Above Majestic Producer Reveals Secret Space Program Disclosures & Document Dumps Imminent

Corey Goode, producer of the bestselling Above Majestic documentary, released a major update on November 17 concerning a new insider that he has privately met and vetted. The insider is a retired surgeon with 30 years experience in a major branch of the US military, and used the pseudonym “Bones” after revealing his true identity. Goode says that after he met Bones about a year ago, he subsequently put Bones in touch with his other insider sources, including “Sigmund”, another pseudonym used by former senior officer in a USAF run secret space program.

Sigmund first met Goode in early 2016, when he was leading interrogations of Goode’s information, which included classified information about the USAF program, which Goode calls the Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC-SSP). Sigmund eventually had to go on the run from the Cabal/Deep State after confirming Goode’s claims of a far more technologically advanced Navy run space program, Solar Warden. Sigmund eventually began working with the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance – a broad alliance of defectors from rival secret space programs and Solar Warden – who rescued him.

According to Goode, Bones passed on two hard drives with numerous digital files to Sigmund revealing details of the “Dark Fleet”, which is a German run secret space program that originated out of their hidden Antarctica bases and alliance with a group of Reptilians called Dracos.

After agreements were reached between the Germans and the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950’s, the Germans were able to infiltrate all aspects of the US military industrial complex as Goode has previously explained.

After the treaty was signed and the joint Secret Space Programs began in earnest, things quickly got out of hand and the Nazi Break Away group won the race to infiltrate and take over the other side. They soon controlled every aspect of the U.S. from the Financial System, The Military Industrial Complex, and soon after, all three branches of the government itself.

Goode summarized what Bones told him regarding the classified name of the Dark Fleet which has still not been publicly revealed:

When I asked him which program he was involved in, he looked me straight in the eyes and told me the actual classified program name. He then said, “I think you have been referring to this program as ‘DARK FLEET’.” I was shocked to hear the actual name of this program dropped so freely.

After arranging a meeting between Sigmund and Bones where the latter handed over digital files on the two hard drives, Goode described what Sigmund told him in an early morning meeting on November 17, 2018 at Lunar Operations Command, a former German moon base now controlled by the MIC-SSP:

We sat there as Sigmund talked about the new intelligence they had received about the Dark Fleet.

He went on to give a nearly 3-hour summary on what was found on the two hard drives that Bones had given them. Sigmund was visibly excited and stated ‘We have everything! Their infrastructure, their lists of assets going back 80 years and where they are located. We now know of Dark Fleet bases in over a dozen different star systems as well as on the Earth and have the joint agreements and battle plans that the DARK FLEET had signed with the Draco’s and an insectoid race as well as non-aggression pacts with other ET Groups.”

I asked Goode today why Sigmund was able to travel safely to Lunar Operations Command (LOC) when the Cabal/Deep State was after him through their own space program that Goode has called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), which controls the LOC. He replied:

It is a joint facility and control is with ICC but different programs think classified ppl from their own projects run everything. You have levels of SSP coming in and out. They timeshare the assets at the LOC’s.  Only middle brass ever see’s the ppl that run the bases and the ppl that cycle in or are lower SSP’s only have access to the middle brass, etc

Goode went on to state that the digital files Bones gave to Sigmund had enabled the SSP Alliance, working in tandem with the Earth Alliance (a consortium of White Hats in every major nation on the planet) to identify all Dark Fleet operatives, and subject them to sealed indictments and future arrests.

Sigmund stated that they now had everything they needed to intercept Dark Fleet assets on every continent on Earth. They have now identified every Dark Fleet agent and double agent on the planet and how they have infiltrated the ICC and MIC SSP Programs. He was confident that they now had enough information to pass to the Earth Alliance for future indictments.

Among the more than 60,000 sealed cases currently found in judicial records, the vast majority involve indictments, which will lead to arrests when unsealed. Some of the looming arrests, according to Goode, involve Dark Fleet assets.

It’s furthermore worth pointing out that the Executive Order issued by Donald Trump on December 21, 2017 allows the confiscation of property of all those involved in human rights abuses and international corruption. This has allowed Trump’s military backed government to systematically strip the Dark Fleet/Deep State of their financial assets, which were used to control the planet.

What’s particularly noteworthy is Goode’s claim that all Dark Fleet assets in the solar system and even adjacent start systems, will be confiscated and handed over to White Hats who will ensure that these are eventually used for the benefit of all humanity. He wrote:

The SSP Alliance is also confident that they now have actionable intelligence on every ICC, Dark Fleet, Solar Warden and Intergalactic League of Nations base and asset in the galaxy and are ready once the action begins. I am told this will assure that the entire extraplanetary infrastructure that has been built in secret will be available for use by a new system that has been outlined. This is a post-disclosure plan that a minority in the Earth Alliance has put a lot of planning into.

Essentially, Goode is here stating that the new system will be something along the lines of “Star Fleet” in the Star Trek series, whose creator Gene Rodenberry had been secretly briefed about the Navy’s secret space program.

Finally, Goode said that the SSP and Earth Alliance plan to use him for future disclosure dumps:

He [Sigmund] went on to say that they are gathering information to release through me at a future date. I was told that after this information was compiled it would then be given to me to disclose in a way that is beneficial to the SSP Alliance. I was also informed that at about the same time that I am cleared to drop the Dark Fleet information that I should also be cleared to release the information from my meeting at the LOC Alpha, Bravo & Charley and the tour of ancient alien ruins within the Moon itself.

Some of the information will be disclosed in documentaries similar to Above Majestic: The Implications of a Secret Space Program, which the SSP Alliance believes is an excellent way of disclosing the truth.

Most importantly, the SSP Alliance is committed to full disclosure and wants to make a partial disclosure impossible:

The SSP Alliance plan is unchanged, they plan to make a partial disclosure impossible and find a way to Full Disclosure thus delivering the entire ‘SSP Infrastructure’ to all of humanity on equal terms.  

Goode shared with me additional information today explaining that Bones is not alone in sharing information about the Dark Fleet:

BONES & 5 of his team of leakers, all between the ages of 68-82 were brought into protective custody by the SSP Alliance not long after the meeting where Bones handed over the 2 drives…. They had tons of videos of old timers giving death bed confessions and testimony on what they did in DF. I am told it is very detailed and disturbing stuff.

He also pointed out that the Dark Fleet (DF) and the ICC are concerned over the prospects of more defections as this information is revealed, and people are subject to sealed indictments and their financial assets confiscated:

[T]he ICC and DF know we received this intel and are very worried. This intel release was approved because it would cause more of them to defect as there is a rumor that more and more of the DF assets have defected from the DF but have not joined SSP Alliance, it is speculated that they are trying to go rogue with their own program and assets that is totally broken away from our solar systems infrastructure

At this stage some will ask whether there is any documentary evidence supporting any of Goode’s incredible claims, especially his assertion that he will be used as a conduit for future document releases?

Actually, there is. Goode was the person who first released two Unclassified for Official Use Only Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRD), which were commissioned in 2007 by the forerunner to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The two documents are titled “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy” and “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions”, the first was authored by Dr. Eric Davis, and the second co-authored by Dr. Richard Obousy and Davis.

In fact, Dr Davis confirmed the authenticity of the documents released by Goode, in a June 24, 2018 appearance on Coast to Coast radio, where he said:

… that 2 or 3 of these papers had been “leaked” onto the Internet, by “someone on the beltway.” The beltway is a highway that encircles Washington. A reference to “inside the beltway” means matters of importance to US government officials; lobbyists; and government contractors.

While most UFO researchers are reluctant to discuss Goode’s role in releasing the DIRD documents, and instead point to less controversial sources such as Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy, and George Knapp’s, iTeam, the fact is that out of 38 DIRD documents known to have been written, only three to date have been publicly released – two by Goode, and one by Knapp’s iTeam.

What Goode’s public release of the two DIRD papers conclusively show is that he does have high level access to genuine insiders with documents they have been authorized to release through him. This helps raise confidence in the accuracy of what Goode has revealed about Bones and Sigmund regarding the Dark Fleet, and the prospects for full disclosure through future document releases similar to the DIRD articles, and documentaries such as Above Majestic.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Many thanks to Corey Goode for his suggestions in improving an earlier draft of this article, and answering questions about his November 17 update.]

Further Reading

Kiwi Says He Spent Ten Days in An Alien Civilization

by Ben Graham                        November 2, 2018                        (news.com.au)

• In February 1989, Alec Newald was traveling from Rotorua to Auckland in New Zealand. But after driving through a winding, foggy mountain route for what seemed like just a few hours, he arrived in Auckland ten days later.

• As Newald was driving through the mountain road, all of the sudden he felt a great pressure on him like he was being pushed into the seat of the car. “I was paralysed, I couldn’t turn the wheel or apply the brakes or do anything,” Newald recalled as he was zooming down the road at 100km/h towards a cliff face and braced for impact.

• Then Newald woke in a “cavernous” space filled with flashing neon blue lights. He was convinced he was dead, as he believed he was in spirit form and he was experiencing the afterlife. “I’m just like a wispy ghost with no form at all,” he said. “I found I could maneuver myself by moving my consciousness forward or sideways.”

• Surrounded by other “spirit forms”, Newald claims to have felt a “tap on the shoulder”. Looking up, he saw that they were being approached by three physical aliens. The smaller being was a male with a slight build, round head, squinty eyes that set lower on his face than normal, small mouth, and nearly non-existent nose and ears. He walked ahead of two taller beings. Newald could feel the being’s presence, as if his energy was being projected and absorbed by Newald’s etheral body.”

• As Newald moved further, he could see physical objects and buildings emerging. The etheric entities that guided him started to take physical form. They told him to step into a machine, which would “build a body for him” and he saw his body forming beneath him. The aliens were trying to reconstruct themselves so they could exist on earth.

• After ten days, he was put back in his car on his journey, and arrived in Auckland to tell the tale. Government officials visited him wanting to know more about his experiences and the capabilities of this extraterrestrial race. Newald claims to have never taken drugs, and he had never even thought about UFOs before. “The more I tried to share this information the harder my life became,” said Newald. “I was ostracized by people you might have expected support from.” “It became impossible to continue on as before.”


It was a normal Monday morning in February 1989 when Alec Newald set off on a three-hour drive to Auckland from Rotorua in New Zealand’s volcanic heart.

However, what the 70-year-old Kiwi claims to have experienced on that journey changed his perception of the universe forever.

Mr Newald says he was taken by extraterrestrials to an advanced civilisation and stayed there for 10 days.

After passing through a winding, foggy mountain route, he arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused.

Alec Newald

However, he was even more confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday — 10 days later — and he had no idea how he had lost those days.

In a talk at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club in Sydney’s west this Saturday, Mr Newald will reveal exactly what he believes happened in those days — claiming his experience with the “friendly beings” has “profound implications for all of us here on earth”.

Authoring a book called Co-Evolution and talking to global UFO media outlets since his experience in 1989, the Kiwi has set out what he experienced.

Speaking on American UFO and paranormal radio show As You Wish talk radio, he recalled the moment he was “plucked” from that winding mountain road.

