There is an important, welcome step forward towards de-stigmatizing UFOs and learning to relate more intelligently with this clearly intelligent and highly advanced technological phenomenon. I think that the briefings by To the Star Academy of Arts and Sciences and its vital sharing of credible information about this important matter were influential for Navy decision-makers to take this important step, and publicly revealing (as reported in POLITICO) that the U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs.

On April 23, 2019, many of us who consider that we have entered since 2017 a new phase in UFO revelations happily received an article by Bryan Bender titled

“U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs”

The LINK to the article in POLITICO is:

The UFO/UAP/AAP phenomenon is thus gaining credibility and scientists once reluctant to study or even consider this issue should change attitudes.

Now, we need to deepen a serious, intelligent conversation about what this intelligent phenomenon means. Overall it seems to have cooperated in not forcing its presence to overtly on us but times are changing with too many verified sightings, documents, experiencer testimonies and even more formal source of videos and images with a chain of custody reaching the USG (U.S. Government).

Moreover, unique manufactured materials (metamaterials) allegedly originating in some UAPs are being studied (for instance with the collaboration of Earthtech Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, TX) and have been found to have unique isotopic ratios not present on Earth as well as other characteristics that still seem impossible to assemble with known Earth technology.

Of course, the U.S. Navy is still not saying that we have extraterrestrials in our midst but who can manufacture such things? However, this is a step forward to de-emphasize the social taboo factor, perhaps from now on allowing military personnel to report and to talk more naturally about UFO sightings and more.

Soon (in May 2019) various episodes in the History Channel will also show new details of the investigation by TTSA (To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences). I believe these will serve to legitimize even more the phenomenon, possibly even leading to the acknowledgment of unique varieties of intelligences operating the advanced technological craft.

IF other intelligences are finally, unequivocally verified and officially recognized, a necessary, intelligent, exopolitical conversation must ensue beyond condemnation and fanaticism in favor or against.

SOME NECESSARY QUESTIONS for EXOPOLITICS and an Adaptive Cultural Revision (possibly leading to a long term transformation):

For instance, what legal rights and protections would we concede to some or all of these intelligences that also appear to have been here on Earth way before modern times?  Who amongst them might be our true allies?

What are their rules of engagement with us? Can we relate with at least some of them more directly, thus getting to know them better? Why are they mostly operating in a surreptitious manner?

If all space-faring ‘races’ are not benevolent towards are other space-faring ‘races’ (species) protecting us?  Should we also have a space force to defend ourselves from some of them combining our force with that of protective intelligences? Or, due to our lack of maturity, should we simply stay out of any such militarization of space in order not to attract further problems and – for now – simply trust (for instance according to the F.R.E.E. survey (found at that a majority of encounters with the “UAP intelligences” are benevolent or have positive effects (spiritual and even healing effects) even if they are normally nerve-racking in the beginning?

How must our educational systems change to adapt to the reality of intelligences that may be culturally different, for instance, if they have been able to overcome spacetime for a long time and with it – I assume – a classical understanding of the world for which our nature and emotional-mental tendencies following physical sensory perceptions are adapted? In fact, does our human nature have the potential to adapt? Or do we need to genetic engineer ourselves or, perhaps, enhance ourselves with technology to meet the challenge? Could it be that -unbeknownst to us – we already have the genetic wherewithal and inner resources to adapt to open personal and cultural contact with these entities?

Shouldn’t we, rather, emphasize more a spiritual connection with SOURCE (the Source of all being) than a technological one? Experiencers often mention that ETs understand there is a Universal Source (“God” for some if you will and The Absolute, Tao, Budha Mind, Parabrahm, Allah and The Great Mystery for others) and some experiencers mention that some intelligent creatures work with this Source for the good of others while the Source allows others to work for themselves controlling, enslaving or stealing forms of light or energy from others. But the latter actions – while allowed by free will – have a limit that cannot be indefinitely sustained as it is a contradiction since the Source of all contingent beings in itself is giving.

