Look at These Images and Tell Us You Don’t Believe in ETs

Article by Ashley Maaike                                      August 26, 2020                                        (filmdaily.co)

• Are we alone in this vast universe? Will we encounter other intelligent forms of life in our galaxy or our own planet for that matter? We may think we know what’s out there – but the truth is we haven’t even scratched the surface. Could it be that aliens are real and the government is hiding it? Here are some intriguing pictures that may just convince you that extraterrestrial beings are already here.

Dead Alien in Russia – A video showing what appears to be an alien corpse was captured by two Russians who shared it on YouTube a decade ago. The rotting corpse was discovered near Lake Baikal in Siberia. With the large black eyes and bulbous head, it has the iconic alien look. Residents say they also found a crashed UFO near the alien corpse. (see below)

Los Angeles UFO – This photo was taken in 1942, shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Early in the morning, someone noticed a UFO in the skies above Los Angeles. Believing that the craft was another Japanese attack, military forces fired over a thousand anti-aircraft shells at it. But somehow, they hit nothing. The flying saucer in the photo is illuminated by multiple military searchlights, and it looks unearthly. The government passed off the event – saying that it was a weather balloon.  (see below)

Boyd Bushman’s Photos – Boyd Bushman was a scientist at the aerospace company Lockheed Martin and at Area 51. After his death, an interview appeared of Bushman where he describes in-depth his interactions with aliens while at Area 51, and revealed the photos like the one above as evidence. Bushman claims that over a dozen aliens are currently working for the US government. Of course, the video has been condemned as a hoax. But others find the photos and interview to be quite real.  (see below)

Martian Petroglyphs – NASA launched the Curiosity Rover on Mars in 2011. On a UFO blog, someone noticed a rock on Mars with a strange etching that looks like petroglyphs inscribed on columns from ancient Egypt. Is this strange carving of a humanoid just a coincidence, or could it be evidence to suggest humanoid aliens had once been on Mars?  (see below)

Hiding Behind the Sun – NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has been observing the Sun for over a decade. Studying the Sun helps scientists understand the influence of solar flares and the Sun’s magnetic field on the Earth. On UFO Sightings Daily, an image that was captured by the SDO hints at a strange sort of figure or craft that orbits the Sun. Could life or alien technology exist that close to the Sun? (see below)


                 Dead Alien in Russia

Are we alone in this vast universe? And even if we aren’t alone, will we ever get to encounter other forms

                    Los Angeles UFO

of life in our galaxy or our planet for that matter? It’s impossible not to wonder about this possibility, because earth just can’t be the only place that harbors sentient life.
We may think we know what’s out there – but the truth is we haven’t even scratched the surface. But could it be possible that aliens are real and have in fact encountered earth? Could the government be hiding it? Here are some intriguing pictures that may just convince you that aliens have already made contact with Earth.

Dead alien in Russia
A video showcasing what appears to be an alien corpse was captured by two Russians who shared it on YouTube nearly a decade ago. The rotting corpse was discovered near Lake Baikal in Siberia.

              Boyd Bushman’s Photos

In the video, the supposed alien seems to be missing a leg along with those large black eyes & bulbous

                 Martian Petroglyphs

head that has been the iconic alien look. The Russian new agency also claims that these residents encountered a crashed UFO nearby the body. Is this a real alien or very well-done special effects?

This photo was taken in 1942 – shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Early in the morning, someone

               Hiding Behind the Sun

noticed an unidentified aircraft in the skies above Los Angeles. Initially believed that the aircraft was another attack from the Japanese, military forces fired over a thousand anti-aircraft shells at it.
But somehow, they hit nothing. The flying saucer caught in the photo is illuminated by multiple military searchlights – but it’s impossible to deny that it looks rather unearthly. The government passed off the event – saying that it was likely a weather balloon.

Boyd Bushman’s evidence
Boyd Bushman was a scientist at Lockheed Martin (an aerospace company) and supposedly at Area 51. After his death, an interview appeared of Bushman (or a man claiming to be him) where he unveiled his experience working at Area 51. In the video, he describes in-depth his interactions with aliens and offers photos like the one above as evidence.

More Bushman photos
Bushman’s claims & collection of photographs are wild. For example, he claims that over a dozen aliens are currently working for the U.S. government. Of course, the video has been condemned as a hoax – some saying that these photos are unconvincing. However, others find the interview and the photos to be realistic – truly believing aliens are real.




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area 51, Boyd Bushman, Curiosity Rover, Lake Baikal Siberia, Lockheed Martin, Los Angeles UFO, Mars petroglyphs, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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