How Soviet Union Achieved ‘Great Success’ With Paranormal Warfare

by Matthew Kirkham                   December 31, 2018                    (

• An Amazon Prime documentary, “The Secret KGB Files”, reveals that the Soviet Union took UFOs seriously during the Cold War, and even claimed to know how to “summon” and make contact with UFOs.

• As in the United States, reports of UFO sightings were treated in the Soviet Union as non-science, or fiction not worthy of attention from serious scientist for many years. But behind the scenes, under Nikita Khrushchev, great paranormal success was achieved in the Soviet Union including the building of the first bio generator machines to alter human minds.

• The documentary claims that beginning in 1917 and continuing until 2003, the Soviets poured up to $1billion into developing mind-controlling weaponry to compete with similar programs in the United States, which the Soviets called psychotronics. But Americans were “worried about Soviet research programs because they believed “the Soviet Union was there to conquer and to overtake the United States”. It also claims that the Kremlin hoped investigating reports of alien spacecraft could advance aeronautical design.

[Editor’s Note]  During the Cold War, both the Soviet Union and the United States were much more advanced in mind control and psychotronics than any mainstream documentary will reveal. Insiders have learned that the US and the USSR very often worked together, and the Cold War was just an excuse to build up their respective militaries to covertly fund their mind control and secret space programs.


The Soviet Union took UFOs seriously with the KGB and the Soviet Defence Ministry dedicating units collecting and analysing information about paranormal activity, a bombshell documentary has revealed.

Military experts even claimed to know how to “summon” UFOs and make contact with them during the height of the Cold War. For many years, reports of UFO sightings were treated in the Soviet Union as non-science, or fiction not worthy of attention from serious scientist In Amazon Prime’s “The Secret KGB Files”, the documentary reveals that under Nikita Khrushchev, great success had been achieved in the Soviet Union with the paranormal. Some of the first bio generators and machines to alter human minds came to the scene.

The narrator explains that the Americans were “worried about Soviet research programmes because they knew that the Soviet Union would not use it for peaceful means”.

They believed “the Soviet Union was there to conquer and to overtake the United States”.

It is claimed that the Kremlin hoped investigating reports of alien spacecraft could advance aeronautical design.

One reason for the multitude of UFO cases is that Russian borders surround the largest land mass in the world.



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Alien ‘Artifacts’ Made By Civilizations From Mars or Venus Could Be Hidden On Earth, NASA Study Suggests

by Jasper Hamill                     December 26, 2018                     (

• Dozens of NASA space scientists teamed up to explore how our species could detect ‘technosignatures’, ie: the name for pieces of evidence which give away the presence of advanced alien civilizations – radio waves are detected coming from a distant star system, or Dyson Sphere ‘megastructure’ power stations surrounding a star in order to harvest its’ energy, for example.

A November 28, 2018 NASA report entitled “NASA and the Search for Technosignatures” suggests that the truth about extraterrestrials could be lurking right under our noses. In a new report, scientists suggest that our own planet may be hiding alien ‘artifacts’, some of which may even have been built by extinct civilizations who lived on Mars, Venus or even Earth.

• ‘Because the geological, paleontological, and archaeological records on Earth are so incomplete, it is even possible that the Earth itself hosts such (extraterrestrial) artifacts, although, again, this idea is often conflated with unscientific popular imaginings and science fiction stories about alien visitation, and so must be approached carefully,’ the NASA researchers wrote.

• The report continues, ‘If technosignatures were discovered in the solar system, it would be worth considering whether their origin might not be interstellar. Specifically, since the Earth is home to the only known species capable of interstellar communication and planetary travel (although both technologies remain in their early development), the Earth remains the only known planet fecund enough to promote technological life, and so it or an early, habitable Mars or Venus could even be the origin of such technology.’

• The NASA report noted that ‘Technosignatures in the solar system might come in the form of free-floating probes or structures—either passing through the solar system or in orbit around the Sun or other body—or in the form of structures or other signs of technologies on planetary surfaces.’

• So far, the only potential alien artifact we’ve seen has been ‘Oumuamua’, the first ‘interstellar visitor’ to be observed in our stellar neighborhood after traveling here in 2017 through deep space. Still, most scientists believe its origins are natural rather than artificial. Oumuamua changed direction as it passed the sun, which may have been caused by a natural process called outgassing – although there is a very slight chance this could have been the result of it being steered somehow.  (see previous ExoNews article on the Oumuamua visitor here)


You might think that humanity’s best chance of finding alien life involves peering deep into space and analysing faraway galaxies.

But a Nasa study has suggested the truth about extraterrestrials could be lurking right under our noses.

Dozens of space scientists have teamed up to explore how our species could detect ‘technosignatures’, the name for pieces of evidence which give away the presence of advanced alien civilisations.

Some of these tell-tale signs are obvious. For instance, if loads of radio waves are detected coming from a distant star system, then it could be a clue which shows it’s inhabited by intelligent extraterrestrial organisms.

We could also search for alien societies by looking for ‘megastructures’ called Dyson Spheres, which are theoretical power stations built surrounding a star to harvest its energy.

These would be easy to spot because they are likely to be gigantic and block out starlight whenever they pass in front of their sun.

Other technosignatures are harder to identify, such as evidence that a planet has been polluted by heavy industry.

In the new report, scientists also make the fascinating suggestion that our own planet may be hiding alien ‘artefacts’, some of which may even have been built by extinct civilisations which lived on Mars, Venus or even Earth.

‘Because the geological, paleontological, and archaeological records on Earth are so incomplete, it is even possible that the Earth itself hosts such artefacts, although, again, this idea is often conflated with unscientific popular imaginings and science fiction stories about alien visitation, and so must be approached carefully,’ researchers wrote.



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Impending Solar Flash Event Supported by Scientific Studies & Insider Testimony

In a six-part series of videos titled Earth Catastrophe Cycle, Ben Davidson, founder of Space Weather News, presented multiple scientific studies of “micronova” (aka “solar flash”) events that recur in human history, and the subsequent pole shifts that haven taken place on a cyclic basis. The scientific data confirms that micronova events are common occurrences in our galaxy, and such events span Earth’s history, are associated with pole shifts, yet the evidence has been suppressed by government authorities for decades.

In part 4 of his video series, Davidson presents scientific studies showing how “micronovas” have been observed occurring in multiple stars by astronomers. “Micronova” is Davidson’s term for a supernova type event that is not large enough to exhaust or destroy the star generating it, but large enough to devastate nearby planets. He said:

What is a micronova? It’s not a supernova, it’s not even really a nova, as it is like the little sister of the nova, one that can affect the entire world but not completely destroy it.

Davidson’s video shows evidence that such micronova events are a cyclic part of the life of a star, and includes the following list of 10 known recurring nova events observed in the Milky Way.

Davidson referred to a number of sources pointing to solar flashes being part of Earth’s geological history. Among these is Dr. Robert Schoch, Associate Professor of Natural Sciences at Boston University and author of Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in our Past and Future. In a video interview in part 4 of Davidson’s series, Schoch explained that ice core samples from Greenland show that there was a solar burst or flare recorded at the end of the last Ice Age, known as the Younger Dryas, about 9700 BCE.

Schock and Davidson estimated that the micronova event was as much as 40 times the power of the most destructive solar storm observed in modern history, the 1859 Carrington event. This would make the Younger Dryas micronova as much as an X-100+ solar flare according to the measurement scale currently in use. Quite alarming, especially if this were to repeat any time soon.

The enormous amount of plasma that arrived immediately after the micronova event circa 9700 BCE, bombarded the Earth producing an effect similar to one or more major asteroid impacts. This has caused confusion and led many archeological researchers into mistakenly interpreting historic evidence of impacts causing and/or ending the last ice age, as deriving from asteroid impacts rather than plasma discharges.

In his interview and book, Schoch asserts that ancient records are consistent with a solar flash that wiped out an ancient civilization predating the end of the last Ice Age, widely assumed to be Plato’s Atlantis.

The scientific data on solar flashes goes back several decades. Bradley Schaefer, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, wrote a paper titled, “Flashes from Normal Stars” that appeared in the February 1989 edition of The Astrophysical Journal. He dated the beginning of research into solar flashes to a 1959 study by H. Johnson who at the time “performed the only study which is capable of detecting rare flashes from normal field stars.”

Schaefer examined NASA data on glazing discovered on lunar rocks that was first presented in a 1969 paper by T. Gold published in Science who had concluded: “Some glazing is apparently due to radiation heating; it suggests a giant solar outburst in geologically recent times”. Schaefer agreed with Gold’s analysis and reached a similar conclusion:

The existence of a glazing on the top surfaces of lunar rocks has been used as a strong argument for a “solar outburst” where the Sun increased its luminosity by over 100 times for 10 to 100s within the last 30,000 years.

Schaefer went on to describe how such a “solar outburst” (aka solar flash or micronova) could result in an Extinction Level Event:

I crudely estimate that a flash … might result in a major extinction episode. (The Cretatious-Tertiary dinosaur extinctions cannot be explained by a flash since there is no mechanism for enhancing iridium.) The Sun could have undergone a few (at most) such super flashes in the last 108 yr [100,000,000 years]. These data suggest that our own Sun may have a significantly lower event rate than average field stars.

In part 5 of his video series, Davidson interviews solar cycle researcher Douglas Vogt who discusses the scientific data that lunar rocks provide hard evidence of solar flashes having occurred in recent geological history.

The scientific data compiled by Davidson in his video series is cogent and compelling, yet, it provides no answer to the critical question: “When will the next micronova or solar flash event occur?” For a detailed answer, we can turn to the startling testimony of Corey Goode, who says he has received intelligence briefings about when the “solar flash” will occur from two independent sources: a Secret Space Program Alliance and an Inner Earth civilization he calls the “Anshar”.

Goode says that he served in multiple secret space programs over a 20 year period from 1986 to 2007. While his claims have been very controversial, my research has found multiple points of corroboration which have been detailed in my Secret Space Program Series, including Goode being the first to release two Defense Intelligence Reference Documents that corroborate key elements of his remarkable testimony.

Goode said that scientists from different space programs predicted the solar flash occurring at the end of Solar Cycle 24 (2008-2018/2019), and that this led to plans for the evacuation of global elites to safe places similar to what was depicted in the movie, 2012.

In an interview, Goode gave details about what he had been told during a December 2017 visit to a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command [LOC] about multiple solar flash events that have been predicted by different groups and their timing:

I have said for a while that I was told that it was not one solar event but a series of events that led up to one large event. During my meeting on the LOC… I was told that the Elite had expected the final “solar sneeze” [solar flash] to occur at the end of this Solar Minimum period (2018/2019 from their estimates). “Are we officially in Solar Minimum?” was the question of one of the people present. To my dismay that question went unanswered as the people being briefed were paying very close attention to this particular topic.

The Elite began moving underground in large numbers based on this probable timeline. The “Programs” had used probable future technology to nail down the time of Alien and Suppressed Technology Disclosure and The Solar Event. None of them agreed on what the Solar Event would be as many thought it would be a flash that would turn them into ascended light beings while others expected it to be a terrible day for the planet Earth…. The “Egg Heads” and the Smart Glass Pads described all of this occurring in the 2018-2023/24 time window.

