E198 2019 Was Banner Year for UFO Sightings

It’s been a heckuva year for unidentified flying objects. 2019 has been awash with news of UFOs, aliens, reports and video from verifiably sane sources. In May, soon after Navy pilots claimed to not only have seen but recorded UFOs during training exercises in 2004 and 2015, the Navy brass admitted it investigates UFOs.

E195 Recently Retired USAF General Makes Eyebrow Raising Claims of Advanced Space Technology

In his talk, Kwast claimed that China is already building a “Navy in space” complete with the space-based equivalents of “battleships and destroyers”, and that the US is not keeping up. We know that China has been rapidly expanding its presence in space in recent years, placing a lander on the Moon last year as a possible first step toward a permanent Moon base. China has also been developing “mothership” aircraft from which to launch ‘space planes’ and other payloads into space. China has been investing heavily in manned and unmanned space technologies that rivals, and in some ways, exceeds our own.

E193 In the Early 1950s, D.C. Was Obsessed With UFOs

The incidents over D.C. were turned over to the Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’ investigation. Project Blue Book is currently commemorating the 50th anniversary of the investigation’s end in 1969 with an exhibit of declassified documents in the National Archives.

E190 143 UFO Sightings in North Carolina So Far in 2019

UFOs have been seen in the US since at least the mid-20th century when Kenneth Arnold, piloting a small plane, saw nine high-speed, crescent-shaped objects zooming along at several thousand miles per hour “like saucers skipping on water.

Navy Pilot Who Filmed the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO: ‘It Wasn’t Behaving by the Normal Laws of Physics’


Article by Matthew Phelan                          December 19, 2019                            (nymag.com)

• In 2017, the New York Times released a 2004 Navy jet video of a UFO over the Pacific Ocean off of the coast of San Diego as the USS Nimitz carrier group was performing military exercises. Now, the pilot of the F/A-18 Super Hornet who took the infamous video, and who first described it as a “Tic Tac” UFO, Chad Underwood, has come forward for the first time in an interview with New York Magazine’s ‘Intelligencer’.

• Here is the account by Underwood: On November 10, 2004, radar operator Kevin Day reported seeing odd, slow-moving objects flying in groups of five to ten off of San Clemente Island, west of the San Diego coast. At 28,000 feet and traveling 138 miles per hour, they were too high to be birds. The objects would zoom from 60,000 feet to hovering 50 feet above the ocean without producing a sonic boom. Radar operators with the USS Princeton spent two weeks trying to figure out what the objects were.

• Underwood’s commanding officer, David Fravor, eventually made visual confirmation of one of the objects midair during a flight-training exercise. An hour later, Fravor returned and informed Underwood of the mysterious UFO out there. On a second flight to the object’s coordinates, Underwood made his infrared recording of the ‘FLIR1’, aka “Tic Tac UFO – a 40-foot-long, white, oblong shaped craft without exhaust or conventional propulsion, even as it made a surprising dart leftward at the end of the video.

• A former fighter pilot who served on the Nimitz in 2004, who spoke on condition of anonymity, recalled an exhilarating group screening of the FLIR1 video inside the Nimitz’s intelligence center. “There weren’t really a lot of skeptics in that room,” the former pilot said. “We all wanted to fly it.”

• Marine Hornet squadron commander, Lieutenant Colonel “Cheeks” Kurth, was one of the pilots who witnessed the Tic Tac UFO, but has remained silent about the incident. He did, however, take a job as a program manager at Bigelow Advanced Aerospace Space Studies in Las Vegas, whose owner Robert Bigelow has been a well-known funder of UFO and paranormal research for decades.

• Underwood says he is glad that Dave Fravor told the story on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. “That day, Dave Fravor was landing at the same time I was getting my gear on, and we crossed paths just after he’d seen (the UFO).” Underwood told Fravor that the Princeton’s radar was “picking up a specific object that they wanted us to hunt.” Once in the air, “all of a sudden, I got this blip on my radar. …It looked like a ‘Tic Tac’ out there in the sky.”

• “It was inside of 20 miles. You’re not going to see it with your own eyes until probably 10 miles, and then you’re not going to be able to visually track it until you’re probably inside of 5 miles, which is where Dave Fravor saw it.” At that point Underwood was tracking it on the FLIR radar, and making sure that the videotape was on.

• “The thing that stood out to me the most,” said Underwood, “was how erratic it was behaving . …[I]ts changes in altitude, air speed, and aspect were just unlike things that I’ve ever encountered before… in ways that aren’t physically normal. … They have to have some source of lift, some source of propulsion. The Tic Tac was not doing that. It was going from like 50,000 feet to, you know, a hundred feet in like seconds, which is not possible.” “The video shows a source of heat, but the normal signatures of an exhaust plume were not there. There was no sign of propulsion.”

• “[T]his was not a weather balloon — because a balloon, it just ascends and floats from low to high altitude; it doesn’t behave erratically. I mean, it’s just a damn balloon. So that was out of the question.” “It wasn’t — to the best of my knowledge — a cruise missile or any other kind of test aircraft that we possibly may have not known about, just because of the way it was behaving.”

• Once he landed back on the carrier, Underwood saw one of his buddies from a sister squadron and they put the video tapes into the playback machine in the intelligence center. “Those little video cuts— that you see of my FLIR recording — were taken there at the intelligence center,” said Underwood.

• “[P]robably within about 20 minutes or so, I spoke to someone that I assume was from NORAD. I described it exactly as I just told you. I didn’t get debriefed.” Normally “we would get debriefed on it, …and, basically, ‘This is what you saw. Don’t talk about it.’ That never happened, which leads me to think that it was not a government project.” “I’ve got top-secret clearance with a ton of special-project clearances.” But “if it was a government project, I did not (have a) need to know.”

• “I’ve never said that this is what I think it was or speculate as to what I think it was. That’s not my job. But I saw something. And it was also seen, via eyeballs, by both my commanding officer, Dave Fravor, and the Marine Corps Hornet squadron commanding officer who was out there as well.” “It’s funny, seeing your boss’s name and face on the news.” “[E]verything that Dave has put out there in the interviews is absolutely, 100 percent, exactly what happened on that day. And we’re still good friends to this day.”

• “I’ll let the nerds… do the math on what it was likely to be. I just happened to be the person that brought back the video.”


In the 15 years since Chad Underwood recorded a bizarre and erratic UFO — now called “the Tic Tac,” a name Underwood himself came up with — from the infrared camera on the left wing of his F/A-18 Super Hornet, he’s become a flight instructor, a civilian employee in the aerospace industry, and a father. But he has not yet spoken publicly about what he saw that day, even now, two years after his video made the front page of the New York Times. As he explained before speaking with Intelligencer, Underwood has mostly wanted to avoid having his name “attached to the ‘little green men’ crazies that are out there.”

