Security Camera Captures Bizarre Scene in Colorado Springs

by Jennifer Miller                     June 12, 2019                       (

• Vivian Gomez of Colorado Springs, CO, captured an image on her security camera at about 9pm on Sunday, June 2nd of a strange, scrawny creature walking down her driveway, that resembled the character ‘Dobby’ from the Harry Potter movies. (see 20 second video below)

• “So I woke up Sunday morning and saw this on my camera and am trying to figure out…what the heck??” Gomez posted on Facebook. “First I saw the shadow walking from my front door then I saw this thing….has anyone else seen this on their cameras?? The other two cameras didn’t pick it up for some reason.” When asked why the video cuts off abruptly, Gomez responded, “I don’t know. The video stopped when it was in the driveway.”

• Gomez claims she did not alter the footage, saying it was not Photoshopped and “no trick photography.” Some wondered if the “creature” could be a neighborhood kid, while others theorized of something extraterrestrial. Gomez says they don’t have children in the neighborhood, only “little ones” (babies). Gomez has a 9-year-old son named Bobby, but she says, “I wouldn’t let him out at dark by himself.”


The internet is trying to figure out what was captured on a woman’s home security camera, because no one seems to know “what the heck” was wandering around her neighborhood.

Vivian Gomez posted a clip from her security camera, showing a scrawny figure making its way down her driveway.

Gomez says the video was captured around 9 p.m. Some wondered if the “creature” could be a neighborhood kid, while others theorized of something extraterrestrial. Gomez says they don’t have children in the neighborhood, only “little ones.”

“So I woke up Sunday morning and saw this on my camera and am trying to figure out…what the heck??” Gomez posted. “First I saw the shadow walking from my front door then I saw this thing….has anyone else seen this on their cameras?? The other two cameras didn’t pick it up for some reason.”

“Looks like ET,” posted Danny Whatley.

“Aliens have landed,” said George Meddles.

“Looks like Dobi from Harry Potter!” posted Crystal Cockow. “This has to be a gag video! Are people really falling for this?”

Gomez claims she did not alter the footage, saying it was not Photoshopped and “no trick photography.”

When asked why the video cuts off abruptly, leaving people questioning where the creature went, Gomez responded, “I don’t know. The video stopped when it was in the driveway.”

20 second video of alien creature walking down a driveway (‘What In The World!’ YouTube channel)



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Luis Elizondo: Why is the Government Finally Admitting UFOs are Real, and Why Should We Pay Attention?

by Luis Elizondo                    June 15, 2019                   (

• In December 2017, the world was stunned to learn that pilots from the USS Nimitz, while conducting exercises off of the coast of California in 2004, had encountered (“tic tac”-shaped) UFOs that were able to perform impossible aerodynamic maneuvers. Navy pilots saw this with their own eyes. It was verified by the cockpit gun camera footage, sonar systems from nearby submarines, and the Navy’s state-of-the-art Aegis SPY-1 radar system. These incidents were not isolated and continued for at least a decade later, involving other carrier battle groups around the world.

• Our national security apparatus needs to further understand what these things are and where they are from. Anything that can perform with these characteristics could certainly pose a threat should it choose to do so. Did a foreign adversary just leapfrog ahead of the U.S.? Or is this something else?

• The UFO phenomenon remains an ill-defined threat. We have observed some of its capabilities, but we still have no idea of its intent. Recent understanding in quantum physics and next-generation technology may be able to help us address this problem. But our biggest weakness may be the dogma by which we are blinded.

• While heading up the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ on UFOs, Luis Elizondo (pictured above) says he learned first-hand that perhaps the greatest threat of all was not from the UFO phenomena, but from ourselves, in our “inability to process data that did not fit neatly within our own paradigms of what constitutes a threat or an ally, which often led to blank stares and uncomfortable silence.”

• Eventually, we were stuck in this never-ending loop of disbelief, stigma, and “paralysis by analysis.” Even to this day, there are elements within the U.S. government that resist further study of this topic despite the overwhelming evidence provided by our brave men and women in uniform, which is also backed by our most advanced and reliable sensors and technology.

• These UFOs far surpass our current understanding of aerodynamics and physics. We seem utterly unprepared to deal with something that is beyond our known technology. But where do you start when every rule you’ve been taught to live by has been broken?


Those of us who grew up in the 1980s may remember the movie “Final Countdown,” a fanciful “what if” scenario in which the mighty USS Nimitz aircraft carrier is mysteriously transported back in time to World War II.

In the movie, Japanese Zeros encounter state-of-the-art, supersonic F-14 Tomcats, and as one might imagine, the lopsided matchup makes for an amusing movie and some very frightened Japanese fighter pilots.

But what if the reverse were the case? What would the movie feel like if the USS Nimitz suddenly disappeared into the future instead of the past? What if the pilots flying the Tomcats were suddenly engaging hyper-futuristic craft that toyed with them in the way that a cat plays with a mouse?

The Paradox

In December 2017, much of the world was stunned to learn that pilots from the USS Nimitz encountered something eerily similar to the above scenario back in 2004, while conducting an exercise off of the sunny, southern coast of California. Just like a script from a science fiction movie, Top Gun-trained fighter pilots from the Nimitz were unfairly engaged with and attempting to intercept something that could only be described as extraordinary.

What the pilots encountered that day was able to perform in ways that defied all logic and our current understanding of aerodynamics. Furthermore, beyond what the pilots saw with their own trained eye, the technological feat they encountered was further verified by the impressive Aegis SPY-1 radar, America’s premiere radar system at the time, and even gun camera footage and sonar systems from submarines accompanying the carrier.

Was this a case of life imitating art? No one really knows, but more than one publication was able to independently verify that these incidents, along with many others, were officially reported to the Pentagon’s own secretive program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was tasked with trying to decode the mystery of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

Equally shocking to most was the fact that these incidents were not isolated and continued for at least a decade later and involved other carrier battle groups around the world.

As the American people became increasingly aware that this was not a plot for a science fiction movie but were real events, the U.S. government was forced to respond.

4:05 minute video of Chris Mellon interview on Fox News (‘Contemptor’ YouTube channel)



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Scientists in the Dark Over ‘Moonquakes’

Since 1967, astronomers have reported seeing flashes of light emanating from the Moon, usually reddish or pink in color
by Richard and Judy                 June 8, 2019                   (

• Since 1967, astronomers have reported seeing flashes of light emanating from the Moon, usually reddish or pink in color, and appear to be about 10 miles in diameter. They can last for seconds, minutes or sometimes hours. There can be several such flashes in a single week. Some are smaller “sparkling” flashes that appear to be only a couple of miles wide. There are also corresponding “dark” flashes; periods where the surface of the Moon dims and disappears from our sight.

• Scientists are completely stumped.  Some tentatively suggest that these are “Moonquakes”, i.e.: seismic activity that releases subterranean gases which briefly reflect sunlight. If so, then what might explain the dark interludes? 

• Two Moon-monitoring telescopes are being set up near Seville in Spain to analyze and explain these Moon flashes.


They can last for seconds, minutes or sometimes hours. There is no previous historical record of these flashes – they were first officially noted in 1967 – which is odd, as there can be several such incidents in a single week. The bursts of light are usually reddish or pink in colour, and appear to be about 10 miles across.

Much brighter “sparkling” or “flowing” flashes are smaller, barely a couple of miles wide.

Meanwhile there are corresponding “dark” flashes; periods where the surface of the Moon dims and disappears from our sight.

Scientists are completely stumped. Some tentatively suggest that we are witnessing “Moonquakes”; seismic activity that releases subterranean gases which briefly reflect sunlight.

But if that is the case, what might explain the dark interludes? Frankly, it’s anyone’s guess and now two Moon-monitoring telescopes are being set up near Seville in Spain. Images of the bright/dark flashes will be analysed and we may soon be closer to explaining them.



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Navy Pilots Are Reporting More UFOs. Are They From Russia, China, or Somewhere Beyond?

A number of credible media outlets have reported that Navy pilots are increasingly reporting sightings of unidentified aircraft
by Jeff Schogol                   June 09, 2019                   (

• A number of credible media outlets have reported that Navy pilots are increasingly reporting sightings of unidentified aircraft, and the military is taking them seriously for a change. The Navy has declined to speculate who or what may be flying the mysterious aircraft.

• “I would note… that, consistent with the wide proliferation and availability of inexpensive unmanned aerial systems sightings of this nature have increased in frequency from 2014 until now,” said Joseph Gradisher, a spokesman for the deputy chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare. Could these strange UFOs be long-range Russian or Chinese unmanned surveillance aircraft? Probably not, according to the Air Force.

• “We are not concerned that China or Russia have developed a long-range capability about which we are not aware,” said Air Force spokesman Maj. Bryan Lewis. Any drone that could fly from Russia or China to the United States’ East Coast would have to be at least as large as an MQ-9 Reaper, and the data link used to fly the aircraft would be detectable,” said retired Air Force Maj. Gen. James Poss, who served as the service’s former assistant deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.

• When asked if extraterrestrials were spying on the U.S. military, DoD officials politely refused to answer. From 2008 until 2012, the Defense Intelligence Agency investigated UFOs/UAPs as part of the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP). The military has since moved on to more pressing concerns such as standing up Space Force – which defense officials insist will not be our first line of defense when the Bug War starts.

• Retired Senator Harry Reid (D-Nev) said he feels the Pentagon needs to look into unidentified aerial phenomena again. “I think it’s foolhardy to do nothing,” said Reid. Then-Senator Reid secured most of the funding for the AATIP program, but he is unsure if the reported UFOs are extraterrestrial. “We don’t have a lot explanation for what they are,” he said. “They can go vertically, horizontally, at huge air knots. If you have a jet airplane that goes 700 miles an hour – we’ve only got one going that fast – these things it’s estimated are going 3,000 miles per hour. So try that one on.”


Let’s talk about UFOs.

To be clear, your friend and humble narrator does not wear a tinfoil hat, nor does this reporter believe the U.S. government is competent enough to keep proof of alien life secret from the American public. (Just remember, the same government that conspiracy theorists allege is keeping the truth about UFOs under wraps also runs the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.)

Yet a number of credible media outlets have reported that Navy pilots are increasingly reporting sightings of unidentified aircraft, and the service is taking them seriously for a change. Politico‘s Bryan Bender reported in April that the Navy was working on new guidelines for reporting such aircraft in the wake of increased sightings in military ranges and airspace.

Helene Cooper of the New York Times recently reported that Navy pilots saw a slew of unidentified aircraft in 2014 and 2015 while flying training missions off the East Coast. In fact, a pilot from Virginia Beach nearly collided with one of the unknown aircraft in late 2014.

The strange aircraft had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, the New York Times reported. They could fly up to 30,000 feet and they were able to loiter in the area of U.S. warships for 12 hours at high speeds.

The Navy declined to speculate who or what may be flying the mysterious aircraft.

“I would note; however, that, consistent with the wide proliferation and availability of inexpensive unmanned aerial systems sightings of this nature have increased in frequency from 2014 until now,” said Joseph Gradisher, a spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare.

