Messr. Philippe de La Messuziere validates the revelations of Dr Michael Wolf – ETs working in US Military bases – Video testimony!

By Neil Gould – 6th Feb 2011

Philippe de la Messuziere is a French aristocrat, electronics engineer, intelligence officer and an associate for the with COMETA report. COMETA was a high-level French UFO study organization from the late 1990s, composed of high-ranking officers and officials, some having held command posts in the armed forces and aerospace industry.

Philippe spent 20 years of his life in the domain of Nuclear energy. He co authored a dictionary of Atomic terms [French/English] and worked for Canadian Marconi, Canadian Admiral Group who made fridges but covertly produced atomic detectors for nuclear fallout and Raytheon in Florida.

In this video, Philippe discloses his private conversations with Dr Michael Wolf a close friend of his who died 18th September 2000.  The revelations of Dr Michael Wolf are controversial; Wolf claims that he was head of Alphacom a covert agency associated with the secret government with whom he allegedly worked for 25years, holding Above Top Secret clearance; working on joint projects with ETs in laboratories at S4, Area 51, Wright- Patterson Airforce Base, Indian Springs and Dulce.  Wolf claims that the shadow government erased all records of his degrees and involvement with the CIA, NSA and NSC; a measure common for people working in special access programs.

“Dr Wolf said he had an MD in neurology; a Ph.D in theoretical physics; a BS in biogenetics; a JD in international law; and a D.Sc in computer Sciences.”

Wolf died from cancer on the 18th September 2000 allegedly from a type of cancer induced by his “employers.”

It was after Wolf published his book Catchers of Heaven that most researchers got to hear about his revelations. Wolf’s bosses sanctioned the publication on condition that Wolf “fictionalized” the book. Wolf commented:

I would like on my grave the words; “He died of Red tape”.

Was Wolf the highest ranking member of the shadow government to come forward? Or more to the point; was Wolf the real thing?

Part 1 of 3 – Philippe de la Messuziere interview

Part 2 of 3 – Philippe de la Messuziere interview

Part 3 of 3 – Philippe de la Messuziere interview

In the interview Philippe reveals how the US military are working with ETs on back engineering high technology. He describes his meeting with the ET, Kolta who was with his ET boss and provides evidence in the form of reflection. The ETs took a photo of Wolf and Philippe sitting together, capturing their own reflections in the glass of a picture on the wall of Wolfs apartment.

Ets Kolta and his Boss in reflection.

Philippe describes the ET’s physical features and vulnerability where simply shaking hands could cause an injury. “They did not eat, they were just like plants”. One occasion when Philippe was in hospital after a heart attack, Wolf would send Kolta to see him whilst nobody in the hospital would be “conscious of the visit ”.

This video interview is extremely compelling and provides many disclosures about the role of covert groups in the military, including NASA, working with ETs.

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2011 Global Competitiveness Forum and UFOs

Richard O’Connor, M.D.

The fifth annual Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) closed yesterday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Panel presentations and forum discussions took place over January 22-25, 2011. While this conference would normally be of little personal interest to me, this year’s roster of invited speakers at the conference caught my attention. Ufologist Stanton Friedman, journalist and well known British UFO authority Nick Pope, venture capitalist and well known UFO authority Jacques Vallee, and well known science writer, brilliant physicist, and History Channel UFO commentator Michio Kaku were invited to speak at this year’s GCF. The title of their presentation? Contact: Learning From Outer Space.

This is a very interesting and welcome new development.

What other familiar faces were invited to speak at the Saudi GCF? The list is a long one, but to name only a few: former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was invited to speak, the Saudi Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and former U.S. President Bill Clinton. We note that President Clinton’s name and photo were conspicuously absent from the long list of pre-announced conference speakers, but he did stand at the podium and he did speak of our world’s ongoing need for innovation. Perhaps in remaining as inconspicuous as possible, President Clinton hoped to avoid being asked any uncomfortable and possibly embarrassing questions regarding UFOs and the intelligence behind them.

The list of speakers and those who attended this conference is a lengthy roster of the movers and the shakers of our civilization’s global business community. Big companies, big money, big ideas. There is one characteristic about such a group as this of which we can be certain: they would not have their time wasted on nonsense. People whose lives operate at this echelon of human endeavor and responsibility do not suffer fools lightly and they keenly realize that naivety regarding the myriad forces that are at play in shaping our world and our reality is not a virtue. After all, it’s business, and these GCF attendees eat, sleep, and drink business.

Therefore, this unique panel of speakers invited to the 2011 GCF composed of Stanton Friedman, Jacques Vallee, Nick Pope, and Michio Kaku is a highly significant indicator that UFO Disclosure is gaining momentum. With this new involvement of the global business community, Disclosure may be imminent. To many of these business leaders, the term UFO will represent an Unprecedented Financial Opportunity.

The Friedman, Vallee, Pope, and Kaku panel were not invited to the GCF in order that GCF attendees could make fun of them, deride them, and call them “nut cases”. They were not invited to the GCF to provide entertainment. They were invited there because the momentum of UFO Disclosure is accelerating, and a great number of highly influential capitalists in our world now know with certainty that the UFO Phenomenon is real. These business leaders are educating themselves about the UFO Phenomenon, trying to put together their After Disclosure game plan in the light of their new awareness of this unprecedented reality. We should pay close attention to these developments and follow this example.

In his SOTU address yesterday evening, President Obama made the point of how quickly our world is changing. He spoke of plans to produce electric cars, high speed trains, and of America’s need to educate and to innovate. He also spoke of biofuels, “clean coal”, and natural gas as being a part of America’s plan to meet our future energy requirements. President Obama made it clear from what he said, and from what he did not say, that the U.S. government establishment will continue its policy of avoiding acknowledgment of the reality of the UFO Phenomenon, it will not be mentioned out loud in public, and our government will continue to simply ignore the fact that there are one or more civilizations who have arrived here and who have apparently developed a means to produce energy that powers machines of transport which make electric cars and high speed trains obsolete and primitive means of transportation, even before they are produced.

As concerned citizens of not only our nation the U.S., but also as citizens of planet Earth, we must continue to ask when this charade will end. How can we, in good conscience, choose to continue to squander our planet’s limited resources and to foul Earth’s environment in the production of machines of transport and methods of energy production that are comparatively primitive, obsolete, and environmentally destructive when viewed in light of the frequently described performance characteristics of UFOs and the energy which powers them? We simply cannot afford to continue to sweep this new reality under the carpet and continue to pretend that it does not exist. In the 1800′s, Native Americans were smarter than this. When introduced to the relatively awesome power of the modern rifle they did not ignore this new development in their reality. They did not say “now that we know these weapons exist, lets just not tell any of the others about them and let us pretend that they do not exist”, nor did they say “we will just have to produce a better arrowhead”. They quickly recognized the need to completely abandon an old and more primitive technology and adopt an obviously superior technology which would serve their needs to produce the food, clothing, and the defense they required.

If what has transpired at the GCF in Riyadh indicates that the business leadership of our global civilization is at last beginning to recognize the UFO Phenomenon as the highly significant factor in the evolution of our civilization’s future that it will be, we can be thankful for the GCF and thankful that there are some important and influential people out there who are now giving the UFO Phenomenon the attention that it rightfully deserves. Would that the leadership of our own government follow their example!

Here is my suggestion to President Obama and to the U.S. Congress. Tell the budding young scientists presently being educated in our universities that the UFO Phenomenon is real, and task them with the mission to discover and then replicate the means of energy production that is utilized to power them. We do not need to “reinvent the wheel”. We need to take this new information that has fallen into our laps and find out how it works in a program of well funded scientific research undertaken by the brightest minds on this planet, unfettered by the secrecy which has stifled previous attempts toward this end by our U.S. military-industrial complex. I believe that President Obama should set up a task force modeled similarly to the “Manhattan Project”, appointed to make Contact with the Visitors, and have this task force attempt to determine who these beings are who are operating the UFOs; from where do they originate, how they have arrived here, how their machines are manufactured, and what means of energy production is used to power them. We should seek to arrange a diplomatic agreement with these Visitors. This is how our nation, and our civilization, can make serious progress to gain the future President Obama spoke of in his SOTU address yesterday evening, and this is how we can protect the precious biosphere of Earth from further degradation through the use of biofuels, “clean coal”, natural gas, or any organic materials which we must combust for energy production. Those methods are of the past. UFOs are of the future. Last but not least, we should ask them how they make the “Genuine” Crop Circles. They are absolutely astounding in their beauty and their complexity!

President Obama’s SOTU address was masterfully delivered with very important content. His skill as an orator is brilliant! I believe his heart is in the right place and he is trying to do his best for the American people. His joke about the smoked salmon was pretty funny, and we had a good laugh about that one! President Obama is the one who can present the UFO truth to the world, framed in his reassurance that we have everything to gain from the expansion that our understanding of this universe will undergo when we open up to this new paradigm without fear.

UFOs are not funny nor are they imaginary, and I would respectfully ask that President Obama acknowledge their presence in our reality to the American people and to the world in order that we can then move on to our future and possibly skip the part where we have more fossil fuels and their toxic by-products poured into our gas tanks, spilled into our oceans, spewed into our air, and breathed into our lungs.

Richard O’Connor, M.D.
Executive Director, Crop Circles Research Foundation, Inc.

World business leaders told flying saucers are real & extraterrestrials exist

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Graphic summary of GCF discussions by Sunni Brown reveals prominence of ET contact and new energy systems.

At five thousand dollars a ticket, some business leaders got more than they bargained for when they attended the first day of the Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They were told flying saucers are real, and they had better start thinking about the business implications of extraterrestrial life and technologies. Convened each year by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, the GCF brings together business and political leaders to discuss ways of promoting business competitiveness. For the first time at its annual conference, the GCF held a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Titled “Learning from Outer Space” the panel comprised five speakers who all endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life is real, and has many implications for the world as we know it.

