Article by DNA Web Team July 28, 2021 (
• A team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany has developed the first-ever detailed map of millions of black holes, supermassive black holes and neutron stars
Article by Mindy Weisberger July 27, 2021 (
• The Galileo Project, a multi-institutional team of scientists led by Harvard astronomy professor Avi Loeb, will analyze data from astronomical surveys and telescope observations and design new algorithms using artificial intelligence (AI)
Article by Avi Loeb July 12, 2021 (
• According to the article’s writer, the Harvard astronomy professor Avi Loeb, biological creatures are not functionally able to achieve interstellar travel. Even at the speed of light, travel between stars would take tens of thousands of years. Therefore, we would be more likely to find traces of alien technological debris accumulated in interstellar space over the past billions of years than we would finding aliens themselves.
• Most stars formed billions of years before ours did. Ancient civilizations could very likely predate Earth humans, and already dominate the Milky Way galaxy. The spread of alien technology that can persevere over long times and distances would multiply and spread at the highest speed with self-repair mechanisms that mitigate damage along their journey. Such technology artifacts could have already reached the habitable zones around all stars within the Milky Way, including our Sun. This is how we can expect to initially encounter evidence of intelligent extraterrestrials.
• Our own artificial intelligence technology is likely to supersede human intelligence within the coming decade. Our own autonomous AI systems connected to 3-D printers may replicate themselves and adapt to changing circumstances along their interstellar travels through machine learning. They could hibernate during long journeys and switch on as they approach stars where light radiation can recharge their energy supply. It is conceivable that the flat interstellar object, ‘Oumuamua’, was meant to collect sunlight and recharge its batteries. This technological artifact may have also served as a receiver for communication signals from probes already deposited on habitable planets like Earth or Mars.
• If any of the UAP/UFOs discussed in the Pentagon report to Congress is extraterrestrial in origin, then scientists have an obligation to decipher their purpose by collecting more data on their behavior. Owing to the long time-delay of any signals from their point of origin, these objects are likely autonomous.
• How can we tell whether an autonomous extraterrestrial AI system is a friend or a foe? To avoid a Trojan Horse scenario, we should first study the behavior of the alien probe to figure out what type of data they are accumulating. Second, we should examine how it responds to our actions. And with no choice left, we should engage its attention in a way that would promote our interests. Most importantly, humanity should avoid sending mixed messages to these probes, to avoid our own confusion in interpreting its response.
• Any decision on how to act with extraterrestrial AI technology must be coordinated by an international organization such as the United Nations and policed consistently by all governments on Earth. It would be prudent to appoint a forum composed of our most accomplished experts in the areas of computing (to interpret the meaning of any signal we intercept), physics (to understand the physical characteristics of the systems with which we interact) and strategy (to coordinate the best policy for accomplishing our goals).
• Ultimately, we might need to employ our own AI in order to properly interpret the alien AI. The experience will be as humbling as relying on our kids to make sense of new content on the internet by admitting that their computer skills exceed ours.
• So far, our fate on this planet has been under our control. This may not hold true after our encounter with extraterrestrial AI systems. Hence, there is a sense of urgency for our technological maturity in the global competition of galactic civilizations. Only by becoming sufficiently advanced can we overcome threats from alien AI technology. Our AI systems must outsmart the alien AI systems. Just as in the gunfights of the Wild West, the survivor might be the one who is first to draw a weapon without hesitation.
Avi Loeb
Despite the naïve storylines about interstellar travel in science fiction, biological
interstellar object, ‘Oumuamua’
creatures were not selected by Darwinian evolution to survive travel between stars. Such a trip would necessarily span many generations, since even at the speed of light, it would take tens of thousands of years to travel between stars in our galaxy’s disk and 10 times longer across its halo. If we ever encounter traces of aliens, therefore, it will likely be in the form of technology, not biology. Technological debris could have accumulated in interstellar space over the past billions of years, just as plastic bottles have accumulated on the surface of the ocean. The chance of detecting alien technological relics can be simply calculated from their number per unit volume near us rather than from the Drake equation, which applies strictly to communication signals from living civilizations.
On a recent podcast about my book Extraterrestrial, I was asked whether
Milky Way galaxy
extraterrestrial intelligence should be expected to follow the rational underpinning of morality, as neatly formulated by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. This would be of concern to us during an encounter. Based on human history, I expressed doubt that morality would garner a global commitment from all intelligent beings in the Milky Way.
Instead, a code of conduct that allows systems of alien technology to dominate the galaxy would also make them more likely to be the way we would first encounter extraterrestrials. Practically, this rule will act as a sort of Darwinian evolution by natural selection, favoring systems that can persevere over long times and distances; and multiply quickly and spread at the highest speed with self-repair mechanisms that mitigate damage along their journey. Such systems could have reached the habitable zones around all stars within the Milky Way, including our sun, by now. Most stars formed billions of years before ours did, and technological equipment sent from habitable planets near them could have predated us by enough time to dominate the galaxy before we came to exist as a technological species.
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Article by Gautam Peddada July 6, 2021 (
• Following the Roswell UFO crashes incident in July 1947, the debris from Roswell was flown to Wright Field Air Force base in Ohio. Technicians at the Air Materiel Command (AMC) at Wright were perplexed and fascinated by the characteristics of the so-called ‘memory metal’. After determining that titanium was one of the component parts of memory metal, AMC hired the science and technology development company Battelle Memorial Institute, of Columbus, Ohio to study the recovered extraterrestrial material in hopes of reproducing it.
• In September 1947, General George Shulgen of Air Intelligence described the flying saucers’ “materials of construction” as being composed of “composite or sandwich construction employing different combinations of metal and polymers.” Some of the wreckage from the Roswell crash was said to have a metal-plastic look and properties, along with “specially treated” Titanium. There are no records of any titanium alloy experiments conducted before 1947.
• Battelle began recipes for combining nickel with ultra-high-purity titanium. In the 1950s, the Naval Ordnance Lab was brought into the research, and by 1962, the ‘shape-recovery’ alloy ‘Nitinol’ was developed by Dr. Fred Wang and William Buehler of the Naval Ordnance Lab. Buehler later complained that following the breakthrough, NASA hired Battelle reclaim the project away from the NOL to “conduct further characterization studies” on Nitinol.
• The Defense Intelligence Agency corroborated that the ‘metamaterial’ Nitinol became widely utilized in defense and space projects, and has been extensively investigated by the Pentagon’s UFO initiative, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, as well as its predecessor program ‘Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications’ (AAWSA).
• In response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by UFO researcher Anthony Bragalia in December 2017, the Pentagon (over three years later) made available over 150 pages of information pertaining to ‘fallen wreckage from unidentified flying objects’. The documents confirm that Nitinol is indeed made up of Titanium and Nickel. Its material qualities, such as being very lightweight and durable, are mentioned and well as its potential for incorporation into the human body to enhance health. Bragalia’s FOIA request claimed the material was being housed by Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas, pursuant to being awarded a government contract through AAWSA.
• In 1990, Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Orel Hershiser developed serious career-ending shoulder issues. But Hershiser was only sidelined for one season and gradually returned much of his former strength due to orthopedic surgeons reconnecting the tendons to the bone using Nitinol, a strong and flexible nickel-titanium alloy with the ability to remember it’s original shape.
• Nitinol eyeglass frames can withstand significant damage. You can twist them and sit on them, and they will spring back to their original shape. A NASA engineer has even developed a pair of automated Nitinol tweezers so that doctors may retrieve small items through small wounds. Nitinol also has the ability to straighten teeth and prevent blood clots.
In 1990, Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Orel Hershiser’s stellar career was
‘memory metal’
jeopardized by serious shoulder issues. Hershiser had damaged the tissue and tendons in his shoulder so badly after seven years of major league pitching that his arm was no longer firmly anchored in the socket. He felt greater agony and lost control with each throw of the ball. The issue that has knocked many pitchers out of work before him.
However, owing to Nitinol, a strong and flexible nickel-titanium alloy with the ability to remember it’s original shape, Hershiser was only sidelined for one season and gradually returned much of his former strength.
William Buehler
Orthopedic surgeons bore a hole in his shoulder bone and implanted a small metal anchor that
General George Shulgen
jammed itself into the hole using a Nitinol hook. Sutures attached to the metal anchor allowed the doctors to reconnect the tendons to the bone securely.
Nitinol has the ability to straighten teeth and prevent blood clots. Nitinol eyeglass frames can withstand significant damage (you may twist them, sit on them, and otherwise torment them) and will spring back to their original shape. A NASA engineer has developed a pair of automated Nitinol tweezers that are intended to be beneficial to doctors who must retrieve small items through small wounds.
Crashed Wisdom
What gives Nitinol the capacity to recall and return to its original shape? Perhaps more significantly, where did Nitinol originate? According to the widely held belief, Nitinol was discovered in the 1950s and early 1960s by a researcher from the Naval Ordnance Laboratory in White Oak, Maryland.
According to a stunning revelation made by the Defense Intelligence Agency, Nitinol might have been the outcome of humanity’s first reverse engineering effort of non-human technology. The revelation comes months after Luis Elizondo’s claim on Tucker Carlson that the US government has crashed wreckage.
In an unexpected turn of events, the Defense Intelligence Agency has revealed that Nitinol, a metal also widely utilized in defense and space has been extensively investigated by the Pentagon’s UFO initiative, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program as well as its predecessor a program called Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications (AAWSA)- also responsible for conducting studies at Skin Walker Ranch. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by researcher Anthony Bragalia, the Pentagon has made available over 150 pages of information pertaining to fallen wreckage from unidentified flying objects. The Pulse was also able to verify that the program director in charge of the research was none other than James T. Lacaski, Luis Elizondo’s predecessor.
