Confidential Report Analyzes Tic Tac UFO Incidents

by George Knapp                 May 18, 2018                 (

• George Knapp’s ‘I-Team’ featured on the Las Vegas CBS affiliate KLAS-TV news show has obtained and released a 13-page Executive Summary prepared by and for the U.S. military analyzing the so-called Tic Tac UFO that was captured on video by a Navy F-18 fighter jet in 2004 and released publically via a New York Times article in December 2017. (see 2:57 minute video below)

• The summary reveals that the Tic Tac UFO played ‘cat and mouse’ with the U.S. Navy off the coast of California over a two-week period in late 2004. The U.S.S. Nimitz aircraft carrier, and its support ships including the U.S.S. Princeton carrying the most sophisticated sensor systems in the world, repeatedly detected recurring glimpses of the 45-foot long Tic Tac but were unable to lock on.

• On Nov.14, 2004, F-18 jets were ordered into the area to view the UFOs up close. Veteran pilot Dave Fravor, commander of the elite Black Aces unit, says the Tic Tac UFO reacted to the presence of the F-18s then took off like a bullet fired from a gun …”like nothing I’ve ever seen. One minute it’s here, and off, it’s gone.” Fravor has expressed his opinion that the UFO technology was far more advanced than anything known on earth.

• The Navy’s initial report was buried and not forwarded to command. In 2009, this more comprehensive Executive Summary was compiled but not made public. In the months since the December 2017 video release, the Pentagon has remained silent. Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon intelligence officer who ran the Pentagon UFO program stated, “There are many many Nimitz incidences that are equally compelling.”

• Earlier this year, George Knapp’s I-Team traveled to Washington D.C. for a debriefing arranged by former Senator Harry Reid. There they obtained copies of unclassified documents related to the UFO encounters including the Tic Tac. The summary analysis is not dated and has no logo, but four separate people who are familiar with its contents confirmed to the I-Team it is the real deal and was written as part of a Pentagon program.

• The summary report confirms the Nimitz group had several interactions with the UFOs (also known as ‘AAV’s’ – Anomalous Aerial Vehicles). In the 2004 incident, Navy pilots reported a large disturbance just under the surface of the ocean, round and 100 yards across. It appeared as if the Tic Tac was rendezvousing with the underwater object. It was confirmed that the UFO was not something that belonged to the U.S. or any other nation. It was so advanced, it rendered U.S. capabilities ineffective. It showed velocities far greater than anything known to exist, and it could turn itself invisible, both to radar and the human eye. Essentially, it was undetectable, and unchallenged.


I-Team Exclusive: LAS VEGAS – Fuzzy videos captured by military pilots caused a media splash over the last six months, but what were those objects in the sky?

Since the Pentagon’s release of three UFO videos, armchair experts have speculated that maybe the objects are birds or balloons or something mundane.

But now, the I-Team has obtained an in-depth report prepared by and for the military, and it analyzes the so-called Tic Tac UFO using the most sophisticated sensor systems in the world.

Over a two-week period in late 2004, an unknown, 45-foot long Tic Tac shaped object played cat and mouse with the U.S. Navy off the coast of California. The mighty U.S.S. Nimitz aircraft carrier, and its support ships including the U.S.S. Princeton, carrying the most sophisticated sensor systems in the world, repeatedly detected recurring glimpses of the Tic Tac but were unable to lock on.

On Nov.14, F-18s were ordered into the area and saw it up close. Veteran pilot Dave Fravor, commander of the elite Black Aces unit, says the Tic Tac reacted to the presence of the F-18s then took off like a bullet fired from a gun.

“It takes off like nothing I’ve ever seen. One minute it’s here, and off, it’s gone,” said retired Navy pilot David Fravor.

In the explosion of media interest that followed the Pentagon’s release of the Tic Tac video along with recordings of two other encounters, Commander Fravor expressed the opinion that the technology was far more advanced than anything known on earth.

But in the months since the release, the Pentagon has clammed up. It has declined to release official documents about the Nimitz Tic Tac encounter, or similar incidents.

“There are many many Nimitz incidences that are equally compelling, that are told from the eyes of people like Commander Dave Fravor,” said Luis Elizondo, former Pentagon intelligence officer.

Until last year, Elizondo ran AATIP, a secret Pentagon assignment that quietly evaluated UFO incident reports. He chafes at the armchair experts who claim the Tic Tac was a balloon or bird, a mistake by the pilots or a technical glitch.

“Let the data speak for itself,” he said. “Let the information we receive from electro optical data; electro mechanical mechanisms be the tool in which we look and compare what the eyewitness testimony is saying.”

U.S. Navy video of ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of California in 2004



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Contact with Nordic Alien in USAF Uniform whose Spacecraft was Photographed

On May 24, my anonymous source, JP, who has provided dozens of photos of different types of craft belonging to a United States Air Force (USAF) secret space program says he encountered a human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrial. He claims the Nordic was wearing a USAF uniform and invited him to go for a ride in a landed saucer-shaped craft in a secluded wooded area of Orlando, Florida.

JP declined the offer but took photos of the spacecraft after it departed (attached below).  His recollection of the conversation with the Nordic reveals that they are directly cooperating with the USAF and abiding by the terms of an agreement concerning their interaction with the general public.

What follows is the Skype conversation I had with JP along with some commentary. I have created a page where earlier articles and videos featuring his photos, along with originals, can be found for independent analysis.

The conversation began at 10:32 Eastern Daylight Time. I have removed grammatical errors and added extra text in square brackets to clarify what JP is saying:

JP said the following image resembled the Nordic he met but he had a standard military haircut

JP: 9am. Nice contact today.

Michael Salla: What happened?

JP: I went Into the Woods. I was hearing a ringing in my ear. I’m thinking it was like a calling. Like I got from the last Contact. I met up with this man. Wearing a United States Air Force suit. Dark blue. His face was different. Possibly a Nordic.

JP: Light blue eyes, blond hair, wearing a United States Air Force Jumpsuit. He was really kind. He said a lot of these craft are going to be seen all over. He invited me to go to the craft. I said no. Yes [he asked] me again if I was sure….  

JP: I told him that we’re gonna start needing video evidence. He told me [that] because [of] a deal they have with the United States and other countries, they can’t.

This is consistent with what contactees such as George Adamski, Howard Menger and others have said about human looking extraterrestrials they each helped blend into local communities to evade recognition by the general public, and even national authorities.

It’s worth noting that the current Russian Prime Minister, Dimitry Medvedev, revealed in December 2012 that when he became President, he was given a highly classified file about how Russian and global authorities register and track extraterrestrials secretly living among the human population.

This all suggests that secret agreements have indeed been reached between public authorities and Nordic extraterrestrials, where any kind of video recording of their existence is not allowed by those they contacted.

I return now to my skype conversation with JP where I queried him on his decision not to accept the Nordic offer to go into his craft:

Michael Salla: Surprised you said no. Did you get a bad feeling at any point?

JP: No, I actually felt happiness, but I was kind of mad because of not getting video.

Michael Salla: Hmmm, would you have been allowed to take photos?

JP: He told me. This kind of ship gonna be seen all over. After he talked to me. He touched me. I had a Flash that I was inside the ship. Floating around. It was a split second. Then he told me you’re back.

Here, JP is suggesting that the “Nordic” had arranged for him to view the interior of the craft without physically going inside. Perhaps astral projection or some other kind of non-physical encounter had occurred.

JP then goes on to ask about the cooperation between the Nordics and the USAF:

JP: I ask him what’s going on with you guys and the United States Air Force. He told me that they’re working on a big project together. A couple of projects in the Gulf of Mexico Involving a couple of MacDill Air Force personnel.

Michael Salla: Why was he wearing a US Air Force uniform?

JP: All these sonic booms are part of the project that they’re doing

Michael Salla: Did it have the USAF Special Operations patch?

In earlier incidents, JP has described being taken on board rectangle shaped spacecraft where he saw occupants in USAF uniforms with the patch of Air Force Special Operations. The incidents occurred next to MacDill Air Force Base, home of US Special Operations Command.

JP said the patch worn by the Nordic was different and contained symbols of a star and crescent.

He later explained to me that the uniform itself featured the acronym, USAF, with the acronym also spelled out in a foreign language he did not immediately recognize, but after he did some internet research he found it appeared to be ancient Sumerian. Apparently, this enabled the Nordic to walk undisturbed inside USAF bases:

JP: Another type of space insignia.

Michael Salla: What made you think it was a USAF uniform and not a Nordic uniform?

JP: To camouflage [himself] in the [USAF] base when they’re walking. It [the patch] had United States Air Force.

Michael Salla: Did he tell you he walks around on USAF bases, MacDill?

JP: … Yes, in other bases around the world

Michael Salla: That makes sense. Did he say how long his group has been working with the USAF in joint projects? When did it start?

JP: We never got far in that conversation. I’m thinking a long time Michael. When he left… I ran to my truck.

Michael Salla: Was the conversation done in English or telepathically?

JP: English. European type. Like people talk in England. The perfect English. Not American.

Michael Salla: Were you able to take any photos?

JP: Yes.

JP said that he was able to take photos of the craft once it took off, but not while it was on the ground. The original photos of the departing craft are located below. The following video contains all the photos he sent, along with zooms of two of the photos.

JP says that while the craft was on the ground, he was about 25 meters from it, but his cell phone didn’t work. He estimated the size of the craft to be about 20 meters in diameter, and it had three window panes which he could see through.

I next asked JP about what the Nordic had told him of the cooperation with the USAF:

Michael Salla: What kind of projects were the Nordics working on with the USAF?

JP: Training how to maneuver the ships. Invasive maneuvers all around United States, in Europe, in  Middle East, Russia, Asia.

Michael Salla: The Nordics were teaching the USAF invasive maneuvers? Can you explain more?

JP How another craft chasing another craft. Is not the same as a jet chasing a jet.

Michael Salla: Were the Nordics sharing technology with the USAF or just know how?

JP: The United States Air Force has the technology but does not know how to correctly use it. Is [like] the comparison of dropping a smartphone to an Indian in the Amazon. The Indian would not know how to charge [the] phone, will not know how to search through …

So basically they’re teaching the technology the physics.  When to use the weapons because the weapons sometimes affect the ability of the craft when it’s flying.

The weapon that the craft has is a pulsing weapon energy superheated.  Beams of light Radioactive, how to interact with thunderstorms to conserve and gain energy.

It’s worth pointing out here that based on the testimonies of William Tompkins, Corey Goode and many others, that the US military industrial complex needed to work with German scientists after World War II, to learn about the technology of crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft that had been recovered from Roswell and elsewhere. I discuss this in detail in my latest book, Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs

Based on JP’s testimony, the USAF in particular is still in need of assistance to understand Nordic extraterrestrial technology, which is more advanced than the recovered spacecraft belonging to small Gray extraterrestrials whose bodies have often been found  inside the crashed vehicles.

It’s worth noting that in previous incidents involving his sightings of USAF aerospace vehicles and Nordic spacecraft, he has been prompted by covert operatives to look in the direction of the craft. This suggests that he is part of a sanctioned disclosure initiative where he is being helped in revealing the existence of an Air Force Secret space program, and their alliance with a human looking group of Nordic extraterrestrials.

JP has said on previous occasions that he has been told that he is not allowed to take videos of the craft, but that photos are OK. He says that when he tries to take videos of the spacecraft he is witnessing, his cell phone stops operating.

I have known JP since 2008 and believe he is accurately revealing events as they have occurred. The photographs provide hard evidence that the incredible events he has witnessed are genuine.

Image 2 in sequence Image 3 in sequence Image 5 in sequence

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Special Note: A GoFundMe Campaign has been created so JP can attend the upcoming Contact in the Desert Conference in Palm Springs, California so he cans learn from presenters and share his contact experiences. If you appreciate what JP has been doing, please support him by donating to this campaign. 

Further Reading

These Are Real Pentagon Reports On Warp Drive, Extra Dimensions, Anti-Gravity, And More

by Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick               May 11, 2018                   (

• A pair of official Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents have come to light showing the military’s keen interest in subjects such as warp drive propulsion, extra-dimensional manipulation, dark energy, and other highly exotic forms of space travel. The documents were first posted by Corey Goode late in 2017, and are now again revealed by George Knapp’s I-Team, part of Las Vegas CBS affiliate Channel 8 News, which has been investigating the government’s supposed connection with ‘UFOs’ for decades.

