NASA Scientist Reveals Potential Black Hole Home for ET


Article by Sean Martin                            March 14, 2020                             (

• NASA astrophysicist Jeremy Schnittman saw the 2014 movie ‘Interstellar’ in which it’s star, Matthew McConaughey, goes in search of a habitable planet for humans to live on as Earth is dying. The film’s scientists discover planets orbiting a black hole which could sustain life. Schnittman wanted to test the real-life feasibility of whether energy given off by a black hole could be enough to support life.

• Schnittman wrote a paper on it, and it was published in the journal arXiv. In it he says that “the Sun provides almost all the energy necessary for life on Earth to survive. Without it’s constant heat flux, the oceans would likely freeze over in a matter of days.” Likewise, black holes can provide their own energy source, in the form of radiation from hot, accreting gasses. The friction generated by ‘accretion discs’, ie: materials or objects orbiting a black hole that are constantly pushed and shoved by the extreme gravitational force, could produce a tremendous amount of energy. This could replace the star (Sun) allowing life to exist. (see 37 second video below of flaring black hole)

• Schnittman notes that the radiation energy coming from a black hole would be potentially “lethal” to any life. “All known life forms require an energy gradient in order to survive, so an all-pervasive black-body radiation background would probably not be very conducive to complex life.”

• In reality, there are factors that would prevent the Earth from turning to a radiant black hole for its survival if our Sun was dying. First, the Sun is too small to become a black hole. It would need to be about 20 times larger. It is predicted that the Sun will use up its supply of hydrogen in about 5 billion years, when it will condense into a white dwarf. Second, as the nearest black hole is located 6,523 light-years away, or 6,523 x 5.88 trillion miles, even if we could find a habitable planet nearby, this is too far for humans to reach (with our current technology that is).


            Jeremy Schnittman

The amount of energy given off by a black hole could be enough to support life, expanding the possibilities of where humans should search for extraterrestrials. NASA astrophysicist Jeremy Schnittman based his research on the hit Hollywood movie Interstellar, in which the main character, played by Matthew McConaughey, goes in search of a habitable planet for humans to live on as Earth is dying. In the 2014 movie, the scientists discovered planets orbiting a black hole which could sustain life. Mr Schnittman wanted to test the real-life feasibility of this.

The scientist said accretion discs, made up of materials and objects orbiting a black hole, could allow life to exist.

The friction generated by these discs as they are pushed and shoved by the extreme gravitational force is so large that it can produce a tremendous amount of energy, depending on the size of the black hole.

While the Sun gives Earth energy through light and heat, the radiation and energy from the accretion discs might prove just as valuable.

Mr Schnittman wrote in the paper published in the journal arXiv: “On the down side, the Sun provides almost all the energy necessary for life on Earth to survive. Without it’s constant heat flux, the oceans would likely freeze over in a matter of days.

“But we also know that many astrophysical black holes can provide their own energy source, in the form of radiation from hot, accreting gas.
“In fact, for most observable black holes, this accretion power outweighs anything attainable from nuclear fusion by many orders of magnitude.

37 second video depicting black hole flaring (UoS News Desk YouTube)



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US Army Refuses to Release Records on Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization


Article by MJ Banias                          March 13, 2020                             (

• In October of 2019, the US Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command, a department focused on military research and development, entered a five-year contract with Tom DeLonges’ ‘To The Stars Academy’ (TTSA) to further its “collection and evaluation of novel materials.” For years, TTSA has been actively collecting ‘materials from alleged exotic sources’, ie: UFO crash debris and materials. Army spokesperson Doug Halleaux explains that the Combat Capabilities Development Command is interested in developing exotic science such as active camouflage, inertial mass reduction, and quantum communication.

• Army Regulation 70-57 exempts it from Freedom of Information Act requests for declassified government documents. So John Greenewald of The Black Vault filed a FOIA Request for all records and emails related to Dr. Joseph Cannon of U.S. Army Futures Command containing keywords such as “TTSA” and “To The Stars.”

• The Army’s response to Greenewald was that they indeed found 29 documents relating to his request. But each and every page is exempt from FOIA. Halleaux said that these documents are exempt from public scrutiny because they pertain to “trade secrets and commercial or financial information [that are] privileged or confidential” including email communications. Halleaux also told Motherboard ( that he personally had no idea what the Army and TTSA were up to, and that if he did, he still couldn’t talk about it.

• Halleaux told Motherboard that the government believes the “key technologies or capabilities that [the Army] is investigating with TTSA are certainly on the leading edge of the realm of the possible”. But will the general public see any benefit from this five-year Army-TTSA collaboration? TTSA’s Chief Operating Officer and former Lockheed Martin Skunkworks head, Steve Justice, said that built into the collaborative contract’s language, ‘one of TTSA’s prime objectives is public transparency and commercial applications’, and calls for a ‘two-way sharing of information’.

• Says Justice, “The benefit of the [contract agreement] is to gain access to otherwise inaccessible government laboratories and technical expertise to expose all attributes of unusual materials and share the results. If unusual attributes are found, TTSA may use that information to create applications for public benefit. We cannot speak for any actions the Army might take after studying the results.”

• Chief Content Officer Kari DeLonge (Tom’s sister) said that she could not comment on whether the company had their hands on truly alien materials, but added that, “we are steadfast and dedicated to responsible analysis and reporting without speculation.”

• Perhaps the real question is why would advanced space-faring extraterrestrials keep crashing and leaving their scrap in the deserts of Nevada and New Mexico? Are they leaving humanity technological breadcrumbs? Or are they just dumping their garbage on our planet?


The U.S. Army refused to release any records about its deal with Tom DeLonge’s UFO-hunting group To the Stars Academy (TTSA).

           John Greenewald
          of ‘The Black Vault’

In October of 2019, the former Blink-182 frontman’s UFO organization joined forces with the US Army’s Combat

                   TTSA’s Steve Justice

Capabilities Development Command, a research and development body. According to the contract, the government is interested in studying some pretty exotic science such as active camouflage, inertial mass reduction, and quantum communication. In particular, the government is interested in the group’s ADAM Project, which Doug Halleaux, a spokesperson for the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center described as “a global dragnet for the collection and evaluation of novel materials.” In 2018, TTSA put out a call for individuals and organizations to submit materials from alleged exotic sources as part of the project.

John Greenewald of The Black Vault, a website dedicated to collecting declassified government documents, explained in a recent blog post that the research and reports related to the deal are exempt from Freedom of Information Act requests as per Army Regulation 70-57.

   Kari DeLonge

Knowing this, Greenewald instead filed a FOIA Request regarding a copy of all records and emails related to Dr. Joseph Cannon of U.S. Army Futures Command (who is working on the agreement) containing keywords such as “TTSA” and “To The Stars.”

The Army got back to Greenewald telling him that 29 documents were found relating to his request, and each page was exempt from his request. The Army stated that it was not going to release any records. Motherboard reached out to Halleaux, the Army’s CCDC spokesperson, who said that any documents related to DeLonge’s organization would be classified as “trade secrets and commercial or financial information [that are] privileged or confidential.”

In other words, the public can’t know what the Army and TTSA is working on because of corporate and commercial secrets, namely intellectual property and finances. This includes related email communications. Halleaux told Motherboard that he personally had no idea what the Army and TTSA were up to, and if he did, he couldn’t talk about it.



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Space Force Needs to Prepare for a Cold War in Earth’s Orbit


Article by Luke Dormehl                            March 14, 2020                           (

• The United States launched Explorer 1, its first satellite, into space on January 31, 1958. Since then we have ramped up our reliance on these orbiting objects with every passing year. Today, there are over 2,000 active satellites in orbit belonging to both governments and private industry with more going up all the time.

• Three-star US Air Force Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, who retired in July 2017, is worried about satellites. He’s not worried about the tremendously increasing number of satellites in Earth’s orbit. He’s worried about other nations’ capabilities to disable them or knock them out of orbit. Says Bogden, “Space is a new warfighting domain. Our job is to try and help the Department of Defense to become space warfighters.”

• One of the greatest threats to American satellite assets is the new ‘hunter-killer satellites’. These can fire jets of plasma to blast objects out of orbit. They are claimed to be useful in cleaning up space junk – shooting at an inactive satellite until it eventually disintegrates in the Earth’s atmosphere. But a hunter-killer satellites can also knock an active satellite from its designated orbit, rendering it useless. Bogden says that these hunter-killer have already been deployed by rival nations into space.

