Footage Found of a 13,000-Year-Old Alien Mummy

Article by Susan Leighton                              June 8, 2020                           (

• A ‘mafia source’ has apparently extracted a video file from Soviet KGB archives of an effort by the Soviets during the 1960s to search for extraterrestrial remains buried in the Egyptian desert 13,000 years ago. The video (see below) shows KGB agents recovering a mummified, 6’-7’’ alien body.

• Sami Sharaf, a founder of the Egyptian Intelligence Service and the Minister for Presidential Affairs in the 1960s under President Gamal Abdel Nassar, is said to have led the excavation team to unearth the alien mummy.

• According to The Daily Mail, the Soviets were searching for alien remains in the Egyptian desert to obtain military secrets or advanced technology of some sort. Many ancient astronaut theorists believe that the Egyptians were assisted by extraterrestrial technology in building the great pyramids in Giza, Egypt.

• A Russian scientist by the name of Viktor Ivanovich claims to have seen classified materials surrounding this expedition, and validated the finding of the alien mummy. (This might be the same Viktor Ivanovich who developed flight control systems for rockets for the Russian space program.)


An alien mummy was supposedly buried in Egypt 13,000 years ago. Recently, found footage has been unearthed of KGB agents making this monumental discovery. While this sounds intriguing, could this be possible?

Ancient astronaut theorists believe that we have been visited by UFOs in the past. Some individuals believe that the Egyptians had extraterrestrial assistance when building the great pyramids. While others in the scientific communities believe that human ingenuity is behind some of the greatest monuments ever constructed.

According to The Daily Mail, the Soviets were searching for alien remains in the desert because they wanted to obtain military secrets. While this is vague reasoning it could mean that they were hoping to acquire advanced technology of some sort.

The video that was recovered supposedly came from a mafia source that apparently extracted the file from the KGB archives. Sami Sharaf, one of the founders of the Egyptian intelligence service (and Minister for Presidential Affairs in the 1960’s under late President Gamal Abdel Nassar) led the excavation team to unearth the alien mummy.

1:29 minute video of KGB Finding Alien Mummies in Egypt (‘Viral Freak’ YouTube)



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Inside the World of UFOs, Extraterrestrial Life

Article by Josh Martinez                         June 5, 2020                          (

• In 1974, Robert J. Gribble founded the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) to record UFO sightings via people’s submissions by phone or by mail. Gribble reached out to sheriff’s offices to provide them with an outlet for anyone wanting to report a UFO sighting. In fact, in its bylaws the Federal Aviation Administration is directed to refer such encounters to the NUFORC. Submissions published in NUFORC’s public database are anonymous, although witnesses may submit short statements detailing their experience.

• In 1994, Peter Davenport took over as NUFORC’s director. Davenport says the organization’s mission is to record – not investigate UFOs, and to curate its online submissions through a 24-hour UFO hotline. NUFORC may include a note with a submission as to a possible explanation, such as a planet of satellite. But for the most part, they leave their submissions ‘as is’ for the database. The NUFORC website holds a trove of reports from across the country. But Davenport believes the amount of UFO reports are grossly undercounted. By his estimate, he believes for every 10,000-20,000 people who see a UFO, only one will report it.

• On March 13, 1997, Arizonans watched a series of strange lights on two distinct occasions. The first was triangular formation that flew across the state, while the second was a series of stationary lights that hovered over Phoenix. The first event – a series of lights in a V-formation that traveled from Nevada, across Arizona to Sonora, Mexico, was “explained” as wind-driven flares from an A-10 Warthog military aircraft. The second incident has no explanation at all. “I’ll never be the same,” said Bill Greiner, a cement truck driver who saw the lights. “I may be just a dumb truck driver, but I’ve seen something that don’t belong here.”

• Seeing unexplained phenomenon in the sky tugs at the question: are we alone in the universe? Davenport believes that as people’s curiosity grows the more they understand the vastness of what is out there past Earth’s atmosphere. “Once a person develops a better grasp of its immensity, I feel it is a natural extrapolation for that person to ask what might be going on out there,” wrote Davenport. “And that leads a person to at least wonder whether we might have neighbors and even visitors to our planet.”

• Davenport notes that there was minimal media coverage of the Phoenix Lights event. This media trend has continued along with academia being too skeptical and the government not letting on what it knows. Still, an increase of the subject of UFOs in news reports and entertainment is drawing attention. People have become more comfortable with the UFO topic. But there is more work to be done, says Davenport. “[I]f we are going to progress beyond the amateur stage of investigation, we will have to improve the means by which we collect, and analyze data about the UFO phenomenon.”

• According to a 2018 survey at Chapman University, 41.4% of American respondents believe alien intelligent life has visited the earth in the ancient past, up from 27% in 2016. “People like to imagine there might be intelligent life out there, which is harmless,” says Dr. Chris Impey, the associate dean of the University of Arizona’s College of Science. “[B]ut the conspiracy theories that have the government covering up evidence of aliens is hard to defend. UFOs are not of interest to professional scientists because they know the hard evidence of alien visitation is lacking.”

• Dr Impey focuses his research is in looking for microbial life on the projected 10 billion habitable Earth-like worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy, noting that for 3 billion years, microbes were the planet’s only inhabitants. Targeting exoplanets to see if their atmospheres contain molecules like oxygen or methane will provide the “telltale signs of life”. As for intelligent extraterrestrial life, Dr. Impey points out that scientists have listened for artificial radio or optical signals from other planets over the past 60 years, and have failed to find anything.

• Long odds, however, haven’t stopped many from believing in past or future encounters with extraterrestrial life. Arizona State University Associate Professor Dr. Michael Varnum published a study in 2018 suggesting humans would have largely positive reactions extra-terrestrial life visiting the Earth. The study found those wanting to avoid disease were more likely to have a negative reaction, while less religious people tended to have more positive responses to an ET visitation. It concluded that people who are less sensitive to external threats are more open to things that challenge their belief systems.

• Although it’s been over 23 years since the mysterious lights above Phoenix, but time hasn’t slowed the reports to the NUFORC of continued sightings. On January 9th, a Phoenix pilot claimed to see a rectangular object with lights that changed colors hovering in the evening sky. “I’ll never forget this sighting. This had to be a UFO.”


Phoenix has a deep connection to the unexplained.

On March 13, 1997, many Arizonans from across the state allegedly saw a series of strange lights on two distinct occasions. The first was triangular formation that reportedly flew across the state while the second was a series of stationary lights hovering over Phoenix.

While the U.S. Air Force has explained the hovering stationary lights — flares from an A-10 Warthog aircraft as part of training at the Barry Goldwater Range, according to the Mutual UFO Network — the second one doesn’t have an explanation.

The first event was a series of lights in a V-formation that traveled across the state from as far north as Henderson, Nevada to as far south as the State of Sonora, Mexico.

One possible explanation is the wind direction from the night in question appears consistent with the reported movements of the lights, according to MUFON’s website. This could, the website claims, explain the event as merely wind-driven objects such as flares or balloons.

But to others, the event was not of this world.

“I’ll never be the same,” Bill Greiner, a cement truck driver who reportedly saw the lights, said via a statement on MUFON’s website. “Before this, if anybody had told me they saw a UFO, I would’ve said, ‘Yeah and I believe in the Tooth Fairy.’ Now I’ve got a whole new view and I may be just a dumb truck driver, but I’ve seen something that don’t belong here.”

In the years since, there have been reportedly other large-scale incidents in 2007 and 2008, but explanations have come with those events. Still, the fascination with UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, has permeated in the state.

In 2019, there were 229 reports of UFOs in Arizona, according to the National UFO Reporting Center. That is a stark jump from 91 in 2018, but is the first increase from year-to-year since 2014, which saw a peak of 304 for the past decade.

While some of these sightings have explanations, others do not, allowing for some imaginations to run wild.

By definition, a UFO doesn’t necessarily mean aliens, it can be as simple as a flying drone that people don’t know exactly its origins.

Bryan Martyn flew helicopters in both the Army and the Air Force for many years before transitioning to medical evacuation helicopters. He’s never had an experience where he didn’t know what object he was seeing in the sky, except for a recent sighting of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites.

This experience exemplifies to him the unidentified lights must be a technology people are not aware of, similar to the satellites.

“When I see objects in the sky that I can see, that kind of tells me they’re probably military because it’d be too easy,” Mr. Martyn said. “If we were being observed by something from outside, like an unidentified thing, they’d probably turn their lights off.”



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Space Law and the Galactic Economy

Article by Abdulla Abu Wasel                               June 8, 2020                            (

• Fifty years ago, outer space was reserved for the most powerful of nations and the most dominant of governments. Today, it is private commercial industry that is inching us closer to the cosmos. There is a growing interdependence between what is happening in space and what is happening down below on Earth. The commercial space industry, with its multi-million-dollar rockets and satellites, is now worth about $400 billion. Space commerce is increasingly playing a part in our everyday lives.

• The International Civil Aviation Organization governs ‘air’ altitudes. So where does ‘space’ begin? The international community has not been able to agree on a common definition. Australia is the only country in the world that defines space as anything beyond 100 kilometers above the ground. While nations may own the ‘air’ over them, ‘space’ is for everybody. No nation can own property in space, and no nation can make any territorial claim in space. You need consent to fly over another country’s airspace. But if you are in ‘outer space’, you can fly over any country without consent, and even legally engage in espionage.

• With the establishment of the United States’ Space Force, we will likely see the rules of war extended into outer space. The language in the Outer Space Treaty about the use of outer space for exclusively peaceful purposes needs interpretation. ‘Peaceful purposes’ only prohibits the aggressive use of military force. So non-aggressive military force is okay? Has the establishment of the U.S. Space Force made the militarization of space perfectly legal?

• At the end of the day, the Space Force is about building political constituency for orbit, while investing in spacecraft that can defend and attack, if necessary. This represents a great deal of money for private companies, with almost half-a-dozen government defense agencies already pumping millions of dollars into space startups to build everything from radar networks to high-tech materials.

• The majority of the money to be made in space lies in satellite-provided services, and these services are likely to surge the space economy. The significant increase in satellites, far beyond the 2,300 operational satellites in space now, will bring a multitude of costs and benefits. We have seen venture capitalists directing millions of dollars towards small satellite companies with big aspirations, such as Spire, Capella Space, Hawkeye360, and Swarm.

• These space economy companies vary in their business models, from communicating with internet devices to tracking radio signals in order to gather radar data, and imaging every angle of the Earth. This all depends on the cost of building and operating the spacecraft needed to accomplish the work that they desire. SpaceX and Boeing are in the final phase of their private space transportation service in cooperation with NASA. Soon, both companies will have permission to start flying wealthy space tourists and corporate point men into space.

