Article by Dave Huber June 20, 2020 (
• On June 1st, Sarah Parcak, an archaeology professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham who has worked with NASA and the US State Department, tweeted 13 posts instructing Black Lives Matter rioters how to topple “racist” statues and obelisks, in order to “protect the world’s shared cultural heritage”. (see here for article)
• Then, in a series of tweets on June 19th, Parcak took aim at the popular History Channel show “Ancient Aliens” demanding that it be taken off the air, calling the show “one of the most racist shows on TV”. Parcak proclaims that the show’s suggestion that monuments such as the Egyptian pyramids and Easter Island statutes were constructed either by, or with the guidance of, extraterrestrial beings – is racist.
• According to Parcak’s tweet, “It’s an entire show that exists to discredit the extraordinary artistic and architectural accomplishments of past and current peoples.” In other words, Parcak takes exception because the extraterrestrial theory fails to give ‘people of color’ credit for engineering and building these monuments. “I’ll be using my platform to get them deplatformed. I should have pushed harder before, no excuses. Time to buckle up and cancel racist trash infecting the minds of millions. — Sarah Parcak (@indyfromspace)
• [Editor’s Note] The underlying strategy of ‘academia’ in our deep-state-riddled colleges and universities is to steer the public away from the true reality of an extraterrestrial influence on human development throughout Earth’s history. In the past, the deep state has relied on ridicule and media disinformation to cover-up the extraterrestrial presence and history. In this instance, Alabama professor Sarah Parcak draws upon the current public zeitgeist to accuse the show “Ancient Aliens” of racial discrimination as a motive. Parcak is so brainwashed by deep state indoctrination that she advocates the removal of any part of history which she finds objectionable. Apparently, a brain the size of a pea is not an impediment to becoming a professor of archaeology in Alabama.
The professor who recently showed protesters how to pull down obelisks during this current statue-toppling craze is now demanding the show “Ancient Aliens” be taken off the air.
University of Alabama at Birmingham archaeology professor Sarah Parcak
The popular History Channel offering, according to its website, “explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.”
“From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US,” the description continues, “each episode […] gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago?”
No doubt it’s the part about Egypt that ticks off University of Alabama at Birmingham archaeology Professor Sarah Parcak.
In a series of tweets on Friday, Parcak called the program “one of the most racist shows on TV” and said it needs to be “cancelled permanently.”
“It’s an entire show that exists to discredit the extraordinary artistic and architectural accomplishments of past and current peoples,” Parcak tweeted.
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Article by Simon Green December 2, 2019 (
• On November 22nd, Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens and was asked by Journalist Nick Pope what he knew about extraterrestrial life. Carlson replied, “There is physical evidence (of UFOs) that the US government is holding which would tell us a lot more about what these objects are.”
• Carson added, “I’ve heard this from someone who I think is knowledgeable in the subject… someone who worked on this within the government for some years and who would know.” When Carlson asked his government insider point blank whether there exists physical evidence of wreckage of UFOs that the government is hiding from the public, he said, “Yes there is.” (see 2:19 minute video below)
• Carlson has sparked waves of controversies over the years on his show Tucker Carlson Tonight. After seeing the video footage of Carlson’s remarks about UFOs, YouTube commenters said: “Okay, this is epic”; “This can no longer be a secret”; and “The Government was testing out weather balloons. End of Story”.
Outspoken Fox News host Tucker Carlson has sensationally claimed the US government is hiding evidence of UFO wreckage from the public.
The Conservative political commentator appeared on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens on November 22 and was asked what he knew about extraterrestrial life.
Speaking to journalist Nick Pope, he said: “I’ve heard this from someone who I think is knowledgable in the subject.
“There is physical evidence that the US government is holding which would tell us a lot more about what these objects are.
“The person who told me is someone who worked on this within the government for some years and who would know.
“I asked point-blank: ‘Is there physical evidence of these objects, these aircrafts?’
“And he said: ‘Yes there is’.”
2:19 minute video of Tucker Carlson talking UFOs with Nick Pope (‘Ancient Aliens In 2:20’ YouTube)
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• In 2009, the History Channel debuted a television series to prove the existence of an extraterrestrial presence on the Earth. Ten years later, Ancient Aliens is still one of the most watched programs on the History Channel. In fact, the show is so popular that it spawned an Alien Con (a series of conferences in various cities that cater to space exploration themed tv shows) which is widely attended and has attracted celebrities as well as former government officials.
• The genesis of the program was Erich von Däniken’s book, Chariots of the Gods? which makes a case for the ancient astronaut theory by asserting that primitive man made contact with extraterrestrials. These close encounters of the third kind resulted in accelerated human development due to genetic engineering as well as technological advancement.
• The series travels the globe and routinely visits exotic locales to examine proof of extraterrestrial visitation. This year’s season will cover a wide variety of topics ranging from government funding of UFO research to an in-depth look at Egypt’s Great Pyramid chambers. Joining consulting producer Giorgio A. Tsoukalos are David Hatcher Childress, William Henry and Linda Moulton Howe.
Ancient Aliens is one of the most watched programs on the History Channel. In 2009, their quest for proof of extraterrestrial life began. 10 years later, the series is still going strong and ready to start a new season on May 31.
