Apparent Footage of ‘UFO’ Aboard US Aircraft Carrier

September 14, 2018                       (

• A video clip released by the YouTube channel ‘Section 51’ shows a grey metallic triangle-shaped craft parked on a US Navy aircraft carrier. (see first video below)

• Many viewers were certain that the video revealed the fabled TR-3B anti-gravity craft developed by the US Air Force and Skunkworks. Others were convinced that it was a photo-shopped hoax. Regardless, the video has racked up over a half million views.

• The photo-shop explanation wins. See the second video below of the same clip of a fighter jet landing on the aircraft carrier without the TR-3B.


The video, published by ‘Section 51’, a US-based YouTube channel collecting footage of unidentified flying objects, shows a fighter shadowing a US jet as it comes in for a landing aboard the carrier, accidentally sighting a grey metallic triangle-shaped object parked next to a Navy helicopter.

The footage, slowed down for effect and accompanied by appropriately eerie music, has racked up 500,000+ views on YouTube, and pitted users into a debate on whether the video has been tampered with.

Multiple users were sure that it was the TR-3B, an alleged ultra-secret anti-gravity spy plane vehicle some believe is being developed by the US Air Force.

“TR-3B. It really exists!” one YouTube user excited wrote. “I think it’s a TR-3B, the latest of [the US’s] black projects vehicles,” another added, launching into a detailed explanation. “This is the next generation of secret technology developed by the skunk works and other secret development programs. It is in any case not alien. It might have been developed with the use of [reverse] engineered alien technology. But built on this planet.”

Others suggested the object was Photoshopped into the footage, joking about the triangle craft’s “stealth shadow.” “Nice CGI,” one user said, complementing the author.

3:34 minute video of an advanced TR-3B type craft on aircraft carrier

original Navy training video pf the jet landing without the TR-3B on deck (at 1:28 minutes)


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Recognizing Another Life Form is Questionable

by Bob Allen           September 13, 2018           (

• As of September 1st, there have been 3,823 confirmed exoplanets discovered in our galaxy, and rocky temperate worlds are plentiful. With the likelihood of extraterrestrial beings inhabiting our galactic neighborhood, Earthlings go about their daily lives in detached complacence.

• If we Earthlings make open contact with a superior civilization, would we be able to accept and adapt? Or would we panic as we did 80 years ago when a radio dramatization of a supposed alien invasion convinced thousands that another life form had, in fact, landed in New Jersey.

• The general conception in the scientific community is that it is highly unlikely that environmental conditions on other exoplanets would be similar to that found on Earth, and therefore its inhabitants, if any, would be nothing like we humans here on Earth.

• The older generation is so completely accustomed to regarding ourselves as the supreme beings in the universe, that the discovery of highly advanced beings and civilizations might be a shattering revelation. Still, older folks are somewhat jealous of younger generations who have amazing technological advances ahead of them. Perhaps even “meeting” a bona fide ET is in the stars for them.

• While there has been no official verification of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, such a discovery – and open contact with them – would bring a true awakening and acceptance of the fact that we have never been alone in the universe.

[Editor’s Note]   Indeed, our ultimate meeting with technologically and spiritually advanced extraterrestrial beings is currently being planned. What can we expect? Insiders such as Corey Goode and Emery Smith (supported by David Wilcock’s other insiders) relate that the vast majority of the beings in our galaxy follow the “star” pattern, i.e.: a head at the top, a torso, two arms and two legs. Corey goes further to say that our star system of 52 stars (including our own Sun) all contain habitable planets, and these planets are dominated by human-like beings that appear very similar to Earth humans. The only real difference, besides their relative progress in technology and consciousness, is that the human civilizations in our locality come in a wide diversity of colors and sizes, depending on their respective environments. But Corey and Emery also relate that there are many types of species that are ‘humanoid’ – having the star body template – but contain the dominant genetics of any type of animal, insect, aquatic fish/mammal, and even some plants found on Earth. So ours is a universe absolutely teeming with intelligent civilizations that include insectoids, reptilians, aquafarians, bird people, and virtually any type of creature or humanoid dreamt of (or appropriated) by science fiction writers.


As of Sept. 1, there had been 3,823 confirmed exoplanets discovered in our solar system, and we have learned that rocky, temperate worlds are extremely numerous in our galaxy. Perhaps the next step will involve asking even bigger questions. Could some of these exoplanets host life? And if so, will we be able to recognize life elsewhere if we see it?

With the exception of ongoing projects by the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), earthlings have, for the most part, gone about their daily lives in complacence when it comes to thoughts of extraterrestrials and whether they do indeed exist.

But, again, will we be able to recognize life if and when we see it? Even more important, would we be able to accept and adapt to it?

In a radio presentation 80 years ago, the dramatization of a supposed alien invasion was so realistic that thousands believed another life form had, in fact, landed in New Jersey. People rushed into the streets only partially clothed or struck out aimlessly across open country. Cars raced wildly through crowded streets.

Such a scenario could very well manifest itself if we were successful and made contact with what turned out to be a superior civilization. Although there is no certainty or any way to confirm the sightings, many people believe we have already experienced close encounters of the first kind: the viewing of a UFO.

I am sure there are hundreds, even thousands, who hold a strong belief that Earth has been visited in the past by ETs, but like the unverified UFO sightings, trying to reach a close encounter of the second kind — obtaining and/or verifying its existence — has not yet been accomplished.

If such a discovery were validated, it might make it easier for us to accept the fact that we have never been alone in the universe, and the true awakening will arrive with an encounter of the third kind: actual contact with an ET.

Because we have acquired information on only one form of intelligent, technological life, ourselves, it is not out of the question that we tend to think of extraterrestrial beings as resembling us and being as intelligent. A majority of astronomers and scientists consider that thought process nothing more than wishful thinking.

Considering the number of stars in the heavens and the probability of innumerable exoplanets in orbit around them, it is highly unlikely that their environments are equal to our own here on Earth, and their inhabitants, if any, would be nothing at all like those here on Earth.

As I’ve written before, so completely accustomed are we to regarding ourselves as supreme beings that to discover we are no more an intellectual match for beings elsewhere than our dogs are for us would be a shattering revelation.

Although they probably won’t admit to it, there are members of the older generation (including myself) who are jealous of the younger generations who have technological advances ahead of them that would no doubt astound us older folks. Perhaps “meeting” a bona fide ET is in the stars for them.


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Super Solar Flare to Wipe Out Humanity, Theorists Fear After Solar Observatory Shut Down

by Sean Martin                   September 14, 2018                    (

• On September 6th, without warning to local law enforcement, the FBI swooped in and shut down the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, and the local post office, and evacuated nearby residents without further explanation beyond “security reasons”. Workers at the observatory have no idea what is going on.

• The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a storm watch for a G2-level solar storm on September 11th. A solar storm could heat and expand the outer atmosphere of Earth, causing a loss of internet service, GPS navigation, satellite TV and mobile phone signals. A strong solar “super flare” could cause much greater damage to the surface of the Earth. But many people have pointed out that there are many solar observatories around the globe, so it would be unlikely that only the New Mexico solar observatory would have spotted a dangerous solar flare.

[Editor’s Note]  An update to this story says that locals have reported seeing Black Hawk helicopters flying over the National Solar Observatory site.  Did this particular solar observatory see some type of spacecraft or other object interacting with the Sun, or objects portaling in through the Sun? Might they have detected the blue spheres that Corey Goode claims have been buffering the cosmic energies coming from the Sun? Might they have detected the first signs of the cosmic energy “event” that Corey and others have foreseen or predicted? Could they have found evidence that the Sun’s solar activity is not fueled by nuclear fusion but by an electronic process as part of the galactic electromagnetic “Cosmic Web”? Or did they simply want to prevent locals from witnessing a top secret event at one of the nearby government or military facilities such as Holloman Air Force Base?

[Update]  Authorities released a statement saying that the reason for the FBI’s closure of the observatory and the post office, and the evacuation of nearby residents for two weeks (Sept 6 thru 16), was the ‘criminal activity’ of a ‘dangerous suspect’ who posed a threat to people in that area.  The ‘threat’ turned out to be a janitor suspected of using the facility’s wireless internet service to send and receive child pornography, according to federal court documents. With no reported arrests, they reopened all of the public areas on September 17th. 


The National Solar Observatory shut down has some fearing the sun’s activity is much worse than experts are letting on.

The FBI swooped on the National Solar Observatory last Thursday, closing it down to employees and the public without explanation.

The official line given was “security reasons” but local law enforcement in Sunspot, New Mexico, and workers at the observatory have no idea what is going on.

With no authoritative word as to what is happening, the internet is mustering its own theories and some believe it is to do with an impending solar storm.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a storm watch for a G2-level solar storm on September 11, just days after the NSO was closed.

This has led to conspiracy theorists believing a ‘SUPER FLARE’ is on its way which could wipe out humanity and the FBI is not revealing this as they do not want the public to panic.

One person wrote on public talk board 4Chan: “Forums are talking about it being a ‘super-flare’ strong enough to turn the surface of the planet into an uninhabitable wasteland.

“Either we’ll have a press conference this week, or rich people are going to start ‘disappearing’ quietly.”

Another person added: “A big enough solar flare from our sun could wipe us out. Probably just as likely as an asteroid.

“There are so many threats out there and we are probably past due for a mass extinction event. “
Regular solar storms blast radiation in all directions from the sun, some of which hits the outer atmosphere of Earth, causing it to heat up and expand.

This means satellite signals would struggle to penetrate the swollen atmosphere, leading to a lack of internet service, GPS navigation, satellite TV such as Sky and mobile phone signal.

However, if a solar flare is strong enough, the radiation which hits our planet would be the equivalent to a global nuclear bomb.


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Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous Begins

by Al Van Zee                      September 12, 2018                       (

• UFO enthusiasts are gathering for ‘The Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous’ this weekend in Hulett, Wyoming, the site made famous by the Spielberg movie, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”.

• UFO investigator David Marler says that people have been seeing strange sights in the sky for a very long time and there is compelling evidence that intelligently operated UFOs are real. “[I]t goes beyond just eyewitness testimony. Many of these cases including military cases, involve radar and I mean multiple radar; ground-based radar, airborne radar, airborne visual sightings, ground-based visual sightings,” Marler said.

• Several astronauts have also reported airborne objects they couldn’t identify. “When you have much corroborative testimony, you have to look at this in a serious light and try to figure out what we’re dealing with,” says Marler.

Above our heads at night are millions of stars with millions of planets that scientists now say stand a good chance of containing life. There may even be intelligent life.

But the important question is: has it paid us a visit?

It’s a subject that will be reviewed in depth at the Devils Town UFO Rendezvous. That location was chosen because of a movie called Close Encounters of the Third Kind which was filmed there 41 years ago.

The storyline is that an alien civilization chose to make contact with the human race at this formation in the northwestern Black Hills.

That’s fiction of course. But people have been seeing strange sights in the sky for a very long time. And some UFO investigators such as David Marler think there is compelling evidence that they are real.

“And it goes beyond just eyewitness testimony. Many of these cases including military cases, involve radar and I mean multiple radar; ground-based radar, airborne radar, airborne visual sightings, ground-based visual sightings,” Author and UFO Investigator David Marler said.

Several astronauts have also reported airborne objects they couldn’t identify.

