E220 Why We’re Sending Music to Extraterrestrials

Any musician will tell you, there is a deep logic inherent to music: There are equal distances between notes in a scale, notes can be combined in certain ways called harmonics, rhythm can be expressed in numerical ratios called time signatures, and so on. Music is a hybrid of logic and emotion, the yin and yang of the human experience.

E218 UFO Society Claims To Be In Contact With Gods From Space

So, …at some point, an extra-terrestrial being will come to Earth … possibly in some kind of vehicle like what we might term a flying saucer.” “He will have great psychic powers. He will not age. When it says he will stand tall among men, that’s probably literally he will be really tall. … (possibly) around seven foot (tall). He will demonstrate great powers, as much as is necessary.”

E215 Space Force’s Secret Tech Behind USS Nimitz UFO Will Be Revealed in 2020

UFO researchers Blake and Brent Cousins, proprietors of the YouTube channel ‘thirdphaseofthemoon’, told the Daily Star that the Tic-Tac UFO video recorded by Navy pilots from the Nimitz carrier group off of the coast of San Diego in 2004 is reversed-engineered extraterrestrial technology that the US military has had for 30 or 40 years. Blake claims that pilots, airline passengers, and even he himself have seen this type of craft in the skies.

President Eisenhower and Extraterrestrials? Film Explores This Urban Legend


Article by Greg Archer                          January 9, 2020                         (desertsun.com)

• Earlier this month, Christopher Munch screened his new movie, “The 11th Green” at the 31st annual Palm Springs International Film Festival in Palm Springs, California. The movie portrays President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s alleged secret meetings with extraterrestrial emissaries during the 1950s.

• “There was an urban legend out there …in the 1950s that Dwight Eisenhower had one or more face-to-face interactions with visitors from other worlds,” says Munch. “What interested me about the story was not so much the specifics of it or whether it was true or not, but more so … how (Eisenhower) would have potentially reflected back on those experiences late in his life. Would he have regrets or done things differently?”

• The storyline involves a Washington DC journalist named Jeremy who moves into his late father’s house, which by coincidence was formerly owned by President Eisenhower before the President’s death in 1969. Jeremy’s father served on the National Security Council staff for President Eisenhower back in the day. His father’s former protégé gives him reels of film that suggest America had interaction with off-world visitors 50 years ago, but the “extraterrestrial question” was left in the wrong hands. The film portrays Eisenhower in 1967 contemplating the extraterrestrial presence kept hidden by a shadow government. The story switches time-periods from Jeremy’s father as a young counselor to the President in the 1950s, to modern day as Jeremy is piecing together the history.

• Munch notes that, “In the course of the last year, the film has become timelier … as “major publications have documented … incidents involving the U.S. Military engaging with UFOs over the past 15 years or so.” The military’s revelations of UFOs “cannot be easily dismissed, as it was from the 1950s onward, where UFOs and ETs were only considered in the context of the ‘giggle factor.’”

• Regarding Eisenhower’s encounters with alien beings, Munch believes that such encounters would have been “routine” for the former President. “I don’t think anything really phased Eisenhower,” says Munch. As a mainstream journalist, Jeremy’s character “certainly has a predisposition”. “[B]ut it’s balanced out by his concern for the validity of what he’s reporting. I think that’s the quandary for any journalist who is having to report on the subject of UFOs or extraterrestrials.”

[Editor’s Note]   I doubt that Eisenhower considered his meetings with extraterrestrial beings to be “routine”. I doubt that anyone would find interactions with aliens routine, except maybe Corey Goode. Eisenhower was famously under a great deal of stress, causing multiple heart attacks during his presidency. After he had completed his second term in office, his farewell address in January 1961 alluded to a shadow government hiding the fact that they were working with extraterrestrial beings, and creating a massive ‘military industrial complex’ that owed no allegiance to the elected government of the United States nor its citizens.


                  Christopher Munch

Written and directed by Christopher Munch, “The 11th Green” begins on slow simmer and eventually arrives at an emotional boil as it floats back and forth through time to explore a curious proposition: that former President Dwight D. Eisenhower was not only interested in but also had contact with extraterrestrials.

The film, which was partially shot in Palm Desert and other Coachella Valley locations, screens in the Locals Spotlight program at the 31st annual Palm Springs International Film Festival.

“There was an urban legend out there for some time, and I believe reports first appeared in the 1950s

President Dwight D. Eisenhower

that Dwight Eisenhower had one or more face-to-face interactions with visitors from other worlds,” Munch says. “What interested me about the story was not so much the specifics of it or whether it was true or not, but more so the emotional ‘what if?’ involving Eisenhower. How this man would have potentially reflected back on those experiences late in his life. Would he have regrets or done things differently?”

How did Munch craft a story with a potentially contentious subject matter that today’s audiences could embrace? With an inventive storyline.

The plot: After his 85-year-old father dies from a sudden heart attack, slick Washington D.C. journalist Jeremy Rudd (played by Campbell Scott) returns to his golf resort home. Fighting memories of his beleaguered father-and-son relationship, Jeremy suddenly becomes much more acquainted with his father’s mysterious legacy.

Toss in a romantic interest via his father’s former assistant, Laurie (played by Agnes Bruckner), and a visit from his father’s protégé, Jacobsen (played by Currie Graham), who hands Jeremy reels of film that suggest America had interaction with off-world visitors 50 years ago, and our protagonist suddenly finds himself in a personal and professional conundrum.

Is his newfound potential love interest clouding his interest? Should he believe in the film footage presented to him?


16:14 minute Eisenhower farewell speech, January 17, 1961 (‘Ewafa’ YouTube)



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George Adamski Got Famous Sharing UFO Photos and Alien ‘Encounters’

Listen to “E225 George Adamski Got Famous Sharing UFO Photos and Alien ‘Encounters’” on Spreaker.

Article by Greg Daugherty                           January 9, 2020                           (history.com)

• George Adamski is perhaps the most famous UFO contactee and is certainly one of the most controversial characters in UFO history. Throughout his life, Adamski took photos of UFOs, wrote books and told stories of his encounters with human-like extraterrestrials from other planets in our solar system, gaining international fame as well as criticism.

• Adamski was born in Poland in 1891, coming to the U.S. with his parents and growing up in northern New York state. He had little formal education. In 1934, he told a Los Angeles Times reporter that he had lived in Tibet as a child, and planned to establish the first Tibetan monastery in Laguna Beach, California. In 1936, he told the newspapers that he was going to establish the world headquarters of an organization called ‘Universal Progressive Christianity’ in Laguna Beach. He also offered a tax plan to end the Great Depression in 1938.

