP decision ends McKinnon’s decade long legal nightmare in Britain. McKinnon can now safely reveal anything further that he learned of secret US government knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Further Reading: UFO hacker will not face UK prosecution

#1 Top Extraterrestrial Life Story of the Year. On December 7, the current Russian Prime Minister and former President, Dmitry Medvedev, made some startling off-air comments to reporters while his microphone was still switched on. He was asked whether the President is given any secret files on extraterrestrials while in office. In his responses, Medvedev not only confided that extraterrestrials are visiting the Earth, but that some are actually living among us. He went even further to say that the Hollywood comedy, Men in Black, has a factual basis to it. Medvedev’s responses were said off-air, without him realizing that his microphone was still recording, they at face value give credence to claims that extraterrestrials are not only visiting our world, but are even living among us. Further Reading: Russian Prime Minister claims extraterrestrials live among us

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla.  This article is copyright and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

End of Mayan calendar – UFO fleets & the CIA

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Dr J. Allen Hynek was an associate member of the 1953 CIA Convened Robertson Panel.

Four days to the end of the world – or at least the end of the Mayan calender on December 21, 2012 according to researchers decoding several ancient Mayan glyphs. The Australian Prime Minister made her own statement about the end of the Mayan calendar with a spoof video about the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Seriously though, what can we expect for December 21? One thing is certain, December 22 will follow with many End of the World party hangovers. What else? Perhaps we should look to the region of the world where the Mayans lived, and where an interesting phenomenon has been happening for some time – fleets of UFOs have been sighted and recorded. Does the end of the Mayan calendar coincide with the mysterious sightings of UFO fleets around the world, especially in Mexico and Central America where the ancient Maya lived?

The most well documented recent mass UFO sighting was in Guadalajara, Mexico in June, 2004. Hundreds of luminous objects were seen during daylight hours by multiple witnesses and recorded on video. An exhaustive investigation by Mexico’s most eminent UFO researcher, Jaime Maussan, concluded that the UFOs had no terrestrial explanation – they were not balloons, Chinese lanterns, birds or other earthly phenomenon. Maussan had one month earlier investigated official Mexican Air Force infrared camera footage released exclusively to him of a fleet of UFOs encountered that could not be explained by Mexican Air Force investigators.

There have been many more sightings of UFO fleets in Mexico, most recently on December 1, 2012. So are we being visited by other worldly visitors in the lands of the Maya – and it is all being recorded on film? Perhaps, but what about the USA, why aren’t there similar sightings of mass UFOs? It will surprise some to learn that the earliest sightings of fleets of UFOs occurred in the USA. The most famous was the Washington flyovers in the summer of 1952.

Over three successive weekends from July 12 to 27, fleets of UFOs – or “flying saucers” as they were called at the time – flew over Washington DC. There were thousands of live witnesses whose reports quickly led to the US Air Force’s official UFO investigation – Project Bluebook – being overwhelmed. The UFOs were captured on film, on radar, and visually sighted by US Air Force pilots on intercept missions. The fleets of UFOs received much national press attention, and even led to President Truman making a live statement to the public.

The US Air Force made an official statement basically debunking the mass UFO sightings as misidentified meteorites, planets and temperature inversions. The Air Force explanations were widely ridiculed by independent experts, but had the effect of defusing press interest and quietening the general public for the moment. The public backlash over the official response to the Washington DC mass UFO sightings, led to a rethink in the government’s strategy for responding to any future sightings. especially when involving fleets of UFOs. The Central Intelligence Agency, not the US Air Force, would play the lead role in developing and implementing the government’s new strategy.

The CIA convened a panel of scientific experts to look into the UFO phenomenon, and to develop a set of recommendations that could be implemented by different government agencies. The Panel was convened in January 1953, and named after its Chair, Dr Howard Percy Robertson who was an eminent physicist. What we know of the Robertson Panel’s deliberations comes to us from Dr J. Allen Hynek who was an associate member of the Panel. Hynek was shocked to learn that the Robertson Panel was intent on debunking all reports, no matter how credible or strongly supported by independent analysis.

In a historic video clip, Hynek reveals how a detailed 1000 hour analysis by the US Navy’s photographic interpretation laboratory of a Navy officer’s film of what appeared to be a fleet of UFOs appearing near Tremonton, Utah was ignored. After viewing the “Tremonton case” film several times, the Panel concluded that the multiple objects were a flock of birds, when the Navy analysis had excluded this possibility, and concluded instead that the objects were, according to Hynek, “self-luminous unidentified objects.” The Tremonton case film footage was important since the objects in the video look strikingly similar to more recent reports of fleets of UFOs filmed flying in Guadalajara, Mexico and other locations during daylight hours. Most importantly, the Tremonton UFO case occurred on July 2, 1952, less than two weeks before the Washington DC UFO flyovers began – suggesting a very likely connection between two cases of fleets of UFOs being sighted and recorded in different parts of the USA.

With regard to the Robertson Panel, Hynek concluded: “I came away from the meeting and the room with the distinct feeling however that the panel had deliberately moved to debunk the whole subject, and not to give it the serious scientific attention which it deserved.”

The Robertson Panel recommended an ‘educational program’ to remove the “threat” posed by enemy nations exploiting the public’s belief in flying saucers. This “educational program” is described at length in the Panel’s Report:

The Panel’s concept of a broad educational program integrating efforts of all concerned agencies was that it should have two major aims: training and “debunking.” …The “debunking” aim would result in reduction in public interest in “flying saucers” which today evokes a strong psychological reaction. This education could be accomplished by mass media such as television, motion pictures, and popular articles [emphasis added].… Such a program should tend to reduce the current gullibility of the public and consequently their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.

Hynek’s frank admission confirms suspicions that the Robertson Panel and its conclusions, called the “Durant Report”, were biased, and part of a CIA orchestrated plan to persuade the American public to dismiss the UFO phenomenon for national security reasons. Fleets of UFOs that flew over US cities would henceforth be debunked as misidentified birds, planets and other natural phenomenon.

As we approach the end of the Mayan calendar, the surge in recent reports of fleets of UFOs in areas inhabited by the ancient Maya, does naturally lead to the question of whether this is what the Maya had foreseen. While considering this possibility, it is worth remembering that one of the earliest known reports of a fleet of UFOs had been confirmed to be authentic by a US Navy investigation, before being debunked by the CIA’s Robertson Panel. The world wide reach of the CIA makes it the lead organization in debunking reports of fleets of UFOs being witnessed around the planet, and the possibility that UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. There is much documented evidence that the Earth has been visited by fleets of UFOs, and such sightings have increased as we approach the end of the Mayan calendar. Perhaps December 21, 2012 will lead to an acceleration of UFO fleet sightings, that may well signify an the end of the world, as we know it!

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla.  This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website

Further Reading

Tears are not enough…

 Tears are not enough…

T h e   C h i l d r e n

 –  D e c e m b e r  1 4,  2 0 1 2  –

Charlotte Bacon, 6

Daniel Barden, 7

Olivia Engel, 6

Josephine Gay, 7

Charlotte Bacon, 6

Daniel Barden, 7

Olivia Engel, 6

Josephine Gay, 7

Dylan Hockley, 6

Madeleine Hsu, 6

Catherine Hubbard, 6

Jesse Lewis, 6

James Mattioli, 6

Grace McDonnell, 7

Jack Pinto, 6

Noah Pozner, 6

Caroline Previdi, 6

Jessica Rekos, 6

Avielle Richman, 6

Benjamin Wheeler, 6

Allison Wyatt, 6

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But Not Forgotten


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