Goode said that he also received information from another source, the Anshar, who claim to be the descendants of time travelers from our future. This meant that their ancestors had lived through the upcoming solar flash event(s) and passed down its effects through historical records, which were carried into the Earth’s distant past by the Anshar to maintain the current timeline. Goode explains what the Anshar had told him:

The flashes (not necessarily all flashes are visible) that have been occurring will build up to one large solar event. The Anshar described a major Solar Event in their past (Our Future?) that was very much like the “full circumference mass coronal ejection” that I described being one of the scientific theories about the Solar Event.

They described the solar blast being so powerful that it caused a physical pole shift on the Earth of several degrees. They described the atmosphere being breached by the CME [Coronal Mass Ejection] in the Northern Hemisphere which caused massive fires that wipe out a large area and in doing so knocks out all technology on the planet. There was a fair amount of loss of life in the actual event.

Goode’s information is very helpful since it provides intelligence data from secret space program scientists and Inner Earth beings who are monitoring solar activity, and are also aware of records detailing solar flashes or micronova from Earth’s history. This complements the scientific data compiled by Davidson which substantiates micronovas as a recurring phenomenon for many stars in our galaxy, including our own sun.

This take us to another key element of Davidson’s Earth Catastrophe Cycle series, which Goode’s classified sources provide complementary information. This concerns the predicted micronova or solar flash being a trigger for a geophysical pole shift that could be catastrophic for many regions of the planet.

Continued in Part 2

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

That Time Aliens Landed in the Soviet Union for a Walk in the Park

by Blake Stilwell                      December 26, 2018                      (

• On September 27, 1989, citizens of Voronezh, Soviet Union (Russia), about 300 miles south of Moscow, reported a red ball around 10 feet in diameter landing in a city park. “It was not an optical illusion,” said Soviet Police Lieutenant Sergei A. Matveyev. “It was certainly a body flying in the sky. I thought I must be really tired, but I rubbed my eyes and it didn’t go away.”

• The red ball spaceship opened its hatch. Out stepped a three-eyed, three-legged creature that stood nine feet tall and was dressed in silver overalls and bronze boots. It left the ship with a similar biological companion and a robot. A boy began to scream in terror. With a look from the creature, the boy was paralyzed. The aliens disappeared into the craft, then returned with “what looked like a gun” and shot the boy, who disappeared. The boy reappeared later, after the spacecraft had departed. It was assumed that the creatures had briefly abducted the boy, but he cold not remember anything about the craft.

• The other children in the park who witnessed the landing were asked to draw what they saw that day. They all drew “a banana-shaped object that left behind in the sky the sign of the letter X.” Citizens of the town reported multiple sightings of the ship between Sept. 23 and Sept. 27, but when Soviet investigators came to the scene, their only abnormal finding was elevated levels of radioactive Cesium-23.

• The local interior minister said that if the craft appeared again, they would dispatch the Red Army to investigate the event. If the aliens had returned in full force to invade the Soviet Union, they would have met the joint capability of the Soviets along with the United States, as President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev agreed at the 1985 Lake Geneva Summit to join forces against any extraterrestrial invader.

[Editor’s Note]  In the 1980’s, Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev specifically agreed to help the other in the event of an extraterrestrial attack on either of their nations. They absolutely knew about the extraterrestrial presence on this planet.


The Russians have a strange history with the Unidentified Flying Objects. While 99 percent of the UFOs encountered by Russia and the Soviet Union over the years were probably American spy planes, they insist that one of them actually landed and its crew decided to step out and stretch their legs.

And then they shot a bunch of children.

In the late 1980s, The New York Times quoted Soviet police Lt. Sergei A. Matveyev, who swore he saw the spaceship, saying that lanky, three-legged creatures landed in a park in the Russian city of Voronezh on Sept. 27, 1989. Some 300 miles from Moscow, citizens of Voronezh reported a deep red ball, around 10 feet in diameter, landing in a park.

“It was not an optical illusion,” he told the Russian TASS News Agency. “It was certainly a body flying in the sky. I thought I must be really tired, but I rubbed my eyes and it didn’t go away.”

A hatch opened and out stepped a three-eyed creature that stood nine feet tall and was dressed in silver overalls and bronze boots. It left the ship with a companion and a robot. After taking a triangle formation around the robot, the robot came to life. A boy began to scream in terror. That’s when the stuff hit the fan. With a look, the boy was paralyzed.

The aliens disappeared briefly and returned with “what looked like a gun” and shot the boy, who disappeared. He reappeared later, after the spacecraft had departed. Citizens of the town reported multiple sightings of the ship between Sept. 23 and Sept. 27, but when Soviet investigators came to the scene, their only abnormal finding was elevated levels of radioactive Cesium-23.



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Top 5 Authentic UFO Sightings Reported in 2018

by Nirmal Narayanan                    December 27, 2018                       (

• Last year, the Pentagon admitted that they conducted a secret UFO investigation program named Advanced Arial Threat Identification Program. Even though the project was scrapped around six years ago, conspiracy theorists argue that the project is still on, and the United States secret forces are still on the hunt to unravel the real truth behind UFOs. Conspiracy theorists also believe that UFO sightings are the concrete evidence of alien existence.

Here is a list of five UFO sightings in 2018 that continue to perplex conspiracy theorists and space experts alike.

• The Ireland UFO Incident – On November 9th, a British Airways pilot, flying from Montreal to Heathrow, contacted the Shannon air traffic control and reported seeing a UFO flying above the skies of Ireland. The pilot revealed that UFO initially came up along the left side of the airplane, and later traveled to the north in skyrocketing speed. The Irish Aviation Authority is still investigating. (see previous ExoNews article)

• The Return of the Black Triangle – In a video uploaded by popular UFO researcher Tyler Glockner on his ‘Secureteam10’ YouTube channel entitled ‘CHECK THE SKY: The Silent Triangles Are Back’, a triangle-shaped flying object can be seen hovering in the skies above Pennsylvania. Glockner suggested that the UFO could be secretive military vehicles like the US Air Force’s TR-3B, built at Area 51 using ET technology. (see video below)

• The Green UFO Spotted Above the Surface of Jupiter – Analyzing a NASA image of Jupiter, conspiracy theorists spotted a green UFO hovering above the surface of Jupiter. However, ‘experts’ dismissed the bizarre green structure as an image sensor anomaly. (see photo image below)

• Strange UFO landing marks in Argentina – Rodrigo in Moquehue, a resident of a small Argentinian village, took photos that he claims are imprints in the snow left by a UFO. Interestingly, there were no footprints surrounding the snow. (see photo image below)

• TV News Anchor Spots UFO During Live Show – The on-air anchors for c5n news channel in Buenos Aires, Argentina were giving the news when one of them spotted a metallic object in the skies on their screen. The news anchor was literally shocked to see the object climbing up in the atmosphere. (see previous ExoNews article)


Conspiracy theorists all around the world strongly believe that UFO sightings are the concrete evidence of alien existence.

Last year, Pentagon admitted that they conducted a secret UFO investigation program named AATIP (Advanced Arial Threat Identification Program) to unveil the mysteries surrounding unidentified flying object sightings. Even though the project was scrapped around six years ago, several conspiracy theorists argue that the project is still on, and the United States secret forces are still on the hunt to unravel the real truth behind these unknown flying objects.

In 2018 too, several UFO sightings were reported from various parts of the globe. Upon closer analysis, many UFO videos released by conspiracy theorists seem fabricated, but there are a handful of reports which still remain unanswered by experts.

Here, we present the list of five UFO sightings happened in 2018, that continue to perplex conspiracy theorists and space experts alike.

The Ireland UFO incident

On November 9, a British Airways pilot contacted the Shannon air traffic control and reported seeing a UFO flying above the skies of Ireland. The British pilot also asked whether there were any military exercises going on in Ireland on the same day. However, authorities clarified that there were no such exercises organized on November 9.

During the time of the UFO sighting, the flight was traveling from Montreal to Heathrow. The pilot revealed that UFO initially came up along the left side of the airplane, and later traveled to the north in skyrocketing speed.

Soon after the UFO sighting, the Irish Aviation Authority kickstarted an investigation, and the probe is still going on.
In the meantime, some space experts suggested that the UFO spotted in the skies could be a meteor. However, alien enthusiasts believe that a change in trajectory is not a characteristic often showed by meteors.

The return of the black triangle

Triangle-shaped UFOs are very popular among conspiracy theorists for years. In 2018 too, these black triangles made a return, and the eerie video was released by popular extraterrestrial researcher Tyler Glockner who runs the YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’.

In a video uploaded with the title, ‘CHECK THE SKY: The Silent Triangles Are Back’, a triangle-shaped flying object can be seen hovering in the skies above Pennsylvania. Glockner suggested that the bizarre object spotted in the skies could be either alien vessels from deep space or secretive military vehicles like TR-3B.

Conspiracy theorists believe that TR-3B is a reverse-engineered anti-gravity military vessels developed by the United States Air Force during the cold war. As per these theorists, the US forces had built this spacecraft with the help of aliens whom they detained in Area 51.

green object spotted over Jupiter’s surface

The Green UFO spotted above the surface of JupiterThis is perhaps the most perplexing UFO reporting which happened in 2018. The green UFO was initially spotted by conspiracy theorists after analyzing an image of Jupiter released by NASA. At first glance, the image seems pretty normal, but upon closer analysis, a green structure was seen hovering above the surface of Jupiter.

             imprint of UFO in Argentina







SecureTeam10 YouTube video: “CHECK THE SKY: The Silent Triangles Are Back”




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China Makes Historic 1st Landing on Mysterious Far Side of the Moon

by Mike Wall                January 3, 2019                   (

• The list of ‘unexplored’ locales in our solar system just got a little shorter. China’s robotic (uncrewed) Chang’e 4 mission, which launched December 7th, touched down on the floor of the 115-mile-wide Von Kármán Crater Wednesday night (January 2nd), pulling off the “first-ever” soft landing on the lunar far side.

• Chang’e 4 (named after a moon goddess in Chinese mythology) will perform a variety of science work over the coming months to better understand the structure, formation and evolution of Earth’s ‘natural’ satellite. The lander features the Landing Camera, the Terrain Camera, the Low Frequency Spectrometer, and the Lunar Lander Neutrons and Dosimetry, which was provided by Germany. The rover has the Panoramic Camera, the Lunar Penetrating Radar, the Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer, and the Advanced Small Analyzer for Neutrals, which Sweden contributed.

• We already have good imagery of the far side of the Moon from above, thanks to spacecraft such as NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.) Chang’e 4’s observations could help researchers better understand why dark volcanic plains called “maria” cover much of the near side but are nearly absent on the far side. Chang’e 4 also carries a biological experiment which will track how silkworms, potatoes and Arabidopsis plants grow and develop on the lunar surface.

• “Congratulations to China’s Chang’e 4 team for what appears to be a successful landing on the far side of the moon.” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “This is a first for humanity and an impressive accomplishment!”

• All six of NASA’s crewed Apollo missions to the lunar surface touched down on the near side of the Moon. The far side is a much tougher target for surface exploration because the Moon will block direct communication with any landers or rovers there. To deal with this issue, China launched a relay satellite called Queqiao in May 2018.

• China launched the Chang’e 1 and Chang’e 2 orbiters in 2007 and 2010, respectively, and pulled off a near-side landing with the Chang’e 3 mission in December 2013. (Chang’e 4 was originally designed as a backup to Chang’e 3, so the hardware of the two missions is similar.) China also launched a return capsule on an eight-day trip around the moon in October 2014, known as Chang’e 5T1. China has ambitions for crewed lunar missions, but its human-spaceflight program is focused more on Earth orbit in the short term. The nation aims to have a space station up and running by the early 2020s.