• On June 3rd, NASA launched astronauts into space from U.S. soil for the first time since 2011, and took them to the International Space Station via Falcon 9, a vehicle that was purchased from SpaceX. For $250,000, Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic will take tourists to the edge of Earth’s atmosphere in space. But NASA’s aim is the Moon. Since ice water was discovered on the Moon, starry-eyed space seekers would like to see NASA establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon rather than hiring private companies to build rovers, landers, and spacecraft to carry scientific instruments to the Moon.

• But, as we have seen, the commercial economy benefits greatly from scientific advancements gleaned from space exploration, such as transistors, solar panels, and batteries. It has brought forth the smartphone revolution, the evolution of broadcast media, telecommunications, commerce, and the internet as a whole. The new era of space exploration may be one small step for man, but it is one giant leap for the private sector economy.


The commercial space industry is heating up– 50 years ago, outer space was reserved for the most powerful of nations and the most dominant governments, but today, there is a democratization of space. Commercial industry is inching us closer to the cosmos, and in the process, there is a growing interdependence between what is happening hundreds of miles up into space and down below on Earth. Currently, the space market is worth approximately US$400 billion, and the commercial space industry, using multi-million-dollar rockets and satellites, is increasingly playing a part in our everyday lives. Although you may have been hearing about this phenomenon in recent years, this launch into the new world has been ongoing for decades.

This brings about the question of property rights. Where does space begin, and if there is a dispute in space, who decides it? Australia is the only country in the world that defines where space begins; defining it as 100 kilometers up. However, where the air ends (and the air law regime, which is governed by the International Civil Aviation Organization), and where space begins is a matter that the international community have not been able to agree on. People either want to set limits- set a height based on kilometers like Australia has done, or they take the approach of the United States who look at it as a use, i.e. what did you use, are you launching a rocket that is intended to go into orbit, or are you just launching a plane that is going to go high into the air. This is important, because nations own the air over them. Right now, space is for everybody. No nation can own property in space, and no nation can make any territorial claim in space.

You need consent to fly over another country if you are in the airspace, but on the flip side of that, if you believe that you are in outer space, you can fly over any country without consent, and even engage in espionage legally. Espionage is one part of the political military contest, but how else is space dealt with from a military perspective? With the recent establishment of the United State’s Space Force, we will likely see the same rules of war extended into outer space. The language in the Outer Space Treaty about the use of outer space for exclusively peaceful purposes is beautifully aspirational language, but the devil is in the interpretation: what does it mean to use space for peaceful purposes? The way that this has been virtually explained is that peaceful purposes only prohibit the aggressive use of military force, and as long as you are not engaged in naked aggression, then you are peaceful in your use of outer space.


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Over 8,500 Airmen Volunteer to Join U.S. Space Force

Article by Sandra Erwin                           June 9, 2020                          (

• On June 9th, The U.S. Space Force announced that more than 8,500 active-duty airmen applied to join the new military branch. Applicants include a mix of officers and enlisted personnel from 13 career fields. It was anticipated that only about 7,000 would give up their commission in the Air Force and transfer to the U.S. Space Force. The Space Force is reviewing transfer applications and expects that approximately 6,000 of the 8,500 will be selected for transfer.

• The response reflects the enthusiasm in the ranks about the opportunity to serve in the newest branch of the military. These men and women “made the bold decision to volunteer to join the U.S. Space Force and defend the ultimate high ground,” said chief of space operations General John “Jay” Raymond. Approximately 16,000 military and civilians from the former U.S. Air Force Space Command are now assigned to Space Force.

• Transfers to the Space Force will begin September 1st. For volunteers from other career fields, evaluation panels known as “transfer boards” will be scheduled between July and November, with transfers expected by February 2021.


WASHINGTON — More than 8,500 active-duty airmen applied to join the U.S. Space Force during the month of May, the service announced on June 9.
Applicants include a mix of officers and enlisted personnel from 13 career fields.

   President Trump and General Raymond

The number of applicants is larger than what the Space Force had projected. Officials said they were anticipating about 7,000 would volunteer to give up their commission in the Air Force and transfer to the U.S. Space Force.

The response reflects the enthusiasm in the ranks about the opportunity to serve in the newest branch of the military, said Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, chief of space operations of the U.S. Space Force. These men and women “made the bold decision to volunteer to join the U.S. Space Force and defend the ultimate high ground,” he said in a statement.

Approximately 16,000 military and civilians from the former U.S. Air Force Space Command are now assigned to the Space Force. The transfer process will officially commission or enlist military members into the Space Force.



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Chinese Man Claims to Have Had Sex With an Alien

Article by Matthew Bossons                            June 7, 2020                            (

• Meng Zhaoguo (pictured above with polygraph machine) worked at a logging camp near Harbin in Heilongjiang province (at the northeastern tip of China, bordering Russia). On June 7, 1994, Zhaoguo spotted lights and metallic flashes from nearby Mount Phoenix. Assuming it was a downed helicopter, he went to investigate. Suddenly, Zhaoguo was hit by an unknown force or entity “square in the forehead”, knocking him out instantly.

• When Zhaoguo came to, he was with a 10-foot ‘human-esque’ female alien being. She had six fingers on each hand and fur-covered legs, but “otherwise she looked completely like a human.” Zhaoguo and the alien were then transported back to his home, where he engaged in a 40-minute sexual encounter with the being while hovering above his sleeping wife and daughter.

• After the sexual encounter, Zhaoguo was left with a mysterious scar on his thigh. When investigated by a doctor in September 2003, the scar was deemed to be unusual and not caused by a normal injury or surgery.

• A month after this encounter, Zhaoguo claims to have ascended through a wall to visit the aliens on their spaceship. Onboard, he requested to see his alien lover again but was denied. Zhaoguo was told by his alien hosts that his human-alien hybrid son would be born on a far-away planet in sixty years.

• Zhaoguo says that the extraterrestrial beings spoke in Chinese “… but with a heavy accent so it was hard for me to understand at first – that they were refugees. Like me, they wanted to escape their former lives, so they left their dying home.”

• Zhaoguo claims to have never heard of UFOs or outer space people until he reported his experience. “I told my wife all about it afterwards,” said Zhaoguo. “She wasn’t too angry.” In addition to the medical exam he received in 2003, Zhaoguo was also subjected to a polygraph test which proved he was telling the truth. As a result of his abduction, Zhaoguo received numerous gifts, including a Sony television, a cow and a new job at a nearby university.


          Heilongjiang province China

Alien-human sex is not something that’s a common topic of conversation. This is likely for a number of reasons: For one, it’s a bit strange, and two, there is no concrete evidence aliens have visited our planet – let alone get intimate with our species. Even Hollywood has largely ignored the concept, with only a handful of films exploring the idea, the most notable of which is a passing comment in District 9 about Nigerian prostitutes selling sex to the film’s alien refugees.

While the notion of interplanetary love may seem like something that is strictly bound to the realm of science

                      Meng Zhaoguo

fiction, it does (allegedly) have a precedent on our green and blue galactic home. This month’s Tales from the Chinese Crypt will recount the story of Meng Zhaoguo – a man from Wuchang, near Harbin in Heilongjiang province, who claims to have engaged sexually with an extraterrestrial.

The tale starts in June 7, 1994 when Zhaoguo was working at a logging camp and spotted lights and metallic flashes from nearby Mount Phoenix. When our humble protagonist went to investigate what he assumed was a downed helicopter, he was hit in the head by an unknown entity or force – knocking him out instantly.

“I thought a helicopter had crashed, so I set out to scavenge for scrap,” Zhaoguo told a reporter from The Huffington Post. “Foom! Something hit me square in the forehead and knocked me out.”

When Zhaoguo came to, he encountered a tall human-esque female alien, which he described as: “10 feet [3.03 meters] tall and had six fingers, but otherwise she looked completely like a human.” Some forms of the story also claim the alien had fur-covered legs.



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New Website Forecasts UFO Sightings

Press release by Mooncrunch                           June 8, 2020                            (

• Later this month, Calvin Field plans to launch, a free internet platform that will be the world’s largest UFO sighting database. Field, 38 said, “Like many other people, I saw something in the sky that I couldn’t explain and became frustrated with the lack of answers. I knew there must be a better way to use the data from literally thousands of sightings that are reported every year.”

• Comparing over half a million eyewitness UFO reports, Mooncrunch’s complex software will analyze factors such as to flight paths, astronomy and weather conditions to provide instant feedback to UFO witness reports to provide a possible explanation, confirm a sighting, or even predict the likelihood of future UFO sightings in a particular location.

• 2020 has seen an explosion of UFO sightings compared to previous years. A recent poll concluded that 45% of US adults believe UFO’s exist, yet the vast majority of reported sightings remain unsolved. “This is a void that Mooncrunch aims to fill,” says Field.

• “When I reached out to people about my sighting, I was struck by the sense of community amongst UFO enthusiast, says Field. “It’s something I wanted to bring into Mooncrunch. Every single sighting matters and increases the accuracy of the system. Everyone becomes a part of the journey.”


BOASTING the world’s largest UFO sighting database, allows sky watchers to report, track and even predict UFO sightings for the first time.

Comparing over half a million eyewitness reports and with complex software crunching the numbers, Mooncrunch is a powerful tool for the UFO enthusiast. The platform is able to provide instant feedback to witness reports and use known factors such as flight paths, astronomy and weather conditions to provide possible explanations. Even more importantly its software is able to link sightings, track their path and predict the likelihood of future of the unidentified objects in a location.

Calvin Field, 38, Founder of Mooncrunch said: “Like many other people, I saw something in the sky that I couldn’t explain and became frustrated with the lack of answers. I knew there must be a better way to use the data from literally thousands of sightings that are reported every year.”

2020 has seen an explosion of UFO sightings compared to previous years. Experts suggest this has been caused a combination of factors including the Pentagon’s release of previously classified footage, Elon Musk’s Starlink project and the Covid-19 lockdown.

A recent poll concluded that 45% of US adults believe UFO’s exist, yet the vast majority of reported sightings remain unsolved. This is a void that Mooncrunch aims to fill. Calvin continues: “When I reached out to people about my sighting, I was struck by the sense of community amongst UFO enthusiast. It’s something I wanted to bring into Mooncrunch. Every single sighting matters and increases the accuracy of the system. Everyone becomes a part of the journey. I’m confident that Mooncrunch will be able to predict UFO sightings just as meteorologists forecast the weather.” launches its free platform in late June 2020.


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Space Force Considering NASA-Style Partnerships With Private Companies

Article by Sandra Erwin                           June 4, 2020                          (

• The launch of a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule on May 30th that took NASA astronauts to the International Space Station was the “culmination of perhaps the most successful private-public partnership of all times,” said Colonel Eric Felt, head of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate. In a SpaceNews online event June 4th, Felt noted that Space Force will be far smaller than the other U.S. military services, so it plans to follow the NASA playbook and team up with the private sector. “The Space Force is going to be the most high tech of all of the services,” said Felt.

