Bentwaters UFO Caught on Radar Travelling 120 Miles in Eight Seconds

Article Mike Williams                                    November 9, 2020                                       (

• In Robert Hasting’s 2016 documentary film, UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, Hastings cites key witnesses like Lt Colonel Charles Halt, where a UFO shaped like a basketball was recorded as having travelled 120mph in less than eight seconds during the Rendlesham Forest incident of 1980.

• The night of December 27, 1980, a team of security officers noted a bright beam coming from the depths of the Rendlesham Forest near to the base. Two days later, on the night of December 29, then Deputy Base Commander Halt, and colleagues, saw flashing lights darting across the forest, before the glowing object shot beams of light into the ground and disappeared.

• Lt Colonel Halt documented the entire incident in early 1981 for the UK’s Ministry of Defence. It stated how he and other witnesses saw a glowing object in the forest and a ‘red, sun-like’ pulsing light in the trees, and that a quick-moving, metallic-like triangular-shaped object was spotted acting erratically. Later, reports came in that the UFO had targeted the base’s storage facility of nukes – the largest in Europe at the time – and began pinging beams into the nuclear missile bunker. Hastings believes that the incident was a warning to humanity.

• Ike Barker and Jim Carey, who are featured in the documentary, were radar operators with the 2164th Communications Squadron at RAF Bentwaters in in Suffolk, England in the early 1980s. Barker and Carey say the object flew over the base during the incident. Several other eye-witnesses confirmed seeing the speeding ball during the series of unexplained encounters.

• Barker described it as ‘basketball-like object’, orange in color and “it popped into my mind that somebody was flying a basketball out here. There were lights around the center (of the orange sphere) but not like navigation lights. …[T]he lights were ‘more like portholes, as if you were seeing the lights from the inside coming out. It hovered momentarily, reversed its course and went back out a high rate of speed.” Prior to the object speeding off, it made an unnatural right angle shift. “It was just phenomenal to see it go that fast. I said that can’t be one of ours,” recalled Carey. “No jet can make an immediate right-hand turn.”

• While some have tried to debunk the strange sightings as military satellites, secret weaponry, a meteor, or the nearby shine from the Orfordness lighthouse, radar operator Barker is convinced in what he saw, saying, “It wasn’t like any radar target I’ve ever seen.” “It was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed,’ he recalled. ‘It passed over the control tower and then it stopped. I’ve never seen anything like the maneuverability that happened with this object.”

• Like many military personnel, Barker and Carey chose not to immediately come forward to their superiors with this information, for fear of a military discharge. Declassified documents from both the US and Russian governments have since emerged to reveal similar strange occurrences during the Cold War period. There are around 150 military witnesses to such unexplained phenomenon.

[Editor’s Note]   Unfortunately, this is the same Robert Hastings who is accused by the son of an Air Force officer, a witness to the incident, of fabricating the story that the inexplicable shutdown of ten nuclear missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana on March 16, 1967 was due to a UFO hovering directly over the base. (see previous ExoArticle here)


A documentary has attempted to shine new light on the infamous Rendlesham Forest incident from 1980, involving UFOs and nuclear weapons.

                      Robert Hastings

With UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, the latest feature to offer new and compelling details on the decades-old incident, the feature, produced by US researcher Robert Hastings, cites key witnesses like Lt Colonel Charles Halt, where a UFO shaped like a basketball was recorded as having travelled 120mph in less than eight seconds.

Ike Barker and Jim Carey, who were radar operators at the RAF Bentwaters, Suffolk, in the early 1980s, say the object flew over the base during the much debated incident in December of 1980.

The speeding ball happened during a series of unexplained encounters that amounted to several eye-witnesses saying they’d seen it. Filmmaker Hastings, who has investigated the event, believes it was a warning to humanity, as the UFO appeared to target the base’s nuclear arsenal.

                Lt Colonel Charles Halt

On Boxing Day of 1980, a team of security officers noted a bright beam coming from the depths of the forest near to the base. Two days later, on the night of December 29, then Deputy Base Commander Halt, as well as other colleagues, saw flashing lights darting across the forest, before the glowing object shot beams of light into the ground and disappeared.

Reports later came in that the same UFO had targeted the base’s storage facility of nukes – which were the largest in Europe at the time – and began pinging beams into the bunker.

                         Jim Carey

Halt’s report, dubbed the ‘Halt memo’, documenting the entire thing written in early 1981, was sent to

                             Ike Barker

the UK’s Ministry of Defence. It stated how he and other witnesses saw a glowing object in the forest and a ‘red, sun-like’ pulsing light in the trees, and that a quick-moving, metallic-like triangular-shaped object was spotted acting erratically.

While some have tried to debunk the strange sightings as military satellites, secret weaponry, a meteor, or the nearby shine from the Orfordness lighthouse, those who were there say different.

Ike is convinced in what he saw, saying, ‘It wasn’t like any radar target I’ve ever seen.’

‘It was travelling at an extremely high rate of speed,’ he recalled. ‘It passed over the control tower and then it stopped. I’ve never seen anything like the manoeuvrability that happened with this object.’

Describing it as basketball-like object, he said it was ‘orange in colour and it popped into my mind that somebody was flying a basketball out here. There were lights around the centre but not like navigation lights.’



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Are Drones the Worst Thing to Happen to UFOs Since Orson Welles?

Article by David MacQuarrie                                   November 10, 2020                                     (

• In 1938, actor/ director Orson Welles frightened listeners with his Halloween prank radio broadcast of a Martian invasion in War of the Worlds. For years after that, the skies remained more or less clear of extraterrestrial menace. Then in 1947, pilot Kenneth Arnold says he spotted flying objects skipping like saucers over the Cascade Mountain Range near Seattle. This time there was no Orson Welles to blame it on. UFOs became part of the cultural landscape. When we see lights in the sky, they’re usually blamed on the planet Venus, aircraft, oddball reflections or swamp gas (uh, swamp gas?) Still, there is a minority of reports that defy easy explanation.

• Drones have become the go-to explanation for any mysterious lights in the sky. This month, people were startled to see mysterious lights in the skies over Milwaukee, Wisconsin. But they turned out to be drones practicing for a Christmas Pageant light show over a festival park. People in New Jersey reporting a UFO were told it was a police drone. Factories in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, China have filled the skies with hundreds of thousands drones.

• “A significant amount of UFOs that we investigate are hobby drones,” said Ken Jordan, Texas’ chief of investigations for the international Mutual UFO Network. A high-flying aircraft moving at impossible speeds can be mistaken for a low-flying drone puttering along at 20 k/h. Acrobatics that seem to defy the laws of physics are now on routine display at drone airshows, no extraterrestrial technology needed.

• Even when the New York Times published US Navy videos of strange objects flying off the East Coast of the US, the Navy pilots assumed they were drones. They didn’t especially look like drones, but really what else could they be? Perhaps the mothership is parked ominously just behind the Moon and is sending its vile horde of drone-shaped legions toward our unsuspecting planet. Perhaps we should be vigilant like the character Ned Scott in The Thing from Another World: “Keep watching the skies”. But if you do see something up there, it’s probably just a drone.


This month, mysterious lights startled some people looking to the skies in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Readers of this

               TX MUFON’s Ken Jordan

website will already know there is no mystery; the UFO lights at Maier Festival Park were just drones practicing for a Christmas Pageant light show.

But there’s a long history of alarming lights in the sky and earthlings assuming it just can’t be good.

Actor/ Director Orson Welles frightened many listeners in 1938 with his Halloween prank radio broadcast of War of the Worlds. It’s controversial just how many people actually feared Martian invasion. But a lot of listeners felt silly once the hoax was revealed, and CBS fought at least one lawsuit. For years after that, the skies remained more or less clear of extraterrestrial menace.

Until 1947. That’s when pilot Kenneth Arnold says he spotted flying objects skipping like saucers over the Cascade Range near Seattle. This time there was no Orson Welles to ‘fess up. UFOs were with us and became part of the cultural landscape.

Most turn out to be sightings of the planet Venus, aircraft, oddball reflections or swamp gas. (Really? Who’s fooled by swamp gas?)
Still, there was always a tiny minority of reports that defied easy explanation.



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Video – American Lions – JFK & Trump’s War with the Deep State over UFO Secrecy

The key to understanding what is happening today in America is to identify the mysterious group behind the Kennedy Assassination, and how its modern-day manifestation is covertly attempting to remove Donald Trump from the presidency for his efforts to similarly build international cooperation around a number of space-related initiatives. If successfully implemented, these Presidential initiatives will lead to the disclosure of incredibly advanced life changing technologies.  November 22 will mark the 57th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination where he similarly tried and failed to disclose the existence of such technologies. The real perpetrators skillfully remained in the shadows and were never prosecuted for their heinous crime.

In this four-hour webinar you will learn the dramatic and long hidden truths behind the Kennedy Assassination, including damning evidence only declassified in 2017/2018 by the National Archives.

Webinar: November 22, 2020 (Sunday)
12 noon – 4.30 pm PST/ 3 – 7.30 pm EST USA (Includes Q&A at the end)

To Register click here.

More info here.

Half of Sun-Like Stars in Galaxy Could Host a Habitable Planet

Article by Mike Williams                                   November 3, 2020                              (

• A new study claims that the Milky Way galaxy could in fact be home to many other inhabitable planets just like ours, within the ‘habitable zone’ of its star – just the right orbital distance where water has the potential to be stable on a planet’s surface. There are around 200 billion G dwarf stars just like our sun, so the chances of some of these solar systems having a planet like Earth is conceivable.

• To illustrate how vast space is, 200 billion stars is only 7% of the Milky Way. Says the study’s co-author, Jeff Coughlin, “This is the first time that all of the pieces have been put together to provide a reliable measurement of the number of potentially habitable planets in the galaxy.” Coughlin is an exoplanet researcher at the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California. “We’re one step closer on the long road to finding out if we’re alone in the cosmos.”

• Building upon NASA’s Kelper’s science studies conducted between 2009 and 2018, a 2020 team, led by Steve Bryson of NASA’s Ames Research Center in California, has worked hard to discover more than 2,800 exoplanets to date. Bryson and his crew have also examined the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft’s stellar properties which maps out billions of Milky Way stars.

• With all that data, the researchers have been able to predict the occurrence rates of potentially habitable Earth-sized rocky planets along with a sun-like star of similar temperatures. And the chance of there being other life forms on planets like ours is becoming more and more likely.

[Editor’s Note]   What a waste to have these scientists spend their sad careers focused on deep state red herrings, just to give the public the impression that they are diligently looking for intelligent extraterrestrial life but cannot find any, when ETs currently reside throughout our solar system and extraterrestrial civilizations permeate the galaxy and the universe. They just don’t want us to know about it.


                        Jeff Coughlin

A new study suggests there are plenty more planets just like ours out there, suggesting we aren’t alone after all.

Having barely touched the tip of space exploration, we are still largely unaware of what is out there – let alone what’s beyond the power of any NASA probe, satellite, or telescope at our disposal.

However, recent research claims the Milky Way could in fact be home to many other inhabitable planets

             Steve Bryson

just like ours, when it comes to exploring the sun-like stars that could have small planets within each’s so-called ‘habitable zone’. The breakthrough claims these zones are just the right orbital distance where water has the potential to be stable on a planet’s surface.

The findings give a glimmer of hope to that age old question of whether it’s just us in the universe; reminding us that there are around 200 billion G dwarfs, aka balls of burning gas just like our sun, so the chances of some of them lighting up planets just like Earth is conceivable, reports.

But, just to illustrate how vast space is, the figure of 200 billion is only 7% of the Milky Way, as co-author of the study, Jeff Coughlin, shared the significant news, saying, ‘This is the first time that all of the pieces have been put together to provide a reliable measurement of the number of potentially habitable planets in the galaxy.’

Coughlin, an exoplanet researcher at the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California, also said, ‘This is a key term of the Drake Equation, used to estimate the number of communicable civilizations.’



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Biden Not Seen as a Threat to Space Force

Article by Sandra Erwin                                 November 9, 2020                                 (

• President-elect Joe Biden has said he plans to reverse a number of Trump policies but he is expected to continue to support the US Space Force. “If Space Force did not already exist, I think Joe Biden probably would not create it. However I think it’s pretty unlikely that Biden would seriously try to eliminate Space Force at this point,” said David Burbach, associate professor of national security affairs at the US Naval War College. Burbach’s views are his own and he does not speak for the government.

• The Space Force is enshrined in Title 10 of the U.S. Code as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed services so any move to dismantle it would require congressional legislation. And the Republicans are poised to control the Senate. “No way the Republican Senate would go along with undoing that accomplishment for Trump,” said Burbach. “Things get institutionalized pretty quickly in Washington,” Burbach said. “I think it would be very difficult to roll back Space Force. We now have officers and enlisted personnel in the Space Force even if they haven’t figured out what to call them.”

