Snopes Attempts to Debunk Geothermal Plant Link to Hawaii Volcano Activity

On June 22, released an article, debunking any connection between drilling activities at the Puna Geothermal Venture and the recent lava flow that has devastated much of the lower Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii. In its alleged “fact checking”, Snopes referred to my research published in two articles on where I discussed the Puna Geothermal Venture and how the activities conducted there led to earthquakes, weakened the underlying geology, and was a contributing factor to the recent massive lava flows .

Since my two articles were published on May 15 and May 27, the lava flow has extended into the Kapoho Bay area destroying over 500 homes, filling in the Bay and is now threatening adjoining areas in lower Puna. The destruction of homes caused by the massive lava flow has rapidly grown and passed a critical Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) threshold.

Kapoho Bay as it was being overrun by the volcanic lava flow

FEMA has moved significant resources into the area to help those that have lost homes, have been forced to move into government funded shelters, and/or seeking financial assistance to cover losses.

A growing number of people have begun questioning whether the disaster was triggered in any way by activities conducted at Puna Geothermal Venture, to the extent that the fact checkers at Snopes decided it was an important issue to address.

Snopes began its article by challenging the claim that a form of fracking (aka hydraulic fracturing) was occurring at the Puna Geothermal Venture as evidenced by the earthquakes occurring there. It boldly asserted that fracking, the injection of highly pressured liquids to fracture subterranean rocks in order to extract oil and gas, was not occurring at Puna Geothermal Venture:

The claims laid out by YourNewsWire and Exopolitics suffer from several factual, scientific, and logical flaws, but chief among them is the fact that fracking — a process utilized by oil companies searching for fossil fuels — does not occur anywhere on Hawaii, as there are no petroleum reserves for which to frack.

To get around this, Exoplanet [Exopolitics] claims that the processes employed at PGV are in essence identical to fracking, because the geothermal plant operates in a fashion that requires re-injecting a liquid into the ground.

Snopes cites Hawaii Electric, which was Puna Geothermal Venture’s (PGV) main customer, to explain the drilling process that was being used:

PGV is a geothermal energy conversion plant bringing steam and hot liquid up through underground wells.  The hot liquid (brine) is not used for electricity at this time.  The steam is directed to a turbine generator that produces electricity.

The exhaust steam from this turbine is used to vaporize (heat) an organic working fluid, which drives a second turbine, generating additional electricity. The condensed steam from the organic fluid heat exchanger is re-injected into the ground through reinjection wells along with the brine.

The main point made here by Snopes is that because highly pressured liquids are re-injected in order to stabilize the underlying geology by maintaining an equilibrium among different elements, that this is very different to fracking, which injects pressurized liquids with the primary purpose of destabilizing or fracturing underlying rocks.

While these appear to be very different goals at a prima facie level, what Snopes failed to point out is that rocks that are hit by pressurized liquids to generate heat, can be easily fractured as a byproduct of the process, resulting in something not too dissimilar to outright fracking.

For this and other reasons, multiple experts have pointed out the similarities between fracking and geothermal energy production, and the dangers posed by both:

The basic premise of fracking tends to be the same across all industries that use it.  In fact, the process is so similar that a new trend is developing whereby geothermal companies are seeking to minimize their up-front costs, including drilling costs, by using wells that have been abandoned by oil and gas companies.  While the abandoned wells may no longer have oil and gas resources, they may be able to generate the hot water and steam required by geothermal plants.

“Geothermal Fracking” or “Enhanced Geothermal System”

In distinguishing between fracking and geothermal energy production, Snopes furthermore ignored a Duke University study, cited in my May 15 article, which showed that the re-injected liquid was being pumped into areas that showed a “high fracture density”:

The region of high fracture density is also consistent with the areas of the highest fluid production at PGV…. The production records are proprietary to the PGV parent company, Ormat, so tables and diagrams are not included in the dissertation. However, it is indicted that wells that penetrate the area where we calculate the greatest fracture density have higher fluid flow than elsewhere in the PGV lease. [pp. 55-56]

The conclusion that can be drawn from the Duke University study is that the functional equivalence of fracking, which might be described as “enhanced geothermal system” or “geothermal fracking”, was occurring at the Puna Geothermal Venture via the re-injection of pressurized fluids into the wells and surrounding subterranean rocks that showed “high fracture density”.

While this appears to be a technical and semantic squabble with Snopes over the differences between the effects of injection and re-injection of pressured liquids deep into the geology of an area for purposes of either fracking rocks or generating steam from heated rocks, the key question here is whether such activity causes earthquakes. If so, the next question is whether the resulting earthquakes weaken or fractures the underlying geology in ways that can facilitate volcanic lava flows as we are currently witnessing in Puna.

These are questions that Snopes did not want to acknowledge, as the famed “fact checker” went on to assert that the earthquake activity was not a result of Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) activities, but was a result of natural geological processes occurring in the East Rift Zone.

Are there earthquakes in the area of PGV? Certainly. There are earthquakes all over the volcanically active Big Island. Is it shocking that there would be earthquakes focused in the (extremely general) region of PGV? Not at all — recall that PGV’s location was selected due to its proximity to a major fault system, thereby allowing water to flow through the ground and come in contact with the volcanically heated region below.

You cannot use PGV’s location (intentionally placed in an area where earthquakes are common and lava flows likely) as evidence that it caused earthquakes and lava flows. That not how this works.

The problem here is that Snopes also failed to understand the scientific literature that was cited which stated quite clearly that earthquake activity near Puna Geothermal Venture was correlated with the injection of liquids deep into the ground.

I provided a graph (see below) with a link to its source which showed the clear correlation between the fluid injection at PGV with earthquake activity. Snopes ignored the graph which was based on data provided by the Advanced National Seismic System and the Environmental Protection Agency in a 100 month study examining the liquid injection at PGV from January 2005 to June 2013, and its correlation with earthquake activity.

The study concluded

A longitudinal analysis year-over-year reflects a trend that correlates the fluid injection rates at PGV with the seismic activity at PGV.   While this correlation cannot be matched each day-by-day, month-by-month, it is evident the year-over-year trend follows the same pattern and when compared over the past 100 months there is a correlation in the trend. 

As for the correlation between the injection (or re-injection as Snopes wants to emphasize) of highly pressurized fluids into PGV wells, the study showed unambiguously how this correlated with earthquake activity at four wells:

There are four wells at PGV that inject high pressure fluid into the Earth’s crust.  Of these four wells, the one that injected the most fluid is “KS-13”, with 58% of the total fluid injection at PGV since Jan-2010.  The graph … reflects the correlation between well KS-13 and earthquakes at PGV since 2010 over a wider geographic view [see graph below].

In addition, the 2010 Duke University study, found a correlation between the geothermal activities at PGV and earthquakes that raised a possible linkage:

In the Puna geothermal field, the dominant pattern of seismicity aligns parallel to the Kilauea Lower East Rift Zone. The majority of earthquakes occurs at 2-3 km depth, possibly associated with activity at the geothermal production plant.

While the Duke study was cautious in raising a possible connection between earthquakes and activity at the geothermal plant, it nevertheless legitimized such a linkage as a reasonable scientific hypothesis based on the correlations found in local seismic activity and liquid injection occurring at PGV.

Note that this is very different to what Snopes did in boldly asserting no linkage between earthquakes in Puna and activities at PGV. Essentially, Snopes ignored scientific data that found significant correlations between what PGV was doing with its re-injection of pressurized liquids deep into the Earth, and earthquake activity. 

Snopes set up a straw man argument by exclusively focusing on the idea that my research claimed that fracking techniques used by the oil industry, was occurring at PGV. As pointed out previously, there are important similarities between the techniques used by the oil and geothermal industries, even though the intent may be very different.

More importantly, Snopes ignored my primary argument that PGV was responsible for generating earthquakes through its liquid injection practices deep into the subterranean region of the East Rift Zone.

Regardless of whether we describe such practices as “enhanced geothermal”, “geothermal fracking” or merely re-injection of previously extracted liquids from the Earth’s interior along with water (as Snopes emphasizes), the main point is that PGV activity was causing earthquakes in the East Rift Zone.

Multiple scientific studies show that small earthquakes caused by geothermal activity can trigger larger earthquakes. According to a geologist questioned by Scientific American about deep drilling techniques used by geothermal projects:

The more important issue is how big a fracture is—how big an earthquake are they generating. If they intersect an existing fracture, and it’s ready to go, they can trigger a bigger earthquake.

A Popular Science article elaborated on the damage that could arise from earthquakes triggered by geothermal activities:

Geologists always expect that the water-infusion step will create some seismic activity but, as the Swiss fiasco proved, the tremors can cause real damage. Drilling-induced fractures can interact with existing seismic systems … to produce quakes. “The size and number of quakes depends on how much fluid you pump in and how fast,” says Colin Williams, a scientist on the U.S. Geological Survey’s earthquake hazards team. “

In conclusion, the Snopes article’s attempt to debunk evidence of PGV in any way being linked with or being responsible for earthquake activity in the East Rift Zone, fails to be persuasive. Extensive scientific research shows how seismic activity generated by geothermal practices can trigger large earthquakes, and how this can significantly impact the local geology, which in the East Rift Zone would include stimulating lava flows and impacting the Hilina Fault System.

Snopes conclusion: “claims that credible scientific evidence links Hawaii’s 2018 lower Puna eruption to fracking — a practice that is not, even by any tangentially related definition, occurring on Hawaii’s big island — are false” is very misleading. It ignores the similarities between fracking and enhanced geothermal drilling when it comes to the injection of highly pressured liquids into deep underground rock structures.

Furthermore, Snopes is distracting readers from the key issue of PGV activities leading to earthquakes, which in turn facilitated volcanic eruptions and devastating lava flows.

Given the demonstrated correlation between earthquakes in the Puna region and PGV activities, then it is fair to conclude that PGV directly contributed in some degree to the current lava flow outbreak that has devastated the lower Puna region of Hawaii.

Further research and investigation is needed to determine the extent of Puna Geothermal Venture responsibility for the lava flow impacting lower Puna, its legal liabilities, and an alleged deeper conspiracy to destabilize the Hilina fault system.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio Version of above article is available here or can be viewed below]

Further Reading

In This Time of Tension and Anxiety, UFOs Are Back in the News

by Hedley Burrell                Jun 10, 2018                (

• Stories of UFOs have ebbed and flowed over the decades, but now there is new chatter of a different kind. Today mainstream news outlets featuring heavily credentialed experts weighing in on the ongoing UFO phenomenon. In December (2017), CNN announced: “A former Pentagon official who led a … government program to research potential UFOs said … he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.”

