Astronauts Who Told the World We Are Being Visited & What They Said

by Arjun Walia       November 28, 2017        (

• The UFO/extraterrestrial issue continues to gain the attention of the masses. Whistleblowers including generals, colonels, pilots, astronauts, and defence contractors say UFOs are real. It’s the greatest story in human history.

• Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to “officially” walk on the moon, said, “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”

• Gordon Cooper, a Mercury astronaut, said, “In my opinion I think they were worried that it would panic the public if they knew that someone had [UFO] vehicles that had this kind of performance . . . so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to cover another lie, you know, tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it.  Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told a lot of untruths . . . [and that] there are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.”

• Story Musgrave, a NASA astronaut with six academic degrees, said, “… if you look at technological development, maybe we’ve been at it 100-200 years…but if you look at some planet and some creatures that… were able to build technology over millions of years, they’re doing star travel.”

• Viktor Mikhailovich Afanasyev, a Russian astronaut, related that during a space flight, he observed a UFO that “followed us during half of our orbit. We observed it on the light side, and when we entered the shadow side it disappeared completely. It was an engineering structure made from some type of metal, approximately 40 meters long with inner hulls. . . . Inside there were openings.  The object stayed very close to us.  We photographed it and our photo showed it to be 23 to 28 meters away.”   Said Afanasyev, “I think that we are not alone in the universe. I believe that someone, or something of extraterrestrial origin, has visited Earth.”

• Deke Slayton, another Mercury astronaut, said, “[the UFO] looked like a saucer sitting on edge, about a 45 degree angle. . . . It took off, climbed at about a 45 degree angle, and just accelerated and disappeared.”

• Al Worden, the Command Module pilot for the Apollo 15 lunar mission in 1971 said, “We are the aliens. We just think they’re somebody else, but we’re the ones who came from somewhere else. Because somebody else had to survive, and they got in a little space craft and they came here and they landed and they started civilization here, that’s what I believe.”


The UFO/extraterrestrial issue continues to gain the attention of the masses. This comes as a result of multiple factors, one being of them being the onslaught of credibility that’s been accredited to it, in the form of official previously classified government documents, some of which provide some startling details about UFO encounters with the military. And there are no shortage of statements; there are hundreds of them, if not thousands, in fact. Whistleblowers include generals, colonels, pilots, astronauts, and defence contractors, with the latest example being the recent launch of Tom Delonge’s To The Stars academy. His team recently held a livestream video letting the public know that UFOs are real, and they involve a physics we have yet to comprehend.

The director of the academy, Stephen Justice, recently retired from being the Program Director for Advanced Systems of Lockheed Martin, better known as the “Skunk Works.” Another member of the academy is Louis Elizondo. A career intelligence officer, his experience includes working in the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, and the National Counterintelligence Executive, and he spent time as the Director of National Intelligence.

They have now joined the long list of individuals to emphasize to the world that yes, UFOs are real. As far as whether or not these craft are extraterrestrial, based on the evidence we have in the form of testimony, and the mere physics these craft are displaying, it seems safe to say that some of them are.
The evidence available for the existence of UFOs that can perform maneuvers no known human craft can exceeds the evidence for more accepted scientific phenomena, such as black holes, yet few people take UFOs seriously.

“Behind the scenes, high ranking air force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” – Former Head of the CIA Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960

The UFO topic is a big one, and requires a lot of research to understand what’s really going on. Even if you do that, you’ll probably be left more confused than you were when you started.

One thing we can say for certain, even within the mainstream, is that UFOs are real. What they are, who is operating them, why they are here, and what they want, is an entirely different set of questions. There are tremendous implications here, from technology to other areas of science, human history, and more that will need to be explored.

It’s the greatest story in human history, and one that we’ve covered extensively with multiple detailed, heavily sourced articles.

Edgar Mitchell

Dr. Edgar Mitchell is a man of many experiences. For one, he was the sixth man to walk on the moon. He is a former Navy Captain, author, and lecturer. His academic background includes a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University, a Postgraduate Science degree from the U.S. Naval School and Doctor of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. He has received honorary doctorates in engineering from New Mexico State University, the University of Akron, and ScD from Embry-Riddle University, as well as many other honours and awards.

He is the founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the co-founder of the Association of Space Explorers. Clearly, he’s a man who has been around and had contact with a number of people at NASA, the military, and within the academic field, which is why it’s so interesting to listen to what he had to say while he was still with us.

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” – Doctor Edgar Mitchell, sixth man to walk on the moon

Brian O’Leary

Dr Brian O’Leary was a member of the sixth group of astronauts selected by NASA in August 1967. He, like many others on this list, has a lengthy resume. A colleague of the renowned Carl Sagan, he taught as a physics professor at Cornell, alongside Sagan, as well as at Princeton University for some time.

Gordan Cooper

Gordon Cooper is a former NASA astronaut, aeronautical engineer, and test pilot. He was one of the seven original astronauts in Project Mercury, the first manned space program of the United States: “In my opinion I think they were worried that it would panic the public if they knew that someone had vehicles that had this kind of performance . . . so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to cover another lie, you know, tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it. Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told a lot of untruths . . . [and that] there are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.”

Story Musgrave

Story Musgrave is an American physician, known as the most formally educated astronaut with six academic degrees. He was the second astronaut to fly on six spaceflights.

Story has made multiple comments about the UFO phenomenon and possible extraterrestrial beings. He’s shown up to several international UFO conferences to discuss the topic. He, unlike the others, is very careful, and seems to constantly reiterate the fact that he has no evidence available, and cannot say anything for certain.

That being said, he was filmed at a conference making some very interesting comments.

“So, if you look at technological development, maybe we’ve been at it 100-200 years, industrial revolution, but if you look at some planet and some creatures that got it together, they were able to build technology over millions of years, ‘they’re doing star travel.’ “



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Highly Important UAP/Extraterrestrial Disclosure / Confirmation Process in Progress



The “GIMBAL” video is the first officially declassified video by the U.S. Government of a true UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). The location date and time and other factors are not shown in the case of this official video that is under an official chain of custody.   Apparently, it wasn’t just one UAP but “a whole fleet of them” as stated in the video.

Shown to the public by To the Stars Academy, formed by a group of former CIA, Congress Intelligence, DOD operatives, Tom DeLonge a rock star (with a negative view about aliens) and scientists like physicist zero-point energy theoretician Hal Puthoff and Steve Justice, an aerospace engineer who until recently held an important position in Skunkworks- Lockheed. They all quit their work posts to come together and form this academy which defines itself as a Public Benefit Corporation which is going to develop technologies that relate with advanced spacetime manipulation, enhancing telepathy, alternative methods to launch satellites, education, and entertainment-movie making. 

Several more public releases of formerly classified UAP evidence is promised.

The UFO detected was also studied in the Pentagon secret research program that ran from 2007 to 2012. It is termed the “GIMBAL video” and is announced as one of the various declassified pieces of objective evidence that will be shown to the public. Possibly, other countries like England will follow suit.

The date and place of this GIMBAL video encounter was removed as part of the declassification process. 

The GIMBAL video is not the event that relates with the USS Nimitz and USS Princeton in 2004. 


There also is an important event that relates to the USS Nimitz and battlegroup witnessed and filmed in 2004 during maneuvers close to San Diego, CA, including the USS Princeton was also captured on a FLIR camera. 

TTS (To the Stars Academy summarizes some of its characteristics as:

• Low observability in both electro-optical and electromagnetic spectrums.

• No distinguishable flight surfaces.

• Lack of obvious propulsion system.

• Never-before-seen flight capabilities.

• Possible energy or resonance field of unknown nature.


Regarding the USS Nimitz encounter event, in which there was like a “cat & mouse” chase, flying up several thousand feet into the atmosphere, and then quickly coming down to a sudden stop to a few feet above the ocean. Moreover, there was another moment of extreme acceleration (in which the object disappeared from sight in less than 2 seconds).

Retired Commander Navy pilot David Fravor who encountered the UAP with his F-18 fighter considers told ABC news that “it was not from this world.” Source: 

The second official declassification and release for the public is this video that related with the USS Nimitz battle group encounter and which has been called “FLIR-1”  A classic UFO shape is seen and it seems to turn around.




On December 16th, 2017, under the title “LUIS ELIZONDO REVEALS DETAILS ABOUT PENTAGON’S HIDDEN UFO PROGRAM IN STUNNING NEW YORK TIMES FRONT PAGE EXPOSÉ,”  To the Stars Academy made good on its previous announcement that it would soon reveal former secret records of the Government’s UFO research. And it happened through a major news outlet; a major institution, an icon. The Washington Post, Politico, CBS, CNN and other important media outlets have also given the news. The image above shows the formerly classified 2004 Nimitz -related event footage of a UAP also presented in the report. 

This constitutes an important step forward to legitimizing the seriousness and reality of what is generally dismissed and ridiculed. For some, it may be disclosure and, for others, a confirmation of what they already knew or suspected. it is both.

As a step forward and – at least an official recognition of the reality of true technological UFOs/UAPs, it may also be a gradual release of information in part to educate the public as per the importance of these issues and, perhaps, to mold their views.  It is the beginning of an official admission and of informing the public more about these events but why now? and under what premises? And, who made the decision?

What amounts to an official revelation in the hands of military and intelligence was preceded by an effort that originated in the U.S. Congress: a formal research as at least 22 million dollars were invested between 2007 and 2012 in UFO (UAP) in a Pentagon-based program in cooperation with Bigelow Aerospace. The stated purpose was to ascertain the possible threat of UAPs or at least some UAPs. It was run in secret by former CIA Mr. Louis Elizondo. The secret program was called “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” (AATIP). Apparently, no evidence of threat has been found. 

Senator Harry Reid and colleagues came up with the funding for the secret program that began operations in 2007 and Mr. Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace, a long-time UFO/UAP researcher, declared experiencer, former MUFON contributor and researcher of psi phenomena helped to implement it, working as a contractor. The program allegedly ended in 2012 but some sources told the New York Times that it is still running. For the Pentagon, this is a relatively small amount of funds spread over several years but enough to establish the fact that the Government interest in this issue is real. This would also show that this particular secret program is one that followed regular acknowledged funding channels. THE EVIDENCE IT PROVIDES in a formal manner may be necessary to begin INFORMING THE PUBLIC IN AN OFFICIAL AND JUSTIFIED MANNER. 

Former Senator Harry Reid (Democrat)

Now institutions, scientists, respectable professionals and members of the intelligentsia will (perhaps gradually but more decisively) have an easier time talking about UFOs as the reality of the issue sinks into collective acknowledgment. Now the complicit restrained smirk of many media reporters affected by the giggle factor worldwide will probably evolve into something less noticeable. 

A link to TTS regarding this is

A link to the New York Times article

Open MindsUFO News and Investigations also gave the news

Many of those seriously interested in these issues will jump in joy, hoping that all will be truthful and well; others will decry and raise serious doubts about the intentions and secret plans behind the event and further related announcements. 

Perhaps from now on major news organizations and the media will more respectfully attend and re-transmit events like the 2013 Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure which – in spite of its importance – was basically attended by smaller media and news enterprises. Perhaps the revelations are part of medium-level of secrecy, acknowledged secret projects; a “tip of the iceberg” of what is potentially known in the various compartmentalized projects of an even more super secret unacknowledged world. While in the project once directed by Mr. Lou Elizondo one can objectively say that we might be dealing with ETs without being completely certain, within specific project of that other  more secretive  world located further “down the rabbit hole”  we would not even question if we are dealing with other intelligences, time-travel, extraterrestrials-multidimensional beings and technologies connected with the practical modification of spacetime and the key role of consciousness. 

