On September 18th, the highly anticipated second installment in Tom DeLonge’s Sekret Machines novel series was released. The book, A Fire Within, was well worth the wait. This second book by DeLonge and co-author A.J. Hartley is well-written and highly readable, and lives up to the standard set by book one, Chasing Shadows.
Once again utilizing the information he’s gleaned from his high-level contacts in the military and intelligence communities, Tom DeLonge has teamed up with the award winning writer and novelist, A.J. Hartley, to pen a very thoughtful and entertaining fictional story. But is it just a story? Do the esoteric concepts depicted in A Fire Within describe a reality that is closer to the truth than we know?
co-authors A.J. Hartley and Tom DeLonge
A Fire Within continues to follow the story line and characters that were developed in Chasing Shadows. A pair of childhood buddies, who have grown up to become a marine and a military test pilot, find themselves involved in some of the most highly classified programs on the planet. A website journalist lends a critical eye to a series of inexplicable events. And a wealthy young heiress provides the resources for their collective effort to make sense of the new realities confronting them.
But the more they uncover, the more questions emerge as their individual stories weave together culminating in a contentious showdown over an archaeological dig on the Greek island of Crete. Whether or not any ‘real answers’ are found, their pursuit reveals the existence of concealed layers of high consciousness and advanced technologies that raises the ultimate question: why have these undeniable truths been intentionally hidden from the public?
This is not an outer space saga with alien overlords threatening humanity. In A Fire Within, the exploits of this scrappy group of young people is set right here on Earth as they confront a deep state government establishment that conspires to keep its’ mystical and technological knowledge a secret. This newer generation is not afraid to ask tough questions, and they expect answers.
While the first book, Chasing Shadows, drew primarily from historic references such as the Nazi development of advanced propulsion technology, Operation Paperclip, and the Roswell crash, to drive the story line, A Fire Within draws largely from general themes that the seasoned conspiracy theorist will find familiar, i.e.: cattle mutilations, crop circles, fairy rings, telepathy, psychokinesis, zero-point energy, time travel, intuitive technology, and group consciousness.
An underlying theme throughout the story is the notion of integrating ancient mysticism with our current understanding of modern physics to take it to the next quantum level. As one enlightened scientist in the novel imparts, “The concept of energy fields connecting all things is ancient wisdom in matters of religion… What if we stopped viewing these ideas in the contemptuous terms of antiscience and the primitive? What if we were able to assimilate both positions as compatible within an expanded notion of physics, a unified theory…?”
It is not surprising that such an accomplished writer as A.J. Hartley, a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of adventure books geared toward young adults, would create yet another highly regarded novel. What is surprising is the depth of information that the story conveys, which the world is only now on the brink of perceiving. This is the contribution that DeLonge brings to the project.
The resulting work will appeal to truth-seekers of all generations whose consciousness will expand a little bit more from reading it, and will motivate them to continue to pursue an understanding of our true collective reality. The end result of media projects such as A Fire Within will be a more enlightened populace that demands full disclosure from the ‘powers that be’ who are intent on keeping this reality a secret.
by Duke Brickhouse – Part Three in the Channeling Series
“Reptilian extraterrestrials… were actively working with the Nazi leaders and the Nazi scientists during World War II. This, researchers have correctly determined.” But it is actually “the Anunnaki [who] are the great taskmasters underlying all of the alien agenda and presence… allowing the other aliens (such as the Reptilians) to be the instruments of our destruction.” “This is very much a consequence of mind control. Your military officials… are hapless dupes in this, in the same way everyone in the public and other aspects of society are similarly programmed to be in a state of complacency about the mounting number of UFO sightings, the growing number of alien abduction accounts, and so on.” “It is not just that the people are self-serving or evil in some way. They… have been programmed.”
Dwight Eisenhower
Thus, through renowned hypnotist Karl Mollison’s channeling of President Dwight D. Eisenhower in another installment of Denny Hunt’s ongoing “Why Is This True?” YouTube channel series, the spirit entity of Dwight Eisenhower gets straight to the point in his typically inimitable style.
“I was aware of the existence of physical extraterrestrials… interacting with us in a variety of ways.
I was very eager… to see what they would be willing to do to help us in the world effort to achieve lasting peace and stability.” “I never dreamed there would be an evil underside to what was happening. I certainly am surprised now at how naïve I was in thinking this might be a first occurrence and a new initiative that would likely bear great fruit in… at last achieving a worldwide stability.”
“The extension of the Nazi regime [was] being orchestrated and manned by the Reptilian extraterrestrials.” “If a world leader and world power can be made to subjugate all of humanity, then this takes all the burden away from them (the Reptilians) as they desire to do the same thing, but they know this would cause casualties for them. It would be messy despite their (the Reptilians) superiority, and so they use the human as a tool and a weapon to do the dirty work for them.”