• The New York Post summarized events: “… The New York Times released the results of an investigation into the U.S. military’s monitoring of UFO claims and came up with… a video released by the Pentagon that shows U.S. Navy pilots tracking the movements of a totally unexplainable aircraft. Now, a local news team from Las Vegas has obtained a military report that offers even more details on the sighting and the story is somehow becoming even more bizarre than it already was.” “The report explains in great detail how a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier played a strange game of hide and seek with multiple Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) that demonstrated flight characteristics that should be downright impossible to pull off.”

• Then there was a Washington Post story describing how a rock star had “mustered a team of credentialed experts to put mysterious incidents on your radar.” “UFOs”, the headline said, “are suddenly a serious news story.” The rock star, the Post reported, was former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge, who launched To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science. It will investigate the “outer edges of science.”

• Christopher Mellon, an adviser to the academy who served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, wrote a Washington Post opinion piece that carried this headline: “The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn’t the Pentagon care?”

• What we have today are heavy-duty experts taking UFOs seriously. “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” declared Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon official in the CNN interview.

• It is intriguing to think of a new generation of journalists having to decide what attention, if any, should be given to new assertions that “the truth is out there,” to borrow a tagline from “The X-Files.”


Long ago, as a young reporter, I was well aware of UFO stories.

Out of curiosity, I read mainstream media pieces as well as tabloid tales. What repeatedly struck me was this: As with much else in life, we were reluctant to simply accept that we didn’t immediately know the answer to the mystery of the moment.

In any event, I would not have imagined that some six decades later, UFO stories would still be around, with heavily credentialed experts weighing in.

The stories ebbed and flowed over the decades, but now there is new chatter of a different kind.
In the past, I suspected that reports of sightings were likely to increase when popular entertainment featured space sagas, but I also thought they were a reflection of universal tensions and anxiety.

Given that these are truly tense and anxious times, I started to look around for UFO-type talk — or, rather, the reporting of same. I searched for some indication of renewed and perhaps more intense attention.

I found it, and it even had a new spin — namely an assertion that the subject was “serious.”

In December, CNN announced: “A former Pentagon official who led a … government program to research potential UFOs said … he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.” Other media outlets also weighed in. What was going on?

Last month, The New York Post summarized and updated events:
“UFO sightings are a dime a dozen … but back in December, The New York Times released the results of an investigation into the U.S. military’s monitoring of UFO claims and came up with something totally wild. It was a video released by the Pentagon that shows U.S. Navy pilots tracking the movements of a totally unexplainable aircraft. Now, a local news team from Las Vegas has obtained a military report that offers even more details on the sighting and the story is somehow becoming even more bizarre than it already was.”

The account continued: “The report explains in great details how a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier played a strange game of hide and seek with multiple Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) that demonstrated flight characteristics that should be downright impossible to pull off.”
So there was all this.



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After NASA, Now SpaceX Delays Manned Moon Mission Fearing Extraterrestrial Aliens, Say Conspiracy Theorists

by Nirmal Narayanan               June 10, 2018                (

• SpaceX, the private space company led by South African billionaire Elon Musk recently revealed that they have delayed their plans to send private customers into the orbit of the Moon, citing “technical challenges”.

• A video by ‘Disclose TV’ and posted on the YouTube channel ‘UFO Mania’ (see 2:35 minute video below) suggests that the real reason behind the delay in the mission is related to extraterrestrials. Most of the commenters on the video argue that the reason behind the delay could be the presence of extraterrestrials on Moon. They believe that way back in the early 1970’s aliens warned humans never to come back to the Moon.

• Donald Trump’s 2017 Directives indicated that the United States was planning another manned-mission to the Moon. Then NASA announced that it canceled its Moon Rover program. Conspiracy theorists proclaimed that aliens are living in secret underground bases on the Moon, and that NASA and the U.S. government is intentionally covering-up the presence of aliens on the Moon.

[Editor’s Note]  See 2016 ExoPolitics article by Dr Michael Salla on why the Apollo Moon missions ended.


SpaceX, the private space company led by South African billionaire Elon Musk recently revealed that they have delayed their plans to send private customers to the orbit of the moon, raising suspicion over manned moon missions per se.

As per SpaceX, it is some technical issue which compels them to delay the mission but conspiracy theorists are not ready to believe Elon Musk and his company, and they have already put forward a theory surrounding aliens and extraterrestrials.

Something mysterious behind the mission’s delay?
A video uploaded by conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFO Mania’ suggests that the real reason behind the delay in the mission could be something related to extraterrestrials. Using inputs from ‘Disclose TV’, the narrator of the video mostly talks about SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket in this clip. However, it is crystal clear that the conspiracy theory channel is not convinced with the technical issue explanation put forward by Elon Musk and his team.

“The company is also facing queries regarding the practicality of its flagship Falcon Heavy rocket which was launched for the very first time earlier this year. The rocket was the most powerful of its kind to leave the Earth’s orbit since the Apollo missions and so its launch, and the various technical problems which beset the team working on the project received widespread media scrutiny and scrutiny from industry experts,” said the conspiracy theory channel.

General public reacts
The video has already gone viral, and viewers were quick to speculate the real reason behind the moon mission delay.

Most of the people who watched the video strongly argue that the actual reason behind the delay could be the purported presence of extraterrestrials on Moon. These people believe that aliens have warned humans never to come back to the moon way back in the early 1970s.

2:35 minute ‘DiscloseTV’ video on UFOmania channel



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Neil Armstrong: “Their Ships Were Far Superior To Ours”

June 1, 2018                (

• During a NASA symposium, Neil Armstrong, known as “the first man to ever set foot on the Moon”, (pictured above left, along with fellow Apollo 11 crew members Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin) made some amazing statements regarding the Apollo 11 mission. When asked why NASA won’t go back to the Moon, Armstrong stated, “the fact is, we were warned off [by extraterrestrial beings on the Moon]”…“their [ET] ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology – boy, were they big! … and menacing … No, there is no question of a space station [on the Moon].”…“NASA was committed at that time, and couldn’t risk a panic on earth,” so the Moon mission was to quickly go in and get out.

• Armstrong also purportedly said that he and his fellow astronauts came upon some structures on the moon which looked like buildings definitely not created by a man. (see video below of video footage that Armstrong allegedly took of the Moon structures they found in 1969)

• All of this information and video footage was said to have been kept from the public in order to avoid panic.

[Editor’s Note] This information is consistent with the disclosures of William Tompkins in his seminal book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, as well as HAM radio operators monitoring the live NASA feed. (see Dr Salla’s ExoPolitics article of Jan 29, 2016)


Neil Armstrong was the first man to ever set foot on the Moon. History will forever remember him. However, during a NASA symposium, the legendary astronaut commented something which prompted opinions that extraterrestrials walked on the lunar surface too.

Many of us have wondered: What is the reason NASA keeps refusing going back to the Moon?
The Apollo missions have so many mysteries hiding behind them. According to many ufologists, the real cause NASA decided to end them is because the astronauts encountered something rather otherworldly.

As reports say, Armstrong stated in an interview that advanced alien civilizations sensed the astronauts’ presence on the moon during the Apollo 11 program. Allegedly, these beings exposed themselves, clarifying humankind is not welcome on the moon.

Armstrong: It was incredible … of course, we had always known there was a possibility … the fact is, we were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city.

Professor: How do you mean “warned off”?

Armstrong: I can’t go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology – Boy, were they big! … and menacing … No, there is no question of a space station.

Armstrong: Naturally – NASA was committed at that time, and couldn’t risk a panic on earth…. But it really was a quick scoop and back again. (Above Top Secret, p. 186)

According to the rest of the report, Neil Armstrong also came upon some structures on the moon which looked like buildings definitely not created by a man.


3:52 minute tv show trailer on moon objects and extraterrestrials


4:36 minute video entitled “Ancient Structure On The Moon Filmed By Armstrong, 1969”



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An Alien Shot Dead On A Military Base?

by Nick Redfern              June 9, 2018             (

• According to information provided to the investigating ufologist, Leonard Stringfield, by Air Force personnel ‘Jeffrey Morse’ (a pseudonym), in the early morning hours of January 18, 1978, ‘Morse’ was on duty at the McGuire Air Force Base (southeast of Trenton, New Jersey). There had been a number of UFO sightings at the base and at nearby Fort Dix. A NJ State Trooper arrived at a rear gate requesting permission to access the runway area which led to the very back of the air field and connected with a heavily wooded area which was part of the Fort Dix training area.

• The Trooper informed ‘Morse’ that a Fort Dix Military Policeman had been pursuing a low flying oval-shaped object with a glowing bluish-green color. A humanoid figure had suddenly appeared in front of the Fort Dix MP’s car. It was four feet tall, grayish-brown, with a fat head, long arms, and slender body. The MP panicked and fired five rounds from his .45 caliber pistol into the creature, and one round into the glowing UFO above. The UFO fled straight up and joined with eleven other UFOs high in the sky. The humanoid being ran into the woods towards the AF base’s fence line. By this time several patrols were involved.

• “We found the body of the thing near the runway. It had apparently climbed the fence and died while running. It was all of a sudden hush-hush and no one was allowed near the area. We roped off the area and AFOSI came out and took over. That was the last I saw of it. There was a bad stench coming from it too. Like ammonia smelling but wasn’t constant [in] the air,” stated ‘Morse’.

• Later that day, a team from Wright-Patterson AFB came, crated the being in a wooden box, sprayed something over it, and put it into a bigger metal container. They loaded it into a transport plane and took off. Nothing more was said. No report was made. Base personnel were told not to talk about it or they would be court-martialed.

• ‘Morse’ provided Stringfield and fellow researcher Richard Hall with a photocopy of a military document that detailed the shooting of the alien. Unfortunately, the document could not be authenticated and the Air Force has officially denied the incident.


Now and again, I get asked for my views on an extremelycontroversial UFO case that first surfaced back in 1980. It all revolved around the supposed shooting of an extraterrestrialcreature on a military base in New Jersey. The statement was made to the late UFO researcher, Leonard Stringfield, who was a long-time collector of stories of crashed UFOs and dead aliens. It’s a story told by the key source, a man that Stringfield gave the pseudonym of “Jeffrey Morse.” On September 23, 1980 Stringfield received a communication in the mail from “Morse,” who claimed a military background and who had a startling tale to tell. It began as follows:

“In January of 1978, I was stationed at McGuire AFB, N.J. One evening, during the time frame of 0300 hrs. and 0500 hrs., there were a number of UFO sightings in the area over the air field and Ft. Dix MP’s were running code in the direction of Brownsville, N.J. A state trooper then entered Gate #5 at the rear of the base requesting assistance and permission to enter. I was dispatched and the trooper wanted access to the runway area which led to the very back of the air field and connected with a heavily wooded area which is part of the Dix training area. He informed me that a Ft. Dix MP was pursuing a low flying object which then hovered over his car. He described it as oval shaped, with no details, and glowing with a bluish-green color. His radio transmission was cut off. At that time in front of his police car, appeared a thing, about 4 feet tall, grayish, brown, fat head, long arms, and slender body. The MP panicked and fired five rounds from his .45 cal. into the thing, and one round into the object above. The object then fled straight up and joined with eleven others high in the sky. This we all saw but didn’t know the details at the time. Anyway, the thing ran into the woods towards our fenceline and they went to look for it. By this time several patrols were involved.

