Nicolas Roerich allusion to intraterrestrial masters of wisodm

Nicolas Roerich allusion to intraterrestrial Masters of Wisdom– These masters are also recognized by a FEW knowledgeable persons within ANDEAN and contactee traditions in Perú


By Giorgio Piacenza

The creator of the term “exopolitics” (Alfred Webre) defined it as “”the study of political process and governance in interstellar society.”” In 2004 Dr. Michael Salla, promoting an academic exopolitics defined it as: “The study of the key individuals, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.”

In 2009, the Strategy Committee of the Exopolitics Institute defined “exopolitics” as “an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.”


In order to practice exopolitics is it not absolutely necessary to believe that extraterrestrials are currently interacting with planet Earth and/or humanity but (in contrast to exobiology) it is necessary to at least seriously consider the legal, political, scientific, religious and cultural implications of what this presence could mean.

If diplomatic contact were established with other civilizations, who would represent the interests of common people, nations, the Earth and nature as a whole? Would it be the United Nations that until now is formed by nations that represent themselves in a forum to solve their differences in a peaceful way and to promote agreements? Would it be any of the more powerful nations like the U.S., Russia, China, India, Canada, Brazil? The European Union? How would religions be represented? And what about intellectuals, humanitarians, universities, scientific academies?


Most exopoliticians today consider that the accumulated evidence provided by a Ufology of a scientific character in the last six and a half decades has sufficiently demonstrated that we are being visited by a variety of intelligent beings from the Cosmos. That “ufology” would include not only physical evidence but contacteeism and abduction research, both of them now also called “experiencer research.”  The exopoliticians would also consider that specific secret groups from some of the more powerful of the world’s nations have covered-up this fact, perhaps – among other reasons – to study the technology behind the mystery. They also basically agree that, by conducting these investigations without any checks and balances from civil society, the rights of citizens have been in some ways violated. Moreover, they would say that research has been conducted using public funds without submitting to democratic supervision or accountancy.

Is all of this warranted? Has it all been done only having national security inmind or have there been abuses of civil rights, even perhaps unwarranted enrichment? As a species, we need to heal all this. We need to know who we are. Why would ET’s be here? Can we or can’t we handle the truth? While there’s evidence that a fraction of humanity is experiencing genuine contact events with a variety of beings, there is still too much denial, fear and old-style covert militarism handling aspects of this situation, some of it perhaps managed for the sake of power, under a paradigm of disconnection, under a secret association of top aerospace corporations, elites, unacknowledged covert military projects and intelligence teams “in the know.”

Not only our leaders, but the mass of humanity needs to grow up beyond such an unending projection of conflict that also projects a continuity of our Earthly fears, hateful subdivisions,selfishness and conflicts into the Cosmos.


The growing emergence of credible whistleblowers who (in order to defend democratic ideals) reveal that they worked in secret government projects investigating UFOs and different kinds of extraterrestrial information is quite extensive.  It is sufficient to carefully read the declarations recorded by the “Disclosure Project.” However, these and other informants and/or “whistleblowers”/credible concerned citizens have openly decared in venues such as “Project Camelot,” and “The Citizen’s Hearing for Disclosure.” In fact, Exopolitics Institute founder Dr. Michael Salla has also conducted interviews with individuals like William Mills Tompkins (with documents accrediting he worked for aerospace firms and for the U.S. Navy) regarding the existence of a secret space program dating back to the 1940’s.


Important cases indicative of the reasonable possibility that some of the effects were best explained by considereing the activities of technologically-advanced, non-human intelligences were researched and/or assessed by a high-ranking French team of security experts and scientists who produced the so-called “COMETA Report.” Furthermore, testimonies from military and government officials attesting about important (and even nationally recognized) unique UFO cases have been gathered by reporters like Leslie Kean. Also, the number of declassified UFO documents from countries like England and Brazil is significant. All of this and much more points to a physically real phenomenon, sometimes interactive, sometimes exhibiting intelligent behavior; a phenomenon that is already being officially investigated in several countries. Therefore, in a way, the U.S. is becoming an “odd” super power by not unequivocally publicly recognizing an interest in UFO research. Moreover, leaked classified documents (which in some cases have been carefully analyzed verifying their autheticity) exist. For example, see the work of Dr. Robert Wood (former Mc Donald Douglas scientist) on the SOM-1 101 documents for this.

There have also been physical analysis of implants found in persons who claim to have been abducted; implants possessing truly anomalous characteristics (like isotopes not naturally occurring on Earth, a nano technology apparently connected to the nervous system, the lack of an inflammation response, the emission of electromagnetic signals and no sign of entry) all indicates that (unless all can be explained by secret military operations) we are really facing a complex, intelligent presence that can only be irrationally ignored by preserving our own ignorance while other countries with a more open-minded attitude move forward in understanding.

As per further evidence of direct contact, “experiencer” testimony, the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research on Extraterrestrial Encounters (F.R.E.E.) has conducted a major international survey for persons that claim conscious memory recall of having experienced contact(s) with non-human intelligent beings inconnection to UFO sightings. Thousands of individuals have already responded in various languages and some unique patterns have arised (often challenging some widely held assumptions about the contact experience and abductions). Whether we consider these reports as sufficient proof that objectively real extraterrestrial contacts are happening or not, it would be ludicrous – from a scientific point of view – to simply dismiss these reports. This is an important type of research that adds more credibility regarding the extent and plausible objective reality of the contact phenomenon and sheds new and/or more precise information about it. A link to F.R.E.E. is www.experiencer.org 

In addition to ancestral myths, stories and knowledge about “star visitors” there is well-researched, modern and old UFO photographs, some taken before the advent of the computer age. All of this points toward the realization that we are infact being “visited” in a semi-covert way.  “They” normally seem to show up briefly and on a limited manner and leave all too soon. There are lies and misperceptions or mistaken identities, but it would be unreasonable to dismiss all of it as such.


Above, first a 1943 photo from Huánuco, Peru researched by Mr. Juan Manuel Llanos (from the Asociación Peruana de Ufología) and then a 1938 photo from Poland researched by Mr. Robert Bernatowicz from the Nautilus Foundation.

Outright dismissal and apathy toward what could be a most significant, worldview-changing situation can be explained by a deep-seated “not wanting to know” expressing itself in multiple ways. However, perhaps under a different exopolitical approach, this can gradually (if not speedily) be reverted. Is it unreasonable to think that the attitudes of ridicule, ultra secrecy, fear, power-seeking, religious condemnation and denial could play a role in extraterrestrials generally not being more open about their presence? 


Since the Exopolitics Institute was created in the U.S., similar institutes and organizations have emerged in Germany, England, Spain, South Africa, Hong Kong and several high quality international conferences have been organized. The movement exists but has not reached a wider audience. One of themes more referred to in some conferences has been that of government secrecy. Another has been that of “Galactic Diplomacy.” Then again, friendly interactions besides forced interventions (abductions) conducted by some varieties of extraterrestrial entities have been mentioned. Also, some of the information brought by some contactees (showing some degree of evidence like photographs, other witnesses and videos) has been analyzed. Moreover, information from different parts of the world has been incipiently cross-referenced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o40fjoUNSY 


To simply say that the ET presence is “impossible” according to the laws of physics (such as those we havefound as per classical physics and General Relativity) would be to affirm that we know is where the limits of older civilizations stand. It would be equivalent to ignoring the fact that science often advances with amazing strides and that it continuously overcomes its own limits, finding unexpected ways to build on past successes. It would be equivalent to categorically stating that the non-local findings of quantum mechanics will never be applicable to large, everyday objects.  Perhaps by learning to distort the spatial energy density at the zero-point “quantum vacuum” and by understanding the non-local way inertia operates we would come to understand that the normal physical limits are a valid but also restricted to a local situation and within a range that can be overcome.


Engineers Tom Valone, Eugene Mallove and Thomas Bearden performed very interesting studies about how some of the elements of extraterrestrial technologies might operate. The“emDrive” devised by Roger Shawyer is also quite promising and only seems to violate Newton’s second law. These possiblities have to do with an interactive quantum vacuum. Parts of this technology might serve to generate forms of clean energy and may be released to the public if it is found that they cannot be weaponized.


In April 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC 40 witnesses declared before 6 former U.S. congressmen (and citizens from the U.S. and around the world) in a mock (yet damn serious) public hearing under oath. Peru was well represented by retired Coronel Oscar Santa María Huertas (who intercepted with his jet fighter and shot at an alien space craft during a massive daytime sighting above La Jolla Airforce Base in 1980, Peru) and by the attorney Anthony Choy (researcher of the “Chulucanas Incident” in northern Peru and one of the civilian founding members of OIFAA, the Peruvian Airforce’s Research Office of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena). Their declarations contributed to the “eye-opening” or “discovery environment” co-generated with the shocking declarations of the other witnesses. Former U.S. intelligence officers, veteran researchers with serious degrees of evidence about a cover-up, plus captains, sergeants, majors and coronels (like Richard French) from the U.S. and other countries, also contributed with their very clear and objective declarations that point toward extraterrestrial “visitation.” Retired Coronel Ariel Sánchez from the Republic of Uruguay narrated how in his country “anomalous aerial objects” are studied with greater openness, educating the civilian population without conclusive saying that extraterrestrials are here but (like other official research organizations in LatinAmerica) without discarding the extraterrestrial presence as a reasonable POSSIBILITY.


The former U.S. congress persons (Merrill Cook, Darlene Hooley, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Mike, Gravel, Roscoe Bartlett, Lynn Woolsey) had arrived to the hearing with some skepticism knowing little about the wide-ranging UFO subject matter but were quite impressed by the quality of the witnesses assembled. In the end they suggested that some other country or group of countries (perhaps Latin American countries) formally ask the United Nations to produce an international conference on the theme of UFOs/the ET presence. They did recognized that it was an important issue of global scope that concerns everyone.  A former Brazilian senator was present and promised that, upon returning to his country, he would promote this idea. Also UFO researcher Ademar J. Gevaerd announced that the Brazilian Air Force had declared that it would not only declassify thousands of UFO files (besides what they had already declassified) but that it would collaborate more closely with civilian researchers.

The in-depth studies of historian Richard Dolan and of other notable concerned citizens, exopoliticians, academicians and activists like Michael Salla, Stephen Bassett, Daniel Sheehan and Steven Greer seemed to show that the cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence will not be sustained for much too long. Hundreds of DVD’s containing the all the hearing’s declarations and inquiries from the former congressmen were sent to current congressional leaders but years have gone by and little or no interest has been shown. 

However, in society in general,the taboo that implies simply speaking about this likely presence is winding down. The same goes for events deemed “paranormal” which also seem to be “impossible” but which innumerable studies (including meta statistical studies such as those conducted by Dr. Dean Radin) show that they are not.

But what we need a more flexible mindset to create a more inclusive worldview in which science and these events related with subjectivity are compatible. We need to update the mental narratives that define or color our self-identities, doing it with empirically and scientifically proven awareness that we indeed participate in a vaster, psychical, conscious, multi-layered, coherent, non-local, feedback and feed forward, intelligent information matrix dependent of a more essential spiritual reality.

But what role will Peru and Peruvian thinkers play when the reality of this presence is (even if gradually or partially) finally revealed and/or vastly acknowledged? How will a Peruvian (or similar developing country) Government react when information about possible semi-legal agreements with some ultra covert military forces have been discretely made (without democratic supervision) with specific extraterrestrial groups, some of which may not have our best interests at heart? Will an international leadership form to establish contact with other, more pro-human extraterrestrial civilizations?

I surmise that Andean countries like Peru generally possess cultural traditions which are more flexible and adaptive, even to events that escape prosaic physical explanations. Populations have been culturally suppressed but have sincretically adapted. They found attractive commonalities between what they knew and some Western Christian beliefs and practices. While the acceptance of all forms of life is more natural in the original Native American traditions in which connectivity with subtle energies is also easier, the sense of the Sacred as felt and colored in relation to Christian Catholic concepts like the supreme Love, Understanding and Power of Jesus also connect some contactees (and potentially other members of society) with the possibility of interacting with very highly evolved, benevolent extraterrestrial and intra terrestrial beings.    

We strive in the modern, religious and traditional worlds without being excessively defined by any of these.  Its upside is adaptability. Its downside is not having well-defined values. However, unless modernity, decadent institutions, corruption, materialist and consumer values overtake us completely, we may have more possibilities for culturally adapting to new exopolitical realities and even of contributing some original perspectives to the emerging exopolitical movement.


I intuit that some of the ancestral Andean Traditions (in union with current/modern knowledge) can help us to produce our own theoretical models in relation to Exopolitics and in relation to the cultural transformations implied. After extensive reading and participating in a few traditinal ceremonies, I will use my own interpretations of what sone of the Andean concepts might refer to. A particular tradition called “Tinkuy” or “unforced encounter” may be intellectually (and feeling-wise) quite useful to connect with other worlds.


By means of contact “experiencers” in general and researchers like psychiatrist Dr. John Mack from Harvard; by means of information from whistleblowers and a long-standing research (at least since the beginning of the “Modern UFO Era” in the 1940s) which includes the physical and psychical aspects of UFO encounters, we can safely say that we know that contact events with extraterrestrials tend to produce physical space-time anomalies together with pronounced interactions between the minds and consciousnesses involved. As in Native American natural medicine (often erronesously called “shamanism”), what in modern times is  called “subjective” blends in with what is called “objective,” showing that these events correspond to other kinds of more inclusive, reconciling, interactive laws. This calls for a new kind of science integrating physics with classical and “paranormal” experience, consciousness, meaningfulness, rational metaphysics much more.


Perhaps the Andean concept of RECIPROCITY (Ayni) (part of a much more complex wisdom) can guide us. Maybe we can also demonstrate that, just as we have adapted in a syncretic but creative way (at least until postmodernism and excessive commercialism without losing our original identity) to European ideas and mores, to Christianity and Modernity during the processes of cultural crossbreeding and the assimilation of foreign cultural patterns, we could also adapt to the new world which would form under the open recognition of the extraterrestrial presence without undergoing an excessively intense cultural shock. Perhaps we (and humanity everywhere) will demonstrate that the essential esoteric teachings of our religions rather than disappearing would interconnect and broaden, get richer and deepen.


What if besides God’s universal laws and patterns defining what an ideal human being is, varieties of ETs (likewise ultimately dependent upon those and/or other patterns) also contributed to our gene pool? Should we be protected from that knowledge like everalsting children? No, because I think that we can grow up and adapt. But we need to know and not just that ETs are here, that there are kind and unkind ones, that some elements still called “the government” have lied to us or that there is advanced multiple reality shifting technology. I think that we need to know about our origins and who we are or were supposed to be in relation to beings that may have been active on Earth far longer than a few decades.

I think we are much more resilient and that the “Durant Report” conclusion for the “Robertson Panel”about the dangers of contacting a more advanced civilization was not too valid. The possibility of syncretism enriching rather than diminishing human civilization is real as long as the cultural leaders representing the highest wisdom of a civilization are not eliminated or suppressed. The danger would be when a civilization forgets the highest principles that guide it as can happen not only in Perú but also in the U.S. and the Western world which brought liberal democracy and with it, some univeral human rights principles that should extend worldwide but which may be hundered if we continue on a stubborn path of prompting elites, discordant ideologies, abusive exploitationof nature, commoditizing and objectifying people, continuous superficial entertainment and exalting winners over losers and violence.

What if the Ideal Man (the Adam Kadmon) was indeed a Divine creation in a higher (now mythicized) plane of existence and what ETs might have done as per our physical vehicles is but a small part of it all? What if ‘they’ need us to grow up and -due to our ignorance about who we are and lack of political unity – some go about it more aggressively while others more spiritually and respectfully? And among them, who would be more politically convenient to openly establish closer bonds with? Should we prioritize contacts with beings first willing to share metaphysical knowledge rather than contacts with beings willing to share a technology with the potential to mire us into firther cycles of conflict? Should we let any secret government appointees represent humanity and handle the exopolitics?

What we need is to become seriously interested in these issues and to participate by educating ourselves with a breath of vision, information from all sources and a critical but emotionally balanced mind. We need to expand our ethical embrace to all sentience, caring about and including those varieties of ETs that may have committed abuses and mistake in our past and which may still commit them (without necessarily allowing them to act this way with us any more).  We must learn to find out who those entities that respect us the most are and to ally ourselves with them. We must also not jump to conclusions as to who is positive or negative in a xenophobic way. The issue may be more subtle and complex, requiring a more integrative kind of logic.

How can exopolitics really develop in Peru interacting with the world? What are our potentials? There already is a certain flexibility and openness. There’s also a native way of thinking about complementarity between dynamic opposites in the original Andean tradition and it may be philosphically and culturally useful. But in “modernizing Perú” there’s also a growing allegiance to modern entertaiment and commercial, cultural, political, economic forces and a psychology of cynicism due to extensive corruption.

