• The International Raelian Movement believes that an advanced human civilization came to Earth thousands of years ago to scientifically engineer all life forms, including human beings ‘in their image’. “References to these scientists and their work can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures, but our primitive ancestors—mesmerized by their technology—mistook them for gods,” explained Raelian spokesperson Brigitte Boisselier, PhD.
• For several decades, Rael, the spiritual Raelian leader, has predicted an increase in UFO sightings. “This influx,” says Boisselier, “is meant to increase public awareness [of] extraterrestrial life and prepare the world for [the extraterrestrials’] official return at the Embassy we wish to build to welcome them.”
• Raelians enthusiastically await the UAP Task Force report. It is said to review more than 120 ‘UFO incidents’ from the past 20 years. According to the New York Times previews published on June 3, the report’s conclusion “will state that these incidents weren’t caused by any US advanced technology, but it will also fail to provide evidence linking these incidents with extraterrestrial visitations.”
• “Whatever the conclusions of this report will be, we rejoice to the idea that 120 additional UFO sightings will be made available for the public, and for scientists and experts alike, to review sightings that have been well documented by Army and Navy officers who are trained to recognize foreign technologies, but yet cannot arrive at a conclusion as to their terrestrial origins,” said Boisselier.
• “The most revealing aspect of these sightings might not necessarily be the technology per se, but rather the display of maneuvers that suggest a high degree of playfulness and peaceful teasing of the Navy fighter pilots by whoever flies these crafts,” says Boisselier. “Why such an alleged enemy would take so long to reveal itself over decades should be explained once and for all.” Whether these UFO incidents are irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial visitations or man-made celestial phenomena, the Raelians look forward to scientific scrutiny. “We remain confident that their conclusions will eliminate all possible terrestrial origins and move the debate from ‘who’ to ‘why’,” stated Boisselier.
• According to recent polls, more than 60% of people around the world believe that there are other forms of life in the Universe. About 40% believe extraterrestrials are closely monitoring our planet. “[I]t’s refreshing to see this number increase steadily,” said Boisselier . “We are confident that the upcoming UAP report will bring us closer to this reality, and to the truth.”
Claude Vorilhon, Raelian leader
LAS VEGAS – Raelians await the UAP Task Force report to be released this month with reasoned
frolicking Raelians
enthusiasm. The report, produced under the auspices of a Pentagon group, is said to review more than 120 ‘UFO incidents’ from the past 20 years. According to the New York Times previews published on June 3, the report’s conclusion “will state that these incidents weren’t caused by any US advanced technology, but it will also fail to provide evidence linking these incidents with extraterrestrial visitations.”
“Whatever the conclusions of this report will be, we rejoice to the idea that 120 additional UFO sightings will be made available for the public, and for scientists and experts alike, to review—sightings that have been well documented by Army and Navy officers who are trained to recognize foreign technologies, but yet cannot arrive at a conclusion as to their terrestrial origins,” said Brigitte Boisselier, PhD, spokesperson for the International Raelian Movement.
Brigitte Boisselier
Whether these incidents are irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial visitations or man-made celestial phenomena should be decided by scientists who are best positioned to apply scientific rigor using the most cutting-edge tools to analyze data and to
parading Raelians
explain how these UAPs move, their trajectories, and their still-puzzling patterns. “We remain confident that their conclusions will eliminate all possible terrestrial origins and move the debate from ‘who’ to ‘why’,” stated Boisselier.
“The most revealing aspect of these sightings might not necessarily be the technology per se, but rather the display of maneuvers that suggest a high degree of playfulness and peaceful teasing of the Navy fighter pilots by whoever flies these crafts. Why such an alleged enemy would take so long to reveal itself over decades should be explained once and for all,” added Boisselier.
According to Raelians, a vast majority of these sightings are signs from an advanced civilization that has come to Earth thousands of years ago to scientifically engineer all life forms, including human beings ‘in their image’. “References to these scientists and their work can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures, but our primitive ancestors—mesmerized by their technology—mistook them for gods,” explained Boisselier.
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Article by Mike Rickard II May 29, 2021 (prosportsextra.com)
• Most of the public is familiar with the concept of UFOs and extraterrestrials. Not only has it become engrained in popular culture, but it’s become a cottage industry with books, articles, films, and TV programs covering the subject.
• Some believe that space aliens come from a different planet or dimension, and have either positive or sinister motives for being here. Some believe there are both benevolent and malevolent aliens interacting with us, each with their own agenda. Benevolent aliens are here to protect us from ourselves and from the malevolent aliens, and want to prepare us for when they choose to reveal their existence. On the other hand, malevolent aliens are here to do everything from experiment on us, harvest us, and eventually subjugate the planet for their uses. But what if the conventional narrative about space aliens is wrong?
• What if everything we’ve heard about aliens is wrong? What if aliens are actually demons (aka fallen angels) who are here as some sort of satanic con game? Some Christians posit that aliens exist, but they are actually demons disguising themselves to take humanity’s attention from God, with the long-term goal of preparing the way for the rise of the Antichrist.
• One theory is that aliens will come forth once the Christians disappear from the planet with the foretold Biblical ‘Rapture’. Aliens will explain the Christians’ disappearance with a variety of explanations, but will let humanity know that they are there to prepare them for humanity’s next step into a peaceful and prosperous era. Then, a being who is secretly the Antichrist will show up with all the answers and the people will follow him, perhaps believing he is some enlightened believer from the stars. But things do not end well for humanity. As the Antichrist shows his true colors, God delivers His divine wrath on the Antichrist and his followers, and Jesus Christ shows up to finish them off. In retrospect, people will see that the entire framework of alien visitors has been part of an elaborate ruse to fool people into following Satan incarnate.
• On the other hand, anyone who has studied UFOlogy knows there is no shortage of kooky theories out there concerning aliens.
• [Editor’s Note] This concept holds true with the evil rendered here by the Orion Group, namely the Reptilians. Right now, there is a physical and spiritual war going on between ‘good’ vs ‘evil’. It is time that humanity exterminate the evil presence that has actively enslaved our planet since World War II. In the wake of this current “Great Awakening”, we will begin a new era of humanity – benefitting from the advanced technologies that have been secretly kept from us, joining with our benevolent space cousins in this region of the galaxy, and embracing the love and compassion of Creator God.
Are UFOs and extraterrestrials actually demons? What if the conventional narrative about space aliens (that they are visitors from another planet/dimension/region of Earth) is wrong? What if aliens are actually demons trying to pull a fast one on humanity? That’s a theory that has been around for some time, but only recently has come to be explored by UFOlogists and scholars in any sort of depth.
Most of the public are familiar with the concept of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Not only has it become engrained in popular culture but it’s become a cottage industry ever since the rise in alleged sightings with books, articles, films, and TV programs covering the subject.
The narrative driving UFOs is that aliens are visiting us but from there, things get tricky. Where are they coming from? Answers range from other planets to other dimensions to somewhere underneath the world’s oceans. Some theories suggest that UFOs are actually advanced human technology that the world’s government wishes to remain secret.
Equally important is why they are here. Some believe the visitors are benevolent while others believe the visitors have sinister motives. Some believe there are both benevolent and malevolent aliens, each of course with their own agenda. Benevolent aliens are here to protect us from ourselves, from malevolent aliens, and to prepare us when they choose to reveal their existence. Malevolent aliens are here to do everything from experiment on us, harvest us, and eventually subjugate the planet for their uses.
However, what if everything we’ve heard about aliens is wrong? What if aliens are actually demons (aka fallen angels) who are here as some sort of satanic con game? Some Christians posit that aliens exist, but they are actually demons disguising themselves to take humanity’s attention from God, with the long-term goal of preparing humanity for the rise of the Antichrist.
One theory is that aliens will come forth when Christians disappear from the planet (in an event known as the Rapture). Aliens will explain the Christians’ disappearance with a variety of explanations but let humanity know that someone is there to prepare them for civilization’s step into a peaceful and prosperous era. A being who is secretly the Antichrist will show up with all the answers and people will follow him, perhaps believing he is some enlightened believer from the stars. Things do not end well for humanity as the Antichrist shows his true colors, God opens up a divine wrath on the Antichrist and his followers, and Jesus Christ shows up to take out the trash. In retrospect, people will discover that the entire framework of alien visitors has been part of an elaborate ruse to fool people into following Satan incarnate. Pretty wild, huh?
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Article by Christopher Plain April 19, 2021 (thedebrief.org)
• The Society of Catholic Scientists has scheduled their 2021 SCS conference entitled: “E.T., A.I., and Minds Beyond the Human” to be live-streamed June 4th thru 6th from Washington D.C. A full range of education and theology experts will give thirteen talks, and half of the talks are going to be about extraterrestrial life. “There’s going to be talks by some big experts on [the ET] subject,” says society president Dr Stephen Barr.
• According to Dr Barr, the conference’s goal is to address the perceived stigma that science and religion don’t mix. “[T]here are many people out there who think that science and faith are incompatible,” he said. “I think if people see that there’s a large organization of a large number of scientists, [who are] devout, practicing Catholics, I think it has a witness value and is stronger evidence for people in the science department.”
• “There’s a lot of excitement because in recent years, astronomers have discovered large numbers of planets orbiting other nearby stars,” said Dr Barr. “They could learn a lot about these planets, how far they are from the star, how big the planet is, even things about the chemistry of the planet in some cases.”
• The speakers scheduled to talk about non-human intelligence include Astrophysicist Jonathan Lunine, director of the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science; Dr. Karin Öberg, professor of Astronomy and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Harvard University; Simon Conway Morris, who is the chair of Evolutionary Palaeobiology at the University of Cambridge; and Christopher Baglow, Director of the Science and Religion Initiative of the McGrath Institute for Church Life of the University of Notre Dame.
• [Editor’s Note] See a preview of the Genomics and Human Engineering discussion with Dr. Laurel Coons below.
The Society of Catholic Scientists has scheduled their 2021 SCS conference, and this year’s topic is literally out of this world.
Titled “E.T., A.I., and Minds Beyond the Human,” the conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C. from June 4th thru 6th. It will feature a full range of education and theology experts covering topics related to the theme.
“There’ll be 13 talks,” said Dr. Stephen Barr, president of the Society of Catholic Scientists, in an interview with the Catholic News Agency (CNA).” Half of the talks are going to be about extraterrestrial life, and there’s going to be talks by some big experts on that subject.”
Among the speakers scheduled to talk about the entire range of possible non-human intelligence are Astrophysicist Jonathan Lunine, director of the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science; Dr. Karin Öberg, professor of Astronomy and Director of Undergraduate Studies at Harvard University; Simon Conway Morris, who is the chair of Evolutionary Palaeobiology at the University of Cambridge; and Christopher Baglow, Director of the Science and Religion Initiative of the McGrath Institute for Church Life of the University of Notre Dame.
Dr. Laurel Coons on Genomics and Human Engineering (‘The Debrief’ YouTube)
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Article by Ilia Rashad Muhammad February 9, 2021 (finalcall.com)
• The Nation of Islam is an African-American political and new religious movement, founded on July 4, 1930 in Detroit, Michigan by Wallace Fard Muhammad. The Nation of Islam members believe that Master Fard Muhammad was directly responsible for the construction and operation wheel-shaped flying craft which we think of as UFOs. It is said that Fard Muhammad introduced a gigantic circular craft called the Mother Wheel, along with 1,500 smaller ‘wheels’ to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the early 1930s.
• The Honorable Elijah Muhammad openly answered questions about the ‘wheels’ I the sky to solved the mystery of the UFO phenomena. Members of the Nation of Islam believe that it is so extremely difficult to learn that the supreme power behind the modern UFO phenomena is represented by the children of once-slaves, that American government agencies such as the CIA along with Western world leaders who promote the premise of ‘white supremacy’ continue to actively disregard, deny and cover-up this truth of the true origin of UFOs. This, according to member of the Nation of Islam, is the underlying ‘big secret’ of the UFO phenomena.
• Master Fard Muhammad’s ‘wheels in the sky’ fulfills Islamic scriptural prophecies about God’s coming “with His heavenly Wheels”. The Nation of Islam, therefore, believe that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his servant, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (pictured above) are the clear representatives of a divine power on Earth.
• The Nation of Islam believes the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, and private groups like the Anti-Defamation League have all worked together to discredit the truth about the UFO phenomena and its direct connection to the Nation of Islam. The Anti-Defamation League has even placed UFO research in its list of anti-semitic conspiracy theories. All the aforementioned groups have a proven history of misinforming the public about the Nation of Islam and the UFO phenomena. These groups are on record for investigating and surveilling the Nation’s relationship to these Wheels, and plotting to discredit both the Nation of Islam and the ‘wheels’.
• It is told that according CIA documents, in 1942 the federal government arrested and interrogated the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about the huge wheel-shaped object (UFO) that the US Armed Forces encountered a few months prior that same year. The CIA was formed in the wake of mass UFO sightings that catapulted after the government had incarcerated Elijah Muhammad for his connection to these wheels.
• By 1947, these disc-shaped planes were now being spotted by thousands of people around the country and interfering with America’s military bases and weapons sites. It can be argued that the development of the NSA and the CIA under Truman’s National Security Act were likely in response to the accumulating sightings and reports that had escalated by 1947. According to the Nation of Islam, a new and overwhelmingly superior power was making its presence felt through Master Fard Muhammad’s Wheels and there was nothing the US government could do about it.