                       Chad Underwood

The story of the Tic Tac begins around November 10, 2004, when radar operator Kevin Day first reported seeing odd and slow-moving objects flying in groups of five to ten off of San Clemente Island, west of the San Diego coast. At an elevation of 28,000 feet, moving at a speed of approximately 120 knots (about 138 miles per hour), the clusters were too high to be birds, too slow to be conventional aircraft, and were not traveling on any established flight path, at least according to Day.

In a military report made public by KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Day would later observe that the objects “exhibited ballistic-missile characteristics” as they zoomed from 60,000 feet to 50 feet above the Pacific Ocean, alarmingly without producing sonic booms. All told, radar operators with the Princeton spent about two weeks attempting to figure out what the objects were, a process that included having the ship’s radar system shut down and recalibrated to make sure that the mysterious radar returns were not not false positives, or “ghost tracks.”

Eventually, David Fravor, commanding officer of the Black Aces, made visual confirmation of one of the objects midair during a flight-training exercise. An hour later, Underwood made his infrared recording on a second flight. “That day,” Underwood recalls, “Dave Fravor was like, ‘Hey, dude. BOLO.’ Like, be on the lookout for just something weird. I can’t remember the exact terms that he used. I didn’t really think much about it at the time. But once I was able to acquire it on the radar and on the FLIR [forward-looking infrared camera], that’s kind of where things — I wouldn’t say ‘went sideways’ — but things were just different.”

The footage appears to depict what Fravor had identified as a 40-foot-long, white, oblong shape (hence “Tic Tac”), hovering somewhere between 15,000 and 24,000 feet in midair and exhibiting no notable exhaust from conventional propulsion sources, even as it makes a surprising dart leftward in the video’s final moments. Of the three UFO incidents captured by U.S. Navy airmen via infrared gun-camera pods, Underwood’s footage remains unique for its lack of cross talk between the pilots — a fact that has led to some speculation about its authenticity. But “there wasn’t anything on it that was protected,” Underwood’s retired former commanding officer Dave Fravor told Intelligencer. The missing audio, he says, “just didn’t make the copy that was taken from the storage drive.”

A former fighter pilot who served on the Nimitz in 2004, who spoke to Intelligencer on condition of anonymity, recalled an exhilarating group screening of the FLIR1 video inside the Nimitz’s Carrier Vehicle Intelligence Center (CVIC): “Debriefs were usually pro forma in the CVIC, but this one in particular was so odd,” the former pilot said. “There weren’t really a lot of skeptics in that room.” Years later, Fravor told ABC News that he didn’t know what the Tic Tac was, but that “it was really impressive, really fast, and I would like to fly it.” In the CVIC that day, the anonymous pilot told Intelligencer, “We all had that. We all wanted to fly it.”

Of the many people to have spotted or recorded the objects, a handful, like Fravor or Princeton’s (retired) Chief Master-at-Arms Sean Cahill, who reported seeing what appeared to be another grouping of the objects from the missile cruiser’s deck, have spoken to journalists or documentarians. Others have not: Lieutenant Colonel “Cheeks” Kurth, a Marine Hornet squadron commanding officer who was also asked to intercept the Tic Tac, still has not done an on-the-record interview. (Three years after the sighting, however, Kurth did take a job as a program manager at Bigelow Advanced Aerospace Space Studies in Las Vegas, whose owner Robert Bigelow has been a well-known private funder of UFO and paranormal research for decades. It was during this same period that Bigelow became a military contractor working on the Pentagon’s once-secret UFO investigation program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.)

Underwood now joins Fravor, Cahill, and others, in speaking about his experience with the Tic Tac. This conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.



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The Real Reason the US Government is So Secretive About UFOs

Listen to “E207 The Real Reason the US Government is So Secretive About UFOs” on Spreaker.

Article by Tom Rogan                          December 17, 2019                       (washingtonexaminer.com)

• Is the government behind a conspiracy to cover up the proof of alien visitation to Earth? Is the government in cahoots with alien species? Why do our politicians like Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama make joking non-denials when asked about UFOs? Why does the military brass maintain its secrecy about UFOs?

• The Pentagon is concerned about UFOs appearing in the vicinity of nuclear weapons and reactors: on faraway Navy aircraft carriers where they often encounter Navy jets in the air; on Navy submarines deep in the oceans; and on Air Force nuclear weapons bases. As reported by UFO researcher Robert Hastings, UFOs have shut down nuclear weapons systems at U.S. and Soviet Union/Russian nuclear sites. This interference by UFOs has occurred since the (atomic bomb testing of the) Manhattan Project at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Has humanity’s perfection of nuclear energy piqued someone or something’s curiosity in us?

• There is no indication that UFOs are hostile or that these UFOs are all coming from the same place. On the contrary, UFOs appear to be quite friendly unless provoked. But the demonstrated capabilities of UFOs – intelligently operated, instantaneously reaching hypersonic speeds; anti-gravity technology; cloaking technology rendering them invisible – makes the capabilities of the US military, and every other military on Earth, look like an absurd joke in comparison. If they intended to harm us, we wouldn’t stand a chance.

• It is clear that civilian and military government agencies maintain active UFO research programs, and even have meta-material from crashed UFOs in its possession. The Pentagon may want to keep what they know of UFOs and their advanced space-time technology a secret so that Earthly adversaries such as China and Russia do not gain this knowledge to use against us. So there are indeed some in the US government who know about UFOs, but don’t know how to deal with them.

• It is we the public that needs to keep pushing the issue. It will take time, but we’ll get to the truth eventually. After all, UFOs keep popping up. Considering their ability to cloak, it is apparent that they want to be seen by us.


Two years ago Sunday, the New York Times broke the stunning story of a secret Pentagon program to study unidentified flying objects. That story led me to delve into this strange world. I’ve learned some interesting stuff about UFOs (“unidentified aerial phenomena,” or “UAP,” as the Pentagon refers to them) since then. But there’s one problem.

The United States government makes it very hard to figure out what and where UFO-related stuff is going on.

Is that because the government is behind some great conspiracy to cover up the proof of alien visitation to Earth? Is it because the government is in cahoots with alien species to create human-alien hybrids?

Perhaps, but I suspect not.

What I believe is really going on here is that the few individuals in the U.S. government who know about this issue believe the phenomena might be a threat. And that they don’t know how to deal with it.

So, what informs the government’s fear?

Well, first off, the nuclear issue.

If you ask a Pentagon representative about a specific UFO incident, as I did most recently last week, you’ll get a boring response like: “Our aviators train as they fight. Any intrusions that may compromise the security of our operations, tactics, or procedures is of great concern. As the investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena sightings is ongoing, we will not discuss individual sighting reports or observations.”

By “aviators,” the Pentagon is referencing the particular frequency with which UFOs tend to interact with U.S. naval aviators operating off aircraft carriers. But what the Pentagon is leaving out is why the UFOs tend to run into those naval aviators. And that cuts to the heart of why the Pentagon is concerned about UFOs.

Because the government’s assessment, though they won’t admit it, is that the UFOs are popping up near the aircraft carriers due to those carriers being nuclear-powered. Note also that UFOs also like to pop up near nuclear submarines and Air Force nuclear weapons bases. Now recognize that this paradigm has been occurring since the Manhattan Project operations at Los Alamos, New Mexico, and also at nuclear sites in the Soviet Union and Russia.