[Editor’s Note]   Of course, this is not the “first-ever” soft landing on the far side of the Moon. The lunar far side is notorious for containing numerous human and alien bases, including the much-expanded Lunar Operations Command base. Thus, it is NASA disinformation that the far side of the Moon is an ‘unexplored’ locale. Beings have been “exploring” the cavernous Moon since it was placed in the Earth’s orbit around a half-a-billion years ago. This event is only a “first for humanity” insofar as NASA and the highly compromised deep state mainstream media are concerned.  (see 1:19 minute video of the Chinese mission below)


Humanity just planted its flag on the far side of the moon.

China’s robotic Chang’e 4 mission touched down on the floor of the 115-mile-wide (186 kilometers) Von Kármán Crater Wednesday night (Jan. 2), pulling off the first-ever soft landing on the mysterious lunar far side.

Chang’e 4 will perform a variety of science work over the coming months, potentially helping scientists better understand the structure, formation and evolution of Earth’s natural satellite. But the symbolic pull of the mission will resonate more with the masses: The list of unexplored locales in our solar system just got a little shorter.

The epic touchdown — which took place at 9:26 p.m. EST (0226 GMT and 10:26 a.m. Beijing time on Jan. 3), according to Chinese space officials — followed closely on the heels of two big NASA spaceflight milestones. On Dec. 31, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft entered orbit around the near-Earth asteroid Bennu, and the New Horizons probe zoomed past the distant object Ultima Thule just after midnight on Jan. 1.

“Congratulations to China’s Chang’e 4 team for what appears to be a successful landing on the far side of the moon. This is a first for humanity and an impressive accomplishment!” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said via Twitter Wednesday night, after word of the milestone began circulating on social media.

Congratulations to China’s Chang’e-4 team for what appears to be a successful landing on the far side of the Moon. This is a first for humanity and an impressive accomplishment!
— Jim Bridenstine (@JimBridenstine) January 3, 2019

1:19 minute video by ‘The Guardian’ of the Chinese probe landing on the far side of the Moon



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Spectacular Footage Showing UFOs Near ISS Could Be Proof of Alien Life

by Nirmal Narayanan                  December 25, 2018                    (

• In March 2018, Tyler Glockner of the popular UFO YouTube channel ‘SecureTeam10’, uploaded a video taken by the International Space Station (ISS) of Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti (pictured above) giving a tour inside the ISS. At one point, Samantha opens up a hatch to show something outside, and at the same moment two objects are seen making a close flyby outside the window. The first object moves past the ISS at a spectacular speed, while the second one stops for a while and then moves in a different direction. (see 7:40 minute SecureTeam10 video clip below)

• Says Glockner, “This footage is undeniable proof (of an extraterrestrial presence). When I say undeniable, I mean it in terms of our long-held beliefs, based on evidence, that space is not only inhabited by us but also unknown manned objects.”


Conspiracy theorists all around the world have long been claiming that space agencies like NASA are well aware of alien existence. To substantiate their claims, these conspiracy theorists have released several photos and videos taken from the International Space Station (ISS), and in many of these images, unidentified flying objects (UFO) can be seen hovering near the space station.

Out of the many images and videos released, one clip stands out, and it was initially uploaded by popular UFO researcher Tyler Glockner. In the video uploaded to YouTube in last March, Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut was seen taking a tour inside the ISS.

At one point in time, Samantha opens up a hatch to show something outside the station, and shockingly, at the same moment, two objects were seen making a close flyby outside the window.

The first object moved across the International Space Station at a spectacular speed, while the second one, stopped for a while and moved in a different direction. After uploading the video, Tyler Glockner revealed that this clip is undeniable proof of alien existence.

“This footage is undeniable proof. When I say undeniable, I mean it in terms of our long-held beliefs, based on evidence, that space is not only inhabited by us but also unknown manned objects. I’m not talking about ice crystals, I’m not talking about debris or any other excuses used,” said Glockner in the video.


14:55 minute ‘SecureTeam10’ YouTube video of two UFOs
near International Space Station
(video clip ends at 7:40)



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How the Oumuamua Mystery Shook up the Search for Space Aliens

by Corey S. Powell                      December 25, 2018                         (

• In 2017, an enigmatic object from beyond our solar system, named Oumuamua (depicted above), startled astronomers when it came streaking past the sun. In November 2018, Avi Loeb, the head of the astronomy department at Harvard University, co-wrote a paper with a post-doctoral student, Shmuel Bialy, reporting that Oumuamua is so unusual that scientists should consider the possibility that it could be an interstellar craft built by extraterrestrials. Oumuamua is a Hawaiian word meaning “messenger from the past.”

• Some of Loeb’s colleagues were intrigued. Others were disconcerted. But suddenly mainstream scientists were seriously talking about alien spaceships. Loeb is well aware that most scientists recoil from anything that sounds like UFO craziness. But he believes an overabundance of skepticism has cut them off from out-of-the box ideas. Says Loeb, “Why have a prejudice? Why argue that it must be natural? What do we gain, other than putting blinders on our eyes?”

• Penn State astronomer Jason Wright shares Loeb’s desire for open discussion. “There’s a real culture change. SETI (the search for extraterrestrial intelligence)is becoming a serious scientific discipline,” he says. Wright raises the possibility that a now-defunct alien civilization may have left behind artifacts on the moon where they could have survived, even if deposited there billions of years ago. Almost all such searches are destined for failure, Wright says, and all it takes is one success to change the world.

• Oumuamua’s unusual trajectory meant it had to have come from outside the solar system — and that it could have been traveling for millions of years. “It’s very elongated, with an axis ratio of at least 7 to 1,” astronomer Karen Meech of the University of Hawaii said. It’s at least seven times as long as it is wide — shaped like a cigar. Or, as Loeb proposes in his paper, maybe a flattened disk. At only 1,000 feet long it is too small to be a comet. And it has no distinctive comet tail. Also, it seems to be much more reflective than the typical comet.

• The biggest puzzle about Oumuamua was the way it moved. (see previous ExoNews article here) As it zoomed away from the sun, it sped up slightly, as if given an invisible push. Comets often accelerate that way when gases boil off their surface under heat from the sun. But observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope showed no such material coming off of Oumuamua.

• At this point, Loeb thought it was time to consider a more radical interpretation. Perhaps Oumuamua isn’t a comet at all, and that the acceleration was caused not by boiling gases but by the pressure of sunlight against a very wide, thin lightweight structure. Loeb and Bialy suggested that such an object could be technological debris or even “a fully operational (alien) probe.”

• Loeb anticipated a harsh reaction to his paper. One anonymous researcher disparaged the Bialy and Loeb paper as “irresponsible,” and “just out to grab attention.” Loeb shrugs off the reflexive dismissals, saying that his lofty academic position actually obligates him to be a pot-stirrer, “I can say these things other people can’t because I have tenure at Harvard. The whole idea of getting tenure is to allow you to be free in your mind. I used the opportunity of Oumuamua to make a statement.” “All I’m doing is following the standard scientific process, looking for explanations,” Loeb says.


Last year, an enigmatic object named Oumuamua startled astronomers when it came streaking past the sun, giving humanity its first close-up look at an object from beyond our solar system. This year, the interstellar visitor did something even more remarkable: It made it respectable to talk about alien spaceships.

The turning point came in November, when Avi Loeb, the head of the astronomy department at Harvard University, co-wrote a paper saying that Oumuamua is so unusual that scientists should consider the possibility that it’s not a far-out comet or asteroid, as his colleagues assumed, but rather an artificial structure.

                              Avi Loeb

In other words, maybe it’s an interstellar craft built by extraterrestrials.

Some of Loeb’s colleagues were intrigued. Others were disconcerted. But suddenly mainstream scientists were talking about how to tell if Oumuamua is a natural object or — as Loeb raised as a possibility in his paper — an alien spacecraft designed to capture the force of sunlight (a so-called lightsail).

Loeb is well aware that most scientists recoil from anything that sounds like UFO craziness, but he believes an overabundance of skepticism has cut them off from out-of-the box ideas. “The point of doing science is not to have a prejudice,” he says. “A prejudice is based on the experience of the past, but if you want to allow yourself to make discoveries, then the future will not be the same as the past.”

                 Shmuel Bialy

Jason Wright, a Penn State astronomer who recently launched a graduate program in SETI (the search for extraterrestrial intelligence), shares Loeb’s desire for open discussion — and offers an upbeat assessment of the field’s growing respectability. “There’s a real culture change. SETI is becoming a serious scientific discipline,” he says.


It was clear from the start that Oumuamua (pronounced oh-MOO-uh-MOO-uh) would shake up astronomy’s status quo. Shortly after its discovery, scientists realized that the object’s unusual trajectory meant it had to have come from outside the solar system — and that it could have been traveling for millions of years. They quickly dubbed the mysterious object Oumuamua, a Hawaiian word meaning “messenger from the past.”

There were more surprises. Oumuamua was too far away for astronomers to observe its shape directly, but they could tell by the extreme way its brightness shifted as it tumbled through space that it wasn’t like any space rock they had ever seen.
“It’s very elongated, with an axis ratio of at least 7 to 1,” astronomer Karen Meech of the University of Hawaii said in an email. In other words, it’s at least seven times as long as it is wide — shaped like a cigar, perhaps. Or, as Loeb proposes in his paper, maybe a flattened disk.

Astronomers’ models predict that most of the small bodies wandering in interstellar space are comets. But when Meech and others examined it, Oumuamua showed no sign of the expected comet-like tail. It’s also quite small, on the order of 1,000 feet long, and it seems to be much more reflective than the comets we know.

Intrigued by its oddities, several groups of SETI researchers listened for possible radio transmissions from Oumuamua — and heard nothing.



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Human Nature-Based Disclosure

 Unique aerospace vehicles coming out of the ocean in Puerto Rico. Photo by José Fernandez.

How can we as “disclosure activists” and as practitioners of “exopolitics” (and, in many cases, as contact experiencers) really assist society to accept and to adapt to the disclosure of an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence? Should we simply allow a more classic, militaristic interpretive tendency (as within the effort of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences) convince politicians and citizens worldwide and let that extension of our political biases take its course or should we try to find another way of doing things?

I think that we (in fact, eventually, ALL of us and not just ‘experiencers’ who have been awakened to a vaster reality) must try to understand why we are as we are in terms of maintaining our personal identities, sense of meaning and moral politics. I think that our ability to see and our blindness impeding seeing how to “connect the dots” (in a healthy, healing, constructive way) is related to how consciousness itself is capable or not of embracing more aspects of reality in a coherent way. And some of the people speaking about this (although in less spiritual terms) are moral and developmental psychologists.  As boring as these studies might be (in contrast to cover-up revelations, for instance) they can serve as foundations based on empirical research to learn why we create dominance hierarchies and why we fight so much with each other, whether we are in the 0.1% elite group or in any other social strata.

In order to establish contact with healthy, benevolent interstellar beings on a par with their alleged lofty ideals and in a mutually beneficial fashion, with sovereignty as a species that can be sustained, we probably first need to be able to leave our”self-perpetuating wheel of unending conflict.”

