Fox Network TV Producer Files Lawsuit Against CIA ‘Disinformation’ Scientist and Antigravity/UFO Research Firm

by Rob McConnell                   March 8, 2019                   (

• Veteran Fox Network UFO investigative television producer, Robert C. Kiviat, has filed a lawsuit in California for $300,000 in unpaid employment compensation for work done on behalf of an advanced physics firm called InterNASA since 2018. Named in his lawsuit are InterNASA, its’ CEO Joe Firmage, longtime CIA scientist Ron Pandolfi who is working with InterNASA, and investor Daniel Marriott, a Utah Congressman. Kiviat’s media division, InterNASA Studios, would be a news and entertainment entity for informing the public about the implications of Pandolfi’s gravity-control research, and ultimately the building of an anti-gravity device.

• Kiviat says he was “keenly aware that both a former Director of the NSA and a famous astronaut had moved into anti-gravity R&D upon leaving government service.” “So when InterNASA CEO Joe Firmage assured me he had secured the necessary funding and that Pandolfi was backing his gravity-control research, I accepted a position to oversee InterNASA’s Studios division.”

• Kiviat says that he performed multiple tasks for InterNASA, including corporate communications and investor relations, and he made multiple trips to New York to pitch a television series to two major TV Networks.

• But InterNASA ran into financial problems early on. Congressman Daniel Marriott kept coming up with reasons for holding up his investment payments, while threatening to pull out if they sought other investors. “It was this Catch-22 kind of dealing that basically strangled the company,” said Kiviat. “But Marriott did eventually make a minimum payment to keep InterNASA’s technological development going. Mariott paid me a small amount out of his own pocket to cover a tiny portion of my amassing InterNASA salary arrears.”

• In December 2017, when Firmage was recruiting Kiviat to oversee the media side of InterNASA, The New York Times ran the “Tic Tac” article about a UFO using advanced propulsion technology that easily outmaneuvered U.S. Navy pilots. The story and video came from Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ (TTSA). Former government scientist, Dr. Hal Puthoff, who now works with TTSA, was a paid consultant for Firmage when he was just beginning to work on the anti-gravity device a decade ago. Kiviat says, “Firmage asked me repeatedly if I knew of any actual technology that was being developed by… DeLonge and Puthoff. [W]hen I told him I didn’t, he indicated he felt Puthoff must have usurped his [anti-gravity] concept [that Firmage] had been talking about for years.” Kiviat says that the plan was for InterNASA to beat TTSA to the punch by getting news stories and a TV series made about anti-gravity technology ahead of them.

• By the middle of 2018, Kiviat was told that a “gravity control” demonstration was being planned with Pandolfi’s assistance in Colorado. But due to Firmage’s inability to meet certain deadlines, the demonstration was canceled. Kiviat was informed the company was going “dark” to work on the machine without distraction, and the “Media” side would be the last to be paid.

• “From that point on, I focused primarily on getting a TV deal,” said Kiviat, “since it seemed money would have to come in from some outside source to keep InterNASA going.” “[The] TV executives I met with in both Hollywood and New York showed a lot of interest, and these negotiations are continuing despite the lawsuit being filed. One way or another, I think the series I presented will get made, and it will be the most definitive and far-reaching TV project ever concerning UFOs, the subject’s connection to exotic propulsion systems and what the U.S. government knows about possible extraterrestrial visitation.”

• Kiviat sees his case having much more significance than simply being about receiving his fair compensation. “[T]he suit has the added value of exposing the way the U.S. intelligence agencies have seemingly manipulated the UFO community and… the general public for years. And to put it mildly, it stinks. Many good people have been damaged and it has to stop.” The lawsuit promises to pry open for the first time, via legal discovery, the inner workings behind CIA operations ostensibly led by Pandolfi comprising a decades-long disinformation campaign designed to influence and confuse the public about UFOs and exotic technologies. (Pandolfi once ran the CIA’s “Weird Desk”.)

• Kiviat is best known for his hit TV Specials ‘Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?’, ‘UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape’, ‘World’s Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed’, and a 2014 TV Special ‘Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed’ which unveiled never-before-seen NASA photos taken by Apollo astronauts that appear to show gigantic lunar constructions of unknown origin.


Robert C. Kiviat, the investigative producer best known for his hit TV Specials FOX Broadcasting aired along with their X-Files series such as Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?, UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape and World’s Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed, has filed a lawsuit in California against longtime CIA scientist Ron Pandolfi, who ran the CIA’s “Weird Desk” and most recently has been backing InterNASA, an advanced physics firm also named in the lawsuit which Kiviat worked for under contract since 2018, but has yet to pay him.

                 Robert Kiviat

According to the Complaint filed last week, Kiviat – whose 2014 TV Special for NBC Universal’s Syfy channel, Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed unveiled never-before-seen NASA photos taken by the Apollo astronauts that appear to show gigantic lunar constructions of unknown origin – is seeking $300,000 in employment salary arrears InterNASA presently owes him. The suit also promises to pry open for the first time, via legal discovery, the inner workings behind CIA operations ostensibly led by Pandolfi comprising a decades-long disinformation campaign designed to influence and confuse the public about UFOs – or exotic technologies – by manipulating researchers, and worse, lead those involved to lose money, and more, in the process.

“Covering UFOs and other unexplained topics for TV networks made me keenly aware that both a former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and a famous astronaut had moved into anti-gravity R & D upon leaving government service,” Kiviat says. “So when InterNASA CEO Joe Firmage assured me he had secured the necessary funding and that Pandolfi was backing his gravity-control research, I accepted a position to oversee InterNASA’s Studios division.” Kiviat adds that Pandolfi’s apparent support of the science behind Firmage’s device was independently corroborated by a prominent researcher and author giving lectures at packed UFO conferences throughout 2017, claiming he learned of it from a known Pandolfi operative.

The same month that Firmage was recruiting Kiviat to oversee InterNASA Studios – which Firmage envisioned as a news and entertainment entity for informing the public about the implications of his discovery – The New York Times ran a front-page article announcing that unidentified “Tic Tac” shaped aircraft had been caught on video by U.S. Navy pilots easily outmaneuvering our fastest jets with gravity-defying capability. These videos The Times wrote about were not released by the U.S. military, but by a company headed by former Blink 182 guitarist Tom DeLonge and Dr. Hal Puthoff, a scientist who had conducted government ESP research and is a former paid consultant Firmage employed 10 years earlier when he was just beginning work on the anti-gravity device.

“Firmage asked me repeatedly if I knew of any actual technology that was being developed by the company DeLonge and Puthoff were heading, which they named To The Stars Academy (TTSA), and when I told him I didn’t, he indicated he felt Puthoff must have usurped his overall ‘new physics Academy’ concept he had been talking about for years,” Kiviat recalls. “To be fair, Firmage had a point, in that InterNASA – or its full name, International Academy of Science and Arts, does sound like it could have inspired TTSA. Then he gave me our plan, which was to beat TTSA to the punch and get news stories and TV series made about our efforts to prove gravity-control exists.”



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Out-of-this-World Collection of John Lennon’s Drawings and Sci-Fi Magazines

February 28, 2019                     (

• John Lennon’s fascination with aliens and UFOs has been well documented throughout his life. As a member of The Beatles, Lennon often talked about his belief in alien life and even wrote about it. On March 30, 2019, Kruse GWS Auctions (Los Angeles) will offer an extraordinary collection of John Lennon’s personal drawings and Sci-Fi magazines, long collected by an old friend who shared his passion.

• On July 6, 1957, a fellow Liverpoolian befriended Lennon when he was performing as part of the Quarrymen in Woolten Village in Liverpool. The (anonymous) young man shared a fascination with space and would strike up a conversation with John who was looking through a UFO magazine. From there on, the friendship would continue on for decades, and John and the gentleman exchanged letters, drawings, opinions, and magazines about UFOs, space and all things extraterrestrial. During this time, John Lennon would send his new friend drawings and some of his personal science fiction books and magazines, all of which was kept throughout the gentlemen’s life and even after Lennon moved to the U.S. The drawings and magazines to be auctioned for the very first time are now being offered by the man’s stepson who has also chronicled the story of the unlikely friendship.

• There are four drawings done in crayon and pencil (see images above and below) and date to the 1950s and early 1960s, along with the collection of personal sci-fi books and magazines. Two of the pieces being offered are in red crayon, early examples of his characteristic line drawings. One appears to be someone smoking a marijuana joint, while the back side features a character possessing an excessively large nose and sad face. The other captures two inversed smiling faces, a kind of yin and yang, staring at each other. The other two drawings are done in pencil, with a UFO flying above his wife Cynthia’s head and the word “Cyn” on it and John’s initials ‘JL’ , and John’s full initials of ‘JWL’ (John Winston Lennon) incorporated into the illustrations. Each drawing will be accompanied by a copy of the letter received from the stepson describing the two’s lifelong friendship. The drawings will be offered in museum quality glass and frames and sold individually, and the sci-fi collection will be sold in one lot. The crayon drawings measure 4.5″ x 3″ and 4″ x 3.25″ and the pencil pieces are 8.5″ x 6″ and 5.5″ x 3.5.”

• Lennon’s fixation on ET visits and claims of alien abduction culminated in his most infamous sighting, when he saw a UFO from his balcony fly over the East River on August 23, 1974. John and his lover May Pang (during his separation from Yoko) were living in an apartment overlooking New York’s East River, when John saw what he described as a UFO. Lennon went on to describe it along with its path and May Pang has been noted as saying John screamed out the window “wait – take me with you.”


Los Angeles – John Lennon’s fascination with aliens and UFOs has been well documented throughout his life. As a member of one of the most famous bands of all time, The Beatles, Lennon often talked about his belief in alien life and even wrote about it. From his earlier years with wife Cynthia to his sighting in New York over the East River in 1974, the Beatles member continued to be mesmerized with life in space, even as much as to cite visitations from aliens when he was with Yoko Ono. On March 30, 2019, Kruse GWS Auctions will offer an extraordinary collection of John Lennon’s personal drawings and Sci-Fi magazines, long collected by an old friend who shared his passion.

On July 6, 1957, a fellow Liverpoolian befriended Lennon when he was performing as part of the Quarrymen, the group that eventually evolved into The Beatles. The band appeared in Woolten Village in Liverpool.

The young man shared a fascination with space and would strike up a conversation with John who was looking through a UFO magazine. From there on, the friendship would continue on for decades and John and the gentleman exchanged letters, drawings, opinions, and magazines about UFOs, space and all things extraterrestrial. During this time, John Lennon would send his new friend drawings and some of his personal science fiction books and magazines, all of which was kept throughout the gentlemen’s life and even after Lennon moved to the U.S. The drawings and magazines to be auctioned for the very first time are now being offered by the man’s stepson who has also chronicled the story of the unlikely friendship.

John Lennon on the balcony where he saw a UFO in 1974

There are four drawings done in crayon and pencil and date to the 1950s and early 1960s. The drawings along with the collection of personal sci-fi books and magazines represent a passion of a member of the world’s most famous band – The Beatles.



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V-Shaped UFO Spotted in United Kingdom

by Nirmal Narayanan                    March 2, 2019                   (

• The YouTube channels ‘UFO Sightings Hotspot’ and ‘UFOmania’ have recently uploaded a video of photos that show an eerie V-shaped flying object hovering in the skies of Failsworth, United Kingdom, which were taken last October but only recently surfaced.

• The video/photos were submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), for investigation and authentication of the image.

• Extraterrestrial buffs argue that aliens who live in the far nooks of the universe used to visit earth regularly to monitor human activities. “It looks straight out a movie, which makes you wonder what Hollywood knows?” commented YouTuber Ninorc Sinned.

• Other commentors claim that these V-shaped crafts could be secret military vessels developed by the United States Air Force. Conspiracy theorists have long been claiming that the USAF had developed a triangular craft allegedly named ‘TR-3B’ during the time of Gulf War.

• Skeptics were quick to dismiss both the alien and secret military weapon theory, choosing to believe that the V-shaped object is actually the reflection from a car window.


Popular conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’ has recently uploaded a video that shows an eerie V-shaped flying object hovering in the skies of Failsworth, United Kingdom. Interestingly, the perfectly cut V-shape of the UFO seems very similar to the spacecraft which people have seen in Hollywood sci-fi films.

Even though the image was captured by the witness last October, pictures of this incident became viral after it was shared by a website named UFO Sightings Hotspot, and later by the YouTube channel UFOmania. The creepy photo is now being submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), and they are apparently investigating the authenticity of the image.

As the image went viral online, many people have started arguing that this UFO could actually be an alien vehicle from deep space. Most of these extraterrestrial buffs argue that aliens who live in the far nooks of the universe used to visit earth regularly to monitor human activities.

“It looks straight out a movi.. which makes you wonder what Hollywood knows?” commented Ninorc Sinned, a YouTube user.

