Photo of UFO over China

”][Updated] On July 9, 2010, The China Peoples Daily ran a story about a UFO witnessed by hundreds over China on July 7. The UFO closed down the regional airport of Hangzhou for an hour, and Air Traffic controllers could not identify the UFO. A resident took a photo of the cigar shaped UFO that was cited in the People’s Daily story. Together with radar evidence and the closing of the regional airport, the photo has been widely circulated as physical evidence of a UFO.

An anonymous source cited by the People’s Daily claimed there was a military link in an apparent bid to dampen speculation about the UFO’s origins.

The July 7 photo was included in a video titled “Amazing Photos of UFO over China”  (see below) that began to be widely distributed on July 10. Along with the genuine photo of the July 7, 2010 incident, there appears to be a number of others taken from 2009 of helicopters that were shown on a popular internet forum, Above Top Secret. It appears that someone wanted to muddy the waters by mixing a genuine UFO photo with a number of dated photos taken of helicopters elsewhere.

Link to original People’s Daily story is here.

For a more detailed discussion of the UFO photo in the People’s Daily and fakes being circulated, click here.

Transitioning from Type 0 oil dependency to a Type 1 civilization & ET/UFO disclosure

New edition of Exopolitics Journal just released – Available for Free Online!

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D

July Edition (Vol 3:3) of Exopolitics Journal just released

The BP Gulf Oil leak continues to arouse global concern as its toxic effects threaten not only the Gulf of Mexico, but also the Atlantic Ocean itself. Worst case scenarios project the entire planet’s oceans being contaminated for years if not decades to come if the spill continues unabated. Humanity stands on the brink of environmental catastrophe if radical solutions don’t quickly emerge. Albert Einstein once said “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” The idea of using fossil fuels for our civilization’s ever increasing energy needs is the kind of thinking that made it possible for the risky deep water drilling practices that have created the oil spill crisis. We need some radical new thinking about how to generate energy for our burgeoning global civilization. Thinking that takes us into the realm of new energy technologies developed by pioneers such as Nikola Tesla, and what is used by extraterrestrial civilizations visiting our world. As we make the transition from a Type 0 civilization based on fossil fuels, into a Type 1 global civilization using new energy technologies, we need to consult with and learn from extraterrestrials civilizations that have traveled the road before us. We simply need to open ourselves to radical new ways of thinking about how advanced technologies and extraterrestrial life can assist our planetary transition through crises such as the Gulf Oil spill. The articles in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal provide a new way of thinking about planetary issues from the perspective of alien life observing our world, wishing to assist us, and the challenges of extraterrestrial disclosure.

In “The Andromedans & Mentoring Humanity,” the transcript of his 2010 lecture at the 4th Annual Earth Transformation Conference, Alex Collier discusses his contact experiences with extraterrestrials from the Andromeda Constellation, and how they are offering to ‘mentor’ humanity in the transition to a membership in a galactic society as a Type 1 civilization. He reveals the existence of new energy technologies that can completely satisfy all the energy needs of our civilization:

cold fusion has been nailed, it does exist, a program working under DARPA has solved it, and literally for under $2 million they can build a system that can power a city of 50,000 people indefinitely. It’s a done deal, but they’re sitting on it. They’re sitting on propulsion systems that could take us to the stars.

These energy technologies have been suppressed from public knowledge by the same influential cartels that have kept secret the existence of extraterrestrial visitors. Collier reveals that the Andromedans and other advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are ready to assist us in finding solutions to planetary problems – among which can be included the BP Gulf Oil leak – but wish to do so in a way that empowers humanity in our transition from a Type 0 civilization. Open contact with extraterrestrials, however, requires great discernment. Not all extraterrestrials have our best interest at heart according to what the Andromedans have revealed to Collier. The Andromedans warn that “some groups will bare gifts and then ask for something that we could not possibly give. And turn on us… For 2 thousand years religions have believed in the Book of Revelations. And the universe is going to oblige us by playing it out. Except it’s not about being saved, it’s about self-responsibility, voluntary introspection and spiritual evolvement.”

In “The Abduction Phenomenon and its implications for Disclosure,” Philippa Foster believes that advocates and students of exopolitics “will have to be prepared to face all aspects of the Extraterrestrial phenomenon:- from the wonderfully enriching Contact scenarios and the benefits that come with that, all the way through to the disturbing ET Abductions and MILABs (alleged Military Abduction) programs.” She argues that in “order to successfully adjust to this huge cultural shift, people will need to know the whole truth, even if it is not always palatable, and there should be support mechanisms in place for those who need it.” Her “article explores how we can benefit from decades of research by scientific, medical and academic professionals within UFOlogy, in conjunction with numerous first hand accounts from experiencers themselves.” The goal is to

prepare for any potential ‘fall-out’ from Disclosure, and to enable humanity to forge a strong and rewarding future into the Cosmos.

David Griffin, author of “The Exopolitical Implications of Night Vision Technologies on the Extra-terrestrial Truth Embargo,” believes that new technologies will open the door to more information about what is really happening in the night sky with extraterrestrial life. He traces the extraordinary development of night vision technologies, and how this can be partly attributed to the extraterrestrial artifacts from the 1947 Roswell crash that Lt Col Philip Corso selectively passed on to key industries. Griffin believes that “placing the increasing use of night vision systems by civilians on top of the contemporary exopolitical situation or framework a new paradigm is ushered in.” He examines a

new era in the light of the various forms of disclosure and contact and posit the ramifications for the human species and the interface between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial beings.

Finally, on June 24, 2010, a video emerged revealing that Lt Col Corso had briefed Robert Kennedy about his knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, and this information was relayed to his brother, President John F. Kennedy in 1962. Corso’s video testimony supports the conclusions made in Part One of my article, “President Kennedy’s deadly confrontation with the CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files,” insofar as it shows that the Kennedy was actively seeking information on extraterrestrial life and he had to get this from unconventional sources since he had been denied it from official channels. Part Two of my article appears in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal, and reveals the explosive consequences of President Kennedy’s efforts to gain access to classified files concerning extraterrestrial life and technology. On September 20, 1963 Kennedy embarked on a high risk political strategy of getting NASA to cooperate with the USSR on joint space and lunar missions. This brought to a climax a confrontation over the release of classified UFO files with the CIA & those in control of the MJ-12 Special Studies Project – the secret committee appointed to run extraterrestrial affairs.

This article reviews the dramatic efforts by Kennedy to move forward with space cooperation with the Soviet Union, and how this entailed sharing classified files on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. This culminated in a deadly behind-the-scenes confrontation with the CIA and MJ-12 in the final month of President Kennedy’s life.

The articles in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal give important clues about new energy technologies that can replace fossil fuels, and end the dangerous drilling practices that led to the BP Oil leak. The articles give insight into the important challenges that lie ahead as humanity has to deal with a large body of events and policies surrounding extraterrestrial life and technology. Disclosure will involve many disconcerting issues as the public learns that not all extraterrestrial life interact with humanity in ethically responsible ways. Part of the disclosure that lies ahead is learning about the pervasive suppression of extraterrestrial information, and how even a sitting U.S. President failed to prise open the treasure trove of advanced technologies from the secret custodians of this information. President Kennedy paid the ultimate price for his efforts but if he had succeeded, then tragedies such as the BP Gulf Oil leak could never have happened.

For more info: The July 2010 edition of the Exopolitics Journal (vol 3:3) is available for free online at:

US GOVERMENT: There are 38 Levels above TOP SECRET! UFO

US Goverment secret’s revealed by insiders: There are 38 clearance levels above TOP SECRET. The highest of all is COSMIC. Even the president of the United States does not have access to it. There are approx. 25 people worldwide who have access to that level.   This video brings first hand witness testimony to the public domain. Its all about UFOs, extra-terrestical sightings, recoveries, the NRO, MIC and many other essential disclosures with regard to the ET presence.

Colonel claims he briefed Bobby Kennedy on UFOs

Col. Philip J. Corso served in many important roles during his Army career, among those he was on the staff of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and would brief the president personally. He also worked at the Pentagon for sometime serving as the chief of the foreign technology division. Here he says he handled debris from the crash of an alien spaceship in Roswell, and was privy to many of our government’s secrets regarding extraterrestrials. In this video he claims that he briefed then Attorney General Bobby Kennedy directly on this issue, who he believes briefed the President, JFK.

UFO: The truth is out there

An amazing number of high ranking military officers, government officials and generally sensible folk believe we are being visited by aliens from other planets. They have seen UFO’s for themselves.

With the New Zealand Government soon to release previously classified material on UFO sightings, reporter Sarah Hall goes looking for the evidence.

Watch the video.

For more information on credible UFO sightings go to
Producer: Phill Prendeville
Reporter: Sarah Hall
Camera: Belinda Walshe and Arthur Rasmussen
Editor: Paul Enticott

Mary Rodwell RN – Landmark USA – UK Speaking Tour.

 Mary Rodwell RN

Available NOW for media interviews ahead of her landmark US-UK tour


She’s affectionately known as Australia’s “Alien Lady” – one of the world’s most sought after and respected experts on all things to do with the UFO phenomena. But there’s much more to Mary Rodwell than meets the eye. A former midwife and nurse, grief counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist, author, narrator, documentary director and loving grandmother, in 1997 she founded ACERN – the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network, the largest organisation of its type specialising in helping alien abduction victims deal with their traumas with the backing of qualified GP’s, psychologists and therapists.

To date, ACERN has supported some 1,600 cases of ET encounters worldwide from countries including the US, Japan, Russia. All are ordinary people – mums and dads, children, nurses, doctors, police, psychologists, lawyers, teachers and farmers – but with an extraordinary story to tell. Says Mary: “For those with encounter experiences, my work offers them validation and an understanding in their own personal journey as well as the opportunity to share their experiences with others”.

A compelling raconteur with controversial subject matter, Mary Rodwell has previously been invited to speak at Oxford University in England as well as at UFO symposiums in Hong Kong, USA, UK, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand. In 2006, she joined the Former Canadian Defence Minister, Paul Hellyer at the World Peace Conference in Hawaii to call for greater understanding of the UFO phenomena and compile an historic mission statement on Exopolitics, the political implications of an extraterrestrial presence.

Now the former Brit from Staffordshire, England who today resides in Agnes Water in central Queensland is in demand again. This time for a landmark US-UK speaking tour in which she will address organisations including the National Press Club in Washington, DC and the prestigious International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS), a non-governmental organisation affiliated with the United Nations. Both events are testament to the world’s mounting interest and increasing maturity in the UFO-ET phenomena.

Explains Mary of her unprecedented access to UFO-ET experiencers: “It is a huge responsibility for me to speak on behalf of so many thousands who are experiencing encounters. I am just a normal everyday woman who just happened to be exposed to the most amazing and incredible of human experiences. To be part of an historic expose with courageous individuals who are prepared to put themselves and their lives on the line and face potential ridicule is very humbling and a great honour”.