• After World War II, Adamski’s ambitions turned to UFOs. In October 1946, he spotted his first UFO – a motionless black cigar-shaped craft. In August 1947, he witnessed a procession of 184 UFOs in the sky. By 1949, he’d attached a camera to his six-inch telescope and began scanning the skies. Adamski estimated that he took about 500 flying saucer photos, from which he got a dozen good quality shots. Newspapers and magazines published Adamski’s photos, and he gave lectures on UFOs. He also operated a tiny restaurant with a small telescope set up out back (in a rural area between Los Angeles and San Diego).

• In 1952, Adamski reported that he had met and conversed with a visitor from Venus in a California desert using a combination of hand gestures and mental telepathy, which he recounted in his 1953 book: Flying Saucers Have Landed. His 1955 sequel: Inside the Space Ships, recounted meeting human-like emissaries from Mars and Saturn. Adamski claimed that every planet in our solar system had human-like inhabitants, as did a base on the dark side of the Earth’s Moon.

• In his books, Adamski claimed that his extraterrestrial friends took him aboard a scout ship, flew him to a mother ship hovering over the Earth, gave him a ride around the Moon, and treated him to a colorful travelogue about life on Venus. He said that a 1,000 year-old man shared with him the secrets of the universe, some of which he was not allowed to divulge back on Earth.

• Adamski recounted his meeting in November 1952 with a human-like visitor from Venus in a remote part of the California desert. “The beauty of his form surpassed anything I had ever seen,” said Adamski. “(His) hair was sandy in color and hung in beautiful waves to his shoulders, glistening more beautifully than any woman’s I have ever seen.” The Venusian had come to deliver a message: ‘Earthlings should stop messing around with atomic bombs before they destroy their entire planet.’

• Project Bluebook investigator J. Allen Hynek called Adamski’s flying saucer photos ‘crude fakes’. Hynek’s Bluebook partner, Edward J. Ruppelt, visited Adamski’s restaurant in 1953 to find Adamski hawking his UFO photos. While Ruppelt didn’t believe him, he wrote that he was impressed all the same. “To look at the man and to listen to his story, you had an immediate urge to believe him,” said Ruppelt, … he had “the most honest pair of eyes I’ve ever seen.” SciFi writer Arthur C. Clarke also denounced Adamski’s work and called his believers “nitwits.” But in 1959, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands invited Adamski to her palace to discuss extraterrestrials. Adamski is said to have also had a secret meeting with the Pope in 1963.

• In 1961, Adamski published his last book: Flying Saucers Farewell, and continued to lecture widely. In 1965, Adamski predicted that a large fleet of flying saucers would soon descend on Washington, D.C. He died in April 1965 at age 74.

• Since his death, Adamski’s critics have tended to portray him as a harmless, small-time con artist. Others like Arthur C. Clarke and J. Allen Hynek have accused Adamski of discrediting the entire field of UFO research. But Adamski stuck by his story to the end. In his first book, Adamski gave an upbeat but ominous message: “Let us be friendly. Let us recognize and welcome the men from other worlds! They are here among us.”


To some, he was a prophet. To others, a laughing stock. Even today, more than half a century after his death, George Adamski remains one of the most curious and controversial characters in UFO history.

Adamski had multiple claims to UFO fame. Starting in the late 1940s, he took countless photos of what he insisted were flying saucers. But experts, including J. Allen Hynek, scientific consultant to the Air Force’s Cold War-era UFO investigation team Project Blue Book, dismissed them as crude fakes.

                 George Adamski

Then, in 1952, Adamski reported that he had met and conversed with a visitor from Venus in a California desert, using a combination of hand gestures and mental telepathy.

His story would only get stranger from there.

A star gazer is born

Adamski chronicled his alleged adventures in several books. The first, Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953), coauthored with Desmond Leslie, recounted his chat with the Venusian. Widely read at the time, it later gained a new generation of fans in the trippy 1960s.

Adamski’s 1955 sequel, Inside the Space Ships, described further meetings, not only with the Venusian but also with emissaries from Mars and Saturn.In Adamski’s telling, every planet in our solar system was populated with human-like inhabitants, as was the dark side of the earth’s moon.

In the 1955 book, Adamski claimed that his new friends took him aboard one of their scout ships, flew him to an immense mother ship hovering over the earth, gave him a ride around the moon and treated him to a colorful travelogue about life on Venus.

Along the way, he was also tutored by a space man he called “the master.” The master, who was said to be nearly 1,000 years old, shared the secrets of the universe with Adamski, only some of which he was allowed to divulge back on earth.

Preposterous as his stories seemed, Adamski became an international celebrity and lectured widely. Queen Juliana of the Netherlands raised a public stir after inviting him to her palace in 1959 to discuss extraterrestrial doings. Adamski supposedly claimed a secret 1963 meeting with the pope, as well.

Adamski soon had followers all over the planet. But not everybody was on board. Arthur C. Clarke, the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, not only denounced Adamski’s work but characterized his believers as “nitwits.”



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Planet Venus May Have Been Habitable For Billions of Years, NASA Says


EXONEWS FLASHBACK  Article by Sarah Knapton                    September 22, 2019                        (telegraph.co.uk)

• New computer modelling by NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science presented at the European Planetary Science Congress suggests that the planet Venus may have been habitable for billions of years. “Our hypothesis is that Venus may have had a stable climate for billions of years,” said lead researcher Dr Michael Way.” “Our models show that there is a real possibility that Venus could have been habitable and radically different from the Venus we see today.”

• Computer models of the climate history of Venus, the second planet from the Sun, show that until around 700 million years ago temperatures ranged from 68F to 122F, cool enough for liquid water. Venus’ oceans may have lasted for two or three billion years. However, Dr Way says that “in all of the modelled scenarios, we have found that Venus could still support surface temperatures amenable for liquid water.”

• 715 million years ago, the atmosphere of Venus would have been dominated by nitrogen with trace amounts of carbon dioxide and methane – similar to the Earth’s today – and these conditions could have remained stable up until present times. But Dr Way believes that intense volcanic activity around 700 million years ago transformed Venus by releasing carbon dioxide from molten rocks into the atmosphere. The magma solidified before reaching the surface, creating a barrier that prevented the gas from being reabsorbed, causing runaway global warming.

• In the 1980s, NASA’s Pioneer Venus mission found hints that the planet once had a shallow ocean. Because the planet receives far more sunlight than Earth, scientists believed it evaporated before life could be established. With no water on the surface, carbon dioxide rose in the atmosphere, triggering a runaway greenhouse effect that created a crushing carbon dioxide atmosphere 90 times as thick as Earth’s, and temperatures at the surface reaching 864 degrees Fahrenheit, making life impossible.