“It was all orchestrated, engineered, planned, and put into motion through mind control manipulation of the German people first, then the Italians and the Japanese, to create a series of militaristic regimes who could work in concert and gain global dominance. This was the objective and it mattered not to the Reptilians how reckless, savage, or ultimately self-destructive it might prove to be because they simply do not care or value what happens to any human beings.” “The entire saga was an alien manipulation to promote that regime, to encourage its emergence and to cause the greatest possible harm to the human community.”“With the end of the war and the collapse of the Nazi regime, the Reptilians simply moved on to other targets.”
This information was channeled by Karl Mollison who, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, was a hard core scientist working in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Being in the medical industry, Karl was always looking for insights to new methods of healing. Rather than turning a blind eye to the mounting empirical evidence of psychic and hypnotic healing, Karl decided to explore this himself by taking classes in hypnotherapy. To his surprise, he discovered that he was especially adept at channeling the Divine Source and higher beings.
Karl Mollison
By 2006, Karl had made hypnotherapy his vocation. Since then he has conducted hundreds of channeling sessions. He’s developed a trust in certain Spirit Realm sources and has honed his channeling protocols to achieve the most honest and accurate of readings. With each channeling session, Karl will set his intention in genuine love and goodness, without ego, fear or self-interest. Then he will begin by falling into a lucid trance, contacting the highest Divine Source and working his way down to the particular spiritual being that the interviewer wants to channel, while making sure that no outside negative forces elbow their way into the conversation. During a channeling session, Karl is able to monitor and recall these channeling conversations as a third party witness.
When asked directly by Denny “Were you given the name or names of the extraterrestrial group you dealt with?” Spirit Eisenhower responds, “They were not revealing of their origin, only saying they were from the stars and were here in a learning capacity to do scientific observation with the aim eventually to make a diplomatic outreach once they felt comfortable in doing so. This was very much disarming and was received in a positive way by me and the military as well. [We] were so conditioned to maintaining secrecy about all things that were new and, in particular, that could confer some military or political advantage for the United States.” The United States’ leaders were interested in extraterrestrial aircraft and spacecraft technology, to be sure, but also in “all manner of alien capabilities, especially the telepathic abilities and the ability to manipulate energy which they had seen demonstrated.”
Spirit Eisenhower continues, “We had no reason to question their motives, but we looked to their counsel and leadership as being clearly advanced beings. [We] shared the concerns they recounted about not causing mass panic and the disruption of the existing institutions and recommended that we go slow and develop a long-term plan to eventually begin to share such knowledge when the proper foundation was in place. So these were the early impressions and the early recommendations.”
“This was deemed top-secret or above in all levels at all times and in all ways until we could find out what the implications might be, and the decisions were made to keep this secret from the public and we were advised quite strongly about this by the extraterrestrials themselves who we had already begun to trust, seeing no evidence of weaponry, no evidence of hostility, other than their presence being a violation of our airspace.” “ This was all complete propaganda from them as they never intended to support us in a meaningful way and never wished to have their doings broadcast more widely.”
Earlier, Spirit Eisenhower referred directly to the Reptilians as the warring species that manipulated the Nazi’s in World War II without concern for how reckless or destructive it was to humanity. Now Spirit Eisenhower is discussing the extraterrestrial beings who came forward to work with the leadership of the United States. Although uncertain of their identity, Spirit Eisenhower says that these extraterrestrials had shown no evidence of hostility and expressed concern for the well-being of the people of Earth, and he had no reason to question their motives. It appears that the unnamed beings that U.S. leadership began to trust were extraterrestrials other than the Reptilians.
A hint as to which ET race Spirit Eisenhower is referring, other than the Reptilians, is given with Denny’s next question, “What is your understanding of the long-term plan [of the] powers that have ruled this planet for the last several thousand years? Spirit Eisenhower answers, “The long-term plan of those who were here first to do the greatest damage is the ultimate enslavement of humanity… [and] eventually to eliminate humans and have the planet for themselves. … We are speaking of the Anunnaki here.”
“The others here (Reptilians, etc.) have other self-serving motivations and they are being tolerated and exploited tactically as minions to do some dirty work. Again this simply serves the Anunnaki by taking some of the heat away from them and allowing the other aliens to be the instruments of (Anunnaki-imposed) destruction.” But in the end, the Anunnaki “…also wish to push out the other aliens present.”