“We found the body of the thing near the runway. It had apparently climbed the fence and died while running. It was all of a sudden hush-hush and no one was allowed near the area. We roped off the area and AFOSI came out and took over. That was the last I saw of it. There was a bad stench coming from it too. Like ammonia smelling but wasn’t constant [in] the air. That day, a team from Wright-Patterson AFB came in a C141 and went to the area. They crated it in a wooden box, sprayed something over it, and then put it into a bigger metal container. They loaded it in the plane and took off. That was it, nothing more said, no report made and we were all told not to have anything to say about it or we would be court-martialed.



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Turkey Govt Confirms Authenticity of UFO Sighting in 2009

by Nirmal Narayanan              June 8, 2018                 (

• In Turkey, in the early morning hours of May 13, 2009, a video captured a UFO in which two aliens were clearly visible through a window on the craft. Now, the Turkish government has confirmed the authenticity of a UFO sighting, which was among several UFO incidents involving twelve eyewitnesses that took place in Turkey between 2007 and 2009, and are collectively known as ‘the Kumburgaz UFO incident’. (see original ExoNews article here) (see video of the incident below)

After nearly nine years of detailed analysis, the Turkish governmental agency, the Council for Scientific and Technological Research, has confirmed that the UFO in the video did not have any earthly roots. The council’s research report also added that the video was not subjected to any kind of editing. The object in the video exists intact as in the original record.

• Many UFO buffs consider the sightings in Turkey the most authentic alien sighting which has ever happened in the human history.


Conspiracy theorists all across the world are now in a state of ecstasy as NASA, the world’s leading space agency has confirmed the presence of organic matter on Mars.

alien pilots?

The presence of organic matter and methane on Mars could indicate the existence of ancient alien life forms on the Red Planet, they said and in another development, the Turkish government has confirmed the authenticity of a UFO sighting that it said happened way back in 2009.

The bizarre sighting apparently happened on May 13, 2009, at around 2.20 AM. The video shows an eerie flying object hovering in the skies, and interestingly two aliens sitting in the UFO were clearly visible in the footage.

Upon the release of the video, it sparked debate among alien buffs and UFO enthusiasts. The Council for Scientific and Technological Research insisted on studying this video to check its authenticity. Now, after nearly nine years, the Council has made it clear that the object spotted in the video did not have any earthly roots. The research report also added that the video was not subjected to any kind of editing, the object present in the video exists intact as in the original record.




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Trailer – Above Majestic – The Implications of a Secret Space Program


On September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for within Department of Defense expenditures. The very next day on September 11th building 7 of the World Trade Center in NYC collapsed, at free fall speed despite receiving minimal damage. This very same day, DOD staffers were working on tracking the mystery of the missing trillions when the Pentagon’s budget analyst’s office was destroyed in the same attack. This day in America’s history is known as 9/11.

The mystery remains. Where are the missing trillions?

MJ-12 or “Majestic 12” refers to a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads. Appointed by Harry S. Truman in 1952, they were to manage and handle all information related to Extraterrestrial Craft retrieval and the reverse engineering of technology.

How were these compartmentalized and unacknowledged Special Access Programs funded over the decades, what technologies have they developed and at what cost to humanity?

Above Majestic is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion dollar Secret Space Program from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through an accelerated game of connect the dots as Jordan takes a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic.

Above Majestic features some the most prominent and prolific authors, researchers, whistle-blowers and disseminators in the movement for Truth and Full Disclosure.

Source: Youtube

Trump’s Plan for US Space Force challenges Deep State Secrecy

On June 18, President Donald Trump gave a speech where he called for the development of a United States Space Force that takes over current space functions of the U.S. Air Force. The proposed Space Force would become the sixth branch of the U.S. military, and would have equal authority to the USAF.

At the National Space Council meeting held at the White House, Trump said:

We must have American dominance in space… I’m hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces…. We are going to have the Air Force, and we are going to have the space force. Separate, but equal. It is going to be something so important.

Trump then commanded General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to “carry that assignment out.”

Trump’s stance is at odds with previous statements by the U.S. Air Force Secretary, Air Force Chief of Staff, and James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, who all came out in opposition to a Congressional initiative in 2017 to establish a Space Corps. Mattis wrote in a letter:

I oppose the creation of a new military service and additional organizational layers at a time when we are focused on reducing overhead and integrating joint warfighting efforts.

Trump’s initiative thereby stands out since he has gone against the recommendations of his most senior military advisors.

As pointed out by one military analyst, Trump does not have the authority to create a new military service, only the U.S. Congress can do so. Trump does have, however, the authority to start planning for the creation of such a service as he demonstrated by ordering General Dunford to start the process.

There are multiple questions that arise from Trump’s initiative. Why is he going forward on a plan that is opposed by his senior military advisors? How does the proposed Space Force mesh with whistleblower/insider claims that the Air Force already has a secret space program? Finally, what of additional claims that the U.S. Navy has a much more advanced Deep Space program with kilometers long space carriers that uses Space Marines as a fighting force?

In finding answers to such questions, it is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a Space Force, Trump is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.

Large aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.

In earlier articles, I’ve described a “limited disclosure” plan to reveal the existence of two or more space stations along with antigravity flying triangles (TR-3B) and other exotic spacecraft built by these corporations. Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy, also appears to be a limited disclosure initiative as previously explained.

The US Navy’s secret space program is allegedly the most highly classified and advanced secret space program, and compartmentalization has been so successful that few Air Force officials believe that the Navy possesses such a program. One thing that has become clear though, is that the truth about the Navy’s program will only be revealed after the USAF first discloses its Secret Space Program.

Based on my analyses of photographs of craft taken near MacDill Air Force Base, and the experiences of the photographer who interacted with the craft’s occupants, it has become evident that US Air Force Special Operations Command provides the personnel for the USAF Secret Space Program.

Air Force Special Operations Command is one of the ten Major Commands that make up the USAF. Another Command central to space operations is Air Force Space Command. While Air Force Space Command handles logistics and technologies for space operations, AF Special Operations Command handles personnel.

Therefore, the real purpose in Trump proposing the Space Force is that he wants to accelerate the disclosure process by which the technologies and know-how that are used in the Air Force’s Secret Space Program, are taken away from the multiple bureaucracies and corporations that secretly run it – the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State.

Trump wants the office of the chief executive, the White House, to play a direct role in setting the policy agenda for future space operations, which for decades have been set without any real oversight by the White House.

In the planning and creation of a U.S. Space Force, Trump has initiated a process by which he and the White House will play a more influential role in future space policy, which hitherto have been controlled by the USAF Secret Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State.

The last President to confront the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State in such a brazen way over advanced aerospace technologies (UFOs) was John F. Kennedy with his twin memoranda on November 12, 1963, initiating joint space and lunar operations with the Soviet Union. The tragic outcome for President Kennedy is well known, I predict that Trump is likely to have more success with his Space Force initiative.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio Version of above article is available here or see below]

Further Reading

Anti-Gravity UFO Spotted in Bolzano, Italy

by Nirmal Narayanan                June 2, 2018               (

• A vacationer on holiday in Bolzano, Italy (pictured above) captured on video a silent, disc-shaped UFO moving along the crest of a mountain. (see 3:09 minute video below) The video has gone viral on the ‘UFOmania’ YouTube channel.

• According the video description, “It was early morning and he was standing on the porch of the hotel he was staying. He noticed an object hovering above the mighty mountains that enclose Bolzano. He decided to film the object since it did not seem to emit any sound at all. The witness filmed the object until it disappeared behind a mountain.”

• YouTube commenter, ‘MeT L Head’, argued that the light in the backside of the craft indicates that the object is using anti-gravity technology.


Conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’ has uploaded an eerie video featuring a strange flying object hovering across the skies in Italy. The video shows an unidentified flying object with a lighting tail flying close to the mighty mountains in Bolzano. Soon enough, conspiracy theorists jumped to the conclusion that it was an alien life form.

Adding up the mystery quotient, the UFO which flew across the mountains without emitting any sound whatsoever. Moreover, the object had a bizarre shape, unlike any known military crafts.

“This UFO was filmed by a UFO Today fan when he was on holiday in Bolzano Italy, Europe. It was early morning and he was standing on the porch of the hotel he was staying. He noticed an object hovering above the mighty mountains that enclose Bolzano. He decided to film the object since it did not seem to emit any sound at all. The witness filmed the object until it disappeared behind a mountain,” the video description read.

The conspiracy theory YouTube channel also suggested that the bizarre incident was noticed by many since the object was spotted during the early hours of the day.

3:09 minute video of a UFO moving along a mountain ridge in Bolzano, Italy



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Trump Directs DOD to Establish a Space Force in a Surprise Announcement

by Rachel Becker                 Jun 18, 2018                 (

• On June 18th, President Trump hijacked the scheduled signing of a Space Policy Directive on the subject of space traffic management and space debris at a meeting of the National Space Council to again call for a Space Force as a sixth branch of the US military. “We are going to have the Air Force and we’re going to have the Space Force, separate but equal. It is going to be something so important,” President Trump announced.

• Trump first proposed the idea of a Space Force in March 2018, in opposition to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ who favors a ‘Space Corps’ as an arm of the U.S. Air Force. Mattis argues that it will create more overhead and bureaucracy. The Air Force Space Command currently controls our military interests in space. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 has already directed the DoD to prepare a report on establishing a USAF ‘Space Corps’ that is due in August.

• What Trump didn’t mention was what the Space Force would do and how it would be funded. Point in fact, Congress would have to pass legislation to both to create a new branch of the military and to fund it.

• Then there is the 1967 United Nations’ “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies”, ratified by 104 nations including Russia, China and the U.S., which prohibits nuclear weapons, war exercises, or even military installations in space. (see Article IV)

[Editor’s Note] This seems to illustrate the current struggle between the Pentagon/Trump Alliance forces and the historically and predominantly ‘Deep State’ controlled Air Force for official control over space, and therefore disclosure of such secret space programs and technology. Recall that in discussing the USAF space program that shot down the Deep State guided missile over Hawaii in January of this year, Dr Michael Salla distinguishes this hero USAF faction as a “USAF run Secret Space Program that has broken away from Deep State control”.


President Donald Trump directed the Department of Defense and the Pentagon to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces in a meeting with the National Space Council today.