• This explains why these US government agencies hide the truth about the Nation of Islam’s connection to these UFOs and the power behind them. But because these Wheels are directly connected to the children of once slaves, there has been a deliberate refusal to acknowledge the proven source and representatives of this phenomena. The US government would rather give credit to fictitious aliens that they made up before acknowledging that Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan have brought forth clear proof that demystifies all their false UFO theories. Instead, government agencies silence Farrakhan so they can control the narrative about him and the ‘God of these Wheels’.
Elijah Muhammad
Apparently there has been news about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) releasing and disclosing its documents about unidentified flying
Louis Farrakhan
objects (UFOs) to the public. These are hundreds of files with most of the documents being heavily redacted to the point where it becomes difficult to decipher the depth of what’s being shared.
But let’s be honest. Did we really think that an agency, whose job has been to lie and deceive the public, is going to suddenly come clean about all they know concerning UFOs? Moreover, who told you the CIA is somehow the authority on this subject?
Any real or truthful disclosure about the worldwide UFO phenomena has to directly involve the Nation of Islam (NOI), for it was this group’s founder—Master Fard Muhammad—who is directly responsible for the construction and operations of these wheel-shaped crafts that have captured the attention and concern of every world government and military.
It was He who introduced this gigantic circular craft called the Mother Wheel (and its accompanying 1,500 smaller Wheels) to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the early 1930s. To this day, the NOI remains the only entity to give definitive facts concerning these global phenomena. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad answered the questions and solved the mystery of the UFO phenomena before the Government or the public had any major questions or concerns about it.
If the CIA files don’t include this most central truth concerning the UFO phenomena, then it’s clear they aren’t being truthful. That would be like telling the public about the history of bean pies without even mentioning those who brought this magnificent dessert to the public forefront.
Likewise, it is utterly deceitful to disregard the very people who brought the truth about these wheel-shaped planes to public attention. That’s what the big secret of the UFO phenomena involves.
In truth, it’s a hard pill to swallow for most people, especially for those who rule over world systems of White supremacy. It’s extremely difficult to learn that the supreme power behind the UFO phenomena is represented by the children of once-slaves.
It’s hard to accept the truth that all the scriptural prophecies about God’s coming with His heavenly Wheels is actually being fulfilled in the real world and in real time.
It’s almost impossible for religious and political leaders to admit that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his servant, the Honorable Minister Farrakhan are the clear representatives of this divine power on earth—even though they’ve proven to be 1,000 percent right and exact on this.
So, since world leaders find it difficult to have a discussion (or debate) with the Nation of Islam on this topic, they’ve responded by either ignoring the truth, or hiding the truth altogether.
This is what the worldwide UFO cover-up is all about, and the CIA has been a leading conspirator in this deception. Unlike what they’ve led you to believe, these planes have nothing to do with aliens or reptilians that are only seen in movies; rather, it has to do with a real God who brought real evidence of His power in the real world just as the prophecies predict.
The fact that the CIA is suddenly releasing their information about UFOs proves that they’ve been lying and hiding something for several decades, and there’s no rational reason to believe they’ve suddenly felt obligated to come forward with the truth.
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Article by Charlie Lawrence-Jones December 6, 2020 (mylondon.news)
• Ex-London taxi cab driver, Richard Lawrence, is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society – an international spiritual organization dedicated to the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences. The so-called “Guru of UFOs” who is based out of West London says that we’ve been getting some key things wrong about Christmas.
• The Aetherius Society is based on the teachings of Dr. George King who was first contacted by aliens in 1954 while doing the dishes in his apartment in Fulham, in southwest London. Dr. King went on to write down much of the extraterrestrial teachings given to him, and passed that onto Richard Lawrence .
• First of all, according to the Aetherians, Jesus was actually a “great cosmic intelligence” and a “benevolent cosmic being” from Venus who was sent to Earth 2000 years ago to help humanity. In fact, the same can be said about Buddha, Gandhi and Sophocles. Lawrence cites the teachings of Dr. King as well as “hints in the Bible”.
• Secondly, the Star of Bethlehem which led three wise men to the baby Jesus in Nazareth was in fact the “Christmas UFO”. The glowing UFO “guided them to a specific place,” says Lawrence. “It couldn’t have been a star, they don’t move. Meteorites don’t hover. It had a pattern, it was an alien ship.”
• Thirdly, the birth date of Jesus was actually March 15th. Lawrence was tipped off to this reality by Dr. King, but he cites clues in the Bible itself. Shepards tending their flock would not have occurred in December, but in the springtime. It is widely believed December 25 was chosen by early Christians coincide with a previous pagan festival celebrating the winter solstice.
We’ve been getting some of the key things about Christmas wrong, a so-called UFO expert based in West London has claimed.
It all stems from the teaching of an ex-London cabbie.
Dr. George King Richard Lawrence
Richard Lawrence, who has written 11 books about aliens, told MyLondon that Christmas is actually in March, the star of Bethlehem was an alien spaceship and Jesus was an extra-terrestrial being from Venus.
In a 40 minute phone-call from his Fulham home, he convincingly explained the findings that would leave many holiday-makers reeling.
Known as the “Guru of UFOs”, Richard is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society – an international spiritual organisation dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences.
The Aetherius Society
The Aetherius Society is based on the teachings of Dr George King.
He said he was first contacted by aliens in 1954 while he was drying dishes in his small rented flat in Fulham.
Dr King went on to write down much of the extra terrestrial teachings he claimed to have learnt and passed that onto Richard.
He explained some of the things he claims we’ve been getting wrong about the Christmas story.
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Article by J-P Mauro August 28, 2020 (aleteia.org)
• In a study paper published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, co-author Father Jose Funes, a Catholic priest and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy who holds the chair in Science, Religion and Education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina, theorizes that in a long-enough timeline, Earth could intercept messages from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.
• The researchers created a simulation to study “casually connected nodes,” ‘nodes’ being the term for unknown intergalactic civilizations. They then ran these thousands of nodes through the simulation to conclude that communication with an ET civilization is directly related to how many sophisticated civilizations exist in the Milky Way.
• As a result, the study suggests that the probability of Earth receiving intergalactic messages is low, overall. But the likelihood of such a discovery is greatly increased if the galaxy is “densely populated with long-standing civilizations.” The longer a civilization exists, the greater the chance that it will develop technology that could be used for intergalactic messaging.
• “[T]hough the odds are not very high, there is a chance to communicate with ET,” says Father Funes. “All this effort in studying probabilities and communicating with alien civilizations helps to understand better who we are. It is important to step out from our anthropomorphic and anthropocentric way of thinking to deal with a very profound diversity, the cosmic otherness.”
• The study team notes that we can increase our chances of interacting with extraterrestrial civilizations by enacting our own interstellar exploration, colonization, and settlement. They also suggested probes that could self-replicate as a means of exploring the furthest reaches of space.
• [Editor’s Note] Is the Catholic church getting people used to the notion that the galaxy could be “densely populated with long-standing civilizations”? Is this part of the long, drawn-out, drip drip drip of disclosure?
A Catholic priest has co-authored a study on intergalactic communications, which theorizes that, on a long enough timeline, it is possible that Earth could intercept messages from extraterrestrial civilizations.
Father Jose Funes
The paper, published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, suggests that communication with an intelligent civilization is directly related to how many sophisticated civilizations exist in the Milky Way. The study came to this conclusion by creating a simulation that studied “casually connected nodes,” nodes being a term for unknown intergalactic civilizations.
The researchers ran these thousands of nodes through the simulation, which led them to suggest that the probability of Earth receiving intergalactic messages is overall low. They do note, however, that the likelihood of such a discovery is greatly increased if the galaxy is “densely populated with long-standing civilizations.” They suggest that the longer a civilization exists, the greater the chance that it will develop technology that could be used for intergalactic messaging.
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• It is becoming “obvious that an extraterrestrial civilization is preparing our humanity for an official contact through an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings, military reports describing encounters with UFOs, and very complex crop circles all over the world,” says Raelian Guide, Daniel Turcotte. “It’s just a matter of time before more diplomats and foreign affairs officials acknowledge this and advise their respective governments to care for a proper and formal welcome for an out-of-this-world civilization.”
• The Raelian philosophy states that the “Elohim” in the original Hebrew Bible is actually a peaceful and far more advanced extraterrestrial civilization that created the human race and all life on this Earth. When these advanced beings reveal themselves to us, it will usher in an era of peace – a Golden Age on Earth.
• “We are aware that this is an important paradigm shift… (with) the increasing governmental awareness” of an extraterrestrial presence, says Turcotte. “While some countries wrongfully anticipate an invasion by an armed extraterrestrial civilization and are preparing to go to war against them, we must offset such a primitive and dangerous position with a worldwide movement of peace, to educate people and government officials that we can only benefit from contact with beings from beyond the stars.”
• Turcotte is the promoter of the Raelian ‘Embassy for Extraterrestrials Project’, an international online forum where diplomats and foreign affairs officials from around the world tuned in to learn all of the steps required to officially welcome advanced human beings from another planet. “The main goal of this event was to inform diplomats and foreign affairs officials about this unique and ambitious project that could also bring wealth and scientific advancement to the hosting country.” explained Turcotte.
• The online forum featured Dr. Jon H. Levy, PhD., a world-renowned lawyer specializing in transnational and private international law; and Stephen Goldie, an experienced city planner, outlining the legal issues raised by this unique diplomatic and touristic project.
• “We need to increase [the] level of awareness about the important issues of international law that should be resolved before any extraterrestrial contact is made,” says Turcotte. “For decades now, Raelians have been canvassing countries to consider hosting an ‘Embassy for Extraterrestrials’, but in recent years these discussions have been increasing in number and seriousness.” “Many countries [have shown] a genuine interest in this very promising and important project. The presentation was very well received.”
NEW YORK, July 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “A historical event just happened before our eyes,” announced Daniel Turcotte, Raelian Guide and leader of the Embassy for Extraterrestrials Project sponsored by the Raelian Movement. “Diplomats and Foreign Affairs officials recently attended our first international online forum to learn from our experts all the steps required to officially welcome human beings from another planet.”
Raëlian founder, Claude Vorilhon, aka Raël Daniel Turcotte
“The main goal of this event was to inform diplomats and foreign affairs officials about this unique and ambitious project that could also bring wealth and scientific advancement to the hosting country,” explained Turcotte. “We need to increase their level of awareness about the important issues of international law that should be resolved before any extraterrestrial contact is made.”
During the presentation and after introducing the subject and giving an outline on the project, Dr. Jon H. Levy, PhD.—a world-renowned lawyer specializing in transnational and private international law—and Stephen Goldie—a very experienced city planner—outlined the legal issues raised by this unique and ambitious diplomatic and touristic project, as well as the steps necessary to make it happen.
“For decades now, Raelians have been canvassing countries to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials, but in recent years these discussions have been increasing in number and seriousness,” said Turcotte. “Many countries showed a genuine interest in this very promising and important project, the presentation was very well received and all the participants agreed that the diplomatic aspect of it is not only mandatory but the priority.”
“Interest is growing as it becomes obvious that an extraterrestrial civilization is preparing our humanity for an official contact through an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings, military reports describing encounters with UFOs, and very complex crop circles all over the world,” Turcotte continued. “It’s just a matter of time before more diplomats and foreign affairs officials acknowledge this and advise their respective governments to care for a proper and formal welcome for an out-of-this-world civilization.
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Article by Ellie McKinnell May 13, 2020 (mylondon.news)
• In the early 1950s, taxi driver George King would sit in his cab at Caxton Hall in the Westminster section of London and psychically channel and record messages from ‘Cosmic Masters’. After practicing yoga extensively, King developed psychic powers of his own. In 1954, a voice told him he was to be the Earthly representative of an inter-planetary parliament.
• A week after this experience, a world famous yoga master passed through a locked door into King’s West London apartment and instructed him to form a group dedicated to helping the planet. The swami went on to teach him yoga, prayer, and meditation which enabled him to receive telepathic messages from ‘Aetherius’ beings on Venus. Based on his experiences and these messages, King founded The Aetherius Society. Today, Aetherius Society members number in the thousands with 58 churches worldwide. The majority of those churches are in the UK, with the headquarters in Fulham, in Southwest London.
• The Aetherius Society believes Jesus was an extraterrestrial being from the planet Venus, and that all of the various religious leaders have come to Earth from different planets to teach mankind the proper way of living. These extraterrestrial religious leaders operate on a different “frequency of vibration” from humans on Earth, which is why we are unable to see them or their civilizations on other planets, and why reports of UFO sightings often include details of the spacecraft blinking in and out of view.
• The society predicts the coming of the next ‘Master’ from space once Earth humans have spiritually advanced themselves and balanced their collective karma. A key teaching is that humanity has an immensely promising future if they choose the ‘right’ way of living. This Master will arrive in a spacecraft with great power, and present his credentials to the leaders of Earth. Those who continue to engage in war will be removed from the Earth, to be reborn on another planet where they will continue their spiritual progress; while those who understand the spiritual law will remain on Earth to enjoy the new millennium.