“When you have much corroborative testimony, you have to look at this in a serious light and try to figure out what we’re dealing with,” Marler said.

2:24 minute video clip by CBS affiliate KELO-TV in Sioux Falls, SD


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Scientists Suggest Closest Exoplanet to Earth May Sustain Life

September 13, 2018                        (

• After studying eighteen computer simulations, scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City have determined that the exoplanet Proxima Centauri b, which orbits the closest star to the sun, has enormous seas of liquid water on its surface that may harbor living organisms according to research published by the journal Astrobiology.

• Anthony Del Genio, a planetary scientist at the Goddard institute, said, “The major message from our [computer] simulations is that there’s a decent chance that the planet [Proxima Centauri b] would be habitable.”

• Proxima Centauri b was discovered in 2016 and has a mass that is at least 1.3 times that of Earth.


US scientists have found that the exoplanet Proxima Centauri b, which orbits the closest star to the sun, may harbor living organisms thanks to enormous seas of liquid water on its surface, according to research published by the journal Astrobiology.

“The major message from our [computer] simulations is that there’s a decent chance that the planet [Proxima Centauri b] would be habitable,” Anthony Del Genio, a planetary scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, pointed out.

He explained that the team of scientists conducted a total of 18 separate computer simulation scenarios, and that in almost all of them, Proxima Centauri b was seen having an open ocean which persisted over at least some part of the exoplanet’s surface.

“The larger the proportion of the planet with liquid water, the better the odds are that if there’s life there; we can find evidence of that life with future telescopes,” Del Genio noted.

His remarks came amid astronomers’ efforts to find out more about Proxima Centauri b, which was discovered in 2016 and has a mass that is at least 1.3 times that of Earth.


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From the X-Files – Is the Pentagon Hiding UFOs in a Las Vegas Hangar?

September 9, 2018                       (

• “Disclosure is not an event, it’s a process,” said Luis Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.”

• Elizondo left the Pentagon program in October of last year, saying that the government was not taking UFO sightings by the military seriously enough. The Pentagon admitted the existence of AATIP, but claimed it was discontinued in 2012. But in an interview with The (UK’s) Sunday Times, Elizondo reports that the program was never wound up and continued to monitor UFO sightings until as recently as last October when he quit.

• On the northern edge of the Las Vegas sprawl where city meets desert is the headquarters of Bigelow Aerospace, a company that plans to launch and sell its own space stations and build a space hotel and a lunar base. Armed sentries guard the building which may hold exotic “metamaterials” – synthetic materials with composite structures that exhibit properties not found naturally materials – of a crashed UFO spacecraft, according to Elizondo. (see image below) From 2007 to 2011, Bigelow Aerospace, a company founded by Robert Bigelow, 73, an entrepreneur and self-avowed ufologist, was paid $22 million by the Department of Defense.

• Former Nevada Senator, Harry Reid, was the point man in funding the Pentagon program and Bigelow Aerospace. Reid said, “I had talked to (astronaut) John Glenn a number of years before. [Glenn] thought that the federal government should be looking seriously into UFOs, and should be talking to military service members, particularly pilots, who had reported seeing aircraft they could not identify or explain.”

• When the existence of the Pentagon UFO program was released late last year, the secret was out. Most questions, such as where the money went, and what Bigelow is closely guarding in Las Vegas, have remained unanswered. The conspiracy website,, reported that Bigelow approached Mufon in 2008 with a business proposal to buy its database of UFO sightings and archive of evidence, including quite possibly alien artifacts, for $672,000. By November 2009, $334,000 of it had been paid.

• “Captured alloys and material from UFOs — that has to be alien, right?” says John Greenewald of the Black Vault website. “This rivals the Roswell debris going to Hangar 18.”

• “Internationally, we are the most backward country in the world on this issue,” says Bigelow. “Our scientists are scared of being ostracized, and our media is scared of the stigma. China and Russia are much more open and work on this with huge organizations within their countries. Smaller countries like Belgium, France, England and South American countries like Chile are more open, too. They are proactive and willing to discuss this topic, rather than being held back by a juvenile taboo.”


“Disclosure has already occurred. Disclosure is not an event, it’s a process,” said Luis Elizondo, former head of a hitherto unknown government operation called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.”

On the northern edge of the Las Vegas sprawl where city meets desert, a vast building resembling a giant hangar, the headquarters of Bigelow Aerospace, a company that plans to launch and sell its own space stations and, more ambitiously, build a space hotel and a lunar base, occupies a 50-acre city block . This is the headquarters of Bigelow Aerospace, a company that plans to launch and sell its own space stations and, more ambitiously, build a space hotel and a lunar base. Today, the hangar doors are closed and tumbleweed now blows across the car parks.

 addition made to Bigelow Aerospace       corporate compound

The perimeter is secured with razor wire and concrete barriers, and the only staff visible from outside are armed guards, hiding inside what’s speculated to be salvage of a crashed extraterrestrial object –commonly known as a UFO.

Residents of the neat residential streets say security was tightened at Bigelow Aerospace late last year when it was revealed by the New York Times and Washington post that the company was paid by the Pentagon to store parts recovered from crashed “unidentified aerial phenomena” — military-speak for UFOs — exotic materials believed to be alloys that defied scientific analysis and physically affected those who came into contact with them.

                              Robert Bigelow

Not since 1947, when the US army said it had found a crashed UFO near Roswell, New Mexico, but in fact proved to be a weather balloon had the government come so close to admitting we are not alone in the vast reaches of the Milky Way.

But to date, there has been no retraction of the latest story of Pentagon UFO intrigue. Questioned about the events, the Pentagon has maintained an information blackout, as has Bigelow Aerospace. With no new leads, websites normally regarded as outlets for conspiracy theorists have turned up intriguing new evidence and stolen a march on America’s mainstream media.

The strange story of the salvaged UFOs began with the abrupt resignation last autumn of a senior Pentagon official, reports Nick Rufford for The Times of London. Luis Elizondo was the head of a hitherto unknown government operation called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), run by a team of 12, based on the fifth floor of the Pentagon called C-ring.

In a parting letter to Jim Mattis, the US defence secretary, Elizondo said the government was not taking sightings of unidentified craft by American warplanes seriously enough.

“Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue? There remains a vital need to ascertain capability and intent of these phenomena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nation.” Elizondo’s leaked letter blew the lid off what was, in effect, a clandestine government UFO-watching unit, infuriating the Pentagon’s top brass. In a terse statement, the Pentagon admitted the existence of AATIP without mentioning the UFO connection: the program, it said, was set up “to assess far-term, foreign advanced aerospace threats to the United States”, it said, and was discontinued in 2012 to make way for “other higher priority issues”.

Since then, Elizondo, whose impeccable credentials were confirmed by The Washington Post, has remained largely silent on the subject. But in an interview with The Sunday Times, he reports that the program was never wound up and continued to monitor UFO sightings until as recently as last October, when he quit. In the fascinating video below emphatically states that “disclosure has already occurred. Disclosure is not an event, it’s a process.

5:18 minute video excerpt of Robert Bigelow interview on “60 Minutes”


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Review – Classified Reality – A Shining City on a Hill

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CLASSIFIED REALITY: Gfiles Magazine (vol. 12, Issue 4, July 2018) by Narendra Kumar


by Côme Carpentier de Gourdon

Har-Anand Publications, New Delhi, India 2018 (pages:283)

In the era of star whistleblowers such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and massive leaks or relases of classified, often highly disturbing information, it is difficult to surprise the public with disclosures about clandestine activities, past and present of governments, yet the book A Shining City on a Hill, Novus ordo Seclorum by French scholar and international relations analyst Côme Carpentier de Gourdon, a long standing part-time resident of India makes, in a highly readable, suspenseful manner, a number of stunning assertions which he backs with a wealth of published and unpublished documents and with testimonies from high-level witnesses.

The book contains an account of the author’s first months in Colorado, in the Rocky Mountains in the 1980s. He calls it a biovel as he narrates in a lively manner the many meetings and experiences he had with often eminent people who enlightened him about various secret  and often unsavory aspects and episodes of America’s recent history and about hidden mechanisms and forces that operate behind the façade of democracy.

A vast range of issues is covered, going from the days when the Republic was founded on the basis of combined Christian, Greek philosophical and Masonic Occultist ideas, to the era of the global American empire following the Second World War, when a triumphant military and a sprawling national security apparatus allied with huge business corporations and banks became hegemonic by reinforcing their influence on the country’s domestic and foreign policies.

The author does nor engage in a scholarly study but provides numerous published references for those who wish to know more and and draw their own conclusions. Carpentier writes as observer, collecting and reflecting on the informed opinions and views of the many people he came in contact with or learnt about during his stay. From Ben Franklin to Steve Jobs, from Dwight Eisenhower to George HW Bush, from Abraham Lincoln to David and Nelson Rockefeller, from Ayn Rand to Marilyn Monroe, from Ralph W Emerson to Edgar Poe among many others, well known or not so well known, alive or long departed, his book weaves the tapestry of the American nation through disclosures and anecdotes.

Discussions about the mass transfers of Nazi scientists to the US, the smuggling of nuclear technology to the USSR, the Cold War, subversions of foreign governments, illegal wars, the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers and other famous figures may not reveal many new facts to those who have already informed themselves about those stories but there is a lot more that comes to light as the author carries on his investigation among experts and witnesses who bolster widespread suspicions of drug trafficking and gun running by certain State agencies.

The existence of a major, ominous mystery at the core of the US ‘deep state’ becomes increasingly probable, as testimonies, documents and circumstantial proofs confirm and corroborate each other, leaving the reader with little room to reject the conclusion to which the book leads, to wit certain sectors and agencies of the USA leadership have been aware of and in contact with one or several highly advanced and powerful entities which have played a covert but critical role in earthly affairs for a very long period of time.

Decades long, officious and clandestine interactions with these forces account in part for the explosion of technological inventions and advances that we have experienced since World War II. In the Indian traditional context, however, would such a disclosure not give renewed relevance to the cosmological insight provided by the Vedas, Puranas et al. about devas, asuras and such, hitherto regarded by the ‘scientifically minded’ as mere mythological imaginings or symbols?

In retrospect, movies such as Close Encounters or Star Wars and TV series like the X-Files may be closer to the ‘classified’ reality than most people suspect, according to this remarkable, original, audacious and disturbing…but extremely readable book”.

Planet Nine May Exist, But It Might Be Hiding Behind Neptune

by Chris Ciaccia                  September 3, 2018                   (

• NASA continues its search for “Planet Nine”. In October 2017, NASA released a statement saying “it is now harder to imagine our solar system without a Planet Nine than with one.” Scientists now believe that a 9th planet ten times the mass of Earth does exist.

• NASA estimates that Planet Nine is 20 times further from the Sun than Neptune. At 93 million miles from the Sun, it would be 160,000 times dimmer than Neptune, making it impossible to see using current technology.

• Michael Brown from the California Institute of Technology thinks Planet Nine will eventually be found, but it will take significantly stronger telescopes and planet finding technology than currently exist.

• Caltech planetary astrophysicist Konstantin Batygin notes that six Kuiper Belt objects all have elliptical orbits and are tilted downward at a 30 degree angle. Computer simulations show there are likely more objects “tilted with respect to the solar plane.”

