Aliens At the Pentagon: Does the Government Know We Are Not Alone?

by Susan Leighton                  October 14, 2018                   (

Aliens at the Pentagon, a documentary video just over an hour long and released by Reality Entertainment, features the former UFO anomaly researcher for the UK’s Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, guiding the viewer through an examination of the U.S. Pentagon’s Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which the Department of Defense disclosed in December 2017, on a quest to determine whether Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs) are real.

• The documentary begins with the AATIP’s historical roots in Project Sign, which became Project Grudge, which became Project Blue Book, all purportedly searching for the truth behind UAPs (the hip new term for UFOs). Thirty-eight years after Blue Book was terminated, Nevada Senator Harry Reid created the AATIP at the behest of his friend and government contractor, Robert Bigelow. The AATIP covertly studied UAPs between 2007 until 2012.

• The person heading up the AATIP was former DIA and DoD employee Luis Elizondo. Elizondo’s mission was to determine what these UFOs were, whether they posed a threat to national security, and to discover the advanced technology behind them. He was responsible for the release of the Tic-Tac and Gimble UFO videos to the New York Times which ran an article on it in December 2017. Elizondo also stated that there were “meta materials” originating from “beyond earth” that were being tested at Bigelow Aerospace.

• The AATIP concluded that UFOs are capable of “metric engineering” space and time. Their exotic propulsion systems warp the continuum creating a “bubble” effect which enables the craft to fly incredible distances. The program developed a list of identifiable characteristics that were inherent in all reported encounters with UFOs:
– The craft travel at hypersonic velocities.
– They have a low observability factor.
– UAPs have sudden and extreme acceleration capabilities.
– Trans-medium travel abilities such as able to fly into the ocean or out of the ocean.
– Positive lift or what is known as anti-gravity propulsion.

• But was the AATIP itself a deliberate distraction intended to keep us from discovering the real truth? Is there a Majestic 12 Group running things behind the scenes which even the AATIP couldn’t identify? And is MJ-12 in the business of recovering and reverse engineering extraterrestrial craft? By releasing bits and pieces of information, videos and photographs, is the government acclimating the public to the existence of life beyond the Earth? Is it all a distraction while the Illuminati cabal institutes a subversive “New World Order”?

• According to Elizondo’s resignation letter to his DoD superiors, there is evidence that these UAPs pose a potential “existential threat to our national security.” Is Elizondo aware of a deep government secret that these visiting extraterrestrials harbor ulterior and malevolent motives? Aliens at the Pentagon presents this as a very real scenario.


Aliens at the Pentagon is a deep dive documentary focusing on the Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program which was the U.S. government’s secret UFO operation that was disclosed in 2017. Join Nick Pope, Britain’s “Fox Mulder” as he takes us on a tour of discovery.

Small Beginnings

Aliens at the Pentagon is the type of documentary that anyone who loves science fiction, The X-Files and anything to do with the exploration of the universe will find fascinating. With a run time of 1 hour and 6 minutes, this video from Reality Entertainment wastes no time in hitting the ground running and exposing you to multiple sources of information out of the gate.

       Documentary Host, Nick Pope

Nick Pope who is a familiar face to fans of the program, Ancient Aliens is our guide on this tour of one of the Pentagon’s most secretive efforts, the now famous Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program or AATIP for short.

Mr. Pope was an employee with the Ministry of Defense in the United Kingdom for over 20 years. He actually spearheaded their government UFO investigative unit and is known as the “real-life Fox Mulder.” One thing is for certain, Nick is very knowledgeable when it comes to military strategy and the behind the scenes protocol of public offices.

That is why he is the perfect individual to lead this excursion into finding out if Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon are real or bogus. First of all, we dive right into the history of AATIP which has its roots in Project Sign which morphed into Project Grudge which ended with Project Blue Book.

Blue Book was discontinued in 1969 but ended up getting a reprieve years later in another form when Senator Harry Reid created AATIP at the behest of his friend government contractor, Robert Bigelow. AATIP looked into UAP sightings from 2007 until 2012.

Enter the Seeker

During that time, the man at the center of the agency was Luis Elizondo. Luis was a veteran and a Department of Defense employee who worked with the Defense Intelligence Agency to investigate UFO encounters. For several years, Elizondo ran the program.

In that time, his mission was to determine what UFOs were and what was the technology behind them. Notice who or what was flying the craft never really came into play. Elizondo believed that these vehicles were a viable threat to our national security with good reason.

His tenure saw various bits of information emerge. He was responsible for the Tic-Tac and Gimble videos. These were provided to the New York Times who featured an article that blew the cover of AATIP wide open in December of last year.

The most famous one featured two Navy F-18 fighter jet pilots who had an encounter with an object not of this world. Elizondo also stated that there were “meta materials” that were being tested at Bigelow Aerospace. The conclusion was the fact that based on ionization and exposure to cosmic rays, the materials’ origins were deemed as originating from “beyond earth.”

1:33 minute movie trailer for Aliens at the Pentagon



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Unexplained Cattle Mutilations Reported Near Grand Canyon

by Brett Tingley                  October 12, 2018                    (

• An Arizona rancher, John Mahan, has discovered a cow and a bull that were mysteriously killed and mutilated on his property near the Grand Canyon. Both animals had organs removed including their reproductive organs, and both were drained of blood. There were no tracks and very little blood found around the animals’ carcasses.

• Arizona Livestock Inspector Royal Reidhead examined the dead animals. “These animals weren’t shot, these animals were mutilated,” Reidhead said. “They were basically killed for their body parts.” Even stranger, the animals’ carcasses weren’t touched by scavenger animals as they lay undiscovered for a week after their brutal mutilation.

• Reidhead believes that poachers are mutilating these animals – draining the cows’ blood, surgically removing a few organs, and leaving the rest to rot in the sun, without leaving a single footprint or drop of blood.

[Editor’s Note]   Poachers.  Riiiiiiiight.


“I thought they’d been shot. I didn’t realize what had happened. There were parts missing — they were mutilated.”

Arizona rancher John Mahan discovered a cow and a bull mysteriously killed and mutilated on his property near the Grand Canyon. Both animals had organs removed including their reproductive organs, and both were drained of blood. Curiously, as in similar cases of unexplained cattle mutilations, there were no tracks and very little blood found around the animals’ carcasses. Who could have done this to these cows?

“I just assumed they had been shot. I didn’t realize what had happened to them until the inspector showed me. They didn’t take any edible meat, just the genitals.”

Why is it always the genitals? In most of these cases, the sex organs of the animals are surgically removed, sometimes including the entire anal or vaginal cavity. Who – or what – would go to such lengths while leaving the other choice cuts of meat?

Arizona Livestock Inspector Royal Reidhead examined the dead animals, and says he knew right away that something was amiss when he saw the carcasses. “These animals weren’t shot, these animals were mutilated,” Reidhead told Williams-Grand Canyon News, “They were basically killed for their body parts.” Even stranger, the animals’ carcasses weren’t touched by scavenger animals as they lay undiscovered for a week after their brutal mutilation.



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Jo Wood: I’ve seen UFOs

October 22, 2018                     (

• Jo Wood (pictured above), the former model and ex-wife of Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood, told the Sunday People newspaper that while on vacation in Brazil, she and Ron Wood saw a UFO over the ocean. She has no doubt that what she saw was not from this planet.

• Ron Wood saw the UFO first and called out, “’Jo, here’s some weird lights over the sea.” When she walked out and saw it, “the lights lifted up off the sea and shot into the sky.”   Says Jo, “I went, ‘Oh shit’.” “In the next day’s newspaper, it said ‘UFO invades Brazil’ hundreds of people had seen the same thing so I knew I wasn’t mad.”

• Jo recounts another time when she saw UFO’s over the skies of Brazil. “We were flying over Brazil. I was looking down and these green orbs came right up and went by our windows. I’ve been obsessed with aliens ever since. We can’t be the only beings in this universe.”

• Jo Wood has recently begun hosting a podcast entitled ‘Jo’s Alien Nation’, focusing on aliens and the need to clean up the planet’s oceans.


The 63-year-old former model has recalled two close encounters with apparent alien life whilst she was on vacation in Brazil with her ex-husband, Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood, and she is in no doubt that what she saw was beings from another planet.

Speaking to the Sunday People newspaper, she said: “I love aliens. I’ve seen a UFO in Brazil. I was with Ronnie and one night he goes ‘Jo, here’s some weird lights over the sea.

“I walked out and thought, ‘What is he on about?’ Then the lights lifted up off the sea and shot into the sky. I went, ‘Oh s**t.’

Ronnie and Jo Wood in 1985

“In the next day’s newspaper, it said ‘UFO invades Brazil’ hundreds of people had seen the same thing so I knew I wasn’t mad.

“Another time we were flying over Brazil. I was looking down and these green orbs came right up and went by our windows. I’ve been obsessed with aliens ever since. We can’t be the only beings in this universe.”

