True Exopolitics: Space people warn of dangers of social divide

By Gerard Aartsen

 divideThe state of the world
“Switch on the news and you see record-breaking protests, historic uprisings and riots on once-calm streets – there’s no doubt that growing income inequality is an issue of central importance.”

This is not a quote from a recent article in a magazine for social change, but the opening statement of chapter 2 in the recent Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014 report from the World Economic Forum, best known for its annual meeting of the global elite in Davos. World leaders are finally becoming more aware of the dangers of the enormous, and widening, gap between rich and poor, and that this trend cannot be allowed to continue unchecked was also reflected in President Obama’s State of the Union speech of January 2014: “Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. (…) The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by – let alone get ahead.” He then went on to outline policies meant to address the dangers inherent in the growing disparity in income and opportunity.


George Adamski with,Venusian Orthon

One way that people with a heart and some common sense often express their disbelief about humanity’s dysfunctional ways of relating to itself and the planet is by taking the perspective of an outsider: “If a Martian were to visit our planet…” followed by an observation of the way humans have complicated life for themselves or other creatures that makes no sense on any level beyond a profit motive.
Perhaps it is not surprising, in this context, that it has taken world leaders so long to recognize the dangers engendered by these social inequalities. While many readers of these pages will be aware that we have been visited and are being visited by people from other planets, many might not know that these same visitors have repeatedly voiced their concerns about the way we have chosen to organise society around the need to earn money for daily living and pursuing the “dream” of limitless wealth, no matter if it kills the planet. For instance, in 1954, during his sojourn on a mothership, George Adamski was told by his hosts from space: “If man is to live without catastrophe, he must look upon his fellow being as himself, the one a reflection of the other.” After many years of sustained contact with the people from other planets Adamski added in December 1964: “[T]o have a healthy and prosperous society, that which causes the most trouble must be removed. As we all know, this stigma is poverty in the midst of plenty. It is the cause of sickness, crime, and the many evils that we know…”


Encounters with people from space

Daniel Fry Press Photo
Daniel Fry

A civilian consultant with the military in the late 1940s, Daniel Fry was contacted July 4, 1949 by a saucer pilot who landed in front of him in the desert after Mr Fry had missed his bus home. At some point during his contact, which he claims included a ride in the saucer from California to New York and back, Mr Fry was told, “With freedom from want comes freedom of fear and your civilization would be safely past the critical point in its development.”

Likewise, Truman Bethurum, a road worker from California, was contacted late July 1952. His contact did not involve a trip in the ‘scow’, as he called the saucer, but he was invited aboard for discussions with its captain on seven or eight occasions. Of these, he said he “got the impression that cooperation among all of their people is an inherent feature of their lives, and that poverty is unknown. Also, that what we call riches or wealth is certainly more evenly distributed than on our earth.” As a result, the captain tells him, there are no criminals or conmen on their planet (identified as ‘Clarion’). “Not even speculators. (…) If we had them on Clarion it would soon be of small worth; we’d have mansions and slums, as you do.”

Buck Nelson, a farmer and saw mill owner from Denver who was first contacted late July 1954, wrote after having visited some of the planets in our system: “Some of our commonly used methods of making a living would be absolutely unacceptable to them. One of these methods is our practice of making money from money in so many different ways.”

Finally, Brazilian contactee Dino Kraspedon (pseudonym for Aladino Félix), who had his experience around the same time that George Adamski had his famous encounter in the California desert in November 1952, was told quite unequivocally even then: “…wars take place against the wishes of most people, because poor people do not fight easily. Carnage has become the perquisite of the rich and powerful… Abundance blinded them, gluttony clouded their vision. Strife is the product of egoism.”

In the event, governments and the military managed to discredit the experiences and information that these men were asked to share with the world in the midst of the Cold War. Yet, in the 1960s one contactee was given unprecedented insights into the social organisation of the home planet of his contactors.

The story of a businessman

Stefan Denaerde-Ad Beers with Wendelle Stevens
Stefan Denaerde (left) Wendelle Stevens (right)

Dutch businessman Ad (short for Adrian) Beers and his family were sailing the Oosterscheldt, a large estuary in the south west of Holland, one summer evening, when his yacht’s compass seemed broken. While sailing back to the harbour, he was suddenly staring into a strong blue-white searchlight. Switching the engine into reverse, full power, could not prevent the boat hitting something solid. Upon closer inspection it seemed as if Mr Beers’ boat had hit the hull of an overturned ship and he saw a body floating in the water nearby. As he jumped overboard with a lifeline, he landed on a hard surface at a depth of just three feet. Shortly after he had secured the lifeline to the floating body someone in a similar outfit as the drowning person, which looked like a space suit, came wading through the water to assist him in his rescue efforts. He then describes how the sight of an “animal-like face, with large square pupils in the eyes, which were both hypnotic and self-assured” struck him like a thunderbolt.

It was only then that he realised they were visitors from another planet who, out of gratitude for his rescue efforts, went on to offer him detailed information about their world. Over the course of two days he was shown vivid images of the way society on ‘Iarga’, as they called their planet, was organised accompanied by detailed explanations of the underlying philosophy.


Being the director-general of the Dutch importer for Swedish lorry manufacturer Scania, Mr Beers presented his story as science fiction under the pseudonym of Stefan Denaerde (‘Steve of Earth’), in the hugely successful book Buitenaardse beschaving (‘Extraterrestrial Civilization’) in 1969. In 1977 the first English edition was published as Operation Survival Earth, while an expanded edition was published five years later by the late Wendelle Stevens as Contact from Planet Iarga.

With his own background as a business executive Mr Beers was immensely impressed by the, what he considered terrifying, efficiency of the planet’s social organisation: “This must be a universally governed planet, but seemingly so strictly governed that everything was streamlined and standardized. What a terrible thought!” Yet, in deploring what he perceives as a lack of the characteristic that lies at the core of the ills of present-day society, at the same time he witnesses to some degree of perfection what the participants in the Italian Friendship Case were taught by their contacts from space, and which seems to be the aim for humanity as we respond more and more to the Aquarian energies of unity and synthesis: “Their weak point is the development of their individuality. They do almost everything in groups, they think collectively and they obey the laws of their society to the letter. They live for and through the friendship and love within the group.”

Planetary governments and social systems
About the level of attainment of his hosts the writer says: “Their definition of the word civilization or culture has nothing to do with the scientific or technological development level, but with the manner in which the community takes care of the handicapped or weaker beings. The word superculture defines the situation that arises when through individual effort, a group structure has arisen which abolishes any discrimination against any individual.”

Reminiscent of the findings in the Brandt Commission’s 1980 report North-South: A Programme For Survival, that the only way out of our problems on Earth is a recognition of our mutual interdependence and the need for global policies to ensure the basic needs of every human being, Mr Beers’ contacts from space tell him: “Our cosmic universal economic system can be compared to both communism and the capitalist Western economy. One can also say that our cosmic economics can’t be compared to either. (…) It is only through this system that a race can achieve a cultural level of social stability.”

While the people on Earth at present are caught in a grossly skewed system that reduces them to servants of ‘the economy’ and where austerity measures that cut deep into social services are justified by politicians as “necessary to stimulate the economy”, the strictly regulated economic system on ‘Iarga’ serves the needs of the people and even helps the author, as an exponent of the free market system, to see how a system based on justice also helps freedom to flourish: “The universal economic system shows itself in practice to be an efficient production system of goods and services, placing prior importance in the sectors housing, nutrition and transport. (…) The aim of this system is to free the individual as much as possible from non-creative, servile work.” Indeed, “the universal economic system that exists by a great many intelligent races, does not concern itself with money, possession, or payment. The aim of this system is to free the people from material influences and motivation”.

Ring-shaped housing complexes connected through a rail transport system

In response to questions about the means of exchange and systems of governments on other planets, George Adamski wrote in October 1957: “Their means of exchange is a commodity and service exchange system, without the use of money. All production is for the benefit of everyone, with each receiving according to their needs. And since no money is involved, there are no “rich”; there are no “poor”. But all share equally, working for the common good. (…) The needs of the people are considered impartially by [a body of representatives elected from every district and every walk of life], and problems are solved for the common good of all.” This sounds like the advanced system of barter that esotericist and futurologist Benjamin Creme has foretold as the means of distributing resources on a global scale after the economic meltdown that is about to hit humanity, and it can also be found in the accounts of several other contactees.

Likewise, Ad Beers is told: “…we have no money, but everyone can go on holiday (…) if they wish.” And: “Nothing is paid for on Iarga, only registered. What a consumer uses is registered in the computer center (…) and this may not exceed that to which he has a right.”
His contacts from space explain to him that on ‘Iarga’ two worldwide consumer organizations “stimulate the [production] trusts to produce the goods that are needed. The trusts are not permitted to advertise or exert any influence on the consumer, as this could never be objective” because “[i]n a socially stable society, you would have not only freedom of speech, but, even more important, freedom of thought. Propaganda, repeated one-sided information, damaged the freedom of thought…”

When Mr Beers asked the visitors from space for more specific technological knowledge to advance Earth’s civilization, the reply could not have been clearer: “The last thing that you need is technological information to increase the gap between your intellectual development and your almost non-existent social development. Carry on playing with your Mars probes for the moment, as half of your world’s population lives in poverty and hunger. The only information you need lies in the field of societal standards.”

