End of Days? What Happens if Antarctica’s Giant Cavity-Filled Glacier Melts?

February 21, 2019                   (sputniknews.com)

• Researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have discovered that the 74,000 square mile (192,000 square kilometre) Thwaites Glacier in Western Antarctica is melting and has created a huge ‘glacial cavity’ at the bottom of it containing 14 billion tons of frozen fresh water. And it is still melting at an “explosive” rate.

• This demonstrates that Antarctic ice is not only melting in areas adjacent to oceans, but also from underneath its thick ice sheets. Were the Thwaites Glacier to melt completely, it could cause global sea levels to rise by some two feet. Such a rise would be enough to threaten coastal cities around the globe, flooding island nations and leading to soil erosion. Lucas Zoet, a science professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s department of geoscience, fears that the collapse of the Thwaites Glacier “could potentially destabilize the whole region of West Antarctica.” And this doesn’t include the concurrent ice melt from other parts of Antarctica, the Arctic and Greenland.

• Last year, researchers from Germany, Austria and Australia released a study which concluded that with sea levels expected to rise two feet worldwide by the year 2300, low-lying areas of Florida and Bangladesh, and entire nations such as the Maldives in the Indian Ocean or Kiribati in the Pacific, would be threatened, with massive coastal urban areas such as Shanghai, London, New York, and New Orleans affected as well.

• The Thwaites ice formation also serves to prevent other nearby glaciers from sliding toward the sea. If that happens and those glaciers melt, sea levels would rise not by two feet, but up to ten feet, affecting areas of human habitation much further inland and causing even more chaos to local ecosystems.

• Researchers from the Antarctic Research Centre at New Zealand’s Victoria University of Willington and McGill University in Canada have recently published an article in Nature which warned that the billions of tons of freshwater melt flowing into the oceans from melting ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica would cause the global oceanic conveyor belt network to diminish, resulting in longer, more extreme hot or cold snaps, wet spells and dry stretches, and greater temperature variance throughout the world.

• According to Dr. Ted Scambos, a senior research scientist at the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre, “The point is not so much [in] whether or not it’s going to happen… the important thing is how fast is this going to happen.” (see 4:58 minute CBS News video on the Antarctic glacial melt below)

[Editor’s Note]  It appears that, in addition to a much more rapid rate of rising sea levels, the continent of Antarctica might sooner reveal the remnants of a non-human civilization concealed underneath the ice.


The glacial cavity, found at the bottom of a glacier in western Antarctica with the use of ice-penetrating radar and satellites with high-resolution lenses, was discovered by researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who called the find “disturbing” and warned that the mysterious cavity, once containing 14 billion tonnes of frozen fresh water, was still growing at an “explosive” rate. The discovery is vital, the scientists said, because it demonstrated that Antarctic ice is melting not only in areas adjacent to oceans, but also from underneath its thick ice sheets.

Rising Sea Levels

The immediate and most obvious concern about the discovery is that if the Thwaites Glacier, which extends some 192,000 square kilometres, or 74,000 square miles, were to melt completely, it could raise global sea levels by some 2 feet (0.6 metres). According to the Smithsonian Institute, such a rise would be enough to threaten coastal cities around the globe, flooding island nations and leading to soil erosion.

Last year, researchers from Germany, Austria and Australia released a studywhich concluded that with sea levels expected to rise two feet worldwide by the year 2300, low-lying areas of Florida and Bangladesh, and entire nations such as the Maldives in the Indian Ocean or Kiribati in the Pacific, would be threatened, with massive coastal urban areas such as Shanghai, London, New York, and New Orleans affected as well.

If rising sea levels come to pass sooner than expected thanks to new, previously unknown phenomena, like the Thwaites Glacier cavity, “that’s going to really throw a wrench into the ability for these nations to plan and prepare for the impacts of sea level rise,” Dr. Ted Scambos, a senior research scientist at the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre, told USA Today.

Fleets of Dangerous Icebergs?

In addition to its massive store of frozen fresh water, the Thwaites ice formation is thought to serve as an important ‘door stop’, preventing nearby glaciers from sliding toward the sea. If that happens and those glaciers melt, sea levels would rise not by two feet, but up to ten feet (three metres), affecting areas of human habitation much further inland and causing even more chaos to local ecosystems.

In this sense, Thwaites “holds a kind of wildcard for being able to increase the rate of sea-level rise quite rapidly if things unfold a certain way,” Scambos said.

In addition to their possible threat to local wildlife, icebergs breaking off from Antarctica could pose a major threat to human oceanic activities, particularly shipping. In 2018, New Zealand news portal Engineering News warned that Antarctic icebergs were already posing a heightened hazard to southerly shipping routes. A year earlier, the US Coast Guard’s International Ice Patrol warned shipping companies that an unusually high number of icebergs were drifting into shipping lanes in northern areas, with the monitoring agency reporting four seasons of “extreme” danger in a row due to bergs drifting through the North Atlantic.

And while Antarctic icebergs are seen as less of a threat than those forming in the Northern Hemisphere and the Arctic, given existing shipping lanes, they still pose a threat, according to scientists.

4:58 minute CBS News video on the unprecedented Antarctica glacial melt



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Will Deep State Disclose Buried Antarctic Civilization to Distract from Looming Mass Arrests?

Multiple independent sources have claimed that the Deep State has authorized disclosure of a buried civilization in Antarctica as a means of distracting the mainstream media and general public from looming mass arrests, which will involve charges of subversion, child trafficking and a host of other serious crimes against compromised government officials according to the military intelligence group Q Anon.

A large Octagon shaped structure that is estimated to be 62 acres in size and buried under 50 feet of ice near the Beardsmore Glacier in West Antarctica appears to be the catalyst for such an announcement. Two whistleblowers, a Navy Seal and a US Marine Corps special operator, using the pseudonym Spartan 1 and Spartan 2 have emerged and shared their testimonies with veteran UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe about the Octagon and the buried technological wonders of Antarctica.

Spartan 1 described entering the Octagon in 2003 to extract a scientist in a video released by Howe on January 23, 2018. Spartan 1’s account of the ancient age and advanced technologies found in the structure, which had multiple layers stretching deep down into the two mile ice sheet was covered in an earlier article.

In the live streaming on February 20, where more of Spartan 1’s testimony was released, he described how a submarine was used to travel from the coastline under the ice sheet to enter the structure at an entry point approximately two miles beneath the ice. This corroborates historic claims that submarines where initially used by Nazi Germany to travel from the Antarctic coast line deep under the ice sheets to establish hidden bases in naturally formed caverns since the early 1940’s.

Howe also released the testimony of Spartan 2 who referred to Antarctica containing “wonders beyond what most can comprehend” with “ties to space and technology beyond belief”. [Timestamp 22:06]

New York Times best-selling author David Wilcock released his own video of Howe’s stunning interview with Spartan 1 and 2, which quickly amassed over 300,000 views by time of writing. After the release of his video, Wilcock was told by his insider sources that an official announcement about the Antarctic discovery had finally been authorized by the Deep State:

Additionally, just since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins disclosure in the near future. We heard for some time that they might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now.

In early 2017, secret space program insider Corey Goode says he was taken to Antarctica where he got to see first-hand the flash frozen civilization that had been discovered in Antarctica. Goode said that in 2002, scientists and archeologists were allowed to visit the buried artifacts and begin excavations and study the remains. This is consistent with what Spartan 1 later revealed about his August 2003 mission to go and retrieve a government scientist who had been earlier dropped off at the buried Octagon structure to study it.

Goode was the first to claim that the Antarctic ruins and excavations would be revealed in a partial disclosure initiative in order to distract the mass media from looming mass arrests and criminal cases involving Deep State officials:

The Partial Disclosure plan includes … The unveiling of ancient, high-tech ruins in Antarctica that have been newly excavated. This will prove that “Atlantis” was very real, and far more advanced than we thought….

The rapidly-escalating downfall of high-level elite human trafficking rings is bringing these issues to the immediate forefront. The Cabal has run out of time – and they know it.

For many years they have planned on using a partial disclosure to distract and inspire the public if the full nature of their crimes were to become known.

Another researcher with his own independent insider sources about recent discoveries in Antarctica is author Steve Quayle who told radio host, Dave Hodges about what his sources are telling him about an impending announcement, which was also a political deception contrived by the Deep State. Hodges announced in a February 22 video that:

… there is a great deception coming and it has to do with revelation about aliens, but it’s not going to be a real revelation, it’s going to be a fake revelation. There is going to be announced fossilized findings, geological findings that connect Antarctica to Mars… It’s a political purpose, it’s great deception…. I don’t know when they are going to release this. Steve got a heads up that it’s coming from inside sources.

In sum, Wilcock, Goode and Quayle all claim that an announcement about ruins discovered in Antarctica are impending, and that this is related to a political deception of some kind.

As to the question of why the time appears to have arrived for a political deception involving disclosure of discovered Antarctic ruins, we can turn to Q Anon who has described the great changes that are about to occur.

Q has posted (#2856) that once the Robert Mueller investigation delivers its report of alleged Russian subversion of the 2016 Presidential election, that many long-awaited events will occur:


The Mueller Report is expected to open the door to declassification [DECLAS] of multiple documents including unredacted versions of the FISA applications based on the contrived Steele Dossier which was used to justify surveillance of the Trump Presidential campaign.

This will not only expose Deep State officials involved concocting an “insurance policy” in case Trump won the election, but will also expose the roles of Britain and Australia – not Russia – in subverting the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

Next in Q’s sequence of predicted events is the release of the unedited original version of the June 14, 2018, Office of Inspector General (OIG) report on FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) actions relating to the 2016 election.

The release of these and other documents will lay out the “Truth” about the Deep State’s effort to subvert the 2016 election, and the criminal actions taken by compromised officials.

This in turn will lead to the final stage in Q’s predicted sequence of events, “Justice”, which will involve the US Attorney for Utah, John Huber, moving forward with the release of up to 60,000 sealed indictments. This is expected to trigger the prosecution of thousands of former officials and Deep State figures involved in a variety of crimes including subversion, human trafficking, and pedophilia in both military and civilian courts.

In a February 18, post (#2803), Q outlined the ramifications of all the information about to be released to the public:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.5257078
Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)

Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.

On February 26, as President Trump landed in Vietnam for a summit with North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, Q posted [#2903] that the next 21 days were going to be historic:

It’s going to be HISTORIC!
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.

In conclusion, according to Q Anon, we are on the verge of witnessing the collapse of the Deep State’s efforts to subvert the Trump administration, and the exposure of the criminal actions of many former FBI and DOJ officials in these efforts. In addition, the role of British and Australian Deep State officials in the subversion efforts will only serve to accentuate an anticipated world wide media frenzy over what is about to be revealed.