Is “some of the rest of the iceberg” as “far out” and hard-to-swallow like some of the issues shared by some whistleblowers like a “jump room to Mars,” “controlling anti-gravity or gravity cancelation since the 1950’s, human forces in possession of ET technology aligning themselves in some secret programs with “Draco and other alleged service-to-self, imperialistic ETs and (in other secret programs) with their adversaries (our protectors)?” And what about the U.S. Navy allegedly possessing a highly advanced space fleet already defending the Earth while facing a “secret space war in alliance with some benign extraterrestrials?” Is much of this information about a Secret Space program (SSP) disinformation or part of an even deeper level of secrecy within some Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPS)?  In this issue many of the main researchers and voices of the UFO community disagree with each other and each promotes a different aspect but we need to tie together the kernels of truth whether likable or not; whether popular or not. 

Thus, again, how far “down the rabbit hole” might UFO research and the human-ET interface involving the Government (or, perhaps, a secret, parallel Government?) actually be? What is too far out for credible thinkers to seriously consider? Should we remain cautious like the ace reporter and researcher Leslie Kean who (in spite of acknowledging physical objects performing impossible and even intelligent maneuvers) prefers not to assert that this is a clear indication that we are being visited by extraterrestrials? Should we consider the current revelations a reaction against what Dr. Richard Dolan calls a “breakaway civilization” far ahead in technology and views about “reality” that may even possibly be escaping accountability and be out of control?

Will the Roswell incident(s) now also be finally acknowledged in a truthful manner now that some UFO/UAP secrets are being acknowledged? Do the associated aerospace engineers and physicists of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences want to create UFO-like technology because they actually have had no access to the deepest developments that were organized after ET craft materials were recovered? 

Will fear against ETs be instilled in the population in order to manage how things are disclosed and handled or perhaps might a False Flag program be activated as Carol Rosin and Dr. Steven Greer have been warning for years?  Well, at least the original introductory statements in which Mr. Tom De Longe used the concept of terror in his initial formal To the Stars Academy presentation have been deleted or edited out from the current version of their YouTube presentation….and I applaud that. It may signal that – in spite of Mr. De Longe’s negative view about ETs – his associates do not agree.  In fact, it appears that Mr. Lou Elizondo who worked on the secret Pentagon project to detect UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)  threats found little evidence of it as was reported to journalist Leslie Kean. The actual name of the project was the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.”

Mr. Lou Elizondo

Further Considerations

As per the plausible intentions of the (physical and/or multi dimensional) intelligences conceibably related to at least some of the UFO/UAP sightings, there are important advances which can shed some light regarding what is called “experiencer” research.

Thus far the results of the anonymous survey conducted by the Edgar Mitchell Foundation on Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE) on individuals that consciously remember to have experienced contacts with non-human intelligences in relation to UFO sightings strongly suggest that MOST (approximating or surpassing 90%) of these experiences are not malevolent. Conversely, if there actually were a greater % of “negative,” self-serving entities behind some of the genuine UFOs, it would seem that they would either be unable or unwilling to directly interact with a greater number of human persons and, thus, unable to show up in FREE’s significant survey.

My mind attempts to be carefully open to many possibilities. Hopefully not denying out of vehement dislike and not accepting out of preference. From trusting that so-called “white hats” (those in the know wanting to share more of what they know with the rest of us) have become more influential, to considering that the moves we are witnessing may all seem to be nice but may actually be a plot to control more segments of humanity and the world even further. However, I sense and think that the powers that actually made the decision to reveal what has been revealed (and may continue to reveal) have taken a basically good, well-intended step. If so, the UFO, exopolitical and ET contact communities must try to encourage these individuals and to work with them in a friendly manner.  

How the civilian voices (including major UFO and/or human-ET contact and exopolitical researchers) respond,  either propitiating reconciliation and further disclosure or further distancing themselves from the various “classified world” forces (thus generating a counter-reaction), will be important for any subsequent unfoldment.

If we respond in a way that contributes to promoting the attitude of self-education in individuals and toward a constructive, connective enhancement of cultural premises and worldviews, in a spirit of doing it for ALL of US, for humanity (and -why not – beyond), even more important revelations (besides acknowledging the reality of UFOs) may be forthcoming sooner because society or societies will have an easier time processing.

If our future is on the line as per the need to understand intimate, non-classical connections with reality, stimuli leading to the backwardness of selfish, animalistic and ethnophobic reactions based on the sensation of threat ought to be minimized whenever possible.   

Most ET intelligences interacting with “experiencers” (with different degrees of technological and spiritual development and also operating with various degrees of multidimensional technologies) would quite likely range between being mildly benevolent to highly benevolent toward us, as per the anonymous F.R.E.E. survey ( But if we listen to the information allegedly re-transmitted by contactees with very respectful, protective beings like Sixto Paz, Ricardo Gonzalez and several others, this might be due to the fact that Earth is being protected from unwarranted incursions. Some speak of a !quarantine.” Those service-to- self-beings that may still come through (including the few species that interact with Earth humans) could have had bases here before, have a beyond Earth, the exopolitical legal right among civilizations that intervened on Earth in a connected actual or probable past, or  – a few – might occasionally be able to “slip through” the protection.  These possibilities would perhaps justify the almost unbelievable existence of a secret defense space program in the SSP that has been circulating around. However it might be, the sensation of threat and the belief in the need to first rely on weaponry as a first choice; to rely in the furtherance of social manipulation and control and an old “us vs. them” mentality should not replace the sensation of basic safety based on our spiritual sovereign power as beings essentially sustained by The Supreme Benevolent Source of Being (Non-Dual Being and Consciousness itself).  Therefore, maintaining a positive, constructive, healing outlook, including the possibility of reconciliation through LOVE is necessary not to excessively resonate with dichotomous narratives, past and future histories and paths involving those plausible “negative” beings who apparently rely on external technologies to manipulate reality, people, and other beings. 

A Unique Opportunity

What we are witnessing is historical and should be treated with utmost seriousness and, yet, with hope, while being simultaneously accessible and cautious. Instead of being manipulated by populists catering to simplistic answers and a limited realism let’s try to rise to the challenge beyond further polarization. I think we should be encouraged by the news but neither vehemently chanting “victory” nor crying out loud in pessimism while renewing our dogmatic faith in cynicism.

ALL OF US must grow together with this unprecedented situation and learn to interpret it without extremism. Perhaps the UAP phenomenon and the realization of an intelligence behind it can force us to open up our minds (and hearts) to adapt to the greater connectivity it represents. 

We don’t know who is making the decisions to release what has thus far been released or why. For sure, without approval from higher authorities, To the Stars Academy would not have been able to come together and to come out with recently declassified documents and do what they have done. 

Could one of the main reasons for allowing this event may be that at least for now a majority of those in control of the UFO and ET classified worlds realize that a window of time or opportunity for a necessary profound cultural change is running out? That cynicism and lack of conviction in principles threaten not only conviviality and the continuity of the liberal world order but the very promise of a livable, civic, democratic future?

Could it be that if humanity is not adequately informed in order to evolve into adopting integrative principles beyond materialism, doctrinal scientific and religious close-mindedness, either-or thinking, extreme nationalism, selfish individualism, relativism and uber competition, it will become so fragmented, erratic and dissolute (unable to tell right from wrong or even care about it) that – without a fierce dictatorial control regime – the continuation of “civilization,” human evolution and order will be lost?  Could it be that in an age of intelligent, non-local interconnectedness we simply must change to a historically unprecedented degree?

I don’t know what the most salient facts motivating the cover-up and the gradual-but-now-more-decisive disclosure may be, but we must consider all of the possibilities and, instead of engaging in in-fighting and the creation of further subdivisions inside the UFO-exopilitics-experiencer communities we MUST responsibly assume this opportunity to promote a deeper and more comprehensive understanding, not only among those of us wanting to know the truth about UFOs and ETs (for instance through mutually respectful human-ET contacts and citizen diplomacy), but een a more amical and guiding understanding with those human decision-makers/powers (part of our human family after all) that could be orchestrating the disclosure. 

 The revelations – while important – seem incipient and perhaps well-intended. More should come later. How much will they tell? How much are we collectively ready to handle a much more extraordinary reality?  There might be good intentions behind all this or perhaps a continuation of a non-justifiable “us vs. them,” power-based, mindset. But let’s coordinate more and make great efforts for a positive, constructive, life-enhancing, educational, evolutionary outcome.

How we can bring together harmoniously all the different “pieces of the puzzle,” juggling our own adequate and inadequate biases on a complex, interwoven situation which is normally recognized in a segmented manner requires NURTURING that capacity; coming together in a safe, mutually supportive manner.

Concerned citizens must pay close attention to avoid being sucked into a “false flag” situation, that is into a “we’ll defend you from the evil aliens” situation or into any other consciousness-as-usual, evolution-numbing spin. Nonetheless, we should also try to help classified world leaders to connect with The People and to work together with all of us in a more intelligent, evolutionary manner for the good of ALL of US.

Spring Semester Exopolitics Courses start 8 Jan 2017

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Expolitics Diplomas Logo[Dec 18, 2017 – Pahoa, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on Jan 8, 2018 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

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“Love & Saucers” – One Man’s ET Love Story is Ready for Release

by Paul Seaburn     December 6, 2017      (

• David Huggins (74) of New Jersey first encountered extraterrestrial visitors when he was 9 years old. He met a female ET named Crescent. At the age of 17 he lost his virginity to Crescent. Thereafter, he regularly took trips on her spaceship to have sex. Together they had sixty hybrid children that were cared for on the spaceship.

• Huggins never spoke about it until the 1980’s when he began to talk about it and disclose his interspecies relationship through his paintings. Over the past decade he has seen interest in his story grow by way of internet talk radio.

• He was also married to an earth human and had one human son. He is now divorced.

• Huggins has produced a video documentary on his story called Love and Saucers, released online on December 12th.


How far would you travel for love? To another city? Another country? Another continent? How about to another galaxy? At the age of 17, a now-septuagenarian named David Huggins claimed he somehow charmed an extraterrestrial named Crescent who was visiting Earth and lost his virginity to her. He says their lovemaking resulted in around 60 hybrid children and Huggins eventually told anyone and everyone – believers or not – about his love through his loving paintings of Crescent and himself. Now the world is about to learn more about this intergalactic love story as the long-awaited documentary, Love & Saucers, is released for streaming on December 12th.

Without giving too much of the tale away, Love & Saucers is the story of David Huggins’ encounters with aliens, starting with the first in 1951 at age eight in Georgia, the first romantic embrace with Crescent at age 17, which led to trips to her spaceship for sex, and his life with her and the rest of these Earth visitors. Crescent and her fellow ETs cared for their hybrid children and forbade Huggins from telling anything about them to anyone. That changed in his late 40s and he reveals that the most therapeutic and loving way he could tell this story is through paintings. His unusual and often NSFW art has been displayed in galleries and published in a book.

That may have been the end of Huggins’ truly out-of-this-world tale if he hadn’t been heard on a radio interview in 2014 by Brad Abrahams. If that name sounds familiar, it may be because director Abrahams and his partner, producer Matt Ralston, recently started a crowdfunding campaign for Cryptozoologist, a documentary about the dedicated people who look for humanoids, monsters and other cryptid creatures. The pair has been interviewing and filming Huggins off-and-on since they met him and became convinced that he was serious and his story was worthy of a broader audience.