• Public-private partnerships, like deals with SpaceX and Boeing, have saved NASA billions of dollars. There are many commercial capabilities that can be used to meet military needs, with “hybrid architecture”. For example, commercial companies already have powerful sensors and data analytics systems to track and investigate space objects. The Space Force’s AFRL is looking into public-private deals to use these commercial satellites to enhance its “space domain awareness”, allowing Space Force to monitor every object in outer space. (see video below)

• Another application using private satellites in low Earth orbit is for the deployment of sensors for the Air Force’s ‘Advanced Battle Management System’, allowing the military to integrate and analyze data from space rather than from the more vulnerable command-and-control airplanes flying over enemy territory.

• Next year, AFRL plans to launch an experimental ‘cubesat’ satellite equipped with a ‘Link 16’ encrypted radio frequency data link, widely used on U.S. military and NATO aircraft and ground vehicles to share information, as a communications network relay in space. With “one of these Link 16 transponders (attached to) each of these low Earth orbit satellites, you would basically have Link 16 capability everywhere all the time,” said Felt.

• Private companies deploying broadband satellite constellations in low Earth orbit would be candidates for partnerships where these commercial satellites would also host government communications. The Defense Innovation Unit of the AFRL and the Space Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center have been talking about setting up a ‘space commodities exchange’ where space services could be traded like commodities. “The space domain awareness data might be a great example of the kinds of things that the Space Force could purchase through a space commodities exchange,” said Felt.


WASHINGTON — The U.S. Space Force will be far smaller than the other military services but way more dependent on technology to do its job. While the Space Force will develop satellites and other technologies in-house, it also plans to follow the NASA playbook and team up with the private sector, said Col. Eric Felt, head of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Space Vehicles Directorate.

       Colonel Eric Felt

Speaking at a SpaceNews online event June 4, Felt said NASA’s commercial crew program is “super exciting” and one that the Space Force can learn from.

The launch of a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule on May 30 that took NASA astronauts to the International Space Station was the “culmination of perhaps the most successful private-public partnership of all times,” said Felt.

The Space Vehicles Directorate, located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, is one of the organizations that Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett agreed to transfer to the Space Force. Felt said his office will remain at its current location but approximately 700 people will be reassigned to the Space Force.

“The Space Force is going to be the most high tech of all of the services,” said Felt.

Public-private partnerships like NASA’s commercial crew deals with SpaceX and Boeing have saved NASA billions of dollars and serve as a “powerful model” that the Defense Department could adopt, said Felt.

1:02:30 video on military/corporate partnerships for Space Force (‘SpaceNewsInc’ YouTube)



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Von Braun’s False Flag Alien Invasion – A Genuine Warning or Fourth Reich Deception?

From 1974 – 1977, Werner Von Braun began privately telling Carol Rosin, a colleague at a major aerospace company Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of contrived global false flag “cards” such as asteroid impacts and extraterrestrial invasion, which would lead to the militarization of space and usher in a New World Order. Now more than 40 years later, the sequence predicted by Von Braun appears to be on the verge of playing out as mainstream media increasingly speculate about asteroid strikes and an alien invasion in what many believe are cases of predictive programming.

Given Von Braun’s background as a former Nazi and the existence of a breakaway Nazi colony in South America and Antarctica in the post-World War II era seeking to establish a Fourth Reich, a key question is whether Von Braun’s warning was genuine or whether it was part of a deception by the Fourth Reich.

In answering such a question, it’s important to understand why Von Braun went to work with Fairchild Industries, where he learned about the planned sequence of false flag cards being discussed at boardroom meetings as described by Rosin in Part 1 of this series.

After NASA made the decision to end the Apollo Program, Von Braun decided to retire on May 26, 1972, six months before the launch of Apollo 17, the last moon landing mission. He had been the Director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (1960-1972), where he led the largely German engineering teams designing the Saturn V rockets that would power the Apollo Program.

Von Braun joined Fairchild Industries as a Vice President for Engineering and Development. Fairchild Industries was one of the aerospace contractors that was secretly involved in building a ring-shaped “Von Braun” space station based on Von Braun’s early designs for the USAF and the National Reconnaissance Office, as explained in chapter 13 of my book, the US Air Force Secret Space Program.

What is not widely known about the Apollo Program is that it was used as a very effective cover for massive amounts of funding, resources, and personnel covertly being transferred to Antarctica to help the expansion of a breakaway German Space Program hidden in underground bases.

In chapter 12 of the US Air Force Secret Space Program (2019), I detail how the Apollo program was used as part of an agreement reached between the Eisenhower Administration and the Antarctica based German colony, also known as the Fourth Reich.

Von Braun’s job at NASA was to mislead the US public about the potential of rocket propelled space travel, while ensuring the German space program in Antarctica had all the resources and personnel it needed for its electromagnetically propelled spacecraft to start space colonization on the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in our solar system. Put simply, while the Apollo program got Americans to the Moon, it got Germans to Mars and beyond.

In return for its covert help through the Apollo program, the US military gained scientific assistance in its efforts to study and reverse engineer captured extraterrestrial technologies from former Nazi scientists who were brought into the US under Operation Paperclip (1945-1959). Many were secretly working for the Fourth Reich either voluntarily or were coerced to do so.

Werner Von Braun was among a select group of Operation Paperclip scientists who were asked to evaluate the remains of the 1947 Roswell Crash for the US (Army) Air Force as revealed in a leaked Majestic 12 document called the Counter Intelligence Corps/Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Report:

Select scientists from the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission, most notably DR. J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, was interviewed at LZ-2 (second Roswell UFO crash site) as well as other members. Among PAPERCLIP specialists identified at LZ-2 were DR. WERNER VON BRAUN (Fort Bliss); DR ERNST STEINHOFF (AMC [Air Materiel Command, Wright Field]) and DR. HUBERTUS STRUGHOLD (AEROMEDICAL LAB, RANDOLPH FIELD).

This leaked Majestic document has an authenticity rating “Medium-High Level of Authenticity” according to a scale developed by Dr. Robert Wood and his son Ryan using a number of criteria developed for evaluating leaked government documents.

What helps corroborate the document’s account of the role played by Von Braun in evaluating the Roswell debris as an expert scientific consultant is a former NASA Spacecraft Operator, Clark McClelland, who asked Von Braun about the Roswell UFO crash.

Von Braun told McClelland about the incident on the condition that no details would be revealed until after his death.

Dr. Von Braun explained how he and unnamed associates had been taken to the crash site after the bulk of the military personnel had left the scene. They did a quick once over of the site, Van Braun stated. He related how the exterior of the space craft was not metal as we know it, but appeared to be made of something biological, like skin….

And yes, there were alien bodies which were being kept in a medical tent near the UFO. The beings were small, very frail, and reptilian in nature. Von Braun compared their skin to rattlesnakes that he and his group had encountered at White Sands.

 Von Braun was puzzled by the nature of the debris. The material was very thin, aluminum colored, similar to chewing gum wrapping, according to the scientist.

The leaked Majestic 12 document and McClelland’s recollection does show that Von Braun and other Paperclip Scientists were actively advising the US [Army] Air Force on recovered alien technologies from Roswell and other locations from July 1947.

Dr. Arthur Rudolph was also a German rocket scientist that was brought into the US in Operation Paperclip. He worked at both NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and Marshall Space Flight Center as the chief architect for the Saturn 5 engines that powered the Apollo program and as Von Braun’s Special Assistant up to January 1969. Rudolph has been identified as working with the US Air Force in studying and reverse engineering a captured extraterrestrial spacecraft, especially after his “official” retirement in 1969.

David Adair, who designed an “Electromagnetic Fusion Containment Engine” for the US Air Force in 1971, describes how Rudolph was leading a highly classified scientific effort to reverse engineer a captured extraterrestrial spacecraft stored at Area 51. Adair described how Rudolph had authority over senior Air Force officials and was being actively helped by the CIA.

So, if German Paperclip scientists were helping the USAF study and reverse engineer alien technologies, were they genuinely assisting, or were they double agents sabotaging US efforts?

William “Bill” Tompkins, a draftsman/engineer with Douglas Aircraft, TRW, and other leading aerospace companies during the 1950s-70s, describes how the German Paperclip scientists occupying senior corporate positions would sabotage industry efforts to build electromagnetic and torsion field propulsion systems.

And even at Douglas and over at TRW, and all these other companies, General Dynamics included, some top-level people were throwing negatives on everything that we were attempting to do. So, you must ask the question: “Why do we have so much of this sabotage happening at such a high level in technology in the country, and in the whole military?” And, who is telling them to try to stop everything, try to cut it down when we’re trying to help ourselves? (Selected by Extraterrestrials, Vol 2, p. 92)

The power of a mysterious Fourth Reich over Operation Paperclip scientists, some of whom were forced to sabotage US R&D efforts is illustrated by McClelland who says he personally witnessed the former Nazi SS general Hans Kammler in the mid-1960s at the NASA office of Dr. Kurt Debus, head of the Kennedy Space Center. Kammler had escaped from Nazi Germany before its collapse to South America and Antarctica to help the Fourth Reich expand its underground bases there.

McClelland described the powerful influence exerted over the German scientists working for NASA who feared Kammler and the shadowy Fourth Reich:

I opened his office door and saw two people I had not seen at KSC [Kennedy Space Center]. He introduced me to both men. He only gave me their first names during the introduction…. One was introduced to me as Sigfried and the other was introduced as Hans…. Both had the look of Nazi High Command Officers…. Today I am certain of who these two men were. I eventually learned from other German scientists that one of them me was Siegfried Knemeyer. He was a very high ranking Nazi Oberst Officer in the Luftwaffe… The other man was difficult to recognize until I saw an older photo of him after he had later entered the USA. He was in my opinion Heinz (Hans) Kammler…. There were rumors after WWII that Kammler had made a deal with General George Patton to turn over German Top Secret technology for his support in getting Kammler into the USA. That may have actually happened. I personally believe it did happen. (The Stargate Chronicles, ch. 15).

What emerges from the testimonies of Adair, McClelland, Tompkins, and others is that the US military industrial complex had been successfully infiltrated by the Fourth Reich using Operation Paperclip scientists who were either forced or willingly working as double agents.

While the German scientists appeared to be providing technical assistance for US rocket and other advanced aerospace programs, many were sabotaging US industry efforts to replicate the advanced aerospace technologies the Nazis had reverse engineered from extraterrestrial spacecraft.