The planet Venus may have been habitable for billions of years, Nasa scientists have calculated.

New computer models of the climate history of the second planet from the Sun, show that until around 700 million years ago temperatures ranged from 68F (20C) to 122F (50C), cool enough for liquid water.

In the 1980s, Nasa’s Pioneer Venus mission found hints that the planet once had a shallow ocean, but because it receives far more sunlight than Earth, scientists believed it had quickly evaporated before life could become established.

With no water left on the surface, carbon dioxide rose in the atmosphere, triggering a runaway greenhouse effect that created current conditions.

Today Venus has a crushing carbon dioxide atmosphere 90 times as thick as Earth’s and temperatures at the surface reach 864 degrees Fahrenheit (462C), making life impossible.

But new computer modelling by Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Science suggests that the ocean may have lasted for two to three billion years.

Not only does it suggest that life could have once evolved on Venus, but it opens up new possibilities about where aliens may exist outside of our Solar System.

“Our hypothesis is that Venus may have had a stable climate for billions of years,” said lead researcher Dr Michael Way.

“It is possible that the near-global resurfacing event is responsible for its transformation from an Earth-like climate to the hellish hot-house we see today.

“Our models show that there is a real possibility that Venus could have been habitable and radically different from the Venus we see today.



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When an Air Force Jet Scrambled to Intercept a UFO and Disappeared

Listen to “E224 When an Air Force Jet Scrambled to Intercept a UFO and Disappeared” on Spreaker.

Article by Darryn King                       January 7, 2020                     (history.com)

• On the night of November 23, 1953, US Air Defense Command noticed a blip on the radar of a UFO in restricted air space over Lake Superior at the U.S.-Canadian border. An F-89C Scorpion jet, from Truax Air Force Base in Madison, Wisconsin was dispatched to intercept. The two crew members in the jet were the experienced pilot, First Lieutenant Felix Moncla, and radar operator Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson.

• In his 1955 book: The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, Donald Keyhoe wrote about the incident calling it “one of the strangest cases on record.” According to Keyhoe, the Air Force jet had trouble following the UFO which kept changing course. Flying at 500 miles per hour and with ground control radar directing them, the Scorpion gradually closed in on the UFO. As the jet dropped from 25,000 feet to 7,000 feet to intercept, radar operators on the ground watch as the pair of radar blips merged about 70 miles off Keweenaw Point in upper Michigan.

• Once the two radar blips merged, the F-89 simply “disappeared from the ground statin’s radar scope, according the official 1953 Air Force Accident Report (see here). Then the radar return for the UFO itself ‘veered off and vanished’. The US Air Force, US Coast Guard and Canadian Air Force all conducted an extensive search-and-rescue effort. No wreckage or sign of the pilots were ever found.

• The Air Force put out an official news release to the Associated Press about how the Scorpion jet simply vanished from radar, and the Chicago Tribune published the story with the headline “Jet, Two Aboard, Vanishes Over Lake Superior”. But the Air Force retracted their original story, and claimed that ground control had ‘misread’ their radar. They insisted that the F-89 Scorpion had successfully intercepted the UFO, which they identified as a Royal Canadian Air Force C-47 Dakota flying some 30 miles off course. Then, according the revised story, the pilot Lieutenant Moncla was ‘probably’ stricken with vertigo and crashed the jet into Lake Superior. The Air Force attributed the ‘abnormal radar behavior’ to unusual “atmospheric conditions”.

• Canadian officials, however, said that no military flights had taken place in the area that night. Then, two separate Air Force representatives provided Lieutenant Moncla’s widow with contradictory explanations. One told her that the pilot had crashed into the lake, while the other told her that the jet exploded at a high altitude. The wreckage could not be found in the deep water of Lake Superior.

• Private civilian UFO investigators later discovered that all mention of the incident had been expunged from official military records. The Air Force’s National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena says, “There is no record in the Air Force files of sighting at Kinross AFB on 23 November 1953… There is no case in the files which even closely parallels these circumstances.”

• Private investigative UFO groups came up with two explanations. One said that the Air Force jet had crashed into the UFO’s protective beam and disintegrated. The other suggested that the jet had been “scooped” out of the air and taken aboard the alien spacecraft.


The night an Air Force jet mysteriously disappeared over Lake Superior—November 23, 1953—was a stormy one.

          First Lieutenant Felix Moncla

Near the U.S.-Canadian border, U.S. Air Defense Command noticed a blip on the radar where it shouldn’t have been: an unidentified object in restricted air space over Lake Superior, not far from Soo Locks, the Great Lakes’ most vital commercial gateway. An F-89C Scorpion jet, from Truax Air Force Base in Madison, Wisconsin, took off from nearby Kinross AFB to investigate, with two crew members on board. First Lieutenant Felix Moncla—who had clocked 811 flying hours, including 121 in a similar aircraft—took the pilot’s seat, while Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson was observing radar.

The men would not return from their intercept mission.

What followed, according to Donald Keyhoe, the former Marine Corps naval aviator and UFO researcher who wrote about the incident in his 1955 book The Flying Saucer Conspiracy—was “one of the strangest cases on record.”

                 F-89C Scorpion jet

Once airborne, Lieutenant Wilson had difficulty tracking the unknown object, which kept changing course. So with ground control directing the aviators over the radio, the Scorpion gave chase. The jet, traveling at 500 miles per hour, pursued the object for 30 minutes, gradually closing in.

On the ground, the radar operator guided the jet down from 25,000 to 7,000 feet, watching one blip chase the other across the radar screen. Gradually, the jet caught up to the unknown object about 70 miles off Keweenaw Point in upper Michigan, at an altitude of 8,000 feet, approximately 160 miles northwest of Soo Locks.

At that point, the two radar blips converged into one—“locked together,” as Keyhoe would put it later. And then, according to an official accident report, the radar return from the F-89 simply “disappeared from the GCI [ground-controlled interception] station’s radar scope.”

                        Donald Keyhoe

And then the first radar return, indicating the unidentified object, veered off and vanished too.

The United States Air Force, United States Coast Guard and Canadian Air Force conducted an extensive search-and-rescue effort. No wreckage, or sign of the pilots, was ever found.



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First Chief of Space Force Sworn In

Associated Press                            January 15, 2020                          (king5.com)

• On January 14th, General John Raymond (pictured above with Vice-President Pence) was sworn in as the first ever Chief of Space Operations for the new U.S. Space Force. “Not only is (Space Force) historical, but it’s … absolutely critical to our national security and that of our allies,” Raymond said.