Spirit Eisenhower does not shy away from delving into the darker information. “We will not mince words with you or try to put a happy face on this. It is the literal truth and always has been. They (the Anunnaki) started thousands of years ago in subjugating humans and altering and manipulating them to be subservient, and used humans as a slave race to do mining and acquisition of materials, minerals and such… and this they are doing now. They have taken many (humans) to their own planet and those individuals are truly lost in their world and living terrible, terrible lives.” “This served two purposes.” It gave the Anunnaki a cheap form of labor, and “it became the means to begin the process of control and subjugation, for humans need something to do. It is easier to create slave camps, slave work projects, and so on, than it is to create prisons because humans are not happy being contained and being idle.”
Denny asks Spirit Eisenhower about Secretary of Defense and MJ-12 member, James Forrestal. “I was close to him and I had tremendous respect for him. I considered him a true friend and a patriotic American. We did have a difference of opinion about the disclosure of the alien presence and this caused some rift between us, but it was only a working issue in the sense of one colleague disagreeing with another. …I knew his loyalty could be counted on.”
“I was not aware of any plan he (Forrestal) may have had to disclose things independently in a public fashion. This would have been a quite alarming development and I never expected this would happen. This was really of greater concern to the intelligence agencies who saw this possibility and were monitoring him and keeping him under observation. Their reach is quite large. They have connections within all branches of the military and that was true even during World War II and beyond. And so they are the most dangerous human link to the extraterrestrials desiring human suffering because they are part of the very infrastructure of government and the military and in a position to do great harm.”
“The level of mind control is the most intense and the most successful among those individuals in such key positions of authority. …No one can truly be trusted in this kind of situation. …It is certain there has been corruption on multiple levels within the person which makes them lean in the desired direction. Such individuals will either not be sympathetic to an opposing perspective or will actively oppose it and fight to the death against it, against all reason, logic, common sense, or feelings of charity, or any kind of divine impulse.”
“There have been some rare persons who have escaped their (mind controlling) influence and this creates the seeds of opportunity to have a counter-force and a kind of inner guerrilla activity to put roadblocks in the way of some of the worst plans and darkest agendas. But such individuals typically don’t last for long because they eventually come to the attention of the more darkly influenced and then become outcasts within the organization for not being with the program, and then eventually are phased out through reassignment or discharge. In some cases… they are eliminated and there have been many, many, killings to maintain a tight grip on the government and military. In Forrestal’s case this is in fact what happened. He was assassinated to prevent him from sharing his knowledge with anyone. The risk was great with that mindset and perspective that he would tell too many people, not all of whom could be as trusted to maintain secrecy and confidentiality, and that was the greatest risk. So steps were taken to eliminate him.”
“This was a tragic loss, not only for [Forrestal] and his family, but for the nation as well. Looking back now, it is clear that if he had been allowed to blow the whistle this could have greatly accelerated the ability of humans to rise to the occasion and take back more power, and begin to shift things in an earlier time frame and to a greater degree. This …possibility existed for a time but was then snuffed out.”
“The stories of the Roswell crash and recovery of debris including a living extraterrestrial are quite true, and there were other recoveries as well.” says Spirit Eisenhower. He explains that while he did not personally view the Roswell crash site, nor the recovered physical materials, nor did he have any interaction with the surviving Roswell extraterrestrial being, he was given some feedback on all of it. Then the intelligence he received on the extraterrestrial presence began to steadily decrease. “It was not long before there was a huge communication gap that raised alarm bells for me and almost ended my Presidency and my life as well. Looking back, I know there was a plot against me, and this almost came to fruition. So I was skirting with great danger without truly realizing what was happening.”
“This set the scene for a more public awareness of the alien presence and that was very much supported by the Light in bringing forward this information. [This was] followed by many impulsed sources of knowledge and insight that led to many screenplays about the existence of extraterrestrials both good and bad – some raising fear; some giving false hope. The reason for it all was to help everyone become more aware of the …alien involvement. This is an essential step in raising every one up and achieving …the Shift in Consciousness.”
Denny then asks Spirit Eisenhower about his great granddaughter, the popular spiritual crusader Laura Eisenhower. “I am with her often and support all she does… She is a shining example of the continuation of this legacy. … [I] am working directly with Creator and with [Laura’s] higher self to impulse her with thoughts, with ideas, and encouragement, and sending love as well to raise her up and to help her to stay strong. This is what we do as Light beings in helping one another. And so she will be another point of the many spears who are advancing the awareness and knowledge needed to truly help humanity in a positive way.”
Laura Eisenhower
“I am still connected with very, very, strong loving bonds to my family and descendants. All are part of a soul group who have been together for a huge span of time and we work together in our projects again and again. We support one another when present together in the physical and we support one another when some are in the physical and others back in the Light. This is where I am, and from this vantage point I am in the best position to provide support and encouragement.”