• Knapp has been digging deeper into Las Vegas-based Bigelow Aerospace, founded by UFO enthusiast Robert Bigelow, which was awarded the contract for the Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AAITP), a $22 million classified program supporting a team of nearly 50 scientists, analysts, and investigators that investigated UFO sightings between 2008 and 2012.

• A March 29, 2010 study dealt with “advanced space propulsion” for faster-than-light travel, “space-time altered regions”, and “gravity/antigravity” forces. “This paper has considered the possibility—even likelihood—that future developments with regard to advanced aerospace technologies will trend in the direction of manipulating the underlying space-time structure of the vacuum of space itself by processes that can be called vacuum engineering or metric engineering.” This study was authored at the time by Austin-based EarthTech International, Inc. CEO Harold Puthoff, Ph.D for the Pentagon program.

• An April 2, 2010 study covered similar ground, but also included discussions about “dark energy” and “extra dimensions.” This document states, “The idea that a sufficiently advanced technology may interact with, and acquire direct control over, the higher dimensions is a tantalizing possibility, and one that is most certainly worthy of deeper investigation.” Eric Davis, Ph.D., working with a prior Bigelow company National Institute for Discovery Science, authored this study along with independent consultant Richard Obousy.

• “These studies are so loaded with information,” said Senator Reid who sponsored the Pentagon program. “One thing we learned is over the decades a lot of things happen there’s no explanation for. Well there are now.” However, neither report suggests that the technology they described was anywhere near practical or that any foreign government was close to achieving a relevant breakthrough.

• Harold Puthoff is now VP of Science and Technology at To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a non-profit organization in Encinitas, California that reportedly is, at least in part, continuing the AAITP’s work independently. Luis Elizondo, who was the head of the AAITP Pentagon program, is now the To The Stars Academy’s Director of Global Security and Special Programs.

• A pair of DoD military videos showing ‘tic-tac’ shaped UFOs recorded by Navy F/A-18 fighter jets had been floating around in in the Pentagon’s AAITP (previously known as Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications) and in defense circles for over a decade. To The Stars Academy was instrumental in publically releasing these UFO videos in December 2017. (See original NY Times article) Open disclosure about the origin of the video on an official level, as well as subsequent interviews with the pilot that took it, elevated it to mainstream news.

• Bigelow’s special unit’s investigation concludes that the Pentagon’s AAITProgram went far beyond documenting and evaluating reports of UFOs. It took a holistic approach, evaluating the impact on human biology in association with UFO sightings, and delved into other paranormal domains. It also claims to be storing mysterious material from downed UFOs. The depth of the government’s investigation of UFO technology leaves us wondering what hasn’t been revealed, whether out of fear of embarrassment or risk to national security.


The modern understanding of the Pentagon’s relationship with unexplained flying phenomena has become remarkably more pointed in the last six months since the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program was uncovered. Its disclosure came in between our own exclusive reporting on two very strange and well-documented encounters with strange aircraft operating in U.S. airspace. Now, new documents are coming to light that show the Department of Defense’s own spy agency was also interested in subjects that border on science fiction and the even the paranormal, including warp drive, extra-dimensional manipulation, dark energy, and other highly exotic forms of space travel.

The documents were first discovered by George Knapp’s I-Team, part of Las Vegas CBS affiliate Channel 8 News, which has been investigating the government’s supposed connection with ‘UFOs’ for decades.

Author’s note 5/14/18: It has come to our attention that the documents were in fact first posted by Corey Goode late last year shortly after the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program was first disclosed.

Recently Knapp has been digging deeper into Bigelow Aerospace—which is located in Las Vegas—and its starring role in the previously classified program. It is no secret that Robert Bigelow, a former real estate developer turned inflatable space station entrepreneur, has been highly interested in UFOs, but the depth of the company’s official relationship with the Defense Department regarding the topic was something entirely unheard of before the disclosure of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program occurred in December 2017.

Abbreviated AATIP, that effort, and its funding, sprang from Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s interest in the topic, along with that of a Defense Intelligence Agency official. The program, which eventually cost $22 million and ran roughly between 2008 and 2012, began after Bigelow won the contract, apparently to investigate UFO sightings, along with pretty much everything else that goes along with the topic for better or worse, on behalf of the military.

A team of nearly 50 scientists, analysts, and investigators were assembled to work on the program, which was originally and very cryptically dubbed the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications (AAWSA) Program before gaining its more recent moniker. The contract between the DIA and Bigelow made sure not to spell out its focus, instead referring to exotic technologies without mentioning UFOs.

The I-Team writes:  “The agreement with DIA did not mention UFOs at all. It used more generic terms such as future threats and breakthrough technologies, and specified 12 focal points including, lift, propulsion, materials, versions of stealth as well as human interface and human effects.”

It was under the AAWSA name that the organization funded at least two studies into advanced propulsion and space technology research that border on the fantastical. The first of these studies, dated March 29, 2010, deals with “advanced space propulsion” for faster-than-light travel, discussing theoretical physical constructs such as “spacetime-altered regions” and “gravity/antigravity” forces. The second study, which the AAWSA program published on April 2, 2010, covers similar ground, but also includes discussions about “dark energy” and “extra dimensions.”

The AAWSA experts did this work under the auspices of DIA’s Defense Warning Office, which makes good sense, at least conceptually. This organization first came into being in 2002 and is “charged with identifying sources of increasing threats to U.S. interests in critical regions,” according to an official briefing.

“This office will also identify opportunities to affect adversary behavior prior to and in the early stages of a crisis.” that presentation notes. In 2003, these tasks expanded to also include work “to provide the earliest possible warning of technological developments that could undermine U.S. military preeminence.”

UFO sightings are often indications of advanced and secret military aircraft research and development projects. Having a team of experts try and determine if any of the reports translated to real programs, especially those that potential opponents such as Russia or China might have been working on, would be well with DIA’s mandate for the office.

That AAWSA team would have delved into known developments in associated fields would also make sense in this context. If America’s adversaries were rapidly advancing toward practical warp drives and other advanced propulsion and space research, DIA would definitely want to know in order to help inform U.S. policy responses.

“These studies are so loaded with information,” Senator Reid reportedly said at one point, according to Las Vegas’ Channel 8. “One thing we learned is over the decades a lot of things happen there’s no explanation for. Well there are now.”

Here is a 2:15-minute video clip from a May 28, 2017 60 Minutes segment with
Robert Bigelow that was filmed before revelations of his involvement
with the Pentagon’s Aviation Threat Identification program

44-second video of the “tic tac” UFO off of San Diego in 2004

36-second video of UFO skimming the ocean off of the East Coast USA



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UFO Expert Calls for Probe After Declassified Russian Files Reveal Alien Encounters

by Nirmal Narayanan                 May 10, 2018                 (

• Declassified Russian files reveal reports of UFOs and submerged objects spotted above and within the earth’s oceans, and Soviet K-222 submarines in Southern Pacific Ocean being stalked by six unidentified submerged objects (USOs) travelling in formation under the waters at a speed of more than 265 miles per hour. The maximum speed attained by the Soviet K-222 is 51 miles per hour. After a brief encounter with the submarine, the unidentified objects flew away.

• Are advanced extraterrestrial beings living in the depths of the oceans? Are governments aware of their existence? “I think about underwater bases and say: Why not? Nothing should be discarded. Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing,” said Vladimir Azhazha, a former Russian naval officer and UFO researcher who is demanding a probe into the incident.

• 265 miles per hour is practically impossible for human technology to achieve. According to conspiracy theorists, aliens are using advanced futuristic technologies to achieve such top speeds, defying all laws of physics.


Vladimir Azhazha, a former Russian naval officer and UFO researcher has demanded investigation after declassified Russian files revealed incidents of bizarre alien encounters. The declassified Russian records report unidentified flying objects and submerged objects spotted above and within the earth’s oceans. The documents also talked about Soviet K-222 submarines being stalked by unidentified objects under the sea, Daily Star reports.

            Vladimir Azhazha

Interestingly, the weird incidents listed in the classified documents are very similar to mysterious incidents reported in the Bermuda Triangle. As Azhazha’s investigation suggestion went viral on the online, conspiracy theorists came up with the version that advanced extraterrestrial beings are living in the depths of the oceans, and that the governments are well aware of their existence.

The most interesting case noted by Azhazha in the declassified documents is an incident involving a nuclear submarine in Southern Pacific ocean. During the routine operation, the Soviet K-222 submarine spotted six unidentified submerged objects (USO) travelling in formation under the waters, and surprisingly, they were travelling at a speed more than 265 miles per hour.



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Insiders Reveal Secrets of Underground Military & Corporate Bases with Futuristic Technologies

The May 22 episode of Cosmic Disclosure featured a bombshell interview of two insiders, Emery Smith and Corey Goode, who discussed their direct knowledge of classified underground bases and the super advanced technologies used there. They revealed the security protocols, policy oversight, and travel and cloaking technologies secretly used at the bases.

Goode is best known for his first hand experiences inside multiple secret space programs, and also contacts with different extraterrestrial and Inner Earth groups that he began publicly disclosing in late 2014. He says that much of his knowledge of these underground military/corporate bases came through reading briefing documents found in smart glass pads he had access to during his “20 and back” programs, as well as direct personal experience during his covert service.

Goode’s testimony in secret space programs has been extensively covered by David Wilcock in the Cosmic Disclosure series and his book, The Ascension Mysterious; and also in my Secret Space Programs book trilogy. Both Wilcock and I have identified hundreds of sources and documents that corroborate many of Goode’s claims.

Smith publicly emerged as an insider/whistleblower in December 2017 to share his direct experiences in multiple classified programs that began with him being trained as a “Surgical First Assist” by the US Air Force at Kirtland Air Force Base. He has provided a number of documents on his website that substantiate his military training and work as a surgical assistant.

He has two patents granted in 2004 and 2011 featuring innovative medical devices. On his LinkedIn page he refers to two medical papers he has collaborated in writing. I personally spoke with the main author of the first paper written in 2006, Robert J. Mandle, Ph.D., who confirmed Smith’s involvement and his competence as a medical researcher.

Smith has given a number of interviews on Cosmic Disclosure and elsewhere where he has discussed his involvement in corporate/military experiments involving medical examination of approximately 3000 tissues samples from extraterrestrials, hybrids and other exotic life forms. He says that performed autopsies on approximate 250 extraterrestrial bodies at classified underground facilities at Kirtland Air Force Base, and and elsewhere.

In the May 22, Cosmic Disclosure interview, Smith and Goode compared their respective knowledge about security, locations and technologies used at the underground facilities. The interview has been made publicly available for free here. Goode also provides free transcripts of all his Cosmic Disclosure episodes which are available here.

What is remarkable for the listener, is how well Goode’s recollections of what he read in the smart glass pads, matches what Smith described directly experiencing when visiting these underground military/corporate facilities.

Highlights of their discussion was their common knowledge of how hundreds of secret bases in the US alone, while often on military installations, are actually controlled by corporations:

Emery: I’m aware of, in just the U.S. alone, about 300 of these facilities.

Now, when you say government, I want to, like, talk about that, because it’s not always the government that owns these facilities.

They GUARD these facilities – the military does – but they don’t always . . . are in control of the facilities, because they are owned by larger corporations and unknown organizations.

Corey: That have different oversight.

Emery: Exactly.

Corey: Right.

Underground Bases where Emery Smith has worked. Source:

Smith and Goode’s claims here have enormous significance since it reveals how the U.S. military may be kept out of the loop of what is happening on many classified projects which are run on military installations by corporations.

This brings to mind an incident from 1997 involving Rear Admiral Tom Wilson, who was briefed on a classified UFO related project by Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut), but was denied access by corporate attorneys. What made the incident quite remarkable was that Admiral Wilson at the time was the J-2, head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Smith and Goode further discussed how the hundreds of bases in the US, others around the planet and even off planet are connected via a highly developed maglev rail system:

Corey: … Some of the bases are . . . you cannot access them from the ground whatsoever. You have to go through the tram system, the secret tram system underground.

Emery: Yeah.

