E81 8-30-19 Are-Humans-a-Genetic-Accident?

Scientists have identified a group of planets outside our solar system where the same chemical conditions that may have led to life on Earth exist in what they call the Abiogenesis Zone. Would it contain life? Intelligent life? Human-like intelligent life?

E80 8-29-19 The Iconic Film ‘Alien’ Came Out 40 Years Ago. A Scientist Explains Why Hollywood Depictions of Extraterrestrials Have Changed S

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the film “Alien” by Ridley Scott, where a creature called a ‘xenomorph’ attacks and eats the entire space crew except for Sigourney Weaver’s character. (see ‘Alien’ 1979 movie trailer below) But as movie making has developed and as modern science has changed, so has the industry’s idea of what an alien would probably look like. ‘The days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.’

E78 8-25-19 Admiral: UFO Encounters Occurred During ‘Finite Period’

On July 19th, Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender, moderated a panel at the Aspen Institute’s annual Aspen Security Forum, in Aspen Colorado. Bender has been following the recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital, and he broke the story regarding the US Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs.

The Cosmos is Alive and Existing Through Human Consciousness

Article by Sean Martin                      September 8, 2019                    (express.co.uk)

• Their book, You Are The Universe: What if this everyday fact of life turns out to be the key to the cosmos?, Deepak Chopra and Chapman University physicist Menas Kafatos have concluded that the Universe helped to shape consciousness in humans, and now in turn our being allows the Universe to evolve.

• Chopra and Kafatos believe consciousness is the Universe living through us, and without humanity, the Universe would cease to exist. The cosmos and consciousness co-exist on a sub-atomic level, and one without the other would be impossible. The two realms have become so entwined that they are now one and the same.

• “Human beings might be a bright idea the Universe had, and once the idea occurred to it, cosmic mind decided to run with it.” But what is so special about human beings? Human beings allowed the Universe to be aware of itself in the dimension of time and space. We live in a participatory Universe. “The cosmos is thinking through you. Whatever you happen to be doing is a cosmic activity.”

• Stanford University physicist Andrei Linde agrees with Chopra’s and Kafatos’ sentiment, and believes it is only a matter of time until science can prove that consciousness and the cosmos are inseparably linked. Says Linde, “The Universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the Universe that ignores consciousness.”

• Consciousness, ie: the ability to perceive and be aware of our surroundings, has confounded scientists for centuries. Scientists know more about the Universe than they do the human brain. They do not yet understand what in our brain gives us this power of consciousness.

• Davinia Fernández-Espejo, a senior lecturer for the School of Psychology and Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham, UK, is part of a team that is studying the human brain through MRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging. Said Fernández-Espejo, “We found two main patterns of communication across regions” of the brain. “One simply reflected physical connections of the brain.” The second pattern represented very complex brain-wide dynamic interactions across a set of 42 brain regions that belong to six brain networks with important roles in cognition.” “This complex pattern was almost only present in people with some level of consciousness.”

[Editor’s Note]   These guys are on the right track. But in order for scientists to be taken seriously in the compromised scientific community, they are forced to adhere to the Deep State’s dictum that humans are the only intelligent beings in the universe. This earth-centric view of science is one of the major things holding back our development as a species. But yes, consciousness is what it is all about. Our individual consciousness is part of the collective consciousness that pervades the universe, which we call “God”. The higher the density of consciousness, the closer one gets to “God”. Although humanity’s third density consciousness is at the bottom of the consciousness barrel, we will very soon have the opportunity to ascend into the lower levels of fourth density consciousness, stimulated by an imminent solar flash at a cosmic level. However, those who are not prepared or who desire to remain in the third density will do so. Just not on this planet.


              Deepak Chopra

Scientists are still baffled by consciousness and questions about why and how we have it are constantly arising, but so far remain largely unanswered. Now, two physicists believe consciousness is the Universe living through us, and without humanity, the Universe will cease to exist. Deepak Chopra, MD, and Chapman University physicist Menas Kafatos have said that the cosmos and consciousness co-exist on a sub-atomic level, and one without the other would be impossible.
The pair argue that the Universe helped to shape consciousness in humans, and now in turn our being allows the Universe to evolve.

              Menas Kafatos

As a result, consciousness and the cosmos have become so intwined that they are now one and the same, the pair said.
The physicists wrote in their book ‘You Are The Universe’: “What if this everyday fact of life turns out to be the key to the cosmos?

“Human beings might be a bright idea the Universe had, and once the idea occurred to it, cosmic mind decided to run with it.

“Why? What’s so enticing about human beings, troublesome and pained as we are? Only one thing. We allowed the Universe to be aware of itself in the dimension of time and space.

“The cosmos is thinking through you. Whatever you happen to be doing is a cosmic activity. Take away any stage in the evolution of the Universe, and this very moment vanishes into thin air.

“As astounding as such a claim may be, this book has been building up to it all along. Quantum physics makes it undeniable that we live in a participatory Universe.



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Wisbech Man Spotted a UFO ‘Bigger Than a Truck’ Falling From the Sky

Article by Abigail Rabbett                      September 9, 2019                      (cambridge-news.co.uk)

• Spencer Jackson, 52, from Wisbech (Fens of Cambridgeshire, England) was driving along the A142 in the early hours of Sunday morning September 8th when he saw an object falling from the sky. Spencer claims the space craft “was like nothing he’s ever seen before”.

• “When I got near Wimblington/Chatteris I saw something falling from the sky,” said Jackson. “It was this bright white, almost silver color – brighter than anything I’ve ever seen.” “It wasn’t a plane or a meteor.” “It was coming down at an angle.” “It was bigger than a truck.” “It was huge.”

• Spencer says the object vanished before it hit the ground. “It looked as though it was breaking apart as it came down, but then it was nowhere to be seen.” Spencer who works on a business park near Haverhill, said his colleague, who was coming from the opposite side of the county, also claimed to see “the long white thing fall [from the sky] and disintegrate”.

• “My wife has been laughing at me, but I’m not mad.”


A man got the shock of his life this weekend, when he spotted a UFO “bigger than a truck” on his way to work.

Spencer Jackson, 52, from Wisbech claims he saw the mysterious flying object falling from the sky while he was driving along the A142 in the early hours of Sunday morning (September 8).

Despite his wife’s initial disbelief, Spencer claims the space craft “was like nothing he’s ever seen before”.

Speaking to CambridgeshireLive, Spencer said: “I can’t explain what I saw – but it fell from the sky.

“It wasn’t a plane or a meteor.

“It was coming down at an angle, (on a clock face from 10-4) it was huge.

“I’ve looked on Youtube and I can’t find anything which looks the same.

“British Aersopace or the Ministry of Defence must know something – it was so big. ”

Spencer also said he wished he’d had someone in the car with him to get a picture of the object.

“I was driving to work at about 5:25am, the sun was just coming up and I was driving from Wisbech along the A142.

“When I got near Wimblington/Chatteris I saw something falling from the sky.

“Now this is Fenland and it’s a long, flat, wide open bit of road.

“It was this bright white, almost silver colour – brighter than anything I’ve ever seen.

“I can’t even hazard a guess at what it was.



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UFOs Responsible for Chandrayaan Failure

Listen to “E104 9-22-19 UFOs Responsible for Chandrayaan Failure” on Spreaker.
Article by Denzil Rithesh D’Souza                       September 8, 2019                        (asianage.com/india)

[On September 6th, India’s Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander was scheduled to land near the South Pole of the Moon. At the last minute, it deviated off course and crashed. The cause for the crash is still unresolved.]

• Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies, believes the loss of communication and telemetry was no accident but a warning from extraterrestrials. Said Sabir, “UFO researchers around the world believe that the extraterrestrials have sent a message to the Indian government to ‘get rid of your nukes before you explore other worlds’.” “Why do you think the Americans refused to go to the Moon after 1973?”

• “[T]he failure of Chandrayaan 2 is not at all surprising to me,” says Sabir. “Both India and Pakistan have been openly threatening each other with nuclear attacks. But what the leadership of both these nations do not realize is that they can use their nuclear weapons only if the UFOs decide to allow them.”

• Former US Air Force Missile Launch Officer, Robert Salas, witnessed a UFO switching off ten nuclear missiles under his command in 1967, and concurs with Sabir. Salas noted that Mr Hussain cited numerous instances and statements to support his claim of alien interference in the world ‘s nuclear affairs. Said Salas, “Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, has openly stated that aliens have already visited earth. US astronaut, Gordon Cooper in his 1978 letter to the UN has acknowledged it. Mercury Seven astronaut, Donald Slayton, has described seeing a three feet wide UFO from his P-51 fighter jet at an altitude of 10,000 feet in 1951.”