• Burbach noted that there is broad consensus in Washington that space is a “contested domain.” Many Democrats agree that the Pentagon needed to do more to address threats to US space assets. “Space Force is not the solution that Democrats would have preferred but given that it’s been done, I think the focus will be on trying to make it work effectively.”

• Joshua Huminski, director of the Mike Rogers Center for Intelligence and Global Affairs’ National Security Space Program, said it is too early to tell how President Biden will view Space Force. “I think the important thing to consider is that the intellectual foundation of the Space Force existed well before President Trump — the need for a separate culture, space as a warfighting domain, and the threat from Russia and China on orbit. That foundation, those needs, and the mission and threat will continue on and perhaps accelerate into President Biden’s administration, so you may see more constancy than immediate change.” “President Biden can set the tone, for sure,” says Huminski. “But Congress will ultimately have the final say.”


WASHINGTON — The U.S. Space Force was a signature initiative of the Trump administration. President-elect Joe Biden has said he plans to reverse a number of Trump policies but he is expected to continue to support the U.S. Space Force, experts told SpaceNews.

             David Burbach

“If Space Force did not already exist, I think Joe Biden probably would not create it. However I think it’s pretty

                       Joshua Huminski

unlikely that Biden would seriously try to eliminate Space Force at this point,” said David Burbach, associate professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College.

Burbach said his views are his own and he does not speak for the government.

The Space Force is enshrined in Title 10 of the U.S. Code as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed services so any move to dismantle it would require congressional legislation.

With Republicans poised to control the Senate, that would be a non-starter, Burbach said. “No way the Republican Senate would go along with undoing that accomplishment for Trump.”

Burbach said the Space Force would not be targeted even if Democrats gained control of the Senate. “Things get institutionalized pretty quickly in Washington,” he said. “I think it would be very difficult to roll back Space Force. We now have officers and enlisted personnel in the Space Force even if they haven’t figured out what to call them.”



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Skinwalker Ranch: The Spookiest Place on Earth

Article by George Knapp                                 October 31, 2020                                   (

• The picturesque property located in the Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah, known around the world as the Skinwalker Ranch, is easily the spookiest and most intensely studied paranormal hotspot in history. For as long as humans have lived, they’ve been seeing strange things in the sky there.

• In the 1970s, Utah State University professor Frank Salisbury wrote about the hundreds of UFO sightings in the basin. But beyond mystery aircraft, for 15 generations, indigenous tribes such as the Utes have referred to this area as being “in the path of the skinwalker” – a malevolent spirit and a shapeshifter.

• Retired from Army intelligence colonel, Dr. John Alexander was part of the first scientific study of the ranch under the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS). Alexander was directly involved with the U.S. Army’s psychic warrior research program, and continues to work as a consultant to the Department of Defense.

• NIDS was a think tank created and funded by Las Vegas aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow. After learning about the UFO activity at the ranch, Bigelow flew to Utah, bought the property and assigned a team of professionals to study the ranch and the basin. The rancher and his neighbors told the NIDS team about a litany of bizarre activity – ‘shadow people’ appearing in and around the ranch house; poltergeist-type events where physical objects moved on their own; strange animals including huge wolves and sasquatch; and holes in the sky.

• The scientists witnessed much of this for themselves, including animals carved up with surgical precision and ghostly images that appeared on camera. They documented hundreds of paranormal events.

• “Something else is in control,” says Dr. Alexander. “[I]f it wants you to find out, it may allow that. But if it doesn’t, this thing keeps morphing and changing into …new shapes and forms. We had cameras there and things that happened just off camera, sometimes in front of the camera, but you wouldn’t see them.”

• A 2005, details about the ranch came to the attention of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). With the support of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the DIA launched its own study of weird activity at the ranch and the larger issue of UFOs under the$22 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Reams of documents and reports were generated, but have never been made public.

• In December 2017 the New York Times revealed the Pentagon’s secret AATIP study of UFOs, but that article made no mention of the far more mysterious encounters at the ranch that may affect national security. “Let’s take the nature of Skinwalker Ranch out of the equation and just look at it from an intelligence problem,” said the former AATIP chief, Luis Elizondo. “You have to ask yourself, ‘is this something that is occurring naturally? Is it something that is being deliberately done? Is it something that another nation could be behind trying to influence us?’”

• Currently, the new owner, Utah businessman Brandon Fugal, is financing his own scientific study of the Skinwalker Ranch.


                Dr. John Alexander

Now that you’re in the Halloween spirit, the spookiest place in the country might be in Utah. Scientific studies suggest that place is Skinwalker Ranch in the rural northeastern part of the state.

For as long as humans have lived in the Uintah Basin, they’ve been seeing strange things in the sky. In the 1970s, Utah State professor Frank Salisbury wrote a well documented book about hundreds of UFO sightings in the basin.

But the strangeness goes way beyond mystery aircraft. For 15 generations, indigenous tribes, including the Utes, have referred to this sandstone ridge as being “in the path of the skinwalker.” They consider the skinwalker a malevolent spirit and a shapeshifter.

                     Brandon Fugal

The Navajo Skinwalker gains new interest

    Frank Salisbury

The ridge overlooks a picturesque property now known around the world by its nickname — Skinwalker Ranch. It easily ranks as the most intensely studied paranormal hotspot in history.

Dr. John Alexander retired from Army intelligence as a colonel and was part of the first scientific study of the ranch under the umbrella of NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science.

                     Robert Bigelow

Alexander was a colonel in Army Intelligence and continues to work as a consultant to the Department of Defense. After earning a PhD, Alexander was directly involved with the U.S. Army’s psychic warrior research program and then became one of the first employees of NIDS.

                        Luis Elizondo

NIDS was a think tank created and funded by Las Vegas aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow. After reading a Deseret newspaper story about UFO activity at the ranch, Bigelow flew to Utah, bought the property and assigned a team of professionals to study the ranch and the basin.

The rancher and his neighbors told the NIDS team about a litany of bizarre activity from shadow people appearing in and around the ranch house, poltergeist-type events where physical objects moved on their own, strange animals including huge wolves and sasquatch, and holes in the sky.



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I Am Excited and Vindicated by Talk of UFOs

Article by AJ Vicens                                       November 2, 2020                                     (

• Before the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton and her key staff were talking about UFOs. The issue was treated as a joke on late-night television. But time has shown that clearly there was something afoot.

• In December 2017, the New York Times published a groundbreaking story which included DoD videos of unexplained aerial objects. While credible UFO reports go back decades, the Times story advanced the UFO discussion into the mainstream media. (see previous ExoArticle) Since then, the Times has published a series of additional pieces, as have a host of other respected publications.

• In April 2019, the US Navy announced it was updating its procedures for pilots to report encounters with UFOs – to destigmatize the issue and collect better data. (see previous ExoArticle) By September, the US Navy confirmed to John Greenewald Jr. of The Black Vault website that the published UFO videos were officially “unidentified aerial phenomena”. In February 2020, Popular Mechanics published a piece concluding that “unidentified flying objects are neither myth nor figment of overactive imagination,” elaborating that evidence suggests UFOs are real.

• In June, the Senate Intelligence Committee tasked the director of national intelligence with submitting a public report outlining the government’s work on UFO/UAPs. Senator Mark Warner, the vice chair of the committee, confirmed that he had been given a classified briefing on UAPs. “The military and others are taking this issue seriously,” Warner said, “which, I think in previous generations may not have been the case.” A month later, Senator Marco Rubio, acting chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, characterized it as a national security issue. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours,” Rubio said. “[F]rankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better” than the possibility novel aerial technology is being used by a foreign power. (see previous ExoArticle)

• The fact that two powerful senators are saying these sorts of things in public, with total earnestness, is huge. Greenewald, who has used the Freedom of Information Act to pry UFO documents from government vaults, agrees there is reason for optimism about further disclosures, but offered a note of caution. “The last two years have been fascinating in UAP world.” The Navy’s revelations provided renewed hope of transparency, and its acknowledgement that the objects on those famous videos were, in fact, UAPs, “was huge,” he said. “I never expected that.”

• However, Greenewald says a string of recently denied FOIA requests he filed indicates “that that door has shut,” and he warns that indications the government is taking UFOs as a serious potential threat could ultimately mean it will refuse to honestly disclose what it knows. “Whether or not we’re talking about a foreign adversary that has technology that we haven’t mastered yet, whether it’s one branch that’s being tested on by another branch of the military—which I think is a big possibility—or, what everybody wants, which is extraterrestrials, regardless, all of the above would be a national security risk,” said Greenewald.

• Greenewald is probably right. The government is not likely to tell us all it knows about these objects that can seemingly toy with the most advanced and sophisticated military equipment on the planet. But at least it’s now okay to talk about them in public. We must appreciate the wins where we can find them.


           Senator Marco Rubio

Over the last few years, amid the daily avalanche of scandal, corruption, and intrigue, one could be forgiven for tuning it all out in favor of something else. Anything else. One storyline I’ve found intriguing and exciting: the US government and UFOs.

               Senator Mark Warner

Before the 2016 election, I wrote a series of pieces about how Hillary Clinton and her key staff were saying interesting things about UFOs. Most laughed. The issue was treated as a joke on late-night television. But time has shown that clearly there was something afoot.

In December 2017, the New York Times published a groundbreaking story: “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” which included Department of Defense videos of aerial objects the government could not explain. While credible UFO reports go back decades, the Times story increased the latitude for discussion of the issue under mainstream mastheads. Since then, the Times has published a series of additional pieces, as have a host of other respected publications.

                  John Greenewald Jr.

In April 2019, the US Navy announced it was updating its procedures for pilots who wish to report encounters with UFOs to destigmatize the issue and collect better data. By September, the US Navy confirmed to John Greenewald Jr., the founder of a repository of publicly available government documents called the Black Vault, that the videos published by the Times were officially “unidentified aerial phenomena,” a the term used for “unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.” In February 2020, Popular Mechanics published a deeply reported piece concluding that “unidentified flying objects are neither myth nor figment of overactive imagination,” elaborating that documentary evidence and people who would know both suggest “UFOs are real.”

In June, the Senate Intelligence Committee tasked the director of national intelligence with submitting a public report, with a classified annex, outlining the government’s work on “unexplained aerial phenomena.” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chair of the committee, confirmed that he had been given a classified briefing on UAP. “The military and others are taking this issue seriously,” Warner said, “which, I think in previous generations may not have been the case.” A month later, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), acting chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, characterized it as a national security issue. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours,” Rubio said, adding that “frankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better” than the possibility novel aerial technology is being used by a foreign power.



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Speculation That Donald Trump Will Declassify UFO Files

Article by Tyler MacDonald                                 November 7, 2020                                 (

• In the wake of media outlets calling the 2020 presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden, and since Donald Trump appears on track to be leaving the White House in January, many are pointing to the possibility that the president will declassify intelligence files on many mysterious issues, including UFOs.

• “Trump is still POTUS (until January 20th). He can release any information he wants via Twitter. Literally it’s legal for him to drop anything – UFO files, Russia stuff, total discretion,” tweeted conservative commentator Mike Cernovich.

• Trump has touched on the topic of UFOs on multiple occasions. He spoke about the Roswell UFOs during a Father’s Day interview with his son, Don Jr. “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” the president said.

• During an October interview on Fox News, Maria Bartiromo pressed Trump on the existence of UFOs. Trump suggested that he would harness the U.S. military to examine the existence of extraterrestrial life. But in an interview with George Stephanopoulos in June of 2019, Trump acknowledged Navy pilot UFO sightings but did not appear convinced.

• Last month, Tucker Carlson claimed that there is a wealth of evidence that proves the existence of UFOs – including former Senator Harry Reid’s claim that UFOs have been interfering with American nuclear capabilities throughout history, and Christopher Mellon touting the research of Dr. Jacque Vallee, who collected metal debris from a UFO.

• In April, the Pentagon declassified three UFO videos that were captured by U.S. Navy infrared cameras and first released unofficially in December of 2017 and March of 2018.


       Mike Cernovich

Now that Donald Trump appears on track to be leaving the White House in January, many are pointing to the possibility

          Maria Bartiromo

that the president will declassify intelligence files on many mysterious issues, including UFOs.

“Trump is still POTUS. He can release any information he wants via Twitter. Literally it’s legal for him to drop anything – UFO files, Russia stuff, total discretion,” tweeted conservative commentator Mike Cernovich.

The possibility appears to be on the minds of many people in the wake of various media outlets calling the 2020 presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden.