1:39 minute video of V-shaped Craft over Failsworth, UK



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Are We Really the Smartest Kid on the Cosmic Block?

by Abraham Loeb                 March 4, 2019                    (

• The human species is not particularly smart. We fight among ourselves in “lose-lose” situations; we do not promote long-term solutions over short-term fixes; and we have been broadcasting our existence to the galaxy with radio waves for over a century without worrying whether about whether there are any predators or competitors in outer space.

• Mainstream scientists box themselves in under an arrogant presumption that extraterrestrials and alien artifacts do not exist, and go from there. They can only conceive of a civilization or a technology that is based upon our own environment, geology and technology. The human race as a whole suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect, in which those with mediocre abilities insist that they’re unusually talented or smart.

• The only way that our species will mature is to get off this planet and see what’s out there. When an artefact such as Oumuamua passes through our solar system, we need to observe it with an open mind. Could it be technological debris from another civilization? We need to get past the “giggle factor” to explore the unexpected.

• We can only hope that we have not become the laughingstock of our galactic neighborhood by now. But even if we have, we can still get our act together and do better. We should find out first who is on our street by searching with our best telescopes for unusual electromagnetic flashes, industrial pollution of planetary atmospheres, artificial light or heat, artificial space debris or something completely unexpected.

[Editor’s Note]   Accolades to Harvard Professor Avi Loeb (pictured above) for breaking away from mainstream scientists’ intellectual cul-de-sac. Loeb either knows more than he’s letting on, or has great intuition about the strange cigar-shaped “asteroid”, Oumuamua, that passed through our solar system in 2017 with very unusual transit properties. In a recent ExoNews article, “Alliance War Against Deep State – Major Updates Coming”, Corey Goode recounts how he was debriefed on a U.S. Air Force secret space program mission where astronauts entered, investigated, and video recorded the ancient derelict spaceship months before it was detected moving through our solar system. Corey points out that Linda Moulton Howe has now brought forward two military men who have independent knowledge of this USAF-SSP Oumuamua mission, confirming exactly what Corey first revealed.


It is unclear how many intelligent civilizations have arisen in the Milky Way galaxy so far, but if some have, a pressing question comes to mind: were they or are they more intelligent than we are?

When reading the morning newspaper, it is difficult to avoid the thought that our own intelligence bar is not particularly high nor difficult to surpass. We fight among ourselves in “lose-lose” situations; we do not promote long-term solutions over short-term fixes; and we have been broadcasting our existence to the galaxy with radio waves for over a century without worrying whether about whether there are any predators or competitors in outer space. (If it’s the latter, they might have been ignoring us because we appear so incompetent.)

If other civilizations do exist, one key in becoming aware of them is whether we are intelligent enough to adequately interpret their signals or to identify a piece of their technology if it should appear in our solar system. One fact is clear: if we assign a zero prior probability for such evidence coming our way, as some scientists did in the case of ‘Oumuamua by invoking the principle “it’s never aliens,” we will indeed never find any. We will be like ostriches burying our heads in the sand.

In fact, this attitude may be one sign that our intelligence isn’t very impressive—that the human race as a whole suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect, in which those with mediocre abilities insist that they’re unusually talented or smart.

How can our civilization mature? The same way kids do: by leaving home, going out into the neighborhood, meeting others and comparing notes with them. In other words, we can develop a balanced perspective on our current technological accomplishments by engaging in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). Since our own technological development accelerates exponentially with an e-folding time of a few years, it is difficult to imagine what a much more advanced technology crafted by a civilization that had lived for a cosmic timescale—billions of such e-folding times—would look like.

As natural as this suggestion to search might seem, however it is evident that SETI faces a hostile mainstream culture in astronomy. The simple proposal to consider the possibility that ‘Oumumua is technological debris as an explanation for its unusual properties, for example was met with controversy on social media.



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Penn State Center to Focus on Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

by Geoff Rushton                   March 4, 2019                     (

• The Pennsylvania State University, or “Penn State”, has received a $2.5 million endowment from alumnus John and Natalie Patton, plus another $1 million anonymous pledge, to create “PSETI” – Penn State’s SETI program (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). It will be called the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center.

• PSETI will create a “world-class SETI research program,” establish graduate curriculum to train the next generation of researchers, initiate a competitive research grants program, coordinate conferences and symposia and establish a permanent, worldwide SETI community.

• SETI is an international scientific effort that seeks to answer whether ours is the only technologically-capable species in the Milky Way galaxy. Jason Wright, an associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics who will lead the center, told Science Magazine the field has been lacking in academic training.

• SETI also has been lacking in financial support since 1993, when Congress prohibited NASA from funding it. Wright told Science that the prospect of no funding and few jobs has discouraged researchers from pursuing the field, and that he had identified only five people with doctoral degrees in SETI-related research.


Penn State is planning to establish an international research center dedicated to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), an initiative that would be one of only a few academic SETI research centers and would offer a graduate program training the next generation of researchers.

The university announced last week the first two donations, totaling $3.5 million, toward creating the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center.

SETI is an international scientific effort that seeks to answer whether ours is the only technologically-capable species in the Milky Way galaxy. Jason Wright, an associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics who will lead the center, told Science Magazine the field has been lacking in academic training.

“There really isn’t an academic ecosystem for the field as a whole,” Jason Wright, associate professor of astronomy PSETI Center head. “You can’t work on it if you can’t hire students and postdocs.”

SETI also has been lacking in financial support since 1993, when Congress prohibited NASA from funding it. Wright told Science that the prospect of no funding and few jobs has discouraged researchers from pursuing the field, and that he had identified only five people with doctoral degrees in SETI-related research.

Penn State will draw on its infrastructure and expertise to provide PSETI with endowment funding and administrative framework. The university’s existing astronomy and astrophysics departments and centers make it a “natural home” for a new center.



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Did Hillary Clinton sell Secret Space Program technologies to China?

The anonymous group Q (aka QAnon), which has strong ties to the Trump administration and U.S. military intelligence, claims that former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, orchestrated a pay-to-play scheme where classified information was uploaded to her private servers, which were deliberately left susceptible to hacking from foreign entities. Among these entities was China which used the classified material from Special Access Programs and Sensitive Compartmented Information found on the Clinton servers to learn about advanced technologies deployed by the U.S. military in space.

There is documentary evidence that Clinton was granted access to classified information on space technologies, and this was a topic covered in her emails discussing a range of issues including a possible UFO disclosure initiative. According to the information provided by Q, Clinton’s ultimate goal was to sell classified information that would allow China to bridge the technological gap with a secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force, rather than genuinely disclosing the truth behind the UFO phenomenon.

Q has posted multiple times on Clinton selling America’s technological secrets to China during the period between January 21, 2009 and February 1, 2013 when she was US Secretary of State, and had access to advanced technology secrets including spy satellites and other space assets.

The most recent post was today, March 13 (post #3045). It is worth breaking down the post to distill what Q is communicating about Clinton’s access to Special Access Programs (SAPs) and Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI]. Q communicates information by raising leading questions, which the reader is expected to research and answer using previous information reveald by Q:


Q is here explaining that Clinton made special arrangements within the Department of State in order to gain access to SAP/SCI material outside of normal security protocols. Her bypassing of established security protocols for digital information made it possible for foreign entities to hack into her private servers to gain access to the classified material according to Q:

Did a Foreign State gain access to the server?
Did a Foreign State gain access to the SAP/SCI material on the server?

The link is to an article by The Hill debunking an August 28 tweet by President Donald Trump that China had hacked into Clinton’s private server.

The point Q is making by linking to the article by The Hill, which Q regards as a prominent part of the fake news establishment, is to identify China as the “Foreign State” that had gained “access to the SAP/SCI material on the server”, just as Trump had tweeted.

In an earlier September 4, 2018 post (#2077), Q makes it crystal clear that China had hacked into the Clinton servers, and this was part of a pay-to-play scheme:

Ex 1 – ‘Being Afraid’
Does HRC care about you?
If she cared about protecting you…
Would she sell out America’s secrets and Uranium to China/Russia [Ex 1]?

In yet another post, on February 22, 2018, Q says that Clinton [HRC] was operating with the CIA [Clowns] in selling technological secrets to China:

Clowns revealed in China/other.
Sold intel?
HRC open source server?
[Missing emails]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].

Basically, Q is revealing that Clinton’s scheme of selling advanced technology secrets through susceptible private servers was sanctioned by the Deep State, which was betraying the US national interest.

It was determined by the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, Charles McCullough, that included among the emails sent and stored on Clinton’s private servers was classified information concerning Special Access Programs (SAPs). In a letter dated January 14, 2016, Charles McCullough wrote:

To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.

Fox News, which was the first comment on McCullough’s letter, described its significance:

Intelligence from a “special access program,” or SAP, is even more sensitive than that designated as “top secret” – as were two emails identified last summer in a random sample pulled from Clinton’s private server she used as secretary of state. Access to a SAP is restricted to those with a “need-to-know” because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection — or a human asset — at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated “classified” have been found on Clinton’s server, though the Democratic presidential candidate insists the information was not classified at the time.

It’s worth emphasizing that the SAP information was found in only random sample of the Clinton emails, suggesting a great many more lay among the 1,340 classified emails that were sent and stored on the Clinton private server.

Declassified Freedom of Information Act documents confirm that Clinton has had an interest in UFOs dating back to 1995, and that during the 2016 election campaign, she and her campaign chief, John Podesta, had raised the UFO issue on several occasions. For example, on December 30, 2015, she said:

He [John Podesta] has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.

Clinton followed this up with a statement on Jimmy Kimmel Live in March 2016, where she discussed UFOs, or what she referred to now as “Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP). She pledged to release any UFO/UAP files that were not classified for national security reasons:

I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there. If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.

Documents leaked by Wikileaks confirm that the Clinton and Podesta were doing more than simply making comments in support of declassifying UFO/UAP information. Podesta was involved in meetings discussing the testimony of Major General William McCasland and other insiders about their knowledge of the UFO topic, and strategizing over how the Clinton campaign could support a disclosure initiative to release this information to the US public.

Given her historical interest in UFOs and publicly disclosing this information, it is all but certain that some of Clinton’s emails discussing the UFO topic were stored on her private server, and this encroached on SAP/SCI material concerning advanced space technologies.

According to Q, the SAP/SCI information sold by Clinton was covertly raising slush funds for the Deep State (Eye of Ra) as revealed in a December 22, 2017 post [#228]:

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein [Obama].
US loses space dominance.
IRAN Nuke deal.
NK Nuke/Missile Tech.
NASA Tech to ?
HRC SAPs (private server).
$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).
Left eye [marker].

Significantly, Q was referring to North Korea as a recipient of NASA’s technology secrets and mentioned Elon Musk’s Space X as playing a role. Presumably, the Deep State was helping North Korea develop its ballistic missile capabilities with the latest rocket technologies developed by NASA and, incredibly, Space X.

To learn more about the kind of SAP information Clinton was including in her emails, we can turn to a Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI] Nondisclosure Agreement she signed on January 12, 2009, which outlined her legal responsibilities. Importantly, her Nondisclosure Agreement reveals four SCI control systems (which cover material from multiple SAP’s) she would have access to.

Among the four SCI control systems accessed by Clinton was Talent Keyhole (TK) which is described as a “top-level control system” involving a number of surveillance platforms in very high altitudes and space:

TK covers space-based IMINT (Imagery intelligence), SIGINT (Signals intelligence), and MASINT (Measurement and signature intelligence) collection platforms; related processing and analysis techniques; and research, design, and operation of these platforms… The original TALENT compartment was created in the mid-1950s for the U-2. In 1960, it was broadened to cover all national aerial reconnaissance (to later include SR-71 sourced imagery) and the KEYHOLE compartment was created for satellite intelligence. [Source: Wikipedia]

Put simply, Talent Keyhole is surveillance data gained from America’s most highly classified space platforms, which allegedly only involves data from spy satellites the U.S. Air Force and its partners in the military intelligence community (National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency) has sent into space.

In reality, however, the USAF and its partners have secretly developed and deployed far more advanced technologies in space as acknowledged by Q in a post dated September 19, 2018 (2224) where they answered several questions raised on the 8chan forum:


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?

False, moon landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.

Q was here acknowledging that secret space programs are real and the information is classified at a very high level “outside of public domain”. This refers to Special Access Programs that are associated with the Talent Keyhole control system that Clinton was granted “need to know” access to.

According to my research into secret space programs, the USAF has deployed manned space stations, along with orbital weapons platforms incorporating destructive technologies such as “Rods of Gods” and “Directed Energy Weapons”.

These are all part of a USAF run secret space program, which operates advanced antigravity craft from sensitive facilities such as Nevada’s Area 51, the Utah Test and Training Range, Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and Florida’s McDill Air Force Base, home of Special Operations Command.

In late 2017, different shaped antigravity platforms such as flying triangles, rectangles and cylindrical craft were photographed near McDill AFB in a disclosure initiative being conducted by USAF Special Operations, which encouraged a local resident to take the photos for public dissemination.