But could these strange aircraft actually be long-range Russian or Chinese unmanned surveillance aircraft?
Probably not, according to the Air Force.



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Trump Weighs in on UFOs in Stephanopoulos Interview

In last week’s interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, President Trump was asked of the existence of UFOs,
by Morgan Gstalter                        June 15, 2019                       (

• In last week’s interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, President Trump was asked of the existence of UFOs, given Navy pilots recent claims of routinely seeing them in the skies. Trump replied that he doesn’t particularly believe in them. “I want them to think whatever they think,” the President said. “I did have one very brief meeting on it. But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”

• Stephanopoulos then asked if the President thought he would know if there were cases of extraterrestrial life. “Well, I think my great — our great — pilots would know,” Trump responded. “And some of them really see things that are a little bit different than in the past. So we’re going to see. But we’ll watch it. You’ll be the first to know.” (see 1:18 minute video clip below)

• The Navy recently rolled out new protocols for reporting “unexplained aerial phenomena” after pilots reported seeing unidentified flying objects while training over the East Coast in 2014 and 2015. Multiple Navy pilots said they spotted “strange objects” with “no visible engine” reaching 30,000 feet and going hypersonic speeds. One pilot reportedly said he “almost hit one of those things” described it as looking “like a sphere encasing a cube.”

[Editor’s Note]   After two and a half years in office, we were hoping that Trump would offer support or some type of evidence of the UFO/extraterrestrial presence to boost his Presidency in the run-up to the next Presidential election. But besides a vague Space Force initiative, he has gone out of his way to avoid the issue. And now, in this recent interview, it appears that Trump has sold out the UFO community just as he has everyone else. Or is this just part of the stable genius’ ‘master plan’ to outsmart the Deep State?


President Trump weighed in on the possibility of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) during his interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos this week, saying he doesn’t particularly believe in their existence.

The president also acknowledged that he’s been briefed on the subject.

“I think it’s probably — I want them to think whatever they think. They do say, I mean, I’ve seen, and I’ve read, and I’ve heard. And I did have one very brief meeting on it. But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly,” Trump said in the interview.

Stephanopoulos asked if the president thought he would know if there were cases of extraterrestrial life.

“Well, I think my great — our great — pilots would know,” Trump responded. “And some of them really see things that are a little bit different than in the past. So we’re going to see. But we’ll watch it. You’ll be the first to know.”

1:18 minute clip of Stephanopoulos interview with Trump on UFOs (ABC News)



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Mobile Space Museum Will Be at Roswell UFO Festival

by Roswell Daily Record                 June 7, 2019                    (

• The Wonders on Wheels Mobile Museum, a mobile space museum, will be featured at the UFO Festival in Roswell, NM on Saturday July 6th and Sunday July 7th. The mobile museum is presenting “A Galaxy of Wonders,” focusing on the exhibits and collections of the New Mexico Museum of Space History based in Alamogordo. Roswell’s annual UFO Festival draws an international crowd of about 20,000 each year for citywide events that include lectures, planetarium shows, family attractions, vendor booths and entertainment.

• The free recreational vehicle museum travels to all 33 New Mexico counties each year, targeting rural and tribal schools, libraries, and public events, displaying exhibits and collections.

• “It is all about space,” said Jamie Brytowski, Cultural Affairs Education and Outreach Coordinator. “[A]nd especially the Apollo 11, since it is the 50th anniversary.” Exhibits focus on space food, the International Space Station, and the future of space travel and space geology, Brytowski said. “We tailor it to younger folks when we do a show for them, but it is really for everybody.” The mobile museum takes about 15 to 20 minutes. “There is enough cool, mind-blowing and hilarious stuff to keep most people busy that long,” says Brytowski.


A mobile space museum will be one of the features of the 2019 UFO Festival in Roswell In July.

The Wonders on Wheels Mobile Museum, a New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs program, will be at the festival on Saturday, July 6, and Sunday, July 7, according to MainStreet Roswell Executive Director Kathy Lay.

Cultural Affairs Education and Outreach Coordinator Jamie Brytowski said the free museum inside a wheelchair-accessible recreational vehicle is designed to bring some of the exhibits and collections of state-operated museums to outlying areas in the state. The program typically travels to all 33 counties each year, targeting rural and tribal schools and libraries, and will respond to requests to be at public events when possible.

This year, the mobile museum is presenting “A Galaxy of Wonders,” focusing on the exhibits and collections of the New Mexico Museum of Space History, based in Alamogordo.

“It is all about space,” Brytowski said, “and especially the Apollo 11, since it is the 50th anniversary.”
Apollo 11 and U.S. astronauts landed on the moon July 20, 1969.

Other exhibits focus on space food, a map of New Mexico sites for important space exploration events, the International Space Station, the future of space travel and space geology, to name some of the topics covered, Brytowski said.



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Were Cowboys Witnesses to the Arrival of Extraterrestrials?

In the Season 3 premiere of History’s Ancient Aliens, the show examined paranormal incidents reported in the ‘wild west’
by Verona Jones                    June 4, 2019                     (

• In the Season 3 premiere of History’s Ancient Aliens, the show examined paranormal incidents reported in the ‘wild west’ of the United States in the 1800’s. Here are three incidents.

The Elizabeth Lake Monster – When the Spanish still occupied the northern Los Angeles area, they called what is today Elizabeth Lake “Laguna Del Diablo” or “Lagoon of the Devil” because of a monster living in the lake that terrorized the Spanish ranchers between 1830-1886. A Spanish rancher, Don Pedro Carillo, had all of the buildings on his ranch burn down in one night. A giant winged shadow would pass over the ranch and his animals began to disappear. Ranchers shot their rifles at the winged monster, but the bullets would bounce off of the beast’s hide. Eventually, all of the ranchers left and avoided the nutrient-rich and fertile land in that area.

The Tombstone Thunderbird – In the area of what is today southeastern Arizona, the Tombstone Thunderbird was a ‘metallic bird’ shaped like a Pterodactyl that spewed fire and created a thunderous sound while flying. On April 26, 1890, the Tombstone Epitaph reported that six local cowboys tracked down and shot a “Thunderbird” out of the sky. But here are no pictures or evidence left of it, and there were holes in the story. Was this metallic Pterodactyl an alien craft?

The Aurora, Texas UFO Incident – On April 17, 1897 in the small town of Aurora, Texas, just north of Fort Worth, townspeople saw an airship flying low over the town at a slow speed. The craft crashed into a windmill leaving a debris field across a nearby ranch. A small non-human body was found in the wreckage. It was given a proper ‘Christian’ burial in an unmarked grave of a local cemetery, and it was rumored that the rancher chucked the craft’s debris into a deep well on his land. Today there is a sign posted that describes the crash and how the alien pilot is buried in the cemetery. Cemetery authorities have refused, however, to exhume the alien body. But when Brawley Oates bought the ranch in 1935, he claimed that he contracted a debilitating disease from the contaminated water in the old well that he had tried to dig up and clean out – where the UFO debris had been dumped. Oates cemented the well in 1957, before he died from the medical condition.


In 2011, the movie Cowboys and Aliens made its auspicious debut. It was produced from a graphic novel written by Stephen Mitchell in 2006 which was then adapted into a film starring Daniel Craig and Olivia Wilde. The story itself sparked new conversations amongst ancient astronaut theorists, and that inevitably lead to real investigations into the topic, most notably in an episode of Ancient Aliens.

In the Season 3 Premiere, ancient astronaut theorists cite specific events that took place in the late 1800s. Events they feel are proof that extraterrestrial beings did indeed visit America’s old west.

The sporadic sightings between 1830-1886 of a creature that is supposedly a pet of the devil himself, was just one of the strange things reported. Apparently, it lives at the bottom of Elizabeth Lake located right on the San Andreas fault line. The early Spanish called the lake Laguna Del Diablo because of the horrible monster that terrorized the ranchers for over fifty years.

Don Pedro Carillo, a Spaniard, built his ranch along the shores of the lake in 1830. Everything was fine for a few months but then one night every one of his structures caught fire, burning to the ground. The attacks escalated to where his animals were disappearing following the visit of a giant winged shadow passing over the ranchers at night. Combined with strange unnatural noises, visions, dreams, and other unexplained occurrences; ranchers kept away from settling on the nutrient-rich fertile land.

Ranchers claimed they’ve shot at the monster, but the bullets kept bouncing off the beast’s hide. With their ranch hands quitting and animals disappearing — the land was sold. Everyone just left shortly after. The land is reputed to be the most fertile land in the area so the sudden migration is strange.

Most paranormal enthusiasts are familiar with Tombstone, Arizona, and her haunted past. But what isn’t as well known is Tombstone’s extensive history of ancient alien activity.

On April 26, 1890, the Tombstone Epitaph reported that six local cowboys tracked down and shot a “Thunderbird” out of the sky. A picture of the beastie supposedly revealed that the bird looked a lot like the prehistoric Pterodactyl.



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Harry Reid Wants Hearings on What the Military Knows About UFOs: ‘They Would Be Surprised How the American Public Would Accept It’

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told KNPR, he wishes lawmakers would hold public hearings into what the military knows about UFOs

by Chris Ciaccia                  June 14, 2019                   (

• Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev pictured above) told KNPR, the National Public Radio affiliate in Las Vegas, he wishes lawmakers would hold public hearings into what the military knows about UFOs. “They would be surprised how the American public would accept it,” Reid said on air.

• Reid himself was the lawmaker behind the $22M funding for the Pentagon’s AATIP UFO study program from 2007 to 2012, as reported by the New York Times in December 2017. (see article here) “That money was spent developing page after page of information,” said Reid. “[T]here’s been a lot of activity since that.” Reid says that he sees this as a national security issue, noting that he believes both Russia and China are looking into the issue. Last month, the Pentagon admitted to the New York Post that it is still actively investigating claimed sightings of alien spacecraft. (see article here)

• This past April, the US Navy announced new guidelines for Navy personnel reporting encounters with “unidentified aircraft” in response to more sightings of unknown, advanced aircraft flying into or near Navy strike groups or other sensitive military facilities. (see article here)

• On Fox News & Friends, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon remarked, “We know that UFOs exist. This is no longer an issue.” “The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?” (see article here)

• In January, the Defense Intelligence Agency revealed its funding of projects investigating wormholes, alternate dimensions, and other advanced propulsion technology research topics associated with UFOs (see article here).


Nearly two years after it was reported that the Pentagon set up a secret program to investigate UFOs at the request of former Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, the former senator is clamoring for Congress to look into what the military knows about their existence.

Speaking with Nevada’s KNPR, Reid said he wishes lawmakers would hold public hearings into what the military knows.

“They would be surprised how the American public would accept it,” he said during the wide-ranging interview. “People from their individual states would accept it.”

Reid, who was able to get $22 million in funding for the study of military sightings of UFOs, said that his office produced a plethora of reports on the subject.

“That money was spent developing page after page of information,” he added. “Where people in the past had seen things and not one person but hundreds of people as a result of that there’s been a lot of activity since that.”