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Humans Would Be Cool with Finding Aliens

by Stephanie Pappas        December 6, 2017        (

• A study of 501 people by Arizona State University psychologist Michael Varnum shows that people typically respond quite positively to the notion of microbial life on other planets.

• Past polls show that more than half of Americans, British and Germans believe intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations exist. Thirty percent believe that intelligent aliens have contacted Earth, but that the government has covered it up.

• “I think there might be something sort of comforting about knowing that life wasn’t an accident that happened once here,” he said. “Maybe it makes us feel a little less fragile or a little less lonely in the expanse of space” said Varnum.


If extraterrestrial life is ever discovered, humanity would probably be pretty cool with it.

A new study, one of very few of its kind, finds that people typically respond quite positively to the notion of life on other planets. The study investigated the possibility of finding microbial extraterrestrials, not intelligent E.T.s, so people’s responses might be a little different if they were told an armada of aliens were headed toward Earth, cautioned study author Michael Varnum, a psychologist at Arizona State University. Nevertheless, he noted, large portions of people believe that intelligent aliens do exist and that they’ve visited Earth; so even a more dramatic announcement might not ruffle feathers.

“What this suggests is, there’s no reason to be afraid” of sharing news of astrobiology with the public, Varnum told Live Science. “We won’t collapse. We’re not going to have chaos in the streets.”

Are we alone?

How people would respond to finding they’re not alone in the universe is a perennial question, but one that has been the subject of far more speculation than study, Varnum said. He could find only one study that asked people how they thought they’d react to the announcement of extraterrestrial life, and it was a decade old.

Varnum wanted to tackle the question a bit more realistically. So he turned to the real-world news, analyzing articles dating back to 1967 that looked at discoveries that could potentially have hinted at alien life (including — full disclosure — articles by Live Science’s sister site on a star with irregular brightness cycles that might have signaled extraterrestrial activity, but the irregular cycles more likely result from orbiting dust).

Most of the language in these pieces skewed positive, software analyses revealed, and writers tended to emphasize the potential rewards of discovery over potential risks. Armed with that knowledge, Varnum turned to real people. He first recruited 501 subjects on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk crowd-sourcing website, paying them a small fee to write responses to two questions. One was how they would feel if scientists announced the discovery of alien microbial life. The other was how they thought the public at large would respond to such an announcement.

“It’s really much more likely that we’re going to encounter strange germs rather than E.T.,” Varnum said. And no one has previously studied people’s attitudes toward the discovery of alien microbes.
In a second study, Varnum recruited Mechanical Turk participants again. This time, they read a real-life article about the possibility of alien microbes. In 1996, scientists announced that they’d found what might be fossilized microbes in a Martian meteorite, known as Allan Hills 84001. Today, the researchers behind that discovery still think they may have found telltale signs of ancient alien life, though people in the field as a whole are far from convinced. At any rate, contemporary news articles about the discovery were very positive, Varnum said. He lifted one from The New York Times, stripped it of information about the date, and presented it to 256 participants as a new article. As a control group, he asked 249 other participants to read a real article about the creation of synthetic life in the laboratory.

Earthlings love company

In both studies, people reacted to the idea of alien life with more positivity than negativity, Varnum found. They tended to focus on the rewards over the risks. Individuals in the first study felt they, personally, would respond to the announcement of microbial E.T.s with a little more positivity than the public at large, but they still thought humanity as a whole would be enthused.



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I Heard US Airmen Speak of ‘Little People’ After Military Base UFO Case

by Jon Austin        December 7, 2017        (

• A 62-year-old Felixstowe, England man remembers hanging out at a bar where US Air Force personnel stationed in RAF Bentwaters would go in 1980. He asked not to be named. On one evening he overheard the American servicemen, whom he knew, talking about their encounter with strange “lights and little people”. He says that one of the servicemen was agitated and his friends had to calm him down. Days later the Brit asked about the agitated serviceman. The friend told him that he was okay, but for some unknown reason the Air Force had relocated him back to the United States.

• The Brit didn’t hear about the now infamous Rendlesham UFO event until four years later, when it was reported that a triangular-shaped UFO landed in the woods near the US military base on December 26 and 28, 1980.

[Editor’s Note] This is further confirmation that the Rendlesham Forest incident did occur, to go along with the substantial amount of circumstantial evidence that already exists.


The 62-year-old, who asked not to name him, claims to have heard US Air Force (USAF) personal discussing “lights” and “little people” just days after the notorious Rendlesham UFO sightings in Suffolk in December 1980.

The Rendlesham legend, which centres around neighbouring bases RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, near Mildenhall, Suffolk, has been dubbed Britain’s Roswell, in a nod to the mystery of the UFO crash said to have taken place outside the town in New Mexico, USA, in July 1947.

The suspected alien event at Rendlesham saw three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters claim a “triangular-shaped craft” landed in neighbouring woods in the early hours of December 26, 1980, returning over two further nights.

The man, who was working in the warehouse of a newspaper and magazine company in Felixstowe at the time, says he was in the bar of The Marlborough Hotel on Felixstowe sea front between Christmas and New Year 1980, when he heard the bizarre exchange.

He said: “The sea front hotels were very popular with the USAF personnel, in particular the newly opened Flying Boat bar at the Marlborough.

“I knew a few of the USAF personnel by name, but it was just through bar talk and we had no association outside of the pub.

“I was having a drink at the bar.

“There were a number of USAF personnel in the Boat, as we called it and a small group of them stood alone in a corner of the bar.

“I looked over at them occasionally and could see they were having a serious discussion over something.
“One airman seemed to be particularly agitated.

“I edged over towards them, whether I wanted to be nosy, or just get closer to the fire I don’t know, but I did overhear a few words.

“The airman that was agitated talked about lights and little people.”

He said he had no idea at the time about the Rendlesham case, and did not learn about it until four years later when the News of the World ran an article about the “alien” event.

The man said: “Obviously it was a little weird, but the events of 1980 were not known generally at that time, so it meant nothing to me.

“The airman was calmed down by his pals and they got another round in.

“I asked the airman that went to the bar whether his mate was all right. He just answered he was a little upset, nothing more.

“A short while later the agitated airman let his emotions get the better of him again and he started waffling on, however I could not make out what he was saying.

“One of his mates then put an arm on him, trying to calm him down and told him to keep quiet or he would be in trouble.”

He said a few days later, the airman that had come to the bar to get a round in was back in the pub.
The man said: “I asked if his mate had recovered from the last time I saw them.

“He said, ‘he thought so, but he had been sent back to the States and no-one knew why’.”



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“Britain’s Roswell” to Receive Full Hollywood Makeover

by Robbie Graham       November 28, 2017       (

• Those who are clued-in to the UFO tapestry well know the account of the U.S. military personnel who witnessed the baffling UFO/ET events just outside of RAF Woodbridge near Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England on the nights of December 26 and 28, 1980. It has been the subject of numerous books, articles and documentaries, but has never quite made it into the pop-cultural landscape to the level of Roswell.

• Sony Pictures Television intends to change all of that by teaming up with award-winning writer/director Joe Ahearne (Doctor Who) and UK-based Eleventh Hour Films to produce a major new TV drama based on the UFO incident called Rendlesham.

[Editor’s Note] Or will the deep state-compromised Sony Corporation choose to do a dis-info hatchet job to bury the Rendelsham incident for good?


During the past three-and-a-half decades, Britain’s most famous/notorious UFO case has been the subject of numerous books, articles and documentaries. It has also generated some of the most fierce and downright nasty feuds the UFO field has ever known. We are, of course, referring to the Rendlesham Forest incident, in which US military personnel bore witness to baffling events just outside of RAF Woodbridge near Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, on the nights of December 26 and 28, 1980.

Despite having embedded itself firmly into UFO lore and having made the occasional dent in official culture as tabloid fodder, those Rendlesham UFOs—whatever they were—never managed to plant their landing gear fully into our pop-cultural landscape. That may be about to change, however.

Director, Joe Ahearne

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Sony Pictures Television has teamed up with UK-based Eleventh Hour Films for Rendlesham, a major new TV drama based on the UFO incident(s).

The show is to be helmed by award-winning writer/director Joe Ahearne (Doctor Who). Co-producer Eve Gutierrez told the Hollywood Reporter: “Joe is a master story-teller with a long-standing fascination for science-fiction so we were totally thrilled when the Rendlesham story sparked for him… Now, working with Sony Pictures Television, we are looking forward to bringing this timely, other-worldly story to the global market.”



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NASA News: First Solar System Like Ours With Eight Planets Discovered

by Jon Austin         December 15, 2017          (

• In a historic announcement on December 14th, NASA announced that it has discovered another solar system with eight planets orbiting a star in the Kepler 90 system, 2,500 light years from Earth. The new data was obtained by the Keplar space telescope. The Kepler-90 star system is like a mini version of our solar system. You have small planets inside and big planets outside, but everything is scrunched in much closer.

• The space agency teamed up with Google to use artificial intelligence “machine learning” to search for exoplanets, which could support extraterrestrial organisms.

• NASA believes that most stars in space are likely to have a series of planets orbiting, boosting the chances of there being more like Earth with the conditions for life to evolve. For life (as we know it) to form, a planet must be rocky and at the right distance from its star to be not too hot or cold, so it can hold liquid water and an atmosphere.

• Kepler scientist Mario Perez says, “We are probably not alone.”


NASA today announced it has found another solar system just like ours with EIGHT planets… boosting the chances of finding ALIEN life elsewhere in the Universe.

The historic discovery was made by new scientific analysis of data obtained by the Kepler space telescope, which is scouring the galaxy for planets like Earth.

Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said: “We have found for the first time an eighth planet in a distant planetary system in the Kepler 90 system – this ties Kepler 90 with our own solar system for having the most known planets.

“Kepler 90 is the first star to host as many planets as our own.”

The new planet – Kepler 90i – is a small rocky planet, but very close to the sun which is hotter than ours, and is 2,500 light years from Earth.

It would be scorching hot and unable to hold life itself, although some planets in the system may be able to.

But, it means that NASA now believes most stars in space are likely to have a series of planets orbiting, boosting the chances of there being more like Earth with the conditions for life to evolve.

For life to form, it is believed that a planet must be rocky, and at the right distance from its star to be not too hot or cold, so it can hold liquid water and an atmosphere.

A team of NASA scientists who have scoured the universe looking for planets that could potentially hold alien life today made the historic announcement in a briefing at 6pm British time.

It was to unveil the latest findings of the Kepler space telescope mission.

Kepler 90i orbits its home star every 14 days and is about 30 percent bigger than Earth.

The planets in the Kepler 90 system orbit much closer to their host star than Earth is to the sun.

Andrew Vanderburg, astronomer and NASA Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of Texas, Austin, said: “The Kepler-90 star system is like a mini version of our solar system. You have small planets inside and big planets outside, but everything is scrunched in much closer.

“Kepler 90i is about 2,500 light years away in the northern sky.

“It is the smallest of a bunch of probably rocky planets, not with thick atmospheres like the gas giants further out.

“But, I would not like to visit, it would have a surface temperature of about 800 degrees Fahrenheit, the surface would be scorching hot.

“Kepler 90 is the first exoplanet system like ours with eight planets, but I think it won’t be the last.

“Our solar system is not sole record holder for solar systems with the most planets and we have just scratched the surface. There might be more out there that make our eight look small.”

Kepler-90i wasn’t the only new planet found by the machine learning system.