• Bogden is also concerned about foreign satellites getting too close to our satellites, or even smashing into them – called a “conjunction” of satellites. But hunter-killer satellites can also disrupt an active satellite by merely getting close to it, disrupting its maneuverability and its electro-magnetic field.

• Another threat involves anti-satellite missiles fired from the ground. China, India, and Russia have all demonstrated such weapons as a show of force.

• Knocking out satellites has the potential for massive damage. From a military perspective, satellites carry out worldwide sensing and imaging, and space-based communications, which are crucial for global voice and data communications on Earth. We also rely on satellites for GPS, or the global positioning system. Loss of these capabilities, says Bogden, could put America at an enormous ‘warfighting disadvantage’.

• For example, in January 2015, the US Air Force took just one of its GPS satellites offline. Somehow a fractionally wrong time was accidentally uploaded to the remaining satellites and caused twelve hours of severe problems. Global telecommunications networks were compromised. Police, fire and EMS radio equipment in parts of the US stopped working. BBC digital radio was knocked out for a couple of days for many people. And an anomaly was detected on electrical power grids. All from a time discrepancy of just thirteen-millionths of a second. If several satellites were disabled, it would be nothing short of a disaster.

• To avoid this type of scenario, we rely on a 1967 ‘Outer Space Treaty’ among Russia, Britain and the United States that provides guideline in settling disputes regarding the allocation of resources in space, and a 1963 treaty prohibiting nuclear explosions in outer space. But sixty years ago we didn’t consider space a ‘war-fighting domain’ as we do today. As Bogden says, “[W]e felt that no-one would [ever] threaten our space assets.”

[Editor’s Note]  Just like our electric grid and the internet, we are completely dependent on the 2218 satellites currently orbiting our planet (that we know of). And the world’s military and commercial titans are just starting to ramp up the number of satellites that will be deployed in the near future. The Pentagon has announced a National Defense Space Architecture (NDSA) satellite constellation consisting of seven layers of military capabilities. The first layer alone will deploy hundreds of satellites. (see Exoarticle here) The US, Russia and India all have its own GPS navigation system satellite constellations. (see Techworm article here) And one of the Pentagon’s NDSA layers will be an entirely new back-up GPS system. Yet all of these government satellites will be dwarfed by the commercial use of satellites in the future. Elon Musk alone plans to deploy up to 45,000 internet satellites in a SpaceX Starlink mega constellation. It’s no wonder that the Pentagon’s ‘first offensive space weapon’ is a ground-based satellite communications jamming system. (see The Drive/The Warzone article here)

Of course, this ‘modern’ anti-satellite weapons technology is primitive compared to what we truly have in space already, unknown to the vast majority of the world. It appears that the deep state will use a new military space race as their next Cold War distraction from what is really going on. Still, our inexorable encroachment into space only increases the odds that the secret space programs and the ubiquitous extraterrestrial presence will have to reveal itself to the world.


“The bottom line,” said retired three-star general Chris Bogdan, “is that we want to learn how to fight in space. Just as we know how to fight on air, land, sea, and, in some respects, in cyberspace. Space is a new warfighting domain. Our job is to try and help the Department of Defense to become space warfighters.”

Bogdan knows a thing or two about militarized combat. Over a 34-year career in the U.S. Air Force, Bogdan rose from a test pilot, flying no less than

   Lieutenant General (ret) Chris Bogdan

30 different aircraft types, to the rank of lieutenant general. For the last five years of his career, before he retired in July 2017, he was program executive officer for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program for the Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and 11 allied nations. He has one of those grizzled, no-nonsense voices which suggests that he has forgotten more about warfighting before breakfast that day than you’ve ever known in your entire life. On balance, that’s probably not a bad guess.

                  a hunter-killer satellite

Right now, Chris Bogdan is worried about satellites. But not for the same reason that many people are. Recently, satellites have gotten a bum rap. Astronomers have sounded the alarm regarding the plan of individuals like Elon Musk to launch enormous, sky-blotting mega-constellations of satellites. Bogdan doesn’t seem to be so tied up in knots about extra stuff being shot into space, however. Instead, he’s far more concerned about the stuff that’s already in space being shot down. Or, at least, being tampered with.

He’s particularly uneasy about things called hunter-killer satellites, deployed by one of the United States’ “pure adversaries,” being used to screw with America’s network of “space assets.”

A new kind of threat

A hunter-killer satellite represents a new kind of threat. In a paper published in the journal Scientific Reports in 2018, researchers from the Australian National University describe a hunter-killer satellite that can fire jets of plasma to blast objects out of orbit. They suggested that such a satellite could be used to help clean up space junk; shooting it down until it eventually disintegrates in Earth’s atmosphere. But such a tool could be used for more malicious purposes as well. A hunter-killer satellite might damage or purposely knock off-course a crucial active satellite, thereby negatively impacting its ability to operate.

“What we’re most concerned about is what we call conjunction,” Bogdan said. “That’s a space term describing two things colliding in space. But you don’t need to actually hit something in space to affect it or reduce its capability. You can fly a hunter-killer satellite close enough to a satellite that you can disrupt maneuvering or its electro-magnetic field to do a host of different things.”

How far away from deployment does he think these hunter-killer satellites, developed by those who don’t have America’s best interests at heart, might be? “I believe they’ve already been deployed,” he said.



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23 Years Later, the Phoenix Lights Are Still Unexplained


Article by MJ Banias                         March 13, 2020                                (

• On March 13th, 1997, hundreds of Arizonans called their local law enforcement to report a series of strange lights moving over their cities and towns. Today, ‘The Phoenix Lights’ case remains one of the largest UFO sightings in history, and a fixture of contemporary UFO discourse. (see video of the Phoenix Lights below) Filmmaker Seth Breedlove takes an in depth look into the “Phoenix Lights” event in a new documentary series: On the Trail of UFOs.

• At about 7:00 pm, people in northwestern Arizona began reporting a large craft passing overhead. At 8:16 pm, a retired police officer in Paulden, Arizona, two hours north of Phoenix, called the National UFO Reporting Center to report seeing a series of reddish lights arranged in a V-formation in the night sky. Calls continued to pour in over the next couple of days to report the pair of sightings – both a boomerang-shaped object in the sky and odd moving lights with tails and “fireballs.”

• Ron Regehr is a veteran UFO researcher with the Mutual UFO Network and a former engineer with Boeing and Northrop Grumman. He was part of the team that helped develop the Defense Support Program Satellites (DSP), a series of infrared sensing tactical satellites that detect the launch of missiles, space launches, and nuclear detonations. On this evening, Regehr received a phone call from a colleague at the DSP that they had picked up an object over Las Vegas, Nevada traveling southeast toward Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona.

• Regehr said that the Phoenix Lights event was significant not only because so many people witnessed it, but because of the great extent that government and military authorities went to denounce the incident. People became so polarized that it took on a ‘cult like’ life of its own.

• Arizona’s governor (Fife Symington) held a press conference where he brought in his chief of staff dressed in an alien costume, poking fun and telling the press that they were “too serious” about the UFO stuff. Ultimately, the military took responsibility, claiming that the two events were: 1) jets flying in close formation, and 2) some military flares.

• In the documentary series, Breedlove doesn’t try to prove or disprove whether the lights were alien UFOs or military exercises. Instead, Breedlove follows podcaster and author Shannon LeGro who explores the UFO community itself and the cultural ramifications for the people who claim to have anomalous encounters. On the Trail of UFOs also explores several other cases where Breedlove focuses on the individuals caught up in the event, and how it altered their lives.

• “As an event, the Phoenix Lights is important simply because it gained so much media attention, was witnessed by so many people,” says Breedlove. “Every year, more witnesses come forward; from airline pilots to military personnel to ordinary people living from places as far removed as downtown Phoenix to Las Vegas.”

• “I’m not sure today that the response to the Phoenix Lights would be as over-the-top as it was in 1997,” says Breedlove. “Things have changed drastically in 23 years, and the Phoenix Lights helps illustrate that fact.” “[I]t’s a culturally important event because it illustrates how at-risk witnesses were of being ridiculed if they came forward.”


23 years ago today, the people of Arizona witnessed one of the most infamous UFO incidents in history.

A new documentary series by filmmaker Seth Breedlove takes an in depth look into the so-called “Phoenix Lights.” On the Trail of UFOs doesn’t try to prove that the incident was aliens or flares, but instead expertly explores the cultural ramifications of the event on the UFO community.