On a quiet street in Westminster sits a Grade II listed, red brick townhouse that most people walking past would expect to be home to a high end
George King
However, Caxton Hall is actually the place where a London taxi driver sat and channelled Cosmic Masters, recording their messages. Based on his experiences and these messages, he founded The Aetherius Society.
George King, after practising yoga so much he developed psychic powers, claimed that in 1954 a voice told him he was to be the earthly representative of an inter-planetary parliament.
A week after this experience a supposedly world famous yoga master managed to get in to George’s Maida Vale apartment, passing through the locked door, and instructed him to form a group dedicated to helping the planet.
The swami went on to teach him yoga, prayer, and meditation, training which enabled him to receive telepathic messages from Venus, the first coming from Aetherius.
The Aetherius Society believes Jesus was an extraterrestrial being from the planet Venus, and more generally that all the various religious leaders each come from a different planet and have come to earth to teach mankind the right way of living.
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Article by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz May 3, 2020 (breakingisraelnews.com)
• The Pentagon recently released and confirmed the three unidentified aerial phenomenon videos taken by US Navy fighter jets in 2005 and in 2015 of wingless aircraft traveling at hypersonic speeds with no visible means of propulsion. One Navy pilot, Retired Cmdr. David Fravor told ABC News, “I can tell you, I think it was not from this world.” “I have never seen anything in my life, in my history of flying that has the performance, the acceleration — keep in mind this thing had no wings.”
• Unidentified aircraft with ‘other-worldly’ technology should not come as a surprise to Biblical scholars familiar with Jewish tradition. The appearance of ‘aliens’ may be a harbinger to the coming of the Messiah.
• The sixth chapter of Genesis describes interactions between strange creatures called ‘Nephilim’ (literally ‘the fallen’) and men. “It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth—when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.” Genesis 6:4
• In the pre-flood era of Noah, the Bible says that the “Sons of Elohim” cohabited with the daughters of men, and God immediately decided to limit man’s lifespan to one-hundred and twenty years. The offspring of these unions were called ‘Nephillim’.
• The nephillim are mentioned again in the Book of Numbers as some of the giant residents of Israel present after the Exodus. “We saw the Nephilim there—the ‘Anakites’ are part of the Nephilim—and we looked like grasshoppers to ourselves, and so we must have looked to them.” Numbers 13:33
• Some Biblical scholars also point to Judges as proof of extraterrestrials. “The stars fought from heaven, From their courses they fought against Sisera… “Curse Meroz!” said the angel of Hashem. “Bitterly curse its inhabitants, Because they came not to the aid of Hashem, To the aid of Hashem among the warriors.” Judges 5:20-23 According to the Talmud, Meroz is a certain planet in the stellar sphere whose inhabitants were cursed for refusing to do God’s will.
• The Talmud (Sanhedrin 97a) describes how the ‘nephillim’ will return as a part of the Messianic process. In the Talmud, Rabbi Yitzchak asks Rabbi Nachman, “Do you know when Bar Naphli (the son of the fallen Nephilim) will come?” Rav Nachman replies, “It is Messiah”. In the language of the Talmud, ‘Naphli’ means “giant”. This is based on a verse from Amos which connects ‘nophelet’ (the fallen) with the return of the House of David. So “Bar Naphli” refers to specific ‘giants’ who are connected with the coming of the Messiah.
The Pentagon released three videos taken from U.S. Navy fighter jets, confirming the videos showed “unexplained aerial phenomenon”, seeming to admit for the first time that the Earth has been visited by alien species with advanced technology. This should not come as a surprise to Biblical scholars and according to Jewish tradition, the appearance of aliens may be a harbinger to the Messiah.
Last Monday, Susan Gough, a Defense Department spokesperson, released a statement confirming that the videos, which had appeared on the internet, were authentic. The footage seems to show wingless aircraft traveling at hypersonic speeds with no visible means of propulsion.
The official confirmation was intended “to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real or whether or not there is more to the videos.”
“The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified’”, the statement said. The Department of Defense has authorized the release of three unclassified Navy videos. One video taken in November 2004 and another in January 2015 were recorded by F/A-18 Hornet fighter pilots during military training exercises in restricted airspace. Another was also recorded in January 2015. The videos have been circulating in the public domain after unauthorized releases in 2007 and 2017.
“After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Two of the videos were included in a December 2017 New York Times article that explained how the U.S. government ran a program for investigating reports of unidentified flying objects until 2012. The third video was released in March 2018 by To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a private scientific research and media group.
Retired Cmdr. David Fravor spoke to ABC News in 2017 about the video he filmed during a routine training flight approximately 100 miles out over the Pacific, in November 2004.
“I can tell you, I think it was not from this world,” Fravor said to ABC. “I’m not crazy, haven’t been drinking. It was — after 18 years of flying, I’ve seen pretty much about everything that I can see in that realm, and this was nothing close.”
“I have never seen anything in my life, in my history of flying that has the performance, the acceleration — keep in mind this thing had no wings.”
Navy pilot Lt. Danny Accoin said in the 2019 History Channel documentary series Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation that unlike fighter jets, the airborne objects in the videos had “no distinct wing, no distinct tail, no distinct exhaust plume.”
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Article by Kelly E. Hayes April 29, 2020 (theconversation.com)
• Adherents to the religious organization known as the ‘Valley of the Dawn’, who are called the ‘Jaguars’, believe they are the reincarnated descendants of highly advanced extraterrestrials sent by God 32,000 years ago to jump-start human evolution. Valley of the Dawn members “manipulate” cosmic energies to heal themselves and others.
• Every May 1st before sunrise, several thousand Valley of the Dawn Jaguars come from around the world to gather in silence at a temple outside the Brazilian capital of Brasília to “synchronize their spiritual energies.” Attired in fairy-tale-like garments, the members perform a ritual chant that fills the air with a collective drone to invoke cosmic forces. This year, the ceremony was postponed due to the coronavirus – dismaying Valley of the Dawn members who believe their spiritual force-field could really help in this global crisis.
• Valley of the Dawn is a recognized religion in Brazil with over 700 affiliated temples worldwide and nearly 139,000 registered members. According to Valley of the Dawn doctrine, the Jaguars have inspired some of humanity’s greatest achievements, including the great pyramids of ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica. Their spiritual tribe was reunited in Brazil in 1964 by a woman called Aunt Neiva, who foresaw the world as we know ending within decades.
• To redeem their bad karma, Valley of the Dawn members offer spirit-healing to the public at the Mother Temple, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In Brazil, such healing is widely accepted. Each month, thousands of Brazilians who have had unsuccessful experiences with Western medicine and other religions visit the Valley of the Dawn to remove negative spiritual influences and channel healing forces. Rejecting capitalist values, members refuse to work for money. Healings are offered freely as an expression of unconditional love.
• With the passing of its founder, Aunt Neiva, in 1985, The Valley of the Dawn has grown steadily, spreading from Brazil to Portugal, the United States and England. Some dismiss it as a cult. But to others, it offers a more progressive, egalitarian version of modernity. In Brazil, and across much of the West, the promise that modernity would bring higher living standards, greater personal freedoms and a more just society remains largely unfulfilled. Instead, the advancements of the modern age has only benefitted the rich and powerful. The majority are increasingly isolated and lonely. The Valley of the Dawn offers a collective life that members find gratifying. They are free to join or leave the Valley of the Dawn at any time, and the community provides food and housing for Jaguars who cannot afford training.
• The Valley of the Dawn has its own educational system premised on merit, not privilege. It offers free “courses” on personal development, moral conduct and mediumship taught by trained instructors. Educational advancement earns members a title, like “Master” or “Commander,” and the right to wear specific clothing, participate in new rituals and take on leadership duties.
• In the Valley of the Dawn, justice means reconciliation for past harms – not punishment and incarceration. According to Valley of the Dawn doctrine, much human suffering and wrongdoing is the work of spirits – usually a family member or friend who was harmed by a Jaguar in a past life and is now ‘collecting a debt’. When this spirit attaches itself to its living “debtor”, it results in depression or aggression. A Jaguar will spend a week gathering signatures from fellow Valley members who wish them positive energy to pay off their spiritual debt. The week-long ‘prison ritual’ culminates in a courtroom ‘trial’ where the channeled afflicted spirit explains the wrongdoing that caused the karmic debt. After the prisoner expresses regret, balance is restored and the Jaguar is released from the spiritual debt.
• By all indications, members find real meaning in the Valley of the Dawn’s egalitarian work, education and legal systems, all structured on the principles of equality and justice. Despite their mystical nature, the social practices of the Valley of the Dawn is a reaction to the very real deficiencies of modern secular society – with some flamboyant costuming on the side.
Every May 1, before sunrise, several thousand members of the religion known as the Valley of the Dawn gather in silence at a temple outside the Brazilian capital of Brasília. They come from around the world to “synchronize their spiritual energies.”
As the Sun’s first rays appear over the horizon, the members, in fairy-tale-like garments, chant their personal “emissions” – a ritual invocation of cosmic forces that fills the air with a collective drone.
Valley of the Dawn adherents “manipulate” cosmic energies to heal themselves and others. They describe themselves as members of a spiritual tribe called the Jaguars, who are the reincarnated descendants of highly advanced extraterrestrials sent by God some 32,000 years ago to jump-start human evolution.
Normally, the May 1 Day of the Indoctrinator ceremony attracts Jaguars from across the globe, as well as spectators and journalists.
This year, the ceremony has been postponed because of the coronavirus – dismaying Valley of the Dawn members, who believe their spiritual force field could really help in this global crisis.
The Valley of the Dawn’s beliefs are fantastical, but their practices may be less otherworldly than bemused journalists have often suggested. My scholarship on Brazilian religions and research at the Valley of the Dawn finds that some of the group’s rituals speak directly to the harsh realities of the modern world.
Jaguars past and present
Valley of the Dawn, called Vale do Amanhecer in Portuguese, is a recognized religion in Brazil. It has over 700 affiliated temples worldwide and nearly 139,000 registered members.
According to Valley of the Dawn doctrine, the Jaguars inspired some of humanity’s greatest achievements, including the great pyramids of ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica, before eventually straying from their mission.
Their spiritual tribe was reunited in Brazil in 1964 by a woman called Aunt Neiva, who foresaw the world as we know it ending within decades.
My research indicates that Valley of the Dawn members are mostly middle- and working-class Brazilians, of all races. Many live in the town that has grown up around the Mother Temple; others travel there for ceremonies.
To redeem the bad karma they believe they have accrued over the millennia, Valley of the Dawn members perform spirit-healing rituals called “trabalhos,” or works. These are offered to the public at the Mother Temple nearly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
In Brazil, which has hundreds of spirit-based religions, such healing is widely accepted.
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Article by Tom Wood December 29, 2019 (ladbible.com)
• The Aetherius Society was founded by Dr George King who claimed to have been contacted in 1958 by an advanced extra-terrestrial being called Aetherius. The being told King that he’d been ‘chosen’ and was given a command: “Prepare yourself, you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament.” Dr King became the primary point of human contact for the Aetherius Masters until his death in 1997.
• Aetherius Society members claim that through yoga, Dr King was able to raise his consciousness to a level where extra-terrestrial beings could communicate through him – sometimes through telepathy, sometimes through direct channeling. The recordings and transcriptions of such messages from a variety of alien intellects are an important part of services held by the society.
• Mark Bennett attended his first Aetherius service at the age of 16. Over the past twenty years he’s risen to the level of International Director. Bennett admits that all of this may seem strange – especially to those with a lower spiritual understanding. Like all religious societies, a leap of faith is required for full understanding. “[T]he truth is so elevated that most people can’t get their heads around it.”
• One of the ‘Cosmic Masters’ messages proclaimed, “There will shortly come another among you, he will stand tall among men with a shining countenance. This one will be attired in a single garment of the type now known to you. His shoes will be soft-topped yet not made of the skin of animals. ….He will approach the Earth’s leaders, they will ask of him his credentials and he will produce these. His magic will be greater than any upon the Earth, greater than the combined materialistic might of all the armies. …They who heed not his words shall be removed from the Earth.”
• Bennett explains: “So, …at some point, an extra-terrestrial being will come to Earth … possibly in some kind of vehicle like what we might term a flying saucer.” “He will have great psychic powers. He will not age. When it says he will stand tall among men, that’s probably literally he will be really tall. … (possibly) around seven foot (tall). He will demonstrate great powers, as much as is necessary.”
• “From that point onwards,” Bennett continues, “people who continue to break the laws of God – for example, killing each other and warfare, hording massive amounts of wealth whilst others are starving – that will no longer be allowed to continue.” These people won’t be allowed to reincarnate onto this planet. “They will reincarnate onto another younger planet so that the only people left here will be those who are willing and able to build a new age upon Earth.” “Those who are reincarnated elsewhere aren’t being punished, it’s just the only way for them to make it. It’s a natural sorting, it’s spiritual evolution.”
• Bennett admits there’s a lot to take in. Aetherians believe that the Earth itself is a living goddess being that eventually ‘will have to express her true spiritual nature.’ When the Earth’s vibration raises, our own vibrations must rise as well in order to survive here. “Cosmic Masters will come to prepare those who may live in harmony with the Earth goddess, who have a chance of making it.”