Jo recently appeared on ‘Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls’ and her experience of being back with nature has inspired her to clean up planet Earth and end people’s dependency on single use plastic.

The glamorous blonde – who has started recording a podcast entitled ‘Jo’s Alien Nation’, focuses on aliens and the need to clean up the planet’s oceans – said: “We trudged through the jungle and there it all was on the beach, bottles, Lego, nets, flip-flops, Walt Disney toys. It’s horrible. I don’t know how we have got like this.

“But we are at an exciting point now. It feels like there is revolution and everyone is aware about plastic, food and what we put in our systems.”



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Mysterious ‘UFO’ Caught on Camera During Live Broadcast in Argentina

October 19, 2018                   (

• Bueno Aries, Argentina weather reporter, Mariela Fernandez, was talking about the weather when she noticed a metallic blip on a giant screen. While Fernandez exclaimed that it was not a plane, her co-host suggested it was a UFO.


C5n’s presenter, Mariela Fernandez, was talking about the weather and the sky, with smog over Buenos Aires, when she noticed a metallic blip on a giant screen, showing a live feed of the Argentine capital.

Seemingly stunned by the object climbing higher and higher, Fernandez exclaimed that it was not a plane, while her co-host suggested it was a UFO.

2:06 minute video of live Argentina weather broadcast with UFO



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Former Blink-182 Vocalist Tom DeLonge On a Mission to Prove UFOs Are Real

by Eric Mueller                      October 12, 2018                        (

• One year ago this month, Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ launched. The academy is divided into three divisions: aerospace, entertainment, and science. The net result has been Tom and his fellow compatriots confirming that UFOs are real. But an “unidentified flying object” is a vague term. It could mean any number of things, not all of them alien.

• To The Stars Academy also released some Department of Defense videos of UFOs. They claim it’s only the beginning. Up until now, the U.S. government has denied all UFO accounts.

• We learned last year that one of the To The Stars Academy’s principals is Luis Elizondo. Elizondo, it turned out, had headed the Pentagon’s $22 million ‘Advanced Aerospace Threats Program’ (AATP) to investigate unidentified aerial threats. The AATP only lasted for five years until 2012 when funding ran out. Elements of the program remain classified and many speculate that the program may still exist in some capacity. “We may not be alone,” Elizondo said publicly this time last year.

• The number of UFO sightings drastically rose, then declined, over the past 28 years. The National UFO Reporting Center reported only 315 UFO sightings in 1990, but by 1998, the number spiked to 2,000 UFO sightings. The number went up to 4,000 for 2006 and peaked at 8,670 in 2014. It has since gone down drastically, to only 1,329 at the end of June 2018. Are we too busy staring down at our new smart phones now to look up at the sky?


One year ago this month, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science launched. The public benefit corporation was founded by Tom DeLonge, the former co-lead vocalist of blink-182 and the current lead guitarist and vocalist of Angels & Airwaves. The corporation is divided into three divisions: aerospace, entertainment, and science. Delonge originally became interested in all things otherworldly while doing research for a series of graphic novels. During a four-hour discussion with several former government officials at the launch of the corporation, he confirmed that UFOs are real.

No, that does not mean that aliens will suddenly invade our ears and switch bodies. An “unidentified flying object” is a vague term; it could mean any number of things, not all of them alien. Given the technology we have, from heat-sensing to enhanced images to metal detection, it’s amazing that anything is unidentifiable anymore.

It Doesn’t Get Much More Official Than This Guy

Luis Elizondo worked for the Department of Defense. He is the former director of programs to investigate unidentified aerial threats and headed the Advanced Aerospace Threats Program. The AATP formed in 2007 with a $22 million budget. The budget may sound big, but in context, it was small enough to go unnoticed by the public and unacknowledged by the government.

The AATP only lasted for five years when funding ran out. Elements of the program remain classified and many speculate that the program may still exist in some capacity. This is basically the plot to Men in Black and we’re obsessed.

“We may not be alone,” Elizondo said publicly this time last year.



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Looking To The Stars: D.C.’S Only UFO Investigator

by Isabel Lord                    October 12, 2018                        (

• In 1966, the Rev. Francis J. Heyden, S.J. was the head of Georgetown University’s astronomy department in Washington, D.C. Heyden believed it was possible for there to be more advanced beings out in the universe but suggested that sightings of them on this planet were unlikely. He explained his own UFO sighting as actually seeing a weather balloon. The Georgetown University Astronomical Society that Heyden formed has stated that it “does not believe in UFOs of extraterrestrial origin”. This is still the thinking of academics in the District of Columbia.

• Chase Kloetzke is DC’s newest and only active ufologist. After retiring from the Department of Defense in 1996, and with a degree in private investigation, Kloetzke became a MUFON field investigator studying UFO sightings across the country. Today, she is MUFON’s director of investigations, handling cases from all 50 states and 43 countries, and a lobbyist for the UFO fields at large. “I definitely believe there is an intelligence out there; whether it’s good or not, I don’t know,” said Kloetzke.

• “It’s difficult for any kind of observation here (in Washington, D.C.), because it’s so protected,” said Kloetzke, as the District is in a flight restriction zone. “Everybody’s looking down. They’re only looking up when they’re talking to somebody.” The fast pace of technological developments on Earth and secrecy surrounding nations’ space assets mean UFOs are getting harder to identify and explain. “It’s important that people know that we investigate reports, and we take it seriously,” she said. Kloetzke is hoping to build a network of DC-based investigators and is especially hoping to attract younger members because today’s youth do not consider the concept of aliens “weird.”.

• Kloetzke’s newest task is to bring the conversation on UFOs down from the skies and on to the desks of D.C. lawmakers. For her, that means presenting the latest UFO cases to the Hill (a political website and publication). Said Kloetzke. “You need to learn how D.C. works: It has its ways in, it has its protocols and the way things are done. Once you learn those, you can probably get the ear of the right person.” However, Kloetzke acknowledged that unless the case was recent and a threat, it is difficult to get lawmakers’ attention.

• As for Georgetown Astronomical Society’s “experts”, Georgetown physics professor Patrick Johnson is doubtful about UFO visits to Earth, largely due to logistical challenges. “I think statistically the universe is big enough that there are probably other living things out there,” Johnson said. “I am highly skeptical that any of them have been to Earth. They are almost certainly very far away, and so it would be very difficult for them to get to us. We see no evidence of advanced alien species on any of the planets in our solar system and so the next closest planet would be 4.5 light years away, and not that that is an insurmountable distance, but that would take a lot.” “Experiences people credit to extraterrestrials could have simple scientific or medical explanations,” he said, “such as sleep paralysis, epilepsy, and fluctuating levels of carbon monoxide.”

[Editor’s Note]   What else would a professor from a Jesuit institution like Georgetown University say if he wanted to keep his job? This is part of the Vatican/Deep State establishment that is responsible for hiding the truth from the world about UFOs, extraterrestrials, secret space programs, and suppressed advanced technologies in the first place. Godspeed Chase Kloetzke.


For two weekends in July 1952, D.C.’s skies were falling. Or, so it seemed.

Multiple reports of unexplained radar blips from airports around the District flooded news reports throughout the country. “SAUCERS SWARM IN OVER CAPITOL,” read Iowa’s Cedar Rapids Gazette. “Saucer Outran Jet, Pilot Reveals,” headlined The Washington Post.

Jump forward 14 years, and the Rev. Francis J. Heyden, S.J., head of Georgetown’s astronomy department, explained to the Los Angeles Times his own experience with an unidentified flying object, which he later realized was a weather balloon. UFO witnesses, he told the paper, “are not experiencing hallucinations; they are reasonably sane.” He believed it was possible for there to be more advanced beings out in the universe but suggested that sightings of them on this planet were unlikely.

                       Chase Kloetzke

Today, the Georgetown University Astronomical Society represents the remainder of Heyden’s astronomy department, which was closed in 1972 due to lack of funding. But as far as its opinion on extraterrestrial visits goes, not much has changed. “The Astronomical Society does not believe in UFOs of extraterrestrial origin,” the organization wrote in an email to the Voice.

As far as we know, this is the extent of Georgetown’s—and the District’s—relationship with unidentified flying objects.

Chase Kloetzke is looking to change that.

Kloetzke is the District’s newest and only active ufologist. Since 1996 she has volunteered for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), an international UFO-report investigating organization with over 5,000 members. She joined the nearly 50-year-old network after working for the Department of Defense, where she trained active duty and civilian anti-terrorist groups. With a degree in private investigation, Kloetzke began at MUFON as a field investigator, studying UFO sightings across the country and quickly rising to lead specialty task forces within the organization. Today, she is their director of investigations, handling cases from all 50 states and 43 countries, and a lobbyist for the UFO fields at large.



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Scientists Speculate Hi-Tech Aliens After Australian Telescopes Receive Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts Signals From Deep Space

Oct 11, 2018                    (

• Australian radio telescopes have received a huge number of signals from deep space called “fast radio bursts”. Scientists have detected twenty such signals this year, which is double the number detected worldwide.