In the separate Kepler-80 solar system, thought to have five planets, was a sixth.

The Earth-sized Kepler-80g, and four of its neighboring planets form what is called a resonant chain – where planets are locked by their mutual gravity in a rhythmic orbital dance.

The result is an extremely stable system, similar to the seven planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, previously thought to be the next biggest solar system.

Previous Kepler announcements have included the discovery of several earth-like rocky planets that were at the right distance from their star to potentially house alien life.

The team has been searching for such planets since 2009, finding around 30 Earth-sized planets orbiting within the ‘habitable zones’ of their stars and another 20 ‘possibles’.

The space agency teamed up with Google to use artificial intelligence to search for exoplanets, which could support extraterrestrial organisms.

NASA says the new discovery has been made by researchers using machine learning from Google, which is an approach to artificial intelligence, and demonstrates new ways of analysing Kepler data.

The Kepler telescope recently found ten more planets outside our solar system which could be the size and temperature to support life.

A Nasa researcher hinted that aliens could be out there somewhere.

Kepler scientist Mario Perez said: “We are probably not alone.”

A NASA spokesman said: “When Kepler launched in March 2009, scientists didn’t know how common planets were beyond our solar system.

“Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discoveries, astronomers now believe there may be at least one planet orbiting every star in the sky.”



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Study Shows What Sharp Changes in Solar & Geomagnetic Activity Do to the Human Body

by Arjun Walia        November 26, 2017        (

• Over the past few years, scientists and researchers all over the world have been studying the human magnetic field, the magnetic field of the planet, and how all of these fields impact us and the people around us. The results show that everybody and every living thing is “connected” in ways we have yet to fully understand.

• The scientists at the HearthMath Institute are focusing on heart and brain interaction and how that affects our consciousness. When a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body.

• In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann reasoned that since the negatively charged Earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two giving the Earth a specific frequency – 7.83 Hz, ie: the ‘Schumann Resonance’.

• Studies show that changes in solar and geomagnetic activity correlate with changes in the human nervous system, and synchronizes with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomatic field-line resonances and Schumann Resonances.  Solar and magnetic influences affect a wide range of human health and behavioral processes, with the cardiovascular and nervous systems being the most clearly affected.

• Therefore, practicing love, gratitude, and appreciation, and bettering ourselves as individuals, are positive steps we can take to change our planet for the better.  Cooperative intention can impact global events and improve the quality of life on Earth.

• The Global Coherence Initiative is an international cooperative effort to help activate the heart of humanity and facilitate a shift in global consciousness. Its primary focus is to invite people to participate by actively adding more heart-coherent love, care, and compassion into the planetary field. It also aims to scientifically research how we are all energetically connected with each other and the planet, and how we can utilize this interconnectivity to raise our personal vibration to assist in creating a better world.



Over the past few years, a number of publications have emerged from scientists and researchers all over the world regarding the human magnetic field. Not only have they been studying the human magnetic field, they’ve also been studying the magnetic field of the planet, and how all these fields, including our own, can impact ourselves and the people around us. It’s similar to quantum entanglement, in that both show that everybody and every living thing is “connected” in ways we have yet to fully understand.
Leading the charge are the brilliant scientists over at the HearthMath Institute. An internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization, it dedicates itself to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives.

A large portion of their research has investigated heart and brain interaction. Researchers have examined how the heart and brain communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness and the way in which we perceive our world. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a certain message. Because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, it can yield significant data for researchers.

Now, the Institute has published new research which suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but also synchronizes with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomatic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances.

In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the Earth itself has a frequency — a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside of another sphere, an electrical tension is created. Since the negatively charged Earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two, giving the Earth a specific frequency. Following his assumptions, through a series of calculations he was able to land upon a frequency he believed was the pulse of the Earth. This frequency was 10hz.

It wasn’t until 1954 that Schumann teamed up with another scientist, Herbert König, and confirmed that the resonance of the Earth maintained a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This discovery was later tested out by several scientists and confirmed. Since then, the Schumann Resonance has been the accepted term to describe or measure the pulse or heartbeat of the earth.

“To follow up and confirm these profound findings, an international study with 104 participants in five countries was conducted. The preliminary findings have confirmed and extended the results of the first study and they indicate humanity’s heart rhythms are synchronized on a global scale. We are synchronized not only with each other, but also with the earth’s energetic systems.”

The study was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and its results are consistent with other studies showing that changes in solar and geomagnetic activity correlate with changes in the human nervous system activity.

It’s long been known that all biological systems on Earth are exposed to invisible magnetic fields of all kinds, and at all range of frequencies, and that these fields can affect every cell and circuit to a greater or lesser degree. A number of physiological rhythms, as the study points out, have been shown to be synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity.

As the study points out: “Human regulatory systems are designed to adapt to daily and seasonal climatic and geomagnetic variations; however, sharp changes in solar and geomagnetic activity and geomagnetic storms can stress these regulatory systems, resulting in alterations in melatonin/serotonin balance, blood pressure, immune system, reproductive, cardiac, and neurological processes. Disturbed geomagnetic activity is associated with the intensification of existing diseases, significant increases in myocardial infarction incidence and death, changes in blood flow, aggregation, and coagulation, increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures in epileptics.”

Fascinating, isn’t it? it makes one wonder just how much we know about our health and what influences it.

The study outlines how, during periods of increased solar activity, which peaks every 10.5 to 11 years, “the sun emits increased ultraviolet (UV) energy and solar radio flub, which is measured by the 2.8 GHz signal” and “although the details of the physiological mechanisms in humans and animals are not yet fully understood, it is apparent that solar and magnetic influences affect a wide range of human health and behavioral processes, with the cardiovascular and nervous systems being the most clearly affected.”
The study goes on to outline several examples where the human autonomic nervous system seems to be responding to this type of activity.

For this specific study, ten healthy individuals from the ages of 34 to 65 years old participated, with an average age of 53. Their Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was recorded for 31 consecutive days. Based on their results, the authors concluded: “Overall, the study suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but is synchronized with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomagnetic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances. A likely explanation for how solar and geomagnetic fields can influence human nervous system activity is through a resonant coupling between our nervous systems and geomagnetic frequencies (Alfvén waves), or ultra low frequency standing waves in the earth-ionosphere resonant cavity (Schumann resonances) that overlap with physiological rhythms.”

Findings like these, and many more, are exactly why the HeartMath institute began what’s known as the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI). Others are working on identifying how these fields can be sensed.
A recent study published by Kirschvink in the journal Nature Communications suggests that a protein in the human retina, when placed into fruit flies, has the ability to detect magnetic fields. The research claims that it can serve as a magneto sensor, but it’s unknown whether or not humans use it in this way as well.

The Global Coherence Initiative

The GCI in an international cooperative effort to help activate the heart of humanity and facilitate a shift in global consciousness. Its primary focus is to invite people to participate by actively adding more heart-coherent love, care, and compassion into the planetary field. It also aims to scientifically research how we are all energetically connected with each other and the planet, and how we can utilize this interconnectivity to raise our personal vibration to assist in creating a better world.
The hypotheses of the researchers and scientists behind this process are as follows:

o The Earth’s magnetic fields are a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems
o Every person affects this global information field. Large numbers of people creating heart-coherent states of love, appreciation, care, and compassion can generate a more coherent field environment that benefits others and helps off-set the current planetary discord and incoherence
o There is a feedback loop between human beings and Earth’s energetic/magnetic systems
o Earth has several sources of magnetic fields that affect us all. Two of them are the geomagnetic field that emanates from the core of the Earth, and the fields that exist between Earth and the ionosphere. These fields surround the entire planet and act as protective shields blocking out the harmful effects of solar radiation, cosmic rays, sand, and other forms of space weather. Without these fields, ice as we know it could not exist on Earth. They are part of the dynamic ecosystem of our planet.
o The Earth and ionosphere generate frequencies that range from 0.01 hertz to 300 hertz, some of which are in the exact same frequency range as the one happening in our brain, cardiovascular system, and autonomic nervous system. This fact is one way to explain how fluctuations in the Earth’s and Sun’s magnetic fields can influence us. Changes in these fields have also been shown to affect our brain waves, heart rhythms, memory, athletics performance, and overall health. Changes in the Earth’s fields from extreme solar activity have been linked to some of humanity’s greatest creations of art, as well as some of its most tragic events. (source)We know how these fields affect us, but what about how we affect these fields? That’s the real question here. GCI scientists believe that because brainwave and heart rhythm frequencies overlap the Earth’s field resonance, we are not just receivers of biologically relevant information, but also feed information into the global field, thus creating a feedback loop with the Earth’s magnetic fields: “Research is indicating that human emotions and consciousness encode information into the geomagnetic field and this encoded information is distributed globally. The Earth’s magnetic fields act as carrier waves for this information which influences all living systems and the collective consciousness.”

This research, which is still in its infancy, has great ramifications. It will further push along the fact that our attitudes, emotions, and intentions actually matter, a lot, and that these factors within the realm of non-material science can affect all life on Earth. Coherent, cooperative intention could impact global events and improve the quality of life on Earth. Practicing love, gratitude, and appreciation, and bettering ourselves as individuals, are just a few of many action steps we can take toward changing our planet for the better.



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Former Governor of Arizona Tells the Truth About “The Phoenix Lights” (Could Have Been Extraterrestrial)

by Arjun Walia       November 26, 2017       (

• On March 13, 1997, one of the most famous UFO events ever to take place occurred. Witnessed by thousands of people and caught on camera, the event has come to be known as “The Phoenix Lights”. Millions have since viewed the video footage.

• Before dusk on that day, the police in Nevada began receiving numerous reports of a very large craft, or a boomerang formation of lights, hovering in the sky. The object (or objects) began moving south towards Arizona where even more people were reporting a craft of some sort, spanning the size of two football fields. It had multiple lights – white, orange, red, and yellow – all in an organized formation. People claimed that it passed directly over their heads and hovered there for extended periods of time.

• There was no media coverage of the event. There was also a great deal of pressure put upon the Phoenix City Council not to investigate the event.

• When, over half a year later, the public affairs office at Luke Air Force Base announced that the lights were flares launched from an aircraft, the story attracted massive media attention.

• Fife Symington was the Governor of Arizona at the time. He held a press conference that featured a large, costumed alien mocking the UFO enthusiasts.

• Years after leaving the Governor’s office, Symington revealed to CNN that he had himself witnessed the event. He stated: “If you had been here ten years ago, standing out here and looking out there at the lights, you would have been astounded, you would have been amazed. I suspect that unless the Department of Defense can prove otherwise, then it was probably some form of alien spacecraft. It was enormous and it just felt otherworldly. In your gut you could just tell it was otherworldly.”


On March 13th, 1997 something extraordinary happened, an event that sparked an onslaught of books, documentaries, and more attempting to explain what exactly occurred on that day. The anomaly has been dubbed “The Phoenix Lights,” and it is one of the most famous UFO events of the 1990’s, and possibly one of the most famous UFO events to ever take place, given the fact that it was witnessed by thousands of people and caught on camera, where it was then made available to millions of people around the globe. This is quite an interesting topic, and one that has a tremendous amount of evidence to back it up.

What Happened
One thing is for certain, something very important and inexplicable happened on this day, and such occurrences are not uncommon. These types of sightings have been recorded throughout human history. Below is a broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius that illustrates many flaming and “large black globes” that were reported to have appeared in the skies over Basel, Switzerland in 1586. This one is from the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library, Switzerland. It’s one of many examples of art that depicts objects hovering in the sky and people pointing at them.