• “All the other planets in this system are populated entirely by superior alien life forms known as Cosmic Masters,” claims Bennett. These Cosmic Masters want to be involved with us but can’t until we can reach a higher plane of spiritual evolution. Cosmic Masters do not age or die, but rather they change their bodily form after a few thousand years. They are in effect, immortal beings. Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and St Peter were all advanced intelligence beings from other planets. They have great psychic powers, telekinetic powers, healing powers, and all the kind of psychic abilities. “They are extremely spiritual and have evolved beyond petty emotion and only do what is best, according to karmic law.”
• Bennett argues that the Aetherian faith that is more logical than other religions. “[A]ll of these other faiths don’t explain why,” he says. “It’s almost like God’s run out of patience.” “[W]hereas in The Aetherius Society we have the exact explanation, which is that it just spiritually has to (happen).”
• A big part of what The Aetherius Society does today is to harness and store prayer energy in a spiritual battery devised by Dr King. Followers recite prayers and mantras in a semi-circular arrangement around the battery, whilst one member stands next to it, acting as a conduit. Targeted prayer energy can be sent to victims and aid workers involved in earthquakes, landslides, and warzones.
• The Aetherius Society has thousands of members in temples all around the world. It only costs $52 per year to be a member of the society, and this includes a magazine subscription.
Like all good tales of discovery, this one begins in the pub.
The Golden Lion pub in Todmorden, in fact – a pretty, peaceful West Yorkshire town that brims with stone cottages, rolling countryside and a pace of life that harks back to simpler times.
Dr George King
This pub is not your average boozer though. It does things differently since being taken on by the local community. But I’m not here for that story. I’m here for the monthly Todmorden UFO Meet Up.
A couple of dozen people are here, convinced that the truth is out there. But that night’s speaker goes beyond flying discs and life on Mars. Much further.
Six weeks later I found myself sitting in The Aetherius Temple in Fulham with Mark Bennett, one of nine international directors of the society.
Bennett, along with the rest of the society, believes – among other things – that Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and St Peter were all advanced intelligence beings from other planets.
Oh, and that the Earth itself is a living goddess being. But more of that shortly.
The Aetherius Society was founded by Dr George King after he claimed to have been contacted in 1958 by a ‘Cosmic Master’ – an advanced extra-terrestrial being – called Aetherius and told him that he’d been chosen.
“Prepare yourself, you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament,” was the message. In the society, this is known as ‘The Command’.
Dr King became the primary point of human contact for the Cosmic Masters until his death in 1997.
He was, the society claims, able to raise himself – through yoga – to such a level that extra-terrestrial beings could communicate through him, sometimes through telepathy, sometimes through direct channelling.
Mark Bennett
The recordings and transcriptions of such messages – from a variety of alien intellects – are an important part of services held by the society in present times.
After the initial contact, further commands followed for King.
One said: “There will shortly come another among you, he will stand tall among men with a shining countenance. This one will be attired in a single garment of the type now known to you. His shoes will be soft-topped yet not made of the skin of animals.
“He will approach the Earth’s leaders, they will ask of him his credentials and he will produce these. His magic will be greater than any upon the earth, greater than the combined materialistic might of all the armies.”
“They who heed not his words shall be removed from the Earth.
“This rock is now holy and will remain so for as long as the world exists, go ye forth and spread my word throughout the world, so that all men of pure heart may prepare for his coming.”
This is the statement that called the society into being. The belief that, one day, we might live as one with the aliens that inhabit our closest planetary neighbours.
Bennett explained: “So, what it means is that – at some point – an extra-terrestrial being will come to Earth openly, possibly in some kind of vehicle like what we might term a flying saucer.
“We don’t know where or when, but he will come as a cosmic master. He won’t be born among us, but it will be obvious to anyone with any sense that he is who he says he is.
“He will have great psychic powers. He will not age. When it says he will stand tall among men, that’s probably literally he will be really tall.
“There have been stories of them being around seven foot. He will demonstrate great powers, as much as is necessary.
“From that point onwards, people who continue to break the laws of God – for example, killing each other and warfare, hording massive amounts of wealth whilst others are starving – that will no longer be allowed to continue.
“So, then what will happen is that he won’t go around killing people or threatening them with weapons, but when those people die they will not reincarnate onto this planet. They will reincarnate onto another younger planet so that the only people left here will be those who are willing and able to build a new age upon Earth when we don’t have war, we don’t have poverty.
“Ultimately, we wouldn’t even have disease, although that would be further into the future.
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• The Peters ETI Religious Crisis survey conducted by Professor Ted Peters from the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences at Berkeley (California) asked people of different faiths – or not – whether the discovery of alien lifeforms, or intelligent extraterrestrials, might pose a threat to Earthly religion. The conclusion was that representatives of all religions seem to be at ease with “the discovery of aliens”.
• The surveys showed that those of traditional religious beliefs were actually optimistic about the discovery of extraterrestrial beings. One Protestant remarked, “I’d share a Pew with an alien any day.” Those labeled as non-traditional “self-appointed” believers were more worried whether their religions would survive alien contact. Non-religious respondents were the only group who predicted consequences for believers, predicting that ‘religious traditions would suffer or collapse’.
• Apparently, religious people are okay with the concept that Earthlings are not the only children of God. Many responders reasoned that ‘God is the creator of a very large universe and this universe was not meant only for us, but to be shared with other creatures of God’.
• Other believers delved deeper into the budding field of study known as ‘Astrotheology’, theorizing that God would incarnate (as a Jesus figure) on every planet with an intelligent civilization. But some determined that “… the historical event of Jesus Christ’s birth (on Earth) suffices for God’s atonement of the entire cosmos.”
• In the end, Professor Peters reassured the (apparently all-Christian) believers that in the event of contact with an intelligent alien civilization, “things will probably go on the way they have been, without much change.”
For centuries it has been the domain of various religions to seek the truth out in the universe. The possibility that there are other creatures somewhere in galaxies far away, perhaps more intelligent than we are, prompted some to speculate that their discovery could mean an end to all religious beliefs or even cause an existential crisis.
The possible discovery of alien life forms poses no threat to traditional religions, which have determined the scheme of things around us, Professor Ted Peters from the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences at Berkeley told The Daily Express. According to him, “things will probably go on the way they have been, without much change.”
He shared his concerns over some scholars and scientists’ assumption that “if we encounter creatures in space more intelligent than we are, our religions would somehow suffer. On the contrary, he noted that even one of the surveys dedicated to this problem revealed that believers seem optimistic about the prospect of meeting extraterrestrial intelligence.
“The Peters ETI Religious Crisis survey found that this was not the case with self-appointed or self-defined believers in various religious traditions. They’re a trifle worried about their traditions, but for the most part, their respective traditions will survive,” he explained, sharing one of his favourite comments on the matter, which came from “a mainline Protestant”: “I’d share a Pew with an alien any day.”
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• Jesuit philosopher and astronomer, Father Jose Funes, has been appointed to the advisory council of METI International. Father Funes will join over 80 experts that make up the advisory council. METI’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, said, “It’s natural for METI to be in dialogue with Jesuit astronomers because they understand the science behind our search, giving us common ground, while also having expertise in theology, providing a new perspective for our scientists.”
• METI, or “Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, is an offshoot of SETI, “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” which began its search for ET in 1959 by scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast and mysterious universe.
• The Vatican has also been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life. Father Funes is the former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.
• Father Funes, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina, and also chairs a think tank initiative called “OTHER”, says that these Catholic organizations help us to understand alien life “in order to understand better who human beings are”. This is instrumental in educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion.
• Vakoch is an astrobiologist and psychologist who spent 16 years at the SETI Institute, where he was director of Interstellar Message Composition. Vakoch says that if METI/SETI does find life out there someday, “many people will look to their religious leaders to help understand what it means to all of us down here on planet Earth.” “One of the great misconceptions of the general public is that discovering life beyond Earth will threaten people’s religious beliefs,” Vakoch says. “But time and again, across the centuries, we have seen that religions adapt to scientific discoveries. The same will be true if someday we discover we’re not alone in the universe.”
• Father Funes has introduced “something new or at least original” for SETI research to consider: the search for spiritual signs or signatures in the universe. Is spirituality a part of our evolutionary process? Vakoch said that “Hollywood portrayals of marauding aliens, coming to Earth to annihilate us” serve to generate fear or negative reactions to potential alien life. But there are “hopeful depictions of first contact,” says Vakoch, such as Steven Spielberg’s ‘E.T. the Extraterrestrial’ where a visitor comes to Earth, transforming lives and overcoming death through love. The same for ‘Starman,’ starring Jeff Bridges in the title role that was a thinly veiled reference to Christ.”
• Father Funes said the Catholic Church is optimistic in its faith because “we trust in God” when it comes to space exploration and messaging potential intelligent life. Vakoch says, “Some worry that learning about the existence of extraterrestrials will make humanity less unique. I suspect just the opposite will happen.” “[T]here will never be a duplicate of Homo Sapiens. There may be beings out there who are more wise or powerful than we are, but they will never be more human.”
• [Editor’s Note] It is no surprise that METI/SETI would team up with the Vatican in trying to dominate the limited soft disclosure dialog of the massive extraterrestrial presence, and the government’s long standing cover-up. They are both dedicated to doing the Deep State’s bidding. They see that the public’s revelation about the true existence of extraterrestrials is imminent, so who better than the combination of scientific and religious “experts” to guide the public through this transition. But the primary agenda of these institutions is to maintain control over the populace once the extraterrestrial presence is finally revealed. They want to position the Catholic religion as the savior of the people, thereby assuring its continuance after the extraterrestrial disclosure. While at the same time, METI/SETI will continue to deny any extraterrestrial presence until the very last minute.
More than 2 million people RSVP’d to a recent social media invitation to “storm” Area 51 in Nevada, in the hope of discovering whether alien life or spacecraft may be secretly stored at this U.S. Air Force base.
Though the proposed raid was a spoof, it has morphed into a real, more peaceful encounter. Now dubbed, “Alienstock,” the Sept. 20-22 festival aims to be a place “where believers gather” to discuss and celebrate confidence in the existence of alien life and the wonders of the unknown, according to its website, alienstockfestival.com.
Father Jose Funes
But another brand of believers — a “Men in Black” of a spiritual kind — are the pope’s own Jesuit astronomers; they have long been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life.
The huge amount of interest the general public has shown in life existing elsewhere in the universe is part of the age-old question, “Are we alone?” said Jesuit Father Jose Funes, former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.
The fascination with seeking extraterrestrial life or intelligence “reflects very deep human issues that are important for us” and makes people think about “who we are,” he told Catholic News Service in late August.
Douglas Vakoch
“We have to become alien somehow” and step outside oneself “in order to understand better who human beings are,” said the priest, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina. The chair and the think tank initiative, “OTHER,” he directs are instrumental for educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion, he said.
Father Funes’ multidisciplinary expertise in astronomy, philosophy and theology has now earned him a unique place in ET research — serving on the advisory council of METI International.
METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, takes the next step in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI.
The SETI project, which started in 1959, represents a major coordinated effort in scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast mysterious universe.
Part of the METI mission, according to its website, METI.org, is to conduct high-level scientific and multidisciplinary research, discuss the importance of searching for life beyond Earth and study the impact searching for, detecting or messaging ETI would have on the world.
More than 80 experts from a huge array of fields — including ethics, linguistics and theology — make up METI’s advisory council, and it was just last year that the group’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, asked Father Funes to join the team.
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Hodges is an avowed Christian who has much to say about the New World Order, political corruption and other serious topics related to contemporary events that he covers daily on his Common Sense Show website that is accessible at www.RevolutionRadio.org.
His contribution to Ufology, the topic of ETs, and related issues will be on display along with the work of others with similar beliefs such as Steve Quayle and LA Marzulli in Branson the weekend of September 13-14. https://www.groundzeromedia.org/8-30-19-god-like-w-la-marzulli/
This year, The True Legends Conference intends to answer “The Alien Question!” Whether they will be able to do so to the satisfaction of the entire UFO community remains to be seen. It is likely to be a fascinating discussion for all who travel to Missouri to see if the participants are able to integrate advanced scientific theories such as those of Hoagl and with their deeply held religious leanings.
The presence of Richard Dolan with his grounded, evidence based approach to the topic might have provided an interesting bridge between those reluctant to embrace certain aspects of Christian theology and those espousing theories about wormholes, stargates, EBEs and related matters…….but Dolan has apparently bowed out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqpWk_MG_0E
One thing seems to be certain: more and more people across a broad continuum of differing perspectives, have come to believe in the reality of ETs. For those curious about what these folks have to say, a trip to Branson, MO may be a good way to spend some time only a few days from now.
by Henry Holloway April 21, 2019 (dailystar.co.uk)
• Declassified files contained in the CIA archives include the book “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas (click here), dating from 1966. Thomas appears to have been a UFO researcher working on a project for the US Air Force. Thomas begins his book with dedications to a string of the top US military brass, saying without them “this book might not exist”. He specifically mentions US Air Force Generals Curtis LeMay and Harold Grant, and CIA intelligence officer Admiral Rufus Taylor.