• Soviet cosmonaut and Soyuz-5 spacecraft pilot, Yevegni Khrunov, cosmonaut, Vladimir Kovalyonok and cosmonaut, major general Pavel Popovich have also acknowledged UFO sightings, one of them on May 5, 1981 from the Salyut-6 space station.

• Sabir says that in 2014-2015, the UFOs were toying with American nuclear aircraft carriers, Theodore Roosevelt and Nimitz. “UFOs are very concerned about humans playing with nuclear weapons.”

[Editor’s Note]  See more on Sabir Hussain in ExoNews article: “The War Strategist’s Guide to the Galaxy”.


While the reasons for the failure of India’s Chandrayaan-2 programme are still being studied, some bizarre theories on what could have led to it are already making the rounds – extra terrestrials interfering with the moon landing!

Mr Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies (INSUFOS) believes the loss of communication that Isro scientists suffered with the Vikram lander just before it was to land on the moon’s surface was no accident but a warning from extra terrestrials.

                          Sabir Hussain

” You will not be allowed to land on the moon unless ‘they’ decide to allow you. The Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) researchers around the world believe that the extra terrestrials have sent a message to the Indian government to ‘get rid of your nukes before you explore other worlds’,” he said.

“As a researcher studying the UFO-Nuclear Weapons, the failure of Chandrayaan 2 is not at all surprising to me,” Mr Hussain added in a chat with the Deccan Chronicle.

“Recently some Indian ministers have been making very irresponsible and dangerous statements on the use of nuclear weapons. If we had taken the warnings on UFO activity seriously, this situation could have been averted. Why do you think the Americans refused to go to the Moon after 1973?” he asked.



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China’s Secret Plan to Subvert US Hegemony to become Top Space Power

China is painstakingly implementing a 100-year strategic plan aimed at overtaking the United States as the world’s dominant superpower or hegemon by 2049 according to Michael Pillsbury’s authoritative 2015 national best seller, The Hundred Year Marathon. Pillsbury’s keen insights not only provide a foundation for understanding how China plans to supplant the US, but how it is covertly responding to the existence of secret space programs developed by the US military industrial complex, and what China plans to do in response in order to achieve dominance both on Earth and in space.

Pillsbury is a China expert who has worked with the US Department of Defense, State Department, and Congress for over four decades, since 1975. A fluent Mandarin speaker, he has had unrivaled access to top Chinese military and political leaders during his professional career and is very familiar with the policies and plans of China’s ruling Communist Party elite, especially the military hawks who exert great influence behind the scenes. Currently, Pillsbury is a top advisor to President Donald Trump on US-China relations.

Available at Amazon.com

Pillsbury begins his highly detailed book by describing how top Chinese leaders cunningly use the historical period of the Warring States (475-221 BC) to develop their strategic planning for engaging with the US. In short, the Warring States period was a time when up to seven ethnic Chinese kingdoms competed amongst themselves for hegemony and dominance over their rivals.

Pillsbury explains how a ruling hegemon (the US in contemporary times) would be undermined by an aspiring hegemon (China), by means of stealth, cunning, and deception as practiced by different kingdoms during the Warring States period. He cogently explains how such goals require long term thinking by China as the aspiring hegemon that lacks the political and military power to directly confront the ruling US hegemon until it has been sufficiently weakened by internal and external strife.

Chinese military and political leaders began their 100-year marathon in 1949, Pillsbury explains, after the victory of the Communist Party and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Initially, China relied on the Soviet Union to help it industrialize and to modernize its vast military. After their political falling out in the 1960’s and military clashes along their shared borders, China’s Communist Party began secret overtures to the West.

It was Chairman Mao who covertly reached out to President Nixon, Pillsbury points out, and not the other way around as many erroneously believe. Initial relations between China and the US were genuinely positive since both had much to fear from the Soviet Union. All that changed with the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Chinese school textbooks changed dramatically. Previously positive descriptions of US history and democratic ideals, which had been extensively cited by Chinese students at the Tiananmen protests, were now overwhelmingly negative. Future generations of Chinese students were indoctrinated to believe that the US has been humiliating and abusing China since the mid-1800s.

Previously positive descriptions of President Lincoln (1861-1865), for example, were now overwhelmingly negative. Pillsbury explained how Chinese students came to be taught the ridiculous proposition that Lincoln was busy undermining China’s sovereignty, during the US Civil War. Essentially, China’s Communist Party was ensuring that there would be no repeat of the Tiananmen Square protest were the youth were citing positive US democratic ideals and personalities, which had been deeply embarrassing to Party elders.

Pillsbury then explains how China opened its doors to western industries and economic innovation as part of its modernization effort. Using strategies taken directly from the Warring States period, the Communist Party feigned openness to democratic political ideals, while ruthlessly clamping down on ethnic minorities and political dissidents, and blocking genuine democratic reforms.

The goal was to lure Western nations into a false sense of complacency where the common assumption was that China would inevitably change in the future as its huge economy opened to Western influence. Pillsbury emphasized that such future democratic changes were a chimera since the Chinese military and political elite were driven not by Western ideals, but by their understanding of what history revealed about how an aspiring hegemon needed first to undermine and then supplant a ruling hegemon.

He points out that China had no intention of helping the US and its allies establish a stable world order, but instead aimed at undermining it so as to usher in a world order where China would be the dominant power.

Pillsbury provides many examples of how China has assisted various rogue states and groups around the world, such as Afghanistan’s Taliban. Just as the U.S. secretly used extremist groups to weaken the Soviet Union during the Cold War, now China was covertly doing the same through economic development and arms supplies to nations that challenged US policies.

As far as economic development is concerned, Pillsbury explains how China is at the forefront of industrial espionage, counterfeiting efforts, theft of intellectual property, hacking and other unscrupulous practices. The goal is to help China’s state-owned enterprises (which numbered over 140,000 companies in 2011), cheat, steal, manipulate, and outmaneuver Western companies that establish a commercial presence in mainland China.

When it comes to outer space, Pillsbury explains how China has been using these unscrupulous practices to develop its own conventional space program, with the goal of projecting a military presence into space. While the Trump administration is in the midst of creating the Space Force as the sixth branch of the US military, China has had an “Aerospace Force” up and running since 2014.

China’s Aerospace Force was created as the fifth branch of Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) as explained in an article titled “China’s Military Creates New Space Force” published in The Diplomat by Zachary Keck on September 10, 2014. A speech by President Xi was summarized by a Chinese space expert cited by Keck as a clear endorsement of Chinese militarization of space in response to US and other nations already having done so:

The United States has paid considerable attention and resources to the integration of capabilities in both air and space, and other powers have also moved progressively toward space militarization… Though China has stated that it sticks to the peaceful use of space, we must make sure that we have the ability to cope with others’ operations in space.

The problem is that Pillsbury, and the US public more generally, is largely unaware of the extent of the US military’s true presence in outer space, and mistakenly assume that Space Force will be the official start of US militarization of space. However, as I have extensively documented in my Secret Space Program Book series, both the US Air Force and the US Navy have independent secret space programs that have projected their respective military power deep into space.

These two parallel US military-run space programs have been in operation since the 1970s, while the general public was hoodwinked into believing that the only US presence in space was through NASA’s civilian-run space program.

China, however, is well aware of the truth behind covert US military space operations once it began sending satellites into Earth orbit in the 1970s. China’s growing space surveillance capacities allowed it to track US military space operations, especially the construction of secret military space stations operated by the USAF and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

In Book Four of my series, the USAF Secret Space Program, I discuss 825 declassified NRO documents that show how the USAF and NRO used the allegedly discontinued Manned Orbiting Laboratory project as the cover for sending laboratory modules into space that could be configured to establish Von Braun type space stations, i.e., modules assembled into a circular configuration.

These secret USAF/NRO space stations provide ideal weapons platforms capable of extending US military force all over the planet from the high ground of space. China, like other major nations with satellite surveillance capacities, is well aware of the USAF/NRO space stations and their potential military capabilities.

China insists that it is only attempting to match the US militarization of space, but given the gap between the development of the US military’s presence in space, and China’s more recent efforts, it will take China many years to catch up. This is why Pillsbury’s book is important since it outlines the unscrupulous practices China is willing to adopt in order to bridge the gap in space technologies.

For example, the real scandal behind the hacking of the Hillary Clinton email servers during her tenure as Secretary of State (2009-2013), is the role played by China,  and the likelihood that it was all part of an elaborate pay-to-play scheme to leak classified space technologies. As I have written previously, Clinton had security access to Talent Keyhole space technologies classified within Special Access Programs (SAPs) and discussed these in emails stored on her servers.

