Are Citizens Losing the Psy Space War?

Star-Wars-2-independent.co_.uk_How do we, as Exoconscious Citizens, sort out our “official”  and “unofficial” space history? 
Space travel involves extraterrestrial consciousness. It is beyond weapons, technology and billionaire mining and ticketed travel. 
Exoconscious Citizenship requires our response to mainstream history. We have questions. Observations. Ideas. How we respond and communicate, with compassion and heart, matters. As Exoconscious, we are an Extraterrestrial Presence with a voice. 

Attention Houston: We have heat shield re-entry issues with the Orion craft and heavy lift rocket scheduled for Mars. The Aerospace Safety advisory panel expresses concern for manned missions to Mars and the Moon.

After a test flight in December 2014, the Orion team found cracks in some of the seams of the spacecraft’s heat shield. That’s not good, since spacecraft face temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees when they’re reentering the Earth’s atmosphere from space. As a result, Orion engineers have had to make changes to the heat shield design.

NASA hasn’t really explained how it plans to test the new heat shield design. Under the current plans, the report notes, the only opportunity to flight-test the new heat shield will be on the Space Launch System’s first flight in 2018–and the next one after that will be a crewed launch in 2021 or 2023. That thought probably won’t be terribly comforting to the astronauts who’ll be flying on that mission.

What About Apollo? Secret Space Programs?

Gee, we didn’t have issues fifty years ago in the  space programs of the 60s and 70s.

Maybe NASA should consult Apollo engineers—who sent 11 manned missions into space and six to the moon and back. 

Or maybe NASA should consult with military Secret Space whistleblowers Corey Goode, Randy Cramer, Andrew Basiago, or  their program engineers.

The Aerospace Safety Advisory panel’s public concerns do not make sense in our historical context of space missions and with our emerging secret space program information. It doesn’t add up.

Deep Space Deception and Disinformation

We are deep into a decades-long Psychological Space War, a propaganda-spun slur of information and disinformation. So nothing ever adds up. One question after the other and we have a domino stream of questions ready to collapse. But it doesn’t. Like Magic–all the information stays upright.

It makes me feel like a confused child. And, maybe that’s the point. Keep ’em confused and dumbed down. But at some point, too many citizens will become aware of the ongoing games in space. And those citizens will admit how we unwittingly play along. Until…we stop playing. Simply stop. 

Child’s Play Psywarfare

Even children know  a Psywarfare Dream when they experience one. If you are confused, sing along to sort out the information and disinformation.

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

And mix it up with morning dew

That’s all you want to make your dreams come true–children’s song.

 Where are the Adults? 

My question is where are the adults?  The Citizens? When do we begin the embarrassing sorting out of space information and disinformation as scientists, military, historians, media, politicians, citizens? Or do we bury our heads, keep our egos intact, collect our paychecks, and spend our money on Hollywood’s silly Tomorrowland of Star Wars?

Exoconscious Citizen Sanity 

As an adult, my choice is to first gain clarity. When you find confusing information–you confront the psychological program and sort it out. Then you speak up and hold yourself and others accountable.

If we do not act like adults, ask questions, seek answers–then we deserve to spin around in the psycho playground. Dazed and confused…another Hollywood movie.

Or, we can become Exoconscious-aware of our human innate ability to connect and communicate with cosmic mind, the Extraterrestrial Presence. We can use logic, rhetoric, science, and  psychic intelligence and abilities to cut through the confusion and find clarity.

The massive psychological war can be dismantled. It only takes a few hearty spirits who ask questions, that leads them to information, that leads them to clarity.  It will be slow. It will be worthwhile. It will be how we become adults.

Thanks to Andrew Johnson, UK, checktheevidence. 

Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D.


US Navy Spies Learned Secrets of Nazi Anti-gravity Spacecraft

Navy & NazisDuring World War II, a top secret espionage program was led by the United States Navy to infiltrate the black programs of Nazi Germany that were successfully building antigravity space craft capable of interplanetary flight. Covert naval operatives were embedded inside a number of Nazi Germany’s advanced aerospace programs and tasked to report back what they had seen. This information was then relayed onto various U.S. corporations specifically contracted by the Navy that would begin designing and eventually building a variety of antigravity vehicles, including kilometer long space carriers.

These startling claims have been made by ex-Navy whistleblower William Tompkins, who in December 2015, released the first volume of his autobiography titled Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs., think-tanks and Nordic secretaries. Tompkins says that he approached a Navy Admiral in 2001 to see if he had approval to write about his experiences:

Early in 2001 I called on Admiral Hugh Webster, Navy League Corporate Director, Washington DC and San Diego CA. We had a five hour meeting on my ongoing book–writing concerning the extraterrestrial threats to our planet. After Admiral Webster read portions of my document and backup technical documentation, I asked Hugh, “How much of this can I include in a published book?” He said. “Bill; TELL IT ALL. This is most important to our country. Don’t leave anything out.” [back cover]

Tompkins first public appearance was on the Jeff Rense show on December 14, 2015 (also Dec 23 & Jan 6pt 2), where he describes some of his book’s disclosure filled content.  Tompkins went into detail about how he was recruited into the Navy’s covert espionage program during WWII to study and reverse engineer Nazi-designed antigravity space craft.

Tompkins story begins in 1932, when he was only nine. He says he was taken by his father to the Naval shipyards in San Diego where he began the first of many public tours of destroyers, cruisers and aircraft carriers that were periodically docked. The public was not allowed to take photos of the ships whose gun placements and radar designs were still classified.

Possessing a photographic memory, Tompkins says that he walked all around the ships and took notes of what he observed, and soon after began reproducing the ship designs. Eight years later, Tompkins had built many flawlessly accurate detailed models of the navy ships he had seen, and his father was selling them in a Hollywood Department store.

After the Navy learned about the model ships in 1941, displaying top secret details, they interrogated both Tompkins and his father, and the models were withdrawn from public circulation. The Navy top brass were nevertheless greatly impressed by Tompkins remarkable talent.

Tomp007sA March 26 article in the Evening Outlook newspaper of Santa Monica featured a photograph of Tompkins (now 17) showing some of his ship models to Navy Captain G.C. Gearing, Commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego.

Rear Admiral C. A. Blakeley was quoted in the Evening Outlook story:

It is with considerable interest and pleasure that I, together with officers of my staff, examined several of the ship models. Craftsmanship such as you have evidenced shows that you are a keen student of detail and naval construction. Best of all, however, you are doing something worthwhile as a young American—you are helping to build into the American mind the importance of the nation’s first line of defense to each American, young and old.

His photographic memory and ability to reproduce complex ship designs were extraordinary, and a U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer, Lt. Perry Wood, understood the contribution Tompkins could make to the Navy’s pursuit of advanced technology:

Early in 1942, naval intelligence officer Lt. Perry Wood, understanding the technical capabilities and historic research necessary to create the ship models, put together a mission package that resulted in Bill’s induction into the navy. After completing boot camp in San Diego he was assigned a position in naval intelligence on advanced technology projects. [source]

Tompkins abilities had come to the attention of the Navy’s senior leadership. This included the then Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, and Admiral Rick Obatta whose responsibilities, according to Tompkins, included covert intelligence projects run out of North Island Naval Air Station at San Diego.

Tompkins claimed Admiral Obatta placed him on his personal staff for four years (1942-46), and quickly elevated him to a leadership position in a covert intelligence program:

Though only a third class seaman, he replaced a Commander at North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego.

Tompkins said that his mission statement was personally signed by Secretary Forrestal:

The mission statement read in part, “To compile and maintain a continuous survey of the activities of experimental research laboratories, other governmental agencies, educational scientific institutions, manufacturers and research engineers. To undertake upon his own initiative, or at the request of any bureau or office of the Naval Air Forces, studies of specific instrumentalities and techniques for the purpose of outlining research projects.”

In his December 14 interview on Rense, Tompkins claims that he sat in on meetings attended by Admiral Obatta, one or two Captains, and the naval operatives reporting on what they had observed in Nazi Germany.

Tompkins subsequently told this writer on January 16 that there were 28 Naval operatives with the rank of Lieutenant used in the covert program. They all had German ancestry, which allowed them to easily infiltrate Nazi Germany.

Tompkins’ job was to reproduce the complex designs which were either described by the naval operatives or contained within the documents they possessed, and then take these reproductions to different corporate Navy contractors. The contractors would proceed to design, reproduce and test various elements of the anti-gravity spacecraft, which were at various stages of production in Nazi Germany facilities in Europe, South America and Antarctica.

What the naval operatives were further reporting is astounding. Tompkins claims operatives revealed in the top secret debriefings that up to and during the World War II, there were two flying saucer programs under development. The first was a largely civilian effort that predated the Nazi rise to power in 1933, while the second was led by the Nazi SS.

Tompkins said that the civilian German space program had been inspired by a Nordic group of extraterrestrials who were communicating through young female German mediums.

The second program was assisted by a group of extraterrestrials called the Reptilians, who had reached secret agreements with Hitler.

In 1939, Tompkins asserts that the Nazi SS was given the location of three large caverns in Antarctica by the Reptilians, and proceeded to move the bulk of the German secret space programs there.

By 1942, when it became clear that the war was lost, the Nazi’s accelerated their efforts to relocate the best scientists, engineers and vital resources to Antarctica through specially built submarines capable of carrying very large cargoes. 

Tompkins learned that the Germans achieved great success and failures in their space program efforts. Of particular note was the first space flight to Mars in late April 1945, which had a crew of 30, including three Japanese astronauts. This stunning achievement ended in disaster when the spacecraft crash landed, resulting in the death of the entire crew.

After he reproduced the ship design information he had gained from the covert Navy operatives spying on the German space programs, Tompkins says he then took these designs to various top secret corporate facilities. These included Douglas Aircraft Company at El Segundo and Santa Monica, Lockheed, and an underground facility run by Caltech at China Lake.

From 1952 to 1958, Tompkins was employed as a draftsman with the Douglas Aircraft Company. Here he says that he worked with two attractive female Nordic extraterrestrials who were employed as secretaries, and they telepathically guided him in the designs for the more advanced space craft that would eventually be secretly built by the U.S. Navy.

Tompkins experience at Douglas with the two “Nordic secretaries” suggests that the U.S. Navy had reached a secret agreement with a friendly group of extraterrestrials in the early 1950s to develop their own space program. It would become the counter to the Nazi/German space program in Antarctica, which was being helped by Reptilian extraterrestrials.

Tompkins story sounds incredible, but key elements have been verified by the book’s editor, Dr Bob Wood who first began investigating Tompkins’ claims in 2009. Serendipitously, Dr Wood was employed with Douglas Aircraft (later McDonnell Douglas) over a 43 year period, and worked at Douglas at the same time as Tompkins, even though the two had never met prior to 2009.

Among Dr. Wood’s assignments, while at Douglas, was to research UFO reports to determine the feasibility of flying saucer designs for the aerospace industry. He was assigned this task by the Douglas aerospace company after he met with chief executives:

One day after I reported to a couple of VP’s on how we were doing, one of them asked me personally if I was doing anything interesting outside of my job. ‘You’re not going to believe this, but I’ve read about 50 books on UFOs’, I said, and ‘the amazing conclusion I have come to is that they are very real extraterrestrial craft’. The only thing that’s uncertain is whether we find out how they work before or after our competitor Lockheed. After a moment of silence one of them (VP) said, ‘how much would it cost to take a look at that question’? Therefore we started a project, quite low key to take a look at the question of how they work.

Dr. Wood was able to corroborate the names of engineers, scientists and projects at Douglas, which Tompkins referred to. Tompkins was also able to supply documents that confirmed that he was in charge of a U.S. Navy project in 1945, as he claimed, and that Douglas was interested in designs of kilometer long spacecraft.

The significance of Tompkins claims cannot be understated. They corroborate the key claims of a number of notable whistleblowers with alleged knowledge of secret space programs. In particular, Tompkins material adds substantive weight to the testimony of Corey Goode, whose groundbreaking claims were investigated in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances.

According to Goode, he learned about the history of the secret space program he served on from “smart glass pads” that he was given access to during his covert service from 1987 to 2007. These smart glass pads contained intelligence briefings, which Goode later revealed in his testimony. The information closely corresponds to what Tompkins says he heard at the debriefings of covert naval operatives working in Nazi Germany up to 1945.

One of Goode’s key claims is that Nazi Germany had developed not one, but two flying saucer programs. The first was a civilian program led by Maria Orsic, a young woman with exceptional psychic gifts who established communications with aliens claiming to be from Aldebaran. This resulted in the design and building of the first flying saucer craft under the auspices of the Vril Society.

Maria Orsic led a civilian space craft program under the Vril Society
Maria Orsic led a civilian space craft program under the Vril Society

Similarly, Tompkins claims that one of the German programs was a civilian program run by female psychics in communication with extraterrestrials. Tompkins confirmed to the writer on January 16, that the leader of this group was Maria Orsic as depicted on page 67 of Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances. Both Goode and Tompkins claim that the second space program was run by the Nazi SS.

Furthermore, both Goode and Tompkins claim that the Germans relocated their most advanced space program assets to Antarctica and South America, prior to and during World War II.

Tompkins book also corroborates Goode’s claim that the first successful missions to the Moon and Mars were undertaken by the German secret space programs in the early to mid-1940s.

In addition, Tompkins, like Goode, claims that Operation Highjump was an unsuccessful naval military expedition to locate and destroy Nazi bases in Antarctica. 

Tompkins claims are truly extraordinary revelations by a former employee of Douglas Aircraft Company and other aerospace companies working on classified programs for the U.S. Navy. The fact that his claims have attracted the support of Dr. Robert Wood, another former Douglas Aircraft employee, is highly significant.

The drawings Tompkins has supplied in his book is documentary evidence in support of his claims that a secret space program was indeed developed by the U.S. Navy, as a result of espionage by its covert operatives, of what the Nazis had pioneered in their own highly classified antigravity technology programs prior to and up to the conclusion of World War II.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Hillary Clinton vows to investigate UFOs, Area 51 and alien visitors – Washington Times

ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Press Release

For Immediate Distribution

“I think we may already have been visited.” Hillary Clinton


Dear Readers: Since this news release ZNN has learned that Hillary Clinton may be facing FBI indictments on suspected use of her personal email server for storage of classified files.

In a Jan 25/16 article by DRUDGE – it states: “The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn’t followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency’s investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.”

The tactic of ET talk on the part of Hillary is either a ploy on her part along with Bill Clinton and campaign manager John Podesta – possibly an effort to dismantle FBI charges with an even bigger issue or… it’s her Waterloo.   

Because of the cowardice and incompetence of NBC News during the Democratic Debate on Sunday Jan 18/16, birthing their pathetic failure to question Ms. Clinton on her remarks about the UFO/ET matter or about the possible FBI indictments – it appears the contrived denial in major US news media to face the fact that she did make these UFO/ET statements, once again has come into play in the same way they ignored John Podesta’s public statements on ET Disclosure. They’ll get the point soon if the clever Podesta has anything to do with it.  

This disingenuous posture on the part of NBC, and the likes of CBS and ABC, which leads them to patently ignore these matters, is a testament to their complicity and fatuous existence as provocateurs of mendacity and complicity and not news. [Ed. Note]


Toronto [ZNN] Momentum is growing in Washington DC amidst the stunning announcement by Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton that she will investigate the UFO issue if elected President.

 Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times today published a new rendering of the Clinton statement on the UFO/ET matter and as she points out, international interest in Hillary Clinton’s statements on UFOs is heating up. 
Harper writes, “In a casual conversation with the Conway Daily Sun, a local paper, Mrs. Clinton vowed, ‘Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it.’ She [Clinton] later added, ‘I think we may already have been visited. We don’t know for sure.’ Mrs. Clinton also suggested that a future task force could be assembled to investigate Area 51, a top secret military installation in Nevada long rumored to have had dealings with UFOs.” It does not get much more blunt than that, coming from a former US Secretary of State and now Presidential candidate. 