Mary’s fascinating topics of discussion include:

· Her previous career in England as a nurse and midwife and how extraordinary stories from patients forced her to seriously examine the UFO and alien abduction phenomenon

· Alien abduction based on ACERN’s 1,600 case studies worldwide – What happens when someone is abducted? Where do they go? What do they see? What do aliens look like? What lasting effects are there on those who are “taken”? How can you overcome the trauma?

· Hard evidence on the existence of UFOs including implants recovered from alien abductees

· Historical evidence of UFO’s in paintings and indigenous drawings

· How world governments have the ability to produce free energy thanks to reverse engineering from alien technology – and why they won’t use it

· Her theories on genetics and how aliens have manipulated and altered human DNA

· The Star Children or Indigo Children – examples of kids the world over with exceptional abilities which Mary says are the direct result of alien genetic interference

Says Mary to the sceptics: “Over 78 % of people in a recent US Poll believed we are not alone in the Universe. On a daily basis we are shown video footage and photographs of craft by the cart load from credible people from all over the world. Military whistleblowers confirm they have seen craft and also shot down UFO’s. Astronauts including Edgar Mitchell admitted to seeing craft and even Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan had their own personal encounters. Just recently Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of Japan’s premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama claimed to have ridden in a “triangular-shaped UFO”.

In addition to her work as an alien abduction counsellor and international speaker, Mary Rodwell is also a respected clinical hypnotherapist and metaphysical teacher. Following her many years in counselling and hypnosis, she has produced and voiced six collections of mind, body and spirit meditational CDs in association with internationally award-winning composer, David Sandercock, B.Mus. (Hons.), L.Mus. From the Inner Alchemy, which explores our body’s secret healing powers to Take Ten, quickie meditations for busy people and Natural Mother, a pregnancy body and soul workout, Mary and David’s CD’s are popular sellers in retail outlets all around Australia.

Previously, Mary Rodwell has appeared on programmes including The Oz Files (Australian documentary series); The Paranormal Files (BBC Television); Animal X (Cryptozoological series on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel); George Negus Tonight Programme (ABC Australia); BBC radio (Birmingham); Today Tonight (Current Affairs programme, Seven Network, Australia). Her work has also been featured in the Australian Doctor Focus Magazine, a prestigious Australian medical journal.

For further information or interviews contact:

Denise Blazek, Blazek Communications

Phone 08 9228 9940, 0407 980 249 or 0407 448 675


For more information on Mary Rodwell, please log onto


Dr. Steven Greer – Contact: The CSETI Experience July 10-12, 2010 – near Rennes, France

A special 3-day workshop with the world-renowned founder of the global Disclosure movement to end UFO secrecy
Steven M. Greer, MD.
As the founder of CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence), Dr. Greer has led expeditions around the world for 19 years to make contact with ET civilizations visiting earth, and has done briefings for US Congress, CIA Directors, senior Pentagon officials, international heads of state, and senior scientific leaders.

    • Learn what Dr. Greer has told them, and what he is telling the new Obama Administration.

    • Learn how Dr. Greer is advising the head of state of a G7 country on how they should end secrecy NOW and make open contact!

    • See and hear stunning new video and electronic audio evidence of ET contact from recent CSETI expeditions.

    • Hear a review of the innovative energy technologies that will give us a new and sustainable civilization on Earth!

We will gather each afternoon to learn remote viewing, meditation, and CSETI’s ET contact protocols, and each night will gather under the stars to practice these revolutionary contact techniques using advanced concepts in the science of consciousness as well as lasers and electronic tones beamed into space. We have been given exclusive use of an ancient 2000-acre French estate to use as a private and secure location for Contact. On this estate, multiple close encounters have been observed and documented over the years. This will be a truly unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


When we will we ever learn? The gulf spill and UFOS.

By Paola Harris.

2006 Photo of former Alitalia pilot Max Poggi as he is following his daughter’s plane in Rome, Italy
Captain Max Poggi.

A popular 1960’s Kingston Trio folk song went something like this:

“ Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the flowers gone?  Long time ago? Where have all the flowers gone? Gone to graveyards, every one. When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn?”

 The BP gulf coast oil spill requires a gargantuan response to a gargantuan problem. Activism in various forms never really dies and some people on the planet will leave their comfortable lives, TV sets, iPads and mobilize. Some will even get minimally involved, while others will jump in with both feet. On the southern coast of America, 17,500 National Guard troops will be authorized for deployment; 20,000 people will be working to protect waters and coastlines; 1,900 vessels in the Gulf will be assisting in the clean up; 4.3 million feet of boom will be deployed with another 2.9 million feet available, enough to stretch over 1,300 miles; and 17 staging areas will be set across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to rapidly defend sensitive shorelines.(CNN). The Planet just shifted to crisis mode. But what does this have to do with UFOS?

On another front, Steven Bassett, Paradigm Research Group organizer of the Washington, D.C. X-conference, recently released a statement to the media calling for the immediate access to the “exotic” back-engineered energy technologies, occulted for many years .

UFO Film producer James Fox, I Know What I Saw, left for the gulf coast  in order to document this dark chapter in our history. He will directly upload film footage on his Facebook page. On the east coast, Dr. Steven Greer is mobilizing his Orion Project staff and science consultants to accelerate the research of “free energy devices.” How is it all related to UfO research?

Simple.  All the above are possible solutions to a global crisis. It has to do with a huge paradigm shift that humanity may need to under go in order to save itself and this planet from environmental catastrophe. It concerns the timely release of hidden alternative energy sources. The military industrial complex knows that these craft, seen by pilots, astronauts and credible witnesses, are flying in our skies and are not using petroleum products, nor do they cause environmental catastrophes the magnitude of the BP oil spill. Research shows that their propulsion systems have been studied since the 1950’s and probably have already been  back-engineered in deep black projects.

It seems that this wakeup call has come in a timely and appropriate fashion. It is an example of what could happen if we were to have further accidents on a global scale. It is a reminder that change comes hard and that evolution is transformational. 

The Canadian ex- minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, said in a recent interview with this reporter, “My advice to the young people of the world would be that it has to start with individuals. I used to describe this sort of thing like a beach. If the majority of the grains of sand on the beach are clean, it will look beautiful and be very hospitable. If the majority are covered with oil slick, dirty, or translated into the wider problem, evil or uncaring or self-centered, then you have a dirty beach which is very unattractive and that is much of what is going on in the world today. We have very little personal integrity… But this has to start with individual people and it has to come from the bottom up, not from the top down, and I must say that good leadership is very important and if we can get somebody with high moral and ethical standards at the top, this will rub off on some of the younger people. But basically the young people have to change the world one at a time, individually, and try to make their motto, to leave the world in a little better place than when they found it. 

Tell this to BP CEO, Tony Hayward and maybe he could get his life back, a stronger life molded by these challenges and alternative solutions to the problems created by BP, by other oil companies and by man in general. The potential here is that Hayward and others can help us lead the way in that cosmic leap toward a viable future. Then the flowers will remain.

Bassett Taking UFO Disclosure Message to Australia – Technorati Technology

Author: Tim Brosnan

X-Conference organizer and Paradigm Research Group (PRG) executive director Stephen Bassett has announced that he will leave June 22 for a 35-day speaking tour of Australia to include twelve stops in eleven cities. The principal sponsor of the tour is the Nexus Conference, produced by Nexus Magazine on July 24-26.

According to a June 1 press release issued by PRG, “advocacy for a political resolution to the UFO/ET issue, which began to coalesce in the United States in the mid 1990’s, has now become an international ‘Disclosure Movement’ seeking to end an official embargo of the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.”

In 2006, Australia joined the list of countries that have been releasing government-held UFO files into the public domain. That list now includes France, Britain, Denmark and Canada.

Paradigm Research Group was founded in 1996 exclusively for the purpose of ending what Bassett calls the UFO “truth embargo,” and was the first organization to register with the United States Congress to lobby on behalf of the UFO/ET disclosure movement. PRG’s political action committee, X-PPAC, is the first PAC to address the UFO/ET issue.

In 2004, PRG produced the first X-Conference centered on what is known as “exopolitics,” the politics surrounding the UFO/ET phenomenon. The sixth X-Conference was held May 7-9, 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. In 2008, PRG founded the Exopolitics World Network (EWN) and Exopolitics United States Network (EUSN) to help facilitate the expansion of the disclosure movement. Exopolitics Australia is a member of EWN.

On the upcoming tour, Bassett says he “hopes to gain a greater understanding of how Australians view the UFO/ET issue and the disclosure process.” He will brief various groups on the status of the disclosure movement and will seek new support for PRG’s advocacy initiatives.

Bassett’s tour schedule is as follows: Perth (June 24-27), Adelaide (June 27-30), Canberra (June 30-July 5), Wollongong (July 5-9), Sydney (July 9-12), Melbourne (July 12-14), Auckland, NZ (July 14-17) (developing), Long Jetty/Newcastle (July 17-19), Byron Bay (July 19-21), Brisbane (July 21-23), Twin Waters (July 23-26), Brisbane (July 26-29).

More information about the tour schedule including contacts can be found here.

Source: Bassett Taking UFO Disclosure Message to Australia – Technorati Technology.

Denver To Vote On ‘Extraterrestrial’ Commission Video

The Extraterrestrial Affair’s Commission campaign’s Jeff Peckman talks to MSNBC about the opportunity Denver voters will have in August 2010 to vote for the creation of an ”Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission”.  He explains that the Commission’s purpose is to educate Denver voters about evidence concerning the reality and implications of extraterrestrial life.

Disclose.tvDenver to vote on ‘Extraterrestrial’ Commission Video

Exposure of US Navy source on UFO UN discussions omits retired Navy Scientist testimony

Dr Bruce Maccabee met Source A at secure Navy Laboratory in 2008

An ‘exposé’ has appeared on a prominent internet forum that claims a U.S. Navy officer (Source A) divulging information about covert operations involving extraterrestrial life and secret UN discussions on UFOs is a fraud. One of the founders of Reality Uncovered, Stephen Broadbent, used photos from a recent New York luncheon involving Admiral Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations, to ‘out’ the officer as Richard Thielman (aka Source A). After further internet research, Broadbent goes on to conclude. “We have found evidence that shows that Richard hasn’t worked for the military since at least 2001, but possibly much earlier than that.” Among the implications of Broadbent’s ‘exposé’ and ‘outing’ is that the alleged February 2008 UN discussions on UFOs never took place, and that a secret Navy extraterrestrial liaison program is fictitious. The problem is that the same source Broadbent uses to finally confirm the ‘outing’ of the officer in question, a retired Navy Scientist, undermines his alleged ‘exposé’.  Conveniently, Broadbent ignores key questions that arise from the ‘outing’ that lead to a contrary conclusion to his ‘exposé’. According to the scientist, Dr Bruce Maccabee, the officer in question had high security clearances in order to visit him unescorted at a secure Naval facility in 2008. That supports his claims that he was a covert operative for classified programs involving senior US Navy personnel.

