Overcoming the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial Control System – Pt 2

In part two of this Exonews TV interview conducted in Australia’s Gold Coast, George Kavassilas explains the key components of a Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial control matrix used to limit human potential and growth.

In particular, he identifies the roles of the chakra system and the pineal gland in creating false synthetic light experiences that entrap many individuals. He asserts the creation of synthetic light experiences is the favored manipulation technique used by unscrupulous extraterrestrials and higher dimensionals.

He outlines his Heart -Centric/Core-Self method of how to overcome the global control system that creates a Matrix-like illusory reality that continues to manipulate most of humanity. He insists that overcoming the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial control system is the necessary step we all have to take in attaining human freedom and achieving our highest potential as universal beings having a physical experience.

For Part 1 go to: https://youtu.be/Xli8K0jhDbg

To learn more about George Kavassilas, visit his website at: https://www.weareinfinite.love/

The U.S. Navy Received Advanced Technologies From An Alien Race, Book Claims

by Elizabeth Gail                 January 28, 2018                  (inquisitr.com)

• William Tompkins, 2015 book Selected by Extraterrestrials is, sadly, his last book as Tompkins died in August of 2017. But his book tells of a life that began with debriefing American spies embedded in Germany for the Navy in San Diego as a teenager during WWII. After the war ended Tompkins became an influential aerospace engineer with Douglas Aircraft , designing spacecraft for the US Navy’s secret space program, “Solar Warden”, including a 2.5km spacecraft carrier and a 1.4km spacecraft battle cruiser.

• The Navy spies brought back stories of the Nazis working with an extraterrestrial race of Reptilians showing the Germans how to build anti-gravity spacecraft. According to Tompkins’ book, Reptilian aliens have attacked numerous planets, colonizing and enslaving its inhabitants. The US Navy countered by allying with a Nordic-looking extraterrestrial race to build its own secret space fleet during the 1970’s, and deployed the Solar Warden fleet in the 1980’s.

[Editor’s Note] To learn all about William Tompkins, do read Selected By Extraterrestrials. But keep in mind that was written by a 92 year old man who hadn’t written anything for a long time. For instance, when he refers to Admiral Rick Obotta, he means Admiral Rico Botta. For excellent analysis of Tompkin’s work, read the wealth of ExoPolitics.org articles by Dr Michael Salla, and also the 2017 book by Dr Salla on this very topic entitled The US Navy’s Secret Space Program & Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance.


               A teenage Bill Tompkins

The U.S. Navy has in the past cooperated with an alien race to develop technology that can be used to defend the planet against invasions from reptilian alien attacks. This is according to claims made by William Tompkins, a U.S.-based writer, in his book Selected by Extraterrestrials. Having worked for the Navy as an aircraft designer during the ’50s and ’60s, he apparently had access to highly classified information and bases that offered sufficient evidence of the existence of an alien race that provided technological knowledge to the human race.

He was reportedly based at the San Diego’s Naval Air Station, and was during WW2 in contact with Nazi Germany’s moles who worked in top secret aerospace facilities. According to the book, U.S. spies in Germany discovered that the Germans had received sufficient info on how to create antigravity aircraft, beam weapons, and more from reptilian aliens. They apparently gave him this information so he could conquer the world.

               William Tompkins

Reptilian aliens, according to the book, attack numerous planets and aim to disrupt planetary life, colonize, and enslave its inhabitants. Meanwhile, another alien race, he dubs “The Nordics,” worked with the U.S. to counter their rivals’ advances. His book features sketches of spacecraft he designed. He personally came up with designs for five spaceships and dozens of support ships that were created to fend off invading lizard aliens.

They include a 2.5km Naval Spacecraft Carrier and a 1.4km Naval Spacecraft        Battle Cruiser. The aforementioned ships were built decades later in the 1980s, but construction began in the ’70s. According to his revelation, the project was under a highly classified program called Solar Warden. Apparently, wars with reptilian aliens were, and still are, very short-lived and The Nordics had similar ships and equipment as the ones built for the Navy. They were also involved in wars to protect our planet.

William apparently worked for the Douglas Aircraft Company for 12 years and joined the company in 1951. Douglas Aircraft had been contracted by the government to undertake various projects for the Navy. It was while there that he supposedly worked with The Nordics to create antigravity aircraft. Tompkins’ descriptive evidence has had conspiracy theorists citing it as additional evidence that the U.S. government has been involved in a cover-up involving the existence of aliens, as reported by the Daily Star (August 29, 2016).



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Will Antarctic German Space Program Reveal Itself & Release Advanced Technologies?

There has been much controversy over a February 5 blog post by former Forbes Magazine editor, Benjamin Fulford that a German Space Program based in Antarctica has secretly reached a deal with U.S. and global authorities, and is ready to reveal itself. Such a disclosure will lead to life changing antigravity and other suppressed technologies being released, according to Fulford.

Fulford does not name his sources or offer any direct evidence supporting his controversial claim, but recent visits to southern Argentina by U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, does offer important circumstantial support. Fulford’s claim therefore merits close examination in light of what Tillerson and Bezos were really doing in Argentina.

Fulford cites unnamed Pentagon sources for his controversial assertion.  On Monday, February 5, he wrote:

A major peace deal was reached last week in negotiations that took place literally under the light of the blue-blood super moon in a certain Asian country last week, according to sources who were present. As are result of this, the Nazi faction of the world military-industrial complex has agreed to align itself with the light side of the force. Thus in the near future, Nazi technology, notably anti-gravity and hypersonic (Mach 20+) air travel, will be made available to the “surface population,” of the planet, the sources say… We will have more details toward the end of this report.

Towards the end of his blog post, Fulford gives the promised additional details:

In any case, now that the Nazis have agreed to come out of hiding and rejoin the human family, there is simply no military power left that will support any more Khazarian genocidal projects. The Nazis are now run by a generation that is in their 30’s and who have no experience with or involvement in the horrors of World War II. For that reason, they have no reason to hide.

In any case, according to the source mentioned above, the Nazis have not really been hiding at all. In the real world, most Nazi leaders who were not arrested at the end of World War 2 did not go to Antarctica or even South America. Instead, they went to Spain, which was still run by a Fascist government after the war ended. Many stayed in Spain, but others moved on to Cuba and Nevada, among other places. The infamous Area 51 and other bases in Nevada are mainly bases for testing advanced Nazi aerospace technology, according to this source. This technology will now be shared with the general population, the source says.

The Nazi bases in Antarctica, this source says, are far smaller and less significant than many believe. He says disinformation about giant Nazi bases in Antarctica was deliberately put out by the Nazis in order to keep Nazi hunters off their trail. The reality is that they did find warm hollows under the ice created by volcanic hot springs, but that that the water was undrinkable.


In answer to a reader’s question about the intentions of the present German leadership in Antarctica, Fulford added:

The new generation of Nazi leaders renounces the genocidal plans of their fathers and grandfathers and wishes to share their wonderful technology with humanity. As such, we should welcome them, and hopefully their secret space program will not have to be secret any more.

There has been extensive eyewitness testimony given by insiders such as William Tompkins (a former US Navy operative and aerospace engineer), Clark McClelland (a former NASA employee), and Corey Goode (former secret space program participant) about a fully functional German secret space program in Antarctica that covertly established agreements with the U.S. military industrial complex in the 1950’s.

Some of this eyewitness testimony was covered in Books One and Two of my Secret Space Program Series, and a more detailed examination along with supporting evidence is forthcoming in Book Three: Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs (March 2018).

In short, there is much evidence that a German space program was secretly created in Antarctica, and that agreements reached with the U.S. Military Industrial Complex led to its expansion, and the establishment of what Jim Marrs and others refer to as the Fourth Reich.

This is where the Argentinian city of San Carlos de Bariloche, (aka Barilcoche)  becomes important. According to credible sources, Adolf Hitler escaped the war to establish his primary residence in Bariloche, which is located in Patagonia, the southern-most region of Argentina. World War II historians such as Harry Cooper and Dr. Jerome Corsi have cited extensive documents and eyewitness testimonies supporting such rumors.

In addition, Martin Bormann escaped to Argentina and made it a hub for a postwar Nazi capital flight program called Operation Eagle Flight. Bormann’s capital flight program not only financed a covert global attempt to establish a Fourth Reich, but also funded a German secret space program in Antarctica.

With the confluence of international finance and exiled Nazi leaders, Bariloche became the de facto capital of the Fourth Reich, and the place U.S. leaders would regularly visit to reach agreements with the Antarctic based German space program.

This is evidenced by visits to Bariloche by U.S. Presidents such as Dwight D. Eisenhower (February 28, 1960), William Clinton (October 18, 1997), and Barack Obama (March 24, 2016) all visited Bariloche ostensibly for economic development and/or environmental protection. The real reason may well have involved covert negotiations with leaders of the German SSP out of Antarctica.

President Dwight Eisenhower arrives in Bariloche, Argentina where he signed a Joint Declaration for economic development and environmental protection.

This why the February 3 trip to Bariloche by Secretary Rex Tillerson becomes important. Was he there simply to discuss “ecological exchanges” as State Department Undersecretary Steve Goldstein stated to the press? Or was Tillerson there to conduct secret negotiations with a new generation of leaders from the German Antarctic Space Program, as Pentagon sources allegedly told Fulford?

What lends further plausibility to Fulford’s claim of secret negotiations is Amazon founder and world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, simultaneous visit to Argentina. On February 3, an Argentinian newspaper released a story about Bezos unannounced visit to the Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia to “save the earth”:

The American businessman Jeff Bezos, founder and director of Amazon, owner of the legendary newspaper The Washington Post and founder of Blue Origin, a company that aims to make suborbital and commercial orbital trips, is located in the Argentine Patagonia.

The billionaire today tweeted a photo in front of the Perito Moreno glacier. “This is the impressive Perito Moreno glacier in Patagonia, we send robotic probes to all the planets of the solar system, and the Earth is far the best, we go to space, but to save the Earth,” said Bezos. [Google Translation]

It’s worth emphasizing that Bariloche is the fourth largest city in the region of Patagonia, with a sufficiently large airport to accommodate their aircraft. Tillerson and Bezos could have very easily attended secret negotiations respectively representing the highest levels of U.S. government and industry.

Indeed, this is what Dr. Joseph Farrell, who was the first to report on the Tillerson and Bezos visits, contends is what happened:

Mr. Bezos’ comments seem to imply that the purpose of his Patagonian glacierology expedition is related to space matters… which, again, conjures that image of Mr. Obama in Bariloche with NASA folks in tow. (And let’s not forget the Chinese presence in the region, again for ostensible “space related” purposes.) So, yes, my high octane speculation is that Mr. Bezos’ visit to the region is related to Mr. Tillerson’s, and that the purpose is not glaciers or Fullbright scholarships or talks to nature preserves, though it should be noted that the “nature” angle figures as a covering story both for Mr. Tillerson and Mr. Bezos! That alone suggests to me coordination, and that the trips are, indeed, related somehow. It’s that other influence in the region that raises the questions: Nazis. Bariloche was, after all, home and headquarters, more or less, to Dr. Ronald Richter’s very strange postwar plasma experiments for Juan Peron. The so-called Nazi Estancia, the “Ranch,” a vast cordoned-off area of some 10,000 square miles, is in the region.

The important point here is that Mr. Bezos may have given a clue about the real nature of the ongoing interest of “big names” and “big money” in the region: space, and advanced technologies, and that the real purpose of these strange visits is related directly to these.

Farrell’s observations here are very insightful. The Tillerson and Bezos visits were very likely connected to secret negotiations with a new generation of Nazi leaders willing to publicly release advanced space technologies.

Lending further credence to such an observation is the role of the Chinese military in running a joint space program facility with the Argentinian government that came into operation in 2016 in the Patagonia region, around the time of President Obama’s Bariloche visit.

This brings us back to Fulford’s unnamed Pentagon sources that told him about negotiations taking place at an Asian country around the time of the January 31 Super Blue Blood full moon. These negotiations involving global elites (aka Deep State/Cabal/Illuminati, etc.) apparently paved the way for the German space program to be revealed.

Four days later, Tillerson and Bezos show up at Bariloche, arguably with Chinese space  program representatives already operating in the Patagonia area, to strike a deal with the new generation of German Antarctic leaders.

While many of Fulford’s claims remain controversial and unsubstantiated, his most recent claim of a secret agreement being reached with a new generation of leaders of the Fourth Reich willing to publicly reveal themselves and release fantastic life changing space technologies, is backed by significant circumstantial evidence, and deserves serious investigation.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Documented UFO Sightings Found in Several Pieces of Historic Artwork

by Arjun Walia          January 26, 2018           (collective-evolution.com)

  • Sightings of strange objects in the sky have been recorded since ancient times.

  • The Ramayana, an ancient Indian Veda epic dating back to the fourth/fifth century B.C., recorded a “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.” 

  • Another ancient Indian text, the Mahabharata, described a flying craft as twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels about seven feet in diameter… “powered by winged lighting…it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions.” “They roar… off into the sky until they appear like comets.”

  • In 217 BC, it was reported by Orosius and Livy that round metallic shields were seen in the sky.

  • In 173 BC, Livy reported a “great fleet… in the sky” in Lanuvium, Italy.

  • In 100 BC, the people of Ameria and Tuder reported “a round shield, burning and emitting sparks” and ”objects in the sky rushing together from east and west, those from the west being routed.”

  • In 91 BC, a Golden orb phenomenon was seen in Umbria, Italy and recorded in the painting seen below.

  • On August 7, 1566, citizens of Basel, Switzerland reported seeing many spheres in the sky for several hours, and recorded the phenomenon in the painting seen above the title.


Every single year, the topic of UFOs grows in popularity, and that’s primarily due to the fact that they’re actually real. The most recent example comes from the Pentagon, they recently released footage of two Navy pilots scrambled to intercept a UFO. It performed maneuvers and travelled at speeds no known man-made air-craft can today.