Hillary Clinton with Conway Daily Sun

reporter Daymond Steer

One can only speculate on why Clinton is taking such a bold stand on the UFO/ET matter just before the first major Primary in New Hampshire in February. The Clinton’s connection to UFOs is a matter of history of which few are familiar.
Hillary Clinton’s close association with Laurance S. Rockefeller regarding that philanthropist’s demands of then President Bill Clinton to end UFO secrecy and her husband’s public opinions on Extraterrestrials that surfaced on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, clearly demonstrate this is not the first time Ms. Clinton has come face to face with the UFO/ET issue. 
Even more perplexing, John Podesta former White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, who is Hillary Clinton’s current campaign manager, has already made two publicly challenging and provocative statements aimed directly at the US government. At the Washington DC National Press Club in 2002 and 2003 he demanded that the US government tell the American people what it knows about UFOs. 
John Podesta
John Podesta
Podesta stated:

“It’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark, on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it, really, because it’s right, because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”

Furthermore, in a now famous Tweet in March of 2015, Podesta also admitted his greatest failure while in the White House was that he did not achieve the release of UFO files. 
The confluence of these multiple and eerie converging lines of evidence during an increasingly derisive Presidential campaign appear to be setting the stage for a massive explosion of questions both on the campaign trail and internationally about why a 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate – her campaign manager and her husband have now publicly engaged their previous and current interest in the UFO/ET matter. 
What will fellow Democrats and Donald Trump say about this turn of events spawned by the Clinton-Podesta triumvirate?
Jennifer Harper goes on to say, “It did not take long for the global media to pick up on the exchange. The British press in particular have seized upon the story, which also has a role for former President Bill Clinton – who joins his wife on the campaign trail this week – and former [Obama] White House adviser John Podesta.”
It is common knowledge in Washington DC that what Hillary wants – Hillary gets… UFO Disclosure?
ZNN will continue to follow this story.
Other Sources:
UK Mail OnLine 
Read DC lobbyist Stephen Bassett’s Political Analysis: Clinton Breaks her silence

Pyramids in Russia: Towards a Universal Pattern Community

Valery Uvarov
Mr. Valery Uvarov
On December 2015, I heard Mr. Valery Uvarov at the IV UFOZ conference organized by A.J. Gevaerd in Brazil and then interviewed him. I had met Mr. Uvarov before at the First International UFO Congress in 1991. Mr. Uvarov has been a UFO researcher known for working with contactees but also with other mysteries such as possible paleo historical traces of extraterrestrial activities in the far-flung past. For several years he’s also been involved with pyramid technology and in the construction of large-scale experimental pyramids  and, more recently, in a project to build an intentional community that could enhance human evolution in current and upcoming generations.
 For several years, Mr. Uvarov was not only active experimenting with the construction of several large pyramid structures in Russia but was also involved with research projects that have allegedly experimentally honed better ways to build these artifacts.
There’s a developing tradition of building large pyramids in Russia. Dr. Alexander Golod has also been a pioneer of this pyramid research and construction in Russia.
A well-known 144 foot pyramid built under Dr. Alexander Golod’s concepts in 1999 
The practical benefits of pyramids that work would be many, such as healing cancer besides positive transformative resonant effects in the human organism, consciousness and mind.  Allegedly, after at least 15 years of research, some scientist members of the Russian Academy of Science have verified many non-conventional effects produced by specifically designed and aligned pyramids and I’d say that IF these are also scientifically verified by peers around the world, humanity could soon be engaging in a practical large-scale demostration of the conscious use of a science based on universal, integrative, multi-level energy patterns. Moreover, it would be reasonable to assume that these multi-level energy patterns are recognized and utilized by many advanced extraterrestrial beings throughout the cosmos.  
 According to Mr. Uvarov, ET craft are abundant around the world, manifest at specific cyclical times and for the most part (unless having technical difficulties) just travel too fast or at a time rate that renders them normally invisible to the najed eye. Some of the pyramids built in Russia would have already attracted them but they can only be seen if filmed at high speeds and then by slowing down the video. Apparently, in order to ‘travel’ from one place to another, ET civilizations would make transitions between “chrono fields” (time fields) using crossing points between “time corridors.” These “corridors” would be policed by a neutral exopolitical force. Some of this can be read in Mr. Uvarov’s reply to General Alexey Savin’s comment about why extraterrestrials do not openly contact humanity.
According to Mr. Uvarov, the Russian government doesn’t have an official information suppression policy and has never told him to stop researching. moreover, issues such as “extraterrestrials” and “pyramid power” seem to be less of a taboo among formal Russian institutions.
Allegedly, according to Mr. Uvarov, an adequately built pyramid is a model of a human being’s (and the universe’s) energy structure and is a way to collect and generate cosmic energies on a variety of planes of existence. Since Earth human beings would have a unique energy pattern related to Earth’s history and other characteristics, extraterrestrials would also be interested in “reading” or decoding a person’s energy fields. 
In “Project 12,” located near the city of Tomsk, medical institutes, hotels, kindergartens, other schools and projects will be combined with 33 pyramids that allegedly correct and enhance the human energetic structure, learning, creative abilities, the immune system and consciousness.  
Fifteen minutes away from the City of Tomsk, in the Russian Siberia more than 120 hectares have been reserved for building a pyramid complex and alternative community. It might be located in an area with a natural kind of energy vortex.
Financing the 500 million dollar project (which began contruction in 2011) would be an important food distributor for the Siberian region. He wants to positively influence the development of new generations in Tomsk and also to distribute food that has been treated in the pyramids.
Project 12 is currently under construction and will possess 33 pyramids in toto and 12 major integrated aspects:  An integrated pyramid complex; education and development of special abilities in adults and new generations of Russian children (including creative capacities and psychic abilities); a health and medical center including conventional and alternative approaches; healthy and organic agriculture; food supplements production; beekeeping/apiculture; water energizing; solar and wind energy; a residential settlement; an inn for guests; and a botanical garden and zoo.       
The complex is designed around a large central, 18-metter high pyramid structure itself containing 25 pyramid-shaped ‘chambers’. This structure is  said to be 10 times smaller than the Great Pyramid in Egypt. After many years of scientific and alternative historical research (allegedly including working with Russia’s “National Security Academy”) pyramids are built by combining several crucial details (such as placing a large quartz crystal in its foundations surrounded by a 12-sided wall, using specific minerals, using solid walls, a large bronce bell for resonance effects in its main hall, a quartz pyramid top or “pyramidion,” and a unique alignment 15 degrees off from the North towards Greenland). The large quartz crystal in the basement is a crucial part of the pyramid’s energy source and in contact with running liquid water. Allegedly there also are ways to avoid the negative energies which also  naturally flow upwards from the Earth.
Clockwise and anti-clockwise subtle but effective energy flows are described. However, some construction details remain secret because – as Mr. Uvarov says – they can also be used to generate psychotronic warfare effects.  
Mr. Uvarov mentioned that the Cheops pyramid is active 49 days of the year but that the central pyramid in Project 12 would be active every day of the year. 
Image result for valery uvarov pyramids
Project 12 is designed with 3 concentric (Atlantis-like) rings with the central 18 meter-high pyramid interconnected to the other pyramids at the rings.
Mr. Uvarov also wants to build a network of strategically placed pyramids around the world in order to modify what could be called the “mental information field” (the noosphere?) and re-align the planet’s subtle energy grid, also diminishing or “dampening” earthquake activity.
If all of this is verified and a project of planetary consequences were to take place, it would be a conscious effort that (to ‘visiting’ and/or interacting and observing extraterrestrial civilizations) could signal a greater degree of maturity on the part of humanity …in other words, it could also have exopolitical consequences and bring us closer to open interaction.
According to Mr. Uvarov, many temples and pyramids in the world (although mostly dismantled) are still aligned with an energy grid system distributing cosmic energy received and re-transmitted by Mount Kailash in the Himalayas.  A buddhist sacred calendar would show this mountain’s activity (which, although pyramid-shaped, is considered to be a receiver). 
Mr. Uvarov states that there’s greater openness than in the West to alternative paleo history and extraterrestrial issues. He claims that at the “National Security Academy” interest in pyramid technology isn’t just for military purposes but also for the positive uses. He tells us that in that academy’s archives he saw secret UFO files that mentioned landings and interactions between ETs and military personnel and even showed that during WWII German submarines entered underwater tunnels in the Antartic eventually reaching a parallel reality. Allegedly, the entire journey of the latter expedition was clearly described.
Mr. Uvarov’s research indicates that there is historical encoded information given by an ancient civilization that existed in a planet known as “Maldek” once located between Mars and Jupiter. A civilization located in Mars would have also intervened. He also mentions that some ancient texts gave clues on technology given to correct the human energy system and its “inner biological time.”  There would be two time frames ( I suppose one of them is retrocausal and syntropic) and re-aligning them would not only prolong our biological lives with better health but align us with our mother planet Earth and with the cosmos…thereafter facilitating contact with the energy frequencies of extraterrestrial entities.   
Pyramid central pyramid Project 12
The central pyramid at Project 12
A link to Mr. Uvarov’s work (it’s translated):  
Free online PDF Book: “The Pyramids” by Valery Uvarov
My video interview:
Other interesting video sources:
“Valery Uvarov UFOs & Russian Pyramids – Bosnian Pyramids Conference 2014” (By Disclose Truth TV)
“(HD) The purposes of the Bosnian Pyramid tunnels – Sam Osmanagich, Michael Tellinger, Valery Uvarov (shows a related research in Bosnia)”
“Did we came from the stars?” (interview by Shadow Camera)



Spring Semester Courses for Exopolitics Certificate start 18 Jan 2016

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ExoCertificcate-Logo[Dec 30, 2015 – Kalapana, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on Jan 18, 2016 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Spring 2016 Semester are:

For 2016 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

Exo-101 is what exopolitics is all about; this is a comprehensive overview, but with a plethora of amazing details, of all crucial aspects and issues regarding the UFO phenomenon and the ET presence on planet earth – P. Dermentzoglou, Spring, 2014

I appreciated the structure the course offered me in coming to the field with little background in ufology or exopolitics.. Flexibility regarding differing beliefs and opinions is particularly important to me. I enjoyed reading Manu’s and my classmates’ thoughts and opinions and felt encouraged and supported in expressing my own. – Karen Kael, USA, Exo-101, Spring, 2013

If you interested about UFOs , but know nothing about the implications regarding the issue to our world , I strongly recommend this course .- Stan Ho, Hong Kong, Exo-101, Spring, 2013

The course as a whole was very interesting. The quantum mechanics part was very useful, as this field has been “Greek” to me so far. The same must be said about RV. I also enjoy the exo 106 YouTube channel – very good movie clips! The course was produced and composed in a way that makes the student see comparative events (connecting the dots), and such methodology served as quite an eye opener to me. – Kai Olsen, Exo-106, Spring, 2011

This is not a course for the faint hearted. It requires a sound prior knowledge base of the topic, substantial self-discipline and absolute dedication. Some of the information on abductions is sheer horror which one would prefer to believe only exists in Hollywood, but like the 911 atrocity, reality dwarfs Hollywood and nowhere more so than in the exopolitical field. The truth is that interaction on this level between terrestrials and others is vastly more common place than we could ever begin to give credit for and the reasons for this cover a wide range of issues, some of which are as disturbing as they are provocative and inspirational. Douglas McClure, South Africa, Exo-106, Spring, 2009

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses and seminars that each culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

a. Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
b.. Exopolitics Diploma – Third level certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.
To Register: click here

Website: click here. Email: Phone: +1 202 470 0140

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Scalar Waves: What might they Be? Are they in our Technological Future?

By Giorgio Piacenza

Quantum ElectroDynamics
Quantum ElectroDynamics

Information about “scalar waves” (in fact, longitudinal waves expressing a scalar potential) is being recuperated with practical demonstrations after more than a century of forgetfulness. That is being allowed and that if that is the case (as it seems), it is important – human society transforming – news. These waves may be a key to the future of wireless electric transmission, healing, gravity cancellation and much more.   

Nikola Tesla showed he could send electrical energy without wires. It turned out not to be good for business and it was also classified.  He used longitudinal waves. The field pointer travels in the direction of propagation, much like sound waves and plasma waves do. Their potential is “scalar” but longitudinal wave vectors can be produced from them.  However, they are simply called “scalar waves.” They can be used to send both information and energy. They could be used to heal or to alter a person or perhaps even an entire community. They can be imprinted with information patterns. They cannot be shielded by Faraday cages and apparently go through matter similar to neutrinos. They may even acquire neutrinos and gain energy from them as Dr. Konstantine Meyl posits. Dr. Meyl has reproduced Tesla’s technology of generating electric scalar waves and demonstrates it. He also enhanced Maxwell’s equations and discovered magnetic scalar waves which may affect biological systems and be used by them to communicate with little or no “noise.”


Laplace’s scalar (and longitudinal) wave components can be explained through the vortices Maxwell used as a dampening term. Regarding unique, non-trivial physical effects of longitudinal waves and scalar longitudinal waves, the physical importance of the magnetic vector potential field (also used in relation to quantum mechanics) is also recognized.

These ‘scalar’ longitudinal waves have closed field lines and cannot be easily detected. These longitudinal waves apparently acquire energy from the vacuum as they propagate so the possibility of extracting extra energy from our link as an open system to the vacuum of space, allowing for an (improperly called) “free energy,” exists. Their Poynting vector would coincide with the direction of propagation and – as a particulate aspect – we can visualize them as hidden vortical pulses themselves made of standing vortices and counter vortices.…perhaps expressions of a dynamic double torus geometry multi-fractal level connection and dynamism allowed by Nassim Haramein’s 64 tetrahedron grid and the isotropic vector matrix and vector equilibrium exchange of information and energies beyween deep and exterior levels in the quantum vacuum.


Perhaps, as Dr. Steven Greer says in his lectures, an object can be made to resonate using high voltage, high frequency, low amperage electric energy field, being affected so as to tilt outside of spacetime (its spin?) and made to disappear into another “dimension.” I think that what Dr. Greer calls “dimension” actually is another “parallel” physical reality system stemming from a different ratio of how Subtle-Mental and Physical Realms combine. Perhaps the type of Poynting vector and electric field used to achieve this effect derives from using electric scalar waves. Energy going in the direction of propagation is more convergent and I suppose it attempts to go back into the infinitely small toroidal center of the zero-point vortex just as water tries to find its course donwhill.

Perhaps the Hutchinson Effect is also based on producing a scalar field and effects taking place by means of – for instance – a specific interference or space-time/time-space mutually canceling “clash” of static and alternating current fields. The devices used in this case are several and complicated but the production of basic longitudinal waves seems to be much simpler. Dr. Meyl uses two flat pancake copper tesla coils, each attached to a spherical electrode. He also, like Tesla grounds a device.     

Scalar waves travel faster than light and their variable speed would primarily depend on wavelength and frequency modulation and other factors would be vacuum permittivity and (I suppose) the virtual particle energetic density of the quantum vacuum. Dr. Meyl demonstrates that the propagation speed faster than light varies slightly from place to place around the Earth according to the unitary resonance between transmitter and receiver in slightly different local transmisison conditions of the local intervening medium. However, the vortex swirl velocity would be constant and thus the vortex would act as a frequency converter.

The “knots” or longitudinal wave vortices would change diameter and wave length according to relativistic Lorentz contraction, becoming smaller the faster they go until reaching the speed of light. Also, as other longitudinal waves in nature, its speed should change according to the density of the medium it travels with.

Scalar waves provide communication between the transmitter and receiver as a single or whole system. The transmitter of longitudinal waves “knows” if the receiver is on.  It acts as a connecting whole between parts. It may express the retrocausal connection factor allowed in non-local quantum mechanics and entanglement. It should also act as an expresion of a frequency domain in the physical quantum hologram and be useful to cancel spacetime and reconnect with a more fundamental non-physical realm in which the possibilities for all physical universes is given. 

Through resonance the receiver acquires electrical energy and can operate a motor or perhaps light a LED without the latter being hooked to an external power source or a battery. I think that these waves may have a negentropic effect and serve to produce over unity effects and may be useful to collect “negative energy states” that could help us to open worm holes, distort space time metric through a crystalline (and quasi crystals?) thick  ring-like toroidal capacitor, and/or making them (similar to plasma waves as per their equations) rotate and counter-rotate producing a specific gravity-cancelling resonant frequency.  According to ac reinterpretation of La Place’s equation These scalar component, its vector vortices would exist as an inside component in the overall electromagnetic structure and were even considered possible in Maxwell’s original equations (formulated in his “quaternions” with one real and three imaginary components) but were simplified by Oliver Heaviside in which the vector for scalar field was made  = 0. 

According to Meyl  regular tranversal wave EM emmiter may first emmit scalar waves at the antenna source and thi smight be detected in the “near field” as “noise.” The noise may be a product of the scalar vortices decaying and unfurling into transversal waves in the far field. However, they would re-group back as scalar waves at the reciver’s antenna. I think this would be because scalar waves tend to be negentropic and to converge producing order or building structures. That order could be imprinted with a pattern and be used to heal, to produce over unity or to form a damaging structure, like a tumour.    

With the over-simplification, the possibility of contacts with realities beyond 3 spatial and 1 time-forward dimensions was “normalized.” Something similar happened with the dismissal of the negative square root solution of the Klein-Gordon equation and to a few other counter-intuitive (non-classical) but probably valid proposals in physics. As Dr. Scott Virden Anderson mentions in his “Putting Subtle Energies on the Scientific Map” QUATERNIONS (associated with the loss of commutation algebraic and geometric properties and with autopoietic or self- organizing and self-maintaining systems) may be used to describe the first levels of subtle energy (in between the physical and higher realms). Also, even more complex algebras (like octonions and sedenions) may also be appropriate to represent still higher/deeper subtle realms. 

As Thomas Bearden and Konstantine Meyl explain, electrodynamic textbooks repeat the simplification and preserve limited future scientific developments and scientists have been repeating that ever since. In my view, it goes along with a temporary tendency and taboo against anything not corresponding classical intuitive perceptions of spacetime-separated reality but this can be overcome. The longitudinal waves were suppressed and speed-of-light-limit-obeying (spacetime limited) transversal Hertzian waves have been used in technological applications until today. Thus, in relation to the competing views between Tesla and Hertz, Hertz won the day for the conventional ‘vanilla’ (other realities, the “paranormal” and parapsychology-rejecting) ‘scientific’ and conventionally educated world. 


The longitudinal waves can be considered as standing wave vortices and I believe that –  in relation to transversal EM waves – they would be more like the counter-rotating, less visible vortex accompanying tornadoes or as the inner vortex of self-sustaining double tori. They would be like the ‘insides’ of the exterior quadrants of Integral Theory. 

If I’m not mistaken, I think that Thomas Bearden understanding about what could be called “pure” scalar waves is that they exist in time. These would not be equivalent to the longitudinal waves which we have also been calling “scalar.” Bearden’s scalar waves would be represented in the time axis but not in the space axis. I’d say that they would perhaps be situated in a universal frequency matrix (and this reminds me of some of the non-local information matrix as per the (Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness). Their effects would not be a few times faster than C (like Weyl’s understandng of longitudinal scalar waves) but instant, in my view perhaps due to instant resonance.

They would affect time density and thus degree of entropy and negentropy. Could these scalar waves also be correctly considered the key connective component of Kozirev’s theory about torsion waves-fields, instantly connecting places in the universe where entropy increases with places where it decreases (as physicist Claude Swanson explains in his book “The Synchronized Universe”)?   

On the other hand, the longitudinal scalar EM component experimented with by Dr. Konstantin Meyl may possibly relate more directly not only with negentropy but with retrocausal influences allowed in quantum-relativistic Klein-Gordon equation. They might be a key to increasing the symmetry  between Direct Space Time and Reciprocal Time Space  by allowing access to the latter, information-frequency predominant domain, including its negentropic qualities. By harnessing the negentropic – normally hidden – aspect we might cancel spacetime and return parts of it to its origin in the non-physical Subtle-Mental (astral) Realm. This could be done in various ratios (allowing greater interaction with that more fundamental realm) or perhaps it can be done completely to transfer completely outside of spacetime (and its complementary reciprocal time-space).   