Reid mentioned that he would like further research into a topic he sees as a national security issue, noting that he believes both Russia and China are looking into the issue.

In December 2017, both The New York Times and Politico published stories that revealed the existence of the Pentagon’s now-defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The New York Times said the UFO program began in 2007, while Politico reported it began in 2009.

Last month, the Pentagon admitted to the New York Post that it is still actively investigating claimed sightings of alien spacecraft, despite claiming that it shut down the AATIP program in 2012.



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The Admiral Wilson Leaked UFO Document & Corporate Reverse Engineering of Alien Technology

There are several important conclusions from Admiral Thomas Wilson’s failed efforts to learn about and gain access to a classified UFO program that involved a clandestine corporate effort to reverse engineering a retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft as described in the leaked 15 page document received by Canadian UFO research Grant Cameron in November 2018, and uploaded to the internet on April 19, 2019.

First, Wilson’s failure to gain access to the classified UFO program described in parts one & two of this series confirms one of Dr. Steven Greer’s major contentions that senior military officials are out of the loop when it comes to UFOs, despite the obvious national security implications they carry. The “bigot list” mentioned by Wilson in his conversation with Dr. Eric Davis about who was granted “need to know” access to the program, was dominated by corporate employees, with only a few Pentagon officials being briefed, and no one from the Executive and Legislative branches of government.

This is very surprising given the clear national security implications about UFOs due to the advanced technologies they possess, and the possibility that these could be or had been weaponized by foreign nations. A few years later this was the rationale for the creation of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) in 2007 with Congressional funding of $22 milliion. Significantly, some of the principal figures involved in the Wilson UFO briefing, e.g., Dr. Eric Davis, were also involved in the AATIP program.

A second conclusion is that corporations have been given an inordinate amount of power when it comes to deciding who gains access to the category of unacknowledged/waived SAPs that involved the study of retrieved extraterrestrial technologies. The corporate “watch committee” described in part two, bluntly turned down Wilson’s request for access.

What really surprised Admiral Wilson, however, was that the Pentagon’s Senior Review Group running the Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC) also turned his request for access down, despite him being DIA Deputy Director, and Vice Director for Intelligence (V-J2) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. All this is very telling about the power of corporations when it comes to who is really in charge of the research and development of extraterrestrial related technologies.

Another conclusion is that Wilson’s testimony provides powerful support for the existence of a UFO cabal/control group running extraterrestrial related projects in a way that escapes conventional government and military oversight. Leaked documents going back to September 1947 have referred to this control group as Operation Majestic 12/MAJIC 12/MJ-12.

Admiral Wilson’s experiences is telling us that the UFO control group is very real and exercises great power through its ability to restrict “need to know” access to whom it chooses regardless of an official’s constitutionally backed duties and positions. While it has long been known that US presidents and members of Congress were routinely cut out of the loop of such UFO related projects, it is was not known that this was occurring to senior Pentagon officials until the 1997 Wilson briefing.

Fourth, who leaked the 15 page document to UFO researcher Grant Cameron in November 2018? Was it one or more “white hats” wanting the disclosure process to move forward by leaking one of the most important UFO documents ever to publicly emerge as contended by UFO historian Richard Dolan describing it as the “UFO leak of the century”? Alternatively, was the leaking part of a limited hangout promoting Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy through the involvement of figures such as Dr. Eric Davis as contended by Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot?

Dolan addressed these questions in a blog post (insert video) published on June 15. He pointed out that Cameron’s source for the document is an Australian space/UFO enthusiast, James Rigney. In a Q and A with Dolan, Rigby wrote:

It is unlikely that these documents would ever have found their way to anyone within the UFO community were in not that for the fact that for number of years I was very active in the ‘Space’ community, belonging to an organization in Australia and making frequent trips to the US to attend conferences and other events. Along the way I was fortunate to make acquaintance in the US with several people in the US who knew of my interest in, knowledge of, and credible approach to the UFO/UAP phenomena, as well as my passive and occasional involvement in the UFO community.

The events that lead me to obtaining the documents were strangely the result of this strange and unlikely intersection between the usually incompatible Space & UFO fields….

Over a period of a couple of years, I gained [the] trust of these people to a point where I was invited to look over some documents, copy what I wanted, and get them into the right hands if I thought that was appropriate. Certainly there was no intrigue or ‘smoking gun’ type discussions at the time.

Digby was here confirming that the document’s original source was an individual connected to the US Space community who provided the document to him a few years ago. There is growing speculation that the leaked 15 page document came from the files of the deceased Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell. If so, who gave the document to Mitchell? The most likely source is Dr. Davis given his direct role in recording/summarizing the meeting with Admiral Wilson, but as mentioned in part 1, Davis had no comment on the 15 page document when I contacted him by email.

Tracking the ultimate source for the leaked document is very relevant given present circumstances surrounding topics concerning space and UFOs. The fact that the 15 page document was publicly uploaded on April 19 is significant given recent public interest over Navy pilots reporting UFO incidents, and the creation of a Space Force, as a new branch of the US military, which takes me to my last conclusion.

Finally, the three corporate officials in the “watch committee” that denied access to the classified program, claimed that the reverse engineering of the extraterrestrial vehicle was very slow, and little progress had been made over the years. Were they telling the truth or providing a cover story for successfully reverse engineered extraterrestrial technologies, which had been covertly deployed in a corporate run secret space program that was kept away from the prying eyes of the DIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff?

In the US Air Force Secret Space Program, I describe how differently sized and shaped antigravity vehicles were successfully reverse engineered by corporate contractors, including Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks division, and began to be deployed in the 1970s and 1980s by the USAF. This suggests that there are many Unacknowledged SAPs that involve the research, development, and deployment of antigravity spacecraft by different military services and corporate contractors.

There is no indication in the leaked 15-page document over whether Admiral Wilson was aware of secret space programs runs by the USAF and the US Navy. He merely expressed his surprise that the UFO program that Steven Greer and Edgar Mitchell pointed out to him, which he was unaware of, involved a retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft.

It’s quite possible that Wilson was aware of military-run space programs but simply had not been briefed about the specific reverse engineering program that was being run by the corporate contractor for unknown purposes, one of which involved a corporate run secret space program.

It’s perhaps not coincidental that the leaked transcript and summary of Admiral Wilson and Dr. Davis 2002 conversation emerges as Space Force is about to be formally launched. The US Congress is poised to pass legislation authorizing the creation of Space Force as a separate branch of the US military under the authority of the Department of the US Air Force.

The emergence of Space Force will ultimately address many of the questions and issues raised by Admiral Wilson’s investigation of the corporate reverse engineering program back in 1997, and the secret construction of antigravity spacecraft by multiple corporate contractors for the US military or other unknown customers.

Space Force will also provide a powerful institutional foundation for disclosing many secrets concerning antigravity technology, alien life, the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technologies, and secret space programs. The leak of the Wilson Davis conversation comes at a propitious time for the disclosure process to move forward, and Space Force is the most likely institutional catalyst for all to be revealed.

[Go to Part 2, Part 1]

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: The 15 page leaked Document is available here]

Further Reading

We Will Never See Aliens ‘Because We’ll Destroy Them’, Expert Fears

“Alexander Berezin, a theoretical physicist from the National Research University of Electronic Technology in Russia”

by Sebastian Kettley                       June 4, 2019                    (

• Alexander Berezin, a theoretical physicist from the National Research University of Electronic Technology in Russia, thinks that he has solved Fermi’s Paradox by suggesting that any civilization that does reach the advanced level of interstellar space travel will likely fuel the demise of other species in order to feed its own expansion. In other words, we may unintentionally bring to a halt a budding species, just as a more advanced species may unintentionally bring ours to a halt in their ‘unchecked expansion’.

• Dr Berezin wrote: “I am not suggesting that a highly developed civilization would consciously wipe out other lifeforms.” “Most likely, they simply won’t notice, the same way a construction crew demolishes an anthill to build real estate because they lack incentive to protect it.”

• Alien life exists in all shapes and sizes somewhere out there in space, according to the Fermi Paradox. Proposed in the 1970’s and named after the physicist Enrico Fermi, the paradox estimates the probability that intelligent alien civilizations exist, even if we have never seen proof.

• But life, says Dr Berezin, is not a mirror-image of the human-like lifeforms. “The cornerstone of the problem is our model of life in the general case.” “[T]here is no possible way of accounting for all lifeforms that may rise independently throughout the universe.” These could be biological lifeforms similar to humans, or ‘rogue’ AIs that rebelled against their creators. And they do not have to be technologically advanced and interstellar in order to matter.

[Editor’s Note]   This article was picked up from Russia by a British website because it supports the Deep State agenda.  Mainstream scientists and intellectuals in the West are encouraged by the puppet masters to ignore the true extraterrestrial presence, and instead replace the truth with re-imagined theories of alien worlds unknown to man. These so-called “expert” theories are promoted as if they are a legitimate ‘belief’. It bolsters a false reality that there really is no extraterrestrial presence, regardless of an abundance of evidence to the contrary. This sort of scientific hogwash serves to muddy the waters so that the average person will give up even trying to understand the truth at all.


Alien life in all shapes and size exists somewhere out there in the depths of space, at least according to the Fermi Paradox. The theoretical principal stipulates life has to exist in a universe full of infinite stars and planets, most of which are older than our Earth and solar system. Proposed in the 1970s and named after the physicist Enrico Fermi, the paradox estimates the probability intelligent alien civilisations exist even if we have never seen proof. However, even if evidence of alien life exists somewhere out there in space, odds are humans will destroy it before we even realise.

The unfortunate theory was proposed by theoretical physicist Alexander Berezin from the National Research University of Electronic Technology in Russia.

In a bid to explain the Fermi Paradox or why aliens have not visited the Earth yet, the scientist proposed some hard truths about where he thinks humanity is headed.

According to the scientist’s “First in, last out” proposal, pre-published on, scientists have trivialised the meaning of alien life.

In his opinion, alien life does not have to be a mirror-image of the human-like lifeforms we have grown accustomed to.
He wrote: “The cornerstone of the problem is our model of life in the general case.

“Many proposed solutions take the narrowest definition of Earth-like life and still struggle to come up with any sufficient explanation as to why no life has arisen on any other Earth-like planet, the existence of which seems no longer debated.

“However, such a narrow definition is clearly wrong. Even those organisms descending from one common ancestor with ourselves have proven time and time again that we drastically underestimate to what conditions life is able to adapt.
“And there is no possible way of accounting for all lifeforms that may rise independently throughout the universe.
“Because of that we have to create a definition that is substrate-invariant.”



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UFOs in Wisconsin: 1968 Roswell-Like Incident

On January 21, 1968, more than 25 people saw a round, dark-gray object about the size of a hot-air balloon

by Meredith Gadzinski                  June 7, 2019                     (

• On January 21, 1968, more than 25 people saw a round, dark-gray object about the size of a hot-air balloon descend and crash-land in a field at Berge Farm, near Madison, Wisconsin. The UFO appeared to drop sparks and debris as it moved through the air. The farmer recovered a piece of metal from the UFO crash and gave it to an investigative journalist.