• The team of researchers from Western Australia has also found the closest and brightest fast radio bursts ever detected from the depths of the space, noted in the science journal Nature. These radio waves’ energy is close to the amount released by the Sun over 80 years. They also point out that there could be hi-tech extraterrestrial beings sending these distant signals.

• These radio bursts are from the other side of the universe and not our same galaxy. These radio bursts reveal much about the matter in the space and its galaxies. “Timing the arrival of the different wavelengths tells us how much material the burst has traveled through on its journey. And because we’ve shown that fast radio bursts come from far away, we can use them to detect all the missing matter located in the space between galaxies – which is a really exciting discovery,” said Australian researcher, Macquart.


In all the research to study life in the universe and beyond, a new dimension has been provided by Australian researchers. Radio telescopes in the country have received a huge number of signals from deep space. These mysterious and powerful wave signals which are called “fast radio bursts.” The team of researchers from Western Australia has also found the closest and brightest fast radio bursts ever detected. The latest findings have been noted in the science journal Nature. They also point out that there could be hi-tech aliens out there who sent these signals.

The fast radio bursts are actually bright flashes of radio waves that reach the Earth from the depths of the space. They are a mysterious phenomenon in themselves and finding of double the number of these signals, then already known, it is a big finding. These radio waves have a lot of energy, close to the amount released by the Sun in 80 years.

After these findings, the talks of extraterrestrials also come up. These radio bursts are from the other side of the universe and not our same galaxy, so it is even more interesting. The team is now working upon detecting the exact location from where these waves came through the sky. These radio bursts also reveal more about the matter in the space and its galaxies. “Timing the arrival of the different wavelengths tells us how much material the burst has traveled through on its journey. And because we’ve shown that fast radio bursts come from far away, we can use them to detect all the missing matter located in the space between galaxies – which is a really exciting discovery,” Macquart, the co-author of the study said.

Scientists had detected 20 such fast signals in the year which is double the number that has been detected worldwide. Scientists are also deriving what is so powerful that is sending across these signals so far away till the earth. And astronomers suggest it could be some massive cosmic object and do not even deny that it could be some very advanced aliens.



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How Would We Recognize an Alien if We Actually Saw One?

by Samuel Levin               October 10, 2018                 (

• Astrobiology – the study of life on other planets – has grown from a fringe sub-discipline of biology, chemistry and astronomy to a leading interdisciplinary field, attracting researchers from top institutions across the globe, and large sums of money from both NASA and private funders. But what exactly are astrobiologists looking for? Would they even recognize an alien being?

• Under Darwin’s theory of ‘natural selection’, we can expect an extraterrestrial being to have reached that place in its development naturally through survival and reproduction. This combination of complex design (to better survive) and apparent purpose (to reproduce), also known as ‘adaptedness’, defines life. Entities are designed to fit their surroundings. The organism’s ‘design’ variation is always improving over the generations, which allows for ‘design to appear without a designer’.

• If alien development wasn’t ruled by natural selection, the aliens wouldn’t be able to cope with changes on their planet, and so would disappear before we found them. Therefore, aliens must be the product of natural selection, following certain Darwinian rules to produce only certain kinds of organisms. Thus, astrobiologists can use the theory of natural selection and the mathematics of evolution to make predictions about alien development.

[Editor’s Note]  On the other hand, what if the biggest game in the universe was genetic experimentation to create endless types of beings? What if technologically advanced ‘creators’ have simply adapted a humanoid “star template”, i.e.: a head, torso, two arms and two legs, as a practical template for the vast majority of intelligent beings? And what if these created intelligent humanoid beings were scattered all over the galaxy/universe already? What if Earth humans were unremarkable – a common entity throughout the galaxy, and were even at the lower end of the intellectual, technological and spiritual development scale? Or what if the different Earth human races were the descendants of various refugee groups from other worlds?  What if Darwin’s ‘natural selection’ had nothing to do with human or alien development, but these attributes were indeed ‘given’ to us not by natural selection but by ‘purposeful creation’ in order to survive in a particular environment? Once we have shed our belief that we are the only intelligent beings alive in the universe – having evolved ‘naturally’ from the planet’s primordial ooze, an entirely new universal paradigm of ‘creative evolution’ will be revealed to us as we raise our collective consciousness. It’s coming folks, so hold onto your hats.


What would convince you that aliens existed? The question came up recently at a conference on astrobiology, held at Stanford University in California. Several ideas were tossed around – unusual gases in a planet’s atmosphere, strange heat gradients on its surface. But none felt persuasive. Finally, one scientist offered the solution: a photograph. There was some laughter and a murmur of approval from the audience of researchers: yes, a photo of an alien would be convincing evidence, the holy grail of proof that we’re not alone.

But why would a picture be so convincing? What is it that we’d see that would tell us we weren’t just looking at another pile of rocks? An alien on a planet orbiting a distant star would be wildly exotic, perhaps unimaginably so. What, then, would give it away as life? The answer is relevant to our search for extraterrestrials, and what we might expect to find.

Astrobiology – the study of life on other planets – has grown from a fringe sub-discipline of biology, chemistry and astronomy to a leading interdisciplinary field, attracting researchers from top institutions across the globe, and large sums of money from both NASA and private funders. But what exactly is it that astrobiologists are looking for? How will we know when it’s time to pop the Champagne?

One thing that sets life apart from nonlife is its apparent design. Living things, from the simplest bacteria to the great redwoods, have vast numbers of intricate parts working together to make the organism function. Think of your hands, heart, spleen, mitochondria, cilia, neurons, toenails – all collaborating in synchrony to help you navigate, eat, think and survive. The most beautiful natural rock formations lack even a tiny fraction of the myriad parts of a single bacterial cell that coordinate to help it divide and reproduce.

And living things, unlike dirt and wind, appear to be trying to do things – eat, grow, survive, reproduce. If you’ve ever tried to squish a resilient bug, you know that it doesn’t require a complex mind for an organism to appear to want to survive. Or for a squirrel to ‘want’ to jump from one branch to the next. Or for a plant to ‘try’ to reach towards the Sun and soak up nutrients from the soil. Not only do living things have many intricate parts, but all of those parts have the same, common purpose ¬– survival and reproduction. This combination of complex design and apparent purpose, also known as adaptedness, defines life. When we look at that photo of an alien, it’s exactly this adaptedness that would make us go: ‘Aha!’ We would see, clearly, the difference between a disappointing pile of rocks and an exciting alien – design. This is good news, because there’s only one way to get such design: natural selection.



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The Order of the Dolphin: SETI’s Secret Origin Story

by John Wenz                October 10, 2018                     (

• In 1960, Harvard PhD Frank Drake and his colleagues decided that rather than using the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia to determine the surface temperature of Venus or the radiation belts of Jupiter, they’d train it on two nearby stars to listen for signs of life from intelligent extraterrestrials. This was the beginning of the modern Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI.

• In the meantime, physician/philosopher John Lilly was trying to communicate with earth-bound intelligences. From apes to elephants to pig to octopus, these creatures seem to possess intelligent self-awareness. He found that the most intelligent were the dolphins and whales. Lilly also saw the experiments as a way to help efforts to contact extraterrestrial aliens. If we can crack the code of dolphin language, we might have a shot at decoding other alien communication.

• In 1961, a group of scientists met at green Bank to discuss the search for alien intelligence. They included Drake and Lilly, radio expert Dana Atchley, biochemist Melvin Calvin, optical astronomer Su-Shu Huang, computing pioneer Barney Oliver, Russian radio astronomer Otto Struve, and a young Carl Sagan. To begin with they wanted to get an idea of how many ET’s were possibly out there. They came up with what is no referred to as ‘The Drake Equation’.

• Lilly used this meeting to tell his colleagues about his dolphin research, pointing out that the dolphin’s brain was actually larger and more complex than the human brain. The dolphin was clearly an intelligent being. Lilly even heard signs of language and empathy in recordings of the dolphins.

• But after this 1961 meeting, Lilly began introducing substances such as ketamine and LSD in his research to assist in communicating with dolphins. Drake and some other scientists began to distance themselves from Lilly’s dolphin research, calling it “poor science” and “unreliable”. As a result, Lilly’s work has tainted subsequent attempts to understand the intelligence of dolphins.

• Still, this episode in the history scientific research spawned the SETI research of today. More resources than ever are pouring into SETI efforts, thanks in part to a $100 million project from Russian billionaire Yuri Milner called Breakthrough Listen. As we search for intelligent aliens in ‘habitable zones’, we also may discover life that existed in Mars’s past, or currently on the moons Enceladus, Europa, Titan or Triton.

[Editor’s Note]   The advances in our knowledge of intelligent extraterrestrial life that we will see in the near future, and indeed, the existence of extraterrestrials on and around our own planet, will make these initial scientific explorations trivial, if not irrelevant. We are on the brink of an entirely new and exciting exo-scientific age.