• Planet Nine could be responsible for the 6 degree tilt of the planets in our solar system compared to the Sun’s equator.

• Also, some objects from the Kuiper Belt orbit in the opposite direction from everything else in the solar system. “No other model can explain the weirdness of these high-inclination orbits,” says Batygin. “These things have been twisted out of the solar system plane with help from Planet Nine and then scattered inward by Neptune.”

• In June 2016, Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin published a nine-page paper entitled “Observational Constraints on the Orbit and Location of Planet Nine in the Outer Solar System”.


Evidence for Planet Nine continues to mount, but there may be a good reason why scientists have yet to find it – it may be hiding.

In October 2017, NASA released a statement saying that Planet Nine may be 20 times further from the Sun than Neptune is, going so far as to say “it is now harder to imagine our solar system without a Planet Nine than with one.”

Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin

But the reason it may not yet have been found is due to that same distance. At that distance, the equivalent, of 600 astronomical units (1 AU is defined as the distance between the Earth and the Sun, or approximately 93 million miles), it would be 160,000 times dimmer than Neptune is. Kevin Luhman, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University, told Quanta Magazine by way of the Washington Post that at 1,000 AU, it’s a “brick wall, basically,” making any potential planet next to impossible to see using current technology.



However, scientists believe the possibility of another planet, one which may have “10 times the mass of Earth,” does indeed exist.

“Every time we take a picture, there is this possibility that Planet Nine exists in the shot,” Surhud More, associate professor in Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at the University of Tokyo, told Quanta Magazine.

Slashgear reports that it could take up to 1,000 years before the planet is found.

Michael Brown from the California Institute of Technology has said he thinks “Planet Nine” will eventually be found, but it will take significantly stronger telescopes and planet finding technology than currently exist.


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Advanced Technology Reports Leaked by Corey Goode Confirmed by Leading Scientist

On December 17, 2017, Corey Goode uploaded two documents to his website that dealt with advanced technologies such as traversable wormholes and warp drives, which had been given to him by a confidential source. The two documents were part of a collection of 38 reports commissioned by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and have since been validated as authentic.

The two documents are titled “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy” and “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions”, the first was authored by Dr. Eric Davis, and the second co-authored by Dr. Richard Obousy and Davis.

Both documents stated that they were part of “a series of advanced technology reports produced in FY 2009 under the Defense Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications (AAWSA) Program.”

Dr Eric Davis provides Illustration of how a traversable wormhole works in one of his leaked documents

Veteran FOIA and UFO investigator, John Greenewald, confirmed that the two documents’ initial public release occurred through Goode. Greenewald wrote on January 12:

I saw these documents back in late December and early January, but dismissed them as they are largely sourced/credited to Corey Goode, a very controversial figure to begin with. If they are genuine (and they may be) these documents do not appear that they were released under any official channels.  So the biggest question is, “How did Corey get them?”  I have not found an ‘older’ source, but am open if anyone else has. Veteran investigator George Knapp, was been able to find the names of all 38 DIA studies which are called “Defense Intelligence Reference Documents”, and where the above two documents first leaked by Goode can be found. 

On June 2, UFO researcher Keith Basterfield similarly acknowledged Goode’s role in the initial public release of two documents through his website.

The full list of 38 DIA studies discovered by Knapp are titled Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs). When contacted by British researcher, Isaac Koi, Dr Davis expressed his surprise that two of the documents he had authored had been released to the public thereby officially confirming their authenticity:

 “I don’t know how you got two of my DIRD reports” – “Yes! All of my DIRD reports are in the set of 38 total.”

Dr Davis, a leading world scientist was here confirming the authenticity of Goode’s two leaked documents. Furthermore,. In a June 24 appearance on Coast to Coast radio, Davis said:

… that 2 or 3 of these papers had been “leaked” onto the Internet, by “someone on the beltway.” The beltway is a highway that encircles Washington. A reference to “inside the beltway” means matters of importance to US government officials; lobbyists; and government contractors.

Davis was saying that “someone on the beltway” was Goode’s source for the two documents. This is an astounding admission!

For the first time since his emergence in late 2014, a leading scientist was on the public record in effectively stating that Goode was working with a Washington insider to reveal significant details of advanced space technologies being studied by the DIA!

A detailed analysis of the public emergence of the DIA documents, Greenewald’s discovery of Goode’s role, what Knapp, Koi and other researchers have concluded about the documents appears in a September 7, blog post by Mike Waskosky titled:  “Corey Goode’s DIA Documents: The Unreported AATIP Revealing”.

Curiously, the two documents have generated much discussion in the UFO community as Waskosky shows, but Goode’s role in making them public in the first place has been widely ignored for reasons alluded to by Greenewald. Instead, the emergence of the documents, which are directly linked to the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” (AATIP aka AAWSA) once headed by Luis Elizondo, are now widely associated with To The Stars Academy, since that is where Elizondo currently works.

Consequently, the widespread assumption is that Elizondo and To The Stars Academy are responsible for triggering the release of the two DIA (AATIP) documents. That is false. The first documents relating to these programs were made available through Goode and his own insider sources. The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that Goode has genuine insider sources from the DIA that are leaking documents to him, and he in turn is making them public.

In a December 19, 2017 post on his Facebook page, Goode explained:

This series of unclassified DIA documents are said to be used to slowly “read in” certain people in the DOD/DIA to Special Access Programs. I have reached out to the authors and requested the other documents in this series as well as the reason they were given for producing them. I have also been shown some other documents that I may be able to share with you before long. We are setting up a WikiLeaks type system that will be a “SSP-Leaks Database” soon.

Goode has since June 2015 been saying that there is a huge treasure trove of documents that deal with advanced technologies used by multiple secret space programs that are eventually going to be released.

In an email response to an early draft of this article, he said: “I would add that documents are presented in this manner (Theory) 1. To read in very conservative types 2. Plausible deniability if the documents surface, they are just ‘theory’.”

Illustration appears in report on Warp Drive prepared by Dr Richard Obousy and Dr Eric Davis

The two DIA documents are the first concrete evidence that such a treasure trove exists. In a news story released on May 4, George Knapp’s I-Team released a third DIA (AATIP/ AAWSA) document dealing with advanced space travel technology, which is titled: “Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum Engineering” authored by Dr Hal Puthoff, who has subsequently verified the paper’s authenticity.

In order for insiders to facilitate the release of similar documents, Goode is currently moving forward with the idea of creating a website similar to Wikileaks where insiders can submit information via secure encrypted means for documents to be uploaded to the public realm without being identified.

Waskosky concludes his blogpost with some very appropriate questions about the two leaked documents that Goode was the first to make publicly available:

At this point it seems that the proper question to be asking is not how Corey Goode received these documents so much as WHY Corey Goode was trusted or selected as a source to be delivering these documents during the same time period that Luis Elizondo and TTSA were assisting with the mainstream media widely disclosing this same program (albeit sans-documentation). Could it be that there are multiple factions within the intelligence agencies working towards their own version of “disclosure” with different belief systems and/or agendas?

In a previous post, I have commented upon a growing debate about whether or not the To The Stars Academy is a limited disclosure initiative controlled by the Deep State. If so, it would be natural to conclude that genuine insiders are looking for an alternative source for releasing their information, and Goode has been chosen by at least one Washington Beltway insider as a reliable source.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Acknowledgments: Thanks to Corey Goode and Mike Waskosky for their suggestions in improving an earlier draft of this article.]

Further Reading


UFOs Around the World: Denmark

by Robbie Graham                   August 29, 2018                     (

• Over the next several weeks, this writer, Robbie Graham, will conduct interviews with leading UFO researchers from countries around the world. This week, Robbie interviews Pia Knudsen in Denmark.

• In 2009, Knudsen co-founded Exopoltics Denmark, which now operates as UFO Denmark. Knudsen has been interviewed on national radio and television; she has written articles on the UFO topic and lectured in both the UK and Norway. Her’s is the only group currently organizing and sponsoring an annual UFO conference featuring international speakers.

• There seems to be an increase in contact cases in Denmark. Nowadays social media plays a key role in connecting people who seek information. Very rarely do people see disc-shaped UFOs. It is mainly orbs being reported. Knudsen has had several of her own UFO sightings.

• Pia identifies Major H. C. Petersen as a pioneer in Danish ufology. In 1952, Petersen was sent to Wright Patterson Airforce base in Ohio for training where he was astonished to learn that the Americans took the UFO topic seriously. The young officer became convinced that UFOs were real and was profoundly influenced by the teachings of George Adamski. In 1957, he founded Denmark’s first UFO group, Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI). Petersen passed away in 2013.

• Knudsen describes a compelling Danish UFO case when a police officer, Evald Maarup Hansen spotted a UFO above his police car on a remote country road in 1970, and again in 1973. Both the car and police radio shut down but he managed to take photos of the object. At the time, Air Force radar operator Nis Krog picked up the object on radar corroborating Hansen’s account.

• Amid great media hype, the Danish air force released their UFO files in January 2009. However, of the reported 15,000 files that the air force had collected since the 1950’s, only 228 case files were actually released. The government claims that all of the files from before 1978 are missing. The air force now refers all UFO incidents to the SUFOI UFO group and the government no longer comments on the topic.


Over the next several weeks, I’ll be conducting interviews with leading UFO researchers from countries around the world in an effort to paint a picture of global UFOlogy today.

This week, our global UFO trek takes us to Denmark, and to Pia Knudsen. Pia has had an interest in UFOs since a childhood sighting in British Columbia, Canada. In 2009 Pia co-founded Exopoltics Denmark, which now operates as UFO Denmark. Pia has been interviewed on national radio and for the National Geographic channel; she has written articles on the UFO topic and lectured in both the UK and Norway. In her current role as director of UFO Denmark, Pia says that she “strives to make the best research and documentation available for the Danish public.”

          Pia Knudsen

RG: Who have been the defining figures in Danish UFOlogy over the past 70 years (for better or for worse), and why?

PK: Major H. C. Petersen was a pioneer in Danish ufology, founding the first nationwide UFO group, Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI), in 1957.

As a captain lieutenant in 1952, Hans Christian Petersen was sent to Wright Patterson Airforce base in Ohio for training. During his stay, Petersen became astonished to learn that the Americans took the UFO topic seriously. Project Blue Book had headquarters at the base and the young officer became convinced that UFOs were real. In the mid-1950s, Petersen had his own UFO radar sighting at Skydstrup Airforce base, which fueled a lifelong interest in UFOs. Due to disagreements regarding George Adamski, H. C. Peterson left the SUFOI group in 1965 and went on to create a second group, IGAP (International Get Acquainted Program) to promote Adamski’s teachings. Both UFO groups still exist. While the SUFOI group has become increasingly skeptical of the topic and refers to UFOs as a myth with earthly explanations for all sightings, the IGAP group is slowly diminishing and now has very few members. H. C. Petersen passed away in 2013.

Early Danish UFO groups include UFO-Fyn, DISC and Nordisk UFO Organization. FUFOS (Frederiksberg UFO Studygroup) had quite a following in the 1970s, promoting not only UFOs but a mix of topics. The group eventually changed its name and focus; it seldom focusses on UFOs nowadays.