Many pages of “advanced technology reports” on Nitinol can be found in the Pentagon’s disclosure of research materials. The pages in the FOIA response on Nitinol look at its potential for incorporation into the human body to enhance health. It also indicates that Nitinol is made up of Titanium and Nickel. This immediately brings to mind General Arthur Exon’s comments about the physical composition of the crash debris. General Arthur Exon is on the record as claiming the material of the Roswell craft as being composed of “titanium and some other metal…[but] the processing was odd,” as well as numerous memoranda stating that the wreckage in their custody was most likely manufactured “by unique manufacturing processes.”
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Article by David Hambling June 29, 2021 (
• The recently released Pentagon UAP Task Force Preliminary Unclassified report on UFOs examines 144 recent sightings by U.S. government personnel of “physical objects” registered across multiple sensors,” according to the report. One of the possibilities that the report suggests is “US (government) or U.S. industry developmental programs”. The report also states that many of these objects share an unusual type of “advanced propulsion” and could remain motionless against the wind at high altitude, execute high-speed maneuvers, and move at high speed “without discernable means of propulsion.” In addition, the report states that in some cases “radio frequency (RF) energy (was) associated with UAP sightings.”
• British scientist Roger Shawyer (pictured above) says that these features are all consistent with the electromagnetic drive, or EmDrive, which he developed, and which is still very much under development by DARPA. An EmDrive is able to generate thrust from a closed system. The results have apparently been repeated at independent labs around the world including NASA’s Eagleworks and researchers at Xi’an in China. While existing versions only produce tiny amounts of thrust, Shawyer calculates that a version based on superconductors could drive a high-speed demonstration vehicle.
• Shawyer thinks that it is telling that the UAP report is rather precise, referring to “advanced propulsion” rather than ‘exotic’ or ‘unexplained’. The EmDrive is able to produce the sort of maneuvers described without the heat output or noise of a jet engine. The radio output observed is also highly characteristic of the EmDrive. “In all my experimental work, stray RF [radiofrequency] energy was detectable, and having a field meter to monitor radiation leakage was part of the safety procedures that were mandatory for tests by Boeing,” says Shawyer. Boeing has declined to comment on its involvement in the project.
• Shawyer’s conclusion is that these UFO/UAPs are consistent with the EmDrive technology that was purchased by Boeing in 2009 and tested successfully. The report tacitly admits that this is a possibility: “Some UAP observations could be attributable to developments and classified programs by U.S. entities. We were unable to confirm, however, that these systems accounted for any of the UAP reports we collected.” “The words ‘unable to confirm’ is standard government-speak for a classified subject,” says Shawyer.
• Mike McCulloch of the University of Plymouth is heading up the DARPA EmDrive project. He also noted the similarities between the reports and the drive he is working on. “Behavior of these UAPs is what you would expect from a quantized inertia (QI) horizon drive,” says McCulloch. He says this type of drive can achieve the sort of sharp acceleration would normally be intolerable for the pilot and electronics inside. “Inertia is just a push from the quantum vacuum and it can be damped by the use of synthetic horizons,” says McCulloch. “This means a spacecraft can accelerate as much as you want and you will not feel any forces inside.” “I’m not saying that UAPs are real,” says McCulloch, “just that the observations are consistent with QI technology.”
• Skeptics, of course, claim that a quantized inertia EmDrive violates the laws of physics and can never generate thrust. Positive results are met with furious rebuttals. Setbacks are hailed as the end of the EmDrive. Suffice to say, the debate continues.
• Exactly why such experimental craft would make fleeting appearances during U.S. military exercises is of course a big question. It might be convenient if the U.S can claim ignorance if such craft also appear watching military exercises elsewhere.
The Pentagon has a long history of misleading reports on UFOs. The new paper on
Roger Shawyer and Mike McCulloch
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) may be another example, according to the British scientist Roger Shawyer. Looking at their accounts, Shawyer has an explanation which is hinted at, but also concealed by the report.
“I think the UAPs are American,” Shawyer told me.
The report discusses 144 recent sightings by U.S. government personnel, many of them Air Force and Navy pilots and sensor operators. In most cases the UFO was spotted by several means, such as visual contact and radar or infra-red together.
“Most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects given that a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors,” according to the report.
The report suggests there might be several types of objects, including airborne clutter such as balloons, natural atmospheric phenomena, “USG or U.S. industry developmental programs,” foreign adversary systems and Other.
Some details seemed to turn up repeatedly across the sightings. In particular many seemed to share an unusual type of “advanced propulsion” and could remain motionless against the wind at high altitude, execute high-speed maneuvers, and move at high speed “without discernable means of propulsion.”
In addition, the report states that in some cases “military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings.”
Shawyer says that these features are all consistent with the electromagnetic drive, or EmDrive, which he developed, and which, despite considerable controversy and misleading reports of its demise, is still very much under development by DARPA.
Depending on which theory you follow, the EmDrive uses an obscure piece of physics to seemingly generate thrust from a closed system. The results have apparently repeated at independent labs around the world including NASA’s Eagleworks and researchers at Xi’an in China. While existing versions only produce tiny amounts of thrust, comparable to ion drives used on satellites and space probes, Shawyer calculates that a version based on superconductors could drive a high-speed demonstration vehicle.
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• Kevin Knuth (pictured above) is an associate professor of physics at the University of NY at Albany and a former NASA research scientist at the Ames Research Center. He’s authored a paper titled ‘Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles’, which reviewed case studies of UFO sightings from 1951 to present day, including the sightings of objects near the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier in 2004. All the reports consist of reliable eyewitness testimony and, more importantly, corroborating radar data.
• In the Nimitz case, objects were tracked on radar several times, descending from 28,000 feet, which is about five miles up, down to sea level in about 8.7 seconds. “So those accelerations we estimated were on the order of about 5000 G’s, which is 5,000 times the acceleration of gravity, which is really crazy,” said Knuth. “Our fighter jets can really only handle about 13 G’s before the wings get ripped off.” At midpoint on the way down, the craft would have been traveling at approximately 35,000 miles per hour through the air and without a sonic boom.
• Knuth says he’s disappointed there has not been more serious study done by scientists. “We’ve had 70 years, three quarters of a century where we’ve had these things flying in our airspace. They show up in military bases. They show up over nuclear weapons sites, and virtually nothing is known about them. …[E]ventually when we finally learn what these things are — this is going to be one of the greatest intelligence failures in history.”
• Knuth believes that these UFOs could be built by a government or an aerospace company, “except for a few important points.” “One is the accelerations are really anomalous to the point where it’s really not clear how the physics would work in that case. So, whoever has been making these things would have had to do not just have one technological leapfrog, but it would be multiple technological leapfrogs. And that would be quite surprising.” “ And more importantly, these things have been observed before. People have been able to fly.”
• What does Knuth expect from the Senate Intelligence Committee UAP Task Force report? “I expect that there probably will be a public component to the report … [which] will probably leave things a bit up in the air, whereas I would hope that the classified version would actually have more information.” If the report hints at anything other than worldly technology, [that] information will be slow to be released. “Some of this might be a little too shocking for us to handle all at once,” says Knuth. “[S]o they might instead try to ease us into it a bit.”
‘Tic Tac’ UFO seen off of the USS Nimitz in 2004
In case you may have missed it, a big news story has been bubbling to the surface.
‘Tic Tac’ type UFO seen over England on June 13th
The U.S. Navy confirmed that earlier leaked videos did, in fact, show what they call UAP’s or unidentified aerial phenomena. The Pentagon has admitted they’ve been studying them and recently NASA has announced its own investigation. So it seems as if the government is concerned about the national security threat these phenomena may pose.
Academia has been slow to take up the subject, possibly for fear of ridicule, but even that is changing. Professor Kevin Knuth is an associate professor of physics at the University in Albany. Among other things, he is a former NASA research scientist at the Ames Research Center.
‘Go Fast’ UFO seen off of Virginia
Knuth authored a paper titled Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous
‘Gimbal’ UFO seen off of Florida
Unidentified Aerial Vehicles. It included case studies from 1951 to present day, which included sightings of objects near the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier in 2004.
All the reports consist of reliable eyewitness testimony and, more importantly, corroborating radar data. In the Nimitz case, objects were tracked on radar several times, descending from 28,000 feet, which is about five miles up, down to sea level in about 8.7 seconds. How fast is that? Knuth did the math.
submersible UFO seen off of San Diego
“So those accelerations we estimated were on the order of about 5000 G’s, which is 5,000 times the acceleration of gravity, which is really crazy. Our fighter jets can really only handle about 13 G’s before the wings get ripped off,” he said.
At midpoint on the way down, the craft would have been traveling at approximately 35,000 miles per hour through the air and without a sonic boom. Knuth says he’s disappointed there has not been more serious study done by scientists.
“For me, it’s a little disconcerting.” he said. “We’ve had 70 years, three quarters of a century where we’ve had these things flying in our airspace. They show up in military bases. They show up over nuclear weapons sites, and virtually nothing is known about them. And I look at this as probably, I think, eventually when we finally learn what these things are — this is going to be one of the greatest intelligence failures in history,” said Knuth.
