Aliens Told US House Candidate About Thousands of Non-Human Skulls in Malta Cave

August 26, 2018                  (

• Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera is running for Congress as a Republican in the Miami Florida area. The Miami Herald wrote that their editors were impressed with Rodriguez Aguilera’s “boots-on-the-ground ideas and experience.”

• Rodriguez Aguilera claims openly that when she was seven years old she was abducted by blonde extraterrestrial beings who gave her many insights into her world, including the existence of thousands of non-human skulls hidden in a cave in Malta, and that Africa is the center of the world’s energy.

• Since her childhood, Rodriguez Aguilera has stayed in touch with the ETs telepathically. When she was seventeen years old she again saw a UFO.

[Editor’s Note]  Rodriguez Aguilera lost the Republican primary on August 28th to Maria Elvira Salazar, and came in 6th in a field of 9 candidates.


A candidate for the upcoming US House election this week is standing by a claim she made many years ago that aliens had abducted her when she was seven years old and told her that thousands of non-human skulls were once discovered in a cave in Malta.

Republican candidate Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera says that, when she was a young girl, she was taken onboard a spaceship by blond extraterrestrials who resembled the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.

She says they also told her that “the centre of the world’s energy is Africa”.

The Florida candidate may otherwise have a long list of accomplishments to bolster her campaign, but she is perhaps best known for claiming that she was abducted by space aliens as a child.

Rodriguez Aguilera is a long shot in the race for the Miami-area seat being vacated by retiring Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

In an interview this week, Rodriguez Aguilera said her tale of kidnapping by aliens does not define her: “It has nothing to do with what I have done. It happened when I was seven years old.”

She said she had witnessed paranormal activity since then and that she saw a UFO when she was 17. She also said that she has been in touch, telepathically, with the aliens who had told her about the Malta skulls long after the abduction.

“I stick to my guns when I believe in something,” she said.


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QAnon Reveals Deep State Nazi Connection & Attempt to Foment US Russia War

The military intelligence group QAnon has revealed a deep historic connection between the Deep State and Nazism, and how this Deep State/Nazi force is actively attempting to foment a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia.

QAnon is a group of military intelligence officials, which has been leaking classified information exposing Deep State machinations against Donald Trump back when he was a Presidential candidate, then as President-elect, and finally as President. What has become very clear to objective observers is that QAnon has been sanctioned by the Trump administration to conduct such leaks.

This was made very public during the Trump rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31 when the U.S. Secret Service broke its standard policy of confiscating all non-approved signs, and allowed many participants to openly carry QAnon signs.

Trump approvingly acknowledged QAnon supporters as evidenced in a short video featuring him pointing directly at someone holding a QAnon sign.

While this immediately set off a wave of mainstream media stories debunking QAnon as a crazy conspiracy theory, it showed that the Trump administration was openly supporting the QAnon disclosures and the world wide movement it has subsequently spawned.

On August 28, QAnon made the following post which deserves detailed analysis:

In the first Youtube video, QAnon wanted the reader to watch a video clip from the movie, The Sum of All Fears. In the scene, a Neo-Nazi outlined what had been learned from history and how Nazism could secretly flourish in the modern era:

One more thing, let no man call us crazy. They call Hitler crazy, but Hitler wasn’t crazy. He was stupid. You don’t fight Russia and America. You get Russia and America to fight each other, and destroy each other. 

In the second Youtube video, another scene from The Sum of All Fears was shown. It highlighted the importance of maintaining back channel communications between the intelligence agencies of Russia and the US to prevent future misunderstandings that could have catastrophic consequences.

Here QAnon is revealing that direct communication links have been established between Presidents Putin and Trump, who both share the same goal of having Russia and the U.S. avoid catastrophic misunderstandings, while exposing the Deep State and its historic connection to Nazism.

QAnon then poses a series of leading questions pointing to a connection between Nazism and the Deep State. QAnon said:

Was “Nazism’ every truly destroyed?

Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?

One finger attached to a hand?

QAnon is here alluding to the historical development of the Nazi Party, which was created by German Secret Societies that had chosen Hitler as a charismatic puppet they could control in order to manipulate the working class through pan-Germanic nationalist ideals. At the time, German industrialists greatly feared the growth of the working-class movement and a communist revolution, and thereby facilitated Hitler’s rise to absolute power.

The Nazi Swastika, for example, was modeled on the Thule Society logo, showing the influence this secret society had on Hitler and the emergence of Nazism.

German secret societies were able to use Hitler and the Nazi state to covertly fund projects in exotic locations such as South America and Antarctica that would lay the foundations for a post-War German economic revival – a Fourth Reich.

Rather than achieving global domination through brute military force, German secret societies understood how this needed to be achieved through covert economic means as both world wars had clearly demonstrated the strategic stupidity of Germany fighting wars on two major fronts to achieve such a goal.

The German secret societies were not alone in pursuing their globalist goals since they worked closely with powerful industrialists and banking organizations in the US and Britain who shared their occult belief systems. Incredibly, these secret societies shared the belief that they were the genetic off-shoots of ancient gods that once ruled the entire planet, who could today be summoned through black magic rituals involving human sacrifice.

Charles Higham, author of Trading With The Enemy, believed that these secret societies, industrialists and bankers formed a worldwide organization he called “The Fraternity”. Others have referred to this secret global organization as “the Illuminati”, “the Family”, “the Cabal”, and more recently, the “Deep State”.

Antarctica's Hidden History by Dr. Michael SallaIn the book, Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs, I describe how the German Secret Societies, with the support of major U.S. corporations, set up bases in Antarctica, where they covertly developed advanced technologies for both a secret space program and a post-World War II Fourth Reich. Nazi practices such as slave labor and human experimentation would secretly continue in these joint German/U.S. corporate projects, which today include transnational corporations based in many other nations.

When QAnon refers to Nazism as one of the fingers of a hidden hand, they are referring to the Deep State/Fraternity as the larger transnational organization which made possible the Fourth Reich that continues to flourish in the modern era.

QAnon’s next set of leading questions reveal how the Deep State/Fraternity uses social movements to achieve its agenda.

Did ANTIFA organically form?

Flag design coincidence?

Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?

QAnon is here referring to the Deep State’s funding of Antifa through George Soros, the billionaire financial speculator, who has specialized in funding social movements to destabilize and overthrow governments.

The flags QAnon is referring to are those used by Antifa supporters and that used by the German Communist Party, whose similarities suggest the same Deep State influence behind both movements.

QAnon then goes on to make the following statements outlining what lies ahead as the Trump administration continues to do battle behind the scenes with the Deep State, which is embedded within his administration:

Global power struggle.

There is a price we will not pay.

There is a point beyond which they must not advance.

QAnon is here saying that the threat to U.S. constitutional ideals of liberty and justice will not be sacrificed as the Deep State pursues its globalist agenda, which is premised on America’s rapid decline as a global superpower, and replacement by China at the helm of a New World Order.

QAnon then links to a Youtube video of President Ronald Reagan alluding to a mythical Rubicon that the Deep State will not be allowed to cross in its attempt to undermine US constitutional values.

In their August 28 post, QAnon has succinctly pointed to how Nazism continues to flourish today due to a mysterious hidden hand, the Deep State/Fraternity, which gave rise to Nazism’s initial emergence in Germany, and its subsequent incarnation in the post-World War II era as a network of transnational corporations and secret societies collectively making up a Fourth Reich.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Our Long, Secret History With Aliens

by Harry Bubb Jr.                 August 11, 2018                       (

• In an opinion letter, Harry Bubb Jr. addresses the reality of the existence of non-terrestrial UFO’s in spite of humanity’s discomfort in contemplating that extraterrestrial life has been visiting earth for decades.

• When the U.S. recovered “flying discs” outside Roswell, N.M. in 1947, controlled by creatures ‘not-of-this-world’, our leaders quickly concealed that fact from the people for fear of losing control over society. The government implemented a policy of secrecy and ridicule to make anyone who reported UFO sightings or ET contact look like fools.

• In the meantime, U.S. leaders initiated a major technological buildup to counter the ETs, and hid it within Cold War projects.  NASA, Star Wars, our moon and Mars explorations were all predicated on fears of the ETs, not of the Soviets. Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy secretly met and negotiated with extraterrestrial groups.

• The bottom line is that extraterrestrials exist and visit our planet on a regular basis. This has been systematically concealed from us. But the resulting hidden technology could greatly benefit our society. We need to get past our need to believe that we are the only sentient beings in the universe, and embrace our species’ emergence as a member of a larger galactic community.


The hardest truths to reveal are those people would rather not hear, especially, those truths that threaten our emotional security. Thus: “We are the only sentient beings in the universe” is a calming security blanket for humans, who appear comfortable enough when scientists search for life on distant stars — as long as they don’t find anything! Thus, to suggest that extraterrestrial life has been visiting earth for decades will not be greeted kindly. But, I must make that claim anyhow.

Since 1947, when the U.S. recovered “flying discs” outside Roswell, N.M., our leaders realized UFOs were real and controlled by creatures not-of-this-world. They quickly concealed that fact from the people — in part because they feared our unpredictable response to the news, in part because they didn’t know what the visitors wanted, in part, they feared losing control over society.

So, the government instituted a policy of squelching citizen reports of UFO sightings or contacts and dismissing UFO reports, made fools out of those who made them. Soon, even credible evidence of UFOs was turned away — nobody wanted to hear it. Seventy years of government concealment followed.

After Roswell, the Cold War mindset dictated that the U.S. consider the alien’s visits as an existential threat. Especially since ET technology was obviously superior to ours. So, U.S. leaders initiated a crash technological buildup to counter the ETs, and hid it within Cold War projects.

NASA, Star Wars, our moon and Mars explorations were all predicated on fears of the ETs, not of the Soviets. Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy secretly met with extraterrestrial groups to see what they were about. Secret agreements were made.

The whole story is much too complex to tell here, but the bottom line is: We are not the sole sentient being in the universe — a number of races of extraterrestrials exist, and visit our planet on a regular basis. Though that reality has been systematically concealed from us, mass ignorance cannot go on forever! Besides, the government has ET technology that can save us from imminent environmental catastrophe. And, we sorely need to have it!



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Insiders Reveal Details of NASA & USAF Secret Space Programs

Emery Smith, a former U.S. Air Force Surgical Assistant has confirmed that NASA has a manned secret space program in addition to its widely known civilian program, which uses an astronaut corps drawn from USAF personnel. In addition, Smith corroborated other insider testimony about secret space stations approximately 10 times larger than the International Space Station, which are serviced by TR-3B antigravity spacecraft flying out of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida and other classified locations.

In the August 21 episode of Cosmic Disclosure with host David Wilcock and another Secret Space Program insider, Corey Goode, Smith discussed his knowledge of the secret NASA program, which is entirely separate to a USAF run program that is supported by the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Smith explained:

There are two sections to NASA. One is what the public sees and another underground Cabal type one, that does really mediocre stuff, as far as getting things into space for these other classified places. So their mission honestly is more on a supply type thing for them because they are kind of like the lower echelon compared to these other ones that Corey is talking about [USAF dominated secret space program]

Goode said that he was aware of USAF personnel trained to be astronauts with the secret NASA program, and encountered NASA personnel on one of the Moon’s secret bases called Lunar Operations Command.

Subterranean portion of Lunar Operations Command where NASA personnel were sighted by Corey Goode. Credit: Sphere Being Alliance/

In response to Wilcock’s question about whether he had heard of this secret NASA program, Goode [CG] said the following in an interaction with Smith [ES]:

CG: Well yes, it is actually the same part as I was talking about the secret astronaut corps … that is almost all Air Force

ES: Yes.

CG: … Trying to remember the name of the base … that they do a lot of their training … its close to one of the Great Lakes. A base where they train these people to fly these advanced technologies.

ES: Right…. Getting back to the Air Force and NASA too, definitely they are all working together. I totally support that 100% because they are all Air Force astronauts that run these missions … they are trained separately.

Smith and Goode’s claims are supported by documentary evidence released by the National Reconnaissance Office concerning a secret military Astronaut corps trained for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program.

From 1963 to 1969, 17 military astronauts were secretly trained together with those chosen for regular NASA missions, and were earmarked to join the classified USAF space program. Here is how PBS described what happened:

These men, 17 in all, were set to make history in space as the first military astronauts, performing covert reconnaissance from orbit. Yet while NASA’s astronauts were gracing magazine covers and signing autographs, the MOL teams were sworn to secrecy; most of the program’s details remain classified even today. And MOL was canceled in 1969, before any of its astronauts went into space.

While President Lyndon Johnson ostensibly cancelled the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program, Smith and Goode are telling us that the military astronaut training program secretly continued, and produced hundreds or even thousands of military astronauts for both classified NASA and USAF missions over the following decades.