Illustration depicting the skies above  Basel, Switzerland in 1586


Today we have video cameras, witnesses, filed documents , and more. If the “Phoenix Lights” event had occurred hundreds of years ago, this illustration is the format in which it would have been captured.
So what happened in Phoenix on that day? It began with Luke Air Force Base, the media, the National UFO Reporting Center, the Governor’s office, and the police receiving a number of reports from people in Nevada of a very large craft hovering in the sky. Some people were  reporting it as a boomerang formation of lights.

The object (or objects) began moving south towards Arizona where even more people would see it. Again, people were not reporting just lights hovering in the sky, they were reporting an actual solid object, a craft of some sort, spanning the size of one or two football fields. The witness reports detail lights, sometimes multiple lights, in a pattern that ranged from a few all the way up to a dozen, all in some sort of organized formation. Witnesses reported them as white and in some cases they were orange, red, or yellow. Reports indicate that at some point, the lights moved at very rapid speeds, while at others, they moved slowly and were also reported to hover. Some people described it as a huge, wedge-shaped craft with five lights on it. Some people claim that it passed directly over their heads and even hovered there for extended periods of time. People reported seeing, again, a large solid object, even going into detail about certain features they could spot on the craft.

“It was a giant V, and the right side of the V went over us, the left side was a couple blocks over.” – One (out of thousands) of the witnesses. Again, this object has been described as massive, the size of one to two football fields. There were a number of these types of descriptions from people who witnessed the object.

These types of reports came in at a time where it was much easier to make out the object or objects that were in the sky, as there was still some daylight. It was not until later that evening at approximately 10 pm when people in Arizona witnessed something truly spectacular. As UFO researcher Richard Dolan describes it: “People in Phoenix were treated to an amazing display of hovering lights over the city. These lights appeared to be motionless and in perfect formation. They were truly an astounding sight to behold: an enormous semi-circular string of lights in the night sky.”

Mass Media Attention
Despite the fact that the event had been photographed and recorded by multiple residents in Phoenix, there was no media coverage of the event until over half a year later. When the public affairs office at Luke Air Force Base announced that the lights were flares launched from an aircraft, the story became quite large and attracted a boatload of media attention, from mainstream news all the way to alternative media.

Consider for yourself – this craft (or crafts) was reported multiple times and at different time periods, and appears to have been in the sky for a prolonged period of time, starting (as mentioned above) in Nevada and then working its way over to Arizona. Again, it was seen and reported by thousands of people, and when mainstream news got ahold of it, millions of people were able to view the video footage.

How can flares stay up hovering in the sky in perfect formation for hours? What about all the reports of a very large craft? The explanation coming from the air force just doesn’t seem to make sense, does it?

“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source as quoted by the New York Times)
Fife Symington, the Governor of Arizona at the time, even held a press conference that featured a large and costumed alien mocking all of the UFO enthusiasts, but it seemed goodhearted in nature and, according to him, was done to lighten the mood.

What is interesting to note, however, is that Fife was keeping something to himself – he actually witnessed the event, and the former Air Force veteran spoke out years after the event (when his stint as governor ended) saying in a CNN interview: “If you had been here 10 years ago, standing out here and looking out there at the lights, you would have been astounded, you would have been amazed. I suspect that unless the Department of Defense can prove otherwise, then it was probably some form of alien spacecraft. It was enormous and it just felt otherworldly, in your gut you could just tell it was otherworldly.”

The footage, as well as the pictures, has been analyzed by a number of experts and many have come to the conclusion that there is no possible way that what people were seeing in Arizona that day were just flares, and this seems to be pretty obvious given the witness testimony coming from thousands of people. That being said, there are a few experts who have publicly stated that the explanation coming from the Air Force is probably true.

Something definitely extraordinary and inexplicable happened here. Perhaps there was a reasonable explanation but it was concealed, but there is no way to know. It’s also important to note that there was a great deal of pressure put upon the Phoenix City Council not to investigate this event. “It even led to the ouster City Council member Francis Barwood, the one member who called for a genuine investigation.” – Richard Dolan.



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Did US Military Cover Up UFO Sightings After Fireball Explosion?

by Nirmal Narayanan        December 13, 2017         (

  • On Saturday, December 9th, people from South Carolina to Missouri to Colorado witnessed either 15 separate UFO silently crossing the night sky, or one big ship. News stations captured the sighting and Third Phase of the Moon made a YouTube video (see below).

  • An ‘aviation expert’ says that it was 15 large US Air Force transportation aircraft called C-17’s flying in an echelon formation.

  • But many in the public are not buying this explanation, saying that the aircraft stayed in too tight a formation to be separate, but appeared to be one large saucer-shaped craft, and that the US military is covering up the truth.

  • [Editor’s Note] A similar UFO sighting from December 13th over Texas was posted on YouTube by Third Phase of the Moon (see below).


Residents in Columbia, South Carolina, Missouri, Illinois, and Denver witnessed a shocking sight on Saturday, December 9, as 15 UFOs were seen flying across the night sky. Interestingly, the UFO sighting was also captured by National News Channel CBS and Denver Station 9 news. Residents feared it to be an alien invasion as soon as the UFOs graced the skies. However, the strange flying objects soon disappeared.

A military plane or alien UFO?

According to witnesses, the flying objects traveled across the skies without making any sound. The video of the sighting has been uploaded on Third Phase of Moon’s YouTube channel. It soon went viral on the internet. The video also questions the explanations which stated that the sighting was nothing but an unannounced US Airforce sky exercise.

Debunking the claims of alien buffs, Aviation expert Steve Cowell said that the flying objects were flying in a particular formation which is very commonly seen in military exercises. Calling the shape, echelon formation, Cowell revealed that it is not uncommon to see such a formation during military drills, especially in the night. The aviation expert also made it clear that the aircrafts which were used for the exercise are C-17, and these fighter planes usually produce very less sound.


[Editor’s Note] Third Phase of the Moon YouTube Channel has uploaded another similar sighting that took place the evening of December 13th over Texas. See video below.

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11 Whistleblowers Who’ve Shared Information the Global Elite Don’t Want You to Know

by Arjun Walia      November 25, 2017      (

• 1. Edward Snowden – The former NSA intelligence contractor exposed the NSA’s mass global surveillance program that spies on corporations, governments, and citizens of the world, including Americans. He revealed that they know what you do, what you say, and possibly even what you are thinking.

• 2. Sibel Edmonds – Gained a lot of attention in 2002 after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals, which included serious security breaches and cover-ups, alluding to intelligence that was deliberately suppressed. Lately, she’s been outspoken about pedophilia and false flag terrorism, letting people know that terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS are tools of the Western military alliance used to push for the “terror war industry”.

• 3. Thomas Drake – Drake leaked information about the NSA’s mass surveillance program prior to the Snowden leaks. After 9/11 he told the world that the military and intelligence industrial complex became obsessed in their mission and revealed a dragnet surveillance operation that was spying on American citizens. He attempted to go through legal channels and whistleblower protection laws but it didn’t work. In 2006 he decided to contact a reporter at the Baltimore Sun, and as a result, narrowly avoided spending 40 years in prison.

• 4. William Binney – An NSA veteran became a whistleblower after discovering that the data-monitoring program he helped develop was being used to spy on Americans. Said Binney, “The NSA lies about what it stores. . . . The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.”

• 5. Robert David Steele – The second-highest ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence and a former CIA clandestine services officer said, “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”

• 6. Chelsea Manning – The army private who gave 750,000 classified documents to Wikileaks pertaining to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and detainees at Guantanamo Bay military prison. Her 35-year in prison sentence was shortened due to public outcry. The public was beginning to see that government transparency did not necessarily threaten national security.

• 7. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte – The top German journalist went on record that he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name or lose his job. Said Ulfkotte, “…seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia – this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right.”

• 8. Jeffrey S. Wigand – The American biochemist played a major role in exposing corporate fraud related to the tobacco industry.

• 9. Dr. William Thompson – A senior scientist for the Center for Disease Control published some of the most commonly cited pro-vaccine studies that showed absolutely no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. A decade later he publicly admitted that these studies were fabricated, and he was “completely ashamed” of what he did.

• 10. Dr. Johan Brandenburg – Deputy Manager of NASA’s Clementine Moon Mission, he spoke of the Cydonia Mensa region of Mars, “… a carved human face and a pyramid within 5 km of each other… it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what this all means, you can connect the dots. I’ve seen other scientists… hold up a picture of a buffalo and insist that it’s a dog.”

• 11. Dr. Norman Bergrun – A former mechanical engineer for top defense contractors Ames and Lockheed, Bergrun accused NASA of “garbling” photos and fudging data. He insists that large, intelligently controlled, unidentified object (UFOs) are real.

• The term “national security” is used to justify the concealment of mass amounts of information. So whenever a whistleblower leaks sensitive information they are accused of putting their country’s safety at risk. People are starting to realize that it doesn’t put the country at risk, but it does threaten the mechanisms that the global elite use to control us and enforce their ideas and ways upon us.


When whistleblowers reveal classified information, it creates more transparency, and reveals the true intentions for secrecy under the justification of “national security,” a term that’s basically used now to conceal vast amounts of information.

Below is a list of 11 of the most important whistleblowers.

1. Edward Snowden
As most of you already know, Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor for multiple agencies, mainly the NSA, leaked some very sensitive information that proved the existence of clandestine Black Budget operations, thereby exposing the NSA’s mass surveillance program that spans across the world. They are spying on corporations, governments, and citizens of the world, including their own. He revealed that they know what you do, what you say, and possibly even what you are thinking.

It’s interesting to see the contrast in narratives between someone on the inside and the “official” explanation of things. Take, for example, the super national intelligence organization known as the “Five Eyes.” According to Snowden: “The Five Eyes alliance is sort of an artifact of the post World War II era where the Anglophone countries are the major powers banded together to sort of co-operate and share the costs of intelligence gathering infrastructure. . . .What the result of this was over decades and decades what sort of a supra-national intelligence organisation that doesn’t answer to the laws of its own countries. . . .They not only share information, the reporting of results from intelligence, but they actually share the tools and the infrastructure they work together against joint targets in services and there’s a lot of danger in this.”

According to the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, the Five Eyes intelligence community is a cooperative and complex network of linked autonomous intelligence agencies here to protect us from various threats the world faces today, like terrorism.

2. Sibel Edmunds
Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). She gained a lot of attention in 2002 after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals, which included serious security breaches and cover-ups, alluding to intelligence that was deliberately suppressed.

More recently, she’s been outspoken about various issues that plague the global elite, like pedophilia and false flag terrorism, letting people know that terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS are tools of the Western military alliance, used to push for the “terror war industry.”

3. Thomas Drake
If you didn’t already know, Thomas Drake leaked information about the NSA’s mass surveillance program prior to the Snowden leaks. After 9/11, he blew the whistle on the dragnet surveillance operation that was spying on American citizens.

Of course, as always when these leaks come out, the mainstream media (a tool of the global elite) will always try to justify these infringements on our rights, because of the heightened national security state, which they play an active role in creating.

A great quote comes to mind here, from JFK: “We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.”

Drake told the world that the military and intelligence industrial complex became obsessed in their mission, that it completely trumped the rights of not only American citizens, but as we now know, the global citizenry, too. He attempted to go through legal channels and whistleblower protection law but it didn’t work. In 2006 he decided to contact a reporter at the Baltimore Sun, and as a result, narrowly avoided spending 40 years in prison.