In finding background information that revealed Source A/Richard Theilmann sought health insurance for surgery apparently conducted in 2008, this is what Broadbent asks.

Surely, an active duty officer of the United States Navy would not need to be a dependent of their ex-wife just in order to get an operation, they could have the operation as part of their military benefits? Surely, an active duty officer of the United States Navy would not class themselves as being “self-employed” or having to give up a contracting business? Surely, an active duty officer of the United States Navy would not need to look for employment that provides health insurance?

Broadbent goes on to answer his own questions: “Of course not, Richard Theilmann is not an active duty officer of the United States Navy otherwise he would never have found himself in such a precarious position in the first place.” Having reached this definitive conclusion, this is what Broadbent has to say about the final confirmation that led to the ‘outing’ of the officer in question:

The information we already had was more than sufficient to nail this down, but this was, after all, the man who had personally met with Source A on a navy base and indirectly ended up vouching for him.  I called him up a couple of days later and had a very productive conversation. Whilst on the phone, I told him that we had discovered the name of Source A and I wondered whether Source A had identified himself by name to him. He said he had, to which I replied “Richard?” he answered by saying “Yeah Richard, Richard Theilmann”.

This final confirmation along with other material used to reach the conclusion that Source A had not served in the military since at least 2001 led to the stark (in bold) conclusion: The Source A / UN Meeting Story as told by the Pickering’s and assisted by Source A and other personalities in the exopolitics scene is a total and utter fabrication.

Unfortunately, for Broadbent he omits to mention that the same source he used to confirm his outing of Source A, directly contradicts his ‘exposé’. The source in question is recently retired Navy scientist Dr Bruce Maccabee who in 2008 was still working at the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center, in Virginia.  This is what Maccabee had to say in a 2009 interview about a meeting he had with Source A in 2008.

First of all, I work at a Navy Laboratory, at the time, he visited me, I think it was in April 2008. In a Navy Laboratory in order to get in you had to have credentials, you had to have clearances, a badge that would allow you to come in, and even if you get in, you might need an escort, if you didn’t have a sufficiently high clearance. Well Source A came right to my office, without any escort. Which tells me he had the credentials. He gave me a review of all the things he had done over the years. It … certainly looked real. At the very least, he was able to go right through the security of the laboratory and came right through to my desk. I told him how to get to the office and he did it. [Click here to listen]

So here we have a respected senior Navy scientist confirming that Source A had genuine credentials, and a very high security clearance as well to enable him to enter the facility unescorted. All that Broadbent refers to is that Dr Maccabee confirmed the officer’s identity and that was somehow the final nail in the coffin that his claims were all a hoax. It is disingenuous to use a respected authority such as Dr Maccabee to “out” someone, but totally ignore his testimony when it is contrary to the ‘exposé’ that Broadbent is pursing. If Maccabee’s testimony is to be accepted, then how was it possible for the alleged ‘fraud’ Broadbent describes in his ‘exposé’ who has not served in the military since 2001, to pass through unescorted all the security levels at a classified Naval warfare facility, and visit Maccabee in 2008?

Among the security protocols at the Naval Warfare Center were showing a valid military ID card, scanning a barcode on the back of the card, as well as other security protocols in place depending on the location and classification level of secure facilities. These might include electronic fingerprinting, retina scans, biometric readings, etc. Security clearances are regularly updated and limited to specific periods so even if Source A used an old uniform or military ID card from 2001 or earlier, how was he cleared by security personnel to enter the various levels of security and finally enter Maccabee’s secure facility in 2008?

Furthermore, it’s not just a matter of having the right security clearance to enter a highly classified facility, one also has to show cause for being there, similar to “need to know” access. In other words, some superior authority must have sanctioned Source A to travel through the various security layers in place to visit Maccabee in his secure laboratory facility because he had some reason to be there. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work through all the implications of this, but it appears that Broadbent, et al, are pretty oblivious to the implications of Maccabee’s testimony because his ‘exposé’ requires debunking Source A. Why?

Perhaps Dr Maccabee himself may have the answer. In his 2009 interview he went on to say:

As far as the meeting at the UN was concerned, he affirmed that there was one, he was there, and it was not a formal meeting of the UN. I got the impression it was an informal meeting of people who were in the subject… He did tell me some things that indicate the Navy has run into UFOs. UFOs have screwed up some Navy Systems. The Navy, apparently some high level people in the Navy feel this ought to be publicized .. that is the existence of UFOs.

The implications of Source A’s meeting and discussion with Dr Maccabee are startling. A senior Navy Scientist is discussing with an unescorted officer with high security clearance in his classified facility, issues concerning UFOs, secret UN discussions, and senior Navy personnel wanting to disclose the existence of extraterrestrial life. If Source A is not who he claims to be, then it appears that a secure US Navy facility was compromised at various security levels by someone who wanted to have a conversation about UFOs with a Navy Scientist for unknown reasons.

The outing of Source A as Richard Thielmann is a significant development for all who have been following discussions on secret UN UFO meetings. His alleged exposure as a fraud omits serious questions about his ability to enter highly classified military facilities to discuss the UFO topic. That lends credence to his original claims that he is a covert operative within the shadowy world of classified operations and UFOs sanctioned to leak information by a group of Navy admirals disenchanted with official UFO policy. Source A’s outing coincides with Admiral Dennis Blair’s forced resignation as the Director of National Intelligence. Perhaps it’s sheer coincidence but Source A’s outing may signal a push back against Navy sources in favor of UFO disclosure. If he is an exposed covert operative, his ‘outing’ is likely to have significant effects including official attempts to discredit him as a legitimate source of information that can be traced to more senior Navy officers.

Special Notice: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization with which the author may be affiliated.
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Does exopolitics make the scientific study of UFOs a dead end?

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Cover to Major Donald Keyhoe's 1955 book

The study of UFOs is commonly assumed to have began on June 23, 1947 with a sighting in Washington State by a respected local pilot Kenneth Arnold. After an interview describing what he saw, the crescent shaped objects were quickly dubbed by the media ‘flying saucers.’ Subsequent books by Major Donald Keyhoe (ret. USMC) and other popular authors of the time increasingly came to the conclusion that flying saucers were extraterrestrial in origin. The term ‘flying saucer’ more and more became associated with the extraterrestrial hypothesis. If one spoke of flying saucers, it was accepted that one was talking about technologies that had an other-worldly origin, and this had important public policy implications. Keyhoe eventually realized that the highest echelon of the military leadership in the U.S. were very anxious to cover up the extraterrestrial explanation, and ignore the conclusions of investigations conducted by even their own senior technical specialists.

Covering up the extraterrestrial element was described by Keyhoe as “The Flying Saucer Conspiracy” which was the title of his popular 1955 book. Keyhoe rightly understood that the flying saucer phenomenon had become deeply political and imbedded within the national security system with respective advocates and opponents of releasing all the evidence to the public. The scientific question about flying saucers had already been conclusively answered – they were not of terrestrial origin, at least not of any terrestrial science known at the time. The most plausible explanation was the flying saucers were extraterrestrial in origin, and the USAF was trying to steer the public from this obvious conclusion. Keyhoe’s analyses of the politics surrounding flying saucers as extraterrestrial vehicles, forms the original source for what today is better described as exopolitics – the study of extraterrestrial life and its public policy implications.

During Keyhoe’s time, the US Air Force took the brunt of accusations of a systematic cover up. The best minds of the USAF, secretly supported by the CIA and select U.S. government agencies, tried to come up with satisfactory answers to Keyhoe’s probing questions and voluminous evidence he had gathered. Some of the evidence in fact was classified data that the Air Force itself had given Keyhoe access to during a time of greater openness, but now wanted to deny in what was clearly a change of policy. The final solution adopted by the USAF in response to Keyhoe and others was to obfuscate. The key to this new policy was to introduce a term that would help steer the public away from discussion of the extraterrestrial hypothesis. In 1952, the USAF through its Project Blue Book, introduced the term Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) claiming it to be a more objective term that did not have the same extraterrestrial connotation as flying saucer. The USAF left a big question mark over the origin of UFOs.

The new term at first did not take off with the public, but over time the scientific study of UFOs has come to represent research of any unidentified flying object whether of a terrestrial or non-terrestrial origin. The flying saucer term eventually disappeared from media and public accounts of what was being witnessed in the skies and the world’s oceans. Thus the UFO term has become associated with many mundane explanations that account for many public sightings. Up to 95% of UFO sightings are routinely dismissed as having mundane explanations which is consistent with the final report of Project Blue Book in 1970 that only 6 % of UFO reports are genuinely unexplained. Proponents of the scientific study of UFOs typically respond by saying 5% or so of thousands of UFO sightings still constitutes a lot of cases that might have an extraterrestrial origin.

More recently, retired civilian contractors and/or military personal personnel have emerged to claim that many UFOs are in fact highly classified aircraft built in the US. For example, retired contractors/servicemen who worked at Area 51 claim that UFOs were mistaken sightings of the OXCART spy plane and other highly classified aircraft from the 1950s and 1960s. This explanation supports a claim by CIA historian, Gerald K. Haines, that the CIA actually encouraged UFO reports as a cover for the secret spy aircraft being built for it at Area 51. If up to 95% of UFO reports have a conventional explanation, and among the remaining 5% many in fact are highly classified aircraft, what does that mean for the extraterrestrial hypothesis? One is looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack as more historical data comes out about classified military aviation projects being misidentified as UFOs. It increasingly appears that the scientific study of UFOs is a dead end if one wants to learn the truth about whether or not extraterrestrials are visiting the earth.

Exopolitics is a relatively new discipline that focuses on evidence of extraterrestrial life, and its public policy implications. Exopolitics has two main tracks of study. These are: A., the study of scientific evidence pointing to the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe; and B., whistleblower and witness claims that extraterrestrials are currently visiting earth and interacting with private citizens and/or military authorities. Professor Stephen Hawking, along with astrobiology conferences held in Rome (November 2009) and London (January 2010) have recently given a major boost to the first exopolitics track. It is now “perfectly rational,” according to Hawking, for scientists to discuss the policy implications for extraterrestrial life.

For Hawking, intelligent extraterrestrials are more than likely to be marauders in search of resources and should be avoided. In contrast, the Vatican’s chief astronomer, Gabriel Funes, believes extraterrestrials are more than likely to be ethically advanced “space brothers”. No matter where one stands on this wide ranging debate, it’s important to understand that major scientists are giving serious thought to it; and that this is clearly an exopolitics debate, and not a debate over UFOs. Indeed, the same scientists who are encouraging an exopolitics debate ignore the UFO phenomenon altogether.

When it comes to the second track of exopolitics, the testimony of whistleblowers and witnesses pointing to the visitation of extraterrestrial life in advanced space vehicles, it’s important to accept that UFOs are NOT unidentified. They in fact are Identified Flying Objects whose origins are extraterrestrial in nature. According to these whistleblowers and/or witnesses, this is a well known among responsible government, military and corporate authorities. Thus the term UFO merely serves to obfuscate what these many whistleblowers/witnesses claim they have direct knowledge of, i.e., advanced extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs) visiting our planet.