Smith then dropped a bombshell about his own involvement in the secret NASA space program:

DW: You said something provocative, which is you said that you were one of these astronauts.

ES: I was scheduled to go up in one of the shuttles, yes, luckily I didn’t because the one that got blown up over Texas was my return flight [Space Shuttle Columbia blew up over Northern Texas on February 1, 2003].

DW: You are actually saying the regular space shuttle?

ES: Yes, the regular space shuttle

DW: You were going to be a conventional astronaut?

ES: Yes, for that one.

Smith says that at the time he was doing contract work for an aerospace company specializing in space medicine wanting to optimize astronaut performance:

Well, while working at the Space Coast Aeromedical Institute, we were contracted out as astronauts to go actually, to these places and run some tests for long-term space travels for human beings. They were trying to find out a way that we could make your body last a lot longer in space before its starts breaking down….

I was working in Florida at the Space Coast Aeromedical Institute when I first developed my platelet rich plasma stem cell device. And they thought there would be some use for this regenerative properties in space. And they wanted to see if you could still concentrate these cells in space and if they would still be viable to give to the astronauts for long-term space exploration.

What lends plausibility to Smith’s controversial claim is that in the late 1990’s he was a pioneer in the emerging field of platelet rich plasma therapy (aka PRP) – platelets are a blood component that initiates clotting to stop bleeding.

Smith’s platelet rich plasma stem cell research contributed to the development of “platelet gel”, which is described by the Platelet Gel Network as:

… a platelet-based wound sealant used to enhance and hasten the repair of wounds and bone. Platelet gel contains high concentration of platelets and a native concentration of fibrinogen harvested by centrifugal separation of autologous whole blood. Platelet gel has many characteristic components that allow it to offer itself as a superior product for augmenting wound healing.

Smith was a presenter at the Florida Platelet Gel Symposium held March 16-18, 2002, on the topic: “Preparation for surgical application, preparation for chronic wound application, platelet recovery assessments, troubleshooting, documentation.”

Dr Paul Buza from the Southern Aeromedical Institute (aka South Coast Aeromedical Institute) also presented at the same conference on Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) applications which was directly related to Smith’s area of expertise.

In a Discovery Health documentary, Smith’s expertise with PRP therapy was credited with saving the life of a man suffering from a Cobra bite.

In 2004, Smith was awarded a patent for a centrifuge tube assembly to separate blood products used for platelet research. Based on his pioneering medical research into platelet rich healing devices and association with Dr. Buza, it is very feasible that in 2003 Smith was scheduled to do some classified space based medical research with the Southern [Space Coast] Aeromedical Institute as he claims.  

Smith and Goode furthermore explained that the NASA secret space program uses antigravity flying triangles, and they were both aware of a highly classified wing of such triangles flying out of MacDill Air Force Base, home of Special Operations Command.

Goode referred to a number of photographs that I had previously released from my source, JP, who lived at the time in Tampa, Florida, next to MacDill:

ES: Well, there is a flight [Wing] of them at MacDill Air Force Base there in Tampa, Florida.  

CG: Oh yes, as a matter of fact, Dr Salla of has recently written several articles. Before the last hurricane [Irma] hit Florida, people were photographing them evacuating these craft from MacDill. And there are two or three types of these triangles, I’m told that are stationed there. A full wing is stationed there at MacDill.

ES: Absolutely …

The photographs taken by JP showed different types of antigravity craft as exemplified in the following video comprising photos taken of an October 19 incident near MacDill AFB. 

He also revealed that he was taken aboard one of the rectangle shaped craft where he witnessed a military patch on one of the USAF personnel. It belonged to Air Force Special Operations, which is one of the special forces divisions that make up Special Operations Command.

The patch was important because it revealed that the antigravity craft were not part of a testing program, but belonged to an operational wing of flying triangles and other antigravity craft operating out of MacDill. Smith and Goode had confirmed that such an antigravity wing does covertly operate out of MacDill, and it falls under the authority of Special Operations Command.

Smith and Goode went on to describe what they had witnessed concerning the classified space stations operated by the USAF:

CG: I’ve described one in the past and it was a space station that was created out of NASA ship hulls, or out of the rocket boosters that they had repurposed, that had ejected from other rocket launches into space. They repurposed them, put them end-to-end into, like, a big circle.

ES: Right

CG: That were like a spoke radiating from a middle, and it spun slowly to create one-third gravity.

ES:  Right, and that’s that, this is the one. I actually told you [pointing to David Wilcock] about this a while ago.

DW: Yes, you did.

ES: So to hear him saying it, it’s very enlightening to that.

CG: And the images I saw where the spoke in the middle had an area that went down, and everything else was turning but the middle was fairly positioned where it wasn’t moving around. And that’s where the TR-3Bs would connect, was at a port here, here at the top. And they would come through, and they would go out through the spokes and go to the sections of the station that were created out of these reclaimed parts.

ES: Right, reclaimed. Even NASA recycles, isn’t that nice.

Smith’s corroboration of Goode’s earlier public statements concerning classified space stations created out of repurposed booster rockets is very significant. It confirms that a classified USAF SSP adopted the main concept underlying the Manned Orbiting Laboratory – using repurposed booster stages from Titan II rockets.

The main difference was that rather than use a single modified Titan rocket to create an orbiting space platform for Earth surveillance, up to nine of these repurposed boosters would be linked to form a circular shaped space station.

In an earlier episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Goode provided an artist’s sketch of what he had seen.

Credit: Sphere Being Alliance

In conclusion, Smith has provided corroborating testimony for Goode’s earlier revelations concerning a classified Air Force secret space program. Smith and Goode’s claims about the existence of an operational space wing of flying triangles and other antigravity craft out of MacDill AFB is supported by multiple photographs of such craft in the vicinity of MacDill.

Importantly, Smith and Goode further revealed that NASA has its own secret space program that uses covertly trained Air Force astronauts, in addition to the civilian program which is widely known to the general public. Smith’s claim of having been scheduled to join this secret Astronaut corps in order to conduct pioneering medical research to optimize astronaut performance is plausible based on his pioneering medical research and patents concerning PRP applications.

[Note: The August 21 Cosmic Disclosure interview featuring Emery Smith and Corey Goode can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

Aliens Blamed for Mutilating Cows in Argentina

by Sean Martin               August 9, 2018                  (

• Local farmers in Santa Fe, north-eastern Argentina, have found seven cows mysteriously killed and mutilated. A cow owner, Norberto Bieri, said, “They did not have tongues or flesh around the jaw, but they did not take any animals away or remove their bones.” “It seems as though the clean incisions were done with a laser as there is no trace of a knife being used. The cows did not have signs of blood and nothing had appeared to eat them.” Witnesses claim the cows look as if they were attacked with lasers, while strange markings were also found on their tongues and genitals.

• Some believe the deed was done by extraterrestrials. Others blame the legendary chupacabra – a entity in South America that feeds on animals’ blood. Samples analyzed by a laboratory indicated the cattle had not been shot or poisoned. There have been other recent cases of mutilated animals.

• However, “experts” have determined that the culprits are actually ‘hocicudo’, a rat-like scavenger animal that would have moved in, targeted the soft parts of the animal such as tongue, eyes, ears and anus, and left the carcass as if it had been mutilated.

[Editor’s Note]   This makes perfect sense, since rats have been known to make clean incisions using laser technology, and leave strange ‘markings’.


Local farmers in Santa Fe, north-eastern Argentina, have seen seven cows killed and mutilated with some believing extraterrestrials are killing the bovine animals.

Witnesses claim the cows look as if they were attacked with lasers, while strange markings were also found on their tongues and genitals.

Farmers in the region are blaming aliens or the mythical chupacabra – a myth from South America which supposedly feeds on animals’ blood.

Norberto Bieri, owner of one of the seven cows, told local media: “They did not have tongues or flesh around the jaw, but they did not take any animals away or remove their bones.

“It seems as though the clean incisions were done with a laser as there is no trace of a knife being used. The cows did not have signs of blood and nothing had appeared to eat them.

“Some people say chupacabra or aliens did it. Others believe it was rodents.

“The truth is, the cows are dead and there are no answers as to why.”



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Two Pilots Saw a UFO. Why Did the Air Force Destroy the Report?

by Greg Daugherty                    August 10, 2018                          (

• On July 24, 1948, at 2:45 am, twenty passengers and two pilots were in an Eastern Air Lines DC-3 twin-engine propeller plane on route from Houston to Atlanta, flying at 5,000 feet on a clear and moonlit night. The plane was flown by former World War II Air Corps officers and veteran pilots, Clarence S. Chiles and John B. Whitted.

• About 20 miles southwest of Montgomery, Alabama, the two pilots and one passenger, Clarence L. McKelvie, who was the only passenger awake, saw a 100-ft long cigar-shaped UFO with no wings, and having an upper and lower deck of windows. They could see bright light glowing through the craft’s windows. Underneath the craft was a glow of blue light. And it had a flame shooting out from the back of the craft.

• As the UFO seemed to be heading right for them, Chiles said, “We veered to the left and it veered to its left, and passed us about 700 feet to our right and about 700 feet above us. Then, as if the pilot had seen us and wanted to avoid us, it pulled up with a tremendous burst of flame out of its rear and zoomed up into the clouds.” All three witnesses watched the craft for ten seconds before it disappeared from view into the clouds.

• The pilots made drawings of the craft and made written statements. (Chiles’ statement; Whitted’s statement) They both provided further details in subsequent newspaper and radio interviews.

• An Air Force department known as the “Air Technical Intelligence Center” reported that in its estimation, the UFO craft was ‘interplanetary’. When this classified report reached Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, he outright dismissed any extraterrestrial connection. The Air Force was already convinced that these mysterious craft was Soviet spy technology, even though the Soviets wouldn’t even have the A-bomb until a year later. So the intelligence report was unceremoniously declassified and destroyed.

• The sighting was downplayed, alluding that the pilots merely saw a weather balloon or a mirage. The official Air Force determination was that the pilots saw a fireball or very bright meteor. Consultant to the Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’, J. Allen Hynek, claimed in his 1972 book, The UFO Experience that “the Pentagon had declared that the problem really didn’t exist.” Edward J. Ruppelt, the Air Force officer who initially headed Project Blue Book, said that “[T]he Air Force tried to throw up a screen of confusion. They couldn’t have done a better job.”

• But Chiles and Whitted always stuck to their story. In fact, Whitted later added a new twist to the story that he felt he needed to withhold at the time. Whitted said that the UFO didn’t just go into the clouds, but it actually vanished in front of their eyes.


Whatever occurred at 2:45 a.m. on the morning of July 24, 1948 in the skies over southwest Alabama not only shocked and stymied the witnesses. It jolted the U.S. government into a top-secret investigation—the results of which were ultimately destroyed.

The skies were mostly clear and the moon was bright in the pre-dawn hours as pilot Clarence S. Chiles and co-pilot John B. Whitted flew their Eastern Air Lines DC-3, a twin-engine propeller plane, at 5,000 feet, en route from Houston to Atlanta. The aircraft had 20 passengers on board, 19 of them asleep at that hour. It was a routine domestic flight, one of many in the skies that early morning.

                 Pilots Clarence S. Chiles
                    and John B. Whitted

Until suddenly, it wasn’t. What the two pilots and their wide-awake passenger saw in the skies about 20 miles southwest of Montgomery, Alabama, did more than startle them. It would reportedly become the catalyst for a highly classified Air Force document suggesting that some unidentified flying objects were spaceships from other worlds—a tipping point in UFO history.

Chiles described what he saw in an official statement about a week later: “It was clear there were no wings present, that it was powered by some jet or other type of power, shooting flame from the rear some 50 feet. There were two rows of windows, which indicated an upper and lower deck, [and] from inside these windows a very bright light was glowing. Underneath the ship there was a blue glow of light.” He estimated that he’d watched the ship for about 10 seconds before it disappeared into some light clouds and was lost from view.

Whitted offered a similar description in his official statement: “The object was cigar shaped and seemed to be about a hundred feet in length. The fuselage appeared to be about three times the circumference of a B-29 fuselage. It had two rows of windows, an upper and a lower. The windows were very large and seemed square. They were white with light which seemed to be caused by some type of combustion…. I asked Capt. Chiles what we had just seen and he said that he didn’t know.”

The passenger who was awake at the time, Clarence L. McKelvie of Columbus, Ohio, corroborated the pilots’ account that an unusually bright object had streaked past his window, but he wasn’t able to describe it beyond that.

Both pilots also made drawings of the craft they believed they had seen and provided further details in newspaper and radio interviews, some just hours after the sighting. The Atlanta Constitution headlined its July 25 account, “Atlanta Pilots Report Wingless Sky Monster.” In that article, Chiles described what sounded like an uncomfortably close encounter, as the object appeared to be coming at them. “We veered to the left and it veered to its left, and passed us about 700 feet to our right and about 700 feet above us. Then, as if the pilot had seen us and wanted to avoid us, it pulled up with a tremendous burst of flame out of its rear and zoomed up into the clouds.”