It is also likely that experiments on inertial cancellation and electrogravitics applied to a gravity field disconnected object were conducted by Dr. Thomas Towsend Brown and the key components also classified. Perhaps pulsing DC current was part of it. Today we are re-discovering this kind of science connecting a hidden level of electromagnetic phenomena not only with how some ET-spacecraft function, but also with a shared mechanism related with many until now called ‘paranormal’ phenomena.

I’ve been gradually developing an integrative explanatory model that might help explain what has been called “the paranormal.” It explores scientific and plausible fundamental metaphysical-ontological concepts attempting to relate them in a transdisciplinary and trans epistemological manner. A link to it is found at   


Specific frequencies and frequency patterns at the “hidden” scalar-longitudinal wave EM level might be able to act as tensors orthogonally (at right angles) cohering zero-point energies, affecting observable, time-forward, space-time and its events. Their retrocausal component might be tantamount to so-called quantum “advanced waves” (in realistic quantum mechanical interpretations) and be used to cancel out time-forward “retarded waves,” thus connecting physical reality (with various degrees of intensity) to a null-time or non-physical information ‘field’.   “Advanced” and “retarded” waves may (from an ordinary linear, time-forward-dominant, classical spacetime perspective) meet instantaneously in each concrete actualization of quantum probabilities. However,they might exist in “actual” and “potential” sttes in relation to each other in different situations. Specifically, in connection with our molar, entropy-dominated, conscious observations of actualized quantum probabilities (perhaps significantly restricted to maintaining the coherence of our “classical,” physical universe), “retarded-waves” would prevail as “actual” and “advanced waves” would acquire a “potential” state.

After partially reading the work of my friend Engineer Enrique Álvarez Vita (to be published with full equations in English, hoping for an adequate peer-review), I dare speculate even further that the particulate aspect accompanying this space-time “cancelation” (based on mutually canceling time-forward and time backwards causally effective temporal frequencies) might also be accompanied by an increase in the number of virtual anti particles. From a particulate perspective, we could say that the “cloud” of virtual particulate anti-matter exists in a fractal sublevel closer to what for us would be a pre-physical level and that this level of anti-matter cancels out the charges/forces associated with our universe’s “real” particles. All of this is highly speculative and I really don’t know but, if our “real universe” of particles whose coherent arrangement is linearly and time-forward, causally perceived in a conscious manner while bound to time frequencies permitted by the basic Planck time unit/frequency of 1043 s, perhaps virtual anti-particles amenable to concentration or dipersion through specific scalar-longitudinal frequencies (modifying “advanced” and “retarded” waves), might be related to a faster basic time unit/frequency proper to a smaller physical fractal universe.


An information aspect of the “quantum hologram” described in the “Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness” might originate in the non-physical information field from which (in a higher symmetry) time-forward, “retarded waves” and “time-backwards “advanced waves” originate. Then again, another information aspect more connected to the quantum and zero point interphase realm might relate with what can – at least in part – be mathematically interpreted in the “Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness” by using a Fourier Transform operation. This latter aspect would interphase with the zero point potential.

It is a possibility that transmitting wireless electric energy , canceling spacetime and perhaps gravity shielding, modification or cancelation was discovered late in the XIX Century by Tesla. Perhaps these inventions were supressed or classified keeping us on a many-decades-long, entropy increasing, fossil-fuel course of events that would maintain a separation-based economics and politics in opposition of the course of action gradually being taken by our hidden exopolitical history. A key component of UFO-ET disclosure will relate to the wide potential use of scalar waves, explaining the security measures behind its cover-up while maintaining them if necessary. However, educating humanity on the metaphysics that accompanies the existence of scalar waves, retrocausality and the connection of a higher non-physical realm will eventually lead to organizing the transition a cultural, social “integrative” transition stage to create a synergistic, non-polluting, “scalar” economy along with a world polity capable of dealing with this power that allegedly overcomes classical spacetime separation.

The integrative education of cultural leaders and humanity at large would have to be seriously undertaken. Initiating this process will be challenging and might be challenging of worldviews, internationalattitudes and so forth but not initiating it…not shifting to a more rational, spiritual and non-predatory society will probably lead to a major loss of human freedom or to a planetary disaster.

According to different kinds of evidence acummulated over years, it is quite reasonable to think that we are in fact being “visited” by extraterrestrials and/or non-human intelligent beings that can manipulate space-time, sometimes mimicking aspects of what have been called “paranormal” events. Conventional academicians shy away from  issues which are deemed as “funny” “ludicrous” “too hot to handle” or “taboo.” But humanity sorely needs to grow up and understand the scientific principles as to how all things are connected and how that connection transcends our experiences within the limits of classical spacetime, limits to which our brain-mind complexes have adapted, generating intricate but, nothetheless, perilously atomized societies.

If you have good scientific ideas about (at least some) aspects of “our visitors” science, please write to 

Giorgio Piacenza

Video: Professor Konstantine Meyl re-discovering Tesla inventions and expanding Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory. 

See “Neutrino Power and the Existence of Scalar Waves”


American Anti-Gravity (2009). “The Hutchinson Effect: technical Interview with John Hutchinson.” Retrieved from: 

Bearden, T.E. (2002). “Energy from the Vacuum.” Santa Barbara, Cheniere Press.

Greer, S. (2014). “The Crossing Point of Light.” Retrieved from 

Haramein, N. (2013). “Quantum Gravity and the Holographic Mass.” 

Hutchinson, J. (2009). “Hutchinson Effect: Objects Levitate, Metals Mutate, Time Travel” Retrieved from  

Meyl, K. “Scalar Waves Theory and Experiments”

Retrieved from  

Pandora’s Box (2014). “Nassim Haramein, The structure of the Vacuum and Crop Circles” Retrieved from 

Piacenza, G. (2014). “Toward an Integrative Scientific and World Philosophy.” Retrieved from

Swanson, C. (203). “The Synchronized Universe.” Tucson: Poseidia Press.

US Congress Passes Bill Protecting Slave Labor on Mars & Corporate Space Colonies

US Congress protects slave labor-650

On November 16, the U.S. House of Representatives joined the Senate in passing a bill that provides legal protection for space mining conducted by U.S. based corporations that establish off-world operations. While most Congressional members that passed H.R.2262 – U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act may have done so with the impression that they would protect the rights of U.S. companies in future space mining missions, they instead have provided legal protection to corporations that have been secretly conducting such operations for decades.

The passage of the “U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act” is significant due to recent whistleblower claims that off-world space mining by U.S. affiliated corporations have been using slave labor on Mars and elsewhere in our solar system. More recently, it has been claimed that these mining operations and associated bases, began as a result of cooperation between German Secret Societies and the U.S. military industrial complex, a relationship that dates back to the late 1950s.

If these claims are true, then U.S. corporations have been involved in slave labor practices on Mars and elsewhere, which originated with the policies of Nazi Germany. Clark McClelland, a veteran space engineer who worked for NASA or its contractors for a total of 34 years, claims he saw Hans Kammler, the same Nazi SS official involved in implementing slave labor practices for highly advanced secret projects in Germany, at the Kennedy Space Center in the early 1960s.

McCelland’s testimony supports another whistleblower, Corey Goode, who claims secret agreements had been reached with the Eisenhower administration as a result of flyovers of Washington D.C., by German flying saucers in 1952. McClelland’s and Goode’s testimonies about Nazi and German infiltration of the U.S. space program are investigated in the recent book Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances.

The relevant section of the “U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act,” dealing with protecting space mining was originally submitted on March 19 to the U.S. Congress as a separate bill titled “H.R.1508: Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act of 2015.”

Rather than being voted on as a separate bill, the “Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act” was instead incorporated into the larger bill, “H.R.2262 – U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act.” It was the latter bill that was passed by the House of Representatives on November 17, and earlier by the U.S. Senate on November 10.

Title IV of the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act (aka Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act of 2015) protects the rights of mining companies willing to invest significant financial resources in future space exploration. If, for example, a mining company establishes a base on Mars, then it would have the right to exploit the resources of Mars while being protected under U.S. federal law.

Here is what the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act has to say in section “51302. Commercial exploration and commercial recovery”:

(a) IN GENERAL – The President, acting through appropriate Federal agencies, shall—

(1)       facilitate the commercial exploration and utilization of space resources to meet national needs;

This clause raises the possibility that under U.S. “national needs” the President of the United States can provide resources and assistance to mining companies to establish off-world bases and mining. There is nothing particularly alarming here at the prospect of companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX being given assistance to plan future Mars missions that establish mining bases to fund themselves.

The next clause of the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act does raise some disturbing issues however:

(2) discourage government barriers to the development of economically viable, safe, and stable industries for the exploration and utilization of space resources in manners consistent with the existing international obligations of the United States;

What exactly does “discourage government barriers” mean? This clause could be used to argue against any future government regulations as unnecessary and causing significant impediment to profitable mining operations.

For example, if a mining company was to exploit workers in slave-labor like conditions, rather than federal regulators imposing U.S. labor standards, the oppressed workers would be left hanging to seek a resolution of the corporate entity itself. 

The subsequent clause is even more alarming:

(3) promote the right of United States commercial entities to explore outer space and utilize space resources, in accordance with the existing international obligations of the United States, free from harmful interference…

What does “free from harmful interference” mean? In the case of a mining corporation imposing slave labor working conditions, this clause suggests that international organizations such as the International Criminal Court would not have the power to directly intervene. Basically, managers at prospective space mining operations would be protected under U.S. Federal Law from international organizations investigating them for using slave labor.

Finally, section 106 of the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act specifies the U.S. federal courts as having “exclusive jurisdiction”:

 “(g) Federal jurisdiction.—Any claim by a third party or space flight participant for death, bodily injury, or property damage or loss resulting from an activity carried out under the license shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal courts.”

Basically, this means that any human rights issues arising in the mining operations of corporations with off-world bases would have to be addressed through U.S. federal courts.

The U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act raises some very troubling legal issues about future mining operations by U.S. based corporations. However, rather than a hypothetical legal problem to be debated by space law attorneys, there is testimonial evidence that space mining operations already secretly exist. Furthermore, it has been claimed that these mining operations use slave labor on Mars and other locations in the solar system.

According to alleged eyewitness testimony, an inspection of a Mars mining and manufacturing facility was conducted on June 20, 2015. In a detailed report written two days later, Corey Goode claims that he along with a “Lt Col Gonzales” (a pseudonym) were given an official tour of a facility owned by a corporation called the “Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate” (ICC). The inspection was done to investigate claims of slave labor being used at ICC facilities.

According to Goode, a former ICC employee had defected to a rival space program called the “Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance”, and was willing to testify in future legal proceedings against responsible corporate officials.

A Council heading the SSP Alliance made the necessary arrangements for Goode and Gonzales to travel to Mars and inspect the ICC facility. Based on what Goode and Gonzales directly witnessed, there is testimonial evidence that slave labor is currently being used on Mars to mine and manufacture products for the ICC.

It has been claimed that the findings of investigations by the SSP Alliance, against corporate and other abuses in space, will submitted in planned “crimes against humanity” trials.

If Goode’s report is accurate, then the effect of the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act would be to give U.S. federal legal protection to the owners, managers and personnel of corporations currently using slave labor in off-world operations. Investigations by international human rights organizations, including the International Criminal Court, and the alleged SSP Alliance legal proceedings, would be effectively neutralized.

Currently, the House’s Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act awaits reconciliation with its Senate version before being passed on to President Obama for his signature and ratification. This is expected to happen quickly with little debate since the general public, mass media, and perhaps even Obama himself, are unaware of the secret decades-long involvement of U.S. corporations in off-world mining operations. 

It appears more than coincidental that at the same time as accusations of slave labor being used at off-world mining operations are being secretly investigated for possible criminal prosecution, that the U.S. Congress has passed legislation that would effectively provide legal protection to corporate officials responsible for crimes against humanity in space.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Secret Underground Cities have Influenced Human Civilization & Religion for Millennia

Agartha influencing humanity

An ancient network of underground cities, tens of thousands of years old, has exerted a powerful influence over human society and religion for millennia according to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. More recently, he claims this network of cities has been negotiating with major nations that have developed secret space programs.  

On September 23, Goode released a report describing a diplomatic meeting with members of seven ancient underground civilizations that recently had to come together to form an alliance due to political and technological changes on the Earth’s surface.  In the latest episode of Cosmic Disclosure on GaiamTV, Goode reveals his knowledge of these underground civilizations that are described as the “Agartha Network” – a coalition of underground cities described in “smart glass pads” he had access to during his secret space program service from 1987-2007.

Goode says that the Agartha Network was created over time by successive cataclysms on the Earth’s surface that led to different civilizations establishing underground refuges for their elites, along with their most advanced technologies. As the number of ancient underground cities expanded over the ages, many joined to form the Agartha Network, which possessed advanced spacecraft called the “Silver Fleet”.

The Agartha Network and the other breakaway ancient civilizations were not alone in establishing refuges in underground locations throughout Earth’s turbulent surface history. Non-human races that include ‘Raptors’ (a hybrid Reptilian and Avian race), were also present, and played significant roles in Earth’s cataclysmic history.

Also, a war-like Reptilian race called the ‘Draconians’ first appeared around 300,000 years ago according to Goode, and began genetic experiments with some the surface inhabitants that survived earlier cataclysms. Other human-like extraterrestrials also began genetic experiments – a total of 22 – with the remnants of surface humanity.

The Draco and the human extraterrestrial visitors had major wars in which the fortunes of one side or the other would wax and wane over the ages. Goode said that Zecharia Sitchin’s The Earth Chronicles, is a fairly accurate account of these battles. Meanwhile, the Agartha Network closely monitored conditions on the Earth’s surface, and the different extraterrestrial visitors conducting genetic experiments, while fighting amongst each other.

Goode says that the Agartha Network pretended to be gods when they met members of surface humanity, thereby either giving birth to, or, at the very least, influencing ancient pagan religions. Among the Greek ‘gods’, and similar gods from other religious traditions, many were actually members of the Agartha Network.

In Goode’s September 23 report, the Agarthans and other underground civilizations claimed that they did so in order to bring a measure of order and civilization to a turbulent surface humanity, which had been genetically modified by Draconians and other extraterrestrial visitors to be aggressive.

Goode said that it was not only the Agartha Network that pretended to be gods to surface humanity, but also some visiting extraterrestrials who did likewise. These included bird-like extraterrestrials revered by the ancient Egyptians such as Thoth and Horus. According to the “Law of One” material, the RA group says that despite their efforts to be merely teachers to the ancient Egyptians, they were instead revered as gods.

Goode’s claims are supported by ancient historians like Manetho (circa 300 BC), who describes pre-dynastic Egypt as being directly ruled by the gods, who walked among surface humans for millennia. These ‘gods’ intermarried with humanity to produce generations of demi-gods who ruled over humanity for extended periods. A similar scenario is described in the Book of Enoch.

In an interview on Coast to Coast AM on September 14/15, Goode said that the gods (Agarthans and visiting extraterrestrials) walked the Earth’s surface until around the fourth century AD.  This approximate date coincides well with the gradual disappearance of the pagan religions and the ascendance of Christianity after the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 AD.

Around 600 AD, Islam was established and rapidly spread throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. The ancient pagan traditions rapidly disappeared as the two major monotheistic faiths spread around the world, often at the point of a sword.

Significantly, both of these monotheistic faiths incorporated significant elements of the Jewish religion (‘Old Testament’ in Christianity) that referred to an unknown transcendent ‘God’ called Yahweh or Jehovah. The Old Testament has numerous references to this alleged transcendent God commanding the ancient Hebrews to ruthlessly eradicate the indigenous pagan peoples in what would today be recognized as ethnic cleansing. This suggests that the Hebrew ‘God’ was more likely another advanced extraterrestrial or subterranean imposter.

If Goode is correct, the Agartha Network’s influence over surface humanity, through ancient pagan beliefs, significantly waned with the spread of Christianity and Islam that incorporated the Hebrew belief in an unknown transcendent God. Were these two monotheistic faiths genuinely a result of divine intervention by a transcendent being, or were they likewise influenced by one or more different extraterrestrial civilizations impersonating a transcendent being?

In the modern era, Goode claims that the Agarthans attempted to assert their influence over surface humanity by this time pretending to be extraterrestrials from other worlds. They apparently did so with German Secret Societies, which along with Nazi SS, developed flying saucer technologies in the World War II era.

The Agartha Network negotiated and established treaties with German Secret Societies, accepting some of their members into their underground cities, while giving assistance to others in establishing underground bases  in Antarctica and South America, according to Goode.

The Germans shared a similar Nordic genetics with some members of the Agartha network that they came into contact with in Antarctica and South America. Yet, not all ancient underground civilizations share these racial characteristics as Goode made clear in his September 23 report, which he illustrated with several pictures released on October 7.

ancient civilizations 2
Artistic depiction of four representatives from the Agartha Network according to Corey Goode. Permission: Vashta Art

Goode says that the Agartha Network pretended to be extraterrestrials with the U.S. based secret space program, until they were exposed in the 1970’s. More recently, there have been negotiations conducted between the Secret Space Programs and the Agartha Network, as Goode revealed in his September 23 report.

If Goode’s account of what he read in classified briefing documents in secret space programs is accurate, then his account of the Agartha Network and its history raises many important issues. On the one hand, the Agartha Network and other ancient breakaway civilizations have clearly influenced surface humanity by pretending to be gods, and more recently extraterrestrials.

On the other hand, the Agartha Network represents a repository of ancient knowledge and history that to some extent predates the intervention of extraterrestrials on the Earth’s surface. Therefore they can help surface humanity learn much about its origins and potential, despite the bewildering assortment of changes introduced by so many extraterrestrial visitors through long-term genetic experiments.

While critics claim that there is no hard evidence supporting Goode’s testimony, there is in fact documentary evidence supporting some of his key claims, which is detailed in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances.  In addition, Goode’s sincerity, consistency in his claims, along with compelling circumstantial evidence, all point to his disclosures being genuine rather than contrived.