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The Director of National Intelligence is scheduled to release a comprehensive report on June 25 to the US Senate that will conclude, according to official leaks, that UFOs are an unknown national security threat! Why is this a ‘Big Lie’? What’s the Deep State agenda behind promoting this now through the mainstream media after decades of dismissing the UFO phenomenon?
Watch this short film about how America has been secretly reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial spacecraft since the WW II era, and is on the verge of releasing some of its secret UFO technologies through the United States Space Force.
I wish to thank my inspired and incredibly gifted wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues.
• In the 2017 film “A Space Between Us”, actor Asa Butterfield plays the first human being born outside of Earth – on Mars actually – after his astronaut mother dies in childbirth on the first manned mission to the red planet. In real life, the last manned trip to the Moon was back in the 1970s. Today, humans are once again poised to return to our lunar satellite, and beyond. NASA’s Artemis missions propose the construction of settlements on the Moon. But there are currently rules to prevent space pregnancies from happening. So when might we see the first off-world birth of a human baby?
• Chris Impey, a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona, says for those first extraterrestrial babies to be born, it is first important to know how the effects of cosmic radiation and low gravity might affect male and female reproductivity, gestation, childbirth and the ultimate health of the mother and the newborn. Professor Impey considers off-planet human births to be plausible, but he thinks it will take about 20 years before it can be done safely. So far, reproductive experiments have been carried out only with animals.
• In 1979, a group of Russian scientists launched a group of male and female rats into space and allowed them to copulate freely for 18 days. While no rat baby was born, it was found that the females had indeed ovulated and that two of them had become pregnant, but were aborted.
• In 2017, instead of launching animals into space to procreate, female mice were inseminated with mouse sperm that had been on the International Space Station for 288 days. While the genetic material was slightly damaged, pregnancy was achieved at a rate similar to that obtained with sperm samples that remained that same length of time on Earth. A year later, NASA launched a sample of human semen into space to analyze how the space environment might affect the sperm. No female has been inseminated with the sample sperm, but even if it were so, they would be born on Earth – not in space.
• So far, no human couple has had sex in space (that is known) and no pregnant woman has embarked on a space trip. But in 1991, two NASA astronauts (Mark Lee and Jan Davis) were married but kept it a secret because of an unwritten rule prohibiting married astronauts from traveling in space together. It was feared that engaging in sexual intercourse could endanger their health. When their secret came to light, the unwritten rule ended up being written. It is assumed that no one has had sexual intercourse in the International Space Station – or anywhere else outside of Earth.
• However, by 2027 a Dutch startup called SpaceLife Origin plans to open a luxury hotel orbiting the Earth in space. It will accommodate 280 clients and 112 crew members, and perhaps it could become the idyllic destination for a couple in love. This same company wants to send a pregnant woman 400 kilometers from Earth as a reproductive experiment. At this distance, it is still not too far for conditions to be very inhospitable, but it is far enough to give birth to the first extraterrestrial human. Of course, there are both ethical and medical impediments to overcome, and SpaceLife Origin has not made firm plans for the endeavor.
Almost 50 years have passed since the last manned trip to the moon. Since then, many people
space mouse
have wondered why humans did not set foot on our satellite again. The reality is that during all this time they have been numerous space travel, aimed at getting to know the terrain better and making future missions safer for their protagonists. Now, with much already gained in that regard, the return of humans to the moon or even the first manned trip to mars, begin to materialize as a reality. Therefore, it is not surprising that we also begin to ask ourselves new questions. Like, for example, when will the first alien babies?
It sounds like science fiction, but since Neil Armstrong’s first step on selenite terrain we have seen more than enough the arguments of the Jules Verne novels they also come true.
astronauts Mark Lee and Jan Davis
Some projects, such as Artemis missions, from NASA, already propose the construction of settlements on the Moon for the future. It would be a matter of time before, if humans want to thrive there, the first babies are born. What is not clear is when that will happen. Although, with the data in hand, some speculations can be made, such as those recently narrated in The Conversation by the professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona Chris Impey.
For those first extraterrestrial babies to be born, it is first important to know how it would affect the extreme environment of space, both to male and female reproductivity, as well as to gestation, childbirth and the health of the mother and the newborn.
The effects of cosmic radiation and low gravity. In fact, it has already been proven with some studies, although they are still very scarce. So far, no human couple has had sex in space (that is known) and no pregnant woman has embarked on a space trip.
Therefore, these types of experiments have been carried out only with animals. One of the first took place in 1979, when a group of Russian scientists launched a group of male and female rats, to copulate freely for 18 days. Of those relationships no baby was born, although it was found that the females had ovulated and that even two of them had become pregnant, but aborted.
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Article by Joshua Smith May 10, 2021 (
• In October 2017, a mysterious cigar-shaped “asteroid” estimated to be 200m in diameter was spotted by the University of Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS1 telescope. This first interstellar object ever found in the Milky Way, dubbed ‘Oumuamua’, was observed to be spinning and accelerating at a phenomenal speed, known as “non-gravitational acceleration”, through our solar system. Mainstream scientists determined that Oumuamua wa just a new kind of comet, propelled by a mechanism we simply don’t understand yet.
• But Harvard University Professor Avi Loeb (pictured above) insists that the most rational explanation for it is that it’s alien. Loeb has deduced the rock is actually a “sail” being propelled through space by photons. This is a type of technology that must be constructed by someone.
• Speaking on the Big Brains podcast (see video below), the professor said that humans could stand to gain an awful lot by learning about other civilizations through “space archaeology”. Loeb says, “Oumuamua could be a ‘technological relic’ that’s billions of years old and that just as we would study the Mayans or other civilizations from Earth’s past, we should do the same for whoever or whatever sent ‘Oumuamua through our solar system.”
• “So communicating with them might be an unlikely occurrence, but if you are adapting the approach of space archeology, you don’t care about that because you’re looking for relics they left behind,” said Loeb. “Of course, they would indicate that civilizations (exist or existed), but you can try and figure out why they died and perhaps avoid a similar fate for ourselves. So it could be a lesson in history for us, it would keep us modest and better equipped for the future.”
• “The other thing that could happen is if you find technologies that are far more advanced than ours, we can import them to Earth. If we see an unusual object, we can in principle land on it, read off the label, ‘‘Made on planet X,’’ so we will know its origin, but also perhaps, copy that technology to Earth,” Loeb continues. “And, it might be a way of short-cutting into our future because it would take us many years to develop the same technology, so there are lots of benefits that I can imagine for humanity from just finding technological relics in space.”
• Professor Loeb has previously speculated that our solar system could be filled with quadrillion alien spaceships of which we have no knowledge. And in a recent interview with The Economist, Professor Loeb said that the cigar-shaped object may have been a message from a distant, more technologically advanced civilization.
• [Editor’s Note] Professor Loeb is absolutely right about the logic of conducting ‘space archaeology’ throughout our solar system. People like David Wilcock have revealed that our solar system is filled with relics from ancient visitors throughout history. In fact, Corey Goode reported that as Oumuamua was traversing the solar system in 2017, an archaeological team from a secret space program did dock with the tumbling cigar-shaped craft, entered it, and inventoried its contents. Goode said that the errant craft had already been scoured by others, but they were able to retrieve some artefacts that were hidden.
illustration of ‘Oumuamua’
A top scientist has said earth can “shortcut into its future” by
University of Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS1 telescope
stealing alien technology off of a mysterious cigar-shaped asteroid which he believes may have been a UFO from a distant galaxy.
‘Oumuamua, estimated to be 200m in diameter, is the first interstellar object ever found in the Milky Way and was first spotted in October 2017 by the University of Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS1 telescope while it was looking for comets and asteroids near the Earth.
The long, cigar-shaped rock was observed by experts to be spinning and accelerating at a phenomenal speed, known as “non-gravitational acceleration,” with some scientists baffled as to why.
Most experts agree ‘Oumuamua is probably a new kind of comet propelled by a mechanism we simply don’t understand yet.
But Professor Avi Loeb, who runs the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University, insists the most rational explanation for it is that it’s alien.
Prof Loeb has deduced the rock is a “sail” being propelled through space by photons, and sails (used by scientists on Earth) have to be constructed as they are not naturally occurring.
33:47 minute Big Brains Podcast with Avi Loeb (‘The University of Chicago’ YouTube)
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Article by Nathan Strout April 21, 2021 (
• In 2019, the Space Development Agency (SDA) was charged with developing the National Defense Space Architecture for second generation US satellite communications in low earth orbit. “The whole idea is to be able to move data as rapidly as possible to get that tactical information directly to the war fighter,” said SDA Director Derek Tournear.
• The backbone of the architecture is the ‘transport layer’ – an orbital mesh network of hundreds of satellites connected through optical intersatellite links. The transport layer will be the glue that will connect the military services’ various combined networks allowing the DoD to rapidly move data through space directly to existing tactical data links on a weapons platform or on a weapon itself.
• SDA will use a ‘spiral development’ approach to build out the space architecture, putting up new satellites every two years. The first set of 28 satellites will begin launching in 2022. The next set of 150 satellites, to be launched in 2024, will be an operational system to provide a war fighter immersion capability. “That’s our initial war fighting capability,” said Tournear. “[W]e want those (communications) crosslinks to not only be satellite to satellite, but satellite to air, satellite to ground, and satellite to air and maritime assets…”
• The agency is working with several companies to ensure their satellites can connect to the transport layer via optical intersatellite links. Those commercial satellites will form the custody layer, an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability that will provide overhead satellite imagery for tactical targeting. The agency is also talking with commercial services that could provide high bandwidth data backhaul in case the architecture was disabled.