• One revelation that Thomas makes in the book is that the Earth is subject to “cyclical pole shifts” every 7,000 years. Thomas claims there are “null zones” in the Milky Way through which our solar system passes every few thousand years, which cause cataclysmic changes to Earth such as the poles shift. These cataclysmic events have been foretold by figures throughout history, including Jesus. The most recent cataclysm was Noah’s Flood. Another revelation is that Jesus was not a prophet of Jerusalem, but a scholar who trained in India. Yet, Jesus had predicted a coming global disaster and wanted to prepare people for the end times.
• Thomas claims to have translated Jesus’s dying words on the cross, speaking in an Indian dialect, “I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me”. And when Jesus ascended to heaven, he was actually picked up by a “space vehicle” according to Thomas.
• Thomas says that the Genesis story in the Old Testament is actually a parable about the collapse of a previous civilization due to an extinction event before Noah’s Flood.
• It is believed that Thomas was part of a team employed by aerospace firm McDonnell Douglas and led by Dr Robert Wood, who has since gone on to become a prominent expert on UFOs. Wood names Thomas in an article published in 2007 as one of the men he employed to research UFOs. Wood describes the author as an “exceptionally innovative” man who “claimed to be in contact with ETs”, and a “total out of the box thinker”.
• Thomas’s book was originally published in 1963 and 1965 – with a copy entering the CIA files in 1966. It then went unpublished again until 1993 and hasn’t been published since. But full versions of the book can be found online. Internet conspiracy forums have stumbled across the book this year, and Google Trends reveals interest in the book has increased by 700% over the past 12 months.
• So why would the CIA initially classify this document? In the book’s closing, Thomas writes: “To all of those who ridiculed, scorned and laughed, relegating me to the nuthouse and even firing me… “For how else would I have been so driven to pursue, solve, find and derive the truth. I owe them.”
• [Editor’s Note] This information is strikingly similar to the information that Corey Goode, David Wilcock, other insiders and prominent channelers have revealed about an imminent “solar event” that will occur within the next ten years or so, due to our solar system drifting into an energetic ‘rift’ in this part of the galaxy which has caused all of the planets in our solar system, including the Earth, to see an increase in temperature as well as volcanic and seismic activity. This is said to be a precursor to a possible pole shift, which may have caused the continent of Atlantis to shift to the South Pole some 12,000 years ago to become Antarctica. It is said that this energetic event will trigger those humans on Earth who are prepared, to ascend to a fourth density of consciousness, and will usher in a thousand-year “Golden Age” on Earth. Those who are woefully unprepared will return to a third density existence elsewhere until their next opportunity to ascend in roughly 25,000 years.
Declassified files from the CIA archives reveal the strange book “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas, dating from 1966.
It is contained in a packet of other documents alongside an article from Time magazine – and a “transmittal slip”.
Listed on the handwritten document includes a toolbox, tire gauges, key holder and fender repair kit.
The book – written by author Chan Thomas – makes a string of outrageous claims about the history of the world and a coming cataclysm linked to the Bible story of Noah’s Flood.
Daily Star Online can reveal Thomas appears to have been a UFO researcher working on a project for the US Air Force.
Reasons for the CIA’s classification of this text and the other items is unknown, but it’s resurfacing has inflamed conspiracy theories.
Handwritten on the front of the scanned book is “for Art L., from”, with the second name redacted by the CIA – suggesting the text may have been seized from someone given it as a gift.
Thomas makes a series of claims in the book the world is subject to “cyclical pole shifts”.
It claims civilization is wiped away every 7,000 years by this cataclysmic event, which has been foreseen by figures throughout history – including Jesus.
He claims Jesus is not the prophetic figure we now him as in the Bible, but instead a scholar who trained in India.
And it writes that Jesus had predicted a coming disaster and attempting to prepare people for the end times – with the last cataclysm being Noah’s Flood.
Thomas claims to have translated Jesus’s dying words on the cross, claiming he was actually speaking in the language he learned in India – in which he said “I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me”.
And he alleges on Easter Sunday when Jesus is said to have ascended to heaven, he was actually picked up by a “space vehicle”.
The book’s title – The Adam and Eve Story – comes from Thomas’s assessment that the Genesis story is actually a parable about the collapse of a previous civilization, in an extinction event before Noah’s Flood.
He claims there are “null zones” in the Milky Way our Solar System passes through every few thousand years, which cause cataclysmic changes to Earth as the poles shift.
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• It used to be that mainstream scientists such as Stephen Hawking would describe believers in UFOs and extraterrestrials as fringe “kranks”. But today, many respectable scientists not only believe in ET and UFOs, but claim to have been in communication with them, or have even had a close encounter. The article’s author, Diana Walsh Pasulka, has written a book entitled: American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology, which reveals how the increasing belief in nonhuman intelligence inspires our science and entertainment.
• Jacques Vallée is a computer scientist who has long been open to the reality of the extraterrestrial presence on and around the earth. He consulted on Steven Spielberg’s movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and he paved the way for other Silicon Valley scientists and biotechnologists to draw from alien technology, using technology from alien spacecraft crash sites and information from mental downloads.
• Technology entrepreneur Rizwan Virk claims to have spoken with top researchers at Stanford, MIT, and Harvard who have actually seen alien “artifacts”. Virk also says that he accompanied several research scientists to an alien spaceship crash site in New Mexico, which was not the Roswell crash.
• Pasulka maintains that religions are social phenomena that emerge from their environments. Today’s digital environment (through films, phones, and computers) is producing new forms of religious beliefs which take for granted that extraterrestrials are in regular communication with humans on earth. The difference between these “religious” beliefs is that traditional religions require blind belief without real proof. The belief in extraterrestrial intelligence interacting with earth humans, however, is something that will be proven true.
• Until now, scientists and researchers have shied away from expressing their belief in an extraterrestrial presence, due to what Pasulka calls “the John Mack Effect.” Dr. John Mack was a Pulitzer Prize winning research psychiatrist working at Harvard University. In the 1990s Mack began a study of people who believed that they were in contact with extraterrestrial intelligence and found that they were not delusional, but were perfectly normal. Still, Harvard University questioned his motives in an internal investigation, and portrayed him as a ‘kook’. This produced a chilling effect related to the study of UFOs as scholars became unwilling to risk their reputations to study the phenomena.
• However, a recent presentation by Garry Nolan of Stanford University at the Harvard Medical School’s Consortium for Space Genetics, argued that the people who would be best equipped to explore space would be those whose brains were attuned to nontraditional forms of knowledge, and who have the ‘hyperintuition’ – the ability to know things beyond normal means, like a sixth sense. These are the types of people who should be chosen to investigate extraterrestrial destinations, says Nolan.
• For her book, Pasulka interviewed a biotechnologist named Thomas, who works in the field of cancer research. Thomas has introduced ‘implant technology’ to the field, using implant devices etched with a laser and coded so that human tissue recognizes and adapts to them. But he made a point not to reveal to his fellow scientists that he got the idea of an implant from alleged extraterrestrial technology. Says Thomas, “It would have been so far removed from their own belief systems that it would have been impossible for them to implement my vision. So, I keep that part secret.”
• The potential of almost unimaginable space infrastructures has created a new form of religion based on possible realism. Given the ways in which religious and spiritual beliefs develop, the emerging connection between Silicon Valley technopreneurs and alien technology is not surprising. As Vallée said, ‘the apparent absurdity of the claims does not mean they are not true’.
I first met Thomas* through a mutual friend. By most societal standards, Thomas would be considered “normal”—he’s a successful biotechnologist with a partner and kid, he enjoys long walks on the weekend and eating out. In his work, he helps create technologies that help people recover from illnesses, such as cancer. But the inspiration for some of Thomas’s most successful technologies—such as implant devices that are etched with a laser and coded so that human tissue recognizes them as itself, and not a foreign agent, or the use of an ancient stem cell that appears to help alleviate pain associated with cancer—is not something he openly shares. Why? Because, he explained to me, the implants were inspired by “nonhuman intelligence.” In other words, it wasn’t his own brilliant idea, nor was it another human’s. He believes that it came from a supernatural source, perhaps extraterrestrial.
His research protocol was, to be blunt, not transparent. He never told any of the scientists he recruited to his team where he acquired the idea for the new technology, because, according to Thomas, “First, they would have thought I was really weird, and second—and most importantly—it would have prevented them from being successful in implementing the necessary steps to create the technology. It would have been so far removed from their own belief systems that it would have been impossible for them to implement my vision. So, I keep that part secret.”
Diana Walsh Pasulka
It has long been the case that people who believe in UFOs or extraterrestrials are characterized, as Stephen Hawking has described them, as “cranks” or fringe dwellers. Despite that association, some of the world’s brilliant, Nobel Prize–winning minds, among them the mathematician John Nash and the biochemist Kary Mullis, have had experiences they perceive to be close encounters. The University of Oxford’s Richard Dawkins, famous for his advocacy of Darwin’s theory of evolution as well as his disbelief in God and religions, nonetheless has suggested that human civilization may have been seeded by an alien civilization.
More strikingly, according to research by psychologists, belief in extraterrestrials is increasing in unprecedented ways. I myself found this to be the case, especially among contemporary technopreneurs (entrepreneurs who use technology to make an innovation or fill a need), just like Thomas. A belief that was once on the fringe now appears to be the new black. Spending a day with high-functioning believers—as I have done several times in the past few months as research for my book American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology—reveals a lot about how the increasing belief in nonhuman intelligence inspires our real world as well as our entertainment.
Riz Virk
Perhaps the first technopreneur who has long been “out” concerning his belief in UFOs is Jacques Vallée, who worked on ARPANET (the proto-internet), a program funded by the military. In fact, he was working on this new technology while experimenting with telepathic phenomena, what some would call “woo-woo” science. Vallée was so well known for his study of UFOs that Steven Spielberg asked him to consult on the set of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (the French scientist played by François Truffaut in the movie is based on Vallée). He was one of the first vocal technologists to advocate for the study of UFOs, and he paved the way for a slew of other Silicon Valley scientists and biotechnologists who believe that the secret to their success is alien technology—in other words, artifacts found at alleged alien spacecraft crash sites or information provided to them through mental downloads.
Garry Nolan
The gaming expert, technologist, and investor Rizwan Virk confirms this new direction in the belief and practices associated with UFOs. In an article on the website Hacker Noon, he wrote, “I can say that I have personally spoken to researchers from top universities (Stanford, MIT, Harvard) who have seen the “artifacts” that the article references, and other similar ones that are even more secretive (and perhaps more functional).” In my own research, I have also met scientists who believe in these artifacts; I’ve even accompanied several of them on an expedition to an alleged alien crash site in New Mexico, which, I was told, was “not Roswell.” But I couldn’t tell you where, exactly, we were, as I was blindfolded so I wouldn’t be able to identify the location.
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• In her book, “American Cosmic”, professor Diana Pasulka, chair of the department of philosophy and religion at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, notes the similarities between people’s belief in extraterrestrial beings and starships, and people who believe in organized religion.
• For six years, Pasulka has focused on a small group of respectable academic scientists and researchers who believe that UFOs are real, ET beings have been in contact with us, and that the government knows much more than it’s telling. While many of these scientists remain anonymous, Pasulka was able to interview some including Jacques Vallee, the former NASA scientist and co-founder of ARPANET, an ancestor of the modern Internet.
• Several of the scientists Pasulka interviewed claim to have had non-verbal communication with alien beings. In some cases, the scientists believe the beings fed them inspirations or ideas for new innovations. For Pasulka, these descriptions sound a lot like traditional descriptions of divine inspiration or the Voice of God. She specifically notes the calling of Samuel in the Old Testament.
• ET believers’ often traffic in “artifacts” from UFO crashes which seem to possess uncanny powers. This reminds Pasulka of the medieval obsession with saints’ relics or with splinters from the True Cross.
• Descriptions of modern UFO encounters often involving loud humming, thunder, dancing lights and appearances of luminous beings — eerily similar to accounts of the miracles in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.
• Pasulka notes a sharp disconnect between the believers who see the alien intelligences as mostly benign, and modern media which prefers scary stories like “Independence Day” or “Signs.”
• Again and again, she finds parallels between Catholic miracles and UFO beliefs. Ultimately, Pasulka sees both quests as a search for answers to unknowable mysteries and for guidance to who we are and where we are going.
• [Editor’s Note] Upon noting the similarities between ancient religions and modern UFO experiences, it isn’t such a great leap to speculate that these ancient religious accounts are actually descriptions of early human civilizations’ encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings thousands of years ago, and they simply formed a religion around the experiences.
Depending on which poll you choose, between one-third and nearly half of Americans believe in unidentified flying objects, intelligent beings from other planets and those beings coming to visit (and, occasionally, probe) us.
The famed psychologist Carl Jung referred to UFOs as “a modern myth of things unseen.” For Jung, the question wasn’t so much whether UFOs exist or what they are as why we believe in them.
Diana Pasulka, a professor who chairs the department of philosophy and religion at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, takes much the same view in “American Cosmic.” For her, belief in starships and little green men proves remarkably similar to belief in organized (or disorganized) religion. At times, the two might be almost interchangeable.