In 1961, when UFOs were all the rage, a group of top scientific minds met in secret at a rural observatory in West Virginia. At the time, the Green Bank Observatory was the biggest, baddest telescope in the burgeoning practice of radio astronomy. While the list of meeting attendees now reads like a who’s who of the era’s luminaries, the reason they gathered covertly was because of the taboo nature of their topic of discussion. These scientists wanted to find, and talk to, aliens. They didn’t know it, but they were about to launch the modern Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI.

SETI First Steps

Let’s back up a moment. In 1958, a newly minted Harvard PhD named Frank Drake came to Green Bank. Usually he sought out typical radio astronomy targets — the Van Allen Belts around Earth, say, or the surface temperature of Venus, or the radiation belts of Jupiter.

But one day in 1960, Drake and his colleagues instead tuned into two nearby stars, Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. Their goal was simple: they were alien hunting, hoping to hear radio communications originating from intelligent extraterrestrials.

UFOs were popular then, but Drake’s research was legitimate, one of the first dedicated scientific searches for aliens. Drake had been spurred on by Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison, who the previous year had co-authored a Nature paper with the provocative title “Searching for Interstellar Communications.” It remains a foundational SETI text.

Much to Drake’s surprise, his team actually heard something in those first few experiments. Unfortunately, it ended up being just a high altitude plane. Project Ozma, as the research was called (after L Frank Baum’s fictional monarch of Oz), was both the first SETI experiment and the first SETI false alarm.

“We had failed to detect a genuine alien signal, it was true, but we had succeeded in demonstrating that searching was a feasible, and even reasonable, thing to do,” Drake wrote in his book Is Anyone Out There?, co-written with science writer Dava Sobel.

Talking to Dolphins

While Drake was launching some of the first SETI programs, John Lilly — a physician, philosopher, writer and inventor — was attempting to communicate with his own alien intelligence. He just wasn’t looking quite as far.

Humans are, in fact, surrounded by intelligence. Our fellow great apes understand the rudiments of language, and seem to possess highly organized social structures, tool-making skills and self-awareness. Creatures literally great and small — elephants and crows — have many of these qualities as well. (Alas, the pig is also remarkably intelligent; your bacon was likely self aware.)

Intelligent life isn’t isolated to land, either. The octopus brain is one of the most remarkable on Earth, and its close cousin, the cuttlefish, is no slouch either. But the superstars of the sea, to most humans, are marine mammals, especially dolphins and whales.



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If Universe is Ocean, Humans Have Searched For Aliens in Swimming Pool, Claims New Study

by Nirmal Narayanan                  October 10, 2018                   (

• The Italian/American physicist, Enrico Fermi, famously asked, if there are millions of galaxies and stars out there in the deep space, why humans have not met any advanced intelligent alien forms until now?

• ‘It is idiotic to conclude intelligent aliens do not exist nearby just because humans haven’t found them,’ said SETI astronomer Jill Tarter.

• Scientists haven’t found any intelligent extraterrestrials yet just because we have not started looking for them vigorously. A new study conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania State University has revealed that humans have searched just 0.00000000000000058% of the universe to find potential alien signals. In other words, if the universe was an ocean, humans have searched for aliens in barely a swimming pool’s worth of water.

• For its part, NASA recently revealed that it is working to locate alien civilizations by examining “Technosignatures” of life, including laser emissions, Dyson spheres and heat signatures in deep space.


A new study conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania State University has revealed that humans have searched just 0.00000000000000058% of the universe to find potential alien signals. In layman’s language, if the universe is an ocean, humans have searched for aliens in barely a swimming pool’s worth of water.

        Enrico Fermi

The study, published in the journal arXiv, could have also found the solution to the billion dollar Fermi paradox, which states if there are millions of galaxies and stars out there in the deep space, why humans have not met any advanced intelligent alien forms until now.

The study reveals that scientists haven’t found any intelligent extraterrestrials yet just because we have not started looking for them vigorously. Researchers who took part in the study believe that aliens, somewhere in that ocean of space might be signaling their existence, but until now, we have not looked into that deep corner.

               Jill Tarter

“Suppose I tell you there’s a cool thing happening in Houston right now. I do not tell you where it is. I do not tell you when it is happening. I do not tell you what it is. Is it in a bookstore? Is it a music concert? I give you absolutely no priors. It would be a difficult thing to try and find it. Houston, we have a problem. We do not know what we’re looking for … and we don’t know where to start,” said Shubham Kanodia, a graduate student in astronomy who co-wrote the study at a NASA workshop on Technosignatures.



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10,000-Year-Old Discs Discovered in Chinese Caves ‘Show UFO Crash Site’

by Callum Hoare                   October 12, 2018                     (

• In 1938, archaeologist Chi Pu Tei and his team found a cave in the Kunlun-Kette mountains of China with petroglyph inscriptions on the walls and several tombs aligned in a row containing strange looking skeletons each no larger than one metre in length. Buried alongside them were more than 700 unusual discs covered in unexplainable artwork.

• YouTube channel, ‘We Are If’, posted a video claiming the discs depict the crash site of an extraterrestrial spacecraft 12,000 years ago. (see 7:58 minute video below) The Dropa stones were apparently left 2,000 years later. The narrator goes on to explain the strange small figures found alongside them could be descendants of the Dropa, a group of several hundred dwarfs measuring no more than four feet in height.


Bizarre video footage shows stones discovered by archaeologist Chi Pu Tei back in 1937 when he was trying to find shelter in the Kunlun-Kette mountains of China.Team members entered the caves and discovered inscriptions on the walls.

At the back of the cave, they uncovered several tombs, aligned in a row, containing strange looking skeletons, each no larger than one metre in length.

Buried alongside them were more than 700 unusual discs covered in unexplainable artwork.
And now, video footage has emerged attempting to explain the story.

YouTube channel We Are If posted a clip claiming the discs depict the crash site of an extraterrestrial spacecraft 12,000 years ago.

And the stones were apparently left 2,000 years later.

The narrator goes on to explain the strange small figures found alongside them could be descendants of the Dropa Many people.The Dropa tribe is said to have been a group of several hundred dwarfs measuring no more than four feet in height.

7:58 minute ‘We Are If’ YouTube channel video
on the Dropa Stones and Dropa people of China



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Close Encounters of the Drugged-Up Celebrity Kind

by Robbie Graham                    October 2, 2018                   (

• Western culture has an inclination to dismiss reports of UFOs from those who might dabble in psychedelics, such as our celebrated rock stars. It is increasingly clear that naturally occurring psychotropic substances do not induce mere “hallucinations,” but they expand the boundaries of human consciousness, enabling us to perceive layers of reality not readily accessible in our everyday lives. It may be that creative brains are better attuned to perceive a broader spectrum of reality than normal brains. Perhaps we should not be so quick to dismiss UFO reports from individuals our society might label “colorful” or “eccentric,” or even from those with a known history of drug use.

Here are five rock stars who claimed to have seen UFOs, though while straight and not on psychedelic drugs at the time.

John Lennon – On August 23, 1974, the Beatles legend observed a UFO from his NYC apartment window while “just dreaming around in my usual poetic frame of mind.” Lennon said the craft was approximately 100 feet away from him and hovering over an adjacent building. He described it as “a thing with ordinary electric light bulbs flashing on and off round the bottom, one non-blinking red light on top.” Lennon’s then-girlfriend, May Pang, also saw the UFO. She described it as a “large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone, and on top was a large, brilliant red light… When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft – these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind.”

Mick Jagger – In 1968, the Rolling Stones front man went camping in Glastonbury with his then girlfriend, Marianne Faithful, and witnessed a huge, cigar-shaped “mothership.” It was around this time that Jagger is said to have had a “UFO detector” installed at his British estate. “The alarm kept going off whenever he left home, indicating the presence of strong electromagnetic activity in the area.”

David Bowie – Bowie’s longstanding fascination with all things alien fueled him to create some of his best work throughout the 1970’s. But the rock star apparently had multiple UFO sightings when he was a child living in England before going on to publish a UFO newsletter with friends as a teenager, and he was obsessed with UFO cover-ups. In 1967, Bowie had multiple UFO sightings over London, and could anticipate when they would be flying overhead. In one interview, Bowie waxed philosophical: “I have come to take this phenomena seriously. I believe that what I saw (on one occasion) was not the actual (UFO), but a projection of my own mind trying to make sense of this quantum topological doorway into dimensions beyond our own. It’s as if our dimension is but one among an infinite number of others.”

Lemmy – In 1966, before he became the frontman of Motörhead, Lemmy Kilmister had his own UFO sighting. “This thing came over the horizon and stopped dead in the middle of the sky. Then it went from a standstill to top speed, immediately. We don’t even have aircraft that do that now, never mind then. So that was pretty eye-opening for me.”