This is an overview of the political context by which we can now better understand why the Deep State has decided to move ahead with disclosure of the discovery of a long-buried civilization in Antarctica. Such announcements will help distract the mass media and the general public from what is about to be revealed in the coming criminal and military trials of former government officials who concocted an “insurance policy” to remove Trump from the Presidency.

The simultaneous public emergence of two military insiders, Spartan 1 and 2, discussing technological wonders discovered in Antarctica, including a 62 acre Octagon shaped structure lying only fifty feet below the ice, raises the possibility that this may be among the first of the ancient artifacts about to be revealed by the Deep State.

While any official announcement concerning discovery of an advanced ancient civilization buried in Antarctica is to be welcomed, it’s always important to be mindful of the political agenda behind such disclosures.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Baltic Sea Anomaly: What Is It and Why Does it Confound Scientists?

by Sebastian Kettley                  February 20, 2019                   (express.co.uk)

• Discovered in 2011 by Swedish divers Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg, the Baltic Sea Anomaly is a peculiar sonar image in the northern Baltic Sea, in the Gulf of Bothnia (near Sweden and Finland), measuring 210ft (70m) across. The anomaly appears roughly circular in shape, with two inlets and three prong-like portions. Some have suggested it looks like the Millennium Falcon spaceship from the Star Wars film series.  (see 1:48 minute video on the anomaly below)

• Some claim that the anomaly is a downed UFO. Others believe it to be a submerged World War 2 bunker, or a glacier remnant, or a perfectly natural geological formation. Others have suggested it could be a 14,000-years-old ancient temple built by a highly advanced civilization.

• Volker Bruchert, an associate professor of geology at Stockholm University, said, “My hypothesis is that this… structure was formed during the Ice Age many thousands of years ago.” “Possibly these rocks were transported there by glaciers.”

• A team of researchers known as the Ocean X Team reported that electronic devices used near the anomaly would mysteriously stop working. “Anything electric out there – and the satellite phone as well – stopped working when we were above the object,” said Ocean X researcher Stefan Hogerborn. “And then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on again, and when we got back over the object it didn’t work.”

• In 2017, an Israeli scientist who studied rock samples collected by Ocean X said the Anomaly contained unusual metals which could not have originated from natural geological processes. The Ocean X Team is adamant that the Baltic Sea Anomaly is not a natural structure. They’ve suggested that the government is holding back the truth of what the anomaly really is. “We have been fooled by our government before, and yes they do everything they can to ruin us.”


The incredibly bizarre phenomenon on the seabed of the Baltic Sea is one of the biggest mysteries of the 21st century. The Baltic Sea Anomaly is a peculiar sonar image snapped in the northern Baltic Sea, in the Gulf of Bothnia, in the year 2011. Due to its unusual shape and large measurements, roughly 210ft (70m) across, conspiracy theorists have claimed the anomaly is a downed UFO. Others have proposed the Baltic Sea Anomaly is a submerged World War 2 bunker, a glacier remnant or a perfectly natural geological formation. So, what is it?

What is the Baltic Sea Anomaly?

The Baltic Sea Anomaly was discovered in 2011 by a Swedish team of divers, dubbed Ocean X Team, who were searching the Bothnian Sea for sunken treasure.

The Gulf of Bothnia serves as a waterway bridging Sweden and Finland and flows into the Baltic Sea.

During a treasure-hunting escapade into the landlocked body of water, the divers snapped a bizarre sonar image at a depth of 300ft (100m) beneath the water.

The anomaly appears roughly circular in shape, with two inlets and three prong-like portions.

 location of Baltic Sea Anomaly

From a distance, it looks like a chunky E, although some have suggested it looks like the Millennium Falcon spaceship from the Star Wars series of films.

Due to the Anomaly’s bizarre shape, scores of conspiracy theorists have spent years trying to explain its supposed extraterrestrial origin.

Some have suggested the Anomaly is a 14,000-years-old ancient temple built by a highly advanced civilisation centuries ago.

Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg, who discovered the Anomaly, themselves were baffled by their incredible finding.
In an official Ocean X Team video uploaded to YouTube in December 2018, Mr Lindberg described the Anomaly as he first saw it.

He said: “One thing I find strange is that we have this hard surface but still we have a darker colour.

“If it is a hard surface it should have this white colour all over it but instead it looks like the bottom, which consists of clay and mud, which is very soft.

“The only hard surfaces we see are these thin lines, which are the corridors and the angular structures we have on the object.

“So this is something I want to find out – why it looks like this.”

1:48 minute video clip on Baltic Sea Anomaly



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UFOs Spotted by Pilots During Night Lesson

by Jamie Brassington                     February 19, 2019                           (expressandstar.com)

• On the evening of February 14, 2019, two flying instructors for Air Midwest and their students, flying separate planes out of Halfpenny Green Airport in Bobbington, south Staffordshire (near Birmingham, England), were flying over Gloucestershire when all four pilots spotted ‘two square lights’ in the sky – one red and the other orange – which did not fit the appearance of any known aircraft.

• The pilots of both planes tried to track down the objects but could not reach them as the red and orange UFOs moved further south of Gloucester. Nor could they determine the size or distance of the objects, due to their strange appearance. Both pilots informed air traffic control and each other about what they had witnessed. The flying school has made its own inquiries as to what the objects were, but so far have found no answers. One of the instructors filed a report on what they witnessed.

• One pilot was the school’s chief flight instructor with 40 years of flying experience and 22,000 flying hours under his belt. The other instructor has 10 years flying experience and 2,000 flying hours, and also flies for a UK airline. Both students were also fully qualified pilots who were taking part in night navigation training.

• One pilot said, “I observed, initially, two large square orange lights, one on top of each other, but slightly off set. However there was a gap in height between them.” “The top object was constantly orange. The lower one occasionally flickered white, but for the majority of the time it was orange. In addition to that, on two occasions I observed five orange lights but that was momentarily.” “On our return leg up to (Halfpenny Green Airport), we climbed 7,000ft by Worcester and commenced a turn to observe the lights. At this point they seemed lower than us in the same place and stationary.” “I have no idea what these objects were.”


Unidentified flying objects were spotted by pilots from Halfpenny Green Airport during a night-time flying lesson.
One pilot described seeing ‘two square lights’ that were ‘large and orange’ – which did not fit the appearance of any known aircraft.

Two flying instructors and their students were flying over Gloucestershire when all four pilots spotted the lights on Thursday, between 8.15pm and 8.45pm.

Both small aeroplanes tried to track down the objects but could not reach them.

       Staffordshire, UK

The pilots could not determine the size or distance of the objects, due to their strange appearance.

A spokesman for Air Midwest – a flying school and aviation services company based at the airport in Bobbington, south Staffordshire – said: “At approximately 8.15pm, one of our aircraft was tracking south towards Gloucester at 7,000ft after leaving the Birmingham air traffic zone.

“At the same time one of our other aircraft was also tracking south towards Gloucester at 4,000ft when both aircraft observed one red and one orange light in the the sky, south of Gloucester.

“Our aircraft approached the lights on an interception track but were unable to gain on the objects as they appeared to move further south of Gloucester as our aircraft approached. We were unable to identify the lights.”

One pilot was the school’s chief flight instructor. He is a long haul airline pilot with 40 years of flying experience and 22,000 flying hours under his belt.

The other instructor has 10 years flying experience and 2,000 flying hours, and also flies for a UK airline.

Both students were also fully qualified pilots who were taking part in night navigation training.

The two pilots, flying in a Grob G115 and PA-28 Warrior, spoke to air traffic control and each other about what they had witnessed.

The flying school has made its own enquiries as to what the objects were, but so far have found no answers.
It is the first time that the flying school has encountered a ‘UFO’ event, said director Tim Brannon, speaking to the Express & Star.

“There were reports all over about this UFO,” said Tim.



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NASA Launches Team of Experts Dedicated to Finding Alien Life on Other Planets Alongside Scholars from Leading Universities

by Joe Pinkstone                    February 19, 2019                    (dailymail.co.uk)

• NASA’s newly formed ‘Center for Life Detection Science’ (CLDS) will tackle the question, ‘Are we alone?’ NASA will work alongside a team of non-NASA scientists and scholars from Georgetown University and Georgia Tech University to track down any signs of extraterrestrial life on other planets.

• Tori Hoehler, the principle investigator of CLDS and a researcher at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, said, ‘We now have the scientific and engineering expertise to address this profound question with the clarity of scientific evidence — and we have a great community of scientists ready for that grand challenge.” “[W]e need to develop tools and strategies that are tailored to detecting life in the unique conditions of other worlds, which are very different not only from Earth but also from each other.”

• TechnoSearch is an online portal to help researchers access exoplanet data from NASA’s SETI project. Jill Tarter, a co-founder of the SETI institute, spearheaded the project which has collated data from as far back as 1960 and continues to add the latest findings.

• Says Sarah Stewart Johnson of Georgetown University, the goal of her team is to try to recognize life ‘as we don’t know it’, through examining biosignatures of very different lifeforms. Britney Schmidt of Georgia Tech will investigate the possibilities of past or present life in the oceans of the icy, outer moons of our solar system, or on ancient Mars. More researchers will be added as the program matures.

[Editor’s Note]   So long as these types of deep state institutions lead the effort to detect signs of extraterrestrial life, you can bet that we will never find any.


NASA has put together a team of scientists to track down alien life on other planets.

                  Tori Hoehler

The newly-formed Center for Life Detection Science (CLDS) will tackle the question, ‘Are we alone?’ and NASA claims science may soon provide a definitive answer.

Experts from within NASA will work alongside people outside the space agency to track down any signs of extraterrestrial existence.

    Sarah Stewart Johnson

Tori Hoehler, the principle investigator of CLDS and a researcher at Nasa’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, said: ‘We now have the scientific and engineering expertise to address this profound question with the clarity of scientific evidence — and we have a great community of scientists ready for that grand challenge.
‘The search for life beyond Earth cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach.

‘To give ourselves the best shot at success, we need to develop tools and strategies that are tailored to detecting life in the unique conditions of other worlds, which are very different not only from Earth but also from each other.’

             Britney Schmidt

NASA’s finest minds will work alongside scholars from Georgetown University and Georgia Tech University.
Sarah Stewart Johnson of Georgetown University defines the goal of her team as trying to recognise life ‘as we don’t know it.’



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Newsletter Institute for Exoconsciousness February 2019, Vol 1, Issue 2

Newsletter Institute for Exoconsciousness February 2019, Vol 1, Issue 2


The Institute for Exoconsciousness is the first and only sustainable nonprofit organization focused exclusively on humans co-creating technology, teachings, art, and healing with extraterrestrials and multidimensionals

We are building an Exoconscious Civilization and welcome you to join us.

Newsletter Content:

Exoconscious Contact, Communication, Co-Creation

New Observations Consciousness and Contact issue grew directly from an intimate conference this past May held at the Vershire Riding School in Vershire Vermont.

