How Elon Musk and the US Could Establish a Martian Government

Article by Adam Smith                                    December 24, 2020                                      (

• NASA has announced plans for the Artemis Moon mission to establish a lunar base in 2024, followed shortly thereafter by actual inhabitants. And NASA anticipates a manned mission to Mars by 2033. On the other hand, Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, plans to send the first SpaceX craft to Mars by 2022, with humans following within the next four to six years. Musk envisions people living in glass domes as they terraform Mars to support life.

• Musk and SpaceX are already laying the groundwork for a Mars colony. A section of the company’s ‘Starlink’ satellite internet service user agreement states: “For services provided on Mars, or in transit to Mars via Starship or other colonization spacecraft, the parties recognize Mars as a free planet and that no Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities. …Accordingly, disputes will be settled through self-governing principles, established in good faith, at the time of Martian settlement.”

• Is this a joke, or is it the beginning of a Mars constitution based on existing legislation? Current law resides in the 2020 Artemis Accords and the 1957 Outer Space Treaty. A section that reads: “Outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means,” is meant to prevent outright “land grabs” by Earth nations. Lawyer Randy Segal points out that, “The whole of space law contemplates that those of us on this planet share the rights and responsibility to make space something we can all share together.” Segal suggests that Musk could be trying to lay some groundwork for offering up an independent constitution, just like he did for electric cars and reusable launch vehicles. Does it have any legal precedent or enforceability? No. But it could start a conversation about how legislators should go about planning for a Mars constitution.

• In 2016, Musk said his intentions for a Martian government would be a direct democracy, where people vote on the issues themselves rather than through politicians. “[I]t would be people voting directly on issues,” said Musk. “[T]he potential for corruption is substantially diminished in a direct versus a representative democracy.”

• Noting that SpaceX’s goal is to send hundreds of thousands of people to Mars until they have established a truly sustainable colony, SpaceX General Council, David Anderman, expects to “impose our own legal regime” on Mars within our lifetime and “faster than you think.” But it will be “interesting to see how it plays out with terrestrial governments exerting control,” says Anderman.

• Legally, Musk has more of a chance of creating a community rather than an independent colony. A ‘community’ would operate under the governance of the United States. It could be that, in the future, legislators will see the need for a constitution that governs the entirety of Mars, rather than having laws split into geographical jurisdictions. Experts suggest that that the most beneficial Martian government will be one that is eventually decided on Mars itself.

• Professor Von der Dunk, a space law expert at Nebraska College of Law, thinks that it is prudent to determine how legal conflicts should be addressed in space. But companies such as Space X and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin can only go so far. While companies may set the agenda, it will ultimately be up to governments to decide whether to adopt it.

• Bezos envisions millions of people in living in bucolic Martian cities with farms and rivers and universities. But Bezos is taking an intentionally slower approach to space than Musk, and has no opinions on Martian constitutions or legislation.

• An example of how to fashion Martian laws could come from Earth’s mining communities, where Congress was happy to sanction local mining laws as long as they did not conflict with those of the United States, says space lawyer Scot Anderson. There is a human impulse to create stability through the law. An early legal framework could be applied to the entirety of Mars in a way that could not be done on Earth. Legal experts say it is likely that once the first community is established on Mars, it would seek to self-regulate fairly quickly due to the difficulties of interplanetary communication.


The moment when the first human sets foot on Mars is becoming ever-closer. The 140 million mile

                            Elon Musk

distance between Earth and the Red Planet is set to be breached within the next two decades, Nasa predicts.

Just recently, the space agency announced its plans for its Artemis moon missions – aiming to take place in 2024 – which could establish a lunar base on the Moon as a stepping-stone before the first planetary spacewalk.

For some, however, simply taking the first step on an alien planet is not looking far enough into the future. Once a community is set up on Mars, discussions will need to be had about exactly how it is governed and functions. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, is one of those people planning for such a future, and seems to already be setting the groundwork in the terms of service of the company’s current products.

                        Randy Segal

In the user agreement for the company’s satellite internet service Starlink, one particular paragraph stands out: “For services provided on Mars, or in transit to Mars via Starship or other colonisation spacecraft, the parties recognise Mars as a free planet and that no Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities,” the governing law section states.”

                       Scot Anderson

“Accordingly, disputes will be settled through self-governing principles, established in good faith, at the time of Martian settlement.”

SpaceX did not respond to multiple attempts for more information from The Independent, but experts suggest that the addition of this segment could actually have two purposes: the first is that it is a joke; the second is that it is laying groundwork for a Mars constitution – based on how permissive the existing legislation for space exploration actually is.

The section Musk has added is “a bit of tongue in cheek with his contracts… referring to this Martian constitution he’s going to be drafting,” according to Randy Segal, of the law firm Hogan Lovells. “He’s trying to include in his commercial terms… how you’re going to comply with applicable law.”

        David Anderman

The applicable law here are the 2020 Artemis accords and the 1957 Outer Space Treaty (by which signatories of the Artemis Accords say they will abide). Amongst that legislation includes the line: “Outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.” As a result, these treaties stop space exploration becoming a “land grab”, as Segal describes it.

              Frans von der Dunk

However, the regulations are, in general, “motherhood and apple pie” Segal says – an American phrase to mean something that no reasonable person could disagree with, such as the provisions of transparency, interoperability, and emergency assistance with regards to space exploration.

“The whole of space law contemplates that those of us on this planet share the rights and responsibility to make space something we can all share together,” Segal says.

“Generally, if a clause is unlawful you would read the rest of the contract to be enforceable and standing alone. He has added a section relating to Mars services (which is not being provided today, so has no effect),” but in five or 10 years “he can revise his contract.

                             Jeff Bezos

“I don’t know that a provision like this other than being humorous and anecdotally noteworthy is something that does anything to the rest of the contract at all. He could be trying to lay some groundwork for offering up an independent constitution… just like he did for electric cars and reusable launch vehicles. Does it have any precedent or enforceability? The answer I’d say is clearly no; but if you say something enough, people might come around.”

While Musk’s contracts might not be legally potent (or“gibberish”, as one professor deemed them), they are likely to start a conversation about how legislators should go about planning for a Mars constitution. This is something that SpaceX’s General council, David Anderman, is seemingly already looking into.
“Our goal is to be able to send 1,000 starships with 100 people in them every two years,” Anderman said, according to Business Insider.

“We’ll start with 100, then a couple hundred, then 100,000, then a million until we have a truly sustainable colony. It will happen in my lifetime. Faster than you think.”

He also said he expected SpaceX to “impose our own legal regime,” but that it would be “interesting to see how it plays out with terrestrial governments exerting control.” Anderman did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Independent before publication.



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Fargo’s Famous UFO in the Skies Above a Football Game in 1948

Article by Tracy Briggs                                     December 20, 2020                                         (

• In the early evening hours of October 1, 1948, George Gorman (pictured above), a 25 year old WWII veteran and flight instructor from Fargo, North Dakota was flying his P-51 Mustang along with a squadron of other pilots in the North Dakota Air National Guard. Part of their flight path took them over the North Dakota Agricultural College football field where the NDHC Bison were playing the Augustana Vikings. Kickoff was 8 pm.

• About a half hour later, most of the pilots flying decided to call it a night, but second lieutenant Gorman wanted to get in more flying time. Gorman was flying about two and a half miles from the football field when an air traffic controller told him about a small Piper Cub in the area. He acknowledged the smaller plane about 500 feet below, but a few minutes later, he spotted something else. Gorman said it was a “flying disk,” round with well-defined edges, brilliantly lit and circling slowly over Fargo. He called it on to the airfield tower, but their radar was not picking it up.

• When Gorman decided to get closer to the object, it suddenly got brighter and shot away. He estimated it was flying around 250 miles an hour, but accelerated to 600 miles an hour. Gorman’s plane could only fly about 400 miles an hour, so he lost the object. But it came back and flew right at him. “When the object was coming head on, I held my plane pointed right at it,” Gorman said. “The object came so close that I involuntarily ducked my head because I thought a crash was inevitable. But the object zoomed over my head.” The aerial encounter lasted 27 minutes.

• With the clear weather conditions, the fans at the football game might have seen flashes of light, not unlike heat lightning. They also might have heard the sounds of Gorman’s plane and the object. But researchers haven’t been able to track down any fans or players who were there that night, even though the Bison did break a nine-game losing streak.

• Recently declassified US Air Force documents include a diagram Gorman drew of what went on in the air that night. (see below) UFO historian Richard Dolan says the detailed drawing tells us a lot. “It shows you’ve got an experienced, seasoned World War II fighter pilot who is dealing with a ‘light phenomenon’ that is clearly outperforming his aircraft.” Gorman was so shaken after the incident that he had trouble landing the plane. He told The Fargo Forum it was “the weirdest experience I’ve had in my life.”

• Gorman told his commanding officer what happened. The incident was referred to Air Force intelligence. USAF investigators arrived in Fargo on October 4th and interviewed the two air traffic controllers in the tower that night as well as the pilot of the Piper Cub, a local physician. All of them corroborated Gorman’s account. In Gorman’s written statement, he wrote that he was convinced there was “definitive thought” behind the object’s maneuvers and that the UFO could go faster, turn tighter and climb steeper than his aircraft. The Air Force concluded the UFO was a combination of the planet Jupiter and a weather balloon. When Gorman insisted it wasn’t a weather balloon, the Air Material Command warned him not to divulge any further information or he would be subject to a court martial.

• For the rest of his military career, Gorman refrained from talking about what came to be known as the “Gorman dogfight”, one of the most infamous and credible UFO sightings on record. The incident was even featured on the History Channel show, “Project Blue Book” in 2019. Gorman’s military career took him to bases in Italy and throughout the US. He retired as a lieutenant colonel and died in the early 1980s in Texas at the age of 59.


FARGO — It’s almost as though Fargo Forum Sports Editor Eugene Fitzgerald had a tiny crystal ball sitting

                      George Gorman

beside his typewriter in the smoke-filled newsroom that day in the fall of 1948 when he wrote his headline for Oct. 1: “Aerial Display Likely in Bison-Augustana Game Tonight.” Of course, in this case, “aerial display” referred to Fitzgerald’s prediction that the game would feature more passing than rushing.

NDSU won that night 14-6, hardly a show of aerial dominance. Nonetheless, Fitzgerald’s headline turned out to be strangely prophetic as there was a pretty spectacular aerial display in the sky that night. It became the subject of a U.S. government investigation, the files of which have only recently been declassified and open for the public to see.

                    Gorman’s drawings

It’s come to be known as the “Gorman dogfight” and is one of the most well-known 20th century UFO stories. It’s also one of the most credible, considering the man who claimed to see the flying saucer was an accomplished World War II pilot and at least three other witnesses were experienced aviators.

For years, reports of what happened that night came from the eyewitnesses and Gorman himself. But now that the files have been declassified, more details have emerged. The incident was featured on a History Channel show called “Project Blue Book” in 2019.
Who was George Gorman?

According to columnist Curt Eriksmoen, who wrote about Gorman in The Forum in 2011, Gorman was born July 7, 1923, to Norbert and Roberta Gorman. He grew up in Fargo, where his father was a Cass County agent. During World War II, Gorman became a B-25 instructor for French aviation students. When the war was over, he returned to Fargo and was employed as the manager of a construction company.

When the North Dakota Air National Guard formed at Fargo’s Hector Airport on Jan. 16, 1947, Gorman joined the squadron as a second lieutenant.

           UFO historian Richard Dolan

What exactly happened Oct. 1, 1948?

Gorman was flying his P-51 Mustang with other guard pilots in the early evening hours of Oct. 1, 1948. Part of their flight path was over the old Dacotah Field where the North Dakota Agricultural College Bison football team played its games. According to North Dakota State University Assistant Athletic Director Ryan Perreault, the field was slightly south of the current Dacotah Field.

“Dacotah Field at that time was located adjacent to Churchill Hall in the center of campus where the Memorial Union and A. Glenn Hill Center now sit,” Perreault said.

He said kickoff was 8 p.m. that Friday night.

About a half hour later, most of the pilots flying decided to call it a night, but Gorman wanted to get in more flying time. According to a story in The Fargo Forum dated Oct. 3, 1948, Gorman was flying near Hector Field, about two and a half miles from the football field, when an air traffic controller told him about a small Piper Cub in the area.

He acknowledged the smaller plane about 500 feet below, but a few minutes later, he spotted something else.



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Colorado Springs UFO Group Attempts to Contact ETs

Article by Heidi Beedle                                        December 23, 2020                                         (

• When Mike Waskosky was 21 years old, he believed that there wasn’t anything to the UFO phenomenon. Then he came across Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project’s May 9, 2001, press club event on YouTube. The 2001 Disclosure Project press conference featured testimony from a number of former and retired military personnel, serious men who claimed to have witnessed undeniable proof that an advanced, non-human intelligence had visited the planet and at times even interfered with military equipment. Seeing sober-faced career military men describe unexplainable phenomena set Waskosky on a mission. “I completely did a 180 with my life after I realized I had no way of explaining all of this incredible testimony,” says Waskosky. “After I watched that two-hour presentation, I realized …I have to research everything to get to the bottom of it.”

• Waskosky’s dive into UFO research led him to Dr. Steven Greer, a medical doctor turned UFO researcher who founded CSETI (the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), and Greer’s ‘CE-5 protocols’ to initiate contact with aliens and summon UFOs through meditation. In 2006, Waskosky attended Greer’s ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ training in Joshua Tree National Park, California. This weeklong training session focused on meditation practices, remote viewing training, and fieldwork at a cost ranging from $2,500 to $3,500. Although Waskosky admits to not actually seeing any ‘lights in the sky’ that week, he did hear strange tones in the desert. His fellow students claimed to have seen mysterious beings suddenly appearing and disappearing.

