Travel Channel: Team Explores the Alien Highway

by Susan Leighton                     May 26, 2019                      (

• Chuck Zukowski, a former law enforcement officer in Colorado turned UFO-Paranormal investigator. Today he is the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Deputy Director of Mutilation Investigations. For years, he studied cattle and horse mutilations in Colorado as well as other parts of the country. His research into this phenomenon yielded an interesting concept which is known as the Paranormal Highway of America Theory.

• Zukowski noticed that most animal mutilations and UFO sightings occur on the 37th parallel – on the borders of Utah and Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma. Along this latitude you’ll find Area 51 and Dulce, NM.

• Zukowski’s theory was highlighted on the Science Channel series, The Unexplained Files in 2014. Now the Travel Channel (which is fast becoming the home of paranormal television) will feature Zukowski and his team on Alien Highway, set to premiere on June 12th. The first episode of Alien Highway tackles the famous Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, where – according to Native American lore – a malevolent witch turns into various animals at will, and may turn out to be alien.


Travel Channel embarks on Alien Highway with Chuck Zukowski, a former law enforcement officer in Colorado turned UFO-Paranormal investigator. The skill set that he acquired while being on the job serve him well as he delves into fringe topics with just the right amount of skepticism.

              Chuck Zukowski

At present, Zukowski is the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Deputy Director of Mutilation Investigations. For years, he studied cattle and horse mutilations in Colorado as well as other parts of the country. His research into this phenomenon yielded an interesting concept which is known as the Paranormal Highway of America Theory.

This came about after Zukowski began noticing that most mutilations and UFO sightings occur on the 37th parallel. Also known as the UFO Highway, these hot spots can be found on the borders of Utah and Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico as well as Kansas and Oklahoma.

Just exactly what do you find along this particular latitude? Area 51 and the rumored Dulce, NM underground base are just some of the locations on this stretch of road. Zukowski’s theory was highlighted on the Science Channel series, The Unexplained Files in 2014.

Now, according to the press release from Travel Channel, (which is fast becoming the home of paranormal television) Zukowski and his team will be embarking on a new adventure for the network. Alien Highway is set to premiere on June 12 at 10:00 p.m.

2:21 minute video “The Unexplained Files” on animal mutilations
(Discovery UK YouTube channel)



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Astounding Revelations Require More Comprehensive and Careful Assessments!!

TTSA  information


+  extra information


Image result for beyond ufos
+ extra information

+ extra information…?

= A More Complete, Necessary Disclosure?

The U.S. Government is disclosing the reality of UFOs (or UAPs) through the efforts of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA). Through the personal opinions of TTSA members, there is an informal admission that these vehicles appear to be made with technology not available in any country of the world.  Serious individuals participate in TTSA, like former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon, former CIA Directorate of Operations member Jim Semivan and former career intelligence officer and microbiologist Luis Elizondo. They are presenting an extraordinary credible series (“UNIDENTIFIED”) in the History Channel and their media interviews are rendering UFOs credible and worthwhile to “serious thinkers” that otherwise would have to continue laughing about it.

TTSA and the History Channel are giving us interviews with highly trained military pilots and other credible witnesses and telling us about the evidence that was found inside the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that operated in the Pentagon under the DIA and under the Secretary of Defense. TTSA has promised to show a “metamaterial” made with extremely fine, pure otherworldly isotopic layers, that loses weight when irradiated with terahertz EM frequencies and which, possibly, has not been fabricated by any known Earth technology.

This mind-opening stage of informing the public about UFOs (now preferably called “UAPs”) is a historical turning point and can also be considered a “confirmation” of basic aspects about UFOs that many ufologists had previously found. It is also confirming what a greater percentage of the population already believed or suspected. Since the USG (U.S. Government) is collaborating with TTSA by providing the latter with declassified UAP (or UAP) evidence, we can also assume that it is a moderate form of official disclosure.

But recently leaked emails mentioned by historian Richard Dolan are revealing that some persons historically associated with current TTSA members were also trying to find out details about other even more secret programs that had also been researched and mentioned by other ufologists. For instance, a 1997 meeting at the Pentagon previously revealed many times by Dr. Steven Greer (and which involved Admiral Wilson, Commander Will Miller, Dr. Steven Greer, and Astronaut Edgard Mitchell) is being verified through these leaked emails. Astoundingly, they likely show that the main, formal system (the ‘white world’ of intelligence) within the intelligence community doesn’t know what another (possibly unconstitutional, ‘black world’ of intelligence) system is doing in terms of the deepest research on extraterrestrial (or UAP intelligences) presences.

The leaked emails would also show that many TTSA members and collaborators (including scientists and some military working together in formal UFO/UAP research like in NIDS, The Aviary and the Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group) know more than what they currently announce publicly, such that ETs are here. On the other hand, according to a June 17, 2019 interview given by Grant Cameron to Spaced Out Radio, the emails were likely rescued (post mortem) from astronaut Edgard Mitchell’s stash of saved documents which leads me to suspect that some TTSA members or associates or someone close to Ed Mitchell may also want the information in the emails to come out.

See this YOUTUBE VIDEO: “UFO Leak of the Century, Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Notes.”

And this YOUTUBE recording “June 17/19 – Grant Cameron on the UFO Leak and Ryan Stacey from TESA”

Also, a good compilation of the 1997 Pentagon meeting by Giuliano Marinkovic is found at

The so-called “Core Secrets” emails now exposed seem to show that not even Admiral Wilson (then with the conventional authority to supervise multiple intelligence agencies) could obtain in-depth information about some extraordinarily secret research regarding extraterrestrials. I understand that Admiral Wilson has denied the content of these email letters, but of course, for various reasons he would. The situation requires extraordinary research instead of infighting within the more serious ufological community.

Since I think that there are a FEW nefarious extraterrestrial civilizations, I do not completely agree with Dr. Steven Greer’s assessment of extraterrestrial civilizations but I also recognize that the ‘leaked’ emails confirm Dr. Greer’s much more complex and personally involved research, and the overall situation suggests the existence of an unconstitutional, unsupervised, led-by-corporations, secret, de facto research organization or “cabal”; something akin to a Secret Government…functioning above the law; a form of “need to know” and “compartmentalized” organization far exceeding the spirit of the law under which it was probably created by an Executive Order during President Truman’s time; an alleged entity – surprisingly – operating utilizing the official Government and legitimate intelligence programs but which got out of control as a de facto outside-the-Government entity even capable of utilizing some of its legitimate installations.  IF it was originally set up by an Executive Order, it would have escaped constitutional, democratic supervision within a Government understood as part of a bona fide republic. But, is this just another “crazy conspiracy theory of the lunatic fringe” (as some versions about the Secret Space Program)?

And how could such an entity continue operating? How could someone like Admiral Wilson (“J2” the Intelligence Director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff) not have access to this entity’s research? As Dr. Steven Greer tells us, some of the reasons why this “Cabal” escaped formal control are that 1) Most formally elected politicians, academics and military do not want to do anything about it because the issue is a career-destroying taboo purposefully exacerbated by the Cabal’s influence on the media  2) That the means and methods involved to keep the secrets can destroy personal images and – in various ways – anybody that opposes them 3) That the general public and scientists, in general, have been manipulated to think that UFOs are either nonsense, entertainment or weird things of no consequence and 4) That they organize extremely compartmentalized projects and 5) That they don’t recruit morally upright individuals if they are to become knowledgeable of compromising information.


Recent ‘leaked’ emails that have come out:

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Also, a few days before, the following “Alien Autopsy” emails related to the film that Ray Santilli received and distributed in 1995 came out publicly.

Alien Autopsy Proof – Email Communication

Both sets of emails seem to be genuine as Richard Dolan would likely agree.

These unplanned disclosures appear to show that someone in the know within the formal Government or perhaps within the secret Government seems willing to reveal to the citizenry more and at a faster rate than what is being currently revealed by TTSA. This also has to be looked into carefully. It shows that apparently, from within the Bob Bigelow’s – NIDS research (associated with the white world of conventional intelligence and military), there was an informal attempt to find out about more specific extraterrestrial-related, secretive Government research, USAP programs. How is society going to respond? Can we collectively absorb a sped-up disclosure? Will most of society, including scientists, religious figures, politicians and mainstream media giants dismiss the importance of these revelations as they previously dismissed the importance of UFOs and the logical presence of UFO intelligences?

I am for an intelligent, comprehensive and educational type of disclosure. But, have we been collectively mal-educated by entertainment, polarizing tribal political influences, and greed to the point of not being able to sort out and intelligently adapt to life-changing information which challenges our classical sense of reality? Or, perhaps, we still have the resilience to do it. And perhaps for various exopolitical reasons revealed by a few genuine “prime” contactees we are sufficiently safe not to engage in antagonizing all ET presences even if some – a minority engaging Earth’s human family – are nefarious. Everything must be considered carefully.

As exopoliticians, we must learn not to discount verifiable and credible sources of information so as to over-rely on those sources that we personally prefer. We must be comprehensive but also careful with the verification of the source of information. Exopolitics should not be a “post-truth” endeavor! It must not be a matter of belief or it will be a tribal affair.

Moreover, besides taking seriously research that reveals multiple levels of secrecy regarding technology, we also need to come to terms with sincere accounts of actual contact with what could be called multi-reality UAP intelligences. If the intelligences that built the UAPs encountered during military maneuvers (possibly canceling what would correspond to 300g-400g acceleration forces) most likely do not originate in any country on Earth (as has been stated by TTSA members), then either the ETH (Extraterrestrial Hypothesis) or a more sophisticated type of “other reality hypothesis” (capable of being physical and also of overcoming spacetime physical limitations) must be accepted. Of course, there may be successful, yet unacknowledged retro-engineered vehicles that are not being admitted either for security issues or because (most or all?) TTSA members have not been ‘read into’ those programs. Thus, they can be truthful about what they say to the public.

Quite likely the TR- 3B and similar flying triangles incorporating gravity-canceling technology would be a product of some of those other secret (USAP?) programs but the dozens (perhaps up to one hundred) “tic-tac” UAPs detected during the 2004 Nimitz Incident would be more advanced and not be fabricated by Earth-based homo sapiens.


Different segments in the population and different researchers emphasize specific aspects of the UAP phenomenon instead of attempting to embrace the entire picture. Some will only accept the reality of UAPs and the intelligences involved if the evidence is presented by former Government officers in an official or semi-official manner as a “threat.” Citizen experiencers and serious research that bring up other aspects – including direct communications with diverse UAP intelligences – do not register in their minds as significant. However, if these aspects (still taboo) were presented integrally more people would open up to a comprehensive approach which not only includes consciousness and technology but also the reasons pertaining to the question of why.

For humanity to shift directions and stop destroying nature and itself it requires such an integrative, comprehensive approach to UAPS and UAP intelligences. We need to evolve in an unprecedented way beyond our xenophobic leanings to be able to see ourselves as one civilization capable of handling the upcoming technology.

The Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE) focuses on a grass-roots disclosure which – by means of a scientific, international survey – validates the patterns which emerge from the anonymous testimonies of thousands of experiencers of contact with (so-called) “non-human intelligences.”

I think that FREE’s survey ought to be recognized for a more complete assessment and disclosure.

The multidimensional evidence about different aspects of humanity’s interaction with more technologically advanced intelligences related to UAPs should be carefully assembled. From credible pilots encountering these craft during military maneuvers to credible historical and individual encounters with the alleged pilots of UFOS or UAPs. Otherwise, our understanding will not be comprehensive enough and we will most likely remain holding on to a primitive, tribal approach… dividing our “UFO community” into camps and dismissing useful information; for instance giving credit to military-based revelations but not to thousands of contact experiences (or vice versa).

I don’t know if society at large has been “dumbed down” so much under corporate interests, selfish way of being, seeking easy answers or to blame “others” for pent-up frustrations that it will not be able to adapt to the situation but at least some people with critical thinking skills, world-centric (and not only nationalist) values, and an open mind should try to understand all of this comprehensively. Can it only be handled by the selfish and above the law?

For a careful and more responsible exopolitical response and strategy we really need to know WHO is behind the multiple types of contacts related to UFOs or UAPs. Moreover, we need to recognize that the personal dimension of contact relationships with these (physical, transdimensional and supra-physical) intelligences is actually taking place and that thousands of sincere, anonymous testimonies reveal patterns that we need to understand.

A link to the F.R.E.E. foundation working with experiencers is  FREE’s information + UFO research + contactee experiences and research + CE-5 events help us to get closer to the whole picture. 

But by emphasizing only an introductory “we don’t know who they are” datum and even a “POTENTIAL threat” narrative (although technically correct and – perhaps – actually correct from a modern intelligence perspective), we (The People, political leaders and cultural-scientific leaders) will not be able to make adequate peace-enhancing exopolitical decisions. We will quite likely project an “us vs. them”, business-as-usual, xenophobic, primitive, tribal reaction. And under these impoverished cultural circumstances, we will need to trust the powerful making all the decisions perhaps under highly biased and simplistic ways.