Perhaps one of the most well-known contributors to the show and a consulting producer is Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. He is an outspoken proponent of the ancient astronaut theory and student of Erich von Däniken.
Von Däniken wrote an entire book that has become an integral part of UFO culture called, Chariots of the Gods? which makes a case for the ancient astronaut theory by asserting that primitive man made contact with extraterrestrials. These close encounters of the third kind resulted in accelerated human development due to genetic engineering as well as technological advancement.
5:09 minute trailer for an Ancient Aliens episode on Wernher von Braun (HISTORY)
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• Underneath the typical English estate of Rudloe Manor (pictured above) are over two million square feet of underground tunnels, created during the 1930’s when Rudloe’s quarry was mined for Bath Stone. During the second world war, Rudloe Manor housed the Royal Air Force in these underground tunnels. The British government confiscated Rudloe manor and surrounding properties during WWII to build a munitions dump. However, Rudloe Manor was never released by England’s Ministry of Defense.
• Rudloe Manor is situated in the center of Wiltshire county where the majority of crop circles have been found. It is also home to Avebury Henge and Stonehenge, both Neolithic structures that are older than the Egyptian pyramids, and to ancient mounds, prehistoric sites, and burrows. This makes Wiltshire county a “window area” location that is prone to UFO sightings.
• After the famous American writer Dorothy Kilgallon wrote a newspaper article about a UFO crash in the 1940s, Rudloe became Britain’s version of Roswell. Kilgallon said she received her tips from an unidentified high-ranking British official who claims that the crashed spacecraft and its alien crew were gathered up by the British government and secreted away. Kilgallon died under rather mysterious circumstances. Is it possible that Kilgallon was silenced because of what she knew about the Rudloe UFO? Or was it because she was on the verge of discovering the plot surrounding the JFK assassination? No one is certain. All of her research on both JFK’s murder and the information about the British UFO crash went missing.
• On January 23, 1974, locals claimed that a spaceship crashed in the Berwyn Mountains in Wales, UK. The military were there in an instant to sanitize the area. The government claimed that it was simply an earthquake. Later they changed it to a meteorite to account for the bright lights that the local population saw in the sky that night. Declassified documents indicate that the British government does indeed know about the Berwyn Mountain UFOs, and theorists claim that the remains of the Welsh craft were taken to Rudloe Manor.
• In Season 12, Episode 3 of History’s “Ancient Aliens”, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos and former Ministry of Defense employee Nick Pope pay a visit to Rudloe Manor and the Corsham Computer Center (CCC) which is two miles away and connected to Rudlow Manor by the tunnel system. Tsoukalos found the site encircled by barbed wire fencing with patrol dogs and security cameras. A few minutes after his arrival, the local police show up and order the film crew to stop filming and leave the site. The MOD claims that the site is simply a data processing center for the Royal Navy. But there is no sign stating that this is Navy property. All of the secrecy points to a cover-up. (see 5:05 minute ‘Ancient Aliens’ clip on the Rudloe Manor below)
In Season 12, Episode 3 of Ancient Aliens, the mystery of Rudloe Manor is explored at depth. At first glance, the Rudloe Manor looks like any other English estate, but underneath the house and property, there are over two million square feet of underground tunnels.
The tunnels were created during the 1930s when Rudloe’s quarry was mined for Bath Stone. The mineral mined was used to build the nearby city known as Bath. During the second world war, Rudloe Manor housed the Royal Air Force (RAF) in her underground tunnels.
Now, this is where the mystery begins. England confiscated Rudloe manor and surrounding properties during the war to build munitions dumps. However, unlike other private installations used by the military during the war, Rudloe Manor was never released from England’s Ministry of Defense (MOD).
Wiltshire County, UK
It was rumored that Rudloe was Britain’s version of Roswell because an American reporter and writer Dorothy Kilgallon had written a newspaper article about a crash in the 1940s. Kilgallon titled “One of the greatest women writers in the world” by Ernest Hemingway was known to have some of the most powerful contacts in the world. Although, Kilgallon had no proof of anything she wrote.
According to Kilgallon, she received her tips from a high-ranking British official who wished to remain unidentified (surprise…surprise). Neither the American or British government have been transparent when it comes to the subject of UFO’s which gives us reason to believe that something strange happened at Rudloe.
Like Roswell, the spacecraft remains along with the aliens were gathered up by the British government and secreted away. Ancient alien theorists believed that to be Rudloe Manor.
5:05 minute Ancient Aliens clip on the Rudloe Manor
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• It is apparent to viewers of the History Channel show, Ancient Aliens, that somehow, our ancestors had a much deeper understanding of both building techniques and aeronautical technologies than we do today. We cannot re-create today what our ancestors built ages ago using only the rough tools available to them in their era. Modern-day experts who have reviewed ancient sites remain bewildered. Did our ancestors receive help from extraterrestrials?
• From the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD, the ancient city of Monte Alban (in Oaxaca, Mexico) was the center of the Zapotec culture. The blocks used to build Monte Alban were cut and molded to specific mathematical equations, and then stacked together so tightly that the gaps were almost non-existent. How was it possible using less than basic tools?
• In Baalbek, Lebanon is the 2000 year-old temple known as the Jupiter of Olympus. The structure is set atop three-thousand-ton stone blocks. The structure’s pillars were cut from pink granite from the Aswan quarry over nine hundred miles away. Today, it would take two trucks pulling and five trucks pushing a single thousand-ton stone block. Imagine transporting three granite pillars.