• When Waskosky returned home to Irvine, California, he kept up with the meditation training under the stars. “I was strongly desirous of having contact and not getting anything,” he says. But when he allowed himself to project forgiveness towards someone with whom he had been having a ‘personal situation’, he suddenly felt a feeling of love. “[W]hen I felt that forgiveness, I saw this massive flash and then (I saw) this light appear and quickly move across the sky,” says Waskosky. “I don’t hear many people with CE-5 experiences describing this level of interaction, but this has been very consistent for me now.” “When I’m in a really positive state… they will appear as either a stationary bright flash of light… or they’ll appear as what you could call a shooting star, but they move in different directions and turn.”

• Waskosky moved to Colorado Springs where he connected with other CE-5 enthusiasts. They would go out to a field and practice the protocols together. The closest they came to a contact phenomenon was a light appearing on the ground, in the distance, behind trees. “In my opinion it’s like they’re trying not to scare anyone,” he says. “I think people might be freaked out by too much contact.” This year, Waskosky’s monthly meetings were held on Zoom. They discuss things like ayahuasca experiences, past-life regression, childhood abduction experiences, the true nature of objective reality, and traditional UFO conspiracies.

• The principles behind the CE-5 protocols tapping into human consciousness has its roots in research conducted by the Stanford Research Institute and the US Army. Remote viewing is the practice of sensing unknown or distant targets with the mind, and recording those impressions for a variety of applications. During the Cold War, the DIA and the Army recognized the potential intelligence value of “psychic spies,” and conducted research into the phenomenon, building on the work started at the Stanford Research Institute in 1972 by Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff. The DIA/CIA closed the ‘Project Stargate’ program in 1995, claiming the work of remote viewers was “vague” and “general,” despite some prominent operational successes such as the 1976 locating of a downed Soviet spy plane.

• Debra Katz is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of West Georgia, and a remote viewer herself. Katz studied with remote viewer Michael Van Atta and has done research with the International Remote Viewing Association, a group founded by Targ, Puthoff and other veterans of Project Stargate. Katz says remote viewing is a skill that can be honed with time, patience and practice, and she teaches a 12-week, $1,200 course on remote viewing.

• “It’s a lot of work to do remote viewing,” says Katz. “Even with the people who aren’t showing great results, if they hang in there and really practice a lot and push themselves, I’ve had students that have blown me away.” But remote viewing isn’t an exact science, and a lot of the information she gets is vague and general. “Let’s say a target was a pyramid. You might just see one corner of the pyramid, or you might just see a triangle, but you’re not even sure. It could be a whole complete image, or a part of an image.” “[I]t doesn’t always seem to be consistent.”

• For devoted UFOlogists, such vague conclusions are the norm. It’s a “science” with enough credible evidence to spark intense curiosity, but often with frustratingly bizarre “answers” that are easily dismissed by skeptics. Still, says Waskosky, “It’s a life-changing thing to have an experience you know absolutely, one hundred percent, this is something paranormal.”


         Mike Waskosky

UFOs are back in the news after Haim Eshed, the former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate, told

  2001 Disclosure Project press conference

Israel’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper that UFOs belong to a “galactic federation” and that President Donald Trump was on the verge of revealing their existence to the public.

Here in Colorado Springs a group claims to be able to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligences using meditation and thought projection. While such claims might seem far-fetched to lay people, the principles behind the practice — the untapped potential of human consciousness — has its roots in research conducted by the Stanford Research Institute and the U.S. Army.

CE-5, or close encounters of the fifth kind, named after famed UFO researcher J. Allen Hynek’s classification scale, is a set of meditation protocols developed by Dr. Steven Greer, a medical doctor turned UFO researcher, that he claims allows humans to initiate contact with aliens — to essentially summon a UFO. Every month a group of Colorado Springs residents, led by Mike Waskosky, meets to discuss all things UFO, meditate, and potentially bear witness to strange lights in the sky.

Waskosky’s trip down the UFO rabbit hole began after he was presented with what he saw as credible evidence for the existence of UFOs.

“When I was 21 years old I had no belief in UFOs. I was in the mindset there wasn’t anything to it,” he says. “The documentaries I had watched weren’t really convincing. I randomly came across Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project’s May 9, 2001, press club event on YouTube. I completely did a 180 with my life after I realized I had no way of explaining all of this incredible testimony. It was so shocking to me that there was so much out there that wasn’t on TV, that there was so much documentation. After I watched that two-hour presentation, I realized if that’s true, if this isn’t just a big hoax, I have to research everything to get to the bottom of it.”

                           Debra Katz

The 2001 event Waskosky watched on YouTube featured testimony from a number of former and retired military personnel, serious men who were trained to fly cutting-edge aircraft or to operate nuclear weapons, who claimed to have witnessed, to them, undeniable proof that an advanced, non-human intelligence had visited the planet and at times even interfered with military equipment. Seeing sober-faced career military men describe unexplainable phenomena set Waskosky on a mission.

“I listened to 15 hours of audio from the Disclosure Project testimonies,” he recalls. “I started downloading everything I could from conspiracy websites, and I just did tons and tons of research. That led me to the point where I believed there’s definitely something to it, so maybe I should see what else Steven Greer is into. That led me to discovering his organization, CSETI [Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence], and then five months later I attended their ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ weeklong training in November 2006. That was in Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California.”

Greer’s weeklong training sessions, which range from $2,500 to $3,500 depending on facility costs, focused on meditation practices, remote viewing training and fieldwork, or actually trying to summon alien beings through meditation.

1:40:36 Corey Goode and Mike Waskosky 12-28-20 (‘SphereBeing Alliance’ YouTube)



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Former Senator Harry Reid Says US Government is Covering Up UFOs

Article by John Vibes                                     December 19, 2020                                  (

• Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (pictured above) is the Congressman credited with initiating the $22 million pentagon UFO research program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ in 2007. So he’s had an interest in the UFO topic for a long time. In the documentary titled “The Phenomenon,” Reid said that UFOs and potential alien activity have been covered up by the government for years. “Why the federal government all these years has covered up, put brake pads on everything, stopped it, I think it’s very, very bad for our country,” Reid says.

• When asked again about UFOs in a recent interview, Reid said, “Do we have all the answers? Absolutely not. But at least we know that thousands of people have reported these unusual occurrences over the decades. And as I have said, we cannot ignore what’s going on. Russia, China and France are all working on this. And I hope that we will pick up the ball and continue to work on this.”

• Regarding video footage taken of UFOs engaging with US Navy aircraft pilots, flying around 30,000 feet in the air at hypersonic speeds and showing no visible engines or exhaust plumes, Reid said, “I’m happy that the Pentagon now allows its pilots to report these unusual occurrences. In the past, pilots have been afraid to acknowledge them because it could hurt their promotions. So I think the federal government is doing better at recognizing it’s something we have to stay on top of. And we have better cameras now with the aircraft, and we’ve got pictures we didn’t have before.”

• Earlier this year, the Pentagon announced the formation of a new UAP Task Force to study UFOs after the military acknowledged that pilots were encountering aircraft that might not have been made by humans. Leaked photos recently posted by The Debrief, showing a metallic object hovering 35,000 over the Atlantic Ocean, off the eastern coast of the United States in 2018 were reportedly studied by the task force. The aircraft was an “unidentified silver cube-shaped object”. They suggested that the craft could be “non-human,” “alien” or other “intelligences of unknown origin.”

• As reported in December, retired Israeli general Haim Eshed claimed that the United States and Israeli governments have been in contact with extraterrestrials for many years, but have not revealed this information to the public because they feel that the average citizen is not ready to know.


In a new documentary titled “The Phenomenon,” Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that UFOs and

                            Haim Eshed

potential alien activity have been covered up by the government for years.

“Why the federal government all these years has covered up, put brake pads on everything, stopped it, I think it’s very, very bad for our country,” Reid said in the documentary.

The former Senate majority leader has taken an interest in the topic for a long time and even obtained $22 million in taxpayer dollars to study UFOs through the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program while he was in office.

In a recent interview responding to questions about his belief in UFOs, Reid said, “Do we have all the answers? Absolutely not. But at least we know that thousands of people have reported these unusual occurrences over the decades. And as I have said, we cannot ignore what’s going on. Russia, China and France are all working on this. And I hope that we will pick up the ball and continue to work on this.”

He also commented on the footage that was taken of UFOs engaging with US Navy aircraft pilots.

In the footage, the objects are flying around 30,000 feet in the air at hypersonic speeds and showing no visible engines or exhaust plumes typical of any known aircraft currently on Earth.

“I’m happy that the Pentagon now allows its pilots to report these unusual occurrences. In the past, pilots have been afraid to acknowledge them because it could hurt their promotions. So I think the federal government is doing better at recognizing it’s something we have to stay on top of. And we have better cameras now with the aircraft, and we’ve got pictures we didn’t have before,” Reid said.

1:07 minute video of Harry Reid on UFOs from ‘The Phenomenon’ (‘1091 Pictures’ YouTube)



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Ohio Man Shares UFO Experience

Article by Stacy Turner                                       December 23, 2020                                        (

• In 2017, an Ohio man referred to only as “Joe” was on his way home from the 3rd shift at his job in Garrettsville when he noticed strange lights above a field. He stopped to try and take a few photos on his flip phone to show his wife. Joe captured lights from what he identified as two distinct aircraft (pictured above). He recalls being mesmerized as the two craft seemed to signal to each other by the use of the lights which blinked alternately to each other, as if communicating. When a third larger craft appeared between the two, Joe felt the need to leave. “I wanted to get out of there — it was getting too crowded,” he joked.

• About a year later, driving through the same area, Joe noticed some intense lights in a wooded area in distance. “They appeared to be looking for something,” he said. He stopped his truck to get a better look. From the distance, he thought he spotted figures. Once again, he tried to capture photos on his flip phone. A bright light illuminated the inside of his truck, and made him cover his eyes. But he managed to fire off a series of photos on his phone (to be revealed in part two of Joe’s story). The photos show the intense movement of a charm that hung from the rear view mirror, even though his truck was parked. But Joe noted that he wasn’t afraid, and didn’t feel like he was in danger. He showed the photos to his friends and family on the tiny screen of his flip phone, but after a time, he forgot about them.

• It wasn’t until he began the task of deleting old photos and contacts from his trusty flip phone about a year ago that he came across those photos again. When he and his wife downloaded the photos to a computer to get a closer look, they were astonished at what they saw in the background… to be continued.

• According to the Mutual UFO Network, or ‘MUFON’, UFOs have been investigated over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists. The mystery surrounding UFOs has historical roots in the early 19th century when unexplained “ghost fliers” were spotted in Europe and North America. During the 1930s, numerous “ghost rockets” were reported in Scandinavia.

• During the Second World War, airmen reported seeing “mystery airships” or “foo fighters” while in flight. After the war in 1947, aviator Kenneth Arnold reported spotting a “flying saucer” near Mt. Rainier, Washington, bringing the concept of flying saucers to the public forefront during late 1940s and early 1950s. During the Cold War, US, British, Canadian, Danish, Italian, and Swedish governments all collected reports of UFO sightings. Although the US government says it officially shut down its $22 million UFO study program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, in 2012, the Pentagon recently announced launching a new ‘UAP Task Force’.

• Organizations around the world continue to collect information from amateur astronomers and regular folks who happened to be in the right place at the right time to view an unexplained event in the sky. The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), documented nearly 3,000 sightings reported in Ohio in 2020 alone. In fact, the organization listed Ohio in the top five states for reported UFO sightings, after California, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Florida.


At the close of this year, even the most positive among us has had trouble dealing with 2020. With a global pandemic changing the way we live, political upheaval, racial divides, and an election fraught with venom and strife, even the threat of murder hornets don’t faze us after all that 2020 has dumped on our doorsteps. So learning about how a local man’s experiences point to the fact that we’re not alone in the universe may just be the icing on the cake of the year that made us question every other area of our lives.

You may be surprised to learn that the subject has a name — UFOlogy, which is noted as the array of subject matter and activities associated with an interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). According to the Mutual UFO Network (, UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists. The non-profit 501-C.3 organization that was founded in 1969 notes that the mystery surrounding UFOs has historical roots in the early 19th century when unexplained “ghost fliers” were spotted in Europe and North America and numerous “ghost rockets” were reported in Scandinavia during the 1930s.

   Kenneth Arnold and the flying ‘saucer’

During the Second World War, Allied airmen reported seeing “mystery airships” or “foo fighters” while in flight. After the War ended, aviator Kenneth Arnold reported spotting a “flying saucer” near Mt. Rainier, Washington in 1947. Media hype following this report brought the concept of flying saucers to the forefront of the public eye during late 1940s and early 1950s as a result. During the Cold War, US, British, Canadian, Danish, Italian, and Swedish governments have each collected reports of UFO sightings, although most governmental programs have been officially reported to be shut down as recently as 2012, although US Defense Department allocated $22 million on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in 2017.

Organizations around the world continue to collect information from amateur astronomers and regular folks who happened to be in the right place at the right time to view an unexplained event in the sky. One such US organization, the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), documented that nearly 3,000 sightings were reported in Ohio in 2020 alone ( In fact, the organization’s information compiled in 2018 listed Ohio in the top five states for reported UFO sightings (after California, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Florida.)


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Top 10 Exopolitics Stories for 2020

2020 was big year for exopolitics and UFO disclosure with multiple mainstream news sites reporting major developments. Legacy media is now regularly discussing UFOs/UAPs and extraterrestrial life, along with the latest developments with the US Space Force. I discussed my list of the Top 10 Exopolitics news stories with Corey Goode on Zoom (see video below) to get his take on what they mean for “full disclosure”. I consider Corey, along with the late William Tompkins, to be one of the most informed, legitimate and accurate insiders about secret space programs, extraterrestrial life, etc., with significant evidence to back up his claims, as I have discussed previously.