The panel was held on January 23, and was a “main plenary” session meaning all GCF participants were able to attend and hear what the experts had to say about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Up to 1000 participants included business and political elites such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others. The advice they got was that the issue of extraterrestrial life is real, and they better start paying attention to the business implications. Here’s how the GCF summarized the panel presentations on its website:

Learning from Outer Space – Panel
The unconventional and highly relevant topic of extraterrestrial life forms was addressed by yesterday’s panel discussion “Contact: Learning from Outer Space”. Experts Zoaghloul El-Naggar, Stanton Friedman, Michio Kaku, Nick Pope and Jacques Vallee made compelling cases for the existence of living beings elsewhere in the galaxy, drawing upon empirical evidence, religious theology and logical reasoning.
Mr. Friedman opened his remarks with a bold statement, “Flying saucers are real!” and this summed up the perspective of the panel members. Mr. Pope explored the potential business implications of outer space, such as the profitability of alien branding or sponsorship.
While El-Naggar was also convinced of their existence, he raised the interesting point that it may not be ethical to spend resources trying to contact alien societies when we still face war and poverty in our own society.
Mr. Vallee encouraged more academics to analyze the evidence. However, on behalf of his successful Venture Capital fund, he said, “We are not ready to invest in this type of research, but we think that somebody should.”

The 2011 GCF conference panel on Outer Space has opened the door for world business leaders to seriously consider the implications of evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. A graphic summarizing GCF discussions by artist, Sunni Brown (top right), reveals the prominence given to issues of extraterrestrial contact and the overwhelming changes new energies will bring to humanity. Business leaders are poised to do what political leaders have so far failed to do – proactively deal with compelling evidence that we are being visited by galactic civilizations who have advanced technologies to share with humanity.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

50th Anniversary of Eisenhower Military Industrial Complex Warning – the UFO connection

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

President Eisenhower Farewell Adress - Jan 17, 1961

Today is the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers posed by the military-industrial complex in his farewell speech televised on January 17, 1961. It was the most unusual of farewell addresses for a U.S. President, especially so for a retired five star general. What exactly did Eisenhower have in mind with his farewell address? More importantly, what did Eisenhower tell President-Elect Kennedy about the military-industrial complex in his confidential meetings with him away from their staffers during the Presidential transition period? After all, the issues that so concerned Eisenhower would be passed on to Kennedy. It would be only natural that Eisenhower would confidentially brief Kennedy about critical policy issues that he could only vaguely allude to in a public speech. This leads to the critical question. Did these confidential discussions away from presidential staffers, play any role in what subsequently happened to Kennedy less than three years later? Most Kennedy assassination theorists ignore any direct link between Eisenhower’s farewell speech and the Kennedy assassination. The reality is that there is a direct link between Eisenhower’s warning of the military-industrial complex and the actors that conspired to physically eliminate Kennedy in 1963. The link in question was executive Presidential control over advanced technologies associated with the UFO phenomenon.

First, let’s begin with Eisenhower’s farewell speech itself and the warning he gave exactly fifty years ago:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Eisenhower emphasized the importance of “an alert and knowledgeable citizenry” in ensuring a proper balance of national security interests and personal liberties. Clearly, what Eisenhower had in mind was that the citizenry would be sufficiently informed about national security issues so that a balance could be reached in the policy making process. When the private citizenry, along with elected political representatives and the mass media were not informed, the potential for disastrous misuse of power under the guise of national security existed. Eisenhower desired transparency when it came to the national security process, and saw this as the means of maintaining a proper balance between security and liberty. Given Eisenhower’s military background and long familiarity with the need for secrecy on vital national security issues, it is an extraordinary statement from him. So what was it precisely that so concerned Eisenhower that he would take such an extraordinary position in his farewell address?

Most assume that the military-industrial complex referred to the enormous armaments industry developed in the U.S. to feed the growing appetite of the U.S. military in policing the world. Enforcing Pax America would require long range bombers, aircraft carriers, nuclear missiles and a whole array of armaments that would be built by private contractors and spawn a vast military-industrial complex. Herein lay the danger according to the conventional view where highly paid corporate lobbyists would exercise undue influence over legislators and the mass media to justify expenditure on more powerful armaments. There was, however, a deeper aspect to the military-industrial complex that concerned Eisenhower above all else. Something so veiled in secrecy that the citizenry, elected political representatives, and even the President himself was out of the loop of the policy making process. The issue concerned advanced technologies associated with UFOs.

Insight into the thinking of President Eisenhower in referring to the danger of the military-industrial complex was given by Steven Lovekin who worked during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations in the White House Army Signal Agency, and later retired as an Army JAG officer with the rank of Lt Colonel. From 1959-1961, Lovekin was in an elite group of military servicemen whose job it was to maintain the integrity of Eisenhower’s communications channels. This brought him into close proximity with Eisenhower who confided to this elite military group some of his private concerns. This is how Lovekin describes Eisenhower’s concerns over the power of the military-industrial complex, and its handling of the UFO phenomenon:

We would sit around with him when we were at Camp David, and he knew who each and every one of us by name. That was the great thing about being under him. I was just a sergeant at the time. I was still privy to some stuff that some people wouldn’t be privy to…. When he said the main thing we have to fear is the military industrial complex, he wasn’t kidding, and he had the subject matter we are talking about [UFOs] in mind. He was quite explicit about that.

Lovekin’s testimony is an eyewitness account that Eisenhower believed that the danger posed by the military-industrial complex was directly related to management of the UFO phenomenon. In another interview, Lovekin described Eisenhower’s growing frustration with the way the UFO issue was being managed:

This frustration, from what I can remember, went on for months. He realized that he was losing control of the UFO subject. He realized that the phenomenon or whatever it was that we were faced with was not going to be in the best hands. As far as I can remember, that was the expression that was used, “It is not going to be in the best hands.” That was a real concern. And so it has turned out to be…

So if Eisenhower did privately warn Kennedy about the threat posed by the military-industrial complex in managing the UFO issue, how might this be related to the Kennedy assassination?

There have been a number of whistleblowers who have come forward to reveal that President Kennedy actively sought to be briefed about UFOs, but was denied access by senior policy officials. Kennedy tried to do an end run against those denying him access and visited military bases to learn directly about classified projects conducted there. Kennedy also sought to be briefed by military intelligence officers who knew about the UFO issue and how it was being managed by an elite control group. This is confirmed retired Lt Col Philip Corso who worked in the Eisenhower administration, and during the Kennedy administration, claims to have worked in a Top Secret Army project to seed civilian industries with recovered UFO technology. In an interview, Corso revealed that he personally briefed Bobby Kennedy about UFOs, who relayed what he had learned to his brother, the President.

I have written elsewhere about evidence suggesting that President Kennedy from the beginning of his administration, did indeed attempt to re-establish direct Presidential authority over management of the UFO issue. Kennedy was thwarted again and again. His assassination was a direct consequence of his final, and most audacious effort to regain control of the UFO issue. In September, 1963, Kennedy proposed joint space and lunar missions with the Soviet Union. This would have required an extensive information sharing program including data about UFOs. On November 12, 1963, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev finally accepted Kennedy’s offer. Ten days later Kennedy was dead.

Kennedy’s efforts to re-establish Presidential control of the UFO phenomenon can be directly traced back to President Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex; and what Eisenhower had, almost certainly, privately confided to him about the secret management system for UFO technology. 50 years ago the world was warned about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Few are aware of the extent to which President Kennedy tried to secretly deal with the danger that Eisenhower had only vaguely described in his farewell address; and how Kennedy’s efforts to decisively act on Eisenhower’s warning was directly related to his assassination.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

The Greater Threat: ET or NSA

By Ed Komarek

If we are to understand the UFO/ET cover-up and its severe consequences to human evolution and national security we need to carefully study the evidence and documents available in credible books like, UFOs and the National Security State, Clear Intent and Above Top Secret. We can see that with hindsight the greatest threat to the human species and national security may not be ET colonization and subjugation, rather our global leaders past and present violent overreaction to contact in the 1940’s and 1950’s that continues to this day. To get a flavor of the paranoia of the times check out the Fontes Briefing.

There is considerable evidence that global allied leaders like Roosevelt,  Churchill,  Truman and Eisenhower (lots of documents here ) felt that extreme measures were needed to resist the threat of invasion and subjugation. In 1947 the National Security Act began the process that created the National Security Apparatus that today I believe has become more a threat to human survival and evolution than the original threats associated with ET contact. Is this a classic case of the medicine being worse than the cure?

Eisenhower realized only to late the danger of the military-industrial complex that he helped create. These allied leaders seemed to exclusively had threats on their mind rather than opportunities, and so they inadvertently unbalanced human evolution by cutting out those of us who might have advised against fearful hasty reactions and those who would point out the benefits of contact.

Many allied civilian and military leaders were students of history like Churchill and looked to Japan’s successful use of extreme measures against the colonial invaders that included playing one against the other, isolating trade to certain restricted ports, and even death to civilians and Europeans having unauthorized contact with each other in Japan.  Fearful global leaders failed to appreciate that even though Japan successfully resisted European invasion, the runaway national security apparatus Japan constructed to do so caused the almost total destruction of Japan and the death of millions of people in World War Two.

Evidence for this draconian Japan model of colonial resistance shows up in government documents. In Richard Dolan’s UFO’s and the National Security State, pages 348-349, The unknown author in the NSA document wrote. “If ‘they’ discover you it is an old but hardly invalid rule of thumb. ‘they’ are your technological superiors.” Dolan writes, “Human history surely demonstrates the danger to weaker cultures when confronted by a technologically superior civilization, a loss of identity and absorption by the others. Citing the example of Japan (the NSA author says.) “He noted, that it is at least theoretically possible for a “weaker” society to survive such a confrontation.”