Robbie Williams – Robbie Williams of the 1990’s British boy-band, Take That, claimed to have once seen a UFO “150 feet above my head”. Although there were no other witnesses, Williams shared his UFO experience onscreen in the 2018 documentary, Hunt for the Skinwalker.


Celebrity is a curious thing. In our modern world, we’ve been programmed to revere the famous–be they actors, musicians, sports stars, or fashion models. Celebrity status is something that many millions of us aspire to. Rightly or wrongly, the words of the famous carry considerably more weight in all spheres of society than the words of those who are not. For example, it is not unusual for artists in the music and movie industries to make political speeches and to lead political causes. It matters not that they are technically completely unqualified to do so–they’ve already earned a certain measure of our faith simply by virtue of being famous, regardless of what they are actually famous for.

Lennon’s drawing of his UFO  encounter in NYC

When celebrities speak out on the UFO issue, however, the public are inclined to take their statements with a pinch of salt. Perhaps it’s because the artistic industries are so closely linked with drugs and alcohol, and UFOs are often associated with altered states of consciousness. The logic goes: “It’s no surprise Celeb X sees UFOs… Celeb X has a drug habit.” But perhaps we should not be so quick to throw out the baby with the bathwater, or the UFOs with the LSD. Western culture’s inclination to dismiss reports of UFOs or non-human entities from those who dabble in psychedelic substances speaks to a    fundamental misconception of anomalous phenomena. To its detriment, popular UFOlogy is firmly rooted in materialist models of our reality and generally assumes that the UFO phenomenon is external to the human condition: something purely physical from out there that is happening to us, rather than something we play a part in generating, but which is no less “real” as a result.

            John Lennon and May Pang

Alien entities in one form or another have been a core component in the psycho-actively induced vision quests of countless indigenous cultures dating back millennia. As modern science has progressed, we’ve learned more and more about how psychoactive substances interact with our brain and nervous system, and, though many questions remain, it is increasingly clear that naturally occurring substances such as Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) do not induce mere “hallucinations,” rather, they break down our perceptive barriers and literally expand the boundaries of human consciousness, enabling us to perceive layers of reality not readily accessible in our everyday lives. In other words, such substances may enable us to see what is already there, hidden in plain sight.

Marianne Faithful and Mick Jagger

Some people who take DMT do so precisely for the purpose of seeing and interacting with “alien” entities, and they are often successful in these endeavors. But are their alien experiences any less “real” than those of people who are not under the influence of psychedelics? I say no. There are countless examples in the modern UFO era of credible witnesses claiming to see UFOs and/or aliens in the vicinity of others who report nothing unusual at all. How do we account for this? It would seem that UFO reality is not objective; at least, not always. In fact, a great many reported UFO experiences are clearly subjective. This is not to say they are not real, but that human consciousness is far more mysterious than we know, and that, as many theoretical physicists contend, our consciousness creates our reality.

We know that creative brains are wired differently than most, and it may be that this wiring predisposes an individual to phenomena that most of us will never experience, be it ghosts, fairies, aliens, or whatever label one chooses. When creative brains are affected by psychoactive substances, it is perhaps no surprise that anomalous phenomena may manifest. Even without the drugs, it may be that creative brains are better attuned to perceive a broader spectrum of reality than normal brains, and perhaps we should not be so quick to dismiss UFO reports from individuals our society might label “colorful” or “eccentric,” or even from those with a known history of drug use. Perhaps instead we should reexamine popular conceptions of the UFO enigma, placing greater emphasis on the role of the observer in generating UFO experiences and related phenomena.



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UFO Investigation: U.S. Officials ‘Hold Secret Alien Tests’ At Ranch

by Latifa Yedroudj                     October 7, 2018                      (

• A new document has been leaked by Robert Bigelow’s ‘Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies’ describing a “living laboratory and paranormal hotspot known as Skinwalker Ranch,” located in the Uintah Basin area of Utah, east of the Wasatch Mountains.

• In 1996, Bigelow began a multidisciplinary scientific study by a team of ‘PhD-level investigators’ to collect evidence, interview witnesses, and search for explanations as to the strange occurrences in the area of Skinwalker Ranch, as part of the Pentagon’s secretive ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ as revealed in an exclusive New York Times article in December 2017.

• Jeremy Corbell of the UFO website “Extraordinary Beliefs” has produced a documentary film entitled, “Hunt for the Skinwalker”, with the help of UFO researcher, I-Team Nevada news reporter, and Coast2Coast host George Knapp, recounting their own investigations at Skinwalker Ranch. Says Corbell, “The phenomenon… of diverse activity (at the ranch)… included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.” Corbell says that the Skinwalker program under the AATIP was even more comprehensive than the UFO program which studied UFO craft and propulsion.

• Knapp told the Daily Star Online, “Skinwalker Ranch is like a paranormal Disneyland. If it’s weird, it happens on and around the ranch.” Utah locals have witnessed mysterious craft and strange paranormal incidents at the Skinwalker Ranch for over 50 years, although legends tell of such paranormal sightings in this area for hundreds if not thousands of years. “Sightings include orbs, UFOs, animal mutilations, unknown creatures, poltergeist-type activity, and many other inexplicable incidents.”


Over 50 years, Skinwalker ranch has come under intense scrutiny for alleged UFO sightings, with residents reporting a spate of odd paranormal incidents.

The US Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a secret £16.5million (US$22 million) investigation to study unidentified flying objects, was first made public on 2017.

Now, documents leaked by the BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies) revealed the programme also ran a top secret investigation at the highly controversial Skinwalker ranch.

A BAASS manager told the Daily Star Online: “The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft.

                       Jeremy Corbell

“The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity that included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.”

Speaking about the undercover investigation, Jeremy Corbell of Extraordinary Beliefs, told Daily Star Online: “The Pentagon’s other and larger investigation delved into mysteries far more profound – far more disturbing – than alleged alien aircrafts.

“Its focus was a living laboratory and paranormal hotspot known as Skinwalker Ranch.”

George Knapp, an American investigative journalist, revealed the secret document to the New York Times last year but was disappointed and claimed they left out vital information.

Along with Mr Corbell, he has produced an exclusive documentary – named ‘Hunt for the Skinwalker’ – recounting a series of his own investigations at Skinwalker ranch.



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Jupiter’s Moon Europa Has Huge Shards of Ice That Could Stop Us Finding Aliens Who Live There

by Andrew Griffen                   October 8, 2018                    (

• Jupiter’s moon Europa is often held up as one of the most promising places to discover extraterrestrial life. It is relatively near and has huge seas of liquid water under its surface, which could provide a home to those aliens. However, in a new research paper, Dr Daniel Hobley, from Cardiff University’s School of Earth and Ocean Sciences describes how treacherous the surface of Europa is for landing spacecraft or probes.

• “The presence of sharp, blade-like structures towering to almost 15 metres high would make any potential landing mission to Europa extremely precarious. We hope that studies like ours will help the engineers to develop innovative ways of delivering landers safely on Europa’s surface so that we can find out even more about this fascinating place, and potentially look for signs of extra-terrestrial life,” said Dr Hobley.

• These massive shards of ices, or “penitentes”, are formed through a process known as sublimation. That turns ice into water vapor without melting into a liquid between the two, and leaves behind those blade-like formations that point right up into the sky. Europa has the right thermal conditions for this sublimation to occur, and the sun always shines at the same angle towards the surface. Penitentes between one and five metres tall do grow on Earth, but are restricted to extreme areas such as the Andes Mountains.


Towering blades of ice could get in the way of our search for alien life, scientists have warned.
Jupiter’s moon Europa is often held up as one of the most promising places to discover extraterrestrials. It is relatively near and has huge seas of liquid water under its surface, which could provide a home to those aliens.

       Dr Daniel Hobley

Scientists hope to eventually land a spacecraft on that icy crust and drill down beneath it to see whatever is lurking in the oceans below.

But on that same alien surface are vast shards and daggers of snow that could destroy any craft that attempted to land there, scientists have warn. Reaching almost 15 metres tall, the blades of sharp ice could be a fatal barrier to any attempt to meet that extra-terrestrial life.

Any potential landing mission would have to navigate those “penitentes” before it could drop onto the surface.

0.53-minute video on ice shards on Europa



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UFOs Have A Kind Of Route Through The Mountainous Areas Of Costa Rica

by Rico                        October 3, 2018                     (

• Alejandro Sáenz and his wife, Cindy Picado, live near a mountain ridge in San Isidro de Heredia, Costa Rica (in Central America). From their home, they regularly see Unidentifed Flying Objects along the mountain ridge, which seem to follow a ‘flight plan’. They’ve recorded these UFOs (not necessarily of extraterrestrial origin) with many video and photographs, and have even created a website featuring these images. “We always get up at dawn to take pictures,” said Sáenz. (see 3:34 minute video below)

• “In pure observation, we have been able to determine that they use the peaks of the mountains as highways, they pass over the mountain ranges, these points serving as guides,” says Sáenz. “We have already seen them several times bordering the entire perimeter to reach a certain altitude, very close to the mountain, we calculate at about eighty meters.”