This was corroborated by no less than the Inspector General for the US Intelligence Community who identified the various security levels of emails stored on Clinton’s hacked servers:

To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.

According to the anonymous military intelligence group  QAnon, Clinton was indeed involved in a pay-to-play scheme with China to leak advanced technology secrets.


Pillsbury’s conclusions dictate the different steps the US needs to take to stop China from achieving its goals, which appear very sensible given what he has outlined. His influence can be seen in President Trump’s increasingly tough policies on China, which have ushered in a new era in US-China relations.

Despite the incisive analysis provided by Pillsbury, there are a number of deficiencies in his book which largely reflect a conventional world view that nation-state behaviors are driven by public officials nominally in charge of major political, military and economic institutions.

Pillsbury shows no understanding or recognition of the existence of a Deep State and how it manipulates public officials to pass policies that promote a hidden agenda. A good example is how President Trump’s first two years in office were hamstrung by Russia collusion claims that poisoned prospects of Trump and Putin collaborating to solve major world problems. The Deep State had no intention of the US and Russia collaborating on the world scene and used compromised public officials to promote a false narrative that was aided and abetted by the mainstream media.

Most disturbing is growing evidence that the Deep State is actively assisting China in its covert efforts to lie, steal and cheat its way to technological parity with the US both on Earth and in outer space. It’s no accident that Clinton and other leading US politicians such as Joe Biden and Diane Feinstein have been accused of helping China gain access to sensitive technologies, which is precisely what the Deep State wants as QAnon has been revealing for well over a year.

Is it a good or bad thing if China continues to use unscrupulous practices to catch up to what the US military has secretly developed and deployed in space? From a Chinese national security perspective, it is entirely understandable why China is doing whatever it can to bridge a technological gap in outer space since this gap makes China vulnerable to US political and military pressure.

From the US national security perspective, China is a totalitarian communist state that is profiting from the West’s naivety in opening their economies in the forlorn hope that China will usher in democratic reforms. The danger is that as China grows into the world’s largest economy, it will use its economic clout to prop up repressive political systems that will be natural allies to its one-party totalitarian system.

China’s totalitarian system is something that the Deep State desperately wants to expand onto the world stage since a concentration of political power will be far easier to infiltrate and take over than democratic political systems with their complex system of checks and balances,  as exemplified in the US.

That is why the Deep State is currently helping China bridge the technology gap with the US, and helping them develop a secret space program that rivals what the US Air Force and Navy have secretly developed. Space is where the real battle between the ruling hegemon (US) and the aspiring hegemon (China) will be determined, and where China’s plans to supplant the US as the ruling hegemon will be ultimately resolved.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

You Can Literally Drink the ‘Aliens Are Real’ Kool-Aid With New Area 51 Kool-Aid

Article by Kat Thompson                  September 19, 2019                 (thrillist.com)

• Kool-Aid has launched an alien-themed drink of Intergalactic Green Kool-Aid and they’re giving away the neon green powder canisters via registeration on Twitter for a chance to win some. Go to #UFOYeah and #promo staring September 19th. Intergalactic Green allegedly tastes like sour green apple.

• The launch follows a summer of increasingly erratic alien conspiracies, including a Facebook event created to “storm Area 51” that resulted in memes and spin-off alien products, like this Kool-Aid.

Have you ever had a thirst for something when you’re up at 3am watching UFO conspiracy videos, but you don’t exactly know what it is you need? Is it clarity? Is it answers? Or could it perhaps be… Intergalactic Green Kool-Aid?

Well, if for some reason it’s the latter, you’re in luck. Kool-Aid is launching an alien-themed drink for all those parched by the lack of truth out there. The company is giving out the the neon green powder canisters are being given away on September 19 to celebrate the launch of this extraterrestrial beverage; all Area 51 truthers have to do is head to Twitter and use #UFOYeah and #promo for a chance to win a special package of the sugary beverage.



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Near Miss in Birmingham Skies Among Dozens of Pilot UFO Reports

Listen to “E103 9-21-19 Near Miss in Birmingham Skies Among Dozens of Pilot UFO Reports” on Spreaker.
Article by Bev Holder                     September 9, 2019                       (stourbridgenews.co.uk)

• British pilots have reported dozens of “near misses” with UFOs in the skies over the United Kingdom. Investigations by the UK Airprox Board showed 36 such near misses involving aircraft and ‘unknown objects’ since May 2017 – with nearly a quarter of them involving a “high risk” of collision.

• On July 5, 2018 at around 9:30 am, the pilot of a small propeller aircraft reported a small “rectangle or elliptical object pass 500 to 1,000-ft below” the plane as he was cruising at around 16,000-ft about 10 nautical miles north of Birmingham. “There was no time to take any avoiding action.”

• The pilot of an Airbus A321 was flying at around 900-ft on final approach to Birmingham Airport “when he saw an object pass directly beneath the aircraft”. The pilot said that the object, which passed about 25 feet below the plane, “was either some sort of balloon or drone”. The Board listed this one as a category ‘A’ high risk of collision event.

• The Civil Aviation Authority says the vast majority of reports involved drones, model aircraft or balloons – although it is against the law to fly drones above 400-ft and close to airports.

• Nick Pope, who investigated UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence in the 1990s, says the authorities may be “missing a trick by being too quick to blame drones”. Most unidentified objects were sighted at altitudes much higher than drones would typically or can legally be flown.

• The UK Airprox Board has a significant number of such accounts and there are numerous reports in the MoD’s UFO files. Pope says that, “In most cases, sightings turn out to be birds, weather balloons, plastic bags or bin liners, or Chinese lanterns, while some are indeed attributable to drones. However, other cases remain unexplained even after thorough investigation, and this is of concern.” “[I]t raises important defense, national security and – as we see here – air safety issues.”

• Dr David Clarke, from the Centre for Contemporary Legend at Sheffield Hallam University, is not convinced the sightings are of intergalactic spacecraft. “Things that are unexplained are likely to be natural phenomenon – not aliens from other planets.”

• David Taylor of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena believes we should be cautious about witness testimonies of strange objects in the sky. “The majority of all anomalous reports – I would say around 95 per cent – are explainable in rational terms, either with known phenomena (misidentification, drones, birds, military tests etc.) and currently little understood phenomena (ball lightning, earthquake lights etc).” But, Taylor says, “[W]e must resist the temptation to dismiss them all out of hand.”


A close encounter with a mystery object in the skies near Birmingham was among dozens of baffling near misses reported by pilots in UK airspace, a Newsquest data investigation has revealed.

Investigations carried out by the UK Airprox Board show 36 such near misses involving aircraft and ‘unknown objects’ have been reported in UK skies since May 2017 – and nearly a quarter involved a high risk of collision.

One of the reports tells how the pilot of a BE90 small propeller aircraft saw a “rectangle or elliptical object pass 500 to 1,000-ft below” the plane as he was cruising at around 16,000-ft about 10 nautical miles north of Birmingham.

The incident happened on July 5, 2018, at around 9.30am, and the report states the pilot estimated the object to be 50-100cm long and it was “either hovering or travelling in the opposite direction” but “he only saw it for about 2 seconds before it passed underneath the aircraft”.

The Board, which monitors close calls between aircraft and other objects in the skies such as drones and balloons, determined the risk of collision was low but the report stated: “There was no time to take any avoiding action.”

Another incident involving an ‘unknown object’ was listed as a category A high risk of collision event and the report says the pilot of an Airbus A321 was flying at around 900-ft on final approach to Birmingham Airport “when he saw an object pass directly beneath the aircraft”.

It says the reported separation between the aircraft and the unidentified object was just 25-ft vertically and it adds that the pilot “thought it was either some sort of balloon or drone”.

The Board concluded there had been a definite risk of collision but it was not able to ascertain whether the object was a drone or a balloon so it was listed as ‘unknown’.



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Ancient Artists Left Signs For us to Decode. Did they Witness UFOs?

Article by Daniela Giordano                   September 9, 2019                   (ancient-origins.net)

• Much has been written about the representation of strange objects placed in the sky in works of art from the Renaissance period, but little has been written about some ancient tapestries of the medieval period.