• On April 16th, SDA issued a request for information seeking industry feedback on an optical communication standard. The third set of satellites will “fold in the lessons learned … any new technology that’s been developed, and any new threats that have come online,” said Tournear. He expects Space Force systems to connect to the transport layer via optical intersatellite links, and commercial capabilities are expected to tie in even sooner. Responses to the optical communications RFI are due by April 30th, and the transport layer satellites are expected to be ordered this summer.
WASHINGTON — Before its first satellites are on orbit, the Space Development
Director Derek Tournear
Agency is reaching out to industry for feedback on how it should upgrade its communications standards for its second generation of satellites.
Established in 2019, the agency was charged with developing the National Defense Space Architecture, a proliferated constellation to eventually be made up of hundreds of satellites mostly operating in low Earth orbit. The backbone of the architecture is the transport layer, a mesh network on orbit connected through optical intersatellite links. The transport layer will allow the DoD to rapidly move data through space, and will be the glue that will connect the services’ various Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control networks.
“The whole idea is to be able to move data as rapidly as possible to get that tactical information directly to the war fighter,” said SDA Director Derek Tournear at the annual C4ISRNET Conference. “So what the transport layer consists of are hundreds of satellites that form a resilient optically interconnected mesh network that will pass data directly to existing tactical data links. So what that means to the war fighter is the following: I can now move data from a targeting cell that could be located CONUS or ideally that targeting cell will actually form a target onboard on the satellites and I can send that data down directly to an existing tactical data link on a weapons platform or on a weapon itself.”
SDA is using a spiral development approach to build out the NDSA, putting up new tranches of satellites every two years. The first set of 28 satellites — tranche 0 — will begin launching in 2022 and provide a war fighter immersion capability. Tranche 1 will have closer to 150 satellites and will be an operational system.
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Article by Michael Moran April 10, 2021 (
• The radar-invisible F117A Nighthawk and its flying wing cousin the B2 Spirit still look like something from a Star Wars film despite both designs being around 40 years old. Scientist Dr. Salvatore Pais (pictured above) claims that he is able to create artificially generated high energy electromagnetic fields that can manipulate the “quantum vacuum” which underlies the entire universe. Pais says that these discoveries will overturn the laws of physics as we currently understand them.
• While science writers such as Brett Tingley argues that the so-called Pais Effect “has no scientific basis in reality” and that the patents related to it are “filled with pseudo-scientific jargon”, the US Department of Defense has given Pais $500,000 to develop his ‘Space-Time Modification Weapon’.
• The ‘Pais effect’ is the electromagnetic “force field” that surrounds a craft that allows it incredible acceleration through air or water, and “capable of extreme underwater speeds” with virtually no resistance. The resulting new kind of aircraft, known as a HUAC, would be – according to Pais – able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level”. “The HAUC is conical (like the point of a pencil) in configuration with an elliptical cross-section, similar in geometry to a hypersonic glide vehicle [or] dart,” notes Pais in a recent publication. The HUAC craft would operate as both an aircraft and a submarine, encasing its crew in a Faraday Cage to shield them from the intense electromagnetic forces.
• Pais has filed several patents, with titles such as “Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device,” “Piezoelectricity-induced High-Temperature Superconductor,” “High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator,” and “Ultrahigh Intensity Electromagnetic Field Generator”. At least one of his patents was initially rejected by the US Patent Office in 2018 because it did not seem to be scientifically plausible, but then was later resubmitted with further documentation that appeared to prove Pais’s wild claims.
• US Department of Defense (DoD) emails reveal that there was at least one experimental demonstration of the technology. The schematics Pais drew up for his experimental craft look suspiciously like the “Black Triangles” sometimes spotted gliding silently over the southwestern United States. The US National Institute for Discovery Science cataloged sightings of so-called “Black Triangle” UFOs dating back to the 1990s, and concluded that the behavior of the mysterious aerial objects “does not appear consistent with the covert deployment of an advanced DoD aircraft”.
• According to The Drive, the US military is investing in these technologies because of concerns that China has already developed ultra-advanced aircraft of the type that reportedly “buzzed” the USS Nimitz in 2004 (ie: The ‘Tic Tac’ UFO). The Drive’s Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway wrote: “The Chief Technical Officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally wrote a letter addressed to the examiner claiming that the U.S. needs the patent as the Chinese are already ‘investing significantly’ in these aerospace technologies.”
Dr. Salvatore Pais
The US Department of Defence has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the development
Triangle Craft
of a ‘Space-Time Modification Weapon’ that will ensure battlefield supremacy by bending the laws of physics.
While the concept might seem like something dreamed up by tinfoil-hatted conspiracy theorists, the US military has a long history of dabbling in research that sounds like science fiction.
The radar-invisible F117A Nighthawk and its flying wing cousin the B2 Spirit still look like something from a Star Wars film despite both designs being around 40 years old.
This new initiative is based on the work of controversial scientist Dr Salvatore Pais.
Pais claims that artificially generated high energy electromagnetic fields can manipulate the “quantum vacuum” that underlies the entire Universe.
If Pais is correct, a craft surrounded by an electromagnetic “force field” of this kind could move through air – or water – with virtually no resistance.
This would allow incredible acceleration and produce a new kind of aircraft that – according to the enigmatic Dr Pais – would be able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level”.
But not everyone agrees with him.
Science writer Brett Tingley argues that the so-called Pais Effect “has no scientific basis in reality” and added the patents related to it “were filled with pseudo-scientific jargon”
Brett Tingley Tyler Rogoway
But it’s pseudo-scientific jargon that has convinced at least some US defence chiefs. Pais has been handed over $500,000 (£365k) to research the bizarre concept.
Defence department emails reveal that there was at least one experimental demonstration of the technology. UFO hunters will note that the schematics Pais drew up for his experimental craft look suspiciously like the “Black Triangles” sometimes spotted gliding silently over the southwestern United States.
The US National Institute for Discovery Science catalogued sightings of so-called “Black Triangle” UFOs dating back to the 1990s, and concluded that the behaviour of the mysterious aerial objects “does not appear consistent with the covert deployment of an advanced DoD [U.S. Department of the Defence] aircraft”.
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Article by Elizabeth Rayne April 5, 2021 (
• A research team from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory think that observing Earth from the perspective of distant extraterrestrial beings could help astronomers see our world through extraterrestrial eyes. And in turn, this can help our own scientists new insight on how to look for habitable – and inhabited – exoplanets.
• Researchers Noam Izenberg, Kevin Stevenson and Laura Mayorga recently presented the objective of the Earth Transit Observer (ETO) mission concept to the 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, hoping to get a green light to pursue the idea.
• Astronomers have been using the ‘transit method’ of finding and studying exoplanets since 1999. When a planet is orbiting in front of its star, the starlight will dim and brighten again when the planet has moved on. Particles in a planet’s atmosphere absorb starlight at some frequencies to indicate a planet in transit. What the ETO team wants to determine is whether more can be applied to this method in the future.
• The research team pointed out that the fundamental problem in exoplanet science is that we only know an exoplanets as well as we know their host star. Stars have varying degrees of brightness throughout. Starspots (like sunspots) can make scientists think they are seeing in a transiting planet. Sunspots on our own Sun are well documented. But starspots on distant stars remain largely unknown. Also, most exoplanets are too close to their stars to make out continents and oceans.
• “Even if you can separate the planet from the star, the Earth is reflecting and absorbing sunlight at different wavelengths,” say the researchers. “For a star to be a good reference it either needs to be unchanging, or you need a good understanding of how it changes.”
• Atmospheric particles that absorb starlight can indicate whether an exoplanet has anything close to the air we breathe, or if it rains everything from metal to lava. One exoplanet is so hot that it not only vaporizes metal, but tears the vapor molecules until the dismembered atoms are blown to its cooler night side to regroup.
• Future NASA astrophysics missions using space telescopes like TESS, Hubble and the soon-to-be launched James Webb Space Telescope will require stacking dozens of transmission spectra to build up sufficient signal for the relatively small atmospheres on exoplanets. “An Earth transit observer will test how well stacking can be done or if other strategies are needed,” say the researchers.
• What an ‘Earth transit observer’ is likely to see is a pale blue dot, watery and covered in clouds with an atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen in which water vapor precipitates. Reflected light can give away whether a planet has oceans, while planet life has very low reflectivity. Any celestial body with water is seen as having a higher chance of being habitable. There are also traces of methane in our atmosphere that could tell an alien observer that our blue planet could be swarming with life.
• Earth may not be so easy to demystify from an alien’s perspective, however. Sun flares and coronal mass ejections of plasma can mess with how our transiting planet is seen. Then there are the constantly changing planetary seasons of Earth that can also throw off an alien astronomer’s observations. “These lessons are then directly transferable to exoplanet observations,” say researchers. Of course, there may be creatures out there that breathe poison. Even some Earth bacteria can eat rocks and metabolize methane. So you have to expect anything.
Suppose there really are aliens out there who are creeping around on the surface of
Noam Izenberg
some faraway planet and have managed to survive everything space has thrown at them so far. How could we find out they exist?
The answer might lie in how they would (hypothetically) see us. We may never know whether there really are intelligent beings who have spotted our planet as it passed by the sun, but observing it from their perspective could help us see through extraterrestrial eyes. This is the objective of the Earth Transit Observer (ETO) mission concept. Led by a research team from
Kevin Stevenson
the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), ETO will watch Earth in transit as if it was a spacecraft sent out here by other intelligent beings.