Oh, and as Robert Hastings documents, these UFOs have sometimes even temporarily shut down U.S. nuclear weapons systems. Interesting, right?



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Bizarre Blinking Space Lights ‘Could be Evidence of Extraterrestrials’

Listen to “E206 Bizarre Blinking Space Lights ‘Could be Evidence of Extraterrestrials’” on Spreaker.

Article by Tom Fish                              December 17, 2019                                   (express.co.uk)

• Beatriz Villarroel of Stockholm University in Sweden is one of the authors of a recent study published in The Astronomical Journal about the discovery of a hundred or so blinking lights in space as well as number of vanishing and reappearing objects spotted among the stars which are puzzling researchers. According to the study paper, “The implications of finding such objects extend from traditional astrophysics fields to the more exotic searches for evidence of technologically advanced civilizations”.

• The scientists examined images of the sky dating as far back as the 1950s. They compared them with modern sky surveys looking for physical indicators including stars that apparently vanished from the Milky Way. Villarroel noted that, “Finding an actually vanishing star – or a star that appears out of nowhere would be a precious discovery and certainly would include new astrophysics beyond the one we know of today.”

• Dying stars will change very slowly to become a white dwarf, or will die with a sudden explosion as a supernova. A “failed supernova” is what happens when a very massive star collapses into a black hole without sending out any kind of explosion and vanishes. But failed supernovas are very rare. A vanishing star would likely indicate some other process entirely.

• Non-natural explanations include intelligent alien lasers for communication between stars, or a Dyson sphere which is a structure that alien civilizations build around a star to harness its energy. The scientists believe the anomalies likely originate from “natural, if somewhat extreme, astrophysical sources.”


Astronomers are investigating bizarre blinking lights in space for indications they are evidence of alien super-structures or ”interstellar communication lasers”. A

           Beatriz Villarroel

number of vanishing and reappearing objects have been spotted among the stars are puzzling the researchers attempting to understand what they are.

Scientists believe the lights likely originate from “natural, if somewhat extreme, astrophysical sources”.

However, have yet to find any explanation after discovering one hundred of the strange lights.

Whatever scientists find it likely to change our understanding of space, with astronomers announcing the research could potentially usher in a “new astrophysics”.

The study’s authors wrote in The Astronomical Journal: “The implications of finding such objects extend from traditional astrophysics fields to the more exotic searches for evidence of technologically advanced civilisations”.

The scientists examined publicly available images of the sky dating as far back as the 1950s, such as old military sky catalogues.

They compared those historical observations with modern sky surveys looking for physical indicators including stars that apparently vanished from the Milky Way.



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50 Years Ago, the Air Force Tried to Make UFOs Go Away. But It Didn’t Work.

Listen to “E205 50 Years Ago, the Air Force Tried to Make UFOs Go Away. But It Didn’t Work.” on Spreaker.

Article by MJ Banias                           December 17, 2019                            (popularmechanics.com)

• Fifty years ago, the U.S. Air Force closed its UFO investigation program, Project Blue Book. Its initial predecessor was Project Sign, created in 1947 (after Roswell). The problem with Sign was that it allowed for the notion that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. So the Air Force replaced it with Project Grudge in 1949. It was shut down in 1951 as it labeled all UFOs as hoaxes, although they couldn’t explain 25% of them.

• So in 1952, in the wake of UFOs being spotted over Washington D.C., the Air Force initiated Project Blue Book which investigated up to 15,000 UFO cases, up to one-third of which couldn’t be explained. According to author Mark O’Connell, when it became evident that the project was unable to determine whether these UFOs were a threat to the nation, Blue Book’s mission became one of ‘making the UFOs go away’.

• In 1953, the government formed the Robertson Panel to look at UFO reports. The panel of academics and scientists concluded : 1) UFOs posed no national security risk; 2) the National Security Council should actively debunk UFO reports and make them the subject of ridicule; and 3) UFO investigative and research groups be monitored by intelligence agencies for subversive activity.

• In 1968, the Air Force and the University of Colorado’s ‘Condon Report’ determined that all UFO incidents were delusion, hoaxes or natural phenomenon. “The committee recommended that the Air Force get out of the UFO business,” O’Connell says. And the Air Force was more than happy to do so. Project Blue Book was shut down.

• Australian UFO researcher Paul Dean told Popular Mechanics “… the other three branches of the armed forces, continued to accept UFO reports,” predominantly from military personnel. These UFO reports were secretly investigated.

• Today, the political and academic stigma surrounding UFOs created so many years ago by the Robertson Panel is beginning to erode. Rational UFO discourse is on the uptick as organizations begin to muster support to engage in actual scientific studies of aerial anomalies.

• David O’Leary, creator of HISTORY Channel’s Project Blue Book, says that on a cultural level, there now seems to be a positive shift in how UFOs are viewed by the mainstream public. O’Leary told Popular Mechanics, “I think that for the first time, there’s sort of a conscious awakening to what’s happening.” Says O’Leary, “… privately, the U.S. government wants to study this (UFO) phenomenon, and it takes it very seriously.” O’Connell agrees, noting that this creates the general impression that “… if it’s okay for the government to be interested in the phenomenon, then it ought to be okay for the average Joe to be interested as well.”


Fifty years ago today, the U.S. Air Force announced the closing of its most famous UFO investigation program, Project Blue Book. While the government’s goal was to “make UFOs go away,” it forced a community to take matters into its own hands. And it worked: If the events of this year alone are any indication, UFOs remain as hot of a topic in the general conscience than ever. But we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Blue Book.
In 1947, due to a string of “flying saucer sightings,” the Air Force began its campaign to understand the UFO phenomenon. Quietly, it put together a project, known as Sign, to investigate reports of UFOs. According to some researchers, one of Sign’s alleged final reports, commonly known as the “Estimate of the Situation,” openly favored the notion that flying saucers were extraterrestrial in origin.

While the report has never been released to the public, and is probably more mythological than real, many within UFO circles believe that Sign’s closure and replacement with the short-lived Project Grudge in 1949 attempted to engage in the active debunking of UFO incidents. The Air Force also eventually shut Grudge down in 1951, declaring that UFOs were hoaxes and misidentification—yet admitted that roughly 23 percent of the cases it investigated were unexplainable.

In 1952, the Air Force initiated its final UFO investigation, the now-famous Project Blue Book. Initially led by Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, in nearly two decades, it collected between 12,000 and 15,000 cases and was designed to be a fair and honest look at the UFO situation, succeeding where Sign and Grudge had failed. But while initial intentions may have been good, the project quickly went bad.

Blue Book Breaks Down

In 1953, a year into Blue Book’s run, the government formed the Robertson Panel to look at UFO reports, in the wake of a string of odd aerial objects being spotted over Washington, D.C. the previous year. Comprised of academics and scientists, the panel concluded in its classified report that UFOs posed no risk to national security, and proposed that the National Security Council actively debunk UFO reports to ensure UFOs become the subject of ridicule. It also recommended that UFO investigative and research groups be monitored by intelligence agencies for subversive activity.