Trump has touched on the topic of UFOs on multiple occasions. As reported by ABC News, he spoke about Roswell during a Father’s Day-themed interview with his son,

  George Stephanopoulos

who pressed him on the New Mexico city that is known for its proximity to one of the most famous UFO events in

           Tucker Carlson

popular culture.

“I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” the president said of the region.

Trump was also pressed on the existence of UFOs during an October interview with Mario Bartiromo on Fox News, Insider reported.

Trump pointed to the U.S. military and suggested that he would harness it to examine the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Elsewhere, Trump has been skeptical. During an interview with George Stephanopoulos in June of 2019, he pointed to pilot sightings but did not appear convinced.



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Some Believe ‘King Tut’ Was the Son of an Extraterrestrial

Article by Lou Milano                                   November 4, 2020                                   (

• November 4th was “King Tut Day”, the day that commemorates the discovery of the tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamen (depicted above) by English archaeologist Howard Carter on November 4, 1922. Tutankhamen or “King Tut” became Egypt’s King at the age of 9 and died at just 19 years of age for reasons unknown. Some speculate that it was a blunt force trauma to the head or a chariot accident. The young Tut’s tomb was found in pristine condition (from 3,300 years ago).

• Tutankhamun is the son of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. All artistic depictions portray Akhenaten as having extremely exaggerated features. Little to nothing is known about him prior to his rule, as if he appeared from out of nowhere or from the sky itself. Akhenaten outlawed the old, polytheistic religion and introduced Atenism, the worship of Aten, the Disc of the Sun. Ancient Alien theorists believe the disc was a UFO and Ahkenaten himself was an extraterrestrial. King Tut restored the Ancient Egyptian religion.


    Pharaoh Akhenaten (extraterrestrial?)

Today, November 4 2020 is “King Tut Day,” a day that commemorates the discovery of the tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamen. Tutankhamen became Egypt’s King at the age of 9 and died at just 19 years of age.

                   Pharaoh Akhenaten

“King Tut Day” is celebrated today because the “Child King’s” tomb was discovered on November 4, 1922 by English archaeologist Howard Carter. According to Holiday Insights, the best way to celebrate is to spend the day reading up on Egyptian history.

Since you probably are too busy working or pretending to

                     King Tut’s tomb

work while reading this, I can give you the bullet points on “Tut.”
• Tutankhamun is the son of the Pharaoh Akhenaten.
• Tut restored the Ancient Egyptian religion, the same one his father dissolved.

      Atenism’s ‘Disc of the Sun’• The discovery of “Tut’s” tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 was especially notable due to it’s pristine condition.

• Tutankhamun’s cause of death remains a mystery but common theories include murder by blunt force trauma to the head, a chariot accident and gangrene. quotes Christopher Naunton, Egyptologist and former head of the Egypt Exploration Society as saying, “We cannot at present know how Tutankhamun died, It’s quite possible what ultimately killed him has left no trace.”

     depiction of Akhenaten’s daughter

Here is where I make things weird and you start slowly pulling away from me. Tutankhamun’s father Akhenaten is a central figure for ancient alien theorists. All artistic depictions of Akhenaten, portray him as having extremely exaggerated features.

But wait, there’s more….

The reason King Tut had to “restore” the Ancient Egyptian religion is because Akhanaten did the unthinkable and dismantled it. Akhenaten outlawed the old, polytheistic ways and introduced Atenism, the worship of Aten, the Disc of the Sun.

Ancient Alien theorists believe the disc was a UFO and Ahkenaten himself was an extraterrestrial. What makes speculation about Ahkenatan even more widespread is how little is known about him prior to his rule, as if he appeared from out of nowhere or from the sky itself.

You had to know this was coming when I bothered to write about it.


 3:33 minute Steve Martin tribute to King Tut from 1978 (‘Saturday Night Live’ YouTube)



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Doubts Cast on 1967 Malmstrom AFB UFO Incident

Article by Ryan                                   November 6, 2020                                (

• In 2008, Robert L. Hastings published his book entitled: UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, detailing the shutdown of ten nuclear missiles at the “Oscar-Flight” control center underground silos at Malmstrom Air Force Base near Great Falls, Montana on the morning of March 16, 1Post967. The same thing reportedly happened that same day at Echo-Launch missile control center twenty miles away.

• Hastings took most of his information from former Lieutenant Robert Salas, who was the Oscar Flight Launch control center commander at the time. Salas claimed that base security patrols on the surface above him phoned to report seeing UFOs hovering above one of the E-Flight silos at the Air Force base. Then an alarm sounded indicating that one of the Minuteman missiles had become ‘inoperable’. Then nine more missiles at Oscar Flight went inoperable as well.

• Salas acknowledged that members of the Echo-Flight missile and maintenance crew included Captain Eric Carlson and First Lieutenant Walt Figel. Salas indicated that they had also seen the UFOs directly above their base.

• James Carlson is the son of Captain Eric Carlson who was a maintenance officer at Echo-Flight. James Carlson contends that while ten of the Malmstrom missiles did shut down that day, both his father and retired Colonel Walt Figel denied seeing any UFOs. Hastings responded by saying that James’ father simply didn’t tell him the truth, and that James had never spoken with Figel at all. James Carlson responded to Hastings’ accusation by providing uncontroverted evidence of his correspondence with Figel. And James insisted that his father, Eric Carlson, “never lied to (him) about anything”. James Carlson states: “I can say with complete confidence today that both Robert Hastings and Robert Salas have knowingly mislead their entire audience into believing a lie they were well aware of in order to sell their books.”

• In his documented conversation with Walt Figel, James Carlson related that Figel had read Hasting’s book and he told the authors that “there are many inaccurate statements and events in the books”. He goes so far as to say that Salas was never involved with the Echo Flight, and that neither Echo-Flight nor Oscar-Flight at Malmstrom ever had any UFO incident “or any other equipment failures”. Figel confirmed that he doesn’t believe in UFOs, has no interest in Ufology, and he is not a fan of Salas, Hastings or the “whole UFO crowd”.

• James Carlson says that Hasting’s primary source for the UFOs over Echo-Flight base, according to Hasting’s own statements – is Walt Figel – and that Figel’s assertions are proof that Eric Carlson has lied about this event. James calls Hastings and Salas out accusing them of making knowingly false statements. James Carlson stated publicly that Hastings has said ‘over and over again’ that James’ assertions are lies, and that Hastings can easily prove this. And yet, Hastings has produced nothing to dispute James’ father Eric and Walt Figel’s account denying any UFO interference at Malmstrom.

• Walt Figel recalls that after the first missile silo shut down, he and Eric Carlson were ran maintenance checklists when the second missile shut down. Shortly thereafter, the other eight missiles shut down as well. Figel said that there was no “large gathering” of people on site that morning. No one from any UFO office in the Air Force ever interviewed or debriefed him or Eric Carlson. In fact, Figel said he didn’t even know that the Air Force had a UFO office that monitored “UFO sightings”. Back then, whenever someone mentioned UFOs, Figel just laughed it off as a joke.

• Then James Colson turned to his father, Eric Carlson’s account of the incident. “[T]here is no doubt in my mind that there were no reports of UFO’s and no incident at Oscar flight,” said Eric Carlson. “The report that we had lost ten missiles is accurate. It was not uncommon to lose one missile or even two to no-go status. It was unheard of to lose all ten.” Eric said that Figel never spoke to a security guard above them on the surface who told them about hovering UFOs, as Salas claims. And neither Carlson nor Figel were “visibly shaken” as Salas claims.

• Eric Carlson says that the “voice reporting system did report a guidance and control system malfunction”. But subsequent investigations by Boeing engineers turned up no explanation for what could have caused the shutdown, and some speculated that only a high-energy electromagnetic pulse could have entered the shielded system to cause the failure.

• Since the USAF frowned upon the reporting or even internal acknowledgement of UFO events or sightings, could it be that Air Force personnel would not provide an accurate accounting? “I never felt constrained in any way regarding reporting any unusual activities around missile sites,” said Eric Carlson. “In fact, I believe we were encouraged to report unusual incidents or events.”

• “The crew members of the 10th SMS were a tight group,” said Eric Carlson. “We were the first minuteman squadron activated and did a lot together. …At no time were UFOs mentioned to me.” Hastings has publicly questioned Eric Carlson’s memory, and stated that Eric Carlson told Hastings that his son, James, has suffered with “severe mental problems that have worried my family”, implying that James cannot be trusted. James says that he is “seriously considering a lawsuit directed at Robert Hastings for slander and defamation of character”.


                     Robert Hastings

According to Ufology researcher/writer Robert Hastings, on March 16, 1967, the appearance of UFOs at Echo-Flight nuclear missile facility allegedly shut down the missile silo. Robert Hasting’s information came from a man named Robert Salas who claimed he had witnessed the event.

Background of the Malmstrom AFB Missile/UFO Case

The son of one of the officers who was involved in the Echo flight incident, named James Carlson, took Hastings and Salas to task for those claims. Carlson contends that both his father and retired Col. Walt Figel, the other officer involved in the incident, both reported that there were no UFOs.

Hastings denied that James was ever in touch with the second witness, Col. Walt Figel. James Carlson provided us with records of his correspondence with Figel, which proved that Figel actually confirmed James Carlson’s interpretation of how the event actually occurred.

                   nuclear warhead

In March of 2010, James Carlson wrote:
Robert Hastings has made much of the fact that I have refused to interview his witness, Col. (Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., regarding his recollections of the Echo Flight Incident on March 16, 1967.

I have, in fact, contacted Col. Figel, but didn’t feel that it would be very ethical to discuss in detail the event he recalls without securing first his complete cooperation, authority, and permission to do so. Having secured that this very evening, I am now prepared to discuss the matter in full. I can also add, very strongly, that my father never lied to me about anything, as Hastings claims, and that his recollections match exactly those of Col. Figel’s. I’ve “slandered and libeled” nobody, and I can say with complete confidence today that both Robert Hastings and Robert Salas have knowingly mislead their entire audience into believing a lie they were well aware of in order to sell their books.

James reported that Col Figel reported:
1. Col. Figel does not believe UFOs were “even remotely associated with the Echo Flight Incident, or any other equipment failures at Malmstrom.”

              Robert Salas

2. Col. Figel confirmed that he has no interest in Ufology and is not a fan of the UFO crowd.
3. Figel stated, “I have read both of their books. There are many inaccurate statements and events in the books. I have told them both that.”
4. He also stated that Salas was “never involved in any of them (the flights) at all.

The Figel Communications

In August of 2010, James learned that there were rumors floating about that his communications with Figel had never taken place. To set the record straight, James Carlson wrote the following commentary in a post on RealityUncovered (a now defunct UFO forum):
“I’ve discovered that there a lot of people out in the world who are convinced that I have not had any discussions with COL.(Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., […] This is patently untrue and can be easily shown as such. Robert Hastings has knowingly published versions of this event that he has been told are false by both my father and Walt Figel, and his claims to the contrary are little more than silly attacks that are intended to delay the ruination of his and Robert Salas’ Echo Flight claims until after his pathetic little dog and pony show at the National Press Club in Washington, DC next month. The fact that he would do so at the expense of another man’s reputation doesn’t surprise me.

This back and forth between Hastings and Carlson set off a firestorm of debate on UFO forums at the time. Either Figel denied claims made by Hastings about the Malmstrom AFB UFO incident, or he didn’t.

Debate and drama aside, this was the one issue that needed to be confirmed or denied — because such a source denying Hastings claims cast doubt upon all of the rest of the claims about the incident.



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Kennedy’s Last Stand & the Trump Card: Space Cooperation Used Against Deep State

On November 12, 1963, President Kennedy reached a bold agreement with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev: joint lunar missions to end the Cold War. While Kennedy’s earlier September 20, 1963 speech at the United Nations calling for the Soviets to cooperate on joint space missions and a moon landing is a well-known historical fact, Khrushchev’s acceptance less than two months later is virtually unknown to most.

Kennedy’s request and subsequent agreement with Khrushchev represented far more than an attempt to end Cold War tensions over the escalating number of nuclear weapons being built by the U.S. and Soviets. Kennedy was boldly attempting an end-run around the Deep State’s blockade on releasing classified UFO-related technologies that could spark worldwide advances.

On June 28, 1961, President Kennedy sent a Top Secret National Security Memorandum requesting his CIA Director, Allen Dulles, prepare for him a “review of MJ-12 Intelligence Operations as they relate to Cold War Psychological Warfare Plans.” Kennedy referred to an interagency control group called Majestic 12, which had been secretly set up on September 24, 1947, to manage the UFO-related issues and technologies. This authority placed MJ-12 at the core of the Deep State in the U.S. at that time.

While Kennedy’s June 28 Memorandum has not been officially declassified, expert examination of the leaked document supports its authenticity.