  • Mia Feroleto Editor: A Conversation Between Two Friends, THE GREYS: Alex and Allyson
  • Alan Steinfeld, Guest Editor:  Consciousness and Contact
  • Marilyn Gewacke: Cosmic Consciousness and ET Contact
  • Whitley Stieber: Alien Contact: A Miracle Denie
  • Kevin Briggs: Consciousness: A Beginner’s Understanding
  • Rebecca Hardcastle Wright: Why Exoconscious Humans Matter to Art and Culture

Featured Art:
John Harrison III, Lucio Pozzi, Tomma von Haeften, Lucy Slivinski, Erika Knerr, Phoenix Lindsey-Hall, Karen Gunderson, Alex Gray, Frida Kristin Gisladottir, Ted Seth Jacobs, David Cottrell, Kirke Morgan.

New Observations is an independent, non-profit contemporary arts and culture journal that is written edited and published by the arts community in an expanded process, as a work of collaborative art. 

Star Language Rosetta Stone Project: Exoconscious Communication

The Institute would like to create a Rosetta Stone for translating Star Languages.  Do you speak Star Language? Join us. Email: rhardcastlewright@gmail.com


Spiritism and Exoconsciousness Study Group

Join Rodolfo de Oliveira’s  group and study the history, applications, and science of Spirituality/Spiritism and Exoconsciousness.  Rodolfo offers an in-depth examination of the philosophy and history of spiritism with lots of opportunities for interaction.  Here is Rodolfo’s description of Spiritism.  To join the study group, please email Rodolfo at torodolfo@gmail.com


Brazilian Circle Study of Exoconsciousness and Spiritism

Filmmaker, Juliano Pozati’s, CIRCLE studies the work of Brazilian Medium Chico Xavier and integrates with Exoconsciousness and Spiritism. Join Juliano’s Circle where you can connect with their community and view Julian’s films. Available in Portuguese and English.


Psychokinesis Research Groups

Can you move an object with your Mind?  We are partnering with three psychokinesis researchers who are developing scientific experiments in moving matter with consciousness. Here is a blog from Eugene Kovalenko, PhD describing his research. George Weissmann and Caroline Cory are also conducting PK experiments. If you wish to participate, please email rhardcastlewright@gmail.com


Sci-Spi Television

Suzanne Ross is the creator and Executive Producer of a revolutionary new internet TV network featuring a new genre: Sci-Spi®: “The Institute for Exoconsciousness” features members of our community . Join Sci Spi TV.



The Guardians of Humanity Conference, April 19 -21, Belo Horizonte, Brazil


Consciousness and Contact Conference, May 16 -20, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota

For information email   mia.feroleto@gmail.com


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Extraterrestrials May Be Cyborgs – Top Scientist Admits

by Anders Anglesey                    February 18, 2019                   (dailystar.co.uk)

• Theoretical physicist, Dr Michio Kaku, 72, believes traditional ideas of extraterrestrials may not be what mankind eventually encounters. Dr Kaku says people have been conditioned to think of extraterrestrials looking like Captain Kirk, ignoring their huge technological advancements. Therefore, the aliens that we will ‘eventually’ meet will be cyborgs – part biological, part machine. We just need a greater imagination.

• On the other hand, Harvard astronomer, Avi Loeb, 57, says, “I do not view the possibility of a technological (advanced) civilization as speculative, for two reasons. The first is that we exist. And the second is that at least a quarter of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy have a planet like Earth, with surface conditions that are very similar to Earth, and the chemistry of life as we know it could develop.” “[T]here are tens of billions of stars in the Milky Way. It is quite likely we are not alone.”

[Editor’s Note]  This article draws the line between the mainstream scientists who peddle wild speculation, and those, like Abraham ‘Avi’ Loeb, who base his theories on demonstrable facts, such as the flight properties of the cigar-shaped Oumuamua ‘asteroid’ indicating that it might actually be a spacecraft. (see Dr Salla’s article on ‘insider’s’ take on Oumuamua here) It appears that Dr Michio Kaku’s primary function is to throw any ridiculous notion out there to keep the Deep State’s disinformation campaign flowing, along with a dash of imminent fear, in order to scare and confuse people with regard to the extraterrestrial presence so that the general public doesn’t have a clue as to what is truly going on. Kaku has to know that extraterrestrials have been visiting the Earth. But he’d rather ‘use his imagination’ to come up with killer robots – this week. It’s all part of the ongoing cover-up. Well done Dr Kaku. But your time is running out. Full disclosure will reveal you for what you are.


The theoretical physicist, 72, believes traditional imaginings of extraterrestrials may not be what mankind eventually encounters.

                  Dr Michio Kaku

He argued that biological bodies are too limited for advanced species and that, instead, aliens could be found to have cybernetic features.

Dr Kaku said people had been conditioned to think of extraterrestrials in a certain way, ignoring their huge advancements in technology.

Speaking to Coast to Coast AM, Dr Kaku added: “I would have loved it if Hollywood had some imagination.

“I think one day when we actually meet aliens from outer space, they will not be totally biological, they may be part cyborg, part biological.

            Abraham ‘Avi’ Loeb

“We’re so brainwashed into thinking they must look like Captain Kirk, right, that we neglect the fact that if they are that advanced, then they realise there are limitations to a biological body.

“They may be part cybernetic and not totally biological so I think we are missing the boat there.”

It comes as a Harvard astronomer admitted he believes aliens exist in space.



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Ufologist Claims ‘Global Intelligence’ Covering Up Alien Life on Earth For ‘Decades’

February 15, 2019              (rt.com)

• According to trauma doctor-turned-ufologist, Steven Greer, 43% of Americans believe that we have been in contact with non-human, extraterrestrial civilizations. Still, world governments including Canada, UK, Russia, China have actively kept this a secret. But none have covered up the extraterrestrial presence as much as the United States government.

• Led by the CIA, a transnational intelligence conspiracy has been keeping the public in the dark over extraterrestrial visits for decades, spreading disinformation to mislead the public, says Greer. He adds that the governments won’t reveal the truth because it will disrupt the current “macroeconomic petrodollar system.” (see 3:26 minute video clip of Greer’s interview with the RT’s SophieCo show below)

• Greer claims to have documents that reveal that the Soviet KGB and the US intelligence cooperated on the ET issue and its cover-up “back in the darkest days of the Cold War.” Greer says he has “incontrovertible evidence” of the existence alien life. While not disclosing specifics, he mentions peculiar footage handed over by “Chilean generals” which shows fighter jets chasing a UFO, and a similar one from Mexico.

• Greer claims that whole “civilizations” and “species” of extraterrestrial beings from different star systems have already been documented, in secret. The reason this is not out in the open is because of far-going implications of confirming the existence of the “cross-dimensional” technologies that they possess. Greer believes the alien technologies go beyond the speed of light but they won’t hurt humans until they bring weapons of mass destruction into space.

[Editor’s Note]  See this recent article by Dr Michael Salla regarding Steven Greer’s stance on the ultimate disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence here on earth, “When Secrecy is Better than Official Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life”.


A transnational intelligence conspiracy has been keeping the public in the dark over extraterrestrial visits for decades, an ufologist told RT claiming that 43% of Americans believe in contacts with non-human civilizations.

No matter how divided the nations may be in politics, there is a thing that makes the government stick together: covering up existing contacts with the aliens. At least that’s according to Steven Greer, director of the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence and the Disclosure Project, who spoke with RT’s SophieCo show.

The retired traumatologist who has been looking for non-human presence on Earth for almost 30 years claims that he has “documents to show” that the Soviet KGB and the US intelligence cooperated on the issue “back in the darkest days of the Cold War.”

Today, data on alien life is allegedly kept by top-secret projects in Canada, UK, Russia, China, with the US being the “crown jewel.”

Greer himself claims to have collected enough testimonies, documents, photos and even biological specimens to suggest there’s “incontrovertible evidence” of alien life existence. While not disclosing specifics, he mentions apparently peculiar footage apparently handed over by “Chilean generals” which shows fighter jets chasing a UFO and a similar one from Mexico.

Greer believes the alien technologies go beyond the speed of light but they won’t hurt humans until they bring weapons of mass destruction into space.

While “43% of Americans” believe in contacts with non-human creatures, the CIA is spreading disinformation to mislead the public, the UFO enthusiast goes on to say. He adds that the governments won’t reveal the truth because it will disrupt the current “macroeconomic petrodollar system.”

3:26 minute video of Steven Greer and the cover up of the alien presence on earth


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Ancient Civilizations and the Sixties: The Obsession with Ancient Astronauts

by Tobias Churton                      February 11, 2019                        (ancient-origins.net)

• The 1960’s was a decade when mainstream minds opened up to the possibility that we might owe a lot more to extraterrestrials than just compelling sci fi entertainment.

• Erich von Däniken’s book Chariots of the Gods?, published in 1968, explored the idea that alien beings visited Earth in the distant past, having technologies that we are only now capable of understanding. Chariots alludes to a Biblical prophesy of ET’s coming back to usher in a New Age. In II Kings 2:3-9 the prophet Elijah ascended to heaven in a “fiery chariot” with horses in a whirlwind. This was interpreted as a spacecraft. But Elijah was the herald who would signal the “Day of the Lord” (Yom Jahveh) and the last judgment. So the Bible’s apocalyptic scheme could be interpreted as a parousia of superior technology from outer space, constituting the New Age. And this New Age would only come when our own technology had reached a stage where we would not be paralyzed with awe and fear at the sight of an alien and their technology.

• Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 movie 2001 A Space Odyssey directly attributes the evolution of an ancient civilization to alien contact . And it involved a quasi-spiritual transformative experience as depicted in the film’s psychedelic tripping special-effects climax, which was well received by 1960’s audiences. Thus, the Sixties “Peace Movement” acquired spiritual, apocalyptic dimensions. “Evidence” for such celestial interest could be sought in the mysterious archaeology of ancient civilizations, while “psychics” provided extraterrestrial messages of tedious consistency: peace and love.

• The issue of an alleged alien role in human civilization was compounded by a prevalent suspicion that the Earth’s destiny was being secretly directed by “hidden masters”, in the U.S. generally identified with a secret government. This zeitgeist spawned numerous conspiracy/paranoia movies and shows such as the drama series The Invaders which posited the secret takeover of government agencies by aliens indistinguishable from human authorities, and the children’s adventure story “Tintin” where he accidentally uncovers underground primitive temples whose enormous stone figures strongly resemble astronauts. Tintin starts receiving telepathic messages as does a freelance UFO scientist who is in mental communication with aliens and who explains how the ancient people of the island worshiped extraterrestrials as gods. At the adventure’s climax, Tintin and friends are lifted from the exploding island by a flying saucer telepathically summoned.