I will go into detail about my  the Top 10 list with slides and news videos on January 3 in the upcoming Ascension, Exopolitics & Disclosure Conference with Laura Eisenhower, John DeSouza and Neil Gaur. This promises to be an exciting webinar discussing what happened in 2020 and what we can expect in 2021.

What follows is the zoom video with Corey and my list with links to relevant articles published earlier in 2020.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.


Top Ten Exopolitics Stories for 2020

  1. Professor Haim Eshed revelations on US ET agreements and Galactic Federation
  2. Signing of Artemis Accords –
  3. Eric Davis Briefings to Pentagon Congress on alien reverse engineering
  4. Mike Turber revelations on Navy Tic Tac sightings being part of USAF SSP
  5. Salvatore Pais Patent application on nuclear fusion gets published in prestigious journal
  6. Space Center to be established at Ramstein Air Base, Germany
  7. Space Force completes first year with official logo, recruits, bases, doctrinal documents and Guardian name
  8. Trump received secret briefing that Roswell UFO involved time traveling humans
  9. Congress asks Intel Community for comprehensive UFO report 180 days after passage of 2021 NDAA:
  10. China sends up a Moon lander and retrieves lunar rocks to demonstrate its growing space power capabilities


Space Force is Now Part of the Joint Chiefs

Article by J. W. Sotak                                       December 18, 2020                                       (

• On December 18th, the Pentagon announced General John Raymond, Chief of Space Operations, will join the Joint Chiefs of Staff bringing the total war cabinet members to eight. General Raymond took his seat at the table of America’s most senior uniformed leaders on December 20th. “You’ve treated me like a member ever since [the law was signed],” General Raymond said during a ceremony at the Pentagon. “I can’t thank you enough. I can’t thank my teammates enough. It’s a real privilege to sit at this table.”

• The Joint Chiefs are the primary advisory body on all military matters, reporting to the President, Secretary of Defense, the Homeland Security Council, and the National Security Council. The incorporation of the Space Force underscores the new focus on space and cybersecurity, and suggests that it will be responsible for more than just monitoring satellites and overseeing scientific space missions.

• “This is an incredibly important organization for the United States military and for the United States as a country,” said General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. “We recognize [space] clearly as a warfighting domain. And we also know that we, the United States, we’ve got to maintain capabilities in that domain if we are going to continue to deter a great power war.”

• When the Joint Chiefs of Staff was created in 1942, it comprised the chairman and the chiefs of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. In 1978, the Commandant of the Marine Corps was added, followed by the chief of the National Guard Bureau in 2012.

• While the DoD reports that Space Force will to expand to roughly 20,000 servicemembers in the coming years, it would still be only half the size of the Coast Guard, with roughly 40,000 active-duty servicemembers. The Army, the largest branch, had over 450,000 active duty members and another 280,000 in the Reserves according to a 2019 report.

• Space Force is technically a Department of the Air Force. Space Force will rely on the Air Force for “more than 75 percent of its enabling functions” including “logistics, base operating support, civilian personnel management, business systems, IT support, and audit agencies,” allowing the military branch to remain agile, avoid duplicative staff roles, keep costs down, and concentrate on their missions.

• Skeptics and critics had relegated Space Force to President Trump’s pet project. But as the mission of the Space Force has begun to solidify, so has its credibility. As a Space Force video states: “When foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the Moon, when private companies are inventing a new economy beyond our planet, we need to stay one step ahead of the future.”

• The addition of General Raymond to the Joint Chiefs, Space Force isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.


        The Joint Chiefs of Staff

The Pentagon announced today that the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been expanded to include General John Raymond, Chief of Space Operations. This brings the war cabinet total to eight members. The decision to enlarge the group was signed into law earlier this year, and while General Raymond won’t be officially added to the roster of America’s most senior uniformed leaders until the one-year anniversary of the formation of Space Force on Sunday, December 20, he says he has already been received by his peers.

General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

“You’ve treated me like a member ever since [the law was signed],” General Raymond said during the ceremony at the Pentagon. “I can’t thank you enough. I can’t thank my teammates enough. It’s a real privilege to sit at this table.”

The Joint Chiefs occupy a critical role in national security. They are the primary advisory body on all military matters and report to the president, secretary of defense, the Homeland Security Council, and the National Security Council. The incorporation of the Space Force underscores the new focus on space and cybersecurity. It suggests that the newest military branch will be responsible for more than just monitoring satellites and overseeing scientific space missions.

“We recognize it clearly as a warfighting domain. And we also know that we, the United States, we’ve got to maintain capabilities in that domain if we are going to continue to deter a great power war,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley said during the induction ceremony.

“This is an incredibly important organization for the United States military and for the United States as a country,” he added.

At present, the Space Force is still relatively small. While the DoD reports that it is slated to expand to roughly 20,000 servicemembers in the coming years, even at that number it would be half the size of the Coast Guard, the smallest of the military branches with roughly 40,000 active-duty servicemembers. The Army, the largest branch, had over 450,000 active duty members and another 280,000 in the Reserves at last count according to a 2019 report.



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China Opens the World’s Largest Radio Telescope to International Scientists

Article by Chelsea Gohd                                     December 18, 2020                                         (

• Following the collapse of the historic Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, China has opened the biggest radio telescope in the world up to international scientists. “Our scientific committee aims to make ‘FAST’ increasingly open to the international community,” Wang Qiming, the chief inspector of the telescope’s operations and development center. China will accept requests in 2021 from foreign scientists looking to use the instrument for their research.

• In Pingtang, Guizhou province of China stands the massive 1,600-foot dish of the Aperture Spherical Telescope (“FAST”) (pictured above). The largest radio telescope in the world, FAST began full operations in January of 2020. “We drew a lot of inspiration from its [Arecibo’s] structure, which we gradually improved to build our telescope,” Wang said. The Arecibo Observatory had been the largest radio telescope for decades, although the FAST is three times more sensitive than Arecibo. FAST is also surrounded by a 3-mile (5 kilometers) “radio silence” zone in which cellphones and computers are not allowed.

• Researchers may use FAST to not just explore the universe but also to study alien worlds. Radio telescopes like FAST use antennas and radio receivers to detect radio waves from radio sources in the cosmos, like stars, galaxies and black holes. These instruments can also be used to send out radio signals and even reflect radio light from objects in the solar system (like planets) to see what information might bounce back, as SETI did in 1974 at Arecibo. An interstellar radio message was sent to the globular cluster M13 in hopes of reaching an extraterrestrial civilization there. The message was co-authored by Carl Sagan and helped to popularize Arecibo and radio astronomy in general.


collapsed Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico

Following the collapse of the historic Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, China has opened the biggest radio telescope in the world up to international scientists.

In Pingtang, Guizhou province stands the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), the

         Guizhou province of China

largest radio telescope in the world, surpassing the Arecibo Observatory, which stood as the largest in the world for 53 years before the construction of FAST was completed in 2016. Following two cable failures earlier this year, Arecibo’s radio telescope collapsed in November, shutting down the observatory for good. Now, FAST is opening its doors to astronomers from around the world.

“Our scientific committee aims to make FAST increasingly open to the international community,” Wang Qiming, the chief inspector of FAST’s operations and development center told the news agency AFP during a visit to the telescope, according to the French news site AFP.

China will accept requests this upcoming year (2021) from foreign scientists looking to use the instrument for their research, according to the report.
With its massive 1,600-foot (500 meters) diameter dish, FAST is not only larger than the now-destroyed Arecibo telescope, but it’s also three times more sensitive. FAST, which began full operations in January of this year, is also surrounded by a 3-mile (5 kilometers) “radio silence” zone in which cellphones and computers are not allowed.

“We drew a lot of inspiration from its [Arecibo’s] structure, which we gradually improved to build our telescope,” Qiming said.



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Obama CIA Director Brennan On UFOs

Article by Jazz Shaw                                    December 17, 2020                                     (

• In an interview with Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution, John O. Brennan, CIA Director under President Obama, the subject quickly turned to the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force and possible explanations for what these UFOs are and where they might come from. (see video below at 6:45 minute mark) Brennan took the question seriously and hinted that the CIA has pondered the subject and aren’t ruling anything out.

• The interview (below) covers a lot more material than just UFOs, but the way Brennan answered the UAP question is of particular interest. Brennan begins the answer with a nervous laugh. He doesn’t sound entirely comfortable and goes on to string together a very large number of words that seem to dance around the question before delivering the final shot. He races through a few more qualifiers before suggesting the possibility that the origin of the UAP is something that “some might say constitutes a different form of life.” Those were some impressive linguistic backflips to avoid saying the word “aliens” or “extraterrestrials,” weren’t they? But what else could he be talking about?

• Cutting through the double talk, Brennan essentially says, “I think it’s a bit presumptuous and arrogant for us to believe that there’s no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe. What that (form) might be is subject to a lot of different views. But I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing …that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and …involve some type of activity that …constitutes a different form of life.

• As the former Director of the CIA, Brennan held (and likely still holds) one of the highest possible security clearances in the country. And as those that follow ufology already know, the CIA has had a long and deep interest in the subject of UFOs going back to the earliest days of the agency. They have frequently been shown to have trafficked in information and frequently, disinformation.

• The CIA worked hand-in-hand with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations in Project Blue Book disinformation campaign, and with the efforts of AFOSI disinformation agent Richard Doty. Doty’s efforts at blaming aliens as a cover for other classified operations eventually led to the death of a scientist named Paul Bennewitz. So the CIA has had their hand in this game for a long time. If they know anything about UFOs that’s being withheld from the public, it’s a fair bet that Brennan knows about it. But hearing him “suggest” that they might involve “a different form of life” is intriguing, to say the least.


       John O. Brennan

A rather intriguing bit of UFO news popped up this week that may give us yet another peek into what the government

                      Richard Doty

knows about the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or at least thinks it knows. John O. Brennan, CIA Director under President Obama, gave an interview to Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution. Part of their conversation turned to the subject of the UAP Task Force and possible explanations for what these UFOs are and where they might come from. Rather than clamming up or simply laughing it off, Brennan took the question seriously. While he clearly wasn’t about to make some Earth-shattering announcement, he did offer some speculation which at least seems to hint at the idea that the CIA has pondered the subject and they aren’t ruling anything out.

COWEN: At the end of all that sifting and interpreting, what do you think is the most likely hypothesis?

BRENNAN: [laughs] I don’t know. When people talk about it, is there other life besides what’s in the States, in the world, the globe? Life is defined in many different ways. I think it’s a bit presumptuous and arrogant for us to believe that there’s no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe. What that might be is subject to a lot of different views.

              Paul Bennewitz

But I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing continues to be unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.

You can read or listen to the interview at Medium and it’s probably worth your time if you’re interested in this subject. They cover a lot more material than just UFOs, but the way Brennan answered the UAP question is of particular interest to me. Just from the transcript above, you can see that he begins the answer with a laugh, but it sounds more like a nervous laugh than any sort of mocking tone. He doesn’t sound entirely comfortable and goes on to string together a very large number of words that seem to dance around the question before delivering the final shot.

I was particularly taken by the way he talked about “something we don’t yet understand.” He then races through a few more qualifiers before suggesting the possibility that the origin of the UAP is something that “some might say constitutes a different form of life.” Those were some impressive linguistic backflips to avoid saying the word “aliens” or “extraterrestrials,” weren’t they? But what else could he be talking about?


1 hour video – Tyler Cowan’s interview with CIA Chief John Brennan,
discussing UAPs at 6:45 (‘Mercatus Center’ YouTube)



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China’s Chang’e 5 Successfully Lands in Mongolia with Moon Rocks

Article from Agence France-Presse                                     December 17, 2020                                      (

• The unmanned Chinese spacecraft, Chang’e-5, returned and parachuted safely to Earth on December 16th completing the first mission in four decades by any country to collect lunar samples. Scientists hope the samples will give insights into the Moon’s origins and volcanic activity. But the trip was also another high-profile chapter in China’s bid to become a space superpower. In images broadcast on state television, a Chinese flag was flown at the snow-covered grasslands of remote northern Mongolia where the capsule landed.

• The probe’s return “demonstrates the complete accomplishment of China’s first mission to collect samples from an extraterrestrial body,” China’s National Space Administration (CNSA) said. China is only the third country to have retrieved samples from the Moon, following the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s. While there on the Moon, it planted the Chinese flag.

• When the Chang’e 5 probe left the Moon, it marked the first time that China had achieved take-off from an extraterrestrial body (pictured above). It then linked up with the orbiting part of the spacecraft that brought the samples back to Earth. The Chang’e-5 collected 4.5 pounds of material in a vast, previously unexplored lava plain known as Oceanus Procellarum. The capsule will be airlifted to Beijing for opening, and the Moon samples will be delivered to a research team for analysis and study.

• China has spent billions of dollars on its military-run space program in an effort to catch up with the United States and Russia. China launched its first satellite in 1970. The country’s first human spaceflight was achieved in 2003. The Chinese landed a lunar rover on the far side of the Moon in January 2019.

• Thomas Zurbuchen, a top official at NASA’s science mission directorate, tweeted “The international science community celebrates your successful Chang’e 5 mission. These samples will help reveal secrets of our Earth-Moon system (and) gain new insights about the history of our solar system.” China will make some of the samples available to scientists in other countries.

• China’s future space goals include creating a powerful rocket capable of delivering payloads heavier than those NASA and private rocket firm SpaceX can handle, a lunar base, a permanently crewed space station, and a Mars rover.


Chang’e 5 return module on the ground in Mongolia

An unmanned Chinese spacecraft carrying rocks and soil from the Moon returned safely to Earth early

 Staff members examine the return module

Thursday, completing the first mission in four decades to collect lunar samples. While scientists hope the samples will give insights into the Moon’s origins and volcanic activity on its surface, the trip was also another high-profile chapter in China’s bid to become a space superpower. In images broadcast on state television, a Chinese flag was flown at the snow-covered grasslands where the capsule landed in the country’s remote north.