Diana Pasulka
Lots of “new” religions and cults place faith in UFOs, from Heaven’s Gate and Unarians to the Church of Scientologyand the Nation of Islam. A study of one such cult in the 1950s led psychologist Leon Festinger and colleagues to the theory of cognitive dissonance, how true believers adjust their worldviews when prophecy fails.
These, however, aren’t Pasulka’s real concern. For six years, she focused on a small tribe of academic scientists, published researchers with respectable records, who nevertheless believe UFOs are real, the government knows much more than it’s telling and non-human intelligences behind these craft have already contacted some of us.
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(Unique Information in this Full Article below but here is the video for those who prefer.)
Have you ever heard of cargo cults? It’s one of the most fascinating subjects in recent history, and the implications are massive, especially as we go forward into the future and out into the Universe. In this article, and companion video, I’m going to give you some super unique and valuable perspectives. I’m going to tell you what you need to know about cargo cults and how they’re completely connected to the entire Human Experience, and perhaps beyond.
Even though it may sound simple, the concept of cargo cults may become vital to understand our history and crucial for how we go forward out into the cosmos. If you are totally new to this subject, I’ll break it down for you, and if you are a veteran of this subject, I’m going to add some tidbits and perspectives that I know you will find valuable, that help usher us all into the next stage of human evolution.
So here’s the setup: Things that are normal today were unbelievable a short time ago, even the device you’re reading this article on. If someone from the past came and saw what you are doing right now, looking at this lighted screen, they would be mind blown. If they went out into our world they would be astonished, everything that’s going on in our society, the commerce, the entertainment, all the variety of people, the vehicles, I mean you are used to traveling great distances relative to our ancestors, and it’s totally “normal” to you. You see all different types of humans, all different Races often, and it’s totally normal and okay. Wildly different cultures and even languages, you expect this, this is part of the now equation on Earth. Different types of people all around the Earth and sometimes even in the same city and same building and this is totally okay. What if soon a new race of beings or species was discovered, and after a relatively short adjustment period that too would be “normal,” to have them walking among us. What if completely revolutionary technologies came into our society, either by a brilliant inventor, secret advancements being revealed, or even a being from an exotic culture or planet? At first the massive breakthrough would be crazy, and then again, It would become normal.
So having laid that strong groundwork, let’s talk about cargo cults. During World War II, almost untouched islands became strategically ultra important, and the native cultures there were forever changed. They were exposed to technology and ways of being and living that were inconceivable, not unlike advanced extraterrestrials from another world arriving on our planet. This concept is massively significant for our world today, and going into the future, you see to the Melanesian’s their islands were all that really existed. Melanesia was almost entirely unaware of the rest of the world and its cultures, societies, and advancements. Everything there was to know was on the islands, everyone there was to know was on the islands. The fact that their culture was relatively small, and there were far more advanced cultures, technologies, and more numerous peoples living on the same planet, completely eluded them, even though to us the other cultures were not that far away.
To the Melanesians, another continent might as well have been another planet or solar system away, for they didn’t have the means to travel the sea. In certain secret programs this concept is highly valued and studied, because it directly relates to how the surface population of the Earth (meaning you and me and everyone we know) are, for the most part, completely ignorant of our own advanced stellar neighbors. Some of them, not even that far away, perhaps even here on Earth, but just out of reach, for we do not openly have the means to get where they are.
Furthermore, as we go out exploring into the cosmos, (and based on all the evidence we are now gathering it seems very plausible, or likely even, that we are already far outside the solar system) how we interact with these totally new cultures in new worlds and places that we find can have drastic effects on them and us. As an example, in the series Star-Gate SG-1, (which we have heard from credible insiders is based on real mission reports of a real star-gate program) members of a secret United States military group discovered how to portal to other worlds all throughout the Universe. As a result they start to find and interact with totally new cultures, some of which are wildly different and some very similar. As you may imagine there are sometimes great challenges when interacting with these new collectives. Some cultures are much more advanced than us, and some much less advanced than us. Sometimes great cultural clashes occur, and sometimes disease can even be spread inadvertently from a simple organism on our skin that is harmless to us, not unlike Columbus or other explorers making landfall on a new continent in our terrestrial history. I’m currently making an entire video and article on the star-gate concept so I’ll just leave it at that, but I think you may be beginning to understand that studying this cargo cult phenomenon is very very valuable as the implications extend beyond our home planet.
So, World War II happens, and there’s this massive influx of Westerners that are interacting with the island peoples and giving them supplies and cargo, and sharing their ways of living and their technology, and even using them for military purposes, and this is a big shock for them on every level. Then after the war, the Westerners left, and it created this vacuum of energy from the removal of the powerful influence that the Westerners were causing. Because there was not truly fluent communication between the cultures, many distortions arose naturally from the differences in understanding, and that’s how the “cargo cults” were born. The Melanesian’s began to believe that if they performed certain ceremonies and rituals that cargo and riches would be sent from the heavens.
They created elaborate ceremonies and customs to appease the Gods of cargo, even making sounds like airplanes and creating fake ships and runways to try and precipitate more cargo arriving. They created fake guns and costumes to imitate the American soldiers who had brought cargo before, and would even march like those they had witnessed, even the most ordinary and unremarkable aspects of our civilization were inflated into these highly detailed religious ceremonies of high importance. You might think this is funny, but I encourage you to turn the mirror around and observe how this has occurred widely in our greater society, our history, and perhaps many global religions.
To expand upon this understanding; Columbus, Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, and James Cook, all of these famous explorers were greeted by natives as “Gods” when they arrived in new places. Sometimes elaborate rituals that existed before their arrival were played out and expanded upon with their arrival, they were taken many times as the long awaited return of the “Gods.” One of the most fascinating aspects of this is that the natives had been expecting the “Gods” to return. If one makes a logical deduction, it should
Christopher Columbus frightens the Carib natives into assisting him by predicting an eclipse of the moon, a god of theirs, Jamaica, February 29, 1504. (Image by Frederic Lewis/Getty Images)
be fairly plain to see the natives of all these respective cultures had likely been touched by other unique advanced cultures in their past. They already had contact or some distant memories of these “Gods,” why else would they be anticipating their return? Think about it. If these peoples had never seen anyone like this, and had no expectation of Gods returning, I am quite certain they would have reacted differently.
Furthermore, to be thorough, we must consider that perhaps all, or most, religions around the world indeed have similar roots. With Christianity for example, there was no written word from Jesus himself, everything was second hand accounts written by His followers, or many times written generations later. Without doubt, it distorted over time based on which human’s hands the message passed through, their intentions, and their ability to comprehend the source information. I say this not to criticize Christianity or any other religions, for in most cases it seems the source material was highly benevolent. I say this to bring the broader picture into focus so we can better understand the human experience as a whole, so that we can more authentically evolve and venture out into the cosmos with a more holistic view of ourselves, and perhaps gain greater understanding of natural conditions of complex cultures meeting and mixing throughout time and space. If you consider, just for a moment, the possibility that Christianity is also a form of cargo cult, then its fascinating to consider that one cargo cult came and spread across the world, setting up churches in South America, Asia, Europe…. everywhere, and in many cases superseded the native “cargo cults.” One “Cargo Cult” overtaking another?
As I’ve said before, this concept of cargo cults is very important in advanced secret programs, especially ones working with exotic humanoids or extraterrestrials, because it reveals so much about our modern culture on the surface of the Earth. Are we living in a giant worldwide cargo cult that has been touched throughout time by advanced cultures? Perhaps they (the visitors) left, and the interactions between us distorted over time based on the knowledge and culture we already had. For the most part, we can only draw from the bank of experience that we have collectively. Trying to interpret these sometimes wildly different cultures using the limited pool of knowledge we have is difficult, if not impossible, so its understandable in a sense.
So let me ask this: Could entirely different societies, and even species, be living on the earth, or near it, in places that are hidden or inaccessible? According to recent credible insider testimonies, evidence unearthed by Dr. Salla, others, and my own personal experience the answer is YES.
Just like the Melanesians, what if these big continents that we view as the only habitable land masses on this planet… what if they’re not? What if our continents are kind of like the Melanesian islands? What if there are big places, even on the Earth you call home, that are hidden or just out of reach? What if there are big places underneath the ground where advanced cultures exist and have existed for thousands or even millions of years? Could entirely different advanced civilizations be operating in our solar system or Galaxy, and to them the distances are as simple and straightforward as it was for an American soldier to get on an airplane and fly to Melanesia in World War II? What if visitors from one of these exotic cultures came in the past and gave us “cargo” that we still have some memory of? Further, what if some of this “cargo” has come in more recent times? Perhaps some crashed here, and led to some of the stunning advancements we are now enjoying, like the screen or device you are reading this on?
The universe is a vast cosmic ocean that is Full of life… But many in our culture believe they have all the answers, their religions and sciences they feel are “right”, and sensible, and even obvious in some ways. With our cultural programming and group-think, most of us just feel more comfortable believing things we view the majority is considering. But what if there have been other advanced cultures right here under our noses the whole time? Our little “continents” are the islands, and one little break in perspective, the shot heard around the world, a more advanced culture being revealed, that could ring out across all these “Big island” continents and to all the people of the surface. That would completely shift everything we know to be possible.
The glimpses into the “UFO” and extraterrestrial phenomenon have been getting greater and greater, and will continue to expand until we fully catch up to the “Song of the Galaxy.” Until that time, we must have extra wisdom not to distort the knowledge we received from visitors from outside our surface cultures, or this can turn into belief systems. Better we stay open minded as we go forward into greater and greater truth and awareness. One of the most fascinating parts of all this, is that some of our collective have already gone to the other side, they’ve left the “islands,” if you will, and are already integrated with the greater civilizations both on and off the planet, both inside and outside the solar system.
As many readers of this site would no doubt be aware, we’ve had massive jumps forward in our understanding recently from suppressed history being revealed, and credible insider testimonies. One of the key components to understanding this greater picture, is that part of the establishment has been actively trying to create a secret space program for a very long time. Starting, perhaps, with the steam-powered airship dirigibles in the 1800’s, then graduating to planes, then to rockets, and then massively jumping in the lead-up to, and exploding after, World War II, when we started massively developing anti-gravity craft in secret. Efforts to colonize the solar system and beyond are well-established, and as I suggested earlier we have even found portals, some natural and some artificial, that allow us to travel very very far, and as we travel far we tend to meet new cultures, some wildly exotic, and some strangely very familiar.
Entire Wars have been fought in secret to keep the surface population of Earth from knowing that vastly larger populations are around us, and especially the technology they have that can get them here, this is the biggest secret being revealed now. A massive secret space program has been created with many compartmentalized layers of access and knowing. The fact that our continents are actually very small, is not dissimilar to the Melanesian’s islands, and this has become glaringly obvious to those in the projects with the bird’s eye view. Those that have touched some of these greater cultures are now looking back at us on the surface with fascination. In fact, to some, we look exactly like the island people before the Westerners came. For, some in our society, still believe the island continents we inhabit are the extent of complex life in the universe. The Melanesians did not have the technology to cross the oceans, and we do not openly have the technology to cross the vastness of space, but in secret we do and we are. Whole cultures are existing just Out Of Reach, but that’s all changing now.
What if YOU were a being from another world, and you knew from your history your collective had visited Earth many times in the past. You witnessed with utter fascination how the humans confused and distorted the knowledge, technology, and accounts of your people’s visitation to Earth. Perhaps you would consider us similarly to how the Westerner looked at the primitive peoples of Melanesia. So, considering all this, it’s frankly hilarious to observe humans who are so sure of themselves and the “facts” that they base their beliefs on, when all of it can, and will, flip in an instant, and now we have to rethink everything. While I was doing the research and considering of this video, I had a deep and powerful meditation. I started to “receive” some information, and I’ll put that here for those interested:
“Many non-terrestrials have come here all throughout time, and when we were at our cycles of less advancement we could not truly understand visitors from the cosmos. Their knowledge, experience, technologies… advancement was so much greater it would confuse us. We would try to translate it in any way we could so we could make sense of them, but we could only draw from the collective knowledge bank that existed then. The cargo cult phenomenon happens in different ways,on many worlds throughout the cosmos, and is a natural result of the distortion that occurs when two cultures are so vastly different that they cannot mix easily, especially if the more advanced culture leaves after a short time. If the cultures are not given enough time to “mix,” distortion naturally occurs in their wake, because the simpler culture cannot correctly interpret everything that has occurred. On the other hand, if the more advanced culture stays, the two cultures will be homogenized, and the simpler culture will advance very quickly.”
Really fascinating stuff, to consider cargo cults as a common condition throughout the cosmos.
Having said that, and to wrap this article up, let’s talk about here and now. Now is a blossoming endless. Now is the most fascinating moment in a fractal sense; it’s the edge, the wave we all ride, endlessly breaking the crest. Thanks to Science “Fiction” and other cultural influences, (that are a manifestation of these outside cultures permeating our collective mind) we are now in a state where a large portion of the Earth’s population has considered thoroughly the concept of life from outside this planet. Now the collective song of “Humans of Earth” is starting to harmonize and homogenize with the ”Song of the Galaxy”, and indeed the Universe.