   Symington’s press conference

“As an event, the Phoenix Lights is important simply because it gained so much media attention, was witnessed by so many people, and today, can still not be precisely explained away,” Breedlove told Motherboard. “Every year more witnesses come forward; from airline pilots to military personnel to ordinary people living from places as far removed as downtown Phoenix to Las Vegas.”

On March 13th, 1997, hundreds of Arizonans called their local law enforcement and a popular UFO reporting hotline to report a series of strange lights moving over their cities and towns. The Phoenix Lights case remains one of the largest UFO sightings in history, and continues to be an established fixture of contemporary UFO discourse.

At roughly 7:00 pm, people in northwestern Arizona began reporting a large craft passing overhead. According to the National UFO Reporting Center, the first call they received came in at 8:16pm from a retired police officer in Paulden, Arizona, a town about two hours north of Phoenix. He reported seeing a series of reddish lights arranged in a V-formation.

Over the next couple days, calls continued to pour in regarding the sighting of multiple lights in the sky, some arranged in the shape of a boomerang, and others as odd moving lights with tails and “fireballs.” Ron Regehr, a veteran UFO researcher with the Mutual UFO Network and a former engineer with Boeing and Northrop Grumman, told Motherboard in an interview that he was part of the team that helped in developing the Defense Support Program Satellites (DSP), a series of infrared sensing tactical satellites that detect the launch of missiles, space launches, and nuclear detonations.

4:02 minute video of Phoenix lights footage (YouTube)




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Are Deep State Satanists being Arrested under Cover of Defender Europe 20 Exercises?

While much of Europe has been closed off due to the Coronavirus pandemic, elite military forces from 17 NATO and partner countries are using the Defender Europe 20 Military Exercizes as a cover to arrest leading Deep State Satanists entrenched in fortified European compounds, according to a New York Times best-selling author. David Wilcock made his startling claim in his latest video live-streamed on March 19, to his 288,000 You Tube followers.

In his video presentation, Wilcock cites at length a March 15 English language summary of an article by Manlio Dinucci, who wrote about the Defender Europe 20 Exercices on March 3 for the Italian web newspaper Ill Manifesto. The March 15 article summarizing Dinucci’s earlier Italian language article is titled “30,000 American Troops Arrive in Europe Amidst COVID-19 Crisis”, and begins as follows:

Manlio Dinucci writing in the Italian web newspaper, Il Manifesto on March 3rd, 2020, reports that despite Trump’s travel ban 20,000 American troops will be traveling to Europe in the next few daysjoining the 10,000 already there.

Despite the travel advisories issued by the U.S. State Department for Americans traveling to northern Italy and elsewhere in Europe, Dinucci is again cited from his original March 3 article:

However, one category of U.S. citizens is exempted from these rules: the 20,000 soldiers beginning to arrive from the United States in European ports and airports for the Defender Europe 20 exercise, the largest U.S. troop deployment in Europe in the last 25 years. Including those already present, about 30,000 U.S. troops will participate in April and May, flanked by 7,000 troops from 17 NATO member and partner countries, including Italy.

The author of the English language article citing Dinucci, who uses the pseudonym, Poppalloff, subsequently points out:

None of these troops have been issued with Bio/Hazchem suits or masks, which seems a little reckless of the American Government if COVID-19 is really the threat that we are being told that it is…

Dinucci is then cited again:

The 30,000 U.S. soldiers, who “will spread through the European region,” are in fact exempted from the preventive COVID-19 regulations that apply to civilians. The assurance given by the U.S. Army in Europe that “we are monitoring the Coronavirus [COVID-19]” and that “our forces are in good health” is enough.

At the same time, the environmental impact of a military exercise of this magnitude is ignored. U.S. Abrams tanks will participate, weighing 70 tons, with depleted uranium shells. Each tank consumes 400 litres of fuel per 100 km, producing heavy pollution to deliver maximum power.”

Popalloff, in summarizing Dinucci,  points out the suspicious nature of many European citizens being in locked down in their homes, while elite NATO troops are able to travel around without any restrictions at all. Popalloff, concludes his/her article by saying that the “pandemic is obviously a cover story for some kind of powerplay by the 1%.”

The implication here is that the Coronavirus pandemic, the European lockdowns, and the NATO exercise all combine into a nefarious coup being covertly orchestrated by the 1% (the Deep State), and people need to be concerned about what is really happening behind the scenes.

In contrast, Wilcock cites extensively from the March 15 English language summary of Dinucci’s earlier March 3 article, and reveals what he has been told by his own insider sources, who tell a very different story of what is really happening behind the scenes:

What we’re getting from our briefings folks is that this is a targeted effort for the mass arrests that I’ve been telling you about this whole time. That’s why they’re there. There 37,000 troops from 18 countries including the US, you better believe those are elite soldiers they’re very trained. What are they doing? They’re going to the places where the Deep State is. They’re infiltrating their strongholds and they are arresting people.

Wilcock goes on to discuss the use of Abrams tanks in the Defender Europe 20 Exercise for a purpose that is very different to the coup that Dinucci proposed was underway:

“U.S. Abrams tanks will participate, weighing 70 tons, with depleted uranium shells.” Ok, well that’s weird, why do they need tanks. It’s a military exercise, the biggest one in 25 years. Well maybe they’re going into to be going into some people’s stronghold’s folks. Some of these guys that are billionaires, they’re Satanic. If you start to learn about this, that’s what’s really going on. You got to bust in through those compounds, you got to get these people. You got to arrest them. Hopefully, they don’t provide armed resistance, they’re not going to make it, okay.

This is not a coup, this is not the end of the world. It’s saving the world. These people already tried to kill the planet. So if you think this is a coup, that’s okay, but they already fired their best shot and I don’t believe this is the end of the world at all.

This is the crux of Wilcock’s analysis of current events in Europe that involve an unprecedented shut down of people’s movements and businesses, while NATO is simultaneously conducting its largest military exercises in the last 25 years. The well-protected compounds of Deep State officials, many of whom are practicing Satanists who frequently conduct child sacrifices, are being raided by elite military special forces under cover of the NATO exercises.

Of the two explanations offered so far for the massive NATO exercises occurring in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown in Europe, Dinucci/Poppalloff’s concerns that these are a cover for a coup by the 1% (Deep State) and Wilcock’s diametrically opposing view that Deep State officials are being arrested under cover of the military exercises, I find Wilcock’s assessment to be far more plausible. This is despite reports that NATO leaders have cancelled a number of Europe Defender drills due to Coronavirus concerns.

Importantly, Wilcock’s assessment is consistent with ongoing revelations from the military intelligence group QAnon, which has worked closely with the Trump White House since first coming forward in October 2017. In a number of articles, I have pointed out my reasons for concluding that QAnon comprises White Hats within the U.S. military who are locked in a behind the scenes civil war against the Deep State, whose senior leadership comprises practicing Satanists.

If one accepts what QAnon has revealed in multiple posts which advises readers to “prepare for the storm”, and the taking down of Deep State leaders, then Wilcock’s assessment is more likely than the alternative offered by Dinucci and Poppalloff.

Fortunately, I believe we will not need to wait long to learn the truth about what’s happening in Europe with the scaled-back NATO drills, the unprecedented Coronavirus lockdown, and alleged mass arrests of Deep State leaders occurring behind the scenes.

The world wants to learn the truth about who is really behind the Coronavirus pandemic, and the U.S. military also has strong reasons to reveal the truth given that an increasing number of Chinese officials are accusing the U.S. Army in the initial spread of the Coronavirus in Wuhan during the October 2019 World Military Games.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Note: An audio version of this article is available here.

Further Reading

Skinwalker Ranch Owner Says UFO Hotspot is Wired With Sensors and Cameras


Article by Andrew Whalen                             March 10. 2020                              (

• Utah paranormal hotspot, Skinwalker Ranch, has long been known for its anomalous phenomena and alleged mysteries. Last we heard, the 512-acre property had been purchased by aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, of Bigelow Aerospace’s Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (which has worked with the ‘To The Stars Academy’).