In 2009 I co-founded the Exopolitics Denmark group, focusing on political and environmental activism surrounding UFOs. Each year we invite leading researchers to Denmark. In 2014, you [Robbie Graham] joined George Knapp and Terje Toftenes in Copenhagen to speak about UFOs and the media. Other speakers have included Richard Dolan, Robert Hastings, Timothy Good, Suzy Hansen, Gary Heseltine, Jeremey Corbell, Mary Rodwell, Steven Bassett, A. J. Gevaerd and more. In May 2018, Grant Cameron visited both Copenhagen and Kolding.

In late-2017, Exopolitics Denmark voted to change its name to UFO Denmark. We now have a broader focus to create debate and provide information surrounding the UFO topic.

RG: What do you consider to be the most compelling Danish UFO incident on record, and why?

PK: Police officer Evald Maarup Hansen twice spotted a UFO above his police car on a remote country road in 1970, and again in 1973. Both the car and police radio shut down during the event, but Evald Maarup managed to take three pictures of object. He reluctantly spoke about the event after collegues had contacted the media. In 2010 I located a radar operator, Nis Krog, who had been on duty at the nearby Skydstrup Airforce Base and had seen an unidentified object on his radar at the time and in the area Maarup had his encounter. This case was included in a National Geographic documentary I worked on in 2013 and Nis Krog went public for the first time confirming his radar observations.

RG: What is the Danish government’s official stance on UFOs? When was the last time it issued a statement on the subject?

PK: The Danish air force released their UFO files in January 2009. There was a big hype in the press. The air force stated that they had collected 15,000 files since the mid-fifties but in fact only released 228 cases on the day. They claimed all files from before 1978 had gone missing. On average, 250 cases were reported each year, so I estimate that 7,500 cases should have been released in 2009. No members of the press or the SUFOI UFO group questioned why so few cases were released. The air force’s offical website recommends all new incoming cases be reported to the SUFOI group. I have done much more research into the file release and have an article on the subject. The government no longer comments on the topic.



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Exopolitics Diploma Courses Start Tomorrow – Sept 10

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[Sept 9, 2018 – Holualoa, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on September 10, 2018 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Fall 2018 Semester are:

For 2018/2019 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

  • Exo-101 is what exopolitics is all about; this is a comprehensive overview, but with a plethora of amazing details, of all crucial aspects and issues regarding the UFO phenomenon and the ET presence on planet earth – P. Dermentzoglou
  • This course will not only expand your knowledge and awareness of the subject but also provide intellectual and emotional stimulation and challenges that can hone your perspectives and the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively. Karen Kael – Exo-102
  • We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student. – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102
  • You’ll learn of a variety of professional people’s experiences that –taken together- build a good case for the reality of extraterrestrial visitations on Earth – Giorgio Piacenza, Peru – Exo-103
  • If you would like in depth, first hand, best evidence information from Witness Testimonies about the ET Presence, Paola Harris’s class is the one to take.. – Michele Magnum, Michigan, USA. Exo-103

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses that culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.

Exopolitics Diploma – Certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here. Email: Phone: +1 202 470 0140

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The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kalapana, Hawaii. Website:

A Mysterious Square Aircraft Hovering in Night Sky ‘Scared Me to Death,’ NC Man Says

by Mark Price                   September 3, 2018                      (

• Javion Hill of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, was driving along a highway southwest of Charlotte, NC on the evening of August 18th during a rain storm when he noticed something square hovering above the tree line, with its edges fringed in lights. Hill was able to take several photos of the object while driving. When he pulled over at an exit to get a better photo, the object had disappeared.

• Hill says it’s possible what he saw was a military craft. Conspiracy theorists maintain many UFO sightings in the region are actually an experimental military anti-gravity spacecraft based nearby in Fort Bragg, Pope Field, or Camp Lejeune.

• North Carolina has had 7,570 reported UFO sightings since 1940. According to, the odds of seeing a UFO in NC is 1 in 135,500.

[Editor’s Note]   Dr Michael Salla has revealed that the MacDill Air Force base near Tampa, Florida is home to not only the famed TR3B triangle anti-gravity craft, but to a new rectangular craft as well. See articles: “Covert Disclosure of Antigravity Craft Near MacDill AFB” (Oct 20, 2017) and “Insiders Reveal Details of NASA & USAF Secret Space Programs” (Aug 28, 2018).


Another alleged UFO sighting near Charlotte has appeared on Facebook and in this case, it was posted by a husband and father who says he doesn’t necessarily believe in UFOs.

Javion Hill, 35, of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, says he took several photos of the object during a storm on the night of Aug. 18, as he drove on U.S. 74 southwest of Charlotte.

                Javion Hill with his wife

The images feature something square hovering above the treeline, with its edges fringed in lights. Hill told the Charlotte Observer the craft frightened him to the point that he didn’t sleep that night.

“I was on my way home with my wife on the speaker phone, and it looked like there was a tornado coming, so I was trying to take a picture of the clouds for my wife,” says Hill.

“But then I saw something that wasn’t normal and I was, like: ‘Oh my god, what is that?’ I started trying to take as many pictures of it as possible while I was driving.” 

Hill says he pulled over at the next exit to try and get video, but the aircraft had vanished. A heavy rain followed instantly, he said.

1:18 minute video of square shaped UFO over Charlotte



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Amateur Astronomer ‘Captures 35 UFOs Zooming Through Space’ While Examining Moon

by Callum Hoare                    September 5, 2018                      (

• Amateur astronomer, Alessio, in Rome, Italy, was using a small telescope to video record the surface of the Moon on August 1st when he recorded several dozen UFOs flying across the screen. (see 1:18 minute video below on YouTube channel The Hidden Underbelly)


A video was shot by amateur astronomer Alessio in Rome, Italy, which may prove aliens are real.

The man was using a small telescope to take a closer look at the lunar surface when he noticed a number of anomalies fly across the screen.

He detailed that there is no possibility they could be bugs or birds due to the altitude they were captured at.

Alessio says he was recording on August 1, a day after the Blood Moon, to get a good look in the clear weather.

The clip was shared on YouTube channel The Hidden Underbelly yesterday, where it has racked up more than 3,200 hits already.

And viewers were quick to share their opinions.

“Very odd, they don’t look or behave like birds, being the first thing people will say, other than that they’re all flying in the same direction,” one comment revealed.

Another added: “Wow! This is incredible! This video validates many claims of military bases on the moon or in space.

“Or could it be an alien school of UFOs?”

1:18 minute video of multiple UFOs traveling across the surface of the Moon



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‘Alien Spaceship’ Shot Down Over Scotland

by Sean Martin                     September 3, 2018                           (

• The YouTube channel UFO Today released a video of a UFO over Kippen, Scotland as seen on the evening of September 1st (see 1:42 video below). Although completely silent except for a loud bang at the beginning, it appears that the UFO is in distress as it circles back and forth as it leaks some sort of strange glowing material.

• The video was shot by an unnamed woman in Scotland who sent it to the YouTube channel. One YouTube commenter points out that a smaller UFO (escape pod?) breaks off and goes upward toward the end of the video. Another commenter suggests that it “came through the portal too fast and lost control?”

• Others explain the sighting as sparklers attached to a kite. (You be the judge.)

[Editor’s Note]   Is this more evidence of a war being fought over our heads between the cabal’s secret space program and the breakaway Alliance SSP forces?


Conspiracy theorists believed they hit the jackpot when a video emerged of something strange circling in the night sky over Kippen, Scotland.

The bizarre footage, which was shot on September 1, shows something floating around in the sky with a strange material seemingly leaking from it.

This prompted conspiracy theorists to believe that it was a UFO which had been shot down.

The video was shot by an unnamed woman in Scotland who sent it through to popular conspiracy theorist channel UFO Today.

The description on the video reads: “The object was dropping a lot of glowing material while flying. She did know what this object was, but she was sure this was not something man made.

“It did not produce any sound at all. When I analysed the footage I noticed the object ejected a lot of material.”

Many of UFO Today’s followers were convinced the footage was of genuine UFO activity.

YouTuber David Leach wrote: “Excellent viewing. Leaking a lot of material. Near the end it looks like a smaller UFO breaks off and goes upward.

Starman 2710 added: “Came through the portal to fast and lost control?”

AKIJPN continued: “Definitely looks like some flying object is flying loosing its control. Amazing.”

1:42 minute video of distressed UFO over Kippen Scotland on Sept 1st


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US Senate SCOTUS Hearing Points to Military Trials of Deep State Officials

In a US Senate Confirmation hearing held on September 5, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was asked a series of questions that point to future cases involving the legality of military justice being used against U.S citizens. The military intelligence group QAnon has linked the questioning to an Executive Order by President Donald Trump that creates a legal basis for military justice being used against Deep State officials.

In post 2093, QAnon wrote the following:

The linked Youtube video, which mysteriously became unavailable (blocked?), showed Senator Lindsay Graham asking Judge Kavanaugh about the legality of the military justice system being used against U.S. citizens who have been colluding with enemy forces. Kavanaugh explained how the Supreme Court has in the past created legal precedents for military justice being applied in such a way.

QAnon referred to Trump’s Executive Order issued on December 21, 2017 creating a “national emergency” in the US due to “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”. The Executive Order makes clear that all involved in such abuses constitute an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S. national security:

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems…The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

In addition to blocking the financial assets of all that are linked to such abuses, the Executive Order justifies the military justice system being used against all individuals, including US public officials, that participate in subversive acts at a time of a “national emergency”.

In post 1926, QAnon explicitly linked Trump’s Executive Order with acts of subversion. QAnon begins the post as follows:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.168
Aug 19 2018 14:05:47 (EST)

Define ‘Subversion’.
The act of subverting : the state of being subverted; especially : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within?

QAnon is pointing out that U.S. public officials, both former and present, who are linked to subversive acts can have their financial assets frozen as stipulated by the December 21, 2017 Executive Order.

An example of subversion is an incriminating August 15, 2016 text by FBI counterintelligence agent, Peter Strzok, which explicitly states to another FBI official, Lisa Page, that an “insurance plan” had been developed by the Deep State to prevent Donald Trump from assuming or fulfilling the office of the President:

I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40….

The roles of Strzok and other officials in developing an insurance plan through the concocted “Steele Dossier” used in gaining FISA Court warrants is currently under investigation by the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees.  

It is what QAnon went on to say in post 1926, which raises the possibility that the military justice system is going to be used against public officials accused of subversion against the incoming Trump administration.

QAnon linked and quoted from Trump’s March 1, “2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial”:  

Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law.

QAnon is here saying that the military justice system will work with U.S. Attorneys, such as Utah’s John Huber, in investigating and prosecuting criminal cases brought against individuals accused of subversion and/or linked to the national security threat posed by “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”.

In post 1926, QAnon next referred to public and corporate officials that have been removed from office, alluding to secret indictments involving them, and the construction of new facilities at Guantanamo military prison for the most dangerous or recalcitrant officials.

+ FBI personnel removal
+ DOJ personnel removal
+ C_A personnel removal
+ State personnel removal
+ WH personnel removal
+ House personnel removal
+ Senate personnel removal
+ Chair/CEO/VP removal
+ MIL budget (largest in our history).
+ MIL presence around POTUS
+ 45,000 sealed indictments
Nothing to See Here.

What makes QAnon’s post particularly significant is the existence of the “+45,000 sealed indictments” which involve criminal charges against Deep State officials accused of subversion and/or “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”.