• President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law last month to officially launch the US Space Force. While the Space Force will operate under the Department of the Air Force, it is also a distinct military branch of service.

• The renewed focus on space as a military domain reflects concern about the vulnerability of military and commercial satellites that are susceptible to disruption by Chinese and Russian anti-satellite weapons. The new Space Command will conduct operations such as enabling satellite-based navigation and communications for troops and commanders in the field and providing warning of missile launches abroad.


Gen. John Raymond was sworn in Tuesday as the first ever Chief of Space Operations for the new U.S. Space Force.

President Donald Trump officially launched the Space Force last month when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law. It will fall under the Department of the Air Force but is a distinct military service.

The role of the new Space Command is to conduct operations such as enabling satellite-based navigation and communications for troops and commanders in the field and providing warning of missile launches abroad.

“Not only is this historical, but it’s critical and this establishment is absolutely critical to our national security and that of our allies and it’s not lost on me or it’s not lost on the airmen that I am privileged to serve with,” Raymond said.

The renewed focus on space as a military domain reflects concern about the vulnerability of US satellites, both military and commercial, that are critical to US interests and are potentially susceptible to disruption by Chinese and Russian anti-satellite weapons.



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Aliens Definitely Exist and They Could Be Living Among Us, Says Britain’s First Astronaut

Article by Rob Picheta                          January 6, 2020                       (cnn.com)

• In 1991, chemist Helen Sharman (pictured above) spent eight days on the Soviet Mir space station, thus becoming Britain’s first astronaut in space. At age 27, she was also one of the youngest people to orbit the Earth. Sharman said there is “no greater beauty than looking at the Earth from up high.”

• On January 5th, Sharman told the Guardian/Observer newspaper that she firmly believes that extraterrestrials must exist in this great big galaxy of ours. “[T]here must be all sorts of different forms of life,” said Sharman. “[A]liens exist, there’s no two ways about it.” And Sharman thinks it’s possible that aliens are living among us on Earth, but have gone undetected. Says Sherman, “It’s possible they’re here right now and we simply can’t see them.”

• Meanwhile, NASA rovers are trawling Mars for evidence of life forms. But so far, humankind’s fascination with extraterrestrial life has proved fruitless.


Aliens definitely exist, Britain’s first astronaut has said — and it’s possible they’re living among us on Earth but have gone undetected so far.

Helen Sharman, who visited the Soviet Mir space station in 1991, told the Observer newspaper on Sunday that “aliens exist, there’s no two ways about it.”

“There are so many billions of stars out there in the universe that there must be all sorts of different forms of life,” she went on. “Will they be like you and me, made up of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not.”

Then, in a tantalizing theory that should probably make you very suspicious of your colleagues, Sharman added: “It’s possible they’re here right now and we simply can’t see them.”

Sharman was the first of seven Britons to enter space.

The chemist spent eight days as a researcher on the space mission when she was 27, making her one of the youngest people to enter orbit.

NASA rovers are trawling Mars for evidence of past or present life forms, but humankind’s endless fascination with extraterrestrial life forms has so far proved fruitless.



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Embark On the Search for Extraterrestrial Life in Documentary ‘Wow Signal’

Listen to “E223 Embark on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life in Documentary ‘Wow Signal’” on Spreaker.

January 6, 2020                              (digitaljournal.com)

• Beginning January 21, 2020, distributor TriCoast Entertainment will release the feature length documentary “WOW SIGNAL” on streaming platforms Amazon, iTunes, FlixFling, Vimeo on Demand, and Google Play. Produced by Bob Dawson and Michael Shaw, the film documents a night in 1977 when Ohio radio telescope operators discovered a strong, interstellar signal that is said to be the world’s best evidence of communication from an extraterrestrial civilization. The resulting code of printed letters and numbers was so astounding, one of the astronomers wrote the word: ‘Wow!’ next to it, and it became the “Wow Signal”.

• While the origins of the signal remain a mystery, the documentary takes the opportunity of the Wow Signal event to explore the ongoing search for extraterrestrial intelligence by Seth Shostak at SETI, Jerry Ehman of the University of Michigan, Karen O’Neil and Michael Holstine of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, and radio astronomer John D. Krause who designed the “Big Ear” radio telescope at Ohio State University which picked up the signal. These are folks who believe that intelligent life beyond our own exists just ‘outside our grasp’. The ramifications of proving that “we are not alone” is a strong motivation for continued research.

• Produced by ‘Next Feature Filmstory’, WOW SIGNAL comes off of a successful run through the festival circuit, winning Best U.S. Documentary Feature at the Los Angeles Theatrical Release Competition & Awards in 2018, and being recognized at the Roswell Film Festival, the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival, and the Raw Science Film Festival.

• Says the film’s director Bob Dawson, “The job of a documentary filmmaker is never to come to a conclusion. It’s always to present the evidence and let your audience decide.”

[Editor’s Note]  It is interesting that the film’s director would say that “the job of a documentary filmmaker is never to come to a conclusion” but let your audience decide. This happens to be the very same view as mainstream astronomers such as Seth Shostak of SETI have in their ‘ongoing search’ for extraterrestrial life. The ‘Wow Signal’ is ideal for the mainstream because it offers a small bit of proof of another alien civilization out there somewhere, but no concrete evidence. This way, SETI astronomers and mainstream documentary filmmakers can keep doing what they do for a living, forever. It all remains a never-ending search, a big mystery, and a steady paycheck.

The ‘conclusion’ that they want people will take away is that our top ‘scientists’ are working diligently to find other intelligent extraterrestrial beings and civilizations. But in fact, they are doing the exact opposite. They are actively hiding the truth.

The truth is that the US shadow government has been working with extraterrestrial beings, developing highly advanced technologies, and building a secret space program ever since the Roswell crash of 1947. All of this searching by SETI through radio telescope arrays is mere misdirection to maintain this seventy-year cover-up of the true extraterrestrial presence. The real purpose of mainstream scientists and the controlled media is to reinforce the institutionalized lie that everything can be explained as weather balloons, atmospheric phenomenon, or top secret military technology, and that there is no such thing as extraterrestrials or alien UFOs.


1977, another civilization may have been calling… and we were listening.

Los Angeles, CA – Jan 6, 2020 – In a dark, wooded clearing in Ohio, a large radio telescope received a mysterious communication from deep space. Discovered days later as a code of printed letters and numbers, it became regarded as the strongest potential alien communication, branded by a single word: ‘Wow!’