Corey: And the only entrance and exit is through that tram system…. And often, they will be very deep, as I’ve said before. At a certain depth, you’re no longer considered in United States territory…. And so you then have free rein.

Emery: Absolutely, yeah…. And I was getting to that, because once you get down there, you have to take the tram.

And many of them have different types of maglev and lavatube devices to get you there…. And you can actually wear a seat belt in these things, but you don’t need to. You don’t even know you’re going because it’s so fluid, and it gets up to such a high speed.

And I don’t know how fast that is, but I heard some of these can go over 500 miles per hour.

Corey: Yeah, I was hearing over 700.

Emery: Yeah. So once you get there, whether you’re taking the chair, the gondola, or you’re taking these maglev tubes – the egg thing – once you get there, then you have to still go through another security checkpoint.

Corey: Because you could be in another country for all you know.

Emery: Right. Or another planet.

Corey: Right. Exactly. I was actually talking about that recently, about how . . . Recently, when I was brought up to the Lunar Operation Command, I was brought into a room for a briefing, and there was a window.

And I looked out the window, and I saw Mars.

Emery: Ha, ha. Yes.

Corey: And I was told that a lot of times, people will take these trams. And much like I took a tram, and it ended up on another planet . . .

Emery: Yes.

Illustration of a travel pod in the underground rail system. Source:

Both Smith and Goode have provided a lot of additional details about the capabilities of the secret underground shuttle system that was first exposed in 1995 by Phil Schneider in a series of interviews that culminated in his murder/suicide months later in January 1996, and in a book authored by Dr. Richard Sauder, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide (1995).

Additionally, Wilcock pointed out some of the others that have come forward since Schneider and Sauder’s ground breaking revelations:

Let me also just say for the record that Bob Dean, Pete Peterson, Jacob and Henry Deacon have all reported on this phenomenon of sub-shuttle systems where you get transported somewhere else, and you don’t even realize it. You’re just riding in the thing, and you go somewhere else.

Wilcock asked Smith and Goode what they knew about the metallic element Thorium in relation to underground bases:

Corey: Well, I know that in the programs, the craft, research vessel, I was assigned to, originally it was nuclear. And then they replaced it with a thorium based.

And then they replaced it with some sort of an electromagnetic engine that had these long tubes that they would put something in that they called “minnow baskets” that would spin.

And if you move it up and down, you get a little bit of play in the electromagnetics.

Emery: Right.

Corey: And I think it’s some sort of electromagnetic friction that’s going around. And these leads are picking up the energy and shooting it wirelessly through the tubes, which then go directly to these huge capacitors.

Emery: Right. Yeah, a lot of capacitors are used in these bases to hold the energy.

I’m not an expert at thorium, but I was recently on a project where a private organization – a private corporation – hired me to . . . They sent out people all over the United States – a scientific team – to find the LARGEST deposit of thorium here in the United States.

And I know exactly where that’s at. And that is also in New Mexico. I’m not going to tell you the city it’s located near, but I’ll tell you it’s in New Mexico.

And there’s an unlimited amount of thorium there that could power all the planets, and all the bases, and, of course, us right here indefinitely – INDEFINITELY – I mean with the amount of energy we already currently use.

Smith and Goode are revealing that Thorium is used in a cold fusion process that provides a virtually unlimited power supply for covert projects and spacecraft.

Smith and Goode go on to discuss the latest hologram technology, and how incredibly advanced it has become to the extent that holograms can physically appear to be hard and even have mass:

Corey: Yeah, lots of that technology – the masking technology with holograms.

Emery: Lots of it.

Corey: They’ve even developed holograms to a point to where they have mass.

Emery: Right.

Corey: Or they call them “hard light”, to where they can . . .

Emery: You can cast a shadow.

Corey: Yeah, you can do a hologram, and you can walk up and “tink, tink, tink,” like a piece of glass.

Or even they can make it even thicker in depth….

Emery: Yeah, I totally can attest to that as well, and I was part of . . . not part of that, but there was compartmentalized projects near me during that that were working on satellites that could do that, or they were putting that technology in satellites in the early ’90s, and I think it was probably before that.

Corey: Yeah. What’s crazy is they’ll have a hard light panel. They remove the source of the power or electricity, and it stays.

Emery: Right.

Project Bluebeam features Holographic technology to simulate an alien false flag event

Smith’s and Goode’s corroboration of their respective experiences and knowledge of technologies used at underground bases is highly significant, given extensive documentation possessed by Smith validating his core claim of having been a trained surgical assistant that participated in covert autopsies of dead extraterrestrials conducted at Kirtland Air Force base and other classified locations.

The conclusion emerging from their first joint “Cosmic Summit” interview is that Smith’s experiences and documentation corroborate key elements of things Goode has been saying since late 2014. This is important supporting evidence for those still undecided about the veracity of Goode’s incredible claims.

Smith and Goode will be appearing together in future Cosmic Disclosure episodes, and will again compare their experiences and knowledge about highly classified programs. This upcoming series of “Cosmic Summit” interviews is essential viewing for all seeking the truth about secret space programs.

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading


Proposed NASA Budget Includes $10 Million for Hunting Aliens

by Lauren Tousignant                  May 10, 2018                (

• On May 7th, NASA’s $100M ‘Breakthrough Listen’ project announced that an enhancement to its CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope in New South Wales, Australia will allow it to scan millions of stars across the Milky Way over the next 60 days. The telescope will allow scientists to quickly scan the entire sky rather than one single point of the sky at a time.

• “With these new capabilities, we are scanning our galaxy in unprecedented detail,” said Danny Price, at Breakthrough Listen. “By trawling through these huge datasets for signatures of technological civilizations, we hope to uncover evidence that our planet, among the hundreds of billions in our galaxy, is not the only where intelligent life has arisen.”

• Also, a new bill in the US House of Representatives proposes $10 million a year to NASA to search for signs of extraterrestrial life, searching for technosignatures such as radio transmissions in order to “meet the NASA objective to search for life’s origin, evolution, distribution and future in the universe,” according to the bill. If fully passed, it would mark the first time since 1992 that NASA has received federal funding for the search for extraterrestrial life, and reinstate SETI into the NASA budget.


The search for extraterrestrial life is getting extra.

NASA and a project called Breakthrough Listen are both making moves to help boost the chances of finding aliens.

On May 7, Breakthrough Listen announced updates to the CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope in New South Wales, Australia, that will allow it to scan millions of stars across the Milky Way over the next 60 days.
The $100 million Breakthrough Listen project was founded by a group of scientists, including late physicist Stephen Hawking, in 2016 based on the notion that we should be listening for signs of extraterrestrials — not just looking.

Breakthrough’s previous effort with Parkes only scanned one single point of the sky at a time, with a focus on stars near the sun. But the telescope’s latest updates allow scientists to scan the entire sky at 130 gigabits per second — which is thousands of times the bandwidth of your laptop’s internet connection on its best day.

“With these new capabilities, we are scanning our galaxy in unprecedented detail,” Danny Price, a research fellow at Breakthrough Listen, said in a statement. “By trawling through these huge datasets for signatures of technological civilizations, we hope to uncover evidence that our planet, among the hundreds of billions in our galaxy, is not the only where intelligent life has arisen.”



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Vermont Consciousness and Contact…To be Continued

Vermont Consciousness and Contact will be Continued in October. You are invited!

Before the memory of our recent Vermont Consciousness and Contact fades, I want to share with you my highlights, because, you are invited to the next gathering scheduled for October. Driving from Boston’s Logan Airport north into Vermont, I felt my body shift as 6 lane urban highways became 2 lanes, bordered by tree-lined streams in the first bloom of bright green spring. It was a journey into the welcoming womb of mother earth–Vermont-style. Slowly, we pulled into rutted dirt road that led to the Vershire Riding Academy– a working farm of horse fields, barns, dining hall and dorms. If like me, you spent many summers at camp or in rural areas, Vershire Riding Academy was halcyon.

As the attendees gathered in the dining hall, I caught my first glimpse of Mia Feroleto, who organized Vermont Consciousness and Contact. Nine years ago, Steve Bassett connected Mia and me. Since then, Mia and I logged hundreds of hours on email and phone. Never meeting in person. Until Consciousness and Contact. Needless to say, our hugs were endless.

There is an effect that happens through the Alchemy of Vershire when blending contactees, animals and homegrown food on a land anchored by crystalline energies. We all resonated with the endless high vibrations that reflected in relationships formed and information shared. And the food. We dined on endless homemade cheeses, yogurt, ice cream, fresh herbs, greens, pastas, eggs and healthy well water–a vegetarian movable feast. Our hearts, souls and bodies were nurtured on long rustic picnic-style dining hall tables. 


The ancient presence of the Druids, who are one with the land, continues in Vershire Riding Academy’s “Druid’s Field” where their horses quietly roamed. Trees, horses, rocks, grass and contactees formed fractals as we moved in the fields. Can you imagine a night gathering where you lie in Druid’s Field draped in stars and beings? We did. And you will in September.

There is a phenomenon that occurs when contactees gather. When Exoconscious Humans meet one another. It is as if a crack opens and the hot lava of long suppressed ET Experiences pour forth. We talk. We share. We relate. LOTS. I felt as though I was living through a volcanic eruption of release. We downloaded one another. Again and Again. Have you felt this with fellow experiencers?

We not only communicated with one another, but via animal communicator, David Louis, we communicated with our animals, those in our homes and those who have passed over. David gently nudged us into communion with all of the animal beings of Vershire. We looked in the mirror of the animal beings and saw ourselves. Affinity. Marilyn Gewacke shared her Albany, NY awakening consciousness retreats, Jennifer Stein presented her crop circles research that merged us deeper into the earth, Alan Steinfeld made us laugh and feel tender as he shared his consciousness journey, Linda Moulton Howe examined a Reagan memo about beings identified by our government, and I shared what it means to be an Exoconscious Human and the vision of our community who are co-creating a vital, healthy, peaceful reality with extraterrestrials.

There is so much more to share about how Mia Feroleto weaves the magic of consciousness and contact. But, I will keep it short, to leave room for your experience in October. For more information and to make a reservation, please contact Mia Feroleto at 802 952 6217 or by email at


Thanks for reading — I’m Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, founder of the Institute for Exoconsciousness.

Our mission is to support ET Experiencers. The Community of the Exoconscious connects ET experiencers with an international network of experiencer groups. My signature is exploring what it means to be an Exoconscious Human — how we form an ET identity and create ET-Human community. My personal ET contact began in early childhood and continues today.

In Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind I share my story and wisdom I’ve gained integrating my ET experience. I am available for Exoconscious Coaching services, speaking and interviews. I look forward to hearing from you. If you want to learn more about becoming an Exoconscious Human, please join my Exoconscious Blog.

Author, Scientist Highlights Reported UFO Sightings in Montana

by Mike Ferguson             May 10, 2018                  (

• Joan Bird, the author of Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials, tells of a couple of the more famous cases of Montana citizens seeing a UFO.

• In 1950, Nick Mariana and his secretary watched two silver objects moving together across the sky. They took video of the spinning discs, but nearby Malmstrom Air Force Base officials took Mariana’s film and “removed the good stuff,” said Bird.

• In the summer of 1940, Udo Wartena was in the Confederate Gulch in Broadwater County near Montana state capitol, Helena, when he heard a humming noise and spied a 100-foot saucer hovering over a meadow. A saucer landed and an occupant came out of the saucer. The ‘alien’ apologized to Wartena saying, “We didn’t know you were here. We need water. Can we take some of yours?” The human-looking alien (who also spoke English) invited Wartena to board the saucer and showed him two counter-rotating magnets that the aliens used to nullify Earth’s gravity.

• “They were men just like us, and very nice chaps,” Wartena told his daughter. She said her father “felt remarkable love or comfort in their presence and did not want to leave them.” Wartena told his story to a few people but suffered ridicule afterward.

• Citing the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, Bird says a majority of the 3,500 people claiming contact with extraterrestrials said following their encounter they felt increased compassion, a deeper interest in spiritual matters, an increased concern for the welfare of the planet and a conviction that there’s life after death. What they felt less of was a concern with material things, an interest in organized religion, a fear of death and the desire to become more well-known. Only 15 percent reported having a negative experience, she said.