Spirit Eisenhower points out the potential pitfalls in assisting in humanity’s shift in consciousness. “All light-workers leave their mark and all have greater potential than they themselves know. The difficulty …for them is not appreciating themselves enough, not understanding the truly great power they have, and this is better understood by the opposition. So when they are identified as risks and then manipulated (by the dark side entities) in a way to sideline them, there is a great loss to the cause and in most cases the individuals themselves. If [sidelined] early enough, [they are] not aware of what they were capable of and would have accomplished.
There are still “many humans who may have a kind of personality or an inner alignment with certain leanings in terms of authoritarianism that might lead them to see an appeal in Nazi regalia or the kind of thinking involved with their (dark) legacy. And so there can always be new acolytes brought into a group to carry out that sort of focused agenda once again. And you see this in various groups that appear, the skinheads and so forth and the neo-Nazi movement.” Invariably, this is the result of continuing Reptilian mind control. “These are all forays into human manipulation. They are not unilateral choices by those people in creating the organizations and drawing followers. It is always the case that an alien agenda is showing itself in causing those leaders who emerge to take that role and put it into practice. So anything of this kind that you encounter is first and foremost a Reptilian-led propaganda effort at sabotage, infiltration, and domination eventually down the road. This is not to say they will be successful, but this is an ongoing kind of arm wrestling that human[kind] is doing with the interlopers.”
Notwithstanding, Spirit Eisenhower exhorts all light-workers to come forward at this time. “This has rarely been more greatly needed, and not because these are the darkest of times but simply because humanity has never been closer to an ultimate tipping point, to have the Light burst forth, and to have a state of heaven on earth. This is within reach now and all are working in earnest to speed the day forward, and this is what she (Laura) does. And all who live in our memory are contributing too.”
“Everyone here in the physical has a soul purpose and many are continuing to struggle and suffer, and they live very restricted and primitive lives in many cases. This is not without purpose. There are important karmic reasons for this, and there are important lessons for all of the rest who look on in shock and horror at the seeming impossibility of helping so many who are seemingly in a quicksand of their own making or by cultural history and predisposition that seems intransigent, and so trapped in the past there is no way to bridge that gap.”
“Those things are still ongoing because they need to be worked out and in the old-fashioned way, so to speak, through a karmic rebalancing – the hard way as you would describe it – paying one’s debts, incurring personal suffering in the re-balancing of suffering caused to others, and so on. This is an old paradigm that will be changing. Part of the repayments by so many in the level of suffering that you observe is accomplishing the turning of the wheel to a point when things can move in an entirely new direction. And this will eventually lead to a world where the healing of karma will be extremely rapid and will not involve pain. It will simply be a self-realization and will happen almost without thinking. The beings in the Light would find it almost unthinkable to harm another and would never ever do it. You can contrast that with the many human dramas playing out across the planet and see quite starkly how far things are away from that simple description.”
“It is very much about overturning the alien suppression, both the long-term alteration of the human in disconnecting us from the spiritual core, as well as the cultural disconnection and miscommunication leading to all manner of grievances and combat. So this is the number one subject of great urgency, coupled with dealing at all levels [of] the spirit community of the dark ones. This cover-up and suppression has been quite effective but is growing in the level of friction and the intensity required to keep a lid on things.” “There will be a turning point and a tipping of the energies towards what the Light is supporting here. So all can take heart in this. It is not as dire as our words might suggest. At the present time the Light is winning, but this does need to be maintained and anything that can be added to the cause will accelerate that eventuality and this would be a tremendous contribution.”
“This is what is in store for humanity in the future and what we mean by having heaven on earth. The ability to heal the self and one another will be profound, rapid, and understood completely by everyone. There will not be lingering pain or any darkness spread, and this will completely change the nature of existence. This is how things were always meant to be and what everyone is striving for who are progressing on a soul journey. This [Earth] is not the only dark place but it is one of the darkest. The upliftment and the growth of the light-worker community is carrying the energy forward to a great new day that is coming. So we applaud all who are involved in the effort and support our loved ones first and foremost, for that is a deep, deep, soul connection. As you can imagine from my service, I have a deep, deep, soul connection to all I helped to serve in my last incarnation, and that has not changed and will not disappear.”
“We are happy to be of further service if you wish at a later time, to revisit this or other topics. And we would be happy to help you in any way we can to shed light on things and to help support your efforts to spread knowledge and awareness. That is step one. If humanity as a whole could be awakened to the reality of what is happening, the world would change instantly because of the power of human consciousness to make it so. The task is harder when there are only hundreds to a few thousand light-workers who are focused on the problem. That is carrying a huge, huge, load. It is not that they cannot succeed, it is only that it takes a bit longer. The more you reach, the more you awaken, the greater the energy grows, and [with] the collective effort this will turn the tide. So we wish you all the best success in everything you do. We are now connected and we are in your corner.”