Our Air Force was open to receive reports from citizens and spoke openly about what was being reported or researched. If we – as citizens or even within institutions – were to collaborate with bona fide contactees able to communicate with beings willing to provide evidence this would give us an unusual recognition if we were able to become earnestly/responsibly interested and able to film -with interactive clarity – actual extraterrestrial (transdimensional) vehicles during programmed appointments for those sightings. Thus, can we seek this interaction with ‘them’ to help them be less ‘unusual’ in our presence by accepting them with the same respect they bestow on us? I think so.

As Latin Americans in general and as Peruvians in particular we can perhaps stand out in this type of “connective exopolitics” of…CONTACT; of taking a stance to relate Humanity and the Earth system with more benign, positive beings that respect us more thoroughly in order to learn and educate (they can learn from us as we can learn from them) in an essentially egalitarian exchange, respecting our common essence without generating dependencies. The Qu’ero people of the Andes and other native American compatriots perhaps know there are advanced beings that live underground among us in the planet. The Paco Pacuris”….They also are in the Peruvian territory protecting…Earth.


As a people we are a hope for the planetary future of exopolitical relations if we maintain and respect and enhance these benign relations. Possibly in all Native American traditions there is an easygoing, calmer acceptance of a variety of experiences that connect us with other intelligences, ancestors, nature spirits, even star beings. All of them – like humans (Runas) – simply are conscious beings. Accepting a relationship (Tinkuy) with other types of Runas (other “humans” or intelligent beings with differing inner capacities to connect and  toco-create) would simply extend the range of our “home,” that part of the universal tapestry that we can perceive, interact with and which imposes limits and responsibilities upon us.

What appears to our awareness, especially in a community-sanctioned form, can be incorporated into our reality system. Relationships are the main factors in non-polluted Andean thinking and only through relationships can something really exist. Concepts such as reciprocity, male and female complementarity in everything and parity (the idea that anything that exists comes in pairs), lend themselves to recognizing further relationships among all entities. This thinking tends not to be “essentialist” as in the Western traditions, but everything is considered “alive” and basically originating in what can be understood as a dimensionless center called CHAUPIN. Moreover, levels of reality (often connected with wat could be called “time frames”) are accepted and encounters between beings and realities are said to generate new forms of existence. Thus, a natural or unforced “encounter” (or TINKUY) with beings from other realities can generate creative outcome that enriches the tapestry of life. The distinction between worlviews, the sacred and daily life is less important and there’s an emphasis in responsibility. Feeling (munay), thinking/conceptually understanding (yachay) and acting (llankay) are integrated and equally important. 

The division of reality into three levels and four areas all of which originate from what may be considered an indefinable (maybe “non-dual” Source – the Living Energy or “Force” (Kawsay) – may also be another key concept, compatible with current philosophical advances like Integral Theory.

I think that, as a particular exopolitical expression, we can take the initiative of communicating more actively with protective beings in order to balance the Earth system, the expressions of its Living Energy or “Force” (Kawsay). In the Andean traditions it is understood that there is “heavy” force (or energy, so to speak) and that some beings live under it but benign curandero and priestly practices exist to lighten up this burden and heal.  Thus (as in other native American traditions) the existence of some “service-to-self” extraterrestrial entities could be more naturally accepted and there can be practices to neutralize or restore human and planetary life that has been influenced by them.  

Forgiveness and a fresh openness to a more positive path is possible and lies ahead.

At Teotihuacan, Mexico July 2014 sighting with Sixto Paz 

The first photo on the left is from Teotihuacan, Mexico when UFOs were seen during a meditation led by Peruvian contactee Sixto Paz Wells.  There are several other contactees and telepaths potentially capable of same. It’s important to continue with these pro-active, amicable human-extraterrestrial citizen efforts worldwide.

The second image depicts that when the center of the Andean Cross (Tawa Chakana) is placed over Cuzco a 45 degree angle to its upper-left center tip aligns with important sacred sites (Huacas) along the Capaq Ñan (Inca and pre-Inca road system). An intermediate line between the north-south line and the main 45 degree NW Capaq Ñan line would play an important part in ancient cosmic rituals related with alignment of the Earth and the concept of “tying up the Sun.”

“Chakana” means “bridge” (a bridge for an interwoven, relational, multi-level reality) and the “Tawa Chakana” (the four-sided chakana) also represents an Andean cosmology about how reality is structured and connected. If adequate, it may help understand how universal influences structure the cosmic tapestry that extraterrestrials (capable of modifying spacetime and of utilizing psychic, spiritual and material aspects) also understand. It could be useful to understand the creation, relationships and connectivity among realities born from the unforced encounter (Tinkuy) of distinct realms. 

This symbolIt has an open center (Chaupin) or Source of Life. “Yana” would mean “pure” or “flour” or “clear”. “Yanan” (also meaning dark) would represent dependent reflection, a necessary illusion. “Masintin” would represent a specific influence among equals or a parts-generating influence which can be conflictive or cooperative. “Yanantin” would represent the ideal harmony between two opposites that complement. Yana, Yanan, Masintin, Yanantin would be primordial influences that combine into 4 areas of expression and each would basically express within three “worlds,” including an actual world of already-existing (organizing?) principles (Hanan Pacha) and an interior, emerging, future-oriented, potential and/or chaotic, but psychologically real world (Uku Pacha). The middle level (Kay Pacha) would be a world of perceivable, relational experiences for anyone living in it and would be generated by the natural or unforced encounter (Tinkuy) of the other two worlds. It would maintain the characteristics of the parent worlds but also be born (and relationally sustained) with its own original contribution to the tapestry of Life.

Ritual cosmological representations (“mesas”) made by curanderos (andean priests, ritualists or “paqos”) also often divide these into 4 general “spaces” (or “canchas”) formed by combining “Yana” “Yanan” “Hanan” and “Uku.” It is more speculative but, in a certain sense, “Masintin,” representing indivisible or unique entities in equal relationships with each other would correlate with “Hanan” (as clearly-given principles) and “Yanantin,” representing dual and harmonious, but less defined relationships, would correlate with “Uku.” 

There might be different combinations between the Hanan and Uku pachas giving rise to worlds of experience with different characteristics (perhaps different “densities” if they are physical). From our physical perspective the Hanan Pacha would correspond to what is called the Seed World in Vedanta Cosmology (Causal in Theosophy) and the Uku Pacha would correspond to what is known as the Subtle or Mental World. 

The basic Andean Chakana can also be multiplied as a fractal. The most advanced Andean “priests” (Ruwa Altum Misayoq) would be able to travel across many or all worlds by first going into the center. 

If our paradigms (theoretical models and methods) explaining empirical, interactive episodes with non-human intelligent entities and realities can be enhanced by ancient Andean traditions that can also complement and supplement other ancient wisdom traditions, current thinking on quantum physics (like the Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness) and emerging transdisciplinary and integrative philosophies, the stated goals of “Exopolitics” (as expressed in the 2009 Exopolitics Institute’s definition) would be facilitated.


Further information: http://peruexopolitics.blogspot.pe/2013/05/the-inca-tawa-chakana-and-integral.html

Contacting Friendly “Apunians” in the Andes: Vlado Kapetanovic Leading the Way

Vlado Kapetanovic
Vlado Kapetanovic

By Giorgio Piacenza What extraterrestrial civilizations would be most convenient to contact as friends and allies of humanity? Should “Apunians” be high on the list of a citizen’s contact initiative? Individuals currently claim they are contacting these helpful ETs. However, I also conducted the following interview in Lima, Peru in 1994 while  Vlado Kapetanovic Bulatovic was still alive. Mr. Kapetanovic (who was naturalized as a Peruvian citizen) passed away in 2005 and is considered to have been the first contactee in Peru to speak about contacts with beings from planet “Apu.” He was well-known and respected among ET-contact-interested individuals and UFO researchers. He was invited by Wendelle C. Stevens to the First International UFO Conference and – due to his inspiring, straightforward humanitarian message – received a standing ovation. He transmitted the feeling that relatively easy contacts with respectful, human extraterrestrials were possible.


Allegedly, people contacting the “Apunians” didn’t require any special preparation. Mr. Kapetanovic was born in Kolasin, Montenegro in 1918 and after the Second World War came to Peru to work as an hydroelectric engineer. Vlado was a kind, humble, affable and generous man who wrote “170 Horas con Extraterrestres” under the pseudonym of “Vitko Novi.” The book was published in Spanish, German and Italian, but also in English by Wendelle C. Stevens (in the English version 70 Hours were taken away from the title by mistake). Well, Vlado (like the Apunians) basically inspired benevolence. His first book (“170 Horas con Extraterrestres”) is more credible as it basically narrates events. Subsequent books (like “Galaxia X-9”) seem to be based on what he recalls and partially re-interprets about the history of the world, the creation of the universe and other things that were allegedly shown to him through three dimensional “time screens” on board an Apunian space craft. Besides Vlado Kapetanovic there are other contactees in Peru who claim to have had physical contacts with the Apunians. Among them, Sixto Paz Wells from Mision Rahma, Ricardo Gonzalez and Roberto Vargas de la Gala. One of the best known Apunians is called “Godar” and I also know a Uruguayan couple who have allegedly contacted Godar besides those mentioned. These contactees’ information about the Apunians matches Vlado’s but only partially so.  In Vlado’s case, they are more like “kind people” that interact with Andean shepherds in a helpful way and even accept prepared food and eat with them. They are said to come from another more evolved “galaxy” which Vlado calls “X-9.” In the other contactee cases, the Apunians come from “Alpha Centauri” and are sometimes contacted physically and-or holographically through artificially generated, visible space-time connecting, energy bubbles called “Xendras.”  They are human-looking and over 7’ tall but also considered very respectful and protective. Contacting this variety of Apunians normally requires physical, mental and spiritual preparations as if they maintain a higher energy state. Interestingly, the word “Apu” is very important here in Peru and refers to the powerful spirits of the mountains, to a “lord,” to something sublime and to community leaders. Allegedly, Vlado’s first encounter took place in Hydroelectric Plant of Huallanca, in Ancash, Peru and subsequent encounters took place in a small settlement of high altitude (between 11,000-13,000 feet approximately) shepherds above the right margin of the “Quitaraxa River,” near Los Cedros Creek, not far from “Champara” mountain and close to “Milwacocha.” One of the alleged witnesses was a technician whose last name was “Quispe” and another one was called Adrian Perez.  I haven’t located them personally to verify the story but can attest that, during some psychographic communications with alleged “Apunians” (communications in which some family members and friends were involved and which led to clear UFO sightings in the beach of the coastal town of Chilca, south of Lima), alleged “Apunian” ETs held Vlado Kapetanovic in high regard.


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I haven’t seen photographs or UFO films related with this case. It mostly rests on the authenticity Vlado exuded and perhaps on finding a few living witnesses. Mr. Julio Longo who lived with Vlado in Salamanca de Monterrico, Lima attests in favor of Vlado’s sincerity. Anthony Choy (well-known Peruvian UFO researcher) mentions that he met neighbors who saw UFOs near Vlado’s home. Tobías Sarmiento was Vlado’s replacement engineer at the hydroelectric in Huallanca and might still live. A man named Adrian Perez is mentioned in Vlado’s account but I haven’t met him. Veterinarian José Antonio Torre Ferrara allegedly met some of the witnesses of Vlado’s encounters. He lives in Lima and I’m going to research this.


Vlado Kapetanovic : Interviewed by Giorgio Piacenza  Vlado Kapetanovic (Vitko Novi), born in 1918, is a Yugoslavian electrical engineer who experienced hundreds of physical contact hours with the Apunians in the highlands of Peru. He is highly regarded by some people communicating with ETs in Peru and is a responsible altruistic man living a very simple life. This interview took place in Lima in September of 1994 and speaks about some of his first encounters with a very benevolent and old race of friends to the human race. GP– Who are they Vlado? VK– They are persons that live on a planet they call “Apu,” which is many millions of light years distant from our galaxy. GP– How do they look? VK– They look the same as us, yet they are physically better proportioned (than most on Earth). They can be as tall as they wish to; some are taller than two meters and some are shorter. GP– When did your contacts begin? VK– On March 10, 1960, at the Hydroelectric Plant of Huallanca in Ancash, Peru. One night the light went out… I was an electrical technician in charge of the plant… I went outside to start the D.C. emergency system and met with such a light that it seemed to be daytime. It came from a saucer resting on a piece of land between two nearby rivers. The security guard, Quiroz, told me not to approach because “they are persons that do much good up in the villages… they he-l us, make it rain and every-thing.” I just thought they were from the military because somehow they had passed through the electric cables. Nevertheless, I asked Quiroz where they were from and he said. “They are our friends from planet Apu.” Thinking that he was drunk, I told him to set down. Walking towards the light, I encountered two human persons. They saluted me in my own language (Yugoslavian), but this didn’t surprise me because anyone can learn languages. I asked them why they had caused the interruption and they answered, “Friend, we don’t come to Earth to harm anyone, but to help our terrestrial brothers…everything for others.” then they climbed into the ship and left. GP-How was your second contact? VK– On April 2, 1960, a technician and I went for a hike.1 On a plain we found shepherds with their animals. There was a campfire and suddenly one of the shepherds came to us and aggressively asked, “What do you want here?” I told him that we were hunting pumas. Then he abruptly said, “go over there.” Suddenly, another person approached from the campfire gathering and I recognized him as one of those persons that I had seen at the hydroelectric plant. He gave me his hand and the shepherd allowed me to pass through. We sat around and one of the foreigners stood up and said he would demonstrate a “gymnastic exercise” for our liking. He pressed some buttons on his chest, his pants became wider like balloons then flew around and returned. Thinking that I was being hypnotized, I walked back home. GP– How was your third experience? VK– On May 15, 1960, Quispe the technician and I went for a walk to the hills and we met with shepherds in huts near a campfire. Out of a hut came a crying boy and a crying lady. We asked this lady why she was crying and she responded that a week ago one of her boys had fractured his spine and several ribs. Then we went into the hut to see her boy. He was about ten years old and his body had a deep blue color associated with gangrene. We asked her to allow us to take the boy to the town of Caraz for treatment. She emphatically rejected this proposal because “the g-ds will come to heal him”. I was expecting them to dance naked and invoke the spirits when suddenly a small airplane descended vertically without any noise. Everyone around the campfire stood up when a woman stepped out of this craft, approached and went into the hut. Carrying the little boy in her arms, she took him into the airplane. Everyone around me kneeled down, but I remained standing until my companion told me to kneel. She then approached and said, “Please stand up. We don’t come to Earth to be thanked, paid, or worshipped on your knees because we have the sacred mission of doing everything for others.” We all stood up, She approached and I asked her, “What have you done with the boy?” She responded, “I disintegrated him into minius1 and then reintegrated him with healthy cells.” Again, I asked her, “What does that mean?” She made a gesture with her hands and turned seven sheep into flower vases. I still thought she could make me see anything through hypnosis. She commented that on Earth “We, as a people, usually think what we can see or do selfishly.”


“Then, where are you from,” I asked her, “From Earth or Apu?” “I am from Earth, but have lived in Apu for 100 years.” Then she moved her hand once again and the vases turned into seven doves. Some dogs ran after them and I thought, “Poor dogs, they are as hypnotized as me.” Suddenly, she moved her hand and the seven sheep reappeared. Then, the lady invited us to go into the airplane to see events on the “time screens”. Quispe, a few shepherds and I went into the craft and on the wall we saw a glass screen that began to reproduce everything we thought. We saw the birth and life of Jesus Christ and the way in which a section of Apu was somehow once connected with the Lake Titicaca region. We also saw how a “cellular planet” touched this region and promoted life. This is why there are some strange animals on the lake (such as the giant frogs) that were investigated by a team of French scientists. GP– What is the Apunians’ main message, Vlado? VK– They don’t know how to hate. They just reject the negativity and soften it. This is why they don’t have any wars. They are friends of all intelligent beings in the universe. If someone attacks them they disintegrate them and reintegrate them as a friend. Their main message is expressed by the phrase “everything for others.”3 GP– Do you still have contacts? VK– I have contacts every now and then. One has to concentrate and relax for this. But they are among us every day since they can appear as whites, blacks, Orientals or whatever is necessary.


  1. In “170 Horas con Extraterrestres” the first person to meet the Apunians along with Vlado at a small settlement while hiking above Quitaraxa is Adrian Perez. The second person doing so during a subsequent hike is Mr. Quispe.
  2. According to Vlado, the “minius” is the origin of all life, the smallest particle that exists between nothingness and a material something. Whatever name one chooses for it, this primary element of creation would be used to generate enough psychic force to create matter, alter reality, alter space, alter time, conduct instant healing, materialize, dematerialize, reverse age, etcetera
  3. After Vlado’s example, contactees Juan Acervo, Maruja Soler kindly greet people approaching them to learn more about extraterrestrials with open palms saying the phrase “all for others.” Vlado said that the Apunians specialize in helping living cells and that they were friends of all forms of life. Using the “minius” they could apparently generate “positive ions” that transformed negative situations into positive ones.