• Bigelow and his investigation team studied the phenomenon happening at the ranch, which reportedly include bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries, unexplained electrical phenomena, mutilated cattle, UFOs and other ‘anomalous aerial phenomena’. Researchers also described finding mysterious beasts with yellow eyes that were impervious to bullets. One researcher at Skinwalker Ranch saw “a 3D object” appear in front of him and mutate from a pretzel shape to that of a Möbius strip before disappearing.” A senior BAASS manager told CBS affiliate KLAS-TV in Las Vegas: “The investigations by BAASS provided new lines of evidence showing that the UFO phenomenon was a lot more than nuts and bolts machines that interacted with military aircraft.” “The phenomenon also involved a whole panoply of diverse activity… and much more.”

• In 2016, Bigelow sold the property to an unknown interest. On March 10th, this new owner came forward to speak with the website VICE. He is Brandon Fugal, 46, a Utah real estate tycoon. Fugal wants to get to the bottom of the phenomenon occurring at the ranch and has installed sensors and cameras all around the property to collect hard evidence. He says he is not intimidated by “little green men or cattle mutilations or shape-shifting demonic entities”, but is driven by ‘science and discovery’.

• Calling the Skinwalker Ranch “the greatest science project of our time”, Fugal is committing “significant resources” to uncovering what is happening on the property. He will eventually release peer reviewed reports on his findings. Bigelow did not provide Fugal with any of the previous data collected at the ranch. So Fugal has to start from scratch.

• Over the past decade, Fugal has invested in far out technology research, including a gravitational physics project to produce clean energy. It didn’t work out. But two consultants on Fugal’s research projects, Hal Puthoff and Dr. Christopher Green, who are also associated with Bigelow’s research (and ’To The Stars Academy’), put him in contact with Bigelow, eventually leading to his purchase of Skinwalker Ranch.

• Fugal will appear in the upcoming History Channel documentary ‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’, premiering March 31.


                  Brandon Fugal

The once secret owner of purported Utah UFO hotspot Skinwalker Ranch has stepped forward, describing a bevy of sensors and cameras he’s installed on the site for the collection of evidence related to anomalous phenomena, including UAP, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

In 2016, Brandon Fugal, 46, a Utah real estate tycoon, bought the 512 acre property from its former owner, aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, who also sought out anomalous phenomena on the site. Officially owned by Adamantium Real Estate, Fugal’s ownership remained secret until a Tuesday interview with Vice, in which Fugal described his plans for the property and its alleged mysteries, while declining to disclose how much he paid Bigelow for the property.

“Science and discovery are what drive me. It’s not money. It’s not that I’m obsessed with UFOs or little green men or cattle mutilations or shape-shifting demonic entities. I have no idea if aliens exist. You’d have to ask them,” Fugal told Vice.

Fugal has installed sensors and cameras on the Skinwalker Ranch and has so far collected unreleased footage of “anomalous aerial phenomena,” in addition to evidence of “anomalous injuries” and “transient EMF”—unexplained electrical phenomena. This, in addition to the numerous UFO sightings and previous data collected at Skinwalker Ranch by Bigelow, was not provided to Fugal as part of the purchase.



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Ex-Government Adviser Claims Cover-Up as RAF Prepares to Release Secret UFO Files


Article by Anna Savva                                 March 12, 2020                             (

• This spring, the Royal Air Force will declassify a cache of UFO sighting files into the public domain. The UK Government’s UFO unit closed in 2009 after more than 50 years, concluding that they had never received any hard evidence of a potential extraterrestrial threat. Rather than relegating these file to the UK’s National Archive, they will publish them on a dedicated government website.

• This comes after a recent survey found that 50% of Brits believe that extraterrestrials exist, and they expect an alien attack within the next 50 years. Of those who believe in aliens, 71% think that ET has already visited the Earth at some point. (see ExoArticle here)

• Nearly three quarters of British believers surveyed think that worldwide governments know more about extraterrestrial life than they’re letting on and are hiding it from the public. Former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator, Nick Pope, said, “I’m not surprised there’s such a high level of belief in a government cover-up. I know from first-hand experience that the authorities haven’t always been as forthcoming as they might have been about their level of interest in UFOs.”

• Pope went on to say that the high percentage of people who believe in the existence of intelligent aliens “… reflects a number of recent revelations, including the declassified videos of US Navy jets chasing UFOs, and the news that the UK government is about to release more of its UFO files.”

• The survey showed that more than two-thirds of Brit believers think that world government authorities should have a plan for our imminent ‘first contact’ with other intelligent life forms. Pope is calling on governments to take the matter seriously and enact contingency plans in the event of an alien invasion, “irrespective of whether they turn out to be hostile or friendly.”


The government is covering up the truth about UFO sightings, a leading former Ministry of Defence expert has claimed.

The Royal Air Force is set to declassify a cache of UFO sighting files this spring into the public domain.

                     Nick Pope

The UK Government’s UFO unit closed in 2009 after concluding that in more than 50 years they had never received any hard evidence of a potential extraterrestrial threat.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “It had been assessed that it would be better to publish these records, rather than continue sending documents to the National Archives, and so they are looking to put them onto a dedicated web page.”

Ahead of the release, Nick Pope – who investigated UFOs for the MoD – has said the government should show greater transparency.

He said: “I’m not surprised there’s such a high level of belief in a government cover-up. I know from first-hand experience that the authorities haven’t always been as forthcoming as they might have been about their level of interest in UFOs.

“This survey shows high levels of interest and belief in UFOs and extra-terrestrial life.



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Half of Brits Think Planet Should Prepare for an Alien Attack in our Lifetime


Article by Steve Richmond                            March 11, 2020                               (

• To mark FOX tv’s new series, ‘War of the Worlds’, the network commissioned the polling company OnePoll to do a research study of 2,000 adults in the UK. The results show that half of Britons believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life and even expect an alien visitation before the year 2068. Londoners, the Welsh and those in the southwest of England were the biggest believers in extraterrestrial life.

• The study also found nearly three quarters of Brits believe that world governments know more about alien life than they’re letting on and are hiding the information from the public. If these world leaders were aware of an impending attack, 58% think they would keep information secret to avoid panic. 67% polled think that our leaders need a plan for first contact with other life forms.

• Of the believers surveyed, 71% think that Earth has already been visited by extraterrestrials, for scientific research, to learn about other life forms, or to plunder the Earth’s resources. 29% of Brits assume the visitors will have a neutral stance on humanity, and they’d be welcomed to Earth.56% expect extraterrestrial visitors to look similar to humans. 17% think that benevolent ETs might even help the planet reverse its ecological damage. But 29% think that other intelligent life have not yet ventured to our little planet.

• On the other hand, 22% of the Brits polled are expecting a perilous extraterrestrial invasion. 46% said they would fight with the human resistance against malevolent aliens, even though only 23% think we’d stand a change against them. 20% said they would cower at home. Over half believe that this event would mark the end of the human race as we know it. In the event of an alien invasion, a whopping 71% of Brits expected more danger still from their fellow humans.

• Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs for the Ministry of Defence said, “These fascinating findings say as much about distrust of government denials on UFOs as they do about people’s belief in extraterrestrial visitation.” But Pope added, “It’s great to see British fighting spirit on display, with this survey suggesting that large numbers of people would resist an alien invasion, even if they don’t think they’d have much hope of winning.”

• “This intriguing new research shows high levels of interest and belief in UFOs and extraterrestrial life,” says Pope. “This new survey supports my firm view that there needs to be a government plan for first contact with extraterrestrials – irrespective of whether they turn out to be hostile or friendly. … [I]t’s common sense to have a plan for something when the consequences would be so impactful.”


The study of 2,000 adults found half believe in alien existence, and think the planet should be preparing itself for an attack within the next 50 years – by 2068.

But far from coming in peace, 22 per cent of those are worried for their lives in the event of Martians coming to Earth.

It’s not just UFO’s people need to worry about though, as 71 per cent also suspect they’d face danger from other humans during an invasion.

Of the believers surveyed, 71 per cent think Earth has already been visited at some point by aliens, but 29 per cent imagine they’re yet to make their first landing.

The research was commissioned by TV channel FOX to mark the new series of War of the Worlds, on Thursdays at 9pm.

Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs for the Ministry of Defence said: “These fascinating findings say as much about distrust of government denials on UFOs as they do about people’s belief in extraterrestrial visitation.

“Intriguingly, they also suggest that people who think an alien invasion is possible believe one of the biggest threats would come from fellow survivors.

“This new survey supports my firm view that there needs to be a government plan for first contact with extraterrestrials – irrespective of whether they turn out to be hostile or friendly.