• The journalist was staying at a local Holiday Inn hotel while he worked on the story. When the farmer called the journalist to say that someone had been to his farm asking about the alien piece of metal, the journalist hid the piece of metal in the back of the TV set in his hotel room. While the journalist was away, a hotel maid saw two men rifling through the belongings in his room.

• The farmer asked the journalist to return the piece of metal. When the journalist returned to his hotel room to get it, the two men were waiting for him. They wanted the alien object. He asked the men for some ID, and they insinuated that they carried credentials for numerous government agencies. The journalist eventually turned over the metal to the men. Later, when the journalist had a friend run the license plate on the car belonging to the men, it came back as CIA.

• The story is told in the book, “UFO Wisconsin: A Progress Report,” by Noah Voss. Chad Lewis, who wrote the forward to Voss’s book, gave a presentation on this and numerous other UFO sightings in Wisconsin at the Manitowoc Public Library on June 13th.


On Jan. 21, 1968, more than 25 people saw a round, dark-gray object about the size of a hot-air balloon in the sky. One witness claimed the object appeared to drop sparks and debris as it moved through the air. Ultimately, the object landed at Berge Farm, which is in the Madison area. Already at the farm was a sheriff’s deputy and three kids from the neighborhood. A witness recalling the event said someone saw something on the ground on the Berge Farm. The farmer recovered a piece of metal from the UFO crash and gave it to an investigative journalist called, mysteriously, “Mr. S” in the story.

The investigative journalist was staying at the local Holiday Inn while he was putting his piece together. A bit later, the farmer telephoned the journalist to inform him that someone claiming to be a fertilizer salesman came snooping around and was especially inquisitive about that piece of metal he had passed along. The farmer was becoming increasingly very nervous and wanted to see the investigative journalist in person again. The investigative journalist, now feeling a bit more nervous himself, hid the piece of metal in the back of the TV set in his motel room instead of carrying it with him, as he had been doing previously.

As a precaution, “Mr. S” asked the hotel staff to keep an eye on his room while he while he was away meeting with the farmer. Not completely surprisingly, a maid would later report seeing two men rifling through the belongings in his room. At his meeting with “Mr. S,” the farmer told him he wanted the metal chunk returned to him. After his conversation with the so-called fertilizer salesman, he now thought this metal object might be a national security risk. “Mr. S” returned to the Holiday Inn feeling a little disappointed he had to return the object.

Upon his arrival, he found the two men waiting for him in his room. They told him he had something in his possession that they wanted him to hand over. Naturally, they were referring to the chunk of metal the farmer had given him and that it was their job to pick it up. “Mr. S” wisely asked to see some ID. They responded by asking him which agency ID he would like to see and that they would gladly produce it. Eventually, after more conversation, “Mr. S” was persuaded to give the piece of metal to the two men.

Afterward, the investigative journalist called a friend, Mr. Steiger, who helped him track the license plate of the two men who had come to the Holiday Inn in to pay him a visit. Turns out the car was owned by a gentleman with links to the CIA.



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Navy Admiral Describes Reverse Engineering Program Involving Extraterrestrial Spacecraft

[Cont. from Part 1] In the transcript/summary of a 2002 conversation between Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson and Dr. Eric Davis it was revealed that a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle was being reverse engineered by a major aerospace company. Wilson first learned about the classified UFO program through a National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) document shared with him at a confidential April 10, 1997 meeting with Dr. Steven Greer, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Navy Commander Willard Miller.

The recently released transcript describes what Admiral Wilson [TW] told Dr. Davis [EWD] about Wilson’s efforts up to June 1997 to learn the truth about the classified UFO program, and the associated reverse engineering effort revealed to him in the April meeting.

EWD: Okay then, what happened in April-June ’97?

TW: After parting with Miller (week later, he thinks) – I made calls, knocked on a few doors, talked to people – went on for 45 days (thereabouts) on and off

      • Suggestion came from Ward (Gen. M. Ward) to go through the records groups files (like an index system) in OUSDAT (Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology)
      • Ran into Bill Perry in May ’97 – talked about this quietly – he suggested the same thing
      • They told me of a special projects record group not belonging to usual SAP – a special subset of the unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived programs – not belonging to usual SAP divisions as organized in ’94 by Perry himself – set apart from rest but buried/covered by conventional SAPs. (Transcript/Summary, pp. 6-7)

Wilson was here referring to different categories of Special Access Programs (SAPs), where the most important – unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived – were hidden behind conventional SAPs.

The method of hiding the most highly classified programs behind less classified ones was verified in one of the NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden called Sentry Eagle. It graphically depicted how Exceptionally Compartmented Information (ECI – an Intelligence Community classification similar to an Unacknowledged SAP used by the Pentagon) would be hidden behind a Non-ECI Program (similar classification status to a conventional SAP)

NSA leaked slide showing SENTRY EAGLE program where different DHS, DOD, and NSA clasified programs are hidden within less classified national programs. (NSA)

Wilson went on to describe the aerospace company that ran the classified reverse engineering effort, without naming it:

EWD: Who was the project contractor or USG agency that runs the program?

TW: An aerospace technology contractor – one of the top ones in US

EWD: Who?

TW: Core secret – can’t tell

EWD: Defense contractor?

TW: Yes, the best one of them.

The reference to the “best one of them” firmly points to Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks division which has a long track record of successfully working on cutting edge aerospace programs. For example, Skunkworks former Director, Ben Rich, was fond of ending lectures by declaring: “We now have the technology to take ET home”.

Slide Ben Rich used to end lectures with comment about taking ET home

Wilson then explained what happened when he discovered which company was running the classified UFO program and contacted it to gain access:

EWD: What happened with you found contractor?

TW: I made several calls (end of May ’97), first to Paul, Mike & Perry to confirm I had right contractor and program manager to talk to.

EWD: They confirm?

TW: Yes.

EWD: Then?

TW: (End of May ’97) Made three calls to the program manager – one of them conference call with security director and corporate attorney.

Confusion on their part at to why I was looking for them and what I wanted from them or wanted to know about.

Very testy tone from all of them. [Transcript/Summary, pp. 8-9]

Wilson next explains how he was denied access to the classified UFO program by the three corporate officials (program manager, security director, and attorney):

TW: I told threesome I wanted formal briefing, tour, etc. – was exploiting my regulatory authority as Deputy Director DIA/Assistant Joint Chief of Staff J-2 – Told them my not being briefed was oversight they needed to correct – I demanded!

TW: They needed to discuss this (his demand) so hung up. Got called 2 days later and they said they don’t want to talk on phone and arranged for face-to-face meeting at their facility.

EWD: Did you go?

TW: Yes, ten days later (mid-June or so). Flew out there

      • Met in their conference room in their secure vault
      • Three of them show up

EWD: 3 guys with whom you had telecon?

TW: Yes, same 3

      • Security director (NSA-retired, a CI expert)
      • Program director
      • Corporate attorney
      • Called themselves “the watch committee” or gate keepers [Transcript/Summary, p. 10]

Wilson describes how the “watch committee” told him about a prior incident years ago where the present security system was set up after an agreement was reached with the Pentagon’s Special Access Programs Oversight Committee (SAPOC), which was overhauled in 1994, very likely due to the incident Wilson was told about. The agreement gave the corporate contractor running certain categories of SAPs the authority to restrict access to UFO related programs from Pentagon officials regardless of their rank and position:

– [TW] Said after that episode a formal agreement was struck with Pentagon people (SAPOC) to prevent this in future – didn’t want a repeat

–      Special criteria were established in agreement

      • A special circumstance that must meet rigorous access criteria set by contractor committee
      • No USG personnel are to gain access unless they met the criteria – to be administered by contractor committee (program director, attorney, security director) irregardless of the tickets and position USG personnel possess
      • Literally their way or the highway. [Transcript/Summary p. 11]

The “watch committee” told Admiral Wilson that despite him being Deputy Director of the DIA and Vice Director of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that he was not on the “bigot list” – those with a “need to know” access – who could be briefed about the UFO program:

TW: They said my tickets were all confirmed and valid, but I was not on the bigot list

      • My tickets alone were not enough
      • I didn’t meet the special criteria so need to know authorization was not being granted….

TW: Argued more – they wouldn’t accept my arguments that they fell under my statutory oversight and regulatory authority as Deputy Director DIA – under purview for my right to have need to know (oversight, audit, justification issues, etc., etc.)

      • Regulatory and statutory authority as Deputy Director DIA not relevant or pertinent to nature of their program!
      • Then they pulled out their bigot list to convince me otherwise – several pages long – dated 1990, updated 1993. [Transcript/Summary, pp. 11-12]

The transcription goes on to cover Wilson and Davis’ conversation about names on the bigot list, and who in the Pentagon and White House was allowed access:

EWD: Who was on it? Recognize names?

TW: That is core secret.

Willing to say that most were program employees – names and titles (job titles) – civilians – didn’t recognize any military personnel – could be there.

EWD: Any politicians?

TW: No

      • No White House names, no President!
      • No Congressional people
      • No Congressional staffers

EDW: Any in Clinton or Bush Sr. Administrations?

TW: No! But handful of names were Pentagon individuals I recognized – few from OUSDAT, one from another department, another at the NSC who is Pentagon SES employee. [Transcript/Summary, p. 12]

Stunningly, Wilson learned that no members of the Legislative (Congress) or Executive (White House) branches of government were briefed about the corporate UFO program. Only a few Pentagon officials were given access. This corroborates what Greer and others have been claiming for decades over the unconstitutional nature of the secrecy system developed for the UFO issue.

Next, the transcript elaborates on how Wilson tried to gain access by identifying the type of program that was underway attempting to link it to his official field of responsibility as Deputy Director DIA:

– [TW] Program Manager said they were

      • Not any weapons program
      • Not any intelligence program
      • Not any special ops or logistics program
      • Doesn’t fit these categories [Transcript/Summary, p. 12]

Finally, Wilson was told that the UFO program was a reverse engineering program of a recovered extraterrestrial vehicle, exactly what Greer, Mitchell, and Miller, had told him at the April 10, 1997 meeting. Importantly, Wilson expressed his surprise thinking that the UFO term was merely a cover for acquired foreign aerospace technology built by the USSR or China:

      • I asked what they were then
      • Loud groan from Program Manager
      • Security Director and attorney say it’s okay to say it.

EWD: Say what?