• In 1898, a 2200 year old carved wooden bird on a stick was discovered in a tomb in Saqqara, Egypt. Except it doesn’t look like a bird. Its looks more like a model plane. Hieroglyphs on the model read ‘Gift of Amon’, and it was found with three papyrus scripts that included the phrase “I want to fly.”
• In a grave in Tolima, Columbia were found dozens of two-inch gold figurines called the Quimbaya (Tolima) airplanes. These figurines look like modern jet fighters. In 1994, two German aeronautical engineers, Peter Belting and Conrad Lubbers, built larger but exact scaled versions of the figurines. The figurines were so aerodynamically correct that they were able to make the model planes fly.
• In the Ethiopian translation of Solomon’s dynasty, known as the Kebra Nagast, the scripture mentions King Solomon routinely flying to different locations on a ‘magic carpet’ 60-feet-wide by 60-feet-long. Was this King Solomon’s private aircraft?
In various episodes of Ancient Aliens, modern-day experts have reviewed some of the ancient sites that still have us bewildered. They’ve commented on the complex architectural designs and compared the technology that was available in ancient times with the advancements available today—and apparently—not everything adds up.
the ‘Saqqara Bird’
It becomes readily apparent to viewers almost immediately that building these temples would be difficult even with today’s technological achievements. The Ancient Aliens experts, however, believe our ancestors had a much deeper understanding of both building techniques and aeronautical technologies than we do today—thanks in part to help from extraterrestrials.
Theorists suspect the source of that knowledge came from alien astronauts visiting earth from another galaxy. One cannot help but wonder if there really had been extraterrestrial involvement in our ancestor’s increased technological knowledge. And since we cannot re-create today what our ancestors built ages ago, then how on earth were they able to build these cities using only the rough tools available to them in their era?
some of the Quimbaya figurines
Sites like Monte Alban—an ancient city in Oaxaca, Mexico—was at one time the center of the Zapotec culture from the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD. What makes this city so fascinating is the architecture of the ruins left behind.
The blocks used to build Monte Alban were cut and molded to specific mathematical equations. Those blocks were then stacked so tightly together that the gaps between the boulders were minute. Such accuracy is difficult by even today’s standards so how was it possible for our ancestor’s using less than basic tools?
Jupiter of Olympus
Another example of unexplained ancient archeology can be found in the Temple of Jupiter which is located in Baalbek, Lebanon. It is a two-thousand-year-old temple dedicated to the King of Gods himself: Jupiter of Olympus.
The temple is deemed unique for its grand concrete pillars, mainly because the structure is set atop three-thousand-ton stone blocks. To put this image in a better perspective—the pillars of Stonehenge weigh about a fortieth of that. So, how were they lifted and how were they moved to the site?
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• Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years that NASA has cut live feeds in order to hide the truth about alien lifeforms. The History Channel series Ancient Aliens delved into the computer hacker Gary McKinnon claims of discovering an image of a UFO on the NASA database before his computer was mysteriously “shut down”.
• Kevin Burns, the producer of Ancient Aliens, says that astronauts fear speaking about UFOs. “We have interviewed NASA astronauts who are convinced that they have seen UFOs and who have confirmed with us that that information has been suppressed,” said Burns to the Daily Star Online. (see 4:53 minute video on Gary McKinnon’s hacking of NASA’s computers from Ancient Aliens S12-E9 below)
• “The astronaut Edgar Mitchell (the sixth man on the moon) was famous for believing in extraterrestrials based on his personal observation,” said Burns. Mitchell also said in 2008 that the Roswell crash was a UFO and that governments around the world had been covering that and other incidents up.
• “Buzz Aldrin also spoke about it,” said Burns. Aldrin, (pictured above in famous t-shirt) was a member of the Apollo 11 Moon landing mission in 1969. He has spoken out in the past about aliens being real. But, says Burns, “NASA, being a government agency, kind of frowns on it.”
• Kevin said it was hard to dismiss the testimony of such men who were in space. “They tend to be very credible,” Burns says. “Edgar Mitchell came back very convinced on what he saw and there are a lot of people, more and more astronauts.” Burns predicts that the control over information will wane as space becomes more ‘privatized’.
Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years that NASA has hidden the truth about alien lifeforms, pointing to live feeds being cut and mysterious blackouts as supposed evidence.
Kevin Burns
History Channel series Ancient Aliens also aired an episode about the conspiracy.
It revealed how computer hacker Gary McKinnon claimed to have discovered an image of a UFO on the NASA database, before his machine was mysteriously “shut down”.
And Kevin Burns, the producer of the show, has gone one step further by suggesting astronauts fear speaking about UFOs.
Speaking to Daily Star Online, he said: “We have interviewed NASA astronauts who are convinced that they have seen UFOs and who have confirmed with us that that information has been suppressed.
“The astronaut Edgar Mitchell was famous for believing in extraterrestrials based on his personal observation.
“Buzz Aldrin also spoke about it.
“There’s a reluctance to confine a lot of this because of NASA, being a government agency, kind of frowns on it.”