       Director/Producer Bob Dawson

WOW SIGNAL is a fascinating and thought-provoking documentary that follows the development, search, discovery and acceptance of the Wow Signal’s place in history, and its influence on future SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) projects and uncovers the passion of scientists who do the work through interviews of radio astronomers like John D. Krause, who built homemade radio telescopes and designed the building “Big Ear”.

Receiving various official selections and finalist accolades, WOW SIGNAL was awarded Best U.S. Documentary Feature at LATCA 2018. The science documentary stars Jerry Ehman (Astronomer at the University of Michigan), Karen O’Neil (Site Director National Radio Astronomy Observatory), Seth Shostak (Former director of SETI) and Michael Holstine (Former Director National Radio Astronomy Observatory; Child of God, Angel’s Perch).

“WOW SIGNAL makes a strong case for radio astronomy and the continued search for extraterrestrial life in the universe. The notion that “we are not alone,” and its ramifications are a strong motivation for continued research. The film is educational and highly recommended for anyone interested in Astronomy and/or the universe around us here on earth,” wrote JR Martin Media.


2:47 minute trailer for ‘WOW SIGNAL’ movie (‘TRIADincVideos’ YouTube)



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How the CIA Tried to Quell a UFO Panic During the Cold War

Listen to “E222 How the CIA Tried to Quell a UFO Panic During the Cold War” on Spreaker.

Article by Becky Little                     January 5, 2020                      (history.com)

• In the 1950s, when Cold War anxiety in America ranged from Soviet psychological warfare to nuclear annihilation, LIFE Magazine published a story titled “Have We Visitors From Space?” that offered “scientific evidence that there is a real case for interplanetary saucers.” A few months later in the summer of 1952, newspaper headlines blared reports of flying saucers swarming Washington, D.C. During this period, the US Air Force said that reported UFO sightings jumped from 23 to 148.

• the U.S. government worried about the prospect of a growing national hysteria. The CIA decided it needed a “national policy” for “what should be told the public regarding the phenomenon, in order to minimize risk of panic.” The CIA convened a group of scientists to investigate whether the UFO phenomena represented a national security threat.

• The CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence collaborated with Howard Percy Robertson, a professor of mathematical physics at the California Institute of Technology, to gather a panel of nonmilitary scientists. The Robertson panel met for a few days in January 1953 to review Air Force records about UFO sightings going back to 1947. The panel reviewed Project Blue Book investigators Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and J. Allen Hynek and concluded that many of these ‘unexplained’ sightings were actually explainable if you just got creative about it. The panel’s main concern was controlling public hysteria.

• According to former UK government UFO investigator, Nick Pope, the CIA was worried that “the Soviets would find a way to use the huge level of public interest in UFOs to somehow manipulate, to cause panic; which then could be used to undermine national cohesiveness.” The Robertson report itself supports this viewpoint, suggesting “mass hysteria” over UFOs could lead to “greater vulnerability to possible enemy psychological warfare.”

• The Robertson report, which was released to the public in 1975 (see the Robertson report here), recommended debunking the notion of UFOs in the media content of articles, TV shows and movies in order to “… reduce the current gullibility of the public and … their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.”

• News reporter and book author, Leslie Kean, points to a CBS television show hosted by Walter Cronkite in 1966, which a Robertson panelist claimed to have helped organize “around the Robertson panel conclusions”. The program focused on debunking UFO sightings.

• Between 1966 and 1968, the US Air Force commissioned another ‘scientific’ inquiry into Project Blue Book by physicist Edward U. Condon and a group of scientists at the University of Colorado. The Condon Committee concluded that UFOs posed no threat to the U.S., and that most sightings could be easily explained. It also suggested that the Air Force end Project Blue Book’s investigations into UFOs—which it did in 1969. (see Condon Report here)

• UFO researchers have suggested that the government never really allowed the Robertson panel, the Condon Committee, or even Project Blue Book to review the most sensitive ‘classified’ UFO sightings. This is directly supported by a 1969 memo signed by Brigadier General Carroll H. Bolender revealing the Air Force hadn’t shared all UFO sightings with Project Blue Book and would continue to investigate sightings that could present a national security threat after the project ended.

• Critics claim that the real goal of the Robertson panel, the Condon Committee, and Project Blue Book was never to identify UFOs, but simply to influence public reaction to them. If so, then the government must have had information about extraterrestrials it wanted to conceal.

• The secrecy involving national security issues gave the CIA and the Air Force the audacity to explain away UFO sightings as “natural phenomena such as ice crystals and temperature inversions.” An example of a cover-up of UFOs that continues to today is the CIA’s claim that over half of the UFOs reported in the 1950s and 60s were actually US spy planes. CIA National Reconnaissance Office historian Gerald K. Haines notes a CIA tweet in 2014 that read, “Remember reports of unusual activity in the skies in the ‘50s? That was us.”


     Howard Percy Robertson

In January 1953, the fledgling Central Intelligence Agency had a thorny situation on its hands. Reports of UFO sightings were mushrooming around the country. Press accounts were fanning public fascination—and concern. So the CIA convened a group of scientists to investigate whether these unknown phenomena in the sky represented a national security threat.

                  The Robertson Panel

But there was something else.

At a time when growing Cold War anxiety about the Soviets ranged from psychological warfare to wholesale nuclear annihilation, the U.S. government worried about the prospect of a growing national hysteria. In the previous year, UFOs had begun to figure prominently in the public conversation. In April 1952, the popular magazine LIFE published a story titled “Have We Visitors from Space?” that promised to offer “scientific evidence that there is a real case for interplanetary saucers.” In July that year, newspaper headlines around the country blared reports of flying saucers swarming Washington, D.C. Between March and June that year, the number of UFO sightings officially reported to the U.S. Air Force jumped from 23 to 148. Given all the attention UFOs were getting, the CIA decided it needed a “national policy” for “what should be told the public regarding the phenomenon, in order to minimize risk of panic,” according to government documents.

The Robertson report: The real enemy is hysteria

          Edward U. Condon

To this end, the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence collaborated with Howard Percy Robertson, a professor of mathematical physics at the California Institute of Technology, to gather a panel of nonmilitary scientists. The Robertson panel met for a few days in January 1953 to review Air Force records about UFO sightings going back to 1947.

Project Blue Book, which had started in 1952, was the latest iteration of the Air Force’s UFO investigative teams. After interviewing project members Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and astronomer J. Allen Hynek, the panel concluded that many sightings Blue Book had tracked were, in fact, explainable. For example, after reviewing film taken of a UFO sighting near Great Falls, Montana on August 15, 1950, the panel concluded what the film actually showed was sunlight reflecting off the surface of two Air Force interceptor jets.

The panel did actually see a potential threat related to this phenomena—but it wasn’t saucers and little green men.