[Editor’s Note] This incident in the summer of 1940 could be one of the earliest cases of an encounter with the “Space Brothers”, members of the German Vril Society space program, which was a benevolent group led by Maria Orsic that promoted peace and brotherhood as a counter-point to the emergent and malevolent Nazi/Draco space program. See this past ExoNews article for more on UFOs over Montana and the Nick Mariana UFO sighting.


Joan Bird believes in UFO sightings and stories of human contact with extraterrestrials, but after immersing herself in testimony and research, “I sometimes have to back off and go watch birds or something.”

“There is a limit to how much we can take,” the Helena author told a crowd of about 45 people Wednesday at the Western Heritage Center. “I know this is a lot to digest, but keep chewing.”

A trained zoologist and biologist with an earned doctorate, Bird wrote the book “Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials.” She’s scheduled to speak again at noon Thursday at the Western Heritage Center in a talk sponsored by Humanities Montana.

With a smile, she noted her book “earned me a five-saucer review from UFO Magazine” before the periodical ceased publication in 2012.

Bird’s talk focused in part on people claiming UFO sightings in Montana. One, Nick Mariana, who was working in 1950 for the then-Great Falls Electrics minor league baseball team (now the Voyagers), shot film that purportedly shows two silver objects moving together in the sky. Mariana’s secretary said she also saw them.

Bird’s research showed that Malmstrom Air Force Base officials took Mariana’s film and “removed the good stuff,” she said. The original film reportedly showed the discs spinning.

Closer to home, Udo Wartena said he was prospecting in the Confederate Gulch in Broadwater County during the summer of 1940 when he heard a humming noise and spied a 100-foot saucer hovering over a meadow. He said someone came out of the saucer apologizing. “We didn’t know you were here,” the alien told Wartena. “We need water. Can we take some of yours?”



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Ex-CIA Officer is Naming Names as He Exposes ‘The Deep State’ Coup Happening in America

by Arjun Walia              May 10, 2018               (

• “There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in the United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ side and the ‘Constitutional’ side. There has never been anything like this in history. It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms. . . . This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.” – former CIA officer Kevin Shipp

• There is a government within the government, and many within this ‘political game’ are well aware of it. Greg Hunter of interviews Shipp (see 25:53 minute video below) about what’s currently happening within U.S., global politics, and the Deep State.

• In the video, Shipp goes into detail about a coup in the US government that attempted to hijack the 2016 Presidential election to install the Deep State’s puppet candidate, Hillary Clinton, and to create a one-party political system. This stems not from a corrupted bureaucracy, but from an elite and all-powerful corporatocracy controlling the government. The Deep State responded to Trump’s upset election victory by blaming the Russia for Hillary’s loss and censorship of independent non corporate/government sponsored media’s “fake news”.

• According to Shipp, Donald Trump is an outsider and not part of the Deep State. His administration is now at war with the Deep State bureaucrats embedded within the government. “We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President,” said Shipp.

• Never before has the idea of a shadowy ‘Deep State’ government been acknowledged by the mainstream and by global politicians/academicians around the world. It’s no longer taboo to talk about these things without automatically being labeled as a “conspiracy theory”. We find ourselves now going through a major transition. The world is waking up fast and it’s going to be interesting to see what happens.

[Editor’s Note] Nipping at Trump’s heals is just the visible tip of a massive program of manipulation and deception that the Deep State elite has perpetrated on the people of America and the world, especially since WWII. The theater being played out in the mainstream media is merely a distraction hiding an almost unimaginable concentration of wealth by a small elite group. This elite controls access to a secretive breakaway society possessing highly advanced technology leading all the way up to a hierarchy of several secret space programs, including some that routinely interact with extraterrestrial civilizations across the galaxy. For an in-depth break-down of the Deep State’s cover-up and smear campaign against Donald Trump in 2016-2017, see this three-part ExoNews article on Seth Rich.


“There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in the United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ side and the ‘Constitutional’ side. There has never been anything like this in history. It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms. . . . This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.”

Above are the words of Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer turned whistleblower who is and has been, exposing what seems to be the rhetoric of various other whistleblowers like Thomas Drake, William Binney, Sibel Edmunds, Edward Snowden and more. There is a government within the government, and many within this ‘political game’ are well aware of it and as the 28th U.S. President once wrote, “know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
Greg Hunter of released the interview with Shipp (below), who goes in depth about what’s currently happening within U.S. and global politics. We need people like this, especially as more and more people realize there is not much truth or substance that comes from mainstream media. The picture always seems to be painted a certain way to benefit a small group of powerful people, these are the people that Shipp is referring to.

The Deep State

Shipp goes into detail about a coup within U.S. politics that’s been underway since 2006, with the objective to overthrow America and destroy the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. James Comey is also discussed, and is referred to as a puppet for the likes of Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, and more…
“We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state … It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government … This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.”
– Senator William Jenner

Donald Trump has even mentioned some of his administration as making up part of the Deep State. More on that later.

Before You Listen To The Interview, Something To Keep In Mind

Before you listen to the interview, there are a few important things to consider when discussing this topic. The main one is to always keep in mind what’s really happened within the U.S government. It’s far from a democracy, more like a corporatocracy, and in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

There is a power that has risen up which controls the U.S. government, and now more than ever it’s there for us to see. Especially with the events that have transpired in Syria, everything that’s happening in the U.S., 9/11, and what seems to be a massive propaganda campaign about what is going on overseas and in Iran. Furthermore, blaming Russia for Hillary Clinton’s loss and more, a slew of fake news has hit mainstream media and it has coincided with the censorship of independent non corporate/government sponsored media, like Collective Evolution.

The answer to fake news is not more censorship, it’s more transparency. We don’t need government, or the Deep State to step in and decide what’s real and not for the people.

Never before has there been such an awakening, never before has the idea of the ‘Deep State’ government, a shadowy government, been acknowledged by the mainstream and by global politicians/academicians around the world. It’s no longer taboo to talk about these things, and mention them, but every now and then you still get the “conspiracy theory” response, simply because the information conflicts with mainstream beliefs.

25:53 minute video interview of Kevin Shipp


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Weird Norfolk: Abiding Mystery of the County’s 1954 UFO Sightings

by Stacia Briggs and Siofra Connor             May 5, 2018                 (

• In 1954 a series of UFOs were seen in the skies above Norfolk, England. Then they vanished.

• On March 1, 1954 at 6:15 pm, Norwich residents Mr and Mrs Goreham spotted a “very bright round ball” which moved across the sky, spinning and then forming into the shape of a triangle. “It had a bright ray of light round the whole of it. It disappeared three times while we were watching it.” Neigbors Mr and Mrs Cubitt and Edith Capes in a nearby town also saw and reported the craft. It had a “white or light-coloured band and blue to green top… it seemed as if the top of the ball was opening like a domed lid.” There were also sightings in the area on March 4th and March 8th.

• In June 1954, a cigar-shaped craft in the skies was reported which roared and was “flaming red” at one end. Between September 15th and 21st, six witnesses in four localities. Mr Rayner of North Elmham reported seeing “flying shapes, one resembling a cigar, the other a saucer. The round thing was as big as a Canberra bomber, the other was like a double-sized Flying Fortress fuselage”. Similar craft were seen by others during this period, with one 12-year-old reporting a green, egg-shaped object moving over a park.

• On October 2, 1954, a blue-white square craft was seen, silently revolving with several large and small lights. There were four sightings on October 21 from various towns when a UFO was spotted travelling at “tremendous speed” across the night sky. Keith Watts reported a UFO near Norwich that “streaked across the sky, leaving in its rear a brilliant glow for a brief moment.” David Coley said the object looked like a comet with its “glowing trail”. Ronald Lincoln saw a bright ball of light drop 600 feet like a stone before stopping and speeding off.

• By the end of November 1954, at dusk on evening an anonymous witness reported a UFO craft “moving very slowly away towards the south – it was sausage-shaped and aluminium in colour.”

• Did the witnesses see top secret military aircraft being tested over the skies of the county? Or did they catch sight of extraterrestrial visitors taking a closer look at the east of England?

[Editor’s Note] Or did these folks see early spacecraft built and operated by the Nazi remnant in Antarctica, the same Nazi group that had buzzed the US Capitol in 1952? Or were they Vril spacecraft built by the more benevolent German group led by Maria Orsic and her “Space Brothers”? See the 1:31 minute video for more on these Norfolk, England sightings below.


It was the year J RR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings was published, Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister and rationing came to an end. And 1954 was also the year that a series of Unidentified Flying Objects were seen in the skies above Norfolk, just a year after the term ‘UFO’ had been coined by the United States Air Force.

The first major sightings came in the first week of March, as winter’s grip remained in the east with uncommonly low temperatures and snow flurries holding back the onset of spring and sending most people indoors to stay warm by the fire.

But on Alexandra Road in Norwich on March 1 at around 6.15pm, it wasn’t snow that led Mr and Mrs Goreham to look up to the skies: the couple had spotted a “very bright round ball” which moved across the sky, spinning and then forming into the shape of a triangle.

“It had a bright ray of light round the whole of it. It disappeared three times while we were watching it.”

At nearby Lawson Road, Mr and Mrs Cubitt watched a round object in the sky “like a child’s humming top with a white or light-coloured band and blue to green top… it seemed as if the top of the ball was opening like a domed lid.” Both couples sketched what they had seen. Edith Capes of Paston saw a similar craft at 7pm – her description was almost identical: the object looked like a top, coloured blue and green and with a band of light round the middle. Letters to the EDP on the subject led to two further reports, a sighting on March 4 in Lowestoft and another on March 8 in Norwich.

After one sighting in Aylsham in June of a large cigar-shaped craft which roared and was “flaming red” at one end, the reports dried up. Until September.There were six witnesses in Overstrand, North Elmham, Trunch and Norwich who all reported seeing something strange in the sky between September 15 and 21.Mr Rayner of North Elmham reported seeing “flying shapes, one resembling a cigar, the other a saucer. The round thing was as big as a Canberra bomber, the other was like a double-sized Flying Fortress fuselage”.

A day later, a similar object was seen in Overstrand, four days after that there were two sightings, one in Overstrand and one in Trunch.



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Presidents & Politicians That Told the World Who Really Makes the Decisions

by Arjun Walia               May 5, 2018               (

• If you told somebody ten years ago that there existed some sort of secret group or “secret government” pulling the strings behind the scenes of government policy, international law, various global rules/regulations, and more, they would have called you a “conspiracy theorist.” Today things have changed, largely as a result of information leaked by Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and various other whistleblowers and activists in recent years. Their bravery has shed light on the world of secrecy that’s been blinding the masses since its inception. Here are some historic political leaders who have attempted to reveal the existence of a secret ‘shadow government’ to the people.

• Paul Hellyer – In September 2005, former Canadian Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer, became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally that “UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.” Hellyer also pointed out that while the U.S. was waging monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, thousands of billions of dollars were spent on projects about which both the Congress and the President have been kept deliberately in the dark.

• Woodrow Wilson – The 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson once stated, “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

• John F. Kennedy – The 35th President of the United States, JFK warned that “there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. …[W]e are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

• John C. Calhoun – The 7th Vice President of the United States, from 1825-1832, John C. Calhoun said, “A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many, and various, and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.”

• John F. Hylan – John Hylan, the Mayor of New York City from 1918-1925, said “The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation … The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties … [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country.

• William Jenner – In 1954, US Senator William Jenner said to Congress, “We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state … It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government … This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.

• Daniel K. Inouye – The highest ranking Asian-American politician in US history, serving from 1963 until his death in 2012, Senator Daniel Inouye stated, “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

• Dwight D. Eisenhower – In his farewell address to the nation, the 34th President Dwight Eisenhower offered these words of caution, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. … Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful message and goals.

• Theodore Roosevelt – The 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt warned, “[I]nstruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them in martialing to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility.

[Editor’s Note] Watch the 13-minute video below with Foster Gamble discussing the Deep State elite who truly run the world through their total financial control, also featuring Catherine Austin Fitts and G. Edward Griffen (author of The Creature from Jekyll Island)


This is an article that originated from Collective Evolution in 2015. We are reposting it now to bring awareness to the ‘Deep State‘ that currently controls global politics and major institutions and has, for a long time.