This naturally raises the question of whether Von Braun had truly broken free of all Nazi influences while heading the Marshall Space Flight Center and building the Saturn V rockets for the Apollo program, or whether he was a double agent.

Adair’s recollection of a warning given to him by Von Braun about Rudolph does suggest that as the inaugural Director of the Marshall Center, Von Braun was being handled by Rudolph who was the project director for the Saturn V rocket, and later Von Braun’s Special Assistant:

The thing is, von Braun warned me that if during my rocket work, I should encounter a man named Dr. Arthur Rudolph, I should be extremely careful because he was so dangerous.

It appears that Von Braun and other German Paperclip scientists were intimidated by Rudolph – an ardent Nazi – who was almost certainly recruited by Kammler as a key operative for the Fourth Reich. Rudolph’s covert mission was to coerce Paperclip scientists to do the bidding of the Antarctic Germans or face severe consequences.

If Von Braun either voluntarily or was coerced to work as a double agent for the Fourth Reich, this raises the question of what his true agenda was when he met Carol Rosin at Fairchild Industries in 1974.

Was Von Braun truthful to Rosin in warning her of a Deep State plot to stage an alien false flag invasion to justify space weapons, or was he attempting to sabotage US military efforts to one day bridge the defense technology gap with the German secret space program?


The Apollo Program took away valuable resources from scientific research and development of electromagnetic and torsion field propulsion systems, which the Germans had mastered for their Antarctica space fleet described by various insiders as the “Dark Fleet” or “Nacht Waffen” (Night Weapons)

Understanding Von Braun’s true role in the US Apollo and German Antarctic space programs is vital context for analyzing his subsequent opposition to space weapons, as recalled by Rosin. Was Von Braun genuinely committed to eliminating weapons in space as he convinced Rosin during the final years of his life, or was he a double agent secretly working for the Fourth Reich Antarctic Germans?

Just as Von Braun and other former Nazi scientists convinced the US Congress and the scientific community that rocket propulsion was the key to future space travel, as a distraction from the true potential of electromagnetic and torsion field propulsion systems, was Von Braun sowing the seeds for handicapping a future US military space program that could one day threaten or rival the German’s Dark Fleet/Nacht Waffen through advanced space weapons?

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio version of the above article is available here]

Further Reading

Einstein, Tesla, Edison, and Marconi on Radio Signals from Aliens

Article by Alejandro Rojas                            June 3, 2020                             (

• Tesla and Marconi, the renowned scientists who invented the radio, believed they had received contact from intelligent extraterrestrial beings. This subject is at the center of Amazon Prime’s drama, The Vast of Night, where a switchboard operator and a DJ in a small town in the 1950s discover a strange, potentially alien, audio signal that leads them on a wild investigation to find the origins of the signal.

• The famous inventor, Nikola Tesla, is often credited with the invention of the radio. Tesla claimed he received strange signals while experimenting with radio at his lab in Colorado Springs in 1899. He told Collier’s Weekly that he was alone in his lab at night when there was present “something mysterious, not to say supernatural”. “[S]ome time afterward… the thought flashed upon my mind that the disturbances I had observed (on the radio) might be due to an intelligent control,” said Tesla. “Although I could not decipher their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental. The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.”

• The Collier’s article goes on to argue that despite whether the signal was from aliens or not (Tesla suspected it was Martians) the technology he was working on would have the potential to be used to communicate distances as vast as those between the planets in our solar system.

• Another pioneer in the invention of the radio is the Italian inventor, Guglielmo Marconi. In 1920, Marconi wrote, “I have encountered during my experiments with wireless telegraphy [a] most amazing phenomenon,” wrote Marconi. “Most striking of all is receipt by me personally of signals which I believe originated in the space beyond our planet. I believe it is entirely possible that these signals may have been sent by the inhabitants of other planets to the inhabitants of Earth.” “Linking of the science of astronomy with that of electricity may bring about almost anything.”

• The famous inventor, Thomas Edison, agreed with Marconi. “I can plainly see that the mysterious wireless interruptions experience by Mr. Marconi’s operators may be good grounds for the theory that inhabitants of other planets are trying to signal us,” said Edison. “Mr. Marconi is quite right in stating that this is entirely within the realm of possible.” Edison continued, “If we are to accept the theory of Mr. Marconi that these signals are being sent out by inhabitants of other planets, we must at once accept with it the theory of their advanced development.” “It would be stupid of us to assume that we have the corner on all the intelligence in the universe.”

• Tesla also weighed in on Marconi’s suggestion that we might be able to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations on other planets, saying, “Marconi’s idea of communicating with the other planets is the greatest and most fascinating problem confronting the human imagination today.” Then Tesla related a similar story of his own: “One day my ear caught what seemed to be regular signals. I knew they could not have been produced upon Earth. The possibility that they came from Mars occurred to me…”

• Even Albert Einstein reflected on his fellow scientists’ theories. “There is every reason to believe that Mars and other planets are inhabited,” said Einstein. “Why should the Earth be the only planet supporting human life? It is not singular in any other respect. But if intelligent creatures do exist, as we may assume they do elsewhere in the universe, I should not expect them to try to communicate with the Earth by wireless [radio]. Light rays, the direction of which can be controlled much more easily, would more probably be the first method attempted.” Nevertheless, radio waves became the predominant method used to search for alien signals.

• In 1924, the U.S. Secretary of the Navy felt that the close approach of Mars would be an opportune time to listen in for signals from Martians. He sent out a telegram asking radio stations to listen in. After all, some of the biggest brains in the business thought it was possible.


A switchboard operator and a DJ in a small town in the 1950s discover a strange, potentially alien, audio signal that leads them on a wild investigation to find the origins of the signal. This is the plot for The Vast of Night, which is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Could our first contact with aliens be as simple as a radio signal from aliens saying, “Hi?” The renowned scientists who invented the radio believed they received precisely that early in their experiments. Today, scientists spend millions to listen in on radio signals from space hoping to hear that first transmission from an extraterrestrial civilization.

                          Nikola Tesla

A complicated debate rages as to who first invented the radio. On the U.S. side is Nikola Tesla, the

     Guglielmo Marconi

famous inventor who is the namesake for Elon Musk’s Tesla electric vehicle company. Representing the Europeans is Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi. They both were pioneers in developing radio communication. For our purposes, it doesn’t matter who you feel should get credit for inventing radio communication, because both of them claimed to have possibly received radio signals from aliens.

The first was Tesla. In an article titled “Talking with the Planets” for Collier’s Weekly in 1901, Tesla claimed he received strange signals while experimenting with radio at his lab in Colorado Springs in 1899.

“Even now, at times, I can vividly recall the incident, and see my apparatus as though it were actually before me,” wrote Tesla. “My first observations positively terrified me, as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night; but at that time the idea of these disturbances being intelligently controlled signals did not yet present itself to me.”

           Albert Einstein

“It was some time afterward when the thought flashed upon my mind that the disturbances I had observed might

         Thomas Edison

be due to an intelligent control,” Tesla continued. “Although I could not decipher their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental. The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.”

The article goes on to argue that despite whether the signal was from aliens or not (Tesla suspected it would likely be Martians) the technology he was working on would have the potential to be used to communicate distances as vast as those between the panels in our solar system. This may have been the first time anyone used the “I am not saying it’s aliens, but…” line. Which was pretty bold at the time, especially given that earlier in the article, he noted skeptics questioned whether two-way radio communication was possible.

Marconi shared his alien signal encounter in an article in 1920.

“I have encountered during my experiments with wireless telegraphy [a] most amazing phenomenon,” wrote Marconi. “Most striking of all is receipt by me personally of signals which I believe originated in the space beyond our planet. I believe it is entirely possible that these signals may have been sent by the inhabitants of other planets to the inhabitants of earth.”



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US Space Force to Train in Space Warfighting Disciplines

Article by Peterson Space Observer                            June 1, 2020                         (

• Space is a warfighting domain — secured and protected by the Space Force — in the same way the land, sea and air are protected by the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force. “The Space Force must develop a cadre of space warfighters to protect U.S. interests in space, deter aggression in, from and to space and conduct space operations,” says Combat Training Squadron commander Lt. Col. Daniel Sebeck. “With the implementation of SWD (Space Warfighting Domain) training, the U.S. Space Force is transforming the way the U.S. military develops its space warfighters and is laying the foundation for a highly trained, ready force,” Sebeck said.

• The U.S. Space Force has developed a new series of courses designed to give new space professionals warfighting mindsets they will carry with them throughout their careers. Upon graduating from Undergraduate Space Training, Space Force trainees will move on to the Space Warfighting Follow-on courses. Starting June 1st, Space Force Combat Training (CTS) will begin teaching Space Warfighting courses at Peterson’s Moorman Space Education and Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

• Each course is based on a core Space Warfighting Discipline: Orbital Warfare, Space Battle Management and Space Electronic Warfare, “and builds on operator’s threat based training,” said Sebeck. “We must be ready and lethal, and it is our responsibility as the U.S. Space Force to provide space warfighters the training to defeat threats in the crowded, contested space domain.”

• “Space warfighters will learn about threats and how space combat disciplines are utilized.” Sebeck says that a passive mindset toward tactical operations is dangerous. The warfighting curriculum was developed with input from a mix of active duty, Reserve and contractor personnel. From those inputs, a team of instructors built final objectives lists that guided the development of each lesson.

• CTS instructors will consist primarily of active duty personnel, contractors, civilians, and Reserve personnel from the 42nd Combat Training Squadron with extensive expertise in space operations. Says Sebeck, “These courses are designed to… develop ready and lethal joint warfighters in order to enhance space warfighting readiness and lethality” and to “execute combat operations in the complex space environment of today and tomorrow.”

• “Our modern lives depend on our space capabilities, and potential adversaries are actively attempting to exploit the benefits space provides us,” said Sebeck. “Every day our space warfighters purposefully prepare to negate potential adversaries’ attempts to claim space superiority over us.”


PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — Without highly trained space professionals, the U.S. Space Force cannot effectively utilize space systems to increase joint force lethality, cannot ensure the safety of the American public, nor can it defend against near-peer adversaries.

“Our modern lives depend on our space capabilities, and potential adversaries are actively attempting to exploit the benefits space provides us,” said Lt. Col. Daniel Sebeck, 319th Combat Training Squadron commander. “Every day our space warfighters purposefully prepare to negate potential adversaries’ attempts to claim space superiority over us.”

The U.S. Space Force has developed a new series of courses designed to give new space professionals warfighting mindsets they will carry with them throughout their entire careers.

Starting today, the 319 CTS instructor cadre will begin teaching Space Warfighting Follow-on courses at Peterson’s Moorman Space Education and Training Center.

Each course is based on a core Space Warfighting Discipline: Orbital Warfare, Space Battle Management and Space Electronic Warfare.