There are thousands of documents detailing countless amounts of encounters between these objects several different nations and their military.
Does this mean they’re extraterrestrial? Not exactly, but what’s often overlooked is the extraterrestrial hypothesis (as a possible explanation for these UFOs).

Sightings of strange objects in the sky have been recorded for a very long time. For example, in 217 BC “at Arpi round shields (parmas) were seen in the sky” (Liv. 22.1.9; Orosius 4.15). A parma was a small round shield made of iron, bronze, and other metals. According to NASA, “we do not know whether the luster of these devices (and not just their shape) was intended to be an element of the description. Mock suns are an unlikely explanation, since in the Roman prodigy lists these were routinely described as ‘double suns’ or ‘triple suns’ (i.e. two mock suns on either side of the real one).”

Another example would be the picture, known as the “Golden orb” phenomenon seen at Spoletium, Umbria, Italy in 91 BC (from Jaques Vallee, Chris Aubeck: Wonders in the Sky.)

                  Umbria, Italy, 91 BC

The one (above the title) is from August 7, 1566. At dawn, many citizens of Basel (Switzerland) reported seeing many spheres for several hours.

In 173 BC “at Lanuvium a spectacle of a great fleet was said to have been seen in the sky” (Liv. 42.2.4). In 104 BC, “the people of Ameria and Tuder observed objects in the sky rushing together from east and west, those from the west being routed.”  In 100 BC, “a round shield (clipeus), burning and emitting sparks, ran across the sky from west to east, at sunset.” Thus Pliny (Nat. 2.100), although Obsequens (45) called the phenomenon “a circular object, like a round shield.”

The Ramayana is a Veda epic that dates back to the fourth/fifth century, B.C. (MahabharataVIII.31.80). In one passage, a vimana is described as a “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.” (Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind. New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014) (Daniken, Erich. Chariots of The Gods.New York: Berkley Books, 1970).

Vimanas are also described in the Mahabharata, another ancient text. In this case, measurements are given for one of the vimanas. It’s described as having twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels, approximately 20 to 25 feet in circumference, about seven feet in diameter.

“They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets.” The Mahabharata and various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, “powered by winged lighting…it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions.” 

This is something that’s been documented by several different cultures from around the world up to the present day. And although many of today’s sightings can be explained by modern day conventional science, a large portion, not small, remain a complete anomaly.



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NASA Announces New Planetary Protection Officer

by Paul Seaburn          February 7, 2018          (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• Lisa Pratt (seen above) has been appointed NASA’s Planetary Protection Officer, protecting us against threats from other planets, and vice versa.

• Pratt replaces the previous PPO, Catherine Conley, who retired after three years. NASA advertised the $187,000 per year position for a month, then spent four months interviewing candidates.

• Pratt holds a bachelor’s degree and a masters degree in botany, and a master’s and Ph.D. in geology. She also worked on a NASA project studying methane emissions and microbial life on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Pratt will step down from her current position as associate executive dean of Indiana University’s College of Arts and Sciences.

• Says Pratt: “This position plays a direct role in seeking evidence to address a profound question: Are we alone?” “We are on the verge of becoming a spacefaring species, and I feel privileged to be invited into an extraordinary conversation, pushing the frontiers of science, exploration and discovery…”


Rest easily, Earthlings … the planet is once again being protected. NASA, which has been looking since last August for a new Planetary Protection Officer to protect the planet against threats from other planets and to protect other planets from threats and contaminates being delivered by Earth-launched space probes, announced that the position has been filled. It’s a big job that just got bigger with the discovery of new planets outside of the Milky Way galaxy. Could that be why the previous Planetary Protection Officer retired?

NASA announced the search for a new PPO in August 2017 when the previous Planetary Protection Officer, Catherine Conley, retired after three years on the job. NASA advertised the up-to- $187,000-a year position for a month, then spent four months interviewing candidates before choosing Lisa Pratt, who will step down from her current position as associate executive dean of Indiana University’s College of Arts and Sciences.

“The title is not a title anybody should have.”

That doesn’t sound like someone who just got a new job, especially one that all of humanity is dependent on, but Lisa Pratt convinced her new bosses that she’s the right person to handle it. The daughter of a surgeon at the Mayo Clinic, she received a bachelor’s degree in botany from the University of North Carolina and a master’s in botany from the University of Illinois. Then she did what anyone with that kind of education behind them would do … she became a bartender.

Fortunately, a college mentor convinced her to go back to school and get a master’s and Ph.D. in geology, giving her what would eventually be the perfect combination of sciences to become a Planetary Protection Officer. But first, she caught NASA’s attention (and received a $2.4 million grant) with her work on the Greenland Ice Sheet (which is similar to conditions on other planets and moons) to study methane emissions and microbial life there.



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Discovering the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial Control System

Australian contactee George Kavassilas is interviewed about his lifelong experiences with different extraterrestrial civilizations and shadow government operatives.

In this first installment of a two part Exonews TV interview conducted in Australia’s Gold Coast, George explains how his contacts began, how these evolved over the years involving several different groups, and the torture he received at the hands of shadow government authorities attempting to suppress his experiences and silence him.

Finally, he describes a global control system comprising the planet Saturn, the Moon and extraterrestrials that has resulted in a Matrix-like illusory reality that manipulates humanity. George asserts that discovery of the Saturn Moon Extraterrestrial control system is the first step to human freedom.


To learn more about George Kavassilas, visit his website at: https://www.weareinfinite.love/

New Book Claims Photos of Alien in Spaceship are Real

by Paul Seaburn              January 26, 2018               (mysteriousuniverse.org)

  • Dr. Robert Pinotti, the founder of the National UFO Center (CUN) and a leading expert in European UFO sightings (pictured above), is promoting his new book, “UFO Contacts In Italy: Volume One : 1907 – 1978”. It is described as a limited selection of some of the most impressive and interesting events from over 12,000 UFO Italian cases the CUN has in its files which occurred in Italy during the 20th century.

  • In promoting his new book, Pinotti has released photos that he claims are of aliens and the inside of their spaceship (seen above), that were taken in October 1957 in Francavillia, Italy where humanoid aliens began making periodic visits and interacting with the local residents starting in 1956 and lasting into the 1970’s. These visitations are known as “The Friendship Case”

  • The pictures were allegedly taken by two men who boarded the 79-foot spacecraft at the invitation of one of the humanlike ETs. One of the beings, wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes, showed them around the 31-foot cabin of the spacecraft and allowed a picture taken of him.

  • [Editor’s Note]  The Friendship Case, where a group of apparently benevolent ETs befriended a group of Italians in the 1950’s, is remarkable because these ETs beings urged Earthlings to create an energy by focusing on love and friendship that would opposed the negative energy of the malevolent beings besetting our planet. I’ve included a good UFOTV YouTube documentary on the Friendship Case below (53:28).


It allegedly happened over 60 years ago and at least one government official was a witness to extraterrestrials and their spaceship, which was visited and photographed by two other people. No, this isn’t about the event you’re thinking of … and not that other one you’re thinking of either. According to a new book about UFOs set to be published next month, this occurred in Italy in October 1957 and, while known in that country, has photos that have never been revealed outside of Italy until now. Do you want to believe?

“These rare and extraordinary photographs, as well as two photographs of the alleged extraterrestrial pilot… have been published here for the first time.”

The book is called “UFO Contacts In Italy: Volume One : 1907 – 1978” and it’s described as “a limited selection of some of the most impressive and interesting events from over 12,000 UFO Italian cases CUN has in its files and occurred in Italy during the 20th century.” CUN is Centro Ufologico Nazionale, the National UFO Center of Italy. A nonprofit founded in 1966 to collect information on UFO and alien encounters. The book devotes chapters to specific incidents (“1936: Italian Air Force idroplane formation intercepts a UFO over the Thyrrenian Sea”; “1951: A CE3 with six UFO entities near Ferrara”), time periods (The early Sixties: 1961-1964”; 1957-1958 Strange Sightings) and similar groups (“WWII UFOs”). In addition to detailed reports, the book includes a number of cases that have photographic evidence.

The author of “UFO Contacts In Italy: Volume One : 1907 – 1978” is Dr. Robert Pinotti, the founder of the National UFO Center (CUN) who is considered to be a leading expert in European UFO sightings. In that capacity, he has acted as a UFO consultant for the Italian government and claims to have seen secret documents on encounters from the Italian Department of Defense.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. What about the photos?

Pinotti claims the photographs of aliens and the inside of their ship (seen here) were taken in October 1957 in Francavillia, where humanoid aliens began making periodic visits and interacting with the local residents starting in 1956. The pictures were allegedly taken by two men who boarded the 24-meter (79-ft) spacecraft at the invitation of one of the humanlike ETs, who wore sunglasses as he (it appears to be a he) showed them around the 10-meter (31-ft) cabin and allowed a picture of him wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes. Pinotti claims the photos first appeared in 1958 in a book called “Sono Extraterrestri” by Alberto Perego and have never been seen outside of Italy.

Some ufology experts will recognize this story as the so-called “Friendship case,” a decades-long series of alien encounters in and around Pescara, Italy, from 1956 through the 1970s that was covered in a 2009 documentary, “The Friendship Case,” which contained photographs (although apparently not the ones in the book) and interviews with some of the alleged hundreds of witnesses, many of whom were said to belong to Italian high society and some in government positions.

It appears that Dr. Pinotti is promoting the release of “UFO Contacts In Italy: Volume One : 1907 – 1978” to various media outlets and they have picked up on this particular story and its grainy photo of an alleged alien. However, the rest of the book looks like it will be pretty interesting and promises at least a second volume with additional sightings from 1978 to the present.

It may not be time to believe just yet, but it’s definitely time to read.


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Invisible Sailors and a Bar-Room Brawl

by Nick Redfern           January 24, 2018              (mysteriousuniverse.org)

  • The infamous The Philadelphia Experiment” came from a man named Carlos Allende who claimed that, in 1943, the Navy was doing (cloaking) experiments based on Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, and accidentally transported the Navy ship, the USS Eldridge, from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard to a Norfolk shipyard, and back again. Allende claims that while he was in the Navy during WWII he witnessed several such experiments. The Navy didn’t deny these experiments.

  • An investigator named Bill Moore claims to have seen a newspaper article about an occurrence that happened at the same time. There was a brawl involving sailors at a local bar. The Navy Shore Patrol arrived to break it up. When local police arrived to back up the Shore Patrol, the bar was empty. A waitress told the police that two of the sailors in the brawl had simply disappeared in the bar. “They just sort of vanished into thin air… right there,” reported a frightened hostess, “and I ain’t been drinking either!”

  • Six years later, an unassociated Navy man was told the story of a “bunch of sailors” who had mysteriously vanished from a bar somewhere near the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. But this occurred prior to the ‘Philadelphia Experiment’s’ public disclosure in the mid-1950’s.

  • [Editor’s Note]  There is a lot more to the story. The sailors aboard the USS Eldridge were disoriented and some were encapsulated in the bulkhead of the ship due to shifting time-space. A time-space window would cause further anomalies at twenty-year intervals. Two of the Eldridge sailors were brothers Duncan and Ed Cameron. Ed changed his name to Al Bielek and claimed to have time-traveld on several occasions as a result of this incident. Bielek died in 2011. Duncan Cameron remains a prominent figure in the disclosure movement.


Just like the Roswell saga of 1947, the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film of a Bigfoot (or of a man in a suit, depending on your opinion), and the theory that the Moon-landings were faked, just about everyone has heard of what has become infamously known as “The Philadelphia Experiment.”

According to the wild claims of a man named Carlos Allende (told to writer Morris K. Jessup in the mid-1950s) in 1943, and during a classified project, a ship was made invisible and teleported from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard to Norfolk, Virginia. And back again. It was all said to have been an outgrowth of Albert Einstein’s Unified Field Theory. Allende claimed the ship in question was the DE 173 USS Eldridge. Allende didn’t stop there: he said he saw one of several such experiments from the safety of his own ship, the SS Andrew Furuseth. Few researchers today have much time for Allende’s stories.

No one disputes that something led to the creation of the legend of the vanishing ship and its crew. Indeed, even the U.S. Navy admits that some of its wartime experiments may have provoked a number of the rumors. There is one aspect of the story that often pops up in conversations of the Philadelphia Experiment kind, mainly because it’s so entertainingly weird.

                        USS Eldridge

Investigator Bill Moore (who, in 1979 and with Charles Berlitz, wrote The Philadelphia Experiment) revealed a strange story extracted from a newspaper that has still yet to be identified. It described the sudden vanishing – and I do mean vanishing, as in here one second and gone the next – of a number of sailors in a local pub.

With the eye-catching headline of “Strange Circumstances Surround Tavern Brawl,” the story went as follows:
“Several city police officers responding to a call to aid members of the Navy Shore Patrol in breaking up a tavern brawl near the U.S. Navy docks here last night got something of a surprise when they arrived on the scene to find the place empty of customers. According to a pair of very nervous waitresses, the Shore Patrol had arrived first and cleared the place out -but not before two of the sailors involved allegedly did a disappearing act. ‘They just sort of vanished into thin air… right there,’ reported one of the frightened hostesses, ‘and I ain’t been drinking either!’ At that point, according to her account, the Shore Patrol proceeded to hustle everybody out of the place in short order.”

The story continued: “A subsequent chat with the local police precinct left no doubts as to the fact that some sort of general brawl had indeed occurred in the vicinity of the dockyards at about eleven o’clock last night, but neither confirmation nor denial of the stranger aspects of the story could be immediately obtained. One reported witness succinctly summed up the affair by dismissing it as nothing more than ‘a lot of hooey from them daffy dames down there,’ who, he went on to say, were probably just looking for some free publicity. Damage to the tavern was estimated to be in the vicinity of six hundred dollars.”