Based on the descriptions that Mr Beers gives of the information that is shared with him, the current writer, whose previous research indicates that the ET presence on Earth originates from planets in our own solar system, would speculate that the crew of the ship that Mr Beers sailed into were actually from the planet Mars, which Truman Bethurum described as “a great manufacturing planet”. Benjamin Creme has said that Mars is at the same level of evolution as Earth, but “Mars has not made as many mistakes as we have, which is why it has a technology unbelievably ahead of ours. They are masters of space, masters of energy. They make most of the spacecraft we see and call UFOs, from small scout ships to gigantic motherships. Even some of the Venusian craft are made on Mars to Venusian specifications.” (Readers who are still under the illusion that Life can only be carbon-based and express itself exclusively in dense-physical form are referred to Chapter 5 of my book Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers for an explanation of the concept of life on the etheric (subtle) physical planes of matter, which science is looking for as “dark matter” or “dark energy”. Another interesting clue as to the reality of the etheric planes was reported early July 2014 when astrophysicists announced that their research shows there is 400 per cent more light in intergalactic space than could be attributed to known sources.)

Exopolitics redefined

Another view of Iarga housing complexes

Despite the focus in Ad Beers’ story being on the more mundane aspects of life on ‘Iarga’, his exchange with the space people included some ‘philosophical’ points that will ring a bell with readers who are familiar with the teachings on detachment of, for instance, J. Krishnamurti: “Happiness is being at peace with oneself and one’s surroundings. This is determined to a large extent by one’s success in achieving self-set goals, in other words, by a ruthless appraisal of oneself. This individual striving to reach a self-chosen goal [as opposed to competing with others; GA] is the creativity in man.”
And: “The body with all its selfish demands is just a shell. We are only concerned with the creative intellect, the soul that is capable of unselfish thought. How do we educate children for freedom and happiness? Freedom is the absence of the effect of compulsion on the individual’s behaviour. Freedom cannot be obtained with a weapon in the hand. It can only be obtained by the parents’ careful mental forming of their children, by the correct conception of good and evil.”

So, while the world is poised, even unknowingly, for the final act in the planetary drama that is being played out as the collapse of our defective systems erodes any semblance of democracy and forces humanity to once again face the spiritual realities of life and join hands to demand justice and freedom for all, it is interesting to note that not only Life and the human kingdom are universal occurrences throughout Cosmos as I have documented elsewhere, but so apparently are the Laws that govern their expression in right human relations as the foundation for a sane social system that ensures the survival of the race and the safe progress of its civilization.

With much more information along the same lines from these and other contactees, which I will be presenting in my upcoming book, a new definition of exopolitics presents itself. The simplest definition of ‘exopolitics’ at the moment goes something like: “The study of the political actors, processes and institutions associated with extraterrestrial life.” For some this presupposes the existence of extraterrestrial life, for others merely the possibility of such. Readers who are familiar with my books will know that I take the extraterrestrial presence on Earth as an indisputable fact, based on a triangulation of correspondences between the information from the original contactees of the 1950s, humanity’s shared wisdom of the ages, and the experiences of dignitaries and officials in recent decades, against the background of the changes engulfing our world today.

Based on the information in this article, and its pertinence to the state of the world today – which has also been pointed out by Paul Hellyer in his 2010 book Light at the End of the Tunnel – A Survival Plan for the Human Species – a much more practical definition of the term ‘exopolitics’ seems appropriate, which goes back to the original meaning of its constituents, with ‘exo’ meaning “(from) outside” and ‘politics’ meaning “matters concerning the state or its citizens”:

Exopolitics [noun, uncount]: 
People from other planets showing humanity alternative, saner ways of organising society, without imposing their views.

This makes ‘exopolitics’ at once a much more urgent concept, as it places the ET presence on Earth solidly in the context of the crises facing humanity today – political, economic, financial, social and environmental.

By Gerard Aartsen M.Ed.


Sources and references:
Gerard Aartsen (2011), Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers
George Adamski (1964), Cosmic Bulletin
George Adamski (1957-58), Cosmic Science for the Promotion of Cosmic Principles and Truths.
George Adamski (1955), Inside the Space Ships
Truman Bethurum (1954), Aboard a Flying Saucer
Willy Brandt (ed.; 1980), North South: A Programme for Survival
Benjamin Creme (2010), The Gathering of the Forces of Light – UFOs and their Spiritual Mission
Stefan Denaerde (1977), Operation Survival Earth
Michael Franco (2014), ‘Universe’s missing photon sources baffle scientists’
Daniel Fry (1954), The White Sands Incident
Paul Hellyer (2010), Light at the End of the Tunnel – A Survival Plan for the Human Species
Dino Kraspedon (1957), My Contact With Flying Saucers
Buck Nelson (1956), My Trip to Mars, the Moon and Venus

Adapted for ExoNews from an article that was first published in Share International magazine, Vol. 33, No.6, July/August 2014.


Me 2014

Gerard Aartsen has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teaching for over 30 years and his research in this area resulted in a comprehensive online catalogue of teachings. He also writes regularly about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and is the author of two books on the subject, which have both been published in various languages. He has been a member of the Exopolitics Institute’s Advisory Board for Research and Education since 2011, is a regular guest on international radio shows about UFOs and related phenomena, and has lectured in Europe, America and Asia.

Gerard Aartsen (1957) has a Master of Education degree from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, where he has held a teaching position in the department of secondary education since 2001.

Rosetta comet radio signals and UFO claims spark controversy

Comet 67 P UFO
Image Source: UFO Sightings Daily

The Huffington Post today attempted to debunk claims that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is transmitting radio signals and may in fact be an ancient spaceship. Post writer Michael Rundle picked up on an earlier September 29 story released on the popular UFO Sightings Daily blogsite titled: “NASA Records Radio Signals Coming From Comet 67P For Over 20 Years!” The UFO Sightings Daily story repeated claims made a week earlier in a Youtube video that is going viral allegedly showing UFOs and a radio transmission tower on Comet 67P. Rundle concludes that the claims are a sensationalist take on flimsy evidence. Is he correct?

First, let’s start with last week’s announcement that the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Mission had set November 12 as the date that its lander, Philae, would land on the 2.5 x 2.2 mile Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The scheduled landing will be the first time that a spacecraft will have successfully landed on a comet. In 2005, Japan’s Hayabusa spacecraft failed in its landing attempt on another asteroid. For astrobiologists, the landing will be an opportunity to look for and examine any organic materials on Comet 67P to assess their potential as building blocks for life. If Comet 67P is found to contain amino acids, for example, that would make it possible that comets are an effective means to disseminate organic material essential for the creation of life. This would make the comet landing a continuation of a long series of NASA and ESA missions to find where the conditions for life may be found on our solar system.

A recent photograph of the comet taken by the Rosetta spacecraft suggest another reason for the mission. According to BPEarthWatch’s Youtube video one of these photos reveals a number of UFOs flying over the surface of Comet 67P and what looks like a radio transmission tower. BP Watch also displayed an anonymous email from an alleged ESA insider who claims that the Rosetta mission was indeed established to investigate radio signals detected 20 years ago suggestive of an extraterrestrial intelligence in association with the comet. Scott Waring from UFO Sightings agreed and posted his endorsement of BPEarthWatch’s claims on September 28.

The images are too blurry to conclude anything according to Rundle, who in addition points out that the claims fail to address a number of questions:

If the comet is emitting radio waves, why has no one else been able to tune it? If there are UFOs inside, why haven’t they been caught in any detail in any of the hundreds of high-resolution photographs taken by the comet? If the radio waves were picked up by NASA, why did they leave the space mission to investigate to the European Space Agency?

While one can agree with Rundle’s assessment that the blurred objects in the photograph are inconclusive, that is not the same as saying they are NOT artificial objects. Furthermore, his questions fail to acknowledge NASA’s long history of deceiving the public over evidence of extraterrestrial life. For example, on August 19, Russian scientists announced that they had discovered microbes flourishing on the windows of the International Space Station. If true, this would show that microbial life could exist in the vacuum of space. This would revolutionize the scientific understanding of how life can be disseminated through space via comets, thereby lending critical support to the theory of Panspermia. What was NASA’s response to this significant public revelation by Russian scientists? Silence!

There are other examples of NASA deliberately muzzling evidence pointing to the existence of extraterrestrial life. Veteran scientists such as Richard Hoover, who worked for NASA for 46 years, have publicly disagreed with NASA’s muzzling which goes high up the chain of command.