While I don’t think that every member of TTSA has a fixated negative orientation regarding the – various – UAP intelligences, from previous declarations I’ve heard, Mr. De Longe seems to be bent on that emphasis. For instance, he mentioned something about nuking the bugs or so. Maybe he was told negative things about some of the UAP intelligences but, quite likely, only an emphasis on partial information.  Moreover, besides what information is initially coming out or being confirmed through TTSA, ufologists have been correct in different aspects of what is coming out and – historically speaking – many of them also emphasized that there also is a positive, in fact, benevolent side to the contact experience. Why would only a predatory expectation or an extrapolation from military human experience always have to be the credible or default position?

If some (or many) of the UAP intelligences manipulated (for good and ilth) our belief systems and even our genetic wherewithal that doesn’t instantly make them our enemies. That makes them more “parental” and it represents a complex relationship. If – besides FREE’s international survey – we carefully look into other historically reported two-way communications between these intelligences and persons around the world, we will find that – according to modern, conventional human standards – most of these entities do not mean us harm. Even abductions are better understood after some time. And the idea of there being more spiritually-inclined, yet also highly scientific “space-brothers” cannot be simply discarded because it doesn’t fit our current cynical ethos. I’ve known for decades of consistently benign contacts that also require serious working together for the benefit of humanity (and beyond) with some UAP intelligences.

Of course, through their technological power, UAP intelligences could POTENTIALLY harm us but for the most, this doesn’t appear to be their intention or modus operandi. They appear to have been here for centuries, even perhaps from the beginning of the human “experiment.” Perhaps we need to learn to work with a group of them and stay safely distant (unrelated) from another. We need to know. We need to know who is who. We need to make contact. We need to know the rules of engagement they operate with. Perhaps we simply forgot that we are them or that we are participants in a cosmic community. Both Sargeant Clifford Stone and Command Sargeant Robert Dean (whistleblowers with credentials) revealed the existence of many extraterrestrial species and a preponderance of well-intended, peace-loving extraterrestrials. Their credentials are authentic. We must learn to recognize credible whistleblowers. And we must learn not to attack these beings or force them to give us information or else, who is the ‘threat’?

Sargeant Clifford Stone

Command Master Sargeant Bob Dean

Image result for master sargeant bobdean

In the more consistent and genuine contact experiences within the contact group Mision Rahma there was information that Earth was being actively protected from the incursion of some negative extraterrestrial entities and entities that didn’t want the human experiment to continue (out of jealousy and because – in due time – we could become very dangerous in the universe). This would mean that only a FEW inimical extraterrestrials would get through or be allowed to operate. The latter would be allowed due to the fact that they could have been here before the quarantine. In other words, the whole picture is complex and there may be a balance of power even among the ETs coming to Earth for a long time. But we cannot evolve in wisdom by cavorting only to a xenophobic mentality.

Given that only a few cases of UAP/UFO encounters have been deleterious or violent in no uncertain terms (like the Colares incidents in Brazil and some military pilots that apparently disappeared), sure, the possibility of an actual threat (at least from some of the UAP intelligences) has to be considered. But we should try to develop and publicly present a BALANCED VIEW of what is going on! And – generally speaking – FREE’s survey is a very important contribution that ought to be studied for a comprehensive and more responsible assessment leading to well-informed, balanced political-exopolitical decisions! It may well be that some (or most) UAP intelligences protect as against others and this is why we haven’t been conquered or wiped out. We need to find out and -instead of projecting all ETs as a ‘threat’ – befriend those (possibly a majority) which are in favor of us.

I currently believe that – in spite of the (understandable) Military Industrial National Security Emphasis – members of TTSA are sincerely trying to benefit society. I also believe that they (or most of them) are not really informed about other secret research programs, USAPs such as the most advanced retro-engineering and actual contact and knowledge about different extraterrestrial-multi-reality species. This may be why they are able to truthfully state that they don’t know who the UAP intelligences are. But can they truthfully deny that “anti-gravity” vehicles have already been manufactured from a long-term research project originating in the 1940’s?

They want to legitimate UFOs and start a widespread social conversation and ascertain threat. But how can a threat assessment program (as AATIP) assess ‘threat’ if the who and why is not studied?

While there should be self-interest to produce more advanced weapons and to militarize space for defensive purposes on the part of the corporate MIC elite, thus favoring the narrative of a new potential enemy – the extraterrestrial – I don’t think that most TTSA members would simply follow this. After briefly meeting them in a few UFO conferences they came across as very honorable, well-intended and patriotic men. Not as men that would do anything simply to satisfy power and greed.

If some in the formal and secret governments really know that extraterrestrials have been on Earth (and perhaps even modified our genes) why would they want to present them mostly or predominantly as a threat?

Possible prehistoric observations with saucer-like craft depicted in the Peche Merle cave.

A 1943 UFO picture from the city of Huánuco, Peru

There seems to have been contacts even in prehistoric times and ongoing military-related research not only after the demise of Project Blue Book but on a more secret level at least since 1947. I believe that AATIP was a SAP (a Special Access Project) to provide assessments to political leaders and military in the “white world.” It was not (or is not under a new name) a USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Project) that probably worked more directly with UFO crashes, retro-engineering and extraterrestrial bodies.

Two Levels

We need to understand that there may be TWO LEVELS investigating UFOS/UAPS, their technology, implications and their intelligences. The deeper, more hand-on level would escape Government supervision and might be unconstitutional as Dr. Steven Greer has affirmed for years. Even personnel working in SAP-level projects like AATIP may not personally believe (or want to believe) about some of the details allegedly said to be going on in some of these USAPs (some of which are adopted by serious researchers falsely thought to be part of the “crazy fringe” and some are adopted with added disinformation by the true “crazy fringe”).

Thanks to a Facebook post by researcher Custodio Da Silva I was reminded that in a 2016 Huffington Post interview granted to investigative reporter Leslie Kean, Mr. Christopher Mellon responded as follows:

Leslie Kean (Q): “Some inside sources have proposed that retrieved hardware from a UFO may exist within a private aerospace company which has become independent from the DoD. In this way, it would be exempt from government oversight and known only to a few people. Do you think this is possible?

Christopher Mellon (A): “I find it hard to imagine something as explosive as recovered alien technology remaining under wraps for decades. So while I have no reason to believe there is any recovered alien technology, I will say this: If it were me, and I was trying to bury it deep, I’d take it outside government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entity within an existing defense company and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Activity.”

LINK to the article:

Thus, according to an expert in the inner workings of intelligence USAPS would work with or as IRADS.

But who is promoting (or approving) that the U.S. Government assists TTSA (whose members had and have clearances to work with certain SAPs) in bringing out (albeit gradually) more official, declassified information about UFOS/UAPS (and quite incipiently “UAP intelligences”) to the public? And why information related with the Pentagon confirms and subsequently denies some of what has come out? Is it standard intelligence procedure, like Grant Cameron says has been going on for decades, revealing but also leaving the door open for plausible deniability? It seems reasonable to me. In this case, this procedure would come from the formal – minimally supervised – SAP level, with some individuals partially aware of some of the USAP-level activities, a plausible reason why the Bennewitz MJ-12 papers (with genuine information) were released in the way that they were released…with the possibility of denial.

But who is promoting this simultaneous “managed” confirmation and disclosure? Patriotic senior level SAP managers worried that some USAPs are deleterious and out of control? The ETs themselves? Both? The fear that other nations may go at it first? Is it promoted by a cabal that wants to promote a fake alien invasion? Is it an internal decision from those that formally manage the information? Was the leak of the emails mentioned at the beginning of this article made by a rogue element that (as per his or her assessment) wants to speed up a more complete disclosure? Was he correct in leaking those emails? Have those emails been “doctored?”

There are allegedly leaked photos that suggest previous Navy detections of UAPs.

UFOs have been detected during the Navy’s military, practice maneuvers for a long time as in 1952 during Operation Mainbrace (Thanks to information shared by Mr. Dave C. Beatty). This suggests that these UFOS/UAPS are not an actual threat.

I think that when some TTSA members who participated in SAP programs sometimes basically say (about the intelligences behind UAPs) “we don’t know who they are” they are being honest because they may not have been ‘read into’ those more secretive compartmentalized USAP programs. The recently leaked email letters previously mentioned show people working in less secretly classified programs trying to find out more about more details from more strictly classified programs. Perhaps, as intelligent researcher and experiencer Melinda Leslie recently mentioned in a conference in MUFON Marin, Sonoma: (paraphrasing) elements of the white world of intelligence increasingly involved in a managed form of UFO-ET disclosure that extends for decades want to play more in the black (extremely covert, USAP, perhaps unsupervised) world of intelligence. They want to know what the latter knows and how they get their funding.  The link to her presentation and analysis is:

Be as it may, even if TTSA naturally tends to present the issue in terms of a “threat” (and, naturally, maintain an alliance with the military world intelligence, aerospace industries and research labs related to the Government) in order to develop different projects like their announced gravity cancellation craft through their public company (while researching into issues like the negative health effects of some forms of UAP and ET contact), basically I think that these persons – TTSA members – are honorable people. As members of what should be called the “intelligence white world”, they are just part of an environment in which they are required to think like that.  However, I think that – in spite of their making UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligences acceptable to “educated society” – the “threat” and military emphasis – while partially valid – should not dominate the entire social discourse and practical decision-making. As little as 5% of human -ET encounters may actually be ‘negative’.  Some of the non-ET encounters may even be MILAB and some may also be encounters with non-physical entities. We need to know with precision to make decisions. I certainly hope that the covert entity called “MAJIC” or Majority Joint Intelligence Committee (by Dr. Steven Greer) – if it exists – is not planning a fake ET invasion or “false flag” for an illicit cabal or power group (including some billionaires) to acquire more control based on fear, greed and not trusting humanity’s highest potentials. I certainly agree with former Canadian Minister of Defence the Honorable Paul Hellyer that this would be a terrible thing to do instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to peacefully relate with peace-loving advanced civilizations.

The Hon. Paul Hellyer

After personally conversing with some TTSA members, I got the sense that all or most are very honorable, well-intended individuals although (simply due to their involvement with the national security culture) they may naturally tend to over-represent the “threat” aspect.  I think that through the efforts of honorable TTSA representatives the white (public, legitimate) world in which our continuously hyper-polarized politics exists and ‘us’ (the population in general) are becoming accustomed to the reality of UFOs and their intelligences. I certainly hope that they are not inadvertently playing into the hands of the alleged “cabal” or – worse – that any one of them is following orders (from those that supervise USAPS related with UAPs -in fact, multi-reality extraterrestrial vehicles –  and extraterrestrials) helping to prepare the way for a false “alien invasion.”

It is a complex issue indeed, but an issue in which the future of human freedom (and the evolution of a culture that can truly flourish under democracy) is at stake.

Seeing these TTSA members speaking openly in interviews, in the news, and in the History Channel is instrumental to begin confirming (and officially disclosing) to the world that ETs (or multi-reality, technologically advanced beings) are here. After more than 70 years of suppression and of a “truth embargo” (as Steve Bassett would say) that situation is thankfully welcomed. But an emphasis in an “us vs them” interpretation of the whole situation regarding the UAP intelligences may be the most deleterious thing that could happen, fixating large segments of the population into a tribal and classic, dichotomous stage of evolution; disabling the possibility of a non-dichotomous adaptation; a necessary evolutionary, cultural response that should emerge for humanity to handle our current perilous age of simultaneous disruption and connectivity along with a post-classical “UAP reality”…a reality that challenges several epistemological foundations cross-culturally, forcing us to come to terms with a much vast, inclusive reality and way of being.

Below is a link to a summary of the basic experiencer survey results which also needs to be studied and understood in order to know who we are dealing with. This and further contact studies have to be pursued rather than dismissed in a condescending way as “ufology”:  The link is for CHAPTER ONE OF the book “BEYOND UFOS” by the Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE):

FREE is in the 5th year of administering the world’s first comprehensive, multilanguage, quantitative and qualitative, academic research study, administered on a
worldwide basis, on individuals that have had UAP (UFO) related contact experiences
with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)– The FREE Experiencer Research Study. We
are conducting our study in 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Slovak
and very soon in Mandarin Chinese). We asked almost 700 quantitative questions for
our Phase 1-3 surveys and our Phase 3 qualitative survey is comprised of written
responses to 70 open-ended questions. We received more than 10,000 pages of
responses to these 70 open-ended questions from almost 1,400 participants in this
Phase 3 survey. For our English language surveys, we received more than 4,200
responses from respondents from over 110 countries. In our Spanish language survey,
we have received 770 responses and we have a separate Spanish speaking research
committee analyzing this data.

What follows is another scientific article from F.R.E.E. Presented at the Society for Scientific Exploration in 2018. “A Study on Reported Contact with Non-Human Intelligence
Associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”



Ancient Aliens Celebrates 10 Years of Searching for Extraterrestrials

by Susan Leighton                     May 30, 2019                     (

• In 2009, the History Channel debuted a television series to prove the existence of an extraterrestrial presence on the Earth. Ten years later, Ancient Aliens is still one of the most watched programs on the History Channel. In fact, the show is so popular that it spawned an Alien Con (a series of conferences in various cities that cater to space exploration themed tv shows) which is widely attended and has attracted celebrities as well as former government officials.