Researchers Noam Izenberg and Kevin Stevenson, who will be the project leads if this
Laura Mayorga
mission becomes reality, and co-led a study recently presented at the 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, and Laura Mayorga, who also co-led the study, believe that observing Earth from the perspective of a being who never knew it existed could give us new insight on how to look for habitable—and possibly inhabited—planets.
“While an earth transit observer will not explicitly help us detect exoplanets, it will help us understand them and tease out their possible habitability signatures better. There is a
‘transit method’ of finding exoplanets
fundamental problem in exoplanet science in that we only know planets as well as we know their stars,” they said.
Astronomers have been using the transit method of finding exoplanets since 1999.
This method determines when a planet is orbiting in front of its star, which causes starlight to dim while it is being obscured and brighten again when the planet has moved on. Particles in a planet’s atmosphere can also absorb starlight at some frequencies, and the light that makes through can tell the observer how much was absorbed and whether that is a sign of a planet in transit. What the ETO team wants to know is whether there is more that can be applied to this method in the future.
The problem with stars is that they have varying degrees of brightness throughout, with starspots (like the sunspots in our own star) can warp what scientists think they are seeing in a transiting planet. However, the dark spots on our Sun are documented and followed, so scientists know how they change over time. Starspots on distant bodies remain largely unknown. When there is no clear idea of their size or distribution, they can mess with observations. Most exoplanets are also too close to their stars to make out the continents and oceans they may have.
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Article by Abhijnan Rej April 3, 2021 (
• China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (or ‘FAST’, pictured above) will now be available for use by foreign scientists, reported Chinese state media. “All foreign applications will be evaluated, and the results will be announced on July 20. Observations by international users will begin in August.”
• China’s Xinhua news agency quoted the telescope’s chief engineer as saying that 10 percent of observation time would be allocated to foreign scientists in the instrument’s first year of operations. “The project will contribute Chinese wisdom to the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity, and strive to promote international sci-tech development and the progress of human civilization.”
• FAST, located in China’s Guizhou province, is the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope and became fully operational January last year. While the telescope’s scientific uses are vast, its potential use to discover extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) that has attracted considerable attention.
• In October 2016, the privately-funded Breakthrough Listen initiative announced that researchers using FAST will collaborate with those using the Green Bank Telescope in (West Virginia) USA and the Parkes Observatory in NSW Australia to “exchange observing plans, search methods and data” in its search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
• “Are we alone?’ is a question that unites us as a planet,” said Yuri Milner, the Russian billionaire financing the Breakthrough Initiatives. “And the quest to answer it should take place at a planetary level too. With this agreement, we are now searching for cosmic companions with three of the world’s biggest telescopes across three continents.”
• Milner drew considerable political attention amid allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election when Milner made substantial investments in Facebook and Twitter on behalf of two Russian state entities. Milner also held stakes in a company co-owned with Jared Kushner, former White House advisor and son-in-law of Donald Trump.
• In September 2019, Maura McLaughlin, a radio astronomer at West Virginia University who studies extra-galactic pulsars, said she was “super excited to be able to use the (FAST) telescope.” However, with the deterioration of China-U.S. relations, American scientists have come under considerable scrutiny amid allegations that they are – wittingly or not – being used by the Chinese Communist Party for technical and scientific espionage and intellectual property theft. The arrest of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) engineering professor in January on charges that he failed to adequately disclose his professional and financial ties with China added to an increasingly long list of experienced scientists who have been pursued by the US Department of Justice for their China links.
Chinese state media reported earlier this week that China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) will now be available for use by foreign scientists. According to Xinhua, based on a statement by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC), “All foreign applications will be evaluated, and the results will be announced on July 20. Observations by international users will begin in August.” This announcement confirms a January NAOC announcement that FAST would be open to astronomers around the world from April 1.
Yuri Milner
“The project will contribute Chinese wisdom to the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity, and strive to promote international sci-tech development and the progress of human civilization,” Xinhua quoted the statement as saying.
Maura McLaughlin
A separate January Xinhua story on FAST had quoted the telescope’s chief engineer as saying that 10 percent of observation time would be allocated to foreign scientists in the instrument’s first year of operations.
FAST, located in China’s Guizhou province, is the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope and became fully operational January last year. While the telescope’s scientific uses are vast – and the instrument had already been used to discover 100 new pulsars (fast-spinning dead stars that emit radio waves) in its test phase — it is its potential use to discover extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) that has attracted considerable attention, including from geopolitical analysts given to (farfetched) scenario planning.
In October 2016, NAOC and the privately-funded Breakthrough Listen initiative – which funds projects for astronomers to use radio telescopes around the world to search for ETI – announced their collaboration at a ceremony in Beijing. According to a Breakthrough Initiatives statement on the occasion, researchers using FAST will collaborate with those using the Green Bank Telescope in the U.S. and the Parkes Observatory in Australia to “exchange observing plans, search methods and data.”
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Article by Arjun Walia March 16, 2021 (
• According to Freedom of information responses to The Drive website, two Navy patents – the room temperature superconductor (RTSC) and the high-energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG) – may in fact already be in operation in some manner. The inventor Salvatore Pais (pictured above), Navy patent attorney Mark O. Glut, and the US Naval Aviation Enterprise’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy, all assert that these inventions are not only enabled, but operable.
• Inventor Salvatore Pais presented a paper, “Room Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft” (HUAC) at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego. The hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC) can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities. The room temperature superconductor and high energy electromagnetic fields “enable (the HUAC’s) unbelievable speed and maneuverability.”
• The HUAC craft employs an inertial mass modification device which allows it to move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath to alter space-time around the craft. “Artificially generated high energy electromagnetic fields, such as those generated with a high energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG), interact strongly with the vacuum energy state,” reads Pais’ paper. “Matter, energy, and spacetime are all emergent constructs which arise out of the fundamental framework that is the vacuum energy state.”
• Placing a craft within a space that is moving faster than the speed of light is known as the ‘Alcubierre Drive’. The craft itself does not have to travel at the speed of light by its own propulsion system. “By creating a “warp bubble” that expands space on one side of a spaceship and contracts it on the other, the spaceship will be pushed away from the Earth and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself,” notes Dr. Miguel Alcubierre.
• We don’t need to break the speed of light in order to become an interstellar species, says Gianni Martire, a scientist at Applied Physics. “Our warp drive research has the potential to unite us all.” Martire and his team at Applied Physics recently announced the development of the first model of physical warp drives. The team’s study received the blessing of the esteemed theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre, with their findings being published in the peer-reviewed journal, Classical and Quantum Gravity.
• Recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks Steve Justice has also alluded to the idea that this type of technology is real. He has been quite outspoken about the “black budget” world, and crafts that can mimic the capabilities that are observed in UFOs/UAPs. “We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to realize the capability,” said Justice.
• Could some of these advanced technologies have been developed and discovered from reverse-engineering crashed UFOs? Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell said, “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary stated, “Much to my surprise, these (advanced technology) concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world, but have not really seen the light of day.”
• This type of technology could theoretically send humanity to the stars and beyond, or be weaponized for defense purposes. But it can also provide a clean, free, and unlimited source of energy to free humanity from our current state of scarcity. We have to change our underlying way of thinking as to how we should apply these technologies to change the human experience for the better.
• Why do we choose to give our power over to those who do not have humanity’s best interests at heart? Eventually, people will have to take matters into their own hands at a grassroots level and create new solutions instead of constantly looking towards government and other ‘powerful’ entities. “It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. It is a matter of converting our high technology from weaponry to livingry.” – Buckminister Fuller
inventor Salvatore Pais
I was recently scrolling through the twitter feed of Christopher Mellon, the
HUAC craft
former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002. In doing so I came across an interesting post from The Drive regarding documents they received via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regarding a “spacetime modification weapon” developed for the U.S. Navy which, apparently, has already gone through experimental testing. This in turn led me to evidence suggesting that other revolutionary type of technology, that could no doubt be used to change the world for the better in a major way, was already “operable.”
On a side note, Mellon is one of many with such a background who has been
Dr. Miguel Alcubierre
speaking up about and creating awareness regarding the reality of the UFO phenomenon for a few years now. He was part of the “mainstream” UFO disclosure initiative “To The Stars“, which seems to be, in my opinion, a Department of Defense mainstream UFO disclosure initiative. He has left that initiative, which has been heavily scrutinized by UFO researchers who feel it portrays the phenomenon with a threat narrative attached to it when there is no need/evidence to do so.
Dr. James Sheehy
Back to the topic at hand. In 2018, inventor Salvatore Cezar Pais presented a paper, “Room Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace Undersea Craft” at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego in January 2019. In the paper, Pais writes that “the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable.”
The paper states that: “The subject matter of this paper describes the design of an active room temperature superconductor, to be incorporated within the Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft (HAUC), described in a recently published paper, “A Hybrid craft using an inertial mass modification device.”
“The granted patent application for the HAUC describes this craft, with its capabilities to alter space-time around the craft: “It is possible to envision hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC), which can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals). This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a Vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled effects of EM field-induced air/water particles repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization.”
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• A group of astronomers at UCLA have published findings on a new method of searching for signs of technological civilizations in the stars using radio signals. Radio signals are easy to create. The universe is naturally filled with radio signals. They can encode detailed information within its signal, and they can travel long distances between solar systems. So the key is to detect those signals that appear to be artificial. But almost all of the artificial radio signals that we detect in space actually came from the Earth.