4. William Binney
William Binney is a 36-year NSA veteran who became a whistleblower after discovering that elements of a data-monitoring program he helped make, called “ThinThread,” were being used to spy on Americans: “At least 80% of fibre optic cables globally go via the US, this is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores. . . . The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control.”

Here is a quote from him, in an interview with 9/11 Free Fall Radio: “We selectively ignore basic facts. What I mean by a basic fact is something that’s just there that needs to be addressed, even if they can’t explain it, they should have said “We can’t explain this but it’s there” so they at least recognize that this basic fact existed. . . . My problem is, just like the UFO thing, unless they start addressing these kinds of things, people’s observations or basic measurements or factual kind of evidence that simply exists, unless they start addressing them, there’s always going to be questions, especially now with the government, how much trust do you have in this government? From what they’ve been doing, in spying, and torture, and rendering, and suppressing whistleblowers, and putting whistleblowers in jail, and giving immunity to people who commit these kinds of crimes, how much trust can you put in a government like that?”

5. Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele is the second-highest ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence and a former CIA clandestine services officer who worked for the CIA. He has made multiple revelations with regards to false flag terrorism, as well as admitting to being a part of it.

Here is a quote from him: “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”



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Scientists To Study Mysterious Interstellar Asteroid For Signs Of Alien Technology

by Ed Mazza         December 12, 2017        (

• Earlier this autumn, a long cigar-shaped asteroid named ‘Oumuamua’ was confirmed as the first known object from outside the solar system. [It was first reported in the ExoNews on November 24th.]

• An organization called “Breakthrough Listen” will spend $100 million to detect evidence of an extraterrestrial transmitter using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia. While it should only take less than a minute to detect, they will spend ten hours observing the ‘asteroid’ across four radio bands.


Earlier this autumn, an asteroid named ’Oumuamua captured the attention of the scientific world when it was confirmed as the first known object from outside the solar system. Now, Breakthrough Listen wants to see if it’s the first sign of life beyond our planet.

On Wednesday, the $100 million project to detect potential evidence of extraterrestrials plans to use the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to observe the asteroid across four radio bands for 10 hours.
“Most likely it is of natural origin, but because it is so peculiar, we would like to check if it has any sign of artificial origin, such as radio emissions,” Avi Loeb, professor of astronomy at Harvard University and an adviser to Breakthrough Listen, told The Guardian. “If we do detect a signal that appears artificial in origin, we’ll know immediately.”
According to a news release, it will take less than a minute to detect a transmitter with the power of a cellphone.

“We don’t want to be sensational in any way, and we are very realistic about the chances this is artificial,” Yuri Milner, the Silicon Valley billionaire behind the Breakthrough Initiatives, told Scientific American. “But because this is a unique situation, we think mankind can afford 10 hours of observing time using the best equipment on the planet to check a low-probability hypothesis.”



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Has An Alien Probe Entered Our Solar System?

by Harry Pettit        December 12, 2017        (

• Astronomers are set to scan an ‘alien’ comet for signs of extraterrestrial signals.

• The cigar-shaped object, named ‘Oumuamua, sailed past Earth last month.

• The mysterious comet is the first interstellar object seen in the solar system.

• Now a team of alien-hunting scientists led by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner is scanning the object for radio signals.


Astronomers are set to scan an ‘alien’ comet for signs of extraterrestrial technology.
The cigar-shaped asteroid, named ‘Oumuamua by its discoverers, sailed past Earth last month and is the first interstellar object seen in the solar system.

A team of alien-hunting scientists, led by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, will scan the comet this week before it sails beyond the reach of Earth’s telescopes.

They say they are looking for radio signals, claiming the mysterious visitor could be an alien spaceship.

The alien-hunting project will use the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia for its investigation, with the campaign set to begin at 3:00pm ET (8:00pm GMT) on Wednesday.

The telescopes sensitive equipment would would take less than a minute to pick up something as faint as the radio waves from a smartphone, according to the Atlantic.

Milner, the business mogul behind Breakthrough Listen, a $100 million (£75m) search for intelligent extraterrestrial life, received an email about the object last week from one of his chief scientists.



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Former NASA Astronaut Claims He Personally Witnessed a 9-Foot Tall Extraterrestrial While on Duty

by Arjun Walia      November 25, 2017        (

• Clark C. McClelland, a former SCO of the Space Shuttle Fleet, claims he personally observed an 8- to 9-foot-tall extraterrestrial on his monitor while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Control Center (LCC). He claims the ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle payload bay having a discussion with two tethered NASA astronauts. He also claims to have observed on his monitors the spacecraft of the ET as it was stabilized safely in orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle’s main engine pods.

• On McClelland’s website, he writes: “How did it communicate? I have no idea. It did move its arms a lot. Almost like giving instructions! I heard no voice communications. The helmet was not as large as our two NASA Astronauts, and had a viewport to look forward. It had a small, perhaps a communication device, attached only to the right side of the helmet!”

• “I saw no oxygen tank. It had a wide belt like wrapping around it. It did not appear to be tethered as the two Astronauts were to the sides of the shuttle structure. I observed nothing that appeared to be a weapon. The time of this amazing scene was one minute and seven seconds, I timed it on my astronaut chronograph watch.”

• McClelland claims that he was part of hundreds of missions for NASA. Others have also vouched for Clark, including Ufologist Richard Dolan and Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell.

• However, NASA itself cannot now ‘officially’ verify that McClelland ever worked there. McClelland claims that the U.S. government stripped him of his pension and his identity as a NASA employee after he spoke out about what he saw.


It seems to be a rare thing these days to come across a person who isn’t at least open to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life existing somewhere in the universe (or if you prefer, multiverse). In fact, the general consensus within the mainstream scientific community is that we are assuredly not alone; as the Director of Operations for Bigelow Aerospace, Mike Gold, puts it, the universe is most probably “teeming with intelligent extraterrestrial life.” In fact, top U.S astronomers recently testified in front of U.S. congress expressing the same belief.

Furthermore, we have a number of scientists, astronomers, astronauts, high-ranking military/political personnel, and academics trying to tell the world that we are not alone, that we never have been, and that intelligent extraterrestrial life has been and is currently visiting our planet and interacting with the human race.

“Yes, it’s both. [ET contact is] both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, or, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” – John Mack, Harvard Psychologist

Dr. Theodore C. Loder III, Professor Emeritus of Earth Science at the University of New Hampshire, is a great example; he has been telling the world that intelligent beings from other star systems have and are visiting our planet Earth for some time now.

And Dr. Jack Kasher, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Nebraska, has said: “There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.”
Former head of the CIA Roscoe Hillenkoetter is one out of hundreds of examples that come from personnel within the Department of Defence making the same claims. He was quoted as saying, “Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”

When thousands upon thousands of declassified UFO documents from dozens of governments are added to the equation, it’s not hard to see why so many people in ‘high’ places are starting to speak out. Even those within the government have been voicing their concern. Any time an article about UFOs is being written, it should be clear that this is a serious issue that has been receiving a lot of attention (for decades) by some very serious people and defence intelligence agencies.

I apologize if you have already come across this information in some of my previous articles, but there are still many people out there who will read this not knowing that a ‘UFO/extraterrestrial issue,’ for lack of a better term, even exists.

The Case of the 9-Foot-Tall Extraterrestrial

Clark C. McClelland, a former SCO of the Space Shuttle Fleet, claims he personally observed an 8- to 9-foot-tall extraterrestrial on his monitor while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Control Center (LCC). He claims the ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with two tethered U.S. NASA Astronauts. He also claims to have observed (on his monitors) the spacecraft of the ET as it was stabilized safely in orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle’s main engine pods.

He claims he was part of hundreds of missions for NASA.

On his website, he writes: “How did it communicate? I have no idea. It did move its arms a lot. Almost like giving instructions! I heard no voice communications. The helmet was not as large as our two NASA Astronauts, and had a viewport to look forward. It had a small, perhaps a communication device, attached only to the right side of the helmet!”

“I saw no oxygen tank(s). It had a wide belt like wrapping around it.. It did not appear to be tethered as the two Astronauts were to the sides of the shuttle structure. I observed nothing that appeared to be a weapon. The time of this amazing scene was one minute and seven seconds, I timed it on my Astronaut chronograph watch.”



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Steven Spielberg’s Interesting Story About Real Aliens & the White House

by Arjun Walia       November 25, 2017        (

• This article is about a part of an interview of Steven Spielberg by Eric Quint of the ‘Aint It Cool News’ website. Spielberg talks about being summoned to the Ronald Reagan White House on June 27, 1982 to present his new movie, E.T. the Extraterrestrial in the White House screening room.

• In the interview, Spielberg says: “He [Reagan] just stood up and he looked around the room, almost like he was doing a headcount, and he said, “I wanted to thank you for bringing E.T. to the White House. We really enjoyed your movie,” and then he looked around the room and said, “And there are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.” And he said it without smiling! But he said that and everybody laughed, by the way. The whole room laughed because he presented it like a joke, but he wasn’t smiling as he said it.”

• Many know that the truth really is out there. There are now hundreds, if not thousands, of credible insiders providing witness testimony, and thousands of declassified files describing bizarre UFO craft. Discussing possible intelligent extraterrestrial contact/visitation is no longer a fringe conversation. It is something that’s been discussed at the highest levels of government for decades.


Many of you reading this already know that the truth really is out there. Discussing possible intelligent extraterrestrial contact/visitation is no longer simply a fringe conversation, and it’s something that’s been discussed at the highest levels of government for decades. Whether it’s a five-star Admiral of the Royal Navy and Chairman of the NATO committee telling us that “there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited by people from outer space,” the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee telling us that the issue has become “so highly-classified . . . it is just impossible to get anything on it,” or the sixth man to walk on the moon telling us that “they’ve been coming here for a long time,” there are now hundreds, if not thousands, of credible insiders now providing witness testimony. To compliment this testimony, we also have thousands of previously classified files showing bizarre craft performing extraordinary maneuvers, and detailing discussions of the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

There is also abundant physical and scientific evidence. Dr. Jacques Vallée, for example, notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern internet, published a paper in the Journal of Scientific Exploration titled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Aerial Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics” that examines documented cases of UFOs.

In the interview, Spielberg says: “He just stood up and he looked around the room, almost like he was doing a headcount, and he said, “I wanted to thank you for bringing E.T. to the White House. We really enjoyed your movie,” and then he looked around the room and said, “And there are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.”

“And he said it without smiling! But he said that and everybody laughed, by the way. The whole room laughed because he presented it like a joke, but he wasn’t smiling as he said it.”

After Spielberg brings up the issue, he quickly changes the subject and doesn’t bring it up again.
The snippet below is from an interview with Aint It Cool News. Spielberg discusses the time he screened his classic film E.T. at the White House for Reagan and distinguished guests.



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Cambridge University Scientist Says Aliens Are Real & Look Like Humans

by Joe Martino      November 24, 2017      (

  • Cambridge University professor and evolutionary biologist, Simon Conway Morris, believes aliens are not only real, but look just like us, and notes how interesting it is that we have yet to find or come in contact with human-like beings given the number of Earth-like planets we have discovered so far.

  • Says Morris, “…given the number of potential planets that we now have good reason to think exist, even if the dice only come up the right way every one in 100 throws, that still leads to a very large number of intelligences scattered around, that are likely to be similar to us.”