“With the implementation of SWD training, the U.S. Space Force is transforming the way the U.S. military develops its space warfighters and is laying the foundation for a highly trained, ready force,” Sebeck said. “The Space Force must develop a cadre of space warfighters to protect U.S. interests in space, deter aggression in, from and to space and conduct space operations. The SWF courses are the first step toward mastering and applying space warfare discipline.”



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Air Battle Between Two UFOs Was ‘Extra-Terrestrial’ Claims Australian Who Witnessed Incident

Article by Michael Alexander                         June 1, 2020                         (

• Just over 40 years ago, Phil Tindale was a 10-year-old in the South Australian town of Aldgate. On February 7, 1980 at 9.30pm, he heard his twin brother, Rob, call out from his bedroom. Looking out of the window, down the valley to the south-east of Adelaide, the boys watched a bright yellow object “bobbing around” just above the tree line, about 1km away. After a few minutes, a second, slightly larger object emitting a red light appeared. Tindale says that the red object “zoomed up” to the yellow object, stopped and reversed, then did it again “as if to prompt a reaction”. The yellow object then “took off” with the red object in pursuit before zigzagging across the sky like two “blowflies”. The boys watched the chase for about fifteen minutes.

• The same night, 21-year-old Daryl Browne, reported seeing an eight-meter long, yellow “speedboat-shaped… thing” crash into some trees near the horse farm where he worked, in the exact area where the Tindale brothers last saw the object. But by the time police arrived, the object had disappeared leaving only unexplained broken branches.

• “Even if skeptics are not satisfied, the experience demonstrated to me that something beyond our own intelligence is visiting Earth,” said Tindale. “[I]t is clear to me that this technology is well beyond our own capabilities.” “I have no doubt that we are being visited, both from my own experience and speaking with others.”

• “Many sightings do have earthly explanations,” Tindale noted. “Unfortunately these reports often muddy the water and make it difficult for investigators to piece this puzzle together. But Tindale says he is 100% convinced that what he saw was extraterrestrial, and not military.

• Tindale only recently began a process of sharing his information in order to move the conversation beyond the “believe it or not” debate. “I had no real perspective on the UFO phenomenon, both in terms of scale or significance until the internet came about,” says Tindale. “It wasn’t until I made contact with other witnesses and researched other peoples’ reports that I realized these visitations are significant and very relevant to us… This realization is what prompted me to begin talking about it.”


An Australian man has told The Courier how he witnessed what he can only describe as “an air battle between two UFOs” – which ended with one crashing to the ground.

                             Phil Tindale

Phil Tindale got in touch to explain how as 10-year-olds in the South Australian town of Aldgate just over 40 years ago, he and his twin brother Rob witnessed a “hostile chase between two highly advanced craft resulting in one of those craft crashing into a tree”.

The crash was reported by a third witness who was able to have a close look at the craft which resembled an “eight metre long yellow speed boat from it’s under side”.

However, by the time police arrived, the object had disappeared leaving only unexplained broken branches.

Phil contacted The Courier from Australia after reading our feature online this week about renowned Scottish UFO investigator and self-confessed UFO sceptic Malcolm Robinson who believes that aliens have almost certainly visited Tayside and Fife.

Like Malcolm, Phil has concluded 95% of UFO sightings are explainable by “natural identifiable solutions”.

However, he also takes the view that 5% fall into the unexplained category.

Four decades on from his own experience, Phil says he is “100%” convinced what he saw was extra-terrestrial, and not military.


10 minute first person account video of a UFO sighting near Adelaide, Australia



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Perseverance Rover Instruments to Search for Alien Life

Article by Tom Fish                            May 28, 2020                            (

• NASA plans to launch a Mars rover mission on July 17, 2020 to arrive on Mars’ surface on February 18, 2021. The space agency has provided new insights about the sensors that will be used on its 2020 Perseverance Rover while it traverses the Martian surface in search of evidence of alien life. A cutting-edge camera and a unique ultraviolet laser will work in tandem to analyze the chemical and mineral makeup of the Red Planet’s soil. Experts hope this can track down potential signs of past alien life.

• The main instrument, called ‘SHERLOC’ (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals) will be mounted on the end of one of the Mars rover’s robotic arms. SHERLOC will emit a quarter-sized ultraviolet laser at the ground to enable scientists to measure the way the light scatters, in order to identify a spectral “fingerprint” revealing certain organic material and to determine what kind of minerals and chemical compounds the soil is made from. “If we see organics clumping together on one part of a rock, it might be a sign that microbes thrived there in the past,” said NASA’s Luther Beegle.

• SHERLOC will work with ‘WATSON’ (Wide Angle Topographic Sensor for Operations and Engineering), another instrument that will help with the light-scattering spectroscopy and allow the Mars rover’s remote pilots to identify promising areas of the ground from which to collect samples. WATSON can also be rotated to take selfies of the Perseverance and to keep track of the rover’s condition. The Perseverance 2020 Rover will also monitor the effects of radiation on samples of human space suit fabric and helmet material to determine whether it is safe to use. The rover’s robotic arm will place the samples in half-inch wide metal tubes that will be left on Mars’ surface for a subsequent Mars mission crew to retrieve and return to Earth for detailed analysis.


US-based space agency NASA has offered new insights about the sensors used on its 2020 Perseverance rover while it traverses the Martian surface in

    NASA’s Luther Beegle

search of evidence of basic forms of alien life. A cutting-edge powered camera and a unique ultraviolet laser will work in tandem to monitor the Red Planet’s soil to analyse its chemical and mineral makeup.

The main instrument, the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals (SHERLOC), will be mounted on the end of one of the Mars rover’s robotic arms.

SHERLOC will emit a quarter-sized ultraviolet laser at the ground.

Space scientists will then measure the way the light scatters when it hits the ground to work out what kind of minerals and chemical compounds it is made from.

The technique will also identify the unique spectral “fingerprint” certain alien organic material might give off.

Extraterrestrial life experts hope this can track down potential signs of past alien life.



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A Lot of You Believe in Bigfoot

Article by Jazz Shaw                               May 25, 2020                             (

• Market research firm, CivicScience, recently took a poll of more than 3,400 Americans to test their belief in a variety of “conspiracy theories” ranging from the existence of extraterrestrials to whether or not the Moon landing in 1969 was faked. The survey goes deep to identify subgroups and their beliefs.

• Nearly 30% of people polled believe that intelligent extraterrestrial life has been visiting us here on Earth. Nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) are certain that the United States government is in possession of definitive proof that the aliens are here but is hiding it from the public.

• Nine percent of those polled believe that the government is using chemtrails to control the population. Eight percent are convinced that the Illuminati are real and they control most human events around the world. Eight percent also think the Loch Ness Monster is a real. And four percent think the Moon landing was a hoax.

• One surprising statistic was that over ten percent of Americans believe that Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) is a real, living animal that roams the woods. Every state in the U.S. has had at least one Bigfoot sighting, and every state has at least one Bigfoot organization. Men and women are equally likely to believe in Bigfoot. Generation Z is more likely to believe, while Millennials and Baby Boomers are slightly more skeptical.” People living in the West and the Pacific Northwest are significantly more likely to find Sasquatch plausible than people in the Northeast, which makes sense as the vast majority of sightings are reported out west. Regular viewers of Fox News are five times more likely (39%) to believe in Bigfoot than viewers of CNN (6%) or MSNBC (8%).

• Of course, the big word to keep in mind here is “believe.” Much the same as with extraterrestrials, the existence of Bigfoot will always come down to a question of belief unless and until some indisputable physical proof is brought forward.


There’s a very active subculture on social media that attracts people who believe in any number of offbeat subjects ranging from the paranormal and cryptozoology to those who insist that the Earth is flat. One cryptid, in particular, has a huge, loyal following and a recent survey appears to back up this phenomenon with solid numbers. Market research firm CivicScience completed a poll of more than 3,400 Americans to test their belief in a variety of “conspiracy theories” ranging from subjects such as extraterrestrials to whether or not the moon landing in 1969 was faked. One of the most surprising statistics, at least to me, was the fact that more than one in ten Americans believe that Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) is a real, living animal that roams the woods. He’s also apparently the all-time world champion of social distancing. (Paul Seaburn for Mysterious Universe)

It’s often said that every state in the U.S. has had at least one Bigfoot sighting and every state has at least one Bigfoot organization. Bigfoot television series dominate reality shows of the cryptid kind, so it should come as no surprise that a new survey found 1 in 10 Americans profess a belief in the big hairy one. However, when compared to belief in extraterrestrials, Bigfoot is a distant third behind aliens and aliens (we’ll explain). Does Sasquatch need better public relations, a better name … or some better conspiracy theories?

“More than 1 in 10 American adults believes that Bigfoot is a real, living creature. Men and women are roughly equally likely to believe in Sasquatch. And whereas belief in alien theories peaked among Gen X, there was a strong cohort of Gen Z that expressed belief in Bigfoot. Millennials and Baby Boomers were slightly more skeptical.”

Belief in bigfoot wasn’t the most popular theory by a long shot. Nearly 30% believe that not only is there other, intelligent extraterrestrial life in the galaxy, but that it’s been visiting us here on Earth. Nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) are certain that the United States government is in possession of definitive proof that the aliens are here but is hiding it from the public.



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Forced & Faked Alien “Abductions” Were Conducted by the CIA Says Renowned Researcher

Article by Arjun Walia                            May 28, 2020                           (

• Dr. Jacques Vallee, the French astrophysicist who co-developed the first computerized map of Mars for NASA in 1963 and was a close associate Project Blue Book’s J. Allen Hynek, has written several books on the UFO enigma. Vallee has investigated an uncountable amount of case reports regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. He’s been a major player in bringing the UFO phenomenon to the mainstream public. Vallee knows that something real and quite possibly extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional is going on. He is currently a venture capitalist living in San Francisco.

• Credible information regarding UFO sightings, crash retrievals, contact experiences with ‘aliens’, and possible bodies are out there to be examined. But there is a lot of disinformation out there as well. It is well documented that for years intelligence agency and government operatives infiltrated the UFO community for the purpose of deceiving researchers – and for one simple reason: to hide the truth. These disinformation initiatives still seem to be in operation today. On top of disinformation, there has long been an official campaign of ridicule and secrecy as well. Vallee is one of many who have written about the evidence of well-constructed hoaxes and media manipulations designed to mislead UFO researchers and the public.