The probe’s return “demonstrates the complete accomplishment of China’s first mission to collect samples from an extraterrestrial body,” China’s National Space Administration (CNSA) said.

China is now only the third country to have retrieved samples from the Moon, following the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s.

      space agency personnel celebrating

Chang’e-5, named after a mythical Chinese Moon goddess, landed on the Moon on 1 December.

While there, it raised the Chinese flag, the country’s space agency said.

When the probe left the Moon two days later, that marked the first time that China had achieved take-off from an extraterrestrial body, it said.
The module then went through the delicate operation of linking up in lunar orbit with the part of the spacecraft that brought the samples back to Earth.

The Chang’e-5 mission was to collect two kilograms (4.5 pounds) of material in an area known as Oceanus Procellarum — or “Ocean of Storms” — a vast, previously unexplored lava plain, according to the science journal Nature.

The capsule will be airlifted to Beijing for opening, and the Moon samples will be delivered to a research team for analysis and study, China’s space agency said.



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The Black Knight Satellite Conspiracy Theory

Article by Caroline Delbert                          December 16, 2020                           (

• In 1899, Nikola Tesla claimed to have heard an extraterrestrial signal, and exclaimed. “I have a deep conviction that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars.” In 1923, Tesla told a reporter from the Albany Telegram: “I caught signals which I interpreted as meaning 1–2–3–4. I believe the Martians used numbers for communication because numbers are universal.” At the turn of the 20th century, before airplanes, canals were important for worldwide commerce. There was a theory that Mars had canals made by some kind of intelligent species. According to NASA, it follows that Tesla would have assumed that the mystery signals that he was detecting were from a intelligent beings on Mars.

• The late Gordon Cooper, one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts in the early 1960s, claimed to have seen a UFO in space. Although NASA would not support him on it, they admitted to spotting something in the sky, and after ruling out the small number of satellites at the time, decided it must be something else. People in the 1960s were paranoid with the Cold War space race and keen to identify anything in the sky. Time magazine mentioned the space object in 1960, This, together with Tesla’s claim, gave rise to the existence of an alien satellite in a polar orbit perpendicular to ordinary equatorial satellite orbits, dubbed the ‘Black Knight’ satellite (pictured above). And a 1970 paper added the “13,000-year-old alien” origin twist.

• According to Vice, declassified documents have revealed that the mystery object was part of the US military’s Cold War ‘CORONA Project’, the world’s first successful space photo-reconnaissance flights to monitor Soviet missile facilities. In 1998, NASA astronauts on the International Space Station saw and photographed the “amorphous black object” in space, noting its dark and curious shape. NASA dismissed it as an errant thermal blanket.

• NASA is satisfied that the object, glimpsed very occasionally, is probably a piece of lost space junk. Believers cite signals dating back to Nikola Tesla of observations of a polar satellite many millennia older than human technology. Scientists have now determined these signals to be naturally occurring by pulsating space objects known as ‘pulsars’.


The Conspiracy

The Black Knight is a space object that, believers insist, is both artificially made and approximately 13,000 years old. That’s supposedly it in the NASA photo above. The agency says the object, glimpsed very occasionally and “detected” sometimes over the decades, is probably a piece of space junk lost from a mission. But believers cite history dating back to Nikola Tesla of observations of a polar satellite many millennia older than human technology. Could it come from ancient aliens?

The Origins

Vice reported on the Black Knight in 2015: “In 1899, Nikola Tesla heard from aliens. ‘I have a deep conviction that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars,’ Tesla told a reporter from the Albany Telegram in 1923. ‘I caught signals which I interpreted as meaning 1–2–3–4. I believe the Martians used

                     Gordon Cooper

numbers for communication because numbers are universal.’”

  The ‘CORONA Project’ “bucket satellite”

At the time, there was an influential theory that Mars had canals made by some kind of intelligent species. “The importance of canals for worldwide commerce at that time without a doubt influenced the popular interest in ‘canals’ on Mars,” NASA explains. The zeitgeist coil surely have affected Tesla—a genius by any measure, but still a human being trying to understand the confusing things he might have encountered.



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Unreleased Images From the Apollo Missions They Don’t Want You To See

Article by Arjun Walia                                     December 17, 2020                                  (

• For decades, there has been an official government campaign of ridicule and secrecy when it came to extraterrestrial UFOs. The idea that UFOs could be real and coming from another civilization was considered a crazy “conspiracy theory.” Now, suddenly, mainstream media outlets like the New York Times and CNN are covering the topic in a credible way. Multiple military agencies from around the world, including the US Navy and the Pentagon, admit that mysterious flying objects performing maneuvers that no known aircraft is capable of, are real and that UFO study programs exist within government. They have radar tracking data, pictures, and photos – some of which has been released to the public.

• So why suddenly legitimize a subject that was ridiculed for so many years? What is the government authorities’ true agenda? People have lost trust in the mainstream media. It is apparent that they only treat the subject seriously when there is a threat narrative associated with it. Whenever it is suggested that the ETs may be here for peaceful and benevolent purposes, the story receives the traditional media ridicule.

• Government agencies have spent a lot of effort suppressing photographic evidence of UFOs. Still, officially released pictures of UFOs are abundant and available within the public domain. (see photos below)

• Robert “Bob” Dean, who passed away a few years ago, was a retired US Army Command Sergeant Major who serve for 28 years. In his lectures, spoke of NASA photographic film that the “so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see”. Dean claimed that NASA actually erased 40 rolls of film from the Apollo Program – the flight to the Moon, the flight round the Moon, the Moon landings and Moon walks. “Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken… (because) they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable’, ‘politically unacceptable.” Dean’s claims about NASA erasing photos has basically been confirmed by many others, including Dr. Norman Bergrun who worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) and Lockheed Martin.

• Many Apollo astronauts, such as Apollo 14’s Dr. Edgar Mitchell, have been outspoken about their experiences and knowledge about the UFO phenomenon. But it is the Apollo astronauts who dutifully deny these claims that seem to get the most attention within the mainstream media.

• The implications of UFO/extraterrestrial contact is huge. Governments full disclosure of UFO/ET evidence – without a hidden agenda – would be a major paradigm shifter. This would have the potential to expand human consciousness to another level, leaving no aspect of humanity untouched.


photo taken by Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27, 1946 in Alberta, Canada

Having researched the UFO/extraterrestrial topic for more than 15 years now and having my own unique

‘cigar’ shaped craft taken by NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong

experiences with sightings, I came to realize these objects were indeed real a long time ago. For decades there seems to have been an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy” (Roscoe Hillenkoetter Ex CIA director), and this was quite evident amongst family, friends and the general population. The idea that these objects could be real and may be from other civilizations not originating on our planet was considered a crazy “conspiracy theory.”

Fast forward to today and we now have mainstream media outlets covering the topic in a credible way, most notably as of late the New York Times and CNN. We have multiple military agencies from around the world, like the U.S. Navy for example and the Pentagon admitting that these objects are real and that programs exist within government, and have existed within government to study them. They’ve relayed to the masses that these objects are real and perform maneuvers that no known aircraft are capable of, some of them defy our understanding of physics and

                        NASA image

aerodynamics. They’ve told the public that they have radar tracking data, pictures, and photos, some of which have been released and are accessible to the public.

                           Bob Dean

But why legitimize a subject that was ridiculed for so many years? Why all of a sudden? It’s no secret that a lot of people have lost trust in the mainstream media. A constant theme when the UFO phenomenon does seem to be covered in a legitimate form is a threat narrative, this is suspicious to UFO researchers like myself given the fact that the majority of these objects and sightings that have been documented over decades don’t seem to present any behaviour that indicates a threat. Curious, intrusive, perhaps, but no threat. When a story from a credible source emerges mentioning some kind of benevolent possibility, the story seems to be heavily ridiculed by mainstream media. Obviously there are a lot of questions that remain unanswered and as of now we can only speculate.

Officially released pictures of UFOs are abundant and available within the public domain. Here, for example, is a photo taken by two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27th, 1946, in Fort MacLeod, Alberta, Canada.

                 Dr. Norman Bergrun

Then there are photos that aren’t 100 percent verifiable but do come from interesting sources

              Dr. Edgar Mitchell

nonetheless that are always interesting to look at and speculate, like the ones shown in the lecture below by Robert (Bob) Dean. Dean passed away a few years ago. He was a retired US Army Command Sergeant Major (high rank) who serve for 28 years. According to him, as stated in his lecture:

“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program – the flight to the Moon, the flight round the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and here. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ socially unacceptable, ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”

1 hour video of Bob Dean and Arthur Neumann in 2009 (‘Project Camelot’ YouTube)



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Navy’s ‘UFO’ Patents Went Through Significant Internal Review and Demo

Article by Brett Tingley                                December 16, 2020                         (

• In 2019, the US Navy filed and obtained patents on several bizarre technologies such as a “high temperature superconductor,” a “high frequency gravitational wave generator,” a force field-like “electromagnetic field generator,” a “plasma compression fusion device,” and a “hybrid aerospace/underwater craft” featuring an “inertial mass reduction device.” They seemed to describe the theoretical building blocks of a craft with UFO-like performance. Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an aerospace engineer at NAVAIR’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) in Patuxent (Pax) River, Maryland, was credited in these patents as the inventor.

• Each of Pais’ inventions depended on what the inventor calls “the Pais Effect,” described as the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.” But the patents and their underlying concepts have largely been scoffed at by mainstream scientific experts. Nevertheless, Pais says his work will be proven correct “one fine day.”

• The War Zone has continued to dig into Salvatore Pais and his Navy patents through FOIA filings requesting Naval Air Systems Command email correspondence pertaining to them. These emails add to the backstory and suggest that the patents went through a more rigorous internal evaluation process than was previously known. The emails also indicate that the patent’s research program did in fact result in an experimental demonstration of some sort.

• The emails and invention disclosure forms show that the ‘Inertial Mass Reduction Device’, the ‘High Temperature Superconductor’, the ‘Gravitational Wave Generator’, and the ‘Electromagnetic Field Generator’ are all listed as closely interrelated patents. The inventions were disclosed to multiple employees at NAVAIR prior to application and reviewed by the Technology Transfer Office at Pax River in 2015. Pais defended his inventions in front of the NAWCAD Invention Evaluation Board throughout 2016 and 2017. The inventions appear to have cleared this review process and were then submitted to the US Patent and Trademark Office for patent approval.

• It’s curious that Pais’ inventions apparently had no direct correlation to his assigned duties. His duties as an Aerospace Engineer for NAWCAD at the time included working in Fuel Thermal Management Systems design, aircraft analysis, and advanced power, avionics, and thermal technologies. In his invention disclosure form for the inertial mass reduction device patent, Pais signed and dated a form reading “As the invention described herein was made as a direct result of the performance of my assigned duties, I hereby agree to assign the entire right, title and interest in the invention to the government and I understand that I will retain no rights in the invention,” per U.S. Code of Federal Regulation 37 CFR § 501.6.

• However, at the bottom of the disclosure form Pais wrote that “There is no relationship whatsoever between my assigned duties and the invention. The invention was made independently of any job performance or assigned tasks by the Branch or Section.” He later wrote in the same disclosure form that “The entire Inventive Concept and anything that pertains to it, was the inventor’s own work, with no government contribution whatsoever.”

• After one of his academic papers describing the patents was accepted for publication in 2016, Pais wrote in an email to several NAVAIR employees that “What is most unique about this paper is that it has already won the approval of Dr. [REDACTED], … who has given his unreserved approval of this paper, calling it “a very good paper.” [REDACTED] has also forwarded the paper to several of his colleagues, including [REDACTED], another top subject matter expert.” Likely candidates as to who the mystery scientist is who signed off on Pais’ inventions are either perennial ‘weird science’ contract stalwart Hal Puthoff or aerospace engineer H. David Froning whose own works were included along with the patent application.

• The Australian-based Froning has published extensive USAF-funded studies on hypersonic vehicle design and using directed energy to aid in aircraft propulsion, “new directions in electromagnetism for propulsion and power”, and using specially-conditioned electromagnetic fields to control nuclear fusion reactions – some of the same technologies patented by Pais on behalf of the US Navy over the last several years. In mid-2016, a “Salvatore Cezar Pais, Ph.D.” left a glowing five-star Amazon review for Froning’s 2016 book, The Halcyon Years of Air and Space Flight: And the Continuing Quest, years before Pais’ patents were made public.

• In the same April 20, 2016 email in which Pais mentions an unknown (redacted) supportive scientist, Pais wrote that “the enablement of extreme craft speeds, and thus the feasibility of intergalactic travel using current engineering materials and methods, is made possible with this (peer-reviewed) publication.” Similarly, the Amazon book review stated that Froning’s research “takes us several steps toward our ultimate civilizational goal of Intergalactic Flight” and “can occur with state of the art materials and engineering methods.” Pais closes the April 20, 2016 email by adding that the examination process will “hopefully (culminate) in two essential patents for the technologically advanced future of the Navy.”

• Nine days later, Pais emailed that the patent application had been filed with the USPTO, writing “[REDACTED] has done an admirable job and produced an exceptional patent application, [REDACTED] work is highly commendable. The inventive concept due to its simplicity and minimalism, despite its advanced quantum vacuum physics, pays homage to Occam’s Razor. Thank you Sir for your recommendation and your continued support.” It may be that Pais is referring to Mark Glut, NAWCAD’s patent attorney at the time. In a May 2017 email, Pais writes that “[Redacted] is a formidable patent lawyer”.