The “Veil” now is only paper thin, and on the other side is infinite abundance, entire cultures, fully fleshed out technologies, and spiritual awareness ripe and ready to mix with our own collective mind. Not long from now a new human culture emerges, one where many things we would call exotic, or even impossible, have become normal. Maybe this new human culture in the near future will observe this article, and information like it, with wonder, considering the time when these things were still hidden. They will be intrigued that some of us were seeing through the “Veil,” and maybe even more intrigued by those of us who were not. What if, not long from now, new intelligent species walk among us here on Earth, and it is totally normal. These are some really important thoughts, and are at the core of the mission of the Cosmic Embassy; normalizing relations with our stellar family, the true macro reunion from a place of sovereignty, equality and love. I really wanted to put this all forward because I truly know, as we continue into the future, this concept will become more and more obviously relevant in so many ways.
If you like this article, please consider finding the Cosmic Embassy on YouTube and Facebook and giving us a Like and Subscribe. And let me know down below, or in the comments of the video: are you excited to meet new cosmic, and even hidden, Earth cultures, and perhaps have them walk among us? Are you excited for technologies that will completely shatter our concepts of lack and distances? What do you think of cargo cults and how it relates to our religions? I’ll read the best comments in my next video.
Joseph M. Irwin @CosmicEmbassy
Thanks to Dr. Salla & Duke Brickhouse for everything they do and hosting this topic.
• David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will teach a course early next year on “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth.” The course will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University.
• As a professor of Judaic studies at UNC, Halperin’s specialty has been religious traditions of heavenly ascensions and otherworldly journeys. He has authored five books on Jewish mysticism and two on UFOs, both fiction and non-fiction. He claims that “UFOs are a myth,” emerging from the depths of our unconscious and bearing vital messages. “And myths are real,” says Halperin.
• The OLLI course will study the UFO landing at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1966, the myth of the “Men in Black”, the experience of alien abduction, and the enigma of what happened near Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. The concluding session will analyze the new respectability that UFOs have attained since the 2016 election, and what it means.
• [Editor’s Note] The good news is that this could be a crack in the academic world’s refusal to treat UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence seriously, particularly at the university level. The bad news is that a religious devotee is teaching it from a theological point of view. Will this professor’s students walk away from the course believing that UFO’s are some sort of figment of the imagination in order to validate a narrow religious perspective? Or will it cast aside preconceived religious paradigms and view the extraterrestrial influence on earth as a reality with serious consequences to our civilization if we don’t wake up, accept the truth, and utilize our mass consciousness to protect our sovereignty as a species before it’s too late?
DURHAM, N.C. — David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will teach a course early next year on “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth.” The course will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University and will run from January 7 to March 25, 2019. All interested persons are welcome.
“UFOs are a myth,” says Halperin, “and myths are real.” Like collective dreams, they emerge from the depths of our unconscious, bearing vital messages for us. The question to ask of them is not “Where do UFOs come from?” or “How do they fly?” but “What do they mean?”—for us as individuals, as a culture, as a species.
David J. Halperin
Halperin was a teenage “UFOlogist” back in the 1960s. He received his Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1977, and from 1976 until his retirement in 2000 he taught Judaic studies in UNC’s Department of Religious Studies. His area of special interest has been religious traditions of heavenly ascensions and otherworldly journeys. He’s the author of five books on Jewish mysticism and messianism and a novel, Journal of a UFO Investigator, published in 2011 by Viking Press and translated into Spanish, Italian, and German. His non-fiction book Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO will be published in 2020 by Stanford University Press.
The OLLI course will begin with a case study: the supposed UFO landing at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1966. It will explore the myth of the “Men in Black,” the experience of alien abduction, and the enigma of what happened near Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. The concluding session will pause to notice the remarkable new respectability UFOs have attained since the 2016 election, and ask once more: what does it mean?
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by Paul Seaburn May 12, 2018 (mysteriousuniverse.org)
• A hearing was recently held in Boston on the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a French national who wants to become an American citizen. Perrier-Bilbo refused to take the oath of citizenship because it ends with the words “So help me God.” Perrier-Bilbo is a devout Raelian who doesn’t believe in God.
• The Raelian Movement is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by French car racing journalist Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Raël after being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft who claimed to have selected him to deliver a new origin message to humanity and start a religion based on it.
• Raelians believe that an alien species sent scientists called Elohim who created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation. Raelians support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and other futuristic technology.
• Vorilhon was taken to the alien’s planet where he met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who told him to be more like the aliens, who were peace-loving and had no money, sickness or wars.
• Said Perrier-Bilbo, “My hope is for the phrase, ‘So help me God’ to be stricken from future naturalization ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists or agnostics who want to defend the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional oath.” The results of the hearing are still pending.
• In Britain, George King founded the Aetherius Society in1955 after he received a telepathic communication from an alien intelligence representing an “Interplanetary Parliament” that existed on Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. King claimed to have met Jesus on Venus in 1958. King’s Aetherius ‘religion’ borrows from yoga, Eastern mantra and New Age and promotes spiritual self-advancement and world service. King died in 1997.
• Members of the Aetherius Society recently announced its “Operation Prayer Power” pilgrimage in July to Holdstone Down in north Devon, England. Other Aetherius pilgrimage destinations are Castle Peak in Colorado, Mount Ramshead in New South Wales, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Le Nid d’Aigle in France.
While the big three major world religions get all of the publicity, there are plenty of other spiritual collectives between them and atheism. One group that attracts a lot of paranormal fans are the UFO religions whose members subscribe to the existence of extraterrestrials traveling to Earth in unidentified flying objects, often to take part in the evolution of humanity. Two such groups coincidentally popped up in the news recently, proving that they’re not as obscure as some might think (or hope).
A hearing was held in Boston this week in the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a French national who wants to become an American citizen … except for the part about taking an oath of citizenship that ends with the words “So help me God.” Perrier-Bilbo’s objection comes from her membership in the Raëlian movement, which is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by French car racing journalist Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Raël after being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft who claimed to have selected him to deliver a new origin message to humanity and start a religion based on it.
In his first book, Le Livre qui dit la vérité (“The Book Which Tells the Truth“), Vorilhon says the alien’s species sent scientists called Elohim (“those who came from the sky”) who created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation. The alien, also an Elohim, took Vorilhon or Raël to their planet where he allegedly met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who told him to be more like the aliens, who were peace-loving and had no money, sickness or wars. Raël’s followers support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and other futuristic technology.
Perrier-Bilbo just wants to be a good Raëlian-American and she was given the opportunity to take a modified oath in a private ceremony, but in this litigious, political and social media world, that wasn’t enough.
“My hope is for the phrase, ‘So help me God’ to be stricken from future naturalization ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists or agnostics who want to defend the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional oath.”
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• On May 4th, Luis Elizondo, the former US intelligence officer who ran the Pentagon’s UFO program known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, stated on the CBS affiliate television station’s news show “Las Vegas Now” that the program’s closing in 2009 had more to do with offending senior officials’ religious beliefs than budget pressures.
• Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator with the UK’s Ministry of Defense (MoD), told the Metro UK that he “…was aware that Pentagon pushback on UFO research was in part due to the religious belief of some of those involved.” “It was an odd irony that UFO investigations were being hampered because some people’s belief in God meant that they either didn’t believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life or that they regarded UFOs and extraterrestrials as demonic.” Pope said that he witnessed this type of religious pushback at the British MoD as well.
• The fact that some people regard UFOs as demonic seems to have its roots in the biblical description of Satan as being ‘the prince of the power of the air’ from Ephesians 2:2.
• David Clarke, a research fellow at Sheffield Hallam University who obtained the UK’s UFO files from the MoD following a freedom of information request, told The Guardian that UK officials have only “encouraged conspiracy theorists through their own paranoia” by closing its UFO desk in 2009 and destroying the ministry’s UFO files.
Though it was officially announced in 2012 that the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secret US Defense Intelligence Agency program that studied UFOs, was shuttered over budget pressures, it has since been revealed that its closure had more to do with senior officials and their religious beliefs.
Speaking with Las Vegas Now on Friday, Luis Elizondo, a former intelligence officer with knowledge on the matter, explained that senior officials pushed back on the secret program over concerns that the study would become an embarrassment for the department and because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.
Elizondo, who previously spoke out about the five-year-old program to the New York Times in December 2017, stressed that though the government’s funding ended in 2012, the study continues as officials from the US Navy and the CIA offered resources to further the program. It is speculated that the program is still active, just through private funding.
It should be noted that following Elizondo’s big reveal, two videos were released by the US Department of Defense that showed service members encountering unidentified flying objects.
But Elizondo isn’t the only official spilling the beans on secret government programs investigating UFOs.
Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator with the UK’s Ministry of Defense, told the Metro UK that he, too, encountered pushback.
“I was aware that Pentagon pushback on UFO research was in part due to the religious belief of some of those involved,” Pope told the outlet. “It was an odd irony that UFO investigations were being hampered because some people’s belief in God meant that they either didn’t believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life or that they regarded UFOs and extraterrestrials as demonic.”
“The fact that some people regard UFOs as demonic seems to have its roots in the biblical description of Satan as being ‘the prince of the power of the air’ from Ephesians 2:2. Luis Elizondo says that he came up against religious pushback from senior staff when he ran the Pentagon’s UFO program and I saw some evidence of this at the MoD too,” Pope added.
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by Arjun Walia February 7, 2018 (collective-evolution.com)
• UFOs were once a conspiracy theory. Now they’re not. The idea that we have been visited and are currently being visited by extraterrestrial beings is becoming more of a reality. The implications are far reaching – from science and technology, to human history, to religion. How will our world religions view extraterrestrial visitation?
• Prior to the Roman Empire, the world’s ancient cultures were predominantly “spiritual,” with the same core message and the same guidelines for living life. The predominant theme in ancient spirituality was that a large portion of our world is non-material, but rather spiritual in nature. There was no fear of hell, and no ‘wrath of God’. There was a general recognition that we are more than just our physical body, and that non-material ‘spiritual’ forces play an important role in what we call our physical world.
• Ancient “spiritual” cultures, such as Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Sumer and Babylon, all took for granted mysterious flying objects and people from other planets. Native American cultures always maintained the existence of the ‘Star People’.
• When religion was born it seemed to be a man-made force that set out to conquer the world, killed and forced it’s own beliefs onto others, and eventually wiped out the last traces of spirituality. Religion has now turned into a business, a place of brain-washing, a tool used to explain and justify war, which is completely contradictory to spirituality.
• Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American Catholic Bishop, said that, “religion is … in the guilt-producing, control business.” Modern day religion seems to disguise itself publicly with an image of good-will while practicing deceit behind closed doors. Religion, for the most part, represents not God but greedy interests that capitalize on the innocence of the human soul.
• A 2002 Roper Poll asked, “Would an announcement of extraterrestrial Intelligence precipitate a religious crisis?” The answer was a resounding “no.” The survey concluded that most religious people would not have a breakdown in faith, or even fear any type of extraterrestrial contact.
• The Vatican has actually been quite open about extraterrestrial contact over the past few years, which means it’s followers will be the same way. Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno said that humankind is facing a future discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. Monsignor Corrado Balducci has stated that contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already happened.
• Chapter One of the Mormon Book of Moses finds God saying, “worlds without number have I created …and the first man of all men, which is many, have I called Adam.” God is telling Moses that there are other worlds and other people on those worlds.
• Judaism references at least 18,000 other worlds, according to the Talmud. There is mention in one Kabbalistic book of a planet called Meroz, where extraterrestrial creatures exist.
• While Islam (Muslim) takes no firm stance on extraterrestrial contact, the Koran does imply that God is “Lord of all the worlds.” In the 1930’s, Islamic Scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali commented, “…it is reasonable to the millions of heavenly bodies scattered throughout space.” Islam does have the concept of the ‘jinn’. According to the Koran, the jinn occupy other dimensions and parallel worlds, along with humans and angels. They are one of the three sentient creations of God.
• Buddhism has long understood that life is present throughout our reality, and it has no problem with extraterrestrial contact. Buddhist scriptures depict Buddhas and bodhisattvas from many different world systems throughout the universe. Hinduism and Sikhism closely correlate with Buddhism with regard to extraterrestrials.
• For the most part, we should take comfort in knowing that we’ve probably been visited by extraterrestrials for longer than we know. If there were to be some sort of physically destructive ‘attack,’ it would have already happened by now. Ironically, ETs may be reluctant to make their presence known to humans on Earth. The human race has a tendency to reject that which is different, instantly categorizing them as demons.
UFOs (doesn’t always mean extraterrestrials), extraterrestrials, and life on other planets have been a hot topic for decades. These are the topics that receive some of the highest search engine results every single year on the internet, which is no surprise, as we’re naturally inclined to ponder about the unknown, or, as more people are starting to find out, the known.
At the end of 2017, the United States government officially admitted to the existence of UFOs with the release of previously classified footage of two navy pilots scrambling to intercept one (a UFO), with more footage on the way. Luis Elizondo, a former high ranking military intelligence officer who was in-charge of the Pentagon’s recently disclosed UFO program, made an appearance on mainstream national news to discuss the topic.
The video released showed an object travelling at a high rate of speed, and performing maneuvers that should be impossible based on our known laws of aerodynamics. The Pentagon released two videos of separate objects, and both of them were displaying maneuvers that no known man-made air-craft can perform. In one of the videos, a smaller object was seen coming out of another, making three objects. When the pilots began approaching the object at a close range, both of them accelerated instantaneously (from an already high speed), and disappeared within seconds.