• Possibly the first manifestation of the “counter-culture” as a self-conscious entity was seen in the free-spirit mindset of swinging London in the 1960’s. Much of it revolved around a Cambridge graduate nic-named “Hoppy” who walked away from a career as a nuclear physicist to form an underground photo exchange guild among the prominent faces in the London art and music scene, sort of like the first social media. This served to create a dynamic context for communication and knowledge, and a cohesive sense of belonging and common purpose within the London counter-culture. This led to Rhaune Laslett and others launching the infamous London “Free School” in Notting Hill, west London, a utopian place where people could be educated in esoteric knowledge. In 1966, Hoppy established the UFO Club, a popular venue that experimented in psychedelic light and sound. The Pink Floyd (with Syd Barrett) played there regularly and held a benefit show to raise money for the Free School.  (see 29:47 minute video of the Pink Floyd performing for swinging Londoners at the UFO Club, including John Lennon of the Beatles, below)

• The Free School was located in the basement of a house belonging to John Frederic Carden Michell. Michell saw the emergence of the UFO phenomenon as giving leverage to the opening of minds to new ideas about human origins. Michell offered Free School courses in UFO’s, ley lines, and Gnostic traditions. Michell supported William Blake’s dynamic psycho-spiritual and geographical myths, and believed that the British Isles held a unique role in the return of traditional consciousness to the world. And it was Michell who drew up the Glastonbury Festival “pyramid” stage on proper cosmic dimensions. Glastonbury stands today as a living monument to this fertile Sixties-based impetus.


Amid numerous secular apocalypses of the Sixties, we cannot ignore the remarkable impact of Erich von Däniken’s book Chariots of the Gods? (the question-mark is, note, frequently omitted). Published in 1968, Chariots of the Gods? explored the idea that alien beings visited Earth in the distant past and stimulated ancient civilizations with knowledge of interstellar travel and technical feats now familiar to viewers of the Sixties Space Race and Star Trek . While von Däniken took enormous liberties with “factual fiction” to produce a compelling bestseller, the book’s interest for us lies in how its extremely colorful story was interpreted.

Chariots of the Gods

Everything we have been discussing about the Sixties had fertilized the imaginative soil into which the “chariots of the gods” idea was cast. Not content with relating heavenly symbols in Akkadian tablets discovered in Mesopotamia to pre-Columbian inscriptions of deities in contexts which—with the benefit of imaginations primed for the purpose—could be interpreted as resembling “spacecraft”, the author reinterpreted biblical stories on analogous lines, initiating a trend that continues to this day. For example, von Däniken took the description of prophet Elijah assumed to heaven in a “fiery chariot” with horses in a whirlwind (II Kings 2:3-9) as the way a ninth century BC individual would describe a flying saucer, or the like, descending to earth and taking—even abducting—a human being out of this world. And here is the nub of our point. Elijah was widely believed in Jesus’s time to be the herald whose coming to earth would signal the “Day of the Lord” (Yom Jahveh) and the last judgment. So—taking the alien scenario as a framework—if a heavenly figure returned by alien spacecraft, then the Bible’s apocalyptic scheme could be interpreted as an eventual parousia of superior technology from outer space, constituting the New Age. Spiritual ideas were trans-placed by, and confused with, scientific technology. Very soon after von Däniken’s book appeared, earnest advocates, or “channellers”, for the “mission” of alleged “spacepeople” asserted they were coming to wrap up the mystery of human existence when, it was argued, our own technology had reached a stage when confrontation with “theirs” would not precipitate our wilting into aphasic terror and helpless awe.

Meanwhile, Kubrick’s astonishing 1968 movie 2001 A Space Odyssey suggested that even going to the Moon risked encounter with alien intelligence. The film’s climax turned psychedelic tripping through special-effects (colored lights) into a quasi-spiritual transformative experience, delighting audiences pre-oriented by chemical stimulants. 2001 directly attributed evolution of ancient civilization to alien contact . What is even more striking is how this whole quasi-religious scheme plugged in to popular ideas about U.F.O’s relating to fear of nuclear catastrophe: seeds powerfully planted in Robert Wise’s 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still . Thus, the Sixties “Peace Movement” acquired spiritual, apocalyptic dimensions. All that was required now was a celestial visitation and sanction. “Evidence” for such celestial interest could be sought in the mysterious archaeology of ancient civilizations, while “psychics” provided extraterrestrial messages of tedious consistency: peace and love; share and share alike; beware of the military-industrial complex! Repent ye, for the kingdom of God (or alien technology) is at hand.” You could have gotten the same messages from Top of the Pops.
Alien Role in Human Civilization

The issue of alleged alien role in human civilization was compounded by a prevalent suspicion that the Earth’s destiny was being secretly directed by supposed “hidden masters”, in the U.S. generally identified with secret government (the creepy 1967 US TV drama series The Invaders actually posited the secret takeover of government agencies by aliens indistinguishable from human authorities—aka communists—how’s that for calculated paranoia!). suspicion that government actually knew about aliens, but wasn’t telling us, fed directly into popular Belgian children’s visual storyteller Hergé’s next project, his penultimate “Tintin” adventure, Flight 714 ( Vol 714 pour Sydneyin the original French).
I well recall, aged eight, seizing on a fresh copy of this book in late 1968 from the shelves of the rather magical Victorian “Athenaeaum” private library in Melbourne, Australia, which my family used to visit on Friday nights, unaware that a launch party for the book in Paris in May of that year was prevented by the epoch-marking events of Parisian students taking to the streets in the name of revolution and anti-Gaullism.

Hergé’s story has Tintin diverted by criminals to an island south of Indonesia where he accidentally uncovers underground primitive temples whose enormous stone figures strongly resemble astronauts. Tintin starts receiving telepathic messages that draw him further into the labyrinth. Eventually he encounters a secret scientist, “Mik Kanrockitoff,” apparently a freelance U.F.O. scientist-enthusiast from the magazine Space Week, who is in mental communication with aliens and who explains how the ancient people of the island worshipped extraterrestrials as gods.


The early Pink Floyd playing to the London Scene at the UFO Club



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Over the American Base Took a Flight of An Unidentified Object

by Paradox                         February 14, 2019                      (micetimes.asia)

• On February 8th, a Californian video recorded a cigar-shaped craft floating above the horizon over Lompoc, in the County of Santa Barbara state of California, near the Vandenberg Air Force base near a power grid.

• Does this craft belong to the US military, possibly using secret alien technology? Or is it an extraterrestrial craft meeting with representatives at the Air Force base?  Or is it just a long blimp?


The following video was received on 8 February this year, in the County of Santa Barbara state of California, near the air force base “Vandenberg”, equipped with its own spaceport.

The video shows unidentified flying cigar-shaped object, floating slowly above the horizon. According to the surprised operator, he noticed this UFO by accident and immediately tried to shoot it with the camera of the smartphone.
At first the witness thought it was an ordinary airship, but then the observer realized that’s wrong. The fact that at some point the mysterious object was approaching directly to the top of a hill, where there are pylons. It is obvious that none of the airship will not fly up to the wires so close. But “flying saucers” often where there are powerful electrical like they draw from the grid.

1:19 minute video of cigar-shaped UFO over Lompoc, California



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Navy Insiders Corroborate Secret Antarctic Space Fleet & Mission to Oumuamua

A former Navy Seal and a Marine Corps special operator have just revealed in an interview their knowledge of a secret space fleet that operates out of Antarctica, which flew a landing mission to the recent interstellar visitor to our solar system, Oumuamua. They were interviewed by veteran UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe who released their startling testimonies on her YouTube channel live streaming on February 20, 2019.

Howe had previously released Part 1 of her interview where Spartan 1, a former Navy Seal, described entering an octagon shaped structure covering approximately 62 acres near the Beardsmore Glacier in Antarctica. His account of what he witnessed and his mission there is described in my earlier article.

Spartan 1 had also shared his knowledge of the existence of a coalition of major nations that are signatories to the Antarctic Treaty, who operate a secret space program out of Antarctica.

This coalition that I talk about, it’s Great Britain, United States, France, Germany, Canada, Russia. There has been a space fleet in existence for the last 25 years” [Timestamp 9:01]

In response to Howe’s question about who is paying for and operating the space fleet, Spartan 1 asserted: “All these coalition countries”.

Spartan 1 went on to describe the different extraterrestrial races that collaborate with the space coalition and how Antarctica is the hub of operations:

Spartan 1:  I have only been told about of at least seven different species of aliens that the coalition has been in contact with.

Howe: How have they been described?

Spartan 1: Anywhere from warlike to very peaceful… [Timestamp 17:20]

Howe: Do you have the impression that Antarctica is the central crossing hub for these seven species?

Spartan 1: Yes, I believe it is.  [Timestamp 19:23]

Next, Howe introduced the second whistleblower, Spartan 2, who is also a special operator, but whose service branch was instead the US Marine Corps.

Spartan 2 first contacted Howe on March 22, 2017 by email and wrote: “Antarctica contains wonders beyond what most can comprehend. It has ties to space and technology beyond belief”. [Timestamp 22:06]

He revealed that for the last decade he has worked with an official from U.S. Cyber Command, whose 8th floor office is responsible for conducting trade with extraterrestrial races. The official, whose first name is Kim, told Spartan 1 and 2 about a secret mission to Oumuamua – the interstellar object that sparked scientific speculation due to its unusual cigar shape and how it accelerated as it began leaving our solar system, which Howe discussed in her live streaming session.

Spartan 2 then dropped a bombshell when he said:

We got confirmation that our buddies landed on Oumuamua like months before anybody even knew it was out there. Our guys were on Oumuamua, or whatever they call that thing. It’s not a rock … it’s an old derelict ship. At least that’s what they told us… and we boarded it months before anybody knew about it. [Timestamp 25:00]

In response to Howe’s question of who gave them their information, Spartan 1 disclosed:

“I can only tell you his first name is Kim, he worked for NSA, has worked for NSA for years. Then, just recently, in the last year he has been put in charge of a certain department in Cyber Command. All I know is that it’s on the 8th floor of the NSA building” [Timestamp 25:30]

Spartan 1 confirmed that the 8th floor of Cyber Command is like a communications department in charge of interstellar trade with extraterrestrials.

The revelations by Spartan 1 and 2 about the secret space mission to Oumuamua before its “official discovery” on October 19, 2017 corroborates an earlier account of this mission by secret space program insider Corey Goode. Goode says that on December 17, 2017, he was taken to a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command where he received a briefing about the Oumuamua mission involving an alliance of space programs and nations.