• Sáenz speculates that the UFOs use the volcanoes along the mountain ridge to refuel their spacecraft. “We do not know it with certainty because it is only a theory, but there are many possibilities that these flying objects follow previously traced routes and recharge energy on the road. The mountains, the volcanoes and the hills are known as energetic places, where it is assumed that their ships can be supplied with energy,” he said.


This is no joke. Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) – objetos voladores no identificados (ovnis) in Spanish – apparently have a flight route established in Costa Rica and use it often, this according to Alejandro Sáenz, an amateur ufologist who has often seen objects in the sky and his wife, Cindy Picado, who regularly observe and photograph the flying objects from their home located in San Isidro de Heredia.

Sáenz, an architect by profession, says he records his sightings in photos and videos of the peaks of some mountains used by the aliens ships as orientation guides, routes, which according to him, intensify in the month of September, the month with more sightings of the usual.

“They emerge from the Barva volcano, from there they head to the Zurquí, then to the Turrialba volcano and Irazú. Then they pass through La Carpintera and descend on Pico Blanco in Escazú and the wind turbines of Santa Ana,” Sáenz said.

          Alejandro Sáenz and his wife,
          Cindy Picado

The architect commented that he has pictures of UFOs in each of those places, taken with a Nikon Coolpix 900 camera with a 125x digital zoom. He explained that in his house he has a room with a balcony facing east, to be able to take the opportunity to be aware of the movements of the flying objects.

“From there we look towards the Turrialba and the Irazú volcanoes. We always get up at dawn to take pictures,” he said.

Another room in the house has a view to the south, so from there he locates the other sites he mentioned. He, along with his wife, Cindy Picado, have taken many pictures of UFOs and have a website where they usually share those images.

“In pure observation, we have been able to determine that they use the peaks of the mountains as highways, they pass over the mountain ranges, these points serving as guides. We have already seen them several times bordering the entire perimeter to reach a certain altitude, very close to the mountain, we calculate at about eighty meters,” he explained.

UFO phenomenon investigator, Max Cordero, said that there is a high probability that what Saenz says is true.

3:34 minute video of UFO flying above the mountain ridge line in Costa Rica



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Exoconscious Factor in Space Exploration

The release of How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space-Faring Future

Phoenix, Arizona, October 16, 2018–What if the space exploration formula of computer science, robotics, meta-materials, and chemical rocketry lacks a key ingredient needed for advancement? In her recent book, How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space Faring Future, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, a former member of Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell’s, Quantrek organization, proposes that humans having direct experience with extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings are the missing ingredient for space exploration.

According to Dr. Hardcastle Wright, founder of the non-profit Institute for Exoconsciousness, “Humans possess the ability to connect, communicate, and co-create with extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings through the vast field of consciousness. This ability to access the field of consciousness is an untapped resource for humanity’s ventures into space.”

The author examines experiencers’ advanced abilities.  “We use the term Exoconscious Humans to define those who integrate and utilize their on-going relationship with extraterrestrials and multi-dimensional beings. These individuals are transformed by contact events that include missing time, conscious out of body travel, the dissolving and rematerializing of matter that includes the body, and co-creative relationships with beings that leads to the adoption of innovative technological tools.”

Further, she asserts that direct experience of extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings is the basis for a revolution in science. “These individuals who contact, communicate, and co-create with extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional beings have experiences that material science fails to acknowledge or explain.  Their experiences pose unanswered questions that space travel requires. How and why do these experiences happen? Does consciousness impact human advancement in space? Who inhabits space and how do we communicate?

The book proposes that the study of consciousness science is necessary to travel and live off-planet because material science is reaching its known limits.

“At this point in technological science, information comes from a closed loop that is limited by repetitious circuitous data.  The frontiers of human consciousness hold vast resources waiting to be tapped as science moves into mind.”

How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space-Faring Future is a practical proposal for integrating material and consciousness science through Exoconscious Humans. The book provides a comprehensive, documented overview of consciousness science, Ufology, space history, religion, astronaut witnesses, and the emerging diplomatic framework for space travel.

The Institute for Exoconsciousness is the first and only organization operating as a sustainable nonprofit, focused exclusively on scaling technology, teaching, art, and healing through co-creation between humans, extraterrestrials and multidimensionals. Our organization affirms that extraterrestrial and multidimensional contact accelerates social impact, co-creating a healthy cosmos.

 The Institute for Exoconsciousness is accelerating the impact of extraterrestrial and multidimensional experiencers, building an Exoconscious civilization.

More information about the book and the work of the Institute is available at Rebecca Hardcastle Wright is available for interviews.

   Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, is a leading expert and advocate in consciousness and extraterrestrial contact. She is CEO of the non-profit Institute for Exoconsciousness, an international community of ET, multi-dimensional experiencers. The Institute’s mission is to create a post-disclosure, Exoconscious civilization, supporting experiencers who pioneer education, training, media, art, and technology co-created with ET, multidimensionals. 

A Former UAA Professor’s Take on UFOs

by Caleigh Jensen                 October 1, 2018                    (

• Professor Emeritus of Public Health at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Lawrence Weiss, who retired in 2004 after twenty years, says that his interest in flying saucers and extraterrestrial life began at a young age due to his father’s interest in them. “I think there’s definitely something going on,” Weiss said. “There’s trillions of planets out there that could be habitable. It seems to me that it’s almost inconceivable that we aren’t being visited by aliens from other parts of the universe.”

• With the rise of the internet, Professor Weiss’ interest in UFOs grew. Access to databases, documentation of UFO sightings and filmed talks about the subject expanded his knowledge and further convinced him of the reality of life outside of Earth. Weiss considers Stan Friedman to be “the most credible and experienced” person out there in regards to extraterrestrial activity.

• “The best documented case of a prolonged encounter between a commercial airline and multiple UFOs happened right here in Alaska,” according to Weiss. The encounter took place on November 17, 1986 when Japan Airlines flight 1628 flew over eastern Alaska on its way from Paris to Tokyo. The crew witnessed two large rectangular objects rise from the clouds, causing the cabin of the aircraft to heat up. The incident was investigated for months afterward, but the FAA concluded that there was not enough information to confirm that the object was a UFO. Weiss believes that this event was covered up because the government knew it was out of their hands. The flight captain reported the object as a UFO and was consequently moved to a desk job and not reinstated as a pilot until years later.

• Professor Weiss believes that all the evidence of aliens is there, you just have to go look for it. “A lot of people who denigrate this stuff don’t know about the existence of the evidence out there,” he said. “These are not goofy tinfoil hat people; they are trained observers and extremely credible sources.”


Is it irrational to believe in UFOs over Alaska? Professor Emeritus of Public Health Lawrence Weiss posed the question during a presentation last week and gave a simple answer: no.

“I think there’s definitely something going on,” Weiss said. “There’s trillions of planets out there that could be habitable. It seems to me that it’s almost inconceivable that we aren’t being visited by aliens from other parts of the universe.”

Weiss was a professor at UAA in various positions for nearly 20 years before retiring in 2004. During his time at the university, he taught both public health and sociology, founded the Master of Public Health program and assisted in creating the first Alaska Native studies minor. Although his field of study was not astronomy, Weiss’ interest in space led him to pursue it further.

“I have a Ph.D. but it’s not in ufology,” he said. “It’s mostly a hobby, but I do have certain beliefs.”

           Professor Lawrence Weiss

Weiss’ interest in flying saucers and extraterrestrial life began at a young age. He credits his father for inspiring him to look further into the subject.

“My dad was a very strange person,” he said. “He had a bunch of books around the house about UFOs. Reading those books and looking at the pictures as a kid was the starting point for me.”

With the rise of the internet, Weiss’ hobby was able to grow. Access to databases, documentation of UFO sightings and filmed talks about the subject expanded his knowledge and further convinced him of the reality of life outside of Earth.



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West Lothian Council Create ‘UFO Trail’ at Site of Famous Close Encounter

September 30, 2018                   (

• In November 1979, Bob Taylor was left injured and traumatized after encountering a UFO in the Dechmont Woods outside of Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland (just west of Edinburgh). Now the encounter will be officially recognized by the West Lothian Council with a “UFO trail” in those woods, with marker posts and a display board in the woods to point the way for visitors to see the spot where the incident occurred.

• On that day in 1979, Taylor, a forestry worker, was walking through the forest with his dog when he came across a large dome shaped craft hovering in a clearing. Suddenly, two smaller spheres with spikes protruding from them came out and grabbed his legs, dragging him towards the craft. Taylor recalls smelling an acrid odor and a hissing sound before passing out and woke up twenty minutes later, dragging himself back to his truck which mysteriously wouldn’t start.