Today with hindsight some global political leaders and even some in the MJ-12, NSA, CIA, NRO runaway security apparatus created to address the ET threat are beginning to realize their draconian reactions to the perceived extraterrestrial threat have now created an even bigger threat to national security and human evolution. I have in the past suggested that this mismanagement of ET contact is quite similar to the mismanagement of fire in natural ecosystems as in Yellowstone National Park. In self delusion the very people that created the problem, the huge accumulation of fuel through fire suppression, tried to alleviate the problem on their own. Without outside help from competent controlled burning specialists they tried to control burn and again this incompetence allowed the fire to get out of control and burned Yellowstone to the ground in catastrophic fire.

One is lead to wonder if our present leaders inside and outside of the runaway shadow government military-industrial-political process bubble are making a similar mistake managing ET contact as did the managers of natural ecosystems in Yellowstone National Park. The Japan model seems to have had two very disastrous outcomes. The runaway national security state in Japan pushed Japan into a disastrous war while in the USSR the runaway national security state tried to maintain technological and defensive parity with the U.S. with causing collapse and disaster.

National Security people tend to ignore those of us that say, ” The means is the end, and the a destructive means cannot and will not give a long term positive outcome.” Contrary to many in the National Security State there there is a very important place for the rule of law and ethics! Ethics and oversight keep things from getting out of control. The means fashions the end result. Duh.

Evolution proceeds no matter the poison we choose. ET is not standing still and the present slow progress of government disclosure is in my opinion too little too late. Instead of slow conservative official acknowledgment of ET contact through global document dumps of low level material and the official academic bodies slow release of information, we need much more radical and rapid solutions to disclosure.

It is the NSA that really holds the keys to the Kingdom near the apex of the extraterrestrial control pyramid and if they will not willingly themselves give public access to the huge accumulation of data some of us believe they have in their vaults on ET civilizations, culture, science, politics, exopolitics, technology etc., they must may forced by the citizenry to give access as in the WikiLeaks way for the overall good of society. The NSA’s huge database is the repository of the information the Shadow Government has on ET, and I believe it comes from, hacked computers obtained from crashes and maybe even the alien’s own computer networks, alien interrogations, diplomatic channels, cultural and technology exchanges, treaties and trade etc.

Our species survival from ET contact is at stake alright, but maybe not so much from ET directly, but by from our leaders own well meaning dysfunctional destructive reactions to that contact. My father was fond of saying. “The road to hell is paved with the best of intentions.” Not until we have full and open disclosure will these threats diminish as ordinary citizens and officials not at the apex of society become part of the contact paradigm.

Ed Komarek Blog.   Article Source.

Do Moscow UFOs fulfill NORAD officer predictions?

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Moscow UFO filmed on Jan 12, 2011. Screenshot.
Moscow UFOs filmed on Jan 12, 2011. Screenshot.

On December 3, 2010, the recently deceased retired NORAD officer, Stanley Fulham, predicted a major wave of UFO sightings in Moscow in early-to-mid January. This was to be followed a week later by a major UFO wave in London. Fulham’s prediction raised considerable interest given his earlier success in predicting a major UFO sighting over New York City on October 13. What was particularly noteworthy about his earlier prediction was that the FAA radar facility responsible for three major airports in the New York City metropolitan area was shut down for an hour leading to flight delays. Caught off guard by Fulham’s apparent success, I like many others paid more attention to his next prediction about UFOs in Moscow and London. There have indeed been UFOs sightings in Moscow during period Fulham predicted, but to date these have only been reported by one source and been observed over one location. Nevertheless, this has led to one reporter declaring that Fulham’s prediction has been fulfilled.

In his most recent Examiner article, Alfred Webre writes: “A remarkable UFO wave over Moscow, Russia in early January 2011 has reportedly confirmed the predictions of an apparent regional galactic governance council that its interdimensional spacecraft would appear over Moscow Russia at that time.” Webre lists eight youtube videos confirming the “remarkable UFO wave.” The problem is that six of the videos are taken by one person, Oleg Tarabanov over the same location over the first two weeks of January. The seventh is of a hard to see object in an entirely different rural location; and the eighth UFO video has been pulled and is no longer available.

The videos by Tarabanov are the most interesting and clearly show up to two UFO objects over a location that appears to be in an industrial area of Moscow.

While Tarabanov’s videos are interesting evidence of what appears to be up to two UFOs, they hardly constitute a “UFO wave”; and, most importantly, there has been no independent confirmation of Oleg’s videos. Neither the Russian general public nor media have reported UFO sightings in the period specified by Fulham. This contrasts with the New York UFO October 13 event that was seen by thousands of witnesses and widely reported in the media.

So can the minimal UFO activity reported by Tarabanov from Moscow in early January 2011, be put down as yet another failed UFO prediction, or has Fulham been confirmed as Webre claims with enormous exopolitical significance? Of the latter possibility, Webre writes: “The January 2011 apparent galactic governance UFO sightings over Moscow Russia undescore an apparent determination by the ET council to break the USA-Russia ‘conspiracy of silence’ around the extraterrestrial presence…” In this reporter’s opinion, it is premature to declare Fulham’s prediction has been confirmed. Especially so if the goal was to break a US-Russian “conspiracy of silence.” Perhaps, there is more to come in Moscow or a wave of UFOs will appear over London as Fulham predicted, In either case, the exopolitical significance of Fulham’s predictions will deservedly come under closer scrutiny.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

World business leaders to discuss UFOs & extraterrestrial life

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

A leading business forum discussing global competitiveness will in its annual conference host a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The Global Competitiveness Forum is hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and discusses business trends and insights essential for future business investment and competitiveness. The panel is titled: “Contact: Learning from Outer Space”, and features famed astrophysicist Dr Michio Kaku and a leading Islamic scholar, together with prominent UFO experts Stanton Friedman and Nick Pope. The Global Competitiveness Forum is poised to introduce, perhaps for the first time, many world business leaders to key issues concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life, and how these impact on economic competitiveness.

The Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) is hosted by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority and will be hosted in the capital Riyadh from January 22-25, 2011. The GCF website says:

The Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF), the only event of its kind, is an annual meeting of global business leaders, international political leaders, and selected intellectuals and journalists brought together to create a dialogue with respect to the positive impact organizational and national competitiveness can have on local, regional and global economic and social development. It was founded in 2006 by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), and is held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the patronage of HM King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

The description for the GCF’s forthcoming panel on “Contact: Learning from Outer Space” is:

Psychological and socio-cultural assumptions and preconceptions constrain us to a large extent, and shape our views of the universe so that we are inclined to find what we are looking for, and fail to see what we are not. Using knowledge gained from research in the fields of Ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life, what might we possibly learn about hindrances to innovation in other areas of inquiry?

According to an email from veteran UFO researcher Stanton Friedman, the panel will feature five speakers including himself:

It is interesting that the 5th Annual Global Competitiveness Forum to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 23-26 has the courage to have a panel “Contact: Learning from Outer Space.” Featuring Dr. Jacques Vallee, Nick Pope, Dr. Michio Kaku, myself and an Egyptian Scientist Dr. Zaghloul El Naggar”, a member of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs.

A clue into what is likely to be discussed in the upcoming panel is the question: “using knowledge gained from research in the fields of Ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life, what might we possibly learn about hindrances to innovation in other areas of inquiry?” The GCF appears to be interested in learning about how information and/or technology has been constrained in the past, and what this means for the future business investment. In a recent book, Flying Saucers and Science and article on his website, Stanton Friedman discusses how nuclear fusion energies were stifled in the past, along with repression of information concerning extraterrestrial life and technologies used for interstellar propulsion. Similarly, Dr Michio Kaku has described some of the advanced energy propulsion systems most likely to be used by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

The GCF hopes to stimulate dialogue over how issues related to UFOs and extraterrestrial life impact on the national competitiveness of oil producing countries such as Saudi Arabia. As the world’s leading oil energy supplier, Saudi Arabia is taking a keen interest in future trends where new energy systems are developed for mass consumption. By taking a proactive role in business dialogue and investment plans that discuss extraterrestrial life and alternative/new energy technologies, Saudi Arabia hopes to use its enormous wealth as a means of ensuring the future prosperity of its kingdom and citizens. That is both the right political move and smart business strategy, and will encourage world business leaders to also take proactive steps on issues related to extraterrestrial life and technology.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

Video: Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011

Abductee Jim Sparks’ visited Hong Kong on the 2nd Jan 2011 to give a Lecture on Galactic Diplomacy at the HITEC Centre to an audience of over 500 people. The executive organizers were Exopolitics Hong Kong and Meoow Guide [an internet radio portal]

In these videos Neil Gould interviews Jim Sparks, questioning him about the Science, Spirituality and Politics of extra terrestrials. A few other challenging questions are thrown into the mix. An interesting introduction contrasts the delicate balance between our ocean life with mankind’s vibrant markets; a representation of “Supply and Demand” which is depleting and ruining our planet’s food chain.

Jim Sparks has not finished his mission as yet. Determined to get the word out that the covert groups within the Black Ops are given amnesty in order for us all to evolve. Sparks addresses the issue of whether mankind will survive the forthcoming earth changes; he states that humanity has decided to destroy itself in cycles over million and millions of years.

The title of this video [The Science, Sprirituality and Politics of extra terrestrials] compliments the Exopolitics Certification Program which offers a wide variety of Exopolitical courses throughout the year.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Report on “Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011” lecture

By Neil Gould 

On the 2nd January 2011, Hong Kong’s HITEC Center played host to ET Abductee, Jim Sparks, who presented his testimony as to the reality of the ET presence to an audience of over 500 people. Galactic Diplomacy between human and extra terrestrials, threw the mainstream press into total confusion whilst mesmerizing the audience. The Exopolitical train had moved into Hong Kong surging ahead with an extensive program of future exopolitical events.