As I have shown in a previous article, the number of sealed criminal cases is extraordinarily high when compared to earlier years, and that a majority of the more than 50,000 sealed cases do involve indictments against Deep State officials.

From QAnon’s recent posts, it is becoming clearer that some of the indictments involve Deep State officials such as Strzok being charged with subversion, and being tried in military courts.

Finally, in post 2093, QAnon points to Hillary Clinton (aka HRC) being in a panic suggesting that she is also likely to be subjected to military justice for both subversion and involvement in “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”.

Since October 28, 2017, QAnon has been dropping breadcrumbs about human rights abuses and corruption by Deep State officials that have been subjected to secret grand jury investigations and indictments. The latest series of posts suggest that there is a definite countdown to when the secret indictments will be unsealed, and that the subsequent trials will involve some former public officials being subjected to military justice  through Courts-Martial rather than Military Tribunals as previously thought.

The general public will learn for the first time the true extent of the criminal acts of Deep State officials when it comes to human rights abuses, corruption around the world, and the effort to subvert the incoming Trump administration. QAnon’s breadcrumbs only give a bare outline of facts that will deeply shock the general public as documentary evidence is publicly released for impending criminal and military trials.

As to when the sealed indictments will be unsealed, it’s worth noting that the reform to the “2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial” will take effect on January 1, 2019. Senator Graham’s line of questioning of Judge Kavanaugh suggests that the use of the military justice system against U.S. civilians is likely to be one of the legal issues that the new addition to the Supreme Court will be soon adjudicating.

One of the most significant effects of the looming criminal trials in civilian and military courts of Deep State officials is how all this will impact on a decades-long policy of suppressing the public release of advanced technologies associated with secret space programs, one of which  QAnon recently credited with shooting down a missile involved in a false flag attack on Hawaii.

In addition, over 5,700 patent applications that could revolutionize the transportation and medical industries, have been held up and classified due to national security orders by Deep State officials. Much more will likely be also revealed about the September 11 false flag attack, the Kennedy assassinations, the hidden history of Antarctica, and the truth about extraterrestrial life.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Extraterrestrial Tourism Posters Make Us Believe

by Alejandro Rojas                   August 28, 2018                      (

• The online travel fare aggregator Orbitz asks, “Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects has happened for millennia. Is it life from other planets? Are we alone in the universe?”

• Orbitz selected ten UFO sightings from across the globe and created vibrant posters illustrating and explaining the events. The ten are:

1. DISKS OF FIRE, Ancient Egypt, 1440 BC – The scribes of Pharaoh Thutmose III report unearthly fiery disks floating over the skies…. Do they come in peace to observe, or to do battle?

2. GALACTIC GLOBE FALLS TO EARTH, Italy, 91 BC – Roman writer, Julius Obsequens, reports a potential threat from outer space. Terrifying noises come from the sky as a globe of fire gyrates towards earth, lands, and then rises again, making its way east.

3. JUDGEMENT DAY, Germany, 776 – Saxon invaders besieging the Sigiburg Castle flee in horror when they encounter a spacecraft in the skies. Eyewitnesses report the craft to bear the likeness of two large flaming shields.

4. THEY CAME FROM THE STARS… TO FIGHT FOR PLANET EARTH, Germany, 1561 – Citizens of Nuremberg witness an epic battle. Blood-red circular arcs and globes fly back and forth, fighting each other for more than an hour, until all the crafts fall to the earth and burn with black smoke.

5. THAT’S NO MOON, England, 1801 – Reports emerge of a mysterious moon-like globe appearing in the sky, which bathes Hull in a mysterious blue light. Suddenly and without warning, it splits into seven fireballs. No traces are left behind.

6. SHE CAME FROM OUTER SPACE, Japan, 1803 (featured image above) – Local fishermen spot an unusual vessel adrift and tow it to land. A woman with red and white hair appears. She speaks a language utterly foreign to them. They return her and her vessel to the sea, and she drifts away.

7. THEY’RE HERE, USA, 1947 – In Roswell, New Mexico, the US Armed Air Forces encounter a crashed flying saucer and capture its alien occupants. The military engage in a cover-up, and continue to deny the encounter to this day.

8. YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE, USA, 1952 – In Flatwoods, West Virginia, eyewitnesses see a bright object cross the sky and land. They gather a group to investigate and encounter a 10 foot mutant, who glides towards them hissing. They run for their lives.

9. ATTACK OF THE TENTACLED TORMENTOR, South Africa, 1996 – In Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, a glowing disc emitting bright green tentacles is spotted by police. A helicopter is dispatched and a chase ensues. The mysterious craft makes a vertical ascent and evades capture.

10. SPIRALING LIGHTS HAUNT SCANDINAVIAN SKIES, Norway & Sweden, 2009 – A spiraling light is spotted in the night sky. The light vanishes, as what looks to be a wormhole opens up. Russian authorities claim the anomaly is the result of a failed missile test, but many doubt this explanation.


According to the travel fare aggregate Orbitz, “we are not alone,” and they have a list of places aliens may have already visited on Earth you can visit too.

“We selected 10 intriguing sightings from across the globe and created vibrant posters illustrating and explaining the events that took place,” according to an Orbitz representative. “Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects has happened for millennia. Is it life from other planets? Are we alone in the universe? Have a look at these engaging posters and decide for yourself.“

The alleged events of extraterrestrial visitation Orbitz have decided to highlight in their posters span from Ancient Egypt in 1440 B.C., to Norway in 2009. The collection includes the famous Roswell, New Mexico event when alien visitation went awry. In 1947, an alleged alien spacecraft crashed outside of Roswell in 1947. However, the majority of the rest of the events featured in the posters are much more obscure, including the most recent incident.

In 2009, witnesses saw and photographed a beautiful giant glowing swirl in the skies. Many speculated that a massive portal to another dimension had been activated. Astronomers and scientists said it was a rocket mishap and the swirl effect was due to rocket fuel leaking in a swirling pattern as the rocket spun in the air.

The later is the most likely explanation, and examples of similar rocket failures including the swirling phenomenon have been recorded before. Of course, there are those who are skeptical of this more mundane theory, which is understandable. It is more fun to think it is a dimensional portal.



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UFO Sighting at Gloucester Railway Line Comes to Light 70 Years Later

by Kim Horton                    August 26, 2018                     (

• The owner of a book store in Gloucester, England, Goeff Cook, tells the story of a neighbor who was always interested in books about science fiction and UFOs. In 1980 after this man died, Cook asked the fellow’s son why his father was so interested in other worlds and aliens. The son recounted what his father had told him about a UFO experience he’d had.

• The father had been working the night shift at the railroad, buckling up carriages to the driver’s cab. He and a fellow railroad worker had finished their work and by early morning they’d gone into the driver’s cab to have a cup of tea. Suddenly a bright light came from the sky and a circular craft the length of two buses hovered about thirty feet above them. It remained hovering in the sky for about 20 minutes. They boy’s father says he just stared up at the craft, while his companion was so scared he vomited. Finally, the craft shot away out of sight. The railroad workers never reported the incident for fear that they would be accused of being drunk and lose their jobs.

[Editor’s Note]  There seems to be more and more accounts, between the 1940’s to the 1970’s, of all types of strange UFO craft and even stranger non-human people or creatures visiting the Earth. These encounters drop off sharply in the 1980’s, just when the US Navy’s ‘Solar Warden’ fleet of eight spacecraft were initially deployed to intercept and prevent these types of unauthorized craft from visiting the planet.


Tales of UFOs are not as rare as you might think.

But sometimes – like now – a story about a sighting may come to light years later, as it was frowned upon to talk about such things back then.

Quayside Books shop owner Geoff Cook has been a resident in Gloucester for years and in 1980 was a resident at Priory Road.

His neighbour was always interested in books about science fiction and UFOs. Sadly the neighbour passed away and it led to Geoff and his neighbour’s son striking up a conversation as to why his father was so interested in other worlds and aliens.

Mr Cook said: “I was curious as to why this chap was so interested in sci-fi and eventually after sometime his son related the story to me. He did initially say that his father had an experience that he did not like to talk about.

“It turns out that the father had been working at the Over railway. They used to use the line there to make up the trains for the next day. A lot of the trains would be used the next day to go to South Wales.

“So they would buckle up the carriages to the drivers cab and when they had finished their work for the day their time was their own.”

The workmen had finished their work for the nightshift and went into the drivers cab to have a cup of tea. What happened next was something that they had both agreed to not discuss again.

Mr Cook said: “So whilst they were having a cup of tea in the early hours of the morning they had this experience. It is very hard to believe but this bright light came out of the sky.

“A circular craft hovered around 30 feet in the sky above them in the craft. The other workman vomited instantly as he was so frightened. The UFO was described as being two buses long.”

People often describe UFO sightings as a brief encounter. However this was not the case this time.

Mr Cook said: “The UFO was there for an estimated 15 to 20 minutes. Whilst the other man was being sick the other chap could not believe what he was seeing and just kept looking up at this bright light.

“After all this time which seemed like an eternity with no acceleration it went at speed and was just gone.

“They never reported it and it went unrecorded as they were fearful that they would get sacked and accused of being drunk on the job.

“It is quite unbelievable but I do believe that the source is genuine and it took years to be able to get the full version of events.”



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This Scoutmaster Had a Run-in with a UFO. The Kids Saw it Too.

by Colin Bertram                 August 21, 2018                      (

• On a hot and humid evening of August 19, 1952, Scoutmaster D.S. “Sonny” DesVergers, 30, was driving a group of Boy Scouts home when he saw a bright light flash over Military Trail near West Palm Beach, Florida, in a dense palmetto grove in the South Florida Everglades. DesVergers pulled onto the shoulder of the highway entered the grove with a machete and a flashlight to take a closer look, leaving the young scouts in the car.

• DesVergers reached a clearing in the grove and immediately smelled a nauseating smell. Then he felt an oven-like heat coming from above. Looking up he saw that he was standing beneath a hovering object – circular, 30 feet in diameter with a height of 10 feet, a convex dome, and the bottom edge was lit with a phosphorescent glow.

• DesVergers saw and heard the hatch on the “ship” open. A red, flare-like light came from the side of the craft and slowly moved toward him. As he slowly moved backward, he covered his face with his hands as the red ball of light grew into a red mist engulfing him until he lost consciousness.

• When he awoke an hour later, DesVergers was leaning against a tree and his eyes burned. He ran back to the highway where he was met by the boys and local authorities. One of the boys said that he had seen a semi-circle of white lights descending into the trees, and then a red light. That’s when the boys ran to a nearby farmhouse to call the Palm Beach County deputy’s office. The deputy on the scene said, “In all my 19 years of law-enforcement work, I’ve never seen anyone as terrified as [DesVergers] was.”

• DesVergers and the boys were questioned at the Sheriff’s Office. The hair on DesVergers’ forearms was singed, his skin burned, and there were three tiny burn holes in the bill of the scoutmaster’s cap.

• The incident eventually made its way to the lead UFO investigator for the US Air Force and Blue Book chief, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, who would later call the event “the best hoax in UFO history”. DesVergers was painted as an opportunist and media-hungry conman who sold his story to The American Weekly newspaper the following year.

• Ruppelt’s team took grass and soil specimens at the site. When tested, agronomists noted that while the soil remained intact, the root structure of the plants and the lower leaves were charred black and deteriorated by heat.