Moore and Berlitz’s assessment was that: “Little else can be said about the clipping itself. Anything approaching a proper analysis of the clipping is impossible, since the authors possess a photocopy only. Upon close examination, however, the possibly significant fact emerges that the column width is a bit greater than was used by any of the Philadelphia dailies in the 1940s. This suggests that the article may have originated in a local or regional newspaper in the Philadelphia area rather than in one of the metropolitan papers.”



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Veteran UFO Researcher Urges Vigilance Following Pentagon Disclosures

By Robbie Graham      January 23, 2018         (mysteriousuniverse.org)

  • UFO researcher and author, Greg Bishop, is skeptical as to the motive of the U.S. military in December’s disclosure of the Pentagon’s $22M study of UFOs and the release of an F-18 cockpit video of a “tic tac” UFO, in concert with former government scientists and officials who left the government to join a disclosure initiative called “To the Stars Academy”.

  • Bishop thinks that Tom DeLonge’s ‘To the Stars’ is designed to direct attention away from something, rather than to reveal anything of substance. It may be to direct attention away from other secret programs and to “smack the hornet’s nest” to see who might react.

  • As a cautionary tale supporting his skepticism, Bishop recounts the tale of Paul Bennewitz. In 1979, Bennewitz lived in Albuquerque near Kirtland Air Force Base. He told the Air Force about strange lights he had seen at night over the base, moving in non-aircraft-like ways. The Air Force began feeding him disinformation and compelled him warn the public about an imminent alien invasion. The Air Force watched as Bennewitz became more and more mentally unstable. In 1988, Bennewitz received mental health treatment and he thereafter stopped discussing UFOs.

  • I find it troubling that those who least trust the power structure are more than willing to accept a story when it agrees with their preconceptions. That is when we should be the most discerning and vigilant,” says Bishop.


In December 2017, the US government broke its almost-fifty-year silence on the UFO issue through its proxy-acknowledgement of a Top-Secret Pentagon UFO project called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. The conclusions of the project, which ran from 2008 to 2012 at a cost of $22 million (and which continues quietly to this day), were that “aircraft” of apparently unearthly origin are routinely penetrating America’s airspace.

These aircraft, according the former head of the Pentagon project, Louis Elizondo, exhibit flight characteristics that defy the laws of our known physics. They do not belong to the United States of America, nor, apparently, to any other nation on Earth. Moreover, it emerged that the Pentagon has recovered “alloys” from UFOs which are currently being stored and studied behind lock-and-key in Las Vegas, Nevada with the oversight of billionaire aerospace industrialist Robert Bigelow.

The implications are startling, and the media are fast recognizing as legitimate a subject that for so long has served as little more than tabloid fodder. It is now (almost) official: UFOs are not only real, but potentially representative of non-terrestrial technologies. 2018 looks set to be a very big year for the UFO.

But we should proceed with our wits about us. Since 1947, US government engagement with the UFO phenomenon has been characterized almost exclusively by deception; by disinformation and perception management campaigns in service of agendas that remain as murky as ever.

Do the Pentagon’s recent UFO “disclosures” signal an imminent end to the decades of secrecy? Have the powers that be had a radical change of heart? Are they finally ready to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about their knowledge of the UFO enigma? If you’ve answered “yes” to any of those questions, it may be your belief speaking, rather than your logic.

Greg Bishop understands better than most that things are rarely, if ever, as they seem when it comes to UFOs and the US military/intelligence community. His book, Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth, tells the story of a sophisticated government campaign of disinformation perpetrated against one unsuspecting U.S. citizen, the effects of which rippled out across the UFO subculture and eventually reached the shores of pop-culture, significantly shaping our beliefs about flying saucers and the nature and agendas their potential occupants.

Greg Bishop

Here, Greg shares with me his thoughts on the recent Pentagon “disclosures,” and how we might better seek to solve the UFO riddle by removing government from the equation altogether and focusing instead on democratized, grassroots research.

RG: Summarise for us the disturbing case of Paul Bennewitz.

GB: In 1979, Paul Bennewitz was living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, right on the border of Kirtland Air Force Base, which was home to many secret programs. He noticed strange lights moving in non-aircraft-like ways on the Base at night, and decided to tell the Air Force.

That was a mistake. He also had a keen interest in the UFO subject and no filters at all, so he was happy to ride his beliefs to their illogical conclusions. Instead of handing him a cease and desist order, the Powers That Be decided it would be more profitable to string him along, hoping in the process to learn how he had figured out much of a coded message transmission system that had been painstakingly developed (as he was a very skilled electrical engineer) and who he was talking to as well as who was trying to talk to him. They hoped that this would reveal foreign agents and infiltrators.

Later, they began to feed him disinformation, but he believed it because he thought that he was working closely with the Air Force to warn everyone about an alien invasion. For the most part, Bennewitz provided his own narratives and details, but when the Air Force (and possibly other agencies) realized that he was becoming dangerously unstable, they did nothing to disabuse him of these harmful ideas. Concerned for his well-being, in 1988 his family placed him in a mental health facility. He recovered fairly quickly and generally stayed out of the UFO arena for the rest of his life.

RG: To what extent did the disinformation campaigns of the 1970s/80s influence the UFO subculture during those decades? Are we still feeling the effects today?

GB: I think they mainly served to keep people away from secret programs and to keep chasing their own tails. I do not think that they were perpetrated to keep researchers away from any great secret. As I see it, the main effect today is that UFO fans place far too much emphasis on the government cover up angle, which may have been at least part of the point from the beginning.

RG: What if any parallels do you see between DeLonge’s ‘To the Stars’ initiative and historical perception-management efforts?

GB: To me, it has the earmarks of an operation that is designed to direct attention away from something, rather than to reveal anything of substance. The fact that the government knows something about the subject and has been studying it for many years should come as no surprise to those interested in UFOs. I don’t think that the wider culture (especially younger people) were surprised either. The more salient point is that there is some acknowledgment of it by both the media and some places in academia because the story was published in a paper of record, even though I see it as essentially a publicity release disguised as a news story.

RG: Would you care to speculate as to possible agendas behind this recent release of information?

GB: Generally, when the intelligence community decides to move in some particular direction, it is designed to achieve more than one goal. One possible effect was mentioned in the last answer: Media outlets and academics seem to no longer see UFOs as a subject for automatic ridicule. This may serve to bring more intelligent thought to bear on the issue, which may stimulate original approaches and research with practical applications. Another reason may be to direct attention away from less obvious issues, as well as a way to “smack the hornet’s nest” and see who might react.

RG: The recent “revelations” about the Pentagon UFO program… should we be excited or concerned? Why?

GB: I think we should do neither. I believe we should watch quietly and unemotionally, but with close interest. Reacting to the news is most likely part of the agenda of those who released it.

RG: What are your thoughts on “Disclosure” in general? Is this something the UFO community should be pursuing—truth through government—or should we be following different lines of enquiry entirely in our quest to unravel the UFO enigma?

GB: I find it troubling that those who least trust the power structure are more than willing to accept a story when it agrees with their preconceptions. That is when we should be the most discerning and vigilant. It is also interesting that the recent “revelations” are closely following the myth and agenda around the UFO subject that has existed in the culture since at least the mid-1990s, with antecedents from long before that.


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Evidence of an Alien or Lost Civilization in Antarctica?

by Arjun Walia        January 22, 2018          (collective-evolution.com)

  • UFO’s have been spotted many times over Antarctica, and many claim there are ET remnants and a lost civilization being covered up in Antarctica.

  • Over the past seventy years we have seen an enormous amount of evidence showing that UFOs are real, and that some of them might be of extraterrestrial origin. The U.S. government and former government officials recently released information of a Pentagon study of UFOs and an F-18 cockpit video tracking a “tic tac” shaped UFO in 2004. They claim that the Pentagon program was shut down. But these types of black budget programs are never actually shut down. This is a type of secrecy that’s common in the secret world of black budget and special access programs.

  • The government and power elite have deceived us with fake news on so many different topics. Examples would be the so-called war against drugs and terrorism. UFO groups and movements have a long history of infiltration by government agents. The UFO field is full of disinformation. One must do their research and learn to use their discernment.

  • Still, there is plenty of information out there that comes from sources that can be completely verified. Based on corroborating evidence, it appears that a clandestine black budget Secret Space Program does exist. If anybody is claiming to come from this black budget program, the least we can do is hear them out and then compare it with all the existing information we have today.

  • Corey Goode claims to have been part of the Secret Space Program, having numerous experiences with extraterrestrial beings. It is true that Goode’s credentials in this program cannot be verified, and some seriously doubt his credibility. Corey appears to be sharing information that could be real, although one cannot yet identify who he truly is within these programs. This is why we must use our intuition when looking at this sort of information. ‘How does it feel?’ is a question to ask yourself. (see 2:52 minute video clip of Corey Goode below)

  • When it comes to the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials, who can we really trust? The best sources are the opinions of researchers from around the world, and the ‘whistleblowers’ that come forward. Many of these people have some amazing stories that corroborate the stories of others and the information that’s already out there. This makes it easier for UFO researchers to put two and two together.

  • It’s up to you to decide what resonates and what doesn’t.


Are there aliens in Antarctica? Were there ever? The idea of aliens or a lost civilization having once inhabited, or still inhabiting, Antarctica has been talked about for some time. This isn’t all that far fetched when you consider that we have been, and are currently being visited by extraterrestrials.

It has been hypothesized for centuries, and within the past decade alone, we have seen an enormous amount of evidence showing that UFOs are real, and that some of them might be extraterrestrial in origin. In fact, at the end of 2017, the US Government released an official video of one of these objects for the first time ever. It was filmed travelling at speeds and performing maneuvers that no known air-craft can.  The Navy pilot, and another recently retired gentleman from the Department of Defense, Louis Elizondo, both shared their belief that these objects are extraterrestrial, as have many others before them.

The footage came via an “Ariel Threat Identification Program” that had been running, and claims say that it was shut down. Based on all of my research, these programs have been running for a long time, and they’ve never actually been shut down.

It’s a type of secrecy that’s commonly seen in the secret world of black budget and special access programs.

There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behooves us, in case of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defense Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

Corey Goode, author and alleged Secret Space Program whistleblower has talked about a process of revealing this UFO and ET information to the public slowly. A process referred to as ‘drip disclosure’ or ‘slow disclosure.’ This in itself raises a number of questions and concerns, one of them being the fact that the government and those who use their power to influence government policy have deceived us and provided the public with fake news on so many different topics. A few great examples would be the so-called war against drugs and terrorism. Why should we expect accuracy and truth when it comes to the topic of UFOs?

In a recent interview we did with Corey Goode, we spoke about some of the recent findings in Antarctica as it relates to warm environments beneath the ice that could harbour life. This immediately raises the question of “are we about to hear more drip disclosure about Antarctica?” Why is this question raised? Because many have claimed there are ET remnants and a lost civilization being covered-up in Antarctica.

UFO’s have also been spotted many times in Antarctica. Here’s one document from the CIA archives to use as an example, it states as follows:

ANTARCTIC FLYING SAUCERS” – A group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers has been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British bases (military) in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney islands in quick circles.”

What’s Going On In Antarctica, Who Can We Trust? 

When it comes to the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials, who can we really trust? The best sources to go off of are the documents that we have, the opinions of researchers from around the world, and the ‘whistleblowers’ that come forward. This is the best way to present information in a credible way and have it touch the masses, especially those who are still unaware of the subject. The positions these whistleblowers have held in their own is right is quite shocking, from ex-Directors to Lockheed Martin, to four star generals and more.


That being said, UFO groups and movements also have a long history of infiltration by government connections. Whether they do this, and have done this to find out more information, or to simply litter the field with disinformation is completely separate topic.  Organizations like MUFON or initiatives like Project Bluebook are great examples.

This field is full of disinformation, and one must really do their research and learn to use their discernment.

A more modern-day example would be the To The Stars Academythe group that the US Government went through to release their recent UFO video.

For the most part, the whistleblowers that have come forward are all sharing some very interesting information that corroborates with a lot of information others in the field are sharing as well.  To many of them, the reality of the extraterrestrial hypothesis isn’t even a question, based on what they’ve experienced.

I also learned about incidents involving nuclear weapons, and among these incidents were a couple of nuclear weapons sent into space were destroyed by the extraterrestrials. . . . At the very end of the 70s and the early 80s, we attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the moon and explode it for scientific measurements and other things, which was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials. They destroyed the weapon before it got to the moon.” – Colonel Ross Dedrickson 

The next step, would be to examine those who claim to have contact with these beings, and many have.

Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” – John Mack

Many of these people have some amazing stories that corroborate with the stories of others and the information that’s already out there. This makes it easier for UFO researchers to put two and two together.


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Scientists Wrong In Ruling Out ‘Alien Megastructure’ Around Dimming Star

by Norman Byrd          January 21, 2018          (inquisitr.com)

• “Tabby’s Star”, or KIC 8462852, is over 1000 light years from Earth and displays four separate dips in the star’s brightness. It made news in 2017 that its dimming might be due to an alien megastructure or some type of artificial construct of alien design such as a ‘Dyson Sphere’ partially covering the star.

• Now, in an article posted to Phys.org, one of the lead co-authors of the study, the star’s namesake Tabetha Boyajian, notes that the dimming and brightening of Tabby’s Star is due to a massive cloud of dust and is “not opaque, as would be expected from a planet or alien megastructure.” She and her co-authors say that an artificial alien structure can be ruled out because if it were a solid megastructure, the wavelength depth of the dimming would more consistent.

• But couldn’t an alien structure surrounding the system’s star not necessarily be of a solid material, but rather made of a type of material that would allow some filtering of the light? Or what if it is only partially completed and therefore not consistent in its dimming? It is, therefore, wrong to strictly rule out the possibility that the star’s dimming might be due to an alien construct around the star. On the other hand, it could be simply due causes that are natural in the cosmos, as the astrophysicists now say.