• In the Notre Dame Basilica in Beaune, France (Burgundy) there are two medieval tapestries known as “The Life of the Virgin Mary” and “Magnificat” (1330 AD), both of which contain a UFO in the sky. (see images below) The Bayerisches National Museum in Munich, Germany features the tapestry “Summer Triumph” (1538 AD). Almost hidden in the background are black discs or UFOs in the blue sky. (see image below)

• In 776, the Saxons were raiding Frank (French) territory on a regular basis. When the Saxons besieged the Frisdilar Chapel, they tried to burn it down. Suddenly two men dressed in white appeared in the sky. The Saxons were not able to set the structure on fire, and upon seeing the men in white suspended over the chapel, they ran away except for one who died at the foot of the chapel. Then during the Saxon’s Battle of Sigiburg Castle, two flaming shields appeared to hover over the castle church. Again, the frightened Saxons retreated. These events were chronicled in tapestries depicting crusaders reacting to objects in the sky with light or energy emitting from them. (see image below)

• The Urbinate Bible is the most famous document from the Renaissance period relating to the Holy Scriptures, and is kept in the Vatican museum. Among the beautiful images in this Bible is ‘Saint Geremia’s Contemplation’. In the top right of the landscape is a round body emitting blazing rays and a straight yellow beam of light, like a laser beam. (see image below)

• The medieval Franks and Saxons took the appearance of a luminous object in the sky as a sign of protection by God. Modern people would see it as an extraterrestrial UFO or secret military aircraft. The Franks took for granted that the luminous discs represented knights being driven to battle. Did the “flaming discs” appear by chance, or did they intend to influence the outcome of the battle? Did ‘outside forces’ want Charlemagne to win and create a dominant Christian-based society? What would our civilization look like today if the ‘pagan’ Saxons had prevailed?

[Editor’s Note]   See more examples of medieval and Renaissance references to UFOs in the 10:22 minute video of 10 Ancient Pictures below.


Did ancient artists leave us clear signs of otherworldly interference in our lives and in our culture?

        ‘Life of the Virgin Mary’ tapestry

Art can be considered a record of history, culture, and science as it reveals man in his many aspects, offering a more complete insight and a unique viewpoint. Since the beginning of man, humans have always felt a need to reproduce celestial events, first on the walls of caves and then on canvas. It is not the case that history, art, archaeology, and anthropology were rewritten in art, but these interpretations should be viewed in light of new elements whose existence had not previously been suspected.

      ‘Magnificate’ tapestry

Much has been written about the representation of strange objects placed in the sky in works of art from the Renaissance period, but little has been written about some ancient tapestries of the medieval period—and what has been discussed is controversial because it challenges the orthodox perspective.

          ‘Summer’s triumph’ tapestry

Mysterious Medieval Tapestries

In eastern France, Cote d’Or department, in the little town of Beaune, (the wine capital of Burgundy), there is the Notre Dame Basilica . The original building was constructed about 1120-1149. Inside, besides frescos of the 15th century, there is a library that houses a set of tapestries from the 15th to the 18th centuries.

Among them, the eyes of an attentive observer are struck by “The Life of the Virgin Mary” and “Magnificat”, two medieval tapestries which are part of a group of five of important moments in the Virgin Mary’s life.

In both of these tapestries there is one unidentified flying object ‘flitting’ across the sky in the background. Even in “Magnificat”, made in 1330, this black object is depicted in the typical way of many UFO sightings.

                     the “two Crusaders”

But there are many who state they are priest hats. But logic asks why include floating and lonely ecclesiastic hats in the sky?

Therefore, it is reasonable to wonder, considering the historical period, whether personal experiences or popular stories could have influenced an artist to include an odd event in the depths of a sacred image, hoping in this way to increase a halo of mysticality.

There are discs or UFOs which cannot be mistaken for ‘priest hats’ – given they do not fly in ‘religious skies’. A good example is the tapestry “ Summer Triumph ”, depicting allegoric and symbolic images of the season.

‘Saint Geremia’s Contemplation’

This tapestry certainly was part of a series that originally depicted the four seasons. It is not known if any of the other tapestries have survived. This tapestry, (perhaps created in Bruges), is located at the Bayerisches National Museum in Munich, Germany, which unfortunately has little information about it. They do know it was brought to the museum in 1971 by an art dealer. There was no information about the workshop, the designer, the patron, or the circumstances of its production.

The date 1538 is woven into the border on both the right and the left sides of the tapestry. In the upper border, there is an inscription in old Latin saying: “REX GOSCI SIVE GUTSCMIN”. This translates as “King Gosci of Gutscmin”. If this is a hint to the patron who ordered the tapestry to be made, nobody knows for sure.

As usual, almost hidden in the background, there are some black discs or UFOs in the blue sky.

Dr. Birgitt Borkopp from the Bayerisches Museum, in a letter sent to the author, states that “As the style of the tapestry is rather unusual, even for its period, I would doubt if this is the right object to illustrate the history of art, but of course this is your decision entirely.”

Of course, she wasn’t aware that the link between UFOs and history in art is discussed in many books and articles. It is interesting to note strange or unusual art generally is not considered with curiosity by the ‘experts’ and they seem to prefer to ignore them.

The Tapestry of the Two Crusaders

An interesting example that displays ‘knowledge ahead of its time’ is what was written about the images of the two crusaders in the ” Annales Laurissenses ” (books about historical and religious events), composed in the beginning of the 8th century.

In 776, during one of the innumerable raids of the Saxons in Frank territory, an odd event happened. While Charlemagne, in a rare moment, was resting from battle and devoting himself to the cause of the Holy Church, the Saxons left their lands with a great army and invaded the Franks.

They reached the chapel at Frisdilar, founded by Saint Bonifacio, preacher and martyr who had predicted the chapel would never be burned. The Saxons surrounded the chapel, entered it and started to set it alight. But at the very last moment, two men dressed in white appeared in the sky. They were seen by the Christians who had taken refuge in the castle and by the pagans who were outside.

The two men were said to have protected the chapel from the fire. The pagans were not able to set fire to it, neither inside nor outside, and this terrified them so much they ran away – even though no one was pursuing them.

10:22 minute video of 10 Ancient Pictures of UFOs & Aliens



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A Taos Close Encounter of the Hunters and Aliens Kind

Listen to “E102 9-20-19 A Taos Close Encounter of the Hunters and Aliens Kind” on Spreaker.
Article by Staci Matlock                        September 9, 2019                          (taosnews.com)

• Bow hunter Josh Brinkley (41) of Santa Fe, New Mexico (pictured above left with his friend Daniel Lucero) often hunted for elk at Cerro de la Olla, also called “Pot Mountain”, near Ute Mountain in the Taos Plateau Volcanic Field in northern New Mexico. Brinkley has hunted the area for fifteen years. Brinkley’s friend and co-worker Daniel Lucero (26) had never been up to Pot Mountain. So they both went to scout the area a couple of days before the September 1st start of elk bow-hunting season.

• On September 1st, 2019, the two men set up along the tree line on different sides of a field and waited. By 9:30 am Brinkley got restless and began walking through the woods looking for elk. He walked up the mountain to the crater-caldera at the top of the collapsed volcano and stood at the southwestern side of the crater’s edge. Brinkley then noticed two tall figures standing side by side about 35 yards away, staring at him. Brinkley walked around a bush, looked again, and they were gone.

• Brinkley described the figures: “The shape that would be like their heads, it looked like they had huge hoods on. It looked like two ribbons coming off either side to a point at the top and bottom (like a banana). The right side was black, left side was white and a little shiny. Torsos were kind of black, I couldn’t see many details. It definitely looked like clothes. In middle of the oval was just gray.”

• Brinkley went back to where Lucero was still waiting. Brinkley told Lucero that he’d seen a couple of hunters who probably scared off the elk. He didn’t mention the men’s strange appearance. Said Brinkley, “I was a little weirded out.” Once they reached their campsite, Brinkley finally told Lucero what he saw. “I told him what I saw was weird. They were too tall, their heads were too big to be hunters,” said Brinkley. “Anyone who knows me knows I don’t tell these weird stories.”

• On September 2nd, they again set out in the morning looking for elk. But they couldn’t figure out why there weren’t any in the area. At 2:30 in the afternoon, they drove their Jeep to the other side of the mountain but saw no signs of wildlife or anyone who might scare the animals away. Suddenly they saw what they thought was a movie production base camp. They are both employed as builders for movie sets. Brinkley described what they saw: “It’s this big tent structure, like a circus tent, 50-60 feet tall. Coming off the left of it was this long building, almost like what you would build for an archery lane for target practice. It was a third the height, but really long, maybe a couple hundred feet.”

• They were about a quarter mile away and couldn’t see the bottom of the structure. They watched it for about a minute as they drove. Driving around trees, they lost sight of the structure for five seconds, Brinkley said. “When we topped the hill, it was gone. Just gone.” Lucero said, “There was no dust, there was nothing.” The men drove around the area searching until dark, but found nothing.