Chiles and Whitted weren’t the only ones baffled by what they’d seen.

Asked for comment, William M. Allen, the president of Boeing Aircraft told the United Press he was “pretty sure” it was “not one of our planes,” adding that he knew of nothing being built in the U.S. that matched the description. General George C. Kenney, the chief of the Strategic Air Command, which was responsible for most of America’s nuclear strike forces during the Cold War, told the Associated Press: “The Army hasn’t anything like that. I wish we did.”



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Discovery Channel Treasure Hunter Claims He’s Found Evidence of an Extra-Terrestrial Spaceship Beneath the Bermuda Triangle

by Ryan Parry                       August 8, 2018                         (

• Early 1960’s NASA astronaut, Gordon Cooper, was secretly asked by the U.S. government to look for ‘nuclear threats’ – which likely meant Russian submarines or nuclear missile sites using special ‘long range detection equipment’. Cooper was able to do this. He also noted many shipwrecks and anomalies in the Caribbean Sea, privately creating a map of these things.

• Darrell Miklos (pictured above) says that he was a close friend of Gordon Cooper, and that before dying in 2004 aged 77, Cooper gave Miklos the Caribbean map containing detailed charts and exact coordinates. Using the map to discover shipwreck treasures, Miklos and the TV production company AMPLE Entertainment created a tv show called “Cooper’s Treasure” which has run for two seasons on the Discovery Channel.

• In the first season of “Cooper’s Treasure”, Miklos and his team used Cooper’s map to recover a centuries-old anchor believed to be from one of Christopher Columbus’ ships. Cooper’s maps have led Miklos to dozens of significant ship wrecks across the Caribbean worth millions of dollars.

• During his post-NASA career, Cooper became well known as an outspoken believer in UFOs and claimed the government was covering up its knowledge of extra-terrestrial activity. “Gordon believed in aliens,” says Miklos. “He believed that we had visitors from other planets and he also believed that a lot of these things landed in this particular part of the world (ie: the Caribbean).”

• In the early days, Cooper wasn’t going to overstep the bounds of what he could reveal out of fear of getting killed (by the government). So he kept quiet until later in his life. In 1985, however, Cooper told a United Nations panel, “I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth.” “I feel that we need to have a top-level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the Earth concerning any type of (ET) encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion.” Cooper added, “For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us.”

• Using Cooper’s maps from the 1960s, Miklos identified more than 100 magnetic ‘anomalies’ in the Caribbean which Cooper had labeled as shipwrecks. But one area near the Bahamas was tellingly labeled ‘unidentified object’. “I realized that there was something else on there that Gordon was referring to,” Miklos said. “Then it made sense to me why it wasn’t identified as a shipwreck… he had to mean it might be something from another world.”

• Miklos said Cooper often told him stories of UFO sightings and believed a lot of the world’s technological advances had been passed on to governments by messengers from alien planets. “[G]iven what Gordon has told me about visitors from another planet and the things that I’ve seen, I think it’s definitely worthwhile investigating,’ says Miklos.

• While filming episode seven of “Cooper’s Treasure” at the Bahamas location, Miklos was looking for a Francis Drake era shipwreck based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon’s charts. Sitting in a two-man submersible, Miklos suddenly noticed a huge unidentified submerged object with fifteen 300ft-long ‘obtrusions’ jutting from its side all around. “It’s almost like there are… arms coming out of a steep wall cliff, and each one of these is the size of a gun on a battleship.” It was like nothing he’d ever seen, and it was too big to be a shipwreck. The deepest part of the site is 300 feet below the surface. Divers had to use special breathing apparatus and a state of the art submarine to access it. Miklos found other unexplained formations around the main object, all of which were covered in thick coral which he believes are hundreds if not thousands of years old.

• Now, Miklos is hoping that the Discovery Channel will order a third season of “Cooper’s Treasure” so he and his team can bring the ‘alien spaceship’ to the surface.


A treasure hunter has made an astonishing ‘unexplained’ discovery deep beneath the Bermuda Triangle that he believes could provide the first evidence of an extra-terrestrial visit to earth hundreds of years ago.

Explorer Darrell Miklos has been using secret maps created by his close friend and famed NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper to find shipwrecks in the Caribbean.

His amazing discoveries have featured over two seasons of hit Discovery Channel docu-series Cooper’s Treasure.

But in recent months his team stumbled on something that he believes will shock the world.

Using maps put together in the 1960s by Cooper to identify more than 100 magnetic ‘anomalies’ in the Caribbean, Miklos dived at an undisclosed location near the Bahamas to investigate what he thought could be an ancient shipwreck.

But instead the veteran treasure hunter found a bizarre structure like nothing he’s ever seen.

            Astronaut Gordon Cooper

The huge unidentified submerged object (USO) has 15, 300ft long obtrusions jutting from its side.

In an exclusive interview with Miklos, 55, described what he found while filming episode seven of Cooper’s Treasure and tells how he and his team want to bring the ‘alien spaceship’ to the surface.

He recalls: ‘We were doing a scene where I was sitting in a two man submersible.

‘We were out in the Bahamas and we were on an English shipwreck trail, somehow related to Sir Francis Drake.

‘I was trying to identify shipwreck material based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon’s charts when I noticed something that stuck out, that shocked me.

‘It was a formation unlike anything I’ve ever seen related to shipwreck material, it was too big for that.

‘It was also something that was completely different from anything that I’ve seen that was made by nature.

‘It’s almost like there are five arms coming out of a steep wall cliff and each one of these is the size of a gun on a battleship. They’re enormous and then there’s five over here and five over there, 15 in total.

‘There’s identical formations in three different areas and they don’t look nature made, they don’t look man made, certainly nothing I’ve ever seen based on my experience and I have years of experience at doing this, we’ve identified multiple different types of shipwreck material, this doesn’t match or look anything like that.’

The deepest part of the site is 300 feet below the surface, divers had to use special breathing apparatus and a state of the art submarine to access it.

The explorer also found other bizarre and unexplained formations around the main object, all of which are covered in thick coral which he believes are hundreds if not thousands of years old.

Blown away by the discovery, when back on board his ship, Miklos decided to dig further into Cooper’s files to find further clues.

Significantly, the astronaut had written ‘unidentified object’ on the chart of the area rather than mentioning any historical shipwreck.

‘I investigated some of Gordon’s charts, I realized that there was something else on there that Gordon was referring to,’ he said.

‘Then it made sense to me why it wasn’t identified as a shipwreck… he had to mean it might be something from another world.



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The Unsolved Mystery of the Lubbock Lights UFO Sightings

by Hadley Mears                    August 8, 2018                       (

• On August 25, 1951, a handful of scientists from Texas Technical College in Lubbock, Texas were hanging out and drinking tea in a fellow professors backyard. At 9:20 pm, they all saw a V-shaped formation of 15 to 30 blueish-green lights passing overhead. An hour later the lights appeared again in the sky, traveling from north to south.

• The sightings of these V-formation lights, or possibly a flying wing with lights on it, were seen by hundreds more over the next two weeks. A Lubbock rancher’s wife saw an ‘airplane without a body’ fly over her house, again with pairs of glowing bluish lights on the back edges of the wings.

• 350 miles away in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as a Sandia Atomic Energy Commission employee and his wife as they sat outside, they saw a huge airplane flying silently over their house. At the edges of the planes wings were six to eight pairs of soft, glowing, bluish lights.

• In the meantime, the Texas Tech professors began their own informal investigation. In the weeks after their initial sighting, they all saw the lights a dozen more times. They noted that they always traveled from north to south. Their experiences lined up with those of the other Lubbock residents who claimed to have seen the lights.

• “The Lubbock Lights incident persists in the memory of many older citizens. Dr. Monte L. Monroe, archivist at Texas Tech University, told Texas Highways Magazine. “Mention the event, and everyone has an opinion. Some believe the bright, semicircular, so-called ‘string of beads’ crossed the sky at great speed, high in the stratosphere. Few agree with the streetlight-illuminated, migratory duck-bellies theory ventured at the time by skeptics or in the Air Force report.”

• On August 31st, a Texas Tech freshman named Carl Hart, Jr. was looking out for the infamous lights when he saw them come. He went out to his yard with a camera and took photos of them (image above) as they again passed overhead. He managed to take five photos of the V-shaped lights, or flying wing with lights. They are the only images caught of what hundreds were claiming they saw. Over 40 years later, in a rare interview, Carl Hart, Jr. said he still had no idea what he had photographed that August night. But like hundreds of others witnesses in and around Lubbock, he saw something he would never forget.


August 25, 1951 was a quiet summer night in Lubbock, Texas. That evening, a handful of scientists from Texas Technical College were hanging out in the backyard of geology professor Dr. W.I. Robinson, drinking tea and chatting about micrometeorites. It was quite the brain trust: chemical engineering professor Dr. A. G. Oberg, physics professor Dr. George and Dr. W. L. Ducker, head of the petroleum-engineering department.

Which made the story of what they witnessed that night all the more curious.

“If a group had been hand-picked to observe a UFO, we couldn’t have picked a more technically qualified group of people,” wrote U.S. Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt later in his definitive 1956 casebook, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. In the early 1950s Ruppelt served as lead investigator for Project Blue Book, the official Air Force investigations into UFO sightings, after working on its precursor effort, Project Grudge.

Sightings of the blue-green lights kept growing

Around 9:20 p.m., the university colleagues saw something otherworldly in the expansive Texas sky: a V-shaped formation of 15 to 30 blueish-green lights passing overhead. Stunned, but still using their trained scientific reasoning, they figured the lights would reappear. And they did, about an hour later, in a more haphazard formation. The scientists were all in agreement: They had witnessed something fantastic—but what was it?

The professors weren’t the only credible witnesses to the mysterious blue-green lights that night. At dusk, in Albuquerque, New Mexico (about 350 miles away from Lubbock), an employee of the Atomic Energy Commission’s top-secret Sandia Corporation—a man with a high-level “Q” security clearance—had been sitting outside with his wife. According to Ruppelt: They were gazing at the night sky, commenting on how beautiful it was when both of them were startled at the sight of a huge airplane flying swiftly and silently over their home… On the aft edge of the wings, there were six to eight pairs of soft, glowing, bluish lights.

An hour or so after, according to a retired rancher from Lubbock, his wife had seen something terrifying in the night sky. Ruppelt described it this way: Just after dark, his wife had gone outdoors to take some sheets off the clothesline. He was inside the house reading the paper. Suddenly his wife had rushed into the house…“as white as the sheets she was carrying.” The reason his wife was so upset was that she had seen a large object glide swiftly and silently over the house. She said it looked like “an airplane without a body.” On the back edge of the wing were pairs of glowing bluish lights.

By the time Ruppelt flew into Lubbock to investigate the sightings in late September, hundreds of residents had seen the lights over a period of two weeks.


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NASA Astronaut Reveals Encounter With ‘Alien-Like’ Object on Space Shuttle

by Henry Holloway                   August 8, 2018                    (

• Leland Melvin (pictured above) was an engineer on board space shuttle Atlantis who spent almost 24 days in space. The 54-year-old recently related an experience he had while in orbit of seeing “something, organic, alien like” in the payload bay of the shuttle. He added that the object he spotted was “translucent, curved, organic looking… floating out of the payload bay.”

• Melvin says he was with fellow NASA astronaut Randy Bresnik who also saw the unusual object. The two radioed in the sighting to mission control. Mission control told them it was ice that had broken off the shuttle’s hoses. When asked whether or not mission control may have lied to keep him calm, Melvin said: “Hmm… you never know.”

• Astronauts have occasionally claimed to have had strange experiences while in space. Some recall seeing UFOs, while many sightings have been explained away as natural or man-made phenomena. NASA astronaut Jim McDivitt witnesseed a “white cylindrical shape” space, and Apollo 14 pilot Edgar Mitchell publicly spoke about his belief in aliens.

[Editor’s Note]   Of course not one, but two highly trained NASA engineers would have no idea what ice from hoses would look like, and would easily mistake it for a translucent, organic, alien-like object floating in space. See this previous ExoNews article that describes the alien sight seen by John Glenn while in Earth’s orbit in 1962.


Leland Melvin worked as an engineer on board space shuttle Atlantis and spent almost 24 days in space.

The 54-year-old was quizzed by fans on Twitter about his experiences in orbit, asked if he had ever witnessed any aliens or UFOs.

Melvin revealed he had once been spooked after witnessing “something, organic, alien like” in the payload bay of the shuttle.

Space Shuttle Atlantis

He revealed he even radioed NASA to let them know what he had seen, who dismissed it as just ice breaking away from the vessel.