“Even if you think it’s unlikely, it’s common sense to have a plan for something when the consequences would be so impactful.



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The Story of Otis T. Carr – The Man Who Invented An ‘Anti-Gravity’ Vehicle In The 1950s


Article by Arjun Walia                       March 4, 2020                         (

• A recent investigation conducted by a Michigan State University professor and a former secretary from the Department of Housing and Development, along with a team of Ph.D students, tracked down approximately $21 trillion that went missing and unaccounted for from the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Development. They discovered that the money was diverted to fund government black budget projects, off the books, with no Congressional oversight.  This black budget world has existed for many years.

• Take the subject of ‘anti-gravity’. This is a field full of reputable scientists and scholars, and real-world examples that have come not only from hard evidence but from extremely credible witness testimony. This isn’t the stuff of conspiracy theories or “fringe” science. But it is ‘black budget’. The technology developed under these programs could change the world, but instead it’s only used within the military-industrial complex for self-serving purposes.

• Efficient energy-generating devices that could eliminate the use of oil, or any other modern day fuel source for that matter, have been subjected to patent suppression. Any civilian who invents technology that rivals the black budget world is subjected to harassment and great difficulty in getting their inventions out to the public. That’s because these technologies have been ‘classified’, for if they were made public it would change everything, and would severely threaten the tremendous amount of power and control the global elite has over the human population.

• In 1971, patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient. Why would higher energy efficiencies be a “national security threat?” We’re talking about the suppression of solar technology that goes far beyond even the best commercial panels available today. Said former NASA astronaut Brian O’Leary about ‘free energy’ devices, “If these technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world”

• In the 1950s, there was a lot of media attention focused on the wave of UFO sightings, crashed saucers and aliens that had been recovered. It is very likely that the government or the military industrial complex had obtained saucer technology by this time. A document in the CIA online reading room describes how the German aeronautical engineer, George Klein, had been developing ‘flying saucers’ from 1941 to 1945. The document states: “The “flying saucer” reached an altitude of 12,400 meters within 3 minutes and a speed of 2,200 kilometers per hour. Klein emphasized that in accordance with German plans, the speed of these “saucers” would reach 4,000 kilometers per hour.”

• Otis T. Carr (pictured above) had similar claims. A protégé of Nikola Tesla, Carr and his team had constructed a number of fully functional flying saucers in the 1950s. He provided numerous public demonstrations and amassed millions of dollars from extremely wealthy people to further develop flying saucer technology. Carr’s goal was to fly to the moon in his “circular foil spacecraft” on December 7th, 1959. The craft would be propelled by an ‘artificial gravitic field’ and required no fuel. It would be powered by an ‘Utron electric accumulator’ – a sort of self-charging battery – utilizing the Sun’s electromagnetism. Carr claimed that a trip to the moon would only take a few hours.

• In the late 1950’s, Carr’s company, OTC Enterprises, Inc., published a statement in the Baltimore Enterprise newspaper that they were ready to build a flying saucer that was capable of travel outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, and were looking for $20 million in funding. Shortly thereafter, Carr’s laboratory was forcibly shut down. Claiming that Carr’s project would ‘destroy the monetary system of the United States’, federal agents confiscated his equipment and all documentation. Carr was heavily criticized, ridiculed, and made a fool of by the press. In January 1961, the Attorney General of New York, Louis J. Lefkowitz, stated that Carr had swindled investors out of $50,000. Later that year, True Magazine labelled Carr a “hoaxer.” By then, his laboratory had been destroyed and Carr’s group of engineers had been ordered to disband and cease contact with one another.

• It is clear that this was a coordinated government effort to shut Carr down. Such advanced scientific developments are reserved only for the black budget world. Carr was convicted and denied an appeal for his ‘crime’. He could not afford to pay the fine and served part of a 14-year jail term. After that little is known about what became of either Carr himself or the craft, but they never flew again. Carr is reported to have suffered from ill-health, a broken man. He passed away in Gardnerville, Nevada, in 2005.

• The global elite has always demonstrated their supremacy by ridiculing concepts that they don’t want made public. There are multiple technological developments that have been completely hushed up, for “national security purposes.” Still, anti-gravity technology has been around for a long time. Professor Theodore Lodre of the University of New Hampshire has studied the development of anti-gravity research in the United States and notes that “research activity seemed to disappear by the mid-1950s.” However, recently reported scientific findings and witness testimonies “show us that this (anti-gravity) research and technology is alive and well and very advanced.”

• On November 1, 2005, Patent #6,960,975 was granted to Boris Volfson of Huntington, Indiana. It describes a space vehicle propelled by a superconducting shield, which alters the curvature of space-time outside the craft in a way that counteracts gravity. The device builds on a claim by Russian physicist Eugene Podkletnov that superconductors can shield the effects of gravity.

• In 2016, the US Navy filed a patent for a hybrid craft “using an inertial mass reduction device”, that was invented by Salvatore Cezar Pais. The hybrid craft was actually approved in 2018. In January 2019, Pais presented a paper on a “Room Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace Undersea Craft” that would ostensibly power this hybrid craft. In the paper, Pais writes that “the achievement of room temperature superconductivity represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology.”


It’s astonishing to me how the topic of anti-gravity is still be placed in the “conspiracy theory” realm. This isn’t the stuff of conspiracy theories or “fringe” science, it’s a field full of reputable scientists and scholars, and real-world examples that have come not only from hard evidence but from extremely credible witness testimony as well.  One thing is for certain when talking about such topics: one must delve into the black budget world.

Take, for example, a recent investigation conducted by a Michigan State University professor and a former secretary from the Department of Housing and Development. Together, with a team of Ph.D students, they uncovered approximately $21 trillion that went missing and unaccounted for from the Department of Defense as well as the Department of Housing and Development. Why is this relevant? Because they discovered that the money was going to fund black budget, off the books programs that require no oversight from Congress.  This black budget world has been in operation for many years. You can read more about it here and here in two articles I’ve previously written on the subject.

        photo of Carr’s ‘flying saucer’

Breakaway Civilization

The black budget world encompasses a separate civilization (Richard Dolan, “Breakaway Civilization”) that has used tremendous amounts of resources in all areas, from science to archaeology, to move itself far ahead of the mainstream world technologically. How many people does it employ? Who is operating it? Many of these questions remain unknown, but if you follow the money it will give you perhaps somewhat of an idea.

Any civilian who invents technology that rivals the black budget world has always been subjected to harassment, and has difficulty getting their innovations or inventions out to the public. That’s because these technologies have been ‘classified’, for if they were made public it would change everything, severely threatening the tremendous amount of power and control the global elite has over the human population.

The technology that’s been developed within these programs could change the world, but instead it’s used within the military-industrial complex for self-serving purposes, or so it seems. Efficient energy-generating devices that could eliminate the use of oil, or any other modern day fuel source for that matter, have been subjected to patent suppression.

Suppressed Technology List From 1971

For example, the previous list regarding technology suppressed was obtained by researcher Michael Ravnitzky in 1971. Most of the technology listed seems to be related to various military applications. You can view that list here. As Steven Aftergood from the Federation of American Scientists reports: “The 1971 list indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies in “excess of 70-80%.”

Why would higher energy efficiencies be a “national security threat?” If this is true, we are talking about solar technology that goes far beyond the best commercial panels available today, which usually can’t even generate 20 percent efficiency.

“These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world and yet they have not really seen the light of day. If these technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world”  – Brian O’Leary, Former Nasa Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor, speaking about over-unity energy, or ‘free’ energy.



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The Letter the Navy Sent a Congressman Who Was Demanding Answers About UFOs


Article by Joseph Trevithick                             March 6, 2020                              (

• Last year, Congressman Mark Walker, (R-NC) and a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security (pictured above), wrote a letter to the US Navy demanding answers to the military’s UFO sightings. On July 31, 2019, then-Under Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly wrote a responsive letter to the Congressman, who deemed it “frustratingly insufficient”. Politico reported on the response in September 2019, but didn’t publish the letter itself. On March 5, 2020, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, The War Zone obtained a complete, unredacted copy of the responsive letter.

• In his July 31 responsive letter, Moldy wrote, “There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled training ranges and designated air space in recent years. …The Department of the Navy (DON) takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts.”