“I was like what the hell is going on here?” he said. “I was driving the car and it felt like a tonne of bricks had landed on me, like someone had poured cement on me. I felt like I was pushed into the seat of that car.

“I was paralysed, I couldn’t turn the wheel or apply the brakes or do anything.”
He says he was zooming down the road at 100km/h towards a cliff face at the time and he braced for the impact.

Then he said he woke in a “cavernous” space filled with flashing neon blue lights. He was convinced he was dead, as he believed he was in spirit form and he was experiencing the afterlife.



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I-Team: Race Is On to Solve the Mystery of Unknown Materials

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                October 31, 2018                     (lasvegasnow.com)

• For years, the Pentagon has secretly studied the seemingly impossible abilities of unknown craft captured in military videos. Scientists now want to know if the materials used in these UFOs allow them to do what they do. They’ve been collecting so-called “metamaterials”, especially any associated with crashed UFOs, from all over the world.

• Many material samples come through Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’s “A.D.A.M.” Research Project. “We have multiple samples from multiple sources, a wide range of variety and integrity,” says Luis Elizondo.
• One of the secret studies was carried out by BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), a Las Vegas operation hidden within Bigelow Aerospace, under contract with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to study metamaterials as well as futuristic technologies. Last year, the New York Times reported that a sample of metamaterial was secretly stored at Bigelow aerospace. Managers of the BAASS program told George Knapp’s “I-Team” news team in Las Vegas that while they are familiar with some of the metamaterial samples, none were ever stored in Las Vegas.

• A type of metamaterial studied by Dr. Hal Puthoff with the Institute for Advanced Studies (in Austin, TX) was “… a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about 10 times the size of a human hair, supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an advanced aerospace vehicle. It looks like it’s been in a crash.” Puthoff and his colleague Dr. Eric Davis are on the cutting edge of attempts to identify an assortment of bits and pieces that are seemingly beyond anything we can create.

• Astrophysicist Dr. Jacques Vallee has been analyzing metamaterials since the 80s, often using the technical expertise of Stanford University and Silicon Valley to unravel unknown samples acquired from all over the world. Vallee pointedly steers clear of any military funding and he’s shared his findings at public conferences.


LAS VEGAS – A global scramble is underway to identify and perhaps replicate unidentified mystery materials that have been collected at multiple sites around the world.

A few of the samples have defied analysis by leading scientists, who say they don’t know how the material was engineered, or why, or by whom?

Some of the metamaterial was allegedly collected in connection with UFO incidents, which gives the whole endeavor an otherworldly glow.

For years, the Pentagon secretly studied the seemingly impossible abilities of unknown craft captured in military videos.

Scientists now want to know if the materials used in these mystery aircraft allow them to do what they do. For years, one of the secret studies was carried out by BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), a Las Vegas operation hidden within Bigelow Aerospace.

Documents first reported by the I-Team show that BAASS landed a contract with the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), and one of the objectives was to study so called metamaterials, as well as futuristic technologies.

“It was a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about 10 times the size of a human hair, supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an advanced aerospace vehicle. It looks like it’s been in a crash,” said Dr. Hal Puthoff, with the Institute for Advanced Studies during a presentation in Las Vegas.

In June, physicist Hal Puthoff came pretty close to saying that the weird wedge of metamaterial came from a crashed saucer, but he can’t know for sure. Puthoff and his colleague Dr. Eric Davis are on the cutting edge of attempts to identify an assortment of bits and pieces that are seemingly beyond anything we can create.

This one sample is engineered in layers thinner than microns, through a process unknown on earth, and for a purpose we can only guess.

“Nowhere could we find any evidence that anybody ever made one of these when we talked to people in the materials field who should know, they said we don’t know why anybody would want to make anything like this,” Dr. Puthoff said.



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Astronomers Think That a Mysterious Asteroid Might Be a Reminiscence of Alien Wreck

by Asheley Rice                    November 3, 2018                    (healththoroughfare.com)

• In September 2018, an elongated asteroid traveling from outside our solar system, dubbed ‘Oumuamua’, captured the attention of scientists because of its unusual behavior in moving at a high speed when a normal asteroid would slow down. Also, it didn’t spin as an asteroid/comet giving off gasses would do.

• In studying Oumuamua over the past year, Harvard Smithsonian astronomers, Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb, determined that the object was activated and propelled by sunlight. The light radiation from the Sun exerts its force on the rock’s surface and this powers the asteroid on. This means that we could be looking at the reminiscences of a reconnaissance probe conducted by extraterrestrials. These mainstream scientists are putting forth a theory that might seem crazy to others: that Oumuamua might have built by an extraterrestrial civilization.


Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb, two astronomers from Harvard Smithsonian made an interesting observation recently. According to them, the mysterious interstellar rock Oumuamua might be a proof that aliens exist. The scientists claim to have noticed signs that the asteroid is part of a light-driven probe. This means that we could be looking at the reminiscences of a reconnaissance mission conducted by extraterrestrials.

The asteroid was spotted out of the Earth’s solar system last September

The mysterious rock drew the scientists’ attention because of its unusual behaviour outside our solar system. Last year, in September, when they noticed it, the asteroid was moving at a high speed when the normal tendency would be to slow down.

At first, the observers thought that the rock is acting so strange because a gas was released inside it. After they looked deeper into the matter, the astronomers realized that if Oumuamua were a comet with abnormal gas releases, the object would have to spin throughout the space.

With all the speed, the asteroid remained flat, so Bialy and Loeb reached the conclusion that Oumuamua is actually activated by the sunlight. How is that possible? The light exerts its force on the rock’s surface and this powers the asteroid on.



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Pilots Report Seeing ‘Very Fast’ UFO Above Ireland

by Euan McKirdy                    November 13, 2018                      (cnn.com)

• On Friday, November 9th, at least four pilots in at least three separate planes flying over western Ireland sighted one or more “very bright” UFOs in the early morning skies of western Ireland. Air traffic control in Shannon, Ireland was in communication with the pilots and recorded the conversation (see 2:38 minute video below)

• The exchange began when one pilot asked Shannon air traffic control if there was nearby military activity. When the air traffic controller replied in the negative, the pilot said that she had seen something moving “so fast.” “It came up on our left hand side (rapidly veered) to the north, we saw a bright light and it just disappeared at a very high speed … we were just wondering. We didn’t think it was a likely collision course .. (just wondering) what it could be,” the pilot said.

• A pilot on nearby Virgin Flight 76 added that his flight crew had seen “two bright lights at 11 o’clock (which) seemed to bank over to the right and then climb away at speed.”

• Another pilot chimed in, saying the speed that the object — or objects — were traveling was “absolutely astronomical, like Mach 2 or something,” – the speed of a modern fighter jet.

• “In all probability, they were meteorites,” aviation journalist Gerry Byrne told the Irish Examiner. “It’s not uncommon for meteorites to come in at a low angle, a low trajectory into the Earth’s atmosphere.”


The view from the airplane window just got a little bit weirder — or at least it did over Ireland.
Several airborne sightings of at least one “very bright” unidentified flying object were seen last Friday, according to air traffic control audio logs.

Chatter between airline pilots and Irish air traffic control focused briefly on the sightings, with at least four aviators confirming that they’d seen the phenomenon.

The exchange began when one pilot asked Shannon air traffic control if there was nearby military activity. When the air traffic controller replied in the negative, the pilot said that she had seen something moving “so fast.”

“It came up on our left hand side (rapidly veered) to the north, we saw a bright light and it just disappeared at a very high speed … we were just wondering. We didn’t think it was a likely collision course .. (just wondering) what it could be,” she said.

A pilot on Virgin Flight 76 added that his flight crew had seen “two bright lights at 11 o’clock (which) seemed to bank over to the right and then climb away at speed.”

Supersonic sighting

Another pilot chimed in, saying the speed that the object — or objects — were traveling was “absolutely astronomical, like Mach 2 or something.”

Commercial jetliners travel at a cruising speed of around 430 knots, or Mach 0.64. The F-18, the mainstay fighter of the US Air Force, can travel at up to Mach 2.5 .

2:38 minute exchange between Shannon air traffic control
and pilots who witnessed UFOs over Ireland


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‘Alien Autopsy’ Video Faker Finally Reveals Truth Behind Film Watched By 12 Million

by Rob Waugh                   October 31, 2018                     (metro.co.uk)

• Spyros Melaris, the former magician who concocted the 1995 “documentary film”, ‘Alien Autopsy’, has come clean about how he did it. The film, claiming to show a pot-bellied alien body being examined in 1947 government pathologists in protective suits, actually shows a foam body filled with cow and lamb organs from a local butcher. He considered using raspberry jelly for the ‘brain’.

• The whole thing was filmed in a north London flat in 1995. Melaris spliced his film footage onto a 1947 Pathe newsreel to fool experts at Kodak. Said Merlaris, “Our whole film was made up, but we hung it on little elements of truth. Something crashed in Roswell and we pinned the film on this being a body that could have been picked up in that crash.”

• British musician and filmmaker, Ray Santilli claimed to have received it from a cameraman who worked at Roswell. ‘Alien Autopsy’ was broadcast on television in 33 countries, aired three times on Fox television, and was viewed by 11.7 million people. In 2006, Santilli admitted it was fake – but said that it is a ‘staged reconstruction’ of a genuine alien dissection film he had been shown in 1992.

• Melaris says, “It was a giggle. That was all it was.” It took him years to realise that Ray Santilli, who financed the film, had actually made millions from it. He now plans to write his own tell-all book.

•  [Editor’s Note]  In further research, Ray Santilli claims that he purchased the rights and video to the actual 1947 Roswell alien autopsy, and that the famous grainy photo is an actual photo of event.  But the original footage he acquired was too grainy and deteriorated for a full video, so he recreated part of the scene for the video that he ultimately released. So the “alien autopsy” film Santilli released in 1995 was not a hoax but a “restoration or recreation” based on and containing some real footage.  “Let me just be clear,” said Santilli, “I was not there in 1947, so I can’t say for sure if it is an alien, but it is the original camera footage.” “By the time we got back (the film) had deteriorated to a certain extent and we were not able to use it, and (we) recreated a fair section.”  When the recreated footage was released, however, Mr Santilli and his team did not make it clear it was a remake of poor quality original footage, which Santilli still possesses.  The recreation video was produced inside a north London flat.  The “dead alien” was sculpted by motion picture special effects expert John Humphreys, using cow and lamb organs from a local butcher shop. The 1940’s-era surgeons’ outfits and medical equipment were supplied from prop providers in the UK and USA. The 16mm film was then spliced with an original Pathe newsreel to help convince experts from Kodak that it could be real.

According to Linda Moulton Howe and Richard Dolan, a Memorandum by Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green dated March 23, 2001, giving his “professional evaluation of the ‘Alien Autopsy Film/Video and other related information”, was leaked by physicist Eric W. Davis to Robert Bigelow and revealed that this 1995 Santilli video of an alien autopsy of a “6-fingered, 6-toed” alien entity is in fact real.  The being was retrieved from a crashed saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Dr. Green “was briefed three different times during and after his tenure at the CIA on topics relevant to UFOs and the Roswell Incident Alien Autopsy.” Dr. Kit Green confirmed that the “Alien Autopsy film/video is real, the alien cadaver is real, and the cadaver seen in the film/video is the same as the photos Kit saw at the Pentagon during briefing # 2.”  Dr. Green’s career began in 1969 as a Senior Division Analyst for neurosciences at the CIA. In the mid-1970s, Dr. Green was a program manager for Controlled Remote Viewing research.