• In order to clear away the clutter and pinpoint radio signals coming from a star out in the galaxy, the UCLA researchers developed an algorithm to weed out extraneous signals in the data coming from the Earth. The researchers applied a concept known as ‘topographical prominence’ that is used when mapping a particular mountain relative to the terrain around it. The algorithm is able to find a particular narrow radio signal among other signals.
• Utilizing the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and applying the algorithm, the researchers were able to identify 26 million signals – about 200 times as many candidate radio signals than would be found using standard search methods. The algorithm then screened out more than 99% of those signals as human-made. After that, 4,539 unique radio signals were left over. Going through them one-by-one, the researchers were able to conclude these, too, were from human sources and not evidence of alien technology. A disappointment, to be sure — but the real point was to hone the technique.
• They further honed their technology by injecting fake signals into their raw data. The computer algorithm was able to correctly identify 99.73% of the detected signals as ‘technosignature’ candidates, and illuminate imperfections in the technology that could ultimately be used to calibrate the signals for prevalence of other civilizations.
• Through this process, the UCLA researchers were able to narrow rogue radio signals down to 31 Sun-like stars whose properties are similar to the only star currently known to harbor a planet with life – the Earth’s Sun.
NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars last month in a mission to, in part, search for signs of ancient microbial life on our
Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia
neighboring planet. If any evidence of such extraterrestrial organisms — likely long dead — is found, it will be a massive development in astrobiology and humanity’s understanding of its place in the universe. But when people are honest, they tend to admit that fossilized remains of ancient microorganisms aren’t what gets them excited in the search for alien life. What really fires the imagination is the search for intelligent alien life and extraterrestrial civilizations.
A recent paper, though, flagged by astronomer and writer Phil Plait at SyFy, offers surprisingly promising developments in that branch of space exploration. Working at UCLA, a group of astronomers published findings on a new method of searching for signs of technological civilizations in the stars.
“We selected 31 Sun-like stars,” they explain, “because their properties are similar to the only star currently known to harbor a planet with life.”
And to be upfront about it, they unequivocally found no sign of civilization. But Plait argued that they showcased a promising method for pursuing the search.
Basically, the technique entailed using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to scan for radio signals. Many scientists hopeful about searching for intelligent alien life think that the most likely way we’ll uncover it is by receiving radio transmissions from non-human sources. Radio signals are easy to create, they can travel the long distances between solar systems, and they can encode detailed information. And if there are any civilizations out there listening, they may have already picked up many of our own transmissions.
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On March 16, a book length interview of Pope Francis was published where he calls for the creation of a New World Order and Great Reset following the Covid-19 Pandemic. He claims that this will allow for a global redistribution of wealth from richer to poorer countries, and solve environmental problems caused by fossil fuels.
The problem with the Pope’s bold assertions is that the Vatican has secretly participated in the research and development of advanced technologies, and hidden this from the public sector for well over a century. In this Exopolitics Today podcast, Dr. Michael Salla discusses the secret Vatican involvement in classified research on advanced technologies that could end the fossil fuel industry overnight and solve many environmental problems if fully disclosed.
Article by Sarah Kahle February 10, 2021 (
• Scientists know that methane is produced two ways: first by living biological microbes converting carbon monoxide into methane, and second by volcanos and deep sea hydrothermal vents. A biologically active exoplanet – the kind that astronomers search star systems for – could be detected by its abundance of methane.
• The James Webb Space Telescope (pictured above) is set to launch October 2021, and will replace the aging Hubble telescope in space. The Webb telescope is particularly adept at detecting atmospheric methane on distant exoplanets.
• A team led by UW postdoctoral student Nick Wogan set out to determine whether volcanic gas emissions on terrestrial exoplanets were abundant enough to disguise any biologically produced methane, and why an abundance of methane might be a potential indication of life. “We wanted to understand whether if we look at another planet, if we see methane there, is that because of life, or is that because of some weird volcano that also produces methane?” Wogan said. The team ran many combinations of simulations that modeled a wide range of volcanic chemistries possible for a terrestrial planet.
• The researchers found that while volcanic activity did produce methane, they weren’t capable of producing abundances anywhere near the level of biogenic methane. Further, if an abundance of methane in an atmosphere did come from volcanic activity, it would be indicated by an abundance of carbon monoxide as well, which the telescopes can detect.
• Therefore, the detection of proportionately large amount of methane in an exoplanet’s atmosphere might indeed be an indication that Earth-like organisms exist there. Large amounts of oxygen-rich gases, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, alongside the methane would strengthen the possibility of a life-supporting biosignature. Says Wogan, “Really, our best shot of finding evidence of life on another planet is probably seeing the combination of methane and carbon dioxide.”
• Another indication of methane-producing bacteria or other similar lifeforms would be a proportionately low level of carbon monoxide which is consumed and converted by bacteria.
• The research group’s findings will be particularly helpful to astronomers analyzing exoplanetary atmospheres with the James Webb Space Telescope, and may be instrumental in finding extraterrestrial methane biosignatures.
Nick Wogan
A team led by UW postdoctoral student Nick Wogan has published a paper explaining why an abundance of methane in the atmosphere of an exoplanet (any planet orbiting a star other than the Sun) might be a potential indication of life.
Scientists typically search for molecular oxygen as an indication of life (or of conditions favorable to life) on other planets, but unfortunately, the James Webb Space Telescope, set to launch October 2021, isn’t well equipped to detect it in the atmospheres of faraway planets. The new telescope, however, intended to replace the aging Hubble, is particularly adept at detecting atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide abundances.
During the Archean, an eon early in Earth’s history, the first microbes developed and began to convert carbon monoxide into methane. This process continues today. As a result, methane began to build up in the atmosphere and has remained as an indication of biologic activity on Earth ever since.
However, life is not the only process we know of that can produce methane. Volcanism, deep sea hydrothermal vents, and meteor impacts can all generate methane as well. Wogan set out to determine whether volcanic gas emissions on terrestrial exoplanets were abundant enough to disguise any biologically produced methane.
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On February 26, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak formally proposed legislation that would authorize Techno-Governments. The legislation would allow companies working in innovative areas such as blockchain, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, etc., to be granted the authority of a County Government for tracts of virgin land greater than 50,000 acres. This would mean big tech companies can establish smart cities from the ground up, and control judicial, educational, police and other county level governing authorities.
In this Exopolitics Today Podcast, Dr. Michael Salla discuss the proposed Bill, and why it makes the need for “full disclosure” more urgent than ever before. Available on Rumble and YouTube
The Great Reset was first proposed in June 2020 as a means of rebuilding societies and economies worldwide following the Covid-19 pandemic. The initiative envisages a major role to be played by big tech companies in this rebuilding effort, and this is best exemplified in a February 26, 2021, initiative in the US state of Nevada by its Governor Steve Sisolak. He formally proposed legislation that would authorize the creation of Techno-Governments.
The proposed Nevada legislation would allow companies working in innovative areas such as blockchain, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Transhumanism, to be granted the authority of a County Government for tracts of virgin land greater than 50,000 acres. This would mean big tech companies could build smart cities from the ground up, controlling judicial, educational, police and other county level governing functions as Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence are promoted and used to control the population. The legislation will open the door to similar proposals in the US and around the world that will profoundly alter societies and economies, just as proposed in the Great Reset.
The Great Awakening is a contrary global process whereby individuals, communities and nations take back control from the unholy alliance being formed between big government and big tech. Essential to the Great Awakening is a Full Disclosure process which reveals the truth about the hidden forces controlling societal and economic life, and further, releasing advanced life-changing technologies that have been suppressed for decades. The Great Awakening will allow individuals to reach their fullest potential as sovereign beings that shape society in ways that better align with their highest aspirations.
In this 4-hour Webinar Intensive, Dr. Michael Salla will explain the all-important crossroad that humanity has collectively reached, the respective pros and cons of the Great Awakening versus the Global Reset, and why the need for “full disclosure” is more urgent than ever before, along with who is working to see it delivered to the people.
About the Presenter: Dr. Michael Salla is the author of the bestselling Secret Space Programs Book Series & founder of
Webinar Date: March 27, 2021 (Saturday)
12 pm – 4.30 pm PDT/ 3 pm – 7.30 pm EDT USA (Includes Q&A at the end)
Cost: $55.
*This LIVE event will be recorded, and attendees are able to watch unlimited replays for 60 days.
The Alcubierre warp drive is an exotic solution in general relativity. It allows for superluminal travel at the cost of enormous amounts of matter with negative mass density. For this reason, the Alcubierre warp drive has been widely considered unphysical. In this study, we develop a model of a general warp drive spacetime in classical relativity that encloses all existing warp drive definitions and allows for new metrics without the most serious issues present in the Alcubierre solution. We present the first general model for subluminal positive-energy, spherically symmetric warp drives; construct superluminal warp-drive solutions which satisfy quantum inequalities; provide optimizations for the Alcubierre metric that decrease the negative energy requirements by two orders of magnitude; and introduce a warp drive spacetime in which space capacity and the rate of time can be chosen in a controlled manner. Conceptually, we demonstrate that any warp drive, including the Alcubierre drive, is a shell of regular or exotic material moving inertially with a certain velocity. Therefore, any warp drive requires propulsion. We show that a class of subluminal, spherically symmetric warp drive spacetimes, at least in principle, can be constructed based on the physical principles known to humanity today.