At the end of the day, WE (humanity) make the ultimate decisions as to what direction we want to take our planet. The moment we choose, we can change the human experience at any given time.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays (“the father of public relations”), Propaganda, 1928 (note that Bernays’ book, Propaganda, begins with the above quote).

If you told somebody 10 years ago that there existed some sort of secret group or “secret government” pulling the strings behind the scenes of government policy, international law, various global rules/regulations, and more, they would have called you a “conspiracy theorist.” Today things have changed, largely as a result of information leaked by Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and various other whistleblowers and activists in recent years. Their bravery has shed light on the world of secrecy that’s been blinding the masses since its inception.

I’ve mentioned this before, and I’ll mention it again, did you know that the U.S. Government classifies more than 500 million pages of documents each year? Did you know that the United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret? For example, the National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, but its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, it was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years. Then we have the entire black budget world, a world dominated by secrecy that was officially revealed by Edward Snowden a couple of years ago. This deals with what are known as “Special Access Programs.”

It’s not just statements that these “high-level” people are making. It’s all of the proof and evidence that goes along with it.

Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer
Former Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer, is one of Canada’s best known and most controversial politicians. He was first elected in 1949, and was the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent’s government eight years later. He held senior posts in the governments of Lester B. Pearson and Pierre E. Trudeau. He achieved the rank of senior master (Deputy Prime Minister), and went on to become the Canadian Defence Minister. He is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces, and in September 2005 he became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally that “UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.”

Here’s what he had to say about the world of secrecy:
It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.

The 28th U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson, an American academic, politician, and the 28th president of the United States, had this to say (among other things) in his book The New Freedom. The book also contains several other, similarly eye-opening statements:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

The 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy
Here’s what JFK had to say in one of his most famous speeches:
The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. … For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.


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Vast Reserve of Frozen Water Might Hide Beneath the Moon’s Surface

by Sequoyah Kennedy                May 9, 2018                 (

• After analyzing a lunar meteor that fell in the African desert 13 years ago, scientists discovered that the meteor contained large amounts of moganite, a mineral which is only formed in the presence of evaporated alkaline fluids like water.

• Masahiro Kayama, a scientist at Tohoku University in Japan who led the team that made the discovery, believes that this moganite formed when water in the surface dust of the moon was evaporated by the harsh rays of the sun, and says that there is likely more water below the surface.

• Kayama says that the subsurface of the moon may be made of as much as 0.6 percent water, meaning that extraction could yield 6 liters of water for every cubic meter processed. This could be enough that future colonists on the moon wouldn’t need to rely on water from Earth to survive. It could also be used to supply missions to Mars and beyond, and hydrogen could be extracted for rocket fuel.

• Previously, NASA’s Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite found water near the Moon’s south pole, and India’s Chandrayaan-1 found traces of water in the thin atmosphere surrounding the moon. Perhaps water is far more abundant in our solar system and galaxy-at-large than we’ve always assumed.


We often forget how mysterious our moon is. Maybe it’s due to seeing it every night, just hanging out in the sky, predictably waxing and waning. Of all the celestial bodies in our solar system, the moon is probably taken for granted the most. That’s too bad, because the moon is weird, and scientists are making new discoveries about our dear Luna all the time. The latest is that the moon is likely hiding huge amounts of ice under her dusty surface, which could be mined and used as crucial supplies for space exploration and colonization missions.

The discovery was made after analyzing a lunar meteor that fell in the African desert 13 years ago, according to Scientists discovered that the meteor fell from the moon containing large amounts of moganite, a mineral close in structure to quartz but which is only formed in the presence of alkaline fluids like water. Specifically, it’s formed in the evaporation of water. Masahiro Kayama, a scientist at Tohoku University in Japan who led the team that made the discovery, believes that this moganite formed when water in the surface dust of the moon was evaporated by the harsh rays of the sun, and says that there is likely more water below the surface:
In a moganite, there is less water, because moganite forms from the evaporation of water. That’s the case on the surface of the moon. But in the subsurface, much water remains as ice, because it’s protected from the sunlight.



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No Time for Aliens: How the MoD Tried to Prove No One’s Out There

by Damien Gayle            May 6, 2018            (

• In 1997, Britain’s DI55 “Defence Intelligence” embarked on a campaign to absolve the Ministry of Defence of responsibility for investigating UFO sightings. A report obtained through a Freedom of Information request by David Clarke, a research fellow and lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University, shows that the MoD was motivated by “The increasing media attention given to this subject in recent months [which] has almost doubled the work of the desk officers involved to the detriment of other tasks more directly relevant to the work of the branch.” It was now time to “reappraise the situation” and clarify DIS’s role in the issue.

• What becomes clear from the FOIA files is a fear among officials of further inciting UFO-mania. “We need to be very careful about expanding ‘UFO’ business and thereby sending the public a misleading message about the extent of the MoD’s interest,” says one memo.

• The report was completed in 2000 and duly discounted alien spaceships over the UK, giving DI55 the grounds it needed to no longer accept reports of UFO sightings. Then Defence Intelligence destroyed the files on which the report was based, including the analysis database. The MoD closed its UFO desk in 2009 after it was decided it served no defense purpose and that it took staff away from more valuable defense-related activities.

• The study replaced one mystery with another after its author determined that the UFO sightings were a result of unexplained plasma formations in the atmosphere.


It was 1997, the 50th anniversary of the suspected flying saucer crash at Roswell in New Mexico, and the heyday of the paranormal mystery series The X-Files. The English-speaking world was gripped by UFO-mania. But what seemed a delightful mystery to some was becoming a headache for the spooks at Britain’s Defence Intelligence Staff.

Analysts at the DI55 office, the department lumbered with the UFO brief, were being peppered with requests from ufologists – and even parliamentary questions – for information on flying saucers, taking up time they felt would be better spent on terrestrial defence matters. So top brass decided to undertake a definitive study of the unit’s collection of reported UFO sightings to establish, once and for all, whether there was anything in them.

Previously unseen documents reveal that, far from being an objective study into the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors, the report was intended from the start to absolve the Ministry of Defence of responsibility for investigating sightings. Messages between officials at DIS and the contractor carrying out the research show that it focused from the outset only “on the possible threat to the UK [from hostile foreign powers] and technology acquisition” and not “X-Files activities such as alien abductions”. A separate memo says: “It shouldn’t be driven by a UFO thesis.”

The study replaced one mystery with another after its author determined that the UFO sightings were a result of unexplained plasma formations in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, DI55 announced afterwards that it would no longer accept UFO reports.

The documents show the deliberations behind the research, which began in 1997 and collated the previous decade’s worth of UFO sightings – known in the technical jargon of DIS as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) – in a database. The identities of all the officers involved in the conversation, which lasted several years, are redacted. Many other excerpts are blacked out, with exemptions cited including risks to national security and international relations.

“The increasing media attention given to this subject in recent months has almost doubled the work of the desk officers involved to the detriment of other tasks more directly relevant to the work of the branch,” one memo says, adding that it was now time to “reappraise the situation” and clarify DIS’s role in the issue.



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ETs ‘Meeting With US Officials and Planning Humanoid Race’

by Paul Harper          May 7, 2018          ( )

• YouTube channel UFOmania has posted a video that claims senior Navy and other top American military personnel are secretly meeting with extraterrestrial beings including the ‘Greys’ from the Zeta Reticuli star system. These extraterrestrials are known as “the controllers”. These claims are based on information from three sources, who were interviewed by ExoNews/ founder, Dr Michael Salla. (see 4:54 minute video below) According to the video, the controller ETs are plotting to create a “humanoid” race that will be “placed on earth in the near future”.

• There have also been a series of top secret meetings at the United Nations and at the Johnston Atoll, a US territorial island near Hawaii where UFOs and aliens have been discussed.

• In addition, Emery Smith, a black project whistleblower who claims to have worked in a deep underground biological facility located in the US, says that work is taking place on extraterrestrial technology harvested from alien beings and their crashed or captured spaceships. Smith says that ET flying saucers are mostly “organic and linked to the driver”. The ET craft can be “infused with life and intelligence” and “change shape”. Smith says that ET technology is thousands of years ahead or our own, and is being suppressed from public knowledge. (see 35:43 minute interview with Emery Smith where Smith discusses alien craft from 3:14 to 7:16)


YouTube channel UFOmania has posted a video that makes a number of astonishing allegations about regular contact between top American military figures and extraterrestrials.

These claims are based on information from three sources, who are said to have been interviewed by Dr Michael Salla, an expert on international politics and US foreign policy.

Dr Salla concluded that a secret programme of meetings is under way involving senior US military navy officers and other military personnel with one or more extra terrestrial civilisations, according to the video.

Bizarre claims state the meetings have involved a number of ET groups, including the “greys” that are typically depicted in pop culture.

The extraterrestrials are said to be nicknamed the “controllers”.

UFOmania also claims one race involved comes from the Zeta Reticuli star system, which has long been associated with alien mythology after the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961.

Betty drew a star map of the alien’s home, which appeared similar to Zeta Reticuli, after she claimed to have seen it on a spaceship.

The aliens are plotting to create a “humanoid” race that will be “placed on earth in the near future”, according to the video.

Extraterrestrial Beings are Meeting with US Military
(UFOmania YouTube channel)

Emery Smith interview (from
on the Destroying the Illusion YouTube channel)


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UK Government is Withholding Three UFO Files, Former Ministry of Defence Employee Claims

by Shivali Best             May 9, 2018               (

• In 2008, the British government started to release its UFO files to the public in the hopes of being as transparent as possible. The release process was expected to take three years at most. According to Nick Pope (pictured above), a former employee at the UK Ministry of Defence, three files still haven’t been made public. “I’m extremely disappointed that ten years after the release of the first files, the project is still incomplete,” said Pope.

• Mr Pope noted that the files have been sent backwards and forwards between the MoD and the British National Archives at least twice, adding to people’s suspicions. “A lot of people think the government is covering up the truth about UFOs, and this unfortunate situation is only adding fuel to the fire with regard to these conspiracy theories.”

• Mr Pope added that while he and his colleagues took the issue of UFOs seriously, they were often forced to ‘spin’ the subject for the media, ‘disingenuously stating that the subject was of “no defence significance”‘.


While UFOs are often seen as objects that belong in the imagination of conspiracy theorists, the British Government has taken them very seriously for years.

In 2008, the Government started to release its UFO files to the public in the hopes of being as transparent as possible.
But while the release process was expected to take three years at most, three files still haven’t been made public, according to Nick Pope, a former employee at the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Mr Pope said: “Having worked on the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project and having written many of the documents that have already been released, I’m extremely disappointed that ten years after the release of the first files, the project is still incomplete.”



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Are Military Pilots Interacting With UFOs in Local Skies?

by Brendan Ponton             May 5, 2018              (

• The CBS affiliate in Norfolk/Virginia Beach (Virginia), WTKR,  recently did an on-air report about UFO’s in the skies off of the East Coast. This is a corresponding article that ran on the news station’s website.

• The ‘To The Stars Academy’ group recently obtained and released videos of military pilots seeing UFOs. Rob Swiatek of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) says these types of sightings have been happening for decades. “[The UFO’s] seem to be moving in intelligent manners, intelligent patterns, and it does not seem to be a natural phenomenon,” said Swiatek. “Each year there are thousands of reports of UFO’s across the country and world. About 20% remain a mystery. Ultimately, I conjecture that we’re dealing with another intelligence, but I can’t prove it,” Swiatek said.

• In December (2017), The New York Times reported on a military program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which looked into the reports of UFO’s. Defense officials say the program ended but there’s a renewed interest in whether or not aliens are piloting UFO’s.

[Editor’s Note]  Kudo’s to the mainstream news in Norfolk/Virginia Beach! They are actually reporting on UFO’s that may be controlled by an extraterrestrial intelligence without derision, sarcasm or ridicule. As there are many Navy and Air Force pilots stationed in the Hampton Roads area, this is very relevant and vital information. It appears that we are turning a corner with mainstream acknowledgement of the extraterrestrial presence on our planet. See below the 3:51 minute news broadcast and two of the released US military videos of UFOs.


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Recently released videos purport to show military pilots seeing UFO’s, but what exactly are they seeing?