In response to Rundle’s questions, it may be that NASA, with the cooperation of the European Space Agency, is again muzzling evidence of extraterrestrial life. A dissident scientist from the European Space Agency may well have leaked the truth about Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through an anonymous email. Based on the photos released so far by the Rosetta Mission showing a tower-like structure, Comet 67P may be transmitting radio signals that were picked up as long as 20 years ago by NASA, and has UFOs flying on its surface. On the other hand, Rundle might be right, and the most we can look forward to after November 12 is that some amino acids are found on the surface of Comet 67P lending support to the theory of Panspermia.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Improving Exopolitical Terms and Concepts

StephenBassettExopolitical activist Mr. Stephen Bassett has come up with a worthy revision of key terms and concepts inherited from “Ufology,” the media and allegedly from some government tactics. However, they are inaccurate but are still used in “Exopolitics.” I find the revision of terms and concepts necessary. Remaining focused upon a limiting and inaccurate set of terms we probably contribute to keeping these fields limited to non-serious, popular accounts. We reassert a poor treatment of a most crucial event in human history: Recognizing the extraterrestrial presence and its implications. Thus, to enhance acceptance and respectability we need to think more clearly and to use more exact terms. Here are some points shared by Mr. Bassett at a conference called “Experiencers Speak.”

 “Disclosure” = Formal acknowledgement by governments of an intelligent extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Some candidate governments for this would be France, Russia, China and the U.S.  It should be distinguished from small “d” disclosure or the gradual release of information (often with a “spin”) gradually suggesting that an intelligent extraterrestrial presence is a valid proposition.

“Cover-up” = While it represents hiding the truth of an ET presence it also connoted an illegal action. However, according to Bassett it was a legal action. Therefore, “Truth Embargo” would be more accurate and is the term created and preferred by Bassett.  I think that the legality and constitutionality of the secrecy can be debated either way even if it was initiated by an Executive Command from the President: How far can something so important extend without adequate checks and balances?

What is clear for Mr. Bassett (and I concur) is that unending secrecy and lies over things that matter to us all are a “toxic poison” to the social contract.

According to Mr. Bassett the word “Alien” should go. I agree because it implies disconnection, extreme difference and a distance not conducive to the possibility of improving mutually agreeable relations. On the other hand, he prefers the term “extraterrestrial” which – although lengthy – is more appropriate. However, I think that a new term may have to be invented to take into consideration the possibility that in many cases we may be dealing with beings coming from alternative physical universes including other physical densities connected with ours.

Mr. Bassett proposed that the acronym “UFO” would also have to go as it always refers to an unknown or unidentified object while in some cases we can be sure that some UFOs are vehicles. He prefers (I suppose when applicable to some cases only) “ET vehicle” or “ET craft.” The word “flying saucer” would also have to go and for accuracy’s sake I agree. Definitely these vehicles are not “saucers” and such terms decrease the chances of others taking them seriously. If we drop the limiting tern “UFO” Mr. Bassett also logically suggested we should replace the term “Ufologist” suggesting “Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Researcher.” It makes sense to me.

In the same vein, Mr. Basset suggested that “Believer” should be dropped because it is an epithet and also a classical government prop to make people interested in the reality or possibility of extraterrestrial presence sound too deficient or weak of mind. “Truther” would be alike. Instead of speaking about us as “believers” we should say that we are “convinced by the evidence” as that opens the stage for speaking about evidence thus showing that such conviction can be substantiated by reasonable individuals.


Also Mr. Bassett said that the word “paranormal” should be eliminated because – as Mr. Bassett asserts – there is nothing in this universe which is not NORMAL. “Paranormal” is only that which has not been explained yet by current science (or rather scientists) and this current understanding doesn’t have to be the last word.

This reminds me of a common mistake which many regular individuals and even committed skeptics make. I think that when they can’t understand what may be causing a phenomenon quite habitually they erroneously say that they “can’t find a logical explanation.” They should in fact be saying that they “cannot find a conventional explanation” because in some cases the presence of extraterrestrials capable of producing advanced space-time manipulation effects can be a perfectly logical possibility. Saying that we can’t find a “logical” explanation commits us to treating the phenomenon forever outside of the realm of reason and understanding.

Regarding the geometric formations appearing every year on cereal fields Mr. Bassett mentioned that “Crop Circles” was basically harmless even if inappropriate. However he preferred the more precise term “agriglyphs” which I also prefer (along with “agroglyphs”)from a more technical standpoint.

Finally, Mr. Bassett mentioned the words “contactee,” “abductee” and “experiencer.”  As a practical person Mr. Bassett preferred the word “contactee” as a unifying term. But since there are different kinds of contact experiences, shouldn’t we distinguish “abduction contactees,” “voluntary contactees” “mental contactees” and so forth or lump these and other variations together under the term “experiencer” as Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack used? I don’t know which term or classification system would be best but I also think we need to distinguish among types of experiences.


In “Experiencers Speak” Mr. Bassett also suggested that the varieties of beings interacting with us (at least those most commonly seen) may be our “near peers.” That is an interesting observation with which I tend to concur. Given the long time other civilizations may have had to evolve in the Universe, the ones interacting with us may not be so advanced. However, he also proposes that the odds of “them” being physically similar to us or to some Earth-based species must be low so that the types of being observed may be enhancements of beings previously taken from Earth. I’m not so clear about this; it could be that certain forms are adaptable and reappear in similar environments.

However, the issue of how far our species already exists in some form or another beyond Earth has to be considered. If we are a combined product of a divine blueprint inhabiting local anthropoid-hominid biological vessels enhanced by various ET groups we may already be a universal species. Aspects of our humanity may exist as other beings in the Cosmos. Also, who qualifies as a “Human” with all the rights to be treated as such? Are there Earth humans and otherworldly humans some of which are closer to the way we are as mammals and some which may not be? According to a theological perspective being created in “God’s image” refers to having a self-conscious intelligence, being able to recognize other beings with those qualities and being capable of making conscious free will choices. In that case whether we have a torso, head, two arms and two legs or eight slippery tentacles and three eyes would not be the essential fact that matters. What do they sense and feel? How refined their feelings and emotions can be and how self-reflective and free they are to make choices above and beyond their evolutionary bio-psychological tendencies may be more important to keep in mind to come up with new definitions.

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UFO phenomena deserve unfettered study

1952 UFO Flyover of Washington DC.
1952 UFO Flyover of Washington DC.

One of the world’s foremost investigators of unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial visitation (UFO/ETV) is my close friend C.B. “Scott” Jones. It was Jones who organized and convened the 1995 Washington, D.C.-based conference “When Cosmic Cultures Meet,” which involved many of the world’s leading UFO scientists and analysts. It was also Jones who was funded and tasked by philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller to travel to Europe, Russia, China and other regions to gather information from ufologists and government officials regarding UFO/ETV activities in those and other parts of the world. Scott, who now resides in Kerrville, Texas, is a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer and special assistant to the late U.S. Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. He is also a political scientist whose interests include peace research and impact analysis regarding human contact with off-planet cultures and other issues related to UFO/ETV phenomena. His website is

In his work, Jones bases his research on two major assumptions:

1. The consequences of cosmic cultures meetings will be profound in the extreme. Every segment of Earth’s civilization will be affected, including religion, politics, science, technology, health, agriculture, education, etc.

2. Contemplation of the UFO/ETV impact on various human cultures, including probable and preferred consequences as envisioned by members of those cultures, is a critical research/education project for the best minds willing to undertake the challenge.

According to Jones, some of the key questions for those worldwide scholars who accept the challenge are:

  • When full, open UFO/ETV disclosure occurs and meetings are held with the Visiting Others, what will be the likely impact on the populations/nations/cultures of each scholar’s primary concern?
  • Will some segments of these groups, including various religious denominations be more affected than others? Which ones? Why?
  • What difference, if any, do you anticipate regarding the meeting of Visiting Extraterrestrials with cultures in other parts of the world?
  • To what degree have the populations/nations/cultures of each scholar’s concern already anticipated a meeting with ETV representatives?
  • To what extent have the populations/nations/cultures of each scholar’s concern previously engaged in serious research regarding UFO/ETV phenomena?
  • On a global basis, how should our planetary response to UFO/ETV disclosure and contact be orchestrated? Who should speak for humankind?

In the future, as more UFO/ETV issues surface, there will be increasing pressure on the academic community to focus attention on related problems.

As Scott Jones has said: “The once very effective counter-intelligence program targeted against the U.S. public and supported by, or at least acquiesced in, most countries with a technical capability to recognize and assess ET activity has crumbled. … Thousands of daytime photos of UFOs taken in skies over countries around the world have statistically overwhelmed the usually trotted-out full allowance given to the usual cloud formations and weather phenomena, classified military aircraft and misidentified other ‘things’ that traverse the sky.” The government and others “could not continue to control by threat of fines and imprisonment, men and women of strong moral conviction about what society was being denied. Hundreds of whistleblowers have come forward revealing much and have agreed to reveal under oath when given protection by the White House or Congress. … Additionally, there is a mature Exopolitics community that has earned respect to the point where there is collaboration with military and intelligence organizations to garner and analyze information about phenomena still very much an enigma.”

Note: Exopolitics is defined as the art or science of government concerned with creating policy toward extraterrestrial phenomena and extraterrestrial beings. For additional information, see Michael Salla’s website

Jones further said: “Small parts of the global academic community have awakened. An Australian University recently awarded a Ph.D. in UFO Studies, and the University of Hong Kong is offering a credit course on the subject. In the U.S., there is a growing coverage of UFO/ET issues by college newspapers, and students are increasingly opening their minds to something very important to their future.”