In conclusion, the rise of exopolitics in scientific debates over extraterrestrial life is to be welcomed, and is likely to quickly expand in future as more evidence is found of life supporting conditions in the universe. It is therefore important that exopolitics as a new field is not undermined by those wishing to subsume it with the scientific study of UFOs. Such a study is a dead end given the way in which the UFO term lumps together anomalous phenomena that have conventional explanations (up to 95% of sightings cases), highly classified military aircraft (remaining 5%), and objects that may be genuinely extraterrestrial in origin (again, part of the remaining 5%). Instead, something similar to the original ‘flying saucer’ term is necessary in order to be explicit that what is being discussed or investigated is a possible extraterrestrial vehicle (ETV) belonging to one or more visiting civilizations with profound (exo)political implications for our planet.

Special Notice: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization with which the author may be affiliated.
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Note: Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirity on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact:

Public Announcement: Summer Semester for Exopolitics courses start May 23

[May 18, 2010 – Kona, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is proud to announce that classes begin on May 23 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Summer 2010 Semester are:

For 2010 schedule visit:

Some comments from students completing earlier courses with Summer 2010 instructors.

I very much appreciated the overall idea that the EXO-102 left me with, that Contact & Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations is something we should start integrating into our worldviews as issues that are not only reserved for sci-fi novels and blockbuster movies.
Frank. Belgium – Exo-102-Summer-2009

That the course is graduate level in its approach and the instructor very informed, responsive and thorough. It has been a pleasure working with him and my fellow classmates!
Dr Bernice Hill, Exo-102 – Summer, 2009

I would tell them to definitely take this course. It is well written with a very thorough presentation of the subject of citizen diplomacy.
Dr Mary Conley – Exo-102 – Summer, 2009

Times do change, however in today’s world, the whole paradigm is changing. The fact that Dr Mitchell has broken out of the mold, confirms this. The tools for experiencing, understanding and activating ones passionate instincts in the new paradigm are to be found in this course.
Neil Gould, Hong Kong, Exo-102 – Summer, 2008

If you would like in depth, first hand, best evidence information from Witness Testimonies about the ET Presence, Paola Harris’s class is the one to take..
Michele Magnum, Michigan, USA – Summer 2009

Fasten your seat belts, put on your crash helmets and prepare for an amazing journey into the past, the present and the future.
Douglas McClure, South Africa – Exo-108 – Fall, 2008

For student comments on these and other courses – click here

Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession.

The certification program offers a three-tiered system of courses and seminars that each culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

  • a. Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
  • b.. Galactic Diplomacy Certificate – Second level of certification provides both the conceptual skills and diplomatic training so you can practice citizen diplomacy in extraterrestrial affairs.
  • c.. Exopolitics Diploma – Third level certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These three certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.


Phone: +1 808 323 3400

The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kona, Hawaii. Website:

Disclosure 101 Video Features a number of course instructors & students for the Exopolitics Certification Program

Press Conference Video – National Press Club – X-Conference 2010 – Washington DC

Press Conference – National Press Club – X-Conference 2010 – Washington DC – Part 1 of 2 (HD) from Exopolitics Denmark on Vimeo

Press Conference – National Press Club – X-Conference 2010 – Washington DC – Part 2 of 2 (HD) from Exopolitics Denmark on Vimeo.

The press conference marked the end of the 6th X-Conference held in the Washington DC area. The entire 2010 event took place in the National Press Club.

The speakers at the press conference were:

– UFO researcher A.J. Gevaerd (Brazil).

– Investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe with former sergeant John Burroughs (USA) (Rendlesham Forest incident – 1980)

– Rochester historian Richard Dolan (USA).

– Film producer Terje Toftenes (Norway).

– Police officer Gary Heseltine (UK).

The press conference was hosted and moderated by former CNN news anchor Cheryll Jones and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group Stephen Bassett.

The Obama administration was once again encouraged to disclose the extraterrestrial presence on earth.

Paul Davies: Exopolitical Prescription – Part 2

By Neil Gould.

Part 1  of this article presented Dr Paul Davies, Astrobiologist as a man whose vision is embedded within the current imposed and skewered worldview. On Coast to Coast radio, Davies debunked and ignored the exopolitical evidence that Ets engage our planet. In this article the exopolitical prescriptions are presented so that Dr Davies has an early opportunity to dig himself out of his politically polluted worldview.

“Is Davies a typical example of the gatekeepers that Hawking sought the human race to circumvent? I say yes and suggest that Dr Davies embraces the processes available within the multidisciplinary field of Exopolitics.  

“Through collaborations and meetings with clinicians, “experiencers”,

psychologists, Epidemiologists, historians, pgysicians, philosophers,

anthropologists, physicists, Theologians and political scientists,

Dr. Mack has encouraged members of different disciplines to bring their talents to this exploration”.  

Below I present to Dr Davies an “Exopolitical apical bud of knowledge”, beginners tools that he could use to begin his reeducation as to the existence of UFOs and their engagement with planet Earth; perhaps a process adopted by ET anthropologists and geneticists who are following a principle of non [mass] intervention with a fledgling species who appear to be aiming ballistic missiles at themselves whilst their mainstream scientific community peer through a single telescope lens with both eyes.

Disclosure Project

At an event  organized by Dr Stephen Greer at the National Press Club in 2001, over 400 military and corporate witnesses with security clearances testified as to the reality of military involvement with Ets, back engineering of ET craft, alternative energy and advanced technology some of which could advance astronomy and astrobiology.

ET Beacons

a) Dr Paul LaViolette  argues compellingly that the interesting and quite intricate behaviors of pulsars fit much more easily with a model of an ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) beacon carrying information. The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnants.

“The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnants 

If that were truly how they were formed, one would expect to find pulsars concentrated toward the center of the galaxy where most supernovas occur. However, LaViolette has noticed that the distribution of observed pulsars in the galactic plane differs markedly from that.”

“The position of these anomalies at a one-radian angular distance from the galactic center (g.c.) is especially odd because:

1.       the radian is arguably a natural angular unit that would be recognized by many societies

2.       this particular angular position would exist only from a point of view located exactly where we are – giving the impression of a deliberate signal or sign to our society or any society at our location”

“This strongly implies that the pulsars appear where they are by design, and furthermore that the design is intended to get the attention of a society that lives exactly where we are.”

b) A  ‘monolith’, was snapped from 165miles away using a special high resolution camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Fuel was added to the flames after Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, alluded to a similar monolith detected on Mars’ moon Phobos. In the video below Aldrin commented:

‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.’

Little green men

Whistleblowers testimony to western legal standards, by people who stand to face ridicule or even worse, lose their pensions cannot be ignored. Sgt. Clifford Stone gives testimony  to his involvement in black operations where he retrieved UFO craft and their occupants that had been either shot down by exotic weapons or had simply crashed. The testimony of Charles Hall  a meteorologist who worked at Nellis Airforce base. Hall interacted with ET beings “Tall Whites”, guests of agencies within the U.S. Military.

Charles Halls Testimony “Fastwalkers”


Alan Hynek

In an interview  with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi Harris she told ZlandCommunications:

“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows [Carl] Sagan did. He basically said [to Hynek] in 1984, ‘I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.[…] “I had started out as an outright ‘debunker,’ taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those ‘flying saucer groups and enthusiasts’ who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” Hynek, J. Allen. ‘The Hynek UFO Report’. Dell Publishing Co. 1977”

Sleep paralysis and Abduction

In a paper by Caroline McLeod, Barbara Corbisier, and John E. Mack, A More Parsimonious Explanation for UFO Abduction, the writers make it clear that abductees are not victims of sleep paralysis.

“Furthermore, sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations of such long duration tend to be symptoms of narcolepsy -a neurological disorder characterized by an overwhelming desire to sleep at any time. Individuals with narcolepsy also suffer from cataplexy -a sudden loss of voluntary muscle tonus with full consciousness, often during emotional events (Carlson, 1994). Individuals in our sample of experiencers deny such symptoms. Those experiencers who have undergone electroencephalograph (EEG) testing in an attempt to find a neurological cause for their experiences report no significant findings. Thus, there is no evidence that sleep paralysis can account for the abduction phenomenon.”

Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1996


A reason as to why UFOs would come, especially when the human civilization is just beginning is made quite understandable by the NICAP reports of UFO sightings at ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas. Robert Hastings  provides all his sources some of which make up the hundreds if not thousands of UFO sightings around nuclear installations including the shutting down of missile launch systems as in the case of Capt. Robert Salas. The Ets are mentoring us; they are awakening us to the dangers of the nuclear age.

Artifacts left behind by ET civilizations

The Dogon tribesmen of Mali, West Africa, contain astronomical knowledge which the native people could have neither learned by themselves nor guessed. Dogon legends speak of Jupiter’s four moons and Saturn’s rings, which were not seen by human beings until the invention of the telescope. At the temple of Abydos, Egypt highly developed crafts, specifically a helicopter, a submarine, some form of flying saucer, and a jet plane. In Iraq there are 5000-year-old Sumerian seals that depict our solar system.

Dr Davies is part of our scientific community, most of whom have a cycloptic and 3-D view of our reality imposed onto them by the politics of ontology. It is an insult to our experiencers and contactees and proves how effective the ET media truth embargo is and how mankind’s progress is being retarded. When official disclosure takes place one day, you will hear our mainstream scientists say; “Well what I really meant was…….!!

Neil Gould is a Member of the Board of Directors

Exopolitics Institute.

Dr. Paul Davies: Critique – Part 1

By Neil Gould.

This article discloses a dark reality behind mainstream science that misrepresents to humanity, so called changes of attitudes towards the reality of intelligent life in the universe. The true agenda is to seek confirmation of ET life, unintelligent life, which includes microbes and viruses. Mankind does not read the small print. The article focuses on scientific hero, Dr Paul Davies, a contributor to recent conferences hosted by the Royal Society and the Vatican. Recently interviewed by a popular radio show it becomes clear that the mindset of Dr Davies is nailed to the existing imposed and skewered worldview dominated by the politics of ontology. The credentials of Davies are presented, but so are his views on intelligent life in the universe. Davies debunks ET visitations, abductions and UFOs but prescribes processes, which include multidisciplinary studies on the phenomenon, and dares to ask people to keep an open mind whilst being skeptical.  A conundrum is it not?

Early this year there was immense excitement amongst Exopoliticians: 

 “The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences  had organized a 5 day conferences involving physicists and Astrobiologists on subjects as varied as how life might have begun on Earth; what newly found microbes living in harsh places on our planet might tell us about possible life on others; and how life forms might be detected in our solar system, or how their bio-signatures might be found on and around the many distant exoplanets.”

 There was further elation at the announcement by the Royal Society that they too would be holding a 2-day conference on extra terrestrial life.

 “A line-up of world-leading astronomers, biologists and astrophysicists including SETI founder Dr Frank Drake, principal investigator for the British Beagle 2 Mars lander project Professor Colin Pillinger and Director of the BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science Professor Paul Davies, will be discussing man’s search for extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society”.