• In one of his latest books, Forbidden Science 4, Vallee makes an entry for March 26, 1992 writing: “I have secured a document confirming that the CIA simulated UFO abductions in Latin America (Brazil and Argentina) as psychological warfare experiments.” In the book, Vallee notes that Air Force Colonel Ron Blackburn told Vallee in May 1990 that he was “convinced the government is working on UFOs”. Blackburn said that the chances were “pretty good” that the US government was “fooling” UFO witnesses “by special effects developed by psychological warfare”. “Suppose you shine a week infrared laser into people’s eyes,” said Blackburn. “[I]t won’t hurt them but may induce a hallucinatory state. Experiments have been done where you send a microwave beam through someone’s brain; you pick up the transmitted energy pattern. You can influence people this way, even make them hear things. Holograms have been used too.”

• In 1992, Vallee wrote that he had received a document that the CIA had been involved with staging UFO (alien abductions). There are many examples and evidence that point to staged abductions happening for reasons unknown, and that it’s also continuing today. It’s not surprising if you’ve looked into the CIA’s technologically advanced black budget world with programs like MK Ultra intended to manipulate the perception of the masses.

• In his book, Vallee also mentions retired Air Force Special investigations officer Richard Doty. Doty’s job in the Air Force was to spread disinformation about the UFO subject. Doty has admitted to infiltrating UFO circles along with his colleagues to ‘feed’ ufologists and journalists lies and half-truths so that they would never understand the ‘real truth’.

• Retired university professor Dr. David Jacobs hypnotically regressed people who claimed to have had ET abduction experiences. Thousands of these ‘abductees’ share the same story of forced impregnation and ‘hybrid’ children, among other things. Could some of these forced abduction experiments simply be deep black government projects? Yes. But there are many who have claimed to have had non-threatening or even pleasant encounters with alien beings. Still, even these ‘abductees’ often sensed a military component to the encounter.

• Could the story about President Eisenhower’s meeting with aliens and the secret deal to allow a certain amount of human abductions in exchange for technology also be fabricated? Could all reported alien abductions be military operations? It’s not likely.


Throughout history, the field of ufology and the examination of the extraterrestrial hypothesis has, without a doubt, been overcome with a plethora of

                      Dr. Jacques Vallee

disinformation. Those who have dived into the depths of ufology know this best, as it’s well documented that ‘outsiders’ from intelligence agencies and governments have infiltrated the field for the purposes of deceiving researchers and people who are interested in the topic for one simple reason, to keep them

          Dr. David Jacobs

away from the truth. On top of these disinformation campaigns, which still seem to be in operation today, there has long been an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy” (Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Ex CIA director) associated with the subject. This is why I encourage all those reading who dive into this subject to stick with facts, data, and evidence rather than entertain what seem to be outlandish claims that in no way, at all, can be verified.

I’d like to draw your attention to Dr. Jacques Vallee, who holds a master’s degree in astrophysics and a Ph.D. in computer science. The subject of UFOs first attracted his attention as an astronomer in Paris. He subsequently became a close associate of Project Blue Book’s J. Allen Hynek and has written several books on the UFO enigma. He is currently a venture capitalist living in San Francisco. Vallée co-developed the first computerized map of Mars for NASA in 1963. He later worked on the network information center for the ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, as a staff engineer of SRI International’s Augmentation Research Center under Douglas Engelbart.

                     Richard Doty

He’s a researcher that’s had a very interesting life, to say the least, with regards to researching the topic of UFOs. He’s come into contact with and had meetings with most experts in the field, politicians from around the world, high ranking military personnel and much more. His journey into the subject has led him to investigate an uncountable amount of case reports regarding UFOs and supposed extraterrestrial beings, and he’s been a major player with regards to bringing the mainstream scientific community forward to look at the evidence and data that’s involved with such a serious subject, that, in his time, was largely ridiculed. He is an important reason why the phenomenon has gained as much credibility as it has today.

Valle is one of many who have written about and documented the startling evidence that well-constructed hoaxes and media manipulations have misled UFO researchers, diverting them from the UFO phenomenon itself, what’s really going on.

In one of his latest books, Forbidden Science 4, he shares a record of his private study into unexplained phenomena between 1990 and the end of the millennium, during which he was traveling around the global pursuing his professional work as a high-technology investor. It’s a bit of a diary, documenting his experiences and encounters/meetings as he tries to examine and explore the phenomenon.



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Mysterious UFO Above Secretive US Military Space Base Sparks Online Frenzy

Article by Oli Smith                           May 28, 2020                              (

• A YouTube video uploaded on May 22nd shows a white, orb-shaped “cloud” UFO zooming around in the air above a wooded area close to the tightly-guarded NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) base. In the footage, the eyewitness recording the encounter can be heard to say, “What the fuck is that?” The UFO also appears to be making a mysterious rumbling sound as it hovers and moves around the sky. In the final few seconds of the video, the orb appears to flicker before disappearing behind the trees. (see xx minute video below)

• The NORAD base, located inside Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is designed to warn the Pentagon and the White House in the event of a nuclear attack against the US. Situated 610 meters (2000 feet) under the mountain and sealed off by massive concrete and steel blast doors, the base’s bunker system was built to withstand a nuclear blast.

• Scott C Waring, who runs ET Data Base, wrote: “Here is a great example of a white cloud orb flying low in a cloudless sky. …These orbs are white when they are 30 meters or further away from you, but when they are 2 meters from you they have a pearlescent surface that moves ever so slowly.”

• A YouTube skeptic commented, “Logically, I would say it was a plane or helicopter but it looks round and white, and the fact that it’s near a military base does make me think. A good sighting.”


A bizarre UFO recorded flying over the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) sparked a social media frenzy this week. Footage shows a white, orb-shaped craft zooming around in the air above a wooded area close to the tightly-guarded and secretive NORAD base. The anonymous witness who filmed the small flying vessel said they saw UFO “while out on a walk”

In the footage, the eyewitness recording the encounter can be heard saying: “Where is it? What the f*** is that?”

The UFO also appears to be making a mysterious rumbling sound as it hovers and moves around the sky.

The video was uploaded to YouTube by ET Data Base, a popular channel for UFO sightings, and set off a frenzy of theories about the object.
NORAD, at the centre of multiple conspiracy theories, is designed to warn the Pentagon and the White House in the event of a nuclear attack against the US.

The base is located inside Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs, Colorado and was built to withstand a nuclear blast, with a bunker system situated 610 meters under the mountain, sealed off by massive concrete and steel blast doors.

1:40 minute video of white orb UFO over NORAD base (‘ET Data Base’ YouTube)



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Will Deep State launch False Flag Alien Invasion after exhausting global control cards?

Shortly before his death in 1977, Werner Von Braun, a pioneer in both German and US  rocket programs, warned that a group of global controllers, aka Deep State, would systematically move through a series of false flag events or “cards”, that would be played in a sequence designed to ultimately militarize space and usher in a New World Order.

Von Braun gave his famous warning to Carol Rosin, who, from 1974 to 1977, was a corporate manager at Fairchild Industries, Inc., a major aerospace contractor that Von Braun had joined two years earlier. Rosin says that Von Braun asked her to be his spokesperson after being diagnosed with terminal cancer and revealed an elaborate plan by the US military industrial complex to weaponize space.

In a recorded video interview from December 2000 for the Disclosure Project, Rosin described the following sequence of false flag events Von Braun explained to her:

The strategy that Wernher von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had ‘killer satellites.’ We were then told that they were coming to get us and control us — that they were ‘commies.’

Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism.

Then we were going to identify Third World-country ‘crazies.’ We now call them ‘nations of concern.’ But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based missiles.

The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point, he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids — against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.

And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up the last card. Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.

As to identifying the group orchestrating this series of contrived global events, Rosin was reluctant to give names but said:

The room was filled with people in the revolving door game. There were people that I had seen once in a military uniform and other times in a gray suit and an industry outfit. These people play a revolving door game. They work as consultants, industry people and/or military and intelligence people. They work in the industries and they revolved themselves through these doors and right into government positions.

Rosin’s description of what was taking place in the boardroom of Fairchild Industry is very revealing about the company’s key role within the military industrial complex, and how the Deep State operates by manipulating global events and mainstream media narratives.

The sequence of contrived global events described by Von Braun reflected how far forward in time the Deep State projects its plans. Now almost 50 years later, we see the sequence described by Von Braun being played out in real time.

Russia, terrorism and rogue nations have collectively dominated decades of news cycles. More recently, we are witnessing an increasing number of stories of killer asteroids just missing the Earth in the mainstream media. The most recent examples are three massive killer asteroids heading towards the Earth and predicted to fly close by on June 6,8, and 20, any of which could cause cataclysmic damage.

Additional “cards” can be found in the Deep State playing deck described by Von Braun back in the 1970s. This includes a global pandemic, which was discussed in the City of London by a high-level group of bureaucrats in 2005 as part of a covert Deep State plan to usher in a New World Order.

Von Braun’s warning alerts us to the threat of an alien invasion being used as the final card in a long sequence of contrived events that would justify the weaponization of space, and the establishment of a New World Order desired by the Deep State.

Now there is a steady stream of news articles pointing to the possibility of an alien invasion in a post-COVID world. The potential for such an event occurring in the run-up to the 2020 election is a distinct possibility given the Deep State’s determination to remove the Trump administration by any means possible.

A paper leaked on October 18, 2016, allegedly by a major Democratic consulting firm, the Benenson Strategy Group, discussed the possibility of a staged alien invasion keeping Trump supporters home and helping the Clinton campaign win the 2016 election.

The paper reviewed some of the advanced holographic technologies that could be used in staging such a false flag event. While the paper’s authenticity remains disputed, it nevertheless showed how the alien invasion card could be used for electoral purposes.

As we approach the November 3 US Presidential Election, could the alien invasion card be played as Von Braun warned about back in the 1970s? Or did Von Braun have an entirely different purpose for telling Rosin about the alien invasion card being used by the military industrial complex?

Rather than heroically attempting to prevent the militarization of space, was Von Braun a double agent for an Antarctica-based breakaway German Colony wanting to prevent the US military from ever threatening their secret space program?

To be continued.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio version of the above article is available here]

Further Reading

People Are Convinced of a UFO Crash in Brazil

Article by Brit Dawson                           May 22, 2020                             (

• Thousands of residents in the municipality of Magé, just north of Rio de Janeiro, reported seeing glowing lights in the sky on Wednesday (May 20), with many uploading videos to Reddit and Twitter. The clips appear to show a flashing, circular orange light moving through the night sky.

• According to Brazilian news site UOL, the local authorities and the Brazilian Air Force have no records about any UFOs seen on Wednesday. But the conspiracy about a cover-up was gaining even more traction, newly fueled by a Google Maps link showing a white (glowing) UFO-shape covering Magé. “What people are seeing in the imagery is a reflection that’s temporarily overloading the satellite’s sensor,” said a Google spokesperson. “Essentially, the sun reflected off the surface of that building just at the right angle to briefly blind the satellite. This is a pretty common phenomenon known as saturation or blooming.”