Jim Sparks told the audience about his 23 years of abduction, carefully following the script of his book “The Keepers”. Exopolitics Hong Kong and Meoow guide [an internet radio portal, active in intuitive consciousness and regression hypnotherapy], the executive organizers of the event, had Jim’s book translated into Chinese by an aspiring 20 year old student and translator, MC Choy.

          “The Keepers“  in Chinese

By the end of the presentation Sparks had almost sold out of his of books. Executive creative director Stan Ho, an experiencer and avid supporter of exopolitics designed the book cover capturing the intense expressions of Jim Sparks and an Alien, facing each other amidst a background of royal blue. The HITEC Centre venue has an extremely up market auditorium which the organizers felt would help lift the perceptions of this taboo subject by shifting from the pokey venues of Tsim Sha Tsoi into more prestigious accommodation thus reinforcing the momentum that Exopolitics needs to gain public recognition.


 HITEC Auditorium

MC Choy translated into Cantonese after each sentence spoken by Sparks which took up a lot of time leaving some of the audience disgruntled at not being time enough for any new information by Sparks.  To the beginners, everything was new but to a few of the Hong Kong UFO veterans, they wanted more, having exhausted themselves watching old You tube interviews of Sparks.

The following day we received many messages of thanks and congratulations from the audience; but the South China Morning Post printed a rather negative article. I called their reporter who told me that he had submitted a well balanced article; but the editing room had completely changed its content and that he was afraid to confront them. The reporter assured me he would put it right in a follow up article. It seems someone in Hong Kong ensures certain UFO related articles are scuttled, just as they ensured the Hong Kong University Exopolitics lectures were cancelled in 2008.

As an organizer of the event I was privileged to have spent three solid days and nights with Jim sparks; watching, listening and studying his every word and his every move. The most obvious problems were as a result of his PTSD [as indicated by John Mack MD]. Jim is extremely withdrawn and takes his time before answering questions. I found him to be a delightful and polite person and extremely honest throughout all my dealings with him, since 6 months prior to the event. A point of interest, my daughter stood at the other end of a crowded room and called Jim in her mind to turn around and look at her, whilst he was facing the other way. He immediately turned around and looked her in the eye. The same happened with another person but Jim denies any telepathic abilities on that level but prefers to stick with “I have slightly enhanced abilities”. It is quite clear that Jim is still firmly in the hands of his ET abductors and although he has not had an abduction for 2 years; the ETs are running him. 

I filmed an interview with Jim Sparks [as below]; thereafter Jake Gould [Film Director] dealt a more probing interview with Jim. Jim signaled that my interview was OK for public release whilst Jakes interview would have to remain hidden pending Jim’s approval. It contained information that would show another 2 or 3 degrees of perspective on how the ETs are helping humanity, outside of the current abduction paradigm. I cannot stop myself from at least telling you that it was extremely chilling!

 Part 1 – Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011

Part 2 – Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011

Part 3 – Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011

Jim revealed that he had a few missions, one of which he seemed quite concerned had not come to fruition as yet. He showed a certain amount of anxiety over this with regard to his arrangements with the ETs. His second mission involved collecting a world database of awakened people who could declare the full extent of their resources, to be used to activate”Awakened Humanity”; the effects of which would be complimentary to the healing of the planet and perhaps the quickening of an amnesty for those working in the Black Operations Projects.

The Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011 experience has ongoing programs involving Meoow Guide, which include discussion on the Sparks case, videos and a series of Q& A.

Scientists endorse study of societal consequences of extraterrestrial life

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

The discovery of exoplanets is stimulating scientific discussion of extraterrestrial life and its scientific and societal implications

The proceedings of a scientific conference that studied the societal consequences of extraterrestrial life has just been released. Organized and hosted by the Royal Society in October 2010, the conference was titled, “The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society.” The conference received wide international attention when one of the participants, Dr Mazlan Othman, was wrongly described as being on the verge of being appointed by the UN to become Earth’s official liaison to extraterrestrial life. In the published proceedings, Othman sets the record straight. She believes that the UN already has a mechanism in place to deal with the detection and contact with extraterrestrial life, but work needs to be done in formalizing this by UN member states. Other conference participants endorse Othman’s recommendation, and further believe that the time has come to study the societal consequences of extraterrestrial life.

The continuing discovery of exoplanets – over 500 have been discovered by December 10, 2010 – has emboldened many scientists to come out publicly with recommendations concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life. Beginning with the premise that extraterrestrial life is almost certain to exist, Professor Stephen Hawking raised scientific eyebrows with claims in his 2010 television series that extraterrestrials are likely to be resource predators. The existence of exoplanets is opening the floodgates to scientific speculation about extraterrestrial life, and programs in astrobiology are becoming increasingly popular. Princeton University, for example, just launched its first astrobiology program and took an interdisciplinary path. However, Princeton’s program is only focused on a strictly scientific study of the consequences of extraterrestrial life, and eschews any social science or societal component.

Such an approach is wrong, according to the two scientists that organized the Royal Society conference. In their introduction to the conference proceedings, Dr Martin Dominik and Prof John C. Zarnecki endorsed studying the societal aspects of any discovery of extraterrestrial life. They stressed the importance of determining the possible motivations of extraterrestrial life and any search for such life:

The detection and further study of extra-terrestrial life will fundamentally challenge our view of nature, including ourselves, and therefore the field of astrobiology can hardly be isolated from its societal context, including philosophical, ethical and theological perspectives. With the detection of extra-terrestrial life being technically feasible, one needs to address whether perceived societal benefits command us to search for it, or whether such an endeavor may rather turn out to be a threat to our own existence

Dr Dominik and Prof Zarnecki went on to point out the importance of having in place the political mechanism by which humanity can responsibly deal with the future detection of extraterrestrial life:

While scientists are obliged to assess benefits and risks that relate to their research, the political responsibility for decisions arising following the detection of extra-terrestrial life cannot and should not rest with them. Any such decision will require a broad societal dialogue and a proper political mandate. If extra-terrestrial life happens to be detected, a coordinated response that takes into account all the related sensitivities should already be in place.

Their view was supported by the current head of UN’s Office for Outer Space Affairs, Dr Mazlan Othman who said:

The continued search for extra-terrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that someday humankind will receive signals from extra-terrestrials. When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The United Nations forums are a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.

So where to from here? The Royal Society and like-minded scientific bodies such as the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, are likely to continue hosting meetings discussing extraterrestrial life and its societal consequences – an endeavor some believe falls under the rubric of exopolitics. More universities are likely to follow the path of Princeton and offer interdisciplinary astrobiology programs that use methods from the natural sciences for discussing extraterrestrial life; and perhaps, in the near future, open the door to formal discussion of its societal consequences. But what about those interested in a comprehensive study of the societal implications of extraterrestrial life, and evidence that such life is currently visiting Earth in the here and now?

One solution is offered by a small but pioneering program hosted by the Exopolitics Institute (a 501(c)3 educational organization based in Hawaii) that offers a Certificate/Diploma program for those interested in exopolitics. Students can enroll and complete online up to six university level courses that examine various aspects of the societal and political implications of extraterrestrial life. While the Exopolitics Institute’s program is not yet accredited with any tertiary organization, this is expected to change as it expands in size and offerings over the next 18 months. The Spring 2011 semester, which features two courses, “Introduction to Exopolitics” and “Developing the Road to Disclosure”, begins next week on January 17.

The future is bright for those interested in studying the societal aspects of extraterrestrial life, and some organizations such as the Royal Society are pioneering efforts to do so. Together with ad hoc programs and courses offered by the Exopolitics, Institute and other educational bodies, the general public can begin comprehensively studying the consequences of extraterrestrial life in all its aspects, scientific, societal, religious and political.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

Wikileaks cable confirms extensive Soviet UFO investigations

Photo of crashed UFO surrounded by Soviet Army soliders

The first Wikileaks U.S. diplomatic cable that mentions UFOs has just been released. It is based on comments by Yuriy Zhadobin, chairman of the intelligence service of the former Soviet Republic of Belarus. In the cable prepared by the U.S. Embassy in Minsk, Zhadobin is reported to have said that during the time of the Soviet Union, there were almost unlimited funds for investigating the UFO phenomenon. He laments that after the Soviet break up, Belarus no longer has the funds to investigate UFOs to the extent it once had.

This is what Zhadobin said in the cable just released by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten:

Unlike during the USSR, the department is not engaged in studying paranormal phenomena. [Back then,] we had greater means and opportunities which we could spend on anything and everything. Today the situation is different. Then, when society was excited by something, it entered our sphere of interest. But when it comes to healers, UFOs and such, we just can´t deal with them any more.

Wikileaks has so far only released 2000 of approximately 250,000 diplomatic cables, less than one percent. In an interview with the Guardian newspaper in December 2010, Julian Assange confirmed that some of the unreleased cables do concern UFOs. Those yet to be released cables may reveal the extent to which the U.S. and other countries have investigated, and publicly covered up the UFO phenomenon and its relationship to extraterrestrial life.

Further Reading

Assange arrest impacts on impending release of classified UFO cables

Assange arrest impacts on impending release of classified UFO cables

Stanley Fulham dies – leaves legacy of UFO/ET predictions

Stanley Arthur Fulham (Capt, ret. RCAF)

Stanley A. Fulham, a retired Captain from the Royal Canadian Air Force, died on December 19, 2010 after a battle with cancer. Fulham came to the attention of the UFO/exopolitics community with his recently published book, Challenges of Change, where he made a number of predictions concerning the appearance of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. His prediction of UFOs over New York City on October 13 attracted international media attention when unidentified objects did show up and were witnessed by thousands. The closure of New York’s three major airports on the same day has been claimed to be linked to the UFO sighting. He next set of predictions concerned UFOs appearing over Moscow in early January 2011, being followed one week later with UFOs showing up over London.