Dulles’ response to Kennedy’s memorandum is revealed in another leaked Top Secret document issued on November 5, 1961.  Dulles’ response gives an overview of the MJ-12 activities with regard to psychological activities, which he confirms involves the UFO issue. It describes UFOs as part of “Soviet propaganda” designed “to spread distrust of the government.”

Dulles’ letter acknowledges it is possible that some “UFO cases are of non-terrestrial origin,” but these do not “constitute a physical threat to national defense.” Most significantly, Dulles’ letter states: “For reasons of security, I cannot divulge pertinent data on some of the more sensitive aspects of MJ-12 activities.”

What Kennedy did not know was that in addition to denying his request and blocking his other efforts to assert Presidential authority over MJ-12 operations and UFOs, Dulles organized for MJ-12 to issue eight directives in October 1961. The Directives authorized the removal from office of members of Kennedy’s administration if they threatened MJ-12 operations.

In Kennedy’s Last Stand (2013), I document Kennedy’s multiple efforts to assert Presidential authority over the MJ-12 Group and classified UFO files. In brief, after Kennedy reached his groundbreaking agreement with Khrushchev for joint space and lunar missions, the head of the CIA’s counterintelligence division, James Jesus Angleton, implemented one of the MJ-12 directives authorizing the removal from office of political figures.

The most extreme of the eight MJ-12 directives was a cryptic assassination authorization:

Draft – Directive Regarding Project Environment – When conditions become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking any precipitation … it should be wet.

Dr. Robert Wood, the foremost expert in analyzing MJ-12 documents using forensic methods, has concluded that the burned document is an assassination directive. He points out that the cryptic phrase, “it should be wet” originates from Russia, where the phrase “wet works” or “wet affairs” denotes someone who had been killed and is drenched with blood.

The implementation of Project Environment led to Kennedy’s very public assassination and served as a clear warning to other political leaders not to challenge the Deep State.

The MJ-12 Group did not want U.S. and Russian cooperation in space since this threatened to expose their covert space operations using reverse engineered technologies acquired from Nazi Germany and crashed alien spacecraft. Even more sensitive were the agreements reached with the German breakaway colony in Antarctica and different extraterrestrial groups.

In the subsequent decades, the MJ-12 Group, working through the CIA, was in control of covert operations and intelligence activities in space. This was made possible by an enormous black budget of over one trillion dollars annually that the CIA funneled into various classified programs and defense agencies such as the National Reconnaissance Office.

The Department of Defense and the President’s executive office were largely left in the dark over exactly what was happening in Earth’s orbit and beyond.

Before becoming Secretary of Defense on January 20, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld headed a Congressionally appointed National Security Commission that delivered a report recommending the creation of a Space Corps to defend the U.S. from a Space Pearl Harbor:

An attack on elements of U.S. space systems during a crisis or conflict should not be considered an improbable act. If the U.S. is to avoid a “Space Pearl Harbor” it needs to take seriously the possibility of an attack on U.S. space systems. The nation’s leaders must assure that the vulnerability of the United States is reduced and that the consequences of a surprise attack on U.S. space assets are limited in their effects….

The use of space in defense of U.S. interests may require the creation of a military department for space at some future date…

A Space Corps within the Department of the Air Force may be an appropriate model in its own right or a useful way station in the evolution toward a Space Department.

Only eight months later, on September 10, 2001, as Congressional legislation for a Space Corps was about to be unveiled, Rumsfeld revealed 2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for and declared the Pentagon Bureaucracy to be America’s greatest threat:

The topic today is an adversary that poses a threat, a serious threat, to the security of the United States of America. This adversary is one of the world’s last bastions of central planning, governs by dictating 5 year plans… You might think I’m describing one of the last decrepit dictators in the world, but their day too is almost past and they cannot match the strength and size of this adversary. The adversary is closer to home, it’s the Pentagon bureaucracy… In this building, despite the era of scarce resources, taxed by mounting threats, money disappears into duplicative duties, bloated bureaucracy, not because of greed but gridlock. Innovation is stifled not by ill intent but institutional inertia.

In his speech, Rumsfeld was not only identifying the reasons for the missing money, but also signaling that it could be used to fund necessary, though expensive, Pentagon initiatives such as Space Corps.

One day after his provocative speech, the September 11 (false flag) terrorist attacks embroiled America in unending Middle East wars against a contrived global terrorist threat. Consequently, the proposal for a Space Corps was shelved for nearly 20 years until the second year of Donald Trump’s Presidency.

On March 13, 2018, President Trump first introduced and, in succeeding months, formally proposed the creation of Space Force as a 6th branch of the U.S. military.

Like President Kennedy before him, Trump had a bold vision of cooperating with Russia to implement his Presidential agenda and end the new Cold War. During his first presidential election campaign, Trump made many overtures to President Putin of Russia to cooperate on a range of global issues.

Again, like Kennedy, Trump envisaged the release of new technologies to take humanity into a new era of prosperity and cooperation. This is evidenced in Trump’s 2017 inaugural address where he said:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

Like Kennedy, Trump called for joint moon missions with other space-faring nations, including Russia. On December 11, 2017, President Donald Trump issued Space Policy Directive-1, which called for the return of humans to the Moon, the commercial exploitation of space, and human missions to Mars and beyond.

The Directive called for “an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the solar system and to bring back to Earth new knowledge and opportunities.”

Just as Kennedy had attempted an end-run around the Deep State’s opposition to him gaining access to classified UFO files, Trump’s Space Force proposal is likewise an end-run around the Deep State’s blockade on releasing classified reverse engineered technologies that could spark a global technological revolution

In addition, Trump’s creation of Space Force threatens the Deep State’s attempt to make America vulnerable to a Space Pearl Harbor by embroiling it in a never-ending war on terror. At the same time, the Deep State has been covertly helping Communist China for decades to develop antigravity spacecraft, and to build a powerful space navy, as I warn in Rise of the Red Dragon (2020).

Trump is facing massive retaliation from the Deep State over his plans for outer space cooperation, joint moon missions, ending the Cold War with Russia, and establishing a Space Force, just like Kennedy had before him.

The eight Majestic-12 directives, or some updated iteration of them, establish drastic methods that can be used to remove or take out any political leader who threaten their operations. Today, a stolen election, rather than physical assassination, is the Deep State’s solution to removing President Donald Trump, yet another troublesome leader, from political office.

The key to understanding what is happening today in America is to identify the mysterious group behind the Kennedy Assassination, and how its modern-day manifestation is covertly attempting to remove Trump from the presidency for his efforts to similarly build international cooperation around a number of space-related initiatives.

November 22 will mark the 57th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination. The real perpetrators skillfully remained in the shadows and were never prosecuted for their crime. Thus, their successors continue to plot and implement Deep State agendas tracing back to the original eight MJ-12 directives.

[Note: To learn more about President Kennedy’s assassination, the group behind it, and why this information critically links to President Trump’s epic battle today, I will be holding a Webinar Intensive on Sunday, November 22, 2020 – click here or banner below for more info].

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading


NASA Posts Cryptic Tweets Hinting at Extraterrestrial Communication

Article by John Diente                                  October 29, 2020                                   (

• On October 28th, NASA’s official Twitter account posted: “PSST… Uh, did anyone hear…that?” Was it related to finding water on the Moon? Was it the discovery of extraterrestrial life? In this 2020 year, we wouldn’t be surprised.

• This was followed by another post from an affiliated Twitter account, NASA Earth, saying: “Hmmm… From here at home we’ve just been hearing a lot of creaks and distant crackling.” The NASA Solar System Twitter account replied: “Did It sound intergalactic, planetary? If it’s loud and pulsating, we blame Jupiter.” The Mars Insight Lander Twitter account continued: “It sounded like something kind of eerie and otherworldly… unlike anything I’ve ever heard…” Finally, a post from Chandra Observatory said: “According to my data and calculations, I am in fact also hearing sounds.”

• No, Earth hasn’t been contacted by chatty aliens. This was NASA’s way of promoting SoundCloud’s curated playlist titled “sinister sounds of the solar system” as a Halloween stunt. The description reads: “You’ve heard the creaks, cracks, and cackling noises of our universe before. Using data from our spacecraft, our scientists gathered NEW sinister sounds from the depths of space in time for Halloween.”

• The Halloween stunt drew mixed reactions from those who were initially deceived by the communication. Some found it an amusing and innovative approach for publicity, while others claim it affects the credibility of future announcements from NASA and its partners.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) made a groundbreaking announcement this week when its top researchers reported the presence of water molecules on the lunar surface. Evidently, with its upcoming Artemis program already projected to bring humans back to Earth’s neighbouring natural satellite by 2024, the excitement is at an all-time high for those involved. With all that attention on the agency, its latest tweet apparently caused both fear and excitement for those who read it.

What prompted the reaction was a Twitter post from NASA’s official account that stated: “PSST… Uh, did anyone hear…that?” Although most did not immediately jump into conclusions, a fair share of people reportedly thought it had something to do with the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Given all unfortunate events in 2020, many of its followers speculated that it might have been bad news.

It was immediately followed by posts from other official accounts affiliated with the agency. One such message was from NASA Earth which wrote: “Hmmm… From here at home we’ve just been hearing a lot of creaks and distant crackling.” It then started to become clear that the original post was just ruse after its other outlets responded. “Did It sound intergalactic, planetary? If it’s loud and pulsating, we blame Jupiter…,” according to NASA Solar System.

The Mars Insight lander Twitter account continued: “It sounded like something kind of eerie and otherworldly… unlike anything I’ve ever heard…” Finally, a post from Chandra Observatory said: “According to my data and calculations, I am in fact also hearing sounds.” Eventually, SoundCloud’s account shared a link to a curated playlist titled “sinister sounds of the solar system.”



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Defense Officials Highlight Space Force’s Achievements, Path Forward

Article by Charles Pope                                     October 29, 2020                                  (

• On October 28th, Department of the Air Force Secretary, Barbara M. Barrett, described in stark terms how the shifting security environment in space is validating the nation’s new Space Force military branch. “Increasingly, free and open access to space is under threat. Though the United States will not be the aggressor in space, we will, we must, build a Space Force to defend our space interests,” Barrett said in a virtual address at Space Symposium 365, an influential gathering of space advocates from government, commerce and defense sponsored by the Space Foundation.

• Barrett was joined by Chief of Space Operations, Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, highlighting the mounting threats in space. “Last year, Russia maneuvered an ‘inspector satellite’ into an orbit threateningly close to a sensitive US satellite. And just two months ago, China launched and recovered a reusable space plane … suspiciously similar to our own space plane, the X-37B.”

• As space is becoming more crowded and contested, it became necessary to establish Space Force as “purpose built” to meet its missions and responsibilities in space. “We set out for this first year to invent the force. And I use that term ‘invent’ purposefully because we were given an opportunity to start with a clean sheet of paper and not do business the way we’ve done in the past,” said Raymond.

• “On all fronts—on organization, on personnel, on doctrine, on budget—we have tried to think differently and be an incubator for change across the department, while delivering goodness and value to our nation,” Raymond continued. The goal is to form a “lean and agile” digital service that, while the smallest of all the military services, delivers on a much bigger scale. This demands a “forward leaning, forward looking strategy.”

• The result is a command structure that fights bloat and inefficiency in which the field command organizational structure has “collapsed two layers of command”. Efficiency is also displayed in an acquisition process “that delegates authority down to the lowest level, shortening the gap between approval authority and those who are actually doing the work,” said Raymond. “Big organizations are slow and we don’t want to be slow.”

• As Space Force approaches its first anniversary on December 20th, the service is evolving from establishing foundational elements of policies and doctrines to actually ‘inventing’ the force. Today, the Space Force numbers more than 2,000 men and women. At full strength, Space Force is expected to have about 16,000 people. The work ahead is challenging, with a relentless need to go fast. Other goals include revising the acquisition system and re-evaluating how information and hardware are classified. “We don’t deter (aggressor nations) from their negative behavior if they don’t know what our (military hardware) capabilities are,” said Barrett. “We reveal to deter, and conceal to win.”

• As the session came to a close, Barrett suggested that perhaps the biggest Space Force achievement to date is the public’s increasing understanding that space is important and it must be protected. “A year ago, Space Force was an idea,” said Barrett. “There’s been a big mindset change, and we’ve got to build on that … to achieve what people now agree needs to be done.”


         Gen. John “Jay” Raymond

ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) — Department of the Air Force Secretary, Barbara M. Barrett, offered an upbeat assessment Oct. 28 of the Space Force’s development while also describing in stark terms how the shifting security environment in space is validating the nation’s newest branch of the military.

“Increasingly, free and open access to space is under threat. Though the United States will not be the aggressor in space, we will, we must, build a Space Force to defend our space interests,” Barrett said in a virtual address at Space Symposium 365, an influential gathering of space advocates from government, commerce and defense sponsored by the Space Foundation.