The conclusion that can be drawn from Q’s posts is that included among the SAP/SCI material that Clinton was storing on her servers, was Talent Keyhole level information about the surveillance capabilities of the USAF run secret space program. This highly sensitive information appears to have been sold off in an illicit intelligence market to major U.S. rivals such as China and North Korea with the support of the Deep State and the CIA.

It is possible that Clinton’s interest in UFO disclosure, was used as a cover to discuss Talent Keyhole material in emails that would be saved on her private servers, and eventually accessed by Chinese and other foreign hackers.

From the documents and evidence that has been made public so far, it is clear that Clinton had SAP/SCI material on her private servers, and this included Talent Keyhole level material which she had been granted “need to know” access. This makes Q’s claims that Clinton was selling off America’s advanced technology secrets to China and North Korea very plausible.

Consequently, the possibility that Clinton was part of a Deep State/CIA plan to funnel technological secrets, including information about a USAF run secret space program, to China, North Korea and other foreign entities, demands a serious investigation.

Indeed, some of the more than 80,000 sealed cases that have been identified in PACER judicial records, may involve charges of treason against Deep State officials involved in selling off America’s advanced technology secrets.

It can be hoped that as more information is released in anticipated criminal/military trials that Q contends are imminent, that these provide the opportunity for official disclosure of a USAF secret space program, and the release of advanced technologies that would greatly benefit the general public.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

A UFO Investigator in Notts (UK)

by Leftlion (blog)                   March 4, 2019                    (

• “I’m not a crackpot”, says this anonymous UK blogger on the UFOs News blog, “I’ve been researching this for over thirty years and I’m 100 percent sure that we’ve been visited by aliens. My personal conclusion is that aliens put us on this planet as a project, or they upgraded us DNA-wise from basic human beings.”

• “My best sighting was in May 1991, when I saw at least two triangular crafts in the sky over Nottingham, coming from Carlton and disappearing over Ilkeston. They were side by side, giving off a deep humming sound and flying really low over the city. I interviewed over 100 witnesses, including police officers, nurses, and housewives – people from all across the spectrum. They all saw them, and the Ministry of Defence even got involved.”

• “If the government were to come out and say that aliens exist, and that they’d been coming here for thousands of years, people wouldn’t be able to take the news; at least that’s what the papers say. But I think people would be accepting of it, and it would answer a lot of questions about humans and where we come from.”

• “I’ve been to Egypt, and there’s no way Egyptians built those pyramids. They’re absolutely precise. If you ask me, the Egyptians came along 4,000 years ago, found these structures, and put their own markings on them, like graffiti. The pyramids have been proven to be at least 12,500 years old, along with the Sphinx too.”

• “The wife and I went out to Area 51 and a guide agreed to take us as close as you were legally allowed. We climbed up White Sides Mountain which overlooks the base, but halfway up a Black Hawk helicopter started buzzing us. It was only about sixty feet away, and we had nowhere to go. We just had to watch it carefully and hope it didn’t cut our heads off with its propeller. It was total intimidation tactics. Just after that, they moved the border behind the mountain, so now you can’t climb it without being prosecuted.”

• “The only reason I set up the UFO investigation group was to find this stuff out for myself. I eventually ended up on the lecture circuit, talking about Area 51 and other sightings in venues from Southampton to Lancashire. I eventually dropped the subject to try and get back to normal life. I’ve found what I wanted; if people want answers, go and find them for yourselves. Explore every avenue, from crop circles and cattle mutilations to abductions and secret technologies. That’s the best advice I can give.”


When I was younger my siblings all saw UFOs, but I never did. I guess they were just in the right place at the right time. I bought loads of books and kept every news clipping about UFO sightings until the early nineties, when the subject seemed to be all over the papers, on the TV, in adverts. It peaked my interest; I wanted to speak to the people who were reporting these sightings, so I started a UFO investigation group.

My best sighting was in May 1991, when I saw at least two triangular crafts in the sky over Nottingham, coming from Carlton and disappearing over Ilkeston. They were side by side, giving off a deep humming sound and flying really low over the city. I interviewed over 100 witnesses, including police officers, nurses, and housewives – people from all across the spectrum. They all saw them, and the Ministry of Defence even got involved.

We asked East Midlands Airport about it, but they weren’t interested. At first I thought they might have been some sort of secret military aircraft, but why decorate them in bright lights and slowly fly them so low over the city? It could well have been alien technology being flown by non-humans.

If the government were to come out and say that aliens exist, and that they’d been coming here for thousands of years, it would have a huge impact on everything from religion to mental health. People wouldn’t be able to take the news; at least that’s what the papers say. But I think people would be accepting of it, and it would answer a lot of questions about humans and where we come from.

I’m not a crackpot; I’ve been researching this for over thirty years and I’m 100 percent sure that we’ve been visited by aliens. Erich von Däniken was on the right track: they’ve been visiting the Earth for thousands of years. My personal conclusion is that aliens put us on this planet as a project, or they upgraded us DNA-wise from basic human beings.

I’m not talking monkeys or gorillas or anything like that. I mean basic humanoid beings, as we were in the early days. God coming from the sky, the burning bush and other things from the Bible can be reinterpreted into the first interactions with UFOs. The Romans described them as burning shields in the sky, because they didn’t have the knowledge or language to describe flying disks.



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ExoNews Exclusive- Cargo Cults, Extra-Terrestrials & Humanity

    By Joseph M. Irwin @CosmicEmbassy
(Unique Information in this Full Article below but here is the video for those who prefer.)
       Have you ever heard of cargo cults?  It’s one of the most fascinating subjects in recent history, and the implications are massive, especially as we go forward into the future and out into the Universe.  In this article, and companion video, I’m going to give you some super unique and valuable perspectives.  I’m going to tell you what you need to know about cargo cults and how they’re completely connected to the entire Human Experience, and perhaps beyond.
       Even though it may sound simple, the concept of cargo cults may become vital to understand our history and crucial for how we go forward out into the cosmos.  If you are totally new to this subject, I’ll break it down for you, and if you are a veteran of this subject, I’m going to add some tidbits and perspectives that I know you will find valuable, that help usher us all into the next stage of human evolution.
       So here’s the setup:  Things that are normal today were unbelievable a short time ago, even the device you’re reading this article on.  If someone from the past came and saw what you are doing right now, looking at this lighted screen, they would be mind blown.  If they went out into our world they would be astonished, everything that’s going on in our society, the commerce, the entertainment, all the variety of people, the vehicles, I mean you are used to traveling great distances relative to our ancestors, and it’s totally “normal” to you.  You see all different types of humans, all different Races often, and it’s totally normal and okay.  Wildly different cultures and even languages, you expect this, this is part of the now equation on Earth.  Different types of people all around the Earth and sometimes even in the same city and same building and this is totally okay.  What if soon a new race of beings or species was discovered, and after a relatively short adjustment period that too would be “normal,” to have them walking among us.  What if completely revolutionary technologies came into our society, either by a brilliant inventor, secret advancements being revealed, or even a being from an exotic culture or planet?  At first the massive breakthrough would be crazy, and then again, It would become normal.
      So having laid that strong groundwork, let’s talk about cargo cults.  During World War II, almost untouched islands became strategically ultra important, and the native cultures there were forever changed. They were exposed to technology and ways of being and living that were inconceivable, not unlike advanced extraterrestrials from another world arriving on our planet.  This concept is massively significant for our world today, and going into the future, you see to the Melanesian’s their islands were all that really existed.  Melanesia was almost entirely unaware of the rest of the world and its cultures, societies, and advancements.  Everything there was to know was on the islands, everyone there was to know was on the islands.  The fact that their culture was relatively small, and there were far more advanced cultures, technologies, and more numerous peoples living on the same planet, completely eluded them, even though to us the other cultures were not that far away.
        To the Melanesians, another continent might as well have been another planet or solar system away, for they didn’t have the means to travel the sea.  In certain secret programs this concept is highly valued and studied, because it directly relates to how the surface population of the Earth (meaning you and me and everyone we know) are, for the most part, completely ignorant of our own advanced stellar neighbors.  Some of them, not even that far away, perhaps even here on Earth, but just out of reach, for we do not openly have the means to get where they are.
          Furthermore, as we go out exploring into the cosmos, (and based on all the evidence we are now gathering it seems very plausible, or likely even, that we are already far outside the solar system) how we interact with these totally new cultures in new worlds and places that we find can have drastic effects on them and us.  As an example, in the series Star-Gate SG-1, (which we have heard from credible insiders is based on real mission reports of a real star-gate program) members of a secret United States military group discovered how to portal to other worlds all throughout the Universe.  As a result they start to find and interact with totally new cultures, some of which are wildly different and some very similar.  As you may imagine there are sometimes great challenges when interacting with these new collectives.  Some cultures are much more advanced than us, and some much less advanced than us.  Sometimes great cultural clashes occur, and sometimes disease can even be spread inadvertently from a simple organism on our skin that is harmless to us, not unlike Columbus or other explorers making landfall on a new continent in our terrestrial history.  I’m currently making an entire video and article on the star-gate concept so I’ll just leave it at that, but I think you may be beginning to understand that studying this cargo cult phenomenon is very very valuable as the implications extend beyond our home planet.
        So, World War II happens, and there’s this massive influx of Westerners that are interacting with the island peoples and giving them supplies and cargo, and sharing their ways of living and their technology, and even using them for military purposes, and this is a big shock for them on every level.  Then after the war, the Westerners left, and it created this vacuum of energy from the removal of the powerful influence that the Westerners were causing.  Because there was not truly fluent communication between the cultures, many distortions arose naturally from the differences in understanding, and that’s how the “cargo cults” were born.  The Melanesian’s began to believe that if they performed certain ceremonies and rituals that cargo and riches would be sent from the heavens.

 They created elaborate ceremonies and customs to appease the Gods of cargo, even making sounds like airplanes and creating fake ships and runways to try and precipitate more cargo arriving.  They created fake guns and costumes to imitate the American soldiers who had brought cargo before, and would even march like those they had witnessed, even the most ordinary and unremarkable aspects of our civilization were inflated into these highly detailed religious ceremonies of high importance.  You might think this is funny, but I encourage you to turn the mirror around and observe how this has occurred widely in our greater society, our history, and perhaps many global religions.

                 To expand upon this understanding; Columbus, Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, and James Cook, all of these famous explorers were greeted by natives as “Gods” when they arrived in new places.  Sometimes elaborate rituals that existed before their arrival were played out and expanded upon with their arrival, they were taken many times as the long awaited return of the “Gods.”  One of the most fascinating aspects of this is that the natives had been expecting the “Gods” to return.  If one makes a logical deduction, it should

Christopher Columbus frightens the Carib natives into assisting him by predicting an eclipse of the moon, a god of theirs, Jamaica, February 29, 1504. (Image by Frederic Lewis/Getty Images)

be fairly plain to see the natives of all these respective cultures had likely been touched by other unique advanced cultures in their past.  They already had contact or some distant memories of these “Gods,” why else would they be anticipating their return?  Think about it.  If these peoples had never seen anyone like this, and had no expectation of Gods returning, I am quite certain they would have reacted differently.