TW: There were a reverse engineering program –

      • Something recovered years ago in the past
      • Technological hardware was recovered
      • So I thought they meant recovered Soviet/Chinese, etc. hardware and reverse engineer it – like a missile or intel platform or aircraft – actually came to meeting expecting to find a sensitive foreign collection and reverse engineering operation – thought “UFOs” used as a cover for that –
      • So I said that and they said they weren’t that either
      • They had (program manager talking) a craft – an intact craft they believed could fly …
      • Program manager said they didn’t know where it was from [they had some ideas on this] – it was technology that was not of this Earth – not made by man – not by human hands [Transcript/Summary, pp. 12-13]

Wilson next described that he was told the corporation had encountered great difficulty in its reverse engineering efforts:

      • [TW] Said they were trying to understand and exploit technology: their program was going on for years and years with very slow progress
      • Agonizingly slow with little or no success – painful lack of collaboration to get help from outside community of experts and facilities to assist effort – must remain isolated and use own facilities and cleared personnel – tough environment to work – about 400-800 (bigot list count) workers varying in number funding or personnel changes. [Transcript/Summary, pp. 12-13]

When Wilson threatened to go to the Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC) he was told to go ahead by the corporate “watch committee” and was eventually denied access by the Senior Review Group running SAPOC Pentagon committee set up to oversee Special Access Programs:

TW: Before last week of June (’97)

      • They told me (TW) that they were sustaining the contractor, that I was to immediately drop the matter and let it go – forget about it as I did not have purview over their project, it didn’t fall within my oversight, etc.
      • I became very angry – started yelling when should have kept my mouth shut…
      • … Senior Review Group chairman said if I didn’t follower their suggestion that I would not see Director DIA promotion, get early retirement, lose 1 or 2 stars along the way
      • Really incredibly angry – upset over this – livid!!!
      • Why such a big deal over this considering the position of trust I have in the Pentagon – I do have relevant regulatory/statutory authority over their program – that’s my position!!! [Transcript/Summary, p. 14]

The refusal to grant access was the critical moment that Wilson realized that the corporation was being supported by a powerful group linked to the Pentagon to hide the corporation’s reverse engineering of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, as an Unacknowledged/waived SAP, hidden within the labyrinth of conventional SAPs conducted by the Pentagon and its corporate contractors.

The refusal was ultimately why Wilson believed that a UFO cabal/ MJ-12 was in charge of UFO related projects, and even senior officials at the DIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were out of the loop. This is what he told Commander Miller back in June 1997, who in turn relayed Wilson’s conclusions to Steven Greer and Edgar Mitchell who respectively revealed more details over the next two decades.

[To be continued in Part 3. Click here for Part 1]

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: The 15 page leaked Document is available here]

Further Reading

Click here for autographed copy!

Aliens Need More Attention

by Alligator Editorial Board                  Jun 3, 2019                  (

  • Until recently, the human perception of aliens was these little guys way out in space. This is no longer the case. With a May 26th New York Times article we learned of Navy pilots who witnessed UFOs with “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes but could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.” Almost every day from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, these bizarre objects flew over the East Coast.

  • The lack of public interest from this report was surprising. What happened to people’s fascination with the unknown? Not a single meme appeared on the internet. Seriously? We didn’t expect much outspoken response from the average person who pays an average amount of attention to the news. But we expected more from the people that are so quick to judge journalism and share news articles with the caption “fake news!!!”

  • The size of the universe is hard to wrap our brains around. We can’t be the only ones. Even if we narrow our universal search just to the Milky Way, there would be around 1 million planets with potential life. The ‘zoo hypothesis’ claims aliens have set us aside in a planetary ‘wilderness’ like captive zoo animals. Or are the ETs waiting for us to reach a technological plateau before they reveal themselves to us?

  • Maybe we humans just refuse to give the extraterrestrials the attention they deserve. They flew all the way here, scared the crap out of some Navy pilot, got The New York Times to write about it, and we still didn’t care.

  • Earth’s hospitality rating could be cosmically low and aliens have better vacation destinations to spend their hard earned fuel traveling to. Why visit a planet whose inhabitants don’t even bat an eye when you visit? Earth could be the Mount Trashmore of the universe with only the crazies wanting to visit this dump.

  • [Editor’s Note]    It’s the crazies who are running this planet.  The rest of the civilized universe is waiting for the humans on Earth to get our act together, expose the treachery that has become our reality, and change our existence by way of higher consciousness.  It is up to us as a sovereign race of beings to reclaim our planet, and not the ETs who, by cosmic law, must only sit back and watch it play out.  Once we have successfully awoken, the patient and benevolent ETs will accept us as a new member of the Galactic family.


Aliens have fascinated humans since the discovery of space. E.T., ALF, Spock and Marvin the Martian are just a few of the extraterrestrial characters from humanity’s imagination. The human perception of aliens goes to show how dedicated we are to the unknown little (or very big) guys way out in space. At least this seemed to be the case until recently.

On May 26, The New York Times published an article reporting Navy pilots witnessed objects with “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes but could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.”

Almost every day from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, these bizarre objects flew over the East Coast. Although the U.S. Department of Defense did not call this extraterrestrial activity, the lack of public interest from this report was surprising.

What happened to people’s fascination with the unknown?

Not even a meme or blurb in the Twitter-sphere about aliens came about. At least a bit on aliens getting “slept on” would have sufficed. Seriously? Not a single meme from this article? Shame on you Internet. What a wasted opportunity.

Given that the NYT article came out over Memorial Day weekend, people could have been too busy drinking and boating to care too much about the possibility of unidentified flying objects. We didn’t expect much outspoken response from the average person who pays an average amount of attention to the news. But we expected more from the people that are so quick to judge journalism and share news articles with the caption “fake news!!!” Isn’t this the kind of thing people love to make conspiracy theories about?



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UFOs Are Real, But Don’t Assume They’re Alien Spaceships

“Seth Shostak (pictured above) is the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute”.

by Mike Wall                     June 4, 2019                       (

• Seth Shostak (pictured above) is the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) in Mountain View, California. His job is to listen for signals from intelligent extraterrestrial sources in space.

• Shostak contends that, even though US Navy pilots have come forward to describe witnessing UFOs reaching hypersonic speeds without any detectable exhaust plumes, suggesting super-advanced propulsion technology, Defense Department officials aren’t invoking intelligent aliens as an explanation, and neither is Shostak. ‘UFOs are very real, as we have recently seen – but that doesn’t mean ET has been violating our airspace,” said Shostak.

• US Navy pilots and the DoD have provided video evidence of fast moving UFOs off of the coast of San Diego in 2004 (i.e.: the “Tic Tac UFO”) and more recently off of the Virginia and Florida coasts. In one case, a UFO nearly collided with a Navy jet off the Virginia coast. The Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP) has studied these incidents, and others (including UFO propulsion technology) since at least 2007. Such incidents have become so common that the Navy has enacted a new policy for reporting UFOs.

• Shostak argues against jumping to the ET conclusion, however. And he offers several “common sense” reasons why: First, these Navy sightings are all off of the coast of the continental US. Isn’t this exactly where you might expect to find advanced Russian reconnaissance craft?

• Second, the Navy pilots’ radar equipment had been upgraded. “[W]henever you upgrade any technical product, there are always problems,” says Shostak. Therefore, the sightings might stem from some sort of software bug or instrument issue.

• Third, it is ridiculous to imagine that alien spacecraft would cross vast gulfs of space and time to come here, and then to not offer their assistance, or pilfer our natural resources, or even show themselves. “[T]hey never do anything,” Shostak said.
• But Shostak is quick not to dismiss the existence of extraterrestrials altogether. He points out that at least 20% percent of the galaxy’s 200 billion stars could harbor habitable worlds. So intelligent aliens could be out there somewhere, or were out there sometime during the Milky Way’s 13-billion-year history. But the odds are long that any UFO witnessed to date was an extraterrestrial craft.

[Editor’s Note]    Seth Shostak’s livelihood is searching for ET intelligence among the 200 billion stars in the galaxy. As the Senior Astronomer and former Director for the SETI Institute, he has become something of a celebrity. The last thing he wants is to discover that ET beings already pervade our reality: around and within this planet, on/within our Moon, on/within Mars, and throughout the solar system. Has Shostak and SETI been duped just like the rest of us? Have SETI’s efforts been futile for decades, and now rendered obsolete? Or was SETI just another Deep State psyop that existed to appease and assure the public that so-called “experts” were on the look out for aliens, while their puppet masters continued to hide the true extraterrestrial presence? If so, that would explain why Shostak insists that there are perfectly logical non-alien explanations for Navy pilot’s reports of UFOs possessing technology that defies known physics. (And why Fox News published this article.) Apparently, Shostak knows more about UFO technology than experienced Navy fighter pilots who roam the skies on a daily basis. Nevertheless, while emphatically denying that ET is already here, Shostak advocates continuing the abstract “search” for extraterrestrial life, light years from Earth. After all, it’s a living.


UFOs are very real, as we have recently seen — but that doesn’t mean E.T. has been violating our airspace.

“UFO” refers to any flying object an observer cannot readily identify. And pilots with the U.S. Navy saw fast-moving UFOs repeatedly off the East Coast throughout 2014 and 2015, in one case apparently nearly colliding with one of the mysterious objects, The New York Times reported earlier this week.

Those incidents were reported to the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), whose existence the Times and Politico revealed in December 2017. (Interestingly, those 2017 stories cited Pentagon officials as saying that AATIP had been shut down in 2012.)

Former AATIP head Luis Elizondo, by the way, is involved with a new six-part series called ” Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” which premieres tonight (May 31) on The History Channel.

The Navy pilots said some UFOs reached hypersonic speeds without any detectable exhaust plumes, suggesting the possible involvement of super-advanced propulsion technology. Still, Defense Department officials aren’t invoking intelligent aliens as an explanation, according to this week’s Times story — and they’re right to be measured in this respect, scientists say.

There are multiple possible prosaic explanations for the Navy pilots’ observations, said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) Institute in Mountain View, California.



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Alien Researcher Releases Footage of UFOs Hovering Above Wasatch Mountains in Utah

by Nirmal Narayanan                    June 10, 2019                     (

• The YouTuber, Mavixxx, uploaded a video from Pana Rican of two glowing UFOs hovering above the Wasatch Mountain range in Utah on June 04, 2019 in broad daylight.

• Conspiracy theorists claim that extraterrestrial visitors like to hide themselves, and build bases, near mountain ranges or underwater, and that this known to NASA and the US government. They argue that NASA is intentionally covering up the secrets regarding alien life fearing a public panic.

• I see a fighter jet In the upper right corner. Is there a base nearby?” commented Muttaxe444 on YouTube.

[Editor’s Note]    SSP insiders William Tompkins and Corey Goode have both claimed that the caverns underneath the Wasatch Mountains in Utah was the location where the US Navy built its Solar Warden fleet of eight over-sized submarines retro-fitted with anti-gravity and electromagnetic propulsion during the 1970’s, and deployed in the 1980’s. Electromagnetic propulsion reportedly renders the object as a glowing orb to the viewing bystander.



Conspiracy theorists have long been alleging that aliens from deep space used to visit earth regularly, and most of the time, they will be hiding near mountain ranges and underwater. Adding heat to their claims, an anonymous alien researcher known by the name ‘Mavixxx’ has released a mysterious video that shows two unidentified glowing objects hovering above the Wasatch Mountain ranges in Utah.