One of the continuing story subtexts in all the recent deep space and exoplanet discovery articles, not to mention those covering the accumulating data from planets and moons within our own Solar System, is that the existence of alien life cannot be ruled out. As an exception to this, in further study of Tabby’s Star, the mysterious dimming star KIC 8462852, it was revealed that the cause of the dimming effect was most likely due to a natural phenomenon, and it could be ruled out that the strange effect was caused by an alien megastructure or some artificial construct of alien design.

But is that correct?

To be precise, according to an article posted to Phys.org, one of the lead co-authors of the study, star namesake Louisiana State University’s Tabetha Boyajian, noted that the dimming and brightening of KIC 8462852 was due to a massive cloud of dust and was “not opaque, as would be expected from a planet or alien megastructure.” The conclusion was derived from perusing months of observation data of the so-called “dimming star” — which is over a thousand light years from Earth — that captured four separate dips in the object’s brightness. By studying the various wavelengths, it was determined that the effect, if it were a more solid or opaque obstruction, would present itself in the dimming data as a similarity in wavelength depth.

Penn State’s Jason Wright, also a co-author of the study, supports Boyajian’s conclusion. He writes in his blog, AstroWright, that the new study suggests “we now have no reason to think alien megastructures have anything to do with the dips of Tabby’s Star.”

Although they may be correct, Boyajian and Wright’s conclusion could well be flawed in the thinking that an extraterrestrial civilization so advanced to be able to build an alien megastructure that could surround (or even partially surround) something as large as a star would be constrained to using materials that might not allow some filtering. That is, not getting similar wavelengths or some wavelength uniformity from the dimming star data might not actually rule out an alien megastructure if such a massive construct was built using materials that allowed at least some of the star’s light to pass through.

And then there is the possibility that the dimming is caused by a structure that is itself only partially complete.



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Former US Navy Pilot Who Witnessed UFO Issues Strong Warning to Humanity

by Nirmal Narayanan          January 20, 2018          (ibtimes.sg)

• David Fravor, the former Navy F-18 pilot who saw the “tic tac” UFO over the Pacific in 2004, which was captured on a cockpit video and helped to urge the Pentagon to create a $22 million military study of UFOs, insists that the UFO sighting is a part of a global problem that needs to be seriously investigated.

• Fravor initially saw the UFO hovering 50 feet above a roiling ocean. “The craft was jumping around erratically, staying over the wave disturbance but not moving in any specific direction,” said Fravor. Fravor decended toward the UFO to get a better look and it flew up to meet the F-18 jets at an incredibly fast speed. Then, as we see in the cockpit video, the UFO followed beside the F-18s, rotating as they traveled at a constant speed. (Another pilot is heard on the video saying that there were a whole fleet of these objects in the distance.)

• Fravor makes it clear that the UFO he witnessed was made with superior technology that we are nowhere near. Fravor says, “This is not a U.S. problem. This is a global issue. Why aren’t we investigating these things? If it’s like (friendly) E.T. (ie: Spielberg’s movie), then it’s all good. If it’s like (the unfriendly) ‘War of the Worlds’ or ‘Independence Day,’ (movies) then not so much,” said Fravor.

[Editor’s Note] David Fravor is right. His UFO sighting is not a novelty. It is a reality that we have ‘officially’ denied since WWII. There are ‘good’ ETs basically monitoring our progress, and there are ‘bad’ ETs actively trying to maintain their manipulation and control over humanity in the face of our heightening consciousness. The first step in achieving a heightened consciousness is understanding this reality. Then we need to organize to determine how we will meet and overcome this challenge to bring forth a new golden age for humanity.


It was in November 2004 that the world witnessed one of the most authentic UFO sightings where US Navy pilots tracked mysterious flying objects in the skies. The advanced way in which the UFO flipped across the skies caught the attention of Pentagon, and the US Government initiated a $22 million secret project to unravel the mysteries surrounding these unknown saucers. Now, David Fravor, one of the US Navy pilots who witnessed the bizarre sighting has issued a strong warning to humanity.

A global program which should be addressed

According to David Fravor, UFO sighting is a global problem, and it should be investigated very seriously.

“This is not a US problem. This is a global issue. Why aren’t we investigating these things? If it’s like ET, then it’s all good. If it’s like ‘War of the Worlds’ or ‘Independence Day,’ then not so much,” said David Fravor, reports Express UK.

Fravor made it clear that the UFO he witnessed was made with much superior technology, and we are nowhere near it.

David Fravor

Recollecting the bizarre incident, Fravor said that the UFO was initially spotted 50 feet above the ocean, and at that time, water below it appeared as if it was boiling.

“The craft was jumping around erratically, staying over the wave disturbance but not moving in any specific direction,” revealed Fravor.

According to him, the unknown flying object accelerated unlike anything he has ever seen. Fravor recollects the moment in which he launched a circular descent to monitor the object closely, it started to fly up to meet the US Navy pilots.

After serving the US Navy for many years, Fravor is now working with ‘To The Stars Academy’, a UFO researching group headed by former Blink 182 singer Tom De Longe. Chris Mellon, a former Pentagon employee who has worked in National Security positions with George Bush and Bill Clinton is also a part of this team. Recently, Mellon said that the technology used in the UFO witnessed by Fravor outmatches all modern advanced flying techniques used in the Earth.



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Was a Space Based Weapons Platform Used Against Hawaii bound Ballistic Missile?

On January 30, the Governor of Hawaii, David Ige, gave a press conference about the result of an official investigation into the January 13 ballistic missile alert that was an alleged false alarm. In the press conference Ige and other state officials gave a detailed account of the scenario that led to the false alarm.

While the official investigation concluded the emergency alert was a false alarm due to human error and a poorly designed reporting process, eyewitnesses continue to emerge saying they saw a meteorite, or something like it, exploding high in the sky over the Hawaii islands only minutes before the alert. Furthermore, eyewitnesses claim to have seen a television story about the exploding meteorite or object, before the news story was pulled.

In a video published on January 14, Marfoogle Watutu [a pseudonym] claims he was told by his sister, a Maui resident, about a tourist boat which carried multiple eyewitnesses to the exploding meteorite:

My sister has lived in Maui for eight years and what she is finding out is that a group of boaters that actually run a tour company say now that they saw something get blown out of the sky

So, they said it looked like a meteor and then all of a sudden there was a big boom and it lit up the entire sky.  It was 8 o’clock in the morning. . .

Maybe this was not a drill after all.  Maybe our Boys in Blue and Boys in Green shot it down. And I would think that the U.S. would not want to cause more panic if they did try to launch something at Hawaii.  Then, of course, they would say it was a mistake.  They took responsibility very quickly that it was a mistake. . . This could be bullshit but I just had to relay that. . . [Transcription Source]

Apparently, some of the tourists were interviewed by a local news channel that aired these before the story was pulled.

Marfoogle has to date not released the names of any of the eyewitnesses or the tour boat company involved, making it difficult to confirm his story.  He claims that Joe Rogan, a former comedian who now hosts The Joe Rogan Experience, has contacted him and is contemplating doing a report on the incident, and that some of the names have been released to him.

However, in the 500+ comments to Marfoogle’s video (80,000+ views), several purport to be eyewitnesses to the exploding meteorite and/or the television news story. What follows are the relevant comments as they appeared on January 30, which cast light on what really happened 

Source: https://youtu.be/Bhto4f-NiQs

The following comments focus on an alleged KHON2 news story about the incident, the first of which refers to a tourist boat that was covered in the story and an exploding object.

Source: https://youtu.be/Bhto4f-NiQs
Source: https://youtu.be/Bhto4f-NiQs

The above witnesses together, with anonymous sources cited in two previous articles, continue to raise the scenario of an intercepted ballistic missile attack, which is being officially covered up.

Multiple sources claiming that a ballistic nuclear missile had indeed been intercepted, and a cover up is underway were analyzed in my first article on the incident. My second article pointed to a rogue Deep State/CIA faction that may have used a boomer submarine to create a false flag attack, which was intended start a war with North Korea.  

As to who was responsible for intercepting the ballistic missile, initial speculation focused on an anti-ballistic missile defense system run by the U.S. Navy.

On January 31, however, the U.S. Navy announced that it had conducted another exercise to intercept a ballistic missile using its Aegis class anti-ballistic missile defense technology.  The exercise was the second failure by the Navy to intercept a ballistic missile attack in the past year.

Given that the exercise was conducted less than three weeks since the January 13 incident, it is clear that the U.S. Navy currently does not currently have the capacity for reliably intercepting ballistic missiles.

The US Navy’s sea-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System is similar to the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system developed by the U.S. Army/Missile Defense Agency.

The announcement of the failed exercise raises an intriguing question. Were U.S. Navy leaders signaling they were not responsible for shooting down the January 13 missile? So then, who did shoot down the ballistic missile?

My initial article focused on the likelihood of a secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force that used space based weapons technologies to shoot down the ballistic missile. Photos taken on October 23, 2017, showed a rectangular shaped UFO in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida.

The photographer, JP (who I have known since 2008), claims he had been earlier taken inside the rectangle UFO, and had been informed that was a weapons platform. He says that he witnessed uniformed military personnel wearing the insignia of U.S. Air Force Special Operations who could operate the weapons system.

A Directed Energy Weapons system on a space based weapons platform could have the capacity to reliably shoot down a ballistic missile intended to simulate an attack from North Korea. Unlike anti-missile missiles used in the Navy’s Aegis defense system which have failed twice in two tests against simulated ballistic missile attacks, a Directed Energy Weapon could send a pulse of laser energy at the speed of light.

A Directed Energy Weapons could therefore easily intercept a ballistic missile in the terminal stage of its flight trajectory where it travels at hypersonic speeds (5x speed of sound).

What gives further credence to the possibility that Maui residents and tourists witnessed a missile being shot down by a Space Based Directed Energy Weapon is the U.S. Air Force surveillance installation on the summit of Haleakala, Maui.

The capabilities of the Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS) is described by GlobalSecurity.org as follows:

The Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS) includes the Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS) is an asset of the US Air Force Materiel Command’s Phillips Laboratory. the Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility (MOTIF), and a Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) site operated by US Air Force Space Command.

… The site is the only one of its kind in the world, combining operational satellite tracking facilities (MOTIF and GEODSS) with a research and development facility (AMOS). The MSSS operates primarily at night, but performs many of its SOI missions 24 hours a day.

It is very likely that the Maui Space Surveillance Site was used in the tracking and/or shooting down of the ballistic missile. If so, this would help explain why many Maui residents saw the explosion. It was only during the final stage in the trajectory of the missile attack that a directed energy weapon system could have been used as the Maui facility could help accurately triangulate the missile’s position.

Further insight into what happened on the morning of January 13, comes from an anonymous Hickham Air Force Base source on duty at the time of the alert. S/he pointed out the great amount of confusion over the alert which was at different points considered a drill and then a genuine attack by U.S. Pacific Command personnel.

Significantly, s/he points out it was only after a request for a military response to the presumed attacker, North Korea, was declined by the White House that Hawaii local authorities were instructed to say it was all a false alarm.

The confusion over the missile alert being a drill or genuine has the tell-tale characteristics of a false flag attack. Similar confusion has occurred in past false flag events on September 11, 2001 (New York) and July 7, 2005 (London), etc. In these alleged terrorist attacks, military and government authorities were first told about a drill where security forces were instructed to stand down, and then informed that a real attack was occurring by which time it was too late to prevent.

Analysis of this pattern in past alleged false flag attacks has led to the following observation:

The exercise or drill – at the same time, at the same place – has became the sine non qua or indispensable element of the recent false flag operation.

In the Hawaii situation, it appears that cool heads at the White House did not order military retaliation against North Korea after the missile was shot down. President Trump and/or his national security advisors likely suspected that a false flag attack had been attempted.

According to my own efforts to find Hawaii residents willing to testify about witnessing a high altitude object being destroyed, I have been told that police and other authorities are intimidating witnesses into silence.

Consequently, in contrast to the official State of Hawaii report that the January 13 event was a false alarm due to human error, the following conclusions can be offered.

First, a ballistic missile likely carrying a nuclear warhead was destroyed during the final stage of its trajectory by a USAF Secret Space Program using space based Directed Energy Weapons deployed on rectangular shaped weapons platforms.

Second, the Maui Space Surveillance Site helped in the tracking and destruction of the ballistic missile as it neared the Hawaiian Islands, the most likely target being Pearl Harbor, Honolulu.

Third, a drill was scheduled for the morning of January 13, which was intended to create confusion so that a ballistic missile attack could succeed, and the missile’s trajectory would point to North Korea as the culprit.

Fourth, the party responsible for the false flag attack is a rogue Deep State/CIA group with its own ballistic nuclear submarines, which are part of a secret Navy apparently called the Dark Fleet.

Fifth, the US Navy’s January 31 test was intended to let the general public know that it does not yet have the capability of intercepting ballistic missiles, and that the real heroes in tracking and intercepting the nuclear attack on Hawaii was USAF Special Operations.

Further information is needed to determine the accuracy of these conclusions. One thing is pretty clear at this point given the number of insider sources and witnesses that have come forward so far. The official State of Hawaii investigation is a cover-up for a ballistic missile attack, which evidence suggests was a false flag attack using one or more nuclear weapons by a mysterious naval force desiring to start a regional nuclear war.

Thankfully, a classified space based weapons system was most likely used by the USAF Special Operations, thereby giving the U.S. national security planners time to develop an appropriate response to those behind the false flag attack.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Alien Hunters Find Evidence of UFO Landing in Google Maps

January 29, 2018           (tecake.in)

• Google Maps satellite images has exposed a strange phenomenon in Argentina that authorities cannot explain. At the coordinates 34 ° 15’07.8’S 58 ° 49’47.4’W there is a perfectly round, rotating “island” that appears to be floating on a round body of water. Some claim that it is a hiding place for UFOs. The 118 meter diameter (almost 388 feet) disc appears to be camouflaged by “earthly features”, and could indeed accommodate a 100 meter UFO.  (see 1:05 video below)

• Scott C. Waring on website ‘UFO Sighting Daily’ said of the phenomenon, “Argentina has an overabundance of UFO sightings compared to the rest of the world, and I believe this is how aliens try to hide this particular entrance to their base.”