• Taylor managed to walk a mile back to his house. His trousers were ripped and he had grazes on his chin and thighs. Upon seeing his disheveled state, his wife called police and a doctor came out to check him over. Forensic tests on Taylor’s clothes showed it was likely they had been ripped by a sharp upward pull, such as a mechanical device. Police initially treated the incident as an assault, but after visiting the scene they discovered two “ladder” indentations on the ground and forty small circular holes that followed the path of the mine-like objects.

• Tom Conn, Executive Councillor for the Environment, said, “The Dechmont Woods encounter is Scotland’s most famous alleged UFO incident, and has featured in a number of books and TV programmes.” Dechmont Woods is the only officially recognized UFO site in Scotland, and the only UFO incident in the UK that resulted in a criminal investigation. It made headlines around the world.

• Mr Taylor, who was well respected in the local community, never deviated from his story right up until his death in 2007 aged 88.


The scene of a close encounter with a UFO is set to attract visitors from across the world after being officially recognised by a council.

West Lothian Council has created a “UFO trail” in woods where a forestry worker claimed he was attacked by a craft from outer space almost 40 years ago.

It remains the only such incident in the UK to have led to a criminal investigation and made headlines around the world.

Bob Taylor said he was left injured and traumatised after the close encounter in Dechmont Law Woods in Livingston in November 1979.

He claimed he was walking through the forest with his dog when he came across a large dome shaped craft hovering in a clearing. He said two smaller spheres with spikes protruding from them came out and grabbed his legs before dragging him towards the larger object.

He recalled smelling an acrid smell and a hissing sound before passing out and woke up 20 minutes later, dragging himself back to his truck which mysteriously wouldn’t start. He managed to walk a mile back to his house. On seeing his dishevelled state, his wife called police and a doctor came out to check him over. His trousers were ripped and he had grazes on his chin and thighs. Police initially treated the incident as an assault but after visiting the scene, they discovered two “ladder” indentations on the ground and 40 small circular holes that followed the path of the mine-like objects.

Forensic tests on his clothes showed it was likely they had been ripped by a sharp upward pull, such as a mechanical device.

Various theories have been put forward to explain the bizarre encounter, from an epileptic seizure to the planet Venus.



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Some NASA Astronauts Think Extraterrestrial Are Real And Already Came In Contact With Us

by Stacy Richardson                 September 28, 2018                     (

• When Buzz Aldrin traveled to the Moon on Apollo 11 (July 1969) he saw a UFO through the window of the spaceship. A few years ago, Aldrin claimed that everything that he had said about the UFO was false, and that he does not believe that aliens are contacting us. However, here are three NASA astronauts who do think that extraterrestrials are real and are watching us:

• Edgar Mitchell – After nearly 20 years at NASA, astronaut Edgar Mitchell said he was 90% sure that the majority of the UFOs recorded since the 1940s belong to “visitors from other planets.” Mitchell said that he’d spoken with world leaders who have come into contact with extraterrestrials and that governments around the world have been hiding it from the public for more than 60 years.

• Deke Slayton – The former director of flight operations at NASA, Deke Slayton, in 1951 saw an alien spacecraft flying at a 45-degree angle. Soon after, it took off and disappeared. Slayton is sure that extraterrestrials are real and visiting us frequently.

• Brian O’Leary – Astronaut Brian O’Leary was part of a team that was headed to Mars before it was cancelled. Upon his retirement, he assured that there are extraterrestrials living on Earth and we should thank them for the huge technological advances.


If you had suspicions, or hopes, of the existence of life beyond our planet, there are three NASA astronauts who have no doubts and even think that extraterrestrials are real and watching us.

             Edgar Mitchell

One of the lucky ones who traveled to the Moon on Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin, saw an unidentified object through the window of the spaceship. At that time, many media and conspiracy theorists rushed to claim that the aliens were among us.

However, Aldrin clarified the speculations a few years ago when he claimed that everything that had been said about it was false. He added that he does not believe that the aliens came into contact with us.

But, while there many of NASA astronauts are skeptical about extraterrestrial life, on the other hand, there are others who claim that extraterrestrials are real.

          Brian O’Leary

These three NASA astronauts believe that extraterrestrials are real:

           Deke Slayton

Edgar Mitchell, after nearly 20 years at NASA, said he is 90% sure that the majority of the UFOs recorded since the 1940s belong indeed to “visitors from other planets.” He said UFOs are real and that he talked to world leaders who have come into contact with extraterrestrials, but that information is classified. Similarly, he said governments around the world have been hiding it from the public for more than 60 years.



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Student Scientists Search For The Bright Lights Of An Alien World

by Brid-Aine Parnell                 September 29, 2018                    (

• Students at UC Santa Barbara and elsewhere, headed by UCSB professor, Philip Lubin, are using photonics, i.e.: optical and infrared wavelengths, to search for extraterrestrials, in a project known as the Trillion Planet Survey.

• For the last 50 years, the dominant broadcast signals from Earth were radio, TV and radar so naturally, researchers like those at SETI, have been using powerful radio telescopes to look for similar signals out in the Universe. “In no way are we suggesting that radio SETI should be abandoned in favor of optical SETI,” said lead researcher Andrew Stewart, a student at Emory University. “We just think the optical bands should be explored as well.”

• The photonics that are in development today would be the brightest light in the Universe and therefore, could be seen from across the stars. “[If] the extraterrestrial intelligence’s beam power and diameter are consistent with an Earth-type civilization class, our system will detect this signal,” Stewart said.

• The young scientists are also studying photonic tech developed at UCSB to propel small spacecraft through space at a significant fraction of the speed of light for interstellar missions. That project is being funded by NASA’s Starlight and billionaire Yuri Milner’s Breakthrough Starshot programs.


Combing the Universe for radio signals might not be the only way to search for alien civilisations, according to a team of student researchers from UC Santa Barbara.

The army of students, under the leadership of experimental cosmologist and professor of physics at UCSB Philip Lubin, are using photonics to search for extraterrestrials instead in the Trillion Planet Survey.

For the last 50 years, the dominant broadcast signals from Earth were radio, TV and radar so naturally, researchers like those at SETI, have been using powerful radio telescopes to look for similar signals out in the Universe. But as photonic technology accelerates, scientists are realising that aliens could just as easily be found through optical and infrared wavelengths.

     Professor Philip Lubin

“First and foremost, we are assuming there is a civilization out there of similar or higher class than ours trying to broadcast their presence using an optical beam, perhaps of the ‘directed energy’ arrayed-type currently being developed here on Earth,” said lead researcher Andrew Stewart, a student at Emory University and a member of Lubin’s group, in a statement.

“Second, we assume the transmission wavelength of this beam to be one that we can detect. Lastly, we assume that this beacon has been left on long enough for the light to be detected by us.

“If these requirements are met and the extraterrestrial intelligence’s beam power and diameter are consistent with an Earth-type civilization class, our system will detect this signal.”



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Are the U.S. Space Forces Starting to Muster?

by John Breeden II                 October 2, 2018                   (

• With all of the proposals for space-based operations being bandied about in Washington D.C., who is doing what in space?

Space Force – A entirely new and separate branch of the U.S. military, proposed by President Trump. Such a specialized space force could maintain the current technological advantage that the United States may have over China and Russia. A recent proposal by Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan called for a tight integration between the new Space Force and the National Reconnaissance Office to gather intelligence using satellites. According to an Air Force memo, a new Space Force would initially require 13,000 new personnel and cost $13 billion over the next five years, including $2.2 billion in order to set up a headquarters and $7.2 billion for new assets and equipment.

NASA – The U.S.’s “peaceful” space program, NASA has recently launched a new effort to search for extraterrestrial, intelligent life known as the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

Space Corps – The 2017 version of Trump’s Space Force that was included in the House of Representative’s fiscal 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, but was voted down in the Senate.

Space Command – An alternative to the Space Corps, led by the U.S. Air Force, that would integrate space-based assets, such as military satellites, into the future operations of all branches of service through the development of a Multi-Domain Command and Control system. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is already developing a program called ‘Hallmark’ that will provide better situational awareness in space, especially in the lower Earth orbit zones, which are cluttered with everything from satellites to space junk.

Strategic Support Force – The Chinese operations center that manages its space program, cyberspace and electronic warfare.

[Editor’s Note] Here are some past ExoNews articles on President Trump’s Space Force:
House Panel Lays Foundation for Future Space Force  May 14, 2018
Trump Directs DOD to Establish a Space Force in a Surprise Announcement  Jun 18, 2018
Pence Details Plan for Creation of Space Force in What Would Be the Sixth Branch of the Military  August 9, 2018
New Pentagon Memo Lays Out Action Plan to Establish Space Force by 2020  September 13, 2018


When President Donald Trump proposed creating the Space Force as a separate branch of the military, quite a few people ended up scratching their heads. While it would be cool to have a bunch of sleek spaceships like in Star Trek, the sad truth is that we are probably decades or even centuries away from anything close to technology like that, if we ever get there at all. Looked at pessimistically, we would get about as much value out of creating a military branch of time travelers, let’s call them Paladins of the Past, charged with protecting our history from temporal manipulation. It might make for great sci-fi but would not offer much practical value.