• In the emails related to the high-temperature superconductor patent, an unknown individual from the Naval Aviation Enterprise writes that “the concept has strong theoretical backing” and offers the enterprises’ help in the patent application process. Later, Pais publicly thanks Naval Aviation Enterprise Chief Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy who stepped in to personally attest to the USPTO to the ‘operability and enablement’ of the concepts in Pais’ inventions. After the “Inertial Mass Reduction Device” patent application was submitted, an unknown individual from the Naval Aviation Enterprise, likely Dr. Sheehy, congratulated Pais in an email, writing “Congratulations!! Now to build a small demo to put the theory into a demo”. In 2017 and 2019 emails, Pais confirms funding of his work by NAWCAD on “radical new propulsion concepts” and “Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft”.

• In 2017, Pais was turned down publication by energy research journal Joule , saying “we would require you to provide some compelling experimental validation of your proposed theoretical pathway before we could reconsider.” In a June 6, 2019 email, Pais states: “high-temperature superconductor is sound despite a lack of experimental evidence”. Pais finally published his paper on “Room Temperature Superconducting System for use on a Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft” in the AIAA SciTech forum in 2019 without experimental data.

• Inventors working behind closed doors in DoD labs aren’t the only ones pursuing these “Holy Grail” technologies. In mid-October 2020, the journal Nature announced that a room-temperature superconductor was theoretically possible, but required extreme pressures of at least 2.6 million times the atmospheric pressure at sea level, making it impractical except in laboratory settings. In November 2020, researchers at MIT published seven articles in the Journal of Plasma Physics detailing a revolutionary new compact high-temperature superconductor fusion reactor design. One of the key technologies leveraged in the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center design is “a newer electromagnet technology that uses high temperature superconductors that can produce a much higher magnetic field to contain the fusion reaction within.

• These various emails reveal an extensive internal review process wherein scientists and personnel at NAWCAD and the Pax River Invention Evaluation Board supported Pais’ patents for the USPTO application process. We also learned that NAWCAD performed technical and marketing reviews on the inventions, and funded a physical demonstration for patent purposes. Still, The Drive’s ‘The War Zone’ has yet to find any experimental validation or experts who can confirm Pais’s theories, or what these bizarre patents mean for the future of the Navy.


The War Zone continues to dig into the bizarre U.S. Navy patents authored by enigmatic inventor Dr. Salvatore Pais and the seemingly unusual circumstances of their approval by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). As part of our investigation, we recently obtained a tranche of internal emails from Naval Air Systems Command, or NAVAIR, which appear to have been sent between Pais and personnel in different NAVAIR offices. While the Navy’s exotic energy production patents remain as mysterious as ever, these emails add to the backstory surrounding the inventions of Salvatore Pais and suggest that the patents went through a more rigorous internal evaluation process than was previously known. The emails also seem to indicate that the research program that emanated from the patents did in fact result in an experimental demonstration of some sort.

Last year, the publication of several unusual patents assigned to the U.S. Navy raised eyebrows due to the seemingly radical and unconventional claims found within them. These patents included bizarre technologies such as a “high temperature superconductor,” a “high frequency gravitational wave generator,” a force field-like “electromagnetic field generator,” a “plasma compression fusion device,” and a hybrid aerospace/underwater craft featuring an “inertial mass reduction device.” They truly sound like the stuff of science fiction and seem to describe the theoretical building blocks of a craft with UFO-like performance.

Each of the Navy inventions are credited to one Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, who, at the time the patent applications

              Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais
     Dr. James Sheehy

were submitted, was an aerospace engineer at NAVAIR’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) in Patuxent (Pax) River, Maryland. Every one of Pais’ recent inventions depends on what the inventor calls “the Pais Effect,” described in numerous publications by the inventor as the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.”

Despite the fact that leadership at NAVAIR went to bat for the patents in appeals with the USPTO, the patents and their underlying concepts have largely been scoffed at by subject matter experts due to the lack of experimental evidence provided for them and their seeming similarity to controversial and highly theoretical concepts such as mass reduction or quantum vacuum engineering. Nevertheless, The War Zone obtained a statement from Dr. Pais in a series of email correspondences in which the inventor claimed his work will be proven correct “one fine day.”

Internal NAWCAD And NAVAIR Emails Contain Additional Details

The internal NAVAIR emails The War Zone has recently obtained are all related to the creation of the patent

                 Hal Puthoff

application and internal review process for Pais’s seemingly bizarre “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device” patent. All names within this release have been redacted, but it appears possible that many of the emails could have been written by Dr. Salvatore Pais based on portions of email signatures left unredacted, not to mention the fact that they describe Pais’s patents and publications in the first person. Still, it’s ultimately impossible to be 100% certain that these emails were indeed written by Pais himself despite The War Zone referring to the author as Pais throughout this reporting for simplicity.

     H. David Froning

While much remains unknown about these patents and their provenance, these emails offer a few new details about the internal processes Pais and other NAWCAD employees at Pax River undertook in getting some of the patents approved. For one, these emails reveal that Pais made an additional $700 between 2016 and 2018 from two separate incentive awards for the “Craft Using An Inertial Mass Reduction Device” patent.

The emails largely discuss bureaucratic procedures and paperwork related to the invention disclosures and patent application processes. These emails include individuals from NAWCAD, including its Office of Counsel, as well as elsewhere within NAVAIR, such as the Naval Test Wing Atlantic, and at a drafting company in Uniontown, Ohio that was hired to illustrate the patent applications.

The invention disclosure forms contained in these releases show that Pais claims several of his patents – “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device,” “Piezoelectricity-induced High Temperature Superconductor,” “High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator,” and “Ultrahigh Intensity Electromagnetic Field Generator” – are all interrelated. The gravitational wave generator application was cited as a follow-up to both the electromagnetic wave generator application and the inertial mass reduction device application, and is also listed as a closely related patent in the high-temperature superconductor application.



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More On The “Galactic Federation” Story

Article by Jazz Shaw                                       December 15, 2020                                         (

• As everyone knows by now, respected Israeli General Haim Eshed told Raanan Shaked of the Yediot Aharonot newspaper about an agreement between the United States and a “Galactic Federation” of extraterrestrials, and that President Trump was on the verge of spilling the beans but the aliens talked him out of it. Eshed also said that there is a secret base in the interior of Mars where American astronauts regularly work with the aliens.

• Some mainstream commenters are saying that Eshed has either gone crazy, or he grossly exaggerated some of his comments to make the article more viral (and to sell more of his new book).

• Tim McMillan at The Debrief reports that filmmaker Jeremy Corbell subsequently interviewed Shaked to gain additional details about the interview, Eshed’s state of mind, and where Eshed was getting his information. Shaked revealed that Eshed had cited a nearly 40-year-old conspiracy that President Dwight D. Eisenhower secretly met and signed an agreement with extraterrestrials. The Eisenhower story comes in large part from the “Granddaddy of American conspiracy theorists” – William “Bill” Cooper. In his book: “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991), Cooper claimed in the early 1970s while serving with the Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence, that he was granted access to classified documents describing President Eisenhower’s meetings with extraterrestrials. Cooper also claimed a “Galactic Space Confederation” made up of eight different extraterrestrials species existed.

• So was Eshed misquoted or taken out of context? Most likely not. Bill Cooper has been dead for almost twenty years. Eshed was talking specifically about President Donald Trump and his interactions with representatives of the nine alien species comprising the Galactic Federation. He couldn’t have gotten that from Cooper’s writings. In fact, nobody has brought up anything like this about Donald Trump yet. So where did Eshed obtain this new “information?”

• In the original interview, Eshed admitted that he doesn’t have first-hand knowledge in the form of seeing the aliens himself. He told Shaked that there was “other information he saw” during his 30-year career with Israel’s space agency, some of which came from counterparts in the American space program whom he cannot reveal. So Eshed feels that his claims were credible and the evidence exists to back them up.

• Eshed is still in possession of his faculties and sincerely believes the things that he’s saying. He’s going well beyond the old conspiracy theories about Ike and is breaking some new ground. He assures us that he didn’t make up these new revelations himself, but learned about them from credible sources. (see Jeremy Corbin’s interview below)


                       Haim Eshed

When we recently discussed the story of the respected Israeli General who told a reporter about an

          President Dwight D. Eisenhower

agreement between the United States and a supposed “Galactic Federation” of extraterrestrials, there was a lot to unpack. Haim Eshed told Raanan Shaked of the Yediot Aharonot newspaper that President Trump had been on the verge of spilling the beans about all of this, but the aliens talked him out of it at the last minute. He also mentioned that we have a secret federation base in the interior of Mars where American astronauts regularly work in cooperation with the aliens. We were mostly left to speculate why he would say such things, but I tracked down some social media comments from the author of a recent book about Eshed for further insight. I concluded that the most likely explanations were that Eshed was either losing his marbles or Shaked had grossly exaggerated some of his comments to make the article more viral.

As it turns out, there’s another possible explanation. As Tim McMillan reports at The Debrief, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell interviewed Shaked over the

                           William Cooper

weekend to gain additional details about the interview, Eshed’s state of mind and where he was supposedly getting his information. Assuming the reporter’s conclusions are accurate, Eshed is quite sane, but he does have a history of getting his “information” from conspiracy theory authors who aren’t generally viewed as being terribly reliable sources of hard data.

When it comes to secret pacts between the U.S. Government and extraterrestrials, rather than sharing anything he had first-hand knowledge of, Shaked explained Eshed was citing information long put out in some of the more fringe circles of Ufology. Namely, a nearly 40-year-old conspiracy that President Dwight D. Eisenhower secretly met and signed an agreement with extraterrestrials…

The majority of sources pin the origins of the Eisenhower story to the “Granddaddy of American conspiracy theorists” – William “Bill” Cooper.
In his best-known work, “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991), Cooper claimed in the early 1970s while serving with the Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence, he was granted access to classified documents describing President Eisenhower’s meetings with extraterrestrials. Cooper also claimed a “Galactic Space Confederation” made up of eight different extraterrestrials species existed.



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Singer Robbie Williams Thrilled as Former Space Chief Confirms Galactic Federation

Article by Ashleigh Rainbird                                   December 15, 2020                                    (

• British pop singer Robbie Williams (pictured above) is thrilled that his alien theories have been backed up, after Israel’s former space security chief, Professor Haim Eshed, said a “Galactic Federation” exists. Williams welcomed the “big news” that a few select Earthlings from Israel and the US are part of a top-secret organization with aliens. He describes Eshed as “a very learned gentleman who is respected very highly”.

• Eshed reportedly said Israeli and American representatives meet up with aliens at the Federation’s secret underground bunker on Mars. “I know when muggins says all these things about UFOs you go, ‘Oh yeah?’” says Williams. “But he’s top brass in the Israeli military. What about them cosmic apples?”  (see 58 second clip of Williams discussing his UFO encounter below)

• Eshed claimed US President Donald Trump was “on the verge” of revealing their existence, but did not want to cause “hysteria” among us humans. Robbie, of course, has been expecting them.


          Professor Haim Eshed

Robbie Williams is over the moon that his alien theories have been backed up, after Israel’s former space

            US President Donald Trump

security chief said a “Galactic Federation” exists.

The singer welcomed the “big news” from Professor Haim Eshed – who headed up Israel’s space program for almost 30 years – that a few select Earthlings from Israel and the US are part of a top-secret organisation with aliens.

Rob describes Professor Eshed as “a very learned gentleman who is respected very highly”.

“I know when muggins says all these things about UFOs you go, ‘Oh yeah?’” admits Robbie, who previously made a Radio 4 documentary about a UFO conference in Nevada.

“But he’s top brass in the Israeli military. What about them cosmic apples?”

58 second clip of Robbie Williams relating a UFO encounter (’60 Minutes Australia’ YouTube)




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UFO Sightings in New York City Explode in 2020

Article by Ricky Hunter                                         December 16, 2020                                  (

• 2020 has been quite possibly the strangest year on record. From the COVID pandemic, to the bizarre BLM riots in the streets, to the controversial US elections – the world has never seen anything quite like 2020. And to top it off, UFO sightings are way up.

• Sightings of UFOs in New York City this year have gone up by 31 per cent from 2019. This year, 46 UFOs were spotted over the city, compared to 35 such sightings in 2019. That’s a jump of 283% according to data from the National UFO Reporting Center.

The New York Post reported that on July 21, 2020, a Staten Islander saw an “oval” aircraft which sounded like a helicopter. However, the witness claimed that it unleashed a surge of radiation in his body. “[H]onestly thought it was the government putting something into the air with everything going on during these times, and I thought I would wake up and find it all over the news or on Instagram,” said the witness.

• On June 8th, a Bronx resident reported 30 objects flying in perfect synchronicity across the night skies, resembling stars in movements. Observers tend to not identify themselves. National UFO Reporting Center director Peter Davenport has no doubt observers are seeing what they’re seeing. “I believe we are being visited routinely by these things we call UFOs,” Davenport told The Post, adding he has had “five sighting experiences.”

• Asked why outer-space types would want any part of our crazy world, Davenport said, “You are going to have to talk to the aliens. I do not know what these creatures are up to. What their objective might be in being here.”


2020 has been quite possibly the strangest year on record.

From the mysterious COVID pandemic and the tremendous toll on human life and economic destruction, to the draconian lockdowns, which are

                 Peter Davenport

paralyzing the mental health of Americans and the entire world, to the bizarre violent communist BLM riots in the streets, to the controversial US elections; the world has never seen anything quite like 2020, and to top it off, UFO sightings are up.

Sightings of UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects in NYC this year have gone up by 31 per cent from 2019. This year, 46 such objects were spotted in the glitzy skies of the city, compared to 35 such sightings in 2019.

Compared to 2018’s number, the 2020 sightings have jumped by 283 per cent, according to data from the National UFO Reporting Center.
NY Post reported on the increased UFO sightings.