Is that a lizard on Mars – why is NASA silent?

ET, UFO, UFOs, sighting, sightings, alien, aliens, rat, lizard, rodent, Mars, Rover, curiosity, May, 2013, life, biology, news, discovery, Top Secret, NASA, classified, information, hackers, black hat,
Curiosity photo showing lizard on Mars. Click image for original NASA photo. Credit: UFOsightingsdaily.com

A photo from the Mars Curiosity Rover reveals what appears to be a small animal or lizard on Mars. The photo was taken on February 20, 2013 by Curiosity’s MASTCAM and a high resolution copy is available on NASA’s JPL/Caltech website. The image was originally discovered by a Japanese researcher in March and uploaded to Youtube on May 14. The small figure appears to have a tail, four legs and has the characteristics of a lizard. If the object is indeed a lizard, then the photo from NASA’s own Curiosity mission not only reveals that life exists on Mars, but is also evidence that NASA is ignoring direct evidence of life.

Here is what Scott Waring from UFO Sightings had to say about the Lizard looking creature:

This odd creature was discovered on Mars by a person in Japan in March. This animal was not the first to be discovered in NASA photos but is in a long line of strange creatures. Remember the last one we reported that was very similar to a squirrel … Well this one also seems to resemble a rodent but also may be a lizard. With water existing on Mars in small amounts, its possible to find such desert animals wandering around…although very rare mind you.Then again, is NASA placing animals from tiny cryogenic chambers inside the rover onto the surface of Mars to conduct tests?

The Martian squirrel photo that Waring is referring to is discussed here. Again, another photo from NASA’s Curiosity mission that appears to show an animal on Mars – yet NASA remains silent. Why? Is it, as Waring believes, because NASA is secretly conducting biological tests with terrestrial animals secretly transported there?

The official answer from NASA/JPL is that the Curiosity Mission is designed to find evidence of the conditions for past life on Mars in rocks and soil – e.g., water and chemical compounds necessary for life. Any evidence of current life on Mars is outside the mission parameters of the Curiosity mission. This in itself is noteworthy given evidence that the 1976 Viking Mission conducted tests for life on Mars and the original results were positive, and then deemed inconclusive. The ensuing controversy has not abated with new scientific analysis upholding the original positive results that life was found on Mars.

Also, Dr Thomas Van Flandern former Chief Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory released his own research findings about photos from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft that there was current vegetation on Mars in the form of shrubs, and trees. In an April 5, 2001 Press Conference at the National Press Club, Washington DC., he presented his evidence of vegetation on Mars along with his analysis of evidence of artificial structures. Van Flandern also revealed the strong opposition to him publishing his findings in peer reviewed scientific journals – a clear way to minimize the ground breaking results that there was photographic evidence of life on Mars. Despite Van Flandern’s professional standing in the astronomical community, NASA and the scientific community ignored his pioneering research revealing vegetation on Mars.

Despite ongoing controversy of the 1976 Viking experiments and Van Flandern’s analysis of photos revealing vegetation on Mars, NASA decided not to include scientific equipment for testing or analyzing data suggesting current life on Mars. Consequently, the Curiosity mission is not designed to analyze any evidence of current life on Mars. As a result, any photographic images of life roving the Martian surface is either ignored, or is dismissed as an anomaly by NASA.

What is the general public to conclude about NASA’s Curiosity Mars mission and lack of equipment for discerning current life on Mars? As the anomalies pile up, we see more and more photographic evidence of what clearly appears to be life on Mars, yet NASA continues to remain silent or obfuscates the obvious. Is the latest photo from Mars Curiosity evidence of life on Mars, or evidence that NASA is secretly conducting biological experiments on the Martian surface?

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Place your bet on extraterrestrial contact

UFOs-bettingIn a curious step forward in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, an Australian betting service is now accepting online bets for when a major government announces ‘Contact’. Sportsbet is an Australian online betting service and in its novelty bets category it has a bet for “First Country to have contact.” So far the USA is the favorite at 3 to 1, but Australia is a close second at 4 to 1, followed by Russia and China both at 6 to 1. Long shots are Scotland and New Zealand at 41 to 1. October 2013 has been set as the deadline for the contact announcement by an official Head of State. The Alien contact bet might just be a curiosity from a nation of gamblers. Alternatively, someone in high authority knows something we don’t and has leaked information about a forthcoming major announcement about official contact with extraterrestrial life.

The Sportsbet specifically states that the bet:

Applies to the first standing head of state to confirm their country has been in contact with alternative life beings from another planet before Oct 2013.

Bets can be placed from most countries around the world. If you reside in the USA, unfortunately you will not be able to bet. The alien contact bet comes soon after a group of six former members of the U.S. Congress heard a “Citizens Hearing on Disclosure,” and then called for the United Nations General Assembly to convene an international conference on extraterrestrial life. The former Congressional members were betting on the United Nations rather than the US Congress to take the lead on gathering evidence of extraterrestrial life, and making any public announcement.

Cultural attitudes about alien life are shifting in a way that suggests humanity is getting ready for a major announcement that we are not alone – or at least is ready to make bets about it. My own bet is on Pope Francis I to be the first Head of State to announce official contact.

The Vatican has been allowing its astronomers to make public statements about the theological implications of extraterrestrial life over the last four years. According to a best-selling book, Exovaticana, the Vatican is positioning itself to work closely with extraterrestrial intelligences to establish a new global faith. According to the authors of Exovaticana, Chris Putnam and Tom Horn, alien contact has already happened. If you want to explore evidence that official contact has already happened and Vatican officials have played a role, then another book worth ordering is Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET.

If Pope Francis or another Head of State plans to announce extraterrestrial contact, they have until October 2013 to do so – otherwise there will be a lot of disappointed alien contact gamblers.

Interacting with Extraterrestrials after Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure

Citizen Hearing and Galactic DiplomacyI agree with Dr. Michael Salla. This is the begining of a new phase in Exopolitics. It’s time to become more active in Galactic Diplomacy. At the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure (which took place at the National Press Club in Washington, DC with high professionalism, honor, heroism and quality) the former U.S. congressmen and consgresswomen that heard and questioned the highly credible witnesses and researchers (between April 29 and May 3rd) basically suggested that one or more Latin American countries (already possessing more flexible and open UFO research attitudes than the U.S. oficial position of blank denial and suppression) could -as members of the United Nations- request to the UN: 1) The establishment of a permanent research office to investigate all aspects not only of “UFOs” as a curious, anomalous, statistical phenomenon but also the social, political, cultural, scientific implications of a (varied) intelligent extraterrestrial presence active throughout the globe and affecting every nation in one way or another. 2) An International (UFO Extraterrestrial Presence-Exopolitical) Conference to deal with this matter more  seriously and to establish its credibility and importance among other world political leaders, cultural leaders, scientists, religious leaders, etc. In my view, these proposals will be successfully accomplished only in relation to every demonstration of increased cooperation among countries (leaders and citizens) which have not always had a relationship of complete trust and have tended to see themselves as potential enemies positioning themselves under competing geo-strategic alliances. The ET presence/Exopolitics will  demand greater, step-by-step united world efforts helping us to overcome nationalist differences. It’s a new series of challenges to become a more mature, cosmic civilization.

Attorney Daniel Sheehan also suggested to include the idea that, since technologies have been withheld from countries even if these could diminish the effects of global problems like Global Warming which seriously threatens member states (specially island nations), there would be grounds for the UN to become more active in extraterrestrial issues. I suggested the Maldives as a posible partner for the Latin American countries willing to act alone or in unison in the UN on this matters because one of its democratically elected presidents has been quite active in anti Greenhouse gasses legislation and might be interested in alternative tech. However, I think that some of the ET technology acquired through retro-engineering might be fine to reveal to the whole world but those elements that imply a greater level of maturity to handle with safety and which should not fall into violent or extremist hands should be withheld until humanity starts functioning under more evolved, inclusive or integral worldviews. Nonetheless, this research should be overseen and not allowed to be misused. Thus, education (especially on the nature of reality and derived ethics) is paramount to long term success. People should know that both science and religión don’t have to be destroyed but expanded and deepened. People should know that human life can be improved with knowledge of cosmic principles.

The problem would be 1) Latin American leaders becoming well-informed to be able to seriously recognizing the importance of the situation so as to set aside their local and regional differences and work to understand a global situation. While many leaders are noble in purpose, many still maintain the old tradition of taking advantage of others and of competing against each other by any means. They need vision and realizing that their worldviews do not correspond anymore to the many global problems we are facing. 2) Unity of purpose for a noble cause among these leaders.  It would be easier and more expedited if the presidents of these nations took the initiative at the UN rather than proposing this to their respective congresses and start a slow step by step process. These presidents are mired in many social problems in a (often cut-throat) competitive political environment in which their opponents will try to find any weakness to destroy their public images. Thus they need to be informed by credible witnesses and researchers and educated first into the basics and then into the complex ET presence reality approximately like the former senators at the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure were.
Galactic Citizen Diplomacy deserves all levels of engagement as Humanity is represented by everyone: Individual, United Nations, and country by country. The importance of well-intended, psychologically-balanced and objective private citizens having contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences respectful of our conscious choices is increasing.

We have the opportunity to start a new era of contacts and mutually respectful relations first with well-chosen, specific extraterrestrial civilizations. Then we can assist those that currently don’t seem to integrally respect us. A healing, conciliatory approach is needed. Thus next step is to be informed as to who is who among extraterrestrial intelligences; not to proceed in a xenophobic way, but to wisely (and I want to use the word “lovingly”) choose who are more convenient to contact on purpose and in relation to our highest ideals in order to grow in awareness unobtrusively and to gradually develop our humanity’s full potentials in a benign, mutually respectful manner. We need to know what mistakes and abuses were committed by “them” in our past and to forgive and reconcile with all our cosmic relatives. In the same vein, we must learn to forgive and reconcile with overzealous information controllers and enforcers “in the know” who committed abuses acting on our behalf or on behalf of more private interests, or, even on behalf of deceptive extraterrestrial entities. Richard Dolan’s reflections on what Disclosure and After Disclosure may entail can be helpful. A “witch hunt” will probably do more harm tan good.

Objectively analyzing much experiencer’s/witness testimony which can be cross-referenced with other testimonies, verified with released or leaked documents and with whistleblowers shows that there are many different types of intelligent ET life forms functioning with different, histories, attitudes, inclinations, procedures, interests level of technology and even the ability to reach into higher realms in order to generate effects in lower realms and to me it is clear that every reductionist, polarized view about them will be self-deceptive. We need an integral approach to study this complexity. They are neither saviors nor demons but beings which act towards us in ways that are kind and in ways that are less tan kind judging from our own our perspectives. However, we must choose how we want to be treated and, thus, we must become aware of who we are, who they are and what is the real history behind this interaction.  It is not a matter of all or nothing, black or white.

If we have not been “invaded” as in a typical Hollywood movie this doesn’t necessarily prove that some varieties of ET beings wouldn’t do it if they could, were the only ones coming to Earth or were allowed. But exopolitically-speaking, most likely they operate under their own collective engagement rules. Under these (for instance if unconscious acceptance were valid under engagement rules), the “invasions” could be subtler (as we come to accept certain groups instead of others) rather than overt as -in the latter case- the interests which many different groups of ETs have with respect to humanity (genetic, our mental-creational capacity, emotional, spiritual, energetic, etc) would be mutually challenged. Thus, my opinions is that no particular group or Alliance can exceed certain limits and all which are allowed to intervene may have a historical precedence and right to do so (in Galactic Exopolitical terms). According to how us or our representatives choose to engage different extraterrestrial groups (some of which may subtly deceive us if we subconsciously accept their principles) may increase the probabilities of humanity taking certain course of events.

Private citizens can and should engage in strengthening contact in a mature, caring, lofty manner. The more we become aware of this ET Presence reality and of our great potentials (coveted by different ET groups both in aggressive and respectful manners) the less we’ll be used as simple resources by some more aggressive varieties of these beings (some of which may be atrophied). In my view, we should more actively seek out to strengthen political citizen diplomacy (and oficial political diplomacy) with beings like those that were -at least partially- rejected in the 1950’s and 60’s because they did not offer technology in exchange of being allowed to conduct their projects covertly. These “space brother” types offered teachings (the expansión of philosophy and theology which attorney Daniel Sheehan advocated as important to develop a new ethics and more advanced worldviews). These latter civilizations (many of which looked human but which do not necessarily have to be human) offered a profound transformative possibility to improve ourselves (not imposing it on us) through our own efforts by learning about the spiritual and organizational principles of the Universe. There still are some few persons contacting them; some of them are in Latin America, although some in Latin America some persons may also be contacting deceiving ET types. However, I think we should increase our relations or “Galactic Diplomacy” with respectful extraterrestrials, not only to learn deeper principles about Life but to overcome our current cultural levels of nihilism, commercialism, materialism, relativism, cynicism and self-absorption but to be more properly allied with a protective, benevolent group.

While I realize that in the 1940’s there were some good reasons to establish a highly secret policy (for genuine patriotic reasons also to gain some time trying to figure out who’s who and to learn about some of the ET technology), leaving it all in the hands of those “in the loop” managing this knowledge without checks and balances and the participation of well-meaning, capable intellectuals, spiritual leaders and such also leads to a misrepresentation of humanity at large in the politics of the Universe. The rights a President has to generate an Executive Order was given by the People through its representatives in an assembly or “congress”and it is of lower legal priority than the Law-giving of the Congress and the People. We shouldn’t allow a break-away civilization generated after secret investigations and managing culturally differentiating technology to impose a “might makes right” exopolitics on the rest of us. We need to get involved in Galactic Diplomacy.

By Giorgio Piacenza

Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET

Front-coverGalactic Diplomacy is a new book that introduces first hand witness and whistleblower testimonies revealing that the USA, Britain, Russia and other major national governments have been secretly conducting, or known about, diplomatic relations with different extraterrestrial civilizations since at least 1952. These testimonies reveal that ‘galactic diplomacy’ (aka ‘exodiplomacy’) with extraterrestrial visitors began with discussions over the development of thermonuclear weapons, the first of which was detonated by the Truman administration in November, 1952. Diplomatic discussions then expanded to include issues such as technology development, alien bases, extraterrestrials living on Earth, human rights, and use of earth resources. In frustration over lack of government transparency with their citizens, some extraterrestrials began contacting private citizens to inform them of the true nature of alien activities on Earth, and diplomatic relations with governments. Extraterrestrial life has been discovered, and senior national security officials have been reticent to disclose this fact not only to their citizens, but to most elected representatives. While the traditional approach among UFO researchers has been to accumulate further evidence to indisputably prove the existence of UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis, after seven decades of officially sanctioned deception, such an approach is no longer suitable. The information age makes available the evidence of visiting extraterrestrial life at any computer terminal around the world. A new approach to the massive evidentiary pool is necessary.

Galactic Diplomacy prepares the reader for the fact that technologically advanced extraterrestrial life exists, and has been visiting our planet since at least the 1940’s. This fact has been kept secret by a carefully orchestrated set of policies developed by national security officials with the historic support of a small select group of elected government representatives. These policies are implemented in highly classified compartmentalized programs with strict need-to-know security provisions in place. This means that the vast majority of government, military and corporate officials are simply out of the loop on the extraterrestrial issue.

Not only have select governmental authorities deceived their citizens and peers about extraterrestrial life, but major governments led by the U.S. have secretly entered into direct diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial life. Most disturbing is evidence that some major governments, principally the U.S., have entered into secret agreements with some extraterrestrial groups that have de facto ‘treaty’ status. Some of these agreements concern the acquisition and development of extraterrestrial technology, and their advanced knowledge, found around the world or in outer space.

“Galactic diplomacy” – which I use as a synonym for “exodiplomacy” – is currently a highly classified national security program where a select group of authorized government, military and corporate officials, are secretly meeting to discuss extraterrestrial life and technology. In some cases, these officials are communicating directly with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The reader has basically three choices given the startling evidence that galactic diplomacy is secretly occurring. The first is to dismiss testimonial evidence of extraterrestrial life, and tacitly allow select government authorities to indefinitely continue their secret galactic diplomacy. Debunkers typically raise the cliché “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof,” and proceed to establish an extraordinarily high standard for accepting any evidence as admissible on the issue of extraterrestrial life. They then proceed to debunk all evidence for alien visitors to our world on the basis that none of the testimonial evidence reaches the extraordinarily high standards required to prove “extraordinary claims.” Yet, truth remains true even when one is unable to prove it. Eyewitness testimony doesn’t cease to be evidence simply because a witness or whistleblower can’t prove what they saw or experienced.