In 1995, a video showing the gruesome autopsy of an alien by ‘government pathologists’ in protective suits shocked the world – and made millions. Now the film-maker (and ex-magician) behind it revealed how the ‘Alien Autopsy’ film fooled the world (and inspired a ‘classic’ film starring Ant and Dec). Spyros Melaris says that the film claiming to show an alien body being examined in 1947 actually shows a foam body filled with cow and lamb organs from a local butcher.

Spyros Melaris

Melaris told The Sun that he considered using raspberry jelly for the ‘brain’ but rejected it as ‘too dark’ as he filmed in a north London flat in 1995. He spliced his film footage onto a 1947 Pathe newsreel to fool experts at Kodak – and a documentary on the film aired three times on Fox, being viewed by 11.7 million people. Merlaris said, ‘Our whole film was made up but we hung it on little elements of truth. ‘Something crashed in Roswell and we pinned the film on this being a body that could have been picked up in that crash.’

Ray Santilli claimed to have received it from a cameraman who worked at Roswell – and it was broadcast on television in 33 countries. Melaris sourced 1940s surgeons’ outfits and medical instruments from prop providers in the UK and USA.

Ray Santilli

The ‘government pathologists’ filmed dissecting the pale, potbellied corpse of the extraterrestrial being were his brother and then girlfriend in the Camden apartment. In 2006, Santilli admitted it was fake – but said that it is a ‘staged reconstruction’ of a genuine alien dissection film he had been shown in 1992. Melaris says, ‘It was a giggle. That was all it was. It was not supposed to last 22 years. It was supposed to last a week or 10 days.’ Melaris says it took him years to realise that Ray Santilli, who financed the film, had actually made millions from it. He now plans to write his own tell-all book.



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Oregon’s UFOs: Strange sightings in the Northwest

by Cole Miller                  October 30, 2018                  (koin.com)

• Tom Bowden is the Oregon director for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. “I started looking into this subject matter in 1974, 1975,” Bowden said. “What we do is we investigate the people who say they’ve seen UFO’s. We’re looking to their story and trying to understand that person.”

• The volunteer-based group has four investigators in Oregon, which ranks incredibly high in sightings. There was the famous saucer from McMinnville in the 1950s. Before that, something strange was spotted over Mount Adams. Bowden said this summer was a busy one. “I’m not sure what was going on but ever since May it’s been a real hot year,” said Bowden.

• Bowden’s most memorable investigation was in August of 2003. “This dark, triangular craft was just hovering right there a few hundred feet above the houses,” Bowden said. He posted flyers around the neighborhood and more people came forward to reporting seeing something just like that.

• At age 71, Bowden believes the government knows more than it’s letting on about UFOs. Bowden hopes a breakthrough will come while he’s still alive. Until then, he’ll keep digging.


More often than not, when we hear about unidentified flying objects, we think about the Southwest — New Mexico and Roswell, but what about right here in the Northwest? One expert said Oregon has the 2nd-most UFO sightings in the United States.

The most recent was seen in the skies above Pendleton.

A small dot in a sea of blue — just a speck in the sky — was spotted by Virgil Bates Jr. The UFO floated above Pendleton, with its historic downtown and cowboy statues, for more than an hour in July 2018.

“We looked up, you know, you see this white thing. It’s just there,” Bates said. “That got our attention”
The little speck didn’t go unnoticed. A lot of people in town looked up and saw it.
“Yeah it was pretty cool,” Bates said.

                              Tom Bowden

In a landscape that looks somewhat extraterrestrial itself, with an air base not far from town, Bates said there was nothing else flying that day. His only explanation is that it was an unidentified flying object.

“I think there’s other things out there,” Bates said. “We can’t be the only people around, or whatever you want to call us.”

Tom Bowden is a UFO expert of sorts. He’s the Oregon director for what’s known as MUFON –the Mutual UFO Network, which is dedicated to studying UFO sightings and those who report them.

4:51 minute video from KOIN 6 CBS news affiliate in Portland, Oregon



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Inside the Support Group for People Who’ve Had Alien Encounters

by Keleigh Nealon, Sophie Trouw and Tara Fowler            October 27, 2018          (insideedition.com)  


• In Wareham, Massachusetts, in the southeastern part of the state near Cape Cod, twin sisters Debbie and Audrey Hewins have created ‘Starborn Support’, a support group for extraterrestrial ‘experiencers’ and abductees. Members of Starborn Support find comfort in each other when coping with the trauma and dread that such encounters elicit.

• Many describe these encounters as a life-changing event. For Debbie, her experience felt like death. Unable to move, unable to speak, all you can do is watch as the alien being approaches you, its energy seeping into your body. Said Debbie, “When we were looking out, reaching for help when stuff really started happening, we couldn’t find any groups or anybody to help.” That’s why they created Starborn Support.

• As a little girl in Ohio, Debbie would plead with her parents to protect her from the “bald men”, whom she now identifies as the ‘grays’. After she would fall asleep, the aliens would awaken her using her parent’s voices and a blue light shining through her bedroom. Debbie notes that these alien beings could appear to her as giant lizards, or small beings with silver swirling skin, or simply as humans. Then, “you get hit with this energy,” Debbie continued. “Your whole body starts vibrating and you get paralyzed, but if you’re sitting up and they want you to be laying down, your body will automatically lay down.” It’s terrifying, she said. “Your mind is working, your eyes are working, you can see what’s going on, you’re aware of what’s going on, but you cannot move.”

• Many say they feel alone after undergoing an ET experience. “Not being able to speak to somebody [is hard], that’s why we do what we do,” said Debbie. “You don’t come up to somebody, ‘Hey. I’m an abductee,’” added Matthew Moniz, Starborn Support’s scientific adviser. Years ago, a girlfriend had moved in with Moniz who had experienced ET visitations late at night. One night, his girlfriend awoke to find him levitating above their bed. “I was like, ‘Yeah, I forgot to tell you. I’m an abductee,’” he said with a laugh. She left.

• Post-traumatic stress disorder is “rampant” among the community, according to Debbie. Some people can handle it. Some people can’t. This is “a place where [experiencers] can go and be accepted.” It’s a tight-knit group, Moniz said. “We have that special bond, similar to combat vets. … Our combat is just on a different battlefield.” Debbie thinks there are “thousands if not millions” of experiencers out there, and she urges them to speak up. “Look, you’re not alone.”

• Members of Starborn Support know many people out there doubt them. Debbie asks that non-believers treat experiencers with more respect. “A lot of people, what they don’t understand, they attack,” she said. Starborn Support offers is assistance to family members of experiencers as well, helping them learn to deal with what an experiencer may be going through.

• Debbie suspects experiencers have been chosen for a specific reason. “I don’t know the purpose or what is gonna happen, but it’s gonna be something big,” she said. “… I think people like me are chosen to be speakers for the truth.” She adds, “We cannot all be…having this mass delusion.”



It starts with a strange buzzing and a creeping sense of dread.

Unable to move, unable to speak, all you can do is watch as the being approaches you, its energy seeping into your body.

For Debbie Starborn, it feels like death.

It’s what’s known as an “experience” or “encounter.” And for those who claim to have had them, they are life-changing.

Audrey and Debbie Hewins

In Wareham, Massachusetts, on the edge of a remote bay, members of Starborn Support come together to find comfort in each other. Each member of the group says they have experienced an extraterrestrial alien encounter or, in some cases, abduction.

Founded by Debbie and her twin sister Audrey, the group focuses on helping people learn how to cope with the trauma such experiences can inflict.

“I’ve always had a twin sister to go through, to be there together, to go through this together,” Debbie told InsideEdition.com at the gathering over Labor Day weekend. “When we were looking out, reaching for help when stuff really started happening, we couldn’t find any groups or anybody to help.”
So they created Starborn Support.

Close Encounters

Many say they feel alone after undergoing an experience.

You think “you’re completely insane,” said Debbie. “Not being able to speak to somebody [is hard], that’s why we do what we do.”

“You don’t come up to somebody, ‘Hey. I’m an abductee,’” added Matthew Moniz, Starborn Support’s scientific adviser.

Moniz knows this firsthand. Years ago, a girlfriend moved in with him. He hadn’t mentioned his penchant for receiving midnight visitors, so the first time they showed up after she moved in, he said, his girlfriend awoke to find him levitating above the bed they shared.

“I was like, ‘Yeah, I forgot to tell you. I’m an abductee,’” he said with a laugh.

His girlfriend couldn’t cope with it. “A couple of weeks later, she’s like … ‘I’m outta here.’”

He points to the incident when people say he’s just making up stories for attention.

“The attention you get isn’t the type of attention you want when you’re talking about this. It’s not good attention,” he said.

As a little girl, Debbie pleaded with her parents to protect her from the “bald men.”

“When I lived in Ohio when I was little, I used to beg my parents, ‘Don’t put me to bed, the bald men are gonna get me!’” she recalled. “I called them the bald men, ’cause I was dealing with the typical movie aliens, the grays.”

But unlike the extraterrestrials you see in Hollywood, these beings can shapeshift, appearing as giant lizards, or small beings with silver, swirling skin, like mercury. Sometimes they even look like humans, Debbie said.

9:41 minute video of the founders of the Starborn abductee support group



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Fiorentina’s UFO

October 26 2018                   (football-italia.net)

• On October 26, 1954, a football match (e.g.: American soccer) between the Florence Italy and the Pistoia Italy football clubs was in progress in the Florence sports stadium (pictured above) with 10,000 fans in attendance. At about 2:20 pm, just after half-time in the match, the crowd was stunned to see a large egg-shaped object slowly move into position over the playing field and stop there, hovering in the air. The sky itself seemed to shimmer and glow with random flashes of light and glitter, and silvery filaments fell from the sky. This continued for a half hour as the crowd gawked at the spectacle.

• Another similar object was sighted above the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral in Florence, travelling south-east toward Rovezzano. “In those years everybody was talking about aliens,” witness Romolo Tuci told the BBC in 2014. “Everybody was talking UFOs and we had the experience, we saw them, we saw them directly, for real.”

• The Italian government’s explanation was that the crowd had actually seen flares dropped by the Italian Air Force conducting military exercises, and the silvery filaments falling from the sky were spiders riding their webs.

• It is rumored that the British rock star, David Bowie, who had a fascination with space and extraterrestrials, knew of the Florence incident and based the title of his 1972 album “Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars” and his Ziggy Stardust alien persona, on this incident.


On this day in 1954, a friendly match between Fiorentina and Pistoiese ground to a halt, and may just have invented glam rock in the process.

Around 10,000 fans were inside the Stadio Comunale, later to be known as the Stadio Artemio Franchi.
At around 14.20 local time, just after half-time, a roar went up from the crowd.