[Editor’s Note] Knowing that southern South America was a haven for former Nazi party officials fleeing Europe, and with talk of the Nazi “Dark Fleet” having established bases in southern South America that are connected to bases in Antarctica by a massive undersea tunnel, this could very well be an entrance way for Dark Fleet craft.


A mysterious sighting on Google Maps is being considered as a proof for the existence of aliens, and their frequent visits on Earth. The satellite images of a suspicious area in Argentina, which is a small circular piece of land is thought to be the safe house for a massive UFO according to some conspiracists.

Not only the conspiracists but this area on the capital city of Buenos Aires has also bewildered everyone else due to its strange appearance and mysterious activities taking place over there. The Ojo de la Tierra also has members of the scientific community baffled as it is merely a small island but its shape is perfectly round. The piece of land is essentially a disc, measuring 118 metres in diameter and it also rotates by itself – something that has led perplexed experts to describe it as a phenomenon unlike nothing else.

The authorities have no answer to any of the questions and the so-called ‘truthers’ say that the reason the happenings cannot be explained because they are extraterrestrial in nature.

The coordinates for the small rotating disc are 34 ° 15’07.8’S 58 ° 49’47.4 “W, and it is believed by some to be an actual spaceship or a UFO of some kind, that is camouflaged by veiling it under the Earthly features.

Scott C. Waring on website UFO Sighting Daily said of the natural phenomenon: “Argentina has an overabundance of UFO sightings compared to the rest of the world, and I believe this is how aliens try to hide this particular entrance to their base.” He added that the shape of the circular land is large enough to fit a 100 meter UFO through it loosely, and to uncover its hidden secrets, we need to dive into the water below it and explore. Ufologists claimed the above observations about strange Google Maps’ images and provided further proof of aliens.



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10 Supposed Secret Space Program Insiders

by Samuel Popejoy             January 24, 2018               (listverse.com)

• Ever since the German Vril Society provided the blueprints for Nazi flying saucers, and the Roswell crash brought UFOs to the USA, the possibility of advanced extraterrestrial spacecraft have captured the imagination. Over the decades, a steady stream of whistle-blowers have come forward with “inside information” on free energy, reverse engineered UFOs, secret slave colonies, antigravity, and government cover-ups that, if proven true, would spark drastic and irrevocable changes to life on this planet. Here are the top ten whistleblowers who have risked everything to expose the existence of black budget space programs.

• 1) Corey Goode – Goode, who came forward in 2015, claims to have been recruited as a teenager and served for twenty years in a US Navy secret space program. Among his many revelations, Goode says that beneath the ice of Antarctica lies the ancient ruins and technology of a master race that is a hybrid of early earth humans and extraterrestrial refugees fleeing from a highly advanced but doomed planet. Goode claims that an imminent full-disclosure event will rewrite human history and usher in a new age.

• 2) Edgar Mitchell – When confronted with the majesty of outer space, the Apollo 14 astronaut experienced a profound spiritual awakening. Mitchell publicly revealed that the US government is aware of the existence of alien spacecraft and extraterrestrials who were drawn to this planet by the emergence of nuclear weapon technology during WWII, and that the government has continued to cover up this information in order to hide its acquisition of this advanced alien technology.

• 3) Karl Wolfe – The former Air Force sergeant says that he was shown a photo of a large base on the ‘dark’ side of the Moon taken prior to the 1969 Moon landing, and that NASA, the NSA, and the US Air Force have maintained a policy of destroying such photos.

• 4) Richard Doty – A former Air Force investigator, Richard Doty was recently featured in Steven Greer’s documentary “Unacknowledged” confirming the government’s knowledge of the existence of UFOs and reverse engineered technologies. However, he is also the guy who in the 1980’s fed lies and disinformation to a well-meaning US citizen, Paul Bennewitz, until Bennewitz suffered a mental breakdown.

• 5) Tom DeLonge – DeLonge changed his career from Blink-182 rock star to the founder of “To The Stars Academy”, now working with former government officials and military officers to disclose the existence of extraterrestrial UFOs. DeLonge’s group was instrumental in the December release of a UFO-themed New York Times article and a US Navy jet cockpit video of a tic tac shaped UFO. But some folks suspect that DeLonge is being used in yet another a government disinformation campaign.

• 6) Luis Elizondo – The former head of the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ Elizondo has recently joined up with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ to present ‘official’ evidence of extraterrestrial UFOs. Elizondo told CNN that he had seen enough during his tenure in the program to be convinced that human beings aren’t the only intelligent life in the universe.

• 7) Steven Greer – Over the course of his career, Greer has met with dozens of supposed secret space program insiders, acquired thousands of documents to back up his claims, and has founded two organizations to promote the release of secret technologies and disclosure of ET contact. Among his claims is that oil, coal and natural gas companies have actively suppressed free energy technology; that Marilyn Monroe was killed to prevent her from repeating what John and Bobby Kennedy had told her about UFO; and that the existence of extraterrestrials is kept secret from even the President of the United States.

• 8) Bob Dean – As a master sergeant in NATO headquarters during the 1960’s, Bob Dean was given a “Cosmic Top Secret’ document of NATO’s investigation into UFOs, which concluded that extraterrestrials had been visiting the Earth for hundreds of years but posed no threat. Dean thereafter retired from the military and embarked on a life-long career researching and revealing the existence of UFOs.

• 9) William Tompkins – As an aerospace engineer for top US defense contractors, Tompkins claims to have designed more than sixteen spacecraft for the Navy’s secret space program, some of which are still in use today. He claimed that negative extraterrestrials have been exploding humanity to perpetuate war and strife, while more positive ETs are attempting to accelerate our spiritual evolution.

• 10) Bob Lazar – In 1993, physicist Bob Lazar was among the first to reveal the government’s reverse engineering of UFO craft utilizing anti-matter and anti-gravity propulsion at the now notorious Area 51/S4 installation in Nevada.


Over the course of the last century, the public imagination has been simultaneously enthralled and terrified at the prospect of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs. Ever since rumors emerged that the secretive Vril Society in Germany had successfully channeled beings from other stars in a trance state, and schematics were unveiled of what appeared to be Nazi flying saucers, the world became obsessed with the idea of communication with extraterrestrials. With the Roswell crash in 1947 and the subsequent surge of UFO sightings and apparent abductions that started taking place shortly thereafter, the collective mind became inextricably focused on the idea of ETs and their potential interaction with humankind.

Over the years, dozens of apparent insiders have come out of the woodwork with stories of free energy, reverse engineered UFOs, secret slave colonies, antigravity, and government cover-ups that, if ever proven true, would spark drastic and irrevocable changes to life on this planet for every one of its inhabitants. The advent of free energy technology alone would put a permanent end to poverty and hunger, freeing humanity from the rule of a tyrannical and corrupt elite who have foisted upon them war after meaningless war.

While some would say that such a monumental clandestine effort to explore space and research UFOs would be impossible to keep under wraps, it bears remembering that no one knew about the Manhattan Project until the first nuclear weapons were detonated over Japan and that everyone thought Operation Northwoods, the plot to stage terrorist attacks on American soil to justify invading Cuba, was a conspiracy theory until the pertinent documentation was declassified. While many of the following testimonials may seem completely beyond belief, the alleged existence of black budget space programs is one secret that these ten individuals have risked everything to expose.

1.  Corey Goode

If even ten percent of what Corey Goode claims ever ends up being proven true, humanity is due for a brutal wake-up call. Goode has been making the ufology convention circuit since 2015 to share his unique message. Considered life-changing to those who believe and infinitely entertaining to those who don’t, Goode’s testimony includes assertions that he was recruited into a secret space program as a teenager and served for 20 years in a spacefaring branch of the US Navy. During his tour of duty, he supposedly had access to sources of information that paint a picture of human history very different from the one with which we’re familiar.

                         Corey Goode

He alleges that Antarctica is absolutely filled with ancient ruins and that alien technology is buried just below the ice. He goes on to claim that this icy continent used to house extraterrestrial refugees that bred with humans to create a master race which once ruled the planet. Those wondering if any of these fanciful claims could possibly bear a grain of truth won’t have to wait long for confirmation: Goode and esoteric researcher David Wilcock both assert that a full disclosure event is coming soon that will utterly reframe our understanding of history and the role that planet Earth plays in the wider universe.

2.  Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 fame was the sixth man to walk on the Moon and always signed his correspondences accordingly. But Mitchell became somewhat of an embarrassment to NASA later in life when his passions for meditation, spirituality, and alternative healing led him into the arms of the ufology community, and the classified information with which he had supposedly been entrusted started spilling out. Before his death in 2016, Mitchell stated that not only was the Roswell incident a real instance of a downed alien spacecraft, but the extraterrestrial entities that crashed there had been observing military tests of nuclear weapons.

                  Edgar Mitchell

Mitchell revealed to the world in an interview with Kerrang in 2008 that the government cover-up of extraterrestrial visitation and the space exploration technologies derived from recovered UFOs had begun with the Roswell crash and continues on to the present day.[10] He claimed to have been let in on this information due to his ranking position as an Apollo astronaut. NASA was quick to debunk his assertions, but in doing so, the space agency appears to have gotten a bit ahead of their skis. Mitchell never stated that NASA was involved in the UFO cover-up, but NASA still went out of their way to state that they were involved in no such activity. Mitchell also never claimed that NASA tracked UFOs, yet the space agency still felt the need to clarify that this wasn’t one of their functions, either.

Mitchell agreed with claims made by other supposed insiders that the main reason UFOs are being covered up isn’t to avoid a panic but to suppress the technologies that power these craft. When confronted with the majesty of outer space during his Apollo mission, Mitchell experienced a profound spiritual awakening that no doubt contributed to his urge to share what he knew with the public.

3.  Karl Wolfe

Though hard evidence of extraterrestrial visitation to planet Earth and the existence of secret government space missions is admittedly hard to come by, this dearth of facts might be more due to governmental interference than an actual lack of documentation. According to Karl Wolfe, a former Air Force sergeant who worked in the National Security Administration, photographs taken from orbit prior to the 1969 lunar landing that depicted a vast base of the dark side of the Moon had been purposefully destroyed by elements within NASA, the NSA, and the US Air Force.

               Karl Wolfe

According to Wolfe, he was shown a single photograph of the base in confidence by a superior during his tenure at the NSA. Though he was duly impressed by the implications of the photo, he was more concerned than excited. He knew as a trained intelligence agent that what he had seen was never meant for his eyes and that the very existence of such a photograph endangered the life of anyone who witnessed it.

4.  Richard Doty

                           Richard Doty

The UFO research community has good reason to fear disinformation agents in their ranks. For years, Richard Doty made a habit of reaching out to ufologists and alleged contactees and presenting them with a proposition. Telling his gullible prey that he was with the government, he would then offer up all the secrets of UFOs in exchange for their cooperation.[8] While the effects of this disinformation campaign seem to have been largely harmless, one of Doty’s famous victims was Paul Bennewitz, an electronics engineer who lived near the base where Doty was stationed. Over the years, Doty and his team fed the UFO-seeking Bennewitz lie after lie until he suffered a complete mental breakdown.

Yet it remains unknown whether Doty was spinning a web of pure deception or whether some of his information may have been based in truth. His testimony in the documentary film Unacknowledged seems to indicate that he was indeed aware of the existence of real UFO crashes and reverse engineered technologies capable of taking human beings into the far reaches of space. But coming from the mouth of a professional government con man, anything Doty says is certainly suspect.

5.  Tom DeLonge

It may simply be impossible to ever stop associating Tom DeLonge with the 1999 punk-pop hit “All the Small Things” and album titles like Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, but this former Blink-182 front man has even bigger things in mind than the band that will define the millennial generation for decades to come. Tom is the founder and CEO of To The Stars Academy, a unique initiative that seeks to blend entertainment and alien disclosure into one delicious package.[7] He’s attracted a bevy of respectable contributors to his cause and has some interesting stories to tell about the path that has led him from world-renowned rock star to aspiring NASA competitor.

                Tom DeLonge

According to DeLonge, his interest in UFOs dates back to his Blink-182 days, when he would spend every free moment he had on the Internet looking for evidence to prove the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials. This amateur interest somehow evolved into actual contact from government agencies, and before long, DeLonge was visiting the Pentagon and being flown around the country to meet with various generals and private interests. It seemed that the United States military industrial complex had decided to start revealing UFO information and wanted to use DeLonge as the face of their disclosure.

Suffice to say, public reception of DeLonge’s change in career has been mixed. Those who think he’s at least partially telling the truth worry that his entire initiative might be some kind of government disinformation campaign. And while there are still those who think he’s flat-out making it up, these voices have grown quieter with the addition of more and more distinguished names to the ranks of the To The Stars team and the release of the recent UFO-themed New York Times article, which he seemed to have predicted weeks in advance. According to DeLonge, the Navy video released with the article is “only the tip of the spear,” with many more disclosures to come.

6.  Luis Elizondo

On December 16th, 2017, The New York Times released an article called “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program.” This investigatory piece by America’s most prestigious newspaper centered around a declassified UFO video released by the Department of Defense and the testimony of Luis Elizondo, one-time head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

                       Luis Elizondo

The short video shot from a Navy fighter jet appears to depict a saucer-shaped object flying above the clouds before abruptly rotating sideways. Since the UFO was matching the speed of the jet filming it, the G-forces involved in such a maneuver would have been far more than a human pilot would have been able to withstand. Yet Elizondo believes there’s compelling evidence that the pilot may not have been human.