 Professor Paul Davies  a British-born theoretical physicist, cosmologist, Astrobiologist and best-selling author.

“He is Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science and co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative, both at Arizona State University. Davies’s research interests are focused on the “big questions” of existence, ranging from the origin of the universe to the origin of life, and include the nature of time, the search for life in the universe and foundational questions in quantum mechanics. In astrobiology, he was a forerunner of the theory that life on Earth may have come from Mars.”

Listeners to his interview on Coast to Coast radio,  were treated to a typical case of “blindfolds and earplugs” by a self centered scientist who chose to ignore the overwhelming qualitative evidence on ET life already in the public domain. [The evidence will be discussed in Part 2 of this article]. Dr Davies made it clear that Astrobiology is the search for life beyond earth, distinguishing itself from SETI; the search for intelligent life beyond earth. Despite SETI 50 yrs of eerie silence Davies gives them a pat on the back and believes we should extend the search for ET beyond looking through telescopes because the clues might be very subtle. Davies advocates that we should look for any signature or technological footprint of technology that shows up such as beacons and possible ET probes.

On this topic of Fermi’s paradox and ET beacons, here is what Davies had to say in the Astronomy Now magazine :

“What I think is a big lacuna in the search so far is that beacons have not been actively searched for. It is much more probable that we would pick up a multidirectional beacon than random messages between civilizations or domestic radio traffic or anything deliberately directed at us. All those scenarios don’t stack up, but beacons do. [..]There really has been no systematic search for them, and yet we have the technology to do that.”

Davies described Hawkins recent remarks  as Foolish; “There is no way of knowing if there is intelligent life out there. On the claim that aliens want to come here to use the resources of the planet, they could have taken them billions of years ago”. When asked by a caller about those who believe they saw UFOs or had been abducted Paul Davies reply was; “Little green men and flying saucers belong in the realm of fairy stories”. In defense Davies explained that he knew Alan Hynek, who for 20 yrs assessed thousands of reports, some of which he personally had been able to account for. Davies went on by saying, “Most alien abduction is explained by sleep paralysis, sleep disorders” and he has had personal experience of this himself. He was keen to place his peg into the sand and stated unequivocally that “the lights in the sky are weather phenomenon” and that these reports tell us more about ourselves as humans than anything else.

Davies was asked about artifacts left behind by ET civilizations. “We cannot find any historic relics from the last 100 million years. The surface of our earth is restless, tectonic activity, glaciations, and erosion impact by asteroids”. When pressed on the emergence Sumerian civilization with the associated ET intervention [as seen on the 5000 year old Sumerian Seals and Cuneiform tablets], a civilization with knowledge of the planets, Davies quashed any speculation of Ets arriving 400,000 years ago as he would be astonished that it would happen within this period which in astronomical terms is to close to the present. “Why would they come especially when the human civilization is just beginning? Too much of a coincidence”

 The arrogance of Dr Davies continued in two messages to his audience; the first being that scientists must draw from a list of all the scientific disciplines and the second message was that Scientists should always be open minded but also skeptic; but never close our minds that one day the evidence might be forthcoming! 

This mindset ensures humanity never sees the light of day whilst drowning in their own smog, addicted to fossil fuels and never being allowed to grasp the essence of a universe teaming with beneficial intelligent life which in all probability are responsible for the seeding of life in the universe; Is Davies a typical example of the gatekeepers that Hawking sought the human race to circumvent? In Part 2  of this article I present to Dr Davies the Exopolitical Prescriptions that will lead mainstream Astrobiologists, anthropologists, Cosmologists and physicists into the new paradigm; arguably the most important juncture ever, for mankind.

Neil Gould is a Member of the Board of Directors

Exopolitics Institute.

Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un-Released Eisenhower Briefing on Extraterrestrials

Henry W. McElroy, a former New Hampshire state legislator, claims he saw a briefing for President Eisenhower that revealed the presence of extraterrestrials in the United States. It went on to discuss a possible meeting being arranged between the President and extraterrestrial entities.  The alleged briefing witnessed by McElroy supports earlier whistleblower testimonies that President Eisenhower did in fact meet with extraterrestrials in 1954 and 1955 (click here).

Related Article: Eisenhower briefed about extraterrestrials claims former New Hampshire State Rep

YouTube – Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un-Released Eisenhower Brief.

Transcript of Speech – Source

Hello, I’m speaking with you from Fort Monroe, Virginia.  We’re also known as The Gateway to Freedom.

We sit right next to a little town called Phoebus, Virginia.  Interestingly, they call themselves The Gateway to the New World.

Phoebus sits inside of Hampton, Virginia whose motto is First from the Sea, First to the Stars.

My name is Henry McElroy, Jr. a retiring, former State Representative from New Hampshire.  Thank you for your attention to this brief message concerning the world’s interaction with both earth-based, and off-world astronauts.

The reason I am making this announcement is in the hopes of encouraging better perspective to all who explore the universe.  Therefore, as a result, making a more valuable contribution to humanity, for the benefit of all faiths, all races and all nations.

Another reason I am here today is because I believe in the *foundational wisdom of our nation, which was laid down by our founding fathers and because we know that highly advanced knowledge and information can assist human beings in solving various problems both in current times, and in our future.

When I was in the New Hampshire State Legislature, I served on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee.  It was, apparently, important that as a Representative of the Sovereign People who had elected me to this Honorable Office, that I be updated on a large number of topics related to the affairs of our People, and our Nation. As I understood it, some of those ongoing topics had been examined and categorized as Federal, State, Local development, and security matters.  These documents related to various topics some of which spanned decades of our nation’s history. One of those recurring topics is the reason I am addressing you this evening.

I would like to submit to our nation my personal testimony of one document related to one of these ongoing topics which I saw while in office, serving on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee.

The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower.   To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America.

The brief seemed to indicate that a meeting between the President and some of these visitors could be arranged as appropriate if desired.

The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for concern, since these visitors were in no way, causing any harm, or had any intentions, whatsoever, of causing any disruption then, or in the future.

While I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors – – because of his optimism in his farewell address in 1961, I personally believe that Eisenhower did, indeed, meet with these extraterrestrial, off world astronauts.

I hope my personal testimony will aid the nation in its quest for continued enlightenment.   I am honored to follow in the footsteps of those who have come forward with their personal testimonies – those who deserve the admiration of the American people for sharing their accounts publicly, in an effort to elevate our knowledge to a higher understanding of our existence.

People such as:

Former Astronauts

John Glenn

Edgar Mitchell

Gordon Cooper


Buzz Aldrin

Former Presidents

Ronald Reagan


Jimmy Carter

Captain Bill Uhouse of the United States Marine Corps

Lt. Col John Williams of the United States Air Force

Co Phillip Corso Sr. of the United States Army

Commander Graham Bethune of the United States Navy

Along with:

David Hamilton of the Department of Energy

Donna Hare of NASA


James Kopf of the National Security Agency

I would also like to thank the countries of: France, Brazil, Britain, Russia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand.

And, our neighbor to the North, Canada, Uruguay, and Australia

….for also opening their files to the citizens of their countries, and allowing them access to information that is so very important to the evolution of humanity.

I thank you for allowing me this opportunity to have a small part in doing the same, by sharing the information I have given you today.

Thank you very much and I’d like to thank our communications crew for helping us make this happen today.

And, I’d also like to authorize distribution of this video for anyone who wants to use it for educational purposes.

Thank you.

Eisenhower briefed about extraterrestrials claims former New Hampshire State Rep

Exopolitics Institute News Service (ExoNews) Launched

[[May 10, 2010, Kona, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is proud to announce the launch of an Exopolitics News Service dedicated to bringing to public attention news concerning extraterrestrial life and its public policy implications. The primary mission of “ExoNews” is to promote public debate and awareness of exopolitics which has been defined as “an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.” ExoNews is sponsored by the Exopolitics Institute, a U.S. based 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization established in 2005. The Exopolitics Institute News Service will be headed by an international editorial board. The Board comprises Come Carpentier (India); Neil Gould (Hong Kong); David Griffin M.Sc., (United Kingdom); Paola Harris, M.Ed. (USA/Italy); Douglas McClure, M.A. (South Africa); Michael Salla, Ph.D. (USA/Australia); and Victor Viggiani M.Ed. (Canada).

According to Dr Michael Salla, founder of the Exopolitics Institute, “the need for an Exopolitics News Service has never been greater as evidenced by the surge in interest in public policy issues concerrning extraterrestrial life raised by Prof Stephen Hawking’s recent speculations concerning the motivations of extraterrestrial life.” Furthermore, Dr Salla claims that “as officially sponsored exobiology conferences increasingly question the social implications of extraterrestrial life being discovered, as evidenced in conferences organized by the Vatican (November 2009) and the Royal Society of London (January 2010), this will inevitably lead to greater scientific and public interest in the field of exopolitics.”

Neil Gould, founder of Exopolitics Hong Kong, writes: “Corporate control of the international media has created a polluted worldview through the agenda of transglobal corporations. Association with the geopolitically inspired military industrial complex has deprived mankind of the right to knowledge, technological advancement in science, new energy sources that will eliminate the use of fossil fuels, and of an awareness of the extraterrestrial presence engaging this planet since the dawn or our age. The Exopolitics Institute News Service brings breaking news, articles and general information with regard to extraterrestrial life, circumventing the ET media truth embargo. Its aim is to restore the worldview, freeing up the consciousness of this planet enabling a smooth social and political transition into the new paradigm.”

David Griffin (Exopolitics United Kingdom) writes: “Having observed the dramatic rise in the last decade for information and analysis of exopolitical related themes, a dedicated Exonews site contributed to by core researchers in the field will be a useful asset to the online world. It is important that the growing alternative media scene assumes a role equal to that of more mainstream outlets in order to keep the exopolitical context as free of bias and noise as possible in the expanding world of networked communication.

“We are on the brink a of the greatest revelations in human history,” according to Victor Viggiani (Exopolitics Canada). “One day very soon our entire planetary civilization will be unitied in its understanding and appreciation of the Extraterrestrail presence. The Exopolitics News Service will play a leadership role in providing professional, and substantive information for global institutions, all levels of governance and mainstream media about the disclosure and post-diclosure significance of engagement with an ET reality. The entire global village is now able to come to one place for news on how off-world civilizations will impact every facet of our existence – and that place is The Exopolitics News Service.”

More information about the mission and editorial board comprising the news service is available here.

The Exopolitics Institute News Service website is available here


The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kona, Hawaii. Website:

Canadian Government UFO Policy Letters – Hidden in Plain Sight

Victor Viggiani, B.A. M.Ed.

A democratically elected government´s mandate to serve those who elect it is never well served when its political leadership believes it has the constitutional right to guard national security secrets by deceiving its people.

In making available 9500 files on its web site entitled Canada´s UFOs – Search for the Unknown, the Canadian government has opened an international controversy on unidentified flying objects.

