New Roswell Petition V – Seeking Transparency



There appears to be no end to the determination of researcher – one Stephen G. Bassett to challenge the Obama administration to live up to its promises of greater transparency in government.

By posting his fifth in a series of “We the People” petitions to the White House dealing with the UFO/ET issue it may represent an obsession with government prevarication, or a truly genius search for the truth that no one else is willing to take on; or both.

This time Bassett is demanding that the US government re-investigate the multiple and suspect military explanations around the crash near Roswell New Mexico in 1947. Bassett has once again placed yet another demand before the President and constitution-watchers.

Similar to other White House administrations, and despite immense evidence, the Obama administration has shown itself to be abjectly silent on any and all public discussion of the UFO/ET issue. Bassett however is abjectly determined to continue knocking on the White House door until he receives an answer. Although one of Bassett’s petitions did extract a comment from the Office of Science and Technology Policy, it failed to ignite any further media discussion about the UFO/ET matter.

One could argue that the historic Roswell incident is the key issue here. Quite the opposite. Bassett seems to have cleverly positioned the entire UFO/ET issue on the much larger American political agenda by using the popular and iconic Roswell event as a lightning rod into a deeper examination of government transparency, secrecy and media manipulation.

In an election year, where a second term for Obama is by no means guaranteed, Bassett may have provided Obama a perfect opportunity to end the silence – even if only a little – to give the American electorate a tiny taste of UFO goings-on. The chances of this – remote? – of course, however the abundant and growing evidence from highly credible military officials, astronauts and intelligence community insiders demonstrate the increasing flimsiness of the cover-up’s sustainability and the blatant use of government secrecy, in tandem with intimidation, to keep well equipped insiders quiet about the UFO reality.

In the petition Bassett points to documented and unshakable testimony by military and intelligence officials:

  • Lt Col. Philip Corso (USA) “I came into possession of the Roswell File. This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle.”
  • Capt. Edgar Mitchell (USAF/NASA) “Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site.”
  • Chase Brandon (CIA) “It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet.”
  • Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF) “There were actually two crashes at Roswell.”

Needless to say, under any other set of circumstances, testimony of this magnitude by the likes of a former NASA astronaut-USAF pilot, a former CIA agent and American and foreign military officers would be taken as prima fascia evidence in a court of law. However because it just so happens to be about craft of non-Earth origin, it is all ignored, ridiculed and dispensed with – case closed – no discussion.

How does this happen in a democracy? One explanation, as Bassett appears to be implying, is that government is writing the news of the day for the press. If this is a shock to you – then you haven’t been paying attention.

The mainstream media has a distinct role to play in this matter – but they’re not. The press must be the public agent asking the dynamic questions that constitutionally require not only a response, but the truth. There is a difference.

Regrettably the media has remained silent on this matter – giving government a free hand in lying to its citizens about how NASA, the Navy, Air Force, the Army and FAA have engaged off-world-craft on a regular basis.

It is worth noting how the following statement by Bassett – made years ago – rings true today. He stated: “Governments have constitutionally always been allowed to keep secrets but they have never been granted the right to lie to its people.”

It is here that Bassett parts ways with many in the UFO research community in demanding that the American government uphold the constitution and cease prevaricating about the extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet.

A political act if there ever was one.

Larger groups like MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) for example, can take a page or two from Mr. Bassett’s playbook and step forward to profile these questions in a more public and political manner – especially in an election year in which an issue like this could thrust itself onto the Presidential campaign agenda in a heartbeat.

Therefore three things need to happen:

1. The US government must be engaged in a positive and cooperative manner to come forward and openly inaugurate public discourse about all evidence in this matter, examine the testimony of its own military officials and ultimately admit they have been wittingly or unwittingly part of an extended generation of liars.

2. Amnesty must be offer to all and every individual within the military and intelligence community who may wish to come forward about their experiences or part in the cover-up.

3. The mainstream media must set aside their indolent corporate conscience and get to work on exposing every aspect of the cover-up. Transparency in government was a corner stone of Obama’s new residency in Washington at the time of his election. However the truth be told, no other bounce-back rhetoric catches Barack Obama in his tracks than his January 2009 statement on transparency.

Will a new investigation of the Roswell crash be a response to Obama’s transparency promises? Maybe. Will the constancy and determination of Stephen G. Bassett knocking on the White House door jar loose a few rafters at the White House - revealing cracks in the truth embargo and an end to secrecy?

The short answer – One thing is for sure – Bassett won’t give.

The long answer – Bassett’s onslaught of now five separate petitions to date on the UFO/ET issue are perhaps less significant individually than they are collectively. Because the whole is greater than the sum of all its parts, Bassett’s ‘petition’ messages to government and media are clear: Fulfill your mandate both constitutionally and journalistically and let’s get on with a new era of truth.


To see and sign the Petition go to: “We the People”.

See also: The Paradigm Research Group 

Review by Dr. Michael Salla: White House Petition


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CIA, media, obama, Roswell, Stephen G. Bassett, USAF

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