Proof of life in space is constantly being probed by scientists who are looking to find evidence we are not alone in the universe.

Melvin revealed he was with fellow NASA spaceman Randy Bresnik when he had the unusual encounter.

Space Shuttle Atlantic flew 33 missions and travelled 126,000 miles before being retired along with the rest of the US fleet in 2011.

The astronaut said the object he spotted with “translucent, curved, organic looking” – finishing his tweet with a alien emoji.


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US Air Force Wants to Free Our Minds and Conquer Other Galaxies

by Brett Tingley                   August 8, 2018                     (

• The world’s superpowers are scrambling to construct and test next-generation space bases and weapons in order to gain space superiority before those other guys do. Current planning involves fairly ordinary matters like asteroid strike preparedness and defending our communications satellites. But defending from space-borne threats both man-made and natural is a serious priority for defense officials.

• USAF Lieutenant General VeraLinn Jamieson tells Stephen Trimble, the editor of aviation intelligence firm, FlightGlobal, “Space has got different galaxies.” “Space is contested.” “…we haven’t freed our mind to think about what is in that space and how we are going to utilize it.” Apparently, the Air Force is eyeing other galaxies for military operations. “…there’s going to be a man-made domain in (those other) galaxies,” predicts Lt Gen Jamieson.

• Lt Gen Jamieson may have also alluded to the Air Force’s ability to track UFO’s when she described upgrading the low-definition infrared optics on the Predator drone to a higher-definition electro-optical, hyper-spectral, synthetic aperture radar system. “[T]hat’s where we started to identify ‘What are you seeing?’, ‘Tell me what the object is.’” “We have to do the exact same thing in space.”

• Is the Air Force trickling out information in order to prep the feeble minds of the public for a full-on disclosure of its USAF secret space program?


Whether or not Tweeter-in-Chief Donald Trump gets his Space Force despite the objections of pretty much everyone in the U.S. armed forces, one thing is clear: like winter, war in space is coming. The world’s superpowers are currently scrambling to construct and test next-generation space bases and weapons in an attempt to gain space superiority before those other guys do. After all, Mr. President, we must not allow a MINE SHAFT GAP!

        USAF Lt Gen VeraLinn Jamieson

Whether or not Moonraker-style zero-gravity laser rifle battles will be a real thing any time soon, defending from space-borne threats both man-made and natural is a serious priority for defense officials. Most of the current planning involves fairly down-to-earth matters like asteroid strike preparedness or defending our communications satellites, though. Which is why it’s odd that one of the U.S. Air Force’s top officers would tell an interviewer that the Air Force is eyeing other galaxies as new sites for their operations. Do they know something we don’t? Actually, let’s make that “what do they know that we don’t?” and “do we really want to know?”

At an Air Force Association event this week, USAF Lieutenant General VeraLinn Jamieson made the curious comments concerning other galaxies to Stephen Trimble, editor of FlightGlobal, an aviation intelligence consulting and analytics firm. At the event, Trimble asked LtGen Jamieson about the future of the USAF’s Rivet Joint aircraft, a signals intelligence platform. In response, LtGen Jamieson seemed to dodge the question and instead proceeded to tell Trimble that other galaxies will soon be prime real estate for the armed forces: “I am convinced that there are more domains – man-made domains – that will come, and I would offer you that if we look at galaxies – sounds nuts – but there’s going to be a man-made domain in galaxies.”


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Why Are UFOs Making It Into the Mainstream Media?

by Laura Valkovic                       August 5, 2018                       (

• The long-dismissed idea of covert government research into UFOs was given a new level of public credibility in 2017 with the NY Times article exposing the pentagon UFO program, and the “tic tac” UFO video(s). Is the U.S. government finally starting to give the public the disclosure that many have hoped for, or is this actually an attempt by the Deptartment of Defense to prime us for the imminent expansion of war beyond the confines of our planetary surface? Or could it be both?

• For the believers and advocates who have long been relegated to society’s fringes, we may finally be getting what we wanted. UFO’s were covered by numerous mainstream media outlets including The NY Times, Politico, CNN, Washington Post, and Vanity Fair. Fox News host Tucker Carlson (above image) declared, “UFOs have captivated the public interest for decades but they’ve always been dismissed, including by me, as the province of wackos. But that is changing.” Robert Bigelow, head of Bigelow Aerospace, has publicly admitted that he believes aliens visit Earth. Career Exopolitics researcher Paola Harris (and Exopolitics Institute faculty member) wryly told an audience in Manchester, the (NY Times) article had finally convinced her children that she wasn’t crazy after all.

• Soon after President Trump took office he began discussing missions to the Moon and Mars. In June 2018, he told reporters that he wanted to attain “American dominance in space” and directed the Department of Defense to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. Military. A leaked DoD draft report states: “DoD will usher in a new age of space technology and field new systems in order to deter, and if necessary degrade, deny, disrupt, destroy and manipulate adversary capabilities to protect U.S. interests, assets, and way of life… This new age will unlock growth in the U.S. industrial base, expand the commercial space economy and strengthen partnerships with our allies.”

• In April, U.S. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA) called for a congressional hearing on the UFO matter saying, “I think it’s fascinating, you know, we don’t know what these phenomenon are. Obviously, it was important enough to allocate some funds. We ought to talk about what we can talk about openly.”

[Editor’s Note]  Drip. Drip. Drip.


The matter of UFOs has often been associated with tinfoil hat wearing fanatics looking for little gray men, but the people who have long been relegated to society’s fringes may finally be getting what they always wanted.

U.S. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA)

In December 2017, the long-dismissed idea of covert government research into UFOs was given a new level of public credibility by a most unlikely source: The New York Times. In a piece called “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” NYT reporters revealed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a black budget Pentagon program that was investigating reports of unidentified flying objects in conjunction with private company Bigelow Aerospace.


The Department of Defense (DoD) program began in 2007 with the backing of former Senator Harry Reid (D-NV). While a lack of funding reportedly ended the Department of Defense program in 2012, the program’s former head, Luis Elizondo, believes that it has continued.

Paola Harris

The story made a splash in the papers, with coverage by the big players including Politico, Fox News, CNN, Washington Post, Vanity Fair etc. What The New York Times story did, which countless ufologists never managed, was to bring the (or at least one) government UFO program to the serious attention of the public, and the mainstream media now deemed it acceptable to mention the term “UFO” without irony. As career Exopolitics researcher Paola Harris wryly told an audience in Manchester, the article had finally convinced her children that she wasn’t crazy after all.

Public interest has also been fuelled by a video of an encounter between a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet and a mysterious craft. Released by the DoD at the same time as the AATIP acknowledgment, the video depicts an unidentified flying object in the most literal sense – whether it is extraterrestrial in origin is not a foregone conclusion and many alternative scenarios are possible. Nevertheless, the possibility of alien craft presented in the footage has sparked an interest in the mainstream media that is

Robert Bigelow

unprecedented. Fox News host Tucker Carlson declared, “UFOs have captivated the public interest for decades but they’ve always been dismissed, including by me, as the province of wackos, but that is changing,” in a segment where he broadcast the Navy footage and interviewed Elizondo.

It’s not just the press that has finally expressed an interest in UFOs; U.S. politicians are getting in on the action too. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA) called for a congressional hearing on the matter at a Politico Space panel in April, saying “I think it’s fascinating, you know, we don’t know what these phenomenon are. Obviously, it was important enough to allocate some funds. We ought to talk about what we can talk about openly.”

5:24 minute video with Tucker Carlson eating crow for branding UFO believers as ‘wackos’



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Taking a Look at the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit

by Nick Redfern                     August 7, 2018                       (

• On September 25, 1980, UFO researcher Richard Hall was told by Colonel William B. Guild of the Director of Counterintelligence, Department of the U.S. Army that the IPU was ‘disestablished’ during the late 1950’s and was never reactivated. All records were surrendered to the U.S. Air Force. Except that Hall was never able to locate any such records in the official Air Force archives.

• So by the mid-1980’s, UFO researcher Bill Steinman made an inquiry and was told by Lt. Col. Lance R. Cornine, Department of the Army, that the IPU was ‘disestablished’ and turned over the Air Force. But it was never a formal investigative ‘unit’ of the Army and may not have had any records to produce. Therefore there was no one in command of the ‘unit’ and the Army had no further comment.

• So which was it? Were the records turned over to the Air Force or were there no records at all? In any event, the Army receives so many inquiries on the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit that they have an official three-level FOI/Privacy Act Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) form letter for such inquiries, saying in part: “… we have conducted an in-depth check of the files and indices maintained by this office. We regret to inform you that there is no record concerning UFOs within this office…” If the person makes a second request, the official reply is that it is a matter for the Air Force and not the Army.

• For any repeated request thereafter, the Army’s official reply is: ‘As stated in our previous letters of [insert date] and [insert date], the Department of the Army is no longer in possession of the records you seek and we cannot locate any information on the unit. Unfortunately, for that reason alone, we are simply unable to answer your questions.’

[Editor’s Note]   It has long been rumored that the during World War II, Army Air Corps pilots had reported over 2000 UFOs in the Pacific theater, and as a result General Douglas MacArthur secretly established an office to study these reports and investigate UFO crashes.  By 1947 this had become the ‘Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit’.  Supporting evidence of the existence of an IPU that began with the Army and was turned over to the newly-created Air Force is an alleged IPU report to MJ-12 detailing the 1947 Roswell crash and the actions of military heads including Gen Thomas Handy, Lt Gen Nathan Twining, and Gen Dwight Eisenhower; scientists such as Robert Oppenheimer and Wernher von Braun; Sec of Defense James Forrestal, and Massachusetts Congressman John F. Kennedy.  Also, in 1955 Gen MacArthur told the Mayor of Naples, Achille Lauro, that the nations of Earth would have to “make a common front against attack by people of other planets”.  In 1962 MacArthur told the cadets at West Point that the ultimate military conflict would be between “a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy”.


Occasionally, debate will surface on the strange and confusing saga of what has become known as the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit. Supposedly, it was a group within the U.S. Army, a group with a history that dates back decades and that investigated UFO encounters. Certainly, there appears to have been something to it, but precisely how much is anyone’s guess. The story primarily began in 1980 – specifically on September 25. On that day, a Colonel William B. Guild, of the Director of Counterintelligence, Department of the U.S. Army, told ufologist Richard Hall (now deceased): “Please be advised that the IPU of the Science and Technology Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate, Department of the Army, was disestablished during the late 1950’s and never reactivated. All records were surrendered to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations in conjunction with operation ‘BLUEBOOK.’”

Colonel Guild was sure that the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit files had all been transferred to the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations. The fact is, though, that the AFOSI UFO-themed records stored at the National Archives make no mention – in any way at all – to such IPU papers. So, where, exactly, might the files be? If they even still exist, of course. Four years after Richard Hall made his inquiries (which went nowhere), UFO researcher/writer Bill Steinman decided to get on the trail of the IPU. Steinman, who wrote a controversial 1986 book, UFO Crash at Aztec, received a reply to his inquiry from the Department of the Army. The reply to Steinman came from a Lt. Col. Lance R. Cornine, who wrote: “As you note in your letter, the so-called Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) was disestablished and, as far as we are aware, all records, if any, were transferred to the Air Force in the late 1950’s. The ‘unit’ was formed as an in-house project purely as an interest item for the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence. It was never a ‘unit’ in the military sense, nor was it ever formally organized or reportable, it had no investigative function, mission or authority, and may not even have had any formal records at all. It is only through institutional memory that any recollection exists of this unit. We are therefore unable to answer your questions as to the exact purpose of the unit, exactly when it was disestablished, or who was in command. This last would not apply in any case, as no one was in ‘command’. We have no records or documentation of any kind on this unit.”

Clearly, between 1980 and 1984, things had changed. Whereas Hall had been told that the records had been given to AFOSI, Steinman was advised that there may actually not have been “any formal records at all.” It’s intriguing to note that the Army has a FOI/Privacy Act Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) form which, to this day, provides guidelines for military staff who may have to respond to FOIA requests on the matter of the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit. The form states: “Periodically this office will receive requests concerning an activity described as the ‘Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit’ and for information on UFOs. When replying to request for UFO’s records our reply should be as follows: ‘This is in response to your letter of [insert date] under the Freedom of Information Act, 5USC 552, requesting information concerning Army intelligence records related to UFO encounter reports. To determine the existence of Army intelligence investigative records responsive to your request, we have conducted an in-depth check of the files and indices maintained by this office. We regret to inform you that there is no record concerning UFOs within this office and the Department of the Army.’”


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ET Nanotech Used to Control Humans

by Paul Harper                 August 5, 2018                    (

• Dr. Roger Leir is a well-known Ufologist who claims to have removed “16 alien implants”. In independent filmmaker Jeremy Corbell’s new documentary, “Patient Seventeen”, Corbell follow Dr. Leir as he removes an alien implant from a seventeenth patient. Patient Seventeen believes he has had several experiences with intelligent lifeforms not from this planet, a claim made by more than three million Americans.