[Editor’s Note]   This article is about a glowing orange orb moving through the night sky in Magé, Brazil on May 20th. Could it be a rescue party looking for the red orb that was shot down near Magé on May 12th with three “humanoid” occupants?

The city of Magé is in the state of Rio DeJaneiro, just north of the city of Rio DeJaneiro on the southern coast of Brazil. In her ‘Earthfiles’ YouTube posting of May 27th, Linda Moulton Howe reported on the “high strangeness” going on in Magé. (see video below)

According to Linda Moulton Howe, U.S. military satellites detected unexplained aerial phenomenon along the Brazilian coast on April 20th. On April 21st the U.S. DoD advised the Ministry of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Brazil to intensify the air patrol in the vicinity of Rio DeJaneiro due to UFO activity there. On May 1st, Brazilian radar detected UFO activity in the state of Rio DeJeneiro. They had zeroed in on this area when the incident of May 12th occurred.

In the early hours of May 12th, local residents of Magé heard the sound of helicopters. When they went outside, they saw in the night sky two helicopters chasing a red orb darting around over the city. Soon, two more helicopters joined the chase and managed to shoot down this glowing red UFO. The next two days, May 12th & 13th, the military cordoned off the area of the woods where the UFO was shot down. Aircraft were constantly circling over the crash zone.

The Brazilian military informed the U.S. military that a UFO was downed in the woods near Magé. U.S. Space Force General John ‘Jay’ Raymond deployed 20 Special Forces military personnel to the woods north of Magé. The U.S. Special Forces arrived at the crash site In the early morning hours of May 13th. They verified that the object was a damaged UFO craft with three humanoid occupants. Apparently, one of the occupants, about 6’-6” tall, ran away. The Special Forces tracked the humanoid being down and killed it with an energy weapon. The other two occupants were taken alive. On May 14th, the beings and their “displacement devices” were transported to an unknown U.S. base.


image referred to in article of a Google map image showing a white glowing object

It’s safe to say the internet is obsessed with aliens and UFOs. Last year, a plan to storm Area 51 – because “they can’t stop all of us” – attracted millions of attendees on Facebook, even leading to a spike in searches for alien porn (OK?). While just last month, alien enthusiasts lost their shit over the Pentagon’s release of declassified UFO videos. Now, these fanatics have a new mystery on their hands: a supposed UFO crash in Brazil.

Thousands of residents in the municipality of Magé, just north of Rio de Janeiro, reported seeing glowing lights in the sky on Wednesday (May 20), with many uploading videos to Reddit and Twitter. The clips appear to show a flashing, circular orange light moving through the night sky. There’s also a video which supposedly shows the UFO on Earth, but which looks very suspiciously like a colander.

As reported by VICE, shortly after #MageUFO began trending on Twitter, the hashtag disappeared, leading enthusiasts to suspect foul play. Over on the r/UFOs Reddit page, posts about the Brazilian UFO also seemed to vanish.

1:03 hour video of Linda Moulton Howe describing the UFO shot down in Brazil (‘Earthfiles’ YouTube)



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Onlookers Say a ‘Black Ring’ UFO Darted Over the Skies for 40 Minutes

Article by Jackson Barron                           May 25, 2020                           (

• On May 20th, residents of Nimbin on the Gold Coast of Australia in New South Wales watched a mysterious ‘black ring’ hovering in the sky.

• Nimbin resident Kaz Woodall told the Northern Star newspaper that the UFO rose from behind the mountain ridge. Woodall says that she and her friend “were both like, ‘what the fuck is that? I’ve never seen anything like this’.”

• Woodall said the object was spinning on its axis. She approached the caretaker at a nearby showgrounds to take a look through his telescope. “We were in awe, but we weren’t scared, it was a positive uplifting experience,” said Woodall. The trio watched as the object rotated over the hills for forty minutes before it floated over and stopped directly above them in the sky. Then the object stopped rotating and disappearing over the horizon.

• Woodall said she spent hours researching UFOs after her sighting and claims she found an article of a similar incident from New York. Woodall posted pictures of the black ring on a Nimbin community Facebook page.


Stunned spectators have spotted an unidentified flying object over the skies of Nimbin.

Locals in far north New South Wales town, known for its bohemian lifestyle, reported a mysterious ‘black ring’ hovering in the sky on Wednesday afternoon.

Kaz Woodall, who was walking her dog with a friend at the time, told the Northern Star the UFO rose from behind the mountain ridge at Nimbin showgrounds.

‘We were both like, “what the f**k is that? I’ve never seen anything like this”,’ she said.

Ms Woodall said the object was spinning on its axis. She approached the caretaker at the showgrounds to take a look through his telescope.

‘We were in awe, but we weren’t scared, it was a positive uplifting experience,’ she said.

The trio said they watched as the object rotated over the hills for forty minutes before it floated over and stopped directly above them in the sky.



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Mouse on SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket, or Frozen Oxygen?

Article by Yash Tripathi                                June 1, 2020                        (

• On May 30th, American astronauts, Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, created history by blasting off into space via a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Millions of people from across the world were glued to the live stream of the ‘spectacular’ launch of US astronauts from American soil for the first time in nine years. It was a proud moment for Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, which is now the first private company to send a craft to space.

• While the world was watching, a mouse was seen walking on the carrier. One internet user posted a short clip showing the small animal walking around the fuselage. (see 41-second video below)

• The person posting the clip on Twitter said, “Looks like a mouse hitchhiked a ride on Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket launch today!” “The mouse showed a truly amazing ability to withstand heat!” Many people who saw the ‘mouse’ walking on the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket find it unbelievable. Some have said it is frozen oxygen dripping from an engine. Others say it is a flat-out fake. Neither NASA nor SpaceX have commented. The mouse appears to be walking around freely despite the heat and the laws of gravity.

[Editor’s Note]  If you look closely at the original footage of the image, you can see several more of these “mice” coming from the bag-like component and falling away before the mouse appears walking back and forth.


SpaceX has become the first private organisation to send a spacecraft to space. Two US astronauts, Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, created history by blasting off into space with the NASA-SpaceX Crew Dragon launch on May 30, but they are not alone in the vast space. According to reports, a mighty mouse was seen on the Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon capsule’s fuselage. A video has surfaced on the internet and has everyone shocked.

Is there a mouse on SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket?

Millions of people across the world were glued to the live stream of the ‘spectacular’ launch of US astronauts from American soil for the first time in nine years. It was a proud moment for Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, which is now the first private company to send a craft to space. While the world was watching America create history, the mouse was seen walking on the carrier. One of the internet users posted the short clip showing the small animal running and walking around the fuselage.

41 second video of ‘mouse-like’ movements on the Falcon 9 launch booster (‘Salman’ YouTube)



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China is Pulling Ahead in Race to Identify Extraterrestrials

Article by Dan Robitzski                          May 21, 2020                      (

• With China’s new Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in place (pictured above), astronomers say the country is positioning itself as the new leader in the search for extraterrestrial life. Although the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has traditionally been a Western SETI pursuit, researchers say that if there’s any first contact to be made, FAST will be the instrument that does so.

• Given the singular focus its government can lend to projects like FAST, it is not surprising that China would emerge as the leader of the search for extraterrestrial life, said science author Michael Michaud. “Most scientific fields had been dominated by Americans and other Westerners since the end of World War II. China is now catching up with, and in some areas surpassing, Western achievements,” Michaud told “Already, China has the resources to become the world’s leading nation in several fields of scientific research and technology development.”

• Experts in the hunt for aliens see China’s progress as more of an opportunity for collaboration than a matter of national pride. “Anyone hoping for a redo of the 1960s ‘space race’ between the Soviet Union and the United States in today’s international SETI scene is going to be disappointed,” said Douglas Vakoch, president of the extraterrestrial research group METI International. “In SETI, international cooperation wins over competition.”

[Editor’s Note]  For the past sixty years, SETI and METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have led the charge to intentionally never find any evidence of other extraterrestrial beings or civilizations. SETI leaders such as Seth Shostak and Doug Vakoch have dutifully served their deep state masters, telling the world that their consistent failure to find any evidence of intelligent ETs indicates that intelligent beings, besides ourselves, simply do not exist in our galaxy. It will be interesting to see how SETI will attempt to infiltrate the Chinese astronomical community, under the guise of “international cooperation”, in order to sabotage and suppress their operation to prevent the public from learning the truth – that the galaxy is teeming with intelligent beings and civilizations, and that we have all been lied to for decades.

For information about China’s true emerging role in space technology and its secret space program, check out Dr Michael Salla’s new book: Rise of the Red Dragon, Origins & Threat of China’s Secret Space Program, now on sale.


    Douglas Vakoch

First Contact

                   Seth Shostak

With China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) in place, astronomers say the country is positioning itself as the new leader in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Traditionally, SETI research has been a largely Western pursuit, scientists told But FAST bucks that trend — if there’s any first contact to be made with alien civilizations, researchers suspect that FAST will be the instrument that does it.

Shifting Landscape

To some, like scientific author Michael Michaud, it’s not surprising that China would emerge as the leader of the search for extraterrestrial life, given the singular focus its government can lend to projects like FAST.

“Most scientific fields had been dominated by Americans and other Westerners since the end of World War II. China is now catching up with, and in some areas surpassing, Western achievements,” Michaud told “Already, China has the resources to become the world’s leading nation in several fields of scientific research and technology development.”



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Ozzy Osbourne Has an Obsession With UFOs

Article by Bang Showbiz NZ                          May 22, 2020                          (

• The 71-year-old rocker, Ozzy Osbourne, is obsessed with UFOs. He spends hours watching TV shows about aliens and is convinced that Earth has been visited by beings from another planet, according to his wife, Sharon, 67.

• Sharon told Jenny McCarthy on her SiriusXM radio show: “He is obsessed. He watches all those hokey shows about aliens and I am like, ‘Why are you spending three hours a day watching it?’ “And he goes, ‘Look at this, look at this… it is a spaceship’ and I’m like, ‘no it’s not’.”

• Ozzy is so serious about life on other planets that he has written a song called ‘Scary Little Green Men’, which includes the lyrics ‘Men on the moon, won’t you tell us the truth, is there anyone out there?’ (see music video below)


Ozzy Osbourne is obsessed with UFOs.

Jenny McCarthy and Sharon Osbourne

The 71-year-old rocker spends hours watching TV shows about aliens and is convinced that Earth has been visited by beings from another planet.

His wife Sharon, 67, told Jenny McCarthy on her SiriusXM radio show: “He is obsessed. He watches all those hokey shows about aliens and I am like, ‘Why are you spending three hours a day watching it?’

“And he goes, ‘Look at this, look at this. See what that is’, and I’m like, ‘No, I can’t. I don’t know what it is. What is it?’