• The DesVergers incident remains one of the most intriguing UFO cases in the Air Force’s now-declassified Project Blue Book. The Air Force was never able to prove the incident was a hoax, and to this day, it is still unsolved.


On a humid, August night in 1952, scoutmaster D.S. “Sonny” DesVergers emerged burned and barely coherent from a dense palmetto grove in the South Florida Everglades. He claimed he had encountered an unidentified flying object that discharged a fireball, which left him singed and barely able to see.

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, chief UFO investigator for the U.S. Air Force, would later label the event “the best hoax in UFO history.” But the DesVergers incident remains one of the most intriguing cases from Project Blue Book, the Air Force’s now-declassified investigations into UFOs—because it wasn’t just a sighting incident, but one involving a purported attack. To this day, it’s still unsolved.

Cue appropriately spooky “X-Files” music.

A series of investigations conducted by the U.S. Air Force between 1952 and 1969, Project Blue Book was tasked with scientifically analyzing UFO-related incidents to determine whether they were a threat to national security. Some say the project was commissioned to find rational explanations for these mysterious phenomena, to help quell a growing Cold War-era public hysteria over unidentified objects in the sky. UFO fever reached such intensity that in April 1952, four months before the DesVergers incident, LIFE magazine published a story called “Have We Visitors from Space?”

Pulling over to inspect a bright flash of light

As Ruppelt would later chronicle in his 1956 book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, on the evening of August 19, 1952, hardware-store clerk and Scoutmaster DesVergers, 30, was driving a group of Boy Scouts home when he saw a bright light flash over Military Trail near West Palm Beach, Florida.
Thinking it may be a downed plane or car accident, DesVergers pulled onto the shoulder of the highway so he could take a closer look. Armed with a machete and flashlights, he entered the palmetto grove near where he saw the lights, leaving the three boys in the vehicle with instructions to alert the residents of a nearby farmhouse if he did not return in 15 minutes.

According to the declassified documents, after about four minutes of hacking through the bush DesVergers entered a clearing in the grove. The first thing he described was an acute, nauseating smell and then the feeling of somebody or something watching him. He next experienced a sensation of oven-like heat coming from above. Looking up, DesVergers said, he could not see any stars as he was standing beneath a hovering object.

The object was circular, DesVergers recounted, dull black, with no seams, about 30 feet in diameter with a height of 10 feet, a convex dome atop it and the bottom edge lit with a phosphorescent glow.

Enveloped by a red mist

What happened next is what separates DesVergers’ encounter from thousands of other UFO sightings: As he slowly moved backward, he recalled, he heard a noise like metal against metal, “like a hatch opening,” after which a red, flare-like light came from the side of the object and slowly moved toward him. (DesVergers constantly referred to it as a “ship” when recounting the tale to the authorities) As he placed his hands over his face—fists closed, hand over each eye—the red ball of light grew into a red mist, engulfing him. It was then, he recounted, that he lost consciousness.

When he awoke, DesVergers said, he was leaning against a tree, but could not see properly as his eyes burned. Scrambling back through the palmettos, his eyesight slowly returning to normal, he burst, incoherent, out onto the highway, where he was met by the boys and local authorities.

‘I’ve never seen anyone as terrified as he was’

The three scouts, Bobby Ruffing, 12, David Rowan, 11, and Chuck Stevens, 10, remained in the car after DesVergers entered the grove. Later, in recounting what he witnessed to authorities, Ruffing said he initially saw a semi-circle of white lights descending into the trees. Ruffing also recounted seeing a red light through the brush, as did Rowan and Stevens, who told of also seeing DesVergers’ flashlight through the trees before going dark. That’s when the scouts headed to the nearby farmhouse for help; a Palm Beach County deputy and Lake Worth constable responded to the farmer’s call for assistance.

Returning to the site of the abandoned vehicle almost an hour after DesVergers first said he saw the lights, the officers and scouts witnessed the scoutmaster emerge from the palmettos, waving his machete and babbling incoherently. “In all my 19 years of law-enforcement work, I’ve never seen anyone as terrified as he was,” the deputy is recorded as saying in Ruppelt’s investigation.



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Humanoid Mummies from Nazca, Peru: News as of July – September, 2018

July 11, 2018 

Congressman for Cuzco Armando Villanueva Mercado presented a bill in Perú that would create a law to formally consider of historical and cultural importance the archaeological and technical investigation of the Nazca humanoid mummies. The bill assigns-recommends that the Ministry of Culture and the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation to conduct the research in order to determine with certainty the quality of the humanoid mummies found in the Nazca plain. 


Peruvian reporter Jois Mantilla consistently supports formal research of the alleged Nazca humanoids, one of the few reporters presenting facts to the Peruvian population while asking local scientists to look into this situation objectively. He was taken to the area in Nazca where allegedly the bodies were found. To find out whether the bodies are fake/assembled or genuine, at least some of them. 


August, 2018

Iconographic archaeologist Cesar Soriano with Leandro Benedicto Rivera (alias “Mario Peruano”), the tour guide that allegedly found the dry humanoid bodies. In August, 2018 they met to discuss the possibility of the latter releasing the dry humanoid bodies (now in his custody) for research purposes and for humanity’s sake. The communities of Nazca and Palpa might benefit with this if the Cultural Patronage Cuenca del Rio Grande in Palpa and Nasca, Peru is formed and able to coordinate the custody of the alleged humanoid bodies, promote local tourism, and perhaps create a local museum in which scientists could work for this effect. This would function best with support from the state which would, perhaps, release Mr. Leandro Benedicto Rivera from legal implications. If genuine samples became thus available this would allow more Peruvian and international scientists to verify or reject what has already been researched by the team associated with Mr. Jaime Maussan and GaiaTV. 

August 2018

A second press conference by the team that has thus far researched the bodies (in association with GaiaTV and Jaime Maussan) is expected in Lima, Peru, perhaps for September 2018. The presentation should be about the up-to-date DNA, medical, anthropological research, especially about the dry, human-looking body now being called “Maria.” The results are being called “definitive” in relation to proving that at least some of the bodies are genuine and anomalous. I hope that this time more Peruvian mummy experts decide to attend the conference and engage in scientific dialogue.  

September 2, 2018

Archaeologist Cesar Soriano claims to have found a site where small dry, humanoid bodies are found in an area known as “La Millonaria.”  Mr. Soriano claims to have taken photographs of a dry, small humanoid creature but did not proceed to excavate the site without permission and so as to not damage the site. He claims to have verified that there are some artificial galleries, including an L-shaped entrance and evidence of cultural artifacts. Thus far, the Ministry of Culture and Instituto Nacional de Cultura don’t seem to have shown any interest. 

September 3, 2018

Under their own funds, an international, multidisciplinary team of scientists (mostly from South America and not necessarily related with the one related with GaiaTV-Maussan) arrives in Peru to travel to Nazca in support of the Nazca and Palpa communities and of the formation of the patronage. Thereafter, they should travel to Cuzco to meet with Instituto Inkari and Thiery Jamin in order to join forces. 

Ceramic from the Paracas formative period. A depiction of an alleged 3 finger entity. According to Dr. Soriano we should notice the descending steps into the Earth. 

La Millonaria area (also called Cerro Millonario) which also contains high amounts of fossilized diatomaceous powder. Place of the alleged finding of several dry, humanoid bodies of various sizes placed on the ground inside a cave.








Various scientists came to Peru with Jaime Maussan and Gaia TV and presented to the Peruvian Congress results from studies of the alleged three-finger, Nazca humanoids. Some Peruvian medical doctors also participated. And also the Inkari Institute which also conducted an analysis of samples related with the alleged three-finger humanoid “mummies” from Nazca-Palpa. They presented in the Peruvian Congress from about 9AM to 1 PM on November, 19th, 2018.

Later on that same day there was another presentation by Peruvian scientists who had analyzed for the state some the samples but which had concluded that they were fake, constructed bodies. The Peruvian Astrobiology Association had invited the first group of scientists (that spoke in the Congress) to a scientific debate on that same (November 19th, 2018) after 5PM but, for unknown reasons, they didn’t come. So, instead of a debate there was an exposition of findings against the veracity of the three finger bodies. This exposition took place at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM).

Since I was not able to go to the presentation in Peru’s Congress (because only the mass media had been invited, I’m told), I went to listen to the scientists that held an opposite view to the one heard at the Congress.

These are some notes from the conference of Peruvian scientists who physically analyzed some of the specimens of possible Nasca-Palpa tridactyl humanoids. November 19, 2018. In contrast with the scientists that presented at the Peruvian Congress, their studies lead them to conclude that the alleged three-finger humanoid bodies are fakes, modern assemblages.

Magister Flavio Estrada, a forensic archaeologist, founder of the Specialized Forensic Laboratory of the Legal Medicine Institute of Forensic Sciences of the Public Ministry, former professor of physical anthropology at the UNMSM.

No living being has a square magnus foramen hole. The specimen shown does not have condyles or point of contact with the first cervical vertebra. The hole is flat and – anatomically speaking – does not exist. A presumed skin covers the edges of the alleged magnum hole. It is impossible for the skin to extend all the way and locate there.

Referring to a small body:
It does not seem to have an anatomical correlation. It has no clavicle and without it the shoulder blades take a posterior position, which is not possible.

Referring to a small body: 
The neck has no vertebrae in one of the samples of a supposed humanoid. The x-ray shows that the neck is formed by the middle part of a long bone or diaphysis and was placed inside a head like a pivot. The head shows the tricuspid teeth of a small mammal.

The knee was cut and levered. The leverage pulls out a substance that looks like like a tongue. There is no epiphysis or adaptive bulbous end in the long bones. There is nothing that binds the bones.

Speaking about an x-ray of a long hand of 3 fingers. There is no anatomical correlation. Diaphyses of human adults and combined human children are observed to build the hand. The 3 long fingers constructed with a combination of metacarpals and phalanges.

Dr. Ernesto Ávalos, a pharmaceutical chemist from the National Major Univ. Of San Marcos (UNMSM). He participated in a first report at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office of Nasca. He made infrared spectroscopy analysis to a sample of supposed flesh that covers the bones of a supposed humanoid tridactyl of Nasca-Palpa. The molecules of the sample react to infrared light and transmit unique microwaves for each element part of a molecule. The molecules discovered: In greater quantity: palmitic acid (oil), paraffin (wax). In smaller quantity: glue, polyethylene vinyl acetate (plastic). All modern components.

In another sample: Paper.
In another sample: Glue, paraffin, plastic, cyanoacrylate, polystyrenes, acetates, celluloses (papers), wood remains.
The joints of the bones and the supposed skins that covered the skulls were studied.
Pectin, acanthus gum.
In general: glues, paper, plastics and vegetable fiber.
The prosecutor’s samples were part of the same lot as those from analyzed by scientists associated with Gaia TV, Instituto Inkari and Jaime Maussan.Tercer Milenio. But – in terms of physical samples available – they are not the largest samples.

The antiquity of the skeletal remains were determined by other professionals.

Pedro Pérez: Specialist in tomography: Presentation at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos: The density of the presumed eggs of the Josefina specimen is similar to the density of a metal. There are denser femur bones and less dense femur bones combined to form the legs in the same specimen. In the specimen called “Alberto” there is a metal on one side. Observing the tomography of the feet of “Maria” metatarsals have been added to the carpus of the hand.