Goode asserted that during the briefing he viewed a video of the Oumuamua mission, and that it was led by a senior USAF official he had dubbed “Sigmund”. Goode said:

Sigmund puffed up proudly and stated, “I led an expedition to see who this craft belonged to. Wait until you hear what we found.” Suddenly we started seeing all sorts of readings and telemetry on the monitor. I could also hear what sounded like an old NASA radio transmission. There were beeps along with a pilot calling in positions of his craft, as well as the one he was trying to dock with. That lasted for about five minutes as I saw the two craft spiraling closer and closer together.

As the pilot matched the spin of the object they were approaching, you could see a long cigar-shaped structure that had shiny patches of what looked like ice on the outside. It was obviously made of stone, and looked as if it had been through many meteor showers and collisions. The video broke to a scene where a few people who were suited up in space suits were pushing themselves through what looked like a bored-out hole going down into the rock.

More information about what Goode was told about the secret Oumuamua mission is available here.

Artist illustration of Oumuamua and visiting spacecraft. Credit: Gaia TV/Sphere Being Alliance

Significantly, key elements of what Goode was told and publicly revealed back in January 2018 about the Oumuamua mission have now been independently corroborated by the two new whistleblowers, Spartan 1 and 2. This means that there are three individuals who have now gone on the public record about receiving first hand testimony of a classified mission to Oumuamua by a coalition of nations controlling a secret space fleet.

Goode has also spoken in the past about Antarctica being a hub for deep space operations by different groups, nations, and corporations, which is consistent with what Spartan 1 and 2 have revealed.

Goode has also described the creation of an international space fleet created in the early 1990’s that focuses on scientific research in deep space and other solar systems, which he dubbed the “Global Galactic League of Nations.” Again, this is consistent with what Spartan 1 and 2 have just revealed.

Howe has conducted due diligence on her two new whistleblowers in terms of reviewing documents confirming their military service. This makes their respective testimonies about Antarctica and Oumuamua difficult to dismiss, thereby corroborating what Goode had revealed more than a year earlier about the secret mission to Oumuamua.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Be Kind to Extraterrestrials

by Abraham Loeb                     February 15, 2019                     (scientificamerican.com)

• Because the Earth is prone to catastrophes from time to time, it would be prudent to spread Earth-like terrestrial life to other worlds. Yet, as On Walden Pond author Henry David Thoreau wrote, “…we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed…”. Thoreau raises a fundamental question in space exploration. Should we allow ourselves to terraform planets in an effort to make them habitable and seed objects in space with life as we know it, or should we leave nature out there to its own devices, intact and pure?

• Rather than descending upon a ‘new world’ in order to annex and appropriate it to our own designs, as the Spanish did when they invaded South and Central America in the early sixteenth century, perhaps we should be mindful of the natural aspects of existing extraterrestrial “Walden-like” ponds. Perhaps we should take advantage of the opportunity to appreciate other life-forms that have existed before our arrival.

• As we explore nature in extraterrestrial ponds, might life there resemble what we see on Earth, or take new forms? Could it follow a different chemical network? Could it flourish in liquids other than water? Could it adjust to conditions more extreme and longer lasting than on Earth?

• It would be particularly shocking to find out that our new pond included creatures far more intelligent than we are. For if alien civilizations had been already come there, they would have already contaminated its nature by artificial intent. There is no denying that it would be more poetic to find unspoiled the nature of our new extraterrestrial pond.

• At the same time, nothing done by humans really matters in the big scheme of the universe. Humans have access to an extremely limited fraction of the cosmos. So the human imprint on the cosmic stage is destined to remain negligible. Perhaps we should limit our cosmic ambitions in light of this perspective. As Thoreau said, “Let us first be as simple and well as Nature ourselves.”

• Cosmic modesty would leave us with the sole desire of embedding ourselves in the true nature of an extraterrestrial world, soaking in its beauty as spectators not reformers, and suppressing ego-motivated plans for space colonization.


In his celebrated book On Walden Pond, Henry David Thoreau wrote: “We need the tonic of wildness…. At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”

Thoreau raises a fundamental question in space exploration. Should we allow ourselves to terraform planets in an effort to make them habitable and seed objects in space with life as we know it, or should we leave nature out there to its own devices, intact and pure?

On the one hand, it would be prudent not to keep all our eggs in one basket; we might choose to spread terrestrial life to other worlds in an effort to reduce the risk of it being eliminated by catastrophes on Earth. But at the same time, one might worry that by doing so we could unleash unforeseen forces that would modify natural ecosystems in ways that could get out of hand. Moreover, artificial seeding of Earth life would muddy the waters in extraterrestrial “Walden-like” ponds. It would deprive us from the opportunity to find out if other life-forms may have existed before our arrival.

Such an impact might resemble the effect of the Spanish invasion of South and Central America, which decimated the rich culture of local populations such as the Maya. For this reason, NASA enforces tight regulations on the sterilization of space vehicles in an effort to avoid contamination of space targets with terrestrial microbes.

As we explore nature in extraterrestrial ponds, the key question is whether life there resembles what we see on Earth or takes new forms. Could it follow a different chemical network? Could it flourish in liquids other than water? Could it adjust to conditions more extreme and last longer than on Earth? But most important, how intelligent is it? It would be particularly shocking to find out that our expanded habitat includes creatures that are far smarter than we are.

Our loyalty to Thoreau’s legacy would depend on whether we are alone, for if alien civilizations had been already engaged in such activities, then nature had been contaminated by artificial intent and there is no way to find it pure and primitive.



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Statement on David Icke being Banned from entering Australia

On February 20, 2019, David Icke was banned from entering Australia to start a five city speaking tour. His banning occurred fours hours before his departure from Los Angeles to Melbourne, despite being granted a visa in September 2018. He has previously visited Australia 10 times to give lecture tours where he has spoken about a range of geopolitical topics, including the role of Reptilian entities in controlling the planet.

You can read about the reasons given by the Australian Government in this news story here: https://tinyurl.com/y3ux8uwq

For Icke’s response see: https://www.davidicke.com/article/522…

As an Australian citizen, I wish to express my strong opposition to this banning and hope Icke succeeds in having the ban overturned ASAP. The following video statement has been created to support Icke’s freedom of speech rights and outrage over what the Australian Government has done.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. exopolitics.org

NASA Expects To Find Alien Life Forms In Just A Few Years

by Vadim Ioan Caraiman                     February 13, 2019                    (greatlakesledger.com)

• NASA expects to find alien life forms in just a few years by changing the current approach in its search for extraterrestrials with a more aggressive method based on looking for biosignatures. While finding “habitable” exoplanets in recent years, they weren’t finding any evidence of alien existence.

• A new report from NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, called Biosignature False Positives, highlights NASA’s optimism in finding extraterrestrials. “Within the next several decades… it may be possible to observe indirect evidence for… life using the so-called biosignatures,” the report reads.

• According to the report, we need to look for “biosignatures” in the atmospheres of the exoplanets. On Earth these biosignatures are fossils, empty candy wrappers, and oxygen, among others, as the report reads. “Each of these observations provides indirect evidence, of varying strength, for the presence of extant, or extinct [alien life forms].” “In our search for [alien life] we must infer the presence of life from its impact on the local or global environment.”


Since the dawns of civilizations, humans have been looking up to the skies thinking that someone or somewhat is out there, in the Universe. Could be gods could be extraterrestrials or could be both, who knows?! However, discovering aliens would be the most significant scientific discovery. And now, NASA expects to find alien life forms in just a few years.

Surprisingly, NASA gave up its old approach regarding its programs that search for extraterrestrials, and the US space agency is now planning to adopt a more aggressive attitude in this regard to speed up the search for aliens. So far, even though the scientists found several habitable exoplanets, at least livable in theory, they couldn’t find evidence of alien existence. A new report from NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, called Biosignature False Positives, highlights NASA’s optimism in finding extraterrestrials.

“When trying to detect life on planets orbiting other stars, the direct observation of life (e.g., focusing on a single tree in an alien forest, or seeing an alien, or having the alien shake our hand) is incredibly unlikely. They might not even have hands to shake, which would make it impossible, in fact. Within the next several decades, however, it may be possible to observe indirect evidence for that life using the so-called biosignatures,” the report reads.

As the before-mentioned report outlines, we need to look for “biosignatures” in the atmospheres of the exoplanets. For Earth, for instance, these biosignatures are fossils, empty candy wrappers, and oxygen, among others, as the report reads. “Each of these observations provides indirect evidence, of varying strength, for the presence of extant, or extinct [alien life forms],” Biosignature False Positives states.



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Stunning Flying Triangle Photos Confirm USAF Secret Space Program

On February 18, four stunning photographs of a flying triangle shaped craft was taken in Orlando, Florida at around 1:20 am. The photographer, my confidential source JP, was then approached by two men in black who threatened him to remain silent about what he had seen and photographed. The craft appeared with three lights shining, one at each corner, and hovered about 45 feet (13.7 meters) away from him over a secluded field near his home.

In a Skype message, JP told me about what had happened. He recalled going to bed around 10 pm on Sunday night, and then waking up at 2:30 am with a sore throat. He says that when he checked his phone, he saw four pictures of a flying triangle. He then remembered that he had been standing out in the field and taking the photos and video of the craft. He says that he felt an electromagnetic field around the craft which was the size of a school bus.

After taking the photos and videos he remembered starting to walk back home. After 10 minutes, JP says that two men in black approached him and threatened him not to tell me about it in particular. He says that one of the men pulled out something like a gun and threatened him. He next remembered waking up in bed. The video of the craft was gone, but the photos remained. What follows is a short video of the original four photos and enhancements to better clarify what JP photographed.

In previous encounters with antigravity craft, both in Tampa (next to McDill Air Force Base) and Orlando, JP recalls being taken inside the craft where he has had multiple experiences with personnel belonging to USAF Special Operations. These earlier incidents have been described in articles where I have analyzed the photos he has taken, and the circumstances of each encounter.

In the earlier incidents, JP recalls being encouraged to take photos of the different shaped craft by covert personnel associated with Air Force Special Operations, but then being threatened by personnel associated with the CIA not to take any videos of the incidents. Indeed, he says that other videos prior to the February 18 incident had also been mysteriously deleted from his phone.

In the February 18 incident, JP believes that he was followed from his home to the field by CIA personnel who have him under constant surveillance due to the regular contacts he has been having with both Air Force secret space program personnel and extraterrestrials, which I have described in previous articles.

JP supplied a screenshot of the information from the last of the four photos he took, which gives the timestamp of when it was taken, confirming his recollection of the events that transpired early in the morning of February 18. The following images are of image 4 in the sequence (original with no enhancements) and the screenshot of his camera phone of the time when it was taken.

JP’s stunning photos are powerful evidence of a Secret Space Program run by USAF Special Operations, which is encouraging him to take photos and videos of their antigravity spacecraft. Other government entities, such as the CIA, are not happy with this arrangement, and are intimidating and harassing JP [see note below], and deleting video evidence of what he is witnessing.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Feel free to share this article with original links. For those planning to incorporate the above video and/or original photos in their own YouTube videos/articles, you have permission to do so provided you link to the original source.