“He says it is a spaceship and I’m like, ‘no it’s not’.”

4:54 minute “Scary Little Green Men” by Ozzie Osbourne with lyrics (‘Song Spoon’ YouTube)



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Earth to Face Doomsday Due to Alien Invasion if Multi-National Leadership is Absent

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                              May 22, 2020                           (

• If the Earth is invaded by advanced, hostile extraterrestrial beings, Clifford N Lazarus believes that we Earthlings will need to come together to prevail. Lazarus, the clinical director of the Lazarus Institute, wrote in Psychology Today: “It is critically important that we find a way to create a coordinated, global response to this mortal peril because it will almost inevitably not be the final pandemic our world will face. Without rational, scientifically guided and cooperative, multinational leadership, “ET” will prevail and human civilization as we know it will be doomed.”

• Lazarus also says that an alien invasion is very similar to a pandemic outbreak, where humans should unite as a single species irrespective of various barriers. “If ever there was a time for joining forces and pulling together as a nation, a global community and a single species, this is it,” says Lazarus. “COVID-19 does not recognize national borders or social boundaries. It will infect and possibly kill anyone regardless of nationality, race, religion, gender, sex, age, education, wealth, social status, or political affiliation.”

• Investigative journalist Leslie Kean recently suggested that alien hypothesis could be the best option to explain UFO sightings. (see ExoArticle here)  “The extremely advanced technology that the objects have displayed since the 1950s… demonstrate tremendous speed and accelerations, the ability to make sharp right-angle turns, stand still in midair, zoom off and disappear in the blink of an eye, and operate underwater. They appear to defy the laws of aviation as we know it since they have no wings or visible means of propulsion.” Many believe that (some) UFO sightings are authentic proof of alien existence and their presence here on Earth to ‘monitor human activities’.

[Editor’s Note]   They’re here, and they’ve been here for a very long time – both the ‘bad’ ETs who have turned the Earth into a slave planet using mind control over our leaders and the media, and the ‘good’ ETs who watch our species from a distance, assisting us through our consciousness. This struggle has escalated since WWII when we reached a level of technological development that made us more valuable and susceptible to the ‘bad’ ETs’ agenda of domination. We have now reached the culmination of this cosmic struggle for planet Earth, where we will need to either awaken to the ET reality and take control over our own sovereign future, or accept our species’ fate as servants to an elite human class and their deep state henchmen doing the bidding of an evil extraterrestrial race.


         Clifford N Lazarus

Many space experts believe that humans are not alone in the universe, and they claim that advanced alien species might be living somewhere in the deep nooks of the universe.

If these advanced beings are now searching for life in the universe, there are possibilities that they could find earth, and we cannot rule out a possible invasion in the future.

Will Earth Face Doomsday Due to Alien Invasion?

Clifford N Lazarus, the clinical director of the Lazarus Institute believes that the earth will be doomed if hostile aliens visit earth. He also added that multi-national leadership should prevail in the world if humanity wants to fight against a common enemy.

“It is critically important that we find a way to create a coordinated, global response to this mortal peril because it will almost inevitably not be the final pandemic our world will face. Without rational, scientifically guided and cooperative, multinational leadership, “ET” will prevail and human civilization as we know it will be doomed,” wrote Lazarus in his recent article published in Psychology Today.



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NASA Scientists Detect Evidence of a Parallel Universe Where Time Runs Backward

Article by Yaron Steinbuch                           May 19, 2020                              (

• NASA scientists use a giant balloon to carry long antenna, called the ‘Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna’ or ANITA, to measure the constant “wind” of high-energy particles coming from space. They conduct these experiments high above Antarctica, where the frigid, dry air provides the perfect environment with little to no radio noise to distort its findings.

• Low-energy, subatomic neutrinos have a mass close to zero, and can pass completely through Earth. Higher-energy objects, however, are stopped by the solid matter of our planet. But ANITA has detected these heavier, ‘high-energy’ particles coming up out of the Earth.

• Principal ANITA investigator Peter Gorham, a physicist at the University of Hawaii, is the lead author of a Cornell University paper describing the odd phenomenon. He and his fellow researchers have detected several of these “impossible events”. Gorham’s research paper offers that the only way these heavy, high-energy particles could arise from the Earth is if the rules of physics were the opposite of our own. This implies that these particles are actually traveling backward in time.

• The research paper suggests that at the moment of the ‘Big Bang’, 13.8 billion years ago, two universes were formed. This means that there is a parallel universe to our own where time is running backwards. Of course, to the inhabitants of the parallel Earth, we are the ones whose time is running backwards.

• The concept of a parallel universe has been around since the early 1960s, mostly in the minds of fans of sci-fi TV shows and comics.

[Editor’s Note]  Now the scientific community is walking back the claim of a parallel universe. In a subsequent statement, ANITA investigator Peter Gorham said, “This whole parallel universe thing was not invented by us but somehow we have gotten tagged with it. A journalist got it wrong, tied it to us and it has unfortunately snowballed. We actually had nothing to do with the development of the parallel universe idea.” The particles travelling in reverse “are more likely to be explained in terms of physics, that is likely to be much less exotic.” (see article here)

Penn State University astrophysics professor Derek Fox says that the existence of particles coming from the Earth only shows that the 50-year old ‘Standard Model’ of particle physics needs an update. Fox says that “From my perspective as an observer, it’s a dark matter decay scenario.” The anomalous neutrinos detected may have been particles of dark matter that scientists have been looking for since the 1930’s. According to Fox, heavy dark matter particles can accumulate in the core of the Earth and when they decay, they can produce highly energetic particles that sort of erupt from the Earth, producing these up-going cosmic ray showers that were detected by ANITA.


In a scenario straight out of “The Twilight Zone,” a group of NASA scientists working on an experiment in Antarctica have detected evidence of a parallel universe — where the rules of physics are the opposite of our own, according to a report.

The concept of a parallel universe has been around since the early 1960s, mostly in the minds of fans of sci-fi TV shows and comics, but now a cosmic ray detection experiment has found particles that could be from a parallel realm that also was born in the Big Bang, the Daily Star reported.

The experts used a giant balloon to carry NASA’s Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna, or ANITA, high above Antarctica, where the frigid, dry air provided the perfect environment with little to no radio noise to distort its findings.

A constant “wind” of high-energy particles constantly arrives on Earth from outer space.

Low-energy, subatomic neutrinos with a mass close to zero can pass completely through Earth, but higher-energy objects are stopped by the solid matter of our planet, according to the report.



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Space Officials Wooing Intelligence Airmen

Article by Rachel S. Cohen                           May 20, 2020                           (

• Space intelligence is one area the military wants to expand and refine for intelligence Airmen who opt to join the Space Force. Space Force intends to build its own core intel capabilities, separate from the Air Force, to better identify objects in space and whether they pose a threat to U.S. assets. Working with the National Reconnaissance Office, Space Force Intelligence will encompass space-based ‘intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance’ (ISR) of the low orbit space between the Earth and the Moon.

• Space Force is considering how Airmen could broaden their understanding of the space domain by working in multiple career fields, according to Colonel Suzy Streeter, Space Force’s ISR director. Building the new service from scratch allows intel professionals hold command positions usually taken by Airmen who operate satellites, for instance, said U.S. Space Command’s ISR boss, Brigadier General Leah Lauderback.

• Adding new perspectives to Space Force leadership depends on how Airmen plan out their career paths. One option is having Space Force recruit start as a ‘space operator’ for the first four years, move into intelligence for ten years, and then decide whether to jump back into space operations or remain in Space Force intel. “That will give… a more integrated approach,” said Streeter. Any intelligence professional coming up the ranks in Space Force could become ‘chief of space operations’ after three to five years. Or an Airman could enter Space Force as a traditional intelligence officer and remain so for the rest of their career. They could still dabble in space operations, as the Force needs “ISR visionaries”.

• It has also been suggested that the service bring in new officer level recruits from the other services and industry, starting them as captains and majors. This could prove beneficial for targeting, intel collection management, and cyber operations. Enlisted personnel could also be ‘streamlined’ into operations intelligence and cryptologic analysis fields.

• All intelligence Airmen can apply to join or transfer into Space Force, whether they worked for Air Combat Command, Air Force Space Command, or another USAF organization. “It is likely that the [selection] board will be looking for personnel with a wide range of experiences, to ensure that USSF does not pigeonhole itself into one way of thinking.” The Space Force is accepting transfer applications from intel Airmen through May 31.

• In October, ‘selection board’ panels staffed by senior Air Force and Space Force leaders will decide which intel, acquisition, and other space professionals will join the Space Force starting February 1st, 2021. This panel will also process promotions until the Space Force’s ‘Space Training and Readiness Command’ (‘STARCOM”) is up-and-running and able to tailor a new process to the specific needs of Space Force.

• New Space Force bases will open up for intelligence assignments that weren’t previously used by the Space Force’s predecessor, Air Force Space Command, including Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada; Lackland Air Force Base in Texas; Fort Meade in Maryland; Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio; and assignments at the Pentagon and in Chantilly, Virginia.

[Editor’s Note]    Space Force Intelligence, just let us know when you would like a briefing.


New opportunities will open up for intelligence Airmen who opt to join the Space Force, intel officials said in a recent livestream.

Space intelligence is one area the military wants to expand and refine as a result of creating a new armed force focused on the cosmos. The Space Force envisions building its own core intel capabilities, separate from the Air Force, to better identify what and where objects are in space and if they threaten U.S. assets. The career field will work with the National Reconnaissance Office in new ways, encompass space-based ISR of the Earth below, and is pushing into cislunar orbit as well.

    Brigadier General Leah Lauderback

In March, the Air Force listed several intelligence organizations that are newly assigned to the Space Force. Some officials have suggested that the National Air and Space Intelligence Center could ramp up its help for the Space Force or spin off a separate space-focused center as well.

The Space Force is considering how Airmen could work in multiple career fields to broaden their understanding of the space domain, according to Col. Suzy Streeter, the service’s ISR director. Building the new service from scratch allows it to shake up its leadership echelons and let intel professionals hold command positions usually taken by the Airmen who operate satellites, said Brig. Gen. Leah Lauderback, U.S. Space Command intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance boss.

Adding different perspectives to Space Force leadership depends in part on how Airmen transfer in and plan out their career paths.

One staffing option gaining traction is having every member of the Space Force start as a space operator, or 13S. Someone could serve as a space operator for the first four years, move into intelligence for 10 years, and then decide whether to jump back into space operations or remain in intel, according to the presentation’s slideshow.

“That will give, really, a more integrated approach as you’re looking at futures, including, quite frankly, the chief of space operations,” Streeter said. “Why not have that open to whoever is a space professional?”



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