• The genesis of the program was Erich von Däniken’s book, Chariots of the Gods? which makes a case for the ancient astronaut theory by asserting that primitive man made contact with extraterrestrials. These close encounters of the third kind resulted in accelerated human development due to genetic engineering as well as technological advancement.

• The series travels the globe and routinely visits exotic locales to examine proof of extraterrestrial visitation. This year’s season will cover a wide variety of topics ranging from government funding of UFO research to an in-depth look at Egypt’s Great Pyramid chambers. Joining consulting producer Giorgio A. Tsoukalos are David Hatcher Childress, William Henry and Linda Moulton Howe.


Ancient Aliens is one of the most watched programs on the History Channel. In 2009, their quest for proof of extraterrestrial life began. 10 years later, the series is still going strong and ready to start a new season on May 31.
Perhaps one of the most well-known contributors to the show and a consulting producer is Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. He is an outspoken proponent of the ancient astronaut theory and student of Erich von Däniken.

Von Däniken wrote an entire book that has become an integral part of UFO culture called, Chariots of the Gods? which makes a case for the ancient astronaut theory by asserting that primitive man made contact with extraterrestrials. These close encounters of the third kind resulted in accelerated human development due to genetic engineering as well as technological advancement.

5:09 minute trailer for an Ancient Aliens episode on Wernher von Braun (HISTORY)



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The Man Who Turned Wycliffe Well Into Australia’s UFO Capital

by Eden Gillespie                    May 24, 2019                    (

• In 1985, Lew Farka took over a 60-acre property with a roadhouse/gas station at Wycliffe Well in the Northern Territory of Australia and transformed it into alien theme park after learning about the long history of UFO sightings in the area. There were even handwritten records from World War II servicemen who wrote about spotting UFOs during the night. He only planned on staying five years, but ended up spending 25 years and $4 million dollars on the place, putting the Northern Territory on the map for UFO enthusiasts.

• Farka claims to have spotted more than 30 UFOs until he packed up and sold the place in 2009. The UFOs look like “light bulbs” – “great big balls of light” hovering 10 kilometres from the caravan park for 40 minutes each night. Then they would take off like “a rocket” into the sky. At one point, Wycliffe had a UFO encounter every day for almost a month. At the end of that month, one of the UFOs veered a bit from where it normally was and came into the caravan park. “[E]veryone scattered like you wouldn’t believe,” Farkas said. “We lost some kangaroos that panicked, the horses and the donkeys and the camels, everyone went crazy.”

• Farka believes Wycliffe Well lures extraterrestrials because of its “ley-lines” or “energy lines” that run along the earth. “It’s like a highway for them. In our area, it’s the crossroads, so no matter where they were going in the world they’d be crossing over in the Northern Territory,” says Farka. He also notes that they may be connected to the top secret military installation at nearby Pine Gap, a US satellite surveillance site in Alice Springs. But there hasn’t been a UFO sighting at Wycliffe since 2017.

• At its peak, Wycliffe attracted backpackers from all over the globe. The property had country dancing, a mini zoo to be proud of with kangaroos, peacocks and emus, and the largest range of beer in the Northern Territory, offering around 300 different beer labels. “In those days the Northern Territory was like the Wild West. There was a small population, the road wasn’t filled. Anybody with inspiration, with ideas, you could just do what you liked,” Farka said.

• Farka’s daughter, Elvina, is now in her 30’s and a top fashion photographer based in Singapore. The kids and their mother were forced to leave Wycliffe Well to be closer to the Alice Springs school, a four hour drive away and would only visit on weekends or school holidays. The Farka kids were ridiculed over their extraordinary family business. “There was an Elvis statue in the middle of the park and alien masks, Wycliffe t-shirts, it was mortifying for me. But I look back on it now and I think that was…cool,” said Elvina. She holds fond memories of her dad dressing her in a tiny alien costume.

• When it comes to the existence of aliens, Elvina and her brother Ben don’t doubt that we’re not alone. “There are so many theories about why they’re here, whether they’re us from the future, or that we’ve got a particular energy on this planet that they have the power to harness,” Elvina said. “As a human race, you’ve got to be relatively naive to think there’s nothing else out there,” added Ben.


Lew Farka lived in Wycliffe Well, in the Northern Territory, and claimed to have spotted more than 30 UFOs until he packed up and sold the place in 2009.

According to Farka, UFOs look like “light bulbs” and he believes Wycliffe Well lures extraterrestrials because of its “ley-lines” or “energy lines” that run along the earth.

“It’s like a highway for them. In our area, it’s the crossroads, so no matter where they were going in the world they’d be crossing over in the Northern Territory,” he told 10 daily.

As to why UFOs make the long journey to Earth, Farkas posits they could be mining valuable minerals that we haven’t discovered a use for yet.

Another theory Farkas suggests is that they’re inspecting human military installations at nearby Pine Gap, a US satellite surveillance site in Alice Springs.

The former sailor took over from the former the roadhouse owner in 1985 and transformed Wycliffe Well into an alien theme park of sorts after learning about the history of UFO sightings in the area.

He heard several anecdotes from the local Indigenous population about UFO encounters, and read handwritten records from World War II from servicemen who wrote about spotting unidentified objects during the night.

He only planned on staying five years in Wycliffe Well, but ended up spending 25 years and $4 million dollars on the place, putting the Northern Territory on the map for lovers of the unexplained.

On 60 acres of land, Farkas lorded over a caravan park, a petrol station and roadhouse and built an auditorium, as well as a lake for fishing.

Now described as “faded” and “unloved”, some say there hasn’t been a UFO sighting at Wycliffe since 2017.

It’s a far cry from Wycliffe was like at its peak, attracting backpackers from all over the globe.

During its hayday, it had country dancing, a mini zoo to be proud of with kangaroos, peacocks and emus, and the largest range of beer in the Northern Territory.

Thirsty backpackers were spoiled for choice with around 300 different beer labels on offer.

“In those days the Northern Territory was like the Wild West. There was a small population, the road wasn’t filled. Anybody with inspiration, with ideas, you could just do what you liked,” Farkas said.



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Marilyn Monroe ‘Killed By the CIA to Stop Her Exposing Truth About Roswell Aliens’

by Katy Gill                 May 28, 2019                 (

• Actress and model Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her Los Angeles home on August 5, 1962, from a drug overdose. June 1st would have been the movie star’s 83rd birthday.

• In the 2017 documentary, “Unacknowledged, Dr. Steven Greer claims to have been given a top-secret wiretap summary of a phone conversation between Marilyn and former Attorney General Robert Kennedy, dated just two days before her death. The pair were allegedly involved in an affair and government officials wanted to tap her phone to make sure she would not divulge any secrets.  (see 8:02 minute video clip of Greer discussing Monroe’s death below)

• In Greer’s wiretap summary, titled ‘project moon dust’, “… it mentions the visit by the President [with Marilyn] at a secret airbase for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space” – a reference to the New Mexico UFO crash(s) in the 1940s, the most famous being the Roswell crash in 1947.

• Greer claims he was handed the top-secret ‘project moon dust’ memo by a man whose family helped to start the National Security Agency, and that Greer had it verified by a high-level unnamed government official.

• On his website, Greer says that “[Monroe] was murdered” for the discovery.” “It was a tragic situation because she was an actress who didn’t understand the national security state and the viciousness of those who want to keep these sort of secrets.”

• CIA spokesman Jonathan Liu claims the ‘confidential memo’ is rubbish. “Such claims are baseless and do not merit serious consideration.” Yet it appears that pieces of evidence taken by a coroner were destroyed, and a suicide note was never discovered.


Actress and model Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her Los Angeles home on August 5, 1962, from an overdose.
But when a suicide note was never discovered and discrepancies in her case arose, conspiracies began to whirl that the movie icon was actually murdered.

Ahead of what would have been the singer’s 83rd birthday on June 1, the explosive claims have since re-emerged.
In 2017 documentary Unacknowledged, Dr Steven Greer claimed to have been given a top-secret wiretap summary of a phone conversation between Marilyn and former Attorney General Robert Kennedy, dated just two days before her death.

The pair were allegedly involved in an affair and government officials wanted to tap her phone to make sure she would not divulge any secrets.

The document – which Greer described as a “death warrant” – was titled “project moon dust”, a phrase that the conspiracist claimed was used by the CIA to talk about UFO projects.

In 2017 documentary Unacknowledged, he explained how “it mentions the visit by the President [with Marilyn] at a secret airbase for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space”.

“I don’t think they’re talking about meteorites,” he added.

Greer believed the reference to outer space and the visit with JFK was in reference to the New Mexico crash of the 1940s.

Official reports state the infamous incident was caused by a US Air Force balloon crashing at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

But conspiracy theorists have long-thought the official line was a cover-up – and that it was, in fact, an alien spacecraft that crashed.

8:02 minute video of Steven Greer discussing Marilyn Monroe’s death




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Knoxville Set to Host First AlienXPO UFO Convention

by Brandon Paykamian                     May 24, 2019                    (

• On Aug. 17 and 18, the Knoxville Convention Center (Tennessee) will host the first AlienXPO convention, featuring panelists, vendors and a space in which like-minded people can talk about their UFO experiences and theories. The topic of extraterrestrials has captured the imagination of millions around the world, from the hardcore UFO enthusiasts and researchers to the curious, bringing them together at conventions across the country.

• “Never before has Knoxville hosted an event that will allow attendees to hear real events concerning extraterrestrial phenomena. There will be people from every walk of life together in one place to hear, share and be floored by the research presented,” Katina Kyle, a producer of the Mysterious Radio podcast and one of the event organizers.

• Guest speakers will include former national news anchor Cheryll Jones; Steven Bassett of Paradigm Research Group; “NASA whistleblower” and retired aerospace worker Ken Johnston Sr.; and alien abductee Travis Walton.

• “Some of these (speakers) are authors, former government contractors, whistleblowers, NASA and aerospace engineers — people that have directly come in contact with extraterrestrial phenomena,” said Kyle. “I just feel like something’s out there, and I’ve always been a skywatcher. The curiosity is there in all of us.” Kyle added, “A lot of these people attend these events because they’re trying to get some kind of answer or resolution to what has happened to them.”

• After years of strange encounters and even some mass UFO sightings like the one in Phoenix in 1997, Kyle said she believes the topic is being taken more seriously. “I’ve never witnessed reporting of a UFO incident or sighting unless it was followed up by a chuckle or a joke or something like that,” she continued. “Now it’s being reported with dead-seriousness.”


KNOXVILLE — When it comes to unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrials, the first topics that often come to mind include the mysteries surrounding Area 51, the 1947 Roswell UFO incident, claims of alien abductions and strange UFO sightings.

For decades, the topic of extraterrestrials has captured the imagination of millions around the world, from the hardcore UFO enthusiasts and researchers to the curious, bringing them together at conventions across the country.

On Aug. 17 and 18, the Knoxville Convention Center will host the first AlienXPO convention to focus on extraterrestrial phenomena. The convention will feature panelists, vendors and a space in which like-minded people can talk about their UFO experiences and theories.

Attendees will also get a chance to learn more about UFO sightings in Tennessee from Angelia Sheer, state director of the Mutual UFO Network.

“Never before has Knoxville hosted an event that will allow attendees to hear real events concerning extraterrestrial phenomena. There will be people from every walk of life together in one place to hear, share and be floored by the research presented,” Katina Kyle, a producer of the Mysterious Radio podcast and one of the event organizers, said in a press release.

Kyle has interviewed some of the foremost UFO researchers in the world. She said she’s always been fascinated with the topic of UFOs and with sci-fi media.

“I just feel like something’s out there, and I’ve always been a skywatcher,” she said. “The curiosity is there in all of us.”



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‘We Know UFOs Are Real, But Why Are They Here?’ – Ex-US Defense Official

May 30, 2019                    (

• Christopher Melon (pictured above), former deputy assistant Secretary of Defense for intelligence, appeared on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” show on May 29th to outline the reasons that the US Navy is taking a special interest in pilot testimonies. He argued that US intelligence is well aware of the fact that UFOs exist, and that this is no longer an issue. “The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?”said Mellon.

• Mellon recounted how the UFOs reported by pilots in 2014 and 2015 were doing aerial maneuvers not possible in this physical realm. He cited the speed of a UFO as climbing to 5,000 miles per hour, which could be sustainable for only about an hour by an aircraft in the air. Whereas those UFOs witnessed would be flying all day long, according to the “mystified” pilots.

• These UFOs were written off as highly classified ‘drones’ until a Super Hornet pilot described a near collision with a UFO, which he described as a ‘sphere encasing a cube’. The pilot’s public statement prompted an official report to be filed. Mellon said that these UFOs operate in and around US military facilities. This poses a safety issue and a national security issue.

• Mellon noted that the US is hardly the only country to have interactions with the objects in question. He is deeply frustrated by the fact that the government is taking a cavalier attitude and demonstrating an unwillingness to act on the public concerns. So the only way to get it rolling is to release the information to the public in the form of his new show and television interviews. Mellon is currently partaking in a new History Channel series called “Unidentified”, which will expound on the widely reported alien spaceship sightings. “We are giving military personnel on the front line a voice”, Mellon said. “We are helping them get out the message of what it is they are encountering and why they are so concerned about it”.