4:53 minute video on Gary McKinnon’s stunning discovery on NASA’s computers (Ancient Aliens S12-E9)
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• With the October 2017 discovery of the cigar-shaped “asteroid” from another star named Oumuamua, cruising through our solar system, and the December 2017 release by the US Navy video of a “tic tac” shaped UFO off of San Diego and similar videos released in March of 2018, it appears that extraterrestrials are already here. An episode of The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens (S13 E3, aired May 11, 2018) addresses the question of how we should attempt to communicate with them.
• The International Academy of Aeronautics, an informal “study group” endorsed by SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has adopted a written set of communications protocols called the “Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”. This non-binding set of guidelines for extraterrestrial communication emphasizes process transparency, third party verification, full media disclosure, and submission of findings made to the International Astronomical Union.
• Ancient Aliens suggests that we avoid welcoming parties, international squabbles over who will represent the Earth, and wholesale integration of alien beings into our society.
• The Brookings Report (as usual) advocates releasing information slowly to culturally acclimate the population and avoid widespread paranoia.
• In 1977, the Voyager 1 probe contained “the golden record” which set forth the story of humanity in glowing terms for any extraterrestrial with a golden record player.
• [Editor’s Note] – It is apparent that there is no official representative body or protocol for communicating with extraterrestrial beings. When the time comes, might I suggest that the world turn to Dr Michael Salla and the thirteen years’ worth of study on the subject by the distinguished members of the Exopolitics Institute to form an initial delegation to represent the interests of humanity on Earth in negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations.
What if aliens visit Earth? Indeed, what if they have already visited? Ancient Aliens explores this concept and links multiple data sources to the conclusion.
Additionally, Ancient Aliens discusses multiple possibilities for future contact. Theoretically, how should humanity interact with aliens? As space exploration continues, this is a subject humanity will have to discuss.
Have aliens visited our planet?
If you’re a frequent watcher of Ancient Aliens, you know the answer to visitation is the same as the age old “Does a bear defecate in the woods”-question. A discovery less than a year ago has propagated this belief.
On October 19, 2017, at the Haleakala Observatory in Maui, a mysterious cigar-shaped object traveling at high speed was detected with a massive telescope and technology that takes a astrophysics Ph.D. to figure out. The object had a unique hyperbolic trajectory like none other, seemingly moving too fast for gravity to force the typical circular or elliptical orbit. It was determined that, for the first time ever, an asteroid entered our solar system from a different star system. It was named Oumuamua, which is Hawaiian for “scout.”
Some leaders in the field – like Avi Loeb, theoretical physicist and Professor of Science at Harvard University – have suggested the ideal shape/environment for an extraterrestrial vessel would be an elongated cylinder not unlike Oumuamua. The classification (i.e. asteroid or comet) of the object, however, has since been debated. Of course, many of the Ancient Aliens crew suggest a third alternative:
The Alien Protocols theory.
The good folks at SETI were very interested in Oumuamua, and have reignited the conversation about how humans should communicate with aliens when we are contacted. Furthermore, the International Academy of Aeronautics, an informal collection of people who deliberated in 1989 on a response to alien visitation, published the “Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.”
Since the aforementioned document is not legally binding, which government or scientific community should communicate with aliens? Ancient Aliens suggests the decision and plans have already been made, and they exist deep in the bowels of government obstruction and obfuscation.
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by Corinne S. Kennedy June 3, 2018 (
• Hundreds (more?) of people gathered at the posh Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells, California (just southeast of L.A. near Palm Springs) over the weekend of June 1st – 3rd to attend ‘Contact in the Desert’, an annual conference devoted to all things extraterrestrial. The conference was moved to Indian Wells from the desert town of Joshua Tree, where it has been held until now, because an increasing number of attendees were looking for a little more comfort than they were finding in the Yucca Valley desert, organizers said.
• This year’s Contact in the Desert featured a lineup that boasted PhDs, a former congressman, a Naval pilot, a man who researched UFOs for the British government and a former NASA employee who worked on the Apollo moon missions, among others (including ExoPolitics/ExoNews’ own Dr. Michael Salla). Conference-goers were treated to lectures and workshops on everything from UFO sightings, crop circles, the influence of aliens on ancient human societies, and the relationship between military forces and extraterrestrial beings.
• One of the featured speakers, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, the guy with the wild hair on the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens,” spoke about the technological developments that were brought to the ancient humans on earth. “The reason that we’re in the crap that we’re in today is because of misunderstood technology,” he said. “The reason we have religions today is because of misunderstood visits of extraterrestrials.” Tsoukalos says that examples of ancient technology, including the pyramids in Giza or Central America and ancient art and literature, pointed to signs of extraterrestrials who shared their technology with less advanced human societies on earth.
• Tsoukalos said that archaeologists and historians often dismissed ancient artwork depicting possible extraterrestrials as being beliefs in gods or magic, which was an insult to the intelligence of older civilizations. “We, people like us, are at least entertaining the question ‘where did it all come from?’.”
• Tsoukalos speculates that humans will eventually become the deep space explorers, sharing agriculture and engineering with other less technologically advanced alien societies.
The world is full of unanswered questions. And while it’s alright to admit if you don’t have an answer, the questions still need to be asked.
At least that was the consensus of experts and attendees at Contact in the Desert, an annual conference devoted to all things extraterrestrial. Hundreds of people gathered in at the Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells over the weekend, bound together by the belief that there’s something more to our world and the universe than many people realize or believe.
Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells, California
The meeting, normally held in nearby Joshua Tree—an altogether more eclectic town than Indian Wells—was moved to the resort because the increasing number of attendees were looking for a little more luxury than they were finding in the high desert, organizers told The Desert Sun before the event.
While the subject of aliens, specifically contact with extraterrestrials and their presence on earth, has often drawn mocking and charges of pseudoscience, Contact in the Desert featured a lineup that boasted PhDs, a former congressman, a Naval pilot, a man who researched UFOs for the British government and a former NASA employee who worked on the Apollo moon missions, among others.
Conference-goers were treated to lectures and workshops on everything from UFO sightings, crop circles, the influence of aliens on ancient human societies and the relationship between military forces and extraterrestrial beings.
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
One of Sunday’s featured speakers, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, famous for being the guy with the wild hair on the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens,” spoke about what he said were examples of the contact between ancient peoples of Earth and extraterrestrial beings.
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by Sebastian Kettley April 27, 2018 (
• From the Egyptian pyramids to the mysterious Nazca Lines and the ominous heads of Easter Island, the creation of many ancient constructions has been attributed to interstellar visitors. Here are the top five:
• #1. The Helicopter Hieroglyphs in the 3,000-year-old Temple of Seti I in Abydos, Egypt depict images of what appears to be a helicopter and futuristic aircraft.
• #2. Ten thousand year old murals found in the caves of Charama, Chhattisgarh, India depict a ‘craft’ with three legs and a fan-like antenna, similar to a UFO.
• #3. Rock carvings in the Alpine valley of Val Camonica, Italy, contain a large collection of prehistoric petroglyphs carved out some 8,000 years before the Bronze Age. Among the scenes of people and animals are humanoid beings depicted with ‘radiating’ helmets on their heads and oddly shaped ‘weapons’.
• #4. In the Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, King of Assyria, an archeological site just north of Baghdad, Iraq dating back to 879 BC, a stone panel on a wall contains the depiction of the Mesopotamian god Ashur inside of an orb with outstretched wings as that of an alien traveler.
• #5. The sarcophagus lid of Mayan king Pacal located in the Mayan city-state of Palenque in southern Mexico, depicts an intricately detailed ancient astronaut at the control center of a space ship. As Chariots of the Gods author Erich von Däniken notes: “In the center of that frame is a man sitting, bending forward. He has a mask on his nose, he uses his two hands to manipulate some controls, and the heel of his left foot is on a kind of pedal with different adjustments… The rear portion is separated from him; he is sitting on a complicated chair, and outside of this whole frame, you see a little flame like an exhaust.”
From the raising of the Egyptian pyramids to the mysterious Nazca Lines and the ominous heads of Easter Island, the creation of many ancient constructions has been attributed to interstellar visitors.
For decades, these impressive man-made sites have been scoured by crypto-archeologists in the hopes of discovering evidence of extraterrestrial intervention.
Over the years many claimed to have uncovered concrete proof of ancient carvings, cave paintings and other iconography that is indisputable proof of UFOs.
But what are some of the most convincing of these supposedly alien depictions from a time long past?
1. The Helicopter Hieroglyphs in the Temple of Seti I
The magnificent great Pyramids of Giza are popular fodder for conspiracy theories and the whole of the ancient Egyptian civilisation has in one way or another been linked to bizarre alien conspiracies.
But one of the most convincing bits of evidence aliens have in fact helped raise the ancient civilisation is a set of unusual hieroglyphs in the 3,000-year-old Temple of Seti in Abydos, Egypt.
Temple of Seti I in Abydos, Egypt
Among conspiracy forums, the icons have become known as the “Helicopter Hieroglyphs” for supposedly showing eerie pictures of what appears to be a helicopter and futuristic aircraft.
Some pseudo-archeologists who have seen the glyphs in person claimed they were left behind by time travellers while other suggested they were left behind to honour alien visitors.
Most genuine archeologists however will agree the icons are the simple result of typographical errors – overlapping symbols in a day and age where typos were quite literally set in stone.
2. The UFO ancient murals of Charama
This bizarre looking painting found in a cave in India has baffled scientists for its supposed depiction of an alien UFO beaming in the sky.
The puzzling mural from Charama, Chhattisgarh, dates back some 10,000 years to a time before humans have invited the wheel.
Charama, India
Archaeologist JR Bhagat who studied the cave paintings in 2014 argued they were concrete evidence Aliens have walked among us in the past.
He said: “The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers.
“Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.”
He added: “The fan-like antenna and the three legs of the vehicle’s stand clearly show a similarity to UFO type craft.”
3. The alien astronaut rock murals of Val Camonica
The rock carvings in the Alpine valley of Val Camonica, Italy, are one of the world’s largest collection of prehistoric petroglyphs.
Most of the glyphs were carved out some 8,000 years before the Bronze Age, and typically depict the everyday trappings of early man, such as scenes of people and animals.
Val Camonica, Italy
But a set of particular carvings has convinced conspiracy theories some of the glyphs represent alien astronauts walking among them.
The glyphs in question appear to show men with radiating helmets on their heads, wielding oddly shaped weapons – perhaps in battle.
UFO hunters from around the globe believe these images to be indisputable proof.
Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Iraq sarcophagus lid of Mayan king, southern Mexico
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• Friday, April 27, 2018 marks the 13th season of the History Channel show Ancient Aliens. The premiere episode is entitled ‘The UFO Conspiracy’ and will deal with the Pentagon revelations that came out in December of 2017 revealing that the U.S. Government has been researching and exploring UFO’s for years. Not only has the U.S. Government admitted to it, but they allowed the release of video footage that shows how fast and maneuverable are these UFOs. This UFO video footage will be featured in this premiere episode.
• ‘Ancient Aliens‘ host Giorgio Tsoukalos is one of many who have been telling us for decades what the Pentagon is just now admitting – that we are not alone in the universe. In the 1950’s and 60’s the question was whether extraterrestrial intelligence exists in the universe. Today, most astronomers will concede that intelligent life must exist elsewhere, and the question has become do they interact with us now on Earth? The answer, says Tsoukalos, can be found by the evidence here on Earth.
• “I am 100% convinced that our history goes back much much [earlier] than what accepted archeology teaches us,” says Tsoukalos. “Our ancestors… were meticulous in writing down their history as it happened to them at the time… [T]he origin of all the stories were the same – someone came and taught mankind.”
• “There is no question in my mind that our worldwide history goes further and deeper into time than we currently accept as the mainstream idea,” says Tsoukalos. For example, by studying the erosion marks of the Great Sphinx in Egypt, geologist Dr. Robert Schoch, believes that it dates back to 12,000 BC. This coincides with ‘The Golden Age’ of ancient Egypt, in 12,500 BC when so-called “gods” with a lower case ‘g’ (ie: technologically advanced extraterrestrial beings), mingled with human beings on Earth.
In the last several decades the topic of whether we are “alone” in the universe has always been a controversial one. As long as there have been reported “sightings”, the government has been denying that the “sightings” were true. However, in 2017 the New York Times released a story that proved that the US Government has been more concerned about the possibility of UFO’s than they lead the citizens of the country to believe. The New York Times reported that the US Government did indeed have a program called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The program lost its funding in 2012 but experts believe it has found funding under another name.
As the story of the US Government finally breaking their silence on one of the biggest and most tight-lipped topics in Washington DC hits major news sources, we turn our focus to the men and women who have been telling us for decades what the Pentagon is just now admitting. We are not alone in the universe.
I had the distinct honor of speaking with one of those brilliant minds today, ‘Ancient Aliens‘ host Giorgio Tsoukalos. I was so honored and excited to do this interview. It is not every day you are able to hold this kind of discussion with someone with the kind of passion he has for his work and I was extremely moved to learn as much as I could in our short time together.
Giorgio Tsoukalos
RB: What convinced you that the Ancient Alien theory could be valid and that it needed further research and exploration?
GT: I was very lucky growing up with parents who were avid travelers. Ever since I was 6, 7 and 8 years old, my parents would travel to various countries and they would always carve out time to go the museums and to great gigantic monumental archeological sites. Also, my grandmother was a very open minded woman, and instead of reading ordinary bedtime stories to me, sometimes she would read would read Edgar Cayce ‘Atlantis‘ and ‘Chariots of the Gods‘. So the seed was planted fairly early in my life. Then, when I was around 14 or 15, I discovered the books by Erich von Däniken on my own, and as they say, the rest is history.
RB: Do you feel that the topic of Aliens and UFOs has become more accepted in the recent years-not just by the general public-but in the scientific field?
GT: Absolutely. I also think ‘Ancient Aliens‘ has been a huge influencer on that opinion today than, let’s say, in the 50’s and 60’s. There were only a few astronomers who were toying with the question if extra-terrestrial intelligence exists in the rest of the universe.
However, here we are 50 years later, and you would be very hard pressed to find any astronomer denying the idea of extra-terrestrial life. Even though the big question they have now is whether or not that life has had interactions with us here on Earth. That, of course, is answered through the ancient astronaut question. Bio-astronomers are at universities doing research and trying to find whether or not there are remnants of extra-terrestrial visitations in our solar system and on other planets. The question is, “Why are you looking at other planets, when the true evidence is right here in front of our eyes?” We should be looking right here on planet Earth.
RB: You have visited so many of the ancient sites, for example, Tribal and First Nations. They seem to all have similar creation accounts. What are the most common threads that stand out?
GT: That is a wonderful observation, and thank you for that question.
Let’s say we look at 20, just for argument’s sake. 20 ancient cultures dating back 3000 years. All the creation stories for each culture would be different, but most of the creation stories are the same. They talk about a silver egg, or a silver orb, arriving from the depths of nothingness that lands on Earth. Then, the egg or orb opens, and people emerge. From there on out, civilizations have begun. So, one has to ask the question, “Is this a figment of our ancestor’s imaginations or did they actually witness something.”
The one thing we have to remind ourselves is, it’s not me or the Ancient Aliens show that are inventing these stories. We can read these ancient accounts of someone descending from the sky on ancient text and also in oral traditions.
So, the fact is that our ancestors are the ones who say they have been visited. It is not us today who are just now saying it. It is our ancestors who were meticulous in writing down their history as it happened to them at the time. Of course, things were added over time. Stories were embellished, but the origin of all the stories were the same-someone came and taught mankind.
RB: Do you think it is possible that ancient civilizations much older than we think existed here on Earth, and they may have been some species other than human?