This controversy is fueled by the clear admission that Canadian officials in the Ministry of National Defense regularly discussed tactics and policies on how to ´play-down´ the UFO phenomenon as far back as 1950. It is even more instructive that Canada, in 2005 and 2007, chose to resurrect these controversial policy letters and hide them among thousands of mundane UFO sighting reports.

By hiding these files in plain sight, did the Canadian government attempt to deceive its citizens by proving it can be a master of misdirection, or was it a simple case of bureaucratic pragmatism? Regardless, these measures and the letters themselves have created a serious credibility problem for the Canadian government.

The first part of the problem: Because the recent release of UFO files were discharged with no notification, consultation or publicity, few have paid any attention to the hidden gems in the avalanche of data at Library and Archives Canada that depict direct government involvement in the UFO matter.

The second part of the problem: There now remains no doubt that Canadian government officials in the Department of National Defense indeed engaged the UFO issue in a serious manner.

It will be shown beyond any doubt that a series of internal memoranda reveals how the government intended to deceive the electorate by hiding, in plain sight, explosive official correspondence in a quagmire of endlessly staid UFO reports and pointless bureaucratic correspondence.

Canada can no longer deny and must now acknowledge it has a deep and long history of involvement in UFOs. As demonstrated by the total absence of media coverage or public consultation – Canadian officials were quite successful in concealing its UFO involvement.

No one, outside of a handful of UFO research experts, was aware that Canada had even set up the archived UFO data base. Released initially in August 2005, then more files in December 2007 – no international, national or local announcement, notification or press coverage accompanied Canada´s mass data-dump of UFO information.

Significant portions of this data clearly implicate Canadian officials in the use of American tactics to minimize and ´play-down´ the UFO matter. Is this why the Canadian government´s release of 9500 UFO files was such a quiet affair? The answer may lie in how the sheer massive size of the release itself appears to have been carefully designed to obscure government involvement in the UFO matter.


Sensitive government letters written by elected and non-elected government officials have been cleverly concealed among thousands and thousands of pages of innocuous UFO sighting reports on a government sponsored web site. The results: explosive security memoranda that, if exposed by mainstream media, could end the UFO truth embargo tomorrow, now go virtually unnoticed.

What possible rationale would precipitate such a decision?

If you were a government bureaucrat who knew that a very large number of UFO files containing sensitive information had to be released, you may perhaps surmise it would be effective if not necessarily wise to camouflage sensitive government documents among thousands of monotonous and tedious UFO sighting reports by citizens.

You might also develop a baffling search engine that would frustrate and otherwise discourage any real examination by even the most patient researcher. You would then have a seemingly transparent mechanism that is actually designed to conceal incriminating letters and memos, in plain sight, rather than openly depict in great detail government complicity in ´playing-down´ UFOs or portray the issue as anything serious or worthy of broad public or political debate.

The psychology of misdirection does not stop there. If the files had to be released what better way would there be than to disguise sensitive letters in the same way a stick-bug sits in plain sight yet remains concealed on a piece of bark or in the midst of rotting leaves – unnoticed by its predators.

The rationale: The next best alternative to invisibility is hiding something where it becomes indistinguishable from its background.

Prosaic, ramblings and often illegible letters about odd lights in the sky submitted by well-meaning but hapless citizens become the facade. A clever and very shrewd formula for a perfect disguise.

One cannot see more clearly by looking harder in the wrong direction.

Unless one is in fierce pursuit of something very, very specific, the average person is quickly discouraged from investigating more deeply, choosing rather to mouse-click away to glance over e-mail, check their personal financial portfolio or seek out who Britney Spears is now dating.


To anyone who may be dedicated to a genuine investigation by researching the material pages of the 9500 so-called UFO files at Library and Archives Canada, the concealed soon becomes revealed. What might a moderately thorough search of approximately six thousand files by a keen investigator over a four month period yield?

Several indisputable realities surface:

Evidential elements of verifiable and calculated government cover-up activities merge seamlessly with endless, repetitive and monotonous UFO reports by citizens. One damaging letter certifies that Canadian officials discussed tactics to play-down the UFO issue in tandem with the United States Air Force.

To the unsuspecting casual observer or a cautiously sceptical journalist, these charming sample-indictments of government duplicity go unnoticed.

After literally plowing through the interminable pages of the Library and Archives Canada web site for weeks on end, the answer obviously does not lie in the actual UFO reports themselves but in how the Canadian government chose to quietly release these files and in how the critical substance of the communications among senior Department of National Defense officials were cleverly buried.

One UFO research observer stated, “After an exhaustive study, our evaluation reveals that official policy memoranda and letters on UFOs actually exist. These letters were written by high level officials within the Canadian Department of National Defense. They not only illustrate how officials attempted to minimize the immense frequency and ubiquitous nature of UFO sightings in Canada but these correspondence also clearly demonstrate how the Department of National Defense orchestrated intra-departmental tactics and policy designed specifically to ´play-down´ the UFO phenomenon. 

By hiding these important files in the way they did – the government made a high-quality mistake – if there is such a thing as a ´first rate´ mistake.”


1. Canadian Officials Develop Policy Similar to The United States Air Force to “Play-Down” Reports of UFOs Canadian Joint Intelligence Committee Memorandum – G.S. Austin, Director of Air Intelligence August 4, 1950.

“The present USAF policy is to play down the subject, investigating only when considered necessary by the area commander without any special arrangements for reporting or investigation. It seems that a similar policy on our part would be wise and that it would be undesirable to produce a special questionnaire or make any arrangements for investigation since this would tend to give publicity to the matter. It is suggested therefore that sighting reports should not be solicited…”

2. A letter from the Minister of National Defense in contrast indicates Ministers of National Defense sent contradictory letters to inquisitive Canadian citizens informing them that no department within the government had instructions or a desire to withhold information about objects that may be of extraterrestrial origin despite the fact the files were designated “restricted” or “secret” since the 1950s and, that Canadian policy was to “play-down” UFO reports.

One ministerial letter states; “I can assure you that there is no department of the government that desires or has instructions to withhold information on objects that might be of extraterrestrial origin.” Minister of National Defense Douglas Harkness March 1962.

Clearly this statement of policy by a Minister of Defense is inconsistent with, and contradicts the practice of suppressing publicity on UFOs as suggested by the Director of Air Intelligence.

3.  Official Plan – In The Event of a UFO Landing. No other letter, yet uncovered, more pointedly indicts the Canadian government as does the suggestion made by a sitting Director of Scientific Intelligence concerning the development of a plan in the event of a UFO landing on Canadian soil. He states to the Director of Air Intelligence, “You might also consider it advisable to add that should the Flying Saucer actually make a landing on Canadian territory, the nearest RCAF Command should be advised immediately by telegram… Maybe we had better talk over this when you have thought it over.” A.J.G. Langley, Defense Research Board Director of Scientific Intelligence – April 19, 1950. 3.


It is important to affirm that when taken in a larger international context, the release of the Canadian files provides an interesting backdrop to the more recent Clinton White House UFO/ET letters uncovered by the relentless Canadian researcher Grant Cameron and renowned Washington-based political activist Stephen G. Bassett, Director of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG).

These letters from within the White House Administration during the William Clinton years as President illustrate the UFO/ET matter was of paramount concern by a sitting President and his staff.

Known commonly as the Rockefeller Initiative, these letters and communications exposed by Bassett and Cameron indicate the UFO issue was pursued vigourously from 1993 to 1996 by Laurance S. Rockefeller in concert with his attorney Henry L. Diamond and a myriad of players within the Clinton Administration including Ms. Hillary Clinton, now Secretary of State.

The Rockefeller Initiative letters which number between 50 and 55, trace a most remarkable trail of exhortations and recommendations by respected international philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller that the UFO – Extraterrestrial issue be removed from the vaults of government secrecy and dealt with in the open court of public discourse.

Involved in this dialogue to have President Clinton publicly examine the UFO/ET issue were high-level dignitaries Jack Gibbons Science Advisor to the President, Senator Pell Claiborne, and Representative Stephen Schiff to name but a few.

These provocative letters are matched only by the brazen assertion by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta in October 2002 at the National Press Club in Washington DC. There, Podesta stated about the UFO issue, “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.”

Is it less than coincidence that John Podesta was appointed Co-Chair of the White House post-election Transition Team by none other than President Barack Obama?

To this observer such levels of evidence proves – unequivocally – that anyone with even a minor  ‘need to know’ security status, knew the reality of UFOs was a given. Who knows more and why do they not come forward?


The complex and demanding nuances of this issue´s authenticity continue to perplex and be ignored by the world-wide media.

Media gravitation to North Korea´s insane nuclear muscle flexing or the constant drama surrounding the straight-jacket of the global economic crisis appear to render impotent the acuity of mainstream media to grasp or much less engage the larger issue of inter-stellar visitation by off-world civilizations millions of years in advance of the ant hill Earth.

Despite the less than fluid undertow of the media´s obsession with militarism and its incessant fixation on the global economic down-turn, the movement towards Disclosure of the UFO/ET reality will steadily accelerate.

The recognition that governments have concealed and repressed open discourse on this matter is now a matter of record and is receiving unprecedented acknowledgement by more and more mainstream press.

The acknowledged prospect of newly established relationships with or diplomatic overtures to off-world civilizations willing to positively engage the human race would re-focus humanity´s gaze. To reject or suppress the portent of such a possibility is the height of human hubris that denies the expansive capacity of our species to look beyond who we are, towards what we can become.

Those in Exopolitics advancing the notion of openness with interstellar visitors who are obviously making their presence known will soon no longer be the voice of a minority but a powerful geo-political force of serious reckoning.

Exopolitics asks the hard questions: who are these entities, where are they from, why are they here, shall we look at the evidence? Or, more importantly, can dreadfully powerful and treacherously dominant geo-political forces be exposed so they can no longer dictate the precondition that the existence of off-world civilizations shall be denied and repressed?

If these kinds of questions are never addressed or their potential ever pondered, no solutions to our cloistered existence or imminent environmental demise are forth-coming. The avoidance of these very fundamental questions acutely restrains humanity´s evolution and its capacity to recognize we are being visited at a time of immense social, scientific, environmental, cultural, religious, economic and political turmoil globally.

If it is not hyperbole to assert that every component of our civilization´s matrix of existence is under relentless if not hysterical stress, then why is it considered an exaggeration or folly to acknowledge that we are indeed being visited by off-world civilizations that just may have overcome their own primitive extinction behaviours and who may be able to offer humanity some solutions?

Solutions of our own often seem to appear on the horizon but are soon summarily undermined by powerful geo-political forces seeking to maintain the power structures of a permanent war economy, endless cycles of ethnic violence, a monetary system that serves corporate interests and energy industrialists who cram oil down the throats of everything that moves.

Consider for a moment the simplest yet obvious solution to Earth´s fossil fuel addiction. The energy and propulsion systems used by these off-world civilizations to power their craft over light-years in space, could in very short order, eliminate our oil-based dependency.