“We are going to have the Air Force and we’re going to have the Space Force, separate but equal. It is going to be something so important,” President Trump said.

“Separate but equal” is an appalling turn of phrase given that it’s derived from Plessy v. Ferguson, the now-overturned Supreme Court precedent for segregation.

The announcement came as a surprise in a meeting where the newly revived National Space Council was set to unveil the first comprehensive policy on space traffic management. “The whole point of today’s meeting was not about this at all, it was about the space traffic management policy decision,” says Brian Weeden, director of program planning for the Secure World Foundation — an NGO that focuses on space policy.

Still, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Trump’s hopes for a Space Force; he first proposed the idea of a Space Force in March 2018 — contradicting Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ opposition to creating a new military service. In a letter to the Committee on Armed Services, Mattis argued that it would just create more overhead and bureaucracy.

As it stands, the Air Force is largely in charge of controlling national security in space under the umbrella of the Air Force Space Command. Its responsibilities include supervising launches and controlling DoD satellites — including ones involved in missile early warnings, communication, and navigation.



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UFO Sighting at Australian Military Base Sparks Debate

by Nirmal Narayanan                Jun 3, 2018                    (

• Driving down the road in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, Junelyn Bitalacm captured an amazingly clear video of a silent disc-shaped UFO moving across the sky near a military base. The YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’ posted the video (see the first 3:30 minutes of video below).


Tyler Glockner, a conspiracy theorist who runs a YouTube channel has uploaded a bizarre video showing a disc-shaped flying object apparently flying above the skies of Victoria, Australia. Interestingly, the sighting happened nearer to a military base, similar to such sightings reported near US and UK military areas.

The bizarre sighting was originally captured by Junelyn Bitalacm who noticed the strange disc-shaped object in the sky when she was driving back after dropping her mom off at work. Seeing the weird nature of the unidentified flying object, she soon took her smartphone and recorded the object.


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Nazca Lines: New Discoveries to Unlock Universe Mystery

by Tom Fish                    June 2, 2018                         (

• Archaeologists have discovered further line drawings, or ‘geoglyphs’, etched into southern Peru’s ancient desert, close to the world-famous Nazca Lines. They form figures of a killer, a woman dancing, and a 35m-long “Astronaut”, as well as complex geometric shapes or simple lines stretching hundreds of metres.

• According to Nazca researcher Brien Foerster, these geoglyphs were created over the course of 1000 years, from about 500 BC to 500 AD by two separate cultures, the Paracas and the Nazca. The Paracas, red-haired beings with elongated skulls, appeared in Peru around 800 BC and first began making the Nazca geoglyphs around 500 BC. They were the ones who depicted the giant ‘astronaut’. “At about 100 AD the Topara people invaded the [Paracas’] rich farm areas and attempted to exterminate the royal Paracas.” Said Foerster. “The Topara became the Nazca, and they prospered for a few centuries, creating the famous Nazca figures such as the Spider, Hummingbird, [and the] Dog.” Climate change forced the Topora/Nazca people to abandon the area for the highlands of Peru by about 600 AD. The Incas assimilated with the Nazca until they were all destroyed by the Spanish conquest in the 16th century.

• The fact that the Nazca lines can only be appreciated from high above the desert indicates that they were created by, or for, extraterrestrial overlords. Researcher Morten St. George theorizes that because “dozens of arrow-head type pointers provide directional guidance”, the geoglyphs were intended to assist beings as they flew across the sky. “Lines that run straight for kilometers, up and down hills rather than around them, were clearly made to be followed by a [being] who could fly higher than the hills”, said St. George. Still, after more than 80 years of research, we can still only guess at their real meanings.


Archaeologists have discovered scores of mammoth intricate drawings etched into southern Peru’s ancient desert, close to the world-famous Nazca Lines.

And the shock find could fundamentally change our understanding of extra-terrestrials.

The drawings, known as geoglyphs, include crude figures of a killer whale and a woman dancing, while some are more puzzling still, such as the 35m-long “Astronaut”, which depicts a bizarre other-worldly figure.

And others form complex geometric shapes or simple lines stretching hundreds of metres.

What makes them of particular interest to conspiracy theorists is the fact the millenia-old artwork cannot be fully appreciated from the ground, being truly visible only from above, adding to the evidence they were created by – or for – alien overlords.

Conspiracy theorist Morten St. George elaborates on this idea: “Dozens of figures of animals and the like, so large that they can only be viewed in their entirety from the sky, were clearly made for a creature in the sky who was intelligent enough to be attracted and entertained by those drawings.

“Dozens of arrow-head type pointers provide directional guidance, so this creature was not only in the sky but also flying through the air.

“Lines that run straight for kilometers, up and down hills rather than around them, were clearly made to be followed by a creature who could fly higher than the hills”, he said.

And this is not the only outlandish hypothesis out forward by St George: “There are reputed to be some one hundred drawings of spirals on the Nazca plain, of which the most memorable is perhaps the Monkey’s tail.

“Similar spiral drawings are also found in Tiwanaku. It seems likely that the alien astronaut descended from the sky in a spiral motion, perhaps like water swirling down a drain.”

And he has a further shock claim concerning another drawing: “The four fingered geoglyph is significant; it is likely symbolising a bond of friendship between the alien and the humans.

“And hands of four and five fingers, respectively, also appear in the Monkey geoglyph.”

Another popular theory, first put forward by Swiss author Erich von Daniken, notes how the long, straight and flat lines strangely mimic modern-day runways.

However in an exclusive interview with Daily Star Online, Nazca Lines authority Brien Foerster, 59, outlines why he is unconvinced by these claims.

“This entire system of etchings in the earth were created over the course of 1000 years, from about 500 BC to 500 AD by two separate cultures, the Paracas and the Nazca,” he said.

“The Paracas, notable for the elongated skulls of their royalty and genetic red hair appear in the area of the Paracas Peninsula at about 800 BC from a foreign land across the Pacific and began making geoglyphs, usually anthropomorphic in nature and relatively small in size.

                   Nazca ‘Astronaut’

“Between 500 BC and 100 AD they created more than 1600 of these, including the 500 foot tall Candelabro and also the so called ‘runways’ from Paracas Bay down and through Palpa.

“They were also the creators of the Astronaut figure at Nazca.”



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Donald Trump and UFOs

by Britt Nelson                  June 7, 2018                  (

• Countries such as Great Britain and Russia have released their once classified UFO files for public consumption, leaving no doubt about the true existence of UFOs. After 500 days in office, has President Trump been briefed about UFOs? Or is the ultra ‘top secret’ truth about UFO’s above even the President’s security clearance?

• In 1969, before becoming Governor of Georgia and President of the United States, Jimmy Carter was speaking at a Lions Club meeting in Leary, Georgia when he and 20 other people saw a multi-colored UFO moving across the sky. Carter said, “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.” In 1977, President Carter asked then CIA Director George H.W. Bush to disclose what information the CIA had on UFOs. Bush told Carter, “You have no need to know,” and that was the end of it. Thereafter, Carter inexplicably distanced himself from UFO disclosure, citing “defense implications”. Years later, after George H.W. Bush himself had served as President, he was asked about the existence of UFOs. Bush replied, “You don’t know the half of it.”

• On September 4, 1971, the Costa Rican National Geographic Institute was taking aerial photos from 10,000 feet above Lake Cote when they captured what some experts say is the best UFO photograph in the world (see below). In 2016, a tourist in Costa Rica captured amazingly clear photos of a UFO hovering above Irazu Volcano National Park in Cartago. (see below)

• Commercial airline and military pilots from around the world have described seeing and photographing UFOs. But most keep their sightings a secret for fear of being ridiculed. The astronaut Gordon Cooper gave an interview before he died in which he described witnessing and filming a UFO landing in Germany and taking off. Cooper said that before he could view the film it was seized by government officials and sent to Washington. Cooper never again heard anything about the film footage he captured.


Is there a level of ultra ‘top secret’ security above the President of the United States when it comes to UFOs? Certainly President Donald Trump, after 500 days in office, has been briefed about UFOs from NASA, the CIA and perhaps others, but then again maybe not. This question is intriguing and not stretching reality. Are there secrets ‘from out there’ that demand such secrecy? Maybe so! But why?

With all the Star Wars movies going back decades and dozens of science fiction films featuring extraterrestrial visitors from ‘outer space’ within or beyond our on Milky Way galaxy –what is there now to hide from the public? If the government did reveal that UFOs were real … so what? Regardless if we know they are here there are no answers as why UFOs are here, but they are here. For believers and seers of UFOs there is no doubt of their existence. Other countries such as Great Britain and Russia have released their once ‘top secret’ UFO files for public consumption that leave no doubt about the true existence of UFOs.

                        Feb 2016 UFO
        over Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica

What will it take for President Trump to unexpectedly land Air Force One at the infamous and secretive ‘Area 51’ in the Nevada desert and demand a full-facility inspection from top-to-bottom and wall-to-wall? There are those that believe ‘Area 51’ contains actual captured or crashed UFOs.

One revealing statement from the lips of former President George H.W. Bush, a former CIA director, when asked about the existence of UFOs he said, “You don’t know the half of it.”  

In 2016, a tourist in Costa Rica captured amazingly clear photos of a UFO hovering above Irazu Volcano National Park in Cartago. The pictures were sent to the Mutual UFO Network for analysis, as reported in the Costa Rica Star News.

Maybe the most famous UFO sighting in Costa Rica took place on September 4, 1971, the Costa Rican National Geographic Institute was taking aerial photos from 10,000 feet of Lake Cote, the small body of water that would later become the larger Lake Arenal, as part of preliminary studies for the future hydroelectric project. Some experts say that this is the best UFO Photograph in the world.

Sept 4, 1971 UFO over Lake Cote, Costa Rica

It’s well known that former President Jimmy Carter (1977-81) witnessed unexplained aerial phenomena in Leary, Ga., in 1969 two years before becoming governor of Georgia. He was speaking to a Lions Club group at about 7:15 pm when someone — that noticed the strange light in the sky about 30-degrees above the horizon — spoke up and pointed it out to the 20 or so people that saw the UFO.

“All of a sudden, one of the men looked up and said, ‘Look, over in the west!’ And there was a bright light in the sky. We all saw it. And then the light, it got closer and closer to us. And then it stopped, I don’t know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees. And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to white. And we were trying to figure out what in the world it could be, and then it receded into the distance,” Carter said in an interview about the sighting. “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.”