• Meanwhile, the US media increasingly reports sightings of enigmatic flying objects capable of performing maneuvers seemingly impossible for naval aviation pilots that operate over the country’s eastern seaboard, among other areas.


In the wake of a bombshell report detailing Navy pilots’ regular encounters with unidentified flying objects in 2014 and 2015, Christopher Melon, former deputy assistant Secretary of Defense for intelligence, has issued a comment on the subject asserting that the issue has long been there and the government needs to finally resolve it.

Mellon, who is currently partaking in a new History Channel series called “Unidentified”, which will expound on the widely reported alien spaceship sightings discussed at length in a recent New York Times article.

Appearing on “Fox and Friends” on Wednesday, Mellon, who has previously extensively covered the topic, outlined the reasons that the Navy is taking a special interest in pilot testimonies. He argued that the intelligence is well aware of the fact that UFOs exist, adding that this is no longer an issue.

“The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?” he posed a question.

According to Mellon, they have plausible clues that the controversial objects reported by Navy pilots in 2014 and 2015 were doing something that isn’t at all possible in this physical realm. As an example, he cited the speed of an object being reported as climbing to 5,000 miles per hour, which could be sustainable for only about an hour by an aircraft in the air, whereas those witnessed would be flying all day long, according to the “mystified” pilots.

There was quite some fear, meanwhile, which replaced the previously mentioned mystification after a Super Hornet pilot described his near collision with an object, which he described as a sphere encasing a cube. His public statement also prompted an official report to be filed, with the incident shattering a previous theory suggested by pilots that the objects were a part of some sort of extremely classified drone operation.

“These are reactions between intelligently controlled vehicles operating in and around US military facilities, hence the concern”, Mellon addressed the issue, continuing: “One: there have been near mid-air collisions so there is a safety issue. Two, there is a vital national security issue which is that our sovereignty is being violated by vehicles of unknown origin”, Mellon stated.



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Blue Sky Found on Mars – ‘Photos Make NASA Look Like Fools’

by Tom Fish                      May 23, 2019                       (

• Using photos taken by the NASA Mars Global Surveyor space probe in the late 1990s, the Mundo Desconocido YouTube channel zoomed down on intriguing shapes found on the Martian surface which, when colorized, appeared to bring to life lakes and forests on Mars. The Spanish-speaking narrator questions whether NASA has been covering-up evidence of alien life on Mars. “This is not the first time possible plant life and water have been seen in a Mars photo, but never before at this scale.” (see 10:14 minute video below)

• “Officially no life has been announced to be living on Mars yet these objects appear to be just that,” says the video narrator. “According to scientists plants cannot survive on the Red Planet, yet many believe this is what we are seeing here.” “But after seeing these images, can there now be any doubt?

• Self-proclaimed UFO expert Scott Waring described the trove of Mars photos as “100 percent proof that Mars is more than we were told by NASA”. “Areas that appear to be shallow ponds with bushes surrounding it are evident in photos. Tall tree-like plants grow from cracks in the ground that probably contain water for them to thrive upon,” says Waring. “A blue sky has been found in many Mars photos, making NASA look like fools.” “Sometime in our lifetime humans will get to Mars and the truth will get out. Until then, we only know what the public has dug-up within thin NASA archives.”


Outlandish claims about the reality of life on the Red Planet were first made on the Mundo Desconocido YouTube channel. The alien life conspiracy theorists used unearthed photos taken by the NASA Mars Global Surveyor space probe in the late 1990s. And intriguing shapes found on the Martian surface were then colourised, appearing to bring to life lakes and forests on Mars.

The unnamed narrator is heard questioning whether respected US space agency NASA has been covering-up evidence of alien life on Mars.

He said: “Mars appears to be just as beautiful as our own planet Earth.

“But if this is true, why has this been kept secret for so long?

“This is not the first time possible plant life and water have been seen in a Mars photo, but never before at this scale.”

And another photo taken in 2008 is produced purportedly showing plant life found by ancient alien theorists.

The narrator adds: “These alleged plants were found among ancient Martian sand dunes.

“Officially no life has been announced to be living on Mars yet these objects appear to be just that.

“According to scientists plants cannot survive on the Red Planet, yet many believe this is what we are seeing here.

“But after seeing these images, can there now be any doubt?

9:59 minute video of blue UFO crashed on Mars (ET Data Base YouTube channel)

10:14 minute video (in Spanish) of lakes and forests on Mars
(Mundo Desconocido YouTube channel)


David Bowie “Life On Mars?”


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UFO Cruise Has Night-vision Binoculars and Seminars With ‘Alien Abductees’

by Cailey Rizzo (Travel + Leisure)                   May 24, 2019                    (

• Holland America cruise line is hosting a seven-day UFO Cruise this autumn to explore the possibility of what’s out there while passengers are out at sea. Passengers will partake in “seminars at sea” while docking in Mexican ports to discover the history of UFO sightings and artifacts in the country, including an “authentic Maya fire ceremony” in Cabo San Lucas.

• Passengers will hear from speakers who are “researchers, investigators, authors, teachers, speakers, intuitive counselors, healers, contactees, abductees, and spiritual teachers.” At night, passengers can partake in a “UFO watch” with night-vision binoculars. Passengers can also take advantage of daily yoga classes, an on-board sauna and spa, a movie theater and live musical performances, and even go swimming with dolphins off the coast of Puerto Vallarta.

[Editor’s Note]   The San Diego to Mexico UFO Cruise is October 6-13, 2019, and will features speakers including Linda Moulton Howe, Richard and Tracey Dolan, Michael Tellinger, Travis Walton, and James Gilliland. Ticket prices range from $1819 to $2538.


Are your UFO conspiracy theories enough to make your family want to send you out to sea? Book a cruise.
Holland America cruise line is hosting a seven-day UFO Cruise this autumn to explore the possibility of what’s out there while passengers are out at sea.

Passengers will partake in “seminars at sea” while docking in Mexican ports to discover the history of UFO sightings and artifacts in the country. According to the cruise line, passengers will be able to hear from speakers who are “researchers, investigators, authors, teachers, speakers, intuitive counselors, healers, contactees, abductees, and spiritual teachers.”
Included in the lineup is the executive director of the Mutual UFO Network (which proclaims itself as the world’s largest and oldest UFO research organization) and documentarians from The History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” series.
Every night, after hearing from the experts, passengers can partake in a “UFO watch” with night-vision binoculars provided by the ship.



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Tom DeLonge: America Has Been Investigating UFOs for Years. Time For the Rest of Us to Catch Up

by Tom DeLonge                     May 30, 2019                     (

• When Tom DeLonge was touring with his band, Blink-182, during the early 1990’s, he read Timothy Good’s book, ‘Above Top Secret’, which detailed a historical chronology of UFO events. Learning that UFOs and extraterrestrials were for real changed the course of Tom’s life. He became consumed with it. ‘Who or what are they? Who actually knows the facts and holds the most credible evidence?’ He began to weed through what was real and what was disinformation.

• Tom studied accounts of UFOs during World War II, and the societal changes that began in 1947 when thousands of people began to witness ‘flying saucers’ in the sky. He saw how the public accepted the government’s cover-up of the phenomenon with decades of denial and ridicule. Still, Tom’s conclusion was that it would be naïve to think that UFOs don’t exist. “[T]he more I’ve been able to share my ideas with people I respected, the more sense of community I felt. And I want other people to feel that way too,” says DeLonge.

• More recently, Tom began regular communications with people at the highest levels of our intelligence agencies and military branches, and was encouraged to create the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA). TTSA is an organization that promotes the truth about UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence through a combination of scientific research, entertainment, and innovations in aerospace engineering, utilizing as members some of the most experienced, connected, and passionately curious minds from the U.S. intelligence community that have been operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades.

• TTSA has now partnered with HISTORY (formerly the History Channel) to produce “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation TM.” This six part, non-fiction series premiering on Friday, May 31 st will give the public an opportunity to see newly authenticated evidence and footage; learn the common characteristics of how these UAP move and operate; and see interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before. This series will hopefully spark the public to ask questions and look for answers. This information impacts not only our perception of who we are as human beings but also our understanding of where we’re going and how we treat each other. And that might be the greatest change of all.


About 25 years ago, I read a non-fiction book about UFOs while on tour with Blink-182 that blew my mind.
This was a time before smartphones, so being on a tour bus for weeks on end meant we were forced to keep ourselves occupied if we were bored. I chose to read. Timothy Good’s Above Top Secret detailed a historical chronology of UFO events in conjunction with domestic and foreign space programs and militaries. It wasn’t just a solitary event, but a chain of occurrences. I remember repeating as I was reading, “Oh my god, this is massive.” I probably annoyed the hell out of my bandmates.

Before reading that book, I thought the idea of E.T. and unknown flying vehicles were confined to the realm of science-fiction, which I’d always loved as a kid. But I had no idea these crafts were real and in fact interacting with nuclear missiles, NASA missions and facilities, astronauts, and even civilians.

The book opened my eyes to the enormity of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), filling me with curiosity and propelling me on a hunt for knowledge that quite literally changed the course of my life. I became consumed with questions about UAP: How do they travel at such incredible speeds? Who or what are they? Who actually knows the facts and holds the most credible evidence?

I followed many paths of discovery in the field—some peculiar, but all exciting. Back then, I was young and naive, and had trouble separating fact from fiction. As any serious researcher will tell you, UAP and its attendant fields are filled with truly crazy misinformation from countless unreliable characters.

As a result, I undertook the project of seeking out legitimate sources, and learned that for most of history, people thought it was crazy to even think about the possibility of UAP. Things briefly started to change after 1947, when numerous people, both pedestrian and high-level military and government personnel, started witnessing unidentified objects in the sky; military pilots, U.S. presidents, scientists, doctors, lawyers, farmers, politicians, teachers, and children.



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Alien Abductions and Climate Change

by Seth Shostak                     May 21, 2019                     (

• Dr. Young-hae Chi is a Korean instructor at the University of Oxford in England. Chi has linked the growing number of alien abductees to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases and concluded that extraterrestrials are producing human/alien hybrids to create a new model of homo sapiens that can better withstand the rigors of a hotter planet.

• Dr. Chi draws heavily from Dr. David Jacobs, a retired Temple University historian who has published several books in the field of Ufology and who also runs the International Center for Abduction Research. Jacobs has interviewed over a thousand abductees, using hypnotic regression that apparently allows them to recall their encounters with aliens.

• According to polls over the last few years, between 2 and 6 percent of the American citizenry – millions of folks – claim to have been abducted by aliens. And this number is rising. And these abductees often report being forced to participate in breeding programs.

• Dr. Chi says that these hybrid extraterrestrial beings have long lived among us, and are largely indistinguishable from humans. “The first generation hybrids still have physical features distinctive to aliens. But from the second generation … they have almost indistinguishable bodily features from those of humans, although they may still carry at least one fourth of alien genes,” says Chi.

[Editor’s Note]  Once again, disinformation is coming from Dr. Chi and the deep state sanctuary at the University of Oxford in England. Now it’s heat-tolerant alien-human hybrids taking over the planet. The more absurd the “information” coming from the supposed “experts”, the more that the typically uninformed citizenry will tend to dismiss any information regarding an extraterrestrial presence. And this is precisely the deep state’s objective.


Polls made in the last few years indicate that somewhere between 2 and 6 percent of the American citizenry – millions of folks – claim to have been abducted by aliens.

The experience is apparently not pleasant. The extraterrestrial captors are said to lead victims into their saucers, lay them out on a table, and extract sperm from the men and impregnate the women. It’s all in the interest of unauthorized breeding experiments.

If you’re familiar with UFO lore, you know that the usual explanations for these tasteless activities are that either (1) the aliens are in a reproductive bind on their home world – they can no longer successfully procreate, so have come to Earth to use humans as incubators to spawn alien offspring, or (2) they’re producing hybrid beings that will somehow help the extraterrestrials take over the planet.

                     Dr. Young-hae Chi

An instructor of Korean at the University of Oxford in England, Dr. Young-hae Chi, believes that the abductions are real. But he also claims to know what the aliens have in mind. They’re creating alien-human hybrids as a hedge against climate change.

To support his unorthodox theory, Chi notes that for several decades the number of reported alien abductions has risen. He bases this statement on the work of Dr. David Jacobs, a retired Temple University historian who has published several books in the field of Ufology. Jacobs also runs ICAR, the International Center for Abduction Research. He has interviewed more than a thousand abductees, using hypnotic regression that apparently allows them to recall their unearthly encounters with aliens. (Jacobs himself admits that people should be skeptical of these recollections.)

Chi takes the claims at face value, and links the growing number of abductees cataloged by Jacobs to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases. He doesn’t imply a cause and effect: The abduction experiment is not responsible for global warming. Rather, it’s a reaction to it. The extraterrestrials are producing hybrids that can better withstand the rigors of a toastier planet. By producing a new model of Homo sapiens, this project would eliminate the need for difficult climate accords or elaborate geoengineering projects. It would also help the aliens themselves – who are said to be living among us – by preserving the part of their DNA that’s carried by the temperature-tolerant hybrids.