• When they reached a place with a cell phone signal, they contacted Peter Davenport, the longtime executive director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Washington state. Davenport called the incident “profoundly unsettling.” Davenport said that of the thousands of calls he gets every year about alien sightings, they rarely describe seeing aliens on the ground. Brinkley and Lucero said they weren’t drinking and weren’t on drugs. After listening to some 350,000 phone calls over 25 years, Davenport thinks he can tell those that are credible. This was one of them.

• Brinkley said he didn’t believe in UFOs, but “I sure do now.” “People probably think we are insane.” Lucero said he doesn’t know about aliens. “I just know I’ve never seen anything that big just disappear.”


Bow hunters Josh Brinkley and Daniel Lucero, dressed in camouflage gear, looked a little uncomfortable sitting in chairs at a local newspaper.

The Santa Fe County residents had just come into Taos after several days in rugged terrain near Cerro de la Olla, also called Pot Mountain, northwest of town near Ute Mountain.

           Tao County, New Mexico

They had a strange tale to tell and they weren’t sure of their reception.

“We’re a couple of guys that don’t believe in much, but we believe now,” Brinkley said.
They went hunting for elk.

They encountered aliens or something else so strange they don’t know what to call it.

Sketch made by Josh Brinkley of the strange beings

Brinkley, 41, said he’s been going to the Pot Mountain area hunting for 15 years. He had never seen anything particularly odd.

He said he works construction and on movie sets. He’s a family guy who doesn’t want anyone to think he’s crazy.

He and Lucero have worked together for eight years.

They say they aren’t prone to seeing things and didn’t particularly believe in aliens.

Odd figures

Opening morning of bow hunting season was Sunday (Sept. 1). The two men had gone a couple of days early to scout the area for elk. Lucero, 26, had never been there.

      Taos Plateau Volcanic Field

They set up along the tree line on different sides of a field and waited. After three hours and no elk, Brinkley became restless. It was about 9:30 a.m.

“I take off walking, creeping around through the woods, looking for elk,” Brinkley said.

He reached the top of the mountain where there’s a caldera, a kind of wide bowl left behind by a collapsed volcano. He went to the edge on the southwest side. As he walked to the edge he noticed two figures on his side of the caldera. He thought at first they were hunters. But, they were “very tall shapes of these beings, standing side by side, staring right at me,” he said.



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The Navy Says Those UFO Videos Are Real

Listen to “E101 9-20-19 The Navy Says Those UFO Videos Are Real” on Spreaker.
Article by Kyle Mizokami                  September 16, 2019                 (popularmechanics.com)

• The US Navy has confirmed that, while they should never been released to the public, the three online videos taken by Navy pilots of UFOs: the “FLIR1” (aka “Tic Tac”), “Gimbal”, and “GoFast”, are indeed genuine.

• (The “FLIR1”/ “Tic Tac” video was taken November 14, 2004 over the Pacific Ocean off of the coast of San Diego. The “GoFast” video was taken January 21, 2015 over the Atlantic Ocean off of Virginia, and the “Gimbal” video was taken January 21, 2015 over the Atlantic Ocean off of Florida.) In the videos, air crews debate what the objects are and where they came from.

• The videos were released by The New York Times and ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences’, a UFO research group headed by former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge.

• In each case, the UFOs (or ‘UAPs’ – ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’) undertook aerial maneuvers that aren’t possible with current aviation technology. In the 2004 incident, according to The New York Times article, the ‘Tic Tac UFO’ “appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.”

• The Department of Defense told The Black Vault website that the videos were unclassified but never cleared for public release, and that there had been no review process within the Pentagon for releasing them. The Pentagon now says the aerial objects in the videos are simply unidentified, and for now, unexplained. The Navy is pointedly not saying the objects are flying saucers or otherwise controlled by aliens.

[Editor’s Note]   And the full disclosure of the Deep State government cover-up of a flourishing extraterrestrial presence takes another step forward.


The U.S. Navy has confirmed that three online videos purportedly showing UFOs are genuine. The service says the videos, taken by Navy pilots, show “unexplained aerial phenomena,” but also states that the clips should have never been released to the public in the first place.

The three videos in question are titled “FLIR1,” “Gimbal,” and “GoFast.” They show two separate encounters between Navy aircraft and UFOs.

One video was taken in 2015 off the East Coast by a F/A-18F fighter jet using the aircraft’s onboard Raytheon AN/ASQ-228 Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) Pod. The other clip, also recorded with a Super Hornet ATFLIR pod, was taken off the coast of California in 2004 by pilots flying from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. In the videos, air crews loudly debate what the objects are and where they came from.

The videos were released for public viewing by The New York Times and To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a UFO research group from former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge.

In each case, the objects in the videos undertook aerial maneuvers that aren’t possible with current aviation technology. In the 2004 incident, according to The New York Times, the objects “appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.”

2:46 minute FLIR1 ‘Tic Tac’ Video (To The Stars Academy YouTube)

1:53 minute Gimbal Video (To The Stars Academy YouTube)

2:04 minute Go Fast Video (To The Stars Academy YouTube)



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The Art Bell Vault is Unlocked, and It’s Filled With Aliens, Time Travelers, and Bigfoots


Article by Andrew Paul                     September 5, 2019                    (avclub.com)

• Before the internet and social media, the American culture of high strangeness was confined to AM radio chatter and “B” movies, until the late night “Art Bell Show” aired from 1988 to the mid-1990s, giving birth to Coast to Coast AM. Art Bell’s show included such classics as the 1995 interview with aspiring time traveler ‘Mad Man Marcum,’ who detailed his attempts to build a machine to journey into the past; a guy who discovered a “bottomless hole” in his backyard; a discussion with famed exorcist Father Malachi Martin; and a guy named ‘Bugs’ who claimed to have shot a Bigfoot.

• Bell, who passed away a little over year ago, was the longtime host of his widely syndicated showcase of the weirder sides of our culture. To preserve and celebrate his work, Coast to Coast AM has a curated an archive of some of the show’s best and oddest episodes for fans of all things alien, paranormal, or just good ol’ fashioned strange.

The Art Bell Vault currently contains 20 ad-free shows in their entirety for Coast Insider members, with the promise of two classic episodes added each week.


It might be difficult to imagine, but there was a time when American culture’s kookier side was confined primarily to AM radio broadcasts and TLC daytime documentary filler—and not, say, disseminated wantonly to millions of people over unregulated social media, thus allowed to grow into an outsized, malignant tumor on the U.S. political body. Ah, a simpler era.

                    Art Bell 1945 – 2018

For those yearning for the halcyon days of Weekly World News and “leaked” alien autopsy footage, the folks over at Coast to Coast AM have kept beloved late-night radio oddity curator Art Bell’s legacy alive and well. Bell, who passed away a little over year ago, was the longtime host of his widely syndicated showcase of the weirder sides of our culture. To preserve and celebrate his work, Coast to Coast AM has unlocked the Art Bell Vault, a curated archive of some of the show’s best, oddest episodes for fans of all things alien, paranormal, Sasquatch, and/or just good ol’ fashioned strange.



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One Third of Americans Think Alien UFOs Have Visited Earth

Listen to “E100 9-18-19 One Third of Americans Think Alien UFOs Have Visited Earth” on Spreaker.

Article by Andrew Whalen                     September 6, 2019                       (newsweek.com)

• A new Gallup poll of 1,522 adults in the United States found that one-third of respondents believe that “some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies”.

• Carving out a demographic of young people, non-college graduates, and non-religious people, 40% believe that UFOs are from alien worlds. But no category fell below 27% in believing in extraterrestrial visitors. People in Western USA were more likely to believe in alien UFOs, while Mid-Westerners were the least likely to believe. But the belief in an alien presence was generally consistent across gender identity and income groups.

• Although the majority of Americans don’t believe aliens are visiting our planet, 3/4 do believe that extraterrestrial life exists on other planets. Half of Americans believe that “people somewhat like ourselves exist elsewhere in the universe.”

• While the extraterrestrial explanation for the UFO phenomena represents only a substantial minority of the United States, a large majority agree that the government of the United States knows “more about UFOs than it is telling us.” The percentage of those suspicious of the US government today is 68%, while a 1996 poll showed it was 71%. Gallup says that this belief is “similar among all main demographic groups,” including political party identification. It is surprising that this percentage has dipped slightly with the recent revelations from mainstream outlets such as the New York Times and Politico of the US Navy encountering UFOs.

• Meanwhile, actual UFO sightings have increased from a low of 9% in 1978 and 1987, to 16% of US adults saying they’ve seen a UFO in 2019.