  • “More problematic is that many of these solar systems far, far pre-date our solar system. They would have, in principle, a major head start of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years.”

  • “We shouldn’t be alone but… all the evidence suggests we are. Maybe [aliens] are hiding.” “My suspicion is we have only begun to scratch at the surface of reality.”

  • Can we take Professor Morris seriously? Given the amount of evidence, case studies, and experiences that have been documented, it’s not at all unreasonable to believe that aliens not only exist, but could be among us already.

  • The topic of extraterrestrials secretly interacting with humans is so widely discussed now that it’s only a matter of time before big answers will come.

  • [Editor’s Note] The masthead graphic above is a photo of an alleged over-sized, but human-looking, extraterrestrial who interacted with a group of Italians during the 1950’s, known as “The Friendship Case”.


Evolutionary biologist Simon Conway Morris has shared his belief that aliens are not only real, but look just like us, and notes how interesting it is that we have yet to find or come in contact with human-like beings, given the number of Earth-like planets we have discovered so far.

Professor Conway Morris is best known for his study on the Cambrian explosion, which saw a sudden evolutionary burst of complex animal life occur around 542 million years ago. Morris, a man of both religion and science, has also been challenging popular scientific theories with an open mind for quite some time. He feels that many theories, when pulled together, can help explain how we all got here, but on their own paint only an incomplete picture.

Given his history, it’s unsurprising that Morris also delves into the ET realm. He feels that because many of the planets we have discovered are similar to our own, harbouring the distinct possibility for life, it is likely life has already emerged: “I would argue that in any habitable zone that doesn’t boil or freeze, intelligent life is going to emerge, because intelligence is convergent. One can say with reasonable confidence that the likelihood of something analogous to a human evolving is really pretty high. And given the number of potential planets that we now have good reason to think exist, even if the dice only come up the right way every one in 100 throws, that still leads to a very large number of intelligences scattered around, that are likely to be similar to us.”

He continues: “Fermi’s paradox seems to be coming rather sharply into focus. If I’m on the right track then the likelihood of intelligence is evolving and actively engaging in some sort of transgalatic expeditions doesn’t seem to be completely beyond the realm of possibility.”

“What Fermi didn’t know when he asked that famous question was that the number of Earth-like planets is absolutely gigantic now. More problematic is that many of these solar systems far, far pre-date our solar system. They would have, in principle, a major head start of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years.”

“The problem is exceedingly acute: we shouldn’t be alone but, famous last words, all the evidence suggests we are. Maybe [aliens] are hiding, the Arthur C Clarke idea, or as Stephen Baxter mischievously suggested we live in a virtual world. I don’t honestly know. My suspicion is we have only begun to scratch at the surface of reality, for want of a better word.”

But are they hiding? There’s been so much evidence of “someone else” that the statement “maybe they’re hiding” seems misplaced.



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Are ETs Watching Us? — Presentation

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Teresa Yanaros of Divine Frequency presents a case for exopolitics regarding the “Watchers” paradigmatic perspective of ET contact. This presentation was made for the course “Exopolitics 101” administered by the Exopolitics Institute.

For more information on courses in Exopolitics, go to:

Faking the Moon Landing Isn’t the Conspiracy, It’s What Really Happened When We Got There

by Arjun Walia       November 22, 2017

• Did we really go to the moon? Yes, we did. However, many of the photos and video footage were faked.

• Not long ago, the Russian government called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding missing samples and photos never released to the public.

• According to US Army Command Sergeant Major and NATO intelligence analyst, Bob Dean, NASA erased 40 rolls of film – several thousand individual frames – of the Apollo Program including the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, and the astronauts walking around.

• According to multiple sources, after landing, the Apollo astronauts transmitted that they were being watched by enormous extraterrestrial vehicles.

• UFO researcher, Steven Greer, said that “both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module”. “Neil Armstrong became somewhat of a recluse after the moon landing, and rarely spoke of the historic event.” “If he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing, Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed.”

• NASA employee Ken Johnston said, “While Neil and Buzz were on the Lunar surface, Neil switched to the medical channel and spoke directly with the chief medical officer saying, ‘they’re here, they’re parked on the side of the crater, they’re watching us’.”

• Defense contractor insider, William Tompkins, claimed that when Armstrong’s Lunar Module landed on the Sea of Tranquility Crater, Armstrong said ‘There are other ships here, they are enormous’. ‘Armstrong panned his camera in a 360 degree motion all around the crater and the CIA then classified the information as way above top secret’.”

• UFO researcher Timothy Good says that a former member of MI6 revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong when he confirmed there were “other” spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Armstrong also confirmed the CIA was behind the cover up.

• “There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief.” – Neil Armstrong


Did we really go to the moon? Yes, we definitely did. However, our research shows that many of the photos and video footage were faked.

“There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief.” – Neil Armstrong

It wasn’t long ago that the Russian government called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding missing samples and photos not released to the public. This created a new wave of interest into what really happened when the U.S. went up there, and led some to question if they even went there at all. The topic is filled with a number of interesting facts and statements from credible people that make one thing abundantly clear: Something fishy is happening on the moon, and we’re not being told about it.

This uncertainty has been made apparent by various sources, which include multiple Apollo astronauts, academics, and high-ranking military whistleblowers, not to mention official photos taken by NASA.
According to Bob Dean, a United States Army Command Sergeant Major who also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst, more footage exists, erased and hidden all these years, which we have never been told about: “Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for ‘Never A Straight Answer’, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”

We will get into more intriguing facts later in the article. More points will be made about why so many people are starting to wonder if there is, or was, an alien presence on the moon. These points make it easier to consider the lore that surrounds the moon landing. Perhaps one of the most interesting points is what Neil Armstrong communicated to Houston when we landed on the moon.

According to multiple sources, after landing, the Apollo astronauts transmitted that they were being watched by enormous extraterrestrial vehicles.

Where Does This Claim Come From?

One source is Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Greer was responsible for bringing forth high level military whistleblowers from all ranks to testify about the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon. He’s also had high level meetings within the Pentagon about this issue, which was verified by Apollo 14 astronaut and 6th man to walk on the moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, in Greer’s film Sirius Disclosure.

Edgar is one of multiple NASA astronauts who have made some eye-opening comments about the extraterrestrial presence.

According to Greer, “Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event- but it has never been made public. One close family member of Buzz Aldrin told me “It is not my place to out Buzz on this- someday if he can speak about it, he will…”

“Neil Armstrong became somewhat of a recluse after the moon landing, and rarely spoke of the historic event. His friends and family have told me that this is because he was a man of such integrity that he simply did not want to be put in a position to lie to the public about such a momentous encounter. How tragic that our heroes have been placed in this untenable situation!”

“When we were organizing The Disclosure Project a few years ago, I asked one of Neil Armstrong’s friends if Armstrong would come to Washington to brief members of Congress at the 1997 Congressional briefing we organized in April of that year. I was told that Armstrong wished he could –but that if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing, that Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed. It was put to me this bluntly.”

Another source is former NASA employee Ken Johnston. Johnston was a Boeing engineer and a former fighter-jock and test pilot for Grumman Aerospace. He was also a marine and an F-4 pilot, as well as a NASA employee, working as the chief Lunar Module test pilot at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. According to James Oberg, a U.S. space journalist, UFO skeptic, and space historian, “Johnston seems to be a sweet human being who did honorable service to his country in the military and in the Apollo program.”

Ken Johnson reveals: “While Neil and Buzz were on the Lunar surface, Neil switched to the medical channel, and spoke directly with the chief medical officer saying, they’re here, they’re parked on the side of the crater, they’re watching us.”

Johnston is referring to a story put out by former NASA employee Otto Bender. According to Dr. Michael Salla, PhD., on a post written on his website, Bender confirmed that HAM radio operators had intercepted these VHF signals that were transmitted from Apollo 11, the ones that were kept from the public.

Apparently, this is how it went:
Mission Control: What’s there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.
Apollo 11: These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they’re on the moon watching us.

As a teenager William Tompkins had an eye for detail and loved to create Navy ship and submarine models. The Navy took interest in his capabilities and recruited him to do work on advanced technology projects. Recently, he has come forward with claims, as many others have, about clandestine Black Budget operation programs.

According to Tompkins: “The Landing Module (LEM) actually impacted the Moon surface in the Sea of Tranquility Crater, which had tremendous size vehicles parked around part of its rim. When astronaut Neil Armstrong made that First Step for Man on the Moon he looked up to the edge of the crater and said to mission control: “There are other ships here, they are enormous. The public did not hear that statement or see the massive alien starships. Armstrong panned his camera in a 360 degree motional all around the crater and the CIA then classified the information as way above top secret.”

Another source for this story comes from Timothy Good, one of the world’s leading UFO researchers, who has lectured at universities, schools, and many organizations, including the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group, and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies.

He says that a former member of MI6 revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when he confirmed there were “other” spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Armstrong also confirmed the CIA was behind the coverup.

So you see, this story has many different sides to it, and given all of the information that’s now available in the public domain regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial life, it’s really not hard to believe, especially when we already have some compelling information about the moon.



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The Journey to the Center of the Earth – Just How Far Down Have We Gone?

By Alanna Ketler       November 20, 2017        (

• There are many theories alluding to an ancient city that lies deep within this Earth’s centre, where either beings once lived or in some theories are still living. The theory of the inner earth – with lakes, lush greenery, and even woolly mammoths – has been tied to many different civilizations throughout our history.

• Many believers claim that the entrance to the inner earth is via either the North or South Pole. Interestingly, aircraft are prohibited from flying over either of these poles.

• When you consider the sheer volume of the Earth and how massive it actually is, then it makes it easier to believe in possibilities such as an inner earth civilization.


The journey to the centre of the earth: is this a myth, a story, or is this something that we have done or are in the process of doing? We know about drilling into the Earth’s crust for resources such as fossil fuels, mine shafts that go deep, deep down, and we know, to some degree, about some underground bunkers etc.

But how far into the Earth have we actually gone, and how much has been left undiscovered? We know what science has told us about the composition beyond the Earth’s crust, but what may be surprising for you to know is that we have barely even scratched the Earth’s surface in comparison to what is still waiting to be discovered. After watching the (3-minute) video below, it may leave you questioning whether there may be something to those inner earth theories after all.

After watching this video I was completely floored. I actually remember in Science class being taught about what the Earth is made of: the crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core comprising rock, liquid iron, and solid iron. I asked my teacher how they knew this, and she replied, “oh because they’ve drilled down and have been able to find out.” Of course I just accepted this answer.

I did not realize how impossible that actually would be (drilling down). But now, I’m feeling a bit skeptical, and more so just open to the possibilities of what the Earth might actually be made of.
Now, in no way am I presenting this as fact, but merely something to consider for those of you who enjoy exploring the unlimited possibilities of what could be, despite what mainstream science has led us to believe. No, I’m not about to state a case of the flat earth theory, quite the opposite actually.

Enter, Agartha — The Hollow Earth Theory

There are many theories alluding to an ancient city that lies deep within this Earth’s centre, where either beings once lived or in some theories are still living. It is well known that Hitler himself was fascinated with this theory and made efforts to find the inner earth; there were even maps drawn up that support this claim.

Then there is the story of Operation Hyjump and Admiral Byrd, who apparently flew to the centre of the earth through an opening in the south pole – many believers claim that the entrance to the inner earth is via either the North or South Pole, and interestingly, nowadays, aircraft are prohibited from flying over either of these poles. Once there, he apparently saw lush lakes, greenery, and woolly mammoths, which we all know have been extinct, on the surface of Earth anyways, for thousands of years.