Supposedly closed down in 2012, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was tasked with locating          UFOs in the skies and was apparently also involved in the recovery of downed craft. In an interview with CNN, Elizondo stated that he had seen enough during his tenure in the program to be convinced that human beings aren’t the only intelligent life in the universe.[6] After quitting the Pentagon in October 2016, Elizondo went on to join the ranks of Hal Puthoff, Steve Justice, Chris Mellon, and Tom DeLonge as a core member of a recently founded initiative called To The Stars Academy.

7.  Steven Greer

Steven Greer has become one of the loudest voices demanding full disclosure of extraterrestrial contact, but this former trauma surgeon had other plans in mind when he first started exploring the UFO phenomenon. Accepting the supposition at a young age that extraterrestrials were visiting the Earth, he wanted to be the person to organize the diplomatic apparatus that would interface with these mysterious visitors. But decades of petitioning prominent Washington lawmakers and power brokers, appearing before the National Press Club, and serving as the main source for the recent UFO documentary Unacknowledged have pushed Greer firmly into the limelight as a dedicated antagonist of the alleged extraterrestrial cover-up.

               Steven Greer

Over the course of his career, Greer has met with dozens of supposed secret space program insiders, acquired thousands of documents to back up his claims, and has founded two organizations to promote the release of secret technologies and disclosure of ET contact.[5] Greer claims that among the technologies obtained from downed alien spacecraft is the secret of free energy, which he asserts has been kept from the public due to the immense profits made from the sale of oil, coal, and natural gas. Greer repeatedly petitioned high-ranking members of the US government to disclose what they knew about extraterrestrials until he concluded that the pertinent information was being hidden even from the president of the United States.

Since then, he has redoubled his efforts in popularizing the ET phenomenon among the public and has appeared in the documentary films Sirius and Unacknowledged. One of the more bizarre claims that Greer makes in the latter film is that Marilyn Monroe didn’t die of a drug overdose but rather was on the verge of holding a press conference disclosing everything she’d learned from John and Robert Kennedy about UFOs and was silenced before she could reveal her secrets.

8.  Bob Dean

Bob Dean’s life changed forever when an Air Force colonel brusquely slapped a 20-centimeter-high (8 in) document on his desk and said, “Here, read this. This will wake you up.”[4] At least, that’s what Dean says happened one sleepy night in NATO’s War Room during his service as a master sergeant between 1963 and 1967. Usually reserved for the eyes of those holding “Cosmic Top Secret” clearance and above, the document that Dean claims to have witnessed detailed NATO’s three-year investigation into the UFO phenomenon, which employed the services of physicists, astronomers, sociologists, and theologians. According to Dean, the document concluded that extraterrestrials were not a threat to humanity and had been visiting the Earth for hundreds of years.

          Bob Dean

In his career as a professional ufologist, Dean has sought to corroborate these claims by pointing out instances of saucer-like objects in ancient cave drawings and classical pieces of art. Though it’s confirmed that he served his country for decades in the armed forces, many have disputed Dean’s unsubstantiated claims regarding his access to the NATO report. These sustained assaults on his credibility haven’t stopped Bob from making the UFO convention circuit and appearing in various interviews.

9.  William Tompkins

Some knew the late William Tompkins as an avid builder of model ships. Others were aware of his work as the corporate director of North American Advanced Space Research and as a member of the Red Team at General Dynamics Corporation. Yet some researchers care less about Tompkins’s illustrious career in the aerospace sector and more about the claims he made about his involvement in a secret space program.

                   William Tompkins

According to Tompkins, who wrote a book detailing his experiences in the secret side of Naval Intelligence, he was recruited before even finishing high school to back engineer extraterrestrial communications systems.[3] Tomkins also claimed to have designed over 16 models of spacecraft for the Navy at his first think tank job, some of which are apparently still in use today. He believed that extraterrestrial civilizations had been meddling in human affairs for millennia, with some factions exploiting us for warlike purposes and others attempting to accelerate our evolution. Tompkins died on August 21, 2017, in the midst of the first total solar eclipse viewable in North America in 99 years.

10.  Bob Lazar

Though Bob Lazar never really wanted to be lumped in with the UFO crowd, he remains the man who ignited popular interest in the secretive Nevada military base known as Area 51. In 1993, Lazar became one of the very first purported UFO insiders to break the veil of secrecy, motivated by what he described as concerns about the way in which the UFO subject was being handled. Lazar claims to hold advanced degrees in electronics and physics from CalTech and MIT, though both institutions insist that they have no records of his attendance. An old phone directory seems to corroborate Lazar’s assertion that he once worked for Los Alamos, though any official records of employment, along with his hospital birth records, have disappeared without a trace.

                           Bob Lazar

Lazar reports that he was part of a team of scientists assigned to the top secret base north of Las Vegas known as S4. His work at this camouflaged base built into the sandy hillside consisted of inspecting captured extraterrestrial spacecraft for the purposes of reverse engineering. His schematics of the UFO which he calls the “sport model” look like the archetypal saucer shape replicated in thousands of toys and films. In the course of his research, Lazar discovered that the sport model, along with the other saucer-shaped craft he inspected, appeared to be propelled by amplified gravity waves.

Bob doesn’t regret coming public, but these days, he’s more focused on his scientific supply company and consulting work than he is on spreading the word about extraterrestrials. He and his wife now live in the boondocks to avoid UFO fanatics and are in no way trying to capitalize on his wild claims. Interestingly, part of his 1993 disclosure was the assertion that the antimatter engines in the UFOs that he inspected ran on something called element 115. This part of his story seemed like pure fiction until scientists were successfully able to synthesize element 115, aka Moscovium, in a lab in 2003.



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Close Encounter With the Other Kind

by Ramaharitha Pusarla         January 21,2018          (thehansindia.com)

• This writer recounts a brief history of UFOs, starting with science fiction to government UFO research programs such as Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Blue Book ending in 1970. Then private scientific groups such as SETI continued this research to the present. Several scientific groups have concluded that UFOs and their advanced technologies are real. But none of the groups can convincingly authenticate their claims. Then there was Senator Harry Reid’s Pentagon Program from 2007-2012, and the mysterious cigar-shaped object Oumuamua discovered last October traveling through our solar system at 196,000 mph.

• The study of UFOs is still considered a stigma by U.S. defense officials who questioned the justification of the allotment of huge amounts of funds for UFO investigations. However, rapid advancements in science and synergistic cooperation between various institutions backed by financial resources are now offering new hope for UFO enthusiasts.

• While UFO investigation is still considered a taboo, the longing excitement to unravel vast expanses of the universe and alien civilizations continues to propel science zealots to relentlessly fathom the enchanting mysteries of unexplored realms.

[Editor’s Note] We seem to be at a tipping point where the general public has taken notice that the UFO phenomenon is more than science fiction, but still doesn’t know what to make of it. We cannot afford to lose the momentum in revealing the true nature and extent of the UFO phenomenon. These types of conversations are essential to continue to inculcate the public with the reality of the hidden ET presence, both positive and negative, and this crowded galaxy in which we live as the next step in humanity’s ascension in consciousness.


The idea of the existence of alien life, exploration of extra-terrestrial life and spotting of vague flying objects always enticed the scientific community. Fueling scientific passions, a genre of writers began producing a manifold variety of science fiction to whet the inherent curiosity and inquisitiveness of the science enthusiasts.

Soon, flying saucers or flying discs/Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO)s became extensively used terms in common parlance. Colloquially, references to UFO became synonymous to an alien spacecraft. While there has always been a latent obsession towards UFO, the issue started gaining more momentum ever since US government’s public disclosure.

On December 16, 2017, US Defense Department conceded that it funded a programme on UFO till 2012, which existed in various avatars. The $600 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was shut down in 2012, started in 2007 at the behest of Nevada Senator Harry Reid.

New revelations suggest the programme was run by an aerospace company run by billionaire entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, a friend of Reid, who is currently working with NASA for developing an expandable raft for humans in space. Upon repeated questioning senator Reid confided that black money was used to fund the program on UFO, which was classified and designated as “Restricted Special Access Program”.

Backing the programme in 2009 government argued that “what was considered as science fiction is now a science fact”. AATIP which was started with much fanfare was mysteriously terminated suddenly in 2012. Now hell broke loose with several Pentagon officials questioning government funding since earlier projects on UFOs were called off for negative conclusions.

In the US, for long, scientific communities and defense personnel locked horns over the existence of UFOs. Scientists asserted that the overwhelming banner of UFO included not only rare sightings but an unusual phenomenon that are largely unexplained by science.

Experts argued often certain unusual natural phenomenon which is categorised as UFOs merited serious investigation and should be taken up case by case. Debunking the myth of UFOs researchers implored the government to exercise caution and not attribute everything to the existence of alien creatures.

Post-World War II, US-initiated projects to extensively investigate UFO’s on grounds of national security, which intensified during the cold war era. In 1948, US instituted the Project Sign, a highly classified programme to probe the extraterrestrial origins of flying saucers and dismantled it within a year without making the details of study public.

This was soon followed by Project Grudge, which was replaced by Project Blue Book that was officially closed in 1970 marking the end of US government’s official support to UFO programme. Ambiguous denouements of the projects frustrated defense personnel who soon withdrew from these projects.

But nonetheless, enthusiastic astronomers and scientists soon formed private scientific consortiums and pursued investigations of UFO with renewed vigour. Parallelly, bewitched by the mysteries of alien life, NASA started looking for signs of life in the Solar System. Currently, UFO investigations in the US are collectively taken up by SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) which searches for signs of life by monitoring electromagnetic radiations, NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope and Mars Science Laboratory.

Despite the overwhelming frenzy to reconnoitre and explore UFOs, focused investigations on the same are not discussed openly even now. UFO study is still considered a stigma by US defense personnel who questioned the justification behind allotment of huge amounts of funds for UFO investigations.

Interestingly though the existence of UFOs is often dismissed as conspiracy theory, fib of occultism and fictitious, harrowing experiences of Naval personnel and Sailors have prompted institutions and countries to investigate UFOs. Now countries like France, Sweden, Russia, China, UK, Canada and Latin American countries are pursuing UFO investigation in a big way.



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A Well Known CIA Pilot Claims That the Moon Has 250 Million Citizens

by Arjun Walia            January 19, 2018              (collective-evolution.com)

• John Lear, the son of the designer of the Lear Jet, William P. Lear, has flown over 160 different types of aircrafts in over 50 different countries; holds 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet; holds every airline certificate issued by the FAA; and has flown missions worldwide for the CIA and other government agencies.

• Lear became interested in the subject of UFO’s after talking with US Air Force personnel who witnessed a UFO landing at Bentwaters AFB, England, and three small aliens walking up to the Wing Commander.

• In the 6:63 video below, Lear talks about the breakaway civilization on the Moon that was already in existence in the 1950’s, and is far more developed today with a quarter of a million people up there living in towns on the Lunar surface and breathing the Moon’s atmosphere.

• In 1970, two well-respected members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, hypothesized that the Moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings.

• Timothy Good, one of the world’s leading UFO researchers, says that a former member of MI6 revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when Armstrong confirmed there were “other” spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Armstrong also confirmed the CIA was behind the coverup.

• Dr. John Brandenburg, the Deputy Manager of NASA’s Clementine Mission to the Moon, has said that there was an ulterior agenda for the Clementine Mission. “The Clementine Mission was a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about.” Brandenburg has seen photos of the surface of the Moon with “a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there… There’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.”


You may think it’s quite ludicrous to even contemplate that the Moon could be harbouring as many as 250 million citizens, but it’s not. Although this may not be true, those who have looked into it know that strange anomalies have surrounded the Moon for decades. “Contemplation without investigation is the height of ignorance,” a quote attributed to Einstein holds true here. If you actually do some independent research, you might be quite shocked with what you find, especially when it comes to the credibility of the sources.

As far back as 1970, two well-respected members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, created a hypothesis suggesting that the Moon is a spaceship created by unknown beings. Fast forward to today, and we have former high-ranking members of the military and intelligence agencies sharing their knowledge with regards to strange things that are happening on the Moon.

Take for example Timothy Good, one of the world’s leading UFO researchers, who has lectured at universities, schools, and many organizations, including the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group, and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies.

Good says that a former member of MI6 revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when he confirmed there were “other” spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Armstrong also confirmed the CIA was behind the coverup.

Dr. John Brandenburg, the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA, has also made some fascinating revelations. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles. But, according to Brandenburg, the Clementine Mission had an ulterior agenda: “The Clementine Mission was a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them? . . . Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.”

The CIA Officer

His name is John Lear, and as a captain for a major US Airline, he’s flown over 160 different types of aircrafts in over 50 different countries. He holds 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet and holds every airline certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. Mr. Lear has flown missions worldwide for the CIA and other government agencies. A former Nevada State Senator candidate, he is the son of William P. Lear, designer of the Lear Jet executive airplane, the 8-track stereo, and founder of Lear Siegler Corporation. Lear became interested in the subject of UFO’s 13 months after talking with United States Air Force Personnel who had witnessed a UFO landing at Bentwaters AFB, near London, England, and three small aliens walking up to the Wing Commander.



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Montana and Military Involvement With UFOs

by Marie Cisneros         January 19, 2018          (openminds.tv)

• This article relates three UFO encounters, the first two occurring in Montana in 1950 and 1967, and a third in Afghanistan in 2004.

• On August 15, 1950, Nicolas Mariana filmed 16 mm color movies of two UFOs that appeared as shiny, circular craft. (see 3:25 YouTube video below) This video has withstood over sixty years of scrutiny without being debunked, and is believed to be one of the strongest cases supporting the existence of UFOs.

• In March 1967, at Malmstrom Air Force base, Montana, early morning maintenance crews reported seeing UFOs hovering over missile silos. By late morning, one of the missiles had become inoperable. Soon, all ten of the bases’ missiles became inoperable. It was found that each of the missiles had gone off alert status due to a guidance and control fault and not due to a power outage. The cause was unknown.