• Footage shows the patient’s surgery and then the results of scientific testing of the minute implant. Scientist Steve Colbern claims that the implant is made up of 36 elements, many of which are reportedly not found on Earth. “It’s probably a sophisticated nanotechnological device,” says Colbern.

• Nanophysicist Chris Cooper remarks, “There is nothing I can imagine that could explain why this man would have a witch’s brew of elements within a sample embedded in his leg.” “This is the most astounding array of elements in a simple sample I’ve ever seen.”

• Dr. Leir believes that the implanted device emits “scalar waves”, i.e.: electromagnetic radiation that could potentially be used for communication. Dr. Leir is convinced that the device “did not come from our solar system, much less the Earth”.

• The filmmaker asked Dr. Leir if he was sure that he wanted him to film his work. Leir said, “Yes, Jeremy. I’ve been doing this for more than two decades, and there’s something to this!” Corbell told Dr. Leir that he would film his surgery, “but if he was lying, bending the truth or trying to deceive the public in any way by altering his results, that I was going to out him.”

• “I might be sitting on the most astounding physical evidence of an off-world, non-terrestrial nanotechnological device from an advanced Alien intelligence,” exclaimed Corbell. As for Patient Seventeen, “I just want this to end, I just want it removed. ‘This is scarier than hell.”


The production is named after the 17 reported patients helped by a Dr Roger Leir, a well-known Ufologist, who alleges he has removed “16 alien implants”.

Dr. Roger Leir

Patient Seventeen believes he has had several experiences with intelligent lifeforms not from this planet, a claim made by more than three million Americans who suffer from what’s called “alien abduction syndrome”.

Jeremy Corbell

The unidentified man said he never realised that there was a tiny metal object – the size of the “end of a matchstick” – in his leg,  which is suggested was secretly inserted during an ET encounter.

“I just want this to end, I just want it removed,” he tells the camera.

“This is scarier than hell.”

Footage shows the patient’s surgery and then the results of scientific testing of the minute implant, which Dr Leir is convinced “did not come from our solar system, much less the Earth”.

Scientist Steve Colbern claims that the implant is made up of 36 elements, many of which are reportedly not traditionally found on Earth.



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An Astounding Discovery

by Pallab Mukhopadhyay                 August 5, 2018                  (

• The Charama region of the Kanker district in central India is the location of a pre-agrarian human settlement where prehistoric cave paintings have been found. Recently, 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting UFOs and extra-terrestrials have been discovered in caves hidden deep within dense jungle. One of the intricate prehistoric cave paintings depict aliens and UFO type spacecraft next to a ‘wormhole’ formation in the sky (see above).

• The images may be depicting extra-terrestrials and UFOs as the paintings include large, humanoid beings descending from the sky, some wearing what looks like a helmet or antennae, as well as a disc-shaped craft with three rays (or legs) from its base. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. The nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing spacesuits.

• A clear image of what might be an alien or ET in a spacesuit can be seen in a cave painting along with a classic flying saucer shaped UFO that appears to be either beaming something down or beaming something up, in what might be an ancient UFO abduction scenario. A force-field or trail of some sort is seen at the rear of the UFO. Also visible is another object that might depict a wormhole, explaining how the aliens were able to reach Earth.

• According to indigenous locals, their ancestors told of the ‘rohela people’, which translates to “the small sized ones”. The ‘rohela people’ would come from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away villagers who never returned. The findings suggest that prehistoric humans may have seen beings from other planets.

• Indian Vedic texts are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas as a double-decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with “the speed of the wind” and made a “melodious sound”. Two of the objects depicted look like hats floating in mid-air, and one of them appears to have port holes on it.

• Local archaeologist, Wassim Khan, has personally seen the images. He claims that the objects and creatures seen in them are totally anomalous and out of character when compared to other examples of prehistoric cave art depicting ancient life in the area. As such, he believes that they might suggest beings from other planets have been interacting with humans since prehistoric times.


The former central province of India, presently Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, was the place of pre-agrarian human settlement even before the great tectonic plate movement.

That’s the reason why a number of sites of prehistoric cave paintings have been found in the region. Some of them are known to us like Bhimbetka where we mainly find cave paintings made by a hunter-gatherer population.

Recently in the Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh, just 43 miles from the local administrative centre of Raisen, ancient 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting UFOs and extra-terrestrials have been discovered in the caves. The caves are hidden deep within dense jungle in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region. Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.

A group of anthropologists working with hill tribes in a remote area have made a startling discovery of intricate prehistoric cave paintings depicting aliens and UFO type craft next to a look-alike ‘wormhole’ formation in the sky.

A few years back, a three-and-a-half- million-years- old prehistoric human skull was discovered in the Ahthnor village of Madhya Pradesh by geologist Dr. Arun Sonakia. Possibilities that above image was drawn by those ancient humans can’t be ruled out, said Dr. Sonakia.

The state of Chhattisgarh has an abundance of ancient rock paintings. Many sites have paintings of humans and animals in everyday scenes. However, some researchers have referred to some rather unusual paintings, such as those depicting what appear to be kangaroos and giraffes (mainly in Kabra hills of Raigarh area of the state of Chhatishgarh) which are not native to the country, as well as human-fish hybrid creatures. Now, it is claimed that aliens and UFOs can be added to this collection.

The paintings are done in natural colors that have barely faded despite the passing of years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features.

Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing spacesuits. The newly-discovered depictions date back some 10,000 years.

The images may be depicting extra-terrestrials and UFOs as the paintings include large, humanoid beings descending from the sky, some wearing what looks like a helmet or antennae, as well as a disc-shaped craft with three rays (or legs) from its base. There are several beliefs among locals from the area.

While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about ‘rohela people’, which translates to “the small sized ones”. According to legend, the ‘rohela people’ used to land from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons of village who never returned.

According to one archaeologist, the art reflects the belief among ancient humans that we are not alone in the universe. The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still arouse curiosity among people and researchers.



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How U.F.O.s ‘Exploded’ Into Public View

by Laura M. Holson                   August 3, 2018                      (

• Starting around 11:40 p.m. on July 19, 1952, air traffic controllers at Washington National Airport noticed radar blips speeding near Andrews Air Force Base. The unidentified aircrafts fanned out, flying over the White House and the U.S. Capitol (see photo image above). They vanished around 5 a.m. That morning, Capt. S.C. “Casey” Pierman was leaving Washington National Airport bound for Detroit. Air traffic control told Pierman to follow the unidentified flying objects. Flying over West Virginia, Pierman reported tracking as many as seven bluish-white lights.

• A week later on July 26th, unidentified radar blips were again spotted on radar at Washington National Airport. The Air Force dispatched jet fighters to intercept the flying objects. But every time one of the jets closed in, they disappeared. When the jets backed off, they reappeared. At one point, a pilot found himself in the midst of four unidentified aircrafts and asked what to do. Air control were speechless. Suddenly the objects began to move away. The pilot radioed, ‘They’re gone,” and returned to his base.

• Pentagon spokesman at the time, Albert Chop, told the press that “These things hung around all night long.” The next day, almost every major newspaper wrote about the UFOs. “‘Objects’ Outstrip Jets Over Capital,” was the headline in The New York Times.

• The Air Force and the CIA became worried that the Soviet Union would take advantage of the situation and launch an attack on the United States. Worse, no one could explain the phenomenon to President Harry Truman.

• On July 29, 1952, Maj. Gen. John Samford, the director of Air Force intelligence overseeing the inquiry, held a news conference to reassure the public. He dismissed the Washington sightings as a temperature anomaly. Still, the general conceded that not all the details could be explained by natural causes. Witness reports “have been made by credible observers of relatively incredible things,” he said at the time. The New York Times ran the headline “Air Force Debunks ‘Saucers’ as Just ‘Natural Phenomena.’”

• In January 1953, a scientific committee led by Howard Robertson, a well-known mathematician and physicist, was formed by the government to explore the phenomenon. “One of the conclusions was that they needed to debunk UFOs,” said former Army Lt Col. Kevin Randle, who has written a book on the incident, Invasion Washington: U.F.O.s Over the Capitol. The ‘Robertson Panel’ suggested that the government conduct a mass media education campaign to “reduce the current gullibility of the public and consequently their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.” The re-education campaign did not work. Few were convinced by the government’s explanation, and UFOs have persisted in pop culture.

• Government officials have sought to publicly debunk the existence of alien evidence ever since the 1952 Washington sightings. Nevertheless, the topic is back in the headlines. Last year, The New York Times wrote about a little known Pentagon project, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, founded in 2007 to investigate UFO sightings. A search of The NY Times’s historical archives reveals a rich bounty of UFO sightings, lore and explanations since the 1950s. And who can forget in 2016 when Hillary Clinton said she would reopen the real X-files if she were president?

[Editor’s Note]  According to sources such as Corey Goode and William Tompkins, the UFOs that buzzed Washington D.C. in the summer of 1952 were actually Nazi spacecraft from Antarctica.  After these incidents, President Eisenhower and the U.S. military were pressured into negotiating a truce with the Nazi faction, ultimately clearing the way for a cooperative treaty between the highly advanced Nazi group and the U.S. military industrial complex which endures even today. 


In the early morning of July 20, 1952, Capt. S.C. “Casey” Pierman was ready for takeoff at Washington National Airport, when a bright light skimmed the horizon and disappeared. He did not think much of it until he was airborne, bound for Detroit, and an air traffic controller told him two or three unidentified flying objects were spotted on radar traveling at high speed.

The controller told Captain Pierman to follow them, the pilot told government investigators at the time. Captain Pierman agreed, and headed northwest over West Virginia where he saw as many as seven bluish-white lights that looked “like falling stars without tails,” according to a newspaper report.

The sighting of whatever-they-were garnered headlines around the world. And in the decades since, U.F.O.s have become part of the pop culture zeitgeist, from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” to “The X-Files.” In September, a star of that long-running series, Gillian Anderson, will appear in “UFO,” a movie about a college student haunted by sightings of flying saucers. A “Men in Black” remake is in the works. And the History Channel plans to air “Project Blue Book,” a scripted series about the government program that studied whether U.F.O.s were a national threat.

And the topic is back in the headlines. Last year, The Times wrote about a little known project founded in 2007, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, to investigate U.F.O. sightings. A search of The Times’s historical archives reveals a rich bounty of U.F.O. sightings, lore and explanations since the 1950s. And who can forget in 2016 when Hillary Clinton said she would reopen the real X-files if she were president?

Captain Pierman’s 68-year-old daughter, Faith McClory, said in an interview last month that her father became something of a celebrity as reports like his in the summer of 1952 fueled fear of a space alien invasion.

“My sister has memories of men coming to our home,” said Ms. McClory, who grew up in Belleville, Mich. (She said they were reporters.) “People were enthralled with the flying saucers,” she added.
Researchers say government officials have sought to publicly debunk the existence of alien evidence ever since the Washington sightings.

“Unidentified flying objects exploded into the public consciousness then,” said Mark Rodeghier, the scientific director for the Center for UFO Studies, a group of scientists and researchers who study the U.F.O. phenomenon. “There was concern in a way you hadn’t seen before.”



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Audio Reveals Creepy Details of UFO Mystery

by Ally Foster                     August 7, 2018                       (

• The largest mass UFO sighting in Australia occurred on April 6, 1966 when 350 school children and faculty of Westall High School in Melbourne watched a UFO hover over nearby field for twenty minutes. While today the event is commemorated by a memorial park at the site, it was initially covered up by the school authority. An audio recording of an interview with an eye witness to the event, Westall science teacher Andrew Greenwood, by American UFO researcher Dr. James E. McDonald, has recently surfaced. (see below for 9:21 minute audio interview)

• On that fateful day, Greenwood was in his classroom when a child ran in and said, “there’s a flying saucer outside!” When he went outside to take a look, he saw a group of children in the corner of the school grounds watching a silver, saucer-shaped UFO about the size of a car with a metal rod sticking up, hovering close to a powerline. As more people began to gather to watch, five planes came and surrounded the object in the air. The UFO would dart from side to side to avoid the planes. This went on for twenty minutes before 350 witnesses. The headmaster was so “scared” and “disturbed” by the incident, however, that he refused to come outside until the object was gone.

• Suddenly the UFO shot away and vanished within seconds. The school’s headmaster then came out and ordered everyone to go back to class. “He gave the school a lecture and told the children they would be severely punished if they talked about this matter, and told the staff they could lose their jobs if they mentioned it at all,” said McDonald. The headmaster refused to talk with the Royal Australian Air Force. Then the infamous Men in Black showed up and warned everyone not to speak of the incident.