Due to misunderstandings of different sorts, both groups of scientists have not met to compare studies, dialogue and debate! Their respective organizers, supporters and often individual scientists in both groups often criticize each other’s intentions and methods without actually meeting in a congenial way to exchange studies and ideas.

Some say there are economic interests on the pro humanoid part.

The following link is the 4-hour presentation (in Spanish) in favor of the anomalous nature of the alleged three-finger humanoids This is the presentation that took place in the Peruvian Congress on the morning of November 19, 2018. It must be carefully contrasted with what the opposing group of scientists presented.

At some point, I’ll try to summarize some of the points given by the scientists that went to the Congress.

Giorgio Piacenza

They’ve ‘Seen Things’

by Rozette Rago                 August 14, 2018                        (

• UFO social groups are becoming popular. One such group was begun in Los Angeles by Robert Bingham, 62, who has held his annual UFO “Summon Events” in an LA park since 2010.  (seen above)  It began when Bingham was 39 and saw a 20-foot tall worm-shaped ship zipping through the clouds. He’s seen and taken photos of a ‘saucer’ and some flying objects shaped like beans. His photos began to attract dozens of believers from all over the world who come to share their own stories of UFOs and extraterrestrial communications. Bingham attempts to summon UFOs at these gatherings.

• “It’s a great community because you can talk about anything and you’re not worried about being called crazy,” said Hans Boysen, 53, who has participated in the last seven summoning sessions with Bingham since 2011. Boysen has gone on to co-found another group called the L.A. U.F.O. Channel who meet monthly.

• Rafael Cebrian, 29, a two-time attendee, brought a curious friend who was visiting from Spain. He said it was about being open and being in the right state of mind.

• Angel Llewellyn, 49, drove to Bingham’s event from San Jose, California, for a second year as a form of pilgrimage. “It’s like he charges you,” she said (as in ‘inspires’ you, not as in charging you admission). “He teaches you how to call [UFOs] and what to think and they just, boom, boom, boom. It’s like fishing. You never know what you’re going to get.”

• Other groups like the U.F.O. and Paranormal Research Society focus on discussions, often with speakers who talk about their research and experiences. A nonprofit group called the Mutual U.F.O. Network, or Mufon, founded in 1969, has over 4,000 members worldwide and convenes a yearly symposium. This year, a former Pentagon intelligence officer, Luis Elizondo, will give the Mufon keynote address. Many in the community believe that organizations such as the ‘To The Stars Academy for Arts and Science’, headed by Elizondo and former Blink-182 guitarist Tom DeLonge, are just the beginning to discovering the truth about ETs and UFOs.

• Yasmin Joyner, 35, an artist, recently formed another UFO discussion group, Indigo Army, that she hopes will attract a younger and more diverse crowd. Its members organize sightings at one another’s houses and nearby parks. Joyner says she understands that there are consequences to being outspoken about beliefs that many people may deem weird or crazy. “I think my family was a bit worried that I had snapped or something, but once they saw my footage and what I was seeing, they understood,” she said.

• Mallory Jackson, 26, who attends ‘hangouts’ led by Mr. Bingham and the Indigo Army, says she finds it difficult to maintain relationships outside the U.F.O. community with people who might not be as understanding of her interests. “[Y]ou’ll see all ages, all ethnicities, all genders,” says Ms. Jackson. “It’s beautiful, and we’re all just trying to figure it out as we go.” She became friends with several members “right away” before meeting another longtime attendee of Mr. Bingham’s events, Jim Martin, 38, who is now her boyfriend.

• How exactly does the group try to summon UFOs? Most agree that it’s similar to meditating, accompanied by a physical sensation. Joyner says the important thing is to focus. At the event in April, some participants closed their eyes and stood silently. Some stared intently into the sky. When someone spots something, they train a telescope on the object which is connected to a camera and a screen that shows and records what is being seen. They post the best videos on their YouTube channel.


Robert Bingham has “seen things.” When he was 39, he looked skyward and noticed a worm-shaped ship about 20 feet tall zipping through the clouds.

Unusual things kept popping up around him — or above him, rather. He saw a saucer and some flying objects shaped like beans next. He snapped a picture.

For over ten years, he kept his sightings to himself. That changed in 2010, when his neighbor came over to do some plumbing work. Mr. Bingham showed him his photos. The neighbor asked if he could invite his brother, who was very interested in unidentified flying objects, or U.F.O.s.

In awe of what they saw, they asked if they could invite more people to speak with Mr. Bingham — 40 more, actually. More than eight years ago, that was the first meeting of what is now known as “Summon Events with Robert Bingham,” at a park in Los Angeles across the street from where Mr. Bingham worked as a security guard.

Mr. Bingham, 62, an unassuming man who describes himself as shy, has become the nexus of a community of U.F.O. hunters in Los Angeles, fervent believers who come together to share their stories and persuade skeptics that extraterrestrial communications aren’t just a conceit for television shows.

Since then, he has attracted U.F.O. enthusiasts from all over the world, drawn together by the same questions: What are these things in the sky, exactly, and how can we learn more about them?

While there is just not enough documentation or scientific evidence to begin to explain or even confirm these sightings, that doesn’t stop the dozens of people that once a year descend on the same park to watch and assist Mr. Bingham as he tries to summon the “objects,” as they call them, and also to hang out with other enthusiasts who have turned into friends.

“It’s a great community because you can talk about anything and you’re not worried about being called crazy,” said Hans Boysen, 53, who has participated in the last seven summoning sessions with Bingham since 2011.

Other groups, like the U.F.O. and Paranormal Research Society, don’t organize sighting sessions, but rather focus on discussions, often with speakers who talk about their research and experiences. A nonprofit group called the Mutual U.F.O. Network, or Mufon, founded in 1969, has over 4,000 members worldwide and convenes a yearly symposium. This year, a former Pentagon intelligence officer, Luis Elizondo, will give the keynote address.

Last year, The New York Times conducted interviews and obtained records pertaining to the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The program — parts of which remain classified — investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials. According to the article, officials insisted that the effort had ended after five years, in 2012. The article also stated that Sara Seager, an astrophysicist at M.I.T., cautioned that not knowing the origin of an object does not mean that it is from another planet or galaxy. “When people claim to observe truly unusual phenomena, sometimes it’s worth investigating seriously,” she said. But, she added, “what people sometimes don’t get about science is that we often have phenomena that remain unexplained.”

As much as scientists deal with probabilities, they rely on data and the reality is, no matter how many videos people upload on YouTube, they’re simply not enough to draw any definitive conclusions from.

But that doesn’t stop this community from searching. Many in the community that forms around Mr. Bingham believe that the multimillion-dollar alien research efforts of the former Blink-182 guitarist and singer Tom DeLonge are just the beginning to finding out some answers. Mr. DeLonge made headlines after To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, a research group he founded — Mr. Elizondo is its director of global security and special programs — released declassified footage from the Department of Defense and continues his efforts.

Angel Llewellyn, 49, drove to the event from San Jose, Calif., for a second year as a form of pilgrimage. She said she started seeing things right after attending to Mr. Bingham’s event for the first time.

“It’s like he charges you,” she said. “He teaches you how to call them and what to think and they just, boom, boom, boom. It’s like fishing. You never know what you’re going to get.”



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What Would Happen If UFOs Tried to Contact Earth?

by Sebastian Kettley                     August 20, 2018                     (

• Are the people of earth ready for open extraterrestrial contact? A September 2015 YouGov poll found more than 56 percent of Germans believed in the existence of alien life. The German Ministry of Economics, however, said it considered aliens visiting the earth “extremely unlikely according to current scientific knowledge”.

• An August 2017 survey conducted by 20th Century Fox film studio found nearly half of all Americans believe in aliens. Almost as many were certain aliens are visiting Earth on a regular basis but less than 20 percent found stories of alien abductions genuine. Even less claimed to have ever seen a UFO.

• A report published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2018 found people across the board would react positively to alien visitors. Michael Varnum of Arizona State University said based on a mix of media headlines and surveys, the overall public response would be optimistic.

• How would the earth’s institutions respond to first contact? The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) stipulates anyone who encounters extraterrestrial signals has to immediately broadcast them to the rest of the world. The Post-Detection Task Group, a branch of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), similarly says international governments would have to pool resources together to beam back a joint message.

• The US Air Force’s 527th Space Aggressor Squadron (527 SAS) at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, is the first line of defense against space-based threats. Captain Dustyn Carroll, aggressor training flight commander at the base said, “We then teach joint and coalition forces what adversaries may or may not do, and then we go out and replicate it ourselves.”

• Most scientists today assume first contact with extraterrestrials would be achieved through a clear signal beamed to Earth and not by intercepting alien spacecraft. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute said, “… [Y]ou would have a press conference and announce this to the world.” Then, says Shostak, he would evacuate from the city as soon as the first UFOs appeared in the skies. Alien visitors capable of reaching Earth would likely have the technology to do how they please with the planet.

[Editor’s Note]   It appears that the people on the planet are far more open and accepting of extraterrestrial contact than are the world’s governments, military and “scientific” organizations set up to deal with extraterrestrial contact. The institutional organizations remain dutifully diligent in denying any current extraterrestrial contact with humanity, and in spreading their skepticism and fear of the ‘dangerous and evil space aliens’. However, their mind-control is beginning to wear off. Greater numbers of ordinary people are not only accepting the existence of extraterrestrials, but are optimistic of a positive relationship developing between ET beings and humans here on earth.


A YouGov poll published in September 2015 found more than 56 percent of polled Germans believed in the existence of alien life.

But Germany has “no plans or protocol” if alien visitors ever attempt to contact the human race.

In response to questions submitted to the government, the German Ministry of Economics said it considered such an event “extremely unlikely according to current scientific knowledge”.

The Government said in a statement on the matter: “Concrete cases that could have been subject of bilateral or multilateral talks with other states are not known.”

There is very little in terms of official legislation on how the Earth should collectively react but there are some guidelines set in place by scientific institutions.

The International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) stipulates anyone who encounters extraterrestrial signals has to immediately broadcast them to the rest of the world.

The Post-Detection Task Group, a branch of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), similarly says international governments would have to pool resources together to beam back a joint message.

The USA also appears to be greatly prepared for the threat of space-based attacks with an entire unit of the United States Air Force assigned to combating space-cable adversaries.

The 527th Space Aggressor Squadron (527 SAS), stationed at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, is the first line of defence against space-based threats.

The 527 SAS regularly conducts drills and develops techniques to better prepare for attacks from above.

Captain Dustyn Carroll, aggressor training flight commander, said: “We replicate adversary tactics.

“We want to know what our adversaries are capable of, study that and see how we can apply that.

“We then teach joint and coalition forces what adversaries may or may not do, and then we go out and replicate it ourselves.”

An August 2017 survey conducted by film studio 20th Century Fox found nearly half of all Americans believe in aliens.

Almost as many were certain aliens are visiting Earth on a regular basis but less than 20 percent found stories of alien abductions genuine.



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British UFO Hunter’s Laptop Was ‘Wiped’ After Mysterious Death

by Georgia Diebelius                  August 11, 2018                    (

• Max Spiers’ (pictured above) sudden death on July 16, 2016 in Warsaw, Poland is shrouded in mystery. After Spiers’ body was repatriated to the UK, British doctors were unable to determine the cause of his death. Kent Police (in southeastern England) has launched a joint investigation with Polish police into the UFO/Super-Soldier conspiracy theorist’s death, scheduled to begin on January 7, 2019.