A new Gallup poll of 1,522 adults in the United States found that one-third of respondents believe extraterrestrial spacecraft are visiting Earth.

When asked to choose between “some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies” and “all UFO sightings can be explained by human activity on Earth or natural phenomenon,” 33 percent of all adults polled selected the first option.

Demographic groups more likely to believe in visiting alien spaceships include the young (18-29), non-college graduates and the irreligious, with respondents in those categories trending toward 40 percent. But even with variation across demographic groups, no category fell below 27 percent of respondents describing some UFOs as alien spacecraft.

The poll even found an interesting regional bump, with people from the West far more likely to prefer the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Midwesterners, on the other hand, were most skeptical of aliens coming to this planet. Belief in extraterrestrial vessels entering Earth’s atmosphere was consistent across gender identity and within the margin of sampling error across income groups.

While the majority of Americans don’t believe aliens are visiting our planet, three-quarters believe that extraterrestrial life exists on other planets, with half of Americans going further and agreeing that “people somewhat like ourselves exist elsewhere in the universe.”



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Stunning Video of Cigar UFO in Orlando, Florida

A cigar shaped UFO was videotaped near Orlando Florida on Sept 12, 2019 by my confidential source JP, who I have known since 2008. The video shows a cigar shaped craft that is illuminated during the daylight. It has no apparent wings or tail, and is filmed moving away from JP who is taking the video from inside his car. It is clearly no reflection from inside the car and is not a helicopter or drone.

The YouTube video features my commentary of the original video JP sent along with a zoom of the craft. You can watch the original video along with a zoom version below. Note there has been no enhancements of the original other than the zoom feature used in the final portion of the video.

What follows is a screenshot of the cigar shaped craft in the video, along with a magnified copy as well as an auto-contrasted copy being added for comparative purposes. The zoom and contrast shows that the craft has no wings or tail section, and is emitting no contrail.

JP has been sending me photos and videos of UFOs he has witnessed near MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa and Orlando, Florida since August 2017. He has photographed flying triangle, rectangle, disk and cigar shaped antigravity craft in the vicinity of military facilities. According to JP’s information these facilities are used by a USAF secret space program that is working closely with human-looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials.

According to JP the Nordics operate both cigar and disk shaped craft which he has photographed both near MacDill AFB and in Orlando as I have discussed in previous articles that are available here and here.

You can learn more about JP’s photos and videos of antigravity craft belonging to an USAF run SSP along with their human extraterrestrial allies in a series of articles available here.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Feel free to share this article with original links.


The Storm Area 51 Festival Has Been Canceled to Avoid Creating “Fyrefest 2.0”

Article by Reid McCarter                     September 11, 2019                    (news.avclub.com)

• Alienstock is no more. The event’s website states: “Due to the lack of infrastructure, poor planning, risk management, and blatant disregard for the safety of the expected 10,000+ AlienStock attendees, we decided to pull the plug on the festival.”

• The cancellation is ostensibly due to a permit holder failing to provide the appropriate planning documentation. The organizers didn’t want the event to turn into a “humanitarian disaster” like the Fyre Festival (the May 2017 Bahamas festival that left visitors stranded and led to a fraud conviction for the organizer).

• The organizers are urging people to an alternate gathering. “[AlienStock] can only promise absolute safety and peace, and we need to move the Festival to guarantee that.” Accordingly, the whole thing’s been moved to a September 19th party at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center.

• The world was set to be changed forevermore from September 19 to 22 when Matty Roberts created the “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us All” Facebook event, which morphed into a music festival in Rachel, Nevada called AlienStock. Critics of the event say that the whole thing seemed like a complete ‘shitshow’ from the beginning, with hazy planning for a gathering of thousands of attendees in the tiny desert town.


The forces responsible for hiding aliens from us have triumphed once again. We thought they were finally on the ropes after internet mavericks announced a plan to storm Area 51, gathering huge masses of truth-seekers to Naruto-run past government bullets directly into an exciting new era of human/extraterrestrial coexistence. We thought it would work, even as alien whistleblower Bob Lazar (clearly compromised by the Men In Black) called the public invasion “not the way to go about trying to get information.” But now, despite overcoming such adversity and showing such ingenuity, the bastards have defeated the public for a final time.

Their tool? A permit holder whose interference in the planning process has caused the event organizers to withdraw in fear of causing, in their own words, “Fyre Fest 2.0.”

The world was set to be changed forevermore from September 19 to 22 when Matty Roberts, creator of the “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us All” Facebook event, decided to organize his ramshackle army into a festival held at Rachel, Nevada called, obviously, AlienStock. As Vice’s MJ Banias reported a few weeks ago, the whole thing seemed like a complete shitshow with hazy planning meant to accommodate thousands of attendees staying outside of a tiny desert town.

Now, with the highest echelons of the American government seizing on this instability, AlienStock has been canceled outright. The event’s website states: “Due to the lack of infrastructure, poor planning, risk management, and blatant disregard for the safety of the expected 10,000+ AlienStock attendees, we decided to pull the plug on the festival.”



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International UFO Congress Holds 28th Annual Conference in Downtown Phoenix

Listen to “E99 9-17-19 International UFO Congress Holds 28th Annual Conference in Downtown Phoenix” on Spreaker.

Article by Chelsea Hofmann                 September 8, 2019                (azcentral.com)

• In the first week of September, the International UFO Congress held its 28th annual conference and film festival at the Sheraton Hotel in Phoenix. The Guinness World Records lists it as the largest UFO conference. It contained five days of lectures including two dinner banquets, lunch workshops and a film festival that began the day before the conference.

• The Saturday panel addressed the question: “Mainstream Attitudes Toward UFO’s: Are UFOs now being taken seriously?” Panelist George Knapp said that attitudes have shifted dramatically in the media following the New York Times story in December 2017, making UFOs a more respectable topic to cover. Richard Dolan agreed, saying, “For the New York Times to cover UFOs in a way that’s not snarky, not insulting to our intelligence, which it always has been, that’s a sea change, and I don’t think they’re going to be able to go back to the old days.”

• But still, Dolan warned that these mainstream publications may have an agenda. “My take is that there are a faction of people who are motivated to promote their version of disclosure,” said Dolan during the panel discussion. Panelist Marc D’Antonio echoed Dolan’s concern, “I think that the truth really lies somewhere in the middle. I don’t think that the truth is being entirely told by any one news outlet.”

• Dolan also said that social media has skewed the topics discussed within the UFO community. “I think social media has somewhat ruined our ability to have a civil discourse, not just in ufology but in society in general, and in that kind of environment it’s very difficult to have a reasoned, careful, cautious examination of issues.” Knapp chimed in, “[E]verybody becomes an authority.” “Just because you’ve got a keyboard doesn’t mean you’re a journalist. Just because you file a FOIA request doesn’t mean you’re a journalist.”

• D’Antonio insisted that UFO research is not an actual science. “I think that we’re going to… solve (the UFO issue) with astronomers astrophysicists (and) with the assistance of NASA and the European Space Agency…” to determine “whether there’s life elsewhere.”

[Editor’s Note]  This conference is a good example of the rift occurring between separate factions of the broader UFO community. This Phoenix conference is made up of the more ‘conservative’ UFO researchers who still rely on the government, academic institutions, NASA, and the ESA to bring out the truth about UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence. Others, as represented at last month’s Dimensions of Disclosure conference in Ventura, California, don’t hold any faith in the government or NASA to assist in the disclosure of the truth. In fact, these progressive UFO researchers see the government and NASA as sources of disinformation, stagnating the progress of UFO/ET disclosure as they have done for the past 75 years. The revelations published in the NY Times and Politico, while intriguing, still portray only a limited disclosure which the government is willing to reveal. At this rate, it will take a hundred years for full disclosure to eventually reach the public. And this is the Deep State’s agenda.

The Sheraton Phoenix conference room filled with skeptics and believers alike Saturday, and all attendees were there to discuss the same topic: UFOs.

                       Richard Dolan

The International UFO Congress held its 28th annual conference and film festival Wednesday through Sunday in downtown Phoenix, which was named the largest UFO conference by Guinness World Records, according to the International UFO Congress website.

          Marc D’Antonio

The conference hosts five days of lectures including two dinner banquets, lunch workshops and a film festival that began the day before the conference.

Attendees can participate in “Experience Sessions” hosted by a certified therapist, which provide a welcoming, safe environment for those who wish to share stories, as well as visit tables promoting healing energy, sacred geometry and psychic ability in the vendor room.

UFOs have become more respectable in news media

          George Knapp

Experts in the field hosted the Saturday panel “Mainstream Attitudes Toward UFO’s: Are UFOs now being taken seriously?”