Engagement with these off-world civilizations could well be the quantum knowledge-leap needed so desperately by our shackled humanity. Again John Podesta Former Clinton White House Chief of Staff – “I think it’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs. We ought to do it because the American people quite frankly can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”

Sceptics and investigative journalists need no longer demand scientific proof of an Extraterrestrial presence. They need only look at released government files to know their democratic juggernauts in politics and military and intell-agencies have been playing a manipulative and clever shell game of hide and seek with the UFO/ET issue for 60 years.

Peculiarly – mainstream investigative journalism still appears reluctant to take on the big boys or to take notice of the obvious – all hidden in plain sight.

Victor Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.

Director of Media Relations Exopolitics Canada Toronto Ontario 4.References:

Library and Archives Canada – Web Site Review all 9500 UFO Files at:

Rockefeller Initiative –

Copyright June 2009

Is Russia preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure?

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

In an extraordinary television interview, the Governor of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who is also President of the World Chess Federation, claimed that in 1997 he was taken from his penthouse apartment on board an extraterrestrial vehicle. Ilyumzhinov claims that the extraterrestrials he met were humanoid and gave him a tour of their ship, and even took him to another world. According to Ilyumzhinov, his experience is backed by three witnesses who searched for him at his home after he had boarded the alien spaceship. Most revealing is that Ilyumzhinov appeared on Russia’s no.1 rated television station, Channel One, which is 51% controlled by the Russian government. The interviewer, Vladimir Pozner, began the segment with questions about Ilyumzhinov’s experience. This reveals that the host and producers knew in advance of what had happened, and wished to discuss it on air. Significantly, there was no censorship of Ilyumzhinov’s experience which was immediately made available on the Channel One website. At the very least, this signifies that the Russian government remains open to public debate on extraterrestrial life sparked by its most prominent television station. More importantly, the airing of Ilyumzhinov’s experience may signal a covert attempt by Russian officials to prepare its citizens for eventual public disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

In the interview, Ilyumzhinov described how he was woken from his sleep and exited his apartment through a balcony onto the waiting ship. He said:

In the evening I read a book, watched TV, and went to rest. And then, probably, fell asleep, and felt that the balcony opened and someone called. He came up, I looked – a kind of translucent half-pipe. I went into this tube and saw people in yellow spacesuits.

Ilyumzhinov went on to describe how the extraterrestrials took him on a tour of their vehicle. Then they claimed that they needed samples from another planet and took him with them before returning him safely to his apartment. Significantly, three witnesses can confirm Ilyumzhinov’s disappearance from his apartment. In the interview, Ilyumzhinov explained what happened:

I probably would not have believed in it, if there were not three witnesses – my driver, a minister, and my assistant, who arrived in the morning, and found that I was not there.  Things are in place, the balcony is open (it was the top floor). They looked around, began to call friends…. Then they sat in the kitchen, discussing where to call, where to contact – because the phone, the things are in place, the apartment was closed, but they had their own key. And then they see me coming out of the bedroom, guiding myself to the kitchen.… They say: “Where were you?”  Well, I replied as if normal: “Well, I flew. I was on a saucer.”  They were upset, and said: “We are asking you seriously.” And then I sat down, and began to reason logically. So for this time, for about an hour they were here, and I was not in the apartment. One was in the hall, I could not have passed him… Then for a few months they were in shock about this.

The prominent public airing of Ilyumzhinov’s experience led to Andrei Lebedev, a member of the Russian Parliament from the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, asking President Medvedev to launch an official inquiry into the alleged alien contact. In his letter, Lebedev wrote:

I ask you to say if the head of Kalmykia has made an official report to the Russian presidency about his contacts with representatives of an alien civilisation. Is there an established procedure of informing about such contacts by high-ranking people who have access to secret information like Ilyumzhinov? And did he in the course of his seemingly innocent conversation disclose secret information?

Both Ilyumzhinov’s testimony and the official request by Lebedev for an official inquiry ensures continued public interest and scrutiny of the 1997 incident.

Ilyumzhinov’s testimony comes at a time of unprecedented public interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. British physicist Stephen Hawking on April 25 stated that it’s “perfectly rationall” to discuss intelligent extraterrestrial life and the political motivations of any civilization visiting Earth. In November 2009 and January 2010, both the Vatican and the Royal Society of London sponsored astrobiology conferences where the scientific and social implications of intelligent extraterrestrial life were discussed.

The way Ilyumzhinov was able to publicly share his experience on a Government controlled television station without any censorship suggests the tacit approval of senior Russian officials. His status as both a sitting Governor and President of the prestigious World Chess Federation ensured his testimony would get much public attention both in Russia and beyond. At the very least, Russia is displaying an extraordinary degree of public openness on UFOs and alien life by allowing elected officials to share their experiences. Alternatively, it is very possible that Russia is covertly preparing its citizenry for official disclosure of the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life.

Special Notice: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization with which the author may be affiliated.
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First published in the Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner: Is Russia preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure?.

Carl Sagan knew UFOs are real – confidant reveals

ZNN – Renowned astronomer and astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan revealed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek that he believed UFOs were real but avoided any public statements to prevent the loss of academic research funding. Sagan’s once powerful influence on mainstream science to play-down the reality of UFOs is now in question.

In an interview with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi-Harris she told ZlandCommunications:

“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows Sagan did. He basically said [to Hynek] in 1984, “I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.”

This startling revelation about Carl Sagan, one of this century’s most esteemed scientists and writers, has now been made public by Paola Leopizzi-Harris, a former associate of Dr. Allen J. Hynek who worked with him from 1980 to 1985.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek served as a civilian scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book from 1952 to1969, initially taking a very critical and skeptical position on anything related to the reality of UFOs. In one of his own reports he stated:

“I had started out as an outright ‘debunker,’ taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those ‘flying saucer groups and enthusiasts’ who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” Hynek, J. Allen. “The Hynek UFO Report”. Dell Publishing Co. 1977

After leaving Project Blue Book – the U.S. Air Force’s pseudo-investigatory public relations scheme on UFOs, Hynek later wrote:

“Now, however, documentation which puts the UFO- U.S. government controversy in quite a new light has become available. The [UFO] authors have made revealing use of documents released through the mechanism of the Freedom of Information Act and other data which have been made available to them” which show that the CIA and NSA protestations of innocence and lack of interest in UFOs are nothing short of prevarication.”

Hynek went on to say: “For the government to continue to maintain that UFOs are nonexistent in the face of the documents already released and of other cogent evidence presented in this book is puerile and in a sense an insult to the American people.”  “The UFO Cover-Up.” (Fireside books, Simon & Schuster 1984)

Hynek’s credentials are indeed impressive, having consulted on the Stephen Spielberg movie Close Encounters. As well he presented a paper on UFOs at the UN in 1978. (All Experts)

Sagan’s link to UFOs and possibly to Dr. Hynek occurred in 1966 when Sagan was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book. This committee concluded that the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book had been lacking as a scientific study, and recommended a university-based project to give the UFO phenomenon closer scientific scrutiny.

In scientific circles much of Sagan’s notoriety came from debates conducted under the auspices of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In 1969 he challenged J. Allen Hynek on whether investigations of unidentified flying objects should be considered serious. Hynek argued yes Sagan no. (NNDB)

Sagan was a prolific writer of some 20 books including “Contact“ eventually made into a movie staring Jodie Foster. Sagan also hosted the brilliantly crafted and highly popular series COSMOS: A Personal Voyage. In Episode 12: “Encyclopedia Galactica”, Sagan explored UFOs and alien abductions while also including “refutations” on UFOs.

In a statement at the 1968 Congressional Hearings before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics – U.S. House of Representatives Carl Sagan stated:

“As I understand what the committee would like from me, is a discussion of the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life… clearly it is the hypothesis that unidentified objects are of extraterrestrial origin which the committee must have in mind. I’m delighted to tell about contemporary scientific thinking along these lines, but let me begin by saying that I do not think the evidence is at all persuasive, that UFO’s are of intelligent extraterrestrial origin…”

Sagan’s confidential conversation with Dr. Hynek in 1984 appears to not only contradict this statement to the House Committee in 1968, Sagan’s new found view – that UFOs were real – clearly did not play any role in Sagan’s later highly successful public work.

This revelation by Paola Leopizzi-Harris appears to raise serious scientific discrepancies concerning Sagan’s public verses private beliefs about the nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.

It appears, therefore that Carl Sagan presumably embarked upon his many television appearances, consulting on major television and Hollywood feature productions as well as his own academic writing while professing one public scientific point of view, yet maintaining a significantly contradictory personal belie: “I know UFOs are real” – as told to Dr. J. Allen Hynek in 1984 according to Paola Leopizzi-Harris.

In later years Sagan also heavily promoted SETI – the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which discounts UFOs as an ET reality – advancing the theory that listening for signals from deep space may help locate intelligent ET civilizations. [Ed.note – SETI officials were contacted by ZlandCommunications for a comment on this matter – however at the time of publication no response had yet been received.]

It is unknown how long Sagan held this personal view or when and what changed his mind – future disclosures may reveal this. That Sagan presented much of his finest and most popular work outside the context of his personal belief that UFOs were real remains a salient incongruity for a man of Sagan’s stature, obvious integrity and celebratory contributions to humanity and science.

One can only speculate upon why, during the period between Sagan’s initial statement in 1968 and all during his now legendary writings and media productions, Sagan continued to espouse critical views on the reality of UFOs. Why did his views change so dramatically? Did funding issues alone motivate him not to come forward publicly to declare his change-of-mind?

This revelation made to Paola Leopizzi-Harris by a well-respected scientific figure like Dr. J. Allen Hynek alters if not the magnificent quality of Sagan’s work but re-constructs his considerable scientific influence on the mainstream scientific theories about the universe, the intelligent nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.

How will mainstream science respond knowing now that a corner stone of modern science and one of its most revered members is now recognized as to have conceded – UFOs are real?

Two conclusions emerge –

  • One of the 20th Century’s most renowned space gurus and scientific leaders, appears to have inadvertently shattered the prevailing notion among the scientific community and the so-called experts, that UFOs are fictitious and that issue is does not merit further study.
  • The second conclusion – short of full disclosure by government of the UFO/ET reality, this revelation most assuredly represents the most serious damage yet to the wall of secrecy and the truth embargo surrounding the Extraterrestrial presence so ardently maintained by government officials and bolstered by mainstream science.

Notably this information also comes at a time when Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence has publicly admonished another pillar of mainstream science, Professor Stephen Hawking, for contributing to misinformation about advanced Extraterrestrial civilizations. Hellyer’s admonishment is timely. It puts all scientists on notice that ponderous changes to their entrenched belief about the universe and Extraterrestrial life are about to occur.

The Sagan story also arrives on the eve of the X-Conference 2010, the largest annual American UFO/ET Disclosure event coordinated by Stephen G. Bassett Director of PRG – the Paradigm Research Group at the National Press Club in Washington DC, just down the street from the White House and a President that recognizes the need for grave global change.