Exposing governmental agreements concerning or directly involving extraterrestrial life is the second choice before us given the evidence that galactic diplomacy is secretly occurring. Becoming active in a global process to pressure government authorities to disclose all they know about alien life and technology, will be the preferred choice of many once the evidence persuades them.

The third choice is the most proactive. It invites the reader to seriously contemplate becoming active in a citizen based diplomatic outreach with extraterrestrial civilizations visiting our planet. This choice will appeal to many who are disheartened by the depth of deception by select national security authorities over the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Galactic Diplomacy is a book that assists those attracted to the second and third choices over how to react to the exodiplomacy that has been occurring. Those desiring to expose secret governmental activity in diplomatic relations concerning extraterrestrial life, will be given the necessary basic information tools to hold responsible government, military and corporate officials accountable for past policies, and to ensure governmental transparency in the future. Alternatively, those desiring to become active in citizen diplomacy initiatives will be given essential information for discerning the motivations and activities of visiting extraterrestrial civilizations. This is indispensable for practicing a citizen based form of galactic diplomacy.

Getting to Yes is the title of a popular book in the field of conflict resolution that reveals how to conduct negotiations based on recognizing all the parties “needs” or “vital interests”, rather than positions. A necessary first step is recognizing the needs of all parties in a negotiation, and having them adequately represented. In “principled negotiations”, all parties interests are represented. When it comes to the visitation of extraterrestrial life, testimonial evidence reveals that private citizens are a party whose vital interests in secret negotiations have not been represented at all. This indicates that secret negotiations are “unprincipled” according to the model developed in Getting to Yes.

“Getting to Yes with ET” is consequently not solely diplomatic activity secretly pursued by government, military and corporate entities from around the world, but an inalienable right that belongs to private citizens. Private citizens have a right to have their interests directly represented in any negotiations where their vital interests are involved. In the United States, this is recognized in the Constitution where diplomatic agreements require ratification by the two thirds of the U.S. Senate which directly represents the interests of private citizens. Private citizens have an inherent right in being directly represented and/or participating in any decisions over who among the various extraterrestrial visitors are willing to satisfy our vital interests in any diplomatic agreements. Guaranteeing a direct role of private citizens in any agreements reached with extraterrestrial civilizations will ensure that our vital interests are met, and we properly evolve as a planetary civilization. The choice is up to you. Order your copy of Galactic Diplomacy and prepare yourself for the grandest adventure of all – the journey to galactic citizenship!

Note: This article is an extract from the “Introduction” to Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET (Exopolitics Institute, 2013).  Release date on Amazon.com is Father’s Day, June 16, advance autographed copies will be shipped by May 30.

Copyright. Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.


Exoconsciousness: Rebecca Hardcastle Wright Leads UFO Class


downloadThe International Metaphysical University launches an online paranormal class taught by Exoconsciousness expert Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD

VIENNA, WV, April 25, 2013International Metaphysical University (IMU) is proud to announce a new course in the emerging fields of ufology and the paranormal—Introduction to Exoconsciousness—by Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright.

As creator of the term, as well as researcher and expert on Exoconsciousness, Rebecca’s course prepares students to move into the next phase of academic analysis in ufology—Consciousness.

According to Rebecca, “an Exoconscious world-view 1) clarifies the intention of our relationship with extraterrestrials, 2) constructs the framework for distinguishing between various extraterrestrial motivations and behaviors, 3) matures and advances us to higher states of consciousness for progression as an inter-planetary species and 4) opens possible communication and relationship with extraterrestrials.

Rebecca taught one of the first ufology courses in the nation. She works with zero point energy scientist and Apollo 14 Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and was trained by a Dr. Ruth Hover, a peer of Harvard Professor, Dr. John Mack.

Rebecca believes that “It is time for us to complement our commitment to the analysis of UFO sightings and craft with an examination of the influences and possible activation of consciousness via extraterrestrial visitation.

Through a series of twelve lectures, Rebecca opens the field of Exoconsciousness:

  • Foundational Pillars of Exoconsciousness: Quantum Physics and Subjective Experience
  • Survey of Types of Extraterrestrial Contact:  Experience, Abduction, Contact, Supernatural, and MILABS
  • Overview of Religion and Extraterrestrial Contact
  • Human- Extraterrestrial Origins: Historical, Scriptural, Mythological and Spiritual Evidence
  • History and Analysis of Mind Control: Research, Projects and Experiments
  • Quantum Holographic Consciousness: Principles, Manifestations and Subjective Experiences
  • Embodying Exoconsciousness: DNA, Genetics, Epigenetics
  • Exoconsciousness as Eighth Intelligence: Theory of Multiple Intelligence Proposing 8th Psychic Intelligence
  • Extraterrestrial Motivations and Hybridization
  • Exoconscious Abilities: Examination of Human Extraterrestrial Abilities
  • Creating an Extraterrestrial Reality
  • Exoconsciousness: Implications for Advancement of Human Consciousness

Rebecca welcomes students to the course and values their wisdom and experiences. “Practicing Exoconsciousness we embrace both science and psychic abilities. We learn to live in the non-local with our feet on the ground.”

For more information about ufology and Rebecca Hardcastle Wright’s class, please visit http://intermetu.com/courses/paranormal/exoconsciousness/ or call 1.304.295.4411.

The International Metaphysical University is an online metaphysical university offering a master’s degree in metaphysics and majors in fields such as consciousness studies, holistic health, intuitive arts, paranormal studies, shamanism, or ufology.

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright is author of Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind.

You can follow Rebecca on her blog http://rebeccahardcastlewright.com/ 


Media Contact:

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD


While the White House Sleeps – UFO news hovers

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure dislodges former Congress members’ skepticism

Washington DC – Little question remains that the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was indeed a staggering close encounter of the Fourth Estate kind. Yet, blinkered journalist, the White House and the big boys at ABC – CBS and NBC didn’t quite get the message – or, if they did, they’re not letting on they know about news of the UFO cover-up nipping at their heels.

In addition to The Huffington Post’s*Lee Speigel and Mitch Potter of the Toronto Star’s Washington Bureau** leading the way in premier press coverage, the biggest coup of the hearing – the former Congressional leaders did get the message.

It was almost as if a surgically rendered tactical lobotomy was performed by each witness on the former Congressional members. Under the watchful eye of CHD organizer and Chief Surgeon Stephen G. Bassett – with no anesthesia needed, the evidence perplexed, astounded and ultimately convinced each Congressperson that – there is truly something very strange going on in our skies and deep and dark factions within the US government know all about it.

Just down the road while the White House slept, the UFO news hovered. Sustained by in depth accounts by 40 expert witnesses, the evidence virtually grabbed the entrenched and oft-times skeptical mind-set of six former Congressional leaders by the scruff of the neck – shook out any Thomas Aquinas knots of doubt, leading each member to assume a 180 degree turn-about by the end of the week on the authenticity of UFOs and ETs engagement of the planet; each of their Friday summations professed unanimous support for the Disclosure effort. A declaration proposal was formulated to present to the UN – “We’ll hear more about this soon,” said Bassett.

Waves of documentation about UFO sightings by pilots, radar confirmation by the FAA, the scrambling of military jets to chase UFOs and an onslaught of de-classified documents lapped at the shores of incredulity over the five days – proving unequivocally that the US government and their intelligence agencies know and have known full-well for 65 years what’s going on. Secrecy reigns supreme.

What did we learn?

  • Trillions of dollars neatly sequestered in SAPs (Special Access Programs) to develop reverse engineered craft (ones simplistically modeled after crashed UFOs),
  • Documents showing that Presidents and elected official have been left out of the loop,
  • The astounding realization that Congress and the Senate as democratic bodies of oversight have no inkling about the ET state of affairs in their crumbling democracy,
  • This squirreling away of trillions has sucked the life out the American education system, health care and augers the eventual death of social security programs; despite the hyperbole emanating from the ever tensing jaw of one – Barrack Obama – that the nation is strong,
  • UFOs are real – we are not alone.

Proof?  You ask… Well – if you’re a journalist asking that – can’t help you there – you weren’t in attendance to see and hear what was proven ten times over on each day of the hearing by people like expert researcher and author Richard M. Dolan and UFO archivist Peter Davenport of NUFORC. So – get out there – do the research for the love of Mike – get up to speed on the politics and research behind the biggest story on the planet… orrr – keep on covering the size of Kim Kardashian’s waistline and Congressional grid-lock (yawn). Continue to ridicule the UFO phenomenon on the basis of ignorance and wax on endlessly about why Brad Pitt is the sexiest man alive.

There is, however another choice you can make: Join the movement- become part of the inevitable wave of disclosure due to strike the shores of a very troubled and tired democracy. ZNN is open and willing to assist any news organization to connect with the leading experts and officials in the military, research community and legal profession to acquire documentation and sources on this matter.

So, how can you get the full view of what went on?

Well.. ZNN will do stories and radio over the next while on the event – to focus in on specifics – that’s what we do. But want the best scoop zone? Go to the Huffington Post and join Lee Speigel*. He has brilliantly assembled a ‘day-by-day’ chronicle of the entire CHD. Spiced up by clever insights and well crafted commentary, the facts all come out. Having been at the hearing over 5 days – ZNN monitored all the media reports – Lee’s accounts are the most comprehensive over the 5 days.

Have a peek – it’s almost like being there.

Other top-notch coverage:

– Front page print edition coverage Mitch Potter**  The Toronto Star – Washington Bureau.

– Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Media page.

-In essence there’s a message here for the neophyte and hard-ball blinkered journalist.  It adds up to one very simple question: UFOs are real – the government knows it – why don’t you?

Victor Viggiani M.Ed.

News Director

The ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Toronto | Canada

905.278.1238 | zland@sympatico.ca

A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

Summer Semester for Exopolitics courses start May 20, 2013

ExoCertificcate-Logo-300x300[May 4, 2013 – Kona, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is proud to announce that classes begin on May 20 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Summer 2013 Semester are:

Exo-102 – Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Civilizations, Course Instructor, Manuel Lamiroy, Lic. Juris.

Exo 103 – Best Evidence: Expert Witness Testimony and Views on the ET Presence, Course Instructor, Paola Harris, M.Ed.

For 2013 schedule click here.

Some comments from students completing earlier courses with Summer instructors.

  • We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student. – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102 – Summer 2012
  • As Ben Kenobi said : “ That’s good . You’ve taken your first step into a much larger world “ – Stanley Ho, Hong Kong – Exo-102 – Summer 2012
  • You’ll learn of a variety of professional people’s experiences that –taken together- build a good case for the reality of extraterrestrial visitations on Earth – Giorgio Piacenza, Peru – Exo-103 – Summer 2012
  • If you would like in depth, first hand, best evidence information from Witness Testimonies about the ET Presence, Paola Harris’s class is the one to take.. – Michele Magnum, Michigan, USA. Exo-103- Summer 2009

For student comments on these and other courses – click here

Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession.

The certification program offers a three-tiered system of courses and seminars that each culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

a. Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.

b.. Exopolitics Diploma – Second level certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These three certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here

Email: courses@exopoliticsinstitute.org

Phone: +1 202 470 0140

The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kona, Hawaii. Website: http://www.exopoliticsinstitute.org

Eisenhower threatened to invade Area 51 former US Congress members hear testimony

Eisenhower threat to invade Area 51In sensational testimony submitted on the final day of the Citizen Hearing on [UFO] Disclosure, six former members of the U.S. Congress heard from a former CIA agent about an incident involving President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials. In a video testimony played today before the retired US Congress members, the agent alleged that President Eisenhower sought to gain information from a secret control group called MJ-12 about alien related projects at a facility near Area 51 called S-4, both of which are located in a remote region of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. When denied the requested information, Eisenhower allegedly authorized a personal message that the agent and his immediate superior would deliver to those in charge at Area 51 and S-4. The message was a direct threat that he would authorize a military invasion of Area 51 and S-4 if his request for information was not carried out.

The former CIA agent is currently aged 77 and suffering from acute kidney problems and has only several months to live. A 15 minutes segment was played out of a longer interview where he went on the public record about how he was recruited by a senior CIA operative located out of Langley, Virginia to work with the CIA on the issue of extraterrestrial life. At the time of his recruitment in 1958, he had just completed training at the US Army Signal Training Center, and began working as an Army cryptologist. He said that he was recruited by the CIA operative because it would give him significantly more money than he was earning in the Army. His first assignment was to examine files on UFOs and extraterrestrial life submitted from USAF base at Fort Belvoir, which were different to the Project Blue Book files studied at Wright Patterson Air Force Base that were eventually released to the general public.

In response to questions from UFO historian Richard Dolan, the former CIA agent went on to explain how in 1958, he and his boss – the CIA operative – were summoned by President Eisenhower to the Oval Office. The President, who was accompanied by Vice-President Nixon, told the agent and his boss that he was trying to get information about efforts to learn about extraterrestrial life and technology. The agent said that according to President Eisenhower: “MJ-12 was supposed to find out, but they never sent reports to him.” The CIA agent said he and his boss were called into the Oval Office”. President Eisenhower said:

We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing…. I want you and your boss to fly out there. I want you to give them a personal message…. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. And if they don’t, I’m going to get the First Army from Colorado. we are going to go over take the base over. I don’t care what kind of classified material you got. We are going to rip this thing apart.”

In response to Dolan’s question, “Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51”, the CIA agent confirmed that Eisenhower indeed planned to so with the First Army.

After traveling to Area 51 and S-4, the CIA agent said that he saw several garage type doors with flying saucers in them. He described seeing a Gray alien at the S-4 facility that his boss “partially interviewed”. Upon returning to the White House, the agent and his boss relayed what they had seen at S-4. Significantly, the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was also present during the debriefing of the CIA agent and his boss over what they had witnessed at S-4 and Area-51. According to the CIA agent, Eisenhower was shocked.

The testimony of the CIA agent was admitted into the Citizen Hearing by the main organizer, Stephen Bassett, since he thought it was credible based on the research of Linda Moulton Howe and Richard Dolan. The CIA agent’s testimony yields important insights among which include:

  1. President Eisenhower had lost control of extraterrestrial related projects to a control group called MJ-12. This is precisely what Stephen Lovekin, who served in the White House Army Signals Corps, said motivated Eisenhower to give his departing Military-Industrial Complex speech in January 1961.
  2. The CIA was tasked with the study of extraterrestrial life and technology, and had access to USAF files located at Fort Belvoir. This helps confirms leaked Majestic documents that President Kennedy first approached the CIA to get access to MJ-12 documents dealing with UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
  3. Extraterrestrial technology was being studied at a secret facility, S-4, located near Area 51. This helps confirm the testimony of Robert Lazar who was the first to describe the secretive facility S-4 facility having several extraterrestrial vehicles in them.
  4. An extraterrestrial, a Gray, was secretly being housed at the S-4 facility. This helps confirm the testimony of witnesses such as Bill Uhouse that aliens were assisting engineers working on black projects attempting to reverse engineer alien propulsion technologies.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading


Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure – Will the US Congress act?

Committee of former Congressional Members sitting at Citizen Hearing
Screenshot of Committee of former Congressional Members sitting at Citizen Hearing

Today began the Citizen Hearing on (UFO) Disclosure at the National Press Club. Six former members of the US Congress began hearing 40 witnesses and experts reveal what they know about UFOs, and the extraterrestrial hypothesis – that some UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft. In the first two panels, four experts in each testified about the history of the UFO phenomenon and the likelihood that they are guided by an extraterrestrial intelligence. The event is being live streamed to the world. For organizer Stephen Bassett the hearings aim to stimulate the U.S. Congress to investigate the issue of UFOs, and whether they are alien in origin. The ultimate goal for Bassett is to pressure the executive branch of the US government to disclose what they know about UFOs, extraterrestrial life and technology, and lift what he calls the “government truth embargo.”

The motto for the Citizen Hearing is: “If the Congress won’t do it’s job, the people will.” The Citizen Hearing hopes to progress beyond earlier UFO disclosure related events at the National Press club – the first was in May 2001 – and get the U.S. Congress to act. Unlike earlier UFO events which were hold over a two hour period or so, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will last five full days. The former Congressional members will hear 30 hours of witness and expert testimony on UFOs, and the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Bassett succeeded in raising over a million dollars to fund his Citizen Hearing and related projects. Each Congressional member is being paid $20,000 which is a nice paycheck to hear people speak passionately about a topic that the former member may have had little active interest or knowledge about previously. This has led to some criticism, but so far Bassett appears vindicated insofar as the former Congress members have demonstrated keen insights into the political process and what is feasible in getting the current U.S. Congress take the UFO issue seriously.