        Furthermore, to be thorough, we must consider that perhaps all, or most, religions around the world indeed have similar roots.  With Christianity for example, there was no written word from Jesus himself, everything was second hand accounts written by His followers, or many times written generations later.  Without doubt, it distorted over time based on which human’s hands the message passed through, their intentions, and their ability to comprehend the source information.  I say this not to criticize Christianity or any other religions, for in most cases it seems the source material was highly benevolent.  I say this to bring the broader picture into focus so we can better understand the human experience as a whole, so that we can more authentically evolve and venture out into the cosmos with a more holistic view of ourselves, and perhaps gain greater understanding of natural conditions of complex cultures meeting and mixing throughout time and space.  If you consider, just for a moment, the possibility that Christianity is also a form of cargo cult, then its fascinating to consider that one cargo cult came and spread across the world, setting up churches in South America, Asia, Europe…. everywhere, and in many cases superseded the native “cargo cults.”  One “Cargo Cult” overtaking another?
        As I’ve said before, this concept of cargo cults is very important in advanced secret programs, especially ones working with exotic humanoids or extraterrestrials, because it reveals so much about our modern culture on the surface of the Earth.  Are we living in a giant worldwide cargo cult that has been touched throughout time by advanced cultures? Perhaps they (the visitors) left, and the interactions between us distorted over time based on the knowledge and culture we already had.  For the most part, we can only draw from the bank of experience that we have collectively. Trying to interpret these sometimes wildly different cultures using the limited pool of knowledge we have is difficult, if not impossible, so its understandable in a sense.
        So let me ask this: Could entirely different societies, and even species, be living on the earth, or near it, in places that are hidden or inaccessible?  According to recent credible insider testimonies, evidence unearthed by Dr. Salla, others, and my own personal experience the answer is YES.
        Just like the Melanesians, what if these big continents that we view as the only habitable land masses on this planet… what if they’re not?  What if our continents are kind of like the Melanesian islands?  What if there are big places, even on the Earth you call home, that are hidden or just out of reach?  What if there are big places underneath the ground where advanced cultures exist and have existed for thousands or even millions of years?  Could entirely different advanced civilizations be operating in our solar system or Galaxy, and to them the distances are as simple and straightforward as it was for an American soldier to get on an airplane and fly to Melanesia in World War II?  What if visitors from one of these exotic cultures came in the past and gave us “cargo” that we still have some memory of?  Further, what if some of this “cargo” has come in more recent times?  Perhaps some crashed here, and led to some of the stunning advancements we are now enjoying, like the screen or device you are reading this on?
    The universe is a vast cosmic ocean that is Full of life… But many in our culture believe they have all the answers, their religions and sciences they feel are “right”, and sensible, and even obvious in some ways.  With our cultural programming and group-think, most of us just feel more comfortable believing things we view the majority is considering. But what if there have been other advanced cultures right here under our noses the whole time?  Our little “continents” are the islands, and one little break in perspective, the shot heard around the world, a more advanced culture being revealed, that could ring out across all these “Big island” continents and to all the people of the surface. That would completely shift everything we know to be possible.
        The glimpses into the “UFO” and extraterrestrial phenomenon have been getting greater and greater, and will continue to expand until we fully catch up to the “Song of the Galaxy.” Until that time, we must have extra wisdom not to distort the knowledge we received from visitors from outside our surface cultures, or this can turn into belief systems. Better we stay open minded as we go forward into greater and greater truth and awareness.  One of the most fascinating parts of all this, is that some of our collective have already gone to the other side, they’ve left the “islands,” if you will, and are already integrated with the greater civilizations both on and off the planet, both inside and outside the solar system.
        As many readers of this site would no doubt be aware, we’ve had massive jumps forward in our understanding recently from suppressed history being revealed, and credible insider testimonies.  One of the key components to understanding this greater picture, is that part of the establishment has been actively trying to create a secret space program for a very long time.  Starting, perhaps, with the steam-powered airship dirigibles in the 1800’s, then graduating to planes, then to rockets, and then massively jumping in the lead-up to, and exploding after, World War II, when we started massively developing anti-gravity craft in secret.  Efforts to colonize the solar system and beyond are well-established, and as I suggested earlier we have even found portals, some natural and some artificial, that allow us to travel very very far, and as we travel far we tend to meet new cultures, some wildly exotic, and some strangely very familiar.
          Entire Wars have been fought in secret to keep the surface population of Earth from knowing that vastly larger populations are around us, and especially the technology they have that can get them here, this is the biggest secret being revealed now.  A massive secret space program has been created with many compartmentalized layers of access and knowing.  The fact that our continents are actually very small, is not dissimilar to the Melanesian’s islands, and this has become glaringly obvious to those in the projects with the bird’s eye view.  Those that have touched some of these greater cultures are now looking back at us on the surface with fascination.  In fact, to some, we look exactly like the island people before the Westerners came.  For, some in our society, still believe the island continents we inhabit are the extent of complex life in the universe.  The Melanesians did not have the technology to cross the oceans, and we do not openly have the technology to cross the vastness of space, but in secret we do and we are.  Whole cultures are existing just Out Of Reach, but that’s all changing now.
         What if YOU were a being from another world, and you knew from your history your collective had visited Earth many times in the past.  You witnessed with utter fascination how the humans confused and distorted the knowledge, technology, and accounts of your people’s visitation to Earth.  Perhaps you would consider us similarly to how the Westerner looked at the primitive peoples of Melanesia.  So, considering all this, it’s frankly hilarious to observe humans who are so sure of themselves and the “facts” that they base their beliefs on, when all of it can, and will, flip in an instant, and now we have to rethink everything. While I was doing the research and considering of this video, I had a deep and powerful meditation. I started to “receive” some information, and I’ll put that here for those interested:
          “Many non-terrestrials have come here all throughout time, and when we were at our cycles of less advancement we could not truly understand visitors from the cosmos.  Their knowledge, experience, technologies… advancement was so much greater it would confuse us.  We would try to translate it in any way we could so we could make sense of them, but we could only draw from the collective knowledge bank that existed then.  The cargo cult phenomenon happens in different ways, on many worlds throughout the cosmos, and is a natural result of the distortion that occurs when two cultures are so vastly different that they cannot mix easily, especially if the more advanced culture leaves after a short time. If the cultures are not given enough time to “mix,” distortion naturally occurs in their wake, because the simpler culture cannot correctly interpret everything that has occurred.  On the other hand, if the more advanced culture stays, the two cultures will be homogenized, and the simpler culture will advance very quickly.”
    Really fascinating stuff, to consider cargo cults as a common condition throughout the cosmos.
            Having said that, and to wrap this article up, let’s talk about here and now.  Now is a blossoming endless.  Now is the most fascinating moment in a fractal sense; it’s the edge, the wave we all ride, endlessly breaking the crest. Thanks to Science “Fiction” and other cultural influences, (that are a manifestation of these outside cultures permeating our collective mind) we are now in a state where a large portion of the Earth’s population has considered thoroughly the concept of life from outside this planet.  Now the collective song of “Humans of Earth” is starting to harmonize and homogenize with the ”Song of the Galaxy”, and indeed the Universe.
       The “Veil” now is only paper thin, and on the other side is infinite abundance, entire cultures, fully fleshed out technologies, and spiritual awareness ripe and ready to mix with our own collective mind.  Not long from now a new human culture emerges, one where many things we would call exotic, or even impossible, have become normal. Maybe this new human culture in the near future will observe this article, and information like it, with wonder, considering the time when these things were still hidden.  They will be intrigued that some of us were seeing through the “Veil,” and maybe even more intrigued by those of us who were not.  What if, not long from now, new intelligent species walk among us here on Earth, and it is totally normal.  These are some really important thoughts, and are at the core of the mission of the Cosmic Embassy; normalizing relations with our stellar family, the true macro reunion from a place of sovereignty, equality and love.  I really wanted to put this all forward because I truly know, as we continue into the future, this concept will become more and more obviously relevant in so many ways.
       If you like this article, please consider finding the Cosmic Embassy on YouTube and Facebook and giving us a Like and Subscribe.  And let me know down below, or in the comments of the video: are you excited to meet new cosmic, and even hidden, Earth cultures, and perhaps have them walk among us?  Are you excited for technologies that will completely shatter our concepts of lack and distances?  What do you think of cargo cults and how it relates to our religions?  I’ll read the best comments in my next video.
Joseph M. Irwin @CosmicEmbassy

 Thanks to Dr. Salla & Duke Brickhouse for everything they do and hosting this topic.
Inspired by David Wilcock & Erich von Däniken.

NEW on Audible! US Navy’s Secret Space Program & Nordic Alliance

The Amazon bestselling book that featured the ground breaking testimony of William Tompkins on the U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program is finally available as an audiobook. Get it here!

The Los Angeles Air Raid on February 24/25, 1942 opened an unprecedented chapter in the evolution of the US Navy. In response to this incident, a covert research program to investigate the feasibility of exotic antigravity propulsion technologies was developed. In addition, navy operatives were embedded in Nazi-occupied Europe to learn about the Germans’ advanced flying saucer programs, and they discovered the Nazis were receiving assistance from two extraterrestrial groups with very different agendas.

The debriefing of the operatives took place at Naval Air Station, San Diego, led by Rear Admiral Rico Botta. He instructed a “disseminator of naval research and information”, William Tompkins, to take confidential briefing packets to select think tanks, corporations, and university departments around the country. Later, Tompkins worked with a number of leading aerospace companies to design massive spacecraft for a secret US Navy space program and was fatefully assisted by extraterrestrial visitors described as “Nordics”.

An extensive number of documents substantiate Tompkins’ claims of the existence of a covert navy program created to study, design, and build deep space battle groups. They became operational in the 1980s. Now the navy has a new goal to enact a plan to level the universal playing field, and the election of President Donald Trump may just be the wild card they needed to reveal…everything!

The audiobook includes an additional preface discussing newly discovered material corroborating Tompkins involvement in designing the Navy’s secret space carriers not found in the Paperback and Kindle editions.

Available on and

One of the World’s Most Sensational ‘Alien Encounters’

by Craig Campbell                 March 1, 2019               (

• On October 11 1973, Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 18, were fishing at the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, when a strange craft – oval-shaped, eight feet across and eight feet high with two flashing blue lights – appeared near them. A door opened and three weird creatures levitated them onboard. After studying the two humans, shipyard workers Charles and Calvin were then put back where they had been, at the west bank pier.

• Both men reported being paralyzed and numb during the incident. Hickson passed away eight years ago. But Parker, aged 64, says that when they were taken onboard he was given some kind of injection to calm him down. Still, he fainted due to fright. Doctors would later confirm the puncture wounds. Both men passed a lie detector test and have maintained their story throughout their lives, despite ridicule and disbelief.

• They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape and standing about five feet tall. Their skin was pale in color and wrinkled, and they had no eyes and slits for mouths. Their heads appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck. Instead, there were three carrot-like growths – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be. They had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and seemed to have only one leg, as if their legs were fused together, ending in an elephant-like foot. The creatures moved in a mechanical, robotic way.

• The men were released about twenty minutes after being abducted, but could not immediately recall what had happened to them inside the craft. They reported their story to the Keesler Air Force Base, but were told it had nothing to do with UFOs. So they went to the Mississippi sheriff’s office, where sheriff Fred Diamond believed they were sincere and terrified. Later on, Parker was able to recall some details through hypnotic regression.

• After the incident was publicized, a retired US Navy chief petty officer named Mike Cataldo came forward to say that he had observed a strange craft at dusk on the same date in that area. Also, Maria and Jerry Blair came forward to relate how they had been sitting in their car, looking out from the east bank of the Pascagoula River when Parker and Hickson were on the west bank. Maria saw what she “thought was an airplane because of its bright lights flashing on” going back and forth across the sky. She told Jerry that the plane must be lost because it “didn’t act like it knows what direction it wants to go.”


On October 11 1973, Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 18, were fishing at the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, when they say something incredible happened.

A strange craft appeared near them, a door opened and three weird creatures levitated them onboard.

                   Calvin Parker today

Having studied the two humans, shipyard workers Charles and Calvin were then put back where they had been, at the west bank pier.

One man who looked deep into the story and wrote a book about it with Parker is Philip Mantle, a top UFO researcher, from Pontefract.

Hickson sadly passed away eight years ago, but Parker is still with us, aged 64, and Philip was told by him that when they were taken onboard he was given some kind of injection to calm him down.

“Charles and Calvin were fishing off a pier when they heard a whirring or whizzing sound, saw two flashing blue lights, and reported that an oval-shaped craft, some eight feet across and eight or more feet high, suddenly appeared near them,” says Philip.

“A door opened on the ship, they said, and three creatures emerged and seized the men, floating or levitating them into the craft. Both men reported being paralysed and numb.

“Parker claimed he had fainted due to fright.

“They described the creatures as being roughly humanoid in shape and standing about five feet tall.

“The creatures’ skin was pale in colour and wrinkled, and they had no eyes that the men could discern, and slits for mouths.

“Their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck.

“There were three carrot-like growths instead – one where the nose would be on a human, the other two where ears would normally be.

“The beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, and seemed to have only one leg.

“Hickson later described the creatures’ lower bodies looking as if their legs were fused together, ending in elephant-like feet.

“Hickson also reported that the creatures moved in mechanical, robotic ways.

“Parker claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft,” says Philip, “although later, during sessions of hypnotic regression, he offered some hazy details.”



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Humans Are Likely Alone in the Universe, Study Concludes

by Jeff Parsons                February 26, 2019                   (

• A new study entitled ‘Dissolving the Fermi Paradox’, by Oxford University researcher Anders Sandberg, and reported to, concludes that we are the only intelligent life in the known universe.

• The Oxford research team used the famous Fermi paradox as the basis for their study. The Fermi paradox looks at the contradiction between the high probability of existence of alien civilizations and the overwhelming lack of evidence we’ve found since starting to scan the stars. The researchers incorporated new elements into the paradox equation, such as bias and uncertainty, and determined that the paradox’ conclusions of a small chance of other intelligent life existing in the universe was not accurate. Their conclusion is that we are completely alone in the universe.

• In the report goes on to say that even if we did somehow stumble across aliens, they may not be intelligent ones. “When the model is recast to represent realistic distributions of uncertainty, we find a substantial ex ante probability of there being no other intelligent life in our observable universe, and thus that there should be little surprise when we fail to detect any signs of it,” the team wrote.

• Bottom line: time to go back to those X-Files re-runs on Netflix because that’s the closest we’re going to get to any sort of alien encounter at the moment.