No goal had been scored, no foul committed, and the players on the pitch must have looked to each other in bewilderment.

Soon though they too would see what had caused the disruption.

In the sky above the stadium, a large oblong object moved slowly into view, before appearing to stop above the playing surface.

Silvery filaments descended from the heavens, while the sky itself seemed to shimmer and glow with random flashes of light.

“It was something that looked like an egg that was moving slowly, slowly, slowly,” Ardico Magnini later told the BBC.

“Everyone was looking up and also there was some glitter coming down from the sky, silver glitter.
“We were astonished we had never seen anything like it before. We were absolutely shocked.”
Play ground completely to a halt as all those in attendance gawped up at the object above them.

For around half an hour the mysterious flying object simply hovered, showering down its strange filaments. Many who were there that day were convinced they had seen visitors from another world.
“In those years everybody was talking about aliens,” Romolo Tuci told the BBC in 2014. “Everybody was talking UFOs and we had the experience, we saw them, we saw them directly, for real.”



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Cluster of Flying Objects Spotted in Russia

by Nirmal Narayanan                  October 28, 2018                     (ibtimes.co.in)

• On October 25, 2018, a Vladivostok, Russia resident, Dmitry Dissar, video-recorded a cluster of UFOs flying over the city in broad daylight. (see 2:28 minute video below)

• UFO enthusiasts think that the appearance of alien craft in broad daylight indicates that they are gearing up for a mass public disclosure. Some conspiracy theorists claim that the UFOs are actually secret anti-gravity military vessels developed by the Russian military, similar to the U.S. Air Force’s TR-3B delta-shaped craft. Or the clip could be a CGI fake.


Conspiracy theorists in Russia are all in a state of ecstasy after they spotted a cluster of unidentified flying objects in the skies of Vladivostok, Russia. The video was apparently shot on October 25, in broad daylight, and the cluster of UFO, after appearing on the skies, soon attained the shape of the alphabet ‘S’.

Even though the video was originally shot by a man named Dmitry Dissar, the clip gained popularity once it was shared by popular conspiracy theory channels like ‘Mavi777’ and ‘UFO Institute’. After watching the video, most of the viewers argued that this strange clip is an irrefutable proof of alien existence. As per these alien buffs, aliens have now started appearing in broad daylight which indicates that they are gearing up for a disclosure.

A section of other conspiracy theorists claimed that the objects spotted in the video could be secret anti-gravity military vessels developed by the Russian military. Some of these theorists compared these flying spaceships with the TR-3B, the alleged spaceships developed by US Air Force, as claimed by conspiracists all around the world.

However, experts who analyzed the video substantiated that the clip could be generated using advanced computer graphics.

2:28 minute video of skies over Vladivostok, Russia on 10-25-18



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Martian Water May Have Enough Oxygen to Sustain Life

by Stephanie Mlot                      October 23. 2018                   (geek.com)

• New research conducted by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and published in the journal Nature Geoscience cites two recent Red Planet discoveries: heavily oxidized rocks and briny water, that could mean the existence of very small Martians. Salty water below the surface of Mars could hold enough oxygen to support basic microbial life and even sponges. It was previously assumed that oxygen on Mars was insufficient to sustain even microbial life.

• NASA, however, tends to avoid watery areas for fear of cross-contamination with Earthly bacteria. This means that most Mars rovers, including the upcoming Mars 2020 rover, are left looking for evidence of past life and not current life.

• Earlier in 2018, analysts confirmed the discovery of desiccation cracks in Gale Crater on Mars, which are the result of residue once saturated with water. NASA dates this standing water on the surface of Mars back some 3.5 billion years ago.

• Additional evidence of underground brine reservoirs came this summer, when researchers revealed a 12-mile-wide lake of liquid water below the Martian South Pole.

[Editor’s Note]  The drip drip drip of disclosure… now NASA is admitting to the presence of oxygen on Mars. It is common knowledge among SSP insiders that the Martian atmosphere contains enough oxygen to allow for shallow breathing by humans and indigenous beings on the planet surface.


Salty water below the surface of Mars could hold enough oxygen to support basic microbial life.
New research published in the journal Nature Geoscience cites two recent Red Planet discoveries—heavily oxidized rocks and briny water—that could mean the existence of aliens.

Albeit very simple, very small aliens.

“We found something very surprising,” according to Vlada Stamenkovic, a scientist with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and lead author on the paper.

“Many brines can exist in different places on Mars,” he told Popular Mechanics. “They fully suffice to allow the aerobic breathing for microbes and even sponges, which are the simplest animals.”

That’s great news for researchers and alien hunters looking for any reason to believe there is life on other planets.
Just keep in mind this study does not prove the existence of extraterrestrials.



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Sighting of UFO Hovering Above Sturgeon Wasn’t Taken Seriously

by Tony Davis                   October 24, 2018                     (theguardian.pe.ca)

• On September 30, 2018, around 11 p.m., Jim Bruce was on his deck in the town of Sturgeon in Prince Edward Island, Canada, just north of Nova Scotia, when he saw a craft in the sky with flashing lights. He thought it was a plane until it just stopped, then shot in a 90-degree angle right towards Bruce’s home and stopped once again. Then it moved eastward toward Nova Scotia. Then it flew in a circle and hovered. Then it “shot off and disappeared over the horizon…” said Bruce.

• Bruce learned that others had seen a similar UFO several weeks earlier. He wanted to know what it was he saw, so he began making calls. He called the Royal Canadian Air Force, Air Canada airline, NAV Canada (Canada’s civil air navigation system), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. No one took him seriously.

• So, who does a Canadian phone when he’s seen a UFO? Since 1989, Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFORM) has been taking reported sightings in Canada and compiles them into an annual Canadian UFO Survey. According to UFORM manager, Chris Rutkowski, “Polls have shown about 10 per cent of all Canadians believe they’ve seen UFOs, which is a fairly significant number when you think about it.” “I want people to understand that UFOs can be studied in a scientific way. We can explain most UFO reports.” Rutkowski says between one and three per cent of cases can’t be explained.


Jim Bruce stepped out on his deck the last day of September around 11 p.m. just to check how cold it was. As he looked to the sky, he noted there was no moon and he could see the stars perfectly.

Then, something came from the west.

Bruce has seen a lot of satellites in the sky near his home in Sturgeon, but this object was not like any he’d seen before.

“Must be a plane,” he thought.

The object with flashing lights just stopped dead. Then, it shot in a 90-degree angle towards Bruce’s home and stopped once again.

“Then it continued again toward the east, stopped, dropped, sort of moving towards Nova Scotia.”

Next, it flew in a circle and hovered, Bruce said.

“It shot off and disappeared over the horizon faster than any satellite I had ever seen.”

The next day, Bruce was getting some paint at Stewart and Beck’s in Montague and couple of people were talking about what they had seen in the sky.

The same thing. In the same part of the sky, a few weeks ago.

Bruce wanted to know what it was he saw, so he began making calls.

He got some numbers for the Royal Canadian Air Force, hoping they could tell him something. No one took him seriously. He called Air Canada, who hung up. Then he called NAV Canada, who also hung up. Finally, the RCMP told him it wasn’t something they dealt with.

So, who do you phone when you think you’ve seen an unidentified flying object?

Since 1989, Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFORM) has been taking reported sightings in Canada and compiles them into an annual Canadian UFO Survey.



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‘Multiple UFOs’ Spotted Escorting Larger Craft in Bizarre Footage

by Mark Morris                    October 23, 2018                  (mirror.co.uk)

• The YouTube channel ‘UFO Meldpunt Nederland’ posted a video of at least ten small, black UFO’s escorting a much larger UFO craft over the Hague in the Netherlands on August 19, 2018. (see 20-second video below)


Bizarre footage has emerged of what appears to be a hoard of small ‘UFOs’ escorting a ‘much bigger’ craft above the Netherlands.

The video, reportedly filmed above The Hague, shows at least ten small, black objects seemingly flanking a much larger UFO .

According to YouTube account The Hidden Underbelly 2.0, where the clip was shared, the footage was captured on August 19.

It was originally posted by another YouTube channel UFO Meldpunt Nederland, where the uploader wrote: “Changing object flew passively towards the North-East I walked through the dunes when the object suddenly flew by, I filmed it myself. “I have no idea what it is and it all had black objects around it.”

To most, it might look like debris of some kind, but a lot of people online seem to be taking the video seriously.


53-second video clip of small UFOs escorting a large UFO
over the Netherlands on August 19, 2018



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A UFO Tugboat Abduction Memorial Has Popped Up in The Battery

by Nicole Saraniero                October 23, 2018                   (untappedcities.com)

• On July 13, 1977, New York City experienced day one of a two-day city-wide black-out. Many neighborhoods saw a surge in crime and flaws in the city’s infrastructure and emergency preparedness were brought to light. Patrolling the New York Harbor between Battery Park (or ‘The Battery”) in lower Manhattan Island and the Statute of Liberty on Liberty Island was the tugboat named ‘Maria 120’.

• Suddenly, the crew of the Maria 120 saw a bright streak in the night sky and what appeared to be a private aircraft crashed into the harbor. The tug radioed the Coast Guard a distress signal and informed them that they were going to try to tow the crashed vessel to shore. But when the Coast Guard boats arrived to help there was no aircraft, and the tugboat Maria 120 and her six-man crew had vanished.

• A Staten Island-based sculptor, Joe Reginella, has created a statute and monument located on the water’s edge at The Battery, with a plaque describing how the tug boat and crew had vanished in 1977, never to be heard from again. The statute depicts a longshoreman crewman gazing up at what can be presumed to be an alien spacecraft as an extraterrestrial figure lies at his feet. The statute/monument will be on display on weekends through November.

• Reginella has also produced a documentary that follows the son of one of the abducted crewmen as he seeks to uncover the truth of his father’s disappearance. (see the 2:19-minute trailer below)

Standing at the edge of the water in The Battery, with the Statue of Liberty just behind it, is a monument dedicated to the crew of the tugboat Maria 120. According to the plaque on the pedestal of the statue, the six man crew and vessel mysteriously vanished from New York Harbor in July of 1977. Perhaps this story doesn’t ring a bell because that summer is better known in New York City for the two-day city-wide blackout or the terrifying crimes of serial killer David Berkowitz. Or perhaps, it’s because it never happened. This fun and farcical memorial, which depicts a longshoreman crewman gazing up at what can be presumed to be an alien spacecraft as an extraterrestrial figure lays at his feet, is the latest public art piece from Staten Island based sculptor Joe Reginella. Reginella’s previous installations include the Brooklyn Bridge Elephant Stampede monument and a monument to an octopus attack on a ferry in Staten Island harbor.

As in his previous work, for the NYC Tugboat Abduction monument Reginella draws from true New York City history to add credibility to the story. The blackout of July 13th was a very real occurrence that happened during the summer of 1977. Many neighborhoods saw a surge in crime and flaws in the city’s infrastructure and emergency preparedness were brought to light. Reginella frames his fictional story in the context of this real life event. In the story of the Maria 120, crewmen were patrolling the waters between Liberty Island and Battery Park when in the pitch blackness, a bright streak of light shot through the night sky and what appeared to be a private aircraft crashed into the harbor. The crew immediately radioed the Coast Guard a distress signal and informed them that they were going to try to tow the crashed vessel to shore. However, when the Coast Guard boats arrived to help, there was no aircraft, and the tugboat Maria 120, as well as her crew, had vanished.