• Congressman Walker’s original letter clearly asked the Navy for information about the highly publicized incidents that fighter pilots had reported, which involved flying craft capable of extreme levels of speed and maneuverability (ie: the “Tic Tac” UFO). But Modly’s letter makes no mention of the high-profile UFO/UAP incidents involving US Navy pilots and personnel dating back to at least 2004. It also does not mention the DoD/DIA’s Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program or its predecessor program.

• Instead, the Navy’s response focused on drones buzzing military bases. “The wide proliferation and availability of inexpensive unmanned aerial systems (UAS) has increasingly made airspace de-confliction an issue for our aviators.” Moldy’s letter then addresses what the Navy is doing about these drones. “Naval aircrews have been provided reporting guidance to determine the frequency and location of UAS operating in training areas. …The Department of the Navy continues to dedicate resources to the tracking and investigation of reports that could affect the safety of our aircrews.”

• Modly’s letter ends by saying that the Navy will continue to work with the House of Representatives via the House Armed Services Committee, of which Walker is not a member. It does not address the release of data or physical evidence relating to reported UAP sightings, which the letter specifically sought.

• Walker had sent his letter because the reported UAP incidents represented a threat to Homeland Security, including commercial and civilian aircraft as well as military ones flying in US Airspace. With these mysterious UAPs roaming the skies, Navy pilots had expressed concern for their safety. The responsive letter from the Under Secretary did little to alleviate those concerns.

• In a statement, Walker said: “While I am encouraged the Under Secretary of the Navy confirmed that UAP encounters are fully investigated, there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the threat that superior aircraft flying in United States airspace may pose. …If the Navy believes that China or Russia possesses advanced aerospace technologies that represent a national security vulnerability, the American people have the right to know what their government is doing about it.”

• It’s unclear if Walker, or any other members of Congress, have followed up or otherwise succeeded in obtaining additional information on this issue. Some Senators and the President have received classified briefings on the UAP sightings. But in September 2019, the Navy stated that it had not received any further requests from legislators on this topic.

• Whatever the case, the public safety and national security concerns surrounding UAP sightings are still very much in the public consciousnesses.


Last year, Congressman Mark Walker, a Republican from North Carolina and a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, wrote a letter to the U.S. Navy demanding answers regarding sightings of what are commonly referred to as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. Now, The War Zone has obtained a complete copy of the service’s response to these questions about how it is recording and assessing incidents involving what it calls unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, which the lawmaker has already said he felt was frustratingly insufficient.

On Mar. 5, 2020, the Navy released an unredacted copy of the letter, which then-Undersecretary of the Navy Thomas Modly wrote on July 31, 2019, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. Politico was first to report on this letter, after obtaining a copy, in September 2019, but did not publish or otherwise reproduce it in full.

Walker had sent his initial letter, addressed to then-Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer, on July 16, 2019, and had made a copy publicly available on July 29, which the War Zone reported on at the time. It is also worth noting that Modly has been Acting Secretary of the Navy since Spencer resigned in November 2019.

“There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled training ranges and designated air space in recent years,” Modly wrote in this July 31 response. “The Department of the Navy (DON) takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts.”

Modly’s letter makes no mention of a number of high profile UAP incidents involving Navy F/A-18C/D Hornet and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter jets, dating back to at least 2004. You can read more about these particular events in detail in these past War Zone stories.

It also does not discuss any Navy connection to the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP), or its predecessor, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications (AAWSA) program, which existed for various periods of time within the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. You can find out more about those programs in these previous War Zone pieces.



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The “Surprisingly Consistent” Answer to: Are We Alone in the Universe?


Article by Michael Egnor                           March 9, 2020                          (

• There is a near consensus among astronomers, astrobiologists, and astrophysicists that we are not alone in the universe. Not a day goes by without a scientific expert proclaiming that we are on the verge of discovering extraterrestrial life – whether microbes in an extraterrestrial ocean or a galactic engineer in a Dyson sphere. The problem is that there is not a shred of evidence to support extraterrestrial life.

• So what is the scientific basis for this scientific “consensus”? The scientific method is ‘a posteriori’ reasoning: we collect evidence, propose a theory by which the evidence can be evaluated, and arrive at a conclusion. In the case of SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence), the conclusion is the near certainty of extraterrestrial life. But the evidence that all of this is based upon is… zero. Nada. Non-existent. There’s not a shred of evidence for life anywhere but Earth. What little passes for evidence — the discovery of extra-solar Earth-like planets and proteins — is meaningless until we understand how life occurred on Earth. However, we know nothing about the source of life on Earth either. Fanciful theories don’t count.

• To reach the conclusion that ET is almost certainly out there, experts rely on the theoretical framework of ‘materialism’. It is an unexamined act of faith among the scientific elite today that abiogenesis materialism explains all of the natural world (ie: single-celled life gradually grew to more complex life, and then into animals and humans). And if it worked this way on Earth, then it would work on other worlds containing matter, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and starlight like our own.

• If anything, the evidence thus far proves that extraterrestrial life does not exist. We’ve looked and we haven’t found any. Perhaps it’s waiting around the corner. But there’s no evidence that it is, and therefore no scientific reason to think that it is.

• So when you hear scientific ‘experts’ tell you that “nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution”, keep in mind that this is the same crowd who are damned sure that the discovery of ET is just around the corner, without offering a shred of evidence or science to support the assertion. So much of modern science is just materialism and atheism, posing as science.

[Editor’s Note]   This writer revels in the presumption that there is no real evidence of life anywhere but on Earth. He uses science as blinders. The evidence of extraterrestrial life, he says, is “zilch, zero, nada”. It is his religion and no one can tell him otherwise. “[W]e’ve looked and haven’t found any (aliens).” The writer claims that the general belief by the scientific community that life must exist elsewhere in the universe is merely an act of “faith in (the natural development of) materialism”.

Writers and thinkers such as this are taking the easy way out. For the past seventy years or more, the deep state elite who write our university textbooks and control the mass media have systematically hidden evidence of extraterrestrial contact from the public. They teach that there is no such thing as UFOs or extraterrestrial civilizations. Generations have lived their entire lives under this truth embargo and false reality. So the lazy journalist will simply take this mainstream gibberish as fact and look no further.

But if one digs a little deeper, he will find an enormous amount of evidence and common sense indicators that not only are UFOs real, but the extraterrestrial beings who developed this advanced technology, and have secretly passed it along to our elite in the military industrial complex, are here now and have been here for millennia. This is not a case mass hallucination. People have seen UFOs for centuries, depicting them in whatever media was available – from cave art to Renaissance paintings. There has been a sharp increase in these sightings since World War II because the extraterrestrials noticed our own technological advancements over the past century, and felt that we are close to being able to handle the ‘full disclosure’ of their presence.

The government and corporate elite are well aware of the ET presence. Anyone who wants to dig deeper than the mainstream prattle can easily find consistent and compelling first-person accounts of seeing and interacting with UFOs and extraterrestrials. Or you can choose to believe that all of these people are sharing some sort of psychosis; trust that the government would never lie; believe that the mainstream media is the embodiment of honest journalism; and take it at face value that no evidence whatsoever exists to support the position that UFOs and extraterrestrials are real and abound in our solar system and galaxy. It takes some work to study the ET phenomenon with an open mind. It takes no work at all to ridicule and ignore everything, occasionally pulling your head out of the sand to write simplistic and irresponsible articles like this one.


You can understand a lot about modern science if you understand SETI research. Not that SETI is all that sophisticated and certainly not because it’s been successful (it has not), but because it tells you a lot about the materialist metaphysical bias in modern science.

“The Big Question”

From The Conversation:
Are we alone in the Universe? The expert opinion on that, it turns out, is surprisingly consistent.

         Michael Egnor: ‘lazy journalist’

“Is there other life in the Universe? I would say: probably,” Daniel Zucker, Associate Professor of astronomy at Macquarie University, tells astrophysics student and The Conversation’s editorial intern Antonio Tarquinio on today’s podcast episode.

“I think that we will discover life outside of Earth in my lifetime. If not that, then in your lifetime,” says his fellow Macquarie University colleague, Professor Orsola De Marco.

And Lee Spitler, a Senior Lecturer and astronomy researcher at the same institution, was similarly optimistic: “I think there’s a high likelihood that we are not alone in the Universe.”

The big question, however, is what that life might look like.

We’re also hearing from Danny C Price, project scientist for the Breakthrough Listen project scanning the southern skies for unusual patterns, on what the search for alien intelligence looks like in real life — and what it’s yielded so far.