“It was the public itself,” says John Greenewald, Jr., founder of The Black Vault, an online archive of government documents. There was a concern “that the general public, with their panic and hysteria, could overwhelm the resources of the U.S. government” in a time of crisis.



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Mars Helicopter is Ready for Extraterrestrial Flight

Listen to “E221 Mars Helicopter is Ready for Extraterrestrial Flight” on Spreaker.

Article by NASA                          January 4, 2020                          (lakeconews.com)

• When NASA’s next Mars rover sets out for the Red Planet in 2020, it will bring along a Mars Helicopter. It is touted as another “first” for Mars. NASA wants to expand its exploration capabilities to include an aerial dimension, new areas for exploration, faster reconnaissance, and access to terrain not reachable by rovers or astronauts.

• The Mars Helicopter’s unique design is driven by the harsh realities of Mars’ environment. The Martian atmosphere is extremely thin and cold, with only 1 to 2 percent the density of sea-level air. With temperatures down to -130˚ F it resembles Earth’s atmosphere at 100,000 feet – an altitude far beyond the capabilities of regular helicopters.

• Researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Langley Research Center and AeroVironment Inc., worked together over several years to develop a viable vehicle design that is part aircraft and part spacecraft. A crucial aspect of the design is to keep the mass as low as possible, but to carry enough power and energy to sustain the helicopter during flight. With two four-foot rotors that spin in opposite directions at approximately 2500 revolutions per minute, the Mars Helicopter weighs only four lbs.

• The Mars Helicopter is designed to operate at a height of 16 feet for only about 90 seconds at a time. Between flights, the helicopter recharges its batteries with an onboard solar panel. The helicopter navigates utilizing a vision-based navigation system, unassisted by humans, GPS or other navigation aids. A 12-megapixel camera takes pictures during flight, which are beamed back to the rover for relay to Earth. During the cold Martian nights, the batteries and sensitive electronics are kept warm inside a heated and insulated fuselage.

• The research team replicated the conditions of the Martian atmosphere in a 25-foot vacuum chamber ‘Space Simulator’ complete with emulated Martian winds. The team performed extensive modeling and simulation, as well as low-density experiments to determine how the helicopter would respond to the thin atmosphere, wind gusts, temperature and radiation. Controlled flight of a test vehicle was achieved in May 2016. The actual Mars Helicopter Flight Model which will be sent to Mars performed its maiden hover flight in early 2019. It will now be integrated with the rover with its next flight over the Red Planet.

[Editor’s Note]  Once again, NASA is depicting the Martian atmosphere as extremely thin, cold and inhospitable. But we know from Mars insiders such as Andrew Basiago, Randy Cramer, Tony Rodrigues, and Corey Goode that the Martian air is breathable. The air isn’t as thin as NASA claims.  The planet is cold primarily at the poles, and electric storms pervade the equatorial region. 

NASA wants to appear as if it is exploring the surface of Mars without really exploring it, because they don’t want to reveal the extensive presence already on the planet by secret space programs and indigenous beings, mostly underground. But not to worry. This Mars Helicopter only travels in 90-second spurts, 16 feet off of the ground before needing to recharge. How much ‘exploring’ can it accomplish?


The Mars Helicopter is a technology demonstration for the Mars 2020 rover mission, intended to show the feasibility and utility of using helicopters for Mars exploration.

This technology may enable future missions to perform reconnaissance or independent science, and to access terrain not reachable by rovers and astronauts.

When NASA’s next Mars rover sets out for the Red Planet in 2020, it will bring along a passenger. Nestled under the belly of the rover, the Mars Helicopter will be on a mission to notch a “first” for humankind: flying a helicopter on another planet.

By sending the helicopter to Mars as a technology demonstration, NASA aims to expand its exploration capabilities to include an aerial dimension, potentially opening new areas to exploration, and enabling faster reconnaissance for the benefit of future rovers or astronauts.

With a four-foot rotor and a weight of only four lbs, the Mars Helicopter’s unique design is driven by the harsh realities of the Mars environment.

The Martian atmosphere is extremely thin and cold; at only 1 to 2 percent, the density of sea-level air and with temperatures down to -130˚ F, it resembles Earth’s atmosphere at 100,000 feet – an altitude far beyond the capabilities of regular helicopters.

To make the Mars Helicopter a reality, researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Langley Research Center and AeroVironment Inc., worked together over several years to understand the unique challenges of flying on Mars, and to develop a viable vehicle design that is part aircraft and part spacecraft.

A crucial aspect of the design is to keep the mass as low as possible, but to carry enough power and energy to sustain the helicopter during flight. Recent technological advances in areas such as batteries and solar cells, miniaturized sensors and computers, and lightweight materials are key to achieving this goal.

Many components of the Mars Helicopter were developed for the commercial cell phone and drone markets. They were qualified for the Mars Helicopter mission through testing in Mars-like temperatures and by subjecting them to radiation levels that would be experienced in space.

The Mars Helicopter is designed to operate independently on Mars, performing flights of about 90 s in duration at a height of 16 feet. The two rotors spin in opposite directions at approximately 2500 revolutions per minute.


1:22 minute Mars Helicopter demonstration (‘NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’ YouTube)




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Why We’re Sending Music to Extraterrestrials

Listen to “E220 Why We're Sending Music to Extraterrestrials” on Spreaker.

Article by Daniel Oberhaus                          January 2, 2020                            (slate.com)

• Any musician will tell you, there is a deep logic inherent to music: There are equal distances between notes in a scale, notes can be combined in certain ways called harmonics, rhythm can be expressed in numerical ratios called time signatures, and so on. Music is a hybrid of logic and emotion, the yin and yang of the human experience.

• In this respect, music is an ideal medium for interstellar communication, but it must be tailored for transmission across billions of miles of empty space. The music must first be encoded into the radio wave in either an analog or digital format. Music’s inherent formalism suggests that even an ET that lacks the ability to hear could gainfully analyze various elements of music—its rhythm, pitch, and so on—by studying the way these elements are encoded in radio waves.

• The founder of the METI Institute (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligences) Douglas Vakoch, music composer Andrew Kaiser, and Dutch computer scientist Alexander Ollongren have all proposed unique ways for encoding musical concepts in interstellar messages. Vakoch believes that musical messages can teach ET quite a bit about human physiology. The number of notes in a scale can be used to establish how sensitive we are to differences between notes. Musical and rhythmic concepts can be readily taught to extraterrestrials.