[Special Note: JP recently lost his job after he began sharing his photos with more members of the general public, after repeated warnings of not to do so by personnel associated with the CIA. He has been pressured to join the U.S. military in order to resolve his financial problems, but has resisted since it would impact his ability to share his startling experiences with the public. If you would like to support JP in his efforts to continue disseminating his photos and information, you can do so through a donation via the Exopolitics Institute. Please use the following Paypal link for your donation and mark it, “JP Donation” .]

Letter to the Editor: Are We Alone?

by Allen J. Novosad                 February 16, 2019                 (victoriaadvocate.com)

• In a letter to the editor at the Victoria Advocate, Allen J. Novosad of Edna, Texas writes, ‘So why are nations refusing to admit the existence of UFOs? The answer may be fear of a worldwide panic, effect on religious beliefs and to maintain secrets regarding reverse engineering of alien technology.’

• ‘There is ancient architectural evidence of alien civilizations that are thousands of years ahead of us in technological development and are capable of space travel to the earth. There are many ancient written accounts of visual sightings of UFOs. In recent history there have been hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings by many individuals/groups including astronauts, engineers, pilots, military, etc., sometimes witnessing and removing all evidence of UFO crash material.’

• ‘Earth is an ecological paradise, which supports an endless variety of life forms. Perhaps aliens may have even contributed to the evolution of mankind and may have even manipulated animal and human DNA in this process. If aliens are still observing and exploring earth, we must ascertain their motives/reasons for such action and prepare accordingly.’

• ‘Lastly, if aliens’ existence is confirmed, religious beliefs in a supreme being (God) will most likely remain. After all, aliens face the same dilemma regarding how their life began and where the DNA came from to start their evolution process.’


Considering the vastness of the universe with its billions of stars and planets, most Americans believe there are other planets where intelligent life exists.

Also, it is highly likely that some alien civilizations may be thousands of years ahead of us in technological development and are capable of space travel and exploration of planets, including Earth. There is architectural evidence going back thousands of years including many written accounts of visual sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), which indicate the likelihood that earth has been visited by aliens. Even during recent history up to the present, there have been hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings by many individuals/groups including astronauts, engineers, pilots, military, etc. Many of these sightings remain unexplained, and there are events where an unknown flying object crashed followed by a military team from the nation involved arriving at the site and removing all evidence of crash material.

No nation has ever officially admitted an alien UFO was involved, but rather many different type explanations have been given to explain such crashes, usually which did not match eyewitnesses accounts. So why are nations refusing to admit the existence of UFOs? The answer may be fear of a worldwide panic, effect on religious beliefs and to maintain secrets regarding reverse engineering of alien technology.

If aliens have entered our solar system in the past, it is obvious the Earth and our moon would have been their primary targets for exploration. Earth is a water planet with slightly more than 70 percent of its surface being water, and has been called a “blue planet” as viewed by our astronauts. Additionally, earth is an ecological paradise, which supports an endless variety of life forms. Perhaps aliens may have even contributed to the evolution of mankind and may have even manipulated animal and human DNA in this process. If aliens are still observing and exploring earth, we must ascertain their motives/reasons for such action and prepare accordingly. Lastly, if aliens’ existence is confirmed, religious beliefs in a supreme being (God) will most likely remain. After all, aliens faced the same dilemma regarding how their life began and where the DNA came from to start their evolution process. Assuming alien contact will be achieved, perhaps the first question should be, do they believe in a supreme spiritual being and life after death?

Respectfully submitted,
Allen J. Novosad, Edna



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UFO Conspiracy Theorists See Space Force as Evidence

by Melanie Poteat                   February 9, 2019                   (techstockstandard.com)

• On December 18, 2018, President Trump signed an order to establish a Space Command to oversee the military’s vast operations beyond the Earth’s atmosphere in defending American assets in space, such as satellites, and fending off cyberattacks. The US Space Command would be organized as an adjunct to the Air Force. This seemed to be a compromise to Trump’s initial effort to create a separate sixth branch of the armed services. But the Pentagon prefers to keep space operations within the Air Force.

• The idea of a separate Space Force has some believing that this is a step toward the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and technology gleaned from crashed alien spacecraft — what the UFO community calls “full disclosure.” But it also pits Trump against his natural enemy: the “Deep State” within the federal government which is the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.

• Well known author, Michael Salla, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military to patrol above the atmosphere. “It is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a , is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” Salla posted on his ExoPolitics website. “Large aerospace companies such as , Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.”

• Disclosure filmmaker, Jordan Sather, tweeted last summer that the Pentagon would not want a separate Space Force. “This is HUGE and something the Deep State does NOT want,” said Sather. An independent Space Force would provide an avenue for the public release of advanced technologies such as free energy and anti-gravity.

• There is abundant evidence that the Pentagon already has top-secret operations in space, such as advanced craft and spy satellites. Jan C. Harzan, executive director of MUFON, claims that the Air Force’s unmanned X-37B space plane has “been up there two years at a time doing classified missions.” The X-37B, basically a space drone that resembles a small version of NASA’s retired space shuttles. It has flown clandestine missions in Earth orbit since 2010. Mr. Harzan doubts the government was getting closer to “full disclosure” of what he believes the government hides about aliens. “I do believe that we have technology which has been reverse-engineered from aircraft that are not from here and that we are probably using that technology someplace. But are we trolling out amongst the stars like ‘Star Trek’ or something else? I don’t know that it has gotten that far,” Harzan said.


President ’s order to create a military gave conspiracy theorists another tantalizing piece of evidence — some say the best yet — that the government is hiding the truth about extraterrestrial visitors.

The idea is that launching the will be a big step toward the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and technology gleaned from crashed alien spacecraft — what the UFO community calls “full disclosure.”

Making it all the more real, the plan pits against his natural enemy: the “deep state” within the federal government. The deep state is also the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.

“This is HUGE and something the Deep State does NOT want,” conspiracy theory filmmaker Jordan Sather posted on Twitter after issued the surprise June 18 order for the Pentagon to start planning a .

“Understand that with the #SpaceForce, the advanced technologies (free energy, antigravity) kept in secret think-tanks within , , & other corporate contractors will now have an avenue to be released publicly,” Mr. Sather tweeted.

Michael Salla, an author who promotes theories about secret U.S. space programs and longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military to patrol above the atmosphere.

“It is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a , is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” he posted on his ExoPolitics website.



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UFO Over Georgia – Are Aliens Really Observing Us or Optical Illusion?

by Susan Leighton                    February 4, 2019                   (1428elm.com)

• On January 30th, a flat square black UFO was seen flying over Conyers, Georgia which is a suburb of Atlanta. Footage of the object was captured on a cell phone. It was reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). (see 4:13 minute video below)

• According to eyewitness accounts, the UFO was the size of a 727, but looked like nothing that is currently flying around in our skies. At first you might think that it is a plane pulling a banner. But then a silvery object can be seen hovering above the black square.

• Dobbins Air Reserve Base is in the vicinity of Conyers, which is a test site for “plasma and anti-gravity aircraft along with experimental vehicles and weapons.” Why would the government be testing exotic craft for the general public to see?


A UFO was reported to the Mutual UFO Network a.k.a. MUFON on Jan. 30. It was seen flying over Conyers, Georgia which is a suburb of Atlanta. Footage of the object was captured on a cell phone.

Watching this unknown aircraft is eerie. From the eyewitness account, the UFO was the size of a 727. Plus, it looks like nothing that is currently flying around in our skies.

At first, if you slow the video down, you might think that it is a plane pulling a banner. Football fans know that the Super Bowl is being held in the state so that wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.

However, that illusion is quickly stripped away. According to UFO Sightings Daily, this Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) isn’t alone. Another silvery object can be seen hovering above the black square. Which makes you wonder if it is an escort of some kind.

4:13 minute video of flat square UFO over Conyers, Georgia USA

see also: 1:22 minute Michael Salla YouTube video on black square craft



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Why Saturn’s Moon Iapetus Could Have Been Artificially Made By Extraterrestrials

by Arjun Walia                   February 7, 2019                    (collective-evolution.com)

Iapetus – Iapetus is a moon of Saturn that was discovered by Italian astronomer Giovaccini Domenico Cassini in 1671. What is so interesting about Iapetus is that there is a mountain-like ridge running around the moon’s equator that measures up to 20 kilometres tall, twice the size of Mt Everest, and approximately 200 kilometres thick. (Iapetus is pictured above)  It is actually the tallest mountain range in our entire Solar System. But the rest of the moon is flat. This would indicate that it is artificially constructed. A lot of prominent researchers and scientists say that the Earth’s Moon is also artificially constructed. Of course, they’re generally ignored by the mainstream. But most interesting is the fact that both our Moon and Iapetus’ moon are in a near perfect circular orbit, and one side always faces its planetary host, locked into position.

The Moon – On more than one occasion, researchers have found strange and large artificial structures on the back side of the Moon. We have witness testimony from credible sources including high ranking intelligence and military people who have revealed structures on the Moon. Carl Sagan once pointed out that artifacts found on the Moon or other orbiting objects in the solar system might be stored there by previous [extraterrestrial] expeditions for use in successive visits to our star system, avoiding detection by Earthbound humans. The Deputy Manager for the 1995 Clementine Mission to the Moon said it was really a reconnaissance mission to check out the bases on the back side of the Moon. In 1962, NASA scientist Gordon MacDonald published a paper stating it’s more likely that the Moon is hollow than not. MIT’s Sean C. Solomon furthered this statement citing knowledge of the Moon’s gravitation field as evidence for the assertion. Multiple governments, including Russia, have been calling for an international investigation as to where much of NASA’s photographs, footage and even Moon rocks have disappeared.

Mars – There is no doubt that life once flourished on Mars, with vast oceans, mountain ranges and greenery. There may have been a very intelligent civilization on Mars, and still might be within it. A recent paper in the Journal Scientific Exploration “hinted strongly at artificial surface interventions” in the Cydonia region on Mars where there are pyramids and ‘The Face on Mars’. NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary even accused Carl Sagan of covering up the fact that NASA knew the Face on Mars was artificial. Buzz Aldrin spoke about a monolith on a moon of Mars.

Saturn – The pictures NASA got back from the Voyager mission to Saturn in 1980 were apparently so mind-altering that they locked them up, according to retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean. In his book “The Ringmakers of Saturn”, Norman Bergrun revealed a NASA secret that large spacecraft were “proliferating” around Saturn’s rings and moons, and that these extraterrestrial ‘vehicles’ were responsible for making artificial rings around Saturn. Photographs of Saturn show something luminous near the gas giant planet’s surface. Bergrun had to leave the country in order to publish the book, and today a copy of the book is so rare that it is worth thousands of dollars.