Spirit Eisenhower tells it like it is. He doesn’t sugar-coat the influence that the negative entities had during his lifetime, and which they still hold over humanity today. He concedes that the Earth is one of the “darkest places” in the universe. Spirit Eisenhower does, however, reassure all active light-workers that this struggle is necessary, that the movement toward the Light is gaining momentum, and that “at the present time the Light is winning”. The work that the light-workers do “will completely change the nature of existence”, and a “great new day” is coming.
It is also becoming quite clear from this and past channeling sessions that mind control plays a primary part in the Reptilians’ subjugation of humanity, both at the top levels of our government and military, and at the lowest levels of ordinary humans who persist in their compulsion for “authoritarianism” and the dark “alien agenda”. A stark example from Spirit Eisenhower is his description of mind control manipulation as a cause for World War II. Typically, these people are not inherently evil, but they have been “programmed” to follow a “Reptilian led propaganda effort”. This is consistent with information that Corey Goode has provided where there is an energy frequency being directed at the Earth, along with a wide array of massive cloaked platforms that hover closely over high population centers to amplify and transmit these frequencies to the Earth below.
Finally, Spirit Eisenhower reinforces the notion that the Reptilians themselves are servants to the enigmatic Anunnaki. It is still unclear exactly who the Anunnaki are, whether they are a supremely powerful race from Nibiru; or if the term applies more broadly to a group of extraterrestrial beings who use humanity and the Earth for their own exploitation of resources; or possibly a higher fifth-density manifestation of evil slurping up the negative loosh energy produced by suffering humans as alluded to in the Gnostic Gospels. At any rate, Spirit Eisenhower confirms that “the Anunnaki are the great taskmasters underlying all of the alien agenda and presence… allowing the other aliensto be the instruments of our destruction.”
The apocalyptic battle between good and evil for the future of humanity and the Earth is being waged right now. Still, too few people can see what is going on all around them. While the Light-side forces are gaining momentum and are currently “winning” according to Spirit Eisenhower, it is imperative and most urgent that we light-workers intensify our efforts to spread awareness of the truth among the general population to achieve a geometric growth in the disclosure movement. For awareness will manifest in heightened consciousness. And heightened consciousness will manifest in the global consciousness shift that will serve to eradicate the sinister control and manipulation of the Anunnaki over humanity and facilitate our ascension to a fourth spiritual density.
“This was indeed a murder… I was overpowered and thrown from the window by two large men who overpowered me and catapulted me to my death.”
This is the testimony of Spirit Forrestal, the spirit entity of James Forrestal as channeled by renowned hypnotherapist, Karl Mollison in a recent installment of Denny Hunt’s ongoing “Why Is This True?” YouTube channel series. To anyone who has closely examined the circumstances surrounding the involuntary commitment and death of James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy during World War II and the first Secretary of Defense under President Truman, this is simply confirmation of a foregone conclusion. Forrestal was indeed thrown out of the sixteenth floor window of the Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 22, 1949.
James Forrestal
The “official” explanation of Forrestal’s suicide is based upon the findings of a Naval Medical Center review board headed by Admiral Morton Willcutts. Although the review board’s findings never mention suicide, it insinuates a direct cause of his death to be Forrestal’s alleged state of mental depression as reported in the New York Times on October 12, 1949. The report itself was not released until 2004 and reveals many inconsistencies. The local police never made any independent investigation. It was primarily national newspaper columnists who instilled the suicide theory into the public zeitgeist, namely Drew Pearson who had close ties to the OSS, which became the CIA, and whose relentless press attacks against Forrestal were cited as a cause for Forrestal’s depression and ultimate suicide, and his tabloid cohort, the fervent anti-communist and pro-McCarthyist, Walter Winchell. Ed Sullivan once said, “I despise Walter Winchell because he symbolizes to me evil and treacherous things in the American set up.”
“This was… a brutal killing, not a suicide, as many have discerned intuitively and read between the lines…” “This was a silencing, an act of retribution for departing from the party line and threatening to reveal secrets about the extraterrestrial involvement with the United States government…” Of course, Spirit Forrestal has an enlightened viewpoint of his heinous murder, brushing aside any pain or suffering he may have endured and caring only for his family and humanity at large. His main regret is that he couldn’t warn the public of “… a sinister undermining in the communication channels that threatened to begin a program of coercive intrusion into human affairs and would result in a potential alien overtaking of the government.” Forrestal was not only aware that extraterrestrial beings existed, but that the government was in danger of being infiltrated and overtaken by them directly or indirectly by those under extraterrestrial influence.
