The Greater Threat: ET or NSA

By Ed Komarek

If we are to understand the UFO/ET cover-up and its severe consequences to human evolution and national security we need to carefully study the evidence and documents available in credible books like, UFOs and the National Security State, Clear Intent and Above Top Secret. We can see that with hindsight the greatest threat to the human species and national security may not be ET colonization and subjugation, rather our global leaders past and present violent overreaction to contact in the 1940’s and 1950’s that continues to this day. To get a flavor of the paranoia of the times check out the Fontes Briefing.

There is considerable evidence that global allied leaders like Roosevelt,  Churchill,  Truman and Eisenhower (lots of documents here ) felt that extreme measures were needed to resist the threat of invasion and subjugation. In 1947 the National Security Act began the process that created the National Security Apparatus that today I believe has become more a threat to human survival and evolution than the original threats associated with ET contact. Is this a classic case of the medicine being worse than the cure?

Eisenhower realized only to late the danger of the military-industrial complex that he helped create. These allied leaders seemed to exclusively had threats on their mind rather than opportunities, and so they inadvertently unbalanced human evolution by cutting out those of us who might have advised against fearful hasty reactions and those who would point out the benefits of contact.

Many allied civilian and military leaders were students of history like Churchill and looked to Japan’s successful use of extreme measures against the colonial invaders that included playing one against the other, isolating trade to certain restricted ports, and even death to civilians and Europeans having unauthorized contact with each other in Japan.  Fearful global leaders failed to appreciate that even though Japan successfully resisted European invasion, the runaway national security apparatus Japan constructed to do so caused the almost total destruction of Japan and the death of millions of people in World War Two.

Evidence for this draconian Japan model of colonial resistance shows up in government documents. In Richard Dolan’s UFO’s and the National Security State, pages 348-349, The unknown author in the NSA document wrote. “If ‘they’ discover you it is an old but hardly invalid rule of thumb. ‘they’ are your technological superiors.” Dolan writes, “Human history surely demonstrates the danger to weaker cultures when confronted by a technologically superior civilization, a loss of identity and absorption by the others. Citing the example of Japan (the NSA author says.) “He noted, that it is at least theoretically possible for a “weaker” society to survive such a confrontation.”

Today with hindsight some global political leaders and even some in the MJ-12, NSA, CIA, NRO runaway security apparatus created to address the ET threat are beginning to realize their draconian reactions to the perceived extraterrestrial threat have now created an even bigger threat to national security and human evolution. I have in the past suggested that this mismanagement of ET contact is quite similar to the mismanagement of fire in natural ecosystems as in Yellowstone National Park. In self delusion the very people that created the problem, the huge accumulation of fuel through fire suppression, tried to alleviate the problem on their own. Without outside help from competent controlled burning specialists they tried to control burn and again this incompetence allowed the fire to get out of control and burned Yellowstone to the ground in catastrophic fire.

One is lead to wonder if our present leaders inside and outside of the runaway shadow government military-industrial-political process bubble are making a similar mistake managing ET contact as did the managers of natural ecosystems in Yellowstone National Park. The Japan model seems to have had two very disastrous outcomes. The runaway national security state in Japan pushed Japan into a disastrous war while in the USSR the runaway national security state tried to maintain technological and defensive parity with the U.S. with causing collapse and disaster.

National Security people tend to ignore those of us that say, ” The means is the end, and the a destructive means cannot and will not give a long term positive outcome.” Contrary to many in the National Security State there there is a very important place for the rule of law and ethics! Ethics and oversight keep things from getting out of control. The means fashions the end result. Duh.

Evolution proceeds no matter the poison we choose. ET is not standing still and the present slow progress of government disclosure is in my opinion too little too late. Instead of slow conservative official acknowledgment of ET contact through global document dumps of low level material and the official academic bodies slow release of information, we need much more radical and rapid solutions to disclosure.

It is the NSA that really holds the keys to the Kingdom near the apex of the extraterrestrial control pyramid and if they will not willingly themselves give public access to the huge accumulation of data some of us believe they have in their vaults on ET civilizations, culture, science, politics, exopolitics, technology etc., they must may forced by the citizenry to give access as in the WikiLeaks way for the overall good of society. The NSA’s huge database is the repository of the information the Shadow Government has on ET, and I believe it comes from, hacked computers obtained from crashes and maybe even the alien’s own computer networks, alien interrogations, diplomatic channels, cultural and technology exchanges, treaties and trade etc.

Our species survival from ET contact is at stake alright, but maybe not so much from ET directly, but by from our leaders own well meaning dysfunctional destructive reactions to that contact. My father was fond of saying. “The road to hell is paved with the best of intentions.” Not until we have full and open disclosure will these threats diminish as ordinary citizens and officials not at the apex of society become part of the contact paradigm.

Ed Komarek Blog.   Article Source.

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extraterrestrial life, NSA, UFOs

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