GT: I can’t answer to the question of other species because I am not aware of that, but, I am 100% convinced that our history goes back much much later than what accepted archeology teaches us.
I am not saying these things lightly. I am basing these ideas on research of scientists, because I don’t have a degree in science. I am a journalist. I talk about these ideas. For example, Dr. Robert Schoch, a bonafide scientist (a geologist) tells me that physical evidence, (the erosion marks of the great Sphinx in Egypt, Gisa Plato) indicate to him that the Sphinx may date back to 12,000 BC. I shall listen to a Geologist who has come to that conclusion.
There is ancient text that speaks of The Golden Age of ancient Egypt, back in 12,500 BC. It was a time when so-called “gods” with a lower case g, mingled among the human beings, so, there is no question in my mind that our worldwide history goes further and deeper into time than we currently accept as the mainstream idea.
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by Paul Seaburn October 14, 2017 (
Alfred M. Worden was the Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot who orbited the Moon while fellow crew members David Scott and James Irwin spent three days on the lunar surface.
In a recent television interview, Worden said “We’re the ones who came from somewhere else… to survive… [we] got in a little spacecraft… came… landed and… started [a] civilization here. That’s what I believe.”
Worden says that in the future, humans will have leave the Earth and move to another orb that can sustain us. “Nothing in our solar system fits the bill.”
The Apollo 15 moon mission began on July 26, 1971 and ended on Aug 7, 1971. (The photo above shows NASA astronauts Commander Dave Scott, Command Module Pilot Alfred Worden, and Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin.)
After three orbits of Earth, the command module traveled to the Moon under the direction of Command Module Pilot Alfred M. Worden, who then orbited the Moon 75 times while Commander David Scott and Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin spent three days on the lunar surface. This was Worden’s first (and only) space mission and, when his orbit took him to 2,235 miles from the surface, he set a record (at the time) for being the farthest away from any other human beings.
Worden called it “three wonderful days in a spacecraft all by myself” and apparently used that time to do a lot of thinking about those even-farther-away humans on Earth and how they got there. He finally opened up about his thoughts in a recent interview on Good Morning Britain when he said this:
“I’ve been asked that question hundreds of times … are there, do you believe in aliens? That I say yeah, have you ever seen one, I say yeah, I have. Well how have you seen him? Well I said I look in the mirror every morning. That’s what we are … we are the aliens but we just think there’s somebody else but we’re the ones who came from somewhere else because, because somebody else had to survive and they got in a little spacecraft then he came here and they landed and they started civilization here. That’s what I believe.”
Alfred M. Worden
“Somebody else had to survive” so they got into a spacecraft and moved here, where they were alone like Worden circling the Moon, except they got to land and procreate and populate the planet with their race that Worden and the rest of us call ‘humans’. That sounds like something right out of graphic novels and would be discounted as such if it weren’t coming from one of the handful of humans who have actually done the same thing … left their home planet.
In fact, Worden says that humans in the future will have to – if you believe his first premise – leave their home planet AGAIN and move to another orb that can sustain us. Nothing in our solar system (sorry Elon) fits the bill, so Worden says:
“We got to develop the capability to go someplace where there is another earth and we know that they’re out there, there’s no question of that, they are out there, but there are a little ways out, maybe 3.2 light-years is the nearest one, which means we got to build a machine it goes a little faster than the speed of light and that’s gonna be the big key.”
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by Arjun Walia September 29, 2017 (
• “Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued.” – Richard Dolan
• “What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds? Why do the Indians mention a Thunderbird? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the earth is round?” – Erich Von Daniken
• The Ramayana, a Veda epic from the /fifth century BC, describes a “vimana” as “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.”
• The ancient Indian Mahabharata reveals the history of the “unmarried Kunti” who not only received a visit from the sun god but also had a son by him, a son who is supposed to have been as radiant as the sun itself.
• The Indian Samarangana Sutradhara from 1055 AD describes airships whose tails spout fire and quicksilver.
• The Tibetan books of Tantyua and Kantyua mention prehistoric flying machines, which they refer to as “pearls in the sky.”
• The ancient Egyptian Tulli Papyrus report, “In the year 22…among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It came toward His Majesty’s house. After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever.”
• In 1716, the Boston News Letter reported “strange appearances of Ships in the Air, which engaged each other for approximately thirty minutes. All of a sudden, a cloud of many colors covered them, which presented any further sight of them.”
• In 1847, the journal Philosophical Transactions reported “a very odd moving light.. [that] looked like a star passing over the Moon which, on the next moment’s consideration I knew to be impossible. It was a fixed, steady light upon the dark part of the Moon.”
• In 1845, a Royal Navy ship reported “three luminous bodies issued from the sea, about half a mile from the vessel, and remained visible for ten minutes”.
• Clearly, the UFO phenomenon is nothing new to our planet.
I want to start off by saying that what I present in this article is a very minuscule amount of information that’s available on prehistoric flying machines. I try to stay on the topic of flying objects, and stay away from details of extraterrestrial beings, for which there is also an enormous amount of information. What I’ve presented in this article is but a fraction of the numerous accounts of a very large body of ancient puzzling phenomenon that has been documented throughout the ages. To cover this topic in depth would require thousands and thousands of pages, simply because there is so much evidence and information all over the world in multiple cultures and religions that date back thousands of years up to the present day.