Another scholar, the late astronomy professor J.Allen Hynek, who was the lead scientist for the U.S. Air Force’s 17-year UFO study “Project Blue Book,” made the case for stepped up efforts on the part of academics in the field of ufology.

He said: “If any other phenomenon had had thousands of witnesses like those of UFOs, there would have been hundreds of research studies with full support throughout academic institutions.”

Sadly this has not been the case.

The overarching goal of academic institutions throughout the world is the search for the true, the good, and the beautiful.

When unbiased, unfettered inquiry, powered by intellectual might is focused on a problem, we can expect that civilization will probably be well-served by such research. The UFO/ETV problem is indeed perplexing and, for some, frightening.

As such, it certainly qualifies as a problem for which the truth needs to be sought.

Peter Sturrock, emeritus professor of space and astrophysics and former deputy director of the Center for Space Astrophysics at Stanford University, has said it well: “The definite resolution of the UFO enigma will not come about unless and until the problem is subject to open and extensive scientific study by the normal procedures of established science and administration in universities.”

Kingdom of Hawaii approves protocols for extraterrestrial contact

Kingdom of Hawaii approves extraterrestrial contact protocols
Kingdom of Hawaii approves extraterrestrial contact protocols

On Sept 7, 2014, political representatives of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii formally approved a set of Contact Protocols for extraterrestrial visitors to Hawaii’s Star Visitor Sanctuary in the Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii. The Sanctuary was first proposed in a Declaration that was approved by five representatives from the Reinstated Kingdom on May 28, 2014. The Declaration is an official invitation to extraterrestrials, aka “Star Visitors,” to appear and meet with representatives of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the general public at the Sanctuary. The newly approved Contact Protocols are the first time representatives of a sovereign state have publicly approved official measures in response to the appearance and/or contact with extraterrestrial life.

The Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary was formally launched on June 27 by Naliko Markel, the Kingdom’s Minister for the Interior at a ceremony attended by up to 200 people that participated in native Hawaiian traditions for blessing the designated land for its special purpose of hosting “Star Visitors” to Earth. Coincidentally, the nearby Pu’u O’o crater began a new lava flow on the same day of the launch as though signaling the volcano goddess Pele’s support for the Kingdom’s initiative.

The seven Contact Protocols outline the formal steps the Kingdom of Hawaii will take for various ways extraterrestrial visitors may appear and/or interact with Kingdom representatives and the general public. The Protocols use an extraterrestrial contact classification system first proposed by former USAF Project Bluebook consultant Dr Allen Hynek that was popularized in the film, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. The protocols describe four distinct ways in which Star Visitors can interact with Kingdom of Hawaii Representatives and the general public.

A close encounter of the first kind is a sighting of an extraterrestrial vehicle at a distance of less than 500 feet. A close encounter of the second kind is where there is physical evidence of a landing by an extraterrestrial vehicle. A close encounter of the 3rd kind involves sighting an extraterrestrial being. Finally, a Close encounter of the fourth kind represents direct physical contact with extraterrestrial entities.

The protocols are based on the legal authority of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii to establish diplomatic relations with Star Visitors in conformity with Hawaiian traditions and history as a sovereign state. The Contact Protocols authorize the creation of a delegation comprising Kingdom of Hawaii officials and experts that will meet with extraterrestrial visitors. The delegation will issue summaries of various forms of contact on a website, and coordinate with members of the general public having a close encounter. In the case of a contact event with significant global public interest, a full report will be prepared that will be submitted to the United Nations Secretary General and the General Assembly.

The Kingdom of Hawaii Contact Protocols are a significant development from earlier efforts by astronomical organizations to develop protocols for the discovery of extraterrestrial life through radio signals. The best known of these is SETI’s “Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection” that outlines international coordination when radio signals from an extraterrestrial intelligence are detected. The SETI protocols do not however cover the contingencies raised by extraterrestrials actually visiting, flying over and/or landing on Earth.

The Kingdom of Hawaii was the first sovereign state to proclaim its status as a neutral state in 1854. Now the Kingdom can add to its list of firsts, a set of extraterrestrial contact protocols that have been adopted by political representatives of a sovereign state. The Hawaii Contact Protocols provide a model that can be used by other members of the international community preparing for a future where extraterrestrials show up and interact with humanity.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Video: Preparing for a world where existence of extraterrestrial life is common knowledge

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We are on the verge of the biggest paradigm shift in human history. A world where the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life becomes common knowledge. The signs are evident to all who are willing to see the changes that lie ahead. Soon, it will be common knowledge that extraterrestrial life exists and preparing can benefit you in many ways. You can prepare by doing something NOW to educate yourself. The Exopolitics Institute offers courses designed to educate you about extraterrestrial life, its various aspects and impact on human society. Watch this ExoNews TV Special to learn more!

 To learn more about the Exopolitics Institute courses, click here.

The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (F.R.E.E.) is Launched

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UFO illumined during a contact experience in Talampaya, Argentina (2013)

F.R.E.E. (the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) is being launched. It is being organized to bring together psychotherapists, hypnotherapists and other dedicated researchers in the field of general “experiencer” (contactee and-or abduction) research. It also gathers natural scientists and lay researchers under the aegis of astronaut and cosmologist Dr. Edgar Mitchell, PhD.

F.R.E.E. is a step forward toward legitimizing not only UFO research but also the recognition of the possibility that there may actually be interactions with extraterrestrial intelligences ocurring under ways that have not been seriously considered by most academics.

F.R.E.E. is also open to the contributions of academics like social scientists and its explorations and exchanges would benefit from the sincer, well- informed  input of philosophers and theologians. Exopolitics and capable exopoliticians are also welcome in a field that requires open-ended but compatible and healthy integrative collaboration.

F.R.E.E aims at understanding “encounter experiences” in their multiple aspects; a class of human experiences which – due to multiple layers of evidence acummulating over several decades – cannot be simply tossed aside anymore either from a scientific or from ethical point of view. As a unique, real phenomenon experienced by human kind it is significant and the scientific, cultural, ethical and political implications also are quite significant.

F.R.E.E. aims at providing psychological & community support for those individuals that may need it.

F.R.E.E. is open to consider a wide-range of perspectives on a variety of encounter experiences. Moreover, F.R.E.E. also aims at shedding new light into physics (a physics which includes consciousness, ufological “high strangeness” and other “classical reality-challenging” phenomena associated with alleged contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences). This more complete physics is needed to understand how might technologically advanced intelligences reach and interact with us overcoming space-time limitations. Regarding it, the concept of a “quantum hologram” is now being particularly explored  by physicists at F.R.E.E. as it begins to provide an explanatory mechanism that connects non-locality with macroscopic structures as well as quantitative and qualitative aspects of experience.

F.R.E.E. can be considered  a “think tank” and a collaborative space for scientists, lay investigators and first hand experiencers to learn from each other more about the nature of the various kinds of contact experiences which have been reported in earnest for several decades – if not for centuries – around the world. It is a space where individuals unable to speak openly about their experiences and-or interests may find a receptive environment.

The mass of unconventional, yet well-researched, experiencer evidence (in addition to objective UFO research plus whistleblower and documentary evidence) indicates that contact experiences through methods transcending conventional astronomical and radio astronomical means are quite likely taking place. Evidence should trump over our pet theories about how this should take place. The psychic and reality-modifying aspects of these experiences are meant to be understood by responsible, ethical scientists, researchers as well as by cultural and political leaders willing to reassess their premises about reality if need be. Something unique, real and life-changing to individual humans (albeit different and strange from a conventional perspective) is taking place. These (sometimes information-laden) experiences may be reaching segments of humanity as a way of announcing a vaster reality ahead of the discovery (and official announcement of) exoplanets with detectable organic molecule signatures in their atmospheres or of  intelligently coded radio astronomical signals.

F.R.E.E. is about improving our understanding about who we are as a species in relation to the Cosmos. A greater understanding of the Extraterrestrial Encounter Experience – achieved through serious research standards combined with an open-minded attitude– may  contribute (along with other compatible integrative efforts) to generate more inclusive, politically harmonizing cultural foundations useful to develop a more intelligent coexistence in a highly interdependent planet.

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Russians find extraterrestrial microbes on International Space Station

ISSITAR-TASS reported yesterday that Russian scientists have found microbial life on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS). The Russians first detected the microbes over a year ago and confirmed that the organisms can live in zero gravity, extremely low temperatures and with cosmic radiation. Despite the harsh conditions, the scientists reported that the bacteria were thriving on the surface of ISS and could live there for years.
The Russian discovery is startling since it confirms that extraterrestrial microbes can flourish in deep space. Vladimir Solovyev, chief of the Russian ISS orbital mission said:

Results of the experiment are absolutely unique. We have found traces of sea plankton and microscopic particles on the illuminator surface. This should be studied further.

He went on to say that “it was not quite clear how these microscopic particles could have appeared on the surface of the space station.”

