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The Secret Space Program:  Roy Cohn, Donald Trump, Robert Swan Mueller & the VERY Deep State

Conspiracy research entails connecting lots of dots that most folks…..especially those articulating the official government narrative……. ignore or purposely distort through disinformation and outright lies.

As Veterans Today and others have pointed out since Trump emerged 4 years ago as a presidential candidate, New York mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, was Donald Trump’s mentor.

Joseph P. Farrell has pointed out that Cohn’s ties go far beyond his obvious links to the Deep State on display during the famous McCarthy hearings and include his knowledge of the Secret Space Program.

As I wrote in a previous article:

For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps.  But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule:  who knew about any of that?   With Mueller tied to the MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.

The latest research from George Webb shows that Mueller and Bill Barr’s families are linked by a common focus on Uranium production and other VERY Deep State aspects of the Military Industrial Complex that go back to WWII, the OSS, the Manhattan Project, Operation Paper Clip and more.

All this is being ignored with the Epstein scandal; Mueller’s Russiagate hoax testimony; the Squad rumblings and other events designed to distract the public from the true agenda:  more wars using modern weaponry, i.e. the kind being designed by Trump’s Space Force which is first and foremost a new branch of our military:

Reagan had Iran Contra (which Barr and Mueller helped cover up) along with his Star Wars project (SDI).  Trump has his scandals and the Space Force to supposedly take us to the Moon and Mars while really being mostly about the weaponization of space.

The “soft disclosure” events of recent weeks also appear increasingly as a diversion to excite those fascinated by UFOs and appeal to the enthusiasm of the masses to that conversation while covering up the true agenda and activities of our Secret Space Program.

Sex sells as does tall tales of ETs and political corruption.  This is being carefully, brilliantly orchestrated by the VERY Deep State that includes Mueller, Barr and many others as key players in the Big Scam.

A review of the material below will bring willing readers up to date on how current events are used to achieve nefarious goals while keeping everyone pitted against each other thinking, understandably, that they have insight into what’s really going on.

They do, but invariably, we are all like the blind feeling different parts of an elephant and proclaiming they know what’s in their hands.  This immense Leviathan of the VERY Deep State remains cloaked to all but a few, even as the work of diligent researchers such as Joseph P. Farrell, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, the late Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard C. Hoagland, Alfred Webre and many other brilliant writers reveals much about this.

Will we achieve Full Disclosure?  Will our civilization be able to survive the coming turmoil and achieve the level of peace and prosperity seemingly available from the new technologies now kept hidden from us?  That is the question of the day and the hope of many who cling to the prospect of it happening soon.

Rich Scheck
Burlington WA
July 24, 2019

(N. B.:  This writer describes his articles as speculative musings…..educated guesses regarding the truth based on his intuition as he attempts to read the tea leaves of current events and between the lines of official narratives. He is much more gadfly than scholar and encourages readers to keep that in mind as they peruse the above article.)


  • http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=127703
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nJTTKE3Dj0
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvv0mF5Gbrk&t=48s
  • https://themindunleashed.com/2019/07/real-story-jeffrey-epstein.html
  • https://stonecoldtruth.com/9-11-and-the-very-deep-state/

Deep State, Donald Trump, Roy Cohn, secret space programs

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