I give thanks to the multiple researchers and historians who have spent their lives in this field. They have made it possible for people like me to investigate such things. I am not very knowledgeable on these subjects as the experts and historians are, but I feel I can provide enough information for others to see that there is something here, and to encourage them to further their research if interested. Examining the sources I used for this article is a great place to start.
“We have spiritual beliefs today, but not like the ancients. Thousands of years ago, people confronted forces well beyond their control and understanding: hence the gods. During ancient times, it was universally held that human civilization was a gift of the gods. Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or Elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued.” – Richard Dolan.
Antiquity is filled with stories of beings, materials and flying objects that, according to modern day thinking, should not have existed. For anybody who has studied ancient mythology, they would know that a large amount of evidence exists today to turn those ‘mythical stories,’ (as we interpret them) into stories of possible ancient reality.
I’d also like to point out that today, highly advanced unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are a fact, and have been officially documented by governments and military agencies worldwide, not to mention hundreds of high level military and political witnesses. Who are we to say that these flying objects in ancient history are mythical apparitions of the mind? Who’s to say that they were not also documented like they are today? Thousands of years from now, will our present civilization and its encounters with UFOs be considered mythological? Something to think about. I believe they’ve been around for millions of years, I believe the phenomenon has been documented for thousands of years.
“The mythology of the Eskimos says that the first tribes were brought to the North by “gods” with brazen wings. The oldest American Indian sagas mention a Thunderbird who introduced fire and fruit to them. The Mayan legend, the Popol Vuh, tells us that the “gods” were able to recognize everything; the universe, the four cardinal points of the compass, and even the round shape of the earth. What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds? Why do the Indians mention a Thunderbird? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the earth is round?” – Erich Von Daniken
The legends of the pre-Inca peoples say that the stars were inhabited by the “gods” who came down to them from the constellation of the Pleiades. Sumerian, Babylonian, Syrian and Egyptian cuneiform inscriptions constantly present the same picture, that “gods” came from the stars and went back to them. There is reference to extraterrestrial life in the Qur’an and Bible, beings that play in the realms of dark and light called Jins, Nephilim, Angles and more. There is reference to life on other planets and flying machines in the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and other ancient texts from all over the world that spread across many different continents. Is this just a coincidence?
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• Explorers have found new stones with etchings depicting spaceships and Grey aliens in a Mexican cave.
• They have been dubbed “stones of the first encounter”.
• The Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History will not weigh in on the find because its obvious implication contradicts mainstream archaeology.
A group of explorers has discovered in a Mexican cave evidence what they boast as the best evidence of alien contact on Earth.
The group of explorers recently visited the cave and explored it in detail.
The cave—part of three caves actually—is located between the cities of Veracruz and Puebla.
In two of the cases, researchers made unexpected discoveries including several carved stones with images that represent alien related engravings.
Furthermore, the group of explorers discovered a number of golden items in another cave.
On the surface of the stones, the group of researchers found evidence of what many people interpret as ‘extraterrestrial ships’ and ‘humanoid beings’; one of the stones, which was apparently fractured sometime in the past, supposedly shows the upper part of a spaceship together with a being which according to some people, is not from this world.
The depicted image features an alleged alien being standing next to an ancient ruler of a pre-Hispanic culture receiving a corncob, in addition to some other symbols that are still to be deciphered; these artifacts were dubbed “stones of the first encounter.”
It is reported that local legends speak of a mysterious ‘ship’ that has remained since time immemorial, hidden somewhere near the caves.
This was the main reason why the group of explorers set out to search the area three months ago.
Their search has yielded totally unexpected results. They have come across—what they believe is—the ultimate evidence that aliens beings visited Earth thousands of years ago, and had direct contact with ancient cultures inhabiting Mexico at that time.
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• Scientists consider the possibility that evidence of ancient aliens might exist on Earth or in our solar system.
• Ancient aliens might have left signs of their advanced technology, dubbed “technosignatures”.
• Dr. Jason Wright outlined his provocative argument in the “International Journal of Astrobiology”.
• The subsurface of Mars or the moon, with less geological activity, are the most likely places to find such evidence says Dr. Wright.
• [Editor’s Note] Is this a crack in the scientific mindset that humans are the only intelligent life that this solar system has ever seen?
Astronomers believe it’s possible that advanced beings lived in or visited our solar system eons ago — and perhaps left behind certain ‘technosignatures.’
We’re used to the idea of searching for space aliens by scanning the heavens for their radio signals — after all, that’s what Jodie Foster’s character does in the 1997 movie Contact and the way alien hunters commonly go about their work.
But some scientists think the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) shouldn’t be limited to far-flung star systems. Rather, they argue, we should consider the possibility that evidence of intelligent aliens might exist here on Earth, or on one or more of our nearest neighbors in the solar system.
These scientists aren’t saying aliens might be living among us now. They’re raising the possibility that another intelligent species lived or visited our cosmic neck of the woods millions or billions of years ago and left behind so-called “technosignatures” — things like radios, rockets, or other examples of advanced technology — that might yet exist deep underground or out in space.
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Was Edgar Mitchell’s Wikileaks meeting with John Podesta, scheduled for the week of August 11, 2014, when Podesta was Counselor to the President and Edgar was Chief Science Officer and founder of Quantrek, a first step to arranging a meeting with President Obama?