• After the Men in Black’s visit, nearly everyone shut up and refused to talk about it, even after they’d previously described the entire event in great detail. Over the years, there have been differing reports about the details of what happened at Westall High School, such as people claiming there were not just one but three saucer-like objects in the sky that day. Some believe it was an alien encounter while others suspect the government had something to do with it.


In 1966, over 300 children and staff from a Melbourne school reportedly witnessed multiple UFOs silently flying through the sky before landing in a nearby field.

It is the largest mass UFO sighting in Australia, yet hardly anything was reported on it at the time.
Over the years, there have been differing reports about the details of what happened on April 6 at Westall High School, such as people claiming there were three saucerlike objects, while some thought there was just one.

In the 52 years since, there has been wide speculation about what people saw, with some believing it was an alien encounter and others pointing the finger at the government testing new technology.

Throughout all the years of speculation, however, one particularly interesting piece of audio has been greatly overlooked.

An American physicist known for his research into UFOs, Dr. James E. McDonald, conducted an interview with a science teacher from the Westall school, Andrew Greenwood, who witnessed the event.

He then recorded himself describing their meeting and the creepy details Mr. Greenwood gave about his experience. “Greenwood told me the UFO was first brought to his attention by a hysterical child who ran into his classroom and told him there’s a flying saucer outside,” Dr. McDonald said.

“He thought this child had become deranged or something so he didn’t take any notice, but when the child insisted that this object was in the sky he decided to go out and have a look for himself.”

When he went outside, he noticed a group of children looking toward the northeast area of the school grounds and as he approached them he claims he saw a UFO hovering close to the powerline.
Mr. Greenwood described it as a round, silver object about the size of a car with a metal rod sticking up in the air.

According to Dr. McDonald, the teacher then told him five planes came and surrounded the object as more people began gathering to watch the scene before them.

9:21 minute video/audio on Westall UFO Encounter


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CIA Files Reveal Claim Nazis Had 2,500mph Flying Saucer

by Henry Holloway                    August 6, 2018                    (

• Declassified CIA files of compiled interviews with a German engineer named George Klein from between March 11 and May 20, 1952 reveal claims that the Nazis had a flying saucer that was capable of reaching heights of 12,400 metres in three minutes – with speeds of up to 2,500 mph. Nazi flying saucers appear twice in the CIA’s trove of documents as part of their investigations into UFOs. The Klein testimony was published in newspapers in Greece, Iran and the Congo.

• “Klein said he was an engineer in the Ministry of Speer (i.e.: Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production for Nazi Germany) and was present in Prague on February 14, 1945, at the first experimental flight of a flying saucer.” Klein claims the Third Reich actually successfully carried out a test of their “flying saucer” in Prague of Valentine’s Day, 1945, only months before the Czech capital was liberated by the Soviet Union’s advancing Red Army.

• Exceeding 2,500 mph (Mach 3) would make the Nazi saucer almost twice as fast as the state-of-the-art F-35 warplane being rolled out in the US and UK during World War II. Klein claimed the saucer could take-off vertically like a helicopter, and had been in development since 1941.

• The CIA document alleges the saucers were constructed at the same slave-labor driven factories which made the dreaded V2 rockets. Nazi engineers were reportedly evacuated from Prague as the Red Army bared down upon them. Klein claims one team was failed to be notified of the order to escape – and they were captured by the Soviets.

• The CIA file reads: “Klein stated recently that though many people believe ‘flying saucers to be a postwar development, they were actually in the planning stage in German aircraft factories as early as 1941.” “Klein was of the opinion that the ‘saucers’ are at present being constructed in accordance with German technical principles and expressed the belief that they will constitute serious competition to jet-propelled airplanes.” Klein claimed the saucers were being built by the Russians, but no-known Soviet saucers ever materialized.

• Claims about the Nazis advanced technology is often tied to alleged links between Hitler and the occult. Conspiracy theorists claim that remnants of the Third Reich fled to South America under the guidance of SS commander Hans Kammler. The Nazis are claimed to continued testing their experimental weapons from secret bases in the Antarctic. UFO sightings from the era are alleged to be secret tests of experimental technology by the Nazis – and the US and Soviets. Theories persist to this day about advanced Reich technology – and still cause controversy.

[Editor’s Note]   It makes sense that late in the war, Klein would have witnessed test flights of Nazi ‘flying saucer’ prototypes in Prague, because the last manufacturing plants were located within the mountains of Czechoslovakia before they were relocated to the Antarctic. This corroborates the revelations made by William Tompkins that U.S. Navy spies reported to Admiral Botta on the manufacturing of spacecraft by the Nazis in his seminal book Selected by Extraterrestrials: My Life in the Top Secret World of UFOs, Think-Tanks and Nordic Secretaries. For an extensive and cutting-edge examination of the Nazi’s development of spacecraft that could travel to the Moon and beyond before the end of WWII, see Dr. Michael Salla’s book series Insiders reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015); The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (2017); and Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs (2018)


Unsealed documents from the US spy agency reveal intelligence officials probed claims about Adolf Hitler’s advanced technology.

Nazi flying saucers appear twice in the CIA’s trove of documents as part of their investigations into UFOs.

CIA spooks mark the information as “unevaluated” – but the claims made in the files are extraordinary.

Modern myths have long been associated with Hitler’s secret technology – with outrageous claims going as far to allege the Nazis landed on the Moon.

Files reveal claims the Nazis had a flying saucer that was capable of reaching heights of 12,400 metres in three minutes – with speeds of up to 2,500mph.

CIA files compiled interviews with a German engineer named Georg – or George – Klein from between March 11 and May 20, 1952.

Declassified files recount his testimony, which was published in newspapers in Greece, Iran and the Congo.

Klein claims the Third Reich actually successfully carried out a test of their “flying saucer” in Prague of Valentine’s Day, 1945.

The Czech capital was liberated just months later by the Soviet Union’s advancing Red Army.

CIA files reveal Klein claimed the aircraft “reached an altitude of 12,400 metres within 3 minutes and a speed of 1,370mph”.

He claimed the saucer could theoretically reach speeds of 2,500mph – which is more than three times the speed of sound.

Exceeding Mach 3 would make the Nazi saucer almost twice as fast as the state-of-the-art F-35 warplane being rolled out in the US and UK.

Klein claimed the saucer could take-off vertically like a helicopter, and had been in development since 1941.

The CIA document alleges the saucers were constructed at the same slave-labour driven factories which made the dreaded V2 rockets.

Nazi engineers were reportedly evacuated from Prague as the Red Army bared down upon them.



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The Mysterious Saga of Indrid Cold

by Nick Redfern                  August 3, 2018                   (

• Redfern attribute the story of Indrid Cold to paranormal investigator Susan Sheppard: Shortly after 6pm (on November 2nd, 1966), Woody Derenberger was driving home from his job at J.C. Penny’s in Marietta, Ohio to his farmhouse in Mineral Wells, West Virginia in a light rain. Suddenly, Derenberger sees charcoal colored UFO without any lights on, following his truck. The craft flew around in front of his car and forced him to pull off of the highway. A hatch opened and an ‘ordinary looking’ man stepped out. As the man walked toward Derenberger’s truck, the “craft” jetted up to about 40 feet in the air where it floated above the highway.

• In his mind, Derenberger heard the words, “Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm, I only want to ask you a few questions.” The man walked up to his passenger side window, and in Derenberger mind he heard, “Now you can speak, or you can think. It makes no difference. I can understand you either way.” Derenberger later explained that this man, Indrid Cold, mostly wanted to look directly at him as they spoke as if Cold could know everything about him. And he felt he would also understand everything about Cold.

• Derenberger describes Cold as 35 years of age, six feet tall and185 pounds with a trim build and a tanned complexion. He had dark eyes and dark hair slicked back. Cold wore a long dark coat and beneath the coat Derenberger could glimpse the fabric of his “uniform” that glistened beneath the coat. Cold kept a frozen smile and curiously hid his hands beneath his armpits most of the time.

• Cold did, however, point at the city lights above the distant hills of Parkersburg and asked Mr. Derenberger, “What do you call that over there?” Derenberger said, “Why, that’s Parkersburg and we call that a city.” Cold responded, “Where I come from we call it a gathering.” Cold later added the curious statement that “I come from a place less powerful than yours.” As the men talked cars passed under the craft which drifted above the road. The occupants were seemingly unaware of the spaceship being there. After all, there were no lights that could be seen.

• Cold then asked about the nearby town of Parkersburg, “Do people live there or do they work there?” Derenberger answered that people both live and work there. Cold said that he was a “searcher” and noted that Derenberger was scared. “Why are you so frightened?” the visitor asked. “Do not be afraid. We mean you no harm. You will see that we eat and bleed the same as you do.” “We only wish you happiness.”

• Finally, Cold said, “Mr. Derenberger, I thank you for talking to me. We will see you again.” With that, the spacecraft came back down, Cold walked back into the hatch, it jetted up into the air about seventy-five feet, made a fluttering noise and then shot away at a very high rate of speed. The entire event lasted about ten minutes.

• Stunned by the incident, Derenberger drove home to his wife. He got home around 7:00pm. Mrs Derenberger said that her husband “could not have been any whiter if he had been lying in a coffin.”

• Derenberger reported the encounter to the West Virginia State Police.  The next day Derenberger agreed to a live television interview about his experience with WTAP-TV the NBC affiliate in Parkersburg. He was grilled by veteran reporter Glenn Wilson for an hour, and by city Police Chief Ed Plum for another hour and a half. Representatives from Wright Patterson Air Force base were in route to interview Derenberger, but whether that came about is not known. Derenberger drew a picture of the spacecraft which he described looking like an “old-fashioned chimney lamp.”

• In the live interview, Derenberger, quoted Indrid Cold as saying to him, “At the proper time, the authorities will be notified about our meeting and this will be confirmed.” Then came the strange visits from men dressed in black. They would arrive his house, ask Derenberger simple questions, and act in a threatening manner.

• Derenberger claimed that Cold visited him many other times at his farmhouse in Mineral Wells. At one point, Derenberger came up missing for almost six months and said he was “with the aliens.” The local population finally became skeptical. Derenberger even claimed to have been impregnated by the aliens. In 1967, Woodrow Derenberger stated to have visited Indrid Cold’s home planet of Lanulos where its residents walked around wearing no clothing. He said the aliens lived in a galaxy called Ganymede where everything was peaceful and there was no war. People began to snicker.

• The ridicule became too much. Derenberger moved his family from the area, to return in the 1980s. He died in 1990 and is buried in Mineral Wells. His family says that they believe something of an otherworldly nature initially happened but Derenberger later added to the tale to sell his self-published book, Visitors from Lanulos, in 1971.


My recent article on Mothman and a controversial story that appeared in a 2014 edition of Soldier of Fortune prompted a few comments here at Mysterious Universe. It also prompted one person to message me at Facebook, asking how I felt this impacts on the story of the ultimate “Grinning Man,” Indrid Cold, who – while not directly connected to the Mothman saga – has certainly become a part of the overall puzzle. Well, the fact is that it doesn’t – at least not directly. But, with the matter of Cold having been brought up, I thought I would share with you the strange story of the man himself (if, indeed, he was a man), and from someone who has lived in the area all her life.

        Woody Derenberger

Last year, paranormal investigator Susan Sheppard very generously prepared for me an extensive paper on Mothman, Indrid Cold, and much more. So, with that all said, I will now hand you over to Susan, to tell the controversial-but fascinating tale of Indrid Cold:
His name was Woodrow Derenberger, but everyone called him “Woody.” It was shortly after 6 p.m. in the evening, when Woody Derenberger was driving home from his job as a sewing machine salesman at J.C. Penny’s in Marietta, Ohio to his farmhouse in Mineral Wells, West Virginia. The ride home was overcast and dreary. It was misting a light rain.

As Derenberger came up on the Intersection of I-77 and Route 47, he thought that a tractor trailer truck was tailgating him without its lights on, which was unnerving, so he swerved to the side of the road and much to his surprise, the truck appeared to take flight and seemed to roll across his panel truck. To his astonishment, what Derenberger thought was a truck was a charcoal colored UFO without any lights on. It touched down and then hovered about 10 inches above the berm of the road. Much to Derenberger’s surprise a hatch opened and a man stepped out looking like “any ordinary man you would see on the street – there was nothing unusual about his appearance.”

Except the man was dressed in dark clothing and had a “beaming smile.” As the man proceeded to walk toward Derenberger’s panel truck the “craft” jetted up to about 40 feet in the air where it floated above the highway. What happened next was unsettling, because as the darkly-dressed man came up toward the vehicle Woody Derenberger heard the words, “Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm, I only want to ask you a few questions.” Derenberger did become afraid because as the man spoke to Woodrow his lips did not move. The man then moved to the opposite of the truck and told Derenberger to roll down his window so they could talk better, which he did. Next what formed in Derenberger’s mind were the words, “Now you can speak, or you can think… it makes no difference, I can understand you either way,” … this is what the dark man said.