On July 21, 2020, a Staten Islander saw an “oval” aircraft which reportedly sounded like a helicopter. However, the witness claimed that it unleashed a surge of radiation in their body.

The Islander told the media: “honestly thought it was the government putting something into the air with everything going on during these times and I thought I would wake up and find it all over the news or on Instagram.”

On June 8, someone from the Bronx say 30 objects flying in perfect synchronicity across the night skies, resembling stars in movements.



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What Happens to Space Force After Trump?

Article by Samantha Masunaga                                       December 15, 2020                                     (

• Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond says “proliferating technology” and “competitive interests” have changed space from a benign environment to “one in which we anticipate all aspects of human endeavor — including warfare.” The goals of Space Force include developing new capabilities, increasing cooperation and enabling a “lean and agile service.” Whether Space Force can achieve that mission is an open question. While Trump champions the initiative, he has done little to ensure it has the funding, staffing and authority to succeed. When he exits the White House next month, the Space Force’s trajectory remains unclear.

• Created last year as the first new armed service since 1947, Space Force has gained control of some space operations, but many others are still spread throughout the nation’s other military branches. Space Force is still technically part of the Air Force, just as the Marine Corps is part of the Navy. The Air Force’s Space Command is responsible for supporting and maintaining satellites for GPS, missile warning and nuclear command and control, as well as paying United Launch Alliance and SpaceX to launch national security satellites. “The whole point of this was to consolidate,” said Todd Harrison, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank. The US Army, US Navy, and especially the US Air Force all conduct space operations.

• Consolidating these disparate programs into the Space Force has been slow. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Patrick Air Force Base in Florida will change their names and become the first two Space Force installations. Eventually, all Air Force space missions are supposed to follow suit. But there has been no progress on integrating the Army‘s or Navy’s space missions.

• The Pentagon Space Force budget is lean. With about 2,100 personnel as of November 1st, Space Force commanded a budget of $40 million in 2020. Meanwhile, the Air Force has more than 325,000 active duty personnel and a budget of $168 billion for 2020. ($14B of that was designated to the Space Force.) The Space Force will probably always be the smallest military service, Harrison said. “Space is more dictated by capabilities than mass,” he said. Space Force “shouldn’t try to organize itself in the way of these much larger services because that’s not what it is. That’s not what it’s going to grow into.” For fiscal year 2021, the Space Force is requesting a budget transfer from the Air Force of $15.3 billion. Over time, as space programs from other services start consolidating into the Space Force, their budgets should follow.

• But David Deptula, a retired Air Force lieutenant general and dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies think tank, says that Space Force’s 2020 resources aren’t enough to carry out its mission of organizing, training and equipping forces to deter or defeat threats in space. US intelligence officials have warned that China and Russia have discussed developing new electronic warfare capabilities, which could have implications for U.S. military satellite communications or GPS satellite interference. “The nation is facing some very significant threats in the space realm,” says Deptula.

• “Space Force really needed to be stood up to remain competitive with the very real threats coming from our nearest adversaries,” said James Marceau, managing director of aerospace and defense at consulting firm Alvarez & Marsal, who has also served as a senior advisor to the Pentagon on major strategies including the Space Force. “We can’t afford to neglect that domain.”

• As the strategic role of satellites came to the forefront in the early 1990s, congressional leaders and military officials, including former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, considered consolidating space operations. In 2016, Representatives Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) and Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) began advocating for a “space corps.” But there wasn’t enough support in the U.S. Senate for the proposal. Then, in March 2018, Trump seized upon the idea and suggested creating a ‘Space Force’ in a speech to Marines at Air Station Miramar in San Diego. (Cooper would later say Trump “tried to hijack” the idea of the space corps.) Five month later, Vice President Mike Pence announced the creation of Space Force. It was included in the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act and signed into law in December 2019.

• At this point, it’s “highly unlikely” that the Biden administration would try to eliminate the Space Force, Harrison said. It would require a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as the president’s signature, he said. “I have not heard anyone seriously contemplating the idea of disestablishing it,” Harrison said. “It hasn’t even gotten a chance to get started yet.”

• “You’ve already transferred thousands of individuals into the Space Force,” said Doug Loverro, former deputy assistant secretary of Defense for space policy. “Can you imagine pulling the rug out from under them?” General Raymond says that he met with the Biden transition team in early December, and the conversation “was good”. So it appears that Space Force will be sticking around.


President Trump has a penchant for grandiose promises that go unfulfilled. So when he announced a

          Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond

plan to establish a Space Force, there was some skepticism.

Then-Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), ranking member on a Senate committee that deals with aviation and space, disliked the idea of consolidating space programs from the other military branches, saying at the time there were “too many important missions at stake” to “rip the Air Force apart.”

The idea of the new service became fodder for late-night comedians and a Netflix sitcom.
The Space Force, however, was not merely a presidential musing. Created last year as the first new armed service since 1947, it was established with the mission of protecting U.S. interests in space from potential adversaries, be they rival nations or gobs of space junk.

 Representative Jim Cooper

Whether it can achieve that mission is an open question. Though Trump champions the initiative, he has done little to ensure it has the funding, staffing and authority to succeed. When he exits the White House next month, the Space Force’s trajectory remains unclear.

            Todd Harrison

The Space Force has gained control of some space operations, but many others are still spread throughout the nation’s other military branches.

Within the Defense Department, the Air Force has the lion’s share of space programs and budget for space operations. It’s responsible for supporting and maintaining satellites for GPS, missile warning and nuclear command and control, as well as paying United Launch Alliance and SpaceX to launch national security satellites.

The Army and Navy also have their own space operations.

Consolidating these disparate programs into the Space Force has been slow. Some Air Force missions have transferred to Space Force control or are in the process of doing so — last week, Vice President Mike Pence announced that Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Patrick Air Force Base in Florida would change their names and become the first two Space Force installations. Eventually, all Air Force space missions are supposed to follow suit. But there has been no progress on integrating the Army‘s or Navy’s space missions.

 Representative Mike Rogers

“The last thing you want … after all of this reorganization and creating a new military service is to continue to have the fragmentation of our space programs and space organizations across the military,” said Todd Harrison, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank. “The whole point of this was to consolidate.”

           David Deptula

Compared with the budgets and personnel of the other branches of the U.S. military, the Space Force is lean. And technically it’s part of the Air Force, just as the Marine Corps is part of the Navy.

Consisting of about 2,100 people as of Nov. 1, the Space Force commanded a budget of $40 million for its operations and maintenance in fiscal year 2020.

Meanwhile, the Air Force has more than 325,000 active duty personnel and a budget of $168 billion for fiscal 2020. (The Air Force designated almost $14 billion of that for space capabilities. These projects have since become part of the Space Force.)

The Space Force will probably always be the smallest military service, Harrison said.

“Space is more dictated by capabilities than mass,” he said. The Space Force “shouldn’t try to organize itself in the way of these much larger services because that’s not what it is. That’s not what it’s going to grow into.”

          Doug Loverro

But the Space Force’s 2020 resources aren’t enough to carry out its mission of organizing, training and equipping forces to deter or defeat threats in space, said David Deptula, a retired Air Force lieutenant general and dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies think tank.

For fiscal year 2021, the Space Force is requesting a budget transfer from the Air Force of $15.3 billion. And over time, as space programs from other services start consolidating into the Space Force, their budgets should follow.

“The nation is facing some very significant threats in the space realm,” Deptula said. “Let’s make sure that service is set up for success.”

U.S. intelligence officials have warned that China and Russia have discussed developing new electronic warfare capabilities, which could have implications for U.S. military satellite communications or GPS satellite interference. In 2007, China tested an anti-satellite weapon and destroyed one of its own inactive weather satellites.

“Space Force really needed to be stood up to remain competitive with the very real threats coming from our nearest adversaries,” said James Marceau, managing director of aerospace and defense at consulting firm Alvarez & Marsal, who has also served as a senior advisor to the Pentagon on major strategies including the Space Force. “We can’t afford to neglect that domain.”



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Declassified Document Shows CIA Remote Viewing Galactic Federation Headquarters

Article by Arjun Walia                                         December 17, 2020                                     (

• The idea of a “galactic federation” of races that represent a benevolent force in our galaxy or universe is not a new idea. Channelers in telepathic communication with different groups of extraterrestrials have relayed this idea to the human race for many decades. This idea was recently sparked again when Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate, former general and respected professor revealed that the US and Israel have been in contact with intelligent extraterrestrials for quite a long time. He specifically referenced the “Galactic Federation”, emphasizing how they are waiting for humanity to evolve and that we are not quite ready for contact – a sentiment echoed by many.

• The CIA operated a program known as the STARGATE Project which included a remote viewing program where psychically gifted people were trained to “see” something in a remote location, regardless of distance and proximity to the target, from a given location independent of the target. The US government program ran for 25 years before it was declassified and supposedly shut down. The program, however, was very successful and quite useful for the intelligence community. It’s safe to assume that the entire STARGATE program and its contents was not fully declassified. One common theme among many of the remote viewers’ targets is their heavy interest in the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Why? Did their experience spark an interest in something we haven’t been told?

• One of the CIA’s declassified remote viewing sessions conducted in 1988 targeted the Earth headquarters for the Galactic Federation. (see remote viewing notes here) It’s unclear who the remote viewer is. (Names are usually listed.) First of all, where would the CIA get the idea to even look for some sort of galactic federation? It raises many questions.

• Remote viewer Lyn Buchanan describes the four types of extraterrestrials: “After the military I was asked by a branch of the government to do a…study paper to compare and contrast ET psychic ability to human psychic ability. …I was given access to many of the things that never made it into Project Grudge or the Blue Book or anything like that because they couldn’t be denied. …I found out that we can take the ET’s of all different kinds and species and all that and put them into four main categories. We’ve got those who are more psychic than us and those that are less psychic than us. In each of those two categories we’ve got friendly to us and unfriendly to us, the unfriendly non-psychic ones tend to not come here. They don’t like us, they don’t want to be around us. The non-psychic friendly ones come here for trade. The psychic friendly ones actually want to help us develop our abilities and become stronger at it. And the unfriendly psychic ones want us wiped off the planet, they want us dead, period, no questions asked.”

• Remote viewers Ingo Swann, Pat Price and Joseph McMoneagle also claimed to have remote viewed extraterrestrials and ET bases on Earth, with extreme accuracy. Buchanan said that there are five extraterrestrial bases on Earth, all inside of mountains. Some of these bases have humans working with these extraterrestrials in various ways.

• According to Captain Frederick H. Atwater, a retired US Army officer who was involved in remote viewing experiments for the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the CIA, Pat Price remotely viewed four alien bases on Earth, one of which was located under Mount Ziel, in the Northern Territory (Australia), some 80 miles west-northwest of Pine Gap. Price believed the base contained a mixture of ‘personnel’ from the other bases, one purpose being to ‘transport new recruits, with an overall monitoring function’. The other bases were said to be under Mount Perdido in the Pyrenees (Spain), Mount Inyangani in Zimbabwe, and in Alaska under Mount Hayes. Price described the occupants as ‘looking like homo sapiens, except for the lungs, heart, blood and eyes.’

• It’s a shame that ‘special abilities’ like remote viewing are disregarded by mainstream academia, yet quietly studied at the highest levels of government. Similarly, most mainstream media outlets covered the Haim Eshed/Galactic Federation story with ridicule, some even hinting that Eshed has lost his marbles. This is interesting given the fact that mainstream media has recently published various articles in multiple outlets taking the issue of UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence quite seriously, including CNN. It seems that whenever a story comes out about extraterrestrials urging us to get our shit together it is ridiculed, yet ET incidents with a bit of a threat narrative bias are taken most seriously. Nevertheless, these types of discoveries are huge for expanding human consciousness and learning more about ourselves and the nature of reality.


The CIA in conjunction with Stanford University operated a program known as STARGATE to investigate

depicted of Galactic Federation members

‘paranormal’ abilities and phenomena that some humans are capable of, and perhaps all of us are capable of. One of the programs under the STARGATE umbrella was the remote viewing program. Remote viewing is the ability to describe a remote location, regardless of distance and ones proximity to the target, from a given location independent of the target. So basically, if you had this ability you could accurately “see” what’s on the back side of the Moon, if anything, or you could see what’s inside a specific building in another country if you were given the coordinates.

The U.S. government program ran for approximately 25 years before it was declassified and supposedly ‘shut down.’ From the literature that has been made available, the program was clearly very successful and the remote viewing phenomenon was quite useful for the intelligence community.
A paper published one year after the declassification of the program by one of the programs co-founders Dr. Harold (Hal) Puthoff in the Journal of Scientific Exploration states the following,

To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods, and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the (remote viewing) phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise…The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.


Sample page from CIA 1988 notes remote viewing the Galactic Federation’s Earth Headquarters

Dr. Jessica Utts, former Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine and a professor there since 2008 states the following about the program: “What convinced me was just the evidence, the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field and I got to see more and more of the evidence. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing and I could see that they had really tight controls…and so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done. And in fact I will say as a statistician I’ve consulted in a lot of different areas of science; the methodology and the controls on these experiments are tighter than any other area of science where I’ve worked.

         Lyn Buchanan

In my opinion, it’s a shame that ‘special abilities’ like these are not studied within mainstream academia yet studied at the highest levels of governments with the intentions of intelligence gathering. When it comes to technology, special abilities or solutions to the world’s problems, it’s not the technology, the ability of people or those solutions that will change the world, it’s the consciousness behind these things. What do we use our new discoveries for? What’s our intention? Do we use them to advance the human experience and for the good of all people, or something else? This is why solutions that do pop up in various fields, like clean energy technology for example, are never implemented.
Remote Viewing , and the “Galactic Federation”.”