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Is Rudloe Manor the British Equivalent of America’s Roswell?

by Verona Jones                   May 21, 2019                   (

• Underneath the typical English estate of Rudloe Manor (pictured above) are over two million square feet of underground tunnels, created during the 1930’s when Rudloe’s quarry was mined for Bath Stone. During the second world war, Rudloe Manor housed the Royal Air Force in these underground tunnels. The British government confiscated Rudloe manor and surrounding properties during WWII to build a munitions dump. However, Rudloe Manor was never released by England’s Ministry of Defense.

• Rudloe Manor is situated in the center of Wiltshire county where the majority of crop circles have been found. It is also home to Avebury Henge and Stonehenge, both Neolithic structures that are older than the Egyptian pyramids, and to ancient mounds, prehistoric sites, and burrows. This makes Wiltshire county a “window area” location that is prone to UFO sightings.

• After the famous American writer Dorothy Kilgallon wrote a newspaper article about a UFO crash in the 1940s, Rudloe became Britain’s version of Roswell. Kilgallon said she received her tips from an unidentified high-ranking British official who claims that the crashed spacecraft and its alien crew were gathered up by the British government and secreted away. Kilgallon died under rather mysterious circumstances. Is it possible that Kilgallon was silenced because of what she knew about the Rudloe UFO? Or was it because she was on the verge of discovering the plot surrounding the JFK assassination? No one is certain. All of her research on both JFK’s murder and the information about the British UFO crash went missing.

• On January 23, 1974, locals claimed that a spaceship crashed in the Berwyn Mountains in Wales, UK. The military were there in an instant to sanitize the area. The government claimed that it was simply an earthquake. Later they changed it to a meteorite to account for the bright lights that the local population saw in the sky that night. Declassified documents indicate that the British government does indeed know about the Berwyn Mountain UFOs, and theorists claim that the remains of the Welsh craft were taken to Rudloe Manor.

• In Season 12, Episode 3 of History’s “Ancient Aliens”, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and former Ministry of Defense employee Nick Pope pay a visit to Rudloe Manor and the Corsham Computer Center (CCC) which is two miles away and connected to Rudlow Manor by the tunnel system. Tsoukalos found the site encircled by barbed wire fencing with patrol dogs and security cameras. A few minutes after his arrival, the local police show up and order the film crew to stop filming and leave the site. The MOD claims that the site is simply a data processing center for the Royal Navy. But there is no sign stating that this is Navy property. All of the secrecy points to a cover-up. (see 5:05 minute ‘Ancient Aliens’ clip on the Rudloe Manor below)


In Season 12, Episode 3 of Ancient Aliens, the mystery of Rudloe Manor is explored at depth. At first glance, the Rudloe Manor looks like any other English estate, but underneath the house and property, there are over two million square feet of underground tunnels.

The tunnels were created during the 1930s when Rudloe’s quarry was mined for Bath Stone. The mineral mined was used to build the nearby city known as Bath. During the second world war, Rudloe Manor housed the Royal Air Force (RAF) in her underground tunnels.

Now, this is where the mystery begins. England confiscated Rudloe manor and surrounding properties during the war to build munitions dumps. However, unlike other private installations used by the military during the war, Rudloe Manor was never released from England’s Ministry of Defense (MOD).

       Wiltshire County, UK

It was rumored that Rudloe was Britain’s version of Roswell because an American reporter and writer Dorothy Kilgallon had written a newspaper article about a crash in the 1940s. Kilgallon titled “One of the greatest women writers in the world” by Ernest Hemingway was known to have some of the most powerful contacts in the world. Although, Kilgallon had no proof of anything she wrote.

According to Kilgallon, she received her tips from a high-ranking British official who wished to remain unidentified (surprise…surprise). Neither the American or British government have been transparent when it comes to the subject of UFO’s which gives us reason to believe that something strange happened at Rudloe.

Like Roswell, the spacecraft remains along with the aliens were gathered up by the British government and secreted away. Ancient alien theorists believed that to be Rudloe Manor.

5:05 minute Ancient Aliens clip on the Rudloe Manor



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‘Black Knight’ the Alien Satellite Orbiting Earth is Said to Be 13,000 Years Old

by Chris Ford and Daksha Devani                   May 21, 2019                       (

• Is the Black Knight satellite one of several satellites orbiting the Earth from the distant past? Or is it just a thermal blanket lost from the Endeavour space shuttle during the development of International Space Station as the deep state debunkers now claim? As to what this enigmatic black satellite is – what it does and where it came from – to this day, there are no definitive conclusions.  (see 9:14 minute video on the ‘Black Knight’ enigma below)

• Some say that Nikola Tesla discovered the Black Knight satellite when he began receiving strange “timed” signals while he was testing a high-voltage, magnifying transmitter device in 1899. Tesla was shocked by the discovery and deduced that they were coming from extraterrestrials, either from Mars or from elsewhere in outer space.

• Soon after Tesla’s discovery, other inventors such as Guglielmo Marconi reported that Morse code signals sent from transmitters were being sent back to them from an unknown source after a delay of several seconds. The returned signals were dubbed as “long delayed echos,” (LDEs), which some thought were of extraterrestrial origin. Experiments were conducted from 1928 through the 1930’s, which verified the existence but not the explanation of LDEs. To this day, scientists do not have a conclusive explanation for their existence.

• In 1954, both the St. Louis Dispatch and the San Francisco Examiner reported that several of these strange, artificial satellites had been spotted. Soon there were an untold number of sightings of these mysterious artificial satellites orbiting Earth in very abnormal patterns during the 1950’s and 60’s.

• In March 1960, a huge black object weighing 15 tons was tracked in a “polar orbit” around the Earth, traveling at twice the speed of normal satellites. Neither the U.S. nor the Russians had the capability to put a satellite this heavy into polar orbit at the time. The object was dubbed “Black Knight” after a rocket developed by the British in the 1950’s.

• When the Black Knight satellite made front page headlines in numerous newspapers, the Pentagon stepped in and stated that the objects were merely asteroids. But many did not buy this explanation, believing them to be of either Russian or alien origin.

• In 1972, science writer and astronomer Duncan Lunan deciphered a code from the previously documented LDEs which revealed an extraterrestrial message: “Start here. Our home is epsilon bootis. Which is a double star. We live on the 6th planet of 7–Check that, 6th of 7 – Counting outwards from the sun, which is the larger of the two. Our planet has one moon, our 4th planet has three, our 1st and 3rd planets each have one. Our probe is in the orbit of your moon. This updates the position of Arcturus shown on our maps.”

• Lunan charted the LDE signals and discovered that they formed a pattern, which matched the Epsilon Boötis Constellation as it had looked 13,000 years ago. Based on this, he surmised that the Black Knight probe was at least 13,000 years old.

• After the 1970’s the world lost interest in the Black Knight until 1998 when high-resolution images of the Black Knight satellite were captured by astronauts from the Space Shuttle Endeavour while in space (see image above), and public interest was rekindled. Astronomers began tracking these satellites (reports suggested there were several), which were said to appear and disappear, sometimes for years at a time, before reappearing again. The objects were also reported to change directions, making 90 or 180 degree turns while in mid-flight.

• The director of the Adler Planetarium, Robert L. Johnson, said: “The object doesn’t even have the decency to maintain a regular schedule, like any other heavenly or man-made object … we don’t know when to watch for it.” 


For more than a century, there have been signals and sightings of an “alien” satellite orbiting our planet. In 1998, for the first time ever, high-resolution images of this “non-terrestrial” satellite were captured by astronauts from the Space Shuttle Endeavour while in space. This inexplicable satellite is known to us only as “the Black Knight.”

From the famous inventor Nikola Tesla’s early discovery of strange signals coming from outer space, to the untold number of sightings of mysterious artificial satellites during the 1950s and 60s, evidence suggests that there are one or more alien satellites orbiting Earth in very abnormal patterns.

This satellite was dubbed “the Black Knight” after a rocket developed by the British in the 1950s.

After the Pentagon dismissed the object as an “asteroid,” people eventually began to believe that’s what it was … that is, until it was caught on camera in the late 90s.

When visual evidence from the Space Shuttle Endeavour finally captured images of what was believed to be the Black Knight in 1998, public interest on the topic was rekindled, along with interest in stories from decades past, of Tesla’s discovery, strange signals from space, countless sightings, and decoded messages, which made the object the stuff of legend throughout the 20th century.

As to what this enigmatic black satellite is—what it does and where it came from—to this day, there are no definitive conclusions. Some say that Nikola Tesla discovered it when he began receiving strange “timed” signals while he was testing a high-voltage, magnifying transmitter device in 1899.

Tesla was shocked by the discovery and deduced that they were coming from extraterrestrials, either from Mars or from elsewhere in outer space.

Some speculate that Tesla had been in contact with aliens, who assisted him in creating his electrical inventions, and that he was receiving ideas through telepathic communications sent to him from extraterrestrials, which helped him realize groundbreaking new technology.

Soon, other inventors such as Guglielmo Marconi started reporting similar strange phenomena. They found that Morse code signals sent from their transmitters were being sent back to them from an unknown source after an unusual delay of several seconds. The returned signals were dubbed as “long delayed echos,” (LDEs), which some thought were of extraterrestrial origin.

The occurrence of these unexplained signals caused a commotion in the press, and many experiments were conducted from 1928 through the 1930s, which verified the existence of LDEs though could not explain them. To this day, scientists do not have a conclusive explanation for their existence.

9:14 minute video on the ‘Black Knight’ enigma (‘Beyond Science’ YouTube channel)



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UFO Caught on Camera Moments Before Cloaking and Hiding

by Julio Cachila                      May 25, 2019                       (

• A four-year-old girl in Airdrie, Scotland, a town in North Lanarkshire, pointed out an object in the night sky to her father, who then video recorded the UFO above a tree line. The footage shows the UFO as it was hovering, but then it suddenly vanishes. The girl’s father can be heard saying “it just disappeared.” (see 2:34 minute video of UFO cloaking below)

• The eyewitness says “the craft engaging it’s ‘Cloaking technology’ because the UFO didn’t fly out of view, it simply vanished.” It did vanish into thin air, and was nowhere to be found after that.

• With today’s technology and a bit of acting, UFO “sightings” can be easily faked. A video from 2018, posted by YouTuber SECTION 51 2.0 titled “Ring-shaped UFOS in ICELAND (CGI)”, for example, shows how computer-generated UFOs can look real. The video shows two huge ring-shaped UFOs flying off the coast of southern Iceland. They are “caught on camera” by a woman who was making sounds like she was terrified. Despite the YouTuber’s honesty in saying the video featured CGI, some viewers still believed the video and thought that the UFOs featured were real because of the woman’s “petrified” voice. (see 3:33 minute fake CGI video of ring craft over Iceland below)


A UFO enthusiast shared some footage of what he claimed to be a UFO sighting in Scotland. The footage showed the alleged UFO as it was hovering, but suddenly vanished.

Self-titled UFO expert Scott Waring shared a video of a UFO flying above trees in Airdrie, a town in North Lanarkshire, Scotland. He said the video was posted on YouTube by a “reliable UFO expert” with a YouTube account named “The Hidden Underbelly 2.0.” Waring shared the video on the ET Database.

The video showed something dark colored hovering in the sky above the trees near a house where the person holding the camera was. Waring said that according to an eyewitness, the flying object was first spotted by a four-year-old girl, followed by her father who, after a few moments, “realised that this was a UFO.”

Soon, the “UFO” moved slowly towards the trees, but before it could actually hide from plain sight behind the foliage, it suddenly vanished. A man, likely the girl’s father, could be heard saying “it just disappeared.”

2:34 minute video of UFO cloaking over Airdrie, Scotland
(The Hidden Underbelly 2.0 YouTube video)

3:33 minute CGI video of ring craft over Iceland (SECTION 51 2.0 YouTube channel)



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UFOs Exist and Everyone Needs to Adjust to That Fact

by Daniel W. Drezner                      May 28, 2019                     (

• UFOs have historically been associated with crackpot ideas like Big Foot or conspiracy theories involving crop circles, and consistently dismissed. But as more military pilots come forward to describe encounters with unidentified flying objects, government officials reluctantly acknowledge that UFOs (or “UAP”s) do exist. At this point, authorities are trying to destigmatize the reporting of UFOs while adamantly refusing to say that these UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin.

• Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall authored a paper entitled: “Sovereignty and the UFO”, published in the journal Political Theory, which argues that state sovereignty is “constituted and organized by reference to human beings alone.” They argue that the real reason UFOs have been dismissed is because it challenges the worldview in which human beings are the most technologically advanced life-forms. “UFOs have never been systematically investigated by science or the state, because it is assumed to be known that none are extraterrestrial. Yet in fact this is not known, which makes the UFO taboo puzzling given the ET possibility.” So if humankind is the most technologically advanced life form, then in order to preserve this premise, UFOs cannot be of an extraterrestrial origin. The UFO can be “known” only by not asking what it is.”