After uploading the video of the bizarre UFO sighting on YouTube, Mavixxx claimed that the clip was sent to him by a user named Pana Rican. The conspiracy theorist also revealed that the alleged sighting happened on June 04, 2019. In the video which was shot in broad daylight, two unidentified flying objects, one pretty large when compared to the other was seen hovering silently above the ranges.

In the same video, Mavixxx has also unveiled several other UFO sightings that happened in the past few months, and out of them, the most interesting one being a clip apparently captured from Edmonton, Canada. In the clip, a jet plane can be seen flying low, and in the meantime, a cylindrical UFO zipped past the flight at an amazing speed.

8 minute video of UFOs over the Wasatch Mountains, Utah June 4, 2019 (mavi xxx YouTube channel)



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Ministry of Defence Releases Final ‘X Files’ Containing the Truth About Britain’s Secret UFO Investigations

by Jasper Hamill                   June 4, 2019                       (

• Over the past 11 years, the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has declassified 60,000 pages exposing the secrets of a government investigation into unexplained UFO sightings over the UK. In April, the last pair of files were published and made available to the public at the British National Archives.

• The latest files to be released do not contain a smoking gun which proves the existence of aliens. But they reveal fascinating aspects of investigators’ attempt to understand the phenomenon. They expose bitter arguments between a conservative MoD division that imposed a policy of secrecy with UFOs and the more open-minded Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS), resulting in a total breakdown of communications.

• Said Nick Pope, former MoD UFO investigator, “The (released documents) show how a ‘skeptic versus believer’ debate was raging at the MoD, with a total breakdown in relations.” The policy division was overly-concerned about what the media and the public might think, while the DIS wanted to conduct more in-depth research and investigation into the phenomenon.

• In America, details of a secret research program called AATIP showed that the US government has studied sightings of advanced aircraft and ‘exotic technologies’ including wormholes, antigravity, invisibility cloaking, warp drives and high energy laser weapons. Investigators have even explored the health ‘consequences’ of close encounters.

• Pope says, “The recent release of the final British government UFO files couldn’t have come at a better time. Interest in UFOs is at an all-time high.” “The US Navy in particular is trying to de-stigmatize the issue so that Navy pilots who encounter these mystery objects will make an official report, instead of staying silent, as most do at present.”


Over the past 11 years, the MoD has declassified 60,000 pages exposing the secrets of a government investigation into unexplained sightings over the UK. In April, the last pair of files were published and made available to the public at the National Archives in Kew, where they must be viewed in person because they have not yet been digitised. The latest files to be released do not contain a smoking gun which proves the existence of aliens, but they reveal fascinating aspects of investigators’ attempt to understand the phenomenon. They expose bitter arguments between a division that set the policy on UFOs and the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) resulting in a total breakdown of communications. The team which set policy on UFOs was shown to be cautious and worried about what the public might think of a probe into unexplained aircraft spotted in the skies, whilst the DIS was more open-minded and called for further investigation into the mystery.

                    Nick Pope

Nick Pope, a former MoD UFO investigator, has been studying the files and said they also demonstrate the UK’s influence on the US, where ‘bombshell revelations about the US Navy’s encounters with UFOs have moved this subject out of the fringe and into the mainstream’. He told Metro: ‘These last two files are particularly fascinating and I can understand why sensitivities over their contents may have delayed their release. ‘They show how a sceptic versus believer debate was raging at the MoD, with a total breakdown in relations between the division that set the policy on UFOs and the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS), who provided the lead division with scientific and technical intelligence.



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Bombshell document confirms Navy Admiral was denied access to UFO crash retrieval program

The transcript of a conversation between a US Navy Vice Admiral and a leading scientist discussing a failed attempt to gain access to a highly classified program involving a crashed extraterrestrial craft has been recently released online. The conversation took place on October 16, 2002, and involved the retired Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, speaking with Dr. Eric W. Davis, a scientist working on the feasibility of exotic propulsion systems with EarthTech International, an advanced technology think tank established in Austin, Texas.

In the 15 page document comprising the transcript, summary notes and an accompanying letter, Davis describes what Wilson told him about an April 10, 1997 “briefing” where he (Wilson) received information from former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Dr. Steven Greer (founder of the Disclosure Project) about a classified UFO program that they had codeword information about. At the time, Wilson was a Rear Admiral (upper class); Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; and Vice Director for Intelligence (VJ2), for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a position he held from November 1994 to September 1997.

When Wilson inquired into the program’s existence from a regulatory body created for Special Access Programs, he learned it involved a corporate Research and Development effort involving a retrieved extraterrestrial craft but was denied access by three corporate officials working for a major US aerospace contractor.

The 1997 briefing was first publicly discussed by Greer and his associate Shari Adamiak only a month after it occurred and was corroborated by Mitchell over a decade later. In a May 1997 interview with Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM Greer said:

Joint Chiefs of staff level fellow that I briefed while I was in Washington about a month ago … After he looked at all this and heard the witness, he turned to us and said: ‘Well I have no doubt this is true but I am horrified that I hadn’t known about it’…Because of his position. And very, very senior … I can’t say who it was but a very, very senior position…And then they begin to come to grips with well: ‘Who the hell does know about it, what is going on here?’ And then they become frighten[ed].

Years later, Greer released a National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) document containing code words and locations that sparked Wilson’s failed attempt to gain access to the classified UFO program. In a workshop Greer explained the NRO document’s contents and what happened when Wilson investigated it:

“It’s the National Reconnaissance Office document.  …..The reason it’s important is not so much for its content… …..  Take note of the distribution list, please. ….. …….’Blue Fire’, which is a code name, 1991, Commander’s Net, Royal Op’s, Cosmic Op’s…so, cosmic clearance…you’ve heard of this? It’s not a myth.  It’s real.  Maj Op’s, MAJI…It’s MAJIC Op’s.  It goes through a whole bunch of them…Nellis Division, all these code numbers and you get down to some really interesting things. … this secret document went to the admiral [Admiral Tom Wilson] prior to our meeting, and he actually recognized one of these entities and made an inquiry, and it was being run by a contractor.  …..  And the contractor…one of these corporate contractors…when he called them up, he said, ‘I’m Admiral Tom Wilson…at that time he was Head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff… I want to be read into this project.’  Guess what happened?  They said, ‘Sir, you don’t have a need to know.’  This is the guy who’s supposed to give the intelligence briefings for the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States.  He was told, ‘You don’t have a need to know’… and Admiral Wilson said, ‘Goddamn it, if I don’t have a need to know, who does?’  They said, ‘Sir, we cannot discuss this with you further’ and they hung up and blocked his line.  This all happened before the stand-up meeting I did for [him with] Edgar Mitchell…6th man to walk on the moon…myself, my military adviser, and a few other people met with the Admiral in what’s called a ‘stand-up’ briefing.  I was doing the presenting.  It was supposed to be 45 minutes.

In 2007 Mitchell began publicly confirming that the briefing had indeed taken place, corroborating what Greer had revealed a decade earlier.

A detailed chronology of articles and interviews referring to the 1997 Wilson briefing is provided by Croatian UFO researcher Giuliano Marinkovic.

The transcript of the 2002 conversation between Wilson and Davis was first discussed in radio interviews by UFO researchers Grant Cameron and Richard Dolan in December 2018. Cameron said he was given the 15 page document, which he shared with Michael W. Hall a former lawyer and Superior Court judge. Hall has given several interviews in March 2019 discussing the document’s origins and authenticity.

Cameron, Dolan, and Hall believe the document is authentic, and its consistency with what Greer and Mitchell had earlier revealed does point to this. I contacted Dr. Eric Davis to comment on the document’s authenticity, and he replied saying: “I have no comment on this.” If the document was a hoax, I see no reason why Dr. Davis would not have said so.

All this leads me to conclude that the document is an authentic transcript of what Dr. Davis and Admiral Wilson discussed back in 2002 about the April 1997 meeting and Wilson’s subsequent investigation. The transcript was very recently released online and are available for public viewing.

The transcript, summary notes, and accompanying letter provide compelling documentary support that the 1997 briefing had occurred, exactly as Greer and Mitchell had reported up to two decades earlier. Importantly, the notes substantiate one of Greer’s major claims that he was regularly briefing senior officials in the Clinton Administration about the UFO coverup – something many UFO researchers had previously dismissed or ridiculed.

The transcript provides a fascinating insight into how a US Navy admiral who was Vice Director for Intelligence (VJ2), for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, was denied access by corporate officials to a classified UFO program, which he firmly believed fell under his field of responsibility.

The briefing and unsuccessful investigation did not negatively impact Wilson’s career. Two years later, in May 1999, Wilson was promoted to Vice Admiral and became the 13th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), a position he served in until July 2002.

Three months after his retirement, Wilson met with Davis to discuss the 1997 meeting and its aftermath. In the transcript, we learn about Wilson’s perspective on what had happened.

Presumably, the recording and transcription of Wilson and Davis’ conversation were intended for a small audience at EarthTech International, founded by Dr. Hal Puthoff, which was studying exotic propulsion systems, and releasing feasibility studies of them to interested scientists and journals.

In 2009, Davis and EarthTech included some of these exotic propulsion feasibility studies as Defense Intelligence Reference Documents, two of which were first leaked online in December 2017 by Corey Goode who says a confidential DIA source gave him them.

In the transcript, Davis (EWD) describes how Wilson (TW) began by confirming that the April 1997 meeting did take place and involved Greer, Mitchell, and US Naval Reserve Commander Willard H. Miller, who was Greer’s top military advisor.

Miller played a critical role in the various “UFO briefings” Greer gave senior officials and politicians during the Clinton administration:

TW: Confirmed Greer/Miller/Mitchell gave talk in Pentagon Conference room. Adm Mike Crawford, Gen. Pat Hughes (Hughes his boss) were present (others too.) Date April “97. (Ed Mitchell said 4/9/947.) After group broke up, Miller/Wilson talked (privately) 2 hours on UFOs, MJ-12, Roswell, crashed UFOs/alien bodies, etc. TW intrigued – knew about intelligence on US mil/intel UFO close encounters – and foreign gov’t encounters. Seen records. Told Miller. [Transcript/Summary p. 1]

Wilson was here acknowledging that the serving Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Pat Hughes, also sat in on the meeting. After the meeting broke up, Miller and Wilson continued to discuss issues that had been raised:

TW: Yes, Miller asked the question on MJ-12/UFO cabal – crashed UFO. Confirmed he called Miller ca. late June ’97 and told that he/Miller was right – there is such an organization in existence. [Transcript/Summary p. 1]

Wilson was here acknowledging that after being informed about the existence of the classified UFO program by Greer and Mitchell in April 1997, he had inquired into the program’s existence, and discovered that MJ-12 was real and that there indeed was a UFO cabal running classified operations involving crashed UFOs. This accounted for why Admiral Wilson later failed to gain access to the crashed UFO program, as explained later in Davis’ summary notes.