What makes ‘sense’ to us is generally related to our intuitions of what is and is not. And this is an expression of the Principle of Identity. And the Principle of Identity (related to how we cognitively intuit what is and is not in our mental schemas and in relation to perception) is probably rooted in the equivalence of consciousness with being itself. It is rooted in the fact that we are (being) because we experience (cogito ergo sum). Thereafter, our interpretive experience is rooted in the self-evident fact that we first know that we are because we experience. It is an automatic part of our conscious awareness and even of our personal identity-based political operations in any “real world” we may be participating.

By extension, constructive “common cause” identity politics, and destructive, “common enemy” identity politics is based on that capacity of recognizing expressions of what is or of existence and being. We could summarize (according to some developmental psychologists like Kegan, Kohlberg, Peck, Cheryl, Gilligan, Fowler, Cook-Greuter, Baldwin, et al) our capacity to embrace and understand varies from person to person.

Levels of Ego Development according to one of the developmental psychologists, Suzanne Cook-Greuter. To face the challenge of DISCLOSURE we probably need a large percentage of the population and/or its cultural-political leaders in a Green (Pluralist), Teal or Turquoise stage of development. How could someone in a predominant “Amber” stage of ego development (the Diplomat- Conformist) act in the name of pluralist, world-centric values for the good of all humankind while willing to admit into his or her circle of care and concern non-human, extraterrestrial (or even intraterrestrial) beings?

It can be summarized as if the personal room for our consciousness and its degrees of possible embrace or identification with reality and interpretations were larger or smaller. It might also operate under a greater or lesser intensity of subjective walls or subdivisions in that inner conscious “space” or “room” and we would have biases possessing our conscious experience without us being aware of it, limiting how much and how we embrace what we disclose to ourselves in our experience.

The more we expand our consciousness as a permanent average trait the more we can embrace a “common emphasis” identity politics versus a “common enemy” identity politics. This issue related to how our CONSCIOUSNESS is freer and more inclusive or instead possessed by inner walls and biases that affect our interpersonal relationships, politics, ufology, disclosure. If we do not nourish a trusting environment we may not be ready for healthy social coordination after major UFO, experiencer revelations.

According to Ken Wilber (working with the information provided by some of those developmental psychologists) a large percentage of the population primarily functions in a premodern, mythic, authority-based level of development coloring their self-identities in which it is IMPOSSIBLE to feel, think, value and include multiple truths multilaterally, fact-based and pluralistically, or in a true modern democratic way, not to speak of the capacity to find a way to harmonize ideological differences via an integrative approach.

Dr. Jonathan Haidt emphasizes (conservative and liberal) moral TENDENCIES (rather than developmental levels) affecting self-identity and identity politics but his work is seriously related to this discourse and to how disclosure activists may effectively work in society beyond participating (even if based on reason) in the blame game.

In a world that needs to come together to process shared human problems: degradation of the oceans, climate change, nuclear warheads, terrorism across borders, artificial intelligence and job loss, information glut, and a long etc, the popularity of ethnic nationalism (now achieving power through democratic elections) is dismantling the international order that (at least in principle) promoted larger swaths of humanity to come together in cooperation with healthy democracies around a world of shared human rights using reason and facts to agree in applications.

How can a “post-truth” world order or a more disunited world made up of more dominating but competing for populist, nationalist polities welcome “the others”? (ETs). How can societies learn to deal in a constructive way and as part of a more unified global humanity if an “us vs them” mentality prevails?

If the classical liberal institutions and classical liberal people’s values in the world are in disarray as we tend to hold on to limited answers, how are we going to add the cultural challenge of verifying an extraterrestrial presence? The “rooms” or “spaces” in our consciousnesses need to expand.

I propose that as “disclosure activists” we also need to understand our own human psychology and what motivates us in order to engage in a more intelligent disclosure discourse and activism. Are most of us liberals (in the liberals vs conservative sense)? How can we value and speak with conservatives (both recognized by Wilber and Haidt as necessary)?

I definitely think that we need to study the work of moral psychologists like Johnathan Haidt and also the works of integrative philosopher Ken Wilber (who emphasizes developmental psychology). One emphasizes tendencies and, the other, capacities. And we need to understand both if we are to become aware of why we are how we are and why we become so invested in our beliefs.

If we are to overcome what may be the greatest challenge of all (probably challenging human nature as we normally experience it) we need to rise beyond opinions about each other. It must even go beyond the genuine and fantastic critiques of what an elite may be doing to us to retain control of us.

In order to be politically and exopolitically responsible we must really focus on understanding our tendencies and that of others (in regular citizens as well as elites and, simply, those in positions of leadership), tendencies naturally bearing on the degree of openness, personal biases and/or various specific interests toward the complex issue of disclosure. Simultaneously, we also need to understand why (sometimes, due to developmental level incapacity) many cannot rise to the challenge of disclosure because they – quite simply – they cannot rise above standard belief systems and cohere explanations discovering what they have in common and – from this platform – inform, share, educate.

The greatest transformative challenge humanity faces would be so deeply transformative that it cannot simply be based on simplistic belief system solutions. Revealing the degree of mischievousness with which an elite controls the cover-up or if a handful of contactees communicating with “space brothers” were – after all – correct in what, otherwise, looked like airy-fairy recommendations and narratives would be probably remain superficial, cosmetic solutions prone to produce more interpersonal conflict unless ‘we’ who care about truth, evolution and disclosure (at least as many of us as possible) come to value understanding why we are as we are, what can we really become and how to go about educating and transforming our current manifestations of “human nature.” This is why we need to expand our sphere of interest into Social Psychology, Behavioral Genetics, Biosociology, and other sources of information that shed light upon our “human nature.”

Thus far, the “UFO community” has made some contributions to society at large (albeit mostly preaching to the choir) but has not been able to provide a basis to come to basic agreements or to integrate the best information. We are also divided by our tendencies, often to the point of not recognizing each others’ contributions. So, we have also shown to the world how we subdivide ourselves as any other social group with a political message.

Do we simply need to become more conscious through more validated or grounded revelations, information, and through spiritual practices or do we need to re-engineer our tendencies and our developmental capacities by re-engineering our genes or simply becoming aware of why we are as we are (and to change our behavior and attitudes accordingly) is the key to become politically and exopolitically successful “citizens” in a complex, multi-dimensional cosmos?

A person to keep in mind to deepen this necessary conversation is Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens who (probably in 2019) will be exploring (from an Integral Meta-Theory perspective) the issue of extraterrestrial contacts, Ufology, society, exopolitics.





Wilber, K. (2007). Integral Spirituality. Boston: Integral Books

47 pages from the DIA: Why Should We Care?

Dr. Robert M. Wood – Reprinted from December 2017 MUFON Journal

In June of 2017 Heather Wade received a low legibility copy of 47 pages of text by email (see footnote) from a source yet to be identified. Because of the lack of provenance, together with the presence of some grammar and spelling errors, several well-known UFO researchers rejected this document as just another way for hoaxers to confuse serious UFO students and waste our time. Furthermore, the document was difficult to read in some spots. On the other hand, neither well-known Stan Friedman nor myself, both of whom have some credibility in document authentication, have yet to comment.

The critics

Respected investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe sought the opinion of a classification expert, who claimed numerous instances of inconsistency with known procedures of the era. Also, my occasional colleague and superb writer Nick Redfern offered multiple arguments against authenticity in two releases in June 2017. He claimed these pages were “not the real thing” because of numerous typographical errors “typically, you don’t see in government records”; because of inconsistency with the Eisenhower Briefing Document; and because of his incredulity of the EBE remarks. His second release offered four more anti-authenticity themes:  (1) they’re not real because of errors in the Roswell debris recovery (true) and that the alleged Flat Rock genuine UFO base was actually first-named in the Crichton’s great fiction work, The Andromeda Strain. (2) they’re “suggestive of disinformation campaigns that had tales of crashed UFOs at their heart”; (3) they are a hoax, citing examples of prior hoaxes; (4) they are an experiment, by “a UFO skeptic, someone who is looking to see the major figures in the Roswell field endorse the papers, and as a result, come crashing down.”

However, at essentially the same time, Michael Salla offered two releases on his website (which can still be found under Exopolitics Comments 395 and 396 there) and noted that both Dr. Wood and Stanton Friedman had stated they saw no evidence of forgery.  He also noted the document’s content as dealing with US diplomatic relations with ETs, the possible role of Nikola Tesla, and the apparent interviews with an EBE recovered during the Aztec crash. His second release placed emphasis on the exceptional correlation of the questioned document (10 pages of 47) with the story details told in the historic UFO best seller, Behind the Flying Saucers, by Frank Scully, thereby implying that there was leak from the genuine crash investigation described in superb detail. Dr. Salla recommended further study of the 47 pages. I have done this.

It is not my plan in this article to argue pro or con these early releases by respected ufologists, but to tell the reader what I did that is new.

Reconstruction of the document

Because the 47 pages were very hard to read, I took the initiative to retype the document initially to understand what the words were. It became immediately apparent that this was originally typed on a typewriter because the character spacing was consistent with Elite typewriter font of 12 characters per inch. This knowledge also permitted the identification of “hard-to-read” words. Furthermore, it then became possible to clarify the exact errors in spelling and grammar and to create a table that identified each of them. It was also apparent that there were very likely two typists involved because for the first two sections, there were three spaces at the beginning of a new paragraph, and the last three sections had four spaces. It is commonly accepted that typists have their personalized preferences on how many spaces to use to begin a paragraph, thereby strongly suggesting two typists. This could be deemed important because it seems unlikely that someone hoaxing such a document would farm the work out to two different people, although this could be argued.

Everyone reading these pages has immediately noticed minor errors, and the retyping, together with an excellent knowledge of English and ufology, with the assistance of longtime skeptical researcher Steve Gill of MUFON Orange County, permitted the identification of 80 errors. These are shown in the adjacent columns. The nature of the errors is given in a summary table nearby. However, see the detailed table also nearby. If one contemplates why there were so many errors made in a document officially recorded on a microfilm, and you pronounce the word or phrase on the left and look at the correct one on the right, usually they sound essentially the same. This would be consistent with the document having been created as a result of taking dictation and having two different typists implement the words on paper. Furthermore, all the 15 errors for “its” are done by the typist who liked four spaces to start a paragraph. The other typist was asked to type “its” only three times and did them correctly each time. This is a reaffirmation that there were two typists, both dealing with dictated words, to create this document. This would be consistent with MJ-12 (stated in this case to be individual MJ-1) having dictated a one-time entry-level summary for the new person, since one apparently was not available from prior written records at the time of the alleged briefing.

Scope of the 47 pages

This MUFON Journal article will not attempt to hit all the fascinating highlights of the 47 pages in question. Each reader should order an easy-to-read copy rather than try to get the poor legibility download. See Journal ad on inside back cover. Basically, there are five parts of intellectual content: (1) objective, history and organization of MJ-12; (2) details of the 1947 Roswell crash recovery; (3) details of the 1948 Aztec crash recovery; (4) condensed conversations with the Aztec EBE; and (5) issue of the national security or the risk of cultural upheaval, together with diplomatic and cultural exchanges during the 70s and 80s visiting some of EBE’s worlds. Each of these, if factually correct, is a fascinating read, especially if you think of it as what was being told to a distinguished scientist as he was being formally briefed.

Who was being briefed?