The discovery of the Russian scientists is stunning in its implications. It supports the theory of Panspermia proposed by Sir Fred Hoyle and Dr Chandra Wickramasinghe that microbial extraterrestrial life can exist and travel in the vacuum of space on comets, and radiation pressure. In 1974, they proposed and were able to confirm that dust in interstellar space was largely organic, thereby making it possible for life to exist in interstellar space despite the harsh conditions there.
An important mechanism for microbial life to travel in interstellar space are Birkeland currents comprising plasma from the solar wind. According to Swedish scientist and Nobel Prize winner, Hannes Alfven, plasma can travel in vast electric currents throughout the vacuum of interstellar and intergalactic space.
The Russian scientists’ findings confirm that extraterrestrial life cannot only exist in the extreme conditions of space, but can also thrive there. The discovery of a form of sea plankton on the ISS suggests that the vacuum of space may contain sufficient micro-organisms that they could be a food source for more complex life forms.
Rather than deep space being a lifeless vacuum, it may be more accurate to describe it as an ocean where life thrives in ways that scientists are only beginning to understand. The Russian discovery takes scientists one step closer to eventually concluding that extraterrestrial life is common throughout the universe.

Overview: What is Exopolitics?

UFOs-over-washington ufos over washington 2

 ufos over washington 3

(Sequence: UFO’s Over Washington DC, 1952. Birds or a more serious reason for the alert that occurred?)



In simple terms, I’ll say that EXOPOLITICS is the field of research and political activism dealing with the cultural and practical implications of an extraterrestrial presence. While serious evidence exists regarding a complex, interacting, intelligent extraterrestrial presence, it is not absolutely necessary to believe in this, but it is minimally necessary to consider the implications of this possibility either in the past, the present or the future. Exopolitics: Definitions by Outstanding Researchers Michael E. Salla PhD: Exopolitics is the formal discipline that studies the implications of extraterrestrial life in relation to public policies. It is the study of the key individuals (actors), institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.


Dr. Salla’s style tends to be more academic but operating under an extensive conceptual range. Relying on decades of diverse accumulated evidence with assigned degrees of credibility, at the Exopolitics Institute founded by Dr. Salla, the extraterrestrial presence is already considered to be a concrete reality of immense cultural, legal, political, religious and scientific interest for humanity.


Alfred L. Webre JD: Exopolitics is the study of political processes and governance in inter stellar community. Dr. Webre –a Canadian- coined and-or popularized the term “exopolitics.” On my account, Webre’s style is more “interpersonal” as he values more personal evaluations based on interviews. He may be correct regarding some less verifiable aspects but probably also tend to fall into some exaggerations. I think that Dr. Webre and Dr. Salla’s definitions complement each other.


Stephen Bassett: Exopolitics is the art or science of government as concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena and extraterrestrial beings.  Mr. Bassett also refers to “exopolitics” as “exopolitical actions, practices, or policies” as “the exopolitical opinions or sympathies of a person” and as “the total complex of relations between the human race and non-human, intelligent beings.” Stephen Bassett (who organized public audiences for the disclosure of the extraterrestrial cover-up at the National Press Club in Washington, DC) focuses more on political activism, especially vying for the great world powers in the know to reveal to their citizens and to the world what is what they really know and secretly research about the extraterrestrial presence.


Ed Komarek: Exopolitics is the study of politics pertaining to extraterrestrial contact. According to Mr. Komarek “Exopolitics is based upon the understanding that earth is being visited by many advanced extraterrestrial races with diverse ethics, motives and agendas.


The Core Exostrategy Group in 2009, which included Manuel Lamiroy, Victor Viggiani, Robert Fleischer and Neil Gould: Exopolitics is the convergence of an interdisciplinary science, a political movement and a new paradigm which relate to the vast range of implications regarding extraterrestrial life.


Paola Harris: Exopolitics also is the study of the contacts and relationships between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations.


All the previous mutually enhancing definitions and associated exopolitical research aim at understanding the complexity of extraterrestrial life and at developing adequate, mutually beneficial policies.


The development of well-informed, life-enhancing policies about the extraterrestrial presence so as to peacefully and intelligently integrate humanity in a respectful way within a vast cosmic community of intelligent beings is a crucial goal in Exopolitics.


There also is a short and a longer formal definition of Exopolitics worth mentioning because they were developed within Exopolitics Institute as a group consensus process in 2009. The group participants were Michael Salla Victor Viggiani, Manuel Lamiroy, Pepón Jover, Robert Fleischer, Paola Harris, Neil Gould, Come Carpentier.


The FORMAL DEFINITION: Exopolitics is an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.


The SHORT DEFINITION Exopolitics is the convergence of a new interdisciplinary science, an international political movement and a new paradigm, which all deal with the wide range of implications of extraterrestrial life.


Please go to this link Further Development of the Concept Exopolitics has various aspects. It can be understood as a scientific discipline (as an emerging social science) involving research, education and the creation of policies (focusing upon actors, institutions and processes) in order to treat in a coherent way the implications of extraterrestrial life, including an intelligent extraterrestrial presence.


Another aspect of exopolitics refers to a global, multicultural, multinational and-or grassroots social movement with educational purposes advocating to transform the current (scarce, often dismissive and excluding) management of information on extraterrestrial life. It also advocates the creation of new, democratically and publicly sanctioned national and international policies of research, aperture, contact and education.


Furthermore, exopolitics is in agreement with the necessity of broadening and actualizing our metaphysical and scientific concepts about the nature of reality, basing ourselves on more inclusive and new philosophical, methodological, scientific, ethical and spiritual paradigms which can help us understand in a more complete and profound way the nature of possible interactions with a diverse cosmic community which apparently transcends the classical limits of space-time and an excessively simplistic dichotomous way of thinking.


The shifts and additions in “paradigms,” worldviews and in their implicit metaphysics would relate with increases in the capacity of consciousness to take in more perspectives in first, second and third person subjectivity. Open systems theories, autopoiesis and complexity sciences, “exoconsciousness” (or the role of consciousness in cosmological, organizational, and evolutionary processes), holographic theories (like astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s), information-based physics, alternative non-classical technologies, quantum computing, non-standard, coherent interpretations and applications of quantum and quantum-relativistic phenomena, variations on M-Theory, zero-point energy, possible forms of canceling gravity and inertia as well as studies in relation to a physics connecting consciousness, retrocausality, information, multiple realities, geometry, higher dimensionality and even “subtle energies.”


Deeply related to Exopolitics is the field of Exoconsciousness, a concept developed by Mrs. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright andpertaining to the extraterrestrial origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness.


The very unfoldment of the Cosmos would also be related in a fundamental way to the expressions of consciousness.   Moreover, I think that recognizing the primacy of Consciousness as Non Dual (distinct and prior to subjective consciousness and its simultaneously-arising objective “material” counterparts, processes and mechanisms in multi-tiered levels of “reality”) is crucial not to fall yet into another form of reductionism, however subtle, even if it is based on a post-classical science.  Furthermore, I think that  – in regards to philosophy – it will be important to extend our concepts and practice in a transdisciplinary manner, partially based upon elements of Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” (and in other compatible Meta integrative models) which challenge the primacy of a classic materialist realism and-or reductionist materialism contributing to the creation of less dichotomous, more integral and inclusive “paradigms” and rational metaphysical foundations. 


Considering the recent developments in Meta Philosophies and or Integrative philosophies (like Basarab Nicolescu’s, Edgar Morin’s, Ken Wilber’s and Roy Bhaskar’s) I think that Exopolitics should advance beyond (or rather transcend and include) interdisciplinarity becoming TRANSDISCIPLINARY as common axioms and principles behind the various disciplines that contribute to this discipline are discovered.   In this manner Exopolitics will resonate more in accord with the philosophical shift bound to modify other disciplines related to the possibility of a profound transformation and reestructuring of civilization (disciplines like Astrobiology, an emergent consciousness and information-based, hyperdimensional physics and even perhaps Ecology, Economy and the Complexity Sciences). I think that discovering how to integrate qualitative and quantitave conceptual structures and methods under shared axioms, patterns and principles will assist humanity in establishing a less dichotomous and more intelligently inclusive dialogue with extraterrestrial civilizations.  


Currently, Exopolitics primarily uses the more qualitative methods of the social sciences basically to produce evaluations or assessments (akin to intelligence assessments) about different cultural, political, strategic, legal, interactive and social situations pertaining to an actual or to a possible extraterrestrial presence. It aims at being useful for political decision-making in relation to extraterrestrial life and – as an extension – in relation to space law and the actual use of space. In case of acknowledge the discovery of extraterrestrial life (even if microbial) and in contact with ET intelligences working in conjunction with the United Nations would likely be necessary. Find out about the United Nations’ OOSA at


The legal status of extraterrestrial beings and even of their alleged bases on Earth and rights to traverse the skies of current modern nation-states is also considered. Whenever possible serious exopoliticians analyze and compare information with (verified or probable) leaked or declassified official documents. The probable motivations behind individuals, institutions and groups are also analyzed. Likewise, probable historical patterns of interaction in what appears to be an ancient human-extraterrestrial relationship are researched and there’s an attempt to elucidate the diverse probable interests and purposes behind policies of cover-up and-or release of information as much as the diverse probable interests and purposes of a variety of extraterrestrial beings.