Goode’s latest Cosmic Disclosure interview, together with his September 23 report, outlines a version of history that needs to be seriously considered by all seeking to find the truth about humanity’s origins, and its interactions with ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial visitors. If negotiations are currently being conducted with the Agartha Network, as Goode claims, then we may not have to wait too long for future disclosures that turn human history on its head, and reveal many uncomfortable truths about our origins and major religions.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

ADHD – Always Dialed into Higher Dimensions


This film is more about the interviewer, Joe Bilbow, than the interviewee, Neil Gould. Joe Bilbow is Neil Gould’s nephew who is challenged with ADHD and Asbergers Syndrome and under the care and support of the local council.

In this interview it is clear that Joe is exoconscious and more suited to the new and forthcoming cosmic reality, a stark contrast to the mundane and depressing skewered world around him which he rejects and challenges for all the right exopolitical reasons.

Joe tackled the exopolitical questions in great depth challenging his uncle, covering the ET issue; abductions, super technology, disclosure, holographic universe and religion. His challenged mindset leads the interview into areas, which include ADHD cosmic awareness that the very people who support him, are unable to even perceive.

Well done Joe Bilbow, you are truly out there!



Uncensored History Revealed with Secret Space Program Disclosures

uncensored history revealed

Nazi Germany, and not the United States or Soviet Union, was the first nation to send astronauts into space according to Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode. Goode is not a closet neo-Nazi spouting twisted propaganda, but is simply disclosing what he says he read in classified historical documents he had access to during his 20 year tour-of-duty (1987-2007) with “Solar Warden” and other secret space programs.

In his latest interview on the Cosmic Disclosure Gaiam TV series, Goode elaborated upon his earlier revelations that he was given access to “smart glass pads,” similar to iPads, where he read classified information about the origins of secret space programs. Previously he said that he was given this level of access to classified information since his duties involved familiarizing himself with many aspects of secret space program history and activities, in order to better fulfill his responsibilities as an “Intuitive Empath.”

He recalls that the “smart glass pads” revealed that channelers, associated with the Vril Society, made contact with a group of Draconian extraterrestrials claiming to be humans from the Aldebaran star system.

Later, during expeditions to the Himalayas, members of the Vril Society and Nazi SS made contact with a group of Nordic-looking humans, who were part of the “Agartha Network”. Goode says that the Agartha network had advanced spacecraft, named the “Silver Fleet.” The Agarthans held similar beliefs to the Nazis in terms of racial purity and separate development models for humans.

Goode recently elaborated on these belief systems in a September 23 report of a meeting he attended with representatives of seven ancient subterranean breakaway human civilizations. He explained in some detail why racial purity ideals and separate development was important for these breakaway human civilizations.

In the Cosmic Disclosure interview, Goode discussed the development of the first antigravity spacecraft built in the 20th century by the German Vril Society, resulting from the esoteric communications with extraterrestrials and “intra-terrestrials” from the Agartha Network.

Goode explained in detail why German scientists were prepared to combine western empirical scientific investigation with esoteric principles. This gave the German scientists an edge over their Anglo-American rivals, and it would not begin to be bridged until well after the end of the Second World War, when the victorious allies realized just how advanced Nazi technology had become.

This is not the first time Goode has discussed the development of secret space programs in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s under the guidance of secret societies and later the Nazi SS. In a May 20 email interview, Goode went into some detail about the role of German secret societies and the Nazi SS in developing parallel secret space programs.

Goode’s stunning revelations have been investigated closely in the newly released book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances. Findings from available historical documents corroborate many of Goode’s key claims regarding the role of German secret societies and the Nazi SS in developing, not one, but two secret space programs! Today, this information explains many puzzling political decisions and military actions.

The policy implications of Goode’s disclosures illuminate current events in an astounding way. Not only did German secret societies and the Nazi SS cooperate in their respective space programs, but they collaborated in a joint effort after World War II to successfully infiltrate the infant U.S. secret space program.

Goode’s claims that Nazi flying saucers defeated Admiral Byrd’s 1947/48 Naval expedition and did overflights of major U.S. cities in the 1950’s is supported by historical documents, and other whistleblowers discussed in Insiders Reveals Secret Space Programs. Among them is Clark McClelland who worked as a NASA contractor and employee for 34 years.

These documents and independent testimonies help respond to critical readers seeking evidence to substantiate Goode’s claims, and help to gain an understanding of why this information illuminates many truths today withheld.  

It is clear that if Goode is even partially correct in his incredible claims, then history will have to be radically rewritten. This will be deeply disturbing to those believing that Nazism, and all it stood for, was resoundingly defeated at the end of World War II.

Perhaps equally upsetting will be the realization that some extraterrestrial visitors and subterranean human civilizations share similar ideals of racial purity and separate human development. According to Goode’s recent interaction in a meeting with some of these subterranean groups, traumatic historical events must be overcome on all sides for us all to understand ourselves better and look toward a brighter future.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Tenth Anniversary of the Hon. Paul Hellyer breaking the UFO truth embargo

Press Release
Toronto [ZNN] September 25th marks the 10th anniversary of the Hon. Paul T. Hellyer former Canadian Minister of Defence coming forward in 2005 at the University of Toronto to challenge the Canadian government on the reality of the UFO phenomenon.
In Hellyer’s address at the Toronto Symposium on UFO Disclosure and Planetary Directions at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall he shocked the 500 in attendance by stating: “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head. That is my unequivocal conclusion.” 
Hellyer is on record as stating that after reading the book The Day After Roswell by former military officer Colonel Phillip J. Corso – Hellyer consulted with a retired US Air Force General who told Hellyer: “Every word of it is true and more.”  Since that moment Hellyer has launched a tireless and determined journey towards the truth and to bring an end to government secrecy. Since that historic day Mr. Hellyer has brought his message to a global audience through lectures, radio and television interviews, personal appearances and his books Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species and The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis
In his pursuit to eliminate the demonization of the Extraterrestrial presence that is now engaging the planet, Hellyer has sparred with the likes of Stephen Hawking. In a 2010 report in the Toronto Star, Peter Rakobowchuk of The Canadian Press wrote: “The longtime cabinet minister accuses Hawking of spreading misinformation about extraterrestrials. ‘I think he’s indulging in some pretty scary talk there that I would have hoped would not come from someone with such an established stature,’ Hellyer said in an interview. ‘I think it’s really sad that a scientist of his repute would contribute to what I would consider more misinformation about a vast and very important subject.’ “
While Hellyer was roundly criticized by former colleague Liberal Senator Colin Kenny on the ET matter in Rakobowchuk’s 2010 article, Hellyer refused to back-down sticking to his guns as he championed the Global ET Disclosure movement spearheaded by Stephen Bassett of the Paradigm Research Group in Washington DC who was a featured speaker at the 2005 U of T symposium.
In his pursuit of full government disclosure on the reality of UFOs and an ET presence, Hellyer has cited dozens of government documents proving the level of secrecy about UFOs is rampant at the highest levels of government, military and intelligence agencies in the US and Canada.
Hellyer has also highlighted in his addresses sworn testimony by US missile launch commanders about the shutting-down of US ICBM nuclear warheads by craft of unknown origin as well as the creation of ultra-secret national security states and even “breakaway civilizations” who are in possession of technologies that could arrest climate change and save the planet. As a statesman, Hellyer has clearly played a significant role in igniting and sustaining the growing global discourse to end government secrecy on the matter of UFOs and an ET presence.
Hellyer has made it his business to investigate these matters meticulously, as evidenced by his research and analysis of the facts in both of his books – Light at the End of the Tunnel and Money Mafia. To the credit of the Canadian press, some did take up the matter of Hellyer’s bold debut seriously in 2005 and 2007. John Ward of CP (Canada Press) was the first to break the news of Hellyer’s coming forward in a September 12, 2005 article – Former Canadian defense minister becomes leading speaker. This CP wire release was picked up by hundreds of news outlets globally. 
Later, in 2007 – after this writer sent a letter to then Governor General Michaëlle Jean asking the Canadian government to acknowledge the UFO/ET matter – Joanna Smith, now a reporter at the Toronto Star’s Ottawa Bureau penned the article Ex-defence minister joins search for aliensZNN considers this article by Joanna Smith as one of the most positive and instructive pieces of journalism by a Canadian reporter on the work of Mr. Hellyer.
How was it that an 82 year old former cabinet minister under Prime Ministers Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Nobel Prize winner Lester B. Pearson and the longest serving member of the Privy Counsel, decided in 2005 to break an embargo of the truth surrounding the UFO issue? And how is it that Hellyer to this day in 2015 continues his epic trek at the age of 92 to enlighten humanity? To this writer who has known the man for 10 years only two words reveal the answer – integrity and determination.
This writer, who was on the podium in 2005 to introduce Mr. Hellyer to a spellbound audience at Convocation Hall, stated then and repeats now: “The fact that a former Minister of Defence is willing to come forward to talk about the reality of this phenomenon is Canadian history – we are here today witnessing history.”
If the Canadian Press and its international counter parts like Lee Speigel at the Huffington Post – Jennifer Harper at the Washington Times – Billy Cox of the Herald Tribune – Mitch Potter at the Toronto Star’s Washington Bureau and the Toronto Star’s Ottawa Bureau reporter Joanna Smith take Mr. Hellyer’s message to the next level of public inquiry – Paul Hellyer will again make history and quite possibly write the script humanity is waiting for about its possible future and our place in the cosmos.
In this election year in Canada this matter is in the hands of the Fourth Estate – the only true representative of the people. Just one question or a probative article by one or two brave journalists on this matter could make the difference. The question is which news organization will make this the election issue no one wants to talk about. The bold convictions of one Canadian statesman could revive a very tired, uninspired and passionless election campaign.
Victor Viggiani M.Ed.
News Director
Toronto Canada

Secret Space Program Alliance Negotiates with Council of Ancient Earth Civilizations


Human civilization has been divided into two distinct branches for millennia according to a report issued today by Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode. On the Earth’s surface, civilizations have risen and fallen as a result of cataclysmic events, wars, influxes of refugees from other planets, and genetic experiments by visiting extraterrestrial civilizations. In the Earth’s vast subterranean interior, another branch of humanity has found refuge and flourished for millennia, preserving ancient forms of knowledge and bloodlines dating back to a time before cataclysmic surface changes.

In his report, Goode describes a meeting held with a Council representing seven ancient human civilizations, which he described as the “Council of Ancient Earth Breakaway Civilizations.” He describes the Council’s vast historical perspective and why they limited or avoided interaction with surface humanity over the course of millennia.

Goode describes the distrust the Council has of surface humanity, which has been easily controlled and manipulated by secret societies (Cabal/Illuminati) that are aligned with an invasive extraterrestrial group called the ‘Draconians’, who are intent on exploiting surface humanity.

In order to protect themselves from the aggressive and warlike activities of surface humanity and a non-human subterranean race called the ‘Raptors’, the ancient breakaway civilizations claim they have had to pretend to be gods and/or extraterrestrials to hide their true locations.

Goode begins his report with a detailed explanation about the circumstances and events leading up to this meeting with the “Council of Ancient Earth Breakaway Civilizations.” He describes how a break-down in relations between the different secret space programs, the influx of highly advanced weapons, and the emergence of the “Sphere Being Alliance,” led to the ancient Earth civilizations feeling the strategic need to ally themselves more.

Their first step was to form a Council of the seven different ancient breakaway groups, which previously had different perspectives, and were isolationist in their political philosophies. Curiously, this relatively new Council did not include the ancient Mayan civilization that Goode had previously discussed extensively, who have played a very positive role in mitigating the effects of “service-to-self” extraterrestrial groups exploiting humans.

This new alliance would enable the ancient Earth civilizations to counter the increase in aggressive actions by the Illuminati/Cabal and their extraterrestrial allies, led by the Draconians. The latter were encouraging the “Raptors,” to expand their subterranean domains of Earth, leading to territorial losses by the ancient Earth Civilizations. Goode describes the Raptors as a “particularly nasty race” that had “hideous reptilian features as well as a scrawny plume of feathers running down their backs.”

Goode described in great detail how the subterranean Earth civilizations view themselves as racially pure in contrast to surface humanity:

They each described their perceptions of those of us on the surface as uncivilized barbarians who are diseased and genetically impure. They said they were the only ones who had preserved the various original earth human bloodlines.

Wave after wave of refugees from nearby planets had since co-mingled their genetics with the original humans of this planet, and had taken over the surface world like a plague.

Goode refers to four catastrophes on the Earth’s surface that led to the formation of breakaway subterranean civilizations:

They stated that in the nearly 20 million years since the original human bloodlines had arisen on Earth, there had been four major cataclysms that had either changed the Earth’s axis, rotation or orbital path around the Sun.

Each time one of these events occurred, the “elite” or priest caste kept their genetic line pure through isolating themselves beneath the ground. These small groups survived while their surface counterpart civilizations perished.

From time to time, these ancient civilizations would help surface humanity rebuild their destroyed societies according to what Goode was told:

Over oceans of time and smaller destructive events on the surface, which were still obviously catastrophic, nearly all signs of their former civilizations were erased from the memories of the survivors. Only myths and legends of advanced gods remained.

They stated that they would emerge from time to time to kick-start the civilization of the survivors who were the most closely related to them in terms of their genetics.

They claimed that these surviving races assumed they were the gods of their own ancient legends. It was decided that they would allow those they were assisting to believe they were gods, in order to keep their subterranean civilizations secret and secure.

Goode says that refugees from other worlds flooded the Earth’s surface and intermixed with the surviving population after the cataclysms:

To add to this incredible story, they stated that more and more advanced groups began to arrive from outside our solar system during and after these cataclysmic events. These new groups began to take advantage of the situation, such as to farm and manipulate the genetics of the natives of this solar system.

They claimed that the Earth became the destination of the refugees from these other inhabited planets. Advanced ETs relocated these refugees here in several waves as cataclysms occurred on their home planets. The refugee races were genetically similar to the original humans of Earth, but were much more aggressive.

The ancient Earth civilizations knew about the Guardians or the “ancient Builder Race” that Goode has described in a number of Gaiam TV interviews:

The subterranean groups claimed that there had been an ancient civilization that had protected this region of the galaxy for literally billions of years. They were referred to as “The Guardians,” and the Secret Space Program referred to them as the “Ancient Builder Race”…. This Guardian race was extremely advanced. There were no other ET groups who would even think of violating their region of space.

Surface humanity has changed from the time of the ancient Earth civilizations that had relocated underground. Surface humanity was now a threat:

The survivors of those inhabited worlds within our solar system relocated to the Earth. They were extremely aggressive, and began to reproduce and interbreed with the original humans that were on the Earth’s surface.

It was not long before the subterranean groups saw this new mixed race as a threat to their existence. This new mixed race is the current surface population of the earth today.

The ancient human society explained why they had to deceive surface humanity in order to counter the agendas of extraterrestrials:

They continued to appear to certain distant genetic relatives on the surface as gods and ascended teachers, to help them develop their civilizations and themselves spiritually. This was done in the hopes that they might be able to overcome the aggressive part of their genetic programming. This effort has continued right up until the present time.

They decided to start presenting themselves at ETs from other star systems when the surface population became more technologically sophisticated. They say that will continue to do this to keep the people they make contact with looking to the stars, instead of beneath their feet.

The ancient human civilizations are not optimistic about surface humanity’s chances of changing its aggressive behaviors despite the arrival of the Sphere Being Alliance who are believed by the former to be the ancient Guardians:

They stated that they are not optimistic that we will be able to do accomplish this, even with the continued energetic changes or return and assistance of the Guardians. This was quite surprising to hear, as they were obviously referring to the Sphere Alliance as the Guardians….

These subterranean groups are under the impression that after a full disclosure event and the removal of the manipulative ETs from our solar system, it will still take several generations for us to heal and evolve as a civilization. Only then will we be able to have open contact with their civilizations as equals.

The ancient breakaway civlizations are not happy that the Secret Space Program Alliance is acting as the intermediary to the Guardians/Sphere Being Alliance.

They were not exactly thrilled about forming this new council, or reaching out to the SSP Alliance Council to request contact with the newly-returned “Guardians.”

Apparently the Guardians were not going to contact them on their own. If they wanted any access at all, they had to work with us as a team.

They flatly stated that they were doing this under duress. Their alliance was forced into existence by the vast array of problems they were having. This included the lethal resistance they were encountering from various subterranean ET refugees and “ancient pre-human Earth races.”

Goode went on to explain that the ancient subterranean civilizations are frightened of surface humanity:

These people are frightened of us. We inherited very aggressive genetics from groups the refugee groups that were relocated to our planet as well as from genetic manipulation from groups such as the various “Grand Experiment ET’s” and the Draco that they themselves do not possess.

There is much more in Goode’s Report about the philosophy and activities of the ancient subterranean civilizations, and their relations with extraterrestrial visitors and surface humanity. Goode says that he also visited their library which will be the subject of part two of his report.

Corey Goode’s latest report is certain to create much controversy over claims that individuals believing they have had contact with extraterrestrials, were actually being deceived by one or more of these ancient subterranean human breakaway civilizations.

Most controversial is the claim that subterranean humans are genetically purer than surface humanity, which enables them to access ancient technologies left behind by the “Builder Race.” This reminiscent of the claims made by Edward Bulwer Lyton in his book, Vril: The Coming Race (1871), which had a powerful influence at the end of the 19th century.

Lyton’s book depicted a subterranean human race that could harness the Vril Force to use highly advanced technologies. Lyton’s book contributed to the rise of the German Vril Society and the eventual formation of the first secret space program in the 20th century. This historic process is outlined by Goode in an earlier email interview, and discussed in more detail in the new book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances.

If Goode’s report of his most recent Secret Space Program meeting is accurate, then surface humanity will eventually openly interact with its subterranean ancestors. There will be many controversial issues to navigate, and past conflicts to resolve, as we all learn about a much richer and complex human history than anything previously imagined.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

New Book Reveals What You Need to Know about the Secret Space Programs

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President Ronald Reagan made a startling admission in his Presidential Diary on June 11, 1985:

Lunch with 5 top space scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.

