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  • Most Bizarre Area 51 Conspiracy Theories Revealed Including Weather Control, ‘Exotic Energy Weapons’ and Meetings With Aliens

Most Bizarre Area 51 Conspiracy Theories Revealed Including Weather Control, ‘Exotic Energy Weapons’ and Meetings With Aliens

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Article by Harry Pettit                July 19, 2019              (thesun.co.uk)

  • After more than six decades of covert tests at the top secret military site, Area 51 remains shrouded in mystery. Here are a few of the theories of what goes on at Area 51.
  • UFO Testing – The craft and alien crew of the UFO that crashed at Roswell, NM in 1947 was said to be taken to Area 51. A 1996 documentary entitled “Dreamland” featured a 71-year-old mechanical engineer who claimed that he worked on a flying disc simulator used to train US pilots, based on a crashed extraterrestrial UFO. Rumors of dissections of dead aliens and interrogations of living ones are said to have been carried out at Area 51. But there is no evidence to support this claim. Others have maintained that the only exotic craft flying out of Area 51 have been captured Soviet-built MiG jet fighters or our own advanced experimental aircraft.
  • Weather Control – Meteorologists at Area 51 are thought to have experimented with ‘cloud seeding’, where chemicals are dropped into clouds from planes to try to make them produce rain in order to combat water shortages in the Western US. A separate section is said to have tried producing hurricanes and storms that could be directed at enemy countries.
  • Majestic 12 – The Majestic 12 is a secret committee of US scientists, military leaders, politicians and civil servants created by President Harry Truman to manage alien investigations. Area 51 is supposedly a key location for the Majestic 12’s activities, including the examination of the aliens recovered from the 1947 Roswell incident. There is no concrete proof that Majestic 12 ever existed.
  • Energy Weapons – Some claim that the reverse-engineered alien tech at Area 51 has yielded futuristic weapons from lasers that can vaporize a man in seconds, to time travel gadgets. Stories of machines built using alien tech stretch as far as the imagination can go. Again, there’s no evidence this tech ever existed.
  • Future Transport – Many ex-employees have testified to the extensive underground facilities at Area 51. Area 51 is said to be the central hub for an underground train system that crosses the whole continent of North America. An Area 51 runway known as the ‘Cheshire Airstrip’ is believed to be visible only when water is sprayed on its cunningly camouflaged tarmac. Government authorities deny all of this.
  • A hidden military base from the 1860’s was recently found buried beneath Alcatraz prison. (see here)
  • [Editor’s Note]  The Deep State’s disinformation strategy here is to bring up a list of dubious claims associated with Area 51, and then debunk them all as lacking any evidence. In the public’s mind, storage of extraterrestrial craft and alien bodies become just as ridiculous as laser weapons, controlling the weather, underground train systems, and time travel machines. It becomes too much cognitive dissonance for the average unenlightened person to grasp, and so they toss it all away as one cumulative conspiracy theory. While the government is meticulous in ensuring that no hard evidence is ever revealed from its classified ‘black projects’, there is plenty of compelling anecdotal, documentary and testimonial evidence of alien craft and bodies in the possession of the US government, weather control programs, Majestic 12, advanced technologies including time travel, and an extensive deep underground bullet train system crisscrossing the continent, for anyone who has the mental capacity to research and accept these hidden truths. Still, these types of articles might one day backfire on the Deep State. By planting the seed of knowledge of these “unsubstantiated” covert activities, the mainstream public will be somewhat aware of them when further evidence is eventually revealed to support these accounts.


AREA 51 remains shrouded in mystery after more than six decades of secretive tests at the site.

It’s no wonder, then, that the military facility in Nevada has spawned a number of wacky conspiracy theories.

From a production site for ‘exotic weapons’ to meetings with extraterrestrials, we’ve put together some of the weirdest below.

UFO testing

Area 51 has long been rumoured to be America’s main base for testing captured and crashed UFOs.

At the heart of this theory is the Roswell Incident.

This was in 1947 when an occupied flying saucer was allegedly recovered from a crash site near the New Mexico town.

The UFO and its inhabitants were said to have been taken to Area 51.

The 1996 documentary Dreamland featured a 71-year-old mechanical engineer who claimed he worked on a flying disc simulator used to train US pilots.

It was based on a crashed extraterrestrial flying saucer, according to the film.

But others who have worked there say testing of captured aircraft was restricted to Soviet-built MiG fighters.

Rumours increased when the base was used to test Oxcart, the code name for the CIA-ordered Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance plane.

Annie Jacobsen, author of the book Area 51: An Uncensored History Of America’s Top Secret Military Base, explains: “The shape of Oxcart was unprecedented, with its wide disc-like fuselage designed to carry vast quantities of fuel.

“Commercial pilots cruising over Nevada at dusk would look up and see the bottom of Oxcart whizz by at 2,000-plus mph.

“The aircraft’s titanium body, moving as fast as a bullet, would reflect the sun’s rays in a way that could make anyone think: ‘UFO!'”

Dissections of dead aliens and interrogations of living ones are also said to have been carried out at Area 51.

There is, however, no evidence to support this claim.

‘Weather control’

Huge areas of the US suffer water shortages.

There are frequent disputes between farmers, ranchers and householders over access to water for irrigation, animals and domestic uses such as filling swimming pools and watering lawns.

Meteorologists at Area 51 are thought to have experimented with cloud seeding, where chemicals are dropped into clouds from planes to try to make them produce rain.

A separate section is said to have tried producing hurricanes and storms that could be directed at enemy countries.



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Alcatraz prison, area 51, Cheshire Airstrip, cloud seeding, Dreamland, Energy weapons, Harry Truman, Majestic 12, podcast, reverse-engineered alien tech, Roswell NM, Soviet MiG jet fighters, UFO Testing, underground train system, Weather Control

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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