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Is the Pacific NorthWest a Hotbed for UFO Activity?

by John Prentice                  February 21, 2019                   (nbc16.com)

• “Are we alone in this galaxy or not?” “Its the most important question we’ve had in human history,” said Peter B. Davenport, director of the , National UFO Reporting Center and Hotline established in 1974. “I’ve had several sightings,” Davenport said. “I was living in St. Louis, Missouri the time. I was a kid about six and a half years of age. I was watching a drive-in movie and we saw an object that to this day astonishes me. It was bright red, it was painful to look at and it just accelerated at amazing speed.” In the 20+ years he’s worked for the National UFO Reporting Center, Davenport says he’s heard thousands of UFO stories from seemingly credible people. As a result, he is convinced Earth is visited on a regular basis by a wide verity of extraterrestrial beings.

• The first UFO sighting to make national headlines was published in Pendleton’s East Oregonian in 1947 and originated in Washington state, when a pilot named Kenneth Arnold spotted nine saucer-like aircrafts flying above Mt. Rainier. The Associated Press picked up the story and a few weeks later Roswell was in the news. ‘UFO fever’ took America by storm and the U.S. Government took notice, launching official investigations into the threat UFOs could pose to national security, like the U.S. Air Force’s “Project Blue Book.”

• “[The Pacific Northwest] has been a hot-spot for decades,” said Maurene Morgan, Washington State Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). “You hear about Kenneth Arnold sighting of the nine skipping saucers in the Mt. Rainier region and then you hear about Roswell, New Mexico and that’s where it stops,” Morgan said. “But really there are newspaper accounts going back to 1893 in a Tacoma newspaper where these fisherman say they saw this electronic monster coming out of the water. When Hanford was being developed, sightings began to appear in the 1940s. These were red glowing orbs and the military used to scramble planes to chase them and they’d disappear from the radar.”

• Another early Washington state UFO encounter occurred in June of 1947. The “Maury Island Incident,” as it came to be known, involved flying saucers, a cover up by a man-in-black.

• Dr. Bernard Bates, a physics professor at the University of Puget Sound, says the universe as we know it is about 13 billion years old and possibly infinite in size. He says that massive amount of time and space makes the probability of intelligent life… “Oh, probably 100 percent.” Bates says if extraterrestrials have the technology to travel through the vast expanses of outer space and visit our planet, it’s very likely they would also have the technology to visit undetected.


Do you ever look up at the night sky and wonder if someone, or something, looking back down at you? Like…aliens?
You’re not alone.

“The universe is really big, in fact it may be infinite in size,” said Dr. Bernard Bates.

Bates has been teaching physics at the University of Puget Sound for years and says the universe as we know it is about 13 billion years old and possibly infinite in size. He says that massive amount of time and space makes the probability of intelligent life elsewhere extremely high.

“Oh, probably 100 percent if you look at the whole universe,” Bates said.

“Its the most important question we’ve had in human history,” said Peter B. Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center and Hotline.”Are we alone in this galaxy or not?”

The Center and Hotline were established in 1974.

“I’ve had several sightings, the first one probably explains why I’m sitting in the KOMO studios talking about UFOs,” Davenport said. “I was living in St. Louis, Missouri the time. I was a kid about six and a half years of age – I was watching a drive-in movie and we saw an object that to this day astonishes me. It was bright red, it was painful to look at and it just accelerated at amazing speed.”

To this day, he has no idea what it was. Davenport says the experience changed his life and in the ~20 years he’s worked for the National UFO Reporting Center, he’s heard thousands of UFO stories, from seemingly credible people. As a result, he is convinced Earth is visited on a regular basis by a wide verity of extraterrestrial beings.



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Dr. Bernard Bates, Kenneth Arnold, Maurene Morgan, Maury Island Incident, Mt. Rainier, Mutual UFO Network, National UFO Reporting Center, Pacific NorthWest, Pendleton’s East Oregonian, Peter B. Davenport, Project Blue Book, University of Puget Sound

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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