There is a near consensus among experts (astronomers, astrobiologists, astrophysicists, etc.) that we are not alone. To point out at an astrobiology conference that there’s not a shred of evidence for astrobiology would be like striking up a conversation about sex trafficking at Jeffrey Epstein’s wake. You had best make other arrangements for the rest of the day. The existence of extraterrestrial life is the lodestar of 21st-century astronomy — witness the odd fact that astrobiology is a thing in science rather than in science fiction. Not a day goes by without a scientific expert proclaiming that we are on the verge of meeting ET — whether a microbe in an extraterrestrial ocean or a bug in a Martian desert or a galactic engineer in a Dyson sphere.

The Scientific Method

So what’s the scientific basis for this astrobiological “consensus”? The scientific method is, of course, a posteriori reasoning: we collect evidence, propose a framework (theory) by which the evidence can be evaluated, and arrive at a conclusion — in the case of SETI, the conclusion is the near certainty of extraterrestrial life.

The evidence on which the near-consensus that we are not alone is based is… zero. Nada. Non-existent. There’s not a shred of evidence for life anywhere but Earth. What little passes for evidence — the discovery of extra-solar Earth-like planets and of proteins — is meaningless unless we know that answer to the question: How did life arise on Earth, and how can life arise elsewhere? We know nothing about the source of life on Earth, and fanciful theories don’t count. A posteriori reasoning (the scientific method) depends on evidence first and foremost. And we have no evidence for extraterrestrial life and no idea how life arose in the only place we know — Earth.



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Is Coronavirus a Deep State Bioweapon Attack on China Planned in 2005?

In an interview and letter made available in 2010, an anonymous official within the City of London revealed a secret plan supported by high-level Masons to support a biological warfare attack against China designed to cripple its economic growth and growing military power. The biological weapon was to be part of a timeline of both contrived geopolitical events and a natural disaster that would eliminate half of the planet’s population.

The whistleblower was first interviewed in January 2010 by Bill Ryan from Project Camelot, who released a transcript along with his video summary of the interview the next month. The interview was followed by a letter from the whistleblower to Kerry Cassidy, who made it available through the Project Camelot website on March 19, 2010.

Prior to his interview, Ryan was able to confirm the whistleblower’s credentials as a former serviceman with the British military who later accepted a senior position in the City of London, which is an autonomous financial enclave within the Greater London.

In his interview, the whistleblower described a meeting held in June 2005 involving high-level Masons who were discussing how to put into effect a timeline of events developed by a more senior group of unknown persons:

From what I heard, they weren’t a decision-making group. They were like an action group. They were people who needed to come together now and then to discuss together what needs to be done, or what is getting done, and what should be getting done. And then they disperse and go back and do what they need to do, as a result of these

The whistleblower [W] explained to Bill Ryan [B] a planned biological weapons attack on China after a contrived limited nuclear war in the Middle East planned to occur sometime before 2012 that involved the direct participation of China and the US after Israel launched a preemptive attack against Iran:

W: … it’s in this ensuing chaos of a post-nuclear exchange that these biological weapons will be deployed in such a fashion where there will be no structure, no safety-nets, for anybody to counter this type of biological onslaught.

And it should be mentioned, for those who are not aware, that biological weapons are just as effective as nuclear ones; it just takes a while longer — that’s all.

B:  Yes. Now, the deployment of the biological weapons following the ceasefire, is that something that happens covertly, like all of a sudden people will start getting ill and no one knows where it came from? Or is this an overt weapon deployment that would be very obvious?

W:  I don’t think it would be overt, because the Chinese people are going to be hit by the flu! So there’ll be a worldwide flu epidemic, perhaps, with a country like China — or China, because China is mentioned — being the one that’s going to suffer most.

Thankfully, the predicted nuclear war in the Middle East never happened due to White Hats in the US military, preventing Israel from launching a preemptive (nuclear) attack against Iran. According to the whistleblower, Iran had been secretly assisted by China in gaining several nuclear weapons.

During the Bush Administration (2001-2009), for example, Admiral William Fallon, head of US Central Command (2007-2008), famously declared during his Senate confirmation hearing that an attack against Iran “will not happen on my watch.”

Later during the Obama Administration (2009-2017), to his great credit, President Obama resisted powerful behind the scenes efforts to give Israel the go-ahead for launching a preemptive (nuclear) attack against Iran. Instead, Obama participated in high-level diplomatic negotiations that resulted in the multinational Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) in July 2015 that warded off a possible Israeli attack for years to come.

President Donald Trump ended US participation in the Iran nuclear deal on May 8, 2018, and the US and Iran have engaged in a number of subsequent military skirmishes. The most serious was the US assassination of the leader of Iran’s Quds Force, Major General Qasem Soleimani, and Iran’s quick military retaliation.

Fortunately, Trump and Iran’s leaders have avoided crossing the threshold into outright war, and Israel has again been restrained from attacking Iran.

In his interview, the whistleblower stressed that the timeline of events that were to be activated had to happen in the precise order desired by those that put the plan together. If the events didn’t happen in the correct order, then they were destined to fail.

This takes us to the present moment where China appears to have been attacked by a bioweapon, which is linked to the rollout of a 5G network in the city of Wuhan. In a previous article, I pointed out the link between 5G and biowarfare, and the likelihood that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) was a biological weapons attack.

Senior Chinese officials have also recently begun promoting the idea that the Coronavirus was a foreign-sourced bioweapons attack, and have pointed to the US and its participation in the Military World Games held in Wuhan in October 2019. However, as former US Marine Corps Intelligence Analyst and CIA Case Officer Robert David Steele has declared, President Xi Jinping knows that the real culprit is not the Trump administration, but rogue elements in the US tied to the Deep State.

The similarity between the events in China and what the whistleblower described back in 2010 is uncanny, and firmly implicates the City of London in a Deep State attack on China. However, as the whistleblower pointed out, the group of City of London officials was merely an action group. The real culprits behind the planned bioweapon attack were higher-level groups associated with elite banking families on the European continent, especially in Italy and the Vatican, working closely behind the scenes with, according to the whistleblower, extraterrestrial entities!

The Vatican has long been rumored to be working closely with extraterrestrial visitors, as I have explained in another article. The whistleblower learned that extraterrestrials are much involved in the high-level planning of geopolitical events as he highlighted in his summary of the planned timeline discussed at the 2005 meeting:

Let me summarize what was discussed at the meeting:

Iran will be attacked, possibly within 18 months. China will come to the aid of Iran, to protect its own interests. Nuclear weapons will be used either by Iran or China, with Israel provoking the first use. Much of the Middle East will be laid to waste. Millions will die within a very short period of time. And for some reason this is here, and I can’t tell you why: China will move forcibly into parts of Russia to extend ceasefire lines. Thereafter, biological weapons will be deployed against China. China will “catch a cold”.

And my own understanding is that there’s some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work for 50 years by the UK and US and other Western powers, and this includes Japan.

And, again, when we talk about a malevolent ET alliance that’s in the context of black projects, and this is an exchange of technologies that’s been going on for some considerable time. So there is an involvement there, and that involvement I can’t fully explain myself.

And I also understand that there are more humanitarian and altruistic ET entities working against this timeline and are somehow maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves. And again, I can’t fully explain that but it’s a certain intuitive feeling that this is working and there’s other aspects of my experience that’s led me to make that statement — but that’s another story.

So what we’re talking about is the Western powers seeking a ‘perfect war’ — doing so throughout the 20th century right up till the present day, because this timeline goes way back. So we’re talking decades or hundreds of years of time where this timeline has been in use.

And also I think it’s quite important to associate the timeline with its other reference which I’ve heard several times now: it’s called THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION. I feel that’s important to add because that may ring some bells with some people as I don’t think it’s been mentioned before.

As a result of military White Hat and “altruistic extraterrestrials”, the above timeline never happened. Consequently, what are we to make of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, and the Deep State’s plan for a biowarfare attack against China discussed back in 2005 in response to the latter’s rapid economic and military growth, which continues to alarm Western national security officials as detailed in my upcoming book, Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins and Threat of China’s Secret Space Program.

One explanation is that as a result of a global awakening to the machinations of the Deep State, the latter’s nefarious timeline of events has been derailed. This means that the biowarfare attack against China planned to happen after a limited nuclear war in the Middle East that would have severely weakened China and many nations in responding to a global pandemic, has instead occurred as an isolated event.