“Strictly speaking, Project Blue Book was formed to determine whether UFOs represented a threat to our nation,” Mark O’Connell, author of The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs, tells Popular Mechanics. “Over time, when it was evident that Blue Book was utterly incapable of answering that question, its mission became one of ‘making the UFOs go away.’”



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Top UFO Stories in 2019

Listen to “E202 Top UFO Stories in 2019” on Spreaker.

Article by Chris Ciaccia, James Rogers                       December 18, 2019                           (foxnews.com)

• 2019 was a big year for UFO coverage, ranging from the U.S. Navy acknowledging for the first time that leaked videos were real to a wave of people attempting to “Storm Area 51.” Public interest in UFOs has never been higher. Here is some of what we saw.

• FIRST QUARTER – In January, declassified DIA documents of ‘38 research titles’, procured through a FOIA request, revealed that the Department of Defense’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ had funded projects that investigated UFOs, wormholes, alternate dimensions and a host of other subjects. (see ExoNews article) A Pentagon spokesman said the UFO program ended in 2012, though The New York Times says that the DoD still investigates UFOs.

• SECOND QUARTER – The U.S. Navy announced it was drafting new guidelines to allow pilots and other personnel to report encounters with “unidentified aircraft.” (see ExoNews article) Said a Navy spokesperson, “[T]he Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.” The Navy also said it will take a more proactive approach in briefing lawmakers. And the Pentagon admitted that it was still investigating UFOs as part of the AATIP.

• Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon, told Fox & Friends in May the Navy has a right to be concerned about the unexplained sightings. “We know that UFOs exist. This is no longer an issue,” said Mellon. “The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?” (see ExoNews article)

• According to Mellon, the objects seen by Navy pilots were doing things that aren’t possible in this physical realm. While military aircraft are sustainable for about an hour in the air, these objects would be flying around all day long. “Pilots observing these craft are absolutely mystified…” said Mellon.

• In June, former Senator Harry Reid urged lawmakers to hold public hearings into what the military knows. “They would be surprised how the American public would accept it,” Reid said in a radio interview. “People from their individual states would accept it.” (see ExoNews article)

• THIRD QUARTER – More than 2 million people signed up on Facebook pledging to “Storm Area 51” in Nevada. But on September 20th, only about 100 “alien-chasers” converged on the back gate of the secret government site. “We figure Mars needs women, so we’re here if they want to beam us up,” one woman told Fox News.

• FOURTH QUARTER – A September Gallup poll revealed that more Americans think that the government knows more about UFOs than it is letting on. ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences’, co-founded by former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge, revealed in September that it had obtained “exotic material samples from UFOs”. In October, To the Stars Academy signed a deal with the U.S. Army to study these exotic materials. (see ExoNews articles here and here)

• In September, the U.S. Navy acknowledged that the three UFO videos taken by Navy jets, obtained by ‘To the Stars Academy’, and published by The New York Times, known as “FLIR1” (taken on Nov. 14, 2004); “Gimbal” (taken on Jan. 21, 2015); and “GoFast” (also taken on Jan. 21, 2015) are of authentic “unidentified” objects. It was reported in November that two “unknown individuals” told several Naval officers who witnessed the 2004 Nimitz UFO incident, to delete the evidence. (see ExoArticles here and here)


2019 was a big year for UFO coverage, ranging from the U.S. Navy acknowledging for the first time that leaked videos were real to former and current politicians weighing in on what the military knows, and a wave of people attempting to “storm Area 51.”

No one can say for certain whether life exists outside of this planet, but the public’s interest levels in the subject have likely never been higher.


January saw the release of newly declassified documents from the Pentagon that revealed the Department of Defense funded projects that investigated UFOs, wormholes, alternate dimensions and a host of other subjects that are often the topics of conspiracy theorists.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released 38 research titles on Jan. 18, following a Freedom of Information Act request from Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy. The research was funded by the Department of Defense under its Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

The existence of AATIP was initially described by The New York Times and Politico in 2017. It was subsequently reported by Fox News and a number of other news outlets that the Pentagon had secretly set up a program to investigate UFOs at the request of former Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev.

A Pentagon spokesman said the UFO program ended in 2012, though The New York Times said the Defense Department still investigates potential episodes of unidentified flying objects.


Several months later, the U.S. Navy announced it was drafting new guidelines for pilots and other employees to report encounters with “unidentified aircraft.”

“There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years,” the Navy said in an April statement to Politico, which first reported the move.

“For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.”
“As part of this effort,” it told Politico, “the Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft.”

The Navy also said it’s taking a more proactive approach in briefing lawmakers, including several senators who were briefed in June.
One month later, the Pentagon admitted that it was still investigating UFOs as part of the AATIP.



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Astronomer Has ‘Little Doubt’ We Are Not Alone in the Universe

Listen to “E204 Astronomer Has ‘Little Doubt’ We Are Not Alone in the Universe” on Spreaker.

Article by Sebastian Kettley                            December 15, 2019                               (express.co.uk)

• The discovery of extraterrestrial life is at the top of the priority list for NASA, the European Space Agency and the scientific community. In 2020, NASA will put another Mars rover on the Red Planet to look for evidence of past life. SETI continues listening to the night skies for signs of contact.

• Scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock recently told The Guardian that she had very “little doubt” humans are not the only intelligent life to call this cosmos home. “There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life,” said Aderin-Pocock. But she also shed doubt on ever finding any extraterrestrial life saying, “Maybe they came in the age of the dinosaurs and left because they had no one to communicate with.” “I think though that there’s a great many variables that would need to happen to result in us making contact.”

• Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins told the New York Daily News: “It seems to me the height of arrogance to say that our little stupid Sun off in one obscure corner of an odd galaxy called the Milky Way should be the only one in the whole universe capable of developing what we sometimes refer to as intelligent life.”

• SpaceX founder and South African billionaire Elon Musk thinks aliens could be real, but we will likely never find them. He points out that the universe is 13.8 billion years old – plenty of time for alien civilizations to rise and fall without humans ever noticing.

• NASA has been focusing on the discovery of habitable exoplanets situated in a ‘habitable zone’ where life could evolve around stars far outside of our solar system. NASA’s William Borucki said, “If we find lots of planets like ours, we’ll know it’s likely that we aren’t alone, and that someday we might be able to join other intelligent life in the universe.”

• NASA’s now-retired Kepler space telescope uncovered thousands of distant exoplanets since 2009. Kepler scientist Padi Boyd stated, “I think it’s a really exciting time to be a scientist.” “Here we are in a position to actually answer the question, ‘Are we alone?’ and be able to get a scientific answer.”