Miller subsequently told Greer and Mitchell about what Wilson had revealed to him in June 1997, after he [Wilson] was denied access to the classified program that Greer and Mitchell had told him about earlier in April. Admiral Wilson [TW] was furious that Miller had told Greer and Mitchel about Wilson’s failure to access it, as Davis’ [EWD] transcript make clear:

TW: Very furious – very angry about Miller (facial expression tense, angry voice)

      • Violated personal and professional trust – especially among intelligence colleagues/Navy officers
      • There’s Navy camaraderie among officers – brotherhood
      • Violated that and confidentiality

EWD: How?

TW: Miller told Greer their conversation

      • Who knows whom else he and Greer told.  (EWD note – Miller told Ed Mitchell who only told me in 1999)

The significance of all this is that Admiral Wilson did not want the details of what he learned during his investigation of the classified program that Greer and Mitchell had first brought to his attention becoming public. By telling Greer, Commander Miller had in Wilson’s opinion broken trust shared between naval intelligence officers to keep the information confidential. That is why he was so angry.

However, if it were not for Miller taking the risk he had, Greer and the world would probably not have learned the truth of what happened, and how corporate contractors had sidelined Wilson and US naval intelligence over a classified reverse engineering program of a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle.

In part two, I review what Admiral Wilson told Dr. Davis about the classified UFO crash retrieval program and its significance.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: The 15 page leaked Document is available here]

Further Reading

Navy F/A-18 Pilot Shares New Details About UFO Encounters During Middle East Deployment

by Tyler Rogoway                      June 10, 2019                        (

• Ryan Graves is a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot stationed in Virginia Beach who is one of a handful of Navy personnel who spoke with the New York Times recently about seeing UFO’s off of the East Coast of the US in 2014/2015. In the ‘To The Stars Academy’ produced “Unidentified” docu-show on History Channel, Graves hinted that he routinely saw similar UFOs when his unit was deployed to the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt in early spring of 2015.

• Graves corresponded by email with Tyler Rogoway of ‘The War Zone’ website to further clarify the record. Graves wrote that while deployed with USS Theodore Roosevelt battle group in the Mediterranean Sea, “we had less time to explore the (UFO) phenomena, … where it was such a daily occurrence we essentially only gave them enough thought as to avoid hitting them.” “I did occasionally see radar signatures that performed in ways that were consistent with our experiences back home, though at a significantly reduced rate.”

• When the carrier group reached the Persian Gulf, Graves related that, “It is very congested airspace…” But “I do distinctly remember seeing radar contacts that were very similar (to the UFO contacts off of the Virginia coast), if not the same, but again, significantly reduced in volume and inconclusive.”

• While there are parallels between the UFO events Graves and his squadron experienced back in 2014 and 2015 off of the Virginia coast, and the Navy’s encounter with the notorious ‘Tic Tac’ UFO that occurred with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group off the Pacific Baja coast in 2004, there is a possibility that these events expose secret and highly exotic technology belonging to the US military or even its adversaries. We have only scratched the surface. There is no definitive explanation for these incidents at this time.


As part of our ongoing and in-depth coverage of the military’s increasingly publicized encounters with UFOs, we want to share with you exclusive correspondence between F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot Ryan Graves and The War Zone. Graves is one of a handful of Navy tactical jet aircrewmen that recently stepped forward regarding a near constant string of encounters with UFOs while training off the southeast coast of the U.S. between 2014 and 2015. In the message, he answers our question regarding statements that the mysterious craft followed his unit while on cruise to the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt. There was some discrepancy on this issue, with the New York Times first reporting the encounters stopped shortly after the unit and its air wing left on deployment in early Spring of 2015, while further testimony from Graves teased in short promotional clips for To The Stars Academy’s History Channel show Unidentified implies that they continued while the unit was deployed abroad.

             Navy pilot, Lt. Ryan Graves

Graves has allowed us to share his correspondence with The War Zone in an attempt to better clarify the record. Note that this email was written informally between two people with an understanding of military and air combat topics and jargon, so a bit of decoding is in order. When Graves says “AC” he means aircraft. When he mentions ‘Whiskeys’ he is talking about blocks of restricted military operations airspace or warning areas off the coast of America’s southeastern seaboard. The ‘med’ is shorthand for the Mediterranean Sea.

With that said, his letter reads:

Hello Tyler,

I enjoyed your episode on the War College podcast. You seem to have a strong understanding of many of the systems we have in the jet as well as the bigger picture of how the AC integrates into the carrier strike group as a whole.

I wanted to answer a question you seemed to have. During my discussions on the hill and pentagon, I broached the subject regarding whether the UAP’s were limited to the Whiskey’s by VA Beach and our strike group, or whether they followed us in theatre.

It is a difficult question to answer. While flying in the med during the transit, or while operating in the gulf, the workload we have is significantly higher and we had less time to explore the phenomena, especially at this point where it was such a daily occurrence we essentially only gave them enough thought as to avoid hitting them.

However, to answer your question, in the med I did occasionally see radar signatures that performed in ways that were consistent with our experiences back home, though at a significantly reduced rate.

In the gulf, it is more difficult to answer. It is very congested airspace, there is much more air traffic than one would expect, both friendly and otherwise, especially as we go through the straits. There was a handful of times that I had a moment to focus on externals to the mission while transiting inbound and I do distinctly remember seeing radar contacts that were very similar, if not the same, but again, significantly reduced in volume and inconclusive.





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Triangular Entity With Bright-Glowing Light Spotted in Skies

by Nirmal Narayanan                  June 3, 2019                   (

• A video from ‘Sharad Acharya’ in India shows a glowing, triangular-shaped UFO in the sky. “This is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video.

• YouTube conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru (alias ‘Wormwood’) has now appeared in the skies and is now on a collision course towards the earth. Others say it is an alien spaceship from deep space. So-called “experts” dismiss it altogether, saying that the strange structure is the result of the sun’s rays penetrating through the clouds.


A strange and mysterious clip apparently taken from India is now the hottest debating point among conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts. This short video clip initially shared on YouTube by a user named ‘Sharad Acharya’ shows a triangular glowing entity hovering in the skies.

“This is something different. This is not the sun. I believe this is not a UFO, this is something else,” says the eyewitness in the video.

The video later gained publicity after it was shared by conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘Mavixxx’. As the clip went viral, conspiracy theorists started putting forward various theories explaining the bizarre sky sighting.

Most of the conspiracy theorists argued that Planet Nibiru alias wormwood has now appeared in the skies, and the earth is soon going to witness a series of natural disasters. Conspiracy theorists believe that Nibiru is a rogue killer planet that has been lurking at the edges of the solar system, and it is now on a collision course towards the earth.

1 minute video of triangular fireball in the Indian sky (Sharad Acharya)



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UFOs Are Real, and We Should Know What They Are

June 3, 2019                        (

• US Navy pilots reported in 2014/2015 regularly seeing impossibly fast and agile UFOs over the East Coast. The Navy issued new guidelines for reporting UFOs. The Department of Defense admitted that it investigated UFOs from 2007 to 2012 (and beyond!). It is clear that the US government is now (finally) taking UFOs seriously.

• When the UFO sightings first occurred, pilots thought it was mistaken radar which had been recently upgraded. When they began picking them up visually, the pilots thought they might be dealing with high-tech drones from some classified program. When the “drones” almost collided with them multiple times over multiple altitudes, they knew it wasn’t their own government flying these things. These UFOs could reach 30,000 feet and fly at hypersonic speeds, yet there was no sign of an engine or exhaust. They could stop, accelerate and turn much too fast for human pilots to endure. The UFOs could stay up there all day, while the Navy jets could only fly for an hour.

• It is good that the stigma of addressing the existence of UFOs is removed because the government should not hide this stuff from the public just for the sake of hiding it, especially when the public has been documenting UFOs for decades. Also, treating the UFO phenomenon with secrecy and ridicule does not help the military effectively deal with them.

• If some foreign adversary has such advanced technology, we need to know. If it is something from another world, we shouldn’t hide from that realization. The size and age of our galaxy makes the presence of other life forms mathematically possible (if not probable). If some ET civilization could reach us, they would certainly be more technologically advanced.

• The Romans were scared of the 7-foot-tall, pale white beings who lived in the forests to their far north. Eastern Europeans thought they were being attacked by an alien force when the Mongols first swept through. The European settlement of the New World was a collision of two vastly different worlds. Maybe humans and extraterrestrials can get it right this time.


From the summer of 2014 through March 2015, The New York Times reported last week, Navy pilots regularly encountered impossibly fast and agile aircraft while training over the East Coast. To this day, they have no explanation for them.

They are, in the truest sense of the phrase, unidentified flying objects.

As a result of the reports, made by several highly trained aviators with years of experience in the military’s top aircraft, the Navy issued pilots new guidelines for dealing with unexplained aerial phenomena.

The new guidelines formalized a process that has taken place for decades. The public airing of these guidelines, and the confirmation in 2017 of a government operation tasked with investigating aerospace threats, is seen as an indication that the military has accepted the existence of UFOs — whatever their origin — and is taking them seriously.

That’s good for a few reasons — most of them not having much to do with fears over a real-life “War of the Worlds.”
First, it’s healthy to remove the stigma from unexplained phenomena. There is no reason for the U.S. government to have so much secrecy around these sightings when the military, astronomers and everyday Americans have been documenting them for decades. While most of these sightings eventually can be explained – as something innocuous, such as a trick of the light, or a failing of our own human senses — studies have found 5 percent to be reliable yet inexplicable.

We should be able to talk about these mysteries – all of us, government included – without such forced secrecy. The government shouldn’t get to hide this stuff from us just for the sake of hiding it.



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An ‘Anomaly’ the Size of Hawaii Is Buried Beneath the Moon’s Biggest Crater

by Brandon Specktor                     June 10, 2019                    (

• Professor Peter James and his colleagues at Baylor University’s College of Arts & Sciences compared maps of lunar topography with data collected by NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission and found a mass of heavy metal lodged in the Moon’s mantle that is altering the moon’s gravitational field. The metallic mass is located underneath the moon’s South Pole-Aitken basin on the “dark side” of the Moon. The scientists published their finding April 5th in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

• The metallic mass ‘hundreds of miles’ under the Moon’s surface is calculated to be 2.4 quadrillion tons (US) in weight and 1,553 miles (2,500 kilometers) wide, five times larger than the Big Island of Hawaii. The South Pole-Aitken crater is the biggest impact crater in the solar system. Its towering rim and deep basin are the Moon’s highest and lowest elevations.

• The researchers think that this underground anomaly could be the remnant of a heavy iron-nickel asteroid that blasted into the lunar core some 4 billion years ago. “We did the math and showed that a sufficiently dispersed core of the asteroid that made the impact could remain suspended in the Moon’s mantle until the present day,” James said.

• China’s Chang’E-4 lander reached the far side of the moon earlier this year and began analyzing soil near the crater which may yield some answers.