2:19 minute trailer for NTC UFO Tugboat Abduction documentary



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The Strange Night in a Welsh Field Involving ‘Huge UFO Lights, Explosions and Military Planes’

by Robert Dalling                   October 22, 2018                       (walesonline.co.uk)

• On February 26, 2016, in Pentyrch, south Wales, UK, multiple witnesses reported seeing a huge UFO and other lights – along with military planes, helicopters, a chase, explosions, shaken buildings, damaged trees, an Apache helicopter landing with its cockpit on fire, weird snow, and mystery men in white overalls. Government authorities explained the event as part of planned military exercises. But many townspeople didn’t buy that explanation, noting that these did not look like military aircraft.

• One witness, Caz Clarke, said she could “categorically state it was no exercise.” “The military knew they were coming and had a spotter plane in the air for two days waiting for ‘the event’.” “When it came, four planes chased the “green” object whilst the spotter plane circled approximately six red oval objects, which formed a pyramid shape. Several red spheres hovered silently above the fields until the helicopters came.”

• Another witness, Mike Henbury, claims to have seen a red pulsing light, followed by two more to form a triangle descending from the clouds. “It looked very large indeed. I don’t think it touched down totally but about 10 to 12 feet from the ground it lit up fully, showing the full outline of it, then it dimmed down.” Black, red and green orbs emerged from it “as if they were dancing and moulding into one pulsing from red to green slowly.”

• Witnesses said they did not see the huge triangle ‘arrive’ but rather it just appeared in front of them, with a suggestion it travelled inter-dimensionally. A small green-lighted object emerged from the top of the triangle with lights so bright it was difficult to see their individual shape. This was followed by other red lights that formed the outer edges of a huge triangle standing upright, tilted to the right, with a convex, rather than straight lower edge. The green object strobed three times and headed off to the north-west with Apache helicopters and military aircraft in pursuit.

• As the object neared the ground, the bright red lights towards the bottom of the craft became brighter and changed to street-light orange. They gave off so much light that the sides of the craft were illuminated, showing a pyramid shape to it. The red lights then went out and the large object was no longer visible.

• The Swansea UFO Network recently visited the spot and claimed to have discovered electromagnetic residue. Swansea UFO network co-founder Emlyn Williams said, “We went to the site and there is a strong EM residue in the core location to the place the UFOs were spotted. It’s physical evidence something unusual happened there.”


A cold winter’s night in south Wales back on February 26, 2016, was anything but ordinary in one Welsh town, some say.

In a scene worthy of an episode of the X-Files, multiple witnesses reported seeing a huge UFO and other lights – along with military planes, helicopters, a chase, explosions, shaken buildings, damaged trees and wreckage in Pentyrch.

An apache helicopter landing with its cockpit on fire, weird snow, and mystery men in white overalls were other reported sightings.

The activity was explained by the authorities as an Armed Forces exercise known as ‘Chameleon’, as was reported at the time .

But many still believe it was something out of this world, claiming to have spotted unidentified lights which did not conform to the normal idea of a military aircraft.

It echoes one of the most famous alleged UFO incidents of all time at a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico, when the US military is claimed to have captured a crashed flying saucer. The military has always said it was simply a conventional weather balloon.

‘It was no exercise’

Recalling the events of that day more than two years ago, one witness, Caz Clarke said she could “categorically state it was no exercise”.

“I will take a lie detector anywhere for anyone but what I witnessed will stay with me for the rest of my life,” she said.

“What is more, the military knew they were coming and had a spotter plane in the air for two days waiting for ‘the event’.

“When it came, four planes chased the “green” object whilst the spotter plane circled approximately six red oval objects, which formed a pyramid shape. Several red spheres hovered silently above the fields until the helicopters came.”

Another witness, Mike Henbury, claims to have seen a red pulsing light, followed by two more to form a triangle descending from the clouds.

Mr Henbury said: “It looked very large indeed. I don’t think it touched down totally but about 10 to 12 feet from the ground it lit up fully, showing the full outline of it, then it dimmed down.”

He added that black, red and green orbs emerged from it “as if they were dancing and moulding into one pulsing from red to green slowly”.

Witnesses told the Swansea UFO Network they spotted a red light to the west above, and beyond the line of trees that marked the field’s western extremity.

It was followed by other red lights that formed the outer edges of a huge triangle standing upright, tilted to the right, with a convex, rather than straight lower edge.

They said they did not see it ‘arrive’ but rather it just appeared in front of them, with a suggestion it travelled inter-dimensionally.

A small green-lighted object emerged from the top of the large structure, witnesses claimed, adding that the lights were so bright it was difficult to see their individual shape.

Witnesses explained that a the green object emerged from the top of the large one, four military planes arrived, two from the direction of RAF St Athan and two from the direction of Cardiff.

The green object flashed or strobed three times and headed off to the north-west towards Llantrisant and the aircraft chased it, they claimed.



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Loch Raven Reservoir’s Forgotten UFO, 60 Years Later

by Libby Solomon                  October 22, 2018                  (baltimoresun.com)

• Around midnight on Oct. 26, 1958, Alvin Cohen and Phillip Small were taking a drive by Loch Raven Reservoir in Towson, Maryland when they a great, iridescent, egg-shaped object appeared above a bridge. As Cohen (then 24 years old) and Small (then 27 years old) came closer, the car stopped dead as if the entire electrical system had given out. The young men hid behind the car and watched the object hover. There was a flash of light, and booming sound, and heat — and then it rose into the sky and disappeared. Small and Cohen’s car started up again. Small and Cohen felt as if their faces had been sunburnt the “tremendous heat wave” from the UFO.

• The Towson Precinct of the Baltimore County Police Department sent two officers to the scene and took a report. Later, Cohen, Small, and other witnesses were interviewed by the official Air Force investigating officer, 2nd Lt. Bert R. Staples, as a part of Project Blue Book. Others were interviewed including a 16-year-old boy and two employees of a lakefront restaurant, who all saw similar glowing objects around the same time and location. The restaurant employees also heard the same sound the men reported: a loud boom that sounded like an explosion or a thunderclap. After conducting interviews and examining the scene, Lt. Staples wrote in the 1958 report that with all of the credible witnesses, “it can be assumed that the sighting did actually occur.” Nevertheless, Staples wrote, “This UFO remains unidentified.”

• From 1947 to 1969, the Air Force investigated these occurrences under the program called Project Blue Book. Of the 12,618 sightings reported to Project Blue Book, just 701 of them, or five percent, were never explained. The Loch Raven incident was among the unexplained sightings. The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena visited Loch Raven to conduct its own forensic tests which were inconclusive, according to the Air Force report.

• The Loch Raven incident was one of many strange occurrences reported in the 1940s through the 1960s. So 1958 was at the height of America’s obsession with UFOs. In the late ’40’s and early ’50’s, even mainstream news outlets would report sightings of “flying saucers,” says Pennsylvania State University history professor Greg Eghigian, who studies the history of UFOs. “There’s kind of an inexhaustible, unquenchable thirst many people have for thinking about things they consider to be mysterious or paranormal,” Eghigian said. “That speaks to a thing I think is almost virtually universal in people: wanting to understand and think the universe is actually a lot bigger than most of us can comprehend.”


Around midnight on Oct. 26, 1958, Alvin Cohen and Phillip Small were taking a drive by Loch Raven Reservoir in Towson when they said a great, iridescent, egg-shaped object appeared above a bridge.

The young men inched closer and the car stopped dead — no headlights, no engine, no ignition, as if the entire electrical system had given out.

“There was no place to run,” Small, then 27, told an Air Force investigator less than two weeks later, according to an interview transcript in a declassified report of the incident. “We probably would’ve if we could’ve but we were terrified at what we saw.”

Cohen, then 24, told investigators the men hid behind the car and watched the object hover. There was a flash of light and noise and heat — and then, Cohen said, it rose into the sky and disappeared.

Oct. 26 this year will mark 60 years since Cohen and Small reported seeing the mysterious object above the reservoir, at the height of the American obsession with unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

The incident inspired UFO hunters through the years and launched an official Air Force investigation. But today, locals say, the story has largely been lost to history and many do not know it ever happened.

After conducting interviews and examining the scene, the investigating officer, 2nd Lt. Bert R. Staples, wrote in the 1958 report: “This UFO remains unidentified.”

Saucers and spies

The Loch Raven incident was one of many strange occurrences reported in the 1940s through the 1960s, when Cold War paranoia intersected with a fascination with outer space and the unknown.

Pennsylvania State University history professor Greg Eghigian, who studies the history of UFOs, said in the late ’40’s and early ’50’s, even mainstream news outlets would report strange sightings of “flying saucers.”

Around the same time, the U.S. government started investigating the reports — not looking for signs of alien life, but for signs of spy technology from the Soviet Union. From 1947 to 1969, the Air Force investigated these occurrences under a program called Project Blue Book.

According to a 1985 Air Force fact sheet posted on the National Archives website, 12,618 sightings were reported to Project Blue Book. Of those, just 5 percent were never explained. The Loch Raven incident was among the 701 that remained “unidentified.”



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Did Trump’s Uncle Tell Him about Missing Tesla Papers & Flying Saucers?

President Donald Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump, was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1936 until his retirement in 1973. It is well known that declassified documents confirm that in January 1943 Professor Trump was called upon by the FBI to evaluate the personal papers of Nikola Tesla just over a week after his death. What is not well known is that there is also a leaked classified document that also connects Professor Trump to another famous event in US history – the crash of a flying saucer at Roswell in 1947.

According to a memorial tribute published by the National Academy of Engineering, John Trump joined MIT to work with Professor Robert J. Van de Graaff, who was a pioneer in “the new field of super-high voltage generation and applications.” After gaining a Doctorate under Van de Graaff in 1933, Trump went on to become an assistant professor in 1936, and a full professor in 1952 at MIT.

Robert Van de Graff demonstrating one of his early generators. Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

According to the memorial tribute:

John Trump had two main interests: the insulation of super-high voltages in vacuum and compressed gases and the biological applications of high voltage radiation.

During World War II, Trump worked on microwave radar at MIT’s Radiation Lab, where he served as “field services director”, and also was posted to the British branch of the Radiation Lab where he worked directly with General Dwight D. Eisenhower: 

In 1944, he was named director of the lab and given the responsibility of working directly with the Eisenhower Military Command. At the liberation of Paris, Trump rode into the city with General Eisenhower and immediately began to set up the Paris branch of the Radiation Lab.

Trump’s expertise with high voltages and radiation was widely acknowledged by U.S. authorities, and he also was very familiar with the requirements for working in classified government programs.

In 1943, he played a major role in the examination of Nikola Tesla’s personal papers that were acquired by the FBI/Office Alien Property Custodian soon after Tesla’s January 13 death. An FBI document included Trump among the scientists and experts investigating Tesla’s papers:

Tesla was the author of over 200 patents granted worldwide, and made numerous claims about building death rays and electrostatic walls of energy that could protect any country from attack.