[Editor’s Note]  Excuse me, but the discovery of extraterrestrial life is NOT at the top of the priority list for NASA, the European Space Agency or the scientific community. This is a load of “scientific” misdirection and double-talk.  In spite of this article’s optimistic title, it is nothing more than a parade of deep state puppets (with the exception of Michael Collins) spouting the deep state’s agenda that while it may be possible that intelligent extraterrestrials exist somewhere, or may have existed in the past, our Earth civilization will never meet them. This is regarded as the “exciting” scientific point of view. They maintain this extraordinary lie so that the public won’t pay attention to the “kooks on the fringe” who claim that extraterrestrial life exists throughout the galaxy, that many alien races have visited the Earth, and they continue to do so. For the past seventy years, the deep state shadow government has done everything within its considerable power to hide this reality. The public is absolutely brain-washed to believe that aliens do not exist anywhere near our solar system, despite the overwhelming evidence of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation. But very soon the truth will be revealed. And when the truth is finally revealed, people will remember these deep state institutions and ‘scientists’ who made a long and lucrative career of lying to the world.


The question of ‘are we alone in the universe’ has fascinated the scientific community for decades. Aliens and other extraterrestrial organisms are the top of the priority list for bodies like NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA).

    NASA scientist Padi Boyd
          Deep State Stooge, Elon Musk

In 2020, NASA will launch a Mars rover to the Red Planet to trawl the alien world for evidence of past life.

And projects like SETI or the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence are continuously listening to the night skies for signs of contact.

Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock is one of the scientists who have very “little doubt” humans are not the only intelligent life to call this cosmos home.

The space scientist told The Guardian the numbers are stacked in favour of a diverse universe.

Dr Aderin-Pocock said: “I sometimes wonder where the aliens are, but I have little doubt that they’re out there. It’s the numbers game.

naive astronomer who is just happy to be in the public limelight, Maggie Aderin-Pocock
    NASA’s William Borucki

“There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life.

“I think though that there’s a great many variables that would need to happen to result in us making contact.

“Maybe they came in the age of the dinosaurs and left because they had no one to communicate with.

“I actually think that aliens arriving would be brilliant for us. Us putting aside our differences and getting our act together to face invading aliens might finally unite humanity.”



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Santamaria, A UFO!

Article By Rico                               December 18, 2019                               (qcostarica.com)

• On December 17th, a remarkable UFO was captured on video on Tuesday afternoon near the Juan Santamaría International Airport near San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. (see 44 second raw UFO video, and 1:21 minute ‘analysis’ of the video below)

• The Costa Rican Civil Aviation authority says that it is not a UFO, but a drone. The airport is restricted airspace, however, and would require a permit to fly a drone there. Drone expert Warren Campos says that while drones cannot fly near airports, a homemade drone could do so.

• Another drone expert, Geovanny Montero ruled out that it was a drone. He thinks it is a square hot air balloon. Ufologist Óscar Sierra says that from a certain angle you can see metal, ruling out that it may be a hot air balloon.

• Others think it is obvious that it is some type of spaceship. Marco Vinicio Gonzalez said, “It doesn’t remind me of any other UFO I’ve seen in a photo or video, that’s why it’s so strange.”

• The Juan Santamaría International Airport’s Air Surveillance Service claim that they saw nothing, and did not detect anything.


An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) – Objeto Volador No Identificado (OVNI), in Spanish – captured on video on Tuesday afternoon near the Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO) or San Jose airport, has caused a stir in social networks.

So far there have been all kinds of theories about what was flying near the airport.

Some followers of UFOs (ufologists) believe that it could be a ship or a kind of “canepla”(cameras directed remotely by spacecraft), but Aviación Civil (Civil Aviation) confirmed it was NOT a UFO.

Civil Aviation insists it was a drone flying in the area of the airport, without the respective permits.

“It doesn’t remind me of any other UFO I’ve seen in a photo or video, that’s why it’s so strange,” Marco Vinicio Gonzalez, ufologist, told La Teja.
The airport is a restricted airspace.

“To fly a drone near an airport, it is necessary to have a permit that must be authorized by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation that considers the area of operation of the drone and if it will interfere with the altitudes and trajectories of the air traffic control procedures,” says Luis Miranda, head of Unidad de Administración at Civil Aviation.

44 second video of UFO over Costa Rica (‘Alonso MC’ YouTube)

1:21 minute video, analysis of UFO over Costa Rica (‘GetOnThisPlanet’ YouTube)



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Antarctica Under Lockdown as Secret Space Program Unveiling Begins

Listen to “E203 Antarctica Under Lockdown as Secret Space Program Unveiling Begins” on Spreaker.

Article by Benjamin Fulford                              December 17, 2019                             (inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com)

• Multiple sources agree the U.S. government will soon unveil its secret space program. We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program, a Nazi secret space program, and a Russian secret space program. All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies. These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.

• The official launching of a U.S. Space Force by Trump is just the start of a gradual process of disclosure, Pentagon officials say. (see ExoArticle by Dr Salla here) The media is now being filled with stories about UFOs and secret anti-gravity and compact nuclear fusion military technology. A recently retired US Air Force general revealed existing technology that can take us “from one part of the planet to any other part within an hour.” (see ExoArticle here)

• Catherine Austin Fitts documented and the Pentagon confirmed that the infamous $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon budget since 1998 went into the secret space program. This month, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. and Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett both called publicly for the declassification of America’s military space programs.  (see ExoArticle here)

• There are multiple reports of strange goings-on in Antarctica. A senior CIA officer and relative of Admiral Richard Byrd says that Antarctica is “on lockdown”. On December 10th, a Chilean military C-130 carrying 38 people vanished in good weather on its way to Antarctica, apparently for violating top secret airspace. A senior P2 Freemason source citing Russian FSB and CIA reports said, “I know for sure there are ancient alien bases” on Antarctica. “Many Russian and American scientists have been killed in Antarctica”. This is why Antarctica is closed off. This same P2 Freemason source reported that the recent earthquake in the Philippines was caused by an attack on a hostile underground military base.

• Asian secret society leaders have long wanted the U.S. to reveal its secret space program to them. They say that this was agreed to at the recent U.S./China trade talks in return for China buying an extra $200 billion worth of goods from the U.S. every year, even though the U.S. economy does not have the capacity to export that much. But if this includes secret space technology, then it makes sense.

• It is not business as usual in the world’s financial markets. The P2 Freemason sources say money is being pumped into the repo market in response to a proxy war that is pitting the Germans, i.e. JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, against the Rothschilds, i.e. Goldman Sachs and Trump. The Fed announced they will to pump $500 billion into ailing financial markets. Indonesia announced a $40 billion infrastructure project from a pay-off to the Indonesian government for giving the Rothschilds access to their gold. Goldman Sachs confirmed that 1,200 tons or $57 billion of “unexplained gold flows” have been spotted recently. According to Zero Hedge, over $1 trillion in U.S. dollars are being hoarded overseas by the world’s wealthy elite. When mainstream publications like The Wall Street Journal start saying corporations are cooking their books to inflate their profits, you know the end is near. It will be impossible to keep the current U.S. stock market bubble going on much longer.