                  Barbara M. Barrett

Barrett, who was joined by Chief of Space Operations, Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, underscored that assertion by highlighting activities and threats in space that in the past had been given less emphasis.

“Last year, Russia maneuvered an ‘inspector satellite’ into an orbit threateningly close to a sensitive U.S. satellite. And just two months ago, China launched and recovered a reusable space plane … suspiciously similar to our own space plane, the X-37B.”

That environment, and the fact that space is becoming more crowded and contested, coincide with the creation of the first new and independent branch of the military since 1947. Together, Barrett and Raymond provided a detailed status report on the Space Force as it approaches its first anniversary and looks to the future.

“We set out for this first year to invent the force. And I use that term ‘invent’ purposefully because we were given an opportunity to start with a clean sheet of paper and not do business the way we’ve done in the past,” Raymond said, describing the Space Force as “purpose built” to meet its missions and responsibilities in space.

“On all fronts—on organization, on personnel, on doctrine, on budget—we have tried to think differently and be an incubator for change across the department, while delivering goodness and value to our nation,” he said.

The goal, Raymond said, is to form a “lean and agile” digital service that, while the smallest of all the military services, delivers on a much bigger scale. This demands a “human capital development strategy … a forward leaning, forward looking strategy.”



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Hunting UFOs at an Alien Ranch in Washington State

Article by Andrea Kasprzak                                     October 29, 2020                                           (

• Since 1986, the ECETI Ranch located in the small town of Trout Lake, Washington, has been hosting people from all over the world who are interested in stargazing, alternative healing, and connecting with positive otherworldly beings. Short for “Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, ECETI draws people from May through September to the ‘Sky Watch Weekends’ when, for a $15 donation, you can watch UFOs traverse the night sky.

• A five-hour drive south from Seattle, the ECETI compound is found at the end of a long rural road through the woods where white flags wave from pine trees and lenticular clouds loom over the majestic, white-capped Mt. Adams in the distance. There is no cell phone service. The grounds are dominated by wildflowers and even some grazing yaks. Visitors may stay overnight at the main lodge, a private cabin, or just camp out – for a fee. The ranch has a strict ‘no drugs or alcohol’ policy. Accommodations can best be described as celestial summer camp: bunk beds, few frills, many dream catchers.

• A mysterious orange watchtower is where James Gilliland, the tie-dyed and ponytailed founder and proprietor of ECETI, records his weekly radio show, As You Wish, which delves into galactic mysteries and the existence of Big Foot with various free-thinking guests.

• Gilliland claims that after near-death experiences body surfing, he saw visions of Mt. Adams. Drawn to the region, Gilliland studied the Native American lore which goes back centuries. Native American legend tells of a secret doorway into the mountain, from which otherworldly beings with healing powers would emerge. (It was near Mt. Adams that in 1947 pilot Kenneth Arnold made the first UFO sighting in modern history.) Gilliland tells his visitors that there are five different species of aliens that currently live in the base of Mt. Adams.

• At sunset, people gather in the “Field of Dreams” for the evening’s sky-watching and story-telling – tales of astral travel, Egyptian souls, and UFO encounters. No paranormal topic is taboo. Strapping on a pair of night vision goggles, Gilliland leads the “SkyWatch” as everyone stares up at the night sky. Using a laser pointer, Gilliland directs the sky-watchers attention to small balls of light traveling across the night sky, occasionally flashing, dimming and pulsating.

• There at the ranch – far away from city lights – the night sky is black as ink. But when you put on a pair of night vision goggles, the night sky lights up with stars that appeared to glow light green. The lights in the sky over ECETI seem unusually active as they whiz to and fro at various speeds. The ECETI website identifies these hovering lights as “metallic craft,” “ships,” and “large luminous objects.”

• Gilliland creates excitement by anticipating a “power up” of one of the UFOs as the people watch. During a power up, these UFOs will ‘throw off tremendous energies’, expanding to several times their original size. They seem to be under intelligent control, responding to the energies and thoughts of the people below urging them to “power up”. Then the ball of light momentarily enlarges and flashes to the cheers of the crowd. (see an ECETI promotional video and a video of a “power up” below)


         James Gilliland

“So I saw this place on a late night documentary and I’ve always wanted to go,” my friend Ash pinged me one day.

I clicked through to the homepage for ECETI, short for “Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” Located on a ranch in the small town of Trout Lake, Washington, ECETI professes a mighty mission: “To help with public awareness of the E.T. reality and to assist people with connecting to positive otherworldly beings.”

“This looks like a Christopher Pike novel,” I typed back. “I’m in.”

After a five hour drive south from Seattle, we arrived at the ranch. It’s entrance was marked by ECETI’s official logo: a winged golden heart with a lion’s face. Continuing down the long, wooded road, our cell phone signals cut out. White flags of peace flapped from the pine trees. Lenticular clouds loomed over the majestic, white-capped Mt. Adams in the distance.

I felt like I had fallen off the map of reality and into the pages of some YA fantasy fiction.

                     Mt. Adams

ECETI FOUNDER JAMES GILLILAND has been hosting people at his ranch since 1986. Seekers from all over the world come to stargaze, explore alternative healing techniques, and speculate about the possibility that we’re not alone in the universe. The biggest draw is the SkyWatch Weekends, which Gilliland hosts May through September. The hope is that, for a $15 donation, you can see some UFOs.

Arriving with zero expectations, Ash and I parked in the dirt lot and went inside the main lodge to pay for a night’s stay. (While you don’t have to stay overnight to attend a SkyWatch, we opted for the full experience.) Visitors can camp out on the property for a suggested donation of $10 a night, or shack up in a guest room, yurt, or private cabin ($75-$125). Accommodations can best be described as celestial summer camp: bunk beds, few frills, many dream catchers.

Paying cash (this is not a credit card kind of place), Ash gently nudged me and pointed to the man standing behind us. “That’s James.”

With his tie-dyed shirt and scrappy ponytail, James Gilliand looks more like a Deadhead than the self-appointed wingman for interdimensional beings. Gilliland claims he saw visions of Mt. Adams after several near-death experiences body surfing. He was drawn to the lore of this region, which goes back centuries: One Native American legend told of a secret doorway in the mountain, from which otherworldly beings with healing powers would emerge. And it was near Mt. Adams that, in 1947, pilot Kenneth Arnold made the first UFO sighting in modern history.

“There’s five different species of aliens that live in the base of the mountain,” Gilliland told us, as nonchalantly as someone placing their morning coffee order.

We smiled, nodded, and scurried off to explore the property. Like Pee Wee’s Playhouse for the paranormal, there are wildflowers as far as the eye can see, a handful of yaks wandering around, and a mysterious orange watchtower. I later learned this is where Gilliland records his weekly radio show, As You Wish, which speculates about galactic mysteries and the existence of Big Foot with various free-thinking guests.

3:45 minute ECEIT Ranch promo with James Gilliland (‘ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel’ YouTube)

40 sec ‘Major Power Up & 2 Crafts’, July 2016 (‘ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel’ YouTube)


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Paranormal West Virginia: The Flatwoods Monster

Article by Shayla Klein and Shyla Parsons                                    October 29, 2020                                     (

• Gray Barker is a well-known UFO conspiracy theorist from Braxton County, West Virginia. He got his start as a writer by telling the story of the ‘Flatwoods Monster’ of 1952, which led to his own series of paranormal publications.

• David Houchin maintains the ‘Gray Barker UFO Collection’ at the Clarksburg Library in Clarksburg, West Virginia. In 1952, when Barker was dabbling in film distribution and booking in Clarksburg, he heard or read about the Flatwoods incident. Barker went to Braxton County to interview the people involved with the Flatwoods Monster incident. The Flatwoods encounter was prominently featured in his publication, The Saucerian, and in his book, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. Barker was the first to introduce the idea of the government’s “Men in Black”, and “used the Flatwoods incident as his springboard to becoming a more or less respected UFO researcher out on the fringe,” says Houchin.

• When the Flatwoods Monster story emerged in the early 1950’s, it was just after the Roswell UFO crash. The public was eager for tales of space aliens, and the Flatwoods story quickly gained traction. It put Braxton County, West Virginia on the map. Some believed that the whole thing was a made up hoax, or mass hysteria. Houchin says that he actually met the family who were at the center of the incident. They were very adamant about what they saw.

• The story begins on September 12, 1952 in Flatwoods, West Virginia. A local resident, Mrs. May, her sons, their friends, and their dog were outside when they saw a bright light in the sky circle around the hill and crash. They thought it might have been a meteor, and so they all walked up the hill to the crash site. When they got up there, there was a glowing red orb in the ground. The air was filled with acrid-smelling oil and smoke. The dog was terrified.

• As they got closer to the glowing orb, they noticed a figure standing over to the side of them. It was humanoid in shape, nearly 12 feet tall with a head shaped like the ace of spades and wearing a metal suit. Mrs. May and the children ran home, and reported it to the authorities. The US government sent some ‘Men in Black’ to their house to investigate the sighting. They took the each of Mrs. May’s family members’ witness reports – and all were consistent. Mrs. May had gotten some of the acrid oil residue from the ship on her dress that night. They took the dress and never returned it

• Today, the Flatwoods Monster is considered the second most popular monster in West Virginia next to the Mothman. The town of Flatwoods has embraced the folktale, creating a Flatwoods Monster Festival, putting up monster shaped chairs across the city, and installing a Flatwoods Monster Museum in 2018. “We’ve been really surprised as to how many people want to come and visit anything dedicated to the Flatwoods Monster. We have folks coming from all over,” said Andrew Smith, founder of the Flatwoods Monster Museum.

• A video game that features places and things in West Virginia called “Fallout 76”, has renewed interest in the Flatwoods Monster. People visit the museum as part of a “Fallout Tour,” where they visit places featured in the game.


 the Mays with an illustration of the monster

FLATWOODS, W.Va. – On September 12 in 1952, a family in Flatwoods said they were visited by an alien spacecraft.

That mysterious night became national–and eventually international–news that put Braxton County, West Virginia on the map.

Jason Burns, a storyteller who specializes in paranormal stories in West Virginia, told the story of what happened that night.

“Mrs. May, her sons, their friends, and a dog were outside playing when they saw this bright light in the sky. They saw it circle around the hill and crash, and they thought it might have been a meteor or something like that, and so they all walked up the hill to where the crash site was, and when they got up there, there was this glowing red orb in the ground. The air was filled with smoke. It was very acrid smelling apparently. Oily kind of air and the dog got close to it and just ran away. The dog was terrified and not wanting anything to do with whatever the ship was or whatever this object was. And as they got closer to it, they noticed that there was a figure over to the side of them,” said Burns.

       Gray Barker

According to legend, the monster was nearly 12 feet tall with a head shaped like the ace of spades. It was glowing reddish

         David Houchin

and green, but some believe that the color of the grass and the ship was reflecting off a metal suit that the alien was wearing.

“When they saw the monster or alien, Mrs. May and the children all ran off to their home, and they reported it to the authorities. Apparently, the US government sent some men—‘men in black’ to their house who investigated the sighting, took down their witness reports–which apparently all of them were the same. Mrs. May got some of the oil on her dress that night from the ship, and they took the dress. They said that they would return it, and they never did,” said Burns.

Conspiracy theories on what the monster was began to pop up as the story gained traction. Some theories suggest that it was just a kid pulling a prank or an owl.

“They tied it in with other stories around the country about the same time,” explained Burns, “This was the age of the space race, so there was a lot of interest in interstellar crafts. This was the time of Roswell. This was the time of Sputnik and things like that that were getting ready to take off, so it was very forefront in people’s minds. So people were thinking maybe it was just mass hysteria,

                        Andrew Smith

maybe it was fake, maybe it was just made up, but I actually have met the Mays at one point years ago. A long time ago, in Flatwoods at one event, and they are very adamant, they saw what they saw. And I believe they believe—you know, I believe them. What they say they saw. Now what it was, I don’t know.”

Gray Barker, a well-known UFO conspiracy theorist from West Virginia, had a part in boosted the national popularity of the monster story by telling the story in several of his publications.

“Barker was from rural Braxton county. He was born on a farm at Riffle, and he was one of the only two kids in his family to get a high school diploma and only one to go on to college. I think he had ambitions to be a writer, but that doesn’t work out for everyone, and in the end he became a writer courtesy of the space brothers and the men in black,” explained David Houchin, the Special Collections Librarian at the Clarksburg Library who maintains the Gray Barker UFO Collection. “In 1952, he was living in Clarksburg, and working in businesses that had to do with film distribution, film booking—that kind of thing, and he heard about the Flatwoods incident. I imagine that he read about it in the newspaper. It was treated pretty confidently as a serious mystery for a short time, and he was familiar with Braxton county and he was fond of the preternatural. The spooky.”