NASA’s Space Shuttle program at the time held a maximum of eleven people per shuttle, and only five were built for space flight. Even if all five took off together, it would be impossible to place and maintain 300 astronauts in orbit.

Finding the truth behind Reagan’s extraordinary revelation requires diving deep into the shadowy world of highly classified aerospace programs. The problem in doing so is not only that public documentation is at best scant, if available at all, but that possession of documentary evidence of such programs can be illegal. There are severe penalties for possessing and/or disclosing classified documents to anyone unauthorized to view them. It takes a brave whistleblower to come forward to disclose what he or she knows about classified aerospace programs.

A new book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances, introduces a number of whistleblowers who have made extraordinary claims regarding secret space programs that they either directly served in and/or were briefed about. In particular, the book investigates the extraordinary claims of Corey Goode concerning five secret space programs that he was directly involved with and/or been briefed about.

Goode says he completed a 20 year tour of duty from 1987 to 2007 in several of these programs. He reveals that in the course of his duty, he came into direct contact with different extraterrestrial groups and alliances that interacted with one or more of the space programs. Goode’s position allowed him unrestricted access to “Smart Glass Pads” that had extensive information about highly classified history, science, medicine and other topics related to secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.

Goode further claims that in early 2015, he was made the delegate of an alliance of newly arrived extraterrestrial visitors. This included a group called the “Blue Avians,” who facilitated meetings that he attended between the different secret space programs and/or different extraterrestrial alliances. He says that these new visitors have superior technologies in comparison to anything previously witnessed, and have implemented a solar system wide quarantine, which directly impacts all the space programs and other extraterrestrial groups, in tandem with the entire citizenry of Earth.

Available public documents along with other whistleblower testimonies help corroborate many of Goode’s claims, and provide an overall context for understanding the full scope of the multiple secret space programs. His testimony provides clear answers as to what Reagan was briefed about in 1985, and why the latter’s repeated offers of global cooperation to face an alien threat led to the sharing of classified space technologies that ended the Cold War.

Classified space programs have been an integral part of a complex jigsaw puzzle concerning UFOs, extraterrestrial life, ancient civilizations and advanced aerospace technologies, which have long defied any coherent understanding. Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. A detailed investigation of Goode’s and other insider testimonies reveals the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances.

Click here to order

Learn from this book: how the Vril/Nazi flying saucer programs in the 1930’s gave birth to the ‘Dark Fleet’; how Project Paperclip scientists both helped and hindered the development of the US Navy’s ‘Solar Warden’; how the MJ-12 Group was behind the creation of the ‘Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate’; and how Ronald Reagan was instrumental in the creation of the ‘Global Galactic League of Nations’ space program. Finally, learn how the Sphere Being Alliance and other extraterrestrials interact with these and other programs. The full disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances will unshackle the chains of deception holding humanity back from reaching its highest potential as galactic citizens.

About the Author: Dr Michael Salla is a former university professor in international relations, and is the author of Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK”s Assassination (2013), which has received very positive reader reviews; and author/editor of eight other books dealing with ‘Exopolitics’, International Conflict, U.S. Foreign Policy  and Global Peace.

Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances is published by the Exopolitics Institute and is approximately 380 pages in length. Cost of paperback version is $18.95.

Click here to Order.  Advance orders begin shipping on September 15, 2015. Free U.S. Shipping for all orders over $25. Available at in Kindle and Paperback versions on October 10, 2015.

Please Note: a percentage of all book sales go to Corey Goode to financially support him as he continues his whistleblower disclosures.

The Catholic Church and Extraterrestrials: An Evolving Personal View

Filippo Lippi School Madonna St John UFO

Madonna with Saint Giovannino, 15th Century, attributed to Jacopo dell Stellaio or Sebastiano Mainardi, at the Sala d’Ercole, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy. Is the discoid object in the background a 15th Century structured, unidentified flying vehicle or is it simply an allegory?


Can exopoliticians orient major religious institutions if intelligent extraterrestrial life is publicly verified in a way that cannot be rationally denied? We need to know something about theological thinking outside conspiracy theories.

Our exopolitical thinking requires fine-tuning regarding how we understand major institutions such as the Catholic Church. Thus far, this church has had many progressive, open-minded proponents that reconciliate faith and the possibility of finding intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.


Ted Peters, a professor of systematic theology at the Graduate Theological Union found in a landmark survey that the leaders of several well-known religious institutions (especially conventional and moderate ones) felt at ease with the possibility of discovering an intelligent extraterrestrial presence and I don’t think that most of the intellectual and theological leaders within the Vatican curia and the Roman Catholic Church in general would be any different. Retrieve his explanation at


When I asked Jesuit brother Guy Consolmagno (astronomer from the Vatican Observatory, curator of the Vatican’s meteorite collection and author of “Would you Baptize an Extraterrestrial?” if he was aware of the possibility the Church is preparing for discovering ET life, ET contact happening right now or even disclosure he said that – judging from a few direct interactions with the highest Pontiff – he surmised that the Pope (back then Benedict VI) most likely wasn’t particularly interested in the ET subject. That was a bit of a cold shower, especially coming from one of the men that affirmed that, if an intelligent, rational extraterrestrial requested baptism, he would baptize him. His book “Would you Baptize an Extraterrestrial” is kindly and emphasizes (in Aristotelian and Thomas Aquinas fashion) the importance of rational capacity.


Pope Francis I also seems to share the idea that he would baptize an ET given the conditions Guy Consolmagno refers to. But we must realize that this has already been thought by theologians in the Catholic Church before and – however important – doesn’t qualify as an astounding “new concept.” The important detail is that they do not find an essential contradiction between discovering intelligent extraterrestrials and the faith or doctrine and this is a favorable position in terms of the possibility of disclosure.  The fact that it has often been said that “religions would crumble” if the truth be known may not be as clear-cut as is often simplistically assumed.

Please go to this link:

It is well-known that the main astronomer at the Vatican Observatory, Father Gabriel Funes, also accepts the possibility of extraterrestrial life (albeit he doesn’t seem to believe it is going to be discovered soon) and that he holds a conservative theological position about Christ’s only incarnation on Earth as a one-time event valid for the whole universe.  Each time he has said anything about this there’s been much speculation and has been interpreted as if the Church were secretly preparing for disclosure or (now that Funes said he doubted ET life would be discovered soon) that – until a gradual educational campaign took place – there were reasons for still keeping it under wraps.


While it is reasonable to posit that some within the curia should know more and deal with the ET subject, it seems that many or most of the public figure leaders are kept “out of the loop” besides, quite simply (as most politicians and academics elsewhere) not being personally inclined to find out or to know more. Moreover, if those “in the know” would have psychologically denied, suppress or repress actual knowledge of ET life on Earth and thus preferred not to have known, and if they are currently making important exopolitical decisions representing a citizenry (and perhaps us all), they may not be the right persons to do it…and they may naturally extend that distaste for challenging truth by ridiculing/de-legitimizing the situation, generating doubt, confusing information and keeping us from clearly knowing about it. It would be a psychological projection onto us, perhaps acting like “social superegos” to keep us from knowing. Just like they were not ready to know about it when they were “briefed” they project onto us assuming that we would not be able to handle it).


I think that the need to control the truth is not just a psychological projection but also largely linked to a traditional way of thinking and being in the world, a win-lose, dichotomous, two-value way of processing information, feeling and judging; one closely associated with survival instincts adequate for a physical world limited to classical laws. The ET truth challenges that increasingly outmoded, crude, physical survival-based way of thinking which is also present in a theology that emphasizes God as a thoroughly independent and distant-transcendental, perhaps authoritarian, be saved or condemned, strict, law-giving Father figure.


That said, there also are good indications that special” statements by influential Church representatives have at least been allowed by “those in the know” to continue for some time; the most notable being those repeated statements by Monsignor Corrado Balducci who was allowed to continue speaking theologically about the hypothetical position occupied by (at least some) extraterrestrial beings in the order of creation. Balducci, exorcist, theologian and personal friend of Pope John Paul II affirmed during several interviews in the 1990s that the experience of people having contacts with extraterrestrials is real and that we should respect human testimony much more.

Having had some priest friends from different orders I think that, generally speaking, they – especially encumbered priests – have enough respect from their superiors and personal freedom to be able to speak their own opinion regarding ET life if need be…especially if that doesn’t contradict Church teachings. And for the most part, speaking about intelligent extraterrestrial beings has become a respectable (even if still interspersed, partly avoided and somewhat controversial) tradition.

Theology About Extraterrestrials

For instance, upon researching a little bit, I found that considering extraterrestrials is not something new. Influential Catholic theologian and priest Karl Rahner uses the term “Star Inhabitants” admitting the possibility of other salvation stories and multiple incarnations of the Word.

Influential Catholic theologian and priest Hans Kung also wrote that the possibility of other intelligent life in the Universe had to be granted.

XV Century Franciscan theologian, defender of Duns Scottus’ theology Guillaume de Vaurouillon proposed that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice had a universal value, in case other rational, intelligent beings exist in the cosmos.

The Dominican friar and renowned theologian Thomas O’Meara considers in his works titled  “Vast Universe” and “Christian Theology and Extraterrestrial Life” that Thomas Aquinas left the door open for the possibility of a Holy Person of the Trinity to extend salvation to other intelligent beings in the Cosmos and that we shouldn’t limit what the divine can or cannot do, including the possibility of a further divine incarnation. You can read O’Meara’s “Christian Theology and Extraterrestrial Life” at


Back in the Middle Ages, Dominican friar Tommaso Campanella said that extraterrestrial civilizations would not have suffered from “original sin” but perhaps of another type of sin proper to them. Tommaso Campanella, along with another Dominican friar, Giordano Bruno were some of the proponents of the “plurality of worlds.” For some of his views, Bruno was burned at the stake but the Church has recognized that as a mistake.


The Jesuit priest Domenico Grasso theologian at the Pontificial University of Rome said Why would all the perfection that God granted so vastly to the universe be hidden without declaring His glory? Who writes a book that is never going to be read?” He also mentioned famous German theologian and Dominican priest Joseph Pohle who in 1904 wrote “Celestial Worlds and Their Inhabitants.”

Father Pohle wrote, “It seems that the purpose of the universe is for its celestial bodies to be inhabited by beings that reflect God’s Glory in the beauty of their bodies and worlds just as man does it in a limited way in his world.” Commenting on that position Domenico Grasso adds “But these are not angels since angels are pure spiritual beings and can only perceive matter indirectly, just as we can only perceive the world of spirit indirectly.”

As a comment, I’ll add that, here a distinction is being made between “pure spirits” or incorporeal angels and other types of material beings. And, technically-speaking, since humans can also be considered as material “angels” in the sense of messengers doing good and acting in the name of God, technically-speaking this could be extended to at least some possible extraterrestrial varieties according to their orientations and actions.


XIX Century erudite priest Januarius de Concilio in his book “Harmony Between Science and Revelation” also wrote in favor of extraterrestrial beings as creatures “with intelligent substances united to some type of body.”


Father Theodore Zubek in his article “Theological Questions on Space Creatures”published in 1961 The American Ecclesiastical Review said that the extraterrestrial beings not mentioned in the Holy Scriptures are also not forbidden by them. This recognizes that many things that can be discovered are not necessarily mentioned in the Bible nor precluded by it. Zubek posited that extraterrestrial beings not descending from Adam and his sin would not inherit original sin.


The Dean of the “School of Sacred Theology” of Catholic University, Father Francis J. Connell wrote the essay titled “Flying Saucers and Theology” and said, “It is good for Catholics to know that the principles of their faith are entirely compatible with the most incredible possibilities about life on other planets.”


Sor Ilia Delio, a Franciscan nun, theologian, and scientist accepts the likely extraterrestrial presence in the cosmos and tries to reconcile this and science with faith by creating a new cosmology which she calls “EXOCHRISTOLOGY.” Please read “Christ and Extraterrestrial Life” and see “The Christian Life in Evolution” (video en inglés):

Vatican astronomer and theologian Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti said that “Chirstias do not have to renounce their faith in God because of unexpected information of a religious nature regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.”

Father George Coyne SJ, former Director of the Vatican Observatory asked why wouldn’t God also save extraterrestrials from sin.

Attorney Daniel Sheehan who was General Counsel for the Jesuit Order in the U.S. between 1975-1977 recently predicted that the Vatican would disclose knowledge of an extraterrestrial presence after Pope Francis “Laudato Si” encyclical focused on protecting the Earth ‘s life forms and ecology and condemning excessive, abusive capitalism. His prediction was misstated as saying that he knew the Pope would disclose the ET presence in June 2015. It was confounded with Mr. Sheehan also speaking about the Jesuit’s general scientific and theological “call” to prepare for the probable discovery of life outside Earth (one of the reasons for which the 2009 astrobiology conference was organized by the Pontificial Academy of Science and the Vatican Observatory). Mr. Sheehan is quite actively participating with New Paradigm Institute in which theological ecumenical conversations preparing for the eventual confirmation of intelligent extraterrestrial presence are taking place.

“The Octave of Worldviews and the Philosophical, Theoretical and Public Policy Implications of Extraterrestrial Contact by Daniel Sheehan”:

The following is an interesting conference by Mr. Sheehan about his involvement with the UFO subject and the preceding issues


Whether the Church (does anyone represent “The Church” as a whole?) is – under some circumstances – speaking about human-type aliens, I don’t know but I doubt it. Perhaps contactee and mystic George Adamski did indeed meet with Pope John XXII as he claimed and perhaps that Pope indeed met with human-looking extraterrestrials as his personal secretary Loris Francesco Capovilla is reported to have reminisced, but I don’t have the actual source of that information.


Some Personal Evolving Evaluations

I do NOT think that “Jesus was an extraterrestrial” or that “extraterrestrials are going to replace God” or easily accept similarly superficially said blanket statements about the theological implications of discovering extraterrestrial life and – in particular – intelligent, rational, technological extraterrestrial life (however advanced they might be with respect to us). Instead, I think that we need to think more carefully about all these matters. We need to learn to think integratively, with greater nuance, finding a shared essence, shared metaphysical principles, common patterns, connecting (not reducing or subsuming the major tenets of spiritual traditions) under an integrative methodology.

What I agree along with some other theologians is that articles of faith will not be thrown into the bin. Instead, they would expand and mature in order to include the discovery of rationally intelligent extraterrestrial life and of other forms of life in general (a “second Genesis” even if not related to self-conscious, rational and technically proficient life?).

Even if it were true that extraterrestrials intervened our genetics in our past, that wouldn’t mean that they would replace God or that God doesn’t exist or that Creation didn’t happen because, as contingent beings, the former would act “in time” and the latter (GOD) “outside of time” or rather, “sub specie aeternitatis” (“under the category of eternity”). Thus, metaphysically-speaking, God (a lofty, non-dual, understanding of this term as Source of all being and existence) would have “created” and, still, continuously creates unchanged, “dreaming the cosmos” (Panentheistically and as per our mental understanding within time).


God would have also created extraterrestrials who may have the capacity to choose to forget their deepest connections with Source, thus to err or to “sin” with various degrees of depth (making spiritual mistakes) thus thinking or acting in ways that may strengthen or dilute their closeness to God.

They would certainly not be perfect and some would be closer to God’s ways than others but – logically speaking – all would truly be our brothers as other intelligent beings dependent on the same Absolute (our common Source) for their contingent existence. However, what would also have to be considered is (from a Catholic perspective) if “original sin” (beyond a literal interpretation) would only apply to Earth humans, to all other types of “humans” (beings capable of rational choice) in the Cosmos and furthermore, if the Logos only manifested in all the vastness of the Cosmos as Jesus Christ on Earth. Or perhaps, a Father Thomas O’Meara suggests we shouldn’t limit what the Logos can or cannot do, as the Logos can manifest/incarnate through any other limited rational being/also-spiritual-master-and-prophet (in human or perhaps even non-human form) as need be for the spiritual salvation of other specific planetary civilizations. Thus, in a way, the same reconnecting, salvific Intelligence manifesting through different relative, contingent rational vessels could be considered as applicable to extraterrestrial civilizations according to context as need be.

Perhaps some theologians would be able to uphold their faith while considering that the “angels” allegedly encountered by Abraham were flesh and blood and human-looking beings and not “pure spirits.”  I don’t know but I truly hope so as many human-looking ETs (albeit not necessarily all of them) would (according to various contactees) make good friends of the Earth-human family. It would also be easier to initiate contacts with them. Furthermore, I hope that the likelihood of an actual extraterrestrial presence already on Earth is officially (rather than covertly) dealt with besides dealing with the extraterrestrial issues only being backed up by formal astrobiological discoveries.


In Catholic theology and in the theology of other monotheistic religions human creation is considered to be a unique event and in the Catholic tradition, a creation deserving “salvation” by God’s only begotten Son. But what is the deep meaning of “salvation? How far can our interpretations go? Can other beings – similar and not similar to the human form – be legally considered “human?”

If intelligent extraterrestrial life is discovered either through the exploits of astrobiology, contacteeism, SETI, official disclosure, grassroots contact and “citizen diplomacy” efforts or if “they” (the ETs) make themselves known, theology and doctrine will have to accommodate that reality. In doing so, a more common integrative ground will possibly have to be found sharing essential ideas from various religious doctrines and spiritual, scientific, esoteric and philosophical ideologies. A common basis will have to be found to coordinate apparently incommensurable ideas.

By reading the theological positions of several theologians as the ones previously listed, I think that (in case either “the Vatican,” another institution, world events or someone else of world recognition and stature reveals the extraterrestrial presence) the concept of humanity’s uniqueness, original sin, and the role of Jesus Christ’s “salvation” will have to evolve, include more, go to the utmost mystical depths of their dogmas and complexify, transcending monotheist Christian traditions and other monotheist traditions in order to allow a conversation integrative space for all benevolent spiritual earthly traditions, also considering the existence of extraterrestrials once it is also recognized that they are neither simply good or evil “pure spirits” nor that all of them are alike.