The group, To the Stars Academy for Arts and Science, obtained the videos and says they’re evidence pilots are coming into contact with Unidentified Foreign Objects.

Rob Swiatek, a UFO researcher and board member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and says these types of sightings have been happening for decades. “We can’t really explain it,” Swiatek said. “[The UFO’s] seem to be moving in intelligent manners, intelligent patterns, and it does not seem to be a natural phenomenon.”

Each year there are thousands of reports of UFO’s across the country and world, according to Swiatek. UFO investigators are generally able to determine explanations for the vast majority, but he says about 20% remain a mystery.

“Ultimately, I conjecture that we’re dealing with another intelligence, but I can’t prove it,” he said.

Following the release of the videos, there’s a renewed interest in whether or not aliens are piloting UFO’s. In December, The New York Times reported on a military program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which looked into the reports of UFO’s. Defense officials say the program ended in 2012, but others say the work continues.

Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jet video
off of the coast of San Diego in 2004

Military video of a UFO flying low over the
Atlantic Ocean off of the East Coast of America


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Beware ‘Demonic’ Aliens: UFO Probes in US, UK Hampered by Religious Fears

May 8, 2018             (

• On May 4th, Luis Elizondo, the former US intelligence officer who ran the Pentagon’s UFO program known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, stated on the CBS affiliate television station’s news show “Las Vegas Now” that the program’s closing in 2009 had more to do with offending senior officials’ religious beliefs than budget pressures.

• Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator with the UK’s Ministry of Defense (MoD), told the Metro UK that he “…was aware that Pentagon pushback on UFO research was in part due to the religious belief of some of those involved.” “It was an odd irony that UFO investigations were being hampered because some people’s belief in God meant that they either didn’t believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life or that they regarded UFOs and extraterrestrials as demonic.” Pope said that he witnessed this type of religious pushback at the British MoD as well.

• The fact that some people regard UFOs as demonic seems to have its roots in the biblical description of Satan as being ‘the prince of the power of the air’ from Ephesians 2:2.

• David Clarke, a research fellow at Sheffield Hallam University who obtained the UK’s UFO files from the MoD following a freedom of information request, told The Guardian that UK officials have only “encouraged conspiracy theorists through their own paranoia” by closing its UFO desk in 2009 and destroying the ministry’s UFO files.


Though it was officially announced in 2012 that the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secret US Defense Intelligence Agency program that studied UFOs, was shuttered over budget pressures, it has since been revealed that its closure had more to do with senior officials and their religious beliefs.

Speaking with Las Vegas Now on Friday, Luis Elizondo, a former intelligence officer with knowledge on the matter, explained that senior officials pushed back on the secret program over concerns that the study would become an embarrassment for the department and because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.

Elizondo, who previously spoke out about the five-year-old program to the New York Times in December 2017, stressed that though the government’s funding ended in 2012, the study continues as officials from the US Navy and the CIA offered resources to further the program. It is speculated that the program is still active, just through private funding.

It should be noted that following Elizondo’s big reveal, two videos were released by the US Department of Defense that showed service members encountering unidentified flying objects.

But Elizondo isn’t the only official spilling the beans on secret government programs investigating UFOs.

Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator with the UK’s Ministry of Defense, told the Metro UK that he, too, encountered pushback.

“I was aware that Pentagon pushback on UFO research was in part due to the religious belief of some of those involved,” Pope told the outlet. “It was an odd irony that UFO investigations were being hampered because some people’s belief in God meant that they either didn’t believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life or that they regarded UFOs and extraterrestrials as demonic.”

“The fact that some people regard UFOs as demonic seems to have its roots in the biblical description of Satan as being ‘the prince of the power of the air’ from Ephesians 2:2. Luis Elizondo says that he came up against religious pushback from senior staff when he ran the Pentagon’s UFO program and I saw some evidence of this at the MoD too,” Pope added.



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House Panel Lays Foundation for Future Space Force

by Sandra Erwin                 May 14, 2018                    (

• Last week, the House Armed Services Committee swiftly approved the recommendation of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee on military space reforms to establish a subordinate unified Space Command under U.S. Strategic Command.

• Another recommended provision calls for the secretary of the Air Force to establish a new numbered Air Force dedicated to space war-fighting.

• The proposal sets the stage for further debate over the coming months as the HASC language moves toward a House vote and a House-Senate conference this fall.

• Said Rep. John Garamendi, “We have had seven hearings on this. They all made the same point: We’re not prepared to defend this nation’s space assets in part because we’re not organized to do so. …We need to organize our military to defend space assets.”

• Unlike last year’s bill, this one does not mandate the establishment of a separate space corps in the U.S. military. That proposal is on hold pending the completion of an independent study mandated in the 2018 NDAA.

• Ranking Democrat Rep. Jim Cooper said the HASC mark “continues our efforts to define space as a war fighting domain.” It is “vital to make space one of our highness priorities.”


WASHINGTON — The House Armed Services Committee in its version of the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act — passed after midnight Wednesday by a vote of 60-1 — pushes forward with the reorganization of military space forces. The proposal sets the stage for further debate over the coming months as the HASC language moves toward a House vote and a House-Senate conference this fall.

The committee swiftly approved the recommendations of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee on military space reforms. One is to establish a subordinate unified Space Command under U.S. Strategic Command. Another provision calls for the secretary of the Air Force to establish a new numbered Air Force dedicated to space warfighting. The bill also directs the deputy secretary of defense to develop a plan to establish a separate acquisition system for military space vehicles, ground systems and terminals.

Unlike last year’s bill, this one does not mandate the establishment of a separate space corps in the U.S. military. That proposal is on hold pending the completion of an independent study mandated in the 2018 NDAA.

The only obstacle in this year’s push to reorganize space was an amendment introduced by Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee Chairman Mike Turner to delay the creation of a sub-unified space command until after the Pentagon submits the independent study.

Turner was the chairman of Strategic Forces before Rep. Mike Rogers took over. His amendment would allow the secretary of defense to waive the requirement for the creation of a subordinate unified command if the study provided an alternative that congressional leaders found acceptable.
Rogers and Ranking Democrat Rep. Jim Cooper pushed back fiercely during the committee markup, and Turner’s amendment was rejected by voice vote.

Turner could reintroduce the amendment before the full House vote but he would face tough odds. The Rules Committee would take the HASC rejection into account before allowing the amendment to get to the House floor.

“This committee continues to place a high priority on following through with fixing the significant flaws in the organization and management of national security space enterprise,” Rogers said during the markup on Wednesday. “We continue to work with DoD on the report, but we recognize Congress has to continue to place significant pressure on the bureaucracy.”



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Verified UFO Footage With Two Beings Inside of the Craft: In the Videographer’s Own Words

by Arjun Walia             May 3, 2018               (

• The video footage (see 6:45 minute video with three very cool video images of UFOs) comes from the late Dr. Roger Leir, a Doctor of Podiatric medicine who had performed more than fifteen surgeries that removed sixteen separate alien implants. In the video is what appears to be two beings inside of a UFO.

• Filmed by multiple film crews in Turkey, and witnessed by several local villagers, it is known as the Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO incident. It made headlines in Turkey, and the video was analyzed by the government-sponsored Scientific and Technology Research Board of Turkey which concluded and vouched for its authenticity.

• Paraphrasing Dr Lier’s quote below: ‘We’re standing on an elevated deck. The camera had a 300 mm lens and an electronic doubler, so we were able to close in on the object at 600 times magnification. After getting our focus on the moon, we moved the camera over to this little bright light and then started to zoom in on it. When we got probably three quarters of the way from magnification we see that this light is not a plane. It’s not a star and it’s not a helicopter. It has a cylindrical shape to the front. When it would turn you could see that it was probably crescent shaped. We closed on the front of the object and we couldn’t believe what we were seeing. In the viewing port of the craft was being lit by the moon. Through these ports was light emanating from the internal portion of the craft. And standing there in these portals were some of these beings. They knew we were there filming them it, was like “oh hello, go ahead film away.’

• Does it mean the footage below is real? No, but it might be one of the few authentic ones out there where occupants of these ‘UFOs’ are actually seen. It’s natural for humans to fear the unknown. But why don’t we question what’s happening in our world? Where is the line drawn between not being concerned and completely denying a reality? At what point does something become a reality?


I know, reading the title would instantly have a ‘non believer’ click the X button on the top righthand corner of the screen, and that’s fine, but the truth remains. And that truth is the fact that “there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.” Those are the words of Luis Elizondo, who is one member of the To The Stars Academy, a man with a long career within the U.S. Department of Defense, who recently retired from the Pentagon, and was a director of the “Ariel Threats Identification Program.”

Does it mean the footage below is real? No, but the source is interesting and myself as well as many other UFO researchers in the field, would tell you that it might be one of the few authentic ones out there where occupants of these ‘UFOs’ are seen. The US government has now released UFO footage, more on that below.

Through To The Stars, the U.S. government has been, and will continue to release footage they’ve collected over many years of UFOs that perform maneuvers which defy, as Elizondo states, our understanding of aerodynamics. They’ve released some pretty amazing ones so far that come with actual electrooptical data and radar tracking reports. Keep in mind, as stressed by Elizondo and various documents that’ve been released prior to this disclosure, that military encounters with UFOs have occurred many times. There are many examples and reports to choose from and I recently wrote an article about an incident which occurred with the Chilean Air Force.

What’s interesting about the recent mainstream coverage is that they released actual video footage and to be honest, it’s quite discouraging that UFO footage has to be released by the U.S. government in order for it to be considered ‘real.’ Sure, there are still many out here who are going to call it fake, which means one thing, there are a group of defense officials making fake videos, putting them out in the public, and saying they’re real or, it’s actual authentic footage.

To contemplate the first one is just as intriguing to contemplate the second, but in my mind, there is no doubt that these are indeed real, and we don’t need these videos to come out to prove that.

The story as to what they are, however, will most likely be controlled by some ‘powerful people’ who oversee governments. Who knows what spin they will put on it via mainstream media, but right now we are currently seeing ‘official disclosure.’

This is the first time we’ve seen media ‘owned by the establishment’ present the UFO topic in a credible way, which is peculiar for multiple reasons. They told the truth, yet there still seems to be some misinformation with regards to the materials that have been collected in association with these UFOs, as pointed out by the New York Times.

This is why the footage below is also intriguing. Elizondo admitted that this type of thing has happened thousands of times and the ‘unofficial’ reports and sightings from citizens of the world have never been considered credible, when some of them very well could be. But we didn’t need Elizondo, again, we’ve had evidence, and even physical evidence of these crafts for a long time.

Whether or not they are alien is a completely different question and discussion.

The footage below comes from Dr. Roger Leir, a Doctor of Podiatric medicine, and arguably the best known individual with regards to extracting alleged alien implants. He has performed more than fifteen surgeries that removed sixteen separate distinct objects. These objects have been investigated by several prestigious laboratories, including Los Alamos National Laboratories, New Mexico Tech, and many others. Unfortunately, he passed away in March 2014, but his legacy lives on.

In the film below, you will see what appears to be two beings inside of a UFO. Filmed by multiple film crews in Turkey, it made headlines there. It’s known as the Kum¬burgaz, Turkey UFO incident, and involves several witnesses who live in the local village. The video was ana¬lyzed by the Sci¬en¬tific and Tech¬nol¬ogy Research Board of Turkey (which is sponsored by the gov¬ern¬ment). They concluded and vouched for its authenticity.

In conclusion, even though a detailed analysis of the footage is conducted, it might still remain unidentified. Hence, other reference objects need to be recorded in the same frame with the disputable object and further shootings need to be done by ourselves with special equipment in the same location and conditions.

Accordingly, the term “UFO” (Unidentified Flying Object) which has been used for these sort of dubious objects can also be used for these objects. But, this definition does not mean that these objects are from extraterrestrial (flying saucer etc.) origin.

The incidents were dramatic. Apparently, for several days disc, metallic spheres, round, and oval shaped unknown craft visited the Sea of Mar¬mara just off the coast of Kum¬burgaz, Turkey.