• If the goal of METI is to convey information about Earth and the people who inhabit it, neglecting to include music would be a major oversight. Music has long played a fundamental role in the human experience. So how do we select which songs to send to ET? We’ve already sent into space Mexican folk music, early rock and roll, a Peruvian wedding song, Gershwin, and of course Beethoven and Vivaldi. Many Beatles songs have found their way to space. Until now, a small committee of Caucasian scientists have leaned toward classical music. It is simply impossible to create a corpus of music that represents every cultural group on Earth or every genre of music.

• The most promising path forward is designing music specifically for interstellar transmission. It would effectively be to create an entirely new genre of music. Not only would it avoid selection bias, but it opens the possibility of creating music that carries a maximum amount of information about the species that created it.

• Sónar is an annual three-day festival in Barcelona, Spain dedicated to electronic music, art, and design. To celebrate Sónar’s 25th anniversary in 2018, the festival partnered with the Catalonia Institute for Space Studies and the nonprofit METI International to send a series of interstellar messages directly to Luyten’s star, a red dwarf about 12 light-years from Earth. The closest potentially habitable exoplanet orbits this red dwarf.

• In late 2017 and early 2018, over the course of several nights, a radar system in Tromsø, Norway, blasted a custom message from the Sónar festival toward Luyten’s exoplanet, GJ237b. It consisted of 33 prime numbers repeated on two alternating radio frequencies. This was followed by a brief tutorial intended to teach ET to extract the music written by Sónar-affiliated musicians and embedded in the message.

• The Sónar music might only be called music in the loosest sense of the word. They are basically seconds-long noises based on a computer algorithm or random frequencies. The thinking is that even random screeches reveal our basic technology and physiology – topics that would presumably be of interest to an extraterrestrial recipient.

• An artificial language for interstellar communication called the ‘lingua cosmica’ based on logic, mathematics, and natural language syntax was actually developed in the 1960s. Dutch computer scientist Ollongren proposes to upgrade the lingua cosmica based on lambda calculus.

• When Carl Sagan set about designing the Voyager Golden Record, he recognized that “launching this bottle into the cosmic ocean says something very hopeful about life on this planet.” The same holds true for musical interstellar messages, even if our terrestrial melodies never grace an extraterrestrial ear.


Each summer for the past 25 years, tens of thousands of people have flocked to Barcelona, Spain, to witness Sónar, a three-day festival dedicated to

         Douglas Vakoch

electronic music, art, and design. Something of a cross between a TED talk, Burning Man, and Coachella, Sónar has evolved from a small experiment into an event that the New York Times described as a “European institution” in 2017. It’s also the closest thing we have to an extraterrestrial envoy.

To celebrate Sónar’s 25th anniversary in 2018, the festival partnered with the Catalonia Institute for Space Studies and

             Andrew Kaiser

the nonprofit METI International to send a series of interstellar messages to Luyten’s star, a red dwarf about 12 light-years from Earth. Although red dwarfs are the most common stellar objects in our galaxy, Luyten’s star is remarkable for hosting GJ237b, the closest potentially habitable planet outside of our own solar system. No one knows for sure whether GJ237b hosts life, intelligent or otherwise, but if ET does call the planet home, Sónar wants to rock its socks off.

Over the course of several nights in late 2017 and early 2018, a radar system in Tromsø, Norway, blasted a custom message from Sónar toward GJ237b. Like any good correspondence, the message began with a greeting: In this case, the first 33 prime numbers repeated on two alternating radio frequencies functioned as a stand-in for “hello.” This was followed by a brief tutorial that the message designers hoped would teach ET to extract the music written by Sónar-affiliated musicians and embedded in the message.

Each song in the Sónar messages is only a few seconds long and might only be called music in the loosest sense of the word. One track was created by feeding an algorithm music and letting it remix the notes as it saw fit, which resulted in something that sounds like a horror movie sound effect. Another

    Alexander Ollongren

uses the atomic numbers of a handful of oxygen, silicon, and other elements as the frequencies for pure tones. These arrangements don’t make for easy listening, but that’s not the point. Instead, the artists use music as a way of conveying information, whether it’s about our aesthetic sensibilities, our technology, or our physiology—all topics that would presumably be of interest to an extraterrestrial recipient.

In many respects, the Sónar messages are on well-trodden ground. The first human-made object to make it to interstellar space, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, carries a gold-plated phonographic record that includes Mexican folk music, early rock and roll, a Peruvian wedding song, and more. In 2001, a message sent from the Evpatoria radar in Ukraine included theremin renditions of Beethoven, Vivaldi, and Gershwin; a few years later, NASA blasted a Beatles song at a star 400 light-years away.




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Klobuchar Teases With UFO Info If Americans Elect Her President

Article by Mary Margaret Olohan                           January 2, 2020                             (dailycaller.com)

• On December 30th, Minnesota Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar (pictured above) told the Conway Daily Sun (in North Conway, New Hampshire), that she would let journalists look into classified material on UFO sightings if she became president. “[S]ome of this stuff is really old,” said Klobuchar, suggesting that some of this information should be released to the public. “So, why can’t …earnest journalists like you who are trying to get the bottom of the truth …see it?”

• In a follow-up to a line of questions the Daily Sun asked Klobuchar in October regarding Navy fighter pilot David Fravor’s story of chasing a UFO off of the West Coast in 2014, Klobuchar said, “I think we don’t know enough …not just with that sighting, but with others.” “And I think one of the things a president could do is to look into …what does the science say? what does our military say?”


2020 presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar suggested Monday that she would let journalists look into classified material on UFO sightings if she became president.

Klobuchar spoke with the Conway Daily Sun editorial board about her optimism towards the 2020 presidential race, telling the board that she believes she is well-positioned to beat President Donald Trump. The Minnesota senator also discussed a question that the Sun had asked her in October regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs), specifically in regard to Navy fighter pilot David Fraser’s story of chasing a UFO in the West Coast in 2014.

“I think we don’t know enough … I don’t know what’s happened, not just with that sighting, but with others,” she said. “And I think one of the things a president could do is to look into what’s there in terms of what does the science say; what does our military say.”

“Here’s the interesting part of that answer is that some of this stuff is really old,” Klobuchar added, before suggesting that some of this information could be released to the public for journalists to examine.

“So, why can’t you see if you can let some of that out for the public so earnest journalists like you who are trying to get the bottom of the truth would be able to see it,” she asked.

The Klobuchar campaign did not respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.



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Four Questions That Need to Be Answered in 2020 to Solve the Mystery of UFOs

Listen to “E219 Four Questions That Need to Be Answered in 2020 to Solve the Mystery of UFOs” on Spreaker.