Regarding who is to be considered as “HUMAN,” the issue goes beyond biology and I think that several theologians (including Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno and Dominican theologian Thomas O’Meara, both inspired by Thomas Aquinas) would agree that it is alright to extend this category to extraterrestrials not only if they are rational but if – as children of the same Source – we and God can befriend, admire, respect and… LOVE them.


The Catholic Church, as well as its Vatican, is not a monolithic, single-headed organism (just like “the U.S.” and “Washington” aren’t) but they are often assumed to be so. After my experience as an advisor to an official institution, I’ve noticed that large, traditional state institutions are naturally and extremely easily found suspect of covering up the UFO phenomenon and the extraterrestrial presence. But the situation is, quite likely, more complex.


There’s a tendency to overgeneralize on all sides of the human political equation between and among political groups. Outsiders that feel that they are living to promote a non-orthodox cause (like some pro-disclosure activists, left-wing revolutionaries) also almost always speak of “the U.S.” as though it were a monolithic empire where most leaders confabulate to manipulate the rest of the world. But the trees are mistaken for the forest. In other words, as a tendency of the dichotomous mind, judgmental exaggerations about formal institutions of power are way easy to make when one is on the outside. As inheritors of a hunter-gatherer mindset, we tend to distinguish ourselves tribal-like from others in an exaggerated way.


I really suspect that elements within the Catholic Church are privy to information about the UFO and ET presence but, could it be like what the immensely dedicated disclosure and contactee Dr. Steven Greer tells in his lectures that, not even CIA directors are privy to the best information regarding UFO’s if they have no “need to know?”


Now let’s get a bit more philosophical and theosophical. Theoretically speaking, “the Church” is most essentially composed by all baptized individuals but the Vatican curia leads/orients them allegedly guided by the Holy Spirit as per its doctrine. However, if we consider that “the Vatican” or key members within also orient UFO research, its secrecy, considerations, and possible disclosure, I suppose that only a few high-ranking members would actually deal with these matters. They might be associated to the intelligence ranks within the Church.

This (parallel or included?) “special” social entity might be represented by those whose opinions would be relevant in case a massive, undeniable sighting were to occur. We may perhaps be referring to some of the most powerful decision-makers such as the Pope, or perhaps only to a few cardinals and bishops, or Jesuit priest researchers but I suppose that whoever really knows in a transnational sense in association with those in the known in Europe and the U.S. would need to have a “need to know” clearance. Following patterns from elsewhere, they might even be told that what they are participating in doesn’t officially exist.

So, perhaps asking who in “the Vatican” makes decisions above the official curia is like asking who rules the U.S. as per decisions being (perhaps extraconstitutionally) made about the extraterrestrial presence.


UFOs and Smart Phones Come of Age

It was 8 years ago, over lunch with computer guru Larry Lowe, Phoenix Lights researcher, Lynne Kitei and peace activist, Terri Mansfield–together, we birthed a vision for mobile phones as a means of tracking UFO’s.

The four of us knew 3 things regarding UFOs, consciousness, and technology:

1. the effectiveness of crowdsourced data gathering, 2. the connection of handheld mobile phones and 3. the power of a community of conscious intention.

Our idea was to create a text-based system to track a UFO sighting whose trajectory would be traced via individual mobile phones  with geographical coordinates and images.  Then Larry would recreate a geospatial animation of the UFOs journey, eventually creating a map of multiple sightings.

We envisioned the Phoenix Valley as an illuminated map of UFO craft and exoconscious participants.

SETI Breakthrough Listening  



That was 8 years ago. Today, SETI announced their $100 million grant from billionaire social media investor, Yuri Milner, that involves smartphone crowdsourcing of the data of  universe’s entire electromagnetic spectrum gathered from two telescopes, Green Bank and Parkes.

It’s a funny feeling to see a vision you and your friends held come to life–in a different way. It’s like thinking you know how your newborn will look–only to be delighted by its distinctive appearance at birth. You experience a death of your expectations and a birth of new possibilities. All so TS Eliot.

This set down

This: were we led all that way for

Birth or Death?

Connection of Frequencies, Question of ET Contact

SETI wants to explore frequencies across the universe’s electromagnetic spectrum and we wanted to explore UFOs.  Different focuses, and yet, we both see consciousness and how humans are connected to the universe.Exoconsciousness.

Today I follow the unfolding of SETI’s venture with enthusiasm. It wasn’t always so.

When SETI first began its work, I questioned why they didn’t ask ET experiencers what we know about the universe and the extraterrestrial presence. It seemed an obvious route to information.

Well, I made peace with those questions that were entangled with feelings. Peace came because I have a deeper understanding of consciousness. Extraterrestrial exploration is like healing our bodies.  One consciousness needs drugs and surgery to heal.  Another consciousness needs oils and energy medicine to heal.

SETI consciousness needs telescopes and computers to interact with the extraterrestrial presence.  Exoconsciousness needs telepathy and psychic-heart connection to interact with the extraterrestrial presence.

Exoconsciousness is about merging consciousness science and extraterrestrial experiencers (including those who witness UFOs). In that respect, SETI’s ability to explore across the universe’s entire electromagnetic spectrum is important.

Extraterrestrial experiencers need science  

new illuminati

We ET experiencers are aware of dimensions and frequencies that science is researching via advances in technology. How the exoconscious human experiences the full electromagnetic spectrum is central to energy healing, telepathy, and how we create connection. Technology advances consciousness. And consciousness advances technology. It’s not an either or.

Both SETI and ET Experiencers are about acknowledging, integrating and advancing our connection to our planet Earth, the universe and the extraterrestrial presence. For the Exoconscious the path lies within. We are extraterrestrial and as such our consciousness connects to other extraterrestrials and their field of information.

SETI and ET experiencers have different paths. A different conscious guidance. A different experience of contact. Yet, we live in a home of similar frequencies.

Our paths diverge and then merge in this field of information. It’s what creates a pattern so we all can see.

Nuclear Weapons and UFOs

Since the dawn of the Atomic Age, hundreds of UFOs have been sighted over, or near, nuclear power plants, nuclear research laboratories, nuclear weapons launch control centers and nuclear warhead storage facilities. According to Dr. Donald Johnson of the Nuclear Connection Project:

A good percentage of these reports occurred at highly restricted government research and production facilities such as Los Alamos (NM), Oak Ridge (TN), Hanford (WA), and Savannah River (SC). Highly trained government scientists and personnel who had been granted top-secret military clearance made many of these reports.

As indicated by Francis Ridge, Coordinator of the Nuclear Connection Project:

The first major UFO sighting wave occurred in the summer of 1947 with over 800 sightings of ‘daylight discs’ or ‘flying saucers’. The sightings peaked and ceased within days of a reported crash of an object at Roswell, New Mexico.

At the time, New Mexico was the center of the world’s cutting edge rocket science research, nuclear weapons development, and newly operating radar systems. Some well known scientists such as physicist Stanton Friedman, believe it was these new technological projects that attracted the many UFO visits to New Mexico. Clearly someone other than the U.S. government was interested in these science/engineering breakthroughs. To retrieve a report of dozens of these UFO incidents, Google: UFO Intelligence Summary for the Nuclear Connection Project.

Among some of the most interesting UFO incursions have been those at U.S. nuclear weapons facilities. One of the world’s foremost UFO/nuclear weapons researchers is writer Robert Hastings, author of  UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. Hastings has secured testimony of over 150 retired U.S. military officers and enlisted personnel who have observed UFOs, some of which have interrupted operations of nuclear weapons sites in the U.S. and overseas. In some cases, underground based nuclear missiles malfunctioned while disc-shaped objects silently hovered over their launch control centers. Similar incidents have occurred at numerous nuclear weapons storage areas and B-52 bomber alert pads. To retrieve declassified documents concerning these incidents, click here or here.

One of the most prominent U.S. UFO incidents occurred at Whiteman Air Force Base, Knob Noster, Missouri, where in 1984 the Air Force deployed 150 Minuteman nuclear missiles on high alert status which were presumably aimed at dozens of strategic areas in the Soviet Union. In support of those actively deployed warheads, were additional “spare” warheads which were stored in above ground containers known as “igloos”.

One late night at Whiteman, Airman 1st class Dale Hogan and his fellow airman, known only as George, were driving near the “igloos” when the motor of their jeep malfunctioned so that they had to park near igloo 4018. Upon doing so, Hogan saw a black disc approximately 50 feet in diameter hovering some 50 to 100 feet over the igloo. When Hogan, approached the igloo, he saw a pencil-thin, bluish-red light coming straight from the overhead disc doing a grid pattern examination of the igloo starting at one corner of the object and going back and forth about every three inches. At one point Hogan put his hand into the beam of light which changed to the color purple and burned his fingers. Hogan said: “…my hand was like numb! Like pins and needles…”

As the disc continued to survey the igloos, George called the Base Security Officer for orders. Shortly
thereafter, a security team was dispatched to the area, and the Lt. Colonel in charge ordered Hogan and George to move behind the igloo. Then a very large video camera was set up with a large spot light being beamed on the black disc. And, at that point, several Marine Harrier jet planes were dispatched to the area as the UFO began to move away from the igloos. As the jets approached the disc, the UFO easily outmaneuvered their pursuit and sped faraway from the area. As their chase was to no avail, the Harriers returned to Whiteman and landed. Then the UFO returned to the igloos and continued emitting the red-blue beam of light at the top of their surfaces. This grid search ended at about 4:30 a.m. and the disc ‘lit up’ and shot straight up in the sky never to be seen again.

Following this strange episode, Airmen Hogan and George were “debriefed”. by four men in gray suits and by several Whiteman officers. As part of the debriefing, Hogan and George were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement stating that they would never discuss the Whiteman UFO incident with anyone, and were told told that a violation of the agreement would result in immediate discharge from the Air Force, along with several other serious penalties.

In a very detailed interview with journalist and TV anchor, Linda Moulton Howe, Hogan repeated the following threats that were made by Whteman officers at the end of his debriefing:

Airman Hogan, bullets are cheap! People die all the time. They commit suicide on a regular basis. If you ever disclose what happened this night, you will not like the future. And family members die all the time – horrible deaths! Houses burn down. People die in car crashes all the time. So, for your family’s sake, I would not disclose what happened tonight.

To retrieve LInda Moulton Howe’s interview with Airman Dale Hogan, click here or watch embedded video above[

Bill Wickersham, MU Adjunct Professor of Peace Studies

Space Conundrums: Exoconscious Comments


First Russia threatens to reveal the ET Presence and now they threaten to reveal the Secret Space Program, questioning the US public space story.  What’s next?

All along I’ve surmised that far from threatening, Russia is probably cooperating with the US in the gradual release of information about the ET Presence and the Secret Space program and its technology. It’s how intelligence works…it’s a gradual thing.

Back and forth like the egg toss game until the shell of secrecy drops and breaks.

Why?  I guess because it is time to reveal energy technologies that they both kept secret.  Technologies that were used in both space programs — in secret.

But until the egg toss ends, our space program has secret information, that when leaked, feels convoluted. For example, NASA’s claim they inadvertently destroyed the film of the Apollo 11 moon walk. Who does that?  Ask any mom, we grab our family, pets, and photos in a fire.  They are precious.

But, there is a method in being convoluted–make the citizens crazy and they will drop out of the game. Then governments have the upper hand in the distribution and control of information.

Researchers like Levenda, Farrell and others noted the secret cooperation between USSR and US employed Nazi German scientists during the early years of the space program. There is evidence these scientists may have had a covert exchange of information across US and USSR. Accusations of sabotaging one another’s space programs were leveled. But was that so?

Maybe the Nazi German scientists needed to covertly exchange information across borders to get the space science right.

Then the Nazi German scientists’ programs yielded results. Russia goes into space first and we follow.   The orderly procession, first the Russians, then the US seemed scripted to my amateur eyes. Perhaps on a level, there was always a joint US-USSR program.

Today US and Russia still cooperate on many space missions, so why not cooperate on the release of secret information, much of it held over 70 years?

peakreputation.comMy question is why the need to use the old worn out bullying, threatening language and posturing? Pretending no one gets egg on their face?  Both the US and Russia use this language and posturing, as if we citizens cannot see through it. We can.

We are Exoconscious.  We know there is an ET Presence, it is within our extraterrestrial consciousness. We don’t need the US and Russian stamp of approval via their public disclosure announcements. We have our personal confirmation of the ET presence. That’s more than enough. Political sideshow language and veiled threats leave us shaking our heads, ignoring the antics.

Consciousness, including extraterrestrial consciousness, is beyond the brain. Secrets are beyond borders. Consciousness holds ET and energy information we all can access, when we are ready.  We don’t need a bully or a press release permission slip to access it.

And as for energy technology and space travel…as Exoconscious humans, we have been using these psychic technologies all our lives. We experience consciousness craft. This craft belongs to the innate, precious abilities of our human consciousness. It cannot be inadvertently lost.

Matryoshka dolls pinterest We are the ET the Russians are threatening to reveal.  We are the energy technology both sides keep secret. We are the matryoshka doll, eggs within eggs.

Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D.




Mission to Mars investigates claims of slave labor at secret corporate base

Corey Goode today released a report about an inspection tour he claims was held on Mars on June 20 that he attended along with others from a Secret Space Program Alliance. He describes how he was first picked up from his home by a blue/indigo sphere that belongs to a group of advanced extraterrestrial visitors called the “Sphere Being Alliance”, which have appointed him to be their delegate at all meetings involving Earth’s secret space programs. The sphere took Goode to a secret base on the moon called Lunar Operations Command where he met with a Lt Colonel Gonzales, the delegate representing a Secret Space Program Alliance wanting to fully disclose to the world the truth about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

 Goode describes how he and Gonzales were each assigned a security team of two Intuitive Empath (IE) assistants (a position Goode previously held for 20 years when he served in the Solar Warden Space program from 1987 to 2007). Goode and Gonzales were accompanied on the trip to Mars by a representative of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The ICC evolved out of a consortium of companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing Corporations etc., that create the advanced technologies used by the five secret space programs that emerged in the post-World War 2 era.

Goode says that the trip took 30 minutes which is longer than the few minutes it normally takes to travel to Mars since it is currently on the opposite side of the sun. The total current distance is approximately 250 million miles apart (~420 million km) which means that Goode’s transport shuttle averaged a staggering ¾ the speed of light. Conventional rocket propelled craft would take up to 260 days to make the same journey.

What immediately caught my attention was what Goode said about the roof of the shuttle craft as it left the LOC:

As we lifted off and flew through the bay doors that opened we could see the surface of the moon grow distant quickly and then the earth through the transparent panels in the walls of the vessel. We then went to speed and the panels changed to an opaque color.

This is very similar to what Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye) described seeing when he was first taken to Mars by a shuttle from Lunar Operations Command back in 1987:

Interestingly enough, the feeling inside the vehicle when he pulled out of the hangar bay and positioned himself at whatever distance he was from the earth, whatever perfect distance they wanted so that when the visual array came on, and the ceilings became a projection of what the vehicle was seeing in front of it. …  You really had a sense that we were all hovering in space in these chairs, staring out at Earth, getting our big look for the last time, and it was awe-inspiring. It absolutely stands out as one of the most amazing moments in my entire life.

Goode describes the terms that had been agreed to between the representatives of the ICC and the Secret Space Program Alliance Council for what would happen once they reached Mars:

 Gonzales again told the ICC Representative that we appreciated them agreeing to the terms of allowing us to bring the armed security, choosing the site of the conference once in orbit, the tours and allowing us to bring one family of our choosing back with us to question and to either provide sanctuary to or allow to return to their home colony depending on the families wishes. I sat and listened since I had not been a part of the negotiations and hoped to overhear something new from the process.

Upon arrival at Mars, Gonzales was given by the ICC representative a list of ICC facilities on Mars in the northern hemisphere that would be suitable for the base inspection. Gonzales instead requested a location in the southern hemisphere which greatly concerned the ICC representative who at first denied its existence. Gonzales insisted that the base existed according to fresh intelligence. The ICC then contacted his superiors and said it would take an hour to prepare the base for the inspection….

Article continued here

A Rational Defense Against the Irrational Bashing of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

bias-word-cloud-squareThe good news unbeknownst to many is that much of the debunking criticism against the extraterrestrial hypothesis, ufology, exopolitics, experiencers, socially conscious insiders and/or whistleblowers can be considered as rationally flawed. 

Institutional defenders of conventional, official truths have sometimes avoided the UFO question but have occasionally misrepresented facts. For example, as physicist Stanton Friedman often points out, the Secretary of the Air Force D. Quarles said to reporters that no flying saucer had flown over the U.S.; that only 3% of reports received by Project Blue Book remained “unknown”and that eventually even that percentage would be identified as conventional phenomena or illusions. But in, truth, the percentage of overall “unknowns” which had been presented earlier inside the Air Force by Project Blue Book’s Special Report number 14 had been 21.5%. Furthermore, if the witnesses level of education was greater and the case provided greater details, the percentage of “unknowns” went up to 30%. Moreover, a chi square analysis performed by Battelle Memorial Institute comparing “unknowns” with the “knowns” (or clearly identified objects) gave a probability of less than 1% that the “unknowns” would simply be misperceptions or mistakes. Therefore, there was at least a truly puzzling phenomenon taking place (in fact worldwide) even though it was being publicly dismissed while secretly reported  in a completely different manner.  

An accumulation of observations is important and an accumulation of analyzed witness testimonies does not have to be a form of weak or irrelevant evidence in the natural sciences. Inductive reasoning is most fundamental to the advancement of SCIENCE because experience is what brings in data and information that requires new explanations.  New scientifically designed, international, anonymous surveys with a larger, anonymous population like that conducted by F.R.E.E. (the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters ( provide statistical patterns that increase the gravitas of testimonial evidence. It is unreasonable to simply think that thousands of witnesses are lying or definitely mistaken in their observations although they are willing to anonymously answer hundreds of questions. There is a place for human testimony, not only in the social sciences and in a court of law but also in the natural sciences. In part it depends on how scientifically that testimony is acquired and treated. This statistical quantitative and qualitative data (which in some important aspects contradicts popular notions about extraterrestrials) must be taken into account. 