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The US Government Just Admitted To Recovering Materials From UFOs

by Arjun Walia                May 24, 2018               (

• In December 2017, the New York Times broke the story of a $22 million U.S. Department of Defense UFO research program called the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” headed by military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring. The New York Times article mentions that materials gathered from UFO crash sites were shipped off to Bigelow Aerospace for examination. One of the authors of the NY Times report, Ralph Blumenthal, stated that the UFO materials were “…some kind of compound that they don’t recognize.” The host of the UFO Congress, Alejandro Rojas claims that Elizondo said of this UFO material, “I can tell you it is not an alloy like the New York Times claims.” “Elizondo has told me it is a ‘meta-material’ with strange isotopic values indicating it is not from Earth.” Elizondo has also mentioned that these encounters with UFO crash sites have occurred hundreds of times.

• But there has been no follow up regarding these UFO materials that have allegedly been recovered. In fact, we’re not really sure where these objects are. It still seems that we’ve been given only a part of the story.

• Historian and ufologist, Richard Dolan suggests that the government and the media collude to give a part of the truth made to look like the complete truth. It is part of a tactic where the media will share some genuine information, but doesn’t follow-up on the details. Says Dolan, “So, it’s five months later, and we’re clearly not dealing with a serious effort by the mainstream media, for that reason alone… I have had information now, from a very good source, that, what they’ve recovered aren’t metal alloys, that they’re being described as meta-materials…a very different thing.”

• Unfortunately, most of our media is controlled by a very small group of people who insist on ignoring revelations regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. “The establishment media will never cover the UFO subject in a serious way, that is, until they [are] absolutely pushed to the wall ,” says Dolan.


“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.” – Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister.

First off, the fact that the official disclosure of Unidentified Flying Objects has happened is huge, and those who are avid researchers of the phenomenon saw this one coming. For years, we’ve experienced, as I’ve said many times before, an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy” – Ex-CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter of the phenomenon. The establishment, in many ways, was responsible for the foolish articles that would constantly appear in mainstream media publications, absolutely ridiculing a topic that was and is actually quite real.

Today, we’ve seen a complete 180 degree switch. UFOs are no longer ridiculed by the mainstream, which should raise a serious eyebrow because very seldom does mainstream media share any sort of truth, especially when we’re talking about projects that rank among the most secretive in the world.

Unfortunately, most of our media is controlled by a very small group of people, and declassified documents alongside whistle-blower testimony has made this very clear. Intelligence agencies have close relationships with “every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation, this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success’ stories.’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” This comes straight from a CIA document. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, Sharyl Attkisson, Amber Lyon and many others have also provided many examples of what it’s like to work inside a media organization that’s dominated by government/corporate/deep state interests.

This is exactly why mainstream UFO disclosure is questionable, and there appears to be multiple things happening here. One is the fact that the phenomenon was so obvious for anybody who looked into it, from a research perspective. There was and has been more than ample evidence to show that the UFOs were and are real, that there are “objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy.” – Lord Admiral Hill Norton, Former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

The statement below from Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, doesn’t seem to hold so true anymore, at least the last part.
“We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”

One of the biggest mouthpieces for “the establishment,” The New York Times, admitted something that the establishment, or facets of it, have been concealing for years; UFOs are real.

The Times broke the story about a secret Pentagon program, but any UFO researcher knows these programs are more in-depth, expensive, and expansive than anything that’s described here.

According to the Times, “In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find.”
Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.

For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times.  It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, deep within the building’s maze.

The Defense Department has never before acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012. But its backers say that, while the Pentagon ended funding for the effort at that time, the program remains in existence. For the past five years, they say, officials with the program have continued to investigate episodes brought to them by service members, while also carrying out their other Defense Department duties.

What’s Missing From Mainstream UFO Disclosure

One interesting thing to note here, is the sharing of information and truth in order to lie. For example, the MK Ultra program, a CIA based mind-control program is a great example. This is because the evidence became so obvious that the U.S. government had no choice but to disclose the reality of it. Although they clearly did not share all, the public thought they did. The program had been declassified and thus, all of the questions and inquiries into the program stopped because apparently, the government released everything there is to know.

This is what we could be seeing with the UFO program. Prior to this disclosure, dozens of other governments had already done so themselves, and the field is loaded with a ton of credible witness testimony as well as various documents released via The Freedom of Information Act.

Now that the Pentagon has admitted to this program, does that mean the existence of UFOs has been disclosed, and that’s all there is to it? Are we seeing a clever way of releasing information, in order to conceal more important information, or is this really a slow disclosure initiative by the U.S. government? And if it is, why are they doing it?

“Why is the mainstream covering this story the way they are? I have been saying for years that the mainstream media, the establishment media, will never cover the UFO subject in a serious way, that is, until they would be absolutely pushed to the wall and then do something…So the question is, what is going on here?…If they’re the voice of the establishment (mainstream media), then why have the establishment elected to put this story out?” – historian Richard Dolan, one of the most prominent thinkers of our time. He’s also one of the world’s leading researchers on the topic of UFO’s.

Richard goes on to explain, in the lecture linked below, that this is simply a tidbit of truth that’s been made to look like the complete truth. It brings up a number of key things that have been ignored by mainstream media regarding the recent UFO disclosure, which is being addressed through the To The Stars Academy.

“The best way to keep a secret is you pretend to share it, you give some information out, some genuine information, which they did, there were some significant revelations here, significant admissions, and much that was not followed up…” – Dolan



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Pentagon UFO Research Also Studied Poltergeists, Invisible Entities, and “Bizarre Creatures”

by Brett Tingley               May 31, 2018                 (

• A trove of documents obtained by CBS affiliate KLAS-TV in Las Vegas have revealed that the Pentagon’s $22 million UFO program researched not only anomalous aerial phenomenon, but warp engines, dark energies, and exploring other dimensions.

• A representative of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a secretive aerospace firm headed by Robert Bigelow (pictured above), suggests that the government research project touched upon a wide range of mysteries and paranormal phenomena unrelated to space travel, including bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and more.

• Those at BAASS believe “the UFO phenomenon was capable of manipulating and distorting human perception,” and that the human body can serve “as a readout system for dissecting interactions with the UFO phenomenon.” This suggests that a wide range of experimental psychological or medical research on human eyewitnesses could have been involved in this project.


In years to come, UFO researchers may look back upon the Pentagon revelations over the last year as a turning point in government disclosure. Of course, it could also likely be that these are a clever smokescreen, a ruse, or a distraction intended to mislead the public as usual. Whatever the case may be, it seems that the government is taking an interest, at least on paper, in some of the higher mysteries of our physical reality. A trove of documents obtained by CBS affiliate KLAS-TV in Las Vegas have revealed that the Pentagon’s $22 million UFO program researched not only anomalous aerial phenomenon, but warp engines, dark energies, and exploring other dimensions.

It doesn’t stop there, it seems. In a page seemingly taken out of The X-Files greatest hits, a spokesperson for one of the Pentagon-funded research programs suggests that the government took an interest in a whole range of paranormal phenomena unrelated to space travel altogether. The statement was issued by a representative of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a secretive aerospace firm headed by conspiracy-theory-target Robert Bigelow, a recurring figure in UFO and shadowy government research lore. According to the statement, KLAS-TV reports, the research project touched upon a wide range of mysteries:

“The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft. The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity that included bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.”



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A ‘Supersonic Tic Tac’ UFO Bedeviled A U.S. Aircraft Carrier For Five Days In 2004, Pentagon Reports

by Aaron Homer               June 1, 2018              (

• In December 2017, the US Department of Defense allowed the release of the cockpit video of a Navy F/A-18 as it tracked a UFO in 2004 over the Pacific Ocean southwest of San Diego. It was later confirmed that U.S. defense chiefs had commissioned a 13-page report detailing the UFO event which has recently been released. The reports, leaked to a Las Vegas television station, described what happened on board the USS Princeton for a few days in 2004. (see 5:13 minute video of the I-Team’s George Knapp interviewing former head of a Pentagon UFO program, Luis Elizondo below)

• According to leaked Pentagon report a “supersonic tic tac”- shaped UFO stalked the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Nimitz strike group (pictured above) for five days in November, 2004 before disappearing into thin air. The “Anomalous Aerial Vehicle” (AAV) showed up on the USS Princeton’s radar, apparently hovering at about 60,000 feet above the surface of the ocean. The object then “nosedived” into the ocean, moving roughly six miles down to the surface in a matter of seconds. So fast did it move that crew members thought they might have had a close encounter with a ballistic missile.

• Two days later, the object, described as “solid white, smooth, with no edges… uniformly colored with no nacelles, pylons or wings,” appeared again, and two F/A-18 jets were sent up to intercept it. Once they got in the general region of the AAV, it had turned itself invisible. However, they reported that it was creating a circular disturbance in the water, about 150-300 feet in diameter.

• Two days later, the craft appeared again, and this time one of the pilots saw the same disturbance in the water, and saw the craft hovering above it.

• At least one other naval vessel was nearby, but they didn’t report anything. The submarine USS Louisville was in the general region, but picked up nothing underwater. Similarly, an E-2C Hawkeye surveillance plane also saw the craft on their radar, but were unable to “lock on,” suggesting that the vessel could evade radar.

• When the Navy pilots returned to the ship, they were greeted by shipmates who had donned tinfoil hats and ribbed them about their “UFO flight.” But as it turns out, the Pentagon has quietly been releasing UFO-related documents for the past few years. U.S. Navy pilots encountered a UFO off the East Coast in 2015, and the Pentagon even released footage of the incident (see 36-second video below).


A “supersonic Tic Tac”-shaped UFO stalked a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier for five days before disappearing into thin air, according to leaked Pentagon report.

As Fox News reports, the reports, leaked to a Las Vegas television station, described what happened on board the USS Princeton for a few days in 2004.

In November, 2004, the “Anomalous Aerial Vehicle (AAV)” showed up on the ship’s radar, apparently hovering at about 60,000 feet above the surface of the ocean. The object then “nosedived” into the ocean, moving roughly six miles down to the surface in a matter of seconds. So fast did it move that crew members thought they might have had a close encounter with a ballistic missile.

Two days later, the object, described as “solid white, smooth, with no edges… uniformly colored with no nacelles, pylons or wings,” appeared again, and two F-18 jets were sent up to intercept it. Once they got in the general region of where the mysterious Tic Tac-shaped aircraft was supposed to be, the fighter pilots claimed that it had turned itself invisible. However, they reported that it was creating a circular disturbance in the water, about 150-300 feet in diameter.

Two days later, the craft appeared again, and this time one of the pilots saw the same disturbance in the water, and saw the craft hovering above it.

36-second video of a UFO video recorded by Navy pilots off of the U.S. East Coast


I-Team’s George Knapp interviews former head of Pentagon UFO program,
Luis Elizondo on KLAS-TV8 in Las Vegas, 5:13 minute video


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Meet The Hybrids

Book Review – Meet the Hybrids by Miguel Mendonca and Barbara Lamb

With each day our planet grows smaller as distances shrink. People from all over the globe mix freely. New biotechnologies enhance human well-being. Scientists splice the best of genes into foreign tissues, hybridizing them, to gain the best attributes from each species.