If UFOs do appear over Moscow and London, as Fulham predicted, then further predictions in his book will gain closer scrutiny. Among these is his prediction that UFOs will appear more frequently in 2011 culminating in a face-to-face encounter between extraterrestrials and major world leaders at the United Nations. He said in his most recent public statement on December 3:

Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind’s acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next year (2011)…. Objective—a dramatic introduction of the alien reality—an appearance at the United Nations.

Details of Captain Fulham’s passing was released by his family after a memorial service on Dec 23. An obituary of Captain Fulham’s life is found here. Stanley Fulham’s website featuring articles, interviews and information about his book is available here.

Some articles about Stanley Fulham:

Stanley Fulham was a brave man who lived the final years of his life dedicated to disseminating the truth about extraterrestrial life. He will be missed by many. May he rest in peace.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Exclusive Canadian Radio Event – A Crash Before Roswell

Toronto – (ZNN) In August of 1945 Jose Padilla and Reme Baca said they were sent out on horseback from the Padilla Ranch in San Antonio New Mexico tasked to check on Jose’s father’s herd of new cows. 

What they were sent to do and what they claimed to have experienced was nothing short of what actually occurred to them that frightening afternoon.

With their horses tethered as they hid behind a rock in the distant reaches of the New Mexico desert – Jose 9 and Reme 7 years of age at the time – were awe-struck by the sound of thunder and the grinding thud of something strange that came to earth on the Padilla Ranch in San Antonio New Mexico.

With trepidation tendered by child-like watchfulness they approached the crash site to within 200 yards to witness a craft stuck in rock and sand; its charred 30 foot hull shrouded in dust and burned ash had skidded to rest at the end of a wide plough-like furrow the length of a football field. 

Using binoculars they saw strewn wreckage, strange creatures and military activity that would haunt them for days to come and – for the rest of their lives.

All of this occurring two full years before the archetype of all UFO crashes on the Foster Ranch outside the small town of Corona New Mexico a mere 67 miles from Roswell.

These astonishing claims, made by Jose Padilla and Reme Baca, have been researched and recorded by Denver author/researcher Paola Harris who – in conversation with ZlandCommunications – detailed how these two young Hispanic children: saw at least three creatures in the unusual oval shaped craft, had, some days later, climbed into the craft itself to retrieve pieces of the wreckage after guards had vacated the area and, how they were told by State Police to be quiet about what they had seen. 

Researcher Paola Harris, Reme Baca and Jose Padilla will join Richard and Victor – Sunday Dec 12 beginning at 11:00 pm. EST on AM 740 radio in Toronto or live on the net to tell this unbelievable story. 

Be sure to join host Richard Syrett, co-host Victor Viggiani as they try to unravel this truly perplexing pre-Roswell account of a crashed UFO. 

Journalists wishing to contact Ms. Harris prior to Sunday’s interview can use the contact information below or visit her web site at:

# # #


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Assange arrest impacts on impending release of classified UFO cables

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Julian Assange arrested in London on December 7, 2010

On Tuesday morning at 9:30 am, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was placed under arrest and denied bail by British authorities for allegations of rape being investigated in Sweden. A new Swedish prosecutor had reopened an investigation against Assange despite a previous prosecutor deciding against pressing charges. One of the women involved in the case had after the alleged rape incident thrown a party for Assange’s benefit. That and other actions by the women involved persuaded the original prosecutor not to charge Assange. One of the women has been found to have connections to the CIA suggesting Assange may have been set up in a ‘honey trap’ operation. The arrest and detention of Assange creates confusion over how and when future diplomatic cables will be released. Of special interest, are those concerning UFOs.

Wikileaks had come increasingly under pressure from the U.S. government and major allies such as Australia, Sweden and France to prosecute Julian Assange, and/or curtail internet servers hosting leaked classified U.S. diplomatic cables. Amazon.Com, Paypal, and the internet service all quickly jettisoned their connections to Wikileaks after pressure from U.S. authorities. All this has occurred despite the fact that many believe the documents released so far are pretty innocuous and amount to little more than diplomatic chatter. Some Wikileaks critics had gone so far as to claim that Assange is actually aiding and abetting a major U.S. ally, Israel, by selectively releasing documents. Others viewed the Wikileaks release as part of a false flag operation to justify internet censorship. The most recent response by U.S. authorities to request diplomatic and military personnel NOT to read the Wikileaks material is deemed by some to be a panicked over-reaction that may in the end only help Wikileaks grow in popularity. If the diplomatic cables released so far are innocuous, helping a major U.S. ally or a false flag operation, as some claim, why the panicked response by U.S. authorities? The answer may lie in a brief response Assange gave to a question in a Guardian newspaper interview. Assange said that some of the diplomatic cables soon to be released contain references to UFOs.

In response to a question about whether any of the documents sent to Wikileaks discussed UFOs and extraterrestrial life, Assange began his response by dismissing the relevance of much of what he had received:

Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.

Just as it appeared that Wikileaks had no credible documents about UFOs, Assange made a bombshell admission: “However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.” Assange did not elaborate on the context of the UFO related documents, nor did he give a time table for their release.

According to a number of confidential insider sources known to alternative science researcher David Wilcock, there has been a furious behind-the-scenes struggle over the pace and extent of UFO disclosure. He claims that Wikileaks is likely to release enough information about UFOs to bring a rapid end to the decades-long secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial life and technology.

This is very, very interesting. Disclosure is happening now. It hasn’t gotten into UFOs just yet, but we’re already seeing the signs of what true Disclosure will be like – an explosive burst of new information that the insiders do not want you to know, all coming out at once.

If Wilcock is correct, Wikileaks is poised to transform the world as we know it. That would explain the panicked reaction to the Wikileaks releases by U.S. authorities, and may even be related to the apparent honey trap operation that has resulted in Assange’s arrest.

Prominent figures on the right wing of U.S. politics such as Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh have gone as far as calling for Assange to be hunted down, tried and executed for the damage he has caused to U.S. national interests. The FOX news network is most prominent in advocating a draconian line to be taken against Assange and Wikileaks. What is not well understood is that FOX news has been instrumental in creating a debilitating partisan political environment that has hamstrung the Obama administration in its policy initiatives. FOX news represents the interests of prominent political and industrial figures that have long been associated with the cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Hillary Clinton with Laurence Rockefeller in Wyoming August 1995
Hillary Clinton with Laurence Rockefeller in Wyoming August 1995

At the other end of the political spectrum, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has tried to make lemonade out of the Wikileaks lemon by focusing on what it reveals about the professionalism of U.S. diplomacy. In a recent dinner she praised the “full breadth and depth of American artistry and diversity,” adding in jest, “I am writing a cable about it, which I’m sure you’ll find soon on your closest website.” What Clinton is not revealing is her own past role in endorsing the release of UFO files as First Lady during the Clinton administration. Hillary, along with President Clinton, met with Laurence Rockefeller in 1995 in Wyoming. The Clintons were given an informal briefing about why it was in U.S. national interests to disclose information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. FOIA documents confirm that Hillary then became Rockefeller’s point person in encouraging the Clinton administration to move forward with such a release. Political contingencies led to the Clintons eventually failing in their efforts to have UFO files released. Similarly, the Obama administration has failed to make much headway in behind the scenes efforts to release UFO documents partly due to the highly partisan political environment created by the FOX news network.

Hillary Clinton is very aware of the contents of diplomatic cables yet to be released. If some concern UFOs, they may well be the catalyst for the collapse of secrecy surrounding the truth behind UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That may help explain why Clinton is more muted in what punitive action should be taken against Assange. Clinton, along with others in the Obama administration, privately welcome the release of documents that bring to an end the secrecy surrounding UFOs. However, the prominence and influence of many right wing commentators associated with the FOX news network, the Obama administration has to be seen to be taking action to put a stop to Wikileaks. Hence the dubious legal effort to investigate bringing criminal charges against Assange, and attempt to prevent diplomatic personnel reading online the classified documents released by Wikileaks. The official U.S. response to the Wikileaks release is not well thought out and is predicted to very likely increase public interest and support for the Wikileaks material. The U.S. response very likely reflects conflicting reactions of panic and elation among senior policy makers over a possible catastrophic collapse in the secrecy system surrounding UFOs.