“This was the fear I had in mind. It was not simply because I knew aliens were real and wished to make a splash in the news or help the greater awakening with a spiritual purpose behind it in bringing the knowledge forward, and it was only the government being the bad guys and the wet blankets who stifled that revelation. This was a much bigger issue than people would have seen at the time and there was far more at stake in such a revelation. The handwriting on the wall I saw was this was an alien incursion. And it was as much an intuitive awareness as an actual awareness of the facts in being able to connect all the dots. But I knew enough to know that all was not as it seemed, even within the government and military, and the alien cooperation with the government, that there was in fact a dark side to this and an agenda on their part that could not be trusted.”
Spirit Forrestal certainly lays it out there. Even at this early stage, Forrestal foresaw at stake an “alien incursion”, and recognized the positive spiritual implications in the public’s “greater awakening” on the extraterrestrial issue. Spirit Forrestal credits the Divine Realm in his discernment of the situation. “Because my keen interest in understanding this was so very strong, this allowed the light to impart a greater understanding of what was truly happening.”
Spirit Forrestal continues, “… I was not cooperating and the danger of an outsider being tipped off to what I knew was too great to leave this to chance, as well as interference by family who might demand oversight by outside physicians and so on. So they made the decision to terminate me quickly and this was carried out.” But who are “they”? In the typical fashion of the Divine Realm, Spirit Forrestal provides neither the names of the hit men nor the identities of those who ordered the hit, due to karmic repercussions in pointing fingers and laying blame. “There are consequences for any person who would malign another or say negative things about another.” Notwithstanding, the assassination of such a high ranking U.S. government official over the issue of dangerous extraterrestrial influence over the government would certainly involve the newly formed Majestic Twelve council, of which Forrestal was a founding member.
This Information was channeled by renowned telepathic channel, Karl Mollison. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, Karl was a hard core scientist working in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Being in the medical industry, Karl was always looking for insights to new methods of healing. Rather than turning a blind eye to the mounting empirical evidence of psychic and hypnotic healing, Karl decided to explore this himself by taking classes in hypnotherapy. To his surprise, he discovered that he was especially adept at channeling the divine source and higher beings.
Karl Mollison
By 2006, Karl had made hypnotherapy his vocation. Since then he has conducted hundreds of channeling sessions. He’s developed a trust in certain Spirit Realm sources and has honed his channeling protocols to achieve the most honest and accurate of readings. With each channeling session, Karl will set his intention in genuine love and goodness, without ego, fear or self-interest. Then he will begin by falling into a lucid trance, contacting the highest Divine Source, Creator of All That Is, and working his way down to the particular spiritual being that the interviewer wants to channel, while making sure that no outside negative forces elbow their way into the conversation. During a channeling session, he is able to monitor and recall these channeling conversations as a third party witness.
As a member of Majestic Twelve, Forrestal would have access to ET beings in the custody of the government. “I did have a direct communication with the Grey [alien] that was recovered from Roswell and this was in fact a mind communication. It was entirely telepathic…”. Spirit Forrestal goes on to explain that manipulation is inherent in communications with these alien beings, i.e.: to insert mind programming, to control impulses, impressions, and one’s conclusion about the broader meaning of the alien presence. “This is the danger in talking with the aliens, that they use this as an opportunity to gain entrance to your very thoughts and your very inner being at a very deep level, and this they did in my case. So this was a deliberate attempt to throw me off the scent, to make me complacent and even positive for a time, at least about their purpose for being here and what they represented for our future… to create a state of recognition and alliance and acceptance of their presence with the promise of working with the government.”
While Forrestal had ‘direct communication’ with the Grey alien that survived the Roswell crash, he alludes to his indirect knowledge of other ET beings interacting with humans at the time. “I had the experience of hearing an account of a shape-shifting alien who was quite fearsome and terrifying. And so I did know there was at least one other cohort of alien beings involved with the appearance of this Grey, and that was quite alarming to me because this was the first proof I had… of something much darker afoot. And that was the extent of my awareness at that point in time.”
(Side Note: According to William Tompkins,Forrestal was among those briefed by Admiral Rico Botta on the information Botta was receiving from his U.S. Navy spies in Nazi Germany. He would have learned that shape-shifting Reptilians were assisting Nazi scientists to develop space craft with advanced propulsion technology. Any communication that Forrestal may have had with Nordic extraterrestrials would likely have been telepathic, and therefore he wouldn’t have actually seen them to identify them.)
Forrestal wasn’t the only high government official to meet with extraterrestrial beings. “The Story about President Eisenhower meeting an alien is also correct… this did take place.” Spirit Forrestal admits that while the initial reaction to meeting an ET being face-to-face is “shock and fear”, it is soon followed by “a selfish impulse to use this to the advantage of the United States” and to keep it a secret. Although the human impulse is to believe that these extraterrestrials could have the best interests of humanity at heart, the reality of “subjugation” begins to set in.