In the book Meet the Hybrids, Mendonca and Lamb succinctly describe processes that ‘gel’ the five races of our planet, how the merging of genes between plants, bacteria and animals are an everyday occurrence to extract the best of the genetics so that natural selection is interrupted and human selection takes over in a process called hybridization.

We are quickly brought up to speed in the first two chapters of the book where lessons in genetics and hybridization are infused didactically into the readers worldview. The reader can now boldly step up to the next hurdle in this riveting book; the Alien Threat, as it is called by Dr David Jacobs. Abductions of humans and their examinations on board UFOs. Jacobs fears for the lives of his children and grandchildren and for the future of humanity as an Alien Breeding Program that produces hybrids threatens humanity’s place on our planet; but does it?

In the following chapters we get to meet eight hybrids. We are let into their world, a world far from our reality, that in some way resonates within our very own soul, something that is hard to dismiss as imagination gone wild. In their testimony a common thread is revealed that binds the testimony of all the hybrids interviewed. They explain the hybridization program from the ET perspective in stark contrast with man’s inhumanity towards man, his destruction of the ecosystem, his wars and his complete selfishness. Some of their DNA spliced into ours produces a more harmonious being that will elevate the consciousness of mankind. Without it, we can already see that the planet is dying.

The meaning of life is sharply tugged into perspective, balance is restored and one is forced to reboot and revaluate ones own worldview as the book Meet the Hybrids reveals that our physical world is just an illusion. Cosmic reality resides just beyond the veil where aspects of our own souls live and guide us simultaneously as we endure trials and tribulations within this third-density planet.

Meet the Hybrids is an important book that teaches us about real disclosure of the ET presence. An honest Disclosure will not come from the military, the U.N. or the Vatican, all of whom have an agenda to protect their institutions; Disclosure will come from the hybrids and experiencers.

Amazon intervention leads to new cover for Antarctica’s Hidden History

Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs was simultaneously released in the United States and Europe through on March 25, 2018. The cover illustrated a handshake between a U.S. military official, and a civilian wearing a Nazi ring and an Iron Cross cuff link. The respective flags of the United States and Nazi Germany appeared behind them. The book quickly attained No.1 best seller status in several Amazon book categories and has gained positive reviews.

On May 29, I received an email from Amazon stating: “During our review process, we found that your book’s cover image contains content (i.e. Swastika) that is in violation of our content guidelines for Germany and may infringe German law.” This led to the Kindle edition being immediately withdrawn from Amazon’s German website.

A few hours later, I received a similar email from Createspace, an Amazon subsidiary, informing me that it was also withdrawing the paperback edition from the entire European market. This meant, for example, that potential readers in the United Kingdom could not purchase the paperback edition since the cover MAY violate German law.

I received legal assistance from Duke Brickhouse, J.D., an attorney in Virginia Beach, who worked for several years as a media attorney in Berlin, Germany. He pointed out the following in replies to Amazon and its subsidiary:

The German Code prohibits a swastika’s use where it is used for propaganda.  The code section (1)(3) delineates an exception to this prohibition if it “serves to further civil enlightenment”, “promotes… research or teaching”, “reporting on… historical events”, or “similar purposes”. The book and the use of the swastika on the book’s cover is in fact created for the purpose of civil and historical enlightenment, and not for the promotion of underlying Nazi propaganda intended to further the aims of the Nazi regime.

Amazon stood by its decision despite repeated attempts to have them reconsider on the basis that the book clearly fit the exemptions specified in the German legal code in the use of Nazi era insignia. Put simply, the book is legitimate historical research delineating the respective roles of Nazi and German nationalist groups in setting up a secret colony in Antarctica, and their respective post-World War II activities.

What makes Amazon’s refusal to reconsider its position even more puzzling is that it does include books on its German site which prominently figure Swastikas. Here’s four examples of books which are all currently available on the Amazon Germany website

All this raises the question of whether Antarctica’s Hidden History was being unfairly targeted; and if so, for what reason?

On February 11, 2018, I wrote an article that Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos traveled to Patagonia, Argentina on February 3, and along with the then U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, allegedly negotiated with the Antarctic based Germans. The talks were held at the Patagonian city of San Carlos de Bariloche, with the purpose of reaching an agreement on future official disclosure of their secret space program.

In a future disclosure scenario, the Antarctic Germans would share their advanced space and healing technologies that would help revolutionize the planet. This would naturally require them revealing their historical evolution and cooperation with Hitler’s Nazi party.

I analyze all of this in Antarctica’s Hidden History, but the core idea is that the German breakaway colony in Antarctica was dominated by the German Navy, secret societies and nationalists, rather than Nazi Party ideologues.

As Nazi Germany’s defenses crumbled before the allied military onslaught, Hitler demanded access to the superweapons that his regime had been promised by the Antarctic colony, which the Nazis had funded and materially supported since its inception.

The Antarctic German colony refused to hand over this advanced technology. Instead they chose a long-term strategy of secret negotiations with the U.S. and its allies from a position of strength, after their fleets of weaponized flying saucers were completed and ready for battle if necessary.

If there is a plan to officially disclose what remains of the German Antarctic Space Program, it would make sense that it would be very eager on disassociating itself historically from Hitler’s Nazi Party, and the atrocities committed in Europe. I believe that Bezos has played a role in forging such a secret agreement, and perhaps this is a factor in Amazon’s problem with the cover of Antarctica’s Hidden History.

Consequently, a new cover was designed for the European edition of the book which is now markedly different to the U.S. edition. The swastikas are gone, and the old German Imperial Flag is included to highlight the Navy and nationalist elements, along with a skull and bones ring depicting the German secret societies, all of which were critical in the evolution of the Antarctic colony.

Despite the different covers, the content in the U.S. and European editions of Antarctica’s Hidden History are identical. In it, the reader will learn about the history of Antarctica, and the role played by German nationalists who collaborated with the Nazi regime in establishing a breakaway colony there with advanced aerospace technologies.

Together with massive industrial capital being secretly dispersed around the globe prior to the collapse of Nazi Germany, the foundations were laid for creating a Fourth Reich. This shadowy entity has played an enormous role in secretly influencing global affairs ever since agreements were reached with the U.S. Presidential administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

After reviewing the historical evidence, documents and testimonies presented in Antarctica’s Hidden History, the reader can judge for him/herself the historical connection between Hitler’s Nazi Party and the German breakaway Antarctic colony. One thing is clear though, the “Fourth Reich” used Antarctica as a launching pad to establish a nefarious influence over European, U.S. and global institutions, which continues to the present day.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

[Note: Antartica’s Hidden History is available in the following formats and Amazon locations for English speaking countries: Kindle USA/Paperback USA/Paperback United Kingdom/Paperback Canada. Autographed copies are available at]

Further Reading

Western Mass. Debates A UFO Monument — And How To Commemorate The Inexplicable

by Adam Reilly               May 31, 2018               (

• In 2015, the Great Barrington Historical Society erected a “Governor’s Citation” monument, the plaque reading in part, “… in recognition of the off-world incident on September 1, 1969… which has been established… factually upheld, founded, and deemed historically significant and true by means of Massachusetts Historians.” It is signed by Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker.

• Great Barrington, Mass resident Tom Warner says emphatically, “I saw that UFO.” Warner recalls seeing a saucer -shaped UFO “twenty feet or more in height, probably about 30 to 40 feet around.” “The lights were colors I’d never seen in my life.”

• General Manager of Great Barrington-based WSBS radio, David Isy, says that “Back in 1969, we had listeners call the radio station that evening [to say] ‘Something bizarre is happening’.”

• Thomas E. Reed, whose name appears on the monument’s plaque, has said that he saw an [extraterrestrial] creature resembling “an ant, with some human features. It had a head that looked almost like a football shape.” Reed says that he and his family saw a light that “ rose up maybe two, three stories —and it went, actually, further away from our vehicle.” Reed has since reported additional encounters with UFOs.

• Recently, the Great Barrington Historical Society’s Executive Director, Robert Krol stated that, in retrospect, it was a mistake to focus so much attention on witness Thom Reed, instead of everyone else who witnessed something inexplicable that night. “Children coming into school, talking about the event… An old student of mine. One [witness] is a local shop owner whose father was the… police chief in town. So these are reliable people. These are not self-promoters.” said Krol.

• But the backlash of institutional ridicule has begun. A spokesperson for Governor Charlie Baker told the Boston Globe that the citation was issued in error. The town of Sheffield now claims that the monument might be on public property, which could lead to its removal.


Some of us have trouble remembering what we were doing a week ago, or even last night. But Tom Warner, of Great Barrington, Mass., can say exactly where he was on the evening of September 1, 1969.
“I was laying right where we’re standing right here,” Warner said recently, standing in a yard with a stunning view of the Berkshires. “I was laying on the ground, like this, and there was a beam on me.”
As Warner tells it, that beam was emanating from an object that resembled nothing he’d ever seen.

“Twenty feet or more in height, probably about 30 to 40 feet around, and it had — as I’m looking now, I can see it — it had lights,” Warner recalled. “The lights were colors I’d never seen in my life.”

To skeptics, this tale of a close encounter half a century ago might sound implausible. But Warner isn’t the only one convinced he witnessed something remarkable that night.

“Back in 1969, we had listeners call the radio station that evening,” says David Isy, the general manager of Great Barrington-based WSBS. “They didn’t know it was a UFO at the time. They just called the station and said, ‘Something bizarre is happening.’

“We talked about it on the air just last week, and one of our listeners, Jane Brown, who’s now 84, she called in to the radio station and told us she was one of the first people to report it.”

These distant memories are back in the news thanks to a monument near a covered bridge in the neighboring town of Sheffield, where a man named Thom Reed says he and his family had their own close encounter that evening.

“This light, it rose up maybe two, three stories —and it went, actually, further away from our vehicle, over what’s now a large cornfield,” Reed told WGBH.

The monument in question didn’t arrive until much later, in 2015, after the Great Barrington Historical Society took the unusual step of calling Reed’s account “historically significant and true.” But now, its future is in jeopardy.

WGBH Greater Boston Television 4:48 minute news story


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The U.S. Tried to Detonate an Atom Bomb on the Moon – But There Was an Extraterrestrial Response

by Arjun Walia                    May 31, 2018                     (

• In the 1950s, Colonel Ross Dedrickson was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapon stockpile for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission including monitoring the security of the weapons. He retired from the USAF in 1964 and died in 2007 at the age of 87.

• Dedrickson was one of hundreds of military whistleblowers brought forth by Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. His testimony about UFOs — specifically about UFOs and nuclear weapons — can be corroborated by a wealth of information and evidence that’s now available within the public domain.