There is a page with a signature on it, showing at the bottom left and replicated here. Shown for comparison are two signatures of distinguished professor Philip Morrison, one upon receiving his doctorate, and one at the bottom when he was at Cornell University. I am still seeking an example signature from MIT when he was older. Philip Morrison was a very distinguished professor, who was a protégé of Oppenheimer and very likely was “in the know” on security issues, although I have no evidence of this. There is evidence, however, that he was very collegial with Carl Sagan during his career, helping to arrange a symposium at the conclusion of the Colorado study in Boston. This event included Allen Hynek and James McDonald as speakers. Yours truly was also present, and I had the opportunity to shake Professor Morrison’s hand on that occasion, since I hadn’t seen him since he signed off on giving me my PhD at Cornell in 1953. Philip Morrison was the reviewer asked by the Scientific American magazine to write a book review about once a month, and I recall reading the exceptionally sophisticated evaluations of worthwhile literature.

Signature analysis

This is the only signature on the document, and the first question might be whether it was the entry level person being briefed or the briefer. It seems much more reasonable that it was the person being briefed. The first three letters of the signature are in caps, PHI without completing the rest of the first name. If this indeed was Philip Morrison signing, he might have been told as he was signing that he couldn’t use block letters – they needed his real signature – and so he continued with his last name in script. Overall, what is the probability that the first three letters of a first name and the first four letters of a last name match a random name? This low probability is, I believe, strong indication that the person being briefed was Philip Morrison. Many have speculated that Carl Sagan, good friend and colleague of Philip Morrison, may have been the replacement for Don Menzel, the astronomer who was named originally as MJ-10 in the Eisenhower Briefing Document.

Another surprise: 30 patents based on the Aztec recovery?

While the 47 pages are filled with exceptional detail on many aspects of what MJ-12 wanted to tell the entry level person, some of these details had never been revealed, such as the specific names of those scientists who were involved in the crash recovery and how their specialties might relate. One of those was Horace Van Valkenburgh, whose name was misspelled Valkenberg in the document (remember: dictation?) and was identified as Director of the School of Metallurgy at the University of Colorado, an expert in analytical chemistry. It also stated that he was the holder of over 30 patents “based on research he began after his analysis of the structural materials of the disc-craft.” This seemed to be something that could be checked out, so I stopped by the UC Boulder library during a visit and found out that I needed to check with the archives. I usually have dinner with my half brother David when I’m in town, and I told him a bit about Van Valkenburgh and he remembered that our father used to be friends with a Professor Van Valkenburgh at the Boulder Rotary Club. He personally thought he remembered meeting his son or grandson, “Skip.” David mentioned this to our sister Phoebe Jane who immediately sent me an address and phone for Skip Van Valkenburgh. So, I called him, and he answered the phone. I asked him if he knew of a Van Valkenburgh who might have been at the University of Colorado in 1948, and he immediately said that would be his Grandfather, Horace B. Van Valkenburgh II. He said his grandfather moved to Arizona after retirement in 1951 and lived until 1961. Skip seemed to be quite interested in this story and I subsequently emailed him the paragraph that described his apparent grandfather. He asked some more questions  and found that allegedly there had been a Van Valkenburgh who published an article in the Saucerian magazine, edited by Gray Barker that was a technical article about a crash recovery. The reference is Van Valkenburgh, H.B. UFO PROPULSION: ENGINES AND FUELS, ELECTRIC GENERATORS, HEAT GENERATORS, CHEAP ELECTRICITY. Clarksburg, W.Va.: Saucerian, 1981. 32p. I am attempting to get a copy of this article from the Clarksburg West Virginia library. Old copies of the Saucerian are selling on Amazon for hundreds of dollars.

Search for the patents

It would be exceptionally interesting if there have been patents issued to Van Valkenburgh II. (VVII). His son was VVIII and was a patent attorney so there are several entries with that name. However, assuming that the patent office does not make errors of II vs III in name suffixes, a search of patents has yielded no patents for Horace B. Van Valkenburgh II.  It is established that VVII was a professor at the University of Colorado at that time, but he was a professor of chemistry, specializing in inorganics. There was no Department of Metallurgy.

Assuming that the DIA 47 pages are correct, and that 30 patents mentioned were based on the technical discoveries from the Aztec vehicle, either the patents were classified (USPO claims that all patents are public property, so the patent application is what would have been classified.) Therefore, one needs to find the original copies of the applications. I have spoken with the Arizona State University archives and they do not have any applications unfiled under the name Van Valkenburgh or Van Valkenberg. They thought that the U. of Arizona would be unlikely to have an archive containing patent applications. Therefore, the hunt for the alleged 30 + patents attributed to Van Valkenburgh remains alive.

Authenticity Summary

A careful reading of these 47 pages has led me to encapsulate the arguments for authenticity as follows:

  • The numerous spelling errors are consistent with two different typists working from dictated words for the narrative 37 pages that I retyped. The probability that a hoaxer would have two different people type the document and then not proofread it seems very small.
  • If it is not a hoax, it states that is was dictated by MJ-1, who would be a very busy executive and might not take the time to proofread it since it seems likely that all copies for the meeting would have been routinely destroyed, including for the one that was used by security to make the microfilm apparently required by DIA security, the apparent source of the document we now have.
  • Michael Crichton’s The Andromeda Strain was published in May 1969. It is quite reasonable that the “Digger Command” location name of Flat Rock would have been humorously selected after that time based on the secrecy in the novel, and conjecture thus favors authenticity.
  • The Eisenhower Briefing Document of 1952 states that the second crash occurred in 1960. This would be inconsistent with the Aztec crash following Roswell eight months later. The Aztec crash included the recovery of a live alien, and it is quite reasonable that Majestic Twelve did not want Ike to know this much. Keeping this secret from the President and the public would be logical and supports authenticity. The “White Hot” report contains redactions consistent with deleting all references to recovered aliens. See
  • The apparent signature of Philip Morrison would be very consistent with him being the entry-level person being briefed. His early relationship with Oppenheimer, his distinguished career at Cornell and MIT, and his relationship with Carl Sagan support that this briefing was given to an appropriate person.
  • The validation that Horace Van Valkenburgh II was the right person at the right time to have been deeply involved in the Aztec crash recovery. Although the search for 30 patents has yielded zero, it is possible that the patents were indeed never issued. The document stated that he was the holder of 30 patents, possibly alluding correctly to patent applications that are still classified.

Why should we care?

MUFON’s goal has always been to do the research to find the truth. It is well-known that Government policies have been consistent with concealing from the public those matters that would upset our society, and secrecy has been used to accomplish this. Therefore, the content of these 47 pages is consistent with what a newcomer to the classified UFO program should know about, as stated by Majestic Twelve.

However, because of the compartmentalization of classified material, it is possible that even Majestic Twelve did now know that the Navy was working on reverse engineering of a crashed UFO from the “Battle of L.A.” in 1942,* since MJ-12 was not formed until 1947. It is also possible that the scope of MJ-12 was limited. This document is a summary and is stated to be part of the Aquarius Project, just one of several.

Therefore, if our goal is to get the whole truth, we need to keep probing the edges of all links relentlessly, with these 47 pages being just one lucky leak that was not expected or controlled by any master plan. Dozens of Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) have funded trillions of our dollars since the 1940’s.  These 47 pages describe  just a tiny portion of what has been done. More leaks like this may describe the truth about the reality of our reverse engineering achievements and the procedures used to interact with other ETs and achieve secret goals only dreamed of by most people.


Footnote from beginning of article: . This URL no longer opens properly [but is available on the internet archive].

*”Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries, William M. Tompkins, 2nd Printing 2016.


The Northern Ireland UFO Society Scans the Skies for Answers

by Ciaran Dunbar                   December 26, 2018                        (

• The Northern Ireland UFO Society, formed in 2013 by its current chairman, Chris McMurray, has 14 members who meet monthly in south Belfast to review reports of UFO sighting as well as investigating other strange phenomena.

• The first UFO sighting in Ireland was recorded in the year 743. “Ships with their crews, were plainly seen in the sky this year”.

• Society member Conor Kieran feels the need to speak to like-minded people about the UFO phenomenon. “People think I am crazy,” he said candidly. Conor said he has experienced the paranormal but chose not to expand on those experiences. “I am ok with people laughing at me because I know exactly what I saw, I can tell the difference between a delusion and something I am actually seeing.”

• Society member Diana Jones has had a life-long interest in UFOs. She said she witnessed a UFO along with two other family members. “It actually started off as a light in the sky, and then transformed into a craft which was extremely low.” Jones said the “craft” was travelling very slowly and missed a house by a just few feet. Through the society she has met people who say they have had similar experiences which has helped her in her search for answers.

• In May 2016, society member Arfon Jones says he came upon a ET creature in broad daylight on the Tannyoky Road in County Armagh. He described it as being tall, grey, wide at the shoulders but narrowing at the waist with a rounded muscular torso and a swinging tail. It wore no clothes. “It was a creature, it wasn’t human,” said Jones. “It was right there in front of me, walking, and as I came closer to it, it just turned around and looked at me… for about 10 seconds.” Then it was gone in a flash into a field. Jones reported the incident to the government without response.

• Society vice-chairman Rodney Murphy is convinced that others in the group have the ability to see and experience the paranormal. Murphy cannot say that UFOs are real or that there are visitors to this planet. “But there are certainly questions still to be answered. …And I say, the very reason I’m in the group is to try to find those answers,” in spite of the laughing and sniggering from friends and family.

• The UK Ministry of Defence had a UFO hotline until 2009, but it no longer collects statistics on unexplained events or objects in the sky.


Formed in 2013, the Northern Ireland UFO society is not a big one, there are 14 members in total.

But there is no doubting their passion, their doubts and their desire to know more.

The society meets monthly in the Crescent Arts Centre in south Belfast.

Those meetings review recent reports of UFO sighting as well as investigating other phenomena that are “outside the norm”.

The group provides a “willing ear” to people who may have had an experience that they cannot explain.

Rodney Murphy, a driving instructor from Magherafelt, is currently the society’s vice-chairman.

His interest in the subject was sparked by television programmes.

Rodney admits that when his role in the society comes up it sparks “sniggering and laughing”, even with family members.
But he said that when he explained the questions he has in his own mind about unexplained happenings, people are more accepting.

“Then they start to enquire as well and say: ‘Well that is interesting – what is the answer’?

“And I say, the very reason I’m in the group is to try to find those answers.”

But Rodney does not have the answers himself.

“There’s nothing there that has said to me: ‘Yes, there definitely are aliens or there are definitely UFOs or there are visitors to this planet’. But there are certainly questions still to be answered.”

Rodney says others in the group have convinced him that they have the ability to see and experience the paranormal.

“I don’t doubt their bono fides at all… and I have to say when you see the reactions when they are telling their stories, it is very genuine.”

The first UFO sighting in Ireland is recorded in an entry in the Annals of the Four Masters dating from the year 743.
“At-ces co forréil loingius isin aer cona b-foirnibh isin m-bliadhain-si,” or “Ships with their crews, were plainly seen in the sky this year”.

Conor Kieran is a DJ and barman. But his life-long interest in the paranormal has risen to the point that he feels that he needs to speak to like-minded people about it.

“People think I am crazy,” he said candidly.

“I am ok with people laughing at me because I know exactly what I saw, I can tell the difference between a delusion and something I am actually seeing.”



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Following Standup of Space Force, Air Force Bases Could be Renamed as Space Bases


Article by Sandra Erwin                            December 20, 2019                            (

• Now that the U.S. Space Force is officially an independent military service, Air Force installations that primarily do space work will be renamed ‘Space Force bases’. Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, commander of U.S. Space Command who also will serve as the first chief of space operations in charge of the U.S. Space Force said, “We do have a plan to rename the principal Air Force bases that house space units to be space bases.” but the details of possible base re-naming are still being hammered out.