The declassified literature has numerous examples of successful remote viewing experiments, and real world examples as well. It’s safe to assume that the entire program and its contents was not declassified, and this seems evident from the testimony of multiple CIA/military remote viewers that were verifiably part of the program for many years. One common theme among many of the viewers is their heavy interest in the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Why? Did their experience in the remote viewing program influence this heavy belief and interest? Is there something we haven’t been told?

We will get to that a bit later in the article, as well as more examples, but what I wanted to provide you with here is a link to a remote viewing session conducted by the CIA to view the “Galactic Federation” headquarters on Earth, it seems.


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Tucker Carlson Talks Underwater UFOs

Article by Phil Owen                                           December 15, 2020                                       (

• On hi December 11th Fox News show, Tucker Carlson (pictured above with Tom Rogan) discussed UFOs that travel underwater. “A new report from American intelligence confirms something that’s been rumored for a while. Late last year a US Navy F/A-18 fighter jet took a very clear photograph on a personal phone of a triangle-shaped unidentified aerial phenomena,” Carlson said. (see 3:21 minute clip of Carlson talking with Joe Rogan on Fox News below)

• “That vehicle, whatever it was, appeared to be operating with a propulsion system that generated no visible exhaust. Hard to see how that can happen,” Carlson continued. “The setting likely places the UFO near a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. That shouldn’t be surprising because a string of UFO sightings have involved nuclear reactors and warheads.”

• Carlson brought in Washington Examiner reporter, Tom Rogan, who reported on the UFO incident on December 2nd (see Rogan article here). Rogan began by thanking Carlson for covering UFOs. “[N]ot enough journalists, I think, do,” he told Carlson. According to Rogan, “The late 2019 incident essentially involved a US carrier strike group, as with the incident in 2004 and ’15, doing its workups on pre-deployment, preparing to go abroad and do the missions that the Navy are assigned.”

• “[T]he pilots (were) flying off the coast off the Atlantic seaboard and see essentially a black triangle, white sort of indicator lights on its peripheral tips coming out of the water very quickly and then accelerating at extremely high speed at about a 90 degree angle,” says Rogan. [O]ne of the pilots took a photo, very good photo I’m told by multiple sources, on his iPhone.”

• “It came out of the water?” Carlson asked. “There have been over the years a number of reports of unidentified underwater vehicles moving in ways that don’t make any sense at all. Tell us what you know about that.” Rogan said that the reason the Navy doesn’t publicize this stuff is because they don’t want China or Russia to figure out whatever these vehicles are and how they do what they do. “They maneuver in ways that would essentially render a submarine or an aircraft carrier or any, quite frankly, military warship extremely vulnerable to attack,” Rogan told Carlson. “This is some special stuff whatever it is.”

• “Well, a bullet doesn’t travel hundreds of knots an hour underwater, for long,” Carlson remarked. “I mean, I don’t think any human made object ever has — we’ve never imagined something like that.” Rogan responded, “What these things can do, in air, under water, in space, at least in low orbit, are beyond any capability that we can identify with an earth nation, either in platform, something that a military is showing, or is in development.” “Or has even been conceived of,” Carlson replied. “I mean, let’s be honest, this is this is really out of the realm.”

• Earlier this year, Fox News lawyers argued before a judge that Tucker Carlson is not a credible source of news. The judge agreed, saying that “any reasonable viewer” would not take him seriously.

[Editor’s Note] Indeed, sometimes Tucker Carlson doesn’t get it right. For instance, Carlson claims that the kind of propulsion technology that would allow a craft to travel at high speed underwater and then climb at a 90 degree angle straight up into the sky at a high speed is beyond anything that humans can “conceived of” and is “really out of the realm”. Not so.

Through a series of patents filed in 2019, the US Navy has revealed that they have an operable propulsion system technology for a “Hybrid Aerospace-Underwater Craft” or “HUAC”. I would point Tucker Carlson to ExoArticles such as these: “Paper on Nuclear Fusion Reactor for Hybrid Spacecraft Published in Prestigious Journal”; “US Navy Disclosing Secret Space Program Technologies through Patents System”; and “US Navy Regards Electromagnetic Propulsion & Tesla Shield Patents as Operable”.


Navy aviator’s photo of triangular craft that emerged from the ocean waters

As he so often does, Tucker Carlson talked about aliens and UFOs again Tuesday night. But this time there’s a new wrinkle: these UFOs can fly not just in the air, but also underwater.

“A new report from American intelligence confirms something that’s been rumored for a while. Late last year a US Navy F/A-18 fighter jet took a very clear photograph on a personal phone of a triangle-shaped unidentified aerial phenomena,” Tucker said excitedly.

“That vehicle, whatever it was, appeared to be operating with a propulsion system that generated no visible exhaust. Hard to see how that can happen. The setting likely places the UFO near a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. That shouldn’t be surprising because a string of UFO sightings have involved nuclear reactors and warheads.”

But Tucker isn’t just here for the regular UFOs. He wanted to talk about the “underwater UFOs, which behave in ways that science can’t explain.”

To that end, Tucker had on Tom Rogan from the right-wing Washington Examiner to talk about a report he wrote two weeks ago that has gained no traction among respected news outlets.

Rogan began by pointing that out himself in a way. “Thanks for covering this because not enough journalists, I think, do,” he told Tucker.

3:21 minute Tucker Carlson – Evidence of Underwater UFOs (‘TuckerOnly’ YouTube)



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Will Biden Cede Space Preeminence to the Chinese?

Article by Douglas MacKinnon                                December 12, 2020                                   (

• On December 9th, Vice President Mike Pence addressed an assembly of the National Space Council, and to introduce the NASA astronauts selected for the Artemis Program’s return of humans to the Moon. During his speech, Pence made mention of the growing threat posed to the United States by China’s militarized space program. “China is increasingly emerging as a serious competitor in space,” said Pence. “As the world witnessed, China recently landed an unmanned craft on the moon and, for the first time, robotically raised the red flag of Communist China on that magnificent desolation.”

• “China is increasingly emerging as a serious competitor in space,” said Pence. “In four short years (ie: Trump’s administration), America is leading in space once again.” The reality is that China emerged as a serious competitor well over a decade ago, becoming the preeminent space-faring nation on Earth. The Trump administration has been forced to play catch-up after the setbacks in the space program enacted under his previous administration. And now that Joe Biden may be assuming the White House in January, China knows that the US is could to slip further behind.

• Virtually every incoming President has tended to scale back or dismantle the space policies enacted by his predecessor. When Barack Obama replaced George W. Bush, his administration oversaw the shutdown of America’s ability to send astronauts into space on US spacecraft. We came to rely on the Russians to get Americans to the mostly U.S.-built International Space Station – at a cost of $90 million per astronaut.

• The political and military leadership of China are thrilled that an incoming Biden administration, which despises Trump, would put Trump’s space policies – such as the Space Force, the return of American astronauts to the Moon, and the very existence of the National Space Council – squarely in the crosshairs of Team Biden. Much of Biden’s NASA transition team is led and staffed by Obama-era retreads who have made it abundantly clear that they favor redirecting NASA and Space Force dollars toward domestic programs and fighting climate change.

• Such stated goals are music to the ears of the People’s Republic of China. Every US tax dollar directed away from the American space program is a victory for China and their ultimate endgame. China understands its greatest competition, and its greatest threat, is the United States. They look for any opportunity to create an advantage over the US to further its goal to dominate the cislunar theater from Earth to the Moon. Recent news of the Chinese government seeking to compromise certain US politicians is evidence of China’s long-term strategy to usurp American power.

• You can be sure the Chinese leadership is hopeful that Biden will not only dismantle all that Trump has done regarding space, but will relegate the US space program to a back burner. In this case, historic precedent is on the side of the Chinese.


This past week, Vice President Mike Pence, in his capacity as chair of the National Space Council, addressed a meeting of that group at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Although his speech was rather generic and filled with too much partisan praise of President Trump, he did manage to briefly address a critically important topic: the growing threat posed to the United States by China’s militarized space program.

But, as they say in the news business, even with that warning, Pence still managed to “bury the lead.” In remarks that stretched almost two hours, he spoke about the threat from China for only one brief paragraph.

Said Pence: “China is increasingly emerging as a serious competitor in space, just as they are in other areas of the global economy and to the strategic interest of the United States. As the world witnessed, China recently landed an unmanned craft on the moon and, for the first time, robotically raised the red flag of Communist China on that magnificent desolation.”

The political and military leadership directing China’s space program must have burst out laughing when they heard or read Pence’s assessment that “China is increasingly emerging as a serious competitor in space,” or when, later in the speech, he declared: “In four short years, America is leading in space once again — it’s true.”

In fact, China “emerged” as a “serious competitor” well over a decade ago.

China knows it is the preeminent space-faring nation on Earth, and that the United States may be about to slip much further behind them with the coming change in presidential administrations.

For all those in the United States who understand the critical need for the United States to have robust civilian and military space programs, almost every presidential election becomes a recurring nightmare realized.

The main reason is that virtually every incoming president tends to scale back or dismantle the space policies enacted by his predecessor. The fact that the “predecessor” in this case will be Donald Trump, who is despised by much of the incoming Biden administration, puts Trump’s space policies and programs squarely in the “cancel it” crosshairs of Team Biden — policies such as the Space Force, a return of American astronauts to the moon, and the very existence of the National Space Council itself.



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Trump Leaves a Lasting Mark on Space

Article by Miriam Kramer                                           December 15, 2020                                         (

• President Trump put the American space program front-and-center during his tenure. Building upon years of work by the space industry, the Trump administration helped open up new commercial opportunities in orbit. But some question whether those gains are sustainable in the long term.

• “I think the space program is in better shape now than it was when he took office,” says John Logsdon, the founder of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University. Trump consistently prioritized NASA funding in his budget proposals and relaunched the National Space Council which holds agencies accountable for their work with space. His administration extended the reach of commercial partnerships in space, outsourcing that work to private companies in a trend that is likely to continue far into the future. And Trump created Space Force.

• Most of the criticism of Trump’s space policy is due to the political rhetoric accompanying them rather than the substance. Trump consistently politicized NASA’s wins, claiming credit for the Obama and Bush-era policies, and framing NASA’s accomplishments as ways to “make America great again,” Logsdon said. That has put off some space allies, including Russia, which has yet to sign on to NASA’s Artemis Accords’ plans for the exploration of the Moon.

• The Trump administration moved the ball forward for the US space enterprise, to be sure. But credit also goes to those in the space industry who went before and did years of ground work. Commercializing space with private rockets and spacecraft has taken time and funding from a number of previous administrations. The Space Force was an idea long before Trump took office.

• Some experts are also concerned that some of the progress made in commercializing space may not be sustainable. Landing people on the Moon is an entirely new level of difficulty for any private company. Some lawmakers have expressed concerns about whether a human lander built by private companies would be as safe as one built by NASA. And the market for space services may be limited to government customers, at least for the foreseeable future, as the private market for those kinds of missions isn’t clear.

• Biden will need to decide what his administration will build on when it comes to Trump’s space policies. Some suggest the new administration should continue with the Artemis Moon missions, commercial opportunities, and Space Force while changing the rhetoric around space accomplishments.


President Trump put the American space program front-and-center during his tenure, defining priorities in orbit and beyond that will outlast his four years as president.

The big picture: The Trump administration helped open up new commercial opportunities in orbit, building on years of work by the space industry. But some question whether those gains are sustainable in the long term.

What’s happening: “I think the space program is in better shape now than it was when he took office,” John Logsdon, the founder of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, told me.

• Trump consistently prioritized NASA funding in his budget proposals and relaunched the National Space Council, which aims to hold agencies accountable for their work with space.
• The Trump administration also extended the reach of commercial partnerships in space. Instead of NASA building a human-rated lunar lander, for example, the agency is outsourcing that work to private companies in a trend that is likely to continue far into the future.
• “[Space] may be one of the least controversial areas of his legacy,” Michael Gleason of the Aerospace Corporation told me.
• And perhaps his biggest move was standing up the U.S. Space Force.
“While some of the Trump administration’s space policy decisions and initiatives have generated criticism, that is more due to the political rhetoric accompanying them than the substance.”
— The Secure World Foundation, in a briefing document



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Thailand’s Space Program Drifts Away From China’s Orbit

Article by Hadrien T. Saperstein                                   December 12, 2020                                       (

• Traditionally, Thailand has maintained a ‘multi-directional diplomacy’ – working with many countries and each of the superpowers without bias. But since the 2014 military coup in Thailand, and the increasing tensions between the United States and China which began during the Obama administration and escalated under President Trump, the Thai military and private technology sector has advanced its cooperation with China, while its space agency has maintained a multi-directional approach.

• The Royal Thai Armed Forces has advanced its defense cooperation with China through military-naval exercises and procurements. The Thai private sector has accepted bids on 5G wireless network services development from two Chinese companies — ZTE and Huawei — and accepted Chinese investment projects in Thailand such as the China-ASEAN Beidou Technological City.

• Yet Sino-Thai cooperation does not presently extend to the same degree in the development of space technology. The Royal Thai Air Force, Space Operations Center, and its space agency, ‘Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency’ – responsible for satellite technology development – show a preference for non-Chinese technology and launch service providers. The Thai Air Force procured its CubeSat platforms and first two military satellites from a Dutch company. The first satellite was launched from a French rocket in French Guiana, and the latter is scheduled for launch through the Soyuz rocket in Russia. The Thai space agency is also working with the European aerospace company ‘Airbus’ to replace a low Earth orbit observation satellite system.

• Officials working on the latest draft of Thailand’s National Space Act say it will focus on a ‘NewSpace agenda’, focusing on domestic space technology and sustainable economic development. They say that there is little chance that the Chinese space industry’s technology will receive any competitive advantage. If anything, both the Thai Air Force and Space Program tend to reject Chinese technology in favor of Western technology. The Thai Air Force has laid the groundwork for a long-term relationship with the US by signing a space agreement with the United States Strategic Command.