Among Tesla’s inventions was a revolutionary disc shaped aircraft – a flying saucer – which he allegedly filed a patent application for in the early 1900’s, but it was not granted on national security grounds. Apparently, Tesla planned for his flying saucer to be remotely powered by a “world wireless system” which he first discussed in a March 5, 1904 paper titled: “The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires”. Tesla wrote:

Not only was it practicable to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago, but also to impress upon the entire globe the faint modulations of the human voice, far more still, to transmit power, in unlimited amounts, to any terrestrial distance and almost without loss… 

Tesla went on to describe how his “world wireless system” would be powered by devices similar to his legendary Wardenclyff Tower, which would be eventually capable of generating huge electrostatic charges that surpassed that found in lightning bolts: 

It is difficult to form an adequate idea of the marvelous power of this unique appliance, by the aid of which the globe will be transformed.  The electromagnetic radiations being reduced to an insignificant quantity, and proper conditions of resonance maintained, the circuit acts like an immense pendulum, storing indefinitely the energy of the primary exciting impulses and impressions upon the earth of the primary exciting impulses and impressions upon the earth and its conducting atmosphere uniform harmonic oscillations of intensities which, as actual tests have shown, may be pushed so far as to surpass those attained in the natural displays of static electricity.

Tesla’s proposal of building a “world wireless system” that could power any remote device, including his proposed flying saucer, was certainly revolutionary. What is critical here is that his proposal for building devices capable of generating huge electrostatic charges was the precise topic that Professor Trump had specialized in at MIT with his work on Van de Graaff generators!

So did Tesla really design a flying saucer that would be powered by a some kind of Van de Graaff generator?


A New York inventor, Otis Carr, claims that he befriended Tesla in 1937 while Tesla was living at the New Yorker Hotel, and was instructed by Tesla on how to build a flying saucer that would be powered by an electrical generator.

Over a decade later, Carr succeeded in getting a patent for his revolutionary flying saucer craft, which he called an amusement park device in order to get it approved by the US Trade and Patent Office. After raising private funding to build his OTC-XI, he successfully tested his flying saucer in 1961. According to one of Carr’s former employees, Ralph Ring, the saucer incorporated high voltage machines for its propulsion and navigation systems.

Unfortunately, Ring also told of how Carr’s manufacturing facility was raided and closed down by Federal agents on bogus charges of securities fraud.

If Carr and Ring are to be believed, a civilian spacecraft based on Nikola Tesla’s ideas and inventions was successfully built and tested in 1961. Were any of Tesla’s ideas on building a flying saucer device found in his personal papers after his death?

An article in the New Yorker, described Trump’s role in evaluating Tesla’s papers:

Trump was involved in radar research for the Allies in the Second World War, and in 1943 the F.B.I. had enough faith in his technical ability and his discretion to call him in when Nikola Tesla died in his room at the New Yorker Hotel, in Manhattan, raising the question of whether enemy agents might have had a chance to learn some of his secrets before the body was found. (One fear was that Tesla was working on a “death ray.”) As Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth recount in “Tesla, Master of Lightning,”

Professor Trump examined Tesla’s papers and equipment, and wrote a report for the FBI stating nothing of national security significance was found within them:

As a result of this examination, it is my considered opinion that there exist among Dr. Tesla’s papers and possessions no scientific notes, descriptions of hitherto unrevealed methods or devices, or actual apparatus which could be of significant value to this country or which constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands. I can therefore see no technical or military reason why further custody of the property should be retained.

Professor Trump went on to give his conclusion about the importance of Tesla’s work over the prior 15 years:

It should be no discredit to this distinguished engineer and scientists whose solid contributions to the electrical art were made at the beginning of the present century to report that his thoughts and efforts during at least the past fifteen years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character – often concerned with the production and wireless transmission of power – but did not include new sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.

Trump did not appear to be impressed by Tesla’s background or what had been found in the latter’s papers when it came to its potential war application.

Given Tesla’s claims and what numerous researchers have discovered about his revolutionary ideas, this appears odd. Either Trump found nothing of importance as he reported to the FBI, or he was instructed by higher military authorities to cover up the true significance of Tesla’s papers in his report to the FBI.

According to Margaret Cheney, author of Tesla: Man Out of Time, some of Tesla’s documents, inventions and patents applications were seized by FBI agents and never released into the public arena. If Cheney is correct, then John Trump did find items of importance among Tesla’s collection that were taken and have been kept secret from the public to the present day.

Despite the controversy over what was retrieved from Tesla’s collection, it is clear that he worked on developing revolutionary technologies, some of which are relevant to flying saucer propulsion systems. Otis Carr’s claims directly connect Tesla to such exotic propulsion technologies.

The relevance of all this is that John Trump was the man the FBI wanted to help them decide whether Tesla’s personal papers contained revolutionary technologies that were vital to national security or not. Essentially, the FBI viewed Trump as the expert who could make the necessary recommendations on the revolutionary technologies, some of which concerned flying saucers, which the FBI and the US military was secretly studying from what had been retrieved at Roswell and other crash sites.

A little known historical fact is that Van de Graaff generators, which Professor John Trump specialized in at MIT, were a key component of flying saucer research being secretly conducted in Nazi Germany. According to Vladimir Terziski, an electrical engineer who was a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences before emigrating to the US, Van de Graaff machines were part of the propulsion system for different flying saucer prototypes being developed by Nazi Germany.

Terziski explained that Vril and Haunebu models possessed an electro-gravitics propulsion system called Thule-Tachyonator drives. These were first developed in 1939 by a Nazi SS development unit which incorporated Van de Graaff generators, as learned from SS documents acquired and released by Terziski after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact:

This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaff band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo [a spherical tank of mercury] to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule … [Tachyonator-7 drive] and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.

If Trump’s expertise on Van de Graaff generators led to him learning about the propulsion systems used in flying saucer research, is there any documentary evidence linking Professor Trump to US government’s research and development in this regard?

Indeed, there is. A Majestic document called the “White Hot Report” was given a “High Level of Authenticity” rating by Dr Robert Wood and Ryan Wood, who specialize in researching and authenticating leaked government and military documents given MAJIC and similar level security classifications.

The leaked Majestic document concerns a report by then Major General Nathan Twining about the need to set up a permanent committee to evaluate the Roswell UFO Crash given the many vital national security issues surrounding the visitation of extraterrestrial life and their advanced technologies. The White Hot Report describes a list of scientific institutions involved in the study of such extraterrestrial artifacts. Prominently listed among them is MIT.

This is a stunning discovery since it directly links the institution where Professor Trump worked, with secret government studies of the Roswell UFO Crash. Given Trump’s expertise in high voltage radiation and Van de Graaff generators, his 1943 role in evaluating Tesla’s personal papers and work for classified US government programs during World War II, it is reasonable to conclude that Trump was almost certainly among the MIT experts consulted about the revolutionary technologies found at Roswell.

Trump was likely also very familiar with top secret research and development efforts by US authorities to develop flying saucer technologies for a future space program due to his expertise on Van de Graff generators – a vital component of flying saucer propulsion systems.  

The big question is, did Professor Trump pass any of this amazing information to his nephew, Donald?

John Trump died in 1985, at age 78, when Donald was 39, and at the time a successful real estate magnate who was often giving interviews to major media outlets.

Trump first mentioned his uncle in a 1984 New York Times profile where he said that they first began to talk about physics and nuclear disarmament 15 years earlier. Donald was around 23 at the time and had a year earlier (May 1968) graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor of Science in economics.

The New York Times explained the influence his uncle had on Trump about nuclear disarmament:

[Donald Trump] says that his concern for nuclear holocaust is not one that popped into his mind during any recent made-of-television movie. He says that it has been troubling him since his uncle, a nuclear physicist, began talking to him about it 15 years ago.

At a June 12 2018 press conference, after his meeting with North Korean’s leader, Kim Jong-Un, President Trump spoke about his uncle and how he had helped shape his views on the importance of nuclear disarmament:

I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time … He was a great expert, he was a great brilliant genius.

Trump’s references to his uncle John, shows how influential he had been in shaping his views on nuclear disarmament and other advanced science topics. Could some of these discussions have covered inventions developed by Nikola Tesla and technologies retrieved from the Roswell UFO crash?

There are two actions taken by Trump during and after his Presidential inauguration that suggest that Tesla’s inventions and the Roswell UFO crash were among the subjects he and his uncle had privately discussed.

During his inauguration speech, Trump said:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

Trump is here clearly alluding to some revolutionary technologies that his administration plans to release, which will transform the health, transportation and space industries.

Trump issued a Top Secret Memorandum a day or so after his inauguration speech dealing with such revolutionary technologies, according to secret space program insider Corey Goode whose testimony has featured in the best selling documentary, Above Majestic. Essentially, Trump demanded that the intelligence community revoke their secrecy orders on a thousand of the then 5,680 patent applications that were being held up. He allegedly told them to do so within a two-year period.

It’s quite possible that some of the confiscated Tesla’s papers included patent applications that would be among those that had been held up by the intelligence community, and perhaps even include his alleged flying saucer device that would be remotely powered by a worldwide wireless system. According to the Federation of American Scientists, the number of patent applications held up by secrecy orders had increased to 5,784 by the end of 2017.

If Trump had issued such a Memorandum, there is yet no sign it is being put into practice by the intelligence community. This may be due to the intense behind the scenes battle between the Trump administration and the Deep State as I have covered in previous articles.

The second action suggesting his uncle had told him about Tesla’s inventions and the Roswell crash concerns President Trump’s proposal for a Space Force, despite objections by Congress and even the US military. His proposal may well be driven by his knowledge that flying saucer technologies incorporating high voltage radiation and Van de Graaff machines found at Roswell, which his Uncle John had confidentially told him about, had been secretly developed and built decades ago for one or more secret space programs.

The idea that Trump knows of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life is strengthened by recent posts by the military intelligence group working with his administration, Q Anon, confirming their reality. Most importantly, QAnon was signaling that the Trump administration has a full disclosure agenda.

Trump’s desire for a Space Force appears to be part of a plan to wrest control of information concerning secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, away from the Deep State and transnational corporations. If Trump succeeds in his plan to empower the Office of the President of United States to run such highly classified programs, then the revolutionary changes promised in his inauguration speech, may not be too far away at all.

If so, we may ultimately have John Trump to thank for inspiring his nephew at an early age about the existence of life changing health and transportation technologies connected to classified research of flying saucers, some of which originate dates back to the pioneering research of Nikola Tesla conducted over a century ago.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Famous 86-Mile UFO Chase in 1966 Still Defies Air Force ‘Explanation’

October 18, 2018                     (timesonline.com)

• Early in the morning of April 17, 1966, a pair of Portage County, Ohio, sheriff deputies had stop to investigate an abandoned vehicle on the side of the road. Suddenly, Deputies Dale Spaur and Wilbur “Barney” Neff heard a humming sound and looked around to see a giant UFO rising from behind some trees and then hovering over them with a bright light surrounding them.

