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Aliens ‘May Be On Their Way to Earth’ to ‘Eat, Enslave or Destroy’ Humanity, Scientist Warns

Listen to “E64 8-12-19 Aliens ‘May Be On Their Way to Earth’ to ‘Eat, Enslave or Destroy’ Humanity” on Spreaker.

Article by Jasper Hamill                       July 31, 2019                        (metro.co.uk)

• Jacco van Loon, an astrophysicist at the University of Keele in Staffordshire, England, has issued a warning about the potentially disastrous effects of the light pollution and radio transmissions that we send into space. In an article for The Conversation, van Loon writes, ‘Images of the Earth at night reveal our presence in spectacular fashion. Cities and roads outline the contours of continents… This type of light, which has replaced older, incandescent sources, is unnatural. From the orange sodium or bluish mercury lamps to white-light-emitting diodes (LEDs), the artificial origin of this “spectrum” should be easy for technologically advanced aliens to spot.”

• Van Loon worries that technologically advanced and hostile extraterrestrials may have already detected these lights and transmissions, and may already be on their way here to invade the Earth. Professor Stephen Hawking feared that an encounter between humanity and an alien species would be disastrous. Hawking mused that extraterrestrials could be ‘rapacious marauders roaming the cosmos in search of resources to plunder, and planets to conquer and colonize’. Van Loon notes that when Columbus encountered the New World, that didn’t turn out so good for the Native Americans.

• Much effort has gone into searching space for signals transmitted by extraterrestrial civilizations. In 1974, radio astronomer Frank Drake used the then most powerful radio transmitter, at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, to broadcast a message into space announcing our presence. The message will now be 45 light years away from us. Today, SETI is better informed and better resourced. Russian billionaires Yuri and Julia Milner allocated US$100M to SETI’s ‘Breakthrough Listen’ project, which buys time on powerful telescopes to detect artificial signals from space.

• Says van Loon, “[M]any scientists now agree that sending messages into space without knowing who might be intercepting them might not be such a good idea. Once sent, it cannot be undone… Listening is much safer. But radio communication among ourselves – which includes navigation, television broadcasts and the internet – might also be detected from space.

• Scientists have started to wonder why we haven’t heard from aliens yet. This puzzle is known as the Fermi Paradox. Among the many proposed answers, one is that aliens might be afraid of other aliens. Van Loon suggests that, “Unintentionally, we may already have been observed by an amused, terrified or “interested” species, who may decide to meet us to “shake hands”, or come to enslave us, eat us, or destroy us as a precaution. We are, after all, an aggressive species ourselves.”

[Editor’s Note]   Here, professor van Loon is broadcasting more Deep State disinformation, falsely claiming that in spite of all of our efforts, no extraterrestrial beings have ever been detected.  Extraterrestrial beings are all around us, and exist throughout the galaxy.  While it is true that we are already enslaved by negative ETs that have long controlled our planet and our society for their own spiritual and natural resource-consuming agenda, if they were planning to invade and eat all of us they would have done so by now.  But the Deep State wants people to fear all extraterrestrials, so that when positive ET beings come to expose the negative ET beings and their Earthly counterparts, we will cling to the Deep State government to protect us.  This is simply part of the negative ET agenda, as they directly control the Deep State government. We need to understand the Deep State agenda and discern for ourselves who the enemy truly is.


Professor Stephen Hawking famously feared that an encounter between humanity and an alien species would be disastrous.

So you may be slightly alarmed to hear that one scientist has suggested that extraterrestrial invaders ‘may already be on their way’.

               Jacco van Loon

Jacco van Loon, an astrophysicist at Keele University, has issued a rather scary warning about light pollution here on Earth.

He said that we may have already given away our location to a non-human civilisation because we light up the planet every single night with electric illuminations.

For a sense of what our first encounter with aliens might be like, we’d urge you to remember that Hawking also said extraterrestrials could be ‘rapacious marauders roaming the cosmos in search of resources to plunder, and planets to conquer and colonize’. ‘

Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus,’ he continued. ‘That didn’t turn out so well.’

In an article for The Conversation, Mr van Loon, astrophysicist and director of Keele Observatory at Keele University, wrote: ‘Images of the Earth at night reveal our presence in spectacular fashion. Cities and roads outline the contours of continents, while oil platforms dot the seas and ships draw lines across the ocean. This type of light, which has replaced older, incandescent sources, is unnatural. From the orange sodium or bluish mercury lamps to white-light-emitting diodes (LEDs), the artificial origin of this “spectrum” should be easy for technologically advanced aliens to spot.

‘In the coming decades, Earth’s space agencies may be developing the means to detect such artificial light from planets around other stars. But we may fail, if aliens believe the smartest thing to do is to keep quiet and remain in the dark. We, on the other hand, may already have been seen, and they may already be on their way. This begs the question – should we dim our lights, before it’s too late?’

He went on to warn about the potentially disastrous effects of light pollution and the well-meaning, but potentially ruinous, decision to send radio transmissions out into space in the hope aliens will pick them up.

‘Since the first use of electric lamps in the 19th century, society hasn’t looked back,’ he continued.



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"The Conversation", Columbus, Fermi Paradox, Frank Drake, Jacco van Loon, Native Americans, podcast, SETI, Staffordshire England, Stephen Hawking, University of Keele, Yuri and Julia Milner

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.


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