• According to the writer, Ben Fulford (pictured above), the late former Fed Chief Paul Volcker took his orders from his Rockefeller bosses who secretly decided how central bank money would be distributed. But now the subject of debt forgiveness, or ‘jubilee’, is in the mainstream discussion. This is another hint of some sort of financial event that could be linked to space disclosure.

• Now that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has won a mandate to leave the German EU, a fundamental agreement has been reached to have Europe run by a triumvirate of Germany, Russia, and the UK. The political attacks on Russia and on Trump that were waged by a certain UK faction will now be wound down and stopped.

• A meeting is being arranged for mid-January between the British Commonwealth, the P2 Freemasons, the Pentagon, and Asian secret societies to discuss the establishment of a World Planning Agency with an annual budget of $1 trillion; the disclosure of the secret space program; a debt jubilee; and the global financial reset.


An unusual flurry of events and press announcements makes it clear the U.S. government is unveiling its secret space program, multiple sources agree. We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program, a Nazi secret space program, and a Russian secret space program. All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies. The recent trade agreement between the U.S. and China is also linked to these secret space programs, Chinese and Pentagon sources agree. These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.

Typically this writer does not tread lightly into the UFO world and believes extra-ordinary claims require extraordinary proof. However, such proof is now undeniable.

The biggest evidence is a series of public announcements by multiple government officials, including U.S. President Donald Trump. The official launching of a U.S. Space Force by Trump is just the start of a gradual process of disclosure, Pentagon officials say.

The media is now being filled with stories about UFOs and secret U.S. military technology as part of this process. As we have previously reported, the U.S. Navy has released patents for anti-gravity flying saucers and compact nuclear fusion. Now we have a recently retired air force general talking about already existing technology that can take us “from one part of the planet to any other part within an hour.”

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala. and Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett both called publicly this month for the declassification of “a large amount of information about America’s military space programs.”

The $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government budget since 1998, as documented by Catherine Austin Fitts and others, was spent on the secret space program, Pentagon officials confirm. Much of this technology is now being released to the general public, they say.

We are also getting far more UFO sightings around the world that are being recording on high-quality video. If you get into the habit of looking at the sky as I have, it won’t be long before you can see for yourself with your own naked eyes.

Now that the Antarctic summer has begun, we are again getting multiple reports of strange goings-on there, too. On December 10th, a Chilean military plane carrying 38 people vanished in good weather on its way to Antarctica.

A senior CIA officer, and relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic exploration fame, told us:

“The Chilean military were ordered by their controllers not to go near Antarctica. They thought they were smarter and knew more than their masters. The C-130 has been removed. It wasn’t who was on the plane, it was what they were carrying that resulted in ‘the disappearance.’ At this stage, there are no entries and exits taking place on Antarctica. The Southernmost continent is on lockdown until further notice (not due to this incident).”



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Kecksburg Review: Three Conspiracy Theories Proving a UFO Crashed

Listen to “E201 Kecksburg Review: Three Conspiracy Theories Proving a UFO Crashed” on Spreaker.

Article by Susan Leighton                          December 14, 2019                             (1428elm.com)

• “Kecksburg” is a new docudrama movie based on the UFO incident that occurred on December 9, 1965 in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, a small town 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Cody Knotts directed and wrote the film along with writers Emily Lapisardi and Vince Ruffalo. The movie intertwines the lives of several individuals in the town and how they all collide when a fireball blazes across the sky and crashes into the woods. (1:49 minute movie trailer below)

• In an early scene of the movie, President Lyndon Johnson and Senator Robert Byrd learn about the UFO crash while at a black-tie affair in West Virginia. They are told that two extraterrestrials from the crash are roaming the countryside. Johnson seems far less interested in the fact that aliens exist than he is in the Army containing the area and preventing any leaks to the public – at any cost. They will blame the Kecksburg incident on a Russian satellite.

• In the movie, the wife of the Kecksburg Fire Chief tells a local radio news reporter, John Murphy, about the Kecksburg UFO crash. Murphy manages to take photos of the crash site. This results in a run-in with a ruthless and evil government agent who is intent on keeping the incident hidden from the public and will kill anyone with knowledge of it. The agent forces Murphy to turn over his film roll. But Murphy secretly keeps some photos, including one of a dead alien.

• Meanwhile, reports indicate that a Grey alien is hiding in the woods of Kecksburg, while a human-like extraterrestrial is apparently trying to blend in with the local populace.

• The film’s plot is ambitious with the key characters intersecting with one another. What we end up seeing played out onscreen is a massive government cover-up to hide the fact that we are not alone and that UFOs have routinely visited our planet. By the end of the movie, you’ll believe that the craft that crashed at Kecksburg was definitely not a Russian satellite.


Kecksburg is a quiet town 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. It is the kind of place where everybody knows your name.

However, on December 9, 1965, all of that was about to change when a fireball blazed across the sky and crashed into the woods. Inspired by this real-life event, Cody Knotts’ film takes its cue from there.

                            Cody Knotts
       image from 1965 crash retrieval

What we end up seeing played out onscreen is a massive government cover-up to hide the fact that we are not alone and that UFOs have routinely visited our planet. If you enjoy Project Blue Book and The X-Files, this indie will be right up your alley.

Written by Knotts, Emily Lapisardi and Vince Ruffalo, this tense little thriller intertwines the lives of several individuals in the town and how they all collide on that unforgettable night. The story centers around local radio reporter, John Murphy who risks his life to expose the truth behind the Roswell of the east coast.

‘acorn from space’ replica today

We decided to take a look at 3 of the main conspiracy theories featured in the movie that lead us to believe that the craft that crashed was definitely not a Russian satellite re-entering the atmosphere. See if you agree with us.

 The Government Has Knowledge of Prior UFO Visitations

Anyone who watches Ancient Aliens on a frequent basis is familiar with the consensus that our government knows that UFOs have been on our soil in the past. In Kecksburg, this is evident when President Lyndon Johnson (Richard John Walters) is at a black-tie affair in West Virginia and he gets called out of the room with Senator Robert Byrd (Caesar James) to be debriefed.

Of course, they are discussing the incident in Pennsylvania and Johnson seems to understand that the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon that crashed in the woods is not from this earth. To make matters worse, two aliens are on the loose roaming the countryside. Apparently, this sort of ordeal has happened before because the Commander-in-Chief’s uttermost worry deals with “containment,” or making certain that word about the incident doesn’t leak.

1:49 minute movie trailer for ‘Kecksburg’ (‘Cody Knotts’ YouTube)



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Alien Invasion On Earth Would Be Good For Humanity

Listen to “E200 Alien Invasion On Earth Would Be Good For Humanity” on Spreaker.

Article by Inigo Monzon                            December 15, 2019                        (ibtimes.com)

• Maggie Aderin-Pocock is a British scientist who specializes in physics and astronomy. She co-hosts the astronomy-themed BBC program “The Sky At Night.” Aderin-Pocock recently acknowledged that intelligent alien life forms exist and that it’s only just a matter of time before humans encounter them. She also believes that an invasion carried out by aliens might actually be good for humanity.