[Editor’s Note]  The only thing that this new study reveals, with certainty, is that the University of Oxford in England is a Deep State stronghold, spewing copious volumes of disinformation. These mainstream scientific “researchers” use pseudo-scientific intellectual gibberish to mask their stunningly ignorant “conclusion” that there is no other intelligent life in the universe except for our own. Perhaps puppet scientists and researchers, such as Anders Sandberg, should focus on a different issue: whether their kind will have any place in our scientific community once the existence of innumerable alien species throughout our galaxy, and even our historic and continuing interaction with many of them, is finally disclosed to the public. Let’s hope not.


In a new study published online they conclude that we are the only intelligent life in the known universe. The team used the famous Fermi paradox as the basis for their study. The paradox looks at the contradiction between the high probability of existence of alien civilisations and the overwhelming lack of evidence we’ve found since starting to scan the stars.

            Anders Sandberg

The researchers took the paradox, which was developed in the first half of the 20th century, then incorporated new elements such as bias and uncertainty. In a nutshell, they reckon it’s not as accurate as previously thought. The report is entitled ‘Dissolving the Fermi Paradox,’ and the researchers come to the conclusion we’re very much alone in the known galaxy. ”One can answer the Fermi Paradox by saying intelligence is very rare, but then it needs to be tremendously rare,’ said Anders Sandberg, a researcher at Oxford University and a lead author of the study. ‘Another possibility is that intelligence doesn’t last very long, but it is enough that one civilization survives for it to become visible,’ he told

In the report, the researchers go on to say that even if we did somehow stumble across aliens, they may not be intelligent ones. ‘When the model is recast to represent realistic distributions of uncertainty, we find a substantial ex ante probability of there being no other intelligent life in our observable universe, and thus that there should be little surprise when we fail to detect any signs of it,’ the team wrote.

‘This result dissolves the Fermi paradox, and in doing so removes any need to invoke speculative mechanisms by which civilizations would inevitably fail to have observable effects upon the universe.’ Bottom line: time to go back to those X-Files re-runs on Netflix because that’s the closest we’re going to get to any sort of alien encounter at the moment.



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Photographs of Antarctica Have Found an Object Similar to a Flying Saucer

by paradox                    March 2, 2019                     (

• Paranormal researcher Valentin Degterev recently uncovered pictures on Google Earth of what could be a flying saucer poking out of the ice on Antarctica. It appears to be about 600 metres in length and not less than 100 meters in height. He first noticed it in a 1997 image, but more recent images show a more pronounced artefact as the ice and snow have thawed. It now appears that this is clearly a man-made object, and very ancient – perhaps hundreds of thousands of years old, says Degterev.

• Degterev’s attempts to bring this to the attention of world leaders and international scholars have fallen on deaf ears. “They don’t believe in miracles, like a UFO.” Degterev believes that such discoveries were made possible for two reasons: improved appearance of mapping services like Google Maps or Google Earth, and rapid ice melting in Antarctica. (see 7:44 minute video of the Google Earth satellite images below)


A tireless researcher of the paranormal V. Degterev, if you trace his explorations, most of all pay attention somehow to the Dyatlov pass and Antarctica. The first preferred location of the study more understandable, Valentin himself from the Urals (Nizhny Tagil), but the icy continent why he was so attracted – a little mystery.

However, this can be explained because it Degterev finds most interesting, for example, the ancient pyramids, some mysterious bunkers or entrances in them. And finally frozen in the ice flying alien ships. Valentine argues that such discoveries were made possible for two reasons: appearance and to improve mapping services like Google Maps or Google Earth, as well as rapid ice melting in Antarctica.

The other day Valentin Degterev pleased subscribers to its video channel a new discovery: he found the pictures on Google Earth mysterious object, very reminiscent of a flying saucer aliens. According to the researcher, he noticed this unusual structure even in the photos of 1997, but then it was quite clear that the artifact or slightly thawed rock. Now, when the ice from the object came down even more, it is possible to determine what it is.

First, this is clearly a man-made object, probably a crashed alien ship. Secondly, a very ancient artifact, which, perhaps, hundreds of thousands of years and even millions.

For a “plate” to equip the expedition, dreamy sighs Valentine, but… no private company is not able to retrieve from under the ice this apparatus, which, apparently, is about 600 metres in length and not less than 100 meters in height. And no one will allow her to do so. The monster only international project, thanks to which mankind could acquire alien technology, and not only…

7:44 minute video (silent) of satellite image of 600 meter wide discoid on Antarctica



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Former Senator Reid Wants UFO Studies Made Public

by George Knapp and Matt Adams               February 27, 2019                   (

• George Knapp’s Las Vegas-based CBS affiliate KLAS Channel 8 “I-Team” recently interviewed former Nevada Senator Harry Reid (pictured above) who is continuing to make the case for renewed studies into UFOs. Reid says that the Russian and Chinese military are certainly studying how UFOs work and how to build their own. (see 5:10 minute interview below)

• In 2007, Reid and a few senate colleagues sponsored a secret Pentagon program that investigated mystery aircraft and related phenomena. This is known as AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), but Reid revealed that the original name for it was the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP). This program ended six years ago. The former senator wants to see these ‘X-Files’ released to the public along with a renewed effort to get to the bottom of things.

• First there was the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO which buzzed the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004 was not only seen by pilots and cameras but also by several high tech sensor systems, as documented in a 13-page report written for the Pentagon. Debunkers have tried to explain it as a rocket or something. Reid confirms that these craft are not [Earthly]. “People… who are in positions of responsibility, whether it’s the Pentagon or whatever it might be, …don’t want to have to try and explain something that many times is not explainable,” said Reid. “This has been going on a long time.”

• Then there was the so-called Gimbal UFO video recorded by military pilots in 2015. It was one of dozens of similar objects encountered off the coasts of Florida and Virginia over the past three years, according to Pentagon sources.

• More recently has been the release of the titles of 38 unclassified scientific papers produced by the AATIP/AAWSAP study, five of which has been made public in its entirety. Reid confirms that one of the unreleased studies involve the investigation reports of UFO activity over American nuclear missile bases. Another focused on a mysterious (Skinwalker) ranch in northeastern Utah, once owned by businessman Robert Bigelow, and the harmful health consequences for dozens of people who had close encounters there.

• Dr. Hal Puthoff, a Bigelow Aerospace physicist, says that the program also looked closely at a Brazilian investigation from the 1970’s that included a thousand pages of documents by the Brazilian Air Force, 500 photographs, 15 hours of film, and a lot of medical reports of injuries to people who encountered UFO craft at close range.

• Knapp asks Reid “What’s their [ETs] interest in us? Why are they buzzing around?” Reid replied, “Well, let’s turn that around. Why are we interested in them? Same answer to your question, because we don’t know.”

[Editor’s Note]  Since the AATIP/AAWSAP Program was revealed in December 2017, over 1200 Freedom of Information Requests have been filed with the Department of Defense for complete information on these declassified reports.


LAS VEGAS – Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid is continuing to make the case for renewed studies into the UFO mystery.

Back in 2007, Reid and a few senate colleagues sponsored a secret Pentagon program that investigated mystery aircraft and related phenomena.

The program was based in southern Nevada, but that effort ended six years ago, and very little from the study has been made public. Now, the senator not only hopes the X-Files get released but thinks there should be a renewed effort to get to the bottom of things.

“I’ll bet you anything that China is spending money to check this out I’ll bet you anything that KGB Putin is spending some money checking this out,” said former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

He dropped hard-edged hints that he knows potential adversaries Russia and China have carried out their own military studies to figure out how UFOs work and how to build their own.

The so-called Gimbal UFO recorded by military pilots in 2015 is one of dozens of similar objects encountered off the coasts of Florida and Virginia in the last three years, according to Pentagon sources.

The Tic Tac UFO which buzzed the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004 was not only seen by pilots and cameras but also by several high tech sensor systems, as documented in a 13-page report written for the Pentagon, a document that went into the data base of AAWSAP, that’s the original acronym for the study Reid sponsored. The senator said these craft are not ours.

Reporter George Knapp: “What’s their interest in us? Why are they buzzing around?”

Former Sen. Harry Reid: “Well, let’s turn that around. Why are we interested in them? Same answer to your question, because we don’t know.”

Reporter George Knapp: “The Tic Tac. People have tried to explain it away, it’s almost an insult to our best pilots and sensors. It was real and we don’t understand it?”

Former Sen. Harry Reid: “This has been going on a long time. These sightings are said to have been set off by a rocket in California or something. People do not want, who are in positions of responsibility, whether it’s the Pentagon or whatever it might be, they don’t want to have to try and explain something that many times is not explainable.”

5:10 minute KLAS Channel 8 I-Team CBS News video of
Former Senator Reid’s interview (and Dr Hal Puthoff)



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On the Record American News Happened to Notice a UFO

by paradox                   February 23, 2019                     (

• On February 21st, Channel 3 NBC News in Cleveland, Ohio was broadcasting live when a UFO swept over the morning city in the background image of the broadcast. A bright, ball-shaped UFO flew up leaving behind a long trail in the sky and a few bewildered newspeople. The TV station received hundreds of calls from concerned viewers who noticed the incident. (see below an 18-second video clip of the WKYC News broadcast in real time, and a 2:02 minute enhanced video of the UFO)


A lot of viewers of the American Cleveland, Ohio, February 21, noticed something strange while watching TV channel “Channel 3 NBC”.

Live seemed to be an unidentified flying object, is rapidly swept over the morning city. Bright ball-shaped UFO flew up, leaving behind a long trail in the sky. Many people in front of the television proved to be very surprised by such a strange detail.

As you might guess, among the citizens and Internet users have viewed the videos below, immediately began to spread the theory about aliens visiting Cleveland.

Ufologists and curious people simple assume that the aircraft of the representatives of the extraterrestrials left Earth and accidentally got on camera of the TV crew. In this case, we have before us a real sensation, isn’t it? Indeed, in this case, it is difficult to blame the operator in rigging or fake.

18 second video clip of original WKYC News Cleveland with UFO

2:02 minute enhanced video of WKYC News Cleveland with UFO



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Fear of What’s Out There Causes Big Split Among Space Scientists

by Peter Fimrite            February 25, 2019                   (

• A faction of the San Francisco-based SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has split off to form METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence. While SETI traditionalists believe humans should only look and listen for extraterrestrials to avoid tipping off evil aliens, the METI group intends to broadcast messages to space aliens. The clash is the first major division in the tight-knit community of astronomers, astrophysicists, philosophers, psychologists and science fiction writers who are convinced intelligent beings are out there somewhere.

• SETI has been searching in vain for radio signals or some other sign of life beyond Earth from its Bay Area Mountain View headquarters for 35 years. Astrobiologist Douglas Vakoch, who split with the METI group, says, “What if [the ET’s] position is, ‘No, you are the ones who are new to this game. You send us a signal first.’” METI will employ radar and laser technology to beam more powerful multi-directional messages into space.

• SETI astronomers are worried that less-then-friendly extraterrestrials might be more inclined to enslave Earthlings and mercilessly plunder and destroy Earth. “We wonder whether the galaxy that we are in is maybe a dark forest, where it is dangerous to scream because there are creatures out there unhappy with new life forms,” said astronomer Andrew Fraknoi. “You don’t want to advertise your presence in a dark forest.” Stephen Hawking was among those who warned that aliens “may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria.”

• Vakoch formed METI after a vote in 2014 by the SETI Institute board rejecting his plans to broadcast messages. Vakoch and his supporters reason that any predatory civilization would probably have detected us by now, since our radar, radio and television signals would long ago have signaled our presence. They began sending active signals into space in 2017. “We may have to target hundreds and thousands and maybe millions of stars before we find anything.” Says Vakoch. “I view this as a reflection of the natural growth of SETI.”

• Using Earth’s current technology, it would take 80,000 years for an astronaut to reach the closest star, Alpha Centauri. Fraknoi speculates that self-replicating civilizations could travel through space for thousands of years and still be alive to tell about it when the trip is over.

• Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute who supports Vakoch’s work, says that given the enormous distances, we may never find intelligent life if we don’t get out there and look for it. “No transmissions into the sky because there might be nasty aliens out there.’ That’s just paranoia. Paranoia is not a good long-term policy.”

• The issue moved to the forefront in 1989 when SETI scientists published a declaration of principles on how international leaders should be consulted before anyone replies to an ET signal. A committee of the International Academy of Astronautics took it a step further in the 1990’s, urging consultations with world leaders before anyone attempts to broadcast a powerful message into space that is likely to be detectable by alien life.

• “Human history is littered with examples of societies disrupted by direct contact with others, even when it was led by idealistic missionaries,” Says Michael Michaud, former director of the State Department’s Office of Space and Advanced Technology. “Ignore the Hollywood scenario of reptilian aliens landing on Earth’s surface to conquer our planet. They would not need to use futuristic weapons; the correct pesticide would do.”