• Wendt and Duvall’s paper makes a persuasive case that UFOs certainly exist, even if they are not necessarily ETs. For them, the key is that no official authority takes seriously the idea that UFOs can be extraterrestrials. As they note, “considerable work goes into ignoring UFOs, constituting them as objects only of ridicule and scorn.”

• In recent years, however, there has been a subtle shift that poses some interesting questions for Wendt and Duvall’s argument. Discussion of actual UFOs has become the topic of serious mainstream media coverage. The government acknowledged the existence of a Pentagon program to study UFOs. A noted astrophysicist claimed that the ‘asteroid’ Oumuamua could be of artificial construction relying on a solar sail. Military pilots came forward in December 2017 and then again in May 2019 relating their encounters with UFOs on both the West and East Coasts of the US. No one in the Defense Department is saying that the objects are extraterrestrial, though even skeptics cannot completely rule out the possibility that extraterrestrial activity is involved.

• So the government and mainstream media are not behaving as Wendt and Duvall would predict. Politico’s Bryan Bender reported that, “The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with ‘unidentified aircraft,’ a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them.” Deanna Paul of the Washington Post wrote, “Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer, told The Post that the new Navy guidelines formalized the reporting process, facilitating data-driven analysis while removing the stigma from talking about UFOs, calling it ‘the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.”

• As the stigma against the existence of UFOs wears off, will Earth governments face the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations as the origin of these unexplained UFOs?


The term “UFO” automatically triggers derision in most quarters of polite society. One of Christopher Buckley’s better satires, “Little Green Men,” is premised on a George F. Will-type pundit thinking that he has been abducted by aliens, with amusing results. UFOs have historically been associated with crackpot ideas like Big Foot or conspiracy theories involving crop circles.

The obvious reason for this is that the term “UFO” is usually assumed to be a synonym for “extraterrestrial life.” If you think about it, this is odd. UFO literally stands for “unidentified flying object.” A UFO is not necessarily an alien from another planet. It is simply a flying object that cannot be explained away through conventional means. Because UFOs are usually brought up only to crack jokes, however, they have been dismissed for decades.

One of the gutsiest working paper presentations I have witnessed was Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall presenting a draft version of “Sovereignty and the UFO.” In that paper, eventually published in the journal Political Theory, Wendt and Duvall argued that state sovereignty as we understand it is anthropocentric, or “constituted and organized by reference to human beings alone.” They argued that the real reason UFOs have been dismissed is because of the existential challenge that they pose for a worldview in which human beings are the most technologically advanced life-forms: “UFOs have never been systematically investigated by science or the state, because it is assumed to be known that none are extraterrestrial. Yet in fact this is not known, which makes the UFO taboo puzzling given the ET possibility…. The puzzle is explained by the functional imperatives of anthropocentric sovereignty, which cannot decide a UFO exception to anthropocentrism while preserving the ability to make such a decision. The UFO can be “known” only by not asking what it is.”

When Wendt and Duvall made this argument, there were a lot of titters in the audience. I chuckled, too. Nonetheless, their paper makes a persuasive case that UFOs certainly exist, even if they are not necessarily ETs. For them, the key is that no official authority takes seriously the idea that UFOs can be extraterrestrials. As they note, “considerable work goes into ignoring UFOs, constituting them as objects only of ridicule and scorn.”



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US and Japan to Cooperate on Return to the Moon

by Jeff Foust                    May 29, 2019                   (

• At a May 27th joint press conference in Tokyo, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Donald Trump announced their agreement for the two nations to cooperate in space exploration. “I am pleased to confirm that Prime Minister Abe and I have agreed to dramatically expand our nations’ cooperation in human space exploration,” Trump said. “Japan will join our mission to send U.S. astronauts to space. We’ll be going to the moon. We’ll be going to Mars very soon. It’s very exciting.”

• The agreement between the two leaders was not released, and neither Trump nor Abe would elaborate. A State Department fact sheet noted that the two “agreed on the importance of a sustained human presence on and around the moon.” “Building on its International Space Station (ISS) experience, Japanese astronauts will strive to join American astronauts on the moon and destinations beyond,” the fact sheet noted.

• Japan, a major partner on the ISS, had shown an interest in participating in aspects of NASA’s renewed push to return to the moon, including contributing modules to the Gateway facility NASA plans to develop in lunar orbit to support human lunar landings. The agreement could include Japanese astronauts going to the moon.

• NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine tweeted that he was “very excited” about the agreement announced by Trump and Abe. “Japan and [JAXA] are critical partners in our efforts to go forward to the Moon and on to Mars!”

• In a video released by NASA, Hiroshi Yamakawa, president of the Japanese space agency said, “It’s a great pleasure to collaborate with NASA in that endeavor.”

• With the White House’s urging, NASA accelerated its plans to return humans to the lunar surface by 2024, versus the 2028 date in its previous plans. Major roles for international partners will mostly be deferred to the second phase, which will focus on establishing a sustainable human presence on and around the moon after the 2024 landing. Ken Bowersox, deputy associate administrator for human exploration and operations at NASA, said that if international partners can accelerate their contributions, “they’re welcome to participate in the early phases.”

• The Japanese company ‘ispace’ is developing commercial lunar landers as part of a team led by the American company, Draper, that won one of nine Commercial Lunar Payload Services agreements from NASA last November to transport research payloads to the lunar surface. Founder and chief executive of ispace Takeshi Hakamada stated, “We are thrilled to learn that the U.S. and Japan will deepen its strong relationship in space exploration through a focused effort on lunar exploration.”


WASHINGTON — The governments of the United States and Japan have agreed to further cooperation in space which could include flying Japanese astronauts to the moon.

At a joint press conference in Tokyo May 27 with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President Donald Trump mentioned cooperation in space exploration as one outcome of their meetings during the president’s visit to the country.

“I am pleased to confirm that Prime Minister Abe and I have agreed to dramatically expand our nations’ cooperation in human space exploration,” Trump said. “Japan will join our mission to send U.S. astronauts to space. We’ll be going to the moon. We’ll be going to Mars very soon. It’s very exciting.”

Neither Trump nor Abe elaborated on the nature of that agreement, which was not released. A fact sheet released by the State Department May 27 noted that the two “agreed on the importance of a sustained human presence on and around the moon.”

“Building on its International Space Station (ISS) experience, Japanese astronauts will strive to join American astronauts on the moon and destinations beyond,” the State Department fact sheet noted.

A cooperative agreement of some kind between the United States and Japan was expected to be signed during Trump’s visit. Japan, a major partner on the ISS, had shown an interest in participating in aspects of NASA’s renewed push to return to the moon, including contributing modules to the Gateway facility NASA plans to develop in lunar orbit to support human lunar landings.

“It’s a great pleasure to collaborate with NASA in that endeavor,” Hiroshi Yamakawa, president of the Japanese space agency JAXA, said in a video released by NASA May 28 about international cooperation on the development of the Gateway and its overall lunar plans.



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Unidentified Review: History Series Takes UFOs to a New Level of Credibility

by Alejandro Rojas                    May 20, 2019                    (

• ‘History’ (formerly ‘The History Channel’) is set to debut its new six-part docuseries entitled: ‘Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation’. The show basically follows the ongoing investigations by Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences’ (TTSA), and introduce the Academy members as credible investigators and witnesses. With a former career intelligence officer (Luis Elizondo), a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (Chris Mellon), and multiple jet fighter pilots (David Fravor, et al), it becomes clear that research into what the hell UFOs are is more legit than ever.

• TTSA was formed in the fall of 2017. Elizondo left his Pentagon position and joined the TTSA team saying that the Department of Defense (DoD) was not taking the subject of UFOs seriously enough. They made a name for themselves in December 2017 when their efforts resulted in the New York Times revealing the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP) and releasing Navy cockpit video of UFO, including the infamous “Tic Tac” UFO from 2004. History’s Unidentified intends to provide insight into AATIP investigations and TTSA’s more recent discoveries.

• The first episode will review in detail this 2004 incident where F-18 fighter jets from the US Navy’s Nimitz carrier group off of San Diego encountered the remarkable maneuvering of a 40-foot long ‘Tic Tac’ UFO. The wingmate of the F-18 piloted by Commander David Fravor when they encountered the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO – who has declined any public interviews thus far – will give her own testimony in the initial episode regarding the incident.

• Unidentified has a similar feel as other investigation focused reality shows. But instead of wild speculation or leaps in logic that strain credulity, Unidentified offers a more grounded perspective on a topic that the general public typically regarded as “out of this world.”

• “Both Chris Mellon and Lou Elizondo are closely involved with what’s going on inside the Pentagon over the course of this last year,” said Executive Producer Anthony Lappe. “They consider that Navy announcement (on new UFO reporting procedures) to be a huge victory for sort of everything they’ve been doing behind the scenes and we were able to chronicle that.”

• Another episode will focus on the 1980 UFO incident on a U.S Air Force base in the Rendlesham Forest, in England. Elizondo says that there will be other astounding cases presented from the AATIP files that have not yet been made public.


The first episode of Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation on History Channel uses a familiar format to deliver an unprecedented investigation. UFO reality shows have come and gone, but what makes Unidentified unique is the credibility of the show’s investigators and witnesses. From a former career intelligence officer, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, and multiple jet fighter pilots, it becomes clear that research into what the hell UFOs are is more legit than ever.

Unidentified follows the ongoing UFO investigations of Luis Elizondo and To The Stars Academy (TTSA). Elizondo is a former intelligence officer who resigned in October 2017. That same month, former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge announced the creation of TTSA, an organization focused on researching the unknown with an impressive list of members. Elizondo was on that list. During the press conference announcing TTSA, Elizondo claimed he left his job at the Pentagon because one of his posts entailed researching military UFO cases and he felt the Department of Defense (DoD) was not taking the subject seriously enough.

The following December, the New York Times, followed by Politico and The Washington Post, published articles providing more insight into Elizondo’s former UFO program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The story garnered headlines around the world and created public interests into the nature of the secretive Pentagon project. History’s Unidentified intends to provide insight into AATIP investigations and TTSA’s more recent discoveries.

Unidentified will be a six-part series. The first episode introduces us to the TTSA team members and covers a fantastic UFO encounter as told by the witness, all of whom were on active duty with the Navy when the contacts took place.

The New York Times article that broke the AATIP story also included details about one of the most exciting AATIP cases. Over several days in November of 2004, the Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Strike Group captured objects on radar that performed unusual maneuvers. During a training exercise, several F-18 jet fighters were diverted to get a closer look at one of the objects. Commander David Fravor got the best view. He describes seeing an object that looked like a 40-foot-long white Tic Tac that performed remarkable maneuvers. This case, also covered by Den of Geek, is reviewed in detail in the first episode of Unidentified.



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UFOs Are Coming, and Rocker Tom DeLonge is Ready

by Peter Sblendorio                   May 27, 2019                   (

• Tom DeLonge remembers that his early interest in UFOs led to speculation regarding his standing with his rock band, Blink-182. “It was funny because when I first started dealing with all these three-letter agencies, and groups within the military industrial complex, I remember I couldn’t tell my bandmates in Blink,” DeLonge recalls. “I think there was a great level of frustration with them because they wanted to go record and tour, and I was in the middle of setting up the foundations to create a vehicle for the disclosure of the UFO phenomenon.” “I remember that it started leaking out that I wasn’t focused on my band, and that I quit my band to chase aliens and all these just absurd things, but I couldn’t talk about it … I had to kind of go back to my roots as a punk rocker and not really care what anyone thinks.”

• Talking about UFOs is no small thing to Tom DeLonge whose company, ‘To The Stars Academy’ strives to increase understanding about phenomena such as unidentified flying objects, is at the center of a new History series, ‘Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.’ “To The Stars Academy is very much involved in the congressional side of things,” says DeLonge. “My goal was simply to educate and disseminate the information and to apply pressure on the congressional offices to appropriate the correct funding mechanisms and to create the correct national security policy around this issue.” (see 42 second trailer for “Unidentified: America’s UFO Investigation” below)

• DeLonge, 43, has long been fascinated by UFOs, and his involvement with the matter has only grown as he’s learned more about it. DeLonge said the public would be surprised to learn that the United States has worked on the UFO topic with countries considered to be adversaries. He says how the UFO situation is handled will “make or break our future.”


Talking about UFOs is no small thing to longtime Blink-182 rocker Tom DeLonge.

That’s why the singer, whose company To The Stars Academy strives to increase understanding about phenomena such as unidentified flying objects, is at the center of a new History series, “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.”

“To The Stars Academy is very much involved in the congressional side of things,” DeLonge told the Daily News.

“National security policy, making sure that the elected leadership of the country gets the correct briefings, gets the correct information, creating a formal reporting mechanism and standard for these machines that are witnessed in the sky. This show is a really great way to get the public to understand the hardcore, tangible, real evidence.

“My goal was simply to educate and disseminate the information and to apply pressure on the congressional offices to appropriate the correct funding mechanisms and to create the correct national security policy around this issue.”

The series, which premieres Friday and was executive produced by DeLonge, features interviews with former government and military officials who discuss some of the shocking sensations they witnessed while working in high-ranking positions. Among those who took part are Luis Elizondo, the former director of the secretive and now defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, and Christopher Mellon, who served as the nation’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence.

