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Fox Network TV Producer Files Lawsuit Against CIA ‘Disinformation’ Scientist and Antigravity/UFO Research Firm

by Rob McConnell                   March 8, 2019                   (cdnmediaservices.com)

• Veteran Fox Network UFO investigative television producer, Robert C. Kiviat, has filed a lawsuit in California for $300,000 in unpaid employment compensation for work done on behalf of an advanced physics firm called InterNASA since 2018. Named in his lawsuit are InterNASA, its’ CEO Joe Firmage, longtime CIA scientist Ron Pandolfi who is working with InterNASA, and investor Daniel Marriott, a Utah Congressman. Kiviat’s media division, InterNASA Studios, would be a news and entertainment entity for informing the public about the implications of Pandolfi’s gravity-control research, and ultimately the building of an anti-gravity device.

• Kiviat says he was “keenly aware that both a former Director of the NSA and a famous astronaut had moved into anti-gravity R&D upon leaving government service.” “So when InterNASA CEO Joe Firmage assured me he had secured the necessary funding and that Pandolfi was backing his gravity-control research, I accepted a position to oversee InterNASA’s Studios division.”

• Kiviat says that he performed multiple tasks for InterNASA, including corporate communications and investor relations, and he made multiple trips to New York to pitch a television series to two major TV Networks.

• But InterNASA ran into financial problems early on. Congressman Daniel Marriott kept coming up with reasons for holding up his investment payments, while threatening to pull out if they sought other investors. “It was this Catch-22 kind of dealing that basically strangled the company,” said Kiviat. “But Marriott did eventually make a minimum payment to keep InterNASA’s technological development going. Mariott paid me a small amount out of his own pocket to cover a tiny portion of my amassing InterNASA salary arrears.”

• In December 2017, when Firmage was recruiting Kiviat to oversee the media side of InterNASA, The New York Times ran the “Tic Tac” article about a UFO using advanced propulsion technology that easily outmaneuvered U.S. Navy pilots. The story and video came from Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ (TTSA). Former government scientist, Dr. Hal Puthoff, who now works with TTSA, was a paid consultant for Firmage when he was just beginning to work on the anti-gravity device a decade ago. Kiviat says, “Firmage asked me repeatedly if I knew of any actual technology that was being developed by… DeLonge and Puthoff. [W]hen I told him I didn’t, he indicated he felt Puthoff must have usurped his [anti-gravity] concept [that Firmage] had been talking about for years.” Kiviat says that the plan was for InterNASA to beat TTSA to the punch by getting news stories and a TV series made about anti-gravity technology ahead of them.

• By the middle of 2018, Kiviat was told that a “gravity control” demonstration was being planned with Pandolfi’s assistance in Colorado. But due to Firmage’s inability to meet certain deadlines, the demonstration was canceled. Kiviat was informed the company was going “dark” to work on the machine without distraction, and the “Media” side would be the last to be paid.

• “From that point on, I focused primarily on getting a TV deal,” said Kiviat, “since it seemed money would have to come in from some outside source to keep InterNASA going.” “[The] TV executives I met with in both Hollywood and New York showed a lot of interest, and these negotiations are continuing despite the lawsuit being filed. One way or another, I think the series I presented will get made, and it will be the most definitive and far-reaching TV project ever concerning UFOs, the subject’s connection to exotic propulsion systems and what the U.S. government knows about possible extraterrestrial visitation.”

• Kiviat sees his case having much more significance than simply being about receiving his fair compensation. “[T]he suit has the added value of exposing the way the U.S. intelligence agencies have seemingly manipulated the UFO community and… the general public for years. And to put it mildly, it stinks. Many good people have been damaged and it has to stop.” The lawsuit promises to pry open for the first time, via legal discovery, the inner workings behind CIA operations ostensibly led by Pandolfi comprising a decades-long disinformation campaign designed to influence and confuse the public about UFOs and exotic technologies. (Pandolfi once ran the CIA’s “Weird Desk”.)

• Kiviat is best known for his hit TV Specials ‘Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?’, ‘UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape’, ‘World’s Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed’, and a 2014 TV Special ‘Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed’ which unveiled never-before-seen NASA photos taken by Apollo astronauts that appear to show gigantic lunar constructions of unknown origin.


Robert C. Kiviat, the investigative producer best known for his hit TV Specials FOX Broadcasting aired along with their X-Files series such as Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?, UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape and World’s Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed, has filed a lawsuit in California against longtime CIA scientist Ron Pandolfi, who ran the CIA’s “Weird Desk” and most recently has been backing InterNASA, an advanced physics firm also named in the lawsuit which Kiviat worked for under contract since 2018, but has yet to pay him.

                 Robert Kiviat

According to the Complaint filed last week, Kiviat – whose 2014 TV Special for NBC Universal’s Syfy channel, Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed unveiled never-before-seen NASA photos taken by the Apollo astronauts that appear to show gigantic lunar constructions of unknown origin – is seeking $300,000 in employment salary arrears InterNASA presently owes him. The suit also promises to pry open for the first time, via legal discovery, the inner workings behind CIA operations ostensibly led by Pandolfi comprising a decades-long disinformation campaign designed to influence and confuse the public about UFOs – or exotic technologies – by manipulating researchers, and worse, lead those involved to lose money, and more, in the process.

“Covering UFOs and other unexplained topics for TV networks made me keenly aware that both a former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and a famous astronaut had moved into anti-gravity R & D upon leaving government service,” Kiviat says. “So when InterNASA CEO Joe Firmage assured me he had secured the necessary funding and that Pandolfi was backing his gravity-control research, I accepted a position to oversee InterNASA’s Studios division.” Kiviat adds that Pandolfi’s apparent support of the science behind Firmage’s device was independently corroborated by a prominent researcher and author giving lectures at packed UFO conferences throughout 2017, claiming he learned of it from a known Pandolfi operative.

The same month that Firmage was recruiting Kiviat to oversee InterNASA Studios – which Firmage envisioned as a news and entertainment entity for informing the public about the implications of his discovery – The New York Times ran a front-page article announcing that unidentified “Tic Tac” shaped aircraft had been caught on video by U.S. Navy pilots easily outmaneuvering our fastest jets with gravity-defying capability. These videos The Times wrote about were not released by the U.S. military, but by a company headed by former Blink 182 guitarist Tom DeLonge and Dr. Hal Puthoff, a scientist who had conducted government ESP research and is a former paid consultant Firmage employed 10 years earlier when he was just beginning work on the anti-gravity device.

“Firmage asked me repeatedly if I knew of any actual technology that was being developed by the company DeLonge and Puthoff were heading, which they named To The Stars Academy (TTSA), and when I told him I didn’t, he indicated he felt Puthoff must have usurped his overall ‘new physics Academy’ concept he had been talking about for years,” Kiviat recalls. “To be fair, Firmage had a point, in that InterNASA – or its full name, International Academy of Science and Arts, does sound like it could have inspired TTSA. Then he gave me our plan, which was to beat TTSA to the punch and get news stories and TV series made about our efforts to prove gravity-control exists.”



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anti-gravity device, California, CIA’s “Weird Desk”, Daniel Marriott, Dr. Hal Puthoff, Fox Network, InterNASA, InterNASA Studios, Joe Firmage, Robert C. Kiviat, Ron Pandolfi, To the Stars Academy, Tom Delonge

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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