Science advances when theories adapt to evidence and experience and theories should not be considered final but, rather, well-organized, temporary and probable explanations that best explain phenomena and data accumulating through experience.  Taken as well-organized explanations – hopefully with predictive power – theories must evolve as new data and experiences are registered and accepted. However, oftentimes, the acceptance of data and phenomena is precluded by biases and there often are sociological and psychological reasons to unscientifically reject phenomena that don’t fit in well with accepted theory. 

It is becoming clear that we only perceive a limited segment of reality. There may well be ‘laws of physics’, inter-reality processes and types of energies that contend with phenomena not currently accepted by mainstream science, an endeavor still excessively biased toward representing all experienced reality as based upon materialism and mechanicism. This occurs in spite of alternative implications from quantum physics regarding the “de-materialization” of matter and the inseparable role of choice, consciousness and the observer affecting what seems to be a non-local, information substratum.

Status quo power networks traditionally reject new perceptions of reality both when new instruments extend human detection and decoding capacities (remember Galileo’s telescope and Van Leewenhoek’s use of the microscope) and when theories and underlying worldviews need to be modified to account for those detections. But this holding on at all costs to a classical preference for exclusivist materialism and mechanicism lends itself to the fallacy of trying to explain all phenomena under specific and previously accepted ad hoc explanations. Regardless of how thoroughly the scientific method has been followed, this often means trying to explain some phenomena which MAY be conventionally explained as if it necessarily follows that their explanation MUST be conventional. This is also popularly also called “dogmatism.”

But it is becoming quite acceptable for educated individuals to recognize that there indeed is an abundance of recurrent phenomena (“anomalies” from the perspective of conventional theories) unremittingly reported by credible individuals and groups around the world; phenomena which – if seriously considered – bring into question the completeness of classical materialist and mechanicist explanations. Furthermore, individuals not intimately associated with any of the major modern institutions often have the willingness and freedom to openly consider these phenomena real and significant. Some even know that their formal acceptance would logically require re-assessing known theories and suggesting alternative scientific hypotheses. Some are – thankfully – taking the lead to make this happen.

 Baye’s Theorem helps us ASSESS the probability that a hypothesis among others is valid based on new experience. In the XXVIII Century Reverend Thomas Bayes tried to show how to use new evidence to update beliefs. It goes hand in hand with induction and not with a rigid, unequivocal logical deduction. Through induction, we approximately “know” that it is more likely that Earth will continue turning and that tomorrow there’ll be another sunrise, but we don’t know this with absolute certainty.  Like the so-called “principle of parsimony” (or “Occam’s Razor”) Baye’s Theorem is more like a “heuristic,” which can be understood as a general rule of thumb helping us to assess the validity or usefulness of a hypothesis. Both are “shortcuts” simply assisting us to come up with probable explanations. However, if we apply them mechanically based on wrong premises about reality they may even sidetrack us into not recognizing more feasible and obvious explanations.

Baye’s Theorem requires having several hypotheses at hand in order to compare them. It is structured to help us come up with an approximate probability and it states that The Probability of an Hypothesis Explaining the New Results = The Probability of Obtaining the New Results if the Hypothesis is True ÷ The Probability of Getting the New Results Whether the Hypothesis is True or Not. Then, multiply that division by The Probability of the Hypothesis Before Considering the New Results.

Just like Baye’s Theorem is a practical recommendation attempting to approximately give us a clue on the probability of the validity of an hypothesis by also considering several competing hypotheses in light of new information regarding phenomena, “Occam’s Razor” is not like a physical principle or a principle set in stone as an unfailing rule.  The latter (re-stated by several philosophers following Aristotelian thinking but also more associated with theologian, nominalist philosopher and Franciscan friar William of Occam) basically states: “entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity.” To my understanding, this means that when an explanation is sufficient to explain a phenomenon, it is not recommended to seek a greater number of alternative explanations. However, in the case of phenomena challenging conventional explanations, the question would also be if all possible “sufficient explanations” rest upon a classical materialist-mechanicist worldview or, in effect, that the most straightforward and sufficient explanation would be a hypothesis that better fits or corresponds with the facts, however challenging.

Another way of stating “Occam’s Razor” is that it is generally preferable not to assume more hypothesis as causes than the minimum necessary to explain a phenomenon. Said differently, trying to extend the materialist and mechanicist worldviews (and paradigms) in convoluted ways in order to reductionistically explain (or to explain away) the experiential facts and “anomalous” data gathered around the UFO Phenomenon, may actually be not following Aristotle’s and Occam’s recommendation but instead doing just the opposite. While exclusivist materialism is clearly incorrect and insufficient, materialism in itself may be correct but only as an integral part of a network of metaphysical positions, each explaining “reality” from a different angle and all of them arising from a deeper pattern. We will need to understand that “deeper pattern” in order to make sense of phenomena that objectively combine subjective and psychic aspects altering conventional physical life.

Once again, these “heuristics” are basically recommendations generally useful on how to proceed to choose among various hypotheses that might explain a phenomenon. Moreover, unfortunately “Occam’s Razor” has often been misunderstood by closed-minded skeptics (normally defending conventional theories associated with materialism and mechanicism) in their blindly dogmatic search for every which way to ridicule or dismiss evidence pointing toward the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” (or variations within that hypothesis) pertaining to some of the most ‘anomalous’ aspects of the UFO phenomenon.

There’s still another recommendation that can be considered as a useful heuristic. It is the advice to avoid Type Two Errors. In statistics, a null hypothesis is a hypothesis one tries to cancel out by using evidence to the contrary. In statistical hypothesis testing, a Type II Error (or Error of the Second Kind) is the failure to reject a FALSE null hypothesis. In other words, it is a failure to detect some aspect of reality that is suggested by the statistical evidence. This becomes a useful heuristic to think about any accepted percentage of truly unconventional UFO cases.

The concept that “UFO’s are nothing but natural phenomena or phenomena that can be explained by conventional science” would be a false null hypothesis that has not been invalidated based on the best UFO evidence and statistics. This is because the evidence and statistics clearly also suggest that something truly distinct and quite possibly anomalous is going on. Fixated UFO debunkers (and debunkers of the reasonable likelihood of there being genuine “experiencers” interacting with a variety of intelligent extraterrestrial beings which may be able to manipulate spacetime in unconventional ways) are clearly committing a Type Two Error or Error of the Second Kind.

The relevant and scientifically honest (and highly relevant for humanity) situation here is that the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” or ETH (if not limited to a “nuts & bolts” approach) may well be the MOST STRAIGHTFORWARD HYPOTHESIS OR EXPLANATION. In general this hypothesis is not discarded within some foreign governments and Air Force teams researching “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” or “Anomalous Aerial Phenomena” (like the Chilean CEFAA or Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena functioning under the General Secretary of the DGCA (the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics), itself under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force).

The initial (often not quoted) step in the “scientific method” is observation of a phenomenon in the natural world. While individual testimony of an anomaly in a non-controlled setting may be considered a weak piece of evidence, the fact that thousands upon thousands (including some astronomers)  have observed and reported UFOs that resist conventional explanations can be considered part of the initial step. Today, besides these individual testimonies (given to civilian and military institutions) there have been a few scientifically conducted surveys (like the anonymous international survey Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research on Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters). As witness testimony goes, the latter is stronger from a natural science point of view. However, besides witness testimony, after-the-event analysis of photographs, radar cases, landing traces with soil modification and other forms of “physical evidence” also accumulate in favor of the “Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH).”

The ETH hypothesis is neither discarded beforehand (for instance by introducing pre-conceived conclusions into the premises) by the high-level military and scientific French GEIPAN (Study Group and Information on Non-Identified Aerospace Phenomenon) analysts working under the jurisdiction of CNES (the National Center for Space Studies) who in 1999 produced the so-called “COMETA Report.” Likewise, this reasonable hypothesis is endorsed by the “Sigma/3AF Commission” of the Aeronautical & Astronomical Association of France. In fact, given the evidence available, the ETH cannot be reasonably discarded in advance without incurring dishonesty. Sigma/3AF considers the ETH valid and plausible. They are scientists and are being reasonable – rather than dogmatic – based on a rational analysis of UAP/UFO cases.

Moreover, it might be possible to improve “after-the-fact ufology” by propitiating field experiments that interact with the phenomenon. If consciousness (besides objectivity) is a key ingredient for their success, so be it. The science-based ufologist expanding his or her methods would learn to work with this.

Interactive field experiments using instruments and live empirical observation to test hypothesis might be achievable with the assistance of CE-5 approaches, “prime contactees,” adequate preparation, equanimity and fearlessness and – above all – a respectful attitude of any intelligences behind the phenomenon as well as experiencer-contact processes that involve consciousness, group effort, feelings and ideologies. Through this “experimental ufology” we may complete the steps of the scientific method pursuant genuine UFOs: Observation of a phenomenon, gathering information about what is known about it, proposing a reasonable hypothesis to explain the phenomenon, testing the hypothesis, analyzing the results, concluding if they verify the hypothesis or not, sharing the method, results, and conclusions with other scientists, replicating the research and – eventually – modifying theory.

Humanity needs its academic, religious and political leaders to come to terms with the fact that the ETH is a reasonable and rational perspective backed-up by the finest inductively-derived, independently assessed and cross-tabulated evidence gathered by sincere, mentally sound, capable and reputable UFO researchers across several decades; by some courageous and honest scientists, a good number of political, military and intelligence community whistleblowers and witnesses and by thousands of individuals from around the world (individuals who for the most part don’t do it for personal gain but who, instead, oftentimes face ridicule from peers in the name of truth).

This evidence also includes, highly trained witnesses capable of recognizing a variety of flying objects, alleged landings leaving anomalous and analyzed physical signatures, clear visual, radar and radar-visual sightings, military intercept missions; photographic and film analyses passing adequate tests, the analysis of a few solid objects with highly anomalous characteristics (such as those which podiatric surgeon Roger K. Leir collected from alleged abductee-experiencers) and leaked or formerly classified government documents that indicate longstanding, official interest in “flying discs,” “flying saucers” or “UFO anomalies.”

Moreover, after thousands upon thousands of psychologically healthy and socially functional “citizen-experiencers” reporting intelligent physical interactions with otherworldly extraterrestrial beings; after metallic-looking disc-shaped, triangular-shaped, sphere-shaped and tubular-shaped objects have been reported zigzagging and departing in abrupt ways defying momentum and inertia (sometimes after apparently interacting with witnesses for instance by responding with right-angle formations) the lack of formal academic investigation onto what may be going on (at least from a social and psychological perspective) is a failure against modern, humanistic, democratic and scientific ideals.

It simply looks as if FEAR and personal convenience got the upper hand in the innards of modern academic and political institutions since facing the facts would probably challenge the premises those institutions are based in and thus internal social forces arise to prevent individuals from stepping out of line. To this we must add possible private interests to take advantage of technological developments besides the national security need to maintain a possible advanced technology out of reach from enemies; something which can be overdone and – once a vast secret apparatus around this issues has been established – it becomes increasingly difficult to eventually inform civilians as time passes by. Perhaps many unconstitutional actions were taken throughout the decades at least since 1947, especially if taboo, ridicule and a highly classified secrecy did not allow for the application of constitutional supervision or checks and balances.

Nonetheless, the forces of social control (among them ridicule), or even active repression and suppression cannot forever hold back the truth in order to sustain the status quo or an outmoded way of thinking, especially if the intermittent and phenomenon were to be interactive and clearly related with human interests. 

In relation to UFOs, for the Principle of Parsimony (a.k.a. “Occam’s Razor”) multiplying explanations to uphold the materialist-mechanicist premises may not be the way to arrive at a “sufficient explanation.”  Then, Baye’s Theorem asks us to compare several hypotheses and not to discard any plausible one offhand. Finally, the advice to avoid Type Two Errors or Errors of the Second Kind (the failure to detect some aspect of reality which is suggested by the statistical evidence) also reminds us to become aware of our blinding cognitive biases when the evidence is displayed before us within a complex phenomenon. I wonder how many “Close Encounters of the Second Kind” interesting pieces of unique evidence (as described by J. Allen Hynek’s six-fold classification scale for UFO encounters) have been so dismissed…

All of these HEURISTICS basically warn us against inflexibly holding on to our conventional ‘pet’ theories. In relation to truly anomalous UFOs and in the offing human-extraterrestrial interactive encounters we seriously need to change our premises and face the facts.

To conclude, the three heuristics mentioned are not inimical with the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) and, what is more, an intelligent use of them clearly suggests that the ETH MUST be seriously considered. It is a matter of time before good old common sense prevails as the need to adapt to reality has the real final say with its own complex (emergent and self-organizing) ways to assert itself.

Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward

Full ET disclosure involves document dumps

Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode has revealed in detail the goal of an alliance of secret space programs concerning disclosure of extraterrestrial life and technology. Goode describes the goal as a “full disclosure event’ involving massive document dumps on a scale that overwhelms the corporate run media’s ability to spin and limit disclosure efforts to protect elite individuals being exposed for crimes against humanity. Goode appeals to other whistleblowers to come forward, as he has, to reveal their knowledge of secret space programs.

From June 5-9, Goode attended a series of three meetings between different factions and alliances concerning how much to disclose about the truth of extraterrestrial visitors and secret space programs using advanced technologies. During his June 9 meeting with human elites he describes as the “Committee of 200” and others, an offer was made for a “controlled disclosure”:

They stated that they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the things that they had done. They further stated that they would prefer to work with the Alliances in setting up a new financial system that was fair to all of humanity and to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their life time…. Taking all of that in consideration they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while withholding the majority of information for a 50 year time period.

This “controlled disclosure” offer has led to concerns and questions about the kind of disclosure that is being planned by the “Secret Space Program Alliance” that Goode is working with. In his June 15 response to one of these questions, he explained the goal:

A full disclosure event would consist of a major data dump on the Internet with many hundreds of thousands of document, audio and video files on multiple mirrored sites for everyone to have access to. There would be a collapse of the corporate media machine and a 24/7 television and radio education campaign would be initiated .Not all channels and stations would be co-opted so people are not overwhelmed and could “tune out” as they needed to due to the stress.

He then explains what a “partial” or “controlled disclosure” event, such as the November 2015 offer by the Committee of 200, would entail:

If a person or group go public and reveal the existence of ET visitation and some advanced technologies, but not technologies that would collapse a “New Financial System” or reveal the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated by the “Human Elite” and certain “Off World” or “Ancient Break Away Groups” then you have not been told the whole truth.

That would be a partial disclosure where the narrative has been controlled by a group preserving their power and avoiding the release of their crimes. The majority of the world would be shocked by this information alone and it would occupy their imaginations for some time. Very few of us at the current moment would realize that this was just another deception.

Goode then went on to appeal to other whistleblowers to come forward:

That is why some of us are disclosing what we are now so that other whistle blowers will come forward when they see it is safe to do so.

If you have first-hand knowledge of a secret space program, Corey Goode makes the following request:

If you are thinking of coming forward with information and become an anonymous or open whistle blower please Contact Myself, David Wilcock or Michael Salla to make sure you will be handled in an ETHICAL and secure manner.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

No Restriction for Free Internet Distribution

[Update 6/16/15: In an earlier version of this article I referred to a question Corey Goode responded to on his FAQ page (Q82) about the fate of ‘Chad Johnson’, a pseudonym for an alleged Mars astronaut who claims he was part of a “team of 3 astronauts that went to Mars on a privately funded secret mission,” and further claimed “2 are now dead, they’re killing us to preserve the secret.” ‘Johnson’ conducted a Twitter Interview with Morgan Kochel in Feb 2012 that raises troubling questions about the accuracy of his claims. I have attempted to contact Morgan Kochel and Johnson seeking answers to these questions. The above article has been revised with the removal of Johnson’s claims until satisfactory responses to the questions are received]


Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure & humanity’s future

June Conferences Q and A article

Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) claims he has just completed three diplomatic conferences with representatives of different secret space programs, human looking extraterrestrial visitors and global elites. The purpose of the conferences held from June 5-7 were to find how each of these groups would respectively respond to the disclosures soon to occur where humanity learns about the existence of extraterrestrial life and secret space programs; and where a new global financial system replaces the current exploitative one that leads to ‘financial slavery’ for many. In Corey’s responses to questions about the three conferences (see below), he explains each in terms of where they took place, who was attending, the way each conference was organized, its agenda, outcome, and what his own role was in attending these conferences.

Corey has already given a report of his June 7 meetings and a detailed report of his June 9 meeting, but not of his June 5 meeting. He has described how he was taken to each of the conference meetings in the early morning hours where a blue sphere or orb would appear in his home and physically transport him to each location. He describes the sphere as belonging to a recently arrived group extraterrestrial visitors called the “Sphere Being Alliance” that are facilitating major global and solar system changes as a result of transformative cosmic energies coming into our region of the galaxy. Corey describes the key role of one of Sphere Alliance’s representatives in the meetings, “Raw-Tear-Eir,” who is a Blue Avian, one of five extraterrestrial races making up the Sphere Alliance.

The June 5 meeting took place at “Lunar Operations Command,” on the far side of the moon, and was with the “SSP Alliance Council” which he describes as “a tenuous alliance of leaders who have cliques and sub-factions that do not completely trust one another.” Most members are from the Solar Warden Space program, with others made up from defectors from the Interplanetary Corporation Conglomerate (ICC), members of the “Dark Fleet” caught within a solar system wide quarantine imposed by the Sphere Being Alliance, and others from smaller rogue military space programs (for descriptions of the different SSPs, click here). Corey describes how information about U.S. government personal file was recently collected and will be used in upcoming war crime trials where the “defectors” will testify. This was especially significant given that on June 4, it was announced that the personnel files of four million U.S. government employees had been hacked. The incident was blamed on China.