In his human incarnation as James Forrestal, he was aware of the existence of secret societies which he perceived as a “power structure that superseded government, but accepted this as simply part of human culture.” Forrestal assumed that these secret societies consisted of exceptionally bright and creative people whose personality and commanding presence caused them to naturally gravitate to top leadership positions. Thus was created “a group of superstars who might well attract great wealth and power politically.” But as Spirit Forrestal, he learned that these secret societies were actually being manipulated by extraterrestrial beings who had taken on a human appearance, or were “ descendants of Anunnaki interbreeding with human…[knowing] they are part of an alien lineage… very much entitled to be in charge and that everyone else should serve them.”
The mindset that the ETs impose on the human leaders with whom they telepathically communicate was such that reports of U.S. citizens being abducted would be ignored and “readily dismissed”. Government officials have “been programmed” to believe that “it is in the best interests of humanity to carry out this agenda on behalf of the whole cabal.” “It is not even believable that so many within government would be so heartless as to ignore a mammoth subjugation of individual humans and their rights to… not be… manipulated by alien beings.”“This of course is entirely wrong and is inherently an evil corruption of the divine human and their spiritual focus. But it is the state of affairs that all are in the dark about the darker purpose and most, of course, are completely unaware this is playing out under their noses.” As Spirit Forrestal explains, “in fact all are under the mind control of the alien program and this is the real reason why this is a secret that keeps itself.”
In the Divine Realm, Spirit Forrestal learned that the Roswell crash in 1947 was not our first encounter with extraterrestrial beings. “Prior to that, there were many, many, thousands of encounters and visitations and abductions that took place all through human history to serve the agenda of manipulation, control, and the unraveling of the human mysteries to be exploited by the Greys in their breeding program, and then in collaboration and in service to the Anunnaki as well. But that is what I know from my perspective now in the light, that this was far more than the alien Grey agenda operating at that time.” “We had no awareness of the vast historical reach and history of the problem in shaping humanity all along from the earliest times and the broad reach and presence already at all levels of society that were well entrenched.”
It was this prevalence of mind control throughout the upper echelon of government that distinguished Forrestal from other high-level U.S. government and military leaders. “I was a threat to them because my spiritual focus was strong enough to enable me to resist much of the manipulation. My keen desire for the true story allied me with the Divine Realm and protected my thoughts from contamination because they went against my intentions, and the Divine Realm shielded me from much manipulation and this made me very dangerous to their purposes. So I was killed to keep from spreading the true information about what was happening to others in government who might have had similar inclinations and allowed the secret to be revealed.”
Stuart Symington
Spirit Forrestal discusses how difficult it is when you recognize the subtle manipulations that others around you do not. And these others will react aggressively when confronted with the possibility that they may not be in control of their faculties, or that they may be acting against the best interests of the American people. He relates the story of an encounter he had in late March 1949 with Secretary of the Air Force, Stuart Symington, during a car ride back to their offices in the Pentagon. It seems that Symington found himself distressed, beset on all sides by people whom he had considered friends and colleagues but who were blindly going along with the alien agenda that had swept through the highest corridors of power in Washington D.C. A “very deep inner sanctum was corrupted… this [Symington] saw for himself. [He] became alarmed and despondent… because he knew he was boxed in.” “This was all crashing in on him in those dark moments.”
Forrestal knew exactly what Symington meant, and it affected him deeply. “This is the darkest hour for all who do light work and know the truth about things.” “There is nothing worse than being totally closed off from any hope of rescue, from any source of understanding and acceptance, without incurring further damage… to the self and further pain for loved ones if things end badly.” “I was not able to share all of this with my family either, and this was because I knew their safety depended on their ignorance. So I was truly cut off from humanity on all levels at that point, as I knew for certain after that exchange there was virtually no one I could trust, above or below me, in the chain of command, and that the consequences would be quite dire for me no matter how things developed. “So the devastation to me was quite complete and it showed me that I was truly in a very desperate isolation, and so I was simply pondering what to do and at that point there was not a clear path that I could see.” “This was a tremendous weight, as you might imagine, and a weight that was quite crushing.”
“So at the time I was living, I underestimated the true dimensions of the reach of this powerful elite. This was again the message of President Eisenhower with his still-famous speech he gave warning America about the threat posed by the military-industrial complex and also by the scientific elite that was a code message about the alien-military collaboration, which he knew in his time was already out of control.” Spirit Forrestal goes on to say that Eisenhower “realized he was in over his head… [but] he did his best to blow the whistle.”