It also so happens that Dr. Lier was there as well and had a powerful camera on hand. Below is a snippet from one of many interviews he’s given describing the experience, “We’re standing on an elevated deck, which has nothing between us and the water. It was a rather warm night and there was a very very bright full moon. The camera we were using had a 300 mm lens and an electronic doubler. In other words we were able to push or close in on the object 600 times magnification. We started by looking at the moon… the moon was very bright and under these circumstances it’s just the absolute worst time to look for UFOs because the light from the moon pollutes the surrounding sky it’s like, you know, trying to film something at night in the sky in the middle of the city…But anyway…We saw a little bright dot to the left and below the moon and then after getting our focus on the moon we moved the camera over to this little bright light and then started to zoom in on it… and when we got probably 3 quarters of the way from magnification and we’re looking through the view finder and we’re also recording this on the monitor, we see that this light is not a plane. It’s not from a star, it’s not a helicopter, it has a shape to it, which was cylindrical in the front, and then it would turn time to time and you could see that it was probably crescent shaped…And as we pushed on what we considered the front of the object, now that’s when we were so startled by…we just couldn’t believe what we were seeing…This was a craft that had, whatever you choose to call it…Viewing ports, windows, whatever, three, one big one in the front and one towards each side and the craft externally was being lit by the moon…So you could see that it was a shiny… sort of metallic material. What you could see through these ports was light that was emanating from the internal portion of the craft and standing there in these portals were some of these beings….They knew we were there filming them it, was like “oh hello, go ahead film away.” (Interview with Dr. Lier)



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Lafayette Had Its First ‘Close Encounter’ in 1890’s

by Bob Kriebel             May 4, 2018              (

• This is an account of a UFO sighting in Lafayette, Indiana as reported in the local newspaper, the Morning Journal, on May 9, 1897.

• A young man bicycling on a dark and deserted road near Stockwell IN on Saturday night, May 7th, between 8 and 9pm. He was startled by a loud hissing noise and an object passed over his head, so close that it blew his hat off. Reaching for his hat, he fell off of the bike. He looked up and saw in the sky a cigar-shaped craft, about 20 feet long and 8 feet in diameter. There was a box or car underneath the craft about 6 by 3 feet in dimension, suspended by a “network of tubular wires”. At either end of the cigar craft were bright, multi-colored lights.

• “Two men were standing on the ground by the side of the strange object and seemed to be busy with several of the wires leading from the lower part of the queer object to the upper part. They spoke occasionally and I heard one remark, ‘I wonder where we are?’ He spoke with a foreign accent and I thought at the time that he was some French scientist. His companion replied in excellent English and I supposed he was an American.”

• “I was still lying on the ground on my back and the strangers had not noticed me. I decided to go to the men and make some inquiries.” As soon as he stood, the two men saw him, the lights on the craft lit up on either end, and ‘in an instant’ the craft rose into the sky and flew away. “I watched it a moment and then rubbed my eyes to assure myself I was awake. Then I picked up my wheel, took a small pull at an amber-colored fluid I had purchased at Lebanon and then I pedaled for home as fast as I could.”


The phenomena of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, in America popularly dates back to the summer and fall of 1947 when cigar-shaped objects, blinking lights, strange sounds, odd creatures and what-have-you made headlines.

Many books have been written about UFOs over the years since then, a television series and one of the 1970s’ biggest hits, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” based on a fictional UFO sighting near Muncie, Ind.

The close student of history of Lafayette, though, would leap in amazement at a geniune UFO story printed in the Morning Journal on Monday May 9, 1897.

It is based on an account of a young man bicycling near Stockwell on Saturday night May 7.
Here’s the newspaper’s account:

A Strange Story

A Well Known Young Man Says He Saw the Mysterious Air Ship

“The strangest experience of my life,” said a well known young man in conversation with a Journal representative last evening, “came to me so unexpectedly Saturday evening that it startled me almost out of my wits for a moment.

“I had been out wheeling and was on my way home. I was on the road between Stockwell and Crane, the new name the post office had assigned to Culver station, and was treading at a pretty lively pace to get home in time to make a few purchases before the stores closed.

“Night had fallen and it must have been between 8 and 9 o’clock. The road was deserted and the only break in the monotony of my lonely ride was the occasional glimpse of a light shining fro the window of a farmhouse.

“My eyes were bent on the road in front of me and my thoughts were busy with matters common to the thoughts of most young men. I was conscious of the fact that it was dark, that I was alone and that I was moving. Beyond these conditions my mind had but little to do with the materiality of my surroundings.

“All at once there was a change in my mental status. I was brought back to a realization of earthly things by an unearthly occurrence. A loud, hissing noise very similar to the escape of steam from a locomotive sounded so near me that I was startled into alertness. I looked for a railroad and the headlight of an engine, expecting to see the latter at my elbow, but saw neither.

“Before I could get the engine idea out of my mind my hat was almost lifted from my head by the wind of an object passing over my head. I released my hold on the handlebars of my wheel and threw my hands to catch my hat. Just then my wheel struck a rock or something and I was dismounted in a trice, falling on my back on the road.

“As my eyes turned upward they met a sight that made me wish I had fallen into a deep hole with a cover on it. Only a few yards away to my right in a small meadow I saw the strangest object that any mortal has ever seen.



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Statement From a Senior Manager of BAASS

by Caroline Bleakley              May 04, 2018                (

• Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) in Las Vegas hired and trained 50 full-time staff comprising retired military intelligence and law enforcement officers, PhD level scientists, engineers, technicians, analysts, translators, and project managers to create the largest multi-disciplinary full-time team in history to investigate the UFO topic.

• The UFO phenomenon involves a panoply of diverse activity that include bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more. The exclusive focus on nuts and bolts machines could be considered myopic and unproductive in solving the larger mystery of UFOs.

• By utilizing forensic technology – the tools of immunology, cell biology, genomics and neuroanatomy – BAASS technicians are able to view the human body as a readout system to decipher the biological consequences of UFOs on people, bypassing the deception and manipulation of human perception by the UFO operators that is associated with traditional and unreliable eyewitness testimony.


LAS VEGAS – BAASS broke new ground in professionalism by hiring, training and deploying 50 full-time staff comprising retired military intelligence and law enforcement officers, PhD level scientists, engineers, technicians, analysts, translators, and project managers to create the largest multi-disciplinary full-time team in history to investigate the UFO topic.

The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft. The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity that included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more. The exclusive focus on nuts and bolts machines could be considered myopic and unproductive in solving the larger mystery of UFOs.

One of the major successes of BAASS was in adopting the novel approach of utilizing the human body as a readout system for dissecting interactions with the UFO phenomenon. This novel approach aimed to circumvent the increasing evidence of deception and subterfuge by the UFO phenomenon in that multiple eyewitnesses co-located in the same vicinity frequently reported seeing widely different events. The evidence was multiplying that the UFO phenomenon was capable of manipulating and distorting human perception and therefore eyewitness testimony of UFO activity was becoming increasingly untrustworthy.

The BAASS approach was to view the human body as a readout system for UFO effects by utilizing forensic technology, the tools of immunology, cell biology, genomics and neuroanatomy for in depth study of the effects of UFOs on humans. This approach marked a dramatic shift away from the traditional norms of relying on eyewitness testimony as the central evidentiary arm in UFO investigations. The approach aimed to bypass UFO deception and manipulation of human perception by utilizing molecular forensics to decipher the biological consequences of the phenomenon.

The result of applying this new approach was a revolution in delineating the threat level of UFOs.



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Hawaii Volcanic Eruption Intentionally Triggered to Generate Massive Tsunami?

An increasing number of earthquakes under Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano preceded the appearance of fissures spewing molten lava in the lower Puna region of the Big Island on May 3. The newly active fissures have led to the destruction of homes, evacuation of residents, closure of roads, and emission of poisonous sulfuric gases that will impact the region for months, if not years, to come.

While most assume that the earthquakes and Kilauea’s eruption are due to natural geological processes stemming from a hot spot deep under the Big Island of Hawaii, there is startling evidence linking human intervention to this recent wave of volatile activity. Examination of the fracking practices at Puna Geothermal Power Station, located in the same Puna region affected by earthquakes and volcanic activity, directly raises the strong possibility that the fracking was a direct factor in unleashing what is currently occurring.  

What makes such a possibility even more disturbing is the background of the company that owns the power station, which is officially called the “Puna Geothermal Venture”. The company is financially connected to the Rothschild family which, according to the military intelligence group QAnon, forms the leadership of a worldwide Satanic cult covertly fomenting planet wide catastrophes and wars to maintain global power.

A partial collapse of Kilauea volcano could trigger massive tsunamis that would not only engulf the Hawaiian Islands, but also devastate the U.S. Pacific Coast, as well as the coastal regions of other Pacific rim nations. The possibility that the Puna Geothermal Venture conducted fracking in a deliberate effort to secretly promote earthquakes to trigger such a collapse and thereby generate massive tsunamis, deserves a critical investigation.

I begin my research with some history of the Puna Geothermal Venture, which began operations on the Big Island in 1993. It’s worth noting that Kilauea volcano has been in a constant state of eruption since 1983, and that its East Rift Zone has been a prominent part of the lava flows that have destroyed local communities.

From its inception, there has been controversy over the wisdom of the Puna Geothermal Venture being built within an active volcanic region with regularly occurring lava flows. However, what most aroused local opposition is direct scientific evidence that the powerplant has been using fracking techniques as a means of generating heat for power generation.

Scientists have established a clear linkage between fracking and earthquake activity in multiple studies:

  • A July 12, 2013 USGS study has confirmed forcing high pressure water into the Earth via Fracking can increase the number of induced earthquakes.
  • July 27, 2013 study by the University of California – Santa Cruz confirmed the correlation between Geothermal Fracking and earthquakes.
  • 2013 study by the Committee on Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies; Committee on Earth Resources; Committee on Geological and Geotechnical Engineering; Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics; Board on Earth and Sciences and Resources; Division on Earth and Life Studies; and National Research Council  concludes Geothermal drilling causes earthquakes.

While the owners of the Puna Geothermal Venture insist that fracking has not been used, independent studies confirm otherwise. A Duke University study of the eight wells used by the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) concluded:

The region of high fracture density is also consistent with the areas of the highest fluid production at PGV…. The production records are proprietary to the PGV parent company, Ormat, so tables and diagrams are not included in the dissertation. However, it is indicted that wells that penetrate the area where we calculate the greatest fracture density have higher fluid flow than elsewhere in the PGV lease. [pp. 55-56]

Essentially, the Duke University study suggested that fracking was occurring at the Puna Geothermal Venture via the injection of pressurized fluids into the wells and surrounding rocks.

Even more alarming is that a study of earthquake activity in the vicinity of Kilauea shows a direct correlation to the fluid injection (fracking) at the geothermal plant, as clearly illustrated by the following graph using scientific data:

Source of earthquake data: Advanced National Siesmic System – ANSS, Source of Injection Data is the EPA

The clear conclusion that emerges is that the liquid injection or fracking practices at Puna Geothermal Venture has been inducing earthquakes in Kilauea’s East Rift Zone for years.

This is where people will demand an answer to the question of whether this induced earthquake  activity was merely accidental or deliberately contrived.

The Puna Geothermal Venture is owned by Ormat Industries, which is an Israeli based company that was founded by Lucien Yehuda Bronicki. A biography of Bronicki states:

Mr. Lucien Yehuda Bronicki, Ph.D., served as the Chief Technology Officer of Ormat Industries Ltd. since July 1, 2004… He served as Chief Technology Officer of ORMAT Technologies Inc. Mr. Bronicki co-founded Ormat Turbines Ltd. in 1965. He served as President and Technical Director of ORMAT Turbines Ltd. from 1965 to 1991 … Mr. Bronicki has received numerous awards, including the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export in 1977. [emphasis added]

The award of the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export established a clear link between Bronicki’s Ormat Industries/Turbines and the Rothschild family. What sets the Rothschild family apart from other philanthropic organizations is the role it plays in using its funding to manipulate individuals, organizations and nations to do their bidding according to a December 7, 2017 post by QAnon:

It is quite plausible that the Rothschild’s 1977 support and financial backing made Bronicki and Ormat Industries obligated to do the Rothschild’s bidding in some way. This makes it possible that Bronicki was instructed by the Rothschilds to build the geothermal facility in a dangerous volcanic region for a hidden purpose despite the inherent risk in building a facility in such a dangerous area.