Gray Barker went to Braxton County to interview people who knew about the Flatwoods Monster incident, and the following year, he began his own publication called The Saucerian. The first issue was devoted to the Flatwoods Monster. In 1956, he wrote up the story again in his book “They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers,” which arguably introduced the idea of the “men in black” to alien conspiracy stories and became popular amongst UFO conspiracy theorists across the nation.



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Space Force Sets Priorities to Prevent Future Space War & Maintain U.S. Dominance

On November 9, General Jay Raymond, the U.S. Space Force’s Chief of Space Operations, released a foundational document outlining the new military service’s priorities and management practices for the U.S. to remain ahead of its major adversaries in space. The 12-page document, “Chief of Space Operations Planning Guidance” (CPG), makes clear that space is now viewed as a “warfighting domain”, and that in order for the U.S. to maintain dominance and deter hostile actions, it needs to take immediate action to integrate, equip, train, and organize its military space assets.

General Raymond warns about the danger posed by major adversaries, such as China and Russia, that have developed sophisticated anti-satellite technologies capable of disrupting or destroying the U.S. satellite grid. Such a possibility was first outlined in a January 11, 2001, Space Commission Report, chaired by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, warning about a “Space Pearl Harbor” and the need for a new military service to prevent it

 General Raymond begins his Planning Guidance document by explaining how space has shifted from a benign security environment to one where warfare can be expected in the near future:

The Space Force has a mandate in national strategy, policy, and law to be both pathfinder and protector of America’s interests as a space-faring nation. The convergence of proliferating technology and competitive interests has forever re-defined space from a benign domain to one in which we anticipate all aspects of human endeavor – including warfare. The return of peer, great power competitors has dramatically changed the global security environment and space is central to that change (CPG, p.1).

According to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, space was considered to be a peaceful domain for scientific exploration. No country was allowed to station military forces or weapons in space, the Moon, or other celestial objects. General Raymond is here acknowledging that recent developments such as Russia and China’s deployment of a range of anti-satellite weapons systems mean that space is no longer a benign environment, and that preventative military measures need to be taken.

He goes on to explain how the Space Force can prepare for future warfare in space:

The United States Space Force is called to organize, train, equip, and present forces capable of preserving America’s freedom of action in space; enabling Joint Force lethality and effectiveness; and providing independent options – in, from, and to space… While we will extend and defend America’s competitive advantage in peacetime, the ultimate measure of our readiness is the ability to prevail should war initiate in, or extend to space (CPG, p.1).

Deterring major adversaries from launching military hostilities is explained as a key priority in order not to lose U.S. space dominance:

America needs a Space Force able to deter conflict, and if deterrence fails, prevail should war initiate in or extend to space. Space capabilities enhance the potency of all other military forces. Our National leadership requires resilient and assured military space capabilities for sustained advantage in peaceful competition, or decisive advantage in conflict or war….

The change in the geo-strategic and operating environment that compelled the creation of the Space Force means that many of our legacy space capabilities must be reevaluated for ongoing relevance. Let me be clear – if we do not adapt to outpace aggressive competitors, we will likely lose our peacetime and warfighting advantage in space (CPG, p.2).

China and Russia are both viewed as the primary adversaries capable of militarily destroying the U.S. satellite grid in a future war or in a surprise attack, a Space Pearl Harbor:

Chinese and Russian military doctrines indicate they view space as essential to modern warfare, and view counterspace capabilities as potent means to reduce U.S. and allied military effectiveness. Modern Chinese and Russian space surveillance networks are capable of finding, tracking, and characterizing satellites in all earth orbits. Both Russia and China are developing systems using the electro-magnetic spectrum, cyberspace, directed energy, on-orbit capabilities, and ground-based antisatellite missiles to destroy space-based assets (CPG, p.2).

 From the perspective of China’s Communist Party leadership, as I explain in Rise of the Red Dragon (2020), China is merely catching up to what the United States (and Russia) had already secretly developed and deployed in space decades earlier.

Not surprisingly, General Raymond emphasizes developing breakthrough space technologies in dealing with potential military conflict:

Space Force will use strategic investments to cultivate a strong, diverse and competitive American space industrial base. Civil and commercial developments that pave the way for exploration and commercialization beyond near-Earth orbit will both generate technology that benefits the USSF and require an order of magnitude expansion of our ability to sense, communicate and act to protect and defend American interests in cis-lunar space and beyond. (CPG, p.9).

General Raymond is here suggesting major aerospace defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Boeing, etc., will play vital roles in developing breakthrough space technologies that can be used to deter adversaries in space. While development of breakthrough space technologies is framed as a future need, the reality is that such technologies have already been secretly developed by major aerospace companies. The produced technologies have been subsequently sold off to different “customers” such as U.S. military commands, intelligence agencies, and major allies for decades.

Extensive testimonial and documentary evidence is presented in my Secret Space Programs book series showing how the U.S. Air Force and the Navy developed separate secret space programs in response to earlier developments in Nazi Germany that carried over into the post-war era. As a result of decades-long cooperation with major corporations in reverse engineering captured Nazi and alien spacecraft, advanced anti-gravity spacecraft and electromagnetic weapons systems were developed and deployed by different entities within the US national security establishment.

The critical requirement for gaining access to such breakthrough aerospace technologies by a U.S. military service, combatant command, or intelligence agency was to demonstrate a clear need for such advanced technologies for completing space-related missions.

As long as space was considered a benign environment, then this favored the acquisition of reverse-engineered technologies by intelligence services or special operations groups that used space for intelligence gathering or small-scale covert operations. The bulk of breakthrough aerospace technologies would consequently go to defense intelligence entities such as the National Reconnaissance Office, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and covert groups such as Air Force Special Operations and Special Operations Command.

Even U.S. Space Command (1985-2002) and Air Force Space Command (1982-2019) would be  limited in how much access they had to such breakthrough “black world” technologies as acknowledged in a comprehensive 1996 Intelligence Commission report to the US Congress:

Two organizations within the Department of Defense manage space assets: the U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM) is responsible for so-called “white world” satellites (i.e., satellites that are publicly acknowledged) for military programs, and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) deals with “black world” (i.e., classified) satellites for intelligence programs. SPACECOM launches and operates satellites for military communication, weather and navigation, which are designed and procured by the military services. NRO designs, acquires, launches, and operates classified reconnaissance satellites.

The Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff and the unified combatant commanders, with the notable exceptions of Special Operations Command and (Air Force) Space Command, were largely denied access. This was because major military space operations were deemed unnecessary due to space being considered a benign environment, and such operations violating international space law.

All that changes with General Raymond’s Planning Guidance document, which expands upon President Donald Trump’s earlier Space Policy Directive 4 which made space a hostile environment requiring defense of America’s space assets. Space is now considered a war fighting domain where large scale military operations may be necessary to protect the U.S. satellite grid. This means that breakthrough corporate technologies that previously were denied to the different military services due to their high-level security classification and international space law constraints, are now permitted either through Space Force (which incorporates the former USAF Space Command) or U.S. Space Command, both of which were respectively created or reconstituted in 2019.

General Raymond emphasizes the haste with which these advanced technologies should now be incorporated into Space Force and for immediate action to be taken to protect the U.S. satellite grid:

The strategic environment demands we act boldly now to build a Service designed to act with speed and decisiveness to ensure the United States maintains its advantage in the domain….This CPG identifies those characteristics and capabilities within the force that must evolve. We do not have the luxury of delay for further analysis. (CPG, p.9).

Raymond’s thinking is mirrored in recent statements by the Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, Barbara Barret, calling for declassifying many space technologies kept hidden from the general public and even from different elements of the Air Force itself. On December 7, 2019, she declared:

Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.

In conclusion, redefining space as a warfighting domain means that formerly highly classified technologies developed by corporations and military laboratories for exclusive use by the intelligence and special operations communities will be acquired by Space Force. These advanced space technologies will be made available for large scale deployment in future space combat operations.

The release of General Raymond’s “Planning Guidance” document makes it highly likely that soon after Space Force is fully set up by May 2021 (the end of its 18 months set up period), we are likely to witness the official disclosure of multiple highly classified aerospace technologies, including anti-gravity propulsion systems, acquired by Space Force. The release of such advanced technologies will revolutionize the civilian transportation industry and military defense and take our planet into an exciting but dangerous new age.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[An audio version of this article is available here]

Further Reading

NASA Craft Lands on Asteroid 200 Million Miles Away

Article by Liz George                                 October 28, 2020                                  (

• On October 27th, a NASA probe craft landed on the asteroid ‘Bennu’, located beyond Mars 200 million miles from Earth. A video of the event (see below) shows an arm of the craft making contact with the asteroid to suck up a sample of the extraterrestrial rock to bring back to Earth – a planned part of the ‘Osiris-Rex’ mission.

• Bennu was rockier than researchers anticipated, adding complications to the already precarious landing. Large boulders and rock fields made it difficult to land and the safest spot was still fairly rugged. Still, the Osiris-Rex probe (pictured above) successfully completed its 4-hour descent. “I can’t believe we actually pulled this off,” the NASA mission’s principal investigator Dante Lauretta said. “The spacecraft did everything it was supposed to do.”

• With the camera focused on the spacecraft’s extended sample-collecting arm, viewers could see the arm make contact with the asteroids surface, sending a flurry of dust and particles into the space surrounding it. (see videos below) The asteroid’s surface is a type of sandy dust known as ‘regolith’. During the landing, the arm of the spacecraft shot nitrogen gas at the asteroid, stirring up the rubble in the surrounding space before collecting the regolith sample.

• When Osiris-Rex landed, it crushed the rock beneath it. Lauretta said this could make the collection of a good sample more likely, as the sampling instrument is more likely to collect swirling, crushed rock. “These rocks might be very weak compared to what we’re used to on Earth,” Lauretta said. Meteorites that do land on Earth’s surface must be durable enough to make it through the Earth’s atmosphere. Bennu’s rock may very well be different from the extraterrestrial rock samples NASA has already collected.

• The probe needs at least 2.1 ounces of the regolith before it returns to Earth. If NASA/Lockheed Martin determines that it did not collect enough regolith from Bennu, the spacecraft will give it another try on a backup site from a different part of the asteroid early next year. The rock collected from Bennu could assist scientists in designing a plan to redirect it if its future path includes a potential impact with Earth.


                      Dante Lauretta

A NASA spacecraft landed on an asteroid flying through a stretch of space 200 million miles from Earth last Tuesday.

In a video of the maneuver, the spacecraft is seen making six seconds of contact with the asteroid, called

                     asteroid ‘Bennu’

Bennu, in order to suck up a sample of the extraterrestrial rock. NASA released footage on Wednesday that showcased the precarious operation.

Dubbed Osiris-Rex, the mission sought to return the sample of the asteroid back to earth, Business Insider reported. Bennu was rockier than researchers initially thought, however, adding complications to the already precarious landing. Large boulders and rock fields made it difficult to land and the safest spot was still fairly rugged.

image of probe arm gathering rock

Despite the uneven surface on Bennu, the Osiris-Rex probe successfully completed its 4-hour descent.

“Transcendental. I can’t believe we actually pulled this off,” the mission’s principal investigator Dante Lauretta said during NASA’s live broadcast expedition. “The spacecraft did everything it was supposed to do.”

With the camera focused on the spacecraft’s extended sample-collecting arm, viewers could see the arm make contact with the asteroids surface, sending a flurry of dust and particles into the space surrounding it.

The asteroid’s surface rubble is a type of sandy dust known as regolith. During the landing, the arm of the spacecraft shot nitrogen gas at the asteroid, stirring up the rubble in the surrounding space before hopefully collecting a sample of the regolith.