• Candidates for re-designation include Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base and Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado, Patrick Air Force Base in Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

• Raymond noted that that even if bases are named as space bases, the Space Force will continue to heavily rely on the Air Force to operate and maintain them. “We’ll work to rename those to match the mission of the base,” Raymond said.

• The idea of renaming Air Force bases is one of seven initiatives proposed by the Space Force Planning Task Force, a group of about 40 people led by Air Force Maj. Gen. Clinton Crosier who have spent the past eight months preparing for the establishment of the Space Force. According to a draft memo obtained by SpaceNews, the White House and the secretary of the Air Force have emphasized the importance of ‘moving out swiftly and rapidly’ and creating positive public perception with regards to expeditious implementation.

• Other recommendations are: 2) the issuing of a memorandum by the Secretary the Air Force outlining the responsibilities of the chief of space operations with the clear expectation that the U.S. Space Force will be a separate, independent service; 3) assign operational units within the Space Force; 4) designate Space Force unit members authorize to immediately wear the U.S. Space Force patch; 5) appoint an acting Assistant Secretary for Space Acquisition and Integration to oversee space acquisitions; 6) designate the members of the Space Force staff and advertise civilian positions for immediate hiring; 7) convene the Space Force Acquisition Council chaired by the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration.

• According to the Crosier draft memo, “To have the greatest public impact, the Space Force Planning Task Force recommends implementing the key actions listed above simultaneously,” so that the Department of the Air Force might declare ‘Initial Operational Capability’ for the Space Force much sooner than the 12-month plan.


WASHINGTON — With the U.S. Space Force now officially enacted as an independent military service, Air Force installations that primarily do space work would be renamed Space Force bases.

Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, for example, could become Peterson Space Force Base. Other candidates for re-designation include Colorado-based Schriever Air Force Base and Buckley Air Force Base, Patrick Air Force Base in Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

“We do have a plan to rename the principal Air Force bases that house space units to be space bases,” said Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, commander of U.S. Space Command who also will serve as the first chief of space operations (CSO) in charge of the U.S. Space Force.

Speaking with reporters Dec. 20, Raymond said the details of possible base re-naming are still being hammered out. “We’ll plan that appropriately in the months ahead,” Raymond said. He noted that that even if bases are named space based, the Space Force will continue to heavily rely on the Air Force to operate and maintain them.

“We’ll work to rename those to match the mission of the base,” Raymond said.

The idea of renaming Air Force bases is one of several initiatives proposed by the Space Force Planning Task Force, a group of about 40 people led by Air Force Maj. Gen. Clinton Crosier who have spent the past eight months preparing for the establishment of the Space Force once Congress authorized it.

Crosier in a draft memo laid out proposed actions to accelerate the standup of the U.S. Space Force, some that could be done as early as in 30 days.

A copy of Crosier’s memo was obtained by SpaceNews.

“The White House and the secretary of the Air Force have consistently set an expectation for rapid Space Force stand-up, and have emphasized the importance of ‘moving out swiftly and rapidly’ and creating positive public perception with regards to expeditious implementation,” the memo says.



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US Delta Forces Fought With Aliens in Underground Battle in New Mexico

by Lara Deauville                     December 23, 2018                     (

• According to Phil Schneider, a civil engineer who worked on secret military projects deep underground in Dulce, New Mexico, as many as 60 soldiers and civilian scientists were killed as extra-terrestrial Greys, armed with Plasma Guns, went toe-to-toe with US Delta Forces in the so-called Dulce Battle. Schneider revealed that the American military was working with an alien race of Greys building joint subterranean bases.

• Anthony Sanchez, author of the UFO Highway and the founder of Umbra Research explains, “In 1979 [Schneider] says when they sunk a shaft during some mining exploration to see if they could build a similar subterranean base they discovered a very old cavern system where Greys extra-terrestrials had a base.” Schneider was confronted by the Greys and was forced to draw his sidearm and fire. Schneider reportedly killed two Grey aliens before being hit with some kind of plasma weapon… which sheared off a portion of his hand.” Schneider escaped and the military immediately called in US Navy Seals and Army Delta Forces who went down there and engaged in a fire-fight with these tall Greys.

• In 1996, Schneider was found strangled to death in his apartment. It was officially labeled as a suicide.


As many as 60 soldiers and civillians were killed as extra-terrestrial GREYS, armed with PLASMA GUNS went toe-to-toe with US Delta Forces in the so-called Dulce Battle.

The jaw-dropping revelations were made by a civil engineer called Phil Schneider who worked on secret military projects deep underground in Dulce, New Mexico.

Mr Schneider, whose dad Philip was involved with the development of the early atomic bomb, said he was made to sign official secrets documents but later went on to reveal the American military was working with an alien race of Greys building joint subterranean bases.

                          Phil Schneider

Grey aliens, also referred to as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys, Greys, or Grays, have become the accepted face of aliens on Earth – almost half of all alien sighting claims in the USA refer to this type of grey alien.

The Alien Grey is also linked directly to the Roswell Incident in which a UFO containing live aliens was allegedly seized by the military at Roswell, which is also in New Mexico.

But Mr Schneider’s story took a jaw-dropping turn when he described one occasion when things turned nasty and resulted in what has become known in UFO circles as The Dulce Battle.





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Conspiracy Theorists See Trump’s Space Force as Strong Evidence of UFO Visitors

by S.A. Miller                     December 24, 2018                         (

• Space program realists believe that President Trump’s creation of a Space Force branch of the US military is a step toward ‘full disclosure’ of the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and the technology gleaned from their crashed spacecraft.

• The Space Force plan pits Trump against his natural enemy: the “Deep State”. The Deep State faction within the federal government is the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.

• “This is HUGE and [Space Force is] something the Deep State does NOT want,” conspiracy theory filmmaker Jordan Sather posted on Twitter. “Understand that with the Space Force, the advanced technologies (free energy, antigravity) kept in secret think-tanks within Lockheed, Boeing, & other corporate contractors will now have an avenue to be released publicly,” Mr. Sather tweeted.

• Dr. Michael Salla, an author who promotes the longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military. “…by ordering the creation of a Space Force, Trump is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the (existing) Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” writes Dr Salla on his website.

• Dr Salla continued: “Large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.”

• In a series of books, Dr Salla has detailed what he describes as “whistleblower/insider claims” about secret space programs at the Pentagon, including a Navy operation in deep space with miles-long space carriers that use Space Marines as a fighting force.

• Some in the UFO community also believe that President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a secret treaty in 1954 with an alien race known as the Greys wherein the two sides agreed not to interfere with each other’s affairs. The Greys would share technology with the U.S., and the aliens would be allowed to abduct humans for various experiments, provided they submit the names of abductees to a secret government committee known as the “Majestic 12.”

• The Defense Department has promoted the Space Force as a military branch charged with defending U.S. assets in space, such as satellites, and fending off cyberattacks in a confrontation with Russia and/or China, which have been building capabilities to knock out satellites that are vital to communications, navigation and intelligence. There is abundant evidence that the Pentagon has top-secret operations in space, such as spy satellites. A 2017 New York Times report that revealed a secret Defense Department program that investigated UFOs for at least five years.

• The Pentagon prefers to keep Space Force operations within the Air Force, similar to the way the Marines are organized under the Navy. Mr. Trump has initiated the process, but it takes an act of Congress to create a new military branch.

• Jan C. Harzan, executive director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) said, “I don’t really think [the Space Force] has anything to do with extraterrestrials or aliens.” Mr. Harzan doubts that the government is getting closer to “full disclosure” of the alien presence. “My personal opinion is that…there is probably some benefit of putting it all under one head.”

• “I do believe that we have technology which has been reverse-engineered from aircraft that are not from here and that we are probably using that technology someplace,” said Harzan. “I would be shocked if the president was not briefed. How much they tell him, I have no clue.”


President Trump’s order to create a military Space Force gave conspiracy theorists another tantalizing piece of evidence — some say the best yet — that the government is hiding the truth about extraterrestrial visitors.

The idea is that launching the Space Force will be a big step toward the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and technology gleaned from crashed alien spacecraft — what the UFO community calls “full disclosure.”

Making it all the more real, the Space Force plan pits Mr. Trump against his natural enemy: the “deep state” within the federal government. The deep state is also the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.

                Jordan Sather

“This is HUGE and something the Deep State does NOT want,” conspiracy theory filmmaker Jordan Sather posted on Twitter after Mr. Trump issued the surprise June 18 order for the Pentagon to start planning a Space Force.

“Understand that with the #SpaceForce, the advanced technologies (free energy, antigravity) kept in secret think-tanks within Lockheed, Boeing, & other corporate contractors will now have an avenue to be released publicly,” Mr. Sather tweeted.

Michael Salla, an author who promotes theories about secret U.S. space programs and longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military to patrol above the atmosphere.

“It is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a Space Force, Trump is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” he posted on his ExoPolitics website.

            Dr. Michael Salla

He continued: “Large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.”

In a series of books, Dr. Salla has detailed what he describes as “whistleblower/insider claims” about secret space programs at the Pentagon, including a Navy operation in deep space with miles-long space carriers that use Space Marine as a fighting force.

The outer reaches of the UFO community also believe that President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a secret treaty in 1954 with an alien race known as the Greys. The two sides agreed in the “Greada Treaty” not to interfere with each other’s affairs. Also under the treaty, the Greys would share technology with the U.S., and the aliens would be allowed to abduct humans for various experiments, provided they submit the names of abductees to a secret government committee known as the “Majestic 12.”



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George Bush Sr Took UFO Secrets To the Grave – Because ‘Americans Couldn’t Handle the Truth’, Lobbyist Claims

by Emma Parry                    December 18, 2018                  (

• Steve Bassett (pictured above left), an American UFO lobbyist, told the (Scottish) Sun Online that the 41st US President, George Herbert Walker Bush (pictured above right), knew the truth about the extraterrestrial presence on and around the Earth, and could have ended the UFO cover-up. Bush was a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and had been briefed daily by CIA agents while in the White House. Bush-41 would have been the “ideal” president to disclose the truth about UFOs as he was so well informed. But he kept all his UFO knowledge a secret right up until he died last month at age 94 at his home in Houston, Texas.

• According to Bassett, Bush-41 “…would have been the ideal ‘Disclosure’ President… The Cold War was over and the door was now open to end a very expensive and complex truth embargo.” “[I]t is my view the military/intelligence complex would have been quite comfortable with ‘Disclosure’ taking place during a second term of President George H. W. Bush.”

• Former US President Jimmy Carter pledged that he would disclose to US citizens what the government knew about UFOs if elected after witnessing a strange light while governor of Georgia in 1969. But while director of the CIA, Bush is said to have blocked President Carter’s attempts to obtain UFO information during a briefing on November 19, 1976. Bush told the president-elect he didn’t have the need to know but if he wanted information he should ask the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to prepare a briefing for the new administration. Bassett thinks Bush rebuffed Carter because he knew some UFOs were extra-terrestrial in origin. “Carter fired him shortly thereafter,” says Bassett. “One might ask, ‘If there was no truth to the extra-terrestrial hypothesis, why would Bush disrespect a presidential request?”

• Bassett also claims that “…Bush was quite knowledgeable about the history of the extra-terrestrial presence to the extent he required. Did that include the July 1947 Roswell events? Almost certainly yes.”