Panelist George Knapp said during the panel that attitudes have shifted dramatically in the media following the New York Times story, making UFOs a more respectable topic to cover and allowing other news organizations to go down the same path.

“Everyone seems to want in on it now,” Knapp, the chief investigative reporter for KLAS TV in Las Vegas, said in the panel discussion.




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‘Storm Area 51’ Creator Pulls Out of His Own Event, Calling it Fyre Festival 2.0

Article by Hannah Knowles                    September 10, 2019                     (washingtonpost.com)

• When “Storm Area 51 – They Can’t Stop All of Us” post got over 2 million Facebook responses, the original organizer, 21 year-old Matty Roberts (pictured above), turned it into a music festival in neighboring Lincoln County, Nevada called “Alienstock” for September 20-22nd. Then Frank DiMaggio stepped up to plan a competing music festival in nearby Nye County called “Peacestock 51”.

• But Nye County denied a permit for the Peacestock 51 event. So DiMaggio partnered with Roberts to make Alienstock, centered in Rachel, Nevada, a success. Although the county asked for state emergency support to accommodate the potentially hundreds of thousands of people, the organizers assured the public that this would not be another Fyre Festival (the May 2017 Bahamas festival that left visitors stranded and led to a fraud conviction for the organizer).

• When DiMaggio arrived in Rachel to meet with the third organizing partner, Connie West, the owner of the ‘Little A’Le’Inn’ in Rachel, he quickly deemed the event ‘beyond help’. DiMaggio says that West, who was handling most of the logistics for the event, became increasingly evasive about her preparations. West, in turn, accused DiMaggio and Roberts of betraying her after she’s confirmed the musical performers, paid for security and medical services, and sold 2,400 campsites. Other preparations include 130 portable toilets and additional police officers to support more than 250 first responders from state and local government.

• But DiMaggio and Roberts say they have seen no proof of any preparations made by West. Says Roberts, “There’s no safety or security that can really be promised.” Calling the event a potential “humanitarian disaster,” Roberts has pulled his name and support from the event.

• West still plans to go ahead with the event in Rachel. In a tearful interview with Action 13 News, West said Alienstock is still on. But the townspeople in Rachel are not surprised at the falling out. They have been dubious about the Storm Area 51 phenomenon from the start. The town’s website declares, in red lettering, the outcome was “just as we had predicted.”

• Roberts believes that anyone going to Rachel will find a “pretty sad affair with no bands, very little infrastructure and a lot of unhappy campers.” But if people do want to come to Nevada for a gathering, Roberts suggests that they go to Las Vegas for an “Area 51 Celebration” that is scheduled at a downtown events center for September 19th. Roberts himself may even attend the Las Vegas affair.


When the college student behind the online sensation “Storm Area 51” announced plans for an alien festival out in the Nevada desert, organizers tried to fend off worries that thousands of people would overwhelm the resources of a tiny town without a store or gas station.

Or, as they put it to The Washington Post: This is not Fyre Festival 2.0.

But that was before a public falling-out between organizers made the weird story of the Area 51 craze even weirder, months after the meteoric rise of a joke Facebook event that got more than 2 million to say they’d raid a secretive Air Force base for rumored extraterrestrials. Dueling accusations of dishonesty and sabotage have derailed “Alienstock” — a Woodstock for alien watchers — which creator Matty Roberts promoted as alternative programming to any plans to storm the base on Sept. 20 despite officials’ warnings.

                           Connie West

With just over a week to go until the event, Roberts and the host town’s website are both comparing Alienstock to the Fyre Festival, which was supposed to be held in April and May of 2017 in the Bahamas but became synonymous with “epic failure” and led to a fraud conviction. Roberts has pulled his name and support from the three-day gathering in Rachel, Nev., but the owner of a motel in the town who had signed up as a partner plans to go ahead.

“There’s no safety or security that can really be promised,” Roberts told The Post on Tuesday, calling the event a potential “humanitarian disaster.” “I didn’t feel comfortable with inviting even my friends and family out to this event, let alone these thousands of strangers.”

For Roberts, it all fell apart unexpectedly. But the town of Rachel — where residents were reportedly less than pleased with the “Storm Area 51” media swarm — has expressed less surprise.

The outcome was “just as we had predicted,” the town’s website declares in red lettering. Officials in two counties prepared earlier to declare emergencies, unsure how many people might descend on rural Nevada.



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New Hampshire UFO Festival Inspired by 1965 Sighting

Listen to “E98 9-16-19 New Hampshire UFO Festival Inspired by 1965 Sighting” on Spreaker.
Article by Karen Dandurant            September 2, 2019                (metrowestdailynews.com)

• Over Labor Day weekend, the town of Exeter, New Hampshire celebrated the 54th anniversary of the UFO sighting known as the “Incident at Exeter”.

• In 1965, 18-year-old Norman J. Muscarello reported to police that he had been followed by a “red flying object” as he was hitchhiking on Route 150 in Kensington. This followed a similar report where two frightened women reported being chased by a brilliantly lit red flying object as they drove on Route 101. When two police officers returned with Muscarello to the place where he saw the UFO, all three of them saw it again, rising from a clump of trees.

• Exeter police posted on their Facebook page: “[W]e at the Exeter Police Department hope that everyone has a safe and fun visit to our Town. Look around and be suspicious, and of course please report any further ‘incidents’ to us.”

• In the festival park, ‘alien’ debris was scattered across the grounds and children were invited to create their own spacecraft. “My kids love to come here each year and do this,” said Erin Moro.

• The Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce hosted trolley tours to the UFO site in Kensington. Commemorative posters of that fateful day were on sale. Kiwanis had food available, Roswell Burgers, Final Frontier Franks, Spaceship chips, Mothership doughnuts and Flying Saucer Coffee. A speaker series featuring experts on UFOs, alien abductions and UFO encounters took place inside the old Town Hall.

• “I don’t believe in little green men,” said Abby Ganley, 17, of Exeter. “I do believe there is life in space.”


Aliens of all types invaded this quintessential New England town this weekend and the town heartily embraced them.
The Exeter UFO Festival, which ran Saturday and Sunday, is an event hosted by the Exeter Area Kiwanis Club whose proceeds benefit its charitable efforts for children throughout the seacoast.

The impetus for the celebration is the famous “Incident at Exeter” and this year marks the 54th anniversary of the well-known UFO sighting.

In 1965, 18-year-old Exeter resident Norman J. Muscarello came to police to report he had been followed by a “red flying object” as he was hitchhiking on Route 150 in Kensington. His report followed a similar one where officer Eugene Bertrand investigated a parked car with two frightened women inside who reported having been chased on Route 101 by a brilliantly lit red flying object. Officers Bertrand and David Hunt returned with Muscarello to the place he had seen the object and, according to reports, all three saw it again, rising from a clump of trees.

Exeter police got into the spirit of the day Saturday with a memorandum posted on their Facebook age. It said:
“The Exeter Police Department continues to search for answers and/or clues regarding an incident which took place at approximately 2 a.m. on September 3, 1965 in Exeter, NH. Exeter Officers are seen here recently searching along the flight path of what was described as an unidentified flying object. This portion of Exeter has grown to be recognized as a potentially classified area named “Area 603.” Further research suggests that this aircraft would have likely been operated by at least one: Grey (MJ12 SOM101 EBE-Type-II) described as approx. 1-1.2m (3.5-4ft) tall, with a weight of approx. 40 pounds, and having large black eyes (no pupils). As we recognize the 54th anniversary of “The Incident at Exeter” this weekend, we at the Exeter Police Department hope that everyone has a safe and fun visit to our Town. Look around and be suspicious, and of course please report any further ‘incidents’ to us.”



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Navy Withholding Data on UFO Sightings, Congressman Says

Listen to “E97 9-15-19 Navy Withholding Data on UFO Sightings, Congressman Says” on Spreaker.
Article by Bryan Bender                    September 6, 2019                      (politico.com)

• US Representative Mark Walker (R-NC) (pictured above), the ranking member of the Intelligence and Counter-terrorism subcommittee for the House Homeland Security Committee, is accusing the US Navy of withholding information about reports of UFOs after officially requesting more data on the Navy’s mysterious encounters.

• In July 2019, Walker asked Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer to outline what resources the Navy is dedicating to investigating the sightings, whether the Navy had found “physical evidence” to substantiate the claims, and whether any foreign nations or private companies have developed breakthrough technologies that could explain these UAPs, i.e.: ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’.