The common element for the witnesses and experts is that the UFO phenomenon is very real, and raises profound questions about the occupants and their intentions. Are they extraterrestrials, interdimensionals, time travelers or something else? Why are they here, what are they trying to achieve by flying in our skies, and why has there been an official cover-up of this information? In the first two panels, the experts focused on the physical and documentary evidence to substantiate what they know about UFOs, and offered helpful insights into questions about the occupants of UFOs and their intentions.

The Congressional members agreed with the approach taken by the experts, and asked about the physical evidence of UFOs and whether it could be submitted for the public record. Interestingly, the role of religion came up a few times in discussions. It appeared that religion offered a means of moving forward on UFO disclosure, in the face of official political resistance. One of the experts, Daniel Sheehan, a former legal counsel to the Jesuit headquarters in Washington DC pointed out the Vatican’s interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Now that we have a Jesuit Pope, Francis 1, the Vatican could play the lead role in disclosing the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation as Congressional members suggested. Indeed a recent book, Exovaticana, argues that the Catholic Church plans to do precisely this.

All the members of Congress appeared genuinely impressed by the quality of the expert testimony and the range of official documents available for public review. By lunch time of the first day, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure already has succeeded in getting evidence of UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis taken seriously, at least by former members of the U.S. Congress.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

MSNBC Recognizes the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure. Who Will Follow Suit?

By Giorgio Piacenza

image002On April 12, 2013, The Rachel Maddow Show from MSNBC gave us a full segment on the upcoming Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure to be held in Washington DC between April 29 and May 5, 2013. Her segment was titled “Watch This Space”  and mentioned that, not long ago, the White House was forced to respond (after receiving 12,000 signatures) to a “We the People Petition” to reveal an extraterrestrial presence visiting Earth. While the White House’s Office of  Science & Technology Policy responded in the negative in that “there is no credible evidence” for this.  Could it be that the White House will indefinitely represent the policy of official denial in a world in which Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Belgium, England and other countries are revealing part of the UFO report files? Can a simple denial from an Office (which  probably is neither informed, or has cared to carefully investigate) appease the general citizenry (perhaps for a few more decades) and that’s about it?

Probably, official denial won’t hold too much water this time as a 5-day marathon fake hearing in a room configured at the National Press Club to resemble a Senate hearing with the participation of 5 genuine former members of Congress.  This event invites us all who are convinced that there is serious credible evidence of the extraterrestrial presence to support -as Ed Komarek says-our leaders for them to come out finding the courage to treat this subject seriously. We should be healing, rather than negative about our leaders since we are all part of the same human situation facing an eye-opening reality. It is a big step for our leaders to take as initially worldviews are questioned and “orthodox” science (it wouldn’t be likely for ETs  to get here they say) which is the official “common sense” standard for most institutionally-focused persons would also be questioned.   However as Rachel Maddow showed (taking an honest initiative among the large U.S. networks), it may take a make believe congressional hearing to allow the Government to take notice move on with the issue (as the U.S. is one of the world’s last holdouts of official government denial of a major country’s interest in the UFO phenomenon).

This is news as it may well be a sure-footed beginning…not unlike taking a first step into a new direction that can change the destiny of a major journey; a first long-lasting, political-cultural step towards recognizing the legitimacy and respect for the issue of the many important (legal, scientific, philosophical, spiritual, political) implications of a genuine extraterrestrial presence. More news networks and opinion-guiding institutions should follow (unless told to keep away or to downplay it?) in one way or another even if their spoke persons -by training and habit- may still attempt to throw to us a reaction-provoking, tongue-and-cheek style, either to dismiss or simply to create a form of controversy.  Bryce Zabel and Richard Dolan’s analytically-adequate book A.D. (After Disclosure) might also become newsworthy, at least among the next generation of the daring intelligentsia trying to catch up with the Exopolitical issues that should have been recognized about 65 years ago (and are already being seriously discussed by individuals like Michael E. Salla and Manuel Lamiroy).

Rachel Maddow announced that the five former senators will be paid $ 20,000 each to conduct the hearings. I don’t know about that detail but I know that the witnesses in general are seriously reporting very real -even if incredible- aspects of a worldwide phenomenon that could be admitted in many objective and impartial courts and that has been officially and non-officially recognized since the 1940’s but which, in spite of enormous amounts of adequate evidence (including physically analyzed alien implants ) it has been largely ignored, debunked, laughed at and distorted by most of our cultural, political, scientific and religious leaders.  Let’s study the whole of the Exopolitical phenomena inclusively, both in its objective and in its qualitative aspects.

Other important pro-disclosure events (like Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project gathering of important witnesses in 2001 at the National Press Club) have taken place and interest has peaked and subsided as the media gave a lukewarm coverage to them. However, Larry King from CNN was valiant enough to interview several key witnesses as well. This time there is a greater opportunity for the issue to cease being in the entertaining fringe boondocks of Fantasia and to gradually (or even sooner) become a cultural “meme” as seriously considered as the national debt or other normal political concerns. The more respectable individuals like former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer speak up, the less movers and shakers and regular folk will try to look the other way (so as to look respectable within formal culture). The less the issue elicits smirks, fear, denial or excessive, blinding enthusiasm , the more we’ll be able to collectively deal with its implications, change our selves on purpose as adults and (literally) soar to the Cosmos. My take on this is that dangerous technological secrets (one of the valid reasons for the cover-up/truth embargo) will still be kept for quite some time and -after some degree of official disclosure- we will continue with our lives while gradually opening up to a whole new world in which science, metaphysics and spirituality are seen as a more complete kind of knowledge.  Moreover, the possibility of strengthening positive, mutually-respectful relations with conscious human choice-respecting varieties of ETs could also come to fruition as this option would be in the natural interest of most people on Earth.

Let’s Support our Leaders UFO/ET Discosure Efforts

By Ed Komarek

Earthdaysiriusdocumentary-300x424Not since Operation Right To Know (ORTK) has there been the potential to gain as much mainstream media attention for disclosure, and of course as much controversy.  Anybody that attempts to break out of the Bilderberg CIA’s constraints and marginalization imposed upon us in the mainstream media will be attacked from both without and within.  This just goes with the territory.

The CIA’s assets in particular, the Washington AP, the Washington Post, New York Times and the LA Times can be counted on to mostly succeed in keeping the UFO community marginalized by using denigrating words and phrases, as well as attention to the Exo-flakes and Exo-scammers in the UFO/ET field.  This is all about information warfare, a 70 year covert attack on public consciousness by the Globalist Elite, to maintain control over ET technology and information.

     The propaganda press moves in on the early stages of a developing story, not only with UFOs, but in general, to propagandize and spin the collective conversation in the favor of the Globalist Mafia to control the rest of the mass media.  The CIA has even admitted publicly that they have their assets in every newswire and major newspaper in the country.  Furthermore, the Chairmen of these key media outlets attend the annual Bilderberg conferences and have been praised by David Rockefeller himself for not exposing Bilderberg, and for supporting Bilderberg’s Orwellian New World Order.
     Steven Greer using the Sirius Documentary is attacking the heart of the Bilderberg Mafia’s meal ticket, the secret classified monopoly on trillions of dollars being made reverse engineering ET technology and suppression of other technologies.  These technologies threaten established obsolete institutions, like the fossil fuels industry, transportation industry and medical industry. No matter that these centuries old mafia families destroy our civilization and the earth in the process, putting us into an evolutionary dead end!
     Steven Bassett is using the Citizen Hearings to break the Truth Embargo and move Exopolitics into the mainstream conversation.  The public conversation should be steered away from Unidentified Flying Objects that maybe exist, to Exopolitics and the issues and implications of contact.  Steve Basset is building a strong public foundation on whistleblower testimony same as Steven Greer has already done.
     Richard Dolan, one of our best, told me when he interviewed me recently for two hours on his radio program, that he supports Exopolitics as based on hypotheticals, but for me and those that have had direct and indirect contact it’s based on reality.  I have burrowed down locally to become directly involved with local contactees who have become good friends and experienced indirectly communications from the ETs themselves.  In one case my friends videotaped a craft and after I saw it, we had to erase the videotape as requested by the ETs.  These types of personal experiences run through many of my blog articles.
    Now that both these disclosure indicatives are hitting the mainstream press the controversy is heating up in the UFO community just as it did for us in ORTK.  In the case of Sirius, Steven is using a purported very small human with alien genetics to help market his Sirius Disclosure Documentary and his more general Sirius indicatives.  He is taking a risk that this could blow up on him, but I don’t think he is stupid enough to go out on a limb on this without feeling very confident that the limb is strong.  Steven is now taking heat also for “gasp” trying to raise significant sums of money for his greater indicatives and using his disclosure movie in the process  This is understandably upsetting some of his donors who expected the movie to be free to the public.
     Steven Bassett and the Citizen Hearing are taking controversy because his donor who is making another documentary using the Hearing, is paying former members of Congress $20,000 each to attend the Hearing.  Excuse me, but considering the fear of ridicule and the corrupt nature of politics today, how are you going to get members of Congress at a hearing without a large payment.
     The purists say not to play the money game to make disclosure, and maybe they have a point to some degree, but just look at my own modest disclosure effort promoting my book.  UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder available on Amazon is the best foundation book for Exopolitics presently available.  It has the potential to greatly assist in disclosure by providing a solid credible briefing based on the credible evidence supporting Exopolitics, and even more important takes the reader beyond collections and analysis, to issues and implications of contact.  We are fighting a formidable adversary that has a huge advantage over us in this psywar.  This is because they moved directly from collections and analysis to issues and implications to exploit ET technology and protect their institutions and industries 70 years ago.
     I have no marketing money supporting my modest disclosure drive. I am only reaching thousands of people mostly through distribution of the free Kindle Downloads in these special promotions allowed to me and through blog articles such as this one.  The purists even have a problem with a little trickle down money coming to me from paid sales of the well formatted print book and the Kindle.
     This, even though I have the book priced on Amazon at half the price of most books.  I make about the amount of my social security check of 350 dollars a month in royalties, so I figure I am making pennies an hour right now for all the effort I have put into this book.  I have spent 40 years researching and promoting disclosure at a cost of thousands of dollars right out of my own back pocket.  I even get criticized on the social networks for promoting the free Kindles. Jeez.
     Steven Greer and Steve Bassett are working with hundreds of thousands of dollars and they are reaching millions perhaps billions of people.  Let’s get real folks, even though it’s a corrupt system based on money, there is a place for people working within the system as well as those working outside the system like myself.
     Furthermore how come if our leaders in the UFO community are doing so badly that the critics don’t get out and pull the disclosure wagon themselves.  Why, because they are afraid and to disempowered to do so.  Now don’t get me wrong, there is a place for critics and I value honest criticism. We can’t let the Exo-frauds and Exo-flakes hijack the emerging field of Exopolitics before we hardly get off the ground.
     Some people feel like Steven Greer is running a scam just for the money, but look at what the man has been through all these years, as he is going to bring out in the Sirius Documentary.  Maybe there is some validity in the critic’s criticisms of Steven because he does exaggerate, but who’s perfect and Steven understands marketing.  Is Steven marketing something real or his he marketing a fraud?  I am still willing to give Steven the benefit of the doubt.
     What I am saying to the rest of the UFO community, and I think top people like Richard Dolan have also indicated, is give these folks a chance.  Of course the CIA’s assets in the mainstream media are going to do their best to attack the weak links in the chain and avoid the strong links.  This just goes with the territory.  Do we just retreat into a corner when we get a beating like whipped dogs, or do we fight back with everything we got!!!  If the critics got a better way to break the 70 year old Truth Embargo, I say show us what you can do, or otherwise just chill out for a while.
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Ed Komarek’s blog:  http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/

April Will Be A Good Month For UFO/ET Disclosure

By Ed Komarek

8d833e9e625d3acc239aabdd12d803aaApril is shaping up to be a good month for UFO/ET disclosure.  Many of us in the UFO/ET community now realize that appealing to governments to disclose is not going to work, and that it’s up to an informed public to disclose.  We believe that western governments will not disclose on their own because they are mostly being controlled by a Bilderberg global elite and their corporations.  This elite privileged class is composed of European royalty, international bankers, industrialists and international corporations.        We believe that the evidence from whistle-blower testimony clearly shows that trillions of dollars have been made the past 70 years from reverse engineering some ET technology, and suppression of other technology.  This process of technological insertion into defense and the marketplace is described very well by Col Corso in his book The Day After Roswell.
This 70 year old extraterrestrial technological bonanza has added immensely to elite financial and political power over the rest of us driving us toward an Orwellian New World Order.  Therefore there has been a very strong incentive by powerful global special interests to drag out the cover-up as long as possible to maintain these tech monopolies, even while falsely claiming national security issues.
Fortunately for the global public the Russian Oligarchy has lost a lot of ground to the Western Oligarchy since the breakup of the USSR.  The Russian elite now realize that the Western Oligarchy derives a lot of its power from exploiting and suppressing extraterrestrial technologies and that disclosure would weaken this power.  April has begun with the circulation of the reasonably accurate Russian UFO/ET documentary Men in Black with English subtitles on the Internet.  This has followed serious disclosure comments by Russian President Medvedev.

Medvedev referred the press to the Russian Men in Black movie months ago in an indirect endorsement of the documentary.  The Western press thought and reported that he was joking, thinking he was talking about the American comedy Men in Black.  However, you can see from this video clip that he was very serious.
On April 21 Dr. Steven Greer will be introducing to the public his long awaited UFO disclosure documentary called Sirius in Los Angles California.   We expect that Steve will describe in great detail the reasons behind the UFO cover-up in this cloud financed movie documentary.   Therefore this effort should really help take a bite out of the cover-up.

Furthermore, Steven Greer makes it very clear that it is the Global Elite who are now the overriding force behind the UFO/ET cover-up.  There is controversy surrounding a very small human or

.  Also some donors are upset because they felt they were contributing to a disclosure film not to be used as a marketing tool to solicit more funds for Sirius activities.
From April 29 to May 3, 2013 Exopolitical activist Steve Bassett will hold a citizens hearing in the Washington Press Club building that will bring a large number of UFO/ET whistle-blowers to testify to the mainstream press and to sitting and retired members of Congress.  Like Sirius this has been a very expensive undertaking that should really help build public and press awareness to helping with the disclosure process.   The controversy in this case is about the failure to disclose how much the participants in hearing are being paid.  It is being alleged that many of the participants in this hearing are being paid beyond expenses.
Already this month retired Airman Charles Hall has been on the lecture circuit in Australia describing his experiences with the Tall White extraterrestrials while working at Nellis AFB in the early 1960s.  Charles has written 4 books on the Tall Whites and now is promoting his new book on what he knows of the Greys.  Charles got mainstream coverage before the trip in Australia.
Not to be left out, I too am promoting my own modest low budget UFO/ET disclosure.  My disclosure efforts now center around a free Kindle promotion in which I am allowed 5 days every three month cycle to promote my disclosure book UFOs, Exopolitics and the New World Disorder free on Kindle.  It will be free on April 13, 14, and 15.  I will be on Richard Dolan’s radio show 9-11 EST, Saturday April 13. The nice thing about this modest disclosure effort is that no donations are required.  I only hope that people who have benefited from the book will repost in the social networks, so even more people can benefit beyond those I reach myself.
In summary we can do this folks, if we all work together.  It’s up to us to tip the balance of power for a full and open disclosure.   Every new person that becomes a UFO/ET activist is one more step toward ending this insidious cover-up that is destroying not just human evolution, but even the earth itself.  Please join my efforts on Facebook (I accept all friendships) and if you are on Twitter and other social networks please promote this article there as well.  It’s imperative that we work hard to promote good credible UFO/ET information and not just complain about all the UFO trash clogging up the social networks.

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Ed Komarek’s blog:  http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/

‘THE RETURN OF THE AEONS’ The Planetary Spiritual Ascension

Book Review by Come Carpentier

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform SC, USA, 2012

Richard Cook has undertaken in this work to write an autobiography or rather a ‘periplum’ of his rich and adventurous spiritual life journey that illustrates his conviction that, in his own words “a huge transition is underway in human consciousness”. He goes on to state that “…it can be demonstrated that for the last two centuries at least, the Higher Powers and Divine Beings that help God oversee the Universe are also here, accelerating their activities on earth collectively. I call these beings the Aeons, using a term from the ancient Gnostic texts”. He identifies those Aeons as the Elohim –gods and goddesses – clearly designated in the Torah as the creators of the Universe and of all beings in it, including man and he equates them with the Angels of later biblical passages and with the Bodhisattwas of India and East Asia. In that light so-called “monotheism” is inseparable from its “polytheistic” counterpart as all religions attest in one way or another.