• While campaigning with his son Jeb Bush in the 1980s, Bush-41 was asked about UFOs by a journalist. He replied, “Americans can’t handle the truth.” During a presidential rally trip to Rogers, Arkansas, in 1988, Bush was asked: “Will you tell the people the truth about UFOs?”  Bush replied: “I know some. I know a fair amount.” Later, Bush included in a speech: “We will travel to neighboring stars, to new worlds, to discover the unknown.”


The 41st President of the United States, who died last month aged 94, was a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and was briefed daily by spooks while in the White House.

And according to UFO researchers he would have been the “ideal” president to disclose the truth about UFOs as he was so well informed.

But he kept all his UFO knowledge a secret right up until he died at his home in Houston, Texas.

Steve Bassett, an American UFO lobbyist, told Sun Online Bush knew the truth about extra terrestrial life and could have ended the UFO cover-up.

He said: “The consensus among researchers is George H. W. Bush would have been briefed on the extra-terrestrial presence to whatever extent he so desired.

“There is no clear evidence George H. W. Bush wanted ‘Disclosure’. That said, it is my view the military/intelligence complex would have been quite comfortable with ‘Disclosure’ taking place during a second term of President George H. W. Bush.

“He would have been the ideal ‘Disclosure’ President from their perspective. The Cold War was over and the door was now open to end a very expensive and complex truth embargo.”

While director of the CIA, Bush is said to have even blocked former president Jimmy Carter’s attempts to obtain UFO information during an alleged briefing on November 19, 1976.

Bush told the president-elect he didn’t have the need to know but if he wanted information he should ask the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to prepare a briefing for the new administration.

Carter had pledged he would disclose to US citizens what the government knew about UFOs if elected after witnessing a strange light while governor of Georgia in 1969.

Bassett, the executive director of UFO campaign group Paradigm Research Group, thinks Bush rebuffed Carter as he knew some UFOs were extra-terrestrial in origin.

He said: “We do know the newly elected President Carter approached CIA Director Bush regarding a study the White House wished to initiate regarding the extra-terrestrial issue.

“Bush declined to cooperate and referred him to another agency. This may have guaranteed he would not be able to stay on as CIA Director – or not.

“Carter fired him shortly thereafter. One might ask, ‘If there was no truth to the extra-terrestrial hypothesis, why would Bush disrespect a presidential request?'”



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Astronomer Captures UFO Flying Above Moon’s Surface

by Nirmal Narayanan                   December 18, 2018                       (

• Amateur astronomer Andreas Graf video recorded a small white UFO flying over the surface of the Moon, then disappearing into the darkness. YouTube channel ‘Mavi777’ has released that video clip. (see 2:14 minute clip in video below)

• There have been several anomalies spotted on the different lunar images released by space agencies like NASA. Conspiracy theorists all around the world believe that aliens secretly reside in bases on the lunar surface.


Many conspiracy theorists all around the world strongly believe that aliens are inhabiting secretly on the lunar surface, and they have released several anomalies spotted on the different lunar images released by space agencies like NASA. Adding heat to the claims made by these alien believers, popular conspiracy theory channel ‘Mavi777’ has now released a strange clip that shows a UFO flying speedily above the surface of the moon.

The conspiracy theory channel revealed that the footage is actually shot by a person named Andreas Graf. In the video, the amateur astronomer can be seen zooming in to the surface of the moon, mostly to see the craters of earth’s natural satellite. As the telescope zoomed in, a white object was seen flying above the lunar surface, and after some time, it disappeared in the darkness of the universe.

video of object traveling above the Moon’s surface, segment ends at 2:14



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On Mars Photographed Several UFOs

by Paradox                   December 15, 2018                    (

• The YouTube channel “The Hidden Underbelly 2.0” has posted an edited compilation of 83 still photos taken by NASA’s Curiosity Rover (pictured above) on the surface of Mars. In the Martian atmosphere you can see many black objects flying or floating in the sky. (see 4:11 minute video below)

• Of course, skeptics dismiss the black objects as debris in the sky or dirt on the camera lens.

[Editor’s Note]   First of all, this should put to rest the disinformation that Mars has no atmosphere. Insiders all confirm that Mars holds breathable oxygen in a blue sky atmosphere. Second, many insiders also say that indigenous to the planet are leathery, black, pterodactyl-type creatures that fly in the Martian sky. This could very well explain the photo array.


On the YouTube channel “The Hidden Underbelly 2.0” appeared in a movie with an interesting finding.

The edited video of the most beautiful panoramic views of the Martian surface, created based on 83 shots. The pictures made the device called “Curiosity”.

In the photos you can see dust borax that did not stop within two weeks. If you look in the “fog Martian”, we can see many mysterious objects. The above picture is highlighted rather large body, and not grains of sand, as might first seem.

Superficially the objects resemble each other, plus have almost identical dimensions. Unfortunately, the shooting resolution provides a detailed review seen a UFO. According to skeptics, in the heights just went up a large amount of debris. Either it was dirt on the camera.

4:11 video from ‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’ YouTube channel
of objects photographed in the Martian sky, taken by Mars rover ‘Curiosity’



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A UFO The Size Of Planet Earth Seen Hovering Near Saturn

by Arjun Walia                     December 16, 2018                     (

• According to the late ufologist and retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean, the photos that NASA got back from the Voyager mission to Saturn in 1980 showed a giant “luminous source” positioned next to the planet Saturn. It was so incredible that NASA hid the photos away from the public. Dean says that there were also photos taken by the Apollo Moon missions that were never released to the public. Multiple governments, like Russia, have been calling for an international investigation as to where photographs, footage and Moon rocks disappeared to.

• Dean received the photos he used in his lectures came from his good friend, the late Norman Bergrun, a scientist and engineer for NASA’s Ames Research Centre and Lockheed Martin, who was also part of NASA’s voyager program. The photo of the “luminous source” comes from Bergrun’s Book, “The Ringmakers of Saturn”. Dean says that Bergrun got frustrated later in life that NASA decided not to tell the public what they had photographed at Saturn, that he wrote the book. Bergrun actually had to leave the country in order to publish the book. Today, Bergrun’s book is hard to find and costs thousands of dollars.

• Bergrun’s Book, “The Ringmakers of Saturn” shows several large craft “proliferating” out around Saturn and its moons. According to Bergrun, these are extraterrestrial ‘vehicles’ that were responsible for making the rings around Saturn. In a rare interview he gave with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, Bergrun expressed his great concern of the UFO cover-up and stated that “people have got to be made aware that those things are real.”

• In his book, Norman says that these objects around Saturn are intelligently controlled by an extraterrestrial race that have probably been around much longer than we have. He states that if there was any ill intent towards our planet, something probably would have happened by now. There is a reason that these objects have not come in close proximity to our planet, although they may have affected our weather already.

• Increased awareness of the ET presence is coinciding with a massive ‘spiritual’ awakening that’s happening on the planet. This is not by coincidence. An awareness of what’s out there will serve to help humanity better understand itself.


The pictures NASA got back from the Voyager mission to Saturn in 1980 were apparently so mind-altering that they locked them up–at least that’s what retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean said in this lecture. He also showed numerous photographs from the Apollo missions that were never released to the public. Multiple governments, like Russia, have been calling for an international investigation as to where photographs, footage and Moon rocks disappeared to.The pictures come from one of Dean’s good friends Norman Bergrun, a scientist and engineer who was part of NASA’s voyager program. He worked at NASA for decades at the Ames Research Centre. He also worked at Lockheed Martin where he managed the Polaris missile tests. Unfortunately, he recently passed.

He is a legend for going public.

                    “luminous source”
             next to the planet Saturn

Luminous Source

What is the picture of? It’s a “luminous source,” that comes from Bergrun’s Book, “The Ringmakers of Saturn.” He had to go through a lot of trouble to publish it, and had to leave the country in order to do so, as Dean explained in the lecture.
According to Bergrun, there are several large craft “proliferating” out around Saturn and its moons. His book goes into much greater detail, although it’s hard to find and costs thousands of dollars.

Frustrated By Non-Disclosure

According to Dean, Bergrun got frustrated later in life that the decision was made not to tell the public what they had photographed at Saturn. My previous article ‘Long-Time Nasa Scientist Blows The Whistle On Tall Black Extraterrestrial Beings’ describes Bergrun exposing the existence of what he calls extraterrestrial ‘vehicles’ that were responsible for making the rings around Saturn.

3:26 minute UFOmania YouTube video supporting this article



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ESA Shares Incredible Images of Martian Ice Crater

December 21, 2018                      (

• The European Space Agency (ESA) has released a composite image showing a 82-kilometer-wide (50-mile wide), 2-kilometer-deep crater on Mars that is filled with water ice all year long.

• The ESA posted this online message along with the images (seen above and below) on December 20th: “A beautiful #winter wonderland… on #Mars! This ice-filled crater was imaged by our Mars Express spacecraft. Korolev crater is 82 kilometres across and found in the northern lowlands of Mars.” The northern lowlands of Mars is near the planet’s north pole which is known as Olympia Undae.

• The composite image was taken from five different “strips,” photographed by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera as it orbited Mars. This year marks the 15-year anniversary of the probe’s orbit insertion at the Red Planet.

• The 2,200 cubic kilometers of water ice could be important for the survival of future colonists, and may even enable them to return back home, as water could be split into hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel.


The European Space Agency has shared an incredible composite image showing a 50-mile wide crater on Mars that is filled with water ice all year long.

Budding future colonists hoping for a white Christmas on Mars will be somewhat disappointed as the ESA has confirmed that sitting in the Korolev crater is, in fact, a thick block of water ice, not snow. The enormous, 82-kilometer-wide, 2-kilometer-deep “ice trap” could still be good for ice skating though.

A beautiful #winter wonderland… on #Mars! This ice-filled crater was imaged by our Mars Express spacecraft. Korolev crater is 82 kilometres across and found in the northern lowlands of Mars.  — ESA (@esa) December 20, 2018

Even better, the 2,200 cubic kilometers of water ice – same as the volume of Canada’s Great Bear Lake – could be important for the survival of future colonists, and may even enable them to return back home, as water could be split into hydrogen and oxygen for rocket fuel.

For those of you asking – yes it is water ice.

The crater is found in the northern lowlands of Mars near the planet’s north pole which is known as Olympia Undae for its wavy, dune-filled terrain. The crater’s ice is protected by the topography and by a lair of cold air that shields it from the elements.

The composite image was taken by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) and was actually formed from five different “strips,” with each strip gathered over a different orbit as the Mars Express probe flew overhead. The 2003-launched mission this month marks the 15-year anniversary of the probe’s orbit insertion at the Red Planet.

The icy crater is named after chief rocket engineer and spacecraft designer Sergey Korolev, known as the father of Soviet space technology and the head of iconic space exploration missions including the Sputnik, Vostok, and Voskhod programs. A lesser known fact is that Korolev dreamt about a flight to Mars for decades and was actually working on a rocket that would have brought a man to the Red Planet – and who knows where this unfinished project might have ended if it wasn’t for the Soviet visionary’s untimely death in 1966.



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Crew Remember the Day UFO Was Spotted Over Kaikōura, New Zealand

December 15, 2018                      (

• On New Year’s Eve 1978, two pilots (pictured above) and four passengers on a plane flying off the New Zealand’s South Island spotted strange lights in the sky. It was blamed on Venus, or squid boats, or a radar returns from a field of cabbages. The witnesses were shamed and accused of a hoax. It even broke up a marriage.