“Unidentified” promises to feature government video of UFOs and recently authenticated evidence.

42 second trailer for HISTORY’s “Unidentified: America’s UFO Investigation”
(HISTORY YouTube channel)




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Footage Showing ‘Fleet of UFOs Passing Moon’ Labelled Best Evidence of the Year

by Simon Green                   May 22, 2019                    (

• On May 18th, Fotohota Youtube channel posted a video clip shot from Moscow, Russia of the moon with an orange haze. As the camera zooms in, a collection of black objects can be seen slowly moving across the star. At certain points the dots move towards each other before separating again. (see two videos below)

• “They are not near the moon because there is no shadow,” the videographer added. “They are between the Earth and the moon, but not far from the moon.” “Their sizes are not small.”

• “Definitely the best evidence of the year,” one YouTuber wrote. “There are loads of them nearly covering the moon and these objects are huge in size.” A worried viewer added: “This isn’t good.”


The clip – taken from the ground in the Russian capital of Moscow – shows the moon in an orange haze.

As the cameraman zooms in, a collection of black objects can be seen slowly moving across the star.

At certain points the dots move towards each other before separating again.

The video was posted to YouTube by Fotohota on May 18.

He wrote that he couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.

“They are not near the moon because there is no shadow,” he added.

“They are between the Earth and the moon, but not far from the moon.

“Their sizes are not small.”


1:21 minute video of UFO “flotilla” over the surface of the moon (TechVor Leaks)


2:10 video of UFO “fleet” over the surface of the moon (The Hidden Underbelly 2.0)



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Scientific Community Making Search For UFOs Mainstream

May 17, 2019            (

• Christopher Deperno and Sam Falvo investigate unidentified flying objects for the New York chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, a global organization established in 1969. Author and researcher Linda Zimmermann has investigated some 500 eyewitness accounts of UFO’s in the Hudson Valley NY area. Zimmermann and Falvo’s organizations have now formed a joint venture called Project Aries – with the goal of collecting as much data as possible on Hudson Valley UFO sightings.

• “We do know that the phenomenon is real,” said Falvo. “Military pilots, army personnel… the U.S. Navy now… all of them have reported different types of sightings,” added Deperno. Even NASA is conceding it’s possible the universe contains different life forms. Experts say the race is heating up to find answers as to who they are, where they’re from, and what they may want from us.

• What has long been considered a fringe field of science, the search for answers about extraterrestrials and UFOs has gone mainstream. Prestigious universities including Harvard and Penn State are dedicating some of their brightest minds to this as a new field of study. “We believe the search for extraterrestrial intelligence needs a permanent academic home,” said Penn State’s Jason Wright. In the private sector, there is funding everything from digital, interstellar communication, to a dish that emits radio waves.

• Why has the Hudson Valley of New York state become such a UFO hot spot? “There is the possibility that they are drawn to the water here… the rivers, the lakes, and reservoirs, but also this area has a very unique magnetic field and gravitational field,” Zimmermann said.  (see 2:20 minute video from CBS New York on the UFOs in the Hudson Valley)


NEW YORK (CBS NewYork) – The search for extraterrestrial activity is getting some credibility.

Notable scientists are getting behind a push to make contact with whatever might be out there.

“It was between a half mile and a mile away… it was big and quiet… moving very slowly,” UFO witness Robert Strong said.

Did the Hudson Valley resident really see a UFO?

“Military pilots, army personnel… the U.S. Navy now… all of them have reported different types of sightings,” Christopher Deperno of MUFON said.

Even NASA is conceding it’s possible the universe contains different life forms.

        Linda Zimmerman

“We do know that the phenomenon is real,” Sam Falvo of MUFON added.

Experts say the race is heating up to find answers as to who they are, where they’re from, and what they may want from us.

Deperno and Falvo investigate unidentified flying objects for the New York chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, a global organization established in 1969.

“Most of them… 95 percent or so can be identified… it’s those five or six percent that really stir your interest,” Falvo said.

What they do has long been considered a fringe field of science, but today, this search for answers has gone mainstream. Prestigious universities including Harvard and Penn State are dedicating some of their brightest minds to this as a new field of study.

2:20 minute video from CBS New York on the UFOs in the Hudson Valley



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These 5 UFO Traits, Seen by Navy Fighters, Defy Explanation

by Missy Sullivan and Greg Daugherty                     May 20, 2019                     (

• Luis Elizondo, the former DoD intelligence officer who headed up the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) until 2012, is now an investigator with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ and is featured on HISTORY’s new television program (ie: the History Channel), “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”.

• It was Elizondo and the ‘To The Stars Academy’ that were integral in bringing to the public the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Navy cockpit video from 2004, with USS Nimitz-based pilots’ comments that included, “Holy sh*t, what is that?”, and “It’s white. It has no wings. It has no rotors,” and “It didn’t fly like an aircraft. It was so unpredictable.”

• When Elizondo ran the DoD’s AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings. Here are Elizondo’s “five observables”:

1) Anti-gravity lift – UAPs (Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon) have no visible means of propulsion and lack flight surfaces such as wings – thus the tubular, ‘Tic Tac’ description.

2) Sudden and instantaneous acceleration – UAPs will accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces.

3) Hypersonic velocities without signatures – Aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound will typically leave a “signature” like vapor trails and sonic booms. UAPs don’t.

4) Low observability or cloaking – Witnesses to a UAP will usually only see a glow or haze around them.

5) Trans-medium travel – UAPs have been seen moving in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water. USS Princeton radar operator Gary Vorhees later confirmed from a Navy sonar operator in the area that day that a craft was moving faster than 70 knots underwater, roughly two times the speed of nuclear subs.

• UAPs’ origins are still unknown. Are they a super-top-secret U.S. defense project? Do they hail from Russia? China? Or from even further afield? The only thing we do know is that their capabilities exceed any technologies currently in the U.S. arsenal.


You know a UFO has earned its “unidentified” status when cockpit transcripts from elite Navy fighter jets include this frantic pilot exclamation: “Holy s___, what is that?”

When Luis Elizondo ran a small team at the U.S. Department of Defense investigating military-based reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), he heard numerous such accounts—by some of the most highly trained aeronautic experts in the military. They describe objects that appeared to be intelligently controlled, possessing aerodynamic capabilities that far surpass any currently known aircraft technology.

Now pursuing his investigations as part of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, Elizondo is an integral part of the investigative team featured on HISTORY’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” where they have continued to gather eyewitness accounts:

“It’s white. It has no wings. It has no rotors.”

“It didn’t fly like an aircraft. It was so unpredictable—high g, rapid velocity, rapid acceleration.”

“I didn’t see a trail.”

“It was going 70-plus knots underwater.”

Those reports—from Navy fighter pilots, radar operators and other witnesses from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group incident from November 2004—were among a handful of shocking encounters the Unidentified team explored. When Elizondo ran the Defense Department initiative, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings. He calls those traits the “five observables”:



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Man Has Been in Contact With Aliens and NASA Knows

by Sean Martin                   May 22, 2019                       (

• In 1975, Billy Meier released a now iconic clear image of what appears to be a UFO zooming past a tree (The ‘I Want To Believe’ poster in Fox Mulder’s office, pictured above). Meier subsequently claimed that he had been in constant contact with aliens.

• Paranormal theorist Michael Horn claims to have conducted hundreds of interviews, including NASA employees, in his research to prove that Billy Meier, the Swiss UFO contactee, was in fact truthful. Using scientific methodologies with state-of-the-art software to analyse and authenticate his evidence, Horn claims to have “found over 250 examples of specific, previously unknown scientific information that Meier published”.

• Meier claims to have information provided to him by aliens “about every planet in the solar system, as well as black holes, the speed of gravity, the impending threat posed by asteroid Apophis, and terrestrial environmental, seismic and volcanic events”. Horn says that aliens have been warning Mr Meier about the fate of humanity.

• “If deemed genuine, we are now confronted with the most important – and unexpected – discovery in science and human history, the confirmed existence of, and ongoing contact with, intelligent extraterrestrial life.” Says Horn. “Should that be the case, we will want to pay particular attention to the warnings they have provided about coming environmental, geopolitical and financial events that may threaten our future survival.

• Horn spoke to NASA-USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff, who stated, “I should say that I have long hoped that we have or will be contacted by advanced civilizations and that we could learn from them, and that the statistics of potentially habitable planets in our galaxy suggests that there are probably many advanced civilizations.”

• Horn will present his research at the ‘Contact in the Desert’ UFO festival (this weekend) in Indian Wells, California.


In 1975, Swiss recluse Billy Meier stunned the world when he released an image of what appears to be a UFO zooming past a tree. The image is crystal clear, and had UFO enthusiasts convinced it is evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. Mr Meier has subsequently claimed that he has been in constant contact with aliens, and is now the subject of new research which states that Mr Meier’s claims are indeed true.

              Billy Meier

Paranormal theorist Michael Horn claims to have conducted hundreds of interviews with employees from the likes of NASA as part of his research and says he has conclusive proof that the Swiss man was being truthful.

As part of the research, Mr Horn spoke to NASA-USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff, with the latter telling him: “I should say that I have long hoped that we have or will be contacted by advanced civilisations and that we could learn from them, and that the statistics of potentially habitable planets in our galaxy suggests that there are probably many advanced civilisations.”

Mr Horn claims to have “found over 250 examples of specific, previously unknown scientific information that Meier published”, according to a press release.

             Michael Horn

The new research states Mr Meier claims to have had information provided to him by aliens “about every planet in the solar system, as well as black holes, the speed of gravity, the impending threat posed by asteroid Apophis, and terrestrial environmental, seismic and volcanic events”.

As a result, Mr Horn, who will present his research at the ‘Contact in the Desert’ UFO festival, says aliens have been warning Mr Meier about the fate of humanity.



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Anomalous UFOs Confirmed – Will UFO Intelligences Be Inevitably Confirmed? Implications of the latter…

According to political scientists Alexander Wendt & Raymond Duvall, who wrote “Sovereignty and the UFO” (published in “Political Theory” in 2008),  the functionality of modern sovereignty requires anthropocentrism, i.e. the view that homo sapiens is the maximum expression of intelligent evolution as we know it. If this is so, the presence of extraterrestrials flying around on Earth would place Governments into a quandary. They are supposed to be rational, scientific and modern but also to maintain anthropocentrism. It would seem self-destructive to tell their citizens that there actually are artifacts of non-human intelligence flying around in disregard of the territorial boundaries of modern nations? But that is what has almost taken place recently through former intelligence experts.

The U.S. Navy and Pentagon-DIA is confirming their interest in UFOs in major newspapers and media outlets like the Washington Post, The New York Times, New York Post, CNN, FOX. It’ is HISTORICAL. Qualified pilots and officers are allowed to give their testimonies. Will the U.S. Air Force (USAF) soon follow this greater openness?

According to Wendt & Duvall, the recognition of advanced intelligence is necessary to be accepted as sovereign. However, what if the truly unique, verified, intelligently behaved and unconventional UFOs/UAPs encountered by the U.S. Navy and Army and Air Force are not made from any known country on Earth as hinted by former Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) Director Luis Elizondo and by former  United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon? 

The latter expressed: “We know that UFOs exist; this is no longer an issue.” “The issue now is why are they here, where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices we are observing.” To me, this requires research of the contact experience and to attempt to make peaceful contacts.

Those current and former U.S. employees engaging in what seems to be a semi-official disclosing (or better yet, an initial-level confirmation), and also that UFOs (UAPs) are real and, moreover, that at least some are not made in any known country on Earth have also been careful to mention that they should be regarded as a potential threat. This is understandable from a military perspective. But is this the only way we should think about them? Or is this the only way the Government knows how to present this issue to the citizenry? And what if they have been here on Earth for much longer than modern nation-states? Were they always a potential threat? Are we – perhaps – more of a potential threat than they are?

UFOs are a worldwide phenomenon. Interestingly, there have been declarations (with a smaller effect than similar admissions within the U.S.) by representatives of UFO research commissions in countries like Chile, Uruguay, Peru, and France in that they research UFOs, even occasionally stating that some of them might not originate in any Earth country. The semi-official COMETA Report from France also comes to mind. But the effect that declarations like this have when originating in the U.S. is much greater. It may encourage other powerful countries to follow suit.

Perhaps China, Russia, and other countries will soon follow.

A UFO case officially researched in Chile

In the article “LUIS ELIZONDO: MUFON’s Exclusive Interview” that came out in the May 2018 issue of the MUFON Journal, researcher Chase Kloetzke asked Mr. Elizondo if they (inside AATIP) learned anything that keeps him up at night. The reply was “I think it’s not necessarily negative. I think we are in the precipice of potentially understanding a new paradigm. You know, mankind, our evolution has been marked by moments of clarity….I believe we are on the precipice of understanding a little bit more of our place in the cosmic neighborhood and I think that should be exciting and thrilling. We must remain cautious and diligent, but I’m not sure we necessarily need to be afraid. Concerned, sure. I’ll buy that. Afraid, I don’t think so.” His personal opinion – like that of Chris Mellon – seems to indicate that we are dealing with non-homo sapiens forms of advanced intelligence.