• In an 11:38 minute video interview by Greer (see below), Dedrickson explains how the American government tried to detonate a nuclear weapon on the moon, but were prevented from doing so. A declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 shows just how seriously they considered the plan, called ‘Project A119’. According to Dedrickson, “I also learned about incidents involving nuclear weapons, and among these incidents were a couple of nuclear weapons sent into space [that] were destroyed by the extraterrestrials. . . . At the very end of the 70’s and the early 80’s, we attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the moon and explode it for scientific measurements and other things, which was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials. They destroyed the weapon before it got to the moon.”

[Editor’s Note] See also an article from December 2012 that provides more detail on Project A119.


In the 1950s, Colonel Ross Dedrickson was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapon stockpile for the AEC, and for accompanying security teams checking out the security of the weapons, among many other duties. As his obituary states:

Lorin Ross Dedrickson

He was assigned to the US Atomic Energy Commission. A long service with the Energy Commission between 1950-1958 included, contract administration duties at Nevada test sites, Pacific Nuclear Test Area west of Hawaii, nuclear weapon manufacturing and quality assurance in Albuquerque, and inspection of nuclear and non-nuclear facilities throughout the country. He served with the 5th Air Force in Japan and later as a ranking Colonel, Officer in Charge of the Pacific Unified Command (TM)s alternate “command and control center” in Hawaii. In 1962, he was transferred and served as Deputy for Material for the 832 Air Division at Canon Air Force Base, Clovis, New Mexico. He retired from the USAF in 1964.

He is one of hundreds of military whistleblowers with verified backgrounds to have been brought forth by Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. His testimony about UFOs — specifically about UFOs and nuclear weapons — can be corroborated by a wealth of information and evidence that’s now available within the public domain. (To read more about a few of these encounters, click here.) Many of these whistleblowers have made multiple appearances at the National Press Club in an effort to get this information out to the world, with the most recent example being the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, which took place a few years ago.

Sirius Disclosure Exclusive 11:38 minute video excerpt of Ross Dedrickson


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UFOs May Have Attempted Rendezvous With Giant Undersea Object

by Ed Mazza                      May 29, 2018                     (

• In December 2017 The New York Times and The Washington Post reported on the Navy’s USS Nimitz carrier strike force F-A18 jets intercepting a “tic tac” shaped UFO (part of a “whole fleet of UFOs) over the Pacific Ocean southwest of San Diego. In May, George Knapp’s ‘I-Team’ (Las Vegas CBS affiliate KLAS-TV) obtained and released a 13-page Executive Summary prepared by and for the U.S. military analyzing the encounter.

• The Executive Summary related one Navy pilot’s observation of roiling waters in the ocean the size of a football field. “The disturbance appeared to be 50 to 100 meters in diameter and close to round. It was the only area and type of whitewater activity that could be seen and reminded him of images of something rapidly submerging from the surface like a submarine or a ship sinking.” As the pilot flew away, he could see that the disturbance had cleared and seas calmed.

• The Navy pilots never made visual contact with whatever caused the undersea disturbance. But the report stated that it may have been caused by an AAV (Anomalous Aerial Vehicle), which was unseen due to advanced cloaking capabilities that made the AAF “invisible to the human eye.”

• A submarine in the vicinity did not detect anything unusual underwater. If an object was indeed in the Pacific Ocean, “it would represent a highly advanced capability given the advanced capability of our sensors,” the report stated.


New details are emerging about a UFO sighting recorded by the U.S. military in the waters off the coast of California 14 years ago.

The 2004 incident involving the “Tic Tac” UFO, named because it was a fast-moving white object that resembled one of the mints, was first revealed late last year by The New York Times and The Washington Post.

KLAS, the CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, obtained a copy of a report “prepared by and for the military” in 2009 that details multiple interactions with anomalous aerial vehicles (AAVs) over two weeks in late 2004. The report also discussed the high speed and advanced cloaking capabilities that allowed the AAVs to evade observation and detection.

“The AAVs would descend ‘very rapidly’ from approximately 60,000 feet down to approximately 50 feet in a matter of seconds,” the report noted.

Pilots indicated there may have been something in the water as well. One pilot detailed a disturbance up to the size of a football field: “The disturbance appeared to be 50 to 100 meters in diameter and close to round. It was the only area and type of whitewater activity that could be seen and reminded him of images of something rapidly submerging from the surface like a submarine or a ship sinking.”

The disturbed area also resembled shoal water around “a barely submerged reef or island,” but as the pilot flew away, he could see that the disturbance had cleared and seas calmed. Although he never made visual contact with whatever caused the disturbance, the report stated that it may have been caused by an AAV, which was unseen due to cloaking “or invisible to the human eye.”

Another pilot described a disturbance beneath the water of an AAV that “looked like frothy waves and foam almost as if the water was boiling.”

A submarine in the vicinity did not detect anything unusual underwater. If an object was indeed in the Pacific Ocean, “it would represent a highly advanced capability given the advanced capability of our sensors.”


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Why Are We Not Talking About the Reality of Giant Humanoid Skeletons? Here Are a Few Examples

by Richard Enos                  May 28, 2018                  (

• Native North American tribes have always claimed that their ancestors regularly dealt with giants. These Native Americans, including Choctaw, Commanche, Navaho, Manta, and Paiutes, all give remarkably consistent testimony not only of giants’ existence, but also of the giant humanoids’ appearance, customs, and behaviors. Native Americans view this as factual history while our mainstream society relegates the existence of giants in the past to legend, myth or folklore.

• A New York Times article from 1902 reported on the discovery of giant skeletons ‘that could not have been less than 12 feet in length’ without the derision that is commonly found today.

• At Niagara Falls in 1848, Abraham Lincoln remarked, “The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, …gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.”

• Apparently, the American people of the nineteenth century and earlier had not yet been indoctrinated with Darwin’s work on the origin of species and the controlled perception of human history which precludes the possibility of giants in the past, as we are today. To this end, there has been an institutional effort to remove the physical evidence of anything that does not fit this controlled notion that the human race evolved up through the apes, in an unbroken, linear pattern of growth and adaptation. This also includes the mindset that the human race is the only intelligent species to ever inhabit the planet, and that we have never been in direct contact with intelligent extraterrestrial species.

• We have been purposely educated and brainwashed to believe the that extraterrestrial beings and North American giants of the past simply do not exist. When presented with evidence of these things, the average person experiences a cognitive dissonance between what they have always known and been told and a new belief system. It is perceived as a threat to our basic understanding of our history and our world. Our institutional authority uses this phenomenon to deepen the programming of their controlled perception – using fear, ridicule, shame, and other thoroughly-researched social and cultural mind-control techniques to keep us in line.

• The institutions that shape our perception of what is ‘real’ and what is ‘fake news’ do so through their control of our information gathering. For example, if you Google the Smithsonian’s past efforts to collect and dispose of recovered giant bones and other evidence it refers you to a World News Daily Report article that supports this contention. But then you see a Snopes article that designates the WNDR website as satirical and the article as ‘fake news’, saying that the Smithsonian has never admitted to destroying evidence of giants in North America, which is true. After doing this ‘research’ one becomes satisfied that the whole notion of past giants is ridiculous. The calculated result is that people will reject the premise of a Smithsonian cover-up of the existence of giants (or extraterrestrials), and give up in their research.


If you step back and look—truly look, with eyes open—at the way human history has been managed in recent times by the established order, you will see an unmistakable pattern.

A certain perception has been pushed, selectively constructed from Darwin’s ‘The Origin of Species’–the notion that the human race evolved up through the apes, in an unbroken, linear pattern of growth and adaptation, predicated on random genetic mutations; additionally, that the human race as we know it is the only intelligent species to ever inhabit the planet, and has never been in direct contact with intelligent species of any other kinds.

Testimonials and evidence from the past that don’t contradict that perception of our history are commonly accepted as fact. Nobody seems to be challenging, for example, the notion that mastodons or dinosaurs once roamed the Earth.

Challenging The Norm
But what about testimonials and evidence from the past that challenge this perception of our history? Say, for example, a native North American tribe claiming that their ancestors regularly dealt with giants? Stories of this nature are certainly considered to be true history by the people of the tribes themselves; but of course when they are talked about in our society, they are relegated to the status of legend, myth or folklore. Let’s look at an example from a New York Times article from 1902 which speaks of the discovery of giant skeletons ‘that could not have been less than 12 feet in length’ with aplomb. At that time, it seems, such events were not met with the rabid skepticism they are today. It is only after the authority swoops in to take possession of, and then hide or destroy physical evidence, such as the giant bones discovered above, that their narrative of skepticism and discrediting of native ‘legends’ takes place.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that landowner Luciana Quintana expects to be able to find thousands of skeletons based on the historical information passed down from native tribes during early Spanish invasions that ‘have detailed knowledge of the existence of a race of giants that inhabited the plains of what now is Eastern New Mexico.’ The tone again reinforces that this information was accepted as history, not legend.

Stories Of Giants Are Ubiquitous
Such histories are not the isolated imaginings of one native American group either. This article alone details similar testimony from the Choctaw, Commanches, Navaho, Manta, and Paiutes. The point is that the tribes whose histories bring them back to the time when these giants were to have existed all give remarkably consistent testimony not only of their existence, but also of their appearance, customs, and behaviors.

Why are we not open to view these claims as historical fact the way we do with the more uncontroversial data about the past we are provided with? For only one reason–the well-established discomfort of ‘cognitive dissonance’, a temporary mental anguish that comes from having the perception of reality we were born into threatened in our minds. And our authority uses this phenomenon to deepen the programming of their controlled perception, using fear, ridicule, shame, and other thoroughly-researched social and cultural mind-control techniques to keep us on the straight and narrow.

Lincoln’s Observations
But before Darwin’s work on the origin of species was slowly co-opted and transformed into a random, godless universe in the early 20th century, it is quite possible that people openly accepted the possibility that giants existed in North America at some time in our past. Certainly, this reflection on Niagara Falls by Abraham Lincoln in 1848 reveals an open-eyed, serene knowledge of the presence of Giants in an earlier time:

“It calls up the indefinite past. When Columbus first sought this continent—when Christ suffered on the cross—when Moses led Israel through the Red-Sea—nay, even, when Adam first came from the hand of his Maker—then as now, Niagara was roaring here. The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now. Co[n]temporary with the whole race of men, and older than the first man, Niagara is strong, and fresh to-day as ten thousand years ago. The Mammoth and Mastadon—now so long dead, that fragments of their monstrous bones, alone testify, that they ever lived, have gazed on Niagara.”

Likely Lincoln was familiar with the histories of many of the native tribes of his time. There is a recognition on Lincoln’s part here that the existence of giants’ bones, aplenty in burial mounds in America, is as well-accepted as the existence and Mammoths and Mastadons.