• The deputies described the bright UFO as being about 40 feet wide and 20 feet tall. “The lines of the object were very distinct,” Spaur later told reporters. “Somebody had control over it. It wasn’t just floating around. It [could] maneuver.”

• The UFO flew eastward and the deputies followed in their patrol car. Meanwhile, Police Chief Gerald Buchert was traveling in his patrol car nearby and heard their radio call. He raced home to get his camera and snapped three photos of what he described as “two table saucers put together.” (see image above of the two deputies and the police chief, and a photo below of spacecraft taken by Buchart)

• The deputies chased the UFO for 86 miles from Ohio into Pennsylvania at speeds of more than 100 mph. When the deputies’ patrol car had to slow down for bridges, the UFO seemed to slow down to wait for them, and then it would speed up again with the patrol car. They stopped at a gas station where they met another policeman, Frank Panzanella. Then they saw three fighter jets in pursuit, and the UFO ‘shot straight out of sight’.

• Hundreds of people also reported seeing the shiny saucer in the sky and heard the steady, faint humming sound.

• The director of Project Blue Book at the time, Maj. Hector Quintanilla, came down from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, near Dayton to investigate. Quintanilla first said that the UFO they saw was actually a satellite. Then he said it was the planet Venus. Quintanilla also stated that radar hadn’t indicated anything peculiar, and that no fighter jets had been dispatched. Finally, he claimed that Buchert’s photos were grainy and inconclusive. Case closed.

• The officers were forced to recant their stories and to refuse to discuss it. Deputy Spaur, however, never backed down from believing he saw a UFO. As a result, he lost his job and his marriage. Spaur later said, “If I could change all that I have done in my life, I would change just one thing. And that would be the night we chased that damn thing. That saucer.”


It’s 5 a.m. April 17, 1966, when two Portage County, Ohio, sheriff deputies stop to investigate an abandoned vehicle along a road near Ravenna.

Deputy Dale Spaur gets out of his car, while Wilbur “Barney” Neff remains in his.

“He hears this strange humming noise, so he turns around and sees this giant UFO,” said Brian Seech, co-founder of the Center for Unexplained Events. The unidentified flying object rises from behind the trees and hovers above them, the ground drenched in bright light.

What transpires next will be an 86-mile chase at speeds of more than 100 mph that will take the deputies — and a few more — on a harrowing ride from Ohio to Pennsylvania.

For law enforcement officers, the bizarre trek won’t end in Conway, Pa. It will follow them for the rest of their lives. This close encounter marks the fourth installment of The Times video series, The Parajournal, by award-winning videographer Gwen Titley.

                  photo image taken by
            Police Chief Gerald Buchert

Initially instructed by their dispatcher to shoot the object, Spaur and Neff are told to stand down by Sgt. Henry Shoenfelt who wonders if the two have found a government weather balloon. About the same time, police Chief Gerald Buchert, who was on patrol in nearby Mantua, hears the deputies’ call about lights in the sky. He races home to get his camera and snaps three photos of what he describes as “two table saucers put together.”

When the UFO zips away toward the east, Spaur and Neff give chase.

Spaur later would say that from the ground, the object looked like the head of a flashlight, about 40 feet wide and 20 feet tall.

“The lines of the object were very distinct,” he told reporters. “Somebody had control over it. It wasn’t just floating around. It can maneuver.”

Seech said the chase slowed down near Rochester. The cars got “tangled up in a mess of bridges,” according to Spaur.

Spaur would later explain, “When I came out from under the bridge, it came down and waited for us. Just as though it knew these two cars were following it.”


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UFO Researcher Spots Cube-Sized Structure Entering Sun From NASA’s SOHO Feed

by Nirmal Narayanan                 October 17, 2018                (ibtimes.co.in)

• Perusing NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) online feed, UFO researcher Scott C Waring recently found a cube-sized structure the size of the Earth entering the Sun. The object leaves a wispy trail of smoke behind and it also has a white glow around it.

• “I found an earth size UFO near our Sun today… Needles to say, it’s big. If you use the SOHO earth icon to compare, then it’s actually a bit bigger than Earth, but I want to downsize the fear…and say its Earth size. Feel better yet?,” wrote Scott Waring on his website UFO Sightings Daily. (See 10:32 minute video below of Scott explaining how he found the square anomaly)

• “How do aliens make something that big? Easy, aliens live forever,” says Waring. “They tell a robot to create the spacecraft, tell it the size and requirements. Time is not important in its construction. One robot builds 10 more robots. Those 11 robots build more robots and so on until there is an army of thousands of robots working on getting materials, making tech and putting together this giant ship.”

• A few weeks ago, the sudden closure of Sunspot solar observatory made many believe that NASA has found something sinister going near the Sun. As per these conspiracy theorists, FBI took quick action to close the observatory. One YouTuber commented, “Excellent find again Scott. It’s when you provide proof like this Scott, then this is why they closed down the observatories.”

• However, experts argue that the strange cube-sized structure could be the result of a technical glitch.


Popular UFO researcher Scott C Waring has apparently spotted a cube-sized structure entering the sun from the NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) feed. The UFO researcher claimed that the cube-sized structure is roughly the same size as the earth.

Interestingly, the pixelated object pulled from NASA’s feed seems to show a strange object perfectly cut in the shape of a square. The object also leaves a wispy trail of smoke behind, and it also had a white glow around it.

“I found an earth size UFO near our sun today…how you ask? BECAUSE ITS EARTH SIZE!!! Needles to say, its big. If you use the SOHO earth icon to compare, then its actually a bit bigger than earth, but I want to downsize the fear…and say its earth size. Feel better yet?,” wrote Scott C Waring on his website UFO Sightings Daily.

In his website post, Scott C Waring also added that aliens have that advanced technology that is capable of withstanding the extreme temperature of the sun.

“How do aliens make something that big? Easy, aliens live forever. They tell a robot to create the spacecraft, tell it the size and requirements. Time is not important in its construction. One robot builds 10 more robots. Those 11 robots build more robots and so on until there is an army of thousands of robots working on getting materials, making tech and putting together this giant ship,” added Waring.

10:32 minute video of Scott Waring creepily explaining how he found the Sun square



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This is How NASA Should Hunt Space For Aliens and UFOs

by Sebastian Kettley                  October 15, 2018                     (express.co.uk)

• Seventeen scientists representing the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) have released a report urging NASA to focus all future missions on the hunt for astrobiological alien life. The report was mandated by the U.S. Congress.

• The report argues that growing public interest in life outside of Earth will dictate the course of NASA’s research in the “coming decade”. The report reads: “In the three years since publication of NASA’s Astrobiology Strategy 2015, significant scientific, technological and programmatic advances in the quest for life beyond earth have taken place.” “Scientific advances have revolutionised fields of astrobiological study, ranging from results from missions focused on exoplanets, such as Kepler, to continuing discovery from existing planetary missions.”

• NASA’s astrobiologists have primarily looked at candidates for life in the solar system so far, such as Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. In recent years, NASA has found evidence of complex organic molecules in Martian rock, water plumes Saturn’s moon Enceladus and even icy deposits of water on our Moon. But an ever-growing list of exoplanets discovered far out beyond the borders of our corner of space have expanded the potential number of worlds where life could exist.

• Scientists are now hoping to unravel the mysteries of how life begins in the first place and whether these exoplanets have the right conditions for live to thrive. “Evidence from major transitions in environmental conditions from early Earth to today, and an understanding of how they occurred, is critical for the search for life.”

• The new report comes in contrast to NASA’s recent efforts to hunt the universe for signs of alien technosignatures – artificially created evidence of life in space such as radio signals – as opposed to biosignatures.


NASA should focus all future missions on the hunt for astrobiological alien life, top scientists have urged in a new report.

Seventeen scientists representing the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) believe the hunt for alien life is paramount.

In a report mandated by the US Congress, the 17 experts claimed astrobiology needs to be at the forefront of NASA’s research in space.

The scientists labelled astrobiology a “field of rapid change” where technological and scientific progress is advancing the quest to discover alien life.

Their report reads: “In the three years since publication of NASA’s Astrobiology Strategy 2015, significant scientific, technological and programmatic advances in the quest for life beyond earth have taken place.

“Scientific advances have revolutionised fields of astrobiological study, ranging from results from missions focused on exoplanets, such as Kepler, to continuing discovery from existing planetary missions.”

The report further argued growing public interest in astrobiology and life outside of Earth will dictate the course of NASA’s research in the “coming decade”.

Astrobiology is the study of the origins, development and spread of life throughout the universe.



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US Airman Who Claimed He Saw Top Secret NASA Photos of Alien Structures on the Moon Dies in Bike Crash

by Emma Parry                    October 17, 2018                    (thesun.co.uk)


• In 1965, U.S. Air Force Sergeant Karl Wolfe held a top secret clearance as he was assigned to repair photography equipment for NASA’s Lunar Orbiter Project within the tactical air command at Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia.

• In 2001, at the Disclosure Project event at the National Press Club in Washington DC organised by Dr Stephen Greer, Wolfe revealed that back in 1965 when he was working in a NASA photography lab, another airman told him that they had “found a base on the back side of the moon”. The Airman showed him photos of towers, domes and mushroom-shaped structures on the lunar surface that were beamed back from the Lunar Oribiter, prior to the Apollo landings in 1969. Wolfe claimed that NASA was covering up evidence of artificial structures on the dark side of the moon.

• Wolfe became concerned and frightened that he had breached security protocol. “I remember going home and naively thinking that I can’t wait to hear about this on the evening news, and here it is more than 30 years later and I hope to hear about it tonight,” said Wolfe at the press conference. Video of his testimony has been viewed millions of times on the internet.

• Wolfe (74) died in October from injuries sustained when he was hit by a tractor trailer as he was bicycling in Lansing, New York. No charges have been filed against the truck driver. Said fellow Disclosure Project witness, Dan Willis, “He was a very brave man with nothing to gain by giving his testimony other than fulfilling his wish to see it on the evening news as he stated.”

• The shock of Wolfe’s death comes as UFO hunters are still reeling from the death of another legendary whistleblower, retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean (89) who also died in October, in Tucson, Arizona. Dean claimed that when he worked for the NATO at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in France during the 1960’s, he read a document entitled “The Assessment” which contained photos of dead aliens, crashed UFOs and reports by military pilots and scientists. The document suggested Earth was being visited by several different ET races. Dean spoke out on numerous radio, TV documentaries and at conferences around the world, and was awarded three lifetime achievement awards for his contribution to the field of ufology.


Former US Air Force Sergeant Karl Wolfe, 74, was cycling in Lansing, New York, when he was hit by a tractor trailer.

He was rushed to nearby Cayuga Medical Centre but later died from his injuries.

Cops have launched a probe into his death but no charges have been filed against the driver.

          Karl Wolfe

Wolfe shot to fame in 2001 when he made startling claims that Nasa was covering up evidence of artificial structures on the dark side of the moon.

Sergeant Wolfe had a top secret clearance and worked with the tactical air command at Langley Air Force base in Virginia.

In 1965 he was loaned to the Lunar Orbiter Project run by NASA at Langley Field.