Bio-Cave graphic by Josh Eiten

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Here Is Who Was Removed From the JFK Files Released in 2017

By Joe Martino       November 24. 2017       (

• Recently, the JFK files were released to the public. Those who said ‘No way would the deep state let the truth out’ were right. They didn’t.

• After 54 years of waiting for these files, all of them were not released. This likely means that a person is still living today who has information related to the death and/or the cover-up of John F. Kennedy, who was killed on November 22, 1963.

• Jimmy Bright of the “Bright Insight” YouTube channel thinks that person is George H. W. Bush, and he’s made a video to discuss it.


I always say, if you try to see the world through very dirty glasses you will not see things clearly. However, if you clean those glasses, you will see what’s actually going on.

This metaphor applies beautifully to viewing the reality of how our world works. If the mainstream media, history, and the education system are your lenses into the way the world works, your glasses are dirty. If however you are utilizing critical thinking, alternative news outlets and personal research to dig more deeply on how our world actually works, you will have much cleaner glasses – provided you can set aside all political bias’ of course.

Recently the JFK files were released to the public and of course everyone would suspect that the truth about what actually happened that day may come to light in a way like never before.

For those saying ‘No way, they would never let that truth out,’ I hear you. The Deep State probably wouldn’t. But then again how did we get all the leaks about the DNC corruption, the Snowden leaks and the truth about the Clinton’s around election time? Insiders in the US security agencies of course.
So perhaps this time around maybe it was possible that some ‘white hats’ inside these agencies would again reveal some interesting secrets to the people. But it appears it didn’t happen that way.
After 54 years of waiting for these files, not all are being released. This likely means that a person(s) is still living today, that has information related to the death and/or the cover-up of John F. Kennedy, who was killed on November 22, 1963.

Who might that person be? George H. W. Bush. A man coming from one of the most Deep State protected families out there.

The video below dives into this story and data omission deeply. Check it out:



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US Moon Landing Faked? Photo of Astronaut’s Visor ‘Proves NASA Staged Apollo 17 Mission’

by Jeff Farrell        November 18, 2017        (

• YouTuber, Streetcap1, has recently posted a NASA stock photo (above) that appears to show a man walking around the ‘moon’ without a space suit during the Apollo 17 mission. Says the poster, “It looks like a man back in the early 70’s, long hair, wearing some sort of waistcoat type thing.”

• In the early 1970’s, the U.S. and the Soviet Union (Russia) were in the grip of a Cold War, and the U.S. was under pressure to prove they could beat Russia in missions to the moon. NASA’s desperation to beat the Soviets has fueled suspicions for nearly five decades that some or all of the missions were shot on a movie set. The man in the image then would have been a stage hand.

[Editor’s Note] In 2015, a video was going around on the internet purporting to be an interview with Stanley Kubrick in March 1999, just before Kubrick’s death, wherein Kubrick admits to helping NASA fake, or “restage”, the moon landings on a movie set. Kubrick’s daughter, Vivian Kubrick, denied the authenticity of the video arguing that someone with the artistic integrity of Stanley Kubrick would never betray the public. The mainstream has likewise vehemently debunked the video admission.


A stock photo appears to show a man walking around the ‘moon’ without a space suit during the US’s Apollo 17 mission – adding more fuel to the conspiracy that the whole thing was faked.

America has always claimed they put the first men on Earth’s satellite planet when NASA beamed live video footage of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin supposedly taking their first steps there 48 years ago.

Doubters have always insisted that first mission was faked so the US could claim victory in the Space Race over Russia at the height of the Cold War.

Now fresh images have emerged that suggest that the sixth and final mission – Apollo 17 – some three years later was also faked.

The three man NASA crew – headed by Eugene Cerman – touched down on the moon and walked its surface, the official report said.

But a close-up analysis of one supposed image from the famous expedition that emerged this week suggests the whole enterprise was filmed on a Hollywood movie set.

A video that zooms in on the reflection of one of the astronaut’s visors appears to show a man standing around in a “waistcoat”, according to a YouTuber user who posted the footage.

He suggests the figure, which he says is a man with long hair that fits in with the style for men in 70s when Apollo 17 supposedly landed on the moon on December 7, 1972.

Conspiracy theorists are likely to seize on the video as proof that NASA’s Apollo 17 was staged on a film set.

The US was under massive pressure to prove they could beat Russia in number of missions to the moon during the Cold War.

And their desperation to beat them has fueled suspicions for nearly five decades that all their missions were faked.

YouTube user Streetcap1 posted the footage of the supposed photo – the source of which was not verified – just days ago.

He said: “This is from a moon photograph, a reflection from one of the astronaut’s face visor, so I thought it looked a bit strange, so I took a picture of it using my software.”

“What we appear to have here is a figure of a human, not wearing a space suit, circa early 70s. An Apollo 17 photograph.”

“It looks like a man. Back in the early 70s. Long hair. Wearing some sort of waistcoat type thing.”



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Addressing the Alien-Human “Hybrid” Issue

by Nick Redfern      November 23, 2017      (

• This is the account of a woman in her 30’s from New Jersey by the name of Jennifer. Jennifer recalls encounters with ET “Greys” going back to early childhood, as does her mother and grandmother.

• Jennifer recalled being taken from her home in 2009. Under hypnosis, she recalled traveling in a black sedan, which she suspects was a screen memory to disguise that it was actually a UFO, to an abandoned military base where she was led by three dwarfish figures (again blocked memories of the Greys) to an elevator that took her to a large room very deep underground.

• In the room there were six human-ET hybrid children, all but one of them female, sitting still in chairs along the wall. They were all skinny and sickly-looking, with yellow hair.

• Also strewn about the room were toys – teddy-bears, dolls, and many fluffy toy dogs. The children seemed completely disinterested in them.

• Jennifer’s “job” was to encourage the children to play with the toys. She tried, and a couple of the children smiled and laughed a little, but the rest remained stoic and disinterested.

• As the “experiment” seemed to have failed, the Greys took her back up to the surface and took her home in the same ‘black sedan’ (UFO).

• Whether this sort of thing is done from a positive perspective of inter-species cooperation and inter-breeding, or if it’s done to ensure that the hybrids can more successfully infiltrate human society in a sinister, hostile fashion, very much remains to be seen.


As the investigation of the alien abduction phenomenon has shown, more than a few alien abductees report being taken to rooms that are in stark contrast to the sterile and clean – and almost obsessively so – environments aboard UFOs. In these particular cases, abductees enter an environment in which what are known as “hybrid children” are given toys to play with. It’s as if a concerted attempt is being made to humanize the hybrids even more. Whether this is done from a positive perspective of inter-species cooperation and inter-breeding, or if it’s done to ensure that the hybrids can more successfully infiltrate human society in a sinister, hostile fashion, very much remains to be seen. It’s also very dependent on which side of the fence you stand. Possibly, you may well be of the opinion that the whole issue is complete and utter nonsense. Or, just the stuff of fiction.

Despite the bizarre and controversial nature of such stories, there’s no doubt that such reports abound. Take, for example, the story of Jennifer, a life-long resident of New Jersey. In her mid-thirties, she has conscious recall of encounters with the so-called extraterrestrial “Greys” going back to her early childhood, as does her mother. Even her grandmother has vague recollections of encountering a group of “little men” in New Jersey woods, during the summer months, at some point in the 1940s; something which emphasizes the ongoing, multi-generational aspect of these events that so many people report. As well as her consciously recalled interactions with the Greys, Jennifer has been able to pull further recollections out of the depths of her mind and subconscious via hypnosis. One recollection, in particular, stands out, in terms of relevancy to the theme of this article. And in terms of it’s profound strangeness too.

Although Jennifer has no memories of interactions with hybrid babies, she does have memories of being taken from her home, in 2009, to what she described as looking like “an old military base, but shut down,” where she encountered hybrid children. Notably, there are other examples of abandoned, official facilities seemingly being used in covert abduction-related situations. Jennifer’s hypnotically-recovered recollections began with her stepping out of what she first thought was a large, black sedan, but that, with hindsight, she came to believe was a landed UFO. The image of the car, then, possibly being a screen-memory designed to mask, or at least confuse, the true nature of the event. She then recalls being guided, in a somewhat groggy and hazy state, to an elevator by three dwarfish figures that she found it difficult to recall, in terms of their physical appearances. What she had no trouble remembering, however, was what happened next.



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World War Weather: Coming Soon?

by Nick Redfern      November 19, 2017       (

• On August 15, 1952 a flash flood tore through the Devon village of Lynmouth, England. Thirty five people died as 90m tons of water and thousands of tons of rock poured through the village destroying homes, bridges, shops and hotels.

• In 2001, evidence from declassified government files suggested that a team of international scientists working with the Royal Air Force was experimenting with artificial rainmaking in southern Britain in the same week and could possibly be implicated.

• In 2008, the BBC revealed that those classified documents on the secret experiments, known as ‘Operation Cumulus’, had gone missing.

• Survivors told how the air smelled of sulfur on the afternoon of the floods, and that the rain was so hard, it hurt people’s faces. A glider pilot told how he flew over Bedfordshire as part of Operation Cumulus, spraying salt into the air.

• In April 1997, in a speech at the University of Georgia, then Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen stated that ‘certain people’ were able to alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electro-magnetic waves.

• Right now, technology is being researched and developed that may allow for sudden thunderstorms, floods, lightning strikes, and even earthquakes to be directed to specific areas of the planet.


Can you imagine a very strange situation in which future wars might not be fought with the conventional weapons of conflict- such as missiles, bombs and bullets – but with the weather? If it sounds like a strange question, well, that’s because it is a strange question! And, if you think that such a thing is simply not possible, it’s very much a case of time to think again. Right now, technology is being researched and developed that may allow for sudden thunderstorms, floods, lightning strikes, and even earthquakes to be directed to specific areas of the planet. The potential result? Complete chaos and death on a huge scale.

It’s not only conspiracy theorists who believe that such a scenario could become a grim reality. In fact, you may be surprised at who has gone on the record as stating that not only is such a thing possible, but that the technology has been around – at experimental level, at least – for decades.

In August 2001, the U.K.’s Guardian newspaper published an article titled “RAF rainmakers ‘caused 1952 flood.’” In part, it stated: “On August 15, 1952, one of the worst flash floods ever to have occurred in Britain swept through the Devon village of Lynmouth. Thirty five people died as a torrent of 90m tons of water and thousands of tons of rock poured off saturated Exmoor and into the village destroying homes, bridges, shops and hotels. The disaster was officially termed ‘the hand of God’ but new evidence from previously classified government files suggests that a team of international scientists working with the RAF [Royal Air Force] was experimenting with artificial rainmaking in southern Britain in the same week and could possibly be implicated.”

Seven years later, in 2008, the BBC revealed: “In 2001, a BBC investigation discovered that classified documents on the secret experiments have gone missing. Survivors told how the air smelled of sulfur on the afternoon of the floods, and that the rain was so hard, it hurt people’s faces. The BBC unearthed fresh evidence about the alleged experiment, including RAF logbooks and personal testimony. The experiment was called ‘Operation Cumulus,’ but some people taking part dubbed it ‘Operation Witch Doctor.’ Alan Yates, who was a glider pilot, told how he flew over Bedfordshire as part of Operation Cumulus, spraying salt into the air. He was later told that there was a devastating downpour in Staines, 50 miles away.”



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