Assange’s arrest in Britain creates uncertainty over when and how future diplomatic cables will be released. The denial of bail to Assange on flimsy legal grounds is likely to be used as a lever by authorities behind the scenes to prevent or slow the release of some of the more damaging diplomatic information. The result however may be the so called ‘nuclear option’ Assange has threatened where all the diplomatic cables will be released at once without any redactions or filtering. Despite Assange’s arrest, Wikileaks continues to function and today tweeted that the gradual release will continue. So whether the nuclear option happens or classified information continues to come out gradually, the eventual release of diplomatic cables concerning UFOs may lead to a collapse of the secrecy system surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That will change the world as we know it.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2010. Michael E. Salla.
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

Washington DC activist leaves door open for WikiLeak’s Assange UFO documents release

N e w s   R e l e a s e
For Immediate Distribution

Toronto – (ZNN) Political activist Stephen Bassett – Director of the Paradigm Research Group in Washington DC – is quoted in the Washington Times today concerning WikiLeak’s guru Julian Assange’s threat to release UFO files should he be arrested for releasing classified State Department cables. Assange is already on record as saying cable leaks in his possession do include government references to UFOs.
Mr. Bassett told Jennifer Harper of Inside the Beltway:
“The prospect that WikiLeaks may publish UFO/ET-related documents is now in play in the public’s mind. This is notable. While Paradigm Research Group has never encouraged anyone to illegally release classified files, if such documents do turn up in future WikiLeaks releases, UFO/ET researchers will study them carefully for their impact on the disclosure process.”
Read the complete article by Jennifer Harper at:

Mr. Bassett can be reached for further comment and interviews at:
[Ed. Note – If the documents alluded to by Assange do contain other classified information regarding ICBM missile shut-downs at US nuclear installations by UFOs that may discuss the threat this matter poses to US national security, it will be an American military public relations nightmare. It is noteworthy that declassified government documents about incursions by UFOs over US and UK nuclear installations have already been released to the media by researcher Robert Hastings and US Air Force Captain Robert Salas (Ret.) at a Washington DC press conference on September 27, 2010 with no comment from the Pentagon. Would a WikiLeak about this matter force the Pentagon’s hand to back-peddle on information that every Secretary of Defence since the mid-1960’s would have been apprised of? Military officers’ notarized affidavits concerning these UFO incursions are available upon request through Mr. Hastings, Capt. Salas or from ZlandCommunications.] # # #

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Mary Rodwell RN- Video: My Mum Talks to Aliens – full Documentary

4 December 2010

Mary Rodwell RN is Australia’s leading abduction specialist and hypnotherapist, with over 1600 alien abduction cases to her credit. Chris Rowell, Mary’s son is a vetinary surgeon, and self-confessed alien skeptic; their relationship has reached a critical point and something has to give. Mary’s beliefs led to a divorce. Chris scarred by the family breakup has agreed to take a look at Mary’s world so she can prove to him that aliens exist. They endure tough meetings with scientists; abductees who are put through rigorous polygraph tests. Chris watches his mother take part in a heated debate with university professors and the viewer is brought face on to heart wrenching discourse between mother and son. The final interview with an abductee brings about an enormous surprise; it’s so far out, yet proven true by a polygraph test. This documentary is at the edge of abduction research. Mary has given us yet another incredible insight into the reality of Aliens interacting with humanity, with the empirical evidence sort for by her skeptic son. - My Mum Talks to Aliens (full doc) Video

Breaking News: Wikileaks to release UFO documents from US diplomatic cables

Julian Assange. Screen shot from Washington DC Press Conference

In an online interview with readers from Britain’s Guardian newspaper, Julian Assange responded to a question concerning UFOs.

Mr Assange,
have there ever been documents forwarded to you which deal with the topic of UFOs or extraterrestrials?

Julian Assange:
Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.
However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.

So far only 667 US diplomatic cables have been released from an estimated total of 250,000. Assange gave no date for when those dealing with UFOs  will be released.

UFOs predicted over Moscow and London in January 2011

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

ONe mile wide Pyramid UFO allegedly hovers over Kremlin on December 9, 2009

Stanley Fulham, a retired NORAD officer, has been given further predictions concerning the appearance of extraterrestrial spacecraft/UFOs over major world cities. In an alleged communication with a group of extraterrestrials called the “Transcendors” he was recently told that extraterrestrial vehicles will first appear in early January 2011 over Moscow and then one week later over London. Fulham’s latest set of predictions are noteworthy since he successfully predicted UFOs over New York City on October 13, 2010. Shortly after the UFOs appeared, the FAA Westbury radar facility responsible for three major airports in New York City was evacuated for an hour leading to flight delays/cancellations at La Guardia, Newark and JFK airports. According to a reliable source, similar radar disruptions occurred at a major Chinese airport in the region of Hangzhou in July 2010 after UFOs appeared, leading once again to flights being delayed/cancelled for an hour. If UFOs do appear over Moscow and/or London in early January 2010, any flight disruptions at nearby airports will help confirm whether or not Fulham’s predictions are accurate.

Fulham’s latest prediction was given to him soon after the UFO appearance over New York City on October 13. This is what Fulham said:

In my last ‘Reading’ with the Transcendors on Tuesday, October 2010, the Transcendors advised me of the following predictions on the Pleiadian’s UFO displays: A. There will be a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011. B. This ‘display’ will be followed by a major display over London approximately seven days later. C. Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind’s acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next year (2011).

During the October 13 UFO sighting in New York City, the media was quick to attribute the sighting to party balloons launched from a nearby Mt Vernon elementary school around 1 pm. This was despite the fact that the UFOs were first sighted in the morning of October 13, and continued throughout the day. Most remarkably, the FAA radar facility was evacuated later in the day due to an apparent gas leak that led to temporary airport closings at La Guardia, Newark and JFK. The FAA explanation was likely a cover story that attempted to hide any possible link between the temporary radar disruption and the UFO appearance.

On July 7, 2010, similar circumstances happened at a major Chinese airport in the Hangzhou region when a UFO appeared nearby. According to a reliable source, the UFO directly interfered with the airport radar system closing the airport temporarily and leading to the re-routing of flights. This is what Neil Gould begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting from Exopolitics Hong Kong had to say about his source concerning the Hangzhou UFO incident.

A reliable Source which must remain anonymous has said that the UFO was first noticed by an airline but prior to being reported, the radar in the control tower suffered temporary failure.

If a UFO does appear over Moscow, it will not be the first time in recent history. On December 9, 2009, one day before President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a one mile UFO pyramid allegedly hovered over the Kremlin for several hours. The UFO appeared to be related to a mysterious spiral that appeared shortly before over Norwegian skies.

According to a confidential source, a Russian submarine had earlier fired missiles at the spiral in order to prevent UFOs/extraterrestrial vehicles coming through it. If the spiral was in fact some kind of stargate/dimensional portal for extraterrestrial vehicles, then the appearance of the one mile wide pyramid UFO over the Kremlin was likely a show of force to send a strong message to Russian leaders about the folly of firing missiles in the vicinity of extraterrestrial vehicles. If Fulham is correct in his Moscow UFO prediction, it will be interesting to see the response of Russian leaders.

Fulham’s successful October 13 prediction of UFOs over New York has gained the attention of this writer and many others given the rare success of such predictions. The fact that New York’s three major metropolitan airports were temporarily closed during the UFO appearance, as happened earlier in the July 7 incident in Hangzhou China, does suggest a relationship between UFO sightings and radar operations. If UFOs do appear over Moscow and London in early January 2011, one way to confirm that they are extraterrestrial in origin is whether nearby airports in Moscow and London are affected in some way. One thing is certain. Fulham will gain even more global attention if his latest predictions prove to be accurate.
Further Reading

Is FAA covering up flight delays due to New York UFO sighting?

Retired NORAD officer accurately predicts UFO appearances over major cities

China UFO photo mixed with fakes in psyop to thwart disclosure

Chinese researchers dismiss UFO photos while authorities remain silent

Pravda hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid & Norway light spiral

© Copyright 2010. Michael E. Salla.
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

Interview with 1945 UFO crash witness

Reme Baca, 7 years old, at time of 1945 San Antonio UFO Crash

Extract of Paola Harris Interview With Reme Baca, Washington State July 5th, 2010.

[P. Paola Harris. R. Reme Baca.]

P: After you saw the crash you brought people back there. And who did you bring back? You brought back who? …

R: What happened is that after the crash, we went home, back to the ranch.

P: Can you tell me the date of this? The approximate date of this? We know it’s 1945.

R: 1945, August…. And it was like the 15th….  I was age 7 and Jose was 9.  Jose’s dad Faustino had asked us a couple of days earlier, to find a cow that was ready to have a calf…. We went over looking for that cow. And so while we were there, it was not abnormal in late summer, to have thunderstorms and lightning and this time was no different so we took refuge under a ledge. …  Jose had packed a lunch, a couple of tortillas and I think a couple of apples. We sat down to eat that and the storm and rains came. We got under there so we wouldn’t get too wet. Then it just kind of sprinkled a little bit and was all over. We were getting ready to go up and take another look at the cow and see if it was eating and take a closer look at the calf.  While we were doing that, we heard this loud bang.

P: You heard the actual crash.

R: We didn’t know it was a crash at that time…. We heard this sound and the ground shook, and so memories came back of the atomic bomb explosion.  Are they testing again or what?  So we looked around, saw smoke coming from maybe a couple of canyons down, up that way. So Jose says, “let’s go over and take a look, see what’s going on.” We started walking, and we saw a little smoke coming from that direction. As we reached the ridge, the smoke became intense.  Then we worked our way down the ridge so we could see what appeared to be a big gouge in the ground.  It looked like a road grader had been in there. We were not aware that anyone had a 100-foot wide grader, but it sure looked like a 100-foot wide blade had been here, grading about a foot deep.  We started walking up this graded road, it was pretty rough on our feet and it was warm. The bottoms of our feet felt hot.

P: And do you remember around what time it was?

R: I didn’t have a watch. Probably 4 or 5 in the afternoon, maybe later.

P: I’m asking because you can see what you’re looking at, it’s not dark.

R: No, it’s not dark. But as we look up this graded road, there’s a lot of smoke. So we retreated to where we could get some air and take a drink from the canteen and kind of recollect our thoughts and try to understand what this is all about.  I asked Jose, “is that a plane that went down?” I’ve only seen planes in the air. We live in a small town. Don’t see many planes.  Jose says, “Don’t know, maybe somebody might be hurt and maybe we need to help them. “I said ok, okay, and so we continued trying to get closer. We could see something over on the edge of that graded gash…. It doesn’t go just straight. It goes and then it makes a right turn, like an “L”. We could see something but you know, there’s so much dust in the air, and it’s humid from the rain and then some of that brush, that oily brush is burning so the smoke’s coming into your eyes, it’s really hard to see and make any sense of it at all.  We went back up and rested, returned, and Jose has his binoculars out and starts looking to see what it are. He says,“You know there’s something over there. Let’s see if we can get any closer.”  Again, we try to get closer and finally it starts clearing up a little. The time seems to be going by very fast. We’re looking through the binoculars and I could see the hole on the side of this object.  The object is avocado shaped.