He worked as a precision electronics photograph repair man and was sent to fix a piece of equipment which was “bottle-necking” the production of photographs.

Wolfe was taken to a lab to work on the faulty equipment and noticed there were scientists from all over the world on the project.

Another airman who was in the darkroom told him NASA had “found a base on the back side of the moon”.

          Bob Dean

He then started showing him pictures of towers, domes and mushroom-shaped structures on the lunar surface. The photos were beamed back from the Lunar Oribiter prior to the Apollo landings in 1969.

Wolfe spilled the beans on the incident at the Disclosure Project event at the National Press Club in Washington DC organised by Dr Stephen Greer in 2001.

Video of his testimony has been viewed millions of times on the internet. In it he says: “I was taken into the laboratory where the equipment was malfunctioning. I couldn’t repair it in the dark so I asked to have it removed.

“An airman second class was in the dark room at that time – I was also an airman second class.

“I was interested in how the whole process functioned – how the data got from the lunar orbiter to the laboratory so I asked the young man to explain he process to me. He did.

“About 30 minutes into the process he said to me in a very distressed way, ‘By the way we’ve discovered a base on the backside of the moon’.

“And then he proceeded to put photographs down in front of me and clearly in these photographs were structures, mushroom-shaped buildings, spherical buildings and towers.



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How Paul Allen Saved the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

by Daniel Oberhaus                   October 16, 2018                (motherboard.vice.com)

• On October 15th, Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Paul Allen (pictured above) died of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 65. In addition to owning the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Trail Blazers, Allen founded a brain science institute, an AI institute, and Stratolaunch Systems, which was exploring private spaceflight. In addition, Allen almost single-handedly rescued American SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) by donating over $30 million to scientists scanning the cosmos for intelligent radio signals.

• During the 1980’s, SETI was generally funded through participating university programs and endowments. In the 1990’s as university funding diminished, NASA began helping to fund SETI. But that only lasted a year before some in Congress complained that we were wasting money on a “great Martian chase.” SETI realized that the only hope for the future was private funding.

• Barney Oliver, the founder of Hewlett Packard laboratories and SETI supporter, contacted his billionaire buddies Bill Hewlett and David Packard, Intel founder Gordon Moore, and Paul Allen to successfully raise $20 million to keep SETI’s research moving forward.

• SETI was leasing global telescopes for its projects. But ultimately, SETI wanted its own dedicated array of radio telescopes to target hundreds of stars at a time. SETI’s founder, Jill Tarter, put together an array of 350 20-foot radio telescopes, but needed $25 million to purchase it. Paul Allen stepped up and footed the bill to create the first American SETI telescope array located in northern California. “There’s no doubt that Paul saved American SETI,” said Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute.

• By 2007, the SETI array consisted of 42 telescopes. At the dedication ceremony, Paul Allen pushed the button to turn the system on. Over the past ten years, the SETI array has analyzed 200 million signals from thousands of stars, studied unusual high-energy radio emissions, and even scanned the “spliff-shaped” Oumuamua asteroid for signs of intelligent life. Paul Allen had turned his attention to other projects, and the array was shut down for a year in 2011 due to lack of continued funding, however. But Allen remained a public supporter. Said Allen, “I think everybody would admit [the prospect of communicating with extraterrestrials] is a long shot, but if that long shot comes in…”


On Monday evening, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen died of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 65. At the time of his death, Allen was the 47th richest person in the world, with a net worth of $26 billion. For the last few decades of his life, Allen used his wealth for a staggering variety of business and philanthropic interests. In addition to owning the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Trail Blazers, Allen founded a brain science institute, an AI institute, and Stratolaunch Systems, which was exploring private spaceflight.

Yet one of the research areas where Allen made the biggest impact was also the one he spoke about the least: the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Indeed, Allen almost single-handedly rescued American SETI by donating over $30 million to scientists scanning the cosmos for intelligent radio signals.

SETI’s early years in the United States was mostly defined by intermittent searches bankrolled with public funds, such as the National Science Foundation-funded program at Ohio State University which discovered the Wow! signal, or university endowments, such as Harvard’s Project Sentinel. By the early 90s, however, many of the early SETI programs had ended. The best hope for detecting extraterrestrial intelligence seemed to be NASA’s first foray into SETI, the Microwave Observing Program, which began observations in 1992.

             SETI founder, Jill Tarter

Less than a year after the start of NASA’s SETI program, it was killed by members of Congress who didn’t want to waste money on the “great Martian chase.” The SETI Institute, a nonprofit founded in 1984 by the radio astronomer Jill Tarter, wasn’t going to let SETI die at the hands of a few cynical congressmen, but it also realized that the only hope for the future was privately funded searches.

Fortunately, one of the earliest SETI Institute supporters was Barney Oliver, who founded and directed Hewlett Packard laboratories. So in 1993 Oliver called Bill Hewlett and David Packard of Hewlett Packard, Intel founder Gordon Moore, and Paul Allen to ask for their support.

“It probably only took Barney a few hours on the phone to get each of them to commit $1 million every year for the next five years,” Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, told me on the phone. “I’m not sure any of them were particularly interested in SETI, but they were interested in whatever Barney thought was a good idea.”

This $20 million commitment bankrolled Project Phoenix, a SETI program that ran from 1995 to 1998. Over the course of three years, Project Phoenix rented time on the Parkes radio telescope in Australia and the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to scan for signals from 800 stars within 200-light years of Earth.


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Star Trek’s Humanoid Aliens May Not Be Far Off

by Andrew Whalen                    October 18, 2018                  (newsweek.com)

• In his new book, The Equation of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution, Charles Cockell, an astrobiologist at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, argues for the possibility of a “universal biology.” Extraterrestrials could look “eerily similar to the life we see on Earth,” said Cockell. “Life on Earth might be a template for life in the universe.”

• The possibility that aliens may be too strange to even recognize as intelligent life has been proposed as a possible response to the Fermi Paradox, which ponders why we haven’t yet encountered signs of extraterrestrial civilization.

• Cockell believes the physical laws underlying evolution likely reverberate up through complex, multicellular organisms, essentially establishing a restricted scope of biological possibilities, many or most of which may already be expressed on Earth. While Cockell’s suppositions are frustratingly untestable, his book gives argumentative validity to our depictions of aliens as four-limbed humanoids with roughly similar sensory apparatus.

[Editor’s Note]   Modern science continues to view life in the galaxy from the standpoint of a Darwinian ‘natural evolution’. But what if ancient beings from a billion years ago became the ‘creators’, and genetically manipulated a variety of infinite types of beings throughout the universe? And what if a creator in our particular part of the galaxy adapted these genetics to a standard human-form template to create the dominant intelligent humanoid being that dominates this section of the galaxy?

It’s commonly accepted that of course extraterrestrial life doesn’t look like aliens do on Star Trek. Real aliens, wherever they are and whatever they may look like, certainly haven’t spent a few hours in a makeup chair to add brow ridges or threat ganglia. The possibility that aliens may be too strange to even recognize as intelligent life has been proposed as a possible response to the Fermi Paradox, which ponders why we haven’t yet encountered signs of extraterrestrial civilization.

Charles Cockell

But while it may be spectacularly unlikely that alien first contact will be with people who look like us (except with bowl cuts and pointy ears), a new book argues we shouldn’t be so quick to assume extraterrestrial life will be so far out of our biological frame of understanding. Alien life may be more Star Trek than Lovecraft.

The Equation of Life: How Physics Shapes Evolution by Charles Cockell, an astrobiologist at the University of Edinburgh, argues for the possibility of a “universal biology.”

“My view is underpinned by a simple proposition,” Cockell writes. “Evolution is just a tremendous and exciting interplay of physical principles encoded in genetic material. The limited number of these principles. The limited number of these principles, expressed in equations, means that the finale of this process is also restrained and universal.”

Cockell argues that carbon and water aren’t just incidental to life on Earth, but are close to the optimum material and medium for the emergence of organic life (so no silicon-based Horta), themselves bound by the narrow physical parameters in which organic molecules can exist.

Extraterrestrials could look “eerily similar to the life we see on Earth,” Cockell told Forbes. “Life on Earth might be a template for life in the universe.”



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UFO Sightings May Be Falling, but Congress is Still Paying Attention

by Nick Pope                  October 15, 2018                     (theguardian.com)

• The Senate Armed Services Committee of the U.S. Congress is looking into a 2004 incident where US Navy pilots flying with the USS Nimitz strike group encountered, chased and filmed fast-moving unidentified objects. Reliable sources say at least two of the military pilots involved have already been interviewed. The House Armed Services Committee also received a DIA briefing on the Pentagon’s “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” UFO project.

• The AATIP was the brainchild of the then Senate majority leader Harry Reid, and much of the work was contracted out to Bigelow Aerospace, run by former budget hotel magnate and believer in extraterrestrial visitation, Robert Bigelow. Now, some of the people formerly involved with the project, including the DIA official who ran it, Luis Elizondo, have joined “To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science”, fronted by Tom DeLonge, the former vocalist/guitarist of the pop punk band Blink-182. Their mission is “to explore exotic science and technologies … that can change the world”.

• The UFO phenomenon should not be judged by number of sightings, which has decreased, but by the compelling nature of the evidence: reports from pilots on different flights; visual sightings corroborated by radar; photos and videos regarded as genuinely intriguing by intelligence community. The term “UFO” itself has become as obsolete, usually referring to an extraterrestrial “flying saucer”, which may or may not be the case. The new “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs) is a term not automatically associated with ETs.

• But Congress needs to get past debates over terminology and statistical analyses to focus more on the quality of reports in a far more meaningful assessment of the phenomenon. Irrespective of the outcome, these might turn out to be the most fascinating Congressional hearings in history.

There’s renewed interest in the UFO phenomenon and it’s coming from an unexpected source: the United States Congress.

The Senate Armed Services Committee is looking into a 2004 incident where US Navy pilots flying with the USS Nimitz strike group encountered, chased and filmed fast-moving unidentified objects. Reliable sources say at least two of the military pilots involved have already been interviewed, and a radar operator was subsequently invited to get in touch.

  Nick Pope and wife, Dr Elizabeth Weiss

In parallel, the House Armed Services Committee is taking an interest. Records from April show the committee received a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) briefing on the Pentagon’s UFO project, the cryptically-named AATIP. We know so little about AATIP that there’s even dispute over whether the acronym stands for Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. The very existence of the project caused a sensation, because until the New York Times broke the story in December 2017, the US government claimed it had not investigated UFOs since the 1960s when sightings were looked at in a study called Project Blue Book.

As noted in the Guardian recently, data from two civilian UFO research organisations show that the number of reported sightings has fallen in recent years. However, there’s no single, global focal point for reports (the Ministry of Defence stopped investigating UFOs in 2009) and statistics will never tell the full story.

It would be better if the phenomenon were assessed and judged not on numbers alone, but by focusing on cases where we have compelling evidence: independently submitted reports from pilots on different flights; visual sightings corroborated by radar; photos and videos regarded as genuinely intriguing by intelligence community imagery analysts. Irrespective of the methodology we use to assess the phenomenon, how can we do so in an even-handed way when the subject has so much pop culture baggage?



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