• Around midnight on May 10, 2004, an Army Special Forces unit of fifteen troops were on patrol near Kabul in eastern Afghanistan. Using night vision goggles, they suddenly saw a very large spherical UFO rise from behind a nearby mountain, about the size of the moon (from their perspective). It made no noise and was not visible by the naked eye. It was glowing and translucent, illuminating the surrounding area. Slowly moving at about ten mph, the UFO was about 100 yards from their base came, a quarter-mile away from the patrol, and hovering about 50 feet in the air. Their commander inside the base camp could also see the object. The patrol watched the UFO for about ten more minutes before they had to turn around and head back to base camp. The craft came to a stop about a quarter-mile northeast of their position and appeared to stop over campfire that some locals had made. The UFO then shot a beam of light at the campfire, but the patrol could not see the result as the patrol unit was driving away. They lost sight of the UFO altogether behind a hill. Then they saw it rise above the local’s campfire straight up into the night sky at a rapid speed until it was gone.


With the recent revelation by the Pentagon and their admission that there has been an ongoing program to investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon; the fact that Montana has had several cases of interest within that context came to mind.

First and foremost is the Mariana UFO incident from August 1950 when Nicolas Mariana filmed 16 mm color movies of two UFOs that appeared as shiny, circular craft. It has withstood years of research conducted by a slew of investigators, including the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), the Air Force, and Dr. Robert M. L. Baker, as well as others, without being debunked, and is believed to be one of the strongest cases supporting the existence of unidentified flying objects and remains unexplained.

Another extraordinary case in Montana happened at Malmstrom Air Force base in March 1967 when two maintenance crews reported seeing UFOs in the early morning hours over the E-Flight (missile) silos. Later that morning, one of the Minuteman missiles had gone off alert; meaning it had become inoperable. This was at one of the two sites where the maintenance crews had been stationed during the night.

Thinking this to be due to the crews doing maintenance or perhaps even neglecting their duty, crew commander, Figal, looked into the incident. Just as inexplicably, the entire flight of ten ICBMS went inoperable also; with all the missiles being reported a “No-Go” at this point. After a check was conducted, it was found that each of the missiles had gone off alert status due to a guidance and control fault and not due to a power outage. It has been conjectured that perhaps the UFO had caused the missiles to become inoperable, as the cause was unknown.

I discovered this next case, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Case #55741, after I became MUFON’s State Director of the Montana chapter through the Case Assistance Group. I was doing a bit of inventory and getting some background information on the types of cases that Montana had been dealing with. Even though I had been a Field Investigator for Michigan for over seven years, this was my first stint as a State Director, thus I wanted to be as prepared as I could. Montana, with its “big sky,” fewer city lights to block out the stars and breath-taking mountain ranges, is a sky-watcher’s dream and definitely different than what I was used to living in an urban area.

This incident, listed on the database as a CE-2, happened at around midnight on May 10, 2004 when an entire Army Special Forces unit saw an unknown spherical shaped object through night vision goggles while on security duty in Kabul, Afghanistan. Kabul, the largest city in Afghanistan, is the capital of Kabul Province and is located along the eastern sector of the country. It has a population of 3.3 million people and is the largest city in Afghanistan. Geographically it sits 5876 feet above sea level between the Hindu Kush Mountains along the Kabul River. The climate, which tends to be cooler than rest of the Southwest Asia due to the elevation, is semi-arid with most of the precipitation occurring in the winter months, usually as snow.

In his report, the Montana resident stated that while out on detail in Kabul, Afghanistan, he and an entire Army unit of fifteen men witnessed a UFO. The witness stated he was unsure of the exact date but felt it was around May 10th of that year. He stated that this craft was “huge” and was so close they could have thrown a rock at it and hit it. He said it seemed to come out of nowhere and floated over one of the mountains from the south which was east of the base they built. The object made no noise. The bizarre thing was that he could not see it with the naked eye, but it could be seen through his night vision goggles. He described the object has having the appearance of a light bulb but was a sphere and was about the size of the moon in comparison. He said it had a translucent appearance but was glowing, lighting up the surrounding area with its lights. When they saw it, they stopped and looked in amazement and awe.

As they watched it, it was hovering about 50-100 feet in the air, moving slowly about five to ten mph. It was about 100 yards from the outside perimeter of the base camp and as they were watching the craft, their commander was at the base camp, about a quarter of a mile to the southwest of their position. The commander could also see the object. He got on the radio and announced to the unit to “get back to work, its nothing,” meaning the craft they were looking at.

The squad leader was in the passenger seat and his friend was driving. He stated they were “pulling roaming security” from one traffic control point to the other from the south of the base to the north of their base camp. After their commander told them to go back to work, they watched this craft for about ten more minutes before they had to turn around and head back north. The craft stopped about ¼-mile northeast of their position and appeared to stop over campfire that some locals had made.

The UFO then shot out a beam at their camp, but they couldn’t see the base of the fire from where they were, just the flickering of it on the back of the mountain. They could not see what was happening down on the ground with that beam of light. In the meantime, their squad leader stopped watching and wanted to go back to work, so the specialist turned the Humvee around and they started driving north to the north T.C.P.

The witness stated he wanted to keep watching the object, but they lost sight of it when they left because a hill blocked their view; which was the same hill that blocked the beam they had seen. After a minute of driving north he observed that the object had taken off from over the local’s campsite. He stated it took off at a rapid speed, making in a 90-degree angle straight up until they could no longer see it. To him it appeared that the lights on the craft seemed to have a delayed reaction because the craft took off so fast, what he said was an alarming rate. It made dashes of light across the sky as it did, then it was gone. His report to MUFON was the first time that he had told anyone about this incident besides his family.



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Will Aliens Save Humanity?

by Robert Hunziker           January 19th, 2018            (dissidentvoice.org)

• A 2017 documentary entitled UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed by Robert Hastings, produced by Verifiable Pictures, and featured on zoharstargate.com and the UAMN TV YouTube channel (see 48:58 video below) exposes the link between global nuclear warheads and the nimble UFOs that shut them down. The quality of first-hand witness accounts and use of declassified military documents makes Robert Hastings’ documentary highly credible.

• Robert Hastings’s father served in the U.S. Air Force, and in 1966/67 was stationed at Malmstrom AFB, Montana. A 16 year-old Hastings witnessed five UFOs hovering over a Minuteman missile site, which was also tracked on radar at base air control. That experience led him to a lifetime of research.

Information in this documentary includes:

• UFOs began showing up at American nuclear laboratories, bomb storage depots, and weapons tests grounds as early as December 1948, most notably at Los Alamos, the birthplace of nuclear weapons.

• In a July 1, 1952 edition of Look magazine, the Air Force confirmed more than 800 sightings of flying saucers with reports from outposts all across the country, including “our vital atomic installation sites.” Atomic sites were specific areas of intense interests for the odd, fast-moving saucers.

• In 1962, the commanding officer at Walker AFB near Roswell NM received a call from ground crew reporting a bright light above Missile Site Six. The UFO rapidly accelerated, instantly stopped and changed directions, like nothing they had ever witnessed before.

• In the mid-1960’s, a missile launch officer stationed underneath Malsmtrom Air Force Base in Montana received a call from a ground-based security guard that a red glowing object was hovering over the front gate. The inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) there were immediately locked into a “no-go” condition, shutting them down.

• In 1965, the commanding officer at Warren AFB in Wyoming received a call from the security control officer to report six oblong lights hovering above the gate while missile launch sites in North and South Dakota reported similar incidents.

• In 1966, an officer at Minot AFB, North Dakota reported a 100-ft long object hovering over his missile launch pads, shutting them all down.

• In 1967, hovering UFOs shut down missile launch operations at the USAF communications center in Great Falls, Montana.

• Also in 1967, an officer at Vandenberg AFB in California, filmed a saucer-shaped UFO intercept and destroy an ICBM test flight, shooting beams of light at it while maneuvering at a speed of 6,000 mph. The CIA confiscated his film.

• In 1976, security guards at Warren AFB in Wyoming reported a 50-foot long cigar-shaped white object hovering in the sky.

• Declassified documents reveal that UFOs consistently appeared at the Oak Ridge Nuclear Lab in Tennessee, the Hanford Processing Plant in Washington State, and the plutonium-manufacturing site at the Savannah River Complex, SC.

• In fact, every ICBM base in the U.S. reported incidents of objects hovering over missile facilities. Often, USAF personnel tracked the UFOs on radar performing maneuvers vastly beyond man-made capabilities. Air Force interceptors chased some of the objects in futile attempts.

• Missile sites in the former Soviet Union also experienced identical malfunctioning problems during the same time frame.

• As recently as October 2012, multiple UFO incidents have occurred at ICBM sites in Montana.

• Visitors from outer space obviously do not like nuclear weapons in the hands of humans. Any force powerful enough to shut down multiple nuclear weapon silos is so far beyond the capabilities of earthlings. Their message is clear: mankind needs to eliminate nuclear weapons.

[Editor’s Note]  It has been speculated that a mid-level U.S. Air Force secret space program recently shot down an ICBM heading toward Hawaii. But UFO monitoring of nuclear warheads has been going on since the late 1940’s, way before the Air Force had a secret space program. Could these UFO’s belong to benevolent extraterrestrials that have been shielding humanity from the consequences of nuclear war for the past seventy years?


It was July 1st, 1952 when Look magazine carried this story: “Flying Saucers— The Hunt Goes On” with the byline: “Fearful of danger from the skies, the United States Air Force is launching a secret search to discover once-and-for-all what is the mysterious, unbelievable thing Americans keep sighting overhead.”

At the time, the Air Force confirmed more than 800 sightings of flying saucers with reports from outposts all across the country, including “our vital atomic installation sites.” Atomic sites were specific areas of intense interests for the odd fast-moving saucers.

Flash forward 65 years: Interviews with U.S. military personnel validate the presence of strange UFO craft shutting down nuclear missile sites, turning the instruments off, inoperative, and overriding human controls. All of which is shocking to the nth degree!

Visitors from outer space obviously do not like nuclear stuff in the hands of humans. Otherwise, why focus on shutting down nuclear sites? Any force powerful enough to shut down nuclear weapon silos is so far beyond the capabilities of earthlings that they can dictate whatever they want. Still, why shut down missile sites? If “intention” is exposed by activity, then their message says nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons should go the way of the dodo bird.

A documentary film d/d July 2, 2017, UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed by UAMN TV is fascinating, almost beyond belief.

There are many, many documentaries about UFOs but mostly ill conceived, unsubstantiated and horribly contrived. UAMN’s may be one of the only films that seems credible (hopefully, maybe) because of the quality of first-hand witness accounts and use of declassified military documents.

UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed is a Robert Hastings film. He was born in Albuquerque, NM in 1950 at a military base where atomic weapons were engineered. His father served in the USAF. From 1966-67, the family was stationed at Malmstrom AFB, Montana. During one particular incident of UFO activity over a Minuteman missile site, Hastings personally witnessed five UFOs tracked on radar at base air control. That experience led to a lifetime of research. The film’s message comes thru very clearly. Humans should not be messing around with nuclear power. Didn’t Einstein also say that?

Hastings’ film is based upon declassified U.S. government documents and personal accounts of military officers, revealing that, as early as December 1948, UFOs began showing up at American nuclear laboratories, bomb storage depots, weapons tests grounds, and as time went on, intercontinental weapons missile sites.

ICBM launch officers from the 1960s and 1970s have come forward with Encounters of the Third Kind, stating that UFOs hovered over launch facilities as ICBMs suddenly malfunctioned, unable to launch or react to commands by human operators. Additionally, ground level security guards made panicky calls to underground mission control officers, informing them of the presence of unidentified circular craft maneuvering in the sky above ICBM launch silos.

In September 2010 several high-ranking retired military officers came forth in Washington, D.C. to discuss these encounters, as follows:

Captain Robert Salas, U.S. Air Force, retired in 1967, was a first lieutenant stationed at Malsmtrom Air Force Base in Montana as a missile launch officer. On March 24th a ground-based security guard called Capt. Salas to report, whilst screaming into the phone, that a red glowing object was hovering over the front gate. Immediately thereupon, the ICBMs locked into a “no-go” condition, as if a magical wand waved across the sky, shutting down the ICBMs.

Lt. Col Dwynne Arneson, retired USAF in 1967, was officer in charge of the Air Force communications center at Great Falls, Montana. In March he received a message from a junior officer that hovering UFOs had shut down missile launch operations.

Captain Bruce Fenstermacher, USAD retired from Warren AFB Wyoming 1976. Security guards reported a 50’ long cigar-shaped white object hovering in the sky. When Capt Fenstermacher later met with the security guard, he was in the fetal position and could not be calmed down.

According to U.S. unclassified documents, missile sites in the former Soviet Union also experienced identical malfunctioning problems during the same time frame.

The Freedom of Information Act revealed documents confirming, as early as December 1948, UFOs were sighted at Los Alamos, the birthplace of nuclear weapons. That same lab tested the first atomic bomb only three weeks before dropping the atomic bomb on Japan. The documents claim that UFOs consistently appeared in the area. The Oak Ridge Nuclear Lab in Tennessee also experienced UFOs, as did the Hanford Processing Plant in Washington State, and so did the Savannah River Complex, a plutonium-manufacturing site in South Carolina.

UFO sightings began to occur in earnest at U.S. missile sites as early as 1962. Lt Col Philip Moore, USAF retired Walker AFB, was in command at missile Complex Seven in charge of a launch crew for ICBMs. His ground crew reported a bright light above Site Six that rapidly accelerated, instantly stopped, and instantly changed directions, nothing like they had ever witnessed before.