My Commentary: By using normal positive energy it would be more feasible and acceptable to most current scientists to accept the creation of a warp drive. But it would also be a “slower” drive (subluminal but, nonetheless, potentially ‘faster’ than current chemical rocketry and other crafts based on the Newtonian action-reaction principle). A step forward to open their minds also to the extraterrestrial/multidimensional presence about which there is much evidence.
I believe that other warp drive methods already exist in the classified world. Some might use negative energy states and potentially or actually superluminal.
But Martire and Bobrick’s theoretical demonstration is a good step forward because until their articles most physicists considered warp drives ‘science fiction” since they were linked to the possibility of using negative energy states widely considered as non-plausible and “non-physical.”
What Martire and Bobrick have apparently demonstrated is that by needing two orders of magnitude less amount of negative energies that requirement can basically be circumvented.
Interestingly, optimized geometries are looking very Ufo-ish.
Article by Berny Torre February 9, 2021 (
• On December 26, 2017, UFO researcher Tony Bragaglia submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the US Department of Defense for “all information on test results on UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace”. On January 8, 2021 he received a response to his request. “Incredibly, part of the information released discusses material with shape recovery properties, much like the ‘memory metal’ debris found fallen at the Roswell UFO crash in 1947,” writes Bragaglia in an online report (see here). “[S]ome of this material was placed with a defense contractor for analysis and storage in ‘specialized facilities’.
• Bragaglia claims the futuristic materials could have the power to make things invisible, ‘compress’ electromagnetic energy and may even slow down the speed of light. “Although much of the reports’ details are redacted, what can be gleaned is that these technologies represent a literal quantum leap beyond the properties of all existing material known to man.”
• “The information provided in the FOIA response seems to represent reports that are directly relevant to what was learned from the study of the UFO debris, and how insight gained from those studies might be applied in the future, but does not include a detailing of the found debris itself,” writes Bragaglia. “Disappointingly, the reports do not include much of what was requested, such as a physical description and the composition of the material, the origin of the material, and the names of the involved scientists. That remains classified.”
• However, the FOIA response does include ‘technical pursuit areas derived from the study of those materials’. “The released documents help to inform us of the potential applications of the materials…” says Bragaglia. “They speak of ‘recent experiments’ that ‘provide new concepts’ and of ‘theoretical developments that might result in new materials’.” According to Bragaglia, the FOIA reports say how more than 40 witnesses mentioned a metal-like material that could ‘remember itself’ following the Roswell crash. The material would return to its original state instantly after being folded or deformed.
• “The DIA believes it is being responsive to the FOIA request by acknowledging UFO debris, its storage by Bigelow, and by identifying areas of future applications of these materials, said Bragaglia, “without having to actually name responsible parties, of what elements the material is comprised, how it is processed…”
Tony Bragaglia
The Pentagon has recovered UFO debris and conducted tests on futuristic materials which are a “quantum leap” ahead of current
Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace
technologies, a flying saucer investigator has claimed.
ET expert Tony Bragaglia submitted a FOI request to the US defence department on December 26, 2017.
He has recently shared links to a Defense Intelligence Agency’s belated response more than three years on.
A letter dated January 8 this year provided partial responses to his request for “all information on test results on UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace”.
Mr Bragaglia claims the futuristic materials could have the power to make things invisible, ‘compress’ electromagnetic energy and may even slow down the speed of light.
Writing online, Mr Bragaglia said: “Now officially referred to as UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) rather than UFOs, some of this material was placed with a defense contractor for analysis and storage in ‘specialized facilities’.
“Incredibly, part of the information released discusses material with shape recovery properties, much like the ‘memory metal’ debris found fallen at the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.”
He added: “Although much of the reports’ details are redacted, what can be gleaned is that these technologies represent a literal quantum leap beyond the properties of all existing material known to man.”
Mr Bragaglia claimed: “The information provided in the FOIA response seems to represent reports that are directly relevant to what was learned from the study of the UFO debris, and how insight gained from those studies might be applied in the future, but does not include a detailing of the found debris itself.
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Article by Dave Makichuk February 3, 2021 (
• Brett Tingley at “The War Zone”/The Drive website has been leading the charge on analyzing and reporting on a series of next generation technology patents filed by the U.S. Navy in 2019, and invented by Navy aerospace engineer Dr. Salvatore Pais. These patents include a High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator and Propulsion System and a Compact Plasma Compression Fusion Reactor. The technology claimed in these patents could revolutionize not only military aviation, but just about everything.
• Between October 2016 and September 2019, the US Navy’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division spent $466,000 on testing Pais’ theories. In a reversal, they now say that that the “Pais Effect” could not be proven and the Navy will conduct no further research on it.
• According to a report by Alex Hollings in The National Interest, the Chief Technology Officer of the US Naval Aviation Enterprise, Dr. James Sheehy, has pointed out that China is investing significantly in this field of technology and that it “will become a reality” someday. Sheely told Patent Examiner Philip Bonzell that the United States “would prefer that we hold the patent as opposed to paying forever more to use this revolutionary technology”. And if the Pentagon had, in fact, produced a working model of an electromagnetic propulsion system and a compact fusion reactor, would they reveal it to the public or our military adversaries? At this point, it’s impossible to say whether or not the Navy and Dr. Pais have managed to produce anything truly groundbreaking.
• The patent for the High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator resembles long-standing theories posited by UFO researchers about the means of propulsion employed by alien visitors. If functional, a HEEMFG could produce massive amounts of power with far reaching military and commercial implications. And The National Interest points out that an electromagnetic propulsion system could allow the Navy to build its own flying saucers.
• A compact, room temperature fusion reactor has long been the holy grail of energy scientists and researchers. While nuclear reactors in everything from power plants to aircraft carriers produce power by splitting a nucleus into two lighter nuclei (ie: splitting the atom), fusion power would involve fusing two or more nuclei together into a single, heavier element – most likely, hydrogen atoms being fused into a single helium one.
• Technically speaking, fusion reactors do already exist, but they’ve never been efficient enough to be used for power production. An efficient fusion reactor could effectively end humanity’s reliance on fossil fuels, or as a weapon end humanity as we know it. Documents released by The War Zone show that a compact fusion reactor could allow for the creation of a “Spacetime Modification Weapon” that would “make the hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison.”
• As far as creating a super-weapon, we need not go any further than the ‘father of the hydrogen bomb’, physicist Edward Teller who decided to one-up the 10.4 megaton bomb that America detonated at Enewetak Atoll in 1952 by creating a 10,000-megaton nuclear weapon with the capability of destroying a small continent. To put a doomsday weapon like that in the hands of mankind would be pure madness, and, totally unnecessary. Thankfully, Teller’s plan was left on his infamous drawing board.
• Russia, China and the US already have enough nuclear firepower to destroy the world several times over. The largest nuclear weapon ever tested was the “Tsar Bomba” of the Soviet Union on October 30, 1961, with a yield estimated at 50-58 megatons.
• Salvatore Pais’ electromagnetic and fusion technologies wouldn’t be the first to be suppressed by the US government. In 1989, scientist Bob Lazar claimed to have worked on back-engineered UFO technology deep under Area 51 in Nevada. Lazar said that the UFOs’ propulsion was based on directing gravity waves generated by a powerful compact reactor.
• According to US Army Colonel Philip J. Corso, the US government has been extracting new technologies from from alien crashes, such as the infamous Roswell incident, since 1947. Any such technology is considered at least 50 years ahead of current aerospace technology and would be a tightly guarded secret by the US military, on the order of the Manhattan Project.
Salvatore Pais
“If I had foreseen Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I would have torn up my formula in 1905.” – Albert Einstein
Dr. James Sheehy
It has long been claimed by ufologists that the US government has been back-engineering UFOs at Area S4, the ultra secret site within Area 51.
In 1989, scientist Bob Lazar, who claimed to have worked at the base deep in the heart of the Nevada desert, spilled the beans on the study of UFOs — of which he claimed they had several.
The smaller saucer-like UFO he said he was studying, which was called the “sport model,” supposedly was based on directing gravity waves.
This came from a reactor which amplified the gravity waves which extended beyond the atom of Element 115, which he predicted to exist (he would be proved right years later).
Whether any of that is true or not, it is interesting to note that in 2019, the US Navy’s Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) filed a number of seemingly out of this world patents that could, in theory, revolutionize not only military aviation, but just about everything.
According to a report by Alex Hollings in The National Interest, chief among these strange new inventions is a High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG), which if functional, could produce massive amounts of power with far reaching military and commercial implications.
The patent also eerily resembles longstanding theories posited by UFO researchers about the means of propulsion seemingly employed by alien visitors.
what was last seen of the Enewetak Atoll
Recently, Brett Tingley over at The War Zone received a fresh dump of documents pertaining to these patents through a Freedom
Bob Lazar
of Information Act request.
The Warzone has been leading the charge on analysis on these unusual patents ever since they surfaced two years ago, and are continuing the effort by pouring through hundreds of pages of reports, technical drawings, data, and photos released to them by the Navy.
Believe it or not, an electromagnetic propulsion system that could allow the Navy to build its own flying saucers may not be the craziest thing to come out of these efforts, National Interest reported.
According to these newly released documents, another branch of this work deals with the concept of a compact fusion reactor, which among other things, could allow for the creation of a “Spacetime Modification Weapon.”
Colonel Philip J. Corso
Per the Navy’s own internal documents, this weapon could “make the hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison.”
the Soviet Union’s “Tsar Bomba”
These patents were born out of the work of US Navy aerospace engineer Dr. Salvatore Pais, and as crazy as his inventions may sound, the Navy clearly seems to think they are worth exploration, National Interest reported.