• The 39-year-old Spiers had been visiting Warsaw to speak at a conference. Spiers was said to have been probing into the lives of well-known figures in politics, business and entertainment. This has prompted his mother, Vanessa Bates, to remark, “I think Max had been digging in some dark places and somebody wanted him dead.” “[Max] was very fit and healthy when I said goodbye to him,” says Vanessa. “Everything that we have in terms of health records before he went were that he was in great health.” A message from Spiers’ phone sent to his mother just before he died warned ‘…if anything happens to me, investigate’.

• In December 2016, a British court of inquiry heard evidence that Spiers had vomited two litres of black blood before he died. Authorities in Poland initially concluded the sudden death was due to natural causes. There were alleged procedural ‘discrepancies’ by Polish emergency services. And Spiers’ laptop computer was returned to his family with all of the data ‘wiped’ or deleted. The UK court is hearing evidence on whether disciplinary proceedings should be brought against police officers in Poland, along with an analysis of Spiers’ laptop.


The sudden death of Max Spiers, 39, has been shrouded in mystery after a friend discovered his body while he was on a trip to Poland to visit a conference. In December 2016, the court heard the conspiracy theorist vomited two litres of black blood before he died, but the inquest was adjourned.

The dad-of-two, had allegedly made many ‘enemies’ in his investigations. His inquest will now be held over four days from January 7, next year.

Authorities in Poland, where Mr Spiers was attending a conference, initially concluded the sudden death was due to natural causes. A message from his phone sent to his mother Vanessa Bates before he died warned ‘your boy’s in trouble, if anything happens to me, investigate’. At the pre-inquest review yesterday at the Guildhall in Sandwich, Kent, the court heard the barrister for Max’s mother, Adam Taylor, call for members of the Polish emergency services to appear as witnesses. Sections from a 700-page docket of statements and evidence assembled will be translated from Polish for next year’s inquest. Possible evidence over whether disciplinary proceedings were brought against police officers in Poland over Mr Spiers’s death should also be heard. Analysis of a laptop and a mobile phone that belonged to the father-of-two should also be presented at the inquest, the court heard.

Mr Taylor said: ‘The way in which they were returned and what was done to them is clearly one of the big mysteries. ‘The family has no knowledge whatsoever of what the results of that analysis were.

‘Mr Bates’ laptop was wiped and, of course, it was not empty at the time of Max’s death. The issue is the Sim card and what was on it. Without sight of the report the family has no answer to these questions.’ There were also a ‘number of discrepancies’ in emergency services accounts about Max’s death, the court heard. Monika Duvall, a friend who Mr Bates had reportedly been living with, was also asked to attend the inquest. Speaking afterwards, Vanessa said: ‘Today felt very positive. It’s just over two years now. I did not expect him to go to Poland and not come back. ‘We’ve got hundreds of pages we are working our way through which are all in Polish.



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The Pentagon Secretly Studied ‘Exotic and Sophisticated’ UFO Technologies, Bombshell Letter Reveals

by Jasper Hamill                          August 13, 2018                           (

• Last December, the world first learned of a Pentagon UFO research program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) dedicated to exploring ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’ and a range of futuristic technologies. Former program manager, Luis Elizondo, said he believed there is ‘very compelling evidence we may not be alone’, and has alluded to mysterious ‘metamaterials’ from crashed alien spacecraft being stored in specially modified warehouses in Las Vegas.

• Now, a letter obtained by George Knapp’s KLAS ‘Las Vegas Now’ I-Team written June 24, 2009 by then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to William Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense has revealed the US government’s exploration of ‘disruptive aerospace technologies’. Without mentioning aliens or UFOs, the letter confirms that the US Senate ordered an assessment of ‘far term foreign aerospace threats’. These include ‘extremely sophisticated concepts within the world of quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetic theory, gravitics [anti-gravity], and thermodynamics’.

• Senator Reid warns in his letter that these technologies ‘have the potential to be used with catastrophic effects by adversaries’, but that ‘much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings’.

• ‘Ultimately, the results of AATIP will not only benefit the US Government but I believe will directly benefit the Department of Defense in ways not imagined,’ Senator Reid wrote. ‘The technological insight and capability gained will provide the US with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the US to maintain its preeminence as a world leader.’

• Former UFO investigator for the British Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, said the document reveals just how seriously the US government takes the issue of ‘futurist technology’ and the associated threats and opportunities. Pope had previously said that the AATIP looked at UFO sightings as part of a wider intelligence assessment of the threat from next-generation aircraft, missiles and drones, and the ‘novel military applications’ that we felt might be derived from a fuller understanding of the phenomenon.’

• Britain and the US share concerns that Russia and China might beat us to the punch in the weaponization of futuristic technologies, says Pope. “[I]t’s time to drop our prejudices about the subject and to stop referring to ‘flying saucers’ and ‘little green men’. “It’s time to realize that… there are serious defense and national security issues involved and that the US, the UK, Russia, China – and maybe others – are engaged in potentially game-changing work on this subject.”

[Editor’s Note]  Futuristic weapons technologies. Trump’s declaration that ‘space is a war-fighting domain’. The creation of a US Space Force. Who or what are we gearing up to fight, or to defend ourselves from or free ourselves from? Perhaps the Draco Reptilian and Nazi Dark Fleet alliance?


Documents relating to a highly sensitive investigation government project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) confirm that the US has studied a range of futuristic technologies which would allow it to exercise global military dominance for decades to come. This programme is dedicated to exploring ‘ unexplained aerial phenomena’ and is believed to have written a 490-page report which collects together UFO sightings from around the world. The world first heard about AATIP last year, when footage of an encounter between an F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jet and an oval-shaped UFO travelling at astonishing speed was released.

Now a letter sent from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to William Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense, has revealed tantalising new details of the US government’s exploration of ‘disruptive aerospace technologies’. Although the correspondence does not mention aliens or UFOs, it appears to confirm the US Senate ordered an assessment of ‘far term foreign aerospace threats’. It is not known whether these threats were alien in origin – or came from some rival military power. It said these include ‘extremely sophisticated concepts within the world of quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetic theory, gravitics [anti-gravity], and thermodynamics’. These technologies ‘have the potential to be used with catastrophic effects by adversaries’ Senator Reid warned in his letter, which was obtained by Las Vegas Now. The letter also said ‘much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings’.

‘Ultimately, the results of AATIP will not only benefit the US Government but I believe will directly benefit the Department of Defense in ways not imagined,’ he wrote. ‘The technological insight and capability gained will provide the US with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the US to maintain its preeminence as a world leader.’ Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator for the British Ministry of Defence, said the ‘bombshell’ document ‘reveals much more about the AATIP project than was previously known’. ‘These staggering revelations show just how seriously the US government took the issue. Irrespective of what they believed about the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, this letter gives a telling insight into the reasons why the Pentagon was interested, and what they thought the threats and opportunities might be,’ he told The Metro.


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QAnon Exposes Hawaii False Flag Missile Attack & Points to Secret Space Program Intervention

Today, QAnon returned to the topic of the January 13, 2018 ballistic missile alert for Hawaii being a false flag attack that was intended to bring about a major catastrophe for the Hawaiian islands. In once again raising the issue, QAnon emphasizes that supporters need to understand how the Deep State uses false flag events to promote its agenda, and how advanced technologies are being used by White Hats in the U.S. military to neutralize these threats.

Chief among these highly classified advanced technologies is a secret USAF space program that QAnon is alluding to as instrumental in stopping the Hawaii false flag attack. In short, QAnon wants supporters to learn that a USAF run secret space program intervened to prevent a nuclear catastrophe that had been attempted by the Deep State.

QAnon first pointed to the Hawaii missile alert as a false flag event in a February 11 post. I covered QAnon’s revelation in a detailed article released on February 13. In other articles, I pointed out the role of a secret CIA naval battlegroup in the false flag attack and the mounting evidence that such an attack involved a nuclear armed ballistic missile that was intended to hit Hawaii, most likely Honolulu.

One of my articles explained how a secret USAF space program tracked and intercepted the nuclear armed missile. In a recent interview on Cosmic Disclosure, secret space program insider Corey Goode described the false flag Hawaii missile attack and how an intervention by the USAF secret space program had occurred:

Recently they [USAF secret space program] intervened in something that occurred in the planet. Most people don’t know that the CIA has a secret fleet that strangely enough they call the dark fleet. And it’s comprised of a nuclear submarine, a nuclear aircraft carrier, some prison ships, hospital ships, … destroyers, an entire fleet. And its kind of a rogue fleet.

And recently, I was told that, in a briefing, we haven’t fully confirmed all the details yet but these were retired general and colonel types speculating that the nuclear sub had gone into a shallow area close to North Korea and had fired an ICBM at Honolulu.

And of course, we all remember … it was all over the news … the fake missile alert. 

But if you look deep in the news, you see some interesting UFOs reported close to Hawaii during that time period, weird corona in the sky. And also, someone reported an explosion in the sky, possibly a meteor…

So what I’m told that they believe happened, was that this rogue submarine fired a missile. The MIC [Military Industrial Complex aka USAF] Secret Space Program, took it out and intervened. And that’s what the explosion was that they heard over the ocean.

Goode’s information helps us better understand the involvement of secret space programs in global affairs, and their relevance in the ongoing civil war between the Trump Administration/U.S. Military Intelligence [QAnon] against the Deep State.

In this regard, Goode said:

Well, what’s interesting is this Military Industrial Complex [USAF] Program had been a major tool of the Cabal [Deep State] for a long time. But now, that’s kind of been wrestled away from them as the DoD types have come back more toward the direction of the Alliance. So it’s more of an Alliance representation in this program now, although … it is split a little bit.

In the August 30 post [#1993], QAnon refers to their earlier February post, where the Hawaii false flag attack is highlighted in a red box.

Significantly, on August 30, [post #1993] QAnon added the following comments about why referring to the Hawaii incident again was important:


Hence the reason why we are here.

Hence the reason why THE PEOPLE are being updated.

Emphasis on (SOME) things.

The WORLD is connected. (SOME) things would irreparably harm our ability to advance.


QAnon clearly wants the rapidly growing Q movement to fully appreciate the significance of the January 13 Hawaii incident as a major false flag attack with a significance that needs to be fully understood. By referring to “FULL TRANSPARENCY”, “why THE PEOPLE are being updated”, and “Emphasis on (SOME) things” such as the Hawaii missile alert, QAnon is directing supporters to learn about who was behind the false flag attack and who stopped it.

In understanding who stopped the Hawaii false flag attack, in addition to material covered in my earlier articles, Corey Goode’s recent comments gives us additional information about who stopped the false flag attack and why.

It is becoming clearer that QAnon wants supporters to go down the rabbit hole of classified advanced technology programs, and how these programs are relevant in the shadow civil war between the Trump Administration/Military Intelligence and the Deep State.

QAnon is signaling that the defection of classified programs such as the USAF Secret Space Program from the Deep State augurs well for what lies ahead, and there is much cause for optimism that “full transparency” will be achieved so that the planet may change forever as these technologies are fully exposed.

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