How will international law have to improve if we find out that there have been a presence or even bases from otherworldly beings for centuries or thousands or millions of years in different parts of the world? What are the rules of engagement that they abide by? Is there a balance of forces among different UAP intelligences with different motivations? I believe that we should make peaceful contact with some of them.

Where are they From? 

As per the UAP intelligences are they after all displaying advanced technology from another country? Or perhaps ‘us’ from the future? An advanced civilization native from Earth but mostly hiding from us? From inhabited planets in the Solar System or from other solar systems in our universe? From physical parallel universes? From subtler physical universes? Are they ‘Transdimensional’ (using the non-physical to manifest in a variety of physical universes and to manipulate spacetime)? Do they manipulate a universal hologram information matrix and materialize where and when they need to? Do they have greater control of their present moment as Mr. Luis Elizondo suggested in a MUFON interview? Do they control retrocausality? Angels and demons (and/or at least connected with them)?

Is the development of psychic capacities and an integrative perspective needed to understand them? Are they mostly benign as most experiencers of contact tell? Are they – ultimately – us or an aspect of us?

A saucer shape in Niaux Cave, France

Flying disc-like objects depicted in a cave of Peche Merle, France?

What if God exists but they intervened in our development as a species? How will religions become more inclusivist rather than rigid and be able to join the conversation in a civil way? How will science expand to include the phenomenon of consciousness which – according to many testimonies and scientific research – appears to be inexorably linked to the UFO phenomenon?

How will our most basic concepts about the ‘nature of reality’ expand? An integral way of being may help us to adapt to the new realities thriving in forms of connectivity that transcend spacetime limitations. How do we motivate human development worldwide into a post-postmodern, integrative way of being psychologically, culturally, technologically and systemically (including our economic and political systems)?

Besides any level of a cover-up, there may be, I understand how even after genuine sightings the UFO issue tends to be dismissed or ignored by authorities WORLDWIDE. For instance, I heard from a good source that there are unknown traffics or targets detected quite regularly by the Jorge Chavez International Airport control in Lima, Perú. Unless they are too close or too visible their presence tends to be ignored for various psychological and sociological reasons.  For once, it is not acceptable to speak about it without risking one’s job because it is a TABOO. Perhaps a sense of not being able to do anything about it and the feeling that it is ‘weird’ is sufficient for most people to dismiss it as irrelevant or partially irrelevant…unless explicitly assigned to track, investigate and report them. But, should a worldwide phenomenon like this; a more technologically advanced phenomenon, posing cultural and institutional challenges like this be treated as irrelevant or perhaps as silly or as entertainment indefinitely? Definitely NOT.

But, thankfully, the situation is changing, for instance, through military officials (credible witnesses from institution that must be extremely serious about what they say and do) coming out to give their testimonies like the U.S. is doing….including the courageous former seamen and officers from the USS Nimitz strike group (here seen with Mr. Dave C. Beaty producer of the popular short film “The Nimitz Encounters”). 

A Fox News note on the issue. Navy Prepares New Guidelines for reporting UFO Sightings (Fox News, Apr 24, 2019)

Fox News. The U.S. Navy’s New Guidelines for UFOS. I’m so glad that they are coming out more openly about this. Other armed forces and countries should catch up!


UFO (or UAP) in FLIR System during a U.S. Navy encounter.



There are other alleged images of UFOS and encounters pertaining to the U.S. Navy but few have the verified chain of custody to the USG. However, these and other cases add up.


Official footage released by Chile. Instead of maintaining an excessive, rigid attitude of denial, is the public U.S. Navy policy catching up with that of other countries like Chile?

Shouldn’t we all “catch up” now?
















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'tic tac'UFO, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, contactees, exopolitics, extraterrestrial disclosure, Project Blue Book, To the Stars Academy, TTSA, UFOs, US Navy

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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