The June 7 meeting involved representatives of up to 60 different humanoid extraterrestrial races with their own distinct interests about the Earth’s future. Corey clarifies that he is the delegate representing the Sphere Being Alliance, and therefore given a delegates place at the meeting where he can listen to all that transpires through the delegates chair which has universal translator type technology where all that is said and heard is translated. Other sitting in non-delegate chair, such as the SSP Alliance Council representative, Lt Col Gonzales, do not know what is said, and rely on Corey to report back to them.

Corey describes the June 9 conference and elaborates on some of the issues arising from his detailed report about it. He describes the Committee of 200 and other groups representing elite interests on Earth as attempting to stall, distract or manufacture violent conflicts that will enable them to prevent future disclosures about Secret Space programs and extraterrestrial life. These global elites appear most concerned about being exposed and tried in future Nuremberg-like war crimes trials.

The issues discussed at the three diplomatic conferences Corey Goode claims he attended from June 5-9 are astounding in their implications. If he has accurately reported what occurred, then humanity is about to witness the most remarkable set of disclosures about extraterrestrial life and secret space programs imaginable. The scope of these programs, and the crimes committed in them, will lead to war crimes that dwarf those conducted at Nuremberg, and will usher enormous global changes at a political, technological and economic levels.

While some cite lack of documents and hard evidence in support of Corey’s claims as reason to dismiss them, my own investigations of the claims of whistleblowers and extraterrestrial contactees suggest another approach. Carl Sagan’s dictum “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” is not sensible when it comes to the claims of whistleblowers and contactees simply because their revelations typically involve national security topics that are highly classified. This historically has made it illegal for evidence of these topics to be publicly circulated, thereby making it almost impossible to confirm such claims.

A more appropriate research dictum to apply to Corey’s claims is “extraordinary claims require an extraordinary investigation.” That requires keeping an open mind as we analyze Corey’s claims; consider personal factors such as his sincerity, commitment and consistency; circumstantial evidence; look for documentary and hard evidence, interview supporting witnesses such as Lt Col Gonzales, and analyze any documents that emerge that may be part of the promised massive document dump that Corey had described as accompanying the “full disclosure event.”

Click here to continue

Important Global ‘Experiencer’ Survey to Promote a Better Understanding of the Contact Experience

ufoFREE (Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) is conducting a distinctive large-scale survey dedicated to experiencers of direct contact with intelligent, ‘non-human’ extraterrestrial beings. This survey is anonymous, with easy to respond questions, producing statistics displayed in pie charts. It can be done in 15-20 minutes.

We recognize the research thus far conducted but intend to reach many more people directly. Instead of  waiting for particular researchers to gradually illustrate The People of the world with assessments about what they understand what the contact experience is about and who is who among alleged extraterrestrials, this survey attempts to bring FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE from experiencers themselves and, if possible, from experiencers from all over the world. This survey unbiasedly accepts information from persons claiming to have experienced ANY VARIETY OF DIRECT EXTRATERRESTRIAL ENCOUNTER EVENTS.

If you are a genuine experiencer, through this survey you can directly contribute to humanity’s greater understanding about what may be really happening. It can provide greater evidence to the conventional mindset that many healthy and normal indiduals are reporting and having unique, physically-interactive experiences with non-human extraterrestrial intelligences. It can also improve our information about the varieties of the contact experience, plausible intentions, modus operandi, messages, effects on people, and other details needed to work for an intelligent, constructive and mutually respectful exopolitical response.

The objective of this study is, for the first time, to have comprehensive statistical and cross- tabulated data findings about the phenomena of ET Contact as well as interview data to back up the quantitative data. We also strive to extend this survey to non-English-speaking countries and expect to have an initial publication of our findings by the Spring of 2016.  After the publication of this initial report, all of our data will be placed in the public domain in our new FREE website (not yet available) to be used by all researchers and the public.

ANONYMITY:  Confidentiality and Anonymity is extremely important to us.  As a participant in our 2 surveys and formal interview, the Participant has a choice to remain completely “ANONYMOUS”. There will not be a way for anyone to find out who is the Participant, where they live, or any other personal information to identify you.  In addition, the Interviewer will not have any personal identifying information about you.  Instead, the Participant will be given a Respondent Number.  During your Interview you will not be asked any information to identify who you are (name, address, or other sensitive personal ID information).  All of the voice interviews will be audio taped and later transcribed to paper via appropriate software.  This is the reason why it is important to maintain complete anonymity.  After the voice files have been transcribed, they will be destroyed.  What will be left is a transcribed document that will not have any personal identifying information except for the Respondent Number.

This survey (The FREE Experiencer Research Study) is the first ever long term, comprehensive, statistical ACADEMIC research study on the ET Contact Phenomenon. No one has ever attempted this type of study before.  It will involve two comprehensive quantitative surveys totaling more than 600 questions and a follow-up formal interview comprised of 50 open-ended questions.  Phase 1 is our initial simple survey, comprised of only 125 questions that can be completed in 15-20 minutes.  At that time you can chose whether to participate in our more extensive quantitative survey, our Phase 2 survey, which totals approximately 450 questions and will be provided to those individuals that choose to participate in our research study and have completed the Phase 1 survey. The formal interview will be the Phase 3 component of our study and will involve a series of 50 “open ended” questions. So far, FREE has received over 1,200 responses as of June 1, 2015 to our Phase 1 Survey and of these 97% have indicated a willingness to serve as a participant in our research project.  We have also received 543 responses to our Phase 2 Survey.

The Mission of FREE will focus on “Research and Education.”   Our primarily focus will be on scientific investigation through surveys and interviews on individuals who have had UFO related contact experiences with non-human sentient beings (commonly known as “ET Contact”) and to compare this group with individuals that have had other types of “paranormal contact experiences” through the following:  NDEs, OBEs, Hallucinogenic/ Entheogenic natural substances, hypnotic regression,  Mystical Meditation Travel, Channeling, Remote Viewing, and human encounters with non-human intelligence, and related paranormal contact experiences.

FREE has been established by various academics, Ph.D. physicists, Ph.D. psychologists, various scientists, medical professionals, researchers and a diversity of “EXPERIENCERS”, working under one umbrella, to bring together diverse voices in the subject areas of human encounters with non-human intelligence and related “paranormal” phenomena, and “Consciousness Studies.”

All FREE Board of Directors endorse the Post-Materialist Paradigm (PMP), promulgated by Dr. Edgar Mitchell since the early 1970s who helped to establish the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a paradigm that firmly believes that consciousness is non-local and independent of the brain. This view of non-local consciousness allows us to possibly explain a wide variety of special states of consciousness and all the so called “paranormal” contact phenomena. A more advanced science will understand these ocurrences as “natural” and we strive to come to a better understanding of that science.

In addition, FREE will also uphold the views established by the field of “Transpersonal Psychology” that investigates the “Spiritual” aspects of our reality with openness and to help others who have had direct personal contact experiences to integrate these experiences into their daily lives and possibly into their spiritual practice.  To this end, FREE will continue to support all “Experiencers” of paranormal experiences through the “FREE EXPERIENCER BUDDY PROGRAM” and other support services.

Please inform all “EXPERIENCERS”, individuals that have had any type of UFO related “ET Contact” with a “Non-Human Intelligent Being”, about our FREE Experiencer Research Study and encourage them to take our initial survey.

LINK TO PHASE 1 SURVEY (in the English language):

ENLACE A LA FASE 1 DE LA ENCUESTA (En Español – Link to Survey in Spanish):




Summer Courses for Exopolitics Certificate Start on May 18

Exopolitics Certificate[April 21, 2015 – Kalapana, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on May 18, 2015 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Summer 2015 Semester are:

For 2015 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

  • This course will not only expand your knowledge and awareness of the subject but also provide intellectual and emotional stimulation and challenges that can hone your perspectives and the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively. Karen Kael – Exo-102 – Summer 2013
  • We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student. – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102 – Summer 2012
  • As Ben Kenobi said : “ That’s good . You’ve taken your first step into a much larger world “ – Stanley Ho, Hong Kong – Exo-102 – Summer 2012
  •  I would say that the course is important because it deals with the early years of the attempts of contactees to draw the public’s attention to the presence and efforts of friendly extraterrestrial beings who were supportive of peace and cohesion among the human race and were deterring us from the use of advanced technologies and nuclear energy for hostile, destructive purposes. . – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-109, Summer, 2014

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses that culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
Exopolitics Diploma – Certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here. Email: Phone: +1 202 470 0140

The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kalapana, Hawaii. Website:

Whistleblower reveals multiple secret space programs concerned about new alien visitors

multiple secret space programsA new whistleblower has appeared that is creating quite a stir in the UFO and exopolitics communities due to his claims of having worked with a number of secret space programs; and, more recently, having become a contactee with a powerful new group of extraterrestrials that have entered our solar system.

Using the online pseudonym GoodETxSG, the whistleblower (who announced yesterday that his first name is Corey and that he will soon end his anonymity) has described in interviews and posts on two major online forums his former covert background with a number of secret space programs run by various military, corporate and earlier human civilizations. He says that contrary to widespread perceptions in the UFO research community of a single secret space program belonging to a breakaway civilization, that there are in fact up to ten breakaway civilizations indigenous to Earth.

Each of these breakaway civilizations, according to GoodETxSG/Corey has their own secret space program. He says that there are currently three major secret space programs belonging to various national and international entities on Earth. One of these is a large corporate entity similar to what was described in the movie Avatar. The other two are multinational covert space programs that are similar to NATO in their manner of operations and activities. In addition, he says that there are between 5-7 secret space programs belonging to earlier breakaway civilizations on Earth including Nazi Germany, and another dating as far back as an astounding 500,000 years ago!

Adding another level of complexity to what is really happening with the various secret space programs, GoodETxSG says that off-world extraterrestrial civilizations interact or collaborate with one or more of these secret space programs. In a comment responding to the claims of another alleged whistleblower from a secret space program, Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye), GoodETxSG summarized the complex situation:

There are many who have been a part of the 3 Separate Secret Space Programs that are independent of the Secret Earth Governments (One of which is a powerful Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate that owns most of the Mars Bases). There are also 5-7 “Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations” that have Bases here on Earth. All of the groups mentioned above are “Allied” with various and different “Off World Entities’ and “UN Type Federations” both with the “Human Like ET’s” and the “Non-Human ET’s” (All with DIFFERENT AGENDA’s). There is also a “Shadow Civil War” going on among some of these Secret Space Programs and their “Off World Allies” to end control of the Secret Earth Governments using the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” to control Earth Humanity.

A significant point concerning security in GoodETxSG’s postings is that concerning the threat posed by artificial intelligence. According GoodETxSG, artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed by multiple extraterrestrial civilizations that have created synthetic AI humanoids, only to have them turn against their creators in a manner similar to what was depicted in the remake of the television series, Battlestar Galactica. Consequently, all secret space programs have created security procedures to identify individuals displaying evidence of AI influence.

 As a last resort, individuals trained as intuitive empaths were employed to identify AI influence as well as any form of deception. This was the main job that GoodETxSG says he performed during his 20 year tour of duty.

More recently, GoodETxSG claims that up to 100 spherical ships have entered our solar system possessing technology far in advance to anything used by the different secret space programs and their respective extraterrestrial allies. GoodETxSG says that extraterrestrials from this “Sphere Alliance,” have been physically contacting him and other private individuals to disclose information about major new events that will profoundly change life on Earth. He says that this Sphere Alliance is assisting humanity in breaking free of the control exerted by powerful elite organizations on Earth, what he calls the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System.”

GoodETxSG’s claims that he and 70 other private citizens were recently taken to a secret space location for an “Alliance Conference” where along with about 120 others representing the different secret space programs, the “Sphere Alliance” revealed some of their plans. Among the extraterrestrials from this alliance who interacted with the conference delegates, according to GoodETxSG is a “Blue Avian” race up to 8 feet tall, and a taller 10 foot thin golden brown being with triangular head and blue eyes. The Sphere Alliance apparently is intent on helping bring about full disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

GoodETxSG has been sharing his information with David Wilcock who apparently vetted GoodETxSG with other confidential sources and found him to be credible. Wilcock has subsequently incorporated GoodETxSG’s testimony into a number of public presentations attempting to outline the full complexity of issues concerning secret space programs and visiting extraterrestrial life. Wilcock is a major proponent of the idea that extraterrestrial disclosure is imminent due to the collapse of the elite control system that has been in place for centuries. He accepts GoodETxSG’s information as validation for his optimistic pro-disclosure position. Before offering my own evaluation of GoodETxSG’s claims, it’s good to review what is known about his recent public activities.

GoodETxSG first became widely known because of two audio interviews he did that were initially promoted through the Project Avalon forum in Oct 2014.  He previously had been a long time member of Project Avalon where he had shared personal information, but not his covert background in various secret space programs. That changed in Sept 2014 when he consented to do an informal sit down conversation with a Project Avalon member on behalf of the forum’s founder Bill Ryan. The conversation was intended to be used solely for Ryan’s personal research but GoodETxSG was persuaded to have it published on Project Avalon with the proviso that all steps would be taken to keep his identity anonymous. While this introduced a wide audience to GoodETxSG’s experiences with different secret space programs, this ultimately led to his identity being exposed on the forum, and ultimately a break with Ryan and Project Avalon. Currently GoodETxSG’s is posting on a new forum, “The One Truth,” where he is answering questions and informing members of new developments.  He also has a website which has much of the information he has shared on the two forums.

How credible is GoodETxSG? According to Wilcock, GoodETxSG’s testimony is consistent with multiple other insider sources discussing secret space program and extraterrestrial life. In my own database of whistleblowers, contactees, leaked documents and breaking news on the secret space program(s), I have found nothing awry in GoodETxSG’s claims. His claim of separate space programs is consistent with Randy Cramer’s claims that he served with the Earth Defense Force (a multinational alliance) for 17 years on Mars to defend five civilian bases belonging to the Mars Colony Corporation. In his alleged 17 years on Mars, Cramer claims he never once ventured into the Mars Colony Corporation facilities, even for R & R. That appeared strange to me when I first heard of it. That degree of formal separation between military and corporate bases on Mars, however, supports GoodETxSG’s claims of separate space programs.

GoodETxSG claims that he served a 20 year tour of service with the secret space program(s) before being age-regressed back to a time shortly after his duty began. Essentially this allowed him to live a 20 year time-span twice. Also, his memories were wiped or “blank-slated” and GoodETxSG, now a civilian, was encouraged not to rejoin any military service in case that triggered memory recall of his prior 20 year service. This is consistent with the claims of Michael Relfe (The Mars Record)  and Randy Cramer (Earth Defense Force) who say they went through a similar security process.

image003Furthermore, GoodET discusses 22 ET races that have genetically intervened with the human genome. They comprise a UN Type Federation of “Off World” beings interested in humanity. This is consistent with the testimony of the ‘contactee’ Alex Collier who claims that extraterrestrials from Andromeda had revealed to him that a total of 22 extraterrestrials races provided the genetic material for humanity:

In a nut shell, we are a composite of a lot of different races, 22 to be exact.  It is a physiological fact that there are 22 different body types on the planet. And that is the result of the extraterrestrial races.

While there has been no concrete evidence offered to corroborate the testimony of GoodETxSG, his claims are consistent with those of other whistleblowers and/or contactees on a number of significant issues. It’s clear from anyone viewing the extensive postings and commentary by GoodETxSG, that he sincerely believes that his claims are based on truthful events and experiences. Nevertheless, it is always possible for an individual to sincerely pass on implanted memories as truthful testimony even though they have been fabricated to serve the agenda of one or more shadowy intelligence corporate organizations,

In the original 1962 film, Manchurian Candidate, mind controlled military personnel were given false memories and programmed to act in ways that served the interests of shadowy entities behind the scenes. Project MKUltra was exposed to be a real CIA mind control program by the 1976 Church Senate Committee that targeted thousands of individuals. Mind control through the use of false implanted memories would over the decades have become even more sophisticated with the development of more powerful computers. It’s possible or even likely that implanted memories have been used for those that have previously served in secret space programs and undergone a blank slate mind control experience when reverting to civilian life. This would enable former covert space operatives, now working as private civilians, to continue to be of use in any psychological warfare operations against the US or world public. It’s important to point out that the Edward Snowden NSA document leaks confirm that online covert operatives have indeed been used to subvert the public about the UFO issue.

Different mind control techniques used on former secret space program personnel does not mean that ALL recovered memories are false or compromised. Individuals may be programmed to release genuine information along with disinformation as a means of an agency fulfilling an agenda that evolves with time. It’s also possible that former secret space program personal have been able to successfully remove most if not all implanted memories or mind programming. It’s worth mentioning that in the cases of Michael Relfe and Randy Cramer, both underwent years of extensive deprogramming to remove signs of mind control, and get to the truth of their experiences.

At this stage, it’s vital to separate GoodETxSG’s claims of 20 years service with multiple space programs with his more recent claims of being an extraterrestrial contactee. Importantly, the latter experiences from his public statements so far, provide information about current off-world events that can be corroborated by others attending the alleged “Sphere Alliance” conferences. If 70 private individuals attended the same event, it can be expected that some will soon also go public and offer their versions of what happened. Significantly, there does not appear to be any mind control involved in GoodETxSG’s claimed contact experiences. If confirmed by others stepping forward, his contactee experiences will support the validity of his claimed earlier experiences with secret space programs.

Researchers need to be very cautious when examining testimony of whistleblowers that have been subjected to mind control as a standard security measure during their alleged service in one or more secret space programs. GoodETxSG/Corey may very well be one of the most significant whistleblowers ever to come forward with his claims of twenty years service with multiple secret space programs if confirmation can be found. His current revelations about an alien “Sphere Alliance” may be even more significant if events transpire as he suggests, and also offer a means of confirming his alleged prior covert service. At the moment it’s important to keep an open mind while remaining cautious when examining the full extent of GoodETxSG’s/Corey’s claims concerning multiple secret space programs, and their reactions to a powerful new group of visiting extraterrestrials supportive of full disclosure.

© Copyright 2015. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

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