Consequently, China and many other nations have been able to use all their national resources to respond to the Coronavirus, making it all but certain that it will be eventually contained. China, in particular, implemented strict protocols that appear to have turned the tide in the fight against the Coronavirus, as Chinese officials are eagerly pointing out.

This takes me to a startling prediction made by the psychic Sylvia Brown in 2008, only three years after the City of London meeting, which appears to describe what we are now witnessing:

In around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear.

As mentioned earlier, China understands that it was the Deep State rather than the Trump Administration that was behind the bioweapons attack. The 2010 revelations by the whistleblower firmly point the finger at the Deep State, and their accomplices in the City of London, elite banking families in Italy called the Black Nobility and the Vatican.

It’s not coincidental that the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy, which has recorded the most deaths outside of China, began in the provinces most associated with the Black Nobility and the rollout of 5G as observed by the blogsite, “State of the Nation”:

Northern Italy, especially the international financial capital of Milan and all of Lombardy, have been strictly quarantined because this region is the ancestral home of the all-powerful Black Nobility.  Very few are aware but it is Milan and Venice that really rule the financial powerhouses of London and New York City.  They locked down both of those Italian power centers in order to control all movement into and out of the region.  This unprecedented quarantine was planned years in advance by way of the purposeful rollout of 5G throughout the greater Milan metro area…. In other words, wherever the military deployment of 5G has taken place, the numerous 5G super-hotspots will provide a very conducive environment for the coronavirus bioweapon to be released into the population with the desired effect.  Just look at where the Coronavirus is exploding the most—countries that have the most 5G Hotspots!

This raises the possibility that the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy may be the Chinese military’s retaliation against the Deep State’s bioweapon attack, and the role played by the Black Nobility in attacking China.

It appears, however, that the bioweapon attack on China will not have the desired effect as originally conceived in the plan heard by the British whistleblower in 2005. Rather than a key step in a sequence of geopolitical events leading to global devastation, the Coronavirus is proving to be an isolated event that is being contained by nations and is raising many questions over its true origins.

Ultimately, as people investigate the true origins of the Coronavirus and the Deep State’s plan to attack China, there will be a global awakening as pointed out by the State of the Nation blogsite:

The bottom line here is that March Madness 2020 appears to be the beginning of the end of the New World Order agenda.  It really is a do or die situation for the power elite now that they have totally committed to staging an unsustainable global pandemic.  If they do not have the adequate enforcement mechanisms in place to police this pandemic as they conceived it, they’re in HUGE trouble.  Because when the dust settles, every inhabitant of the planet is going to be asking some serious questions.  There are no NIMBYs with this pandemic so everyone will want answers that will only lead back to that British officer’s damning 2010 letter.

Consequently, rather than the Coronavirus being part of an elaborate set of events designed to implement a New World Order controlled by the international banking elite through major Western nations, it appears to be a last ditch desperate effort by the Deep State that is doomed to fail. The exposure of the Deep State behind the Coronavirus pandemic will only accelerate the exposure and demise of key figures and institutions behind the Deep State, and an unprecedented awakening of global humanity.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Note: An audio version of this article is available here.

Further Reading

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Dominic Cummings Wants Britain to Build a Manned Moon Base


Article by Ciaran McGrath                           March 4, 2020                           (

• Dominic Cummings oversees Britain’s Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) as a special adviser to PM Boris Johnson. To mark the 50th anniversary of Britain’s Black Arrow rocket, which launched the UK into the space age, Cummings proposes that Britain consider “projects that could bootstrap new international institutions that help solve more general coordination problems such as the risk of accidental nuclear war.” “The most obvious example of a project like this,” said Cummings, “…is a manned international lunar base.”

• Cummings referred to plans devised by George Mueller, a former associate administrator for NASA, who is credited for masterminding the Apollo missions that included a Moon base – plans that Cummings said had been “tragically abandoned” in the 1970s.

• Cummings has little faith in older institutions like the UN and the EU to deliver workable solutions to global coordination problems. He believes that such solutions will more likely emerge as byproducts of new, large projects such as developing and building a Moon base. Such a Moon base would stimulate basic science, create an infrastructure for space industrialization, and encourage cooperation between the great world powers. Says Cummings, “[S]hifting our industrial/psychological frontiers into space drastically reduces the chances of widespread destruction.”

• Back in 1969, Mueller’s plan was to establish a space station in lunar orbit as a mobile base. From there, a lunar craft would go back and forth from the orbiting station to the surface of the Moon, systematically exploring the surface. When they’ve found a suitable place, they will establish the lunar base there.

• In 2018, space entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeted that he planned to build a base on the Moon by 2028.

• US Vice President Mike Pence has called on NASA to build a space platform in lunar orbit and put American astronauts on the Moon’s south pole within five years “by any means necessary”.

• Last year, Jeff Bezos of the ‘Blue Origin’ space company announced his plan to transport people to a manned lunar base by 2024. To this end, his company is working on the ‘Blue Moon’, a robotic space cargo carrier and lander for making cargo deliveries to the Moon.


Today marks the 50th anniversary of the blast-off of Britain’s Black Arrow rocket, launching the UK into the space age – and with 25 percent of the world’s small telecommunications satellites currently build in Britain, the potential is plain for all to see. Mr Cummings, who is overseeing a wide-ranging Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) outlined his ideas in a blog published last June, less than a month before he was appointed Boris Johnson’s special adviser.

                  Dominic Cummings

He wrote: “We need to consider projects that could bootstrap new international institutions that help solve more general coordination problems such as the risk of accidental nuclear war.

“The most obvious example of a project like this I can think of is a manned international lunar base which would be useful for a) basic science, b) the practical purposes of building urgently needed near-Earth infrastructure for space industrialisation, and c) to force the creation of new practical international institutions for cooperation between Great Powers.”

Mr Cummings referred to plans devised by George Mueller, NASA’s former associate administrator, and the man widely credited with masterminding the Apollo missions, for precisely such a base – plans which Mr Cummings said had been “tragically abandoned” in the 1970s.

Mr Cummings, who was campaign director for Vote Leave, had little faith in Brussels to deliver workable solutions.

He said: “The old institutions like the UN and EU – built on early 20th Century assumptions about the performance of centralised bureaucracies – are incapable of solving global coordination problems.

“It seems to me more likely that institutions with qualities we need are much more likely to eme



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e263 Alienstock Festival Returns to Rachel in September

Last year, college student Matty Roberts created a Facebook meme to “storm the gate” of the secretive Air Force base known as Area 51 to “see them aliens.” The Alien Research Center in Hiko, Nevada and the ‘Little A’Le’Inn’ restaurant and hotel in Rachel, Nevada served as base camps for the 3,000 festivalgoers who actually attended what became “Alienstock”, a high-spirited festival of space alien enthusiasts featuring various musical acts, food vendors and activities.

e261 The ‘Very Large Array’ in NM Will Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life

A collaboration between the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the SETI Institute will use the NRAO’s “Very Large Array” (VLA) of radio telescopes (with operations center in Socorro, New Mexico) to search for the presence of extraterrestrial life in the universe by such indicators as laser beams, structures built around stars, constructed satellites, or atmospheric chemicals produced by industry.

e260 What Scientists Could Learn From Alien Hunters

Astrobiologists use telescopes to seek biochemical evidence of microbes on other planets. SETI scientists use telescopes to look for intelligent beings’ technological signatures. Then there are those who believe that intelligent extraterrestrials are here, now, buzzing the skies of planet Earth.

e259 Space Force: What Will the Newest Military Branch Actually Do?

In December 2019, President Trump established the Space Force as a separate military branch. Space Force’s first chief of space operations, General John “Jay” Raymond, says that the new branch will be a “technology-focused service.” Officially, Space Force is designed to help protect the interests of the United States in space, deter aggression in the final frontier, and conduct prompt and sustained space operations.

e254 US Air Force ‘Develops Cloaking Tech to Make Military Craft Invisible’

Mike Turber, a US Air Force ‘insider’ and former USAF intelligence expert who had previously claimed that the Nimitz ‘tic tac’ UFO spotted in 2004 actually belongs to the US Air Force (see Exoarticle here) and that Donald Trump has already deployed it (to assist in his negotiations in North Korea – see Exoarticle here), now tells the Daily Star that the Air Force has developed cloaking technology to make their aircraft invisible.

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