59 second video of OSIRIS-REx touching the Bennu asteroid (‘NASA Goddard’ YouTube)


2:19 minute ‘OSIRIS-REx’ orbiting a few hundred meters from Bennu asteroid (‘NASA Goddard’ YouTube)



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Texas’ History of UFO Sightings

Article by Bartee Haile                                October 28, 2020                                  (

  • Texas’ history is full of UFO sightings. In 1873, stupefied farmworkers in Bonham, Texas, northeast of Dallas, reported that they an enormous “serpentine object” float overheard in broad daylight.
  • This event was followed twenty years later by the first nationwide commotion concerning UFOs known as the ‘Great Airship Mystery’ in1896-97 when Americans saw giant propeller-powered flying machines slowly travel from the West Coast to the East over a six-month period. This was prior to the invention of the Wright Brothers’ first airplane. On Nov. 19, 1896, as an oblong craft flew over Oakland, California, witnesses said that they heard voices, laughter and Christmas carols emanating from the craft. In the weeks that followed, flying cigars and cylinders were spotted over Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and countless other communities. In April 1897, an entire fleet of UFO’s caused a high-altitude traffic jam over metropolitan Chicago.
  • A former Kansas Congressman reported an encounter when an airship hovered 30 feet off the ground and he could see six odd-looking creatures were plainly visible inside a transparent undercarriage. The shaken ex-lawmaker said, “I don’t know whether they were angels, devils or what.”
  • Popular speculation hinted that the flying contraptions were the secret creations of Thomas Edison, proof of the public’s boundless confidence in the inventive genius. But Edison indignantly denied any involvement and dismissed the strange phenomena as an elaborate fraud.
  • Meanwhile, a Dallas newspaper reported the crash of a spaceship in the town of Aurora, Texas near Fort Worth. According to a local correspondent named S.E. Hayden, the craft collided with a windmill and exploded killing the lone alien occupant. The blast “scattered debris over several acres of ground” but enough remained of the intergalactic guest “to show he was not an inhabitant of this world.” A local ‘authority’ on astronomy determined that the strange looking pilot of the craft “was a native of the planet Mars.” The deceased was given a Christian burial in Aurora.
  • November 1951 saw the “Lubbock Lights” media frenzy when blue lights were observed and photographed by numerous eyewitnesses streaking across the sky on a crystal clear night over the Texas panhandle. Unable to dismiss four Texas Tech professors and an Atomic Energy Commission representative as crackpots, the Air Force blamed the light show on migratory birds.
  • In 1957, glowing “eggs” materialized on highways outside Levelland, Texas, near Lubbock. Folks driving on the highway near the glowing orbs had their car engines suddenly die. Government investigators blamed them on ‘ball lightning’. But in 1973, the incident renewed the public’s interest in UFOs. Some of them went to the site of the old Aurora UFO incident but failed to find a single fragment of the shattered spacecraft. A team of Oklahoma UFO hunters requested to exhume the ‘Martian’ body in the Aurora cemetery, but were flatly denied. A guard was posted at the burial ground. Later on, the entire April 1897 Aurora incident was completely debunked as fiction, made up by the townspeople.
  • Still, hoaxes, birds and ball lightning cannot explain the thousands of sightings in Texas and elsewhere for over a century. To borrow the tag line from a popular television show of the 1990’s, the truth may still be out there.


A torpedo-shaped sphere cruised the night sky over the West Texas town of Levelland on Nov. 2, 1957, while on the ground mysterious “eggs of light” blocked the roads.

illustration of 19th century airship above Denton County, Texas

The reexamination of the so-called “Roswell Incident” in the 1990’s revived interest in Unidentified Flying Objects. Although nothing in the Lone Star past can compete with the controversial claim that a flying saucer crashed in the New Mexico desert 73 years ago, Texas history is full of out-of-this-world sightings.

Farmworkers at Bonham filed one of the earliest reports on record in 1873. Stupefied laborers swore they saw an enormous “serpentine object” float overheard in broad daylight.

This obscure episode preceded by a generation the Great Airship Mystery, the first nationwide commotion concerning UFO’s. Starting on the Pacific coast in November 1896 and slowly moving eastward for six sensational months, thousands of Americans insisted they gazed upon giant flying machines two decades before the Wright brothers mastered heavier-than-air flight.

An oblong, propeller-powered craft supposedly churned against the wind over Sacramento on Nov. 19, 1896. The next day a similar airship mystified

                     “Lubbock Lights”

Oakland, where onlookers said they heard voices, laughter and Christmas carols.

During the wacky weeks that followed, flying cigars and cylinders were spotted over Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and countless other communities. In April 1897, an entire fleet of UFO’s caused a high-altitude traffic jam over metropolitan Chicago.

A former congressman had a Kansas encounter of the much-too-close kind. As an airship hovered 30 feet off the ground, six odd-looking creatures were plainly visible inside a transparent undercarriage. The shaken ex-lawmaker said, “I don’t know whether they were angels, devils or what.”



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NASA Commander to be Sworn into US Space Force From the International Space Station

Article by Sandra Erwin                                October 28, 2020                                    (

• NASA astronaut and US Air Force colonel Michael Hopkins is the commander of an upcoming SpaceX Crew Dragon mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Hopkins is also planning to transfer to the US Space Force.

• “If all goes well, we’re looking to swear him into the Space Force from the International Space Station,” said Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, chief of space operations of the US Space Force. Raymond is working with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine on the details of a planned transfer ceremony as a way to highlight the decades-long partnership between DoD and NASA.

• NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 mission is scheduled to launch on November 14th from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The crew of four includes Hopkins, NASA astronauts Victor Glover and Shannon Walker, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency mission specialist Soichi Noguchi (all 4 pictured above).

• For more than 60 years, men and women from the five military branches have helped fill the ranks of the NASA astronaut corps. Hopkins was selected by NASA to be an astronaut in 2009. Like hundreds of other Air Force airmen, Hopkins is voluntarily transferring to Space Force. He will be the first member of the Space Force to serve in NASA’s astronaut corps.


      Michael Hopkins

WASHINGTON — NASA astronaut Michael Hopkins, a U.S. Air Force colonel and the commander of the upcoming SpaceX Crew Dragon mission, is transferring to the U.S. Space Force and is expected to be commissioned aboard the International Space Station.

         the International Space Station

“If all goes well, we’re looking to swear him into the Space Force from the International Space Station,” said Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, chief of space operations of the U.S. Space Force.

Col. Michael “Hopper” Hopkins is the commander of NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 mission scheduled to launch Nov. 14 from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The crew of four includes Hopkins, NASA astronauts Victor Glover and Shannon Walker, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency mission specialist Soichi Noguchi.

Col. Catie Hague, a spokesperson for the chief of space operations, told SpaceNews that the service is working with NASA to schedule a transfer ceremony once Hopkins is on board the International Space Station.

Hopkins, like hundreds of other airmen who are now in the Space Force, is transferring voluntarily. He was selected by NASA to be an astronaut in 2009.



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Could Artificial Intelligence Trick Us Into Believing Aliens Exist?

Article by WION Web Team                                  October 28, 2020                                 (

• Ceres (pictured above) sits in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and had been under the watchful eye of scientists ever since they spotted bright lights on its surface. But NASA’s Dawn mission revealed that it was just sunlight reflecting off of volcanic ice and salt emissions within a crater on Ceres’ surface called the ‘Occator’, that was causing the bright lights. Not aliens.

• In a recent study conducted at University of Cadiz (Spain) and published in the journal Acta Astronautica, a group of people were shown images of the Occator crater. They noted an unusual square shape to its formation. The study then ran the same set of images through an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system which registered the square formation, but also recognized a triangular formation to the crater as well. When human respondents were told about the triangle, they started believing that it was there too, effectively manipulating the information.

• AI is able to detect structures that humans never could. But the study showed that the AI would mistake particular formations on Ceres as non-natural, and therefore evidence of extraterrestrial life. The lesson that the researchers took from the study was a warning of humans trusting AI too much and be fooled when it comes to discovering alien life.

[Editor’s Note]  This “study” doesn’t pass the sniff test. Who would benefit most from a study that both invalidates a computer’s detection of intelligent extraterrestrial formations on the asteroid Ceres, among other celestial bodies, and warns of the fallibility of artificial intelligence? “Don’t believe the computer; believe what we tell you to believe.” The answer is the deep state elite who want to cover up the fact that the 300 mile diameter Ceres holds large human + colony: not on its surface but within interior caverns. Spacecraft is constantly coming and going from an entrance located at the Occator crater, and the colony is actually run by the Nazi Dark Fleet, according to Tony Rodrigues who spent most of a decade as a slave worker on Ceres in a forced 20 and back program.


              Ceres’ Occator crater

Researchers have a new warning. Tread carefully, this one will blow your mind. Banking too much on artificial intelligence as the future of all sentient life? Researchers believe AI could fool us into believing alien life exists.

According to the study conducted at University of Cadiz and published in the journal Acta Astronautica, specifically took into account a particular formation on the planet Ceres, and found that AI could mistake shapes as proof extraterrestrial life. If that wasn’t enough, AI could also deceive humans into falling for its mistake.

Currently, AI is being employed across all industries to generate more accurate results without scope of error. But in the hunt for ET, AI is generally used to spot “technosignatures”, that are indicative of alien life.

Accidental formations could be mistaken as evidence of alien life. Ceres currently sits at the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and had been under the watchful eye of scientists after they spotted bright lights on its surface.

They were disappointed to discover what was causing the bright lights. According to NASA’s Dawn mission, the lights turned out to be a product of volcanic ice and salt emissions.



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Large Black Triangle Shaped Craft Fills Pinetown, South Africa Sky

Article by Shaun Smillie                                  October 24, 2020                                   (

• Lee Strydom has been the Mutual UFO Network’s representative South Africa for the past six years. Most sightings that are reported to him are easily explained away, such as hovering drones, weather balloons, ball lightning, and Chinese lanterns. “It’s difficult when you have got sightings where somebody will send you a report and they will say ‘Hey Man, I saw a light in the sky’,” says Strydom. Then, there are the hoaxes where pranksters throw dinner plates in the air, photograph them and claim they are extraterrestrial vehicles. Once somebody reported seeing the cartoon character Sponge Bob Square pants running around their garden.

• On the odd occasion, Strydom receives a report where he can’t find a scientific answer and sometimes it is just a hunch that something truly unexplained happened. This happened with a couple who reported an incident in the Northern Cape. Something strange had blotted out the stars over Pinetown. Where the stars should have been on this clear night was a large black triangle shaped craft, perhaps three to four football fields in size. The man ran to grab this cell phone, but by the time he returned, the craft was no longer there. Others in the town house complex had also seen the strange triangular object, but to Strydom’s frustration none of them would come forward. The witness happened to be a friend of Strydom’s. That night his friend changed from being a UFO non-believer to a believer.

• Flying black triangles spotted at night are not that uncommon in UFO case files. For decades there have been reports of them from across the world. There is a theory that these triangular craft could be a top secret US surveillance aircraft known as the TR-3A Black Manta.

• Strydom relates a report from a couple who were driving through a massive thunderstorm. “It was at night and it was raining and there was this massive black cloud above them,” said Strydom. “They passed this road sign that said X town was 15 kilometres away.” The couple continued driving through the storm for fifteen minutes. Suddenly the storm cleared and they were at the same road sign that marked that the town was 15 kilometres back. “So they hadn’t moved for 15 minutes, but they were driving. There was a time difference,” explains Strydom. “The way he told the story, and how petrified they were afterwards, in my opinion makes it real.” This suggests that Strydom believes in time travel. The problem is, like with many other sightings, Strydom has been unable to corroborate the event with other witnesses.

• Another sighting that Strydom investigated happened during a wedding in Israel. “A woman sent me footage from a wedding, where they noticed something in the sky. When you slow down the footage, you can make out a cigar shaped UFO, then 30 seconds later it was followed by Israeli air force jets,” said Strydom. That was a good sighting. There was video footage and several witnesses.

• But most UFO sightings aren’t like that. Strydom will continue sifting through those reports to find the one that will prove what Strydom knows: that aliens have been visiting for thousands of years. Strydom has long been a believer. He saw a UFO when he was a child and has been interested ever since. The MUFON organization that Strydom volunteers for has been investigating UFO sightings since 1969. It is the largest non profit organization of its kind in the world with representatives across the world and specialized teams that investigate possible physical evidence of extraterrestrial craft.


Something strange had blotted out the stars over Pinetown. Where the stars should have been on this clear night was a large black triangle shaped craft, perhaps three to four football fields in size.

The man who claimed to have seen this strange object ran into his townhouse complex to grab this cell phone and call his girlfriend.

But by the time he returned, the craft was no longer there. When something strange and unexplained is spotted in the sky, it is often Lee Strydom, the Mutual UFO Network SA representative who is called.

This was a good sighting and the witness, who happened to be a friend of Strydom’s, left him a message on his cellphone that night.

“When I got to work the next day, I had this message, he said that he saw something and it was coming in my direction,” Strydom explains, adding that his friend that night changed from being a non UFO believer to a believer.

Others in the town house complex had also seen the strange triangular object, but to Strydom’s frustration none of them wanted to be interviewed. Interestingly flying black triangles spotted at night are not that uncommon in UFO case files.

For decades there have been reports of them from across the world. Just this week someone reported to Mufon of sighting a large dark triangle craft in Penticton, British Columbia, in Canada.

There is even a theory as to what they are, and it has nothing to do with alien visitors. The suspicion is that these triangular craft could be a top secret US surveillance aircraft known as the TR-3A Black Manta.

The flying triangle sighting was an exception for Strydom, who has been the SA Mufon representative for six years. Most sightings that are reported to him are easily explained away.