Later, when Derenberger was questioned on local live television, he was scrutinized over what seemed a contradiction because if the dark man communicated through a type of mental telepathy, why would Derenberger need to roll down his window to talk? Wouldn’t it be easier just to talk mentally?

Woodrow Derenberger explained it was because Indrid Cold wanted to look directly at him as they spoke and he felt that, really, Cold wasn’t so interested in what was said but more interested in keeping up a communication with him. To Derenberger, that seemed the entire point of it all. Derenberger also noted that when Cold stared into his eyes, it was as if he knew everything about Woodrow Derenberger, and also, if he could only let go of his fear and do the same, he felt he would also know and understand all about Cold. In any event, Cold spoke through the passenger side window the entire time.



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“Calling All Earthlings” Changes The Course of Time

by Tony Sokol                       August 2, 2018                        (

Calling All Earthlings, a documentary film on the life of UFO/ET experiencer, George Van Tassel, opened August 1st at the Maysles Documentary Center in Harlem, New York City. Van Tassel was a former aircraft mechanic who opened a small airport and cafe in the desert town of Landers, California, adjacent to a “Big Rock” considered sacred by Native Americans. In the documentary, social scientists and futurists Dr. J.J. Hurtak and his wife Dr. Desiree Hurtak give running commentary, and a medium channels Van Tassel’s spirit.

• On August 24, 1953, Van Tassel was awakened by a man from Venus named Solganda who looked human and spoke English. The man gave Van Tassel blueprints for a wooden dome that spins and creates a powerful electromagnetic field which creates anti-gravity and time travel, and promotes human health through cellular rejuvenation. Van Tassel also incorporated the writings of Nikola Tesla to come up with the structure known as “The Integratron” (shown above). Made without nails or screws that could with the machine’s conductive properties, the structure is ringed by a rotating wheel of metal spikes. He chose the site in the Mojave Desert north of Joshua Tree National Park for the structure because of its proximity to magnetic vortices and its relationship to the Great Pyramids in Giza. Mostly paid for by Howard Hughes, it took Van Tassel 18 years to build The Integratron.

• The FBI considered Van Tassel a “mental case,” according to declassified files used in the documentary, and scoffed at the belief that communication with extraterrestrials was possible. But the agency also wondered whether the annual Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention, which Van Tassel hosted for over 20 years, was a commie front.

• Van Tassel died mysteriously in 1978, and his papers thereafter disappeared.


Mystery, murder and meditation meet aliens, federal agents and time travel in Calling All Earthlings. The documentary follows George Van Tassel, who mixed alien intelligence with the writings of inventor Nikola Tesla to come up with The Integratron, a time machine powered by electromagnetic energy. The documentary opens with a collage of witnesses testifying to strange lights, craft, and creatures with glowing red eyes, and then gets weird.

George Van Tassel

Tassel was far ahead of his time, both technologically and socially. He started at spiritual UFO cult which was stalked by busybodies worried about chants of love, peace and prosperity, while the FBI worked to infiltrate and influence the Integratron intelligentsia against their communistic ideas about free energy. Jack Parsons, the black magic rocket scientist who worked with the Great Beast Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, explored free love as part of rocketry’s Suicide Club. But offering free energy proves more dangerous than a Babalon Working for Tassel.

Tassel was a former aircraft mechanic and inspector. He opened a small airport and cafe in the desert town of Landers, California, where some good smoke was being puffed, according to one of the locals interviewed. He set up shop next to a big rock considered sacred by Native Americans.

Tassel began the communication that led to the basic blueprints for the machine on August 24, 1953, when he was woken up by a man named Solganda who looked human and spoke English. The man from Venus gave Tassel plans for a dome that spins and creates a powerful electromagnetic field which promotes cellular rejuvenation allowing Van Tassel to grow old and wise enough to save humanity.

“Dedicated to Research in Life Extension,” the Integratron built as a “a time machine for basic research on rejuvenation, anti-gravity, and time travel.” The site in the Mojave Desert was chosen because of its proximity to magnetic vortices and its relationship to the Great Pyramids in Giza. The 21st century version of Moses’ Tabernacle is held down by a donut of cement that forms a small oculus at the apex of the dome. The structure is ringed by a rotating wheel of metal spikes. The two-story wooden building was metal-free. There were no nails or screws used because they could have interfered with the machine’s conductive properties. He also inadvertently invented Ikea.

It took Tassel 18 years to build the dome about 20 miles north of Joshua Tree National Park. The work was paid for by covert payments from legendary recluse Howard Hughes, members of Van Tassel’s Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., and revenue from an annual Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention.

1:36 minute movie trailer for “Calling All Earthlings”


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Extraterrestrials Interrogated & Tortured in Secret Underground/Space Prisons

In another bombshell interview on the Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV series, insiders Emery Smith and Corey Goode have revealed their direct knowledge and participation in classified programs that involved the detention, interrogation, torture and dissection of human looking extraterrestrials. Their stunning eyewitness accounts provide powerful evidence that atrocities have been occurring in classified programs against extraterrestrial visitors who are almost indistinguishable from modern humans.

The program host, David Wilcock, began by asking Goode to explain what the “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate Program” was all about.

It’s a program that is similar in part to the Men in Black. What this Intercept and Interrogate Program does is that if an intruder flies into our [solar] system, doesn’t give a friend or foe signal and is intercepted, they are taken from their ship. Or, what happens in most cases is that ETs have made it to the Earth and are here secretly blending in as one of us.

This group will go in retrieve the people that are here, we call the ETs people, the people that are here without permission, bring them up to a certain station, and their interrogation would begin to find out what was going on.

This group also acted as a police force for non-terrestrial groups that are here with permission. They helped keep them apart, and when they (ETs) had issues they acted just like police.

After describing the extraterrestrials, who were very human looking and could easily blend in to human society, Smith described encountering some of them in autopsies he was conducting for classified programs at Kirtland Air Force base and other facilities around the country.  He emphasized that they had showed obvious signs of torture:

Emery: … Some of the extraterrestrials that we were working on in the lab, doing dissections and what not, some of these full bodied human extraterrestrials would come in  and they would be very badly beaten where subdural hematomas, are being beaten in the back of the head. It looks like they were tortured, sometimes many broken bones.

I didn’t find out until later on that these beings were coming from a prison or a withholding cell of some sort and were being interrogated…. After hearing your [Corey’s] testimony, this is what we were receiving. Because usually they are in pretty good shape unless they were shot down or something. These were obviously, been beaten to death.

Corey: … A lot of the times the individuals that were being interrogated just died of stress and trauma … from the process. It was very disturbing. They were tagged and sent for study afterwards.

Emery: We had a few that they actually starved to death. I’m not sure what happened….

Corey: There are prisons that they have for them. Some of them, where they bring them like a conventional prison. That’s where they need to further interrogate them for a while get more information or have them to trade off or to tip us off.

After Goode and Smith’s mutual corroboration of human looking extraterrestrials being tortured at special prisons, some of which were in off planet locations, Goode went on to discuss how many extraterrestrials would end up at a cryogenic chamber on the Moon:

Fairly recently I was given an extensive viewing and tour of the Lunar Operations Command. It connected to two other commands. Lunar Operations Command they call LOC Alpha, and below ground in these lava tubes are two more called LOC Bravo and Charlie, and LOC Charlie has a research facility that is cryogenics, and one of the floors of that is a storage facility for some of these beings that they put into stasis

Emery: Right, there’s a huge one of those where I worked [Kirtland AFB], a large cryomorgue, where these are kept in the hundreds, before they go into the lab. There’s always enough bodies and there’s always enough specimens, it’s like an unlimited amount. It’s like they can’t keep with it, there’s just so many going on. Hundreds of these rooms that I’ve worked in.

Cryogenic Chambers for Captured or Deceased Extraterrestrials. Image:

In response to a question, Goode explained how newly captured extraterrestrials are treated depending on whether they are cooperative or not:

What happens in an interrogation? If they are cooperative, if they say I’m  here. I have a small support team that’s cloaked outside Jupiter, for example, please contact them, verify. In many cases we would hand them back over to their support group, give them a slap on the hand and say this is the process if you come in, legally I guess you can say.

Now the ones they want to further question they would keep in prisons, out of stasis, just like a normal prison. Some of these prisons were ships … Some of the asteroids that we had mined, then we ended up going in and creating partial cryo-prisons but mostly just regular type prisons. So there’s a number of ways they keep these beings locked down.

Responding to another question from Wilcock as to whether any public figures are extraterrestrials, Goode and Smith gave the following answers:

Corey: I was told back when I was in this program they ae limited in how they interact with Society. Everything has to be preapproved. They can work in our companies and that kind of thing, but they can’t hold places [positions] of power. That’s for the ones that are coming here on an internship.

Emery: Absolutely, they are not allowed to have any influential positions. I would know. I would know right now for sure if someone of great power was an extraterrestrial, and they are not doing that to us. Maybe in the future they well, they have to step in and save the planet and save us, but right now there is nothing like that going on.  And the corruption shows that, around the world. They do, they have specific rules, like Corey said, that they cannot do certain things here.  

Goode explained that the majority of the beings detained in the Intruder Intercept and Interrogate program were human looking extraterrestrials, and the non-human ETs were handed off to Draco Reptilians for processing:

Most of them were human, they just looked human, various types of humans. About 10%, may 15%, were the types you hear described as aliens, very strange looking, evolved in a completely different environment. We  had Insectoids, we had different types of Reptilian beings, which we immediately turned over to the Draco. The insectoids, there was a certain type of insectoid, certain group, that was always turned over… There were a number of amphibians.

Goode and Smith’s information about different types of extraterrestrials that have infiltrated Earth being monitored by a secret agency set up exclusively for that purpose, echoes what Dmitry Medvedev, the current Prime Minister of Russia, said about the existence of such an agency in December 2012:

Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country…

Goode and Smith are not the first to claim that human looking extraterrestrials are being secretly detained, interrogated, tortured and killed in classified programs run by a mysterious quasi-governmental agency that operates over the entire planet.

One of the first references to this occurring was from researcher Frank Crawford who published his findings in the Spring 1991 edition of UFO Journal of Facts. He described the detention and torture of an alleged being from the Tau Ceti star system based on an interview with a military witness who served with the US Navy at the time, and who used the pseudonym, “Oscar”.

The Tau Cetian/extraterrestrial was given the nickname “Hank” by Oscar who was assigned to a crash retrieval operation that occurred in 1961 where he found the injured Hank in his damaged spacecraft, and eventually confided the following story, as told by Crawford:

As Oscar told the story that began this article it became obvious that, because of his military background, the name given was for his protection. The account unfolded further to reveal horrible injustices to Hank and to Oscar himself. At the direction of [Frank] Drake the team conducted medical experiments such as spinal taps, marrow sampling, taking organ specimens and other exploratory surgery on Hank WITHOUT anesthesia. Oscar had spent many hours over three months communicating with and growing close to the alien.

One day he stepped between Drake and Hank with his .45 cal. pistol drawn and demanded an end to the torture. Drake withdrew but the next morning Oscar had new orders to depart immediately for Saint Albans Hospital in Radford, Va., where he was incarcerated for debriefing…. After spending time under psychiatric care, which would damage his military record, he was oddly enough given an honorable discharge.

 After having returned to civilian life he and his father embarked on a hiking trip to North Dakota. They purposely entered the restricted area surrounding the base where Oscar had been stationed. Perimeter patrol picked them up for removal from the area. While in their company Oscar asked how Hank was doing. One of the guards confided that the alien had died several months earlier.

Circumstantial support for the above story is that in 1960, Drake headed the OZMA program, which scrutinized radio frequencies from different star systems for any sign of extraterrestrial life. OZMA, was the precursor to the SETI program, and in April 1960 began searching for possible extraterrestrial radio signals from the stars Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. It’s feasible that the subsequent 1961 crash by Hank’s craft was related in some way to Project Ozma’s interest in Tau Ceti, which is similar in age to Earth’s sun. 

Galactic DiplomacyIn addition, there are many stories of human looking extraterrestrials that have blended in with humanity, and have been under some form of official surveillance. Famed psychic Ingo Swann describes his encounter with a female extraterrestrial who was being monitored by two CIA agents working in a covert alien surveillance program which had previously employed Swann. His story and others are covered in my 2006 article, “Extraterrestrials Among Us”, and in greater detail in my 2013 book, Galactic Diplomacy.

It’s important to emphasize that both Smith and Goode were participants in classified programs that have conducted gross abuses of extraterrestrial visitors, and have courageously gone on the public record about these events. Smith in particular has provided documentation confirming his military service at Kirtland Air Force Base, which is one of the locations where the abuses occurred. Smith and Goode’s eyewitness testimonies is compelling testimonial evidence that is admissible in a court of law or Congressional inquiry, and therefore deserve serious investigation.