Also, there’s an attempt to understand which would be the more adequate “paradigms” and rational metaphysical presuppositions needed to constructively assimilate the reality of an interacting extraterrestrial presence. Moreover, there’s an attempt to predict the consequences of a greater degree of publicly recognized contact events with extraterrestrial beings and to educate and (given that representatives from several extraterrestrial civilizations seem to have been continuously interested in establishing various degrees of direct contact with citizens from different countries) promote greater levels of responsible citizen contacts or a responsible “citizen diplomacy” establishing contact protocols based upon the principle of mutual respect.


Although at Exopolitics Institute there’s a provisional overall extraterrestrial typology developed on the basis of observing consistently reported interactive behavior patterns (Helpers, Observers, Manipulators and Intruders),there is also an attempt to study all aspects of these interactions ever more profoundly and to understand how may the cosmic community be organized; a “community” which would probably be interacting with us under norms and principles based on a more inclusive logic. Mr. Manuel Lamiroy gives a good overview about exopolitics in his web site as follows:  and at  He also created a good diagram which at a glance illustrates some of the basic areas of exopolitics. It can be found at Lamiroy has been a long-time, integrative researcher who has also published an “Exopaedia” with vast information including some possible extraterrestrial typologies, possible planetary origins and more. The “Exopaedia” can be found at




Lifting the Veil of Secrecy to Advance Humanity

Secret Space Program Reveals Facts about Black Op Programs and Technology Suppression

secret-space-program-and-breakaway-civilizationThe Secret Space Program held their 2nd annual conference in San Mateo, CA on June 28-29, 2014, where a host of influential speakers armed with well documented and straightforward facts and backgrounds in the military, space and financial systems presented compelling evidence of a Black Budget space program woven into the military industrial and defense complex thru a hidden finance system run by the Bilderberg group.

The vast and relatively yet unreported secret space programs underway are financed by the formation of President Truman’s 1947 Axis Plunder, the National Security Act and the Hidden Finance System the entire world has operated under since the post WWII era. Also known as the International Monetary Fund or World Bank this rather ingenious system of hidden finance devised by what some refer to as “ the Cabal” allows control of much of the world’s banking, economic and military/industrial activity.

The motivation or expected outcome of this alleged Global Domination scheme is unclear, but rumors of its existence have permeated the alternative media for years and it is widely suggested that they plan to create a One World Government, following the mandate inscribed at the Georgia Guidestones.

Conclusions about the availability of anti-gravity powered interstellar craft unveiled at the program are based in part on the testimony from previously classified documents and first-hand accounts made available thru whistleblowers often connected to the Disclosure Project, who made similar statements at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure held at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2013.

Jeroen van Straaten, the organizer of the Secret Space Program, also the founder of the Global BEM , or Breakthrough Energy Movement, feels that suppression of advanced energy technologies dates back to the early days of electricity. He says,” Since the time of Tesla, these technologies have been mastered by the “Blackworld. Breakthrough Energy (BE) technologies are indeed the next step in our evolution the release of this energy technology will completely revolutionize our society.” Straaten further states, “The push to release advanced technology for the good of society is our primary goal because every system of our culture will drastically improve when these technologies come online, creating a solution for the economic mess we are in.”

In reality, most of the tension is created by the suppression of information and many who cannot tolerate the lies and injustice are infuriated enough to speak at, even while they put themselves at risk by doing so. While Straaten feels that disclosure is imminent, he does not think it will be revealed to the public by any government. “The stakes for the governments are too high to come out with a disclosure…solutions for cancer that have been around for decades, alien abduction reality, false flag wars, assassinations, etc will outrage the general public and they can’t control that.”

Some of the most detailed evidence of a black ops space budget comes from the allegations of a vehicle produced by Lockheed Martin called the Alien Reproduction Vehicle or The Fluxliner that uses a tesla coil, mercury vapor zero-point or anti-gravity propulsion system known in the industry as “field propulsion”. Details of the design and engineering aspects of this and other space vehicles are carefully outlined by several speakers at the Secret Space Program event. Anti Gravity and Zero point energy systems used by various military organizations are also explained by the speakers.

Much speculation about the connection to alien technology retrieved at crash sites and exchange agreements between various governments and alien civilizations dating back to Nazi Germany and the Eisenhower administration have given rise to the birth of a new concept of what lies in outer space. Theories of extra terrestrial involvement in civilizations on Earth date back to hundreds of thousands of years ago when a tribe, known as the Annunacki, colonized South Africa and mined for gold. Evidence of highly evolved civilizations throughout history and reports of inter dimensional beings indicate an erroneous account of our history.

Additionally, new evidence indicates that the space/time continuum once thought to be linear, is clearly incorrect and this decade physicists concur that time is not linear and that all energy is made up of light particles both seen and unseen as matter and anti matter. And further that matter can travel thru time and teleport thru dimensions. Advances in human consciousness extend life beyond the physical realm into an immortal spiritual experience, advancing to accelerating levels of evolution.   Although these particular subjects were not directly addressed during the Secret Space Program, they indicate scientific advances yet to unfold.

It seems apparent that the government has kept information from the public and that the secrets are being disclosed by those who pursue a peaceful future. Laura Eisenhower, granddaughter of the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower recently gave her own testimony at a disclosure hearing confirming allegations of an alien treaty. Perhaps the time to understand the vastness of cosmic cultures and who to align with is upon us.

Interest in the details of the Secret Space Program has escalated drastically thru events such as this one, with vast numbers of esteemed scientists, astronauts, physicists, NASA employees and economists continuing to come forward with testimony, books and seminars to raise public awareness. One of these speakers, Carol Rosin agrees understands that we are at a crossroads. She pleads with heads of our governments to sign the Outer Space Security and Development Treatyto ban space based weapons.  The treaty changes the outdated and dangerous warfare paradigm mindset of the military industrial complex as it now exists and paves the way for earth to peacefully enter the Space Age. Space-based weapons have been a concern for decades as it prevents earth from participating in the galactic community in a peaceful way. Carol Rosin, who is the Executive Director of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth says, “This Treaty is the most important document of our time. We can transform the war industry into a global cooperative space industry with more jobs and profits and products on this planet than any other time in history.” Recent progress indicates that China and Russia are moving towards signing the treaty.

“We can end the arms race, prevent the weaponization of space and apply the technology directly to solving the problems on this planet,” states Rosin, who is also founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, and World Peace Ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World.

While the quest for truth continues, the Secret Space program is planning a follow up Breakthrough Energy Movement event (BEM) and continues to post news and information on their site. Playbacks of the entire presentation are available by contacting the SSP organizer.


Deborah West is a freelance journalist with a weekly radio show called Lost Knowledge on Revolution Radio. Her website is and her columns are CNN ireport and

Alien Intervention and Souls – A look into the Reality of Human Life

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The reality of the existence of ancient extra terrestrials is becoming more apparent by the most recent findings presented by scientists and archaeologists. Notably, among the most recent and significant is The Ancient Alien Question by Phillip Coppens, Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo, The Sirius Documentary by Dr. Steven Greer, the Bosnian Pyramid discovery by Dr. Semir Osmangich, archaeological research by Dr. Klaus Dona, and evidence of ancient civilizations newly reported by the work of Michael Tellinger. This combined with the work done by Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin deciphering ancient Sumerian text and comparing it to the Christian Bible and other what we consider our oldest written accounts of ancient earth present a compelling story for a new version of our history, the evolution theory of man-kind and the interaction we have had in the past and are presently experiencing with civilizations from other planets in our solar system and across the universe. The material in the Law of One and in Marshall Vian Summers Allies Briefings and many other accounts clearly depict a version of the earth as a planet in a very populated part of the universe that has been colonized, observed and interfered with since before our recorded time and that the earth’s surface has undergone transformations eliminating some of these civilizations. Evidence now shows us that these civilizations like Atlantis as described by Edgar Cayce’s readings did indeed exist and thrive and that they nearly destroyed the earth with weapons that were designed to change the climate and the cosmic structure around the earth exactly like NASA is now experimenting with using HAARP and trying to bring planets and/or meteorites into earth’s atmosphere.

The message from highly evolved civilizations such as the high council from Sirius is that they need us to understand our past and prevent the same result in this crucial time of soul evolution for the group soul of planet earth. As the guardians of earth, the beings on this planet must evolve into a higher dimension of the heart chakra and resonate with the vibration of the heart. This will result in the soul evolution of the species and will result in leaving behind the other soul’s on earth whether they are the current earth beings or alien hybrids who aren’t ready to evolve. The other races from planets know this and understand the genetics of the earthlings but they do not have the capacity to give light or to infuse the soul as the beings that seeded earth did and this is what they are seeking. The Sirians and Pleadians brought light to the earth and are here now to complete the mission of helping earth evolve. Be aware but don’t be distracted by the doings of the beings who only want to capture the genetic technology of light/love and soul that they can only achieve by evolving as a consciousness just like we did and just like the earthlings are doing.