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There’s More Water on the Moon than Previously Thought

Article by Kate Sheehy                                    October 26, 2020                                      (

• NASA scientists have found more water on the Moon, beyond its frigid poles, in the form of “glass beads’’ about the size of a pencil tip in the soil. Said Paul Hertz, NASA’s astrophysics director, “This discovery that water might be distributed across the lunar surface and not limited’’ to ice at the poles, as the space agency thought, raises the possibility that it could be “accessible as a human resource.”

• Enough water was detected in a cubic meter of sunlit soil to fill a 12-ounce bottle, said Casey Honniball of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Honniball believes the water may have come from a combination of hydrogen molecules in solar rings mixed with oxygen in the Moon’s powdery soil. “We think the water is trapped in these glass beads … which protects and preserves [it].’’

• The discovery was made by a Boeing 747SP jet-turned-space laboratory known as SOFIA, or ‘Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy’. SOFIA, is a data-collecting aircraft that has been examining the Moon since 2018. “[N]ow that we know we can do this, we’re planning more flights to do more observation,’’ SOFIA scientist Naseem Rangwala said.

• In 2018, NASA found water in the form of ice around the Moon’s poles. The water ice formed in permanently shadowed craters where temperatures never go above minus 250 degrees. But the newly discovered ice beads have been found in the soil within sunlit areas. Scientists still have to determine what form the newly discovered water is in, how much of it exists and whether it can be extracted.

• Water on the Moon could be used for everything from drinking, to the extraction of oxygen to breath, to the manufacturing of rocket fuel. With enough water to support a Moon base, man could eventually planet-hop around the galaxy. “It’s far easier to travel when you don’t have to carry everything with you for the entire trip,’’ said Jacob Bleacher, head of the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA.

• NASA plans to send the first woman along with a man to the lunar surface in 2020 to prepare for putting humans on Mars in the 2030s. Scientists say they will use SOPHIA to search for potential water on other heavenly bodies, too, such as asteroids.


                        Paul Hertz

NASA scientists have found more water on the moon than previously thought — a crucial discovery that

could help greatly fuel deep-space exploration, the agency revealed Monday.

The water — which was discovered for the first time in areas outside the moon’s sunless frigid poles — is possibly trapped in “glass beads’’ about the size of a pencil tip in the soil, scientists said at a press conference.

“This discovery that water might be distributed across the lunar surface and not limited’’ to ice at the poles, as the space agency thought, raises the possibility that it could be “accessible as a human resource,’’ said Paul Hertz, NASA’s astrophysics director.

        Casey Honniball

Enough water was detected in a cubic meter of sunlit soil to fill a 12-ounce bottle, said Casey Honniball of NASA’s

            Naseem Rangwala

Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

She said the water may have come from a combination of hydrogen molecules in solar rings mixed with oxygen in the moon’s powdery soil.
“We think the water is trapped in these glass beads … which protects and preserves [it],’’ Honniball said.

The stunning discovery was made by a Boeing 747SP jet-turned-space laboratory known as SOPHIA (sic), the Sratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy.

The data-collecting spacecraft typically tracks stars — but its operators decided to use it to examine the moon starting in 2018.
“It’s incredible that this discovery came out of what was essentially a test, and now that we know we can do this, we’re planning more flights to do more observation,’’ SOFIA scientist Naseem Rangwala said in a statement.



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Two Intelligence Insiders’ Plan to Get the World to Pay Attention to UFOs

Article by Alejandro Rojas                                   October 23, 2020                              (

• The news has been ablaze with UFO headlines. The US government has been forced to seriously confront the UAP/UFO issue. In fact, The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has requested a public report from the Director of National Intelligence on what has been done thus far with regard to Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.

• This focus on the UFO phenomenon was the result of a string of media events: a tweet by Sky Hub founder Steve McDaniel followed by a Danny Silva blog; an article by Leslie Kean in The Huffington Post in May 2016; Open Minds UFO Radio interviews of Bryan Bender and NY Times writer Leslie Kean in the summer of 2017; a blockbuster NY Times article in December 2017; a Washington Post op-ed in March 2018; an article by Politico’s Bender in June 2019; a History Channel show; and finally the US Navy authenticating Navy cockpit video of UFOs, admitting that they are for real, and issuing Navy personnel guidelines for reporting them.

• The focus of all of this media attention over the past four years has been former Senate intelligence analyst Chris Mellon and former Pentagon intelligence officer and head of its UFO program, Luis Elizondo. (both are pictured above with Tom DeLonge) It began with Elizondo’s difficulty in being granted a meeting with defense officials to reveal unexplained craft. It would end with Mellon and Elizondo invited to Capitol Hill for high level UFO briefings. “They couldn’t any longer deny it… when they had active-duty pilots and others going on the record,” said Mellon.

• In the documentary “The Phenomenon”, Mellon says his professional interest in UFOs arose from early claims by astronaut Gordon Cooper. Cooper was a part of the famed ‘Mercury Seven’, the first seven US astronauts to go into space. Prior to this, in 1951, Cooper’s squadron of jet fighters had chased a group of round objects that could stop mid-air and make instant 90 degree turns. In 1957, Cooper and his crew at Edwards Air Force base filmed a saucer-shaped object land on a dry lake bed and then take off again. The Air Force sent a courier to collect it. Cooper never saw the film again.

• Just prior to the end of President Clinton’s second term, Clinton told his Secretary of Defense, Michael Cohen, to investigate Cooper’s claims. Cohen assigned the matter to Chris Mellon, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security and Information Operations for The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Mellon would later become the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for the Senate Committee. Apparently, Mellon wasn’t satisfied with the records that the US Air Force kept on UFOs, including Cooper’s. He was told that most of them had been removed in order to “clean up” or “save space”. Mellon’s curiosity was piqued.

• Mellon retired from the government and joined a UFO monitoring system called UFODATA. Then he learned about the existence of a Pentagon UFO program. The UFO topic “was something that I had always been interested in,” said Mellon. “So, I was surprised to see they had anything organized at all.” Mellon quickly offered to assist Elizondo to help get data of the Nimitz Strike Carrier Group encounter with a UFO/UAP to the Secretary of Defense. The Office of the Secretary of Defense did not want to escalate the issue. “People were still afraid to touch it and afraid to let the secretary even be exposed to the issue,” says Mellon. Even with Mellon’s connections to senior officials in the Department of Defense, they were unable to secure a meeting with the Secretary of Defense.

• Mellon and Elizondo began to consider more drastic measures – to take their information directly to the media and the public in order to force Congress to take some action. They invited Leslie Kean to Washington on October 4, 2017. “I went down and went to Washington, and we spent three or four hours together,” says Kean. “Luis had resigned (his) position literally the day before we met.” “I was shown the videos… (and) was shown documents about Harry Reid’s involvement. [T]he story was kind of laid out for me at this meeting.” “I realized at that point that it was a New York Times level story, given the documentation that was available for the program and for the people involved and everything else,” Kean continued. “And so that’s how it all started.”

• The world was introduced to Mellon and Elizondo on October 10, 2017, with the press conference launch of Tom DeLonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science’. Elizondo and Mellon had joined ‘To the Stars’ team of former high level UFO investigators. The announcement was accompanied by Kean’s article in The Huffington Post. Still, no one seemed to take notice of Elizondo who claimed that he ran a UFO program despite the government telling us for decades they had no interest in the topic.

• Then in December 2017, Kean along with co-writers Ralph Blumenthal and Helen Cooper, published a blockbuster NY Times article revealing that the Pentagon had run a secretive UFO program from 2007 to 2012 called the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP). The article’s primary source was Elizondo who claimed AATIP did not end in 2012 and that it continues to this day. The Times article also included two videos allegedly showing infrared camera footage from Navy F-18 fighter jets of a UFO, which Mellon had clandestinely received from an anonymous DoD official in a parking garage. (see previous ExoArticle on this)

• On March 9, 2018, Mellon wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post (see previous ExoArticle here) asking ‘Why Doesn’t the Pentagon Care? “Senators and staffers have been kept in the dark,” said Mellon. “There’s some important unanswered questions here.” Soon thereafter, the US Navy announced new formal guidelines for Navy personnel to report UFO encounters. “There’s no doubt in my mind that that report requirement (by the Navy) would not be in there, wouldn’t exist if we had not been engaged in bringing witnesses forward and advocating this and writing about it and so forth,” said Mellon.

• Mellon called upon Congress to require an ‘all-source study’ by the Secretary of Defense, and promoted research into new forms of propulsion that might explain how these vehicles achieve such extraordinary power and maneuverability, as it pertains to national security. “[H]opefully (this attention) will force the Executive branch to get its act together… establish some accountability and force them to take a position in black and white, as opposed to just giving some briefings.”

• In less than three years, Mellon and Elizondo’s strategy has resulted in the US government admitting they take UAP seriously, reversing their decades-long denials of the fact, and the Senate Intelligence committee taking notice by asking for more information. “It’s a tremendous step forward,” said Mellon. “Regardless of what the phenomenon turns out to be in the end. At least now we can have some faith that a serious effort is going to be made to hold and analyze the data, probably implement a new collection strategy… So it has a lot of potential ramifications, all of them positive.”


                        Luis Elizondo

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) has requested that the Director of National

                          Chris Mellon

Intelligence organize research into Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP – aka UFOs) and provide a public report on what has been done thus far. It is an extraordinary move that further legitimizes a topic that has historically been relegated to mythological stories like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. However, the public did not know that there were those in the US military and intelligence communities who took the issue seriously and wanted more to be done to figure out what those UFOs are.

              Leslie Kean

“We have an intelligence community for a reason, partly to support our military, partly to avoid strategic surprise, and the intelligence community was failing on both counts,” former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon told in a recent interview. “The intelligence community was completely unresponsive, completely dropping the ball. I mean, it could be Russian, it could be Chinese, it could be something else.”

                    Bryan Bender

Mellon served for ten years as a Staff Director of the SSCI. From 1998 to 1999, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security and Information Operations, and from 1999 to 2002, he was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
In a recent interview for a documentary called The Phenomenon, Mellon says his professional interest in the topic of UAP began with a request by astronaut Gordon Cooper.

Cooper was a part of the famed Mercury Seven, the first seven US astronauts to go into space. He claims to have had two UFO incidents. The first was in 1951. He claims his squadron of jet fighters chased a group of round objects that could stop mid-air and make instant 90 degree turns. He also claimed that in 1957 a crew he managed at Edwards Air Force base filmed a saucer-shaped object land on a dry lake bed and then take off again. He reviewed the film and reported it. The Air Force sent a courier to collect it. He never saw the film again.

            the ‘Mercury Seven’

According to Mellon, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, Michael Cohen, tasked him to investigate the matter.

“Astronaut Cooper had spoken with the President,” Mellon says in The Phenomenon. “At a cabinet meeting, he raised this with Secretary Cohen, and then Cohen’s office called me and asked me to pursue this and chase it down.”

“The Air Force colonel that I spoke with got very frustrated, and when I asked him what happened to all of these records,” explained Mellon. “He said, ‘Well, that was all cleaned up or thrown out to save space.’ Something like that. It sounded ludicrous, but that’s what he told me.”

Mellon’s interest in the UFO topic was the focus of an article in The Huffington Post in May 2016 titled Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out. The article was written by Leslie Kean and was about Mellon joining a group of scientists interesting in developing a UFO monitoring system called UFODATA.

Kean was also one of The New York Times authors, along with Ralph Blumenthal and Helen Cooper, who broke the news in December 2017 that the Pentagon had run a secretive UFO program from 2007 to 2012 called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The article’s primary source was Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence official who claims he retired to get more attention to what he felt was important information regarding UFOs. He also claimed AATIP did not end in 2012 and that it continues to this day.



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Video – Kennedy’s Last Stand: JFK Assassination Uncensored

After winning the 1960 Presidential election, Kennedy learned a shocking truth from President Eisenhower. The control group set up to run highly classified projects involving captured Nazi flying saucers and extraterrestrial technologies, the Majestic-12 Group, had become a rogue government agency. Eisenhower warned Kennedy that MJ-12 had to be reined in. It posed a direct threat to American liberties and democratic processes. MJ-12 opposed Kennedy’s efforts at every turn. When Kennedy was on the verge of succeeding, by forcing the CIA to share classified UFO information with other government agencies due to an agreement with the Soviet Union on joint lunar missions reached on November 12, 1963, he was assassinated ten days later.

In this four-hour webinar you will learn the dramatic and long hidden truths behind the Kennedy Assassination, including damning evidence only declassified in 2017/2018 by the National Archives.

Webinar: November 22, 2020 (Saturday)
12 noon – 4.30 pm PDT/ 3 – 7.30 pm EDT USA (Includes Q&A at the end)

To Register click here.

More info here.

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