Every ICBM base in the U.S. reported incidents of objects hovering over missile facilities. Often, USAF personnel tracked the UFOs on radar, performing maneuvers vastly beyond man-made capabilities. Radar operators were stunned as the objects flew at speeds of thousands of MPH, made sharp angled turns, and instantly stopped in mid air. Air Force interceptors chased some of the objects in futile attempts.

At Vandenberg AFB in 1967 Dr. Robert Jacobs (lieutenant at the time) said he witnessed a UFO intercept and destroy a test ICBM flight. He filmed the missile launches with a telescopic camera. A dummy warhead at speeds of 5,000-6,000 MPH was shot four times and destroyed by a UFO that he captured on film. The CIA captured his film.

Before the CIA took the film, Jacobs’ superior officer Major Mansmann, using a magnifier, studied the film in detail frame-by-frame. Here’s what he saw: The shape was a classic disc with a raised bubble in the center. The entire lower saucer glowed, and it rotated slowly. As it shot beams of light at the USAF dummy warhead, the saucer first positioned itself to aim and shoot, happening at speeds of 6,000 MPH.



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Mysterious Signal From a Galaxy Far, Far Away Could Just Be An Alien Soap Opera

by Bill Bain            January 20, 2018            (heraldscotland.com)

• By now, the earliest of the Earth’s radio and television broadcast signals emanating into space would have reached a few hundred nearby stars. Conversely, we here on Earth have been receiving very similar radio broadcasts from deep space for decades, but have been unable to interpret or explain these interstellar radio signals.

• In August 2017, radio astronomers picked up the first-ever “fast radio burst” that actually repeated itself. The insistence of the signal, named FRB 121102, made it possible for the world’s most powerful telescopes to discover where it originated, which turned out to be a galaxy three billion light years from Earth.

• This perplexing broadcast very recently went into overdrive with unimaginable amounts of focused energy. A single millisecond-long blast radiates the same energy as our sun radiates in one day. “If this was even on the distant side of our own galaxy, it would completely disrupt radio on Earth and saturate signals on smartphones,” said a senior astronomy research associate at Cornell University.

• This FRB 121102 signal would now be three billion years old. Any civilization capable of transmitting it would likely be long gone, having either destroyed itself, replaced by machines, or incinerated by their dying sun.

[Editor’s Note] On the other hand, a civilization that is three billion years old would likely have ascended to a universal state of higher consciousness and have no further need of radio and television broadcasts. They should have cable by now.


A CACOPHONY of radio and television signals transmitted over the past 100 years have effectively turned Earth into an astral megaphone, violating the tranquility of infinity with incessant pulses of sound and vision. Our naked exhibitionism is certainly worthy of an interstellar Asbo, with each and every broadcast escaping into space to pollute the entire galaxy.

Theoretically, any reasonably advanced alien civilisation could easily tune into this cosmic UK Gold for a comprehensive insight into Earth’s last century. It’s estimated that our oldest transmissions – the first radio broadcasts – have already reached a few hundred “nearby” stars. Prepare for imminent attack when Piers Morgan’s voice finally reaches Alpha Centauri.

Astrophysicist Carl Sagan once wryly theorised that the first television broadcast with a signal powerful enough to reach extraterrestrials would have been Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies. If this had somehow failed to profoundly depress our cosmic neighbours, perhaps watching the actual Neighbours – and remember the same episode was often repeated twice a day – may have given them no other option than to declare war. Or at least relegate us to the lowest rung on the ladder of universal consciousness.
Yet transmissions work both ways. It’s no secret that even this primitive outpost has been picking up radio broadcasts from deep space for decades. Interpreting and explaining them is another matter, with scientists taking decades to figure out that the vast majority of interstellar radio signals naturally emanate from neutron stars called pulsars. Yet major anomalies persist – the most famous example being a mysterious transmission picked up by astronomers last year.

In August, the discovery of FRB 121102 was excitedly announced – the first-ever “fast radio burst” that actually repeated itself. This was an unprecedented and deeply unusual phenomenon. The insistency of the signal made it possible for the world’s most powerful telescopes to discover where it originated, which turned out to be a galaxy far, far away – three billion light years from Earth. All that existed on Earth when these signals were first sent was Kirk Douglas.

Furthering the mystery, this perplexing broadcast very recently went into overdrive, with unimaginable amounts of focused energy being manically hurled through space and time – like Thor’s hammer being attacked by a woodpecker. The only solid fact scientists can deduce is that it is fortunate we’re so far away – a single millisecond-long blast radiates the same energy as our sun does in a day. “If this was even on the distant side of our own galaxy, it would completely disrupt radio on Earth and saturate signals on smartphones,” said Shami Chatterjee, senior research associate in astronomy at Cornell University. “Whatever is happening is scary. We would not want to be there.”



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Aliens Sending Gamma Rays ‘To Make First Contact’ – Scientist Sensationally Claims

by Anders Anglesey           January 17, 2018           (dailystar.co.uk)

• According a research piece titled “Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs),” Dr. John Ball, an astronomer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), claimed that a two-millisecond gamma ray burst contains quintillion bits of information and believes that it contains information from civilizations on distant worlds.

• “So far as we know, gamma rays offer the widest practical communications bandwidth in the electro-magnetic spectrum and the only feasible way to send large quantities of information over intergalactic distances,” said Dr. Ball.


Dr John Ball, an astronomer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), believes the strange gamma ray bursts contain information from civilisations on distant worlds.

According a research piece titled “Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs)” Mr Ball claimed the two-millisecond burst contains quintillion bits of information.

 Dr. John A. Ball, MIT

He added: “GRBs may be signals transmitted by extraterrestrial civilisations.

“The temporal shape of the bursts at the transmitter is probably a simple pulse and the complex shapes we see are due to distortions en route primarily gravitational lensing.

“So far as we know,gamma rays offer the widest practical communications bandwidth in the electro-magnetic spectrum and the only feasible way to send large quantities of information over intergalactic distances.”



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Wow! Signal Makes Waves in New Documentary on Search for Extraterrestrials

by Joe Blundo             January 16, 2018             (dispatch.com)

• On Aug. 15, 1977, Big Ear, a large Delaware County, Ohio installation detected natural radio waves coming from space, recorded an extremely strong signal. A computer expressed the signal in alphanumeric code (6EQUJ5). Jerry Ehman, a volunteer at the facility, spotted the powerful signal, circled it and wrote “Wow!” in the margin. John Kraus, the Ohio State professor who led the Big Ear program, dubbed it the “Wow! signal”.

• Now, film director Bob Dawson tells the story of Ohio State University’s ‘Big Ea’ radio telescope and other efforts to detect signs of intelligent life in space in his documentary film, “WOW Signal”. The film reaches no conclusion on the signal that captivated Ehman. “The job of a documentary filmmaker is never to come to a conclusion,” Dawson said. “It’s always to present the evidence and let your audience decide.”


More than 40 years later, Jerry Ehman’s one-word reaction to what he read on a computer printout continues to fascinate others.

The word: Wow!

It still brings Ehman calls from UFO enthusiasts, got him mentioned on the original “X-Files” and has landed him a prominent role in “WOW Signal,” a feature-length documentary being screened in local theaters this month.

“WOW Signal,” directed by local filmmaker Bob Dawson, tells the story of Ohio State University’s “Big Ear” radio telescope and other efforts to detect signs of intelligent life in space.

On Aug. 15, 1977, Big Ear, a large Delaware County installation that detected the natural radio waves coming from space, recorded an extremely strong signal that, for several reasons, suggested that it could have been produced by an intelligent life form.

A computer expressed the signal in alphanumeric code (6EQUJ5). Ehman, a volunteer who reviewed printouts of what the computer recorded, spotted the powerful signal, circled it and wrote “Wow!” in the margin.

            Jerry Ehman

John Kraus, the Ohio State professor who led the construction of Big Ear, dubbed it the “Wow! signal” and wrote about it in scientific publications.

Neither Kraus, who died in 2004, nor Ehman, now 78 and living in southern Delaware County, called the signal proof of intelligent life. Ehman said he prefers “tantalizing candidate.”

It has yet to be explained, although one astronomer made news last year with his theory that the signal was made by passing comets. Ehman discounts that theory.

Dawson, director of several previous documentaries, was familiar with the Big Ear story from an exhibit at the Ohio Historical Society (now called the Ohio History Center), where he previously worked. His film goes beyond Big Ear, demolished in 1998 after a land sale, to investigate ongoing efforts to find extraterrestrial intelligence and the passion of scientists who do the work.

It reaches no conclusion on the signal that captivated Ehman.

“The job of a documentary filmmaker is never to come to a conclusion,” Dawson said. “It’s always to present the evidence and let your audience    decide.”
Some have already decided.



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Airmen Involved in ‘British Roswell’ May Have Been Abducted by Aliens, Retired US Colonel Claims in Secret Footage

by Emma Parry           January 15, 2018          (thesun.co.uk)

• New information has surfaced regarding the ‘Rendlesham Forest incident’, where in December 1980, U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs witnessed a small triangular craft that landed in Rendlesham Forest near the twin NATO airbases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, England. Sgt Penniston got close enough to touch the craft, describing it as “smooth to the touch” and covered with strange symbols similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, before it took off.

• It was known that Penniston and Burroughs were out of radio communication with the base’s Central Security Control for several hours.

• In 2010, now retired British police detective Gary Heseltine and his wife walked through the forest with the deputy commander of the base at the time, retired U.S. Air Force colonel Charles Halt, in an effort to retrace Halt’s steps during the third night of UFO activity there for a documentary that was never made.

• While a film crew shot the 2010 interview, Heseltine’s wife made a private video as well. At one point, she video recorded Heseltine walking with Halt in the forest during a break in filming. Heseltine says that he recently watched the private video again, and picked up on an interesting comment made by Halt. In the video, Halt says: “He [Burroughs] may have been abducted. Who knows? You know there is lost time, we know that. They were not on the radio … You’ve got men out in the forest …. unaccounted for hours..”

• “I did some research and realized that this admission [by Halt] had never been made public,” said Heseltine. “It’s one thing to see a UFO… but it’s quite another to suggest one of your men might have been abducted by aliens.”

• Heseltine also says that Halt told him the Suffolk airbase had the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in Europe at the time.


A retired U.S. Air Force colonel has claimed that two airmen involved in Britain’s most infamous UFO case may have been abducted by aliens in secret video footage.

Staff Sgt Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs witnessed a small triangular craft which landed in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk – in what has been dubbed the UK’s Roswell.

Sgt Penniston got so close, he even managed to touch the craft, describing it as “smooth to the touch” and covered with strange symbols similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs – before it took off.

Now in secret video footage obtained exclusively by Sun Online, the deputy commander of the base at the time, Charles Halt, can be heard stating that Burroughs “may have been abducted” and that the men were “unaccounted for” for hours.

It is believed it is the first time Halt has ever made the bombshell claims – and they did not appear on his official memo of the incident which was sent to the Ministry of Defence.

The mysterious Rendlesham incident took place in December 1980 – at the height of the Cold War – in woods just outside the twin NATO airbases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters.

Penniston and Burroughs headed into the woods to investigate some strange flashing lights, which is where they saw the UFO.

Two nights later, the UFO returned, and Halt led a team of military experts into the woods in a bid to “debunk” the claims.

However, the military team were shocked when a beam of light from the UFO hit the ground just a few feet away.

 Charles Halt and Gary Heseltine in 2010

Halt, who made an 18-minute audio recording of the incident, went on to write a memo detailing what happened which he sent to the MoD but defence chiefs said the incident was of “no defence significance.”

For years it has been rumoured Penniston and Burroughs, who were security policemen, may have been snatched by the UFO as they were out of radio communication with their Central Security Control (CSC) for several hours – but no one officially involved in the incident has ever publicly stated it.

Now former British police detective Gary Heseltine has released a video clip from 2010 – when he toured the forest with Halt for a documentary that was never made.

The video clip was recorded by Heseltine’s wife during a break in filming and shows Heseltine walking with Halt in the forest in an effort to retrace his steps during the third night of UFO activity during the 1980 incident.

In the video, Halt says: “He [Burroughs] may have been abducted who knows… You know there is LOST TIME, we know that? They were not on the radio … You’ve got men out in the forest that you can’t …. unnaccounted for hours..”

Heseltine, 57, of Scholes, West Yorkshire, told Sun Online: “My wife Lynn took quite a few video clips as we walking around the forest.

“It was only recently while watching them again that I picked up on the admission by Halt that Penniston and Burroughs had been missing off air ‘for several hours’.



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Mexican Government Has Ancient Proof of Alien Existence?

by Bhaswati Guha Majumder          January 14, 2018          (ibtimes.sg)

• The Mexican government has come forward with a disk shaped artifact that was found over 80 years ago, and may provide some evidence of extraterrestrial existence. The artifact (shown below) contains symbolic images. According to experts’ translations, the images show an astronaut controlling a craft, the earth’s atmosphere depicted by two rings, and a self-controlled spacecraft


The existence of life in outer space and the sighting of aliens always triggers the interest to delve deeper into the mystery. While many theorists claim that it is not possible that we are all alone in this universe, some people have been skeptical about the idea. But now things have gone a little ahead after a government has come forward to reveal proof of extraterrestrial contact.

After several claims of alien sightings in Mexico and other parts of the world in the beginning of the New Year, the Mexican government has revealed some proof to support the alien existence theory. It has made public some documents, images of alien objects, its findings earlier from several places in the country.

According to Hidden Facts, this evidence of the extraterrestrial existence was found over 80 years ago, and until today they were not disclosed.

The Mexican actor and producer, Raul Julia-Levy, who made a documentary on the mystery of alien existence, mentioned that the main object of his documentary was to show the truth that has been hidden in Mexico for decades.

The Mexican government found one disk shaped artifact containing many symbolic texts, which are considered some kind of secret messages. The researchers have arduously translated the text, which revealed shocking information.

According to their observation, they found an astronaut controlling a craft, the earth’s atmosphere, depicted by two rings, and a self-controlled spacecraft.



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