Below is an interview with Diane Grimmel, The New Era Times at The Edgar Cayce Center in Houston. that taps into some of the information and gives sources to investigate to help understand the reality of our existence as spiritual beings in the cosmic universe.

Well so you are reporting on some exciting news these days and doing a radio show. What kind of subjects to you cover on your radio show?

On Lost Knowledge, I have interviewed scientists and PhD’s who are reporting on exciting revelations about the history of the earth and providing scientific evidence of the reality of the existence of many species not of the earth who have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. The message is that in order for us to join the Galactic Federation of planets we need to become a peaceful society and this is done by the elevation of our consciousness. And further, we need to do this quickly for 2 reasons, one now is the time of harvest and also we need to declare our sovereignty as a nation.

I cover some complicated topics that challenge us in the sense that we have to expand our senses to reach a level beyond the 3 D dimension of earth. We live in a multi dimensional universe and so we have to expand into new ways of seeing our world.

Q: I noticed that you talked to Carla Rukert from the Law of One.   What kind of information did that interview reveal?

Well the Law of One material was channeled in the 1980’s. It is a social memory complex called Ra which is also called a group soul. This entity has made contact with humans before during the time of Atlantis and also during Egyptian times teaching us about the cosmic world and how to evolve as a species. Ra is from the 6th density, while earth is currently in the third and since 2012, moving into the 4th density. According to Ra, there is a harvest of souls at this time and those who are more evolved into the heart chakra will ascend into the 4th density and the others will repeat to continue to learn those lessons.

Q: This sounds like the Biblical, Hope or other religious prophecies in some ways.

Yes actually all the prophecies seem to highlight that there is going to be a shift to a higher level of consciousness. Some of the energy workers and psychics are reporting an 8th chakra appearing on people that is the portal to the heart consciousness. And there are reports of children being born with expanded abilities and new DNA. So although some people were expecting something like the apocalyptic event and the scenario describe in some Christian text where there is rapture and people just disappear, Ra explains that this harvest of souls happens upon our natural death.

Q: I also understand that you have had guests on your show that remember their previous lives and connection to other planets such as Sirius and Pleiades.

Yes I have had Patricia Cori as a guest who channels the Sirian High Council and Virginia Barrow who has contact with an oracle from Pleiades. The contact with our star ancestors is nothing new. The ancient people did this all the time. We are so afraid to admit that we are not the most advanced civilization that we have tried to shut out the possibility of their existence. But the reality is that earth is right now being contacted by many other societies who have many agendas. The Sirians are much evolved and are more like the cosmic police. The see planets like earth trying to evolve and only intervene when it is absolutely necessary like when we are about to cause great damage to the solar system using atomic energy or HAARP technology to control weather. For those that seek the council from the Sirians, they will receive as Patricia has enormous amounts of information about the origin of the earth, the reality of our present situation and how to implement new healing concepts. The pleadians were part of the original group of star people who came here to help seed planet earth with a light body human. Valerie Barrow tells the story of how they all came on a mission to seed the planet with a light infused race and was attacked by a race that were here at that time. Their ship was nearly destroyed and they lost many of their geneticists in the attack. Nonetheless, they achieved their mission and helped to genetically engineer the existing ape-like creature to upgrade the species. It is being proven now that the Annunacki were here colonizing the planet and genetically engineered a race to help them but did not want them to be immortal and to have souls. All of this information is now coming out and the archeological sites are proving the truth behind the information.   Much of this sound far-fetched but our records are now proving that there was manipulation of human genes in our past from various species who inhabited this planet.

Q: I know that you also talked to Nick Redfern, Andrew Collins and Dr. Semir Osmanagich on your radio show about ancient archeology. Do their findings indicate aliens in our past?

Yes they do support that claim. In Nick Redferns, book Pyramids and the Pentagon, he talks about the remains of a space ship that was found in Mt. Ararat that the governments thinks could be from our flood myth of Noah’s ark and also he has claims of pyramids on Mars and colonies on the moon. Andrew Collins has recently reported that there are portals of entry at various locations around the earth where other dimensional beings can come and go. He goes into detail in his book Light Quest. Dr. Sam from the Bosnian Pyramids is continuing to scientifically prove that the Pyramid Complex in Bosnia is the oldest and largest ever built and was an ancient energy machine used for technologies we are only just beginning to discover. In the halls of the underground tunnels in Bosnia they have found hieroglyphic inscriptions from ancients about the portal. The inscription says,”The portal is closed, we must stay and defend unitil it reopens.” Who could have left this message? Was it the original builders of the pyramids?

We are in an amazing time where we have the opportunity to learn about the past and use the information to advance our species without making the same mistakes as our ancestors. We have to open our minds and as a society is able to reexamine what we know is a pile of disinformation to reveal our truth.


Q: There is a lot of skepticism about UFO and extra terrestrials. How are we going to be able to understand our past if we don’t admit that other species exist?

Many people think that is all about to change. Since the crash at Roswell, there has been a government conspiracy to suppress or ridicule information about contact with ET”s in modern times. Some think this is because the government has made technology exchanges with ET’s and they don’t want the public to know because they could panic. There has been so many informants that have come forward recently from astronauts to NASA employees, to abductees and now most recently Laura Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Eisenhower. Nick Redfern and other reporters have used the Freedom of Information Act to get copies of documents on government reports from the Bookings Reports, to Project Blue Beam to Majestic 12 but mysteriously, there is no information from the last 20 years. The fear that some have including Carol Rosin is that the government will use disclosure as a way to create another war/conflict and this time with a fake alien threat. She has been actively seeking a peace in space treaty that helps Earth enter the Galactic Federation.

Q: Is there a disclosure event coming that will reveal the existence of extra terrestrials?

There was a hearing on April 22 in 2013 in Wash DC aimed at pressuring the government to make their information public. Some people are expecting the ET’s to make themselves known soon which will eliminate all the skepticism entirely. And we all see the Vatican preparing for their announcement; they have already declared in press releases that the extra terrestrial is their brother and that there is no limit to God’s creation.

Q. One thing that frightens people about ET’s is the alien abductions that have been reported. What do you hear about that from your interviews?

Well this is huge phenomenon. Over 5 million people in the US alone have reported being contacted by aliens and many report being taken onto space craft. I have spoken to the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, one of the most widely reported cases of alien abduction back in 1961.   In her recent book,Alien Abduction Files she reports that some of reported alien contact with humans is for medical examinations and genetic modifications but that they are not trying to hurt us at all, just trying to help upgrade our DNA and promote the evolution of our species thru genetic engineering, same as they have done in the past.

Q. How many races of alien being are out there according to your sources?

Well I hear that earth is a highly populated area of the universe. I have talked to people who can describe all the species from start near us including Acturians, Pleadians, Greys, Adromedans and some of the less human like species such as reptilian, dracos and insectoids. Abductees all report similar experiences with descriptions of the aliens and people in government facilities claim they have had contact with the different races especially the Greys. Just like earthlings, they are different even though they might be “from the same planet”, there is a lot of cross breeding as well and many of the less evolved, what we would term meaner species are coming around and turning to the Galactic Federation and away from their old ways.

Q. What does all of this have to do with soul evolution?

Well from what I am hearing, each planet has a vibration and the species who live there share the same energetic vibration as the planet. As earth evolves into a higher energetic vibration of the 4th density, all of the souls currently incarnated need to evolve along with the earth. Those souls that aren’t ready to evolve can reincarnate elsewhere. Many of the souls that originally came to earth according to Ra and other sources from Pleadies and Sirius were from Mardek a planet that was destroyed. The Galactic Federation agreed to let them come to earth to continue evolving and also those from Mars when their planet could not sustain life came to earth along with many other repeaters from other star systems. Earth became a sort cosmic “melting pot” of souls. As souls we can incarnate in many places throughout the universe to evolve and the goal is to continue to raise our vibration to the higher levels of consciousness. On earth, we are trying to shed our lower chakras of service to self, greed, control, jealousy, anger, etc. as we evolve to the heart vibration. The other beings from Sirius and Pleiades are eager to help us and they want nothing more than to see us evolve into the 4th dimension and not destroy this planet.

Deborah West is a columnist at The New Era Times where she has a column called Lost Knowledge. She formerly worked in mainstream media for 20 years. To see her articles go to:

Vatican preparing statement on extraterrestrial life

Vatican-mothership-Pope FrancisPope Francis is reportedly preparing a major world statement about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. Rosana Ubanell from Voxxi News today reported that due to advances in scientific detection methods for the discovery of extraterrestrial life, Pope Francis wants to be ready with a statement about “First Contact”. Ubanell reports that details have yet to be officially announced but that the Vatican’s interest in extraterrestrial life is well documented through recent astrobiology conferences the Vatican Observatory has sponsored or participated in. Father Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit astronomer and one of the leading Catholic proponents for preparing for the scientific discovery of extraterrestrial life, on July 18, won the Carl Sagan science medal from the American Astronomical Society. Pope Francis, a fellow Jesuit, regularly consults with Consolmagno and other leading Vatican astronomers about scientific issues. It is likely that Pope Francis is preparing an “Urbi et Orbi” speech – Latin for “to the city [of Rome] and the world” – about First Contact with extraterrestrial life.