• On the day of the incident, shortly after takeoff, the pilots noticed strange lights appearing and disappearing over the Kaikōura coastline about 20 miles west. One of the passenger witnesses, David Crockett, says, “Captain Bill Startup shouted to us that we should go to the flight deck immediately as something was happening again.” As they happened to be a television news team video crew, they filmed a rapidly moving, bright white light.

• The plane landed at Christchurch and the pilots asked the news team if they wanted to go back through the area they had traversed. Almost all of them said yea and reboarded. The plane took off at 2.16 am. About three minutes after takeoff, the group saw a bright, round light to the right. The airplane radar showed a target in the same direction about 18 nautical miles.
• They filmed the pulsating, hypnotic light for several minutes as it appeared to travel along with the plane, just outside of the windows. When they turned toward it, the light seemed to react by moving away from the airplane.
• After landing at Woodbourne Airport at about 3am, the group stayed at the two pilots homes in Blenheim. The news reporter among them interviewed the pilots before flying to Melbourne to give the recordings to his boss. The footage featured on prime time news that night and a longer documentary piece screened later.

• The news went around the world and was featured by major news media, including by the Herald and by CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite. The skeptical reaction was immediate. Explanations included that it was Venus, drug runners, light reflected from cabbages or squid boats.

• The New Zealand government ordered an inquiry by the NZ Air Force, which concluded that the sightings could be explained by natural but unusual phenomena.

• Bruce Maccabee, an optical physicist who specialized in laser technology for the US Navy, was flown to New Zealand and Melbourne to interview witnesses. He concluded the event involved unknown objects or phenomena fitting the definition of UFOs. “One would think that the conclusion that several of the sightings involved unidentified objects flying with impunity in the New Zealand air space would have been sufficient to start an even deeper study of the UFOs,” said Maccabee. “But it wasn’t. The sightings were relegated to the dustbin of history.”

[Editor’s Note]   In 1978, the Deep State’s policy of suppression of information and ridicule was in full swing to keep the existence of UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence a highly guarded secret.


It was New Year’s Day, 1979, when the world awoke to the news that strange lights had been spotted by six people on a plane off the New Zealand’s South Island.

Was it a UFO? No, said the skeptics. It was Venus, it was squid boats, it was radar returns from a field of cabbages.
But 40 years later, the two pilots and four passengers are adamant it was none of the above and are frustrated at being unable to find answers.

The Herald on Sunday tracked down each member of the group around the world. One is a mango farmer in Hawaii, while another is an 80-year-old newlywed after her royal wedding-themed ceremony at her retirement village the night before Meghan and Harry’s big day.

The case bought instant fame – but no fortune – for some, before bringing shame and anger when they were accused of hoaxing the sighting. It broke up a marriage.

At the end of 1978, Australasia was in the grip of UFO fever. In October, 20-year-old Frederick Valentich disappeared while piloting a small Cessna 182 aircraft over Bass Strait while heading to King Island in Tasmania. Described as a “flying saucer enthusiast”, Valentich informed Melbourne air traffic control he was being accompanied by an unknown aircraft.

Two months later across the Tasman, on December 21, Safe Air pilots Vern Powell and Ian Pirie spotted strange lights while flying from Blenheim to Christchurch.

A producer for Melbourne’s Channel 0 (now Channel 10), Leonard Lee heard the news and tracked down reporter Quentin Fogarty, who worked for the channel but was on holiday with his wife and children in Christchurch, staying at TV One journalist Dennis Grant’s home.

Freelance Wellington cameraman David Crockett was also hired, along with his wife Ngaire, who operated the audio tape recorder.

The group were invited to jump aboard Safe Air’s Blenheim-based Argosy plane, named Merchant Enterprise, late on December 30, which pilots Bill Startup and Bob Guard were taking on a newspaper run between Wellington and Christchurch.

Shortly after takeoff, the pilots noticed strange lights appearing and disappearing over the Kaikōura coastline about 20 miles west.

“While we were filming a standup to camera, Captain Bill Startup shouted to us that we should go to the flight deck immediately as something was happening again,” says David Crockett.

He managed to film a rapidly moving, bright white light.

“With the conversation coming through my headphones from the pilots and radar from Wellington, it all started to get very scary,” says Ngaire Crockett.



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Spring Exopolitics Courses start 14 Jan 2019

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[Dec 27, 2018 – Holualoa, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on Jan 14, 2019 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Spring 2019 Semester are:

For 2019 schedule visit: click here.

Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

Exo-101 is what exopolitics is all about; this is a comprehensive overview, but with a plethora of amazing details, of all crucial aspects and issues regarding the UFO phenomenon and the ET presence on planet earth – P. Dermentzoglou

I appreciated the structure the course offered me in coming to the field with little background in ufology or exopolitics.. Flexibility regarding differing beliefs and opinions is particularly important to me. I enjoyed reading Manu’s and my classmates’ thoughts and opinions and felt encouraged and supported in expressing my own. – Karen Kael, USA, Exo-101

The course as a whole was very interesting. The quantum mechanics part was very useful, as this field has been “Greek” to me so far. The same must be said about RV. I also enjoy the exo 106 YouTube channel – very good movie clips! The course was produced and composed in a way that makes the student see comparative events (connecting the dots), and such methodology served as quite an eye opener to me. – Kai Olsen, Exo-106

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses and seminars that each culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

  • a. Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
  • b.. Exopolitics Diploma – Advanced level certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.
To Register: click here

Website: click here. Email: Phone: +1 202 470 0140

The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization established in Hawaii.

‘Alien Glider’ Found in Ancient Egyptian Tomb ‘Is Proof Extra-Terrestrials Visited Earth’

by Aletha Adu                     December 15, 2018                       (

• In 1898, a (six-inch) wooden bird-shaped model was found in the Djoser Pyramid in Egypt. The ‘Saqqara Bird’ is estimated to be around 2,200 years old. The artefact has aerodynamic qualities and bares the phrase, “I want to fly”, on its front.

• In an episode of the History Channel’s ‘Ancient Aliens’ series, Dr Algund Eenboom said, “The Saqqara bird is a highly developed glider.” “I think the people from ancient times were visited by beings not from Earth.”

• Aerospace engineer Dr. Uwe Apel also backed the claim that the Egyptians would have seen “flying machines or an aircraft”. “[C]learly, on one hand, it should look like a bird, [but] on the other hand, the wings are clearly not bird wings.”


The small wooden bird-shaped model was found in the Djoser Pyramid in 1898, and is estimated to be around 2,200 years old.

The artefact has aerodynamic qualities and bares the phrase, “I want to fly”, on its front.

                       The Saqqara Bird

This has prompted scientists to believe the Egyptians wanted to make a flying machine based on something they had seen.
Speaking in the latest episode of Ancient Aliens, Dr Algund Eenboom said: “The Saqqara bird is a highly developed glider.
“I think the people from ancient times were visited by beings not from Earth.

“They gave us culture and scientific technologies to improve our life on earth from the primitive to a higher developed country.”

Aerospace engineer Dr Uwe Apel also backed the claims that the Egyptians would have seen “flying machines or an aircraft”.

He said: “It’s interesting – clearly, on one hand, it should look like a bird, [but] on the other hand, the wings are clearly not bird wings.”



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More Details on Government UFO Findings Could Be Forthcoming

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                     December 14, 2018                    (

• Luis Elizondo (pictured above with George Knapp), the former head of the Pentagon’s UFO study and current member of the ‘To The Stars Academy’, has been dropping strong hints that, behind the scenes, a new broader effort to accumulate classified UFO reports, testimony, and evidence is underway, both inside and outside the government.

• In a recent interview with the I-Team’s George Knapp (see 3:50 minute excerpt from the interview below), Elizondo was asked, “When you say, something big is coming, what does that mean?” “I think we have a much better understanding in the depth and scope that the Department of Defense has played in recent times, not historical 40s and 50s. I’m talking very recent regarding the UFO phenomenon. I think people will be surprised just how frequent and the volume in which these things are apparently recorded and observed by active duty military people on missions, around the world, by the way,” Elizondo said.

• When Elizondo left the military and joined To The Stars Academy, he was instrumental in convincing the New York Times to publish a blockbuster front page story about the Pentagon UFO study. Media and public interest throughout 2018 have resulted in closed door briefings and testimony before senior staff and members of Congress.

• Elizondo hints that official interest in UFOs has been aroused. “For some people, this UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) issue, they’re really learning about it for the first time, despite what they may have seen on popular TV or maybe in some movie, this is really the first time they’re being told. Hey Jack or Jane, this is a serious topic. This is something your Department of Defense has been tracking.”

• To The Stars Academy has launched its own public outreach efforts, including meetings with foreign military officials, and scientific analysis of baffling samples of metamaterials acquired from so-called crash sites. Elizondo says it’s too early to reveal what that analysis has uncovered, but says the initial work is promising.


Sunday marks one year since the New York Times broke open a provocative secret when it reported about the existence of a long-term Pentagon study of UFOs – Unidentified Flying Objects.

In the 12 months since then, the I-Team has unveiled new details about the study, which was based in Las Vegas. So, what comes next? And will 2019 bring the public closer to understanding what the government already knows?

The I-Team’s George Knapp sat down for an exclusive interview with an intelligence officer who chased flying saucers for the Pentagon.

“When you say, something big is coming, what does that mean?” Asks Lue Elizondo with To The Stars Academy.
As a career intelligence officer, Elizondo learned to parse his words carefully. He spent nearly a decade managing a secret Pentagon study of encounters between U.S. military units and UAP’s, Unknown Aerial Phenomena, aka UFOs, including multiple incidents in 2015 off the coast of Florida with an object dubbed the Gimbal.

Fourteen months after leaving the Pentagon, during a visit to Las Vegas, Elizondo dropped strong hints that, behind the scenes, a new broader effort to accumulate classified UFO reports, testimony, and evidence is underway, both inside the government and outside.

“I think we have a much better understanding in the depth and scope that the Department of Defense has played in recent times, not historical 40s and 50s. I’m talking very recent regarding the UFO phenomenon. I think people will be surprised just how frequent and the volume in which these things are apparently recorded and observed by active duty military people on missions, around the world, by the way,” Elizondo said.

3:50 minute excerpt from George Knapp’s interview with Luis Elizondo



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NEW on Audible! Insider’s Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances

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The Amazon bestselling book that launched the Secret Space Program Series by Dr. Michael Salla is finally available as an audiobook. Get it here!

Classified space programs have been an integral part of a complex jigsaw puzzle concerning UFOs, extraterrestrial life, ancient civilizations and advanced aerospace technologies, which have long defied any coherent understanding. Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. A detailed investigation of Goode’s and other insider testimonies reveals the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances. 

Learn from this audiobook: how the Vril/Nazi flying saucer programs in the 1930s gave birth to the ‘Dark Fleet’; how Operation Paperclip scientists both helped and hindered the development of the US Navy’s ‘Solar Warden’; how the MJ-12 Group was behind the creation of the ‘Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate’; and how Ronald Reagan was instrumental in the creation of the ‘Global Galactic League of Nations’ space program. Finally, learn how the Sphere Being Alliance and other extraterrestrials interact with these programs. The full disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances will unshackle the chains of deception holding humanity back from reaching its highest potential as galactic citizens. 

The audiobook includes an added preface and afterword not found in the Paperback and Kindle editions.

Available on and

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