• “I sometimes wonder where the aliens are, but I have little doubt that they’re out there,” Aderin-Pocock told The Guardian. “It’s the numbers game. There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life.” (see Adam Frank video below on the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life)

• Aderin-Pocock suggested that aliens may have already visited this planet at a time when humans had not yet evolved, and then left. Said Aderin-Pocock, “Maybe they came in the age of the dinosaurs and left because they had no one to communicate with.”

• If aliens did return to our planet to carry out a wide-scale invasion, Aderin-Pocock believes that this would still be good for the people of Earth. An alien invasion would unify everyone to stop our wars and our in-fighting in order to fight against a common enemy.

[Editor’s Note]    I agree with Maggie Aderin-Pocock that “There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life.” It seems obvious. So why can’t scientists take the leap to admit that alien life is all around us, but the world’s power elite and the governments they control are actively hiding the truth about extraterrestrials? What is it that makes scientists cling to the notion that the government is telling us the truth when they say that the Roswell UFO crash was a Project Mogul balloon; or that the UFOs flying over Washington D.C. in the summer 1952 were caused by “temperature inversions”; or that the ‘tic tac’ UFOs seen by Navy pilots over the past 25 years, displaying exotic technology which ‘defies our concept of physics’ are simply a new generation of military hardware? And why would they believe anything that comes out of SETI? Is it because funding for any type of scientific research comes from government or private foundation grants, which are controlled by this same deep state elite?


A British astronomer believes that intelligent alien life forms exist and that it’s only just a matter of time before humans encounter them. She also believes that an invasion carried out by aliens might actually be good for humanity.

                Maggie Aderin-Pocock

Scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock specializes in the fields of physics and astronomy. Since 2014, she has been co-hosting the astronomy-themed BBC program “The Sky At Night.” Recently, she shared her thoughts on extraterrestrial intelligence. According to Aderin-Pocock, it is highly possible that humans are not the only intelligent forms of life in the universe primarily because of its vastness.

Due to the number of planets, stars and galaxies that are yet to be identified by space agencies, it is possible that there are worlds that are inhabited by intelligent alien beings.

“I sometimes wonder where the aliens are, but I have little doubt that they’re out there,” Aderin-Pocock told The Guardian. “It’s the numbers game. There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life.”

Aside from the possible existence of extraterrestrial life, the scientists noted that it is possible that aliens may have already visited. However, since this may have occurred during the time when humans have not yet evolved, the aliens most likely left the planet after failing to connect with an intelligent life form.

Adam Frank on the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life (‘University of Rochester’ YouTube)




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Water is ‘Common’ on Alien Worlds, Scientists Say

Listen to “E199 Water is ‘Common’ on Alien Worlds, Scientists Say” on Spreaker.

Article by Andrew Griffen                       December 11, 2019                         (independent.co.uk)

• The Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge, England recently completed the most extensive survey of the chemical compositions of exoplanets ever conducted. They found that water was “common” across many of those exoplanets. But they also discovered that there was less of it on those planets than expected, and there was great variety between the different kinds of worlds. Said project leader Dr. Nikku Madhusudhan, “We are seeing the first signs of chemical patterns in extra-terrestrial worlds, and we’re seeing just how diverse they can be in terms of their chemical compositions.”

• Water is thought to be a key component of extraterrestrial life, and so finding it elsewhere in the universe is key to discovering life elsewhere in the universe. The researchers used data from 19 exoplanets to get detailed measurements of the chemical and thermal properties. They looked at a wide variety of different worlds, from relatively small “mini-Neptunes” that are 10 times bigger than our Earth to “super-Jupiters” that are as big as 600 times the Earth.

• The theory is that when our solar system was forming, the gravity of the high carbon content in giant planets pulled in ice and other hydrogen particles to form water reserves. If this holds true for giant exoplanets, they should also hold large amounts of water.

• Using data from a huge array of different space and ground telescopes, researchers found water vapour present in 14 of the 19 planets, along with an abundance of sodium and potassium in six planets. But they also found less oxygen relative to other elements. So they may not contain significant amounts of ice.

• Luis Welbanks, lead author of the study, said, “Measuring the abundances of these chemicals in exoplanetary atmospheres is something extraordinary, considering that we have not been able to do the same for giant planets in our solar system yet, including Jupiter, our nearest gas giant neighbor.”

• Says project leader Dr. Madhusudhan, “Given that water is a key ingredient to our notion of habitability on Earth, it is important to know how much water can be found in planetary systems beyond our own.”

[Editor’s Note]   With the recent news of Navy patents on anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point energy, and the declassification of government ‘secret space programs’, deep state institutions such as Cambridge University are pouring on the “scientific studies” of the potential habitability of distant exoplanets as a distraction from the soon-to-be-disclosed reality that virtually every star in the galaxy has a habitable planet with intelligent life.


Water is “common” on alien worlds, scientists have found in a study that could change our understanding of how planets form and where we might find alien life.

The discovery comes from the most extensive survey of the chemical compositions of planets ever conducted, and challenges our search for water in our own solar system and elsewhere.

    Dr. Nikku Madhusudhan
             Luis Welbanks

Water is thought to be a key component of extraterrestrial life, and so finding it elsewhere in the universe is likely to be central to discovering whether aliens exist elsewhere in the universe.

The researchers used data from 19 exoplanets to get detailed measurements of the chemical and thermal properties of exoplanets. They looked at a wide variety of different worlds, from relatively small “mini-Neptunes” only 10 times bigger than our Earth to “super-Jupiters” that are as big as 600 of our own planet, and from places that are between 20C and 2000C.

They found that water was “common” across many of those exoplanets. But they also discovered that there was less of it on those planets than expected, and there was great variety between the different kinds of worlds.

“We are seeing the first signs of chemical patterns in extra-terrestrial worlds, and we’re seeing just how diverse they can be in terms of their chemical compositions,” said project leader Dr Nikku Madhusudhan from the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge.



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2019 Was Banner Year for UFO Sightings

Listen to “E198 2019 Was Banner Year for UFO Sightings” on Spreaker.
Article by Paula Froelich                           December 14, 2019                          (nypost.com)

• It’s been a heckuva year for unidentified flying objects. 2019 has been awash with news of UFOs, aliens, reports and video from verifiably sane sources. In May, soon after Navy pilots claimed to not only have seen but recorded UFOs during training exercises in 2004 and 2015, the Navy brass admitted it investigates UFOs. (see ExoArticle)

• In November, Popular Mechanics reported that after the 2004 ‘Nimitz incident’, two “unknown individuals” took the data tapes away and wiped the Navy’s hard drives. (see ExoArticle)

• Meanwhile, unidentified flying objects were captured on video off North Carolina’s Outer Banks (see ExoNews Update Article) and the Army announced a partnership with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy’ to research alien technology. (see ExoArticle)

• According to the National UFO Reporting Center, on September 21st, in Gallipolis, Ohio, “A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witnessed a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.” (see ExoArticle)

• On September 1st in Taos, New Mexico, “Three elk hunters allegedly witnessed two alien creatures, standing upright, on a nearby hilltop. The next day, two of them return to the same area to look for evidence, and they allegedly witnessed an unusual looking craft resting on the ground.” (see ExoArticle)

• On August 12th on New Jersey’s Garden State Parkway, “A husband and wife were driving north on the NJ Garden State Parkway when their attention was drawn to two peculiar white lights that appeared to be approaching their location. Suddenly, they realized that the lights were affixed to a very large, triangular craft, which maneuvered to above the highway and hovered. The witnesses could see ‘windows’ on the top of the craft, from which light appeared to emanate. Traffic was passing underneath the craft.”