Our solar system is fascinating, to say the least, and there is still so much we don’t know about it. What makes one even more curious is knowing the organizations and people who operate at the highest levels of ‘security clearances’ probably know a whole lot more. That being said, if you’re independently curious, there are more than enough resources available to satisfy your curiosity, you will find a way to investigate. At the very least you could get access to the best telescope you have and stare at the other planets, our Moon, and the Moons of other planets.

Perhaps the best thing to do is simply sift through the literature and you will find no shortage of strange anomalies that have been discovered in space -there’s truly no shortage. It’s also likely you will come across the tremendous amounts of controversy that come with these discoveries as well. Strange findings have been subject to ridicule within the mainstream, but that hasn’t stopped hundreds, if not thousands, of researchers and insiders from all backgrounds from continuing their study and education.

The Face On Mars Example

The Face on Mars is a good example of anomalies and ridicule. It has been the subject of several published papers that clearly show a high chance of artificial construction. Carl Sagan was even accused by his colleague, physicist and NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary for covering up the fact that ‘they’ knew the Face on Mars was artificial.

Today, it’s a much different story, and it appears that there is no doubt that life once flourished on Mars prior to the massive climate shift which occurred there that made it what it is today. Not many people know that Mars was once very Earth-like, with vast oceans, mountain ranges and greenery. Little did we know that there may have been a very intelligent civilization there, and still might be, perhaps within in.

A paper published in the Jornal Scientific Exploration was one of the latest to examine the Cydonia region on Mars. As the authors point out, “it validates the earlier measurements obtained using the lower resolution NASA Viking images, which hinted strongly at artificial surface interventions.” The key word there is artificial surface interventions. There are pyramids and faces on Mars, similar and in some cases, larger than those found here on planet Earth.

Our Own Moon

Then we have the Moon, which has also been the subject of recent peer-reviewed research. On more than one occasion, researchers have found what appears to be strange, and large, artificial structures on the back side of the Moon, the side we can never see unless we send probes and astronauts around it. To compliment all of the information regarding the Moon, we have statements from a number of credible sources in the form of witness testimony, from high ranking intelligence and military people etc. It’s safe to say that something strange is happening on the Moon. I do believe we went there, but I also believe what we were shown and told was heavily sanitized. Let’s not forget about Buzz Aldrin being so outspoken about a “Monolyth on the (one of the) moon of Mars.”

Iapetus, Perhaps The Most Puzzling

Which brings me to the topic of this article, Iapetus, one of Saturn’s moons. What’s unique about it is the fact that it has what appears to be a huge mountainous ridge that measures up to 20 kilometres tall, twice the size of Everest, and approximately 200 kilometres thick. It can be seen running exactly along the equator for well over three-quarters of the moon’s entire circumference, but it’s safe to assume around the entire planet. It was discovered in 2004, early in the Cassini mission.

First, let me set the stage. Iapetus is bizarre in a lot of ways. It has a yin-yang surface of dark and bright material. It is unexpectedly flat pole-to-pole. It seems to have an excessive number of large impact basins. And it has a mountainous ridge, up to 20 kilometres tall, running exactly along its equator for well over three-quarters of its entire circumference. The existence of this ridge was revealed very early in the Cassini mission, in an encounter at the end of 2004. – Jim Mars, Our Occulted History

A number of prominent researchers and scientists have hypothesized that our own Moon is artificial in nature, as so they have done with other Moons, like Iapetus. That being said, we don’t hear much about these theories & the credibility of the people behind them. They’re completely ignored by the mainstream simply because they don’t fit within the mainstream narrative which is nothing more than a theory in itself.



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Bob Lazar, Element 115, Massive Stars & Heavy Metals

Famed whistleblower Bob Lazar has recently been in the news with a new documentary about his groundbreaking experiences at Area 51’s highly classified S-4 facility. In his initial TV interviews with George Knapp back in 1989, Lazar first discussed element 115 (Moscovium) and how it was used in the propulsion system of the alien craft hidden at the S-4 facility. He said that aliens had supplied 500 pounds (227 kg) for reverse engineering purposes.

In 2014, Lazar did another interview with Knapp where he discussed Element 115 and how it is created both synthetically and naturally through supernova, which is the cataclysmic explosion of a star.

Given recent studies showing that suns regularly undergo micronova or “solar flash” events, we have another process by which a star can produce and eject heavy elements, which are subsequently mined by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in a cyclic manner.

Lazar further explained in his interviews that bombarding Element 115 with protons leads to it creating Element 116 (Livermorium) which immediately decays and produces antimatter. The antimatter collides with normal particles creating a massive energy burst, which can be used for propulsion. It’s quite likely Element 115 could also be the famed exotic matter that is needed to create traversable wormholes that physicists such as Drs. Kip Thorne and Carl Sagan have speculated, and was the subject of a recently leaked Defense Intelligence Reference Document titled “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy” .

What follows is a post from May 21, 2005 where I first discussed Element 115 and how its discovery had provided scientific corroboration for Lazar’s earlier claims.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

[Repost from May 21, 2005 – Exopolitics Comment 31]

I wish to focus on some recent scientific advances that vindicate some of the information that Bob Lazar provided from his alleged experiences at S4, and respond to some of his critics. The most important criticism concerned Lazar’s initial claim in 1989 of the existence of a stable form of element 115. The existence of such an element was initially dismissed by some of his critics and became a factor in Lazar not being taken seriously. For example Stanton Friedman wrote in 1997:

“There is no evidence that any 115 has been created anywhere. Based on what we know about all other elements over #100, it would certainly have been radioactive with a short half life, and 500 pounds could not have been accumulated. His scheme sounds good, but makes no real sense especially in view of how difficult it would be to add protons to #115.” (http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/sflazar.html )

However, in February 2004 scientists announced that they were able to reproduce an isotope of 115 in a laboratory, and said that a stable isotope is possible. Dr Joshua Patin, one of the creators of the 115 isotope, confirmed in an interview with Linda Moulton Howe that with sufficient technological advances, the creation of a stable form of 115 is possible:

“[Howe:] Could there be an element 115 isotope that is solid and can be held in the hand?
[Dr Patin:] “Some day down the road, I think so. If it’s true that we find something that is long enough lived. To hold something in your hand, you would need a significant quantity of these atoms. We’ve produced four atoms of Element 115 in a month. It would take you don’t have enough time in the rest of the universe to create enough that you could hold in your hand through these same kinds of production methods (that we are using).

That’s why I say a future technology might allow us advances in terms of how much can be produced and the target material, maybe a better way of producing but somewhere down the road, there might be a possibility, sure (see http://www.intalek.com/Index/News/Element115.htm ).

As to how element 115 is formed, Lazar claimed it is formed in massive stars. In an article he wrote:

“[M]any single star solar systems have stars that are so large that our Sun would appear to be a dwarf by comparison. Keeping all this is mind, it should be obvious that a large, single star system, binary star system, or multiple star system would have had more of the prerequisite mass and electromagnetic energy present during their creations.

Scientists have long theorized that there are potential combinations of protons and neutrons which should provide stable elements with atomic numbers being higher than any which appear on our periodic chart, though none of these heavy elements occur naturally on earth.” http://members.fortunecity.com/groom51/interstellartravel.html

Lazar’s idea that element 115 is formed in stars led to more criticism this time by astronomers and physicists that Lazar was incorrect since stars could not produce heavy metals with atomic numbers greater than iron (atomic number 26) in stable stars. This criticism was raised by Dr David Morgan in 1996 whose critique was kindly sent to me by Stanton Friedman.

Dr Morgan says:

“[Lazar] SEEMS to be suggesting that his element 115, the alien fuel source, which doesn’t exist on the Earth, should be present in those solar systems that were more massive at their inception. The implication here is that a star system which condensed out of a more massive primordial cloud should have a greater abundance of heavier elements.

This is quite incorrect. Heavy elements – all elements heavier than iron – are not formed during the normal life cycles of stars. The only time when these nuclei are “cooked” is during the collapse and subsequent explosion of supernovae.

The supernova explosion then spreads heavy elements throughout the galaxy. For this reason, the abundances of heavy elements in any particular star system depend NOT upon the properties of the current star, but on the properties of the nearby stars of the PREVIOUS GENERATION!

Therefore, all of the star systems in a particular region of the galaxy will have essentially the same abundances of heavy elements, regardless of the mass of star. If element 115 is STABLE, as Lazar claims it to be, then it should be created in supernova explosions and it should exist EVERYWHERE!” (http://www.serve.com/mahood/lazar/critiq.htm).

Dr Morgan’s criticism of Lazar is not supported by recent breakthroughs in understanding the formation of heavy metals in stars.

It has been discovered for example that heavy metals with higher atomic numbers than iron (26) can and are found in stars in their normal cycle rather than just through supernova which was the ‘old understanding’.

A NASA astronomer reflecting on this new theory answers a question concerning the existence of heavy metals with higher atomic metals forming in massive stars and answers:

… it does not require a supernova to create elements heavier than iron. Heavy elements can also form in the cores of massive stars before they go supernova. (http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/010125a.html ).

This new theory has been recently confirmed with the recent discovery of three massive stars that have ‘lead’ (atomic number 82) in them:

“The theory has now been supported by data from the three binary, or “double” stars, studied by French and Belgian astronomers using the European Southern Observatory 3.6 metre telescope at La Silla, Chile.

Each star, which is otherwise light in metal, contains an amount of lead weighing the same as the Moon (http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_383487.html?menu=news.scienceanddiscovery.space ).

The process by which some stars develop high concentration of heavy metals such as lead towards the end of their lives is called the ‘slow fusion’ or ‘s-process’ and is described as follows:

“The high abundance of Lead in these otherwise low-metallicity stars also provides detailed clues on how the s-process operates inside the AGB stars. When a Carbon-13 nucleus (i.e. a nucleus with 6 protons and 7 neutrons) is hit by a Helium-4 nucleus (2 protons and 2 neutrons), they fuse to form Oxygen-16 (8 protons and 8 neutrons).

In this process – as can be seen by adding the numbers – one neutron is released. It is exactly these surplus neutrons that become the building-blocks for making heavier elements via the s-process.” (http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0108/30heavy/ – thanks to Stan Friedman for notifying me of this article)

It is estimated that half of all metals heavier than iron are caused by supernova explosions where these are rapidly formed through nuclear fusion (r-process) and the other half in stable stars with low metallicity that slowly build up heavy metals in a more gentle fusion process.

The new understanding of the formation of heavy metals in stars and discovery of large quantities of lead in some stars basically negates Dr Morgan’s criticism and shows that Lazar’s idea that some massive stars in the normal stellar cycle may have element 115 developed in them is a very real possibility.