In his preface, the author lays out his goal and though his initial textual reference is the esoteric tradition stored in the many  volumes pertaining to the Chaldeo-Egyptian Gnosis, he aims to relate those abstruse teachings to many of the other ancient and contemporary spiritual schools of wisdom of East and West which he studied all along his life. Indeed the Greek term “Aeon”, alluding a very long period of time, is an etymological cognate of the Sanskrit “ayus” which also means quasi-eternity and is applied to certain deities and Buddha’s of the Indic pantheon. Cook has concluded from his many years of peregrinations among the most varied mystical and metaphysical communities that “the ultimate goal of Ascension – to attain God realization – (is) to be experienced by many more people to the extent that it becomes the guiding principle of human and planetary life”.

An American who spent thirty two years in the service of the Federal Government, including twenty-one in the unromantic Treasury Department, Cook has been able, sometimes at great personal cost and sacrifice, to juggle a bureaucratic career with a quest for Truth that also helped me to live as a polymath indulging in the most diverse manual and intellectual activities. What may appear confusing to some at least at the beginning of the book is that he weaves together with great confidence topics that are not generally seen as related, such as meditational practices, sacred texts of various religions, contemporary channelings of parallel world entities, UFO sightings, the interpretation of crop circles and expert analyses of American and global political and financial processes of the past and present.

Though some of this inevitably reminds his readers of the theories of Von Daniken, Graham Hancock and many other advocates of extraterrestrial origins and alien spiritual guides, Cook suffuses his narration with the glow of his own meditational practices and experiences so that he never lapses into mere theoretical speculation based on sundry readings. He quickly points out the similarities between allusions to the divine essence in the most diverse testimonies, beginning with Jesus’ own citation of Proverbs 22: “Ye are Gods and all of you children of the Most High” and concluding that “…modern science is beginning to understand that the universe is an embodiment of intelligent infinity”.

One of the early formative influences in Cook’s spiritual journey was the school of Gurdjieff who had such a profound, though relatively little known effect on many prominent personalities of the last century. It is noted in passing that in his often-puzzling volume entitled Beelzebub’s tale to his grandson. Gurdjieff’s eponymous character travels in a celestial vehicle called “Karnak” and run by a perpetual motion engine. Gurdjieff also refers to Aeons in the higher Heavens, thereby hinting that he was an heir of the Gnosis, which our author describes, briefly in its main teachings before drawing the conclusion that the only choice open to human beings of any culture and spiritual tradition is between service to others and service to the self, between altruism and egoism. In subsequent chapters the notion of ego is analyzed, both in terms of yoga as a compound produced by a mind fixated on and deluded by the three lower chakras of the body and as the “false personality” diagnosed by P D Ouspensky, Gurdjieff’s most famous disciple.

In another part of the book Cook comments that all yogas are passages to God realization and that hence all religions have their yogas as “a spiritual path or religion without yoga is an impossibility”.

Some chapters are dedicated to a review of some of the most significant channeling material collected over the last few decades mostly in the US under the alleged dictation of various extraterrestrial, alter-dimensional or divine entities, such as The Nine referred to by Andrija Puharich and Phyllis Schlemmer in their popular tome The Only Planet of Choice or RA channeled by Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert who also wrote Secrets of the UFO. Some of this material is regarded with suspicion by many in America and even more so outside that continent but Cook shows that it fulfilled a very significant function by reviving the awareness of a metaphysical reality in an agnostic and materialistic society and he points out that “truth can only be known by awakened consciousness”. Furthermore those neo-gnostic arcanes inspired Gene Roddenberry, a member of the group gathered around the oracle of The Nine to create his world famous cosmic epic.

In Chapter 8, Cook argues that our planet and mankind are currently in a process of transition to the fourth dimension which he relates to Alexei Dimitriev’s theory of a cosmological vibrational shift linked to the entrance of our solar system into a new area of the Milky Way. He also refers to the Course in Miracles channeled by two Columbia University researchers, Schucman and Thetford in the sixties to highlight the nearly universal message that old age, illness and death are among the illusory perceptions that stem from the ego and have no reality outside of it.

The “Alien” factor reappears in chapter X which quotes the aforecited Only Planet of Choice in its affirmation that Adam is said to have been created by visitors from the sky in the Tarim Basin of Central Asia some 34 000 years ago, more or less as recorded in ancient Tibetan literature. There is also a discussion of the fascinating implication in various Gnostic texts that the so-called Archons, often thought nowadays to designate some of the Extraterrestrials, figuratively “put to sleep” the first humans to keep them in thrall or in a state of ignorance of their real selves. An allegory of that intervention may be found in the Biblical Genesis when the Serpent incited Eve to share with her husband the fruit of the tree of Good and Evil, thus leading to their metaphorical eviction from Eden.

The Kabbala and its very powerful symbol of the Tree of the Sefiroth also holds great fascination for Cook who studied the writings of the Bulgarian master O M Aivanhov, himself a pupil of Peter Deunov and also of Yogi Balaji, Yogananda’s master. After spending years immersed in the rather cold and unsentimental atmosphere of a Gurdjieff study centre run by Hugh Ripman, a World Bank official, near Washington DC, he acknowledges that he was eager for a more emotionally fulfilling and loving way which he found both with the Sufi master Abdullah Dougan from New Zealand and with the Indian spiritual teachers Swami Ramdas and Shivabalayogi (in his ‘second” incarnation as M P Singh), two in a long series of Hindu gurus whom he followed in their writings or in person over the years.

He observes that all those Eastern masters did not turn him away from Jesus Christ, the divine icon familiar from his childhood but rather helped him to discover him, just as the channeled teachings quoted earlier disclosed the cosmic nature of the Christic symbol as the embodiment of a being descended from a higher world or dimension. Some of the writers who contributed to the redefinition of Jesus in his allegorical and archetypical function according to Cook were, after the American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, Emmet Fox and Joel Goldsmith, the New Thought school as well as the books Love without End by Glenda Green and A Course in Miracles. They all tended to describe the phenomenon of Redemption as a spiritual awakening, fundamentally similar to the Hindu Moksha or Buddhist Sambodhi or Satori as to the Sufi Haqiqa or Marifa or the Chinese Tao. There is even a parallel with Nieszche’s controversial address in Thus Spake Zarathustra: “Lo, I teach you the Superman, he is that Lightning, he is that Frenzy”.

The popular Course in Miracles, also related to the RA Material and to Andrija Puharich’s channelings, professed a similar view of the Christ, echoed also by Aivanhov and the neo-Gnostics Bordeaux-Szekely and Samuel Aun Weor, supporting Cook’s conviction that some of the most fundamental breakthroughs in science are rooted in spiritual insights. He reminds us that Nikola Tesla stated that his discovery of the mechanism of wireless transmission of electricity was inspired by a meditation on John’s Book of Revelation and he relates the work of the great Serbian inventor to the insights enshrined in all those wisdom traditions of the past and present.

Cook’s spiritual development appears all in all to owe the most to the Indian traditions, both through his readings of some of the ancient philosophical classics such as the Bhagavat Gita and the Yoga Vahsista and his many years of study at the feet of various living Indian yogis (including Swami Satchidananda who gave him the Sanskrit name of Ramcharandas), who according to Gurdjieff’s classification in The Fourth Way embody the third and highest level of human unfoldment above the Fakir (physical) and the Monk (emotional). Our author remarks accordingly that “the spirituality of the modern world has been defined by Indian teachings more than by any other source” ever since the first Indian philosophical classics were translated into European languages, beginning with  Wilkins’s English rendering of the Gita in 1785.

Gurdjieff did not ostensibly acknowledge his own intellectual debt to India and Tibet which is apparent in various ways, also through the influence of various Sufi masters from the Naqshbandi and Chishty orders who adopted many precepts of yoga and Vedanta in their own teachings. His own interest in Sufi silsilas (lineages) leads Cook to reflect on the current resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism in its most militant and violent form in various regions of the world and like most objective observers, he cannot help concluding that modern Western civilization through its aggressive expansionistic materialism and its neo-colonialistic policies, consisting in the inoculation of that individualistic, spirit-negating virus everywhere, is contributing powerfully to the arousal and growth of that ominous phenomenon.

As a government servant, aware of some of the murky and nefarious practices and manipulations commonly resorted to by the powers-that-be, our author could not fail to notice the obvious evidence of an insiders’ conspiracy and cover-up behind the dramatic events of September 11, 2001 in the US and he connects the real planners and causes for that atrocity with the long-standing subversion of the American Republic by a banking-financial oligarchy enforcing its will through criminal syndicates and “black operations” which produced repeated bank crashes, the Lincoln and JFK murders as well as the assassinations of other presidents and several wars. He notes philosophically that “government denials in this and other areas (such as the reality of UFOs) mean nothing. Government officials are trained to lie. It is called “security”.” This situation leads him to heed the many doomsday predictions made in recent years about the fate of the United States which appears set on a self-destructive course”.

Among the many intriguing bits of information on many subjects spread throughout the book there are various references to the spiritual progeny of seeds planted by Eastern masters on American soil such as “Sufi Sam”, an heir of both Levi-Strauss Jeans and Rothschild banking fortunes who became a disciple of Pir Inayat Khan, studied Zen Buddhism and Yoga, was given the mystical name Ahmed Murad Chishty and wrote among others, a long poem entitled Siva Siva. Another spiritual “hybrid” of East and West known to Cook is the Cherokee medicine woman Dhyani Ywahoo and yet another unexpected “soul child” of India is Olympic champion Carl Lewis who follows the Indian yoga guru Sri Chinmoy. Cook himself founded the Chesapeake Dhyan Centre and wrote the earlier book In the Footsteps of the Yogi retracing his travels with Shiva Balayogi in the United States in the service of the latter’s spiritual mission.

A critical question raised by this book is the ultimate significance and value of the great syncretistic fusion between Eastern and Western traditions, involving ingredients from India, the Middle East, Central Asia, China, Japan and Tibet as well as from Ancient and Medieval Europe, Pre-Columbian America and even the legacy of some outstanding personalities from the young United States, such as Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and the later Transcendalists Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman. Many people, in Asia, Europe and the western hemisphere are disturbed by what they regard as a threat to the integrity of their respective and distinct traditions in this growing mixture of teachings that for many centuries developed in relative separation from each other.

Can the widespread adoption and combination of sundry elements from Christianity, the Kabbala, Tibetan and Japanese Buddhist, Taoism, Islam and Hinduism not lead to the loss of those authentic schools of knowledge through their merger in a global crucible?

The answer to this legitimate question is necessarily complex. Though there is every reason to fear any attempt to blend seemingly heterogeneous diverse superficial cultural ingredients and practices into one globalised hodgepodge, there is no doubt that the history of mankind is made up precisely of such encounters, combinations and tradeoffs without which none of the major religions and civilizations would be what they are. Furthermore there is a fundamental difference between the systematic “imperialistic” tendency to annex select elements of a foreign culture in order to strengthen one’s own while flooding it with one’s own concepts and products (as the colonizing West has done for many centuries in Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas) and the instinctive human urge to exchange and spread knowledge and mutual understanding in order to avoid increasingly devastating misunderstandings and conflicts. Richard Cook’s book provides a telling testimony of the synthesis that has effectively taken place at a certain level in America at least since the Beatnik revolution of the sixties if not before.

The driving impetus of many Indian and Tibetan spiritual masters, even prior to Swami Vivekanda’s address to the Chicago World Religious Council (Cook reports that Shivapuri Baba, a member to Sri Ramakrishna, born in 1826 taught yoga to Queen Victoria in the 19th century) is to spread the Sanathana Dharma to the West, whether in its Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sufi or Sikh form. Yet they see no conflict between their age-old precepts and the actual teachings of Jesus although they are aware of the opposition they always face from the “Abrahamic” clergies and the latter’s dogmatic faithful afraid to lose a self-styled “chosenness” in the eyes of their  “True God”.

Responding to that exclusivistic attitude some Indian intellectuals – but almost no traditional guru – have sought to define Hinduism in a similarly dogmatic manner, thereby doing a disservice to the universal nature of the Dharma which they attempt to circumscribe in ethno-cultural terms. There is no doubt that Abrahamic monotheistic faiths are rooted in a notion of divine arbitrariness and irrationality which shuns any logical endeavor to explain the Faith as it rests on textual authority and prophetic proclamation. However the free soul’s quest that begins with meditation and soars towards contemplation of the transcendent and immanent essence of all things, often described as mysticism, enables its adepts to break through the glass ceiling of “semitic” creeds by rising above ecclesiastical hierarchies and legalistic interpreters and enforcers.

It is therefore through the medium of mysticism that all those differences are erased and reconciled while inter-religious conversion becomes meaningless and even harmful, as the wise men and women of al religions have concluded.

In the unity of all souls, Kapila, Zarathustra, Patanjali, The Yellow Emperor, Mahavira, the Buddha, Pythagoras, Lao Tzu, Hermes Trimegistus, Jesus, Plotinus,  Dogen, Hildegard von Bingen, Milarepa, Francis of Assisi, Jelal uddin Rumi, Gregory Palamas, Quetzalcoatl, Meister Eckhart, Guru Nanak, Giordano Bruno, John of the Cross, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, the great alchemists converge with Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Ramana Maharshi. Sri Aurobindo, Thich Nhat Hanh …..and innumerable others, known and obscure in all times and places. No intellectual discourse can object to or deny that true Communion of the Saints but that never did nor should prevent people from adhering faithfully to the spirit and word of their respective religious traditions while many who are essentially culturally uprooted such as many modern Americans and Europeans –and as many contemporary Asians and Africans – can be expected to find comfort in syncretistic formulas of the kind that Richard Cook has gradually achieved for himself.

The Indian author Rajiv Malhotra has called a “U-Turn” the process whereby westerners, after following for years “Indic” precepts or gurus, go back to their Judeo-Christian tradition, selectively adding to it elements retained from their “oriental” experiences, not unlike what Muslim spiritual seekers did when they absorbed Indian yoga and Vedanta concepts and practices to build syncretistic Sufism within the Islamic fold.

Cook may be seen on the surface as falling within that predictive framework as, in this later part of his life he reports following some practices of Catholicism, but in fact he remains faithful to the legacy of his many previous guides without disowning any of them. Yet is the true meaning of “catholic” not universal? He recalls in this context the prediction of Aivanhov that the only religion of the future age would be that of the Sun, which in many esoteric traditions, including the Gnostic “Church of John”, the Christ is held to embody as a metaphysical principle.

In that context, we are far past the outdated, puerile belief that humans are the highest life form in an otherwise desertic mechanically evolving cosmos. The universality of life, taught or at least hinted at by all ancient religious and spiritual literatures, becomes a given and the Aeons, Archons as well as all other “Alien” creatures are acknowledged as a matter of fact. Richard Cook places “ufology” and its allied sciences in the wider exopolitical and noospheric framework, a well overdue transition beyond the endless attempt to prove again and again to those in denial that there are spacecraft from Elsewhere in our skies and “beings from above” who come down among us.

In Love without End, Jesus is channeled as announcing “a new era of science and technology where activity is no longer based on explosive forces, as with the internal combustion engine, but on attraction, as with electromagnetism”, This prophecy, earlier voiced by Nikola Tesla and Walter Russell among other pioneers, is widely echoed by many other soothsayers and clairvoyants from East and West and seems to be finding confirmation from recent breakthroughs in physics, astronomy and biology.

Out of this odyssey through Gnostic and Essene symbolism, yogic meditation, “monetary metaphysics”, Taoist therapeutics, Buddhist psychology, Mayan cosmology, Sufi mysticism, accounts of prophetic messages reported by UFO contactees and New Age philosophies this book abstracts a gospel of confident hope rooted in the faith that the law of Nature dictates our ascension as a species into ever higher spheres of being, with the benevolent support of those, our Guardians, extraterrestrial or interdimensional, who reached them much before us.

The End


Former congressmen to hear evidence of UFO & ET cover-up

Citizen Hearing on 'UFO & Alien' Disclosure 2013It has just been confirmed that five former members of the US Congress will hear evidence of a sixty year cover-up of evidence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. In an April 8 Press Release, it was announced that from April 29 to May 3, 2013, former Senator Mike Gravel (1961-1981); former Congressman Merrill Cook (Rep, 1997-2001); former Congresswoman Darlene Hooley (1997-2009); former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (1997-2011); and former Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (1993-2013) will sit and hear evidence from forty witnesses. Modeled on a U.S. Senate hearing room formula, the five members will hear the evidence presented by “researchers, activists and military/agency/political witnesses” in what will be called a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.” The former Congressional members will hear evidence that the Roswell Crash did happen, that the US military issued shoot-to-kill orders against UFOs, that the FAA was ordered to cover up UFO sightings, that the reality of extraterrestrial life has officially been covered up since at least 1947, and that nuclear weapons facilities have been deactivated by UFOs.