So far, it’s been confirmed that the Navy has poured more than US$466,000 into helping this program mature since 2017.
Here’s how a Navy PowerPoint slide labeled “For Internal Use Only” explains the implications of Dr. Pais’ Spacetime Modification Weapon, of course: “Under uniquely defined conditions, the Plasma Compression Fusion Device can lead to development of a Spacetime Modification Weapon (SMW- a weapon that can make the Hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison). Extremely high energy levels can be achieved with this invention, under pulsed ultrahigh current (I) / ultrahigh magnetic flux density (B) conditions (Z-pinch with a Fusion twist).“
So what exactly is this new technology?
A compact fusion reactor has long been the holy grail of energy scientists and researchers, and to be clear Pais isn’t the first person to suggest that he’s close to pulling it off, National Interest reported.
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Article by Brett TIngley February 1, 2021 (
• After reporting on the bizarre saga of the US Navy’s “UFO” patents by Dr. Salvatore Pais for over a year and a half, The War Zone has finally gotten an on-the-record comment from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD). In a nutshell, NAWCAD concluded in September 2019 that the “Pais Effect” could not be proven. The Navy has washed its hands with Dr. Pais and his unproven patents, and all research on them has now been taken up by the US Air Force.
• The “Pais Effect” is a theoretical concept for generating high-intensity electromagnetic fields that could lead to breakthroughs in power generation and advanced propulsion, including a futuristic “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” or ‘HAUC’ (which might have explained the ‘Tic Tac UFO’ that was in the news in 2018).
• The US Navy’s NAWCAD took Dr. Pais’ theories seriously enough to vouch for him to the US Patent Office and to assert that the Chinese had similar “operable” technology. The Navy invested $462,000 in researchers’ salaries plus $96,000 on “equipment, test preparation, testing and assessment” to test Dr. Pais’ patented ‘High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator’ (HEEMFG) theories between October 2016 and September 2019. While a group of Navy researchers obviously got richer, Timothy Boulay, Communications Director at NAWCAD, confirmed that the “Pais Effect” could not be proven and no further research is being conducted by the US Navy.
• So the US Navy knew in September 2019 that Dr. Pais’ theories were a scientific dead-end, but waited until now to say so publicly. Every single physicist that The Drive’s ‘The War Zone’ contacted over two years said that there was no scientific reality to the ‘pseudo-scientific jargon’ found in Dr. Pais’ patents. Still, in November 2019, Dr. Pais assured The War Zone that his work “shall be proven correct one fine day…”
• The bizarre secrecy surrounding this entire endeavor remains remarkably odd. Not until we actually got the images, data, and slides about the program of record that attempted to prove Pais’ theories did the Navy confirm its demise. We may never know why.
After reporting on the bizarre saga of the Navy’s “UFO” patents by Dr. Salvatore Pais for over a year and a half, The War Zone has finally
Timothy Boulay
gotten an on-the-record comment from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, or NAWCAD, about the scientist’s seemingly out-of-this-world work and the service’s equally strange outright support of it.
As we reported in our last piece, the science and technology branches of the Naval Aviation Enterprise and NAWCAD took the theories of Dr. Pais seriously enough not just to vouch for them at the highest levels to patent examiners, asserting Chinese advances in similar areas of research and that they were ‘operable’ in nature, but to also subsequently invest a significant amount of money and time into researching the so-called “Pais Effect.” This is a theoretical concept for generating high-intensity electromagnetic fields that could supposedly lead to hypothetical breakthroughs in power generation and advanced propulsion. Specifically, the Navy has now responded to inquiries related to the new documentation we uncovered in our most recent report that shows hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on Pais’s High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG) experiments, along with other details related to it.
Timothy Boulay, Communications Director at NAWCAD, confirmed several points to The War Zone by email:
– The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator testing occurred from October 2016 through September 2019;
– The cost was $508,000 over the course of three years. Around ninety percent of the total – $462,000 – was for salaries, while the
Dr. Salvatore Pais
rest was used for equipment, test preparation, testing and assessment.
– When NAWCAD concluded testing in September 2019, the “Pais Effect” could not be proven.
– No further research has been conducted, and the project has not transitioned to any other government or civilian organization.
While we greatly appreciate the response to our queries, it remains unclear why NAWCAD was unwilling to speak with us until now if they knew all along these experiments resulted in what appears to be a scientific dead-end that resulted in no verification of any of Pais’s theories.
In addition to the statements above, Boulay added the following about the inventor of the Navy’s “UFO patents”:
The latest on Dr. Pais: you might remember that he left NAWCAD in June 2019 and moved to the Navy’s Strategic Systems Programs organization. I found that he transferred to the U.S. Air Force this month.
We are still working with NAWCAD to determine where Pais was transferred within the research organizations of the USAF. Pais’s first move from NAWCAD to Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) office was somewhat interesting given that one of Pais’s most eyebrow-raising patents was for a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft.” SSP oversees the development and sustainment of the Navy’s nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missiles.
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Article by Brett Tingley January 26, 2021 (
• The latest round of The War Zone’s Freedom of Information Act responses by the US Navy focuses on the Navy’s testing of the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais. Citing Chinese advances in similar futuristic propulsion technologies. Pais’ inventions have been supported by the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) and successfully patented.
• The War Zone has received hundreds of pages of detailed technical drawings, photographs, and data related to the Navy’s NAWCAD testing of Pais’ inventions between 2017 and 2019, and particularly the “High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator” (HEEMFG). US Navy spent at least $466,810 on a team of at least ten technicians and engineers who put in over 1,600 hours toward the design and testing of an experimental demonstrator, and to assemble technical papers and final reports.
• Dr. Pais’s inventions are said to be enabled through what Pais describes as “the Pais Effect”, a theoretical physics concept where the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter changes it from a solid to plasma via accelerated spin and vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.” This effect creates incredibly powerful electromagnetic energy fields that can “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level”, leading to incredible revolutions in power and propulsion, quantum communications, energy production, and even weaponry.
• The documentation reveals that the NAWCAD felt this technology has “National Security importance in leading to the generation of Thermonuclear Fusion Ignition Energy with commercial as well as military application potential, in ensuring National Energy Dominance.” It is unknown whether the HEEMFG has transitioned to other DoD agencies such as DARPA.
• The devices tested appear to have been benchtop or multiple versions of Pais’s High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator concept. The devices used spinning capacitors to “demonstrate the experimental feasibility of achieving high electromagnetic field-energy flux values toward the design of advanced high energy density/high power propulsion systems.” Often when new experimental systems are tested, subsequent experiments work toward mastering different aspects of a particular design before bringing everything together once the separate components are proven to be feasible. It’s unclear whether or not the HEEMFG test article was designed to focus on maturing just one part of the complete system.
• One document describes how Pais’ Plasma Compression Fusion Device patent could be used to design a “Spacetime Modification Weapon” that makes a hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison.
• As with all of the patent documentation received so far, it appears even NAWCAD’s testing could not validate the claimed “Pais Effect.” Nevertheless, a Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAVAIR) quad chart published in September 2018 states that NAVAIR is aiming to transition the Pais technology in 2019.
• These new documents show that Pais’ inventions were not solely the product of an enigmatic maverick inventor, but received support from the highest levels of the US Navy’s NAWCAD and led to research projects and experiments with an eye on producing exotic new forms of propulsion and weaponry. The patents appear to be hypothetical applications of theoretical physics that no mainstream physicist thinks is feasible, but are viable enough to the US Navy to continue testing. Yet considering there have been all types of theories behind these patents, ranging from a government disinformation campaign to alien emulation technology, it is still inconclusive what is going on here.
Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais
In our continuing investigation into the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an enigmatic aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy, The War Zone has just obtained a wide range of documents detailing experiments that the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted to test the core concepts and technologies underlying his seemingly out of this world “UFO patents.” These same patents were vouched for by the head of the Navy’s aerospace research enterprise who cited Chinese advances in similar technologies as one of the reasons why the Navy was filing them.
The War Zone’s most recent report on the strange circumstances surrounding these patents underlined that there were indeed some type of physical experiments conducted related to them, even if very limited. Now, new Freedom of Information Act releases provide unprecedented insights not just into how seriously the Navy took Dr. Pais’s work, but also exactly how elements of it were actually tested at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars and where the program may have ended up. The materials even include mention of a “Spacetime Modification Weapon (SMW- a weapon that can make the Hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison).”
The releases, which are all related to a Naval Innovative Science and Engineering – Basic & Applied Research Program under the project name “The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG),” contain hundreds of pages containing detailed technical drawings, photographs, and data related to actual tests of the HEEMFG. The system was meant to evaluate the feasibility of Dr. Salvatore Pais’s claimed “Pais Effect.” If you haven’t yet read about the ongoing saga of the enigmatic Dr. Pais and the science-fiction-like inventions he made on behalf of the Navy, be sure to get caught up on our previous reporting.
Each one of Dr. Pais’s inventions is stated to be enabled through what he himself described to The War Zone as “the Pais Effect,” a theoretical physics concept that is claimed to be enabled through the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.” This effect, the inventor claims, can lead to incredibly powerful electromagnetic energy fields that can “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” leading to incredible revolutions in power and propulsion, quantum communications, energy production, and even weaponry.
These latest internal documents, which The War Zone obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), show that NAWCAD felt this technology has “National Security importance in leading to the generation of thermonuclear Fusion Ignition Energy with commercial as well as military application potential, in ensuring National Energy Dominance.”
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