[Editor’s Note]  Could the real purpose for these “scientists” to labor in vain for decades be to simply to create a disinformation campaign to make people believe that ‘smart people’ are actively looking for alien beings, and since they haven’t officially found any, then we can presume that there are no aliens out there?  Mainstream science willfully denies the ample proof that dozens of different extraterrestrial species have visited the Earth over the past seventy years. Some alien species are positive and some are negative. The positive ones abide by a galactic law of non-interference with a low-level developing species such as we humans on Earth. The negative ones however, which do include the Draco Reptilians, couldn’t give a hoot about galactic law. But their M.O. is not to wipe us out and take over the planet. They prefer to keep us mind-controlled, determining what we are allowed to know, and using us as slave workers to generate an economic and industrial resource that they can exploit to continue to build out their own secret space program, off-world bases and colonies. Also, the system is set up so that humans must perpetually endure emotional fear, confusion, hardship, conflict and war, in order to create a form of energetic sustenance called ‘loosh’, which the higher negative Archon beings require. If we all woke up, turned to the loving Creator, and denied these negative beings all of this negative energy, this perverted system would collapse virtually overnight.


A cosmic rift has opened between Bay Area astronomers and a splinter group of San Francisco stargazers who are hell-bent on contacting space aliens, hang the consequences.

       Douglas Vakoch

The schism pits the traditionalists, who believe humans should only look and listen for extraterrestrials to avoid tipping off evil aliens, against a rebel faction that wants to broadcast messages to intelligent beings, assuming they are altruistic.
The battle is so heated that one prominent scientist quit the Mountain View group known as SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, to form METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

    Andrew Fraknoi

“We’ve always assumed the extraterrestrials were looking for us,” Vakoch said. But “what if their position is, ‘No, you are the ones who are new to this game. You send us a signal first.’”

SETI has been searching for radio signals or some other sign of life beyond Earth from its Mountain View headquarters for 35 years, but with nothing to show for its effort, Vakoch and other restless alien hunters are insisting on a more active search, including employing radar and laser technology to beam more powerful multidirectional messages into space.

The problem, many SETI astronomers warn, is that, instead of an intergalactic kumbaya, intelligent extraterrestrials might very well be more inclined to enslave Earthlings and mercilessly plunder and destroy Earth.

Those who adhere to this dark theory imagine humanity as a childlike form of life lost in an Amazonian jungle crawling with skulking predators, said Andrew Fraknoi, a SETI Institute board member.

                  Seth Shostak

“We wonder whether the galaxy that we are in is maybe a dark forest, where it is dangerous to scream because there are creatures out there unhappy with new life forms,” said Fraknoi, an astronomer who will be teaching a course in April called Aliens in Science and Science Fiction at the University of San Francisco’s Fromm Institute. “With every strong signal we send out, we advertise our presence, and you don’t want to advertise your presence in a dark forest.”

The clash represents the first major division in the traditionally tight-knit community of astronomers, astrophysicists, philosophers, psychologists and science fiction writers who are convinced intelligent beings are out there somewhere.
Vakoch and his supporters, including some astronomers at SETI, call the dark forest analogy silly. Any predatory civilization would probably have detected us by now simply by analyzing our atmosphere, they reason. Humans, Vakoch said, have been using radar, which can purportedly be detected 70 light-years away, since World War II. Television and radio signals would long ago have signaled our presence to malevolent space ruffians, he said.

          Michael Michaud

Unconcerned about an invasion of intergalactic invertebrates who are out for our heads, Vakoch adapted a transmitter and used a Norwegian observatory in late 2017 to send a message 12.4 light-years away to Luyten’s Star, a red dwarf with a large planet in the constellation Canis Minor.

He spent years developing the message, combining mathematics and the fundamentals of language that he believes even a blind alien could understand. It was the first of what Vakoch hopes will be many signals sent by his group.
“Our goal is to say we are interested in making contact,” Vakoch said. “We may have to target hundreds and thousands and maybe millions of stars before we find anything. I view this as a reflection of the natural growth of SETI.”




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Aliens ‘Already Visited’ For This Reason Explains Harvard Professor

by Freddie Jordan                  February 22, 2019                   (

• The eminent professor and head of astronomy at Harvard University, Abraham ‘Avi’ Loeb (pictured above), has reiterated his position that it is “quite possible” that we have interacted with alien technology without realizing it. “[W]e often imagine what we know already,” says Loeb, “And until we develop the appropriate technology, we would not recognize it.”

• Loeb elaborated that there was nothing far-fetched about the search for alien life. “Of course, we should be open-minded.” “Many people adopt the attitude that it’s never aliens… “And this approach is similar to an ostrich putting its head in the sand.”

• “We should look for industrial pollution on the atmospheres of other planets and relics from dead civilizations out there,” says Loeb. “I call it space archaeology: basically digging into space and searching for traces of other civilizations that may not exist anymore.”

• Loeb points to ‘Oumuamua’, the thin, cigar-shaped entity that briefly shot through our solar system in 2017 as an example. No one can currently explain the reason for its trajectory towards the center of the galaxy, nor its lack of gaseous emissions.

[Editor’s Note]   Professor Loeb might begin his “space archaeology” right here on Earth. Corey Goode has stated that there are intact alien spaceships lying on the ground surface of Antarctica underneath two miles of ice, as well as the remnants of an alien civilization that inhabited the continent around 12,000 years ago. Also, Linda Moulton Howe has recently brought forth a former Navy Seal she calls Spartan 1, and a former Marine she calls Spartan 2, who have independently confirmed that the melting Antarctic ice has revealed a 62-acre-wide, octagonal-shaped granite structure that serves as a passageway going through the two miles of ice to a base located at the ground surface, also accessible by submarine, which they say has a mechanical doorway, automatic lighting inside, and hieroglyphic writings on the walls. These men also corroborate Corey Goode’s report that the US Air Force’s secret space program landed a research craft on the Oumuamua asteroid, bored a hole into it, and entered it only to find that it was actually a derelict extraterrestrial spaceship. See Dr. Michael Salla’s recent article on this amazing discovery, Navy Insiders Corroborate Secret Antarctic Space Fleet & Mission to Oumuamua.


Professor Avi Loeb, who is head of astronomy at Harvard University, reiterated that it is indeed “quite possible” that we have interacted with alien technology without realising. Professor Loeb made the astonishing revelation this week to He explained: “It’s quite possible that we did detect some traces of other civilisations but haven’t recognised them.

“The reason is we often imagine what we know already – what we have developed ourselves.

“And until we develop the appropriate technology, we would not recognise it out there in the sky.”


The esteemed astronomer elaborated that there was nothing far fetched about the search for alien life.

He said: “Of course, we should be open-minded and not dismiss the opportunity to look at the sky.

“Many people adopt the attitude that it’s never aliens.

“And this approach is similar to an ostrich putting its head in the sand and  not even looking through the telescope to search for it.

“I think we should be open-minded. We should look for industrial pollution on the atmospheres of other planets and relics from dead civilisations out there.

“I call it space archaeology: basically digging into space and searching for traces of other civilisations that may not exist anymore.”



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Could a Dyson Sphere Harness the Full Power of the Sun?

by Seeker                  February 24, 2019                   (

• Physicist Freeman Dyson popularized the concept of a structure soaking up 100 % of a star’s (like our Sun) and converting it into useful energy, known as a Dyson Sphere. Dyson claimed that looking for signs of massive structures capturing the power of a host star in distant solar systems could lead us to advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

• Some believe that aliens might already be using a Dyson Sphere on a mysterious dimming star known as Tabby’s star, theorizing that the dimming is a sign of a structure surrounding the star. Other astronomers say that the dimming is likely just caused by dust.

• But astro-engineers say that a Sun-encircling sphere would be impractical, as the environmental and gravitational stresses of a solid structure around the Sun would certainly destroy the shell, even if we had the materials needed to do it. They suggest that the answer may be a ‘Dyson Swarm’ – a large number of advanced solar panels orbiting the Sun, capturing its light from all directions, and continuously transmitting the energy back to Earth.

• Futurists say building a Dyson Swarm would require extreme measures like mining Mercury for materials – eventually destroying that planet. But a successfully implemented Dyson Swarm could extend humanity’s survival in the solar system and provide the power needed to colonize other planets.


In a thought experiment, Physicist Freeman Dyson popularized the concept of a structure that could trap 100 percent of a star’s energy. Dyson claimed that advanced civilizations or extraterrestrials might use massive structures to capture the power of their host star. He said that looking for signs of these structures would lead us to other lifeforms. This concept inspired what later became known as a Dyson Sphere – a hypothetical megastructure that would surround the Sun, soaking up its light and converting it into useful energy.

Today, there are a few different Dyson inspired designs. The classic Dyson Shell, for instance, is often portrayed in sci-fi works. The solid structure, the size of a planetary orbit, contains solar habitats, each powered by their host star’s light. But this megastructure would be impossible for humanity to pull off due to the fact that the materials needed to build it don’t exist. On top of that, environmental and gravitational stresses of the Sun would destroy the shell.

Instead, some astro engineers believe a Dyson Swarm is the most practical design for our solar system. This concept would require the construction of an army of advanced solar panels which would orbit the Sun, capturing its light from all directions. The solar panels would collect the Sun’s radiation and continuously transmit the energy wirelessly back to Earth. Still, futurists say building a Dyson Swarm would require extreme measures like mining Mercury for materials – eventually destroying the planet. But if we manage to successfully create a sun sucking megastructure, it will extend humanity’s survival in the solar system and provide the power needed to colonize other planets. Considering all the advanced technology needed to make this happen though, it will be a very long time until any sort of Dyson Sphere takes the leap from science fiction to reality.

But, like Freeman Dyson, some people believe that aliens might already be using Dyson Sphere-like structures. And they point to a mysterious dimming star – known as Tabby’s Star – as potential evidence. Believers say that the dimming is a sign of a structure surrounding the star. While many astronomers say that the dimming is likely just caused by dust. But in the far-fetched chance that there is an advanced civilization out there soaking up all the energy in the universe, let’s just hope that they’ll use their power for good, not evil.



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Massive Black Triangle UFO Over New Lambton Heights (AU) in 1999

by Damon Cronshaw                   February 23, 2019                    (

• In November 1999, Dean “Vern” Garner of New Lambton Heights in New South Wales, Australia was barbecuing outside on a hot, crystal clear night at 11pm, talking to a friend when they suddenly saw “what appeared to be a fire, down low behind trees”. “Then the orange light started to rise up. It rose above the eucalypt trees,” Garner said. “We could see it coming towards us. I said, ‘we’re about to find out what this thing is’. We were absolutely stunned. I said ‘what the hell is that?’. This thing was coming towards us at no more than 25km/h. It was about 30 metres high, just above the tallest eucalyptus tree. As it approached us, the hairs on our neck and arms stood up. We were in deep shock. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing.”

• A massive triangular-shaped craft flew above them. “It was travelling so low, you could have thrown a rock and hit it. It was directly above our heads,” Garner said. “As we stood underneath it, there was no doubt what it was. We knew straight away it was an alien craft from another planet. There’s nothing like that on our planet. I never thought I’d see a UFO in my life. It seemed to take a minute for the whole craft to pass over our house.”

• Light from the craft shone on them and the house. The pair screamed, “hello, hello”. “We felt calm, like we weren’t in any danger. It was almost like it was being emitted from the ship somehow,” he said. The UFO had five lights, including a massive orange light in its center. “It was kind of like the inside of an orange when you cut an orange in half,” he said. The orange light itself was about “three quarters the size of a football field”. But the triangular craft was much bigger. It appeared to be made of a substance that he likened to “black glass or titanium”. “This thing was absolutely huge. It was 50 to 100 times the size of a 747,” Garner estimated. “It was a massive ship. It seemed to float on air. There were no engines, no flames, no sound. It was completely silent. It was absolutely beautiful. It came from another world, an advanced world. We had the distinct impression that we and everything around us were being filmed. We didn’t know why, we just had that feeling.”

• In 1989 to 1990, witnesses reported large black silent triangles many times in Belgium. This wave of sightings included a large number of police reports and the Belgian government’s official interest in the sightings. Retired Belgian Major General Wilfried de Brouwer, who oversaw the investigation, said there were about 2000 reported sightings. In one case, two police officers spotted a triangular object with three spotlights illuminating the field over which it hovered. In its center was a red flashing light.

• Some have suggested this type of UFO could be United States Air Force surveillance aircraft developed under “black operations”.


Dean “Vern” Garner has kept a secret for 20 years. He thinks about it often, but hardly speaks about it because he has no proof.

The memory came back vividly recently when he was throwing out old newspapers kept for painting. One fell on the floor.

It contained a story, published in this column in November 2017, about Geoff and Maree Masters. Dean hadn’t come across the story until then.

     New South Wales, Australia

The couple had shared their story about seeing a massive black triangle-shaped UFO from their Edgeworth front yard one night in the late 1990s.

Dean, who owns Vern’s Guitar Clinic at Wallsend, had a similar experience.