The “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” is the brainchild of Stephen Bassett from the Paradigm Research Group who succeeded in raising over a million dollars in funding for the event which will be streamed live to world and held in the National Press Club. Bassett says that:

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will attempt to accomplish what the U. S. Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – reveal the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

The last time the US Congress heard evidence about UFOs was in 1968 at a symposium held before the Committee On Science And Astronautics, which comprised 30 members of the U.S. House Of Representatives. The Congressional Committee heard evidence from six scientists, and accepted written statements from a further six scientists including Stanton Friedman, M.Sc. who will be a presenter at the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.

On the Citizen Hearing website, the format is explained:

All will conduct themselves in the same manner appropriate to a Congressional hearing. To the extent possible the protocols for congressional hearings will be followed. Committee members will receive written statements from witnesses, hear oral statements and ask whatever questions they wish about the subject matter at hand.

Witnesses include former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, former Canadian Minister for Defense, Paul Hellyer, and witnesses/researchers from Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and China.

I spoke today to Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Citizen Hearing, about what he expects to emerge from the Citizen Hearing. He said that no report is expected from the former members of Congress who will simply hear witness testimony, receive reports, ask questions and maintain a suitable congressional model for the Citizen Hearing. The main intention is to have the evidence presented for follow up. In this regard, he explained five main goals:

  1. Send a message to the U.S. Congress that it is not doing its job, by having the Citizen Hearing gather evidence about UFOs and extraterrestrial life that deserves further investigation by the Congress.
  2. Reply to a White House claim in an official response to an earlier petition that there is no evidence supporting the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
  3. Stimulate Citizen Hearings in other countries by having the Citizen Hearing translated into the five most important world languages.
  4. Draw attention to the tremendous number of witnesses, researchers and activists working on disclosing the evidence of an extraterrestrial presence.
  5. Create a 501(c)3 organization that can gain funding for future Citizen Hearings.

A documentary will be produced from the Citizen Hearing which will be titled Truth Embargo. The April 28-May 3 Citizen Hearing is free and open to the public. More details are available at its main website.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

A UFO Manifesto for Journalists

Untitled1For more than 65 years, there have been worldwide reports of sightings, landings and crashes of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) which are under intelligent control, and which travel at speeds and with aeronautical capabilities far surpassing those of known, earthly military and commercial aircraft. Those accounts have been affirmed by the testimony of many reliable witnesses, including astronauts, generals, admirals, law enforcement officials, airline pilots and other highly credentialed individuals. Some UFO crashes have been retrieved by military personnel of the United States and other countries, and several witnesses have viewed and handled the bodies of the occupants of those extraterrestrial (ET) craft.

A seminal research document titled “UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?”  published in 1999 by an independent group of former French generals, space scientists and other high officials concluded: ” A single hypothesis sufficiently takes into account the facts and, for the most part, only calls for present-day science.  It is the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitors.  Advanced as of 1947 by certain U.S. military personnel, today it is popular worldwide.  It is discredited by a certain elite but is plausible.  Scientists (astronomers, physicists, engineers, futurologists, etc.) have elaborated on it enough for it to be received – as a hypothesis – by their peers.”

If the ET Hypothesis is valid, humankind faces the greatest scientific discovery in history – the existence of non-human, intelligent off-planet life forms with interstellar propulsion capabilities.  Thus, this meeting of cosmic cultures will inevitably affect every segment of Civilization, including religion, politics, science, technology, health, agriculture, and the complete spectrum of human life will likely be challenged by confirmation of a larger reality.

Contemplation of the effects of this reality on various Earth cultures and the probable and preferred responses from those cultures is a critical research/education project for the best minds willing to undertake the challenge.  Needless to say, participation by the world’s top journalists is an essential requirement for the successful investigation and resolution of the complex issues which are bound to arise with full disclosure of the extraterrestrial visitation.

Since  1947, the UFO/ET phenomenon has been subject to a highly compartmentalized U.S. government coverup that has been largely justified in terms of “national security”, despite official pronouncements by the Air Force that UFOs have never posed a threat to U.S. military operations or the security of the nation.  This is a curious assertion considering repeated documentation of UFO incursions at nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons laboratories, nuclear weapons storage facilities, and nuclear weapons launch facilities. Clearly, the truth regarding these incursions is a prime topic for serious investigation and reporting by professional journalists.

In response to citizen inquiries to the White House concerning extraterrestrial visitation, the Office of the President has stated: ” The U.S. governments has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.  In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public eye.”

This presidential statement is completely contrary to evidence offered by highly respected researchers and former U.S. officials, several of whom have offered to provide testimony under oath to the U.S. Congress.  This conflict between “official Knowledge” and independent/citizen knowledge cries out for investigative reporting.

Over the years, every top-level news organization in the United States has been frequently approached by UFO contactees and UFO researchers with events, information and evidence related to UFO/ET phenomena.  With few exceptions, the major media news organizations have defaulted on that issue, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN news television.  Additionally, most major media organizations have treated anyone who has spoken or written about UFOs to be intellectually stunted and worthy of rejection and ridicule.  Many journalists, like many academics have failed in their obligation to treat a very important issue fairly and objectively.

To remedy this gross violation of journalistic principles and ethics, responsible journalists need to:

  1. Undertake serious efforts to raise public awareness concerning the many controversies surrounding UFO/ET issues, including the “truth embargo” which has seriously plagued the problem;
  2. Fully utilize the U.S. Freedom of Information Act to seek release of secret documents related to the extraterrestrial presence;
  3. Support the call for Congressional hearings on UFO/ET matters;
  4. Press the White House for an additional search of military and intelligence agency files which are known to refute its’ public statements concerning extraterrestrial visitation;
  5. Ask the White House for an explanation as to why the public has been subjected to a fraudulent coverup concerning UFO/ET matters;
  6. Seek identification of the agencies, people and other countries involved in the coverup;
  7. Encourage other journalists in the U.S., and around the world to appropriately investigate and report on UFO/ET phenomena.

In sum, the UFO/ET issue is one of the most serious, perplexing problems confronting the human race.  Therefore, it is imperative that the journalists of the world meet their professional obligation to regularly investigate and report the truth regarding the issue and related matters.

This Manifesto was compiled by Bill Wickersham, Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies, University of Missouri – Columbia. He has been  interested in the UFO phenomenon for over 50 years,   During his 15 years in Washington, D.C., he had an opportunity to interact  with several individuals who were very  close to the UFO/ET issue. Email:      bwickers@centurytel.net

Pope Francis to announce extraterrestrial savior according to new book

ExoVaticanaNew-350pxYesterday Pope Francis I celebrated his first Easter Mass as the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. In his first “Urbi et Orbi” speech – Latin for “to the city [of Rome] and the world” – he called for peace in the Middle East; an end to human trafficking and greed; preventing the exploitation of natural resources; and protecting animals by becoming “responsible guardians of creation.” The Pope normally gives two Urbi et Orbi speeches each year where he deals with major challenges faced by the world and Christendom. In a future speech it has been predicted that he will discuss a unique challenge that the world faces according to the authors of a new book. In Exovaticana, Chris Putnam and Tom Horn predict that the new Pope, Francis I, will soon announce the existence of extraterrestrial life, among whom an alien savior will emerge to reinvigorate Christian teachings!

Putnam and Horn, successfully predicted in their last book, the best-selling Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here, that Pope Benedict would resign rather than die in office. They based their prediction on St Malachy’s, Prophecy of the Popes. According to Putnam and Horn, Francis is the final Pope, “Petrus Romanus”, who will oversee the dissolution of the Catholic Church as predicted in St Malachy’s prophecy, by announcing an extraterrestrial savior.

Putnam and Horn claim to have documented the research and evidence supporting their startling prediction in their new book, Exovaticano – advance orders of which have already rocketed it into Amazon’s best seller lists for its April 15 release. On their website and in Exovaticano, they claim that the Catholic Church hierarchy plans to announce an extraterrestrial savior who will usher in a new world spiritual belief system that supplants traditional Christianity and organized religion. Putnam’s and Horn’s research is based on interviews with Catholic scholars and scientists who were willing to discuss the Prophecy of the Popes and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Among the Catholic researchers interviewed is Dr Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit and Vatican astronomer who generated much press interest in 2010 for his views on alien life. He said: “Any entity – no matter how many tentacles it has – has a soul.” When asked if he would baptize an alien, Consolmagno replied: “Only if they asked.” Putnam and Horn cite a difficult to find document written by Consolmagno who makes a remarkable claim about the relationship between Jesus and extraterrestrial life:

Perhaps it’s not so far-fetched to see the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word, Who was present “In the beginning” (John 1: l), coming to lay down His life and take it up again (John 10: 18) not only as the Son of Man but also as a Child of other races?

At first reading, it appears as though Consolmagno is suggesting that Jesus may have been the “Star-Child of an alien race” as Putnam and Horn suggest. On re-reading Consolmagno’s quote, it appears that he is instead claiming that the second aspect of the Holy Trinity that was personified in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, may be recognized as relevant to other worlds and races. This would make it possible for Consolmagno to baptize aliens, even on their own worlds. If Jesus divinity is recognized by extraterrestrial races, and expressed in a unique way by them, then it is easy to understand why Consolmagno believes that contemporary society will “look to the Aliens to be the Saviors of humankind.”

Consolmagno, as Putnam and Horn make clear, is no rogue priest making wild theological pronouncements about alien life. Consolmagno’s boss and Chief Vatican Astronomer, Dr Gabriel Funes, stunned the world in May 2008 when he revealed that it is acceptable for Catholics to openly contemplate extraterrestrial life. In an interview he said:

Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom… “Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation…

Both Funes and Consolmagno are scientific advisors to the Pope and advise him on all matters concerning astronomy – which includes the likelihood of a future discovery of extraterrestrial life.

It’s inconceivable that both Funes and Consolmagno would have been able to make public their beliefs about extraterrestrial life without the approval of the previous Pope, Benedict XVI. It is highly likely that the Vatican astronomers will continue to be given permission to make statements about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. So is it pure science driving these statements from Vatican astronomers or something else?

Funes and Consolmagno are best known among the scientific community for organizing an astrobiology conference on the grounds of the Vatican in November, 2009. The conference contemplated the consequences of the latest scientific advances which was made possible the discovery of exoplanets. A process that according to many astronomers makes the discovery of extraterrestrial life a question of “when” rather than “if”. For example, Dr Chris Impey from the University of Arizona’s Astronomy Department said at the 2009 conference:

As scientists gather to discuss progress in astrobiology, we still only know of one planet with life: our own. But there is a palpable expectation that the universe harbors life and there is hope that the first discovery is only a few years away.

It may be that Vatican astronomical interest is driven by the possibility of discovering extraterrestrial life on some distant exoplanet in the next few years. Not so according to Putnam and Horn. They contend that Vatican astronomers have already found evidence of extraterrestrial life, much closer to earth.

Putnam and Horn claim that the Vatican’s astronomical telescope (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope) located at the Mt Graham Observatory, Arizona, is tracking something that has yet to be announced to the world. They quote from Father Malachi Martin, another Jesuit, who cryptically revealed something that was being tracked by Vatican astronomers that had great significance. In a 1997 interview on the popular radio program Coast to Coast AM, Martin said:

Because the mentality…amongst those who [are] at the…highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know…what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.

On the question of what precisely is being tracked, Putnam and Horn claim that “people familiar with Malachi believe he may have been referring to a near-future arrival of alien intelligence.”

The aliens will be carrying with them a message that transforms Christianity from an earth-centric faith system into a new galactic faith that welcomes extraterrestrials as our “spiritual brothers”. Who will be the savior that emerges from the incoming extraterrestrial object secretly monitored by astronomers that, if Putnam and Horn are correct, the Vatican is preparing to soon announce in an “Urbi et Orbi” speech to the world?

To be continued.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Alien Implants in People – Physical Characteristics Found

By Giorgio Piacenza

Supposedly this X-Ray shows an alien implant that was later removed from a mans spine.
This X-Ray shows an alien implant that was allegedly  removed from a man’s spine.

Is this old news or current news? Well it is happening now. And how many people know of the latest findings (PHYSICAL EVIDENCE) of extraterrestrial implants?  From the research of podiatric surgeon Roger Leir , chemist material scientist (and nano tube technological expert) Steve Colbern and physicist Robert Koontz I’ll summarize it for you. A good reference is found here. Grey Alien Implants: A worldwide phenomenon or perhaps localized by zones but in many cases they are physically detectable. Have you noticed a strange object after a strange dream or sleep paralysis?


Prosaic answers will most likely suffice but in some cases…actual advanced alien implants have been detected. What are they made of? Quite often Meteoric Iron (with non-earthly isotopes) with cobalt and significant amounts of iridium. They have isotopic ratios that do not occur naturally on Earth. One was of a class of nickel-iron meteorites called hexahedrites.  Speculatively: Heavier isotopes might have been formed near the galactic core and-or due to supernovas. They are normally irregular and covered with an oily shell+ hard coating that prevents body rejection. Produce no immune response. Biological tissue grows from the metal. This was seen with EDX Electron Microscopy. Some of the implants  emit FM electromagnetic radiation radio signals  before removal in scalar-related frequencies 93 MHz, 15 MHz, even a frequency used in sattelite space communications.  Seem to have a surface coating, sensitive to phonons in order to retransmit soundwaves.


If you break them they reassemble (Bob Koontz). There are carbon nano tube electronics in these devices not found in nature (Steve Colbern). They seem to be single-wall nano tubes. Steve Colbern, chemist material scientist, nano technician finds them far advanced from formal Earth  (and possibly covert Earth) technology.  Roger Leir mentions that they are often found in many places, rather superficially in the body but also near bones.  Nerve cells connect to the devices!! Some of the objects have strong magnetic fields of over 10 milligauss. Some 15% of abductees show significant fluorescent glows on skin area for up to 1 month (detectable with UV-A, but more with UV-B and UV-C). Small metal detectors and X-rays and Gauss meters can detect them in the body. Off course if with X-rays it’s difficult to locate them CAT scans can locate them more precisely. No visible signs of entry/no known portal of entry. If entry signs are detected right after an implant event they close up and leave no mark in a day or two. About 24 implants have been recovered. Some have regular ortho rhombic crystalline structures of sodium chloride that are rectangular and varying in size (Steve Colbern). Perhaps they are used to generate scalar radio frequencies (Bob Koontz). Often when podiatric surgeon Roger Leir tries to remove them with surgical steel they move away from the scalpel. If about 2% of U.S. population with various signs of abduction is really indicative, perhaps the number of implanted people is -relatively speaking- quite large. If this is real. How many individuals are being implanted or monitored in other ways by non-grey ET beings? This is constantly news because it is still happening and new evidence is always coming up. See this evidence directly obtained by Joanne Summerscales from AMMACH at the 2013 IUFOC (see embedded video or click here).


Are aliens guarding President Obama?

Screenshot from video showing mysterious alien looking Secret Service agent
Screenshot from video showing mysterious alien looking Secret Service agent in background

A video recording from President Obama’s address at the 2012 AIPAC conference at the Washington Convention Center shows a mysterious looking figure among the Secret Service agents protecting him. From one camera angle, the figure looks uncannily like a tall Gray alien; with no noticeable ear, mouth or facial hair. From most other camera angles, the figure appears as a bald Secret Service agent who looks human enough. Not so according to a popular Youtube video that has over 330,000 hits since its March 13, 2013 release. The bald Secret Service agent is a shape shifting humanoid alien, and the video provides detailed analysis supporting its remarkable claim. So was it all just a trick a light, or did the camera capture something we weren’t supposed to see? In the 1988 science fiction movie classic, They Live, extraterrestrials live among humanity using advanced technology to hide their physical differences. Is it possible that the Secret Service employs aliens to protect President Obama, and uses some kind of advanced technology to hide them from the public eye?

The idea of the U.S. Secret Service employing aliens appears far-fetched, but it was only back on December 7, 2012 that Prime Minister Medvedev said in candid off-air comments that Russian Presidents are briefed on aliens living among us. He went on to add that a highly classified national security agency monitors aliens residing on Earth. Major media thought it was a case of Medvedev’s dry humor, and that he gave the joke away when he referred to the Hollywood Blockbuster, Men in Black. Yet Medvedev appeared to be referring to a Russian documentary instead, one produced by the same network that the female reporter who asked him the alien question worked for. In fact, the reporter asked the question because the network was working on another extraterrestrial related documentary. A disturbing possibility is that the meteor strike on Russia on February 15, 2013 was related to Medevedev’s candid off-air comments about aliens among us. A Russian Parliamentarian claimed that the meteor strike was a warning to the Russian government. Was it a warning that Russian needs to maintain secrecy about alien visitors? If Medvedev wasn’t joking, it is possible that aliens secretly living on Earth aren’t just monitored, but also employed in sensitive security positions like the U.S. Secret Service.