The reason that many people today do not believe in the giants of the past is the result of efforts to remove from public sight the physical evidence of giants, as part of the larger effort to remove the physical evidence of anything that does not fit the controlled perception of human history. And the reason they are trying so desperately to preserve this perception? Simply stated, and without getting into details that have been elaborated upon in some of my previous articles, this perception of our human history lends itself best to our being controlled and enslaved by our authority.



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UFOs: When Governments Come Clean

by Nick Redfern                    May 27, 2018                   (

• A British Government file, declassified in the 1980’s, presents the following account: On Friday, September 19, 1952, Flight Lieutenant John Kilburn of the Royal Air Force in Yorkshire, along with four other aircrew personnel of No. 269 Squadron, witnessed a meteor gradually descending from the east at about 5000 feet. Suddenly a silver, saucer shaped object appeared in the sky at about ten to twenty thousand feet in altitude and five miles astern of the meteor, maintaining a similar course before slowly descending toward the meteor. “Suddenly it accelerated at an incredible speed towards the west turning onto a south-easterly heading before disappearing. All this occurred in a matter of fifteen to twenty seconds. The movements of the object were not identifiable with anything I have seen in the air and the rate of acceleration was unbelievable.”

• Another declassified British government file reveals that on March 26, 1957, Royal Air Force personnel, Church Lawford, reported seeing an object on radar instantly accelerate from a stationary position to a speed of 1400 mph.

• A week later on April 4, 1957, Royal Air Force personnel in Scotland picked up a squadron of huge, unknown aircraft over UK airspace. The Air Ministry “… deduced from these reports that altogether five objects were detected by the three radars. …[T]hey must have been either of considerable size or else constructed to be especially good reflectors. …Even if balloons had been in the area these would not account for the sudden change of direction and the movement at high speed against the prevailing wind. …It is considered unlikely that they were conventional aircraft, meteorological balloons or charged clouds.”

• When these military files were declassified in the late 1980s, more than a few U.K. ufologists were surprised by the government’s decision to release them, given the fact that their content verified that UFOs are real.


Just recently I wrote an article titled “A factual object of very unusual nature.” It served to demonstrate that, contrary to what some have said, the U.S. Freedom of Information Act has led to the release of genuinely intriguing UFO reports. It’s certainly not the case that all the “good” reports remain hidden behind closed doors. Yes, many probably do remain classified. But, that does not take away the fact that there are some fascinating, once-classified, files on UFOs in the public domain. Today, I’m focusing on some of the files that the British Government declassified back in the 1980s. They too demonstrate – to an amazing degree – that at times government agencies are prepared to reveal to us accounts of a very extraordinary type.

In September 1952, a notable UFO encounter occurred at Royal Air Force Topcliffe, a military base in Yorkshire, England. One of the witnesses, Flight Lieutenant John Kilburn, said of the incident: “Sir, I have the honor to report the following incident which I witnessed on Friday, 19th September, 1952. I was standing with four other aircrew personnel of No. 269 Squadron watching a Meteor fighter gradually descending. The Meteor was at approximately 5000 feet and approaching from the east. [Flight Officer R.N.] Paris suddenly noticed a white object in the sky at a height between ten and twenty thousand feet some five miles astern of the Meteor.”

“The object was silver in color and circular in shape, it appeared to be traveling at a much slower speed than the Meteor but was on a similar course. It maintained the slow forward speed for a few seconds before commencing to descend, swinging in a pendular motion during descent similar to a falling sycamore leaf…After a few seconds, the object stopped its pendulous motion and its descent and began to rotate about its own axis.

“Suddenly it accelerated at an incredible speed towards the west turning onto a south-easterly heading before disappearing. All this occurred in a matter of fifteen to twenty seconds. The movements of the object were not identifiable with anything I have seen in the air and the rate of acceleration was unbelievable.”



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US North Korea Peace Talks Made Possible by USAF Secret Space Program

On June 12 President Donald Trump meets with North Korea’s supreme leader, Kim Jong-Un in Singapore to resolve the confrontation over the latter’s nuclear weapons program. The on-off-on again meeting has been a surprise to many believing that the bellicose language used by both leaders throughout 2017 was a sure sign that a nuclear confrontation was inevitable.

During Kim’s January 1, New Year’s Day address, he had announced that North Korea’s nuclear weapons program was completed with the successful testing of a hydrogen bomb and an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong 15. North Korea was now capable of not only launching nuclear armed ICBM missiles into U.S. territories such as Guam and Hawaii, but was also capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.  

On January 17, South Korea announced that a diplomatic breakthrough had been reached with North Korea. The two Koreas would march together at the upcoming February 9-25 Winter Olympics, and field a joint ice hockey team.

This was followed a few weeks after the end of the Olympics, by Kim Jong-Un’s March 6 offer to put his nuclear weapons program on hold and start candid talks with the U.S. Trump immediately accepted Kim’s offer, which had been mediated behind the scenes by senior South Korean officials.

Exactly why North Korea decided to reverse its bellicose policies, improve relations with South Korea, and enter into denuclearization talks after completing its nuclear weapons program has left many media sources puzzled.

One explanation is that the talks are solely due to warming ties between North and South Korea. Another is that North Korea is desperate for cash after years of punishing economic sanctions that have been very effective.

Some believe that Kim has launched the meeting merely to gain time and does not intend to follow through on any agreements reached at the talk. Yet another explanation is that Trump is setting Kim up for failure in order to justify future military actions against North Korea, where Kim will be scapegoated as the villain.

What multiple media sources have not considered is whistleblower testimonies revealing a deeper dynamic at play at the U.S. North Korea summit.

On October 7, 2017 Trump issued two tweets where he gave a stark warning about what his administration was planning for North Korea:

Trump’s inference was clear, a massive military strike was being planned to destroy North Korea’s military and nuclear infrastructure. Such an operation would require advanced weapons systems that could very quickly destroy much of North Korea’s military infrastructure in order to prevent it from retaliating against South Korea, Japan, or even the U.S. itself.

In a previous article, I pointed out that the kind of weapons systems required to take out North Korea’s nuclear infrastructure would have to be orders of magnitude more powerful than those used in the air wars against Iraq in 2003 and Serbia in 1999.

The U.S. would have to achieve its strategic goals in a matter of minutes, rather than weeks in order to prevent retaliatory nuclear strikes that could kill millions. To do so, Trump was ready to authorize the use of highly classified space based weapons against North Korea.

At the official level, space based weapons are non-existent and are merely being planned for the future.  However, whistleblowers/insiders have revealed the existence of operational space weapons such as “Rods of God”, which drops large rod-like projectiles from space with pinpoint accuracy and devastating results.

The effects of a “Rods of God” space weapon was depicted in the movie G.I Joe 2 according to Corey Goode and Emery Smith in a recent interview with David Wilcock:

David… What do you feel about the movie “G.I. Joe”? And did you have any . . .

Emery: I do recall seeing that. I don’t remember it too well, but I do recall seeing it and connecting the dots, we’ll say. And I think there was a lot to it at the time. I remember watching it and saying, “Wow! Here they are just coming blatantly out.” ,,,

David: They’re doing these beautiful visuals in the movie with computer animation.

Corey: Oh, yeah, well, especially the second one when they did the Rods from God attacks .. . . on the Earth when that’s exactly what we’re looking at in the North Korea thing.

Emery: Right. Right. Interesting. I didn’t see the second one.

David: They’re telephone-pole-sized pieces of tungsten that you can drop onto the Earth, and just gravity causes a very, very severe explosion that can devastate a huge amount of space.

Emery: Oh, yes. Yeah.

David: And he had talked about that. And I only watched the second “G.I. Joe” film recently, and I couldn’t believe that it was in there.

Emery: Wow! Yeah, that’s pretty amazing for them to blatantly come out and expose that classified information, but we do start to see that now all the time with the movies are giving tidbits.

In an earlier interview, I asked Goode what his sources had told him about the space weapons that were planned to be used against North Korea, he replied:

I would expect a number of EMP detonations over NK [North Korea] while at the same time “Rods from God” [RFG] projectiles would be released from orbit. It should be noted that North Korea has taken extreme measures to harden their bunkers and systems against EMP attacks.  

Each RFG Platform releases 12 projectiles the size of telephone poles. These projectiles are made of Tungsten and are coated with ceramic and have a guidance system similar to the JDAM conventional bombs.  

The existence of a U.S. Air Force run secret space program with space based weapons technologies is supported by photos taken on October 23, 2017, in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida, which showed a rectangle shaped UFO.

The photographer, JP (who I have known since 2008), claims he had been earlier taken inside the rectangle UFO, and had been informed that it was a weapons platform. He says that he witnessed uniformed military personnel wearing the insignia of U.S. Air Force Special Operations who could operate the weapons system.

Trump’s secret plan to use “Rods of God” and other space based weapons against North Korea had greatly worried Kim, but it was the Hawaii ballistic missile alert on January 13, which took him down the path of cooperation. The missile alert coincided with Kim’s decision to begin secret talks with South Korea to improve relations through the 2018 Winter Olympics, which was officially announced only four days later, January 17.

So what happened during the Hawaii ballistic missile alert that made Kim seek cooperation with South Korea as a prelude to offering genuine denuclearization negotiations with the Trump administration?

On Saturday morning January 13, residents of the Hawaiian Islands received an emergency alert that warned of an incoming ballistic missile and instructed everyone to take cover. This is what appeared on peoples’ cell phones at 8:07 am local Hawaii time:

Multiple sources claiming that a ballistic nuclear missile had indeed been intercepted, and a cover up was underway were analyzed in my first article on the incident. My second article pointed to a rogue Deep State/CIA faction that used a boomer submarine to create a false flag attack, which was intended start a war with North Korea.  

My third article on the incident described a U.S. Air Force run secret space program that had used its deep space platforms to shoot down the ballistic missile that had been launched. In my fourth article, I pointed out how the whistleblower group QAnon, which is closely tied to the White House, had confirmed that the Hawaii missile alert had been a real false flag attack, and that the goal was to frame North Korea as the culprit.

Essentially, once Kim realized that he had been betrayed by the Deep State/CIA faction that had secretly helped him develop a ballistic nuclear weapons program, he decided to abandon his nuclear weapons program and bellicose rhetoric against President Trump.

Consequently, the June 12 Summit marks a genuine turning point in U.S. North Korea relations. There is a real possibility that agreements will be reached to formally end the Korean War, start a genuine Korean unification process, and even lay the foundation for a U.S. military withdrawal from the Korean peninsula.

The back story as to how a Secret Space program was instrumental in bringing about the US North Korea Summit through the threatened, and later actual, use of its space based weapons platforms, is something that will be eventually revealed through official disclosure of these highly classified USAF programs.

© Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

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