• Navy Undersecretary Thomas Modly responded in a brief letter on July 31st that “the Department of the Navy takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts.” Modly noted the proliferation and availability of inexpensive unmanned aerial “drones”. The Navy “continues to dedicate resources to the tracking and investigation of reports that could affect the safety of our aircrews.” Walker wasn’t satisfied with this response. Citing reports of UAPs traveling at speeds and making maneuvers well beyond what is believed to be technologically possible, which a drone cannot do, Walker expressed concern that the UFO craft could pose a threat to US forces or territory.

• Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher responded that the Navy is prepared to accommodate any further congressional requests for information. “At this point in time,” said Gradisher,” we have not received any new requests for updates on this issue.”

• Congressional interest in the UFO reports has grown since revelations that the Pentagon had investigated the sightings through a program established by former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada. Among the revelations were sightings reported by pilots and personnel of the USS Nimitz and the USS Theodore Roosevelt battlegroups in 2004, 2015 and 2016, including footage of unknown aircraft exhibiting flight characteristics that defy known aerodynamic properties. The Pentagon also financed a series of theoretical studies to try to explain how the aircraft might operate — ranging from “Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities” to “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions.”

• In a recent interview, Walker wondered whether the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Identification Program set up by Reid was truly ended in 2012. Where is the documentation? If the program has clandestinely continued, where are the resources coming from? Walker’s concern is that a potential adversary like Russia or China could already have this advanced aerospace technology.

• Walker, a former pastor, acknowledged that he is open to the possibility that the answers could change how humanity perceives the known universe. What does the US government or military know that “the rest of us don’t?” asked Walker. “I certainly have an open mind to see where this leads us.”


A top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee is accusing the Navy of withholding information about reports of unidentified aircraft after officially requesting more data on the mysterious encounters.

Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina, the ranking member of the Intelligence and Counterrorism subcommittee, asked Secretary Richard V. Spencer in July to outline what resources the Navy is dedicating to investigating the sightings. He also asked if officials have found “physical evidence” to substantiate the claims, and whether they are aware of any foreign nations or private companies that have introduced breakthrough technologies that could explain them.

Navy Undersecretary Thomas Modly responded in a brief letter on July 31 that “the Department of the Navy takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts,” according to a copy provided to POLITICO.

But Walker said he is discouraged by the Navy’s seeming unwillingness to provide his committee with more data about the so-called unidentified aerial phenomena — the term the Pentagon prefers over the more traditional “unidentified flying objects,” or UFOs. He has expressed concern publicly that the craft could pose a threat to U.S. forces or territory.
“While I am encouraged the Under Secretary of the Navy confirmed that UAP encounters are fully investigated, there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the threat that superior aircraft flying in United States airspace may pose,” Walker told POLITICO in a statement.

Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher responded that the service is prepared to accommodate any further congressional requests for information. “At this point in time, however, we have not received any new requests for updates on this issue,” he said by email.

Congressional interest in the unidentified aircraft reports has grown since revelations by POLITICO and other news outlets in late 2017 that the Pentagon had investigated the sightings through a program established a decade earlier by former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada.



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Retired Air Force Major Claims Alien Was Killed at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst

Listen to “E96 9-15-19 Retired Air Force Major Claims Alien Was Killed at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst” on Spreaker.
Article by Erik Larsen                    September 3, 2019                       (app.com)

• John L. Guerra has published a book entitled, “Strange Craft: The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs”, wherein Guerra claims that a military police officer shot an extraterrestrial being at Fort Dix in the early morning hours of Jan. 18, 1978. Former Air Force intelligence officer Major George Filer III, now 84 and living in living in Medford, New Jersey with his wife Janet, wrote a top-secret memo about the incident.

• On a cold dark night in January 1978, a soldier was driving a military police vehicle through the woods on the Air Force side of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Burlington County, NJ, in pursuit of a strange, low-flying aircraft that had been observed passing through the military installation’s airspace at about 2 am. Suddenly the soldier realized that an oval-shaped craft radiating a blue-green glow was hovering directly over his vehicle. Then a greyish-brown creature with a big head, long arms and slender body walked out of the nearby shadows and showed itself by stepping into the vehicle’s headlights. The soldier drew his .45 caliber pistol and shot the creature five times, killing it. Its remains gave off a foul-smelling, ammonia-like stench. A cleanup crew from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio flew in to retrieve the body. The retrieval crew acted as if this occurrence was not out of the ordinary.

• Major Filer arrived on base before dawn that day to prepare his daily intelligence briefing for his superior officers. Security at the base had been tightened and Filer personally observed the emergency response in the aftermath of the incident. Filer interviewed witnesses but was denied access to photos taken at the scene. The senior master sergeant on duty told Filer, “An alien has been shot at Fort Dix and they found it on the end of our (McGuire AFB) runway.” Filer asked, “Was it an alien from another country?” “No,” said the master sergeant. “[I]t was from outer space, a space alien. There are UFOs buzzing around the pattern like mad.”

• The Air Force classified everything as top secret and silenced the witnesses through national security restrictions and good old-fashioned intimidation. Everyone, that is, except Filer who has spoken publicly of the incident ever since. The local newspaper, The Trentonian, first reported about the incident in July 2007. The Air Force has repeatedly denied the claim, however, telling the newspaper that “the case was discredited as a hoax years ago.”

• The official explanation for the “misidentification” was that, in 1978, people were in a UFO frenzy with the US/USSR Space Race and the Apollo Moon missions still fresh in everyone’s minds. Earlier that year, Steven Spielberg had released his blockbuster movie, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, and the movie “Star Wars” had been in theaters the previous year. UFO sightings had greater credibility back then. There were 377 references to UFOs published in the press between 1977 and 1978, compared to 85 references between 2017 and 2018. Even President Jimmy Carter had acknowledged that he had seen a UFO and pledged to uncover whatever secrets about UFOs the government may have been hiding.

• Then there were the strange booms heard in the sky over the Jersey Shore and much of the East Coast between December 1977 and March 1978, which had the population on edge. One boom was so loud that it caused a tremor in southern Ocean County and the evacuation of the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in Lacey, NJ. The booms were blamed on sonic booms from the supersonic British-French airliner, the Concorde, flying out of JFK Airport. However, subsequent booms did not conform to the Concorde’s schedule.

• Whatever happened at McGuire Air Force Base on Jan. 18, 1978, it is now part of folklore. While Filer never actually saw the dead alien, he says that he knows for a fact that the story is true. Filer claims to have seen UFOs throughout his entire life, starting at age 5 outside his boyhood home in Illinois. He later served as the state director for MUFON in New Jersey. (See a 48 minute video of George Filer describing the Fort Dix incident below.)


Was an alien shot and killed in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey?

A new book, titled “Strange Craft: The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs,” claims that a military police officer shot an extraterrestrial being at Fort Dix in the early morning hours of Jan. 18, 1978.

In the book by author John L. Guerra and published by Bayshore Publishing Co. of Tampa, Florida, retired Air Force Major George Filer III — a decorated former intelligence officer for the 21st Air Force, Military Airlift Command at the adjacent McGuire Air Force Base — recounts the extraordinary tale from America’s disco age.

              Ret. Major George Filer III

Filer, now 84 and living in Medford with his wife, Janet, said what has been an urban legend first promulgated by UFO enthusiasts since the early 1980s is indeed true. That’s because he was there and wrote a top-secret memo about it, he said.

In the freezing winter darkness of that day in January 1978, a bipedal creature, described as about 4 feet in height and grayish-brown in color, with a “fat head, long arms and slender body,” was shot to death with five rounds fired from a service member’s .45-caliber (military issue M1911A1) handgun.

As Guerra explains it in his book, the soldier had originally been in a police pickup truck, driving through the wilderness of the base in pursuit of a strange, low-flying aircraft that had been observed passing through the military installation’s airspace about 2 a.m. that morning.

About an hour into the drive, the soldier became aware — in typical, horror movie fashion — that the craft, oval-shaped and radiating a blue-green glow, was hovering directly over his vehicle.

That’s when the “creature” emerged from the shadows on foot, revealing itself to the soldier by stepping into the beams of the vehicle’s headlights where the panicked MP drew his weapon, ordered the alien to freeze, and he fired.

According to the retired major as told in the book, the alleged alien succumbed to its gunshot wounds on the Air Force side of what is now Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Burlington County; its remains giving off a foul-smelling, ammonia-like stench.

Later that morning, a cleanup crew from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio — headquarters of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center — flew in to retrieve the body, behaving as if the creature was, well, not entirely alien to them.

The Asbury Park Press reached out to the Air Force at the Joint Base for comment about this story, but never heard back.

48 minute video of incident at Fort Dix with George Filer (Delinda Jeffry YouTube)



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