Article by Jasper Hamill                             January 6, 2020                            (metro.co.uk)

• We’re currently living in a golden age of ufology. In the 20th century, anyone who saw mysterious objects in the sky was dismissed as a crank or a fraudster. But that changed in December 2017 when the New York Times revealed the existence of a shadowy US government project called the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP) which gathered information about ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’, i.e.: ‘UFOs’. In the most famous of three Navy videos released, Navy pilots from the USS Nimitz carrier group off of San Diego chased a “Tic Tac” shaped UFO through the skies.

• While no one has come forward to claim that these UFOs are anything besides top secret experimental military craft by an Earthbound nation, the Navy did file US patents last year for ‘mass-reduction’ technology resembling anti-gravity used for propulsion. And the AATIP research investigated wormholes, invisibility cloaking, warp drives and high energy laser weapons.

• Former UK Ministry of Defence UFO investigator, Nick Pope (pictured above), told Metro that “the UFO phenomenon has come out of the fringe and into the mainstream”. “Expectations are high that 2020 will bring further bombshell revelations.” But it may be information overload for some in the UFO community. So Pope has offered four questions that, if answered, would clear up much of the current confusion in UFO circles.

• First: What is the US Government’s current ‘best assessment’ of the objects depicted in the 3 US Navy videos? Instead of asking government officials ‘what these objects are’, they should be asking what is the government’s ‘best assessment’ of these mysterious craft based on various meetings? Even if it is wrong, they are on the spot to give some type of assessment.

• Second: What’s the truth about the ‘metamaterials’? We know that the ‘To The Stars Academy’ and Bigelow Aerospace had possession of so-called ‘metamaterials’ recovered from UAP (or UFOs) that had been sent by researchers over the years, or recovered by ‘governmental sources’. Also, the US Army signed a development agreement with To The Stars Academy to study these metamaterials. Will the Army reveal the results?

• Third: Why is the Pentagon walking back on its earlier admission that AATIP investigated UAP? Initial statements about the AATIP Pentagon UFO program described it as an effort to assess advanced aerospace threats to the United States “including anomalous events”. In May 2019, a Navy spokesperson confirmed that AATIP “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena”. But in a more recent statement, a Pentagon spokesperson stated that ‘AATIP was not UAP related’, directly contradicting the former Pentagon AATIP point man Luis Elizondo, who said “AATIP was a 100% UFO program”. In fact, a January 2019 DIA letter to Congress listed the studies generated by AATIP which included anti-gravity, invisibility, stargates, warp drive, and wormholes. We have one part of the government saying one thing, while another says something else. This needs to be sorted out.

• Fourth: What’s the status of Congressional interest in all this? The public doesn’t know what’s been discussed in closed meetings regarding UFOs in the Armed Services Committee, the Intelligence Committee and the Homeland Security Committee. We don’t know what is being discussed in Senate and House subcommittees, or what documents made have been generated and made available to the public. And we don’t know whether these Congressional inquiries will evolve into formal public hearings or not.


We’re currently living in a golden age of ufology.

In the 20th century, anyone who saw mysterious objects in the sky was dismissed as a crank or a fraudster.

But that changed almost exactly two years ago when a bombshell article published in the New York Times revealed the existence of a shadowy US government project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) which gathered information about ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ (UAP).

This secret programme gathered information on at least three sightings of aircraft travelling at impossible speeds which were recorded by US airmen or military personnel.

In the most famous incident revealed during the uncovering of AATIP, two Navy pilots chased a ‘whitish oval object, about the size of a commercial plane’. This ‘Tic Tac’ UFO was observed off the coast of San Diego in 2004 and followed by two by jets launched from the USS Nimitz.

Since this report, details of the strange and almost unbelievable work carried out by AATIP has slowly leaked into the public domain. And in that time, Metro has worked closely with Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator, to cover all the revelations.

Now he’s set out four questions which need to be solved in order for us to solve the UFO mystery once and for all.

He told Metro: ‘We’ve recently passed the second anniversary of the New York Times story revealing the existence of the Pentagon’s AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) initiative, and in those last 2 years the UFO phenomenon has come out of the fringe and into the mainstream.

‘Expectations are high that 2020 will bring further bombshell revelations, but it’s difficult for the UFO community and the wider public to navigate this complex story. There’s information overload, with so much data that most people struggle to identify the parts of the story that are not just interesting, but important.

‘To help people focus on the key issues, I’ve used my insider knowledge of having run the UK government’s UFO project to identify four critical questions. The answers would clear up much of the confusion.’

Of course, it’s worth remembering that we have no official explanation of the sightings yet. The advanced aircraft could be experimental flying machines built secretly by the US Government or even one of its enemies. Last year, we uncovered a patent granted to the US Navy for an exotic aircraft which used ‘mass-reduction’ technology to reduce its mass and lessen inertia (an object’s resistance to motion) so it can zoom along at high velocities.

Although we don’t know if the patented tech was used in a real aircraft, the invention was so advanced that it resembled the anti-gravity mechanisms found in science fiction movies.

AATIP researchers also investigated wormholes, invisibility cloaking, warp drives and high energy laser weapons during a probe into UAP.



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Cigar Shaped UFO Appears Over Arizona Airport to End Bizarre 2019 Sightings

Article by Katy Gill                            January 1, 2020                           (dailystar.co.uk)

• On December 28th, a cigar-shaped craft ” glowing from the inside ” was captured on video hovering just off of a cliff over a valley near the Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Arizona. The UFO then hurtles through the Phoenix sky, shifting slightly in the air, revealing its bizarre shape. “It’s been up there since we’ve been up here, I don’t know what the hell it is,” the camera man says. “It’s not a plane.” (see 13:48 minute video below)


A cigar-shaped UFO has been capturing hovering over an Arizona airport in the final sighting of 2019.

Throughout 2019, scores of tic-tac-shaped UFOs have been captured lurking in the skies, leaving many pondering what they are.

A former US intelligence officer told Daily Star Online many sightings have been documented near disaster-struck locations, “connecting” them to mega earthquakes.

Only months ago, a cigar-shaped craft ” glowing from the inside ” was captured hurtling through the Las Vegas sky.

And the most recent footage has fuelled the ever burning fire of conspiracy.

The clip, which was uploaded by YouTube conspiracist Disclose Screen The Grimreefar, has been viewed by more than 1,000 people in only a couple of days.

In the clip, filmed off a cliff on December 28 above Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, Arizona, US, a bizarre black object appears to hover over a valley.
The clip, which lasts for almost 14 minutes, captured the object seemingly shifting slightly in the air, revealing its bizarre shape.


13:48 minute video of UFO hovering over Phoenix airport (‘Disclose Screen The Grimreefar’ YouTube)



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