• According to the UFO HotSpot Infographic , aliens apparently prefer colder climes as UFO hotspots include Washington State, Montana, Vermont, Alaska and Maine. The states with the least alien activity are Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama.


It’s been a helluva year for unidentified flying objects.

Once thought to be fictional works used to sell tabloids, 2019 has been awash with news of UFOs, aliens and strange phenomena — including reports (complete with video) from verifiably sane sources.

In May, the Pentagon admitted it investigates UFOs soon after Navy pilots claimed to not only have seen but recorded UFOs during training exercises in 2004 and 2015.

In November, another report in Popular Mechanics confirmed that after the 2004 incident, two “unknown individuals” took the data tapes away and wiped the Navy hard drive.

Meanwhile, just around the time the Popular Mechanics report was released, unidentified flying objects were captured on video off North Carolina’s Outer Banks and the Army announced a partnership with Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy to research alien technology.

But while astronomers say humans finding aliens may take a long time, 2019 was a particularly active year for UFOs visiting Earth.

According to the National UFO Reporting Center, on Sept. 21, in Gallipolis, Ohio, “A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witnessed a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.”

Meanwhile, on Sept. 1, in Taos, New Mexico, “Three elk hunters allegedly witnessed two alien creatures, standing upright, on a nearby hilltop. The next day, two of them return to the same area to look for evidence, and they allegedly witness an unusual looking craft resting on the ground.”

Closer to home, on Aug. 12, on New Jersey’s Garden State Parkway (near exit 38B by Atlantic City), “A husband and wife were driving north on the NJ Garden State Parkway when their attention was drawn to two peculiar white lights that appeared to be approaching their location. Suddenly, they realized that the lights were affixed to a very large, triangular craft, which maneuvered to above the highway and hovered. The witnesses could see ‘windows’ on the top of the craft, from which light appeared to emanate. Traffic was passing underneath the craft.”

If you’re worried about your home state, a handy UFO HotSpot Infographic was created by SatelliteInternet.com that shows the states with the most alien activity.

According to the infographic, aliens apparently prefer colder climes as “UFO hotspots include Washington State (the home of the National UFO Reporting Center), Montana and Vermont. Alaska and Maine are also popular states for alien encounters.”

The states with the least alien activity are Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama — despite former President Jimmy Carter logging an official report with the International UFO Bureau in 1969, claiming he had seen a self-illuminated, multi-colored UFO before giving a speech at the Lions Club in Leary, Georgia.



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This University Acquired a Massive Collection of UFO Files

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Article by MJ Banias                       December 10, 2019                       (vice.com)

• Science writer and researcher Chris Rutkowski is a Canadian legend. Considered Canada’s most prolific researcher and writer on UFOs and paranormal phenomena, Rutkowski has accumulated forty years’ worth of files, notes, books and zines pertaining to his research. Rutkowski told Motherboard, “I had always wondered what was going to happen to it all.”

• Then the Director of Archives at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba approached Rutkowski about donating some of his collection to its library. “After discussing it more over dinner,” said Rutkowski, “I wondered out loud about the possibility of donating my entire collection. And that was that.”

• “The Director of Archives had seen me on TV talking about the Falcon Lake case,” explains Rutkowski. This infamous case occurred on May 20, 1967 when Stephen Michalak was searching for minerals along Falcon Lake, 80 miles east of Winnipeg. All of the sudden Michalak sees a 40-foot UFO land on a rock. After approaching the craft and hearing voices inside, the object emitted a hot gas out of a vent in its side, burning his stomach.

• Michalak was treated by a doctor for severe headache, vomiting, and first degree burns which formed in a grid pattern on his lower abdomen. Canadian doctors were unable to determine the cause of Michalak’s injuries and illness. So he went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Documents from the Mayo Clinic proves that Michalak was not suffering from mental illness or hallucinations.

• Rutkowski believes that the Falcon Lake Incident is one of the best UFO cases to date, and there’s much more documentation supporting it than Roswell and many other famous American cases. It has significant police and military documentation, physical injuries, independent lab tests from two countries, medical reports, and in-depth witness testimony. Geographically, the site of the incident is accessible and physical materials, such as a still radioactive piece of melted silver were recovered. The Canadian government admitted that it actually happened, and issued a commemorative coin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Falcon Lake Incident.

• There are well over 30,000 documents in Rutkowski’s collection. The greatest hurdle is the time and money required to digitize the archive so researchers around the world can access it. The University of Manitoba and Rutkowski have started a crowdfunding campaign to make this happen. Says Rutkowski, “I would hope that the funds will be used by researchers wishing to better understand the nature of the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be.”


The frozen prairies of Canada have always been home to strange events and mysterious encounters. So it’s perhaps appropriate that the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg has just accepted a large donation of documents from a prolific UFO researcher confirming the province’s “unnatural history.”

                      Chris Rutkowski

Science writer and researcher Chris Rutkowski is a Canadian legend. Undoubtedly the country’s most prolific researcher and writer on UFOs and paranormal phenomena, Rutkowski was approached by the university’s archives and was asked to donate some of his collection to its library.

“I’ve been doing research and publishing in this field for more than 40 years. I’ve accumulated a lot of files, notes, books and zines over the decades, and I had always wondered what was going to happen to it all,” Rutkowski told Motherboard in an interview. “The Director of Archives had seen me on TV talking about the Falcon Lake case. She approached me and asked if I would consider donating the files…After discussing it more over dinner, I wondered out loud about the possibility of donating my entire collection. And that was that.”

The US Air Force’s UFO investigation program, Project Blue Book, investigated an infamous Canadian injury case which allegedly occurred on May 20, 1967, known as the Falcon Lake UFO Incident. As the story goes, Stephen Michalak was searching for minerals along Falcon Lake, 80 miles east of Winnipeg, Manitoba when a strange, 40-foot object landed on an outcropping of rock. After approaching the craft and hearing voices inside it, the object emitted a hot gas out of a vent in its side, burning Michalak’s abdomen. Michalak was examined by his doctor only a few hours after the incident and was treated for his symptoms which included severe headache, vomiting, and first degree burns which formed in a grid pattern on his lower abdomen. While Michalak’s condition temporarily improved, he did suffer from lasting effects.


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