It’s a fact that advanced technologies such as invisibility have been developed for use in classified military projects for some time now. Proof-of-concept demonstrations in the open source literature are available for funding and development purposes by military contractors. Classified versions would predictably be far more advanced, and very likely have been operational for some time now. It’s reasonable to conclude that invisibility or related technologies are used by the Secret Service to make agents disappear, and/or alter their physical appearance. Consequently, Secret Service agents very likely use invisibility technology when protecting the President and other VIPs. Such technologies may also be used by any extraterrestrial aliens recruited into the Secret Service. Is President Obama being guarded by aliens, or was it all just a trick of light? You decide!

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Hydrogen Economy; Nexus of the ET Issue?

By Neil Gould

pollutionWell known to Exopoliticians are the processes put in place by the elite that determine the worldview. Society has been brainwashed by large corporations operating within their own vested interests. These corporations thrive through humanity’s addiction to fossil fuels — polluting air, land and sea.


Inventors of alternative energy resources have frequently disappeared shortly after exposing their prototypes. The electric car is another example of this suppression of new energy technologies. GM had the EV-1 Electric Vehicle and had them crushed into small cubes to be forgotten forever. Oil companies do not want self-powering batteries, which would render oil as fuel in combustion engines, obsolete. Stan Ovshinsky built a very good battery for the EV-1. GM bought it and then sold it to the oil companies.

Oil companies fearful of losing business to a competing technology, they supported efforts to kill the ZEV mandate. They also bought patents to prevent modern NiMH batteries from being used in US electric cars” [who is being quoted?]

 GM's EV1 Electric Car






EV-1 Electric Car


Co-Founders of Quantum Hydrogen Ltd, Neil Gould and Detlef Beier, are now launching the Quantum Cell — “H2 from water”. Their three years of R & D have produced this stepping stone technology. The system electrolyzes water and separates the atomic elements into hydrogen and oxygen [NOT HHO or Browns Gas which is considered dangerous]. The system can be retrofitted into cars, trucks, buses, generators, and installed for home heating systems. It can be powered by solar and wind energy for a totally clean and renewable energy system.


The Quantum Cell significantly reduces Hydrocarbons [HC] and Nitrogen Oxides [NOx] from the emissions of all vehicles whilst releasing pure oxygen into the environment. The system also saves motorists between 15 to 25% fuel (diesel/ petroleum). It runs on 120 Watts — the cost of a light bulb. The Quantum Cell creates greater flame propagation within the combustion chamber through H2, therefore burning more of the polluting unburned fuel. This adds horsepower so less pedal is required.


The system simply runs on water and uses water on demand without the need for gas storage tanks. The Quantum Cell is surrounded by substantial patent protection. Marketing is through appointed dealers worldwide.  Installation training is by Quantum Hydrogen’s H2 expert, Peter James.


Gould and Beier are excited that clean energy advocate, Jeff Peckman, is their visionary colleague in the U.S.A. He has been tirelessly working with them on this hydrogen project and is committed to helping humanity move toward a cleaner energy economy.


jeff peckman

Jeff was destined to promote the peaceful use of hydrogen. He was born about seventeen hours after the United States military exploded the largest hydrogen bomb in its history. That was nine days after the alleged meeting between former U.S. President Eisenhower and extraterrestrial visitors to discuss an agreement to end the use of atomic weapons.

Throughout his life he has increased public awareness about peace, healthy food, and clean energy. His projects have created news headlines worldwide and praise from community leaders. When running for Mayor of Denver, Colorado in 2011, a major TV news station reported,

“At the forum Tuesday, sponsored by environmental groups and focusing on conservation and sustainability, many of the candidates referred to Peckman’s intelligence, some even asking to give their answers to questions before he did so as not to look less thoughtful by comparison when going after.”

Jeff’s 2008 campaign to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver held a press conference and showed a video of an alleged extraterrestrial being. According to the Denver Post, the story “set page-view records on denverpost.com”. The Rocky Mountain News stated “In person, Peckman looks and sounds like your favorite college professor, the one who could get the whole class debating novel solutions to the world’s problems.” Yet another Denver newspaper stated that Jeff’s Safety through Peace campaign in 2003 was “not only been the talk of the town but the talk of the nation.”

In his own words, Jeff declared,


“Advocates for affordable clean energy are all over the world. Quantum Hydrogen will help usher in a Golden Age of peace, prosperity, and a better life on Earth for all time to come”.


Quantum Hydrogen seems to have arrived at the right time and place but its importance could very well be timeless and beyond our planet.

Historic interview reveals national security secrets learned from extraterrestrials

giant-rock-movieAn historic television interview with George Van Tassel recorded in June 1964 reveals a number of technologies that have been secretly developed by the U.S. Air Force and Navy based on information first gained from extraterrestrial visitors. Among the national security secrets revealed by Van Tassel is that the U.S. Air Force has possessed antigravity technology since at least 1956. Van Tassel claims to have witnessed a practical demonstration of antigravity technology in 1953 when he was taken up into an extraterrestrial spacecraft that had landed at Giant Rock airport in California which he managed at the time. In the interview, Van Tassel further claims that technologies based on retrieving visual scenes from any time period, including television signals and even time travel itself, have been developed, and then classified for national security reasons by the U.S. Navy. Based on his extraterrestrial contact experiences, Van Tassel devoted great effort to developing time travel technology and expanding human longevity through the four stories tall “Integratron” he built at Giant Rock. He died of a heart attack in 1978, only weeks before the scheduled completion of his Integratron. Circumstances surrounding his death suggest that the knowledge he gained on extending human longevity, another topic with important national security implications, had been appropriated by U.S. authorities for secret development.

The television interview was conducted by Jack Webster from KVOS TV on June 18, 1964. Chief among Van Tassel’s claims is that he was taken up into an extraterrestrial spacecraft and given technological information by four space visitors that were human looking, and about 5’ 6” in height on August 24, 1953. One of the visitors was 700 years old according to Van Tassel. He was given a simple mathematical formula for time travel that directly correlated frequency with time in an inverse relationship. Remarkably, Van Tassel claims that the technology had subsequently been developed to view any visual scene from any time historic period. The technology was quickly classified by the U.S. Navy and the inventor was forced to work in a secret project. The time travel/viewing technology described by Van Tassel in his 1964 interview is similar to what was much later described as “Project Looking Glass” which whistleblowers claim to be run by the U.S. Navy.

The equation Van Tassel received from his 1953 extraterrestrial contact became the basis for his development of the Integraton, a four stories tall structure that would lead to cellular rejuvenation and increase human longevity. It was intended to be free and open to the general public. On the verge of completing his Integratron project in 1978, Van Tassel died in mysterious circumstances of a heart attack. Select U.S. government agencies then intervened to confiscate material and documents from his property. The Integratron project was then abandoned. Van Tassel’s pioneering research on cellular rejuvenation and human longevity was very likely absorbed into a highly classified project that again had important national security implications.

Finally, in the interview, Van Tassel also says he witnessed first-hand the antigravity technology of the extraterrestrial visitors who have had bases on the moon for centuries. Van Tassel also claimed that the US Air Force has developed antigravity technology in highly classified projects in 1956. Antigravity technology based on the principle of electrogravitics was discussed in open source scientific literature up until 1956 after which such research suddenly became highly classified. No more scientific studies had appeared after 1956. Van Tassel’s claim gives a plausible answer for the mysterious disappearance of antigravity research from open scientific literature. Government agencies had succeeded in demonstrating their practical value, and importance for national security. All subsequent open source or civilian efforts to develop antigravity technologies were either classified or repressed. In the case of Otis Carr, a disciple of Nikola Tesla, his own civilian based antigravity technology was repressed with terrible results. Carr was jailed on trumped up charges and it was only four decades later, in March 2006, that one of Carr’s technical assistants, Ralph Ring, came forward to reveal the truth. Carr had successfully developed antigravity technology, and was subsequently repressed by national agencies.

The 1964 television interview with Van Tassel is a classic that features that pioneering research of one of the most important contactees from the 1950s, and some of the knowledge that was acquired with extraterrestrial assistance. The interview reveals three of the most important national security secrets in the USA that have been developed for well over five decades; antigravity technology; cell regeneration and human longevity; and time travel /viewing of the past and future. A film based on the life of George Van Tassel is currently under production featuring Hollywood actor, Kevin Gage. The film, Giant Rock: The Greatest UFO Story Never Told, will reveal more details of Van Tassel’s knowledge of time travel, antigravity and rejuvenation – knowledge that has been secretly developed by select national security entities for almost six decades.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on websites or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

New scientific study claims extraterrestrial fossil found in Sri Lanka meteor

Image of Comet Hale-Bopp taken by Wally Pacholka on April 5, 1997 from the Joshua Tree National Park in California. Credit: NASA
Image of Comet Hale-Bopp taken by Wally Pacholka on April 5, 1997 from the Joshua Tree National Park in California. Credit: NASA

A team of scientists has released a paper in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology supporting claims from an earlier study, that a meteorite that crashed in Sri Lanka in December 2012 contained extraterrestrial fossils. The initial paper, “Fossil Diatoms in a New Carbonaceous Meteorite,” was published in January 2013 and subjected to criticism that the diatom fossils (a form of algae) found in the meteor had been contaminated by earth water and the fossils were terrestrial in origin. The new study authored by a team of scientists from Cardiff University, University of Buckingham, and University of California San Diego, found that the rock was definitely a meteorite and that the meteor had not been contaminated, and the fossils in it were ancient. The new scientific study gives strong support to Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe’s theory of Panspermia, that ancient microbial life has spread throughout the galaxy by comets.

The new scientific study, “The Polonnaruwa Meteorite: Oxygen Isotope, Crystalline And Biological Composition,” appeared in the March 5 edition of the Journal of Cosmology. It was first reported on March 11 by Sebastian Anthony, in ExtremeTech, who claimed that the new study “is the strongest evidence yet of cometary panspermia.”

The March 5 study directly addressed the main criticism leveled against the January paper that the meteor rock samples were contaminated by Earth water, and that the Diatom fossils were of terrestrial origin. Professor Patrick Kociolek from the University of Colorado wrote a response to Phil Plait from Bad Astronomy that:

… the diversity present in the images represent a wide range of evolutionary history, such that the “source” of the diatoms from outer space, must have gone through the same evolutionary events as here on earth. There are no extinct taxa found, only ones we would find living today…for me it is a clear case of contamination with freshwater.

Plait and other critics used Kociolek’s claim that the meteor sample was contaminated by freshwater. Using a sophisticated testing process, the new study, however, conclusively dismissed the contamination thesis:

The presence of a number of carbonaceous biological structures exhibiting severe nitrogen depletion is highly indicative of ancient fossilised biological remains. Some of these were deeply integrated in the surrounding mineral matrix suggesting they could not have been recent terrestrial contaminants.

The March 5 study also addressed criticism that the Sri Lanka rock samples were not meteorites; it concluded:

We conclude that the oxygen isotope data show P1 59/001-03 and P/159001-04 are unequivocally meteorites, almost certainly fragments originating from the fireball-causing bolide. The most likely origin of this low density meteorite with delicate structures, some highly carbonaceous, is a comet.

This March 5 scientific study helps confirm Wickramasinghe’s theory of Panspermia which the authors themselves point out: “The presence of fossilized biological structures provides compelling evidence in support of the theory of cometary panspermia first proposed over thirty years ago.” The new study is sure to raise more scrutiny of the Sri Lankan meteor sample and the idea that life is quite common throughout the universe, and can be spread by comets.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

The Logistics of Landing – FOIA Request Reveals Extraterrestrial Contact Planning

About Time: First Contact Planning Revealed in FOI Request
“As mankind continues to advance and head out into the stars we are undoubtedly going to attract the attention of whatever lifeforms are out there. I’m curious to know what provisions have been put in place for our inevitable encounter.”

A recent F.O.I.A. request may have given us a glimmer of hope that some regional authorities are actually examining one of the truly pressing issues of our current era. Now if I was writing this as one of the many news outlets that  covered the discovery of the request, you’d assume there was a hint of disbelief or sarcasm in that last statement but there isn’t.

Why? – Because assuming life doesn’t exist elsewhere is these days along the lines of assuming we still live on the flat earth.

Put the doubts and the odd snigger [you’re not alone in feeling some discomfort about this issue!]  aside for one moment and let’s consider why the staff at Glasgow’s regional government may well be ahead of everyone else in the  civil authority system.

Firstly, the debate is now more or less done on the issue of life outside our planetary boundary. In the media and with friends meeting at a local bar, you struggle to find anyone holding a firm position that we’re a sole, unique [and thus rather arrogant] species. Secondly, the spread of networked media and youtube has allowed people to see over-whelming evidence of craft making  constant visits, akin to ‘ET anthropological tourism‘, over every region of the earth. Both standard and night vision high definition cameras provide almost real time exposure to the phenomenon – especially via sites like Google, where this area rates second only to you-know-what in search popularity.

So Glasgow Council, having been wise enough to consider the possibility of these visiting intelligences appearing in the next 5 years, far from being kooky – I’d suggest have instead been eminently pragmatic. One could suggest of course it’s a little late, along with the rest of our representative structures who fail to grasp the urgency of such formal preparation. Additionally globally agreed policy in the form of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty suggests that civil structures are aware of and conform to issues of this nature.

Who Speaks for Planet Earth?  Comments on the discussions of a recent committee at the Royal Society

At national and global level the issue of ET contact and what to do about it gets pretty complex to decipher. We have a bizarre quagmire of full-on disinformation, covert agencies obsessed with the whole process and most bog-standard politicians being either oblivious or too afraid for their career prospects to mention it. All this in the face of a recent disclosure that several US Presidents were deeply engaged with the extraterrestrial process, something that’s been discussed for decades outside the lime-light of the dominant media.

This issue refuses to go away of course – and most of us who’ve been watching things for a few years know it’s the biggest issue yet to be formally acknowledged. Part of that process of formal acknowledgement was forced onto the agenda in 2001 by the now multi-million viewed Disclosure Project and a current similar approach is under-way via the PRG’s Citizen Hearing.

In Britain –  the last few years have seen the case of Gary McKinnon reach both front page news regularly and even a WhiteHouse discussion between Obama and the UK Prime Minister. A little more below the radar we’ve also seen meetings held at the Royal Society  and in recent years several large scale global “preparedness” type events.

The tone of the submitted FOIA application itself summed up the significant interest in this area, which also led to the UK MoD having to stage-release its library of UFO files via the National Archives in the last few years:

“As mankind continues to advance and head out into the stars we are undoubtedly going to attract the attention of whatever lifeforms are out there. I’m curious to know what provisions have been put in place for our inevitable encounter.”

US Pilot ordered to shoot down huge UFO over UK: Military groups are repeatedly documented as stating these objects have ‘no defence significance’ ?

Glasgow City Council has released a highly detailed response as to how it would deal with an extra-terrestrial encounter and although the authority does not expect to contend with the issue during “the next five years”, a “warm and peaceful welcome” was said to await any non-hostile aliens.

Responding to a request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, the council told a curious member of the public that information on the authority’s provisions for an “inevitable encounter” was in fact not held.

But staff actually went to the trouble of reconsidering “the likelihood of the council making contact with aliens”.

In his near 1,000 word response, Dr Kenneth Meechan, the authority’s head of information governance, said that the legal framework regarding making contact with extraterrestrial life forms was “not entirely clear”.

The council considered itself “morally bound” by the principles set out in Outer Space Treaty of 1967. But this agreement was “silent on the question of making contact with extraterrestrials” and so the council would “in the unlikely event that it first detects signals from intelligent extraterrestrial life” seek to comply with protocols issued by the SETI Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics.

The UK government had however not included alien contact in its list of mandatory risks to be assessed under the Civil Contingencies Act and so the council had “not identified this as likely to happen within the next five years”.

Reassessing the likelihood of an encounter in direct response to the FoI request, the council said it continued to be of the view that it was unlikely to be the agency to make the breakthrough for several reasons.

Contact was most likely to be made through radio communication and the council did not own or control any radio telescopes. One of the authority’s secondary schools did however have a “large aerial of unknown providence”. “But if this is capable of acting as a radio telescope, we are not presently using it,” the council insisted.

If first contact was made through a landing on earth the council said on a statistical basis aliens were unlikely to “initially land in Glasgow”. “The council… covers around 0.008 per cent of the world’s population and 0.00003 per cent of the total surface of the earth/ 0.00012 per cent of the land area,” it said.

Nevertheless Meechan did say that Glasgow was a “vibrant and exciting city for visitors and has been awarded any number of accolades by national and international travel guides”.

“We are sure that any (non-hostile) alien visitors would want to include Glasgow in their list of places to visit, and we can assure them of a warm and peaceful welcome.”

Article: David Griffin MSc, UK Exopolitics Initiative – davID@exopolitics.org.uk


Trackback URL: http://www.exopolitics.org.uk/news/2013/uk-regional-council-creates-alien-landing-plan/

Sources: UK FOIA archive: http://www.foiman.com/archives/751 and http://www.publicservice.co.uk/news_story.asp?id=22132 

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