Luis made it a point to emphasize that this is something that’s been happening for a long time, and something that happens a lot. This has been made clear by hundreds of other high ranking personnel from within the military, several other fields, and the release of millions of pages of UFO documents from dozens of governments.
These documents are full of radar returns, visual confirmations and electrooptical data. The next question to ask is, who is the intelligence behind the wheel?
When asked if he believed these objects are extraterrestrial, Luis stated that there is “compelling” evidence to suggest that we “may not be alone, whatever that means.”
“I will tell you unequivocally that through the observations, scientific methodologies that were applied to look at this phenomena, that these aircraft are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory, nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of.”
Luis also made another strong point, “We have deliberately stayed away from going down the rabbit hole of, who’s behind the wheel and what are their intentions, because a lot of people have a lot of feelings towards that, and are very emotional about that.”
The pilot, David Fravor, as with hundreds of others who have had the same type of experience, stated his belief that these objects are “not from our world”.
This is precisely why, when bringing up the topic to friends or family, you may receive a bizarre look, or instantaneously receive “conspiracy theorist” allegations. The truth is, people still ridicule the subject, despite the fact that it’s a very serious issue. Perhaps the quote below from the first CIA director sheds some light as to why.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960
Apart from secrecy and ridicule campaigns, the idea that we may have been visited, and are currently being visited is becoming more of a reality, and the implications are far reaching. From science and technology, to human history, the nature of our reality, and more, this realization, if made, will change humanity forever and really open us up to a much broader view of reality, and touch upon all aspects of life.
It also conflicts with the belief systems of many. When a human being has a certain picture of the human experience in their head, and the way things are, when confronted with information and evidence that completely counters it is something hard to do. As a result, our mind hangs on to our current belief system, not willing to let go or even entertain the idea that what they previously thought, might not actually be true.
Information like this can cause a global mental paradigm shift for many people.
So, let’s take a look at one aspect of life that might be affected, or not? Religion.
Comments on Religion
Religion is fascinating to say the least. This is because, on one hand, we have multiple religions preaching the same message at their core, one of peace, love, trust, good-will, non-violence , and the “Golden Rule.” On the other, it’s not uncommon to come across several contradictions between them all, and various interpretations of the same religion, which has created even more division within religious movements.
It’s quite obvious that many of the core messages shared from religions resonate with billions of people, as they should, there are some golden messages and guidelines in there, which is why so many souls gravitate towards it.
What I also find very interesting is that, prior to the Roman Empire, the ancient cultures from around the world were predominantly “spiritual,” with the same core message, and the same guidelines for one to live their life. We also see similar ways of life prior to religion, a great example would be the construction of pyramids by ancient cultures around the world that had absolutely no contact with one another. The predominant theme in ancient spirituality is the fact that a large portion of our world is non-material, spiritual in nature, and it did not use fear as part of its preaching.
There was no fear of hell, or no ‘wrath of God’ waiting to come down on an individual for their wrongdoings, but rather a spiritual, non-material perspective, opportunities for growth, and a recognition that we are more than just our physical body, and that non-material ‘spiritual’ forces play an important role in what we call our physical material world.
It is yet another “faith” that preaches the good-will of Earth and our planet.
When religion was born, it seemed to be made by man, originating within the Roman Empire, a force that began conquering the world and eventually wiped out the last trace of spirituality that pre-dated religion, which was the indigenous wisdom of North America, something that was not contradictory to the teachings of global indigenous culture.
This type of religion killed, and forced it’s own beliefs onto others, and it’s something that seems to have been happening globally for a very long time.
Religion has now turned into a business, a place of brain-washing, a tool used to explain and justify war, which makes no sense at all and is completely contradictory.
A great modern day example would be the “Islamic State.” Today, it’s not a perspective that’s commonly expressed by mainstream media, but despite that, multiple professors, politicians and more have emphasized that the Islamic Sate, the group the United States and their allies claim to be fighting against, is actually a creation of the United States (and their allies) themselves.
Terrorism is not representative of Islam…Islam is just being used by those who wish to manipulate us.
This narrative has been emphasized by multiple people from within the field. Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American Bishop, for example, told the world that that “religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in the guilt producing control business.”
On a personal level, I believe religion is filled with much truth, real events and real historical figures. I also believe much of it is made by man, some of which has been changed to support the greedy interests of the powerful who wish to impose their way on others. Many aspects of religion are simply used as a means to an end, but not to really meditate, and inquire upon the mysteries of the universe, the origins of the human species, the meaning of life and the good-will of humanity. It claims to work for the good-will of all people, but seems to disguise itself publicly with the image of good-will while practicing deceit behind closed doors.
That being said, there are many different religions, and all are different. Some may be filled with lies, deceit and corruption, and others not. Again, this is why we may get so many different contradictions, they can’t all be true? Can they?
Then we have weird, strange type of phenomena that seems to be taking place under the name of God, one of many examples could Satanism within the Vatican.
This is why when it comes to the Religious interpretation of extraterrestrials, it’s important to take with a grain of salt. Instead of looking outside of yourself for answers, perhaps try looking within and seeing what your intuition tells you after examining a variety of sources, before and after religion.
How can a group of powerful religious Royals, from the time of Ancient Rome, completely take over the world and impose their views of reality on others? In ancient times, figures like Plato, and scientists who opposed the church later decades after the Roman Empire took rule were put to death.
Religion wiped out spirituality, ritualistic practices, our understand of the nature of the universe and even our ability to inquire or entertain alternate views of reality.
If you asked God about religion, I’m sure God would have no idea what it even is. I feel that religion, for the most part, does not represent God, but powerful mens greedy interests that capitalize on the tenderness and innocence of the human soul.
God and religion, in my opinion, do not fit in the same discussion, as I feel religion is simply man made, much of which comes from good intentions, and much of which does not.
Religion & Extraterrestrials
So, when it comes to religion, where does life on other planets fit in? “Spiritual” type of cultures, those that pre-dated modern religion like Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Summer and Babylon (to name a few) all make pretty good cases for being in direct contact with people from other planets. It’s even a common theme, and has been, throughout many indigenous culture traditions. Mysterious flying objects in antiquity are filled with many examples.
For example, Richard Wagamese, One of Canada’s foremost authors and storytellers from the Wabaseemoong First Nation in Northwestern Ontario writes how: “My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”
If we look at modern day religion, the top three are no doubt Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, although Buddhism is not considered a religion by many, given the fact that its origins alone predate modern day religion, similar to ancient Vedic scriptures, Greek Scriptures, Sumerian texts and more.
Buddhism has more of a spiritual undertone to it. And no, I personally do not believe spirituality is just another religion. That’s a discussion for another article that could also be quite lengthy.
Dr. Jacques Vallee’s 2010 book, Wonders of the Sky, includes an analysis of 500 UFO cases from biblical antiquity to 1879 before the development of the modern day industry. Vallée co-developed the very first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA. He is also noted for his work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where he helped create ARPANET.
Would Religion Collapse?
Would modern day religions collapse with the realization of extraterrestrial intelligence? That’s the common belief, but there is really no evidence to support that belief, which makes one wonder, where did it come from?
For example, in early 2010 a survey designed by Ted Peters, a professor at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California, was put out titled The Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey. He and his colleagues interviewed 1300 people, which included believers from Roman Catholicism, mainline Protestantism, evangelical Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. They hypothesis of the survey was that, “upon confirmation of contact between Earth and an extraterrestrial civilization of intelligent beings, the long established religious traditions of Earth would confront a crisis of belief and perhaps even collapase.
Here are some of the responses the survey received: “Finding extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), I believe, would be a profound and wonderful event.”
“Extraterrestrial religious beliefs and traditions will differ, perhaps greatly in some ways. However, they live in the same universe with the same God, and a similar array of religious responses and developments would likely have developed on their world.”
“Nothing would make me lose my faith, God can reach them if they exist.”
I believe that Christ became incarnate (human) in order to redeem humanity and atone for the original sin of Adam and Eve. Could there be a world of extraterrestrials? Maybe. It doesn’t change what Christ did.”
8 years prior, a Roper Poll asked, “Would an announcement of extraterrestrial Intelligence precipitate a religious crisis?” The answer was a big “no.”
The survey concluded that most religious people would not have a breakdown in faith, or even fear any type of extraterrestrial contact.
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• Astrophysicist John Brandenburg brought forth evidence of a thermonuclear blast on Mars in his 2015 book, Death on Mars, which destroyed the Mars civilization there in the ancient past and rendered Mars a barren planet.
• This discovery supported widespread theories of an ancient war tens of thousands of years ago between the inhabitants of Mars and a much larger planet named Maldek. In the conflagration, Maldek was blown to bits and became the asteroid belt.
• Some believe that the inhabitants of Mars were human-like, while the inhabitants of Maldek were humanoid reptilians. Accounts found in the Bible might support this theory. Revelation 12:7 reads: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels (Mars humans) fought against the dragon (Maldek reptilians); and the dragon and his angels fought.” Revelation 12:8-9, continues: “But he (Michael) was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.”
Huge devastation in Heaven was included in the Old Testament but now many believe there could be greater meaning.
Revelation 12:7 reads: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought.”
This leads on to Revelation 12:8-9, which says: “But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.”
Christians and conspiracy theorists now believe that this was a “literal war” in the skies which took place on Mars and wiped out a civilisation on the Red Planet.
Dr John Brandenburg, a plasma physicist working as a consultant at Morningstar Applied Physics LLC, says in his book, Death on Mars, that nuclear isotopes found on the Red Planet “resemble those from hydrogen bombs on Earth” and a “Martian civilisation apparently perished due to a planet-wide catastrophe of unknown origin”.
According to conspiracy website Planet X News, this supposed war happened 75,000 years ago and was an interplanetary battle that happened between Mars and Maldek – a theorised planet once existing between Mars and Jupiter.
The war was between humanoids, which lived on Mars and reptilian creatures which occupied Maldek, the website claims.
While Maldek was completely destroyed, Mars was left uninhabitable and forced the residents of the Red Planet to move to Earth.
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by Paul Seaburn November 3, 2017 (mysteriousuniverse.org)
• Presbyterian Reverend Barry Downing, has published a new book, Biblical UFO Revelations: Did Extraterrestrial Powers Cause Ancient Miracles?as a sequel to his 1968 book, The Bible and Flying Saucers.
• In the book, Downing speculates that the angels in the Bible are actually extraterrestrial beings; that the pillar of fire by the Red Sea in Exodus was a UFO’s propulsion system which also was used to split the Red Sea to save the Israelites; that the “bush” that spoke to Moses was an alien; that Moses went to the top of the mountain to find a space ship wherein the ETs gave him the 10 Commandments and specifications for the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant; and that Jesus was himself an extraterrestrial who “ascended” in a spaceship.
• Downing asks his readers to keep an open mind.
“The UFO got in the way of the sun, causing the earth to seem darker, and this would make the ball of light show up even more where the children were.”
What is this retired Presbyterian pastor talking about? If you think this sounds like the apparitions seen by three children in Fatima, Portugal, 100 years ago – except for the UFO part – you must be a fan of Reverend Barry Downing, who makes this and many other astonishing claims in his new book, Biblical UFO Revelations: Did Extraterrestrial Powers Cause Ancient Miracles?. Wait until you hear what he thinks about the burning bush and the pillar of fire.
Barry Downing isn’t just the Pastor emeritus of Northminster Presbyterian Church in Endwell, New York. He has bachelor’s degree in physics, a degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in the relation between religion and science from the University of Edinburgh of Scotland. He’s been enlightening and aggravating both theologians and ufologists since 1968 when he published his first book, The Bible and Flying Saucers, in which he equates biblical angels with space aliens.
“Church people have trouble with what I’m doing. People who’ve seen UFOs have no problem.”
That’s an understatement, considering Pope Francis talks about baptizing extraterrestrials while there are other Catholic Church leaders still arguing about Galileo. In an interview with Sean Casteel (who contributed to the book) on the website Unexplained Mysteries, Reverend Downing explains what’s in his new book, which is both an update and a sequel to the first:
“My argument is that the Exodus UFO, the pillar of cloud and fire, which appeared cloud-like during the day and glowed in the dark, used its propulsion system to split the waters of the Red Sea and save Israel from the Egyptians.”
Did religious scholars just feel a disturbance in the force? Downing calls the description of this event in Exodus 14:19-30 a “very detailed environmental impact statement.” He also looks at another significant phenomenon in that book as evidence of an encounter with an alien.“What is not amazing to me is not that we had a burning bush … we had a talking bush. A voice came to Moses from the bush.”
Downing also returns to his idea that angels were aliens who took Moses on their spaceship to receive the 10 Commandments and specifications for the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. Statements like these have been made by others and can certainly sound believable, at least to ufologists. Where Reverend Downing will likely get criticized is in statements about close encounters of the New Testament kind that he spells out on the back cover:
** That Jesus was an extraterrestrial sent to earth to rid the world of sin and wickedness, quoting Biblical text to support his claim.
** That Jesus left earth in a spaceship to another planet, or perhaps another spatial dimension.
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