“It was 1999, around November. It was a hot, crystal clear night. You could see the stars. There was no breeze,” he said.
He was living on Grandview Road at New Lambton Heights on top of a ridge. That night, he was having a barbecue.

At about 11pm, he was outside talking to a mate about the forthcoming new year.

Suddenly, they could see “what appeared to be a fire, down low behind trees”.

They also thought it could be lightning.

“Then the orange light started to rise up. It rose above the eucalypt trees,” he said.

“We could see it coming towards us. I said, ‘we’re about to find out what this thing is’.

“We were absolutely stunned. I said ‘what the hell is that?’. This thing was coming towards us at no more than 25km/h.

“It was about 30 metres high, just above the tallest eucalyptus tree.

“As it approached us, the hairs on our neck and arms stood up. We were in deep shock. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing.”

A massive triangular-shaped craft flew above them.



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Alliance War Against Deep State – Major Updates Coming

MAJOR UPDATES COMING! I am working on outlining some of my recent briefings into updates to present on Edge of Wonder soon. There is so much info coming in after a number of months of near dead silence. I have received briefings about the Alliance war against the Deep State that were shocking. The scope at which this ‘shadow world war’ is being prosecuted is staggering. It seems that the Alliance is fighting Deep State proxies and enclaves on every continent.

The information coming in has shed light on much of what is going on in Africa, Europe, Asia, and South America. Some of the information coming in about Venezuela alone has left me on the edge of my seat. Information about top Generals and Politicians being heavily bought out by the Chinese and Russian Intelligence Groups, Nazi groups living secretly in military protected areas of the country, involved in Drug and Human Trafficking networks as well as lending support to terrorist groups related to Iran.

This is just one example of the information that is coming about a global conflict that is happening entirely in secret.

Not only do I have a lot of information to disseminate from these briefings but I hope to also have new info to bring out from insiders. As I reported over a year ago, the deep state has prepared disclosures and document leaks that are meant to be used as weapons of mass-distraction against an awakening global population. Think ancient civilizations and Antarctica… Think disclosures of exotic technologies…

Among these distracting disclosures was that University and Military types would begin talking about ancient ruins that were located on the ocean floor and on Antarctica deep under the ice. I was taken to the region and shown some of the ancient ruins that would be disclosed to the public in the near future and reported extensively on it.

I was also shown a video of the actual military operation in space. I was shown a secret spacecraft that was used to dock with an object that entered our solar system and then began to show signs of intelligent control. This mission was recorded and shown to me prior to any other information coming out publicly about Oumuamua possibly being an ‘alien spacecraft’.

I was told to expect a broader briefing on what was found on that ancient derelict alien spacecraft soon. I am told it is fascinating information about the history of many civilizations that worked together up until a little less than a billion years ago.

I was also allowed to release two DIA Documents officially making me the first to disclose DIA and DOD programs to study exotic technology. However, in all of the recent articles on AATIP disclosures going around, of course, none of them state Corey Goode was the first one to release any documents from the studies in that program.

AATIP DIA Documents first released –…/defense-intelligence-refe…

I covered these topics at conferences which have been on my YouTube Channel for over a year.

Ancient Aliens Return – Intruder Intercept and Interrogate Program – David Wilcock & Corey Goode

I reported on this same material on Cosmic Disclosure and in our hit movie Above Majestic which was number one on iTunes and Amazon for 6 weeks.

ABOVE MAJESTIC – iTunes:…/mov…/above-majestic/id1440082278…

The Question; Why was I the first to cover the information about ancient civilization in Antarctica or a Secret Mission to visit Oumuamua by a US Military Secret Space Program?

The Alliance knew that several deep state-sponsored disclosures had been planned for some time.

The Alliance knew about the planned disclosure of a civilization in Antarctica, they knew of a plan to let the public know that Oumuamua was an ancient alien spacecraft, they knew that the deep state was going to leak information about the AATIP program as a part of a mass distraction and wanted to get it to me to disclose FIRST along with the info that this disclosure was going to be a very partial and manipulated one.

I also made it public that the MIC Secret Space Program was preparing to be disclosed over a year prior to the announcement of Space Force.

I am told to expect more disclosures of programs such as the AATIP program and their studies as well as more people coming forward discussing the ruins in Antarctica.

I was pretty shocked to see that Linda Molten Howe had been interviewing Marine and Navy special operators that were leaking the same information I had released months or even up to a year prior. I know David Wilcock was blown away when he heard so many details from these military insiders matched exactly what we had reported on a year earlier. It is an interesting feeling to see things unfold months to a year after you had been told to expect public disclosures.

Dr. Salla wrote a great article on this topic;…/

These are all topics that I am outlining to report in an interview with Edge of Wonder very soon. I also have a ton of intelligence from other meetings that have been partially shared in some of the videos on Edge of Wonder with David Wilcock.

I am looking forward to bringing this information to you very soon.

Please subscribe to my YouTube and Facebook social media. I am being HEAVILY shadowbanned and hope to be able to get much of this new info out without it being censored.

Corey Goode

Austin Mayor Steve Adler: “We Are Putting Queso On The Moon”

February 22, 2019                    (

• Austen, Texas Mayor Steve Adler is one of a number of ‘celebrities, influencers, and dignitaries’ who has contributed a letter to the Arch Mission Foundation’s Lunar Library on the Moon. The letters are meant to be for extraterrestrials and future citizens of the solar system. They were placed on board the SpaceX Falcon rocket that launched out of Cape Canaveral, Florida on February 21st, and is scheduled to arrive at the Moon on April 11th. The SpaceX Falcon is carrying a moon lander from commercial space exploration outfit SpaceIL, which in turn is carrying the Lunar Library from the Arch Mission Foundation. It will touch down on the Moon’s surface and remain as part of the Arch Mission Foundation’s “Billion Year Archive” Lunar Library, permanently.

• The Arch Mission Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 by Nova Spivack and Nick Slavin, whose goal is to create multiple redundant repositories of the totality of human knowledge around the Solar System, including on Earth. The Lunar Library archive is comprised of millions of documents laser etched in microscopic analog form on a radiation-proof nickel Nanofiche™ disk.

• Mayor Adler sent a letter, on his official letterhead, dated August 17, 2018 welcoming Martians with a list of tongue-in-cheek reasons why they should visit Austin, and mentioning that Austin already has its own “extraterrestrial”, Albert “Leslie” Cochran, a popular homeless peace activist in the Texas Capitol. (see letter here)   On a more serious note, Adler notes that, “we are less proud [that] the world has not sufficiently responded to the dire threat of climate change and environmental injustice… the downtrodden, [and] failing to recognize that each human being… is alive with the same fire that lights the stars at night.”

• The Mayor’s letter also includes a copy of the original, authentic, and never-before-published Kerbey Queso (cheese dip) recipe from Kerbey Lane Cafe. “… and maybe someday chips as well, not because these things are easy, but because they are hard,” said Mayor Adler (with a nod to JFK’s 1962 speech in Houston).

• In addition to Mayor Adler’s letter on this trip is a copy of the English language Wikipedia, 25,000 books and collections from Project Gutenberg and the Internet Archive, and the Long Now Foundation Rosetta and PanLex datasets, with a linguistic key to 5000 languages with 1.5 billion cross-language translations.


Mayor Steve Adler today revealed the contents of an official letter to extraterrestrials and future citizens of the solar system that will be placed on the moon approximately 40 days from today, mid-April. The letter was aboard the SpaceX Falcon rocket that launched out of Cape Canaveral, Florida last night.

             Mayor Steve Adler

“Yes, the real moon.” said Mayor Adler.

The Falcon is carrying a moon lander from commercial space exploration outfit SpaceIL, which in turn is carrying the Lunar Library from the Arch Mission Foundation. The physical archive is comprised of millions of documents laser etched in microscopic analog form on a radiation-proof nickel Nanofiche™ disk. It will be placed on the moon permanently.

Space IL’s moon lander will circle the moon in gradually descending orbit in order to facilitate a soft landing. The first and nominal landing opportunity will happen on April 11.

The Arch Mission Foundation’s goal is to archive all human knowledge permanently in space. The Foundation provided this opportunity to Austin’s Mayor. Also included in the Billion Year Archive are:
• A full copy of the English language Wikipedia
• 25,000 books and other resources, including collections from Project Gutenberg and the Internet Archive
• The Long Now Foundation Rosetta and PanLex datasets, which provide a linguistic key to 5000 languages with 1.5 billion cross-language translations.

                      Nanofiche™ disks

As part of their program, the Arch Mission invited a limited number of celebrities, influencers, and dignitaries to make a contribution to the Lunar Library.

Mayor Adler’s letter includes a copy of the original, authentic, and never-before-published Kerbey Queso recipe from Kerbey Lane Cafe.

“We choose to send queso to the Moon – and maybe someday chips as well, not because these things are easy, but because they are hard,” said Mayor Adler. “The challenge to eat queso in zero gravity is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, among other key challenges, like next time remembering the chips.”



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Is the Pacific NorthWest a Hotbed for UFO Activity?

by John Prentice                  February 21, 2019                   (

• “Are we alone in this galaxy or not?” “Its the most important question we’ve had in human history,” said Peter B. Davenport, director of the , National UFO Reporting Center and Hotline established in 1974. “I’ve had several sightings,” Davenport said. “I was living in St. Louis, Missouri the time. I was a kid about six and a half years of age. I was watching a drive-in movie and we saw an object that to this day astonishes me. It was bright red, it was painful to look at and it just accelerated at amazing speed.” In the 20+ years he’s worked for the National UFO Reporting Center, Davenport says he’s heard thousands of UFO stories from seemingly credible people. As a result, he is convinced Earth is visited on a regular basis by a wide verity of extraterrestrial beings.

• The first UFO sighting to make national headlines was published in Pendleton’s East Oregonian in 1947 and originated in Washington state, when a pilot named Kenneth Arnold spotted nine saucer-like aircrafts flying above Mt. Rainier. The Associated Press picked up the story and a few weeks later Roswell was in the news. ‘UFO fever’ took America by storm and the U.S. Government took notice, launching official investigations into the threat UFOs could pose to national security, like the U.S. Air Force’s “Project Blue Book.”

• “[The Pacific Northwest] has been a hot-spot for decades,” said Maurene Morgan, Washington State Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). “You hear about Kenneth Arnold sighting of the nine skipping saucers in the Mt. Rainier region and then you hear about Roswell, New Mexico and that’s where it stops,” Morgan said. “But really there are newspaper accounts going back to 1893 in a Tacoma newspaper where these fisherman say they saw this electronic monster coming out of the water. When Hanford was being developed, sightings began to appear in the 1940s. These were red glowing orbs and the military used to scramble planes to chase them and they’d disappear from the radar.”

• Another early Washington state UFO encounter occurred in June of 1947. The “Maury Island Incident,” as it came to be known, involved flying saucers, a cover up by a man-in-black.

• Dr. Bernard Bates, a physics professor at the University of Puget Sound, says the universe as we know it is about 13 billion years old and possibly infinite in size. He says that massive amount of time and space makes the probability of intelligent life… “Oh, probably 100 percent.” Bates says if extraterrestrials have the technology to travel through the vast expanses of outer space and visit our planet, it’s very likely they would also have the technology to visit undetected.


Do you ever look up at the night sky and wonder if someone, or something, looking back down at you? Like…aliens?
You’re not alone.

“The universe is really big, in fact it may be infinite in size,” said Dr. Bernard Bates.

Bates has been teaching physics at the University of Puget Sound for years and says the universe as we know it is about 13 billion years old and possibly infinite in size. He says that massive amount of time and space makes the probability of intelligent life elsewhere extremely high.

“Oh, probably 100 percent if you look at the whole universe,” Bates said.

“Its the most important question we’ve had in human history,” said Peter B. Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center and Hotline.”Are we alone in this galaxy or not?”

The Center and Hotline were established in 1974.

“I’ve had several sightings, the first one probably explains why I’m sitting in the KOMO studios talking about UFOs,” Davenport said. “I was living in St. Louis, Missouri the time. I was a kid about six and a half years of age – I was watching a drive-in movie and we saw an object that to this day astonishes me. It was bright red, it was painful to look at and it just accelerated at amazing speed.”

To this day, he has no idea what it was. Davenport says the experience changed his life and in the ~20 years he’s worked for the National UFO Reporting Center, he’s heard thousands of UFO stories, from seemingly credible people. As a result, he is convinced Earth is visited on a regular basis by a wide verity of extraterrestrial beings.



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Officially Recognized UFO Sightings Near Lima’s Airport

This is exonews, disclosure news and UFO news because it refers to an official admittance to a UFO phenomenon. On February 27. 2019. 1.30 AM local time to 2.12 AM-2.14 AM the town of Callao, Peru where Lima’s airport is 2 UFOs sighting above or relatively close to the Jorge Chavez airport. It also is close to the Pacific Ocean.