According to Spirit Forrestal, the fact that people today continue to heed President Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell speech wherein he warns of the “…unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist…” is a good example of the Divine Realm collaborating with the Divine Human by “boosting” the message for the greater good. The Spirit Realm may impart greater knowledge and healing to one who hears a message of higher truth, “that there is reason to pay attention, this is important, this should be listened to and taken to heart.”
Spirit Forrestal uses this opportunity to encourage Denny Hunt as the presenter and Karl Mollison as the channeler to “keep going with your efforts”. While the Spirit Realm cannot initiate, it will always “amplify” the message of other lower beings if it is for the greater good of humanity. “As you reach out, we will answer. As you ask, we will answer. As you desire more, we will give more. But we cannot act unilaterally to come to you, to give you more than you are seeking, or unaware of in possibilities, because this would be taking over the lead. So we are here as a support. But that support can be rich and detailed and intense. So there are others we know you intend to talk with and we know that will be very, very, productive. So we would simply encourage you to keep pursuing this, as you choose, as we know it can lead to a great future in many, many, ways.”
Self-serving extraterrestrials have been influencing if not outright controlling humanity on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years. Since the last cataclysm of Atlantis, the ETs have been closely monitoring and controlling humans, not so that we would be developmentally prepared to ascend to a fourth spiritual density at the moment of an imminent cosmic-solar shift, but just the opposite – so that we would not be prepared and would remain in the third density so that they could continue their subjugation. But at the same time, they wanted us to develop technologically so that we could be of use to them in their off-planet agendas.
Anticipating a time when they would infiltrate and control humanity on a large scale, throughout our history, the ETs have maintained influence over the best and brightest with the allure of esoteric knowledge through secret societies. These societies would attract the men who would become the political and industrial leaders in the future. By the early twentieth century humanity had reached the point where scientists could comprehend advanced technologies, and our industries had developed the capacity to construct viable spacecraft. At the same time the ETs had managed to impede humanities’ spiritual development. This was the moment they had been waiting for.
The ETs began by infiltrating and controlling the world’s leading scientists in Germany. Relying on telepathic mind control, they created two space programs – one to suit the aggressive Draco Reptilian agenda, and the other serving the more subtle agenda of the Nordics. World War II was a diversion, a smokescreen to hide the fact that the ETs were building a pair of secret space programs and relocating hundreds of thousands of people, mostly beautiful women between the ages of 17 and 24, to South America and Antarctica in order to create an off-planet breakaway civilization.
By the time the war ended, the ETs moved their focus toward the enormous industrial capacity of the United States. They began by telepathically controlling the minds of American government leaders to create a mindset of fear and desperation. Top government officials became convinced that it was in the nation’s best interest to work with the ETs to build a parallel space program to the German’s, even at the expense of the loss of government transparency, individual freedoms of average Americans, and our species’ natural technological development. The world became an artificial construct.
The Truman administration ushered in this era of deception. To question the motives of our elected leaders became tantamount to being an unpatriotic American, lumped in with the godless communists. In the 1940’s, as a high military and government official, James Forrestal found himself in the center of this phenomenon. His heightened spirituality allowed him to see what others could not see – that the ETs had hijacked the national agenda. By the 1950’s the ETs had moved onto commandeering American industry, beginning with the aerospace industry as related by William Tompkins. By the 1960’s the ETs brought big corporations into the fold.
By the 1970’s the Nordic ETs assisted the U.S. Navy in building the Solar Warden guardian fleet as a counter-balance to the Draco Reptilian fleets – but for whose protection? The Nordics have acted as the benevolent ally for the past seventy years while humanity has languished in a false reality designed to suppress us. They’ve stood by and watched the U.S. government squander its excessive defense budget on a secret space program, and then watched as giant banks and corporations pillaged our greater economic resources in order to build its own corporate space program to ultimately dwarf that of the government. It appears that even these “good” Nordics are less interested in helping humanity than they are in maintaining the status quo – one in which they and their Grey biodroids may continue their human abductions, breeding programs, and various genetic experiments.
It is easy for those of us who understand our true reality to feel “boxed in” when everyone else around us have completely bought in to this false reality. But we cannot allow ourselves to succumb to the despair that James Forrestal and Stuart Symington experienced. We must persevere. We must recognize that this is a historic moment in the development of our species on this Earth, and do all that we can, personally, to spread awareness. If we push hard for full disclosure, this will embolden others who are in high positions of knowledge and power to be less intimidated and come forward. We just need to reach a critical mass of individuals who understand our true history over the past eighty years in order to affect a leap in human consciousness.
Let us resolve to complete the job that heroes like James Forrestal began.
[Note: For Part One of Channeling Series click here]