[Editor’s Note]    A dispersed mass of metal underneath the mantle on the back side of the Moon? This certainly could be the remnant of a metallic asteroid that plunged into the Moon 4 billion years ago (wherever the Moon was back then). So this could have been the source of the metal used by the Moon’s ancient occupants to build out its underground complex of living space to create a haven for Mars/Malduk refugees some 500,000 years ago. These would be the over-sized rooms and tunnels within the Moon that have been reported by Corey Goode and David Wilcock’s insiders. It would also explain why the Apollo 12 astronauts said that the Moon “rang like a bell” when they crashed a lunar module onto the lunar surface. Modern explorers have reportedly utilized these ancient interior structures in order to rebuild Moon bases, including the Lunar Operations Command, on the dark side of the Moon.


Earth’s moon is hiding an enormous secret on its storied dark side. Deep below the moon’s South Pole-Aitken basin (the largest preserved impact crater anywhere in the solar system), researchers have detected a gargantuan “anomaly” of heavy metal lodged in the mantle that is apparently altering the moon’s gravitational field.

According to a study of the mysterious blob, published April 5 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, the anomaly may be the heavy leftovers of the asteroid that crashed into the far side of the moon and created the giant South Pole-Aitken crater some 4 billion years ago. However, all that researchers can say for sure at this point is that the blob is big — likely weighing somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.4 quadrillion US tons (2.18 quintillion kilograms).

“Imagine taking a pile of metal five times larger than the Big Island of Hawaii and burying it underground,” lead study author Peter James, assistant professor of planetary geophysics at Baylor University’s College of Arts & Sciences, said in a statement. “That’s roughly how much unexpected mass we detected.” [10 Interesting Places in the Solar System We’d Like to Visit]

James and his colleagues discovered the blob while comparing maps of lunar topography with data collected by NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission — a 2011 experiment wherein two satellites orbited the moon in tandem, mapping the precise strength of its gravitational pull at various locations.



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Former Military Intelligence Official: ‘Low Probablility’ UFO Technology is of This World

by Scott Morefield                     May 31, 2019                     (

• Former military intelligence official Luis Elizondo was on the May 31st edition of Fox News “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” Tucker said that where the US government once “dismissed” UFOs as “crank stuff,” they are now “finally admitting that UFO sightings are in fact routine and the government is now being systematic in investigating the question of UFOs.” (see 4:55 minute segment from the show below)

• Carlson asked Elizondo why the government lied for so many years. Elizondo listed several reasons, including lack of technology and the “taboo” surrounding the subject.

• Elizondo described “five observables” that differentiate UFO technology from known technology: Instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, transmedium travel, and positive lift or anti-gravity.

• “It is an absolute fact that they are there,” said Elizondo. “Now, what they are, where they are from, who is behind the wheel, we simply don’t know.” When asked the likelihood that the UFOs are foreign technology, Elizondo said, “Very low probability. Look, we have the most sophisticated weapon systems right now on the face of the planet, and we can identify not only a 737 or a MIG 25 or F-22, we can tell you even what airline it is and the difference between the models of aircraft within that type of aircraft. So, I think it’s highly unlikely that a foreign adversary was successful in developing something like this.”

• Carlson asked, “Do you believe… that the U.S. government has in its possession any material from one of these aircrafts?” “I do. Yes,” Elizondo responded. “Do you think the U.S. government has debris from a UFO in its possession right now?” asked Carlson. Elizondo replied, “…[S]imply put, yes.”


Fox News host Tucker Carlson discussed the military’s “different approach” to UFO sightings with former military intelligence official Luis Elizondo on Friday’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Tucker began the segment by describing the U.S. government’s new way of dealing with sightings. Whereas they once “dismissed” them as “crank stuff,” they are now “finally admitting that UFO sightings are in fact routine and the government is now being systematic in investigating the question of UFOs.”

After playing footage of a new History Channel documentary on the subject, the Fox News host introduced Elizondo, a “former military intelligence official and special agent in charge.”

                         Luis Elizondo

When asked about why the government lied for so many years, Elizondo listed several reasons, including lack of technology and the “taboo” surrounding the subject.
Elizondo described “five observables” that differentiate UFO technology from known technology: Instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, transmedium travel, and positive lift or anti-gravity.

“There have been enough sightings over a long enough period that the idea this is a computer glitch, that these are generated somehow by radar systems, that can’t be right, correct?” asked Tucker.

“Tucker, we are well beyond right now establishing whether or not these things exist,” responded Elizondo. “It is an absolute fact that they are there. Now, what they are, where they are from, who is behind the wheel, we simply don’t know. Is it possible these things are a foreign adversarial technology that somehow was developed in secret and we are just now trying to figure these things out? It’s possible. But, there are also other possibilities as well, of what these things could be.”

When pressed to assign a likelihood that the UFOs were foreign technology, Elizondo said, “I think it’s a low probability.”

4:55 minute segment from Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News, May 31, 2019 with Lu Elizondo


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Fmr. Commander Dave Fravor Says Military Pilots Had Ongoing Encounters With UFOs

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                      May 31, 2019                     (

• The former Navy fighter pilot who first saw the ‘Tic Tac” UFO in the 2004 incident off of the coast of San Diego, David Fravor, was a speaker at the UFO Festival in McMinnville, Oregon on May 18th.

• Fravor said that he has since spoken with many military pilots who have reported ongoing encounters with unknown craft along the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida.

• Below is an excerpt from Fravor’s on-stage interview with I-Team Chief Reporter George Knapp and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell.    (above image shows Corbell and Fravor riding in the festival parade)


LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A former Navy fighter pilot confirms that there have been dozens of recent intrusions of America by highly sophisticated, unknown crafts. Former Commander Dave Fravor, the same pilot who has a close encounter in 2004 with the so-called Tic Tac UFO off the coast of Southern California, told an audience in McMinnville Oregon, that he has since spoken with many military pilots who have reported ongoing encounters with unknown craft along the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida.

Videos of UFO incidents from 2015 were even released by the Pentagon.

Two videos of UFO incidents from 2015 were even eleased by the Pentagon. The I-Team participated in the event with Fravor. Videos of the full interview with Commander Fravor will be posted on social media in the next few days.

In the meantime, here is an excerpt from Fravor’s on-stage interview with I-Team Chief Reporter George Knapp.


1:42 minute clip of pilot David Fravor speaking with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell
at the UFO Festival in McMinnville, Oregon on May 18, 2019

5:40 minute clip of David Fravor at the McMinniville, Oregon UFO Festival (VICE News)




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Attending the ‘World’s Biggest UFO Conference’ Showed Me It’s a Golden Age for Believers

by Nick Rose                      June 5, 2019                      (

• Over the weekend of June 1st, 3,000 people (at least) attended the seventh annual ‘Contact in the Desert’ (CITD), which bills itself as the world’s largest UFO conference. It was again held at the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort & Spa, a four-star hotel in Indian Wells, California (east of Los Angeles). The tinfoil hat and tie-dye shirt wearing ‘conspiracy theorists’ seem to have been replaced by droves of serious truth-seekers, many of whom traveled thousands of miles to deepen their search and knowledge of scientific, personal, and spiritual truths about UFOs.

• CITD is described as a “gateway through which attendees can gain knowledge and the most up-to-date research on UFOs, ancient aliens, human origins, crop circles, government disclosure, extraterrestrial visitation, interplanetary living, contact and abduction experiences. Hosting 50 lectures and 36 workshops by scientists, abductees, ex-military, the guy from Ancient Aliens, and many other stalwarts of the UFO circuit, the CITD conference is like stepping into a YouTube UFO rabbit hole.

• While the US Navy’s recent acknowledgment of flying “tic-tacs” has renewed mainstream interest surrounding UFOs, many of those at CITD considered this to be only a “soft disclosure” by the US military of a larger UFO presence – a small chapter in a quest to identify the source of UFOs that stretches back decades, even millennia.

• We spoke to some of the attendees at Contact in the Desert. (Below are their paraphrased expressions):

o Autumn, 24: UFOs are a combination of military technology, interplanetary visitors, and inter-dimensional beings traveling through wormholes. Knowing about UFOs is better than not knowing. The people that gather at UFO conferences compare it to being at church. Everyone holds a common belief system that other people might not agree with. Everyone is at a different level of discovering the truth. By becoming more informed they’re becoming better people.

o Adam, 28:   We seek connection, understanding, purpose, and ancestry – where do we come from? What are we? Why are we? We are part of something much greater than ourselves. I’m here to explore myself, which is an extension of all this. There are so many lies around the subject of UFOs. In the past, information was heavily controlled. Now, in an age of readily available information, the truth is out there.

o Marc, 51:   I’m really into ancient archaeology and history in general. Add in the alien flavor here and it’s actually quite a blast. No one is judged here. A couple of times in my life, I’ve seen the white orbs and once saw a mysterious black object in the sky. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that UFOs are here. They’ve been saying the same thing for the last 30 years, but I think disclosure is coming.

o Carolyn:   Some say UFOs are us from the future. Others say they’re from an underground civilization. I don’t know. I’m just looking for everybody’s input,what they’ve experienced and learned. Most people are locked into what they’ve been taught. If it is outside of their paradigm they can’t cope. But the way things are going, the government is going to have to give up playing stupid and admit what they know. Disclosure has got to come soon.

o Lara:   The Navy’s recent acknowledgment of UFO sightings is a “soft disclosure”, e.g.: revealing information but never getting to the truth, and controlling what the truth is going to be. The government doesn’t want to freak people out. I’ve seen shiny disks, glowing orbs, a cylinder over Burbank, a cube morphing out of a cloud. I’ve been to ECETI Ranch and seen UFOs come up over the mountains there. They may be aliens from this this dimension, or inter-dimensional beings from a multiverse. I don’t know. I wanted to be among people where I could speak the truth and be myself. People accuse us of dreaming or hallucinating, or being on drugs. I don’t take drugs. I feel like I’m coming into my own being, hopefully a more evolved being.


With the US Navy’s recent acknowledgement of a pesky and persistent flying “tic-tac” problem has come a renewed mainstream interest (and suspicion) surrounding UFOs.

But for the 3,000 attendees of last weekend’s Contact in the Desert, which bills itself as the world’s largest UFO conference, this “soft disclosure” by the US military is just a small chapter in a story that stretches back decades, even millennia, in a quest to identify the unidentified vessels that apparently fill the sky.

The conference website describes it as a “gateway through which attendees can gain knowledge and the most up-to-date research on UFOs, ancient aliens, human origins, crop circles, government disclosure, extraterrestrial visitation, interplanetary living, contact and abduction experiences, and the ‘need to know’”—a hotel buffet of the paranormal.

Walking into the lobby of the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort & Spa was like physically stepping into a late-night YouTube UFO rabbit hole, but with the welcome presence of human interaction, and a programme of 50 lectures and 36 workshops by scientists, alleged abductees, ex-military, the guy from Ancient Aliens, and many other stalwarts of the UFO circuit.

The phenomenon of unidentified flying objects may, by definition, always be at the edge of human knowledge, but the tinfoil hats and tie-dye shirts of yore seem to be long gone. We spoke to some of the truth-seekers at Contact in the Desert, many of whom drove or flew thousands of miles to deepen their knowledge of the unknowable, about their search for scientific, personal, and spiritual truths about UFOs.



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