With an official preliminary report from the control tower (managed by CORPAC – Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Commercial) and later on (on February 28) these 2 UFOs were admitted by an Air Force division from the Ministry of Defense (The National Aerial Defense Information Center belonging to the Peruvian Air Force).  I’m glad. It represents a step forward towards disclosure and a good example to follow by other governments.

Photos and some footage were apparently taken of the objects that seemed to be just above the airport at about 300 meters. But the official reports say that they were 5 nautical miles and about 8000 feet high due east (toward the Pacific Ocean…perhaps above the San Lorenzo Island). The preliminary incident report mentions that one of the objects was seen on a radar screen appearing on an off intermittently (on a primary radar).  The important thing here is the two official statements.

The source of the control tower document is some anonymous person probably working for CORPAC and who took a picture and posted the CORPAC document online.  Mr. WILBERT RUIZ validated the document during a radio – Cable TV interview on Radio Capital. He is the former chief of the Control Tower of the Jorge Chavez International Airport with 44 years of experience and currently acting as General Coordinator of control towers across provinces in Perú.

But the (unverified) photos and a video seem to show that they were closer. Or else the objects would have been huge if located 5 miles away. However, the crew in airplanes that were notified by the control tower also saw them. A preliminary report from CORPAC (the Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Commercial managing the control tower) says one was seen sporadically in radar screen. That it was about 8000 feet in altitude and about 5 nautical miles away due West (azimuth 274 degrees).

Due West from the control tower is a place above the Pacific Ocean near the Island of San Lorenzo. But apparently, they were also seen by the crew from airplanes located on runway 33 and on runway 15. LAN Peru 2437 and LATAM Ecuador 1442. These flights were probably notified because they were related to a route that concerned the event. The UFOs were also apparently filmed by someone with a cell phone in the streets near the airport, but the video – showing 2 lights – is a bit blurry.

The event took place between 1.30AM to 2.12 AM or 2.14AM local Lima time on the 27 of February 2019. This is equal to 6.30 UTC and 7.14 UTC (Universal Time).

The weird thing to me is that the UFO photograph seems to show 2 objects which are much closer and not 5 nautical miles away due West or 8000 feet high.  The UFOs would have been much larger than drones and airplanes would not have been able to hover in a stationary manner.

Over the years, there have been occasional UFO/UAP reports around the general area around San Lorenzo Island. There is an experiencer who claims that in the 1970’s he was taken to an underwater base whose entrance is in that area.

Regardless, my thanks to retired Commander Julio César Chamorro from the Peruvian Airforce (FAP) who sent me the first “incident” report from CORPAC and the control tower.

Whether the photos and video are good or not, UFOs/UAPs were clearly detected and this is the first time I know that the Air Force as part of the Ministry of Defense in Perú validates in writing a UFO sighting related to the main airport in Perú. They even used the term “OVNI” (UFO).

It is not clear if this is a new initiative or policy or if both the Control Tower – CORPAC preliminary report and the Ministry of Defense document (a letter by the Peruvian Air Force Commander of the National Aerial Defense Information Center to the Peruvian Airforce Director of the Aerospace Interests Center) filtrated to the public in an irregular manner. The news came out in two newspapers, in social media and in Radio Capital. Further declarations should be forthcoming.

Preliminary Accident/Incident (RAI) report from the control tower.

Letter statement from the Air Force – Minister of Defense validating the sighting. Is it a more open policy giving a good example to the rest of the world?

A link to a cellphone video is here:


Astronomers Are Asking Kids to Help Them Contact Aliens

by Sigal Samuel                   February 21, 2019                          (

• In 1974, scientists at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico used the 1,000-foot-wide radio telescope to send a carefully crafted radio broadcast into outer space – a message of zeros and ones meant to alert aliens to our existence for the first time. In honor of the 45th anniversary of that transmission, researchers at the observatory are pondering how to design a follow-up dispatch. Rather than asking their fellow experts, they’ve launched a global contest inviting youth, from kindergarteners to 16-year-olds, to create the New Arecibo Message.

• Says Abe Pacini, a researcher at Arecibo, “Sometimes the scientists are so focused on their topics and they can see stuff very deep but they cannot see very broad… Students know a little bit about everything, so they can see the big picture better. For sure they can design a message that is actually much more important.” Teams composed of up to ten students plus one mentor must register by March 20th. The more diverse the team is, the more points it gets. The contest guidelines recommend using social media to find possible teammates in other countries or regions. The Arecibo scientists will determine which, if any, message will be selected to represent Earth.

• The 1974 Arecibo message was authored by Frank Drake and Carl Sagan and provided basic information about us, like the position of Earth in our solar system, the size of the human population, the shape of the human body, and the double helix structure of DNA. (The information about the nucleotides in DNA has since been shown to be false.) The message was beamed at M13, a globular star cluster 25,000 light years away. (But these primitive radio waves would take 25,000 years for the message to get there.)

• Another determination that the scientists will make is the “risks of exposure” inherent in messaging alien civilizations. Scientists like the late Stephen Hawking and technologists like Elon Musk have warned that communicating with extraterrestrials could pose an existential threat to the Earth if the message is received by hostile aliens. In 2015, SETI researchers, Elon Musk, and others released a statement saying, “We strongly encourage vigorous international debate by a broadly representative body prior to engaging further in this activity.”

• Astronomer and science fiction author David Brin, one of the most vocal critics of an Arecibo Message, says that, “[M]ost of us are much more concerned about the arrogance these zealots are displaying by presuming to speak for a civilization of 8 billion people without ever exposing their assumptions to normal debate and risk assessment.” Brin also noted, “Their instrument (the Arecibo Telescope) is funded by the taxpayers.”

• Douglas Vakoch, an astrobiologist who worked at SETI before splitting off to found his own international organization, Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI), points out that “[A]ny civilization that could do us harm would already know we’re here from our accidental TV and radio leakage.” Vakoch says that the most important aspect of this communication may be our announcing to the galaxy that we are ready to make contact. Known as the ‘Zoo Hypothesis’, this is the idea that extraterrestrials may be keeping an eye on our planet but are waiting for us to indicate that we want to be in contact and that we’re sophisticated enough to merit attention.

• Neither a 1967 Outer Space Treaty ratified by dozens of countries and adopted by the United Nations which laid out an anti-weaponization framework for space, nor a SETI post-ET-detection protocol drafted in the 1980’s, addresses any protocol for actively sending out messages to other civilizations.

• For Brin, all this anxiety over interstellar communication seems like a reflection of our anxieties about communicating with one another. Underneath the question of how to talk to alien minds is a question that’s much closer to home: how to make ourselves understood to other minds right here on Earth.

• On a bulletin board at the Arecibo visitor center where kids were invited to post messages, one child’s misspelled missive was especially poignant: “Earth is destroying it self. Help us! Please help! Send better knowledg.”

[Editor’s Note]   Sending radio waves into space is like traveling across the American continent in horse-drawn covered wagons. This is just another example of mainstream scientists pretending to be on the cutting edge of space exploration when, in fact, our secret space programs are hundreds of years more advanced in space technology. Also, this speculation as to what kinds of extraterrestrials are out there, and the hand-wringing at what hostile ETs might do to our planet if we are “found”, is just more disinformation. We already know that many, many types of ET beings have already been here throughout our human development on Earth, and have been actively interacting with Earth humans since WWII. All of this drama about searching for intelligent life in the cosmos is simply theater to placate a mind-controlled Earth populace.


The scientists at Arecibo Observatory, a gigantic radio telescope in Puerto Rico, are some of the smartest astronomers and physicists in the world. But they need help with their next big project — and for that, they’re turning to kids.
In 1974, scientists used the 1,000-foot-wide telescope to send a carefully crafted radio broadcast into outer space, a message of zeros and ones meant to alert aliens to our existence.

It was humanity’s first interstellar message intended to be picked up by aliens. We haven’t heard back from E.T. yet. But in honor of the 45th anniversary of that transmission, the researchers at the observatory are pondering how to design a follow-up dispatch. Rather than asking their fellow experts, they’ve launched a global contest inviting youth — from kindergarteners to 16-year-olds — to create the New Arecibo Message.

The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico

The grand prize? A chance to have your message broadcast into the stars, and to potentially become the first human being ever to communicate with aliens.

I asked Alessandra Abe Pacini, a researcher at Arecibo who helped generate the idea for the contest, why kids are the best people for the job. “Sometimes the scientists are so focused on their topics and they can see stuff very deep but they cannot see very broad,” she said. “Students know a little bit about everything, so they can see the big picture better. For sure they can design a message that is actually much more important.”

But designing messages to aliens is a tricky business, on multiple levels. How do you write a missive that an alien intelligence will be able to understand? Should you avoid including sensitive information about humanity, in case that emboldens aliens to come to our planet and annihilate our species? Should you avoid transmitting messages into outer space altogether, because even just alerting aliens to our existence is too risky?

These questions are at the heart of a long-running, and sometimes very heated, debate among scientists. There’s no consensus about any of them, or even about the meta-question of who gets to decide on the answers.

One thing is clear, though: The stakes are extremely high. As scientists like the late Stephen Hawking and technologists like Elon Musk have warned, communicating with extraterrestrials could pose a catastrophic risk to humanity. In fact, if we send out a message and it’s received by less-than-friendly aliens, that could pose an existential threat not only to the human species but to every species on Earth.

The Original Arecibo Message

When space scientists wanted to celebrate a huge upgrade that had been made to the Arecibo Observatory in 1974, two of their greatest minds stepped up to draft a memo to aliens. It would be broadcast from the telescope during a public ceremony. Frank Drake, who came up with the famous “Drake Equation” for estimating the odds that intelligent life exists in our galaxy, crafted the message with help from Carl Sagan, the astronomer and popular science writer who penned Contact and popularized the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) organization.

Written in binary code — a series of ones and zeros — the message was designed with the hope of being intelligible to any aliens who might be listening. It sought to give them some basic information about us, like the position of Earth in our solar system, the size of the human population, the shape of the human body, and the double helix structure of DNA. When you look at the message in pictogram form, you can see all these components and more.

But this interstellar postcard was directed at M13, a globular star cluster 25,000 light years away, which may help explain why we haven’t heard back yet — it’ll take 25,000 years for the message to get there and the same amount of time for any reply to get back to us. The scientists chose that destination partly because the star cluster was big and relatively close, and partly just because it was within the telescope’s declination range (the part of the sky it can target) at the time of the ceremony.

In other words, the scientists weren’t really aiming to communicate with an alien civilization in their lifetimes so much as they were trying to publicly showcase the fact that their telescope could now do something incredible: For nearly three minutes, it sent a cosmic hello from humanity into the sky, as the audience assembled on site was moved to tears.



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Triangle UFO Images Captured in Orlando Sparks USAF Secret Space Program Debate

by Nirmal Narayanan                  Febraury 22, 2019                      (

• Acclaimed ufologist, secret space program scholar, and founder, Dr Michael Salla, posted images of a triangular-shaped craft with well-defined edges and lights, hovering in the skies of Orlando, Florida. The images were given to Dr Salla by his exclusive insider known as “JP” who took the photos in the early morning of February 18th.

• Dr Salla’s report also reveals that two ‘men in black’ approached JP soon after the incident. These men threatened JP with a gun, demanding that he not disclose the sighting. The next thing JP remembered was waking up from bed the next morning. When JP checked his smartphone, the videos he took were deleted but the images were still intact.

• Viewers of the video on the ‘Michael Salla’ YouTube channel, and the UFOmania channel are convinced that this is confirmation of the existence of a secret US Air Force space program (from nearby McDill AFB), and evidence that Donald Trump’s Space Force is already operational and patrolling the skies.
• Other viewers believe that this actually a TR-3B craft, an anti-gravity space vessel alleged developed by the USAF during the Gulf War using reverse technology from advanced alien visitors.

[Editor’s Note]   See Michael Salla’s article at, and at See also a 1:12 minute video clip of the flying triangle photos below.


Popular conspiracy theory UFOmania has recently shared the image of an apparently triangular shaped unidentified flying object (UFO) hovering in the skies of Orlando, Florida. The YouTube channel revealed that these images were originally shared on the conspiracy theory website, and the images were taken by a man, confidentially known as JP.
As per the website report, the incident happened on February 18 at around 1.20 am. The image of the UFO spotted in the video has three well-defined edges, and lights were seen glowing in these areas.

The report also revealed that two men, most possibly men in black approached JP soon after the incident. Soon, these men pointed a gun on JP and threatened him to cover up the sighting. The next thing JP remembered was waking up from bed on next day morning. When JP checked the smartphone, the videos he took were deleted, but the images seem intact.

The video uploaded by UFOmania soon went viral, and viewers of UFOmania seem convinced about the secret USAF space program theory put forward by conspiracy theorists. Many viewers argued that Donald Trump’s space force is already operational, and the force is now conducting regular patrolling in the skies.

1:12 minute clip of photographs of triangle craft over Orlando



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