When asked to comment PRG Director Stephen G. Bassett said, “Carl Sagan and J. Allen Hynek perfectly represent the intellectual and political dilemma faced by the human race during the second half of the 20th century. Both helped to radically change our view of the world. Yet one must be profoundly wrong on the most important historical event in human history.”

Ironically, a cloistered conversation between two academicians behind the curtain – backstage on the set of the Johnny Carson Show in 1984 – seems to have changed science and with it, the paradigm beliefs of an entire planet.  We are not alone.


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Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth – Stuart Holroyd

Stuart Holroyd. Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth. Published in 1979, Corgi Childrens

By Neil Gould.

Stuart Holroyd, an author with an interest in religion and mysticism; was persuaded by Scientist and Paranormal Investigator Andrija Puharij to bear witness to communications coming from Space Gods through psychic medium Phylis Schlemmer; to write this book as his assessment of these events.  Holroyd describes the contents of the communications whilst providing the reader with background information as to the states of mind, idiosyncrasies and the interactions between the three protagonists. 

This is a book about channeled communications from the Space Gods, known as the Council of Nine, who work through a transceiver to help mankind through a time of crisis during the 1970’s; preventing a nuclear war.  The communications center on three “chosen” people from vastly different backgrounds. They converged in 1974; Scientist – Andrija Puharij, Psychic – Phylis Schlemmer and a wealthy and flamboyant aristocrat with a passion for car racing – Sir John Whitmore.  Holroyd frequently interrupts his exciting narration with background information or logical argument challenging the credibility of the protagonists; the Council of Nine explains terrestrial politics, religion, pollution and our state of civilization. Holroyd weaves the political facts between the channeled information allowing the reader to make their own assessments. Credence and advocacy are reinforced with scientific and metaphysical comparisons from similar events which have occurred worldwide;

Holroyd provides several alternatives to the truth.   His introduction focus’s on the leading character, scientist Dr Andrija Puharij, who had made a lifetime study of the paranormal.  Puharij had brought Uri Geller to the USA for the purposes of studying him under laboratory conditions. Puharij reported effects such as telekinesis, teleportation and voices coming from Gellar’s head.  The reader is asked to choose between Puharij being hoodwinked by Geller, Puharij was lying or Puharij had simply gone mad. Ultimately the work of Puharij had left a scar on his scientific reputation.

Sir John Whitmore was the financier of the mission. Tall, athletic, blonde hair and bearded, a professional racing driver, country gentleman and International tycoon. Some people thought him crazy however Holroyd begs us to hold judgment until  later on in the book. The honor of being “chosen” cost Sir John a substantial portion of his patrimony.  Psychic Phylis Schlemmer is the medium channeling the messages from “Tom”, “head of the management” (Council of Nine). Using a Faraday Cage; 8×8 x12 feet, metal box lined with copper, Schlemmer would fall into a trance and begin transmitting Tom’s voice.  The copper line cage creates an electrical vacuum keeping out electromagnetic waves enabling clarity and privacy of transmission.  

Tom warns of the lurking dark forces, disembodied beings willing to steer the three towards the dark side should they not take care of themselves and each other. Phylis Schlemmer has since seen the collapse of her family life and former business interests.

Psychic investigator, Puharij traveled extensively reporting on cases including psychic surgery. The “Arigo” case in Brazil; Puharij met with a surgeon who would operate with a rusty knife, after a diagnosis of no more than two minutes. In 1952 a Dr Vinod visited Puharij at his research laboratory in Maine. This psychic and sage went into a trance and used a voice different to his own. The communications began with “We are the nine principles and forces…”  

These transmissions were never published and terminated when the attendant group split up.  Phyllis knew Puharij had investigated the healing work of Arigo and sent him Photos showing the results after her student Bobby had healed a blowtorch burn on the arm of a welder named Reg.  In 1974 Andrija met with Bobby and Phyllis. Bobby was regressed and an entity called “Corean” emerged through Bobby’s voice inspiring healing and warning of the problems facing the planet earth.  Puharij asked that Bobby should demonstrate his healing abilities at a public lecture, to cure someone who was in another city. Tom warned against any metal being near to Bobby, due to the high energy transmitted form the upper realms. The experiment came to a grinding halt after the apparatus exploded. Phylis had removed the steel zipper from Bobby’s pants and replaced it with a plastic one. She had failed to recognize the buttons on his clothes were metal covered in material. All were reprimanded by the entity for not having been more vigilant.  Bobby became emotionally unstable was unable to keep his commitment to the mission; his purpose was to show mankind the reality of paranormal healing.  Tom went on to explain that a landing would take place over a period of 9 days that was physical.  Beings would descend and be amongst men. Some would be teachers bringing new technologies to help deal with mans problems. The main purpose is to raise the vibration of the souls, to bring them out of darkness.

The Earth was described as a bottleneck for souls trapped in the density of this planet; the whole universe could be affected. Mission failure was not an option. Schlemmer had forgone her free will in a previous incarnation only to be returned after she had finished the job.  Tom exacted their location; the Zone of Cold. “We are beings of a higher frequency who intricately transform communication fields to a lower frequency”.

The Council’s nourishment is derived from Earth people doing good and spreading love.  Holroyd assures the reader that the content of the channeling was pure; not drawn from the conciousness by telepathy from Puharij to Schlemmer. How could Schlemmer know about Light fields and thought fields, the different kinds of electromagnetic energy and the organization of electrons in sub atomic space?  “All of you and all of us make God, an infinite intelligence supported by true love which grows with true love”.  The three are given their mission; to make a rather long and daunting trip across Scandinavia Turkey, Moscow Iran and Israel. At each location they were to meditate; the presence of the three would create an energy vortex to enable world leaders to come to agreements and prevent a nuclear war. To protect Kissinger from being assassinated as he flittered back and forth; the forces of good and bad played both sides  Holroyd challenges the content of the communications, parallels them with Gnosticism and Esotericism. Esotericism is known to its devotees as “Ageless Wisdom”, portions of which have been released to humanity from time to time through two main channels, authoresses

Helena Blavatsky and Alice A Bailey. Holroyd presents the case of “Charles” in the book by Brad Steiger “Revelation: the Divine Fire.  A case where an entity “Ishkomer” brings at similar dates with messages about the coming upheavals, spiritual guidance; that extra terrestrial interfered with the natural development of the species of man,  Only the most compelling and controversial footage was transcribed from hundreds of hours of tape describing how the three are told the truth about Atlantis; why Neanderthals died out and replaced by Homosapiens, matters on soul, birth, life and death.  Holroyd’s well-balanced account of these events end on a powerful note; perhaps guided by the Nine, explaining that it was too late for technology to save the planet; what one did in this life must be undone in the next,  to understand the necessity for the purification of this planet, the most beautiful and diverse in the universe. For if this planet is purified it will be the greatest paradise for all souls and set the Universe free.

Neil Gould is a member of the Board of Directors Exopolitics Institute

Catchers of Heaven, Dr Michael Wolf

By Neil Gould.

Catchers of Heaven, A trilogy written by Dr Michael Wolf, (Kruvant), born of Eastern European Jewish immigrants. He was abducted at 11 years old, (I was not where I was supposed to be and I was not where I was not supposed to be either) later to find out that his parents were abductees. Wolf was one of the foremost whistleblowers with regard to the UFO/ET phenomena within the secret government.

 Dr Wolf brings tremendous insight to the reader, as a member of the secret government, MJ12 and head of the Alphacom Team assigned to interface with the extraterrestrials and to find out more about them, their physiology, and purpose etc. Some of whom he worked with at secret bases in the USA. Dr Wolf’ explains how his education was part paid for by the CIA, since his early talents were recognized. He achieved an MD in Neurology, PHD in theoretical Physics (it was like entertaining god), a degree in computer science; he had flown missions in Vietnam as a flight surgeon and acted in a Frederico Felini film 81/2 as an extra.

He pioneered the Gateway treatment, the higher mental powers development project; a method that expanded the use of the mind (current use is 10 –15% of the brain neurons) thus giving “our side” greater advantage against “adversaries” . His bosses removed all traces of his education, something that is quite common where credible people have been exposed to Black Operations.

Dr Wolf explains how he decided to “tell it all”, after his wife and son Daniel were tragically killed in a car accident (terrorist attack) and Dr Wolf himself was hospitalized whilst in a 2-week coma. He began writing the book in 1953 and first published it in 1993.  . Deeply affected by his personal tragedy Dr Wolf decided his book’s proceeds go to, “The Daniel Wolf Memorial Foundation for the Children, Inc

Having contracted cancer and having left his employ, he talks of no longer being able to obtain his life giving “honey”, and was on a slow road to death. With this in mind Dr Wolf began the tell all of his life from the days of study, when he would act as a courier to Eastern Europe on behalf of the CIA to his operational work which involved weapons technology, interaction with ET and the cloning of a human being (GI) called J.O.E whom he helped escape when it resisted an order to kill a dog. The genetic material was from Dr Wolf himself. Dr Wolf worked at S4.

At times, Wolf seems to slip in and out of reality as would happen to any cancer sufferer who undergoes the pain killing treatment with halucegenic drugs. However, he never strays from the high level of descriptive information and uses all the technical words, competently, thus giving credence to his testimony. ( wave particle duality, Fortran 77, DARPA, 130 SS-19s, MJ12SSG, Project Dart, underground facilities at Dulce, Viewtree mountain facility, Sandia National Labs in New Mexico, to name a few)

His goals are expressed at the introduction to the book; the study of a history of time in the universe; the natural laws and forces of the universe; an argument against the Big Bang Theory of creation of the universe; and an argument for a new Grand Unified Theory (GUT) of everything in the universe. This work describes the neighbors in the universe that have come to visit man and how they are able to get here – the nearest neighbor being thirty to thirty-two light years away; and why some of these neighbors chose to come to this planet (specifically those who have a interest, vested or invested, and those who are only tourists passing through).

Dr Wolf explains, “The extraterrestrials traverse the galaxy by manipulating space and time to pull their destination towards them. Time is reduced to zero, and acceleration is increased to infinity.”

The reader becomes aware of the extent that this government has hidden its ET technology which could advance science and prevent damage to the planet. Wolf discloses the existence of zero point energy, a free energy from the quantum vacuum of space which could set man free from his addiction to oil. A conflict is reported between the aliens and the military in which deaths occurred on both sides. The existence of bases where ET and humans work together is disclosed. When a dying man lays testimony to these revelations, with the proceeds of his book going to charity, it is hard to accuse Dr. Wolf of profiteering.

Dr Wolf’s pain never leaves the reader. His losses, his regret over his work for the secret government; his lost time away from his family especially his deceased son Daniel. Precious lost time that he could never retrieve. His absolution is obtained by his emphasis on unconditional love for others and a love for kids. Throughout the book, one feels Wolf’s desire to be reunited on the “other side” with his beloved family.

Neil Gould is a Member of the Board of Directors

Exopolitics Institute

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