This is borne out by the Puna Geothermal Venture being evacuated as a new fissure has opened only a few hundred meters away from it, thereby threatening to destroy the facility as reported by the Washington Post on May 12.

Puna Geothermal Facility with nearby volcanic fissure. Source: Washington Post.

So what could be the hidden purpose behind building the geothermal plant in an active volcanic region; when it was known that induced earthquakes could trigger seismic activity, which would threaten anything that was built there, thereby incurring significant financial loss for Bronicki/Ormat, and/or the Rothschilds?

This  is where we need to consider Kilauea’s Hilina Slump, which is summarized in the following Wikipedia article:

The Hilina Slump is a 5,000 cubic mile (20,000 kilometre³) section of the Big Island of Hawaii on the south flank of the Kilauea volcano. Between 1990 and 1993, Global Positioning System measurements showed a southward displacement of the south flank of Kilauea up to approximately 10 centimeters per year. The slump has the potential of breaking away at a faster pace in the form of an underwater landslide . In Hawaii, landslides of this nature are called debris avalanches. If the entire Hilina Slump were to slide into the ocean at once, it could cause an earthquake in excess of a 9 in magnitude, and a megatsunami. Previous megatsunamis in Hawaii 110,000 years ago caused by similar geological phenomena may have created waves 1,600 feet (500 m) tall.

The following video illustrates the devastating tsunamis that could be caused by a partial or full collapse of the Hilina Slump.

According to veteran investigative journalist, Hal Turner, he has received information that there is a news blackout on the Hilina Slump due to scientific concerns over its impending collapse and generation of giant tsunamis:

Scientists from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) have contacted me regarding a staggering development taking place right now during the eruption of the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii:  An area of land on the south flank of the volcano known as the “Hilina Slump” – about the size of Manhattan – is moving and could BREAK OFF into the ocean, sending a Tsunami toward the west coast with 100+ foot waves moving at 500 miles per hour.  Cities like San Diego, Los Angeles and others could be wiped off the face of the earth. 

So I now come back to the question of what was the hidden purpose behind the Rothschild backed Geothermal Venture in Puna?

As suggested in QAnon’s December 7, 2017 post, the Rothschild family leads a global cult that has been at the forefront of controlling the planet for nearly two centuries. In an earlier November 17, 2017 post, QAnon revealed the connection between Satanism and the Rothschilds:

Support for QAnon’s extraordinary claim comes from the whistleblower testimony of Dr. Bill Deagle, a former U.S. Air Force physician.

He said that in 1992, the head of the Rothschild family, Guy de Rothschild, physically appeared before him late at night in his room. In a a Project Camelot interview, Deagle explained how De Rothchild displayed a range of impressive occult abilities confirming that he was talking with a highly evolved ‘Satanic’ cult leader who believed himself to be the occult ruler of Earth:

I woke up in the middle of the night, bolt upright, and I sat up. And I had all the lights on because I’d have to periodically go to the restroom or whatever. I had all the lights on. And this guy was standing in front of me with what I call a $5,000 tuxedo, not a gray hair in his head, mid-50s, slim and trim.

I said: How did you get in here?

And he says: It’s wonderful to see you, my son.

I said: You’re not my father.

And I looked at this guy, and he looked like French nobility. Right? And I said: Who are you?

He says: I am the Baron Guy de Rothschild, the Pindar.

And I had this really kind of, what I call a check or a kind of a cringe in my spirit. And I knew right away, because I have this gift. Right? Without getting into a big long discussion, I knew right away.

I said: I know who you are. You’re the representative of the Luciferic power that controls Earth.

He says: Yes, I am the CEO of Earth, Inc., and I am the man that sits in the 13th chair of the Druidic Council. I want you to be my understudy, and when I transcend I want you to take over my job.

And I said: No, I’m not going to.

If we accept what QAnon and Deagle have revealed about the Rothschilds, and what we now know about the link between the owner of the Puna Geothermal Venture and the Rothschild family, then this leads to a disturbing scenario. The decision to build the Puna Geothermal Venture in 1993 was ordered by Guy de Rothschild, after he and/or other Rothschild family members had called in a favor owed by Bronicki/Ormat after he was awarded the Rothschild Prize for Innovation/Export in 1977.

Consequently, the hidden purpose of the Puna Geothermal Plant was to trigger earthquakes and seismic activity around Kilauea volcano that would lead to a collapse of the Hilina Slump. This would create a Pacific wide disaster that would cripple the U.S. economically and militarily for years to come, thereby helping the Rothschild family maintain its shadowy global control system, which plans to use China as its new base of operations.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Author Note: My wife (Angelika) and I lived in the lower Puna region from November 1, 2013 to May 1, 2018 in the area of Kaimu/Kalapana. The day of our move back to the Kona side of the Big Island was marked by a succession of earthquakes, and was followed two days later by the outbreak of the lava fissures in Leilani Estates.

We thank Providence for our lucky escape. We send our prayers and best wishes to our former neighbors and friends who were not so fortunate and whose lives have been severely affected by the lava outbreaks.

Note: the Audio Version of the above article is available here or can be viewed below.


Further Reading


I-Team: Documents Prove Secret UFO Study Based in Nevada

by George Knapp                  May 04, 2018                 (

• George Knapp and his “I-Team” of UFO investigators (pictured above) have released the first documents pertaining to the Pentagon UFO research program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, run by Luis Elizondo and reported in December by the New York Times. (see links to documents below). The NYT article was accompanies by to declassified military videos of UFO’s, one dubbed the ‘tic-tac’ UFO seen by Navy pilots over the Pacific off of San Diego in 2004.

• Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada created and funded the program which lasted from 2008 to 2012. The top-secret government contract was awarded to Bigelow Aerospace. Elizondo confirms that Reid did not unlawfully funnel the contract to his old friend, Robert Bigelow. Rather, Bigelow had spent years and millions of dollars on his own scientific study of UFOs and related topics, and had hired a team of 46 scientists and investigators, along with dozens of other support personnel, at his Utah facility. Therefore, Bigelow was considered the most qualified to conduct a pentagon program to study breakthrough aircraft/ spacecraft propulsion technologies.

• Elizondo oversaw the study from the Pentagon, and focused on military encounters with unknown aircraft. He kept a low profile relying on an informal network of colleagues to investigate cases that came in. Said Elizondo, “It is a confederated approach, so you had folks in the Navy, in DIA, in pockets here and there. We worked collectively.”

• There was pushback at the Pentagon. Some worried the study would become an embarrassment if the word got out. Others opposed it on religious grounds.

• Bigelow Aerospace’s study produced volumes of highly technical scientific reports including projections about warp drives and anti-gravity propulsion. “These studies are so loaded with information,” Sen. Reid said. “One thing we learned is over the decades a lot of things happen there’s no explanation for. Well there are now.”

• Also see below a 1:39 minute video of Luis Elizondo explaining the decision of the Department of Defense to release the UFO videos.


LAS VEGAS – UFO investigators are hoping to obtain a treasure trove of Pentagon documents that were generated by a once-secret military study of flying saucers and other weird aircraft.

The government confirms there was a UFO program. It supposedly ended in 2012, but the Pentagon has not yet released any reports or files.

The I-Team gives the first look at documents which prove the UFO study was real and was based in southern Nevada.

Last October, former intelligence officer Luis Elizondo revealed he’d been in charge of a secret Pentagon project that studied UFOs. The story picked up steam two months later when the New York Times reported the name of the program AATIP or Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. At the same time, two once-classified videos were released.

One of them a 2004 encounter between warplanes from the USS Nimitz carrier group and a vastly superior UFO dubbed the Tic Tac.

“I received communication from a man who worked for one of the defense agencies, a PHD in physics and math. He said ‘I know everything about rockets but I don’t know what these things are,'” said Sen. Harry Reid.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid started a dialogue with a senior scientist working for the Defense Intelligence Agency. Alarmed that no one was paying attention to dramatic intrusions by unknown aircraft, Reid and colleagues secured funding for an ongoing study, but it wasn’t called AATIP. The original acronym was AAWSAP or Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program.

In Aug. 2008, DIA posted a solicitation for bids. Weeks later, the contract was awarded to Bigelow Aerospace, the initial amount was $10 million. It required Bigelow to provide a facility that qualified for top secret work. Harry Reid did not influence the selection process.

READ: Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions
READ: Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum Engineering
READ: Statement from a senior manager of BAASS



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Another Astronaut Shares His Thoughts on Alien Visitation & the Origin of the Human Race

by Arjun Walia             May 2, 2018              (

• In the 5:32 minute video interview below, Al Worden (pictured above), the Command Module Pilot for the Apollo 15 lunar mission in 1971, shares his beliefs about extraterrestrials and humanity’s origin on the Earth. “We are the aliens, but we just think they’re somebody else. But we’re the ones who came from somewhere else. Because somebody else had to survive, and they got in a little space craft and they came here and they landed and they started civilization here, that’s what I believe. And if you don’t believe me, go get books on the ancient Sumerians and see what they had to say about it, they’ll tell you right up front.”

• Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 14 who walked on the Moon, revealed that there “have been crashed (ET) craft, and (ET) bodies recovered,” and that he “happens to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we are not alone on this plant ” and we have “been visited many times.”

• Dr. Brian O’Leary was part of a group of ‘scientist-astronauts’ who trained for an Apollo Moon program in the 1960’s that was ultimately cancelled. Dr O’Leary stated that there is “abundant evidence that we are being contacted (by ETs).”

• Joining these astronauts in revealing the truth about the historic ET presence here on Earth is a long and growing list of hundreds, if not thousands of high ranking military personnel, political figures, academics. On top of this, we have hundreds of thousands of pages of documented cases of UFOs and ETs that have been released by multiple governments. Mainstream media outlets which used to criticize and ridicule the subject now seem to be taking measures to bring more credibility to the UFO topic.

• Over the past seventy years, our government and the mainstream media have routinely deceived us. This subject has been swept under the radar by so many people, for so long, yet suddenly we’ve had this burst of information that’s made it clear to most that something is going on here.

[Editor’s Note] Worden’s account that the human race is descended from people who “got in a little space craft… came here and… started [a] civilization here… to survive” closely resembles recent information that the survivors of the planet Maldek explosion, which devastated Mars, traveled inside of the Moon to the Earth’s orbit and eventually inhabited the continent of Atlantis, which became Antarctica after a pole shift around 12,000 years ago. Although they were not the original Earth humans, they played a major role in genetically enhancing the primitive indigenous humans that they found here to spawn the modern human species.


The list of astronauts who have shared their knowledge and beliefs about UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that are or have been visiting our planet is extensive, and growing. Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, for instance, once told us there “have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered,” and Dr. Brian O’Leary told the world there is “abundant evidence that we are being contacted.” Still more, like Gordon Cooper and Story Musgrave, have all made some interesting remarks about this topic.

Also joining them is a long and growing list of hundreds, if not thousands of high ranking military personnel, political figures, academics, and many more.

On top of this, we have hundreds of thousands of pages released by multiple governments that document these cases. Although we may not know exactly what is going on, we know something is.

All of this information that’s leaked over the past few years has also provoked a response from mainstream media outlets, which used to criticize and ridicule the subject. Now, they are taking corrective measures to bring more credibility to this topic, if poorly.

This has been seen with recent citizens hearings about UFOs, as well as celebrities like Tom Delonge creating awareness initiatives in conjunction with people from major corporations and intelligence agencies.

Take the founder of Bigelow Aerospace, for example, who is one of many who has shared his knowledge about the fact that we are not alone, and that we are being visited.

This subject has been swept under the radar by so many people, for so long, yet suddenly we’ve had this burst of information that’s made it clear to most that something is going on here.

The more popular this subject gets, the more it enters the mainstream arena, and the more we need to put our critical thinking caps on.

For years, governments and intelligence agencies have had a very heavy interest in this subject. All of the mainstream organizations created to investigate this phenomenon, like NICAP and MUFON, originate from the intelligence and defence community. This is a common trend with regards to mainstream initiatives dealing with the UFO/extraterrestrial subject.

The point is, our government and mainstream media routinely deceive us about important topics. Yet people look to them as reliable sources of information, even though mainstream media has direct connections to the intelligence community and is controlled by a small group of financial elite with very specific agendas.

5:32 minute interview with astronaut Al Worden on Good Morning Britain


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