Mr. Luis Elizondo

Why Now?

Are these almost rotund confirmations of the extraterrestrial (perhaps also ‘multidimensional’ and/or ‘transdimensional’) hypothesis happening after more than 70 years of suppression and ridicule because the ETs have demanded that it is time to reveal the truth? Is it a strategy to find public backing to launch the U.S. Space Force (among other reasons to defend us against some of the ETs)? Is it for humanitarian reasons or to support a weapons program and an elite behind the Military Industrial Complex as some conspiracy theories purport?

The revelation of UFOs (and implied extraterrestrials) may diminish conspiracy suspicions exacerbated by the official denial and disinformation that lasted for decades. And the end of anthropocentrism may go hand in hand with the end of materialism, extreme dualism, Newtonian reductionism.

The current stage of confirmations looks like a preamble to a more official form of Disclosure. If no country on Earth has built the extreme advanced UAPs reported by pilots then it is natural to assume they are built by…extraterrestrials or by intelligent beings other than homo sapiens from Earth.

But if extraterrestrials have been with us for a very long time and this is also officially recognized, what rights will we be able to assign, grant or recognize in them? Definitely, in one way or another, sustaining our anthropocentric stance will be seriously challenged, perhaps after unreasonable resistance from some doctrinaires.

Contact and Implications

When Chris Mellon is asked by the Fox interviewer if there has been an interaction between human beings and these beings (from the UAPs) he responded that he wasn’t aware of it. But the possibility of there being ultra-secret, perhaps, Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPS) in which human interactions with UAP intelligences are monitored or even sought after and maintained through psychic or other means has been a credible ongoing research within ufology.

It may well be that Mr. Mellon is not aware of every covert research program regarding extraterrestrials within the U.S. Government. He probably did not have a “need to know” about this and his innocence/plausible deniability was being protected in order for him to be able to speak to the public candidly without compromising an issue still deemed highly classified and under an initial stage of partial declassification. If so, it would be reasonable to assume that there are more highly covert operations than the ones known by the intelligence assets now working for To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) and that they would be useful to introduce society to the validation of the reality of truly unconventional UFOs (and later on – inevitably – of extraterrestrial or ‘other’ intelligences).

It may well be that, secretly, the U.S. Government has developed retro-engineered craft still inferior in performance to the so-called “Tic-Tac” and other craft mentioned by TTSA (and soon by the History Channel’s program “Unidentified”). For example, there are some photographs and night vision videos of the alleged TR-3B antigravity flying triangle which suggests such retro-engineering. Can we ignore this and other signs that some level of contact with extraterrestrials – either with them as sentient creatures or with their craft – has already been made at least since 1947?

Not long ago, former AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richard C. Doty mentioned that he was aware of Government research involving the extraterrestrial intelligences themselves. However, he probably knows that there is no way to prove such statements.

Other credible military testimonies regarding secret programs that may come in direct contact with extraterrestrials or “UAP intelligences” are those of Sargeant Clifford Stone and of Sargeant Dan Sherman. Project Camelot Interview to Sargeant Clifford Stone:

Sargeant Clifford Stone

Sargeant Dan Sherman

Are we already capable of communicating with some, all or any of the alleged extraterrestrials?

Can we relate with any of them as friends, allies or constructively? That would perhaps depend whether we share enough of the same psychological nature to produce some of the same cultural universals. Moreover, perhaps we should not call them “non-humans” but instead extend our concept of humanity to match their cognizance. Perhaps the capacity to reason with free will is sufficient.

If intelligent extraterrestrial presences are openly, officially or sufficiently recognized in a socio-political manner, we will need to develop relationships with them. If we cannot do much to stop them from flying around (not only military maneuvers and installations but all over Earth) we would need to expand our concept of sovereignty and make diplomatic efforts to reach agreements with them.

Serious contact experiencer research and surveys like that from F.R.E.E. (The Dr. Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters) should be very valuable to understand who ‘they’ are, why ‘they’ are as they are and what ‘they’ want. In other words, to answer the questions raised by Mr. Chris Mellon. However, we will need to eliminate the still ongoing taboo (even among many UFO researchers), the taboo of dealing with ET contact or of contacting extraterrestrials ourselves, something that many of my otherwise ‘rational’ and ‘objective’ colleague researchers shy away from.

Dr. Edgard Mitchell Scientist-Apollo 14 Astronaut founded F.R.E.E. to research contact experiences and to assist them when needed.

Summary of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation Academic Research Study on UFO Contact Experiencers & CONSCIOUSNESS

FREE is comprised of 15 Ph.D. academic professors and medical doctors and 10 lay investigators. !!!! If you want to receive a FREE copy of our 120-page Chapter One from our book, send us an email to INFO@EXPERIENCER.ORG. RESEARCH FINDINGS:

1. POSITIVE: The overwhelming number of contact experiences are mainly positive, between 85-95% depending on the question asked. We asked the question of whether their experience was positive, negative, or neutral in more than 25 different questions. Chapter One of our book provides many more details and explanations to this finding.

2. PARANORMAL & NOT PHYSICAL: The Contact Experience is overwhelmingly NOT a Physical/Material Phenomena– instead, it is a Paranormal/Psychic Phenomena. Both Dr. Jacque Vallee, Dr. Allan Hynek, Dr. John Mack, Dr. Edgar Mitchell and many others hypothesized this more than 30 years ago.

3. TRANSFORMATIVE: The Contact Experience is an overwhelmingly Transformative Experience for the Positive. Over 85% of the FREE survey participants, now more than 4,200 individuals, have become: more loving to other humans, more ecological, less materialist, more spiritual, do not fear death, know the purpose of their life, are more consciously aware, less religious, etc.

4. SPACE-TIME: Contact involves manipulation of Space/Time and this, in turn, leads one to hypothesize that this Non-Human Intelligence might be multi-dimensional. This was pointed out more than 40 years ago by Dr. Jacque Vallee (Astronomer and legendary UFOlogist),

The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Foundation was co-founded by the late Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.

If you want to receive a FREE copy of the 120-page Chapter One, send us an email to INFO@EXPERIENCER.ORG.

Further Implications

If most extraterrestrial intelligences have a benign, positive, evolutionary effect in our lives (as surmised in the F.R.E.E. anonymous, international survey) we must not treat them all exclusively under the premises of them being a threat. Perhaps we need to think about evolving our views and consciousness first to eventually voluntarily join a cosmic community in which most intelligent species are our friends and only a few our foes.

We must grow up and learn to establish a mutually beneficial and mutually respectful relationship with them.

Perhaps a Space Force may be necessary to defend ourselves against some types of ETs if we want to relinquish the protection that another group of ETs is bestowing on us. But – again – we need to grow up/evolve as a unified peace-loving humanity to learn how to handle the complex and interrelated situation well.

Reassessing our cultural premises will have to come about. It will be major, unprecedented step in history.

Discovering a science that unifies physics with psychic phenomena and with the fundamental role of consciousness will have to come about. Preserving (or even deepening) our spirituality (finding common ground among religions) and developing the sense that all of existence is connected through God, One Mind or Source (even if discovering that human beings have been genetically modified by extraterrestrial beings) will be necessary.

Finding a way to live more dignified lives, with greater human solidarity worldwide, respecting Earth’s life forms and ecosystems will quite likely be required to develop a more open relationship with advanced extraterrestrial societies. We will need to perfect democracies based upon classic liberal principles.

How can we live in peace with ‘them’ (and attain “sovereignty” as a species under their more encompassing planetary expectations) if we cannot live in peace and cooperation among us and are continuously brutally extinguishing animal and plant life on Earth?

As suggested maybe we have lived under the protection of some extraterrestrial associations against a minority that may not respect our relatively independent evolutionary process. Thus finding out who are our friends and foes among different extraterrestrial “civilizations” will be necessary. But who speaks for the entire human family?

Should military institutions only or a variety of institutions and individuals engage in understanding the unavoidable meaning that we are not alone in the universe?







‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects

by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean                    May 26, 2019                (

• In the summer of 2014, F/A-18 Super Hornet (pictured above) pilots Lieutenant Ryan Graves and Lieutenant Danny Accoin were part of the VFA-11 “Red Rippers” squadron out of Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia Beach, VA, a US Navy master jet base. They were training for deployment to the Persian Gulf using an upgraded cockpit radar system. As they would climb to 30,000 feet and then dive down to sea level, they noticed consistent UFOs that their older radar systems wouldn’t pick up. They ignored them, reasoning that these were false tracks. “It would be a pretty big deal to have something up there,” said Lt Graves.

• But the UFOs persisted, showing up at 30,000 feet, 20,000 feet, even sea level. They could accelerate, slow down and then hit hypersonic speeds. Lt Accoin interacted with the UFOs twice. The first time, he set his plane to merge with it, flying 1,000 feet below it. He said he should have been able to see it with his helmet camera, but could not, even though his radar told him it was there. A few days later, Lt Accoin said a training missile on his jet locked on the object and his infrared camera picked it up as well. “I knew I had it, I knew it was not a false hit,” he said. But still, “I could not pick it up visually.”

• In late 2014, Lt Graves was back at base in Virginia Beach when he encountered a squadron mate just back from a mission “with a look of shock on his face.” The pilot told Lt Graves, “I almost hit one of those things.” The pilot and his wingman were flying in tandem about 100 feet apart over the Atlantic Ocean east of Virginia Beach when something that looked like a sphere encasing a cube flew between them. An aviation flight safety report was filed. This was no secret drone. “It was going to be a matter of time before someone had a “midair collision,” said Lt Graves.

• The cockpit videos showed UFOs accelerating to hypersonic speed, making sudden stops and instantaneous turns -something beyond the physical limits of a human crew.“These things would be out there all day,” said F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot Lt Ryan Graves who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress. “Keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”

• According to the Navy pilots, these UFOs appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. The pilots reported that the UFOs had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds. Some of the incidents were videotaped, including one taken by a plane’s camera in early 2015 that shows an object zooming over the ocean waves as pilots question what they are watching. “Wow, what is that, man?” one pilot exclaims. “Look at it fly!” (see 1:38 minute “Go Fast” video below)

• No one in the Defense Department is saying that the UFOs are extraterrestrial. But they have the attention of the Navy, which earlier this year sent out new classified guidance for how to report what the military calls unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs), or unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

• Leon Golub, a senior astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the possibility of an extraterrestrial cause “is so unlikely that it competes with many other low-probability but more mundane explanations.” He added that “there are so many other possibilities — bugs in the code for the imaging and display systems, atmospheric effects and reflections, neurological overload from multiple inputs during high-speed flight.”

• The UFO sightings were reported to the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which from 2007 to 2012 analyzed the radar data, video footage and accounts provided by senior officers from the USS Roosevelt. Luis Elizondo, a military intelligence official who ran the program until he resigned in 2017, called the sightings “a striking series of incidents” and included the infamous “Tic Tac” UFO off of the coast of San Diego in 2004. The Navy recently admitted that it still investigates military reports of UFOs.

• Lt Graves and four other Navy pilots, who said in interviews with The New York Times that they saw the objects in 2014 and 2015 in training maneuvers from Virginia to Florida off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, make no assertions of the UFOs’ origin. Lieutenants Graves and Accoin, along with former American intelligence officials, appear in a six-part History Channel series, “Unidentified: Inside America’s U.F.O. Investigation,” beginning Friday (May 31st).


WASHINGTON — The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.

“These things would be out there all day,” said Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been with the Navy for 10 years, and who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress. “Keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”
In late 2014, a Super Hornet pilot had a near collision with one of the objects, and an official mishap report was filed. Some of the incidents were videotaped, including one taken by a plane’s camera in early 2015 that shows an object zooming over the ocean waves as pilots question what they are watching.

“Wow, what is that, man?” one exclaims. “Look at it fly!”

No one in the Defense Department is saying that the objects were extraterrestrial, and experts emphasize that earthly explanations can generally be found for such incidents. Lieutenant Graves and four other Navy pilots, who said in interviews with The New York Times that they saw the objects in 2014 and 2015 in training maneuvers from Virginia to Florida off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, make no assertions of their provenance.

But the objects have gotten the attention of the Navy, which earlier this year sent out new classified guidance for how to report what the military calls unexplained aerial phenomena, or unidentified flying objects.

Joseph Gradisher, a Navy spokesman, said the new guidance was an update of instructions that went out to the fleet in 2015, after the Roosevelt incidents.

“There were a number of different reports,” he said. Some cases could have been commercial drones, he said, but in other cases “we don’t know who’s doing this, we don’t have enough data to track this. So the intent of the message to the fleet is to provide updated guidance on reporting procedures for suspected intrusions into our airspace.”

The sightings were reported to the Pentagon’s shadowy, little-known Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which analyzed the radar data, video footage and accounts provided by senior officers from the Roosevelt. Luis Elizondo, a military intelligence official who ran the program until he resigned in 2017, called the sightings “a striking series of incidents.”

1:38 minute “Go Fast” Navy cockpit video of UFO flying over the Atlantic
off of the coast of Virginia in 2015 (Global News YouTube channel)



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