What are the exopolitical implications of this given Lazar’s claims that extraterrestrials use 115 for their propulsion systems?

If element 115 is naturally formed in the core of some massive stars and element 115 is used in the propulsion system of extraterrestrial races, then it would be fair to assume that some extraterrestrials may have discovered how to mine stars of their heavy elements to use as a propulsion fuel.

Indeed, extraterrestrials with sufficient knowledge in mining suns of element 115 and other elements may be using this as part of an interstellar trade. Indeed, such knowledge and possession of large quantities of 115 and other elements may lead to interstellar conflicts over certain star systems.

Indeed, the Earth’s sun or nearby stars may have heavy elements that may attract extraterrestrial races who seek to mine these precious natural resources. We are now slowly moving to an understanding of how certain star systems might be highly prized by extraterrestrial races that seek to gain control and mine stars of heavy elements such as element 115.

With new advances in physics and astronomy, Bob Lazar’s information so widely dismissed in the early 1990’s appears to have more relevance than ever.

© Michael E. Salla, PhD
May 21, 2005

Further Reading


Royal Navy Uncovered Hidden Nazi Base, Documents Reveal

by Callum Hoare                     February 5, 2019                    (express.co.uk)

• In the 1930’s Hitler sent expeditions to Antarctica ostensibly to establish a suitable whaling station for the production of whale oil for margarine and soap. But the British Royal Navy discovered “secret Nazi hideouts” left behind from the mission, according to newspaper reports at the time.

• But the Third Reich may have been up to more than just searching for whale oil. The 2017 YouTube documentary “The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica” reveals that the British captured a secret Nazi Navy Base, proving that “valuable naval bases can be built in icefields”. (see 44:33 minute video below)

• “’True, [the base] was only of small dimension, yet it was sufficient enough equipped to have repaired even the Graf Spee”, a Nazi heavy cruiser battleship that was attacking British commerce ships [at the time].”

• In 1991, previously classified documents emerged that shed light on the infamous 1947 Operation Highjump that showed the US Navy also went on countless missions to Antarctica. Organized by Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the operation used more than 4,000 men, 13 ships and 33 aircraft. The public reason was to carry out scientific experiments and established air bases there. But conspiracy theorists have long claimed that Byrd was searching for more Nazi bases.

• In February 2018, a heat map published by GPS tracking company Strava sparked a frenzy among conspiracists over what appeared to be a number of buildings hidden below the snow.


Hitler sent expeditions to the icy continent in a bid to carry out scientific studies to allow Germany to become a self-supporting country. In 1938, under the third German Antarctic Expedition, a group of Nazi soldiers led by Alfred Ritscher were tasked with exploring Antarctica to find a suitable whaling station in a bid to increase Germany’s production of fat. Whale oil at the time was one of the most important raw material for the production of margarine and soap.

However, a year later, the British Royal Navy discovered “secret Nazi hideouts” left behind from the mission, according to newspaper reports at the time.

YouTube series “The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica”, revealed the Third Reich may have been up to more than just searching for whale oil.

The 2017 documentary revealed: “This news report from the time reveals ‘the capture of a secret Nazi hideout proves valuable naval bases can be built in icefields’.


44:33 minute YouTube documentary “The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica… Revealed”



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Three Alien Abduction Movies Based on True Events

by Ralph Hall                     February 7, 2019                       (culturedvultures.com)

• For the real people represented in the following alien abduction films, extraterrestrial visitations to our planet are nothing short of the absolute truth. Through hypnosis and conscious recall, abductees of unearthly abductors are able to reproduce their experiences. It’s very clear to contactees that these alien abductors have an agenda of their own. The books written by or for these abductees usually portray aliens as non-threatening and somewhat friendly, although they are frequently depicted as hostile, cold, and steadfast.

• These three films, which were based on true events according to the authors and abductees, describe alien life as they have experienced it. It may not be the aliens’ intent to frighten us, but after watching these alarming dramatizations, we as the human species have much to think about.

COMMUNION (1989) – Based on the 1987 book of the same name by Whitley Strieber, Communion focuses on the struggles of the author himself, played by Christopher Walken, to come to terms with the possibility that he and his family may have been visited by aliens during a secluded winter vacation. Are these experiences hallucinations or dreams? What do the beings want? Strieber tries to answer these questions through hypnotic sessions with well-known UFO researcher, Budd Hopkins. (watch 1:46 minute trailer below)

INTRUDERS (1992) – This television miniseries is based on Budd Hopkins’ 1987 book Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods. It follows two women who are experiencing similar paranormal activity by non-human ‘invaders’, and who seek help from psychiatrist, Dr. Neil Chase. The series reinforces the idea that scientific studies should question the reasons behind alien abductions and their intentions for mankind. (watch 2:42:19 minutes of the series below)

FIRE IN THE SKY (1993) – Based on the 1978 book The Walton Experience, Fire in the Sky tells the story of Travis Walton who was abducted by a UFO in the woods of Northeastern Arizona in 1975, right in front of his friends and coworkers. Fire in the Sky is a dramatic story of a few men who witnessed something they could not explain, but must try to make the world believe in the unbelievable. The movie’s depiction of Walton’s experience inside the alien spacecraft was altered at the studio’s request, and is vastly different from Walton’s own description. Walton added a lot more detail to his story in his follow-up book, Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience, published in 1996. (watch 5:14 minute ‘abduction scene’ below)


Can we as a film audience separate fact from science fiction? You can choose to believe in them or not, but for the real people represented in the following alien abduction films, extraterrestrial visitations to our planet are nothing short of the absolute truth. Using methods of hypnosis and conscious recall, abductees of unearthly abductors were able to reproduce their experiences through memoirs and documented case studies, which were later turned into books for the mass market.

Oftentimes, the media depicts alien life forms as either completely malevolent (as is the case in Alien or The Thing), or entirely harmless (think E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial or Mac and Me). While it’s up for debate what extraterrestrials’ meddlings with man ultimately accomplish, it’s very clear to contactees that they have an agenda of their own. The books written by or for these abductees usually portray aliens as non-threatening and somewhat friendly, although they are frequently depicted as hostile, cold, and steadfast.

These three films, which were based on true events according to the authors and abductees, describe alien life as they have experienced it, most of the time involuntarily so. It may not be the aliens’ intent to frighten us, but after watching these alarming dramatizations, we as the human species have much to think about.


1:46 minute trailer for the movie “Communion” (1989)


2:42:19 minute TV series, “Intruders” (1992)


5:14 minute ‘abduction scene’ in “Fire In The Sky” (1993)



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I-Team: Former Sen. Reid Pushing to Solve the Mystery of UFOs

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                    February 1, 2019                 (lasvegasnow.com)

• In his first on-camera interview since battling some health issues, former Nevada Senator Harry Reid (pictured above) told the I-team’s George Knapp that he maintains his enthusiasm for UFO research. (see 2:08 minute excerpt from the Harry Reid interview below)

• When told that Pentagon officials said that the $22M Pentagon UFO study known as the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP), which reportedly amassed a gigantic data base of UFO cases, videos, and information, and also produced dozens of scientific papers about advanced technology, was cancelled in 2012 because ‘it didn’t produce much’ and found ‘nothing of interest’, Reid responded, “[I]t was voluminous reports with a lot of good stuff in it, and it’s too bad they said that.” “[S]omebody either wasn’t telling the truth or didn’t know the facts.”


Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid says he is once again bending ears and twisting arms to get his congressional colleagues interested in studying UFOs.

Reid has been out of the spotlight for the last year while battling some health issues.

Now, that he is feeling stronger, he gave his first on-camera interview despite the tough challenges he faced in the last year, Senator Reid has maintained his enthusiasm for UFO research, and the I-Team didn’t have to ask twice for an update.

Back in 2007 when he was Senate Majority Leader, Reid and colleagues initiated a secret Pentagon study of UFOs and related topics. It was based in Nevada and reportedly amassed a gigantic data base of UFO cases, videos, and information. It also produced dozens of scientific papers about advanced technology.

In late 2017, news of the program finally went public. People at the Pentagon claimed it had been cancelled, in part, because it didn’t produce much. Reid says that’s baloney.

2:08 minute video from Channel 8 News NOW Las Vegas on Harry Reid



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Washington Man Spent Last 25 Years Running National UFO Reporting Center

by Dave Somers and Ian Smay                   January 31, 2019                    (krem.com)

• Peter Davenport is the Director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Harrington, Washington, which tracks sighting of UFOs across the country and compiles data relating to reported UFO sightings. He has served in the position for the last 25 years. (see 5:20 minute KREM 2 News report on Peter Davenport below)

• Davenport relates that we started calling these phenomena unidentified flying objects, or “UFOs”, in 1947. “We are being visited routinely about these things,” Davenport said.

• “I developed an interest in UFO work when I was very young, probably six years of age I estimate it was,” he said. “I saw a UFO on the outskirts of the St. Louis airport, seen by hundreds, possibly thousands of other people. Even though that was 1954 … the image of that object remains imprinted on my brain clearly, indelibly.”

• Davenport thinks these happenings are very important to humanity, as he talked about when describing a UFO sighting in Phoenix, Ariz. in 1997: “It was immense and it was hovering motionless over the witnesses,” Davenport said. “If this is true, if there is even a shard of a possibility this is true, it is the biggest scientific question confronting mankind.”

• One such occurrence happened in Spokane on Dec. 30, 2018. The UFOs were described as orange circles that made no sound. Another recently reported UFO sighting happened in Chewelah, Wash on Dec. 14, 2018. This one was much shorter, only lasting one to three seconds and described as “a big, bluish green sphere” that lit up the sky and was the size of a football field.

• “What worries me even more than the presumed aliens themselves, is the fact that our government is not sharing that information with the American people,” says Davenport. “This is wrong in my opinion.” He added that the press has not pushed the government hard enough to release information relating to UFOs and that the media needs to cover UFO sightings more often.


A man in Harrington runs the National UFO Reporting Center, which tracks sighting of UFOs across the country.
Peter Davenport is the Director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Harrington, Wash. He has served in the position for the last 25 years.

    Peter Davenport

The center records and compiles data relating to reported UFO sightings.

He said that we started calling these phenomena “UFOs,” or unidentified flying objects, in 1947.

“We are being visited routinely about these things, that since 1947, we’ve called UFOs,” Davenport said.

One such occurrence happened in Spokane on Dec. 30, 2018. The UFOs were described as orange circles that made no sound.

Davenport thinks these happenings are very important to humanity, as he talked about when describing a UFO sighting in Phoenix, Ariz. in 1997.

“It was immense and it was hovering motionless over the witnesses,” Davenport said. “If this is true, if there is even a shard of a possibility this is true, it is the biggest scientific question confronting mankind.”

5:20 minute video of KREM 2 News report on Peter Davenport,
Director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Harrington, Washington



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