We also already have the most advanced, peaceful space program in the world through NASA. Just this spring they launched TESS, the short name for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, which is bristling with artificial intelligence designed to optimize the search for extraterrestrial, intelligent life. Nobody else is even close to something like TESS.

But NASA works on peaceful projects, and the idea of a militarized space force has been kicked around Washington for a while. The House included such a provision in the fiscal 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, calling the new military branch the “Space Corps.” That idea died in the Senate, though the Defense Department was asked to study the issue.

Trump’s support has given the idea new life, and the Air Force was asked to take the lead on proposing what an independent space command might look like. Previously, the Air Force’s focus was on integrating space-based assets, such as military satellites, into the future operations of all branches of service. They have been working on developing a Multi-Domain Command and Control system which would accomplish that.



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UFO Spaceship Material Studied by Top Scientists – and Results Are Mind-Blowing

by Paul Harper                 September 28, 2018                   (

• To The Stars Academy, Tom DeLonge’s group of former government spies, military and scientists, claim to have seven samples from a downed flying saucer. “Each sample represents different elements of potential Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and how they operate,” the academy said.

• The Pentagon’s top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) investigated flying saucers from 2008 to 2012. The US Government is storing captured materials from UFOs in a huge, heavily-guarded hangar near Las Vegas operated by entrepreneur and Ufologist Robert Bigelow.

• Initial studies of the objects by the Adam Research Project have thrown up some incredible results. Its experts said there is “no precedent for this structured combination of materials” and the “true purpose or function of the material is unknown”. One side of a material sample appears to have been tooled because it has a defined contour. “Researchers also studied people who said they experienced physical effects from encounters with the objects and examined them for physiological changes.”


To The Stars Academy, a group of former secret service, US government workers and scientists, claims to have seven samples from a downed flying saucer.

“Each sample represents different elements of potential Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and how they operate,” the academy said.

Initial studies of the objects under the Adam Research Project have thrown up some incredible results, according to reports.

It is said the material was released when the unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) was hovering and also formed part of the material of a wedged craft.

  sample of UFO material being studied

To the Stars Academy said the Magnesium-Zinc-Bismuth sample is from a UAP crash recovery but admits the “source cannot be verified”.

Its experts said there is “no precedent for this structured combination of materials” and the “true purpose or function of the material is unknown”.

Intriguingly, it said that one side of a sample appears to have been tooled because it has a defined contour.

They also found the material acts as a waveguide for terahertz (electromagnetic waves) frequencies.
More tests are planned on the material, reports Disclose TV.



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UFOs Around the World: New Zealand

by Robbie Graham                    September 29, 2018                      (

• In this installment of ‘UFOs Around the World’, Robbie Graham visits New Zealand to talk to author and founder of the UFOCUS NZ Research Network (for UFO sightings), Suzy Hansen, and Harvard professor Dr. Rudy Schild. UFOCUS NZ is currently the only active UFO sighting investigation and research group in New Zealand.

• In addition to herself, Hansen says that the most active and prominent New Zealander researchers were Fred and Phyllis Dickeson, Harold Fulton, Harvey Cooke, and currently, the Dickeson’s son Bryan Dickeson. The Dickesons were former NZ Air Force personnel who worked tirelessly to publicize UFO sighting investigation data, established nationwide discussion groups and published the UFO magazines Satcu and Xenolog. Bryan continued to investigate UFO sightings in the 70’s and 80’s. Bryan has recently digitized some 6,500 New Zealand UFO sightings from his parents’ research material for the UFOCUS NZ’s website.

• Hansen considers the Kaikoura Lights sightings of 1978/79 as the most compelling of NZ sightings. These anomalous lights were seen by pilots, filmed, and recorded by Wellington Airport radar, although the NZ government and mainstream scientists tried to debunk the incident. The 16mm film was sold to a media company in the US, never to be seen again.

• While the NZ government refrains from official comment on UFOs, the NZ Prime Minister and many governmental departments did investigate the Kaikoura Lights. There was an official UFO investigative unit within the government until 1976, but it was ended when the government declared that UFOs posed no military threat. But whenever they did investigate an incident, they told witnesses that if they went to the media the government would deny any knowledge.

• The New Zealand Government and Ministry of Defence have largely taken their lead from the US, Australia, and British governments in terms of limited transparency and information on UFOs. In 2009, the New Zealand Chief of Defence Force, Lt Gen Jerry Maeparae informed Hansen that two Defence officers had been assigned “the task of assessing classified files in relation to this topic, with a view of the classification”. Most government and military UFO reports remain classified, however.

• The most prolific UFO sightings occurred in the Gisborne/East Cape area of the North Island during what came to be known as the ‘Gisborne UFO flap’ of 1977 to 1980. Hansen notes that a significant number of UFO sightings were reported beginning just 10 days before the massive Christchurch earthquake in 2011, and continuing through to several weeks after the after-shocks had settled down.

• After 44 years of UFO research investigating hundreds of sightings and thousands of witnesses, Hansen believes that many of these UFO incidents occurred for a reason or purpose controlled by the occupants of the UFOs themselves. Science is now validating the physics behind UFOs, and of course we now know there are plenty of habitable planets out there with similar attributes to Earth. Hansen says that it is only a matter of time until we truly understand why we’ve been visited for centuries by other beings.


Over the next several weeks, I’ll be conducting interviews with leading UFO researchers from countries around the world in an effort to paint a picture of global UFOlogy today.

This week, our global UFO trek takes us to New Zealand, and to Suzy Hansen, an author, researcher, experiencer, and former professional educationist. Suzy is the author of The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement, with contributions by Dr. Rudy Schild, Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics, Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA.

Suzy is also the founding Director of the UFOCUS NZ Research Network(NZ UFO sightings), and coordinator of Communicator Link (advocacy & support for experiencers/abductees). She was instrumental in lobbying for the release of the NZ MoD UFO Files in 2010/11. She has been lecturing internationally for more than 20 years and has featured in numerous interviews, articles and documentaries.

                     Suzy Hansen

RG: Who have been the defining figures in New Zealand UFOlogy over the past 70 years (for better or for worse), and why?

SH: The most active and prominent researchers in my opinion were Fred and Phyllis Dickeson, Harold Fulton, Harvey Cooke (all gone now), and currently, the Dickeson’s son Bryan and I guess—myself!
The Dickesons were former NZ air force personnel who worked tirelessly to publicise UFO sighting investigation data. They established nationwide discussion groups and published the UFO magazines Satcu and Xenolog. They also hosted well-known UFO personalities to NZ, including author Erich von Daniken and contactee George Adamski.

Bryan Dickeson investigated UFO sightings throughout the ‘70s and ‘80s, and spoke at early New Zealand UFO conferences. He is also a trained regression therapist and investigated New Zealand’s first publicised abduction experience. Bryan now resides in Australia and has contributed significantly to Australia’s UFO research too. He has recently digitised some 6,500 New Zealand UFO sightings from his parents’ research material, which will soon be available to the public on UFOCUS NZ’s website.

The late Harold Fulton was also ex-air force and investigated some of New Zealand’s most significant UFO events along with the other researchers I have mentioned. His focus was on aviation sightings and his data was meticulous and scientific.

The late Harvey Cooke was perhaps the “Mr Personality” of UFO research here, and, although he never had a UFO sighting himself, his passion and enthusiasm for the subject was endless. Harvey contributed significantly through TV and radio interviews, organising conferences, and he ran one of the world’s longest-standing UFO groups for 55 years. His memory for names and dates was legendary.

RG: What do you consider to be the most compelling NZ UFO incident on record, and why?

SH: Without a doubt, the Kaikoura Lights sightings of 1978/79 are the most renowned NZ sightings. The two main sightings that occurred in December 1978/79 were captured on film, seen visually by pilots and a film crew onboard one of the flights, and appeared on Wellington Airport radar and the radar of the two Argosy aircraft involved. These anomalous lights were observed by many members of the public as well over a period of weeks.



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Brit Amateur Astronomer Captures UFO Leaving Moon

by Callum Hoare               October 3, 2018                  (

• Jason Callum from the town of Bracknell in Berkshire county, southeast England, was using his telescope to look at craters on the Moon. To his astonishment, a black object moved across the lunar landscape from right to left. (see 10:26 minute video below)

A British skywatcher got the surprise of his life when he spotted a UFO flying past the moon and now conspiracy theorists think it could be a secret NASA cover-up.

Video footage shows the moment Jason Callum aimed his telescope at the lunar surface to get a better look at the craters.

But what he ended up uncovering left him stunned.

The clip, captured from Bracknell, Berkshire, shows the moment a small black object made its way across the screen, zooming from right to left.

Jason attempted to follow its journey, but once the light from the moon had gone, it was impossible to track.

So he uploaded the footage to his YouTube channel, asking followers what they thought it could be.

10:26 minute video of object passing over the Moon surface



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