• Thailand’s Space Agency is promoting an annual ‘Astronaut’s Scholarship Program’ in which three Thai students are selected to study at NASA in America. NASA is also working with the Royal Thai Government Pollution Control Department to create a web application to help mitigate the impact of air pollution in Thailand.

• Recent legislation has given foreign satellite operators permission to provide domestic services in Thailand. There are concerns that the Thai Space Program’s newly appointed Executive Director, Pakorn Apaphant, will shift towards a newfound acceptance of Chinese satellite technology and launch service providers. Colonel Setthapong Mali Suwan, Vice-Chairman of Telecommunications for Thailand’s Ministry of the Digital Economy and Society, publicly expressed this concern several weeks ago when he stated that Thailand should maintain its traditional balancing role in competition over space affairs between great powers or else it will be required to follow policies dictated by other states. Colonel Setthapong said that there is ‘a need to urgently promote the development of the country’s own space technology’ to prevent a loss of bargaining power.


Col Setthapong Mali Suwan

Since the 2014 military coup in Thailand, the Royal Thai Armed Forces has ‘advanced by leaps and bounds’ in its defence

   Pakorn Apaphant

cooperation with China through tri-service bilateral exercises and military-naval procurements. This characterisation also applies beyond defence. In the private sector, Advanced Info Service has been accepting bids on 5G development from two Chinese companies — ZTE and Huawei — and Chinese investment projects in Thailand like the China-ASEAN Beidou Technological City.

The lasting economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensifying pro-democracy protest movement will reaffirm the contemporary trendline in Sino-Thai defence cooperation. This cooperation will occur for the short-to-medium risk horizon and for the medium-to-long risk horizon.

Yet Sino-Thai defence cooperation does not presently extend to the same degree in the development of space technology. This is indicated by the latest developments from the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) Space Operation Center in partnership with the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) — a Thai space agency responsible for remote sensing and satellite technology development.

These organisations’ space procurements increasingly show a preference for non-Chinese technology and launch service providers. The RTAF procured its NAPA-1 and NAPA-2 U6 CubeSat platforms — Thailand’s first and second military satellites — from Innovative Solutions in Space of the

Thai-NASA “Space Camp” Astronaut Scholarship Program

Netherlands. While the first satellite was launched through the French Arianespace Vega rocket at the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana, the latter is scheduled for launch through the Soyuz rocket at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia. GISTDA also signed a contract with Airbus for the THEOS-2 satellite, a second generation low Earth orbit (LEO) observation system that will replace the THEOS-1 satellite.

Relevant officials in the latest round of draft revision on the forthcoming National Space Act for the National Space Policy Committee have said off the record that there is little indication that either China’s space industry or a domestic lobby will receive a comprehensive edge. It seems that the drafters sought to uphold Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwon’s ‘NewSpace’ agenda to focus on domestic space technology and sustainable economic development.

Despite also confirming that the RTAF sent representatives to participate in the latest round, its influence amid the process remains unclear. The RTAF’s most explicit articulation of the space domain is found in the White Paper 2020. The document’s ‘10-Year Requirement Plan [2020-2030]’ section conveys its intent to invest in space capabilities and space situational awareness. But it does not show any signs of a shift towards procuring Chinese technology.



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Why Do People Lie About Alien Encounters?

Article by Matthew Rozsa and Keith A. Spencer                                   December 10. 2020                                         (

• Every year, thousands of stories of alien abduction or interstellar communication emerge from people around the world. Just about all of them are dismissed by the scientific community outright for lack of evidence. While most stories of alien abduction emerge from those who are either mentally ill or desirous of attention, occasionally someone with political clout makes such claims — as did the former head of an Israeli space agency, Haim Eshed, last week when he told the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot that extraterrestrials from a “Galactic Federation” have been in contact with human beings but do not want the public to know as they feel our species is not ready yet, according to NBC News.

• Eshed also claimed that President Trump had planned on revealing the extraterrestrials’ existence but was asked to not do so in order to prevent “mass hysteria”; that there is an “underground base in the depths of Mars” where American astronauts and extraterrestrials interact; that the US government signed a contract with aliens allowing them to do experiments here; and that the extraterrestrials are seeking to learn about “the fabric of the universe.”

• Astronomers and physicists are so accustomed to outrageous claims of extraterrestrial sightings that the phrase “it’s never aliens” has become a motto. Carl Sagan famously quipped, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. Scientists still apply his lesson to claims of alien sightings. Recent fast-moving objects observed by the US Defense Department, for instance, went viral over public speculation that they might be alien craft. Yet human engineers are perfectly capable of producing such fast-moving drone craft right here on Earth. Occam’s Razor suggests a human origin is far more likely.

• But what about when someone with political power, influence and credibility makes such obviously bogus claims? Someone like Eshed, or astronaut Edgar Mitchell, or former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer?

• “Without further information, it is impossible to know what psychological factors might underlie these claims from Haim Eshed,” says Christopher C. French, a British psychologist who specializes in the psychology behind people claiming to believe in or have experienced the paranormal. The connection between mental illness and claims of alien abduction is common enough that there are entire psychology studies devoted to the subject. French noted that Eshed could be telling the truth, although “given the outlandish nature of his claims and the lack of any direct evidence to support them” French agreed it was “extremely unlikely.”

• A more likely possibility is that Eshed genuinely believes what he is saying, despite it being false. “Has he seen any actual evidence or is he basing his claims on reports from others?” asks French. “If the former, is the evidence convincing? If the latter, are these others credible? What are they basing their claims upon? Is it possible that Eshed is delusional? This is certainly a possibility.”

• Finally, it is possible that Eshed and his ilk are deliberately lying? He is promoting a book about UFOs so he has a financial incentive to lie. “He will no doubt become the latest ‘darling’ of the UFO community and be invited to address UFO conferences, not to mention appearances on talk shows, and so on,” says French. “Maybe it’s all a practical joke and he is laughing all the way to the bank?”

• “Mr. Eshed’s background as a space security official serves as a reminder that outlandish views are not limited to uneducated people,” says Glenn C. Altschuler, a historian at Cornell University. “We know …that when presented with evidence that seems to debunk their beliefs or conspiracy theories they often hug them ever more tightly, exhibiting what psychologists call ‘cognitive dissonance’. …[I]t is important to understand that many people fervently believe that what they are saying is true. They may interpret attention as validation. If they are telling a story for material gain, of course, all bets are off.”

• “The problem here is that these claims will fuel conspiracy beliefs of all kinds,” says French. “After all, if the US government are lying about this, what else are they lying about? Maybe the COVID vaccination program really is just a cover to inject us all with microchips to control our minds? This way lies collective madness — and thousands more unnecessary deaths.” “If Eshed has any solid proof to support his claims, he should tell the world what it is. Until he does so, we should feel no more obliged to believe him than we would any other conspiracy theorist.”

[Editor’s Note]  This article’s writers, and the “experts” whom they cite, outrageously use mental illness to explain the hundreds of thousands of people who’ve reported UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters. However, they themselves are in the exact mental state that they project upon believers – a cognitive dissonance that clings to the circular logic that ‘extraterrestrial UFOs are not real because they don’t exist’. They will focus on a current ET or UFO report and completely ignore centuries of supporting evidence.

These professional debunkers love to quote Carl Sagan’s “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” line, but refuse to look at the extraordinary evidence that has been out there for decades. It is very likely that these UFO/ET deniers are doing the bidding of their deep state financiers, just as Carl Sagan did as it turns out. (see previous ExoArticles: “Carl Sagan, “Fudged” Evidence of Extraterrestrial Beings”; “Carl Sagan knew UFOs are real”) It has been revealed that from 1976 to 1989, Sagan himself was a member of Majestic 12, which is a secret deep state government panel created during the Truman administration, just after the Roswell crash in 1947, specifically to manipulate the public’s disbelief in the UFO/ET phenomenon. (see previous ExoArticle: “MJ-12 Document Exposing Extraterrestrial Contact is Authentic”) It is this institutional cover-up of the existence of extraterrestrials that has caused the deep state-controlled media and academia to continue to deny and debunk the extraterrestrial reality to this day.

The truth of a long-standing extraterrestrial presence will soon be disclosed in a manner in which the global population can no longer deny it. This will be a glorious day for the principle of truth and will mark the beginning of a new era of human civilization on Earth. But we cannot simply forget all of these pernicious writers and ‘experts’ who have actively concealed the truth from us for so long. When this happens, all of these people must be called out and exposed for their treachery and betrayal of humanity, and relegated to the contemptible scrap heap of history where they belong, never to be heard from again. I’m calling you out Matthew Rozsa, Keith Spencer, Christopher French and Glenn Altschuler. Your day is coming.


                          Haim Eshed

Astronomers, astrophysicists, and nonprofits like the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute have

article co-author Matthew Rozsa

been scouring the skies for signs of intelligent life for decades, and have thus far come up blank. Every year, thousands of stories of supposed alien abduction or interstellar communication emerge from citizens around the world, though just about all of them are dismissed by the scientific community outright for lack of evidence. Yet while most stories of alien abduction emerge from those who are either mentally ill or desirous of attention in some regard, occasionally someone with political clout makes such claims — as the former head of an Israeli space agency did last week when he announced that human beings have made direct contact with extraterrestrials.

Haim Eshed, who used to lead Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate, told the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot that extraterrestrials from a “galactic federation” have been in contact with human beings but do not want the public to know as they feel our species is not ready yet, according to NBC News. He also claimed that President Donald Trump had planned on revealing the extraterrestrials’ existence but was asked to not do so in order to prevent “mass hysteria”; that there is an “underground base in the depths of Mars” where American astronauts and extraterrestrials interact; that the U.S. government signed a contract with aliens allowing them to do experiments here; and that the extraterrestrials are seeking to learn about “the fabric of the universe.”

    article co-author Keith Spencer

“They have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we will understand, in

British psychologist Christopher C. French

general, what space and spaceships are,” Eshed said of the supposed galactic federation.

Astronomers and physicists are so accustomed to outrageous claims of extraterrestrial sightings that the phrase “it’s never aliens” has become a motto of sorts, repeated in Twitter memes and college course titles. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” popular astronomer and science educator Carl Sagan famously quipped. Sagan was fond of pointing out that skepticism formed the crux of the scientific method, and scientists still apply his lesson to claims of alien sightings. Recent fast-moving objects observed by the US Defense Department, for instance, went viral over public speculation that they might be alien craft; yet human engineers are perfectly capable of producing such fast-moving drone craft right here on Earth. Occam’s Razor suggests a human origin is far more likely.

Hence, an attention-hungry loner or a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic person reporting alien sightings is common enough as to not be newsworthy. That is because the public does not expect this type of person to be credible, and such people generally don’t provide evidence that would make their claims so.

deep state stooge Carl Sagan

But what about when someone with political power, influence and credibility makes such obviously bogus claims?

 historian Glenn C. Altschuler

Someone like Eshed, or astronaut Edgar Mitchell, or former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer?

“Without further information, it is impossible to know what psychological factors might underlie these claims from Haim Eshed,” Christopher C. French, a British psychologist who specializes in the psychology behind people claiming to believe in or have experienced the paranormal, wrote to Salon.

Notably, there are psychological disorders that commonly lead to their sufferers believing that they are under the influence of aliens. The connection between mental illness and claims of alien abduction is common enough that there are entire psychology studies devoted to the subject. A 1983 paper published in The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, titled “Psychoses and unidentified objects,” studied six subjects who claimed to have communicated with aliens who had given them missions to protect humanity. The study’s two co-authors concluded that “five of them suffered from a paranoid delusional state often akin to paraphrenia,” a mental condition characterized by paranoid delusions and hallucinations.

French speculated as to the possible psychological explanations for Eshed’s claims, explanations that apply to other prominent alien-seers like Hellyer and Mitchell. French noted that he could be telling the truth, although “given the outlandish nature of his claims and the lack of any direct evidence to support them” French agreed it was “extremely unlikely.”



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Aevum Debuts Autonomous Rocket Launching Craft

December 11, 2020                                (

• American aerospace startup Aevum has rolled out Ravn X, an unmanned aircraft designed to deliver small payloads into space. The aircraft is 80 feet long with a wingspan of 60 feet, and no cockpit. The aircraft is designed to take a small payload-carrying rocket to high altitude. The rocked is then detached and launched from the Ravn X mothership, which carries small payloads the rest of the way into space.

• The vehicle uses commercial jet fuel and can operate from any conventional airport, drastically reducing the operational costs of conventional rocket delivery systems. Ravn X can also operate in “virtually any weather” and is “able to get small satellites to orbit in 180 minutes”. Jay Skylus, CEO of Aevum, stated that their goal is to reach a point where 95% of the launch system will be reusable.

• Aevum has already acquired a 1 billion US Dollar contract from the US Space Force, which plans to use the Ravn X to deploy its ASLON-45 satellite in late 2021. It has also secured 20 more contracts with the US Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center.


American aerospace startup Aevum has rolled out Ravn X, an unmanned aircraft designed to deliver

               CEO Jay Skylus

small payloads into space.

Visually the Ravn X looks similar to many other conventional aircraft, barring the absence of a cockpit. The aircraft has a wingspan of 60 feet and an overall 80 feet long. The total takeoff weight of the aircraft is 55,00 lbs.

Although not capable of reaching orbit on its own, the aircraft is designed to take a small payload-carrying rocket to high altitude. Upon which the rocked is detached and launched from the mothership, which carries small payloads the rest of the way to space.

According to Aevum, the system provides several advantages over conventional rocket delivery systems. The vehicle uses commercial jet fuel and can operate from any conventional airport, drastically reducing operational costs. The company further claims Ravn X can also operate in “virtually any weather” and is ” able to get small satellites to orbit in 180 minutes”.



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