Graphic Representation of San Antonio UFO crash. Jeff Ness

P: So it’s a round object like an avocado and you could see there’s a hole. How far would you say you guys were from the object?

R: I would estimate about a couple of hundred feet….

P: And then you saw the inside of the hole from the couple hundred feet?

R: No, not the inside of the hole. Jose says, “look at this.” So I was looking through these binoculars at these little creatures moving back and forth.

P: Were they moving really fast?

R: They were “like“ sliding…. Not sliding, but more like willing themselves from one place to another-that type of sliding.  And as I’m looking at that, things began happening to my mind.

I’m seeing them and I’m feeling this crazy stuff, like I really feel sorry for them…. And I really feel sorry, like they’re kids, too.

P: And you had a concern for them.  And you’re thinking, did you feel something because of the accident?

R: Yes, I think so; I’m hearing this high-pitched sound coming from there. We didn’t know what to think.  The only high-pitched sounds we were familiar with were of Jack Rabbits when they were in pain, and also the sound that comes out of a newborn baby when it cries.

P: I find this interesting. So you heard this same sound?

R: And so that was pretty moving to us. Then we saw these pictures in our heads….  I didn’t know what the heck they were.

P: In other words, you got a telepathic transfer from these beings – you think?

R: Yes, if that’s what it was…. I can remember what they are, I got pictures, but I didn’t know what they meant then, and I still don’t know.

P: So they obviously knew you were there?

R: Yes, they must have known we were there.…

P: If the beings looked out and they were looking at you, you not only could see them, maybe they were transferring those images to you.  So what did you guys do, run away?

R: We looked at them and now it was starting to get dark and we had a long hike to get to the horses and back to the ranch.  But Jose wants to go in, and I don’t…. And I’m saying, Jose, “what is it? “  His response is “I don’t know.”  Okay. If you don’t know what the heck this is, I ain’t going into it.  There’s no way. “I wanna go home. I don’t want to go in. You’ll have to go by yourself.  I’m going home, I’ll meet you at the ranch.”  And he says, “Well let’s watch for a little while.  You know, maybe you’re right. I don’t know what they are. They kinda look like kids, very strange kids.”…

P:  So if I was to ask you about the diameter of this thing, how big would say it was?  Did you try to compare to something or….

R: About twenty-five or 30 feet long. Thirty-feet long. Okay. R:  Fourteen-feet high. How do I know? Because of the rafters of a house are fourteen-feet tall…. Well, we finally agreed that we ought to go home because it was getting late. So we started off, went down and got on our horses and started off. It was getting dark then and it was pitch dark by the time we got to the ranch. And Jose’s dad was waiting for us. He was worried. So we went in and Jose told him the story about the cow and then he started telling him about the crash…. And I told him what I saw and so his dad says, well, the first thing we got to do is we got to get you home. We’ll look into this in the next day or so. It probably belongs to the government, and that’s probably it. We need to maybe stay away from there. And so they drove me home, I left my horse there and they took care of it. They drove me home and Faustino had a long talk with my mom regarding the object that we had discovered on the Padilla ranch.  Faustino emphasized it might endanger his job, since my dad worked for the government…. My dad worked for the Veterans Hospital in Albuquerque, and Jose’s dad worked for the Federal Refuge in development, El Bosque Del Apache near San Antonio…. And so that was basically what happened that night. The following day, Jose came over to my house, and I went with him to his house, where we met Eddie Apodaca who was a State Policeman, and a friend of the family. Faustino had asked him to go with us to the crash site. They rode in the state police car, and we rode in the pickup truck.  We drove as far as we could get with the vehicles, and we walked the rest of the way to the crash site.   When we got close to the crash site, looking down from the hill, we couldn’t see the object…. Standing on top of a hill, looking downwards where we had seen the object, it was no longer visible to us, at that time. No explanation why.  We simply could not see it.  It seemed gone.  Jose says well, “I don’t know what’s going on here.” Eddy and Faustino said, “What did you say you saw?”  My response was, it’s down there, but we can’t see it.  Faustino said let’s walk down there and take a look. We started walking down and then we saw it.  The object had a lot of debris over it and so I’m asking Faustino, how come we couldn’t see it from up there. His response was that he didn’t know.

P: You’re saying it was almost invisible.

R: I almost couldn’t see it. Then we got there and they said okay, you guys stay here and we’re going to go in…. So they went in and we stood there, sat down and watched them. And they were in there 5 or 10 minutes and came out. They had a change of attitude, a complete change of attitude. They were almost like different people. They had seen something they’d never seen before. They came out and said, okay. Here’s the way it is. I want you guys to listen. This is very difficult. You’re under oath. You don’t tell anybody about this, not your brother, not your cousin, not your mother, not your father, that’s our business. We’ll take care of that. And the reason for this is that you can get in trouble. We want to keep you out of trouble. So we agreed to that and they gave us a really big lecture, and so we took it very serious. …

We went back several times.  Jose went sometimes with and sometimes without me.  You know, we were kids. We worked that area. As kids our dad gives us a little money for doing that work, and if we didn’t, who would? … Then we were going in there, and we were going to go and see what we could find. We went there on a workday, before Faustino and Apodaca went with us. It was in the afternoon, after we had gotten done with our work…. Finally, we got there in the late afternoon, we were on horseback and came in from a different direction looking from the opposite side of the ridge, we saw some military people picking up stuff.

… But we never got to check the craft, all we got to do was go down and get some of the debris and threw it in this crevice and we tried to cover it with dirt and rocks.  After the two jeeps left, it was already getting dark and we had to get home.

P: What did that material feel like, the material that you threw into the trench? Was it like, you know, like lead or was it soft or like aluminum, or how was it? Do you have a piece of it? Was it like stone?

San Antonio UFO Crash debris used to repair windmill cylinder.

R: Kind of like this piece that I’m holding in my hand…. It was hard.  On the first day, I had gotten a piece of that aluminum foil type, and showed it to Jose.  It reminded me of the aluminum foil that came in the Philip Morris cigarettes that my mother smoked.  I took that and put it in my pocket…

P: Whatever happened to that?

R: I used it to repair the windmill cylinder.

P: So the second day basically you waited until the military went away. And you got more pieces, dragged them into the trench, but you didn’t see the beings then.

R: Too far from the crevice and it was getting dark.  The military had been there, we saw them, but I don’t think they saw us.

P: The thing was left there and then the next day Jose’s father and Apodaca went.

R: Right.

P: And you took them there. Okay. And then did you see it again? The craft?

R: Yes, it was still there.

P: I mean, you went there a fourth day, yourselves?

R: No, no. Then after, probably the third or fourth day Jose came over to my house and we picked some chilies, green peppers, tomatoes because we had a vegetable garden and they didn’t, and we filled a couple of bags with vegetables and we took one to his house.  We went in the back door. And as we go in there was a military vehicle in front and there’s a soldier there at the screen door talking to his dad, so we go around the back and in through the kitchen to join them. Faustino says, come on in here boys.  So we joined him and he’s talking to a Sgt. Avila, and he invites him in.  Sgt. Avila says “I’m with the US Army and what I need to do is permission from you to go in and cut the fence and put in a gate because we have one of our  “experimental weather balloons” that inadvertently fell on your property.

P: He called it a weather balloon? Those words?

R: An experimental weather balloon, and so we need to recover that, so we need permission to do that. So his dad says, “Why can’t you come in through the cattle guard like everybody else does instead of cutting my fence down?” And he says, “Because the equipment that we’re going to bring in is wider than your cattle guard, it won’t fit through there. He says, “In the mean time, you have a gate that locks that up and we need to have a key so we can get in there and cut that fence and put in a gate.” He says, “We’ll put in a good gate for you. And then we need to bring in some road-building equipment, some graters and so forth and see if we can grade a road to get that truck in there to get that weather balloon out of there.” So finally Jose’s father says, “Okay,” and they both spoke mostly in Spanish. He says, “Okay, go ahead and do that.” He says, “Keep an eye on the place and make sure nobody goes there because you know, this is really important, you know, we don’t let anybody know about it.” We don’t want to cause any trouble for anybody, and so try and keep an eye on it, so nobody that hasn’t any business going there, doesn’t go there. And so, Faustino say, “Okay”, and Sgt. Avila left and that’s when they officially began the process of preparing the area to take the object away.  The recovery wasn’t like what we read in UFO books, people in purple uniforms dropping in from helicopters, everything sanitized. Nothing like that.

P: And they weren’t wearing protective clothing?

R: Yes they were wearing fatigues. They put up a tent, played a radio, western music…. We were watching them, as often as we could, sometimes in the morning, and evening. It was our job to check and maintain the fences, keep track of the herd, including horses. We could hear the radio music going. There was one guy there at the tent, and two or three working, picking up the debris.  They bring in this tractor-trailer, they have a welder, acetylene welder, and they build this rack so they can get the craft on it because it’s got to go on sideways. Then we figured out they were doing that because they had to go under the overpass at a forty-five degree angle in order to clear it.

P: Did they tie it up or put a tarp over it?

R: Yes, put a tarp on it.

P: And tied it up…. And you saw them pick up debris at the crash site?

R: Yes

P: They left the ship. And explain to me how you got this metal.

R: On the final day when they brought in a small crane, about I imagine a fifteen to twenty foot crane and they dragged the craft onto the tractor-trailer.

P: Did they ever see you?

R: I don’t know if they ever did, or cared…. Well, you know, they weren’t looking for us, and there was vegetation on the side of the hills, and we weren’t very tall, so it was easy for us to hide.