Based on their and other witness testimonies, the detention, interrogation, torture and death of human looking extraterrestrials in secret prisons in classified underground facilities, on the Moon and elsewhere, date as far back as the 1960’s if not earlier. Clearly, such an outrage needs to be exposed and immediately stopped, since there is no evidence that the visitors pose any genuine threat to humanity – other than exposing the decades long cover up of extraterrestrial life.

[Note: The August 15 Cosmic Disclosure interview featuring Emery Smith and Corey Goode can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

DeLonge’s UFO Team Studying Alien Metal

by MJ Banias                     August 4, 2018                     (

• Tom DeLonge’s (pictured above) public benefit corporation ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ has announced its “flagship” research project, the ‘Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials’, known as A.D.A.M. To collect and evaluate material samples from crashed UFOs.

• These ‘meta-materials’ are typically an amalgamation of alloys not found on Earth and of “unknown origin”, constructed from multiple elements to form composite metals. They have the ability to manipulate and absorb electromagnetic waves to allow a spaceship to cloak itself from view or radar. It can also enhance a communication transmission signal.

• It seems that with the recent prominence of To The Stars Academy, people have been bringing to them small pieces of UFO debris they’d been keeping. “Due to the widespread publicity that TTSA has received, individuals claiming possession of materials that might be from advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin have come forth and have agreed to provide them to TTSA for analysis,” said Dr. Hal Puthoff who serves as Vice President of Science and Technology for To the Stars Academy. Meta-materials seem to be the ‘next big thing’ in UFO research.

• The project is being headed up by Dr. Puthoff’s own EarthTech International under a “very straightforward contractual relationship” with To the Stars Academy. “The results will be provided to TTSA for their dissemination as they see fit,” said Puthoff.

• Asked whether they had any strange meta-materials in their possession, Puthoff responded, “Materials with interesting claimed histories have been provided, but technical evaluation of them is yet to be carried out, so it is too early to say.”

• Critics in the UFO community have suggested that this is just an attempt by To the Stars Academy to remain relevant. Others have suggested that this is just one big government conspiracy to scoop up UFO meta-materials and hide them away from the public.

• Looking at the overall history of UFO studies, no single project or program has ever succeeded in solving the enigma. Will the A.D.A.M. Project create a new type of conductive material for everyday use while the UFO phenomenon itself remains as elusive as ever? How will we perceive meta-materials in two decades when it is in our everyday gadgets? Once we have become masters of meta-material technology, what will become the ‘next big thing’?


Last week, To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTSA), Tom DeLonge’s public benefit corporation dedicated to seeking answers to the UFO mystery, announced that it was launching its “flagship” research project.

The Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials, known as A.D.A.M., focuses on, “the collection and scientific evaluation of material samples obtained through reliable reports of advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin.”

              Dr. Hal Puthoff
This material often referred to as ‘meta-materials,’ is usually a bizarre collection and amalgamation of alloys. Not found in nature, meta-materials are constructed from multiple elements to form composite metals. The various elements are arranged in patterns, often on the microscopic level, to manipulate electromagnetic waves. They can bend these waves, absorb them, enhance them and block them for a variety of purposes. Technologically, this is an important frontier that has been talked about a lot in physics.

Building an aircraft, for example, out of a specific meta-material which absorbs EM radiation would fundamentally make it invisible on radar, and even, with the right combination of elements, the naked eye. Perhaps you wanted to transmit a signal, like a radio wave. If the antenna used to transmit the signal is made out of this fancy new meta-material, you could fashion it using certain patterns of elements that would significantly enhance the signal and cast it across a great distance.

The A.D.A.M. project is suggesting that anomalous aerial phenomena, UFOs basically, seem to be leaving similar materials behind. Basically, little bits of unknown aerial vehicles are showing up. While stories and accounts of UFO debris fill the narrative, like a crashed flying saucer outside of Roswell, meta-materials seem to be the next big thing in UFO research. While there exists significant disagreement on the whole UFO meta-material thing, the project is being headed up by Dr. Hal Puthoff and EarthTech International.

Dr. Puthoff has a long history in dealing with esoteric stuff, such as parapsychology and UFOs. That being said, he is an established scientist, educated at Stanford University, who focuses on exotic physics. While he has many critics, to any card-carrying member of the UFO community, he is a big name.


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Space Agency Captures Bizarre Flashes of Light on Dark Side of the Moon

by Sebastian Kettley                     July 30, 2018                         (

• “On July 17, 2018, an ancient lump from space thwacked into the Moon with enough energy to produce a brilliant flash of light.” “With another rock seemingly in pursuit, a second flash lit up a different region of the Moon almost exactly 24 hours later.” This statement was released by the European Space Agency.

• Three astronomical observatories in Spain scan the Moon on a daily basis for the transient flashes on behalf of the MIDAS project. The observatories use powerful telescopes and CCD cameras to detect and identify the various impacts that rock the glowing orb.

• Despite the force of impact, these “lumps” that hit the Moon were no larger than the average walnut. They most likely originated from the dusty comet trail left behind in the wake of the Alpha Capricornids meteor shower which starts as early as July 15 and continues until mid-August.


The bizarre phenomena were observed from Earth by the Moon Impacts Detection and Analysis System (MIDAS) on the nights of July 17 and July 18.

MIDAS observatories in Spain scan the surface of the Moon on a daily basis, in search of asteroid and meteor impacts.

A European Space Agency (ESA) statement revealed the flashes were registered almost exactly 24 hours apart, “seemingly in pursuit” of one another.

Detailed photographs of the Moon’s bumpy surface, captured by high-sensitivity CCD cameras, show the exact moment of impact.

But could this footage be the evidence UFO hunters need to finally settle the debate on whether alien visitors to Earth exist or not?

It is extremely unlikely the lunar photos have anything to do with aliens but both MIDAS and the ESA agree the flashes were very much extraterrestrial in origin.

The ESA said: “On July 17, 2018, an ancient lump from space thwacked into the Moon with enough energy to produce a brilliant flash of light.

“With another rock seemingly in pursuit, a second flash lit up a different region of the Moon almost exactly 24 hours later.”

Despite the force of impact, current estimates suggest the foreign impactors were no larger than the average walnut.

Space rocks of this size dubbed meteoroids are typically remnants of bigger asteroids and comets drifting aimlessly through space.

The flashing meteoroids in question most likely originated from the dusty comet trail left behind in the wake of the Alpha Capricornids meteor shower.

The Alpha Capricornids shower usually starts as early as July 15 and continues until mid-August.


4:37 video of light on Moon, with ragtime jazz courtesy of Fox News



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Northwestern Ontario’s UFO Encounters the Topic of New Documentary

by Kris Ketonen                  July 28, 2018                     (

• Filmmaker Dee McCullay and researcher Kim Casey are currently working on a documentary, titled “Northern Lights” that relates strange UFO-related encounters reported in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Their research turned up nearly 200 incidents, stretching back to 1914. The bulk of the reports come from Thunder Bay, although the region overall is well-represented, says McCullay.

• Among the favorites is a tale from Black Sturgeon River Provincial Park, where two men were working on a dock. It was getting late, and rather than having to return on Monday to finish the job, they decided to camp for the night and finish their work the next morning. “They both woke up at about two in the morning,” says McCullay. “Didn’t say a word to each other, yet they were both breaking camp.” “They get in the truck. As they’re just about to leave they happen to look up in the same spot.” “At the top of one of these jackpines, they saw a cat person up there. It had human and cat features, and was hanging from one of the jackpines.” “They completely freaked out. The guy hit the gas. He never let up until they hit the highway; that’s when they finally started talking about it.”

• Another report comes from the 1950’s at a Thunder Bay power station. “They had a massive, complete power outage, and the guys were running around there, trying to figure out what was going on,” McCullay said. “They got the crew together, the work crew, and they come outside into the yard.” “That’s when they saw a giant, metallic disc hovering over the power plant.” “The thing just sped off, and then the power restored.”

• The documentary is due to be released in the fall, and they are still looking for stories to include.


Strange lights in the sky. Metallic discs hovering over a power plant during a blackout. Even three-foot-tall cat people in the trees.

That’s just a sampling of the strange UFO-related encounters reported over the last century in northwestern Ontario, according to two researchers busily putting a new documentary together on the subject.

“There is something actually going on,” filmmaker Dee McCullay said of the documentary, titled Northern Lights, he’s working on with author and researcher Kim Casey. “There are many people out there with similar experiences.”

Dee McCullay

McCullay — who’s also behind the two Sasquatch on Lake Superior documentaries — said the idea for the UFO documentary came from Casey.

“She was working on a paranormal project,” McCullay said. “She was researching the subject of UFOs, and she presented me with the idea of doing a UFO documentary.”

Research into regional reports has so far turned up nearly 200 incidents, stretching back to 1914. The bulk of the reports come from Thunder Bay, although the region overall is well-represented, McCullay said.

Cat people, power outages

Among his favourites thus far is a tale from Black Sturgeon River Provincial Park, where, as the story goes, two men were working on a dock.

“It was a Friday night, and they were supposed to come back Monday to finish the job,” McCullay said. “It would only take a few hours.”

But it was getting late, and they decided to camp for the night, and finish their work the next morning.

“For some reason, they both woke up at about two in the morning,” McCullay said. “Didn’t say a word to each other, yet they were both breaking camp.”

“They get in the truck, as they’re just about to leave they happen to look up in the same spot,” he said. “At the top of one of these jackpines, they saw a cat person up there. It had human and cat features, and was hanging from one of the jackpines.”

“They completely freaked out, the guy hit the gas. He never let up until they hit the highway; that’s when they finally started talking about it.”



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Pilot’s Strange Act Before UFO Sighting

by Ally Foster                      July 29, 2018                    (

• On October 21, 1978, 20-year-old Australian, Frederick Valentich, rented a single engine plane out of Victoria’s Moorabbin Airport with plans of heading to Tasmania’s King Island. Airborne, he noticed that he was being followed by another aircraft. Then something zoomed overhead. Valentich radioed Melbourne Airflight Service Controller, Steve Robey, to ask if there were any known aircraft in the area. Robey replied that there was “no known traffic” in the area.

• Then Valentich reported that the mystery aircraft was “playing” with him. “It seems to me that he’s playing some sort of game,” he said. “He’s flying over me two, three times, at a time at speeds I could not identify.” Valentich describes it as long, metallic and with a green light. The UFO vanishes before suddenly reappearing on his other side. At this point, Valentich says his final words: “It is hovering and it is not an aircraft.” His radio cut off and he, and the aircraft he was piloting, were never seen again.

• An extensive search was conducted of the water and any surrounding land but Valentich nor any indication of a crash site was ever found. The incident gained worldwide attention with many, including his father, believing that he had been abducted by a UFO.

• Others believed that Valentich faked his own death or was flying upside down and the lights he saw were actually his own reflecting on the water before he crashed. It was later discovered that Valentich was obsessed with UFO’s and had watched numerous movies and collected articles on the topic.

• Forty years later, all that remains of Frederick Valentich’s infamous flight is a plaque at Otway lighthouse commemorating his strange disappearance.


“IT IS hovering and it is not an aircraft.”

These are the last words anyone ever heard Frederick Valentich say before his radio cut off and he, and the aircraft he was piloting, were never seen again.

                   Frederick Valentich

On October 21, 1978, a 20-year-old Valentich rented a single engine plane out of Victoria’s Moorabbin Airport with plans of heading to Tasmania’s King Island to catch seafood.

But things took a terrifying turn when he noticed he was being followed by another aircraft.

It has been 40 years since the young Aussie pilot disappeared over the Bass Strait and in that time no one has come any closer to finding out what happened to him.

The only clue left behind was a radio conversation between him and Melbourne Airflight Service Controller, Steve Robey.

It was 7pm when Valentich radioed in to ask if there were any known aircraft in the area, just after something zoomed overhead.

Robey informed him that there was “no known traffic” in the area and inquired as to what type of plane it was.

“I cannot affirm. It is four bright, it seems to me, like landing lights. The aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above,” Valentich said.


          a plaque to Frederick at                                 the Otway Lighthouse

As the transmission went on things got even more unnerving, with Valentich reporting that the mystery aircraft was “playing” with him.

“It seems to me that he’s playing some sort of game,” he said.

“He’s flying over me two, three times, at a time at speeds I could not identify.”

The conversation continues with the controller trying to get more information about what the object actually is.

Valentich describes it as long, metallic and with a green light.

At one point the aircraft vanishes before suddenly reappearing on his other side.

It’s at this point that Valentich says his final, terrifying words: “It is hovering and it is not an aircraft.”



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