P:  But you didn’t go and talk to them or anything.

R: … Years later, one of the soldiers married Jose’s cousin.

P: You just said one of them married Jose’s cousin and the obvious question everybody would have would be did this military man who married Jose’s cousin ever talk about this incident?

R: Don’t believe he knew. He was just doing his job, picking up the debris, looking forward to completing his assignment and going home.  The war had ended, and a lot of the soldiers had been restricted near the base near Trinity site for the last 90 days….

Jose say’s “Let’s head down and wait a little while until they leave and then we’ll go.” We waited for a while and then everybody took off. They had these military pickups and they took off. So we know where they’re going, they’d be gone for a while. We worked our way up there and where the crevice was, they had run the grater through it, so nobody would even know that a crevice existed. Then we worked our way outside the fence, towards the back of the truck and stepped it off. If you made a big enough step it was three feet. Maybe we were off a few feet, but that’s the measurements we had.  Twenty-five to thirty long and about fourteen-feet tall.  And then we looked at the underneath part of the craft, because we had not seen this part of it, it was partly under ground.  So now we get to see the whole thing. Boy, this thing is a monster; it’s big. Now we can see the bottom. And in the bottom it’s got like three little indentations, little grooves under there, on each side.

P: Well, maybe they were for the landing pad. Maybe some kind of feet came out of it.

R:  Could be. And so Jose pulls part of the tarp off, exposing the gash on the side of the craft, while I hold the tarp open.  Jose climbs into the gash… I was partially in, holding the tarp letting the light in. First, there’s nothing hardly in there.

P: But he could see the shape of it? Like if there were any rooms? Was it smooth all the way around. Were there any panels? If there were, try to explain it to me.

R: Jose said there were like ridges every so many feet

Photo of the panel that contained piece removed by Jose Padilla at the 1945 San Antonio UFO Crash

P: Did he see any panels, like control panels?

R: No. He didn’t see like a big panel. We were talking maybe about two and one half-foot panel.

P: Was it attached to the wall, this panel?

R: To the bulkhead, the rear wall, maybe? … What would be the rear wall to us. He tried to jerk it off and he couldn’t so then he went and got a cheater bar from the front of tractor-trailer.  Something like a crow bar, it’s called a cheater bar in the trucking industry. It’s used for testing the tightness of the chains holding the load down on the tractor-trailer.

P: You described the pins and what were they like?

R: Yes, a one-way fastener. They go in one way and they can’t come out. They were serrated fasteners that were inside the holes, and that’s what was holding this bracket-type piece on the panel that was located on the bulkhead (rear wall.)The pins were yellow.

P: The pins were like yellow? That was my next question. What kind of color did you have? What kind of colors are we dealing with?

R: Yellow. The pins were yellow. Silvery colored strands of what I would compare to angel hair.  No seats or anything, nothing. It must have been cleaned out, or maybe there weren’t any.  Couldn’t see any instruments, like gages, clocks, steering wheel, brake pedals, nothing like that.

The full version of this interview along with confirming phone testimony of Jose Padilla is published at:

The 1945 San Antonio UFO Crash: The Reme Baca and Jose Padilla witness Case

By Paola Leopizzi Harris

Graphic representation of San Antonio UFO crash. Jeff Ness

Born on the edge of Ground Zero, living in the shadow of Area 51, two little Hispanic children experienced an extraordinary event occurred? Jose Padilla, age 9 and Reme Baca, age 7 witnessed a saucer crash on Padilla land in the town San Antonio, New Mexico. They were witness to one of the most spectacular events in UFO history.

This new book entitled, Born the Edge of Ground Zero, Living in the Shadow of Area 51, will be released February 2011 and is Jose Padilla’s and Reme Baca’s detailed account of what happened in their childhood. They explain what they saw; the actual crash, the creature’s appearances, the pieces they took, the military clean up and an in-depth analysis of the significance of this case.

First printed in The Mountain Mail, Soccorro, New Mexico on November 2, 2003 by journalist Ben Moffet, the case was passed to me, journalist/researcher, Paola Harris, in May 4, 2009. The desire to finally disclose the details and the kind invitation of Reme Baca, led me to fly to Gig Harbor in Washington State in the Northern part of the United States to interview witness Reme Baca and his wife, Virginia in July 2010. Consequently because he now lives in California, I interviewed Jose Padilla by telephone from the Baca house. During my two-day stay, I was able to see and photograph the piece that Jose extracted from the craft and study the detailed analysis of its composition done in Europe.

It is one of the most astounding cases I have ever covered in my career and it helps complete the puzzle of why there has been so many crash retrievals in New Mexico. As journalist Ben Moffet, who so beautifully describes the cover-up – we can begin to see where it fits in UFO history.

It was in this crucible of suspicion and disinterest bred by familiarity that a small contingent of the U.S. Army passed almost unnoticed through San Antonio in mid-to-late August, 1945 on a secret assignment.

Little or nothing has been printed about the mission, shrouded in the “hush-hush” atmosphere of the time. But the military detail apparently came from White Sands Proving Grounds to the east where the bomb was exploded. It was a recovery operation destined for the mesquite and greasewood desert west of Old US-85, at what is now Milepost 139, the San Antonio exit of Interstate 25.

Over the course of several days, soldiers in Army fatigues loaded the shattered remains of a flying apparatus onto a huge flatbed truck and hauled it away. That such an operation took place between about Aug. 20 and Aug. 25, 1945, there is no doubt, insist two former San Antonioans, Remigio Baca and Jose Padilla, eyewitnesses to the event. Padilla, then age 9, and Baca, 7, secretly watched much of the soldiers’ recovery work from a nearby ridge.

Thanks to the work of Ben Moffet, and now thanks to the witnesses themselves, currently in their 70’s, the world will know see that there was certain extraterrestrial interest in our discovery of the atomic bomb. It opened up a Pandora’s box in human history that cannot easily be closed. It put humanity and possibly other dimensional visitors in danger of total destruction. San Antonio was more than a crash, a sighting – an event. It was a warning that the military today is not heeding, whether it is in the US, or abroad. If we add the courageous testimony Air Force panel led by Robert Hastings and seven retired USAF officers at the Washington Press club on September 27th of 2010, then we realize the time has come to speak. If these visitors have the capacity of UFOs to either disable or shoot down our nuclear missiles, then we can see that 70 years later, they are taking action.

Ultimately, the 1945 San Antonio case presents a peaceful message, a powerful warning to the planet.

More Info:

Paola Harris interview with Reme Baca and Jose Padilla

Paola Harris will be interviewed on Coast to Coast AM about the 1945 San Antonio UFO case on Wed Dec 1.

Mary Rodwell RN and Son Chris, break ground in new ET TV Documentary

Mary and her son Chris

Mary Rodwell RN a world leader in alien abduction counselling will feature in an SBS documentary alongside her son – a self-confessed UFO sceptic. Mary, a former nurse and midwife  and  clinical hypnotherapist founded ACERN in 1997 and has since investigated over 1600 cases of ET encounters worldwide. Acern helps alien abduction victims deal with their traumas with the support of qualified medical doctors, psychologists and therapists.

In the documentary My Mum Talks to Aliens, to be aired in Australia on Tuesday at 8.30pm, Mary Rodwell and her son are followed on their journey of discovery as they travel the country in pursuit of solid evidence of an alien presence on Earth.

“I believe these advanced intelligences have been visiting this planet since the dawn of time, and I believe they’re here to assist evolution to another level,” Ms Rodwell said.

For more information please go this link:

Video of Roswell UFO crash witness released

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Video has just been released of Gerald Anderson who was five years old when he and his family came across a crashed UFO near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. In his testimony, Anderson describes how his family were the first to reach the scene and found four extraterrestrials outside of a crashed flying saucer. Two were dead, a third was injured, and a fourth appeared uninjured. A university archeologist with five students, and a map surveyor soon joined them. Finally, the U.S. military arrived and quickly removed them from the scene using threats and physical intimidation to ensure their silence. Anderson described how the soldiers did not appear surprised by the crashed extraterrestrial vehicle suggesting that this was not the first time a UFO had crashed. Anderson remained silent for 43 years before going public in 1990. In the two part video that follows, he is being interviewed by Stanton Friedman.

More information about Gerard Anderson is available here:

Jim Sparks in Hong Kong – 2nd Jan 2011

As part of the 2011 Hong Kong Disclosure process, Jim Sparks has been invited to Hong Kong to speak to an audience of over 700 people about his abduction experiences. Sparks Author of  THE KEEPERS will bring an ecological message to the audience and explain his plans that will encourage the US Government to agree to an amnesty for those involved in the Black Projects; that have  kept the planet in a state of scarcity, fear and exploitation for over 60 years.

Trailer for Jim Sparks event: Filmed by Cheuk Fei with Zak Gould as [young]  Jim Sparks

Facebook Page with daily updates:

The event is held in Hong Kong on 2nd Jan 2011 at the HITEC Centre in Kowloon Bay from 2.30 – 6.00 pm

UN Press Conference discusses extraterrestrial life and implications of contact

Dr Mazlan Othman, Director of the UN’s Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) gives a Press Conference in New York on international cooperation in space. During question time, she responds to recent British Press reports about the UN taking a role in coordinating an international response to the discovery of extraterrestrial life. While she denied reports of having been appointed the UN’s ambassador to extraterrestrial life, she confirmed that the UN does have in place a coordinating mechanism for responding to the discovery of extraterrestrial life. She also discussed her participating in a recent panel discussion at the Royal Society of London titled: “Extra-terrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN agenda.”

Further Reading

As UFOs overfly New York, UN’s Dr. Othman states, ‘ET life is a possibility’

Report on Royal Society Conference on Extra-Terrestrial Life

Mystery behind initial report of UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact

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