The Vatican’s scientific interest in extraterrestrial life was publicly revealed for the first time in May 2008 when the head of the Vatican Observatory, Fr Gabriel Funes, also a Jesuit, gave an interview to the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. Funes made a series of startling statements about how extraterrestrial life is likely to be more ethically evolved than humans, and can be welcomed as brothers. In his interview, which was titled “The extraterrestrial is my brother,” Funes said that intelligent extraterrestrial life may not have experienced a ‘fall’, and may be “free from Original Sin … [remaining] in full friendship with their creator.” This makes it possible to regard them as ‘our brothers’ as Funes explained:

Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom… “Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation…

Most importantly, Funes’ statement makes possible the idea that Christianity can be exported to extraterrestrial worlds that have not experienced a ‘fall’ and are free from original sin.

Just over a year after his interview, Funes was the organizer of the first ever Astrobiology Symposium held by Pontifical Academy of Sciences in November 2009. Consolmagno and Funes have ever since played leading roles for the Vatican Observatory in presenting a theological perspective on the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Most importantly, both have been leading advisors to Pope Francis about scientific issues concerning the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

What is likely to be the content of Pope Francis’ upcoming statement or possible “Urbi et Orbi” speech about alien life? An important clue is a forthcoming presentation by Fr. Consolmagno at a September 18-19, 2014, astrobiology symposium organized by NASA and the Library of Congress that is titled: “Preparing for Discovery: A Rational Approach to the Implications of Finding Microbial, Complex or Intelligent Life Beyond Earth.”

Consolmagno is a featured presenter and will discuss the theological implications of discovering alien life. His topic, “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?” suggests that Pope Francis agrees that extraterrestrials are capable of the higher ethics involved in understanding the Christian message and becoming Christians.

If Pope Francis is indeed preparing a statement about extraterrestrial life, it is likely to emphasize that there is no incompatibility in Christian teachings with a belief in extraterrestrial life as Fr. Funes proposed in May 2008. More importantly, Pope Francis is likely to emphasize themes of extraterrestrials: not sharing in original sin; being more ethically evolved; and being capable of sharing the Christian message, and being our brothers.

Not all will welcome a statement from Pope Francis advocating extraterrestrials as brothers and worthy of being baptized into the Christian faith. According to Chris Putnam and Tom Horn, authors of Exovaticana, Pope Francis I is preparing to lead the Catholic Church to embrace aliens as “brothers in Christ” – reflective of the 1950s and 1960s contactee reports of benevolent “space brothers.” Putnam’s and Horn’s Exovaticana portends a future religious war between those accepting extraterrestrials as “brothers in Christ” and those believing them to be returning demons about to enslave us. Despite the extensive scholarship found in Exovaticana, it unfortunately skews data towards an overly negative assessment of the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors. Thankfully, the Vatican’s evolving public position, as reflected by statements from its leading astronomers, shows a far more enlightened stance on how to consider the discovery of alien life from a theological perspective. A statement or “Urbi et Orbi” speech from Pope Francis expounding on various themes associated with the view that extraterrestrials are potential “brothers in Christ’ is a welcome position to take on a controversial issue with major world significance.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading

The Reality of Alien Life in the Universe & the Newly Activated DNA in Humanity

New truth chakra helps Humanity Discern Reality of Existence

dna activationThis Galactic Alignment of the solar system, which occurs every 25,772 years,  just occurred again on Dec 21, 2012 and resulted in an energetic vibration change in the earth’s frequency that activated a dormant DNA in humans.  This newly activated DNA had been sitting in our system waiting for an activation switch. The physical detection of the enhanced DNA can already be witnessed by medical intuitives who see a new chakra forming outside the human energy field.  This new chakra, often referred to as the eighth chakra is the energy portal of unity consciousness that allows humans the ability to experience an expanded consciousness beyond current perceived limitations.

The seven chakras of the personality/ego body only define us in three dimensional terms, the opening of the new chakra is the portal that connects us to the fourth dimension of the universe, where much of what we thought we knew will be discarded and replaced with a broader more truthful concept of who we are in the universe. In this fourth dimensional vibration, humanity can recognize and discern the truth and this will ultimately shatter the incorrect beliefs of our origin and help us as we begin to interact openly with the other nations across our universe.

Contact with civilizations from outside our third dimension began hundreds of thousands of years ago when they seeded planet earth. Many attempts at colonization have failed.  The Annunacki, who reside in the fourth dimension attempted to colonize during the times of Lemuria and Atlantis.  Pleadian beings from the fifth dimension and Sirians from the sixth dimension as well as those from Orion and Andromeda and many others have been making contact with people on earth. Their message is of hope for inner peace for our souls as we reach a higher level of knowing and struggle in the fight for our freedom from the current enslavement.

The shift of 2012 is the fifth cycle of the earth and will result in what Edgar Cayce coined as the emergence of a fifth root race.  This theory of evolution to a higher dimension is shared by physicists and scientists throughout history and in our current time.  One such theorist, Dr. Robert Pettit, describes the seven major chakras we currently hold energetically as energy vortexes that have a seal in them, explaining their current cone shape.  In the process of the activation of the new energy coming thru the earth’s completion of this current cycle, the individual must clear out the old mental and emotional debris stuck in the cone shaped personality based chakras.  “The chakra’s structural features were deliberately limited prior to this alignment,” explains Dr. Pettit.  “As we enter into this new energy, we have the capability of recreating a new less dense physical body. The new light body is silicon-based, replacing our old carbon-based bodies.”  More about the light body activation and the process of ascension that the human body goes thru during this process is available in Robert Pettit’s books Wake up for Ascension and You can Avoid Physical Death.

The restructuring of our chakras with the activation of the new “truth” chakra which is a blue/green color allows us to attain a soul/heart connection that stops the fractal patterning of energy formerly controlling our psyche.  This old patterning makes us stay stuck in our old beliefs even when presented with new truths.  Dr. Jude Currivan, scientist, healer, mystic, and author of the 8th Chakra tells us that we will now reveal a revolutionary new perception of the cosmos, reconciling leading-edge science with Spirit and a new universal model of consciousness.

“The seven chakras of the human personality are familiar to anyone working with healing or spiritual awareness. But that consciousness is essentially incomplete. It is the universal heart of the eighth chakra that can offer us the missing key to remember who we truly are,” explains Dr. Currivan.   “The chakra is visible now in many people and is part of our completion in our human experience,” explains gifted physic and spiritual teacher Naomi Knowles.  In her new book The Soul Essence Knowles outlines how the merging of our Trinity of Self with the Trinity of the Spirit completes this human cycle of our existence.

But who are we really?  We are earth souls incarnated in human bodies on a planet that is finally coming of age and entering a stage of spiritual awareness that allows us to participate and interact with the broader galactic universe.  This greater community is described in Marshall Vian Summers book Life in the Universe.  

According to Marshall Vian Summers, “As it exists today, the region of space where earth resides is full of life forms and established trade routes. Free and sovereign nations who want to maintain control of their planet must be self-sufficient and operate with integrity and unity. Unification of earth and humanity as the stewards of earth must occur as we emerge into this galactic universe.” The understanding of what is taking place is explained by the Allies of Humanity  who are a group of our allies from other civilizations who know what is happening on earth and want to help us.

According to many sources, the intervention by the alien races currently on our planet is by use of deception and persuasion, enabling them to carry out their plan. In the universe, overtaking planets by military force and aggression is not permitted and can only happen if the existing species thru “free will” allows it to happen. Some of the current intervening races cannot exist on the surface of this planet due to biological hazards and are therefore using interbreeding to populate our earth with an alien-hybrid race, which explains all the human abductions in recent years.  The Allies of Humanity along with the Galactic Federation are here helping to guide humanity as we wake up and realize that we are in an ongoing battle to emerge as a free race.

The time of the “shock and awe” of alien intervention is over. The understanding that we have interacted with other civilizations and have had technology exchange programs with them is an undeniable reality as discussed by many eye witnesses from the Disclosure Project and  thousands of reliable sources. The awareness that there are groups of alien races that are attempting to colonize our planet, take away our vast resources and continue their reign of enslavement thru manipulative greed based organizations like the Bilderberg Group and those who transcribe to a New World Order,  needs to be understood as a certainty as we emerge into the greater community of the galactic universe.  In order to wake up, we must first realize that we are truly being infiltrated by alien races and accept that we must fight for our freedom.

Some may ask why can’t the advanced civilizations come and do this for us. To answer this question, Patricia Cori, author, teacher and spiritual guide shares advice from the Sirian Council.  “Remember that you are immortal beings and stay out of emotional fear-based control no matter what happens.  Stand up for yourselves as a species. Wake up and use your powers of discernment to recognize the truth which you will feel in your soul.”  She says they are here like so many other higher civilizations to help us but we have to come of age on our own just as they did. We have to grow up, so to speak, and they are here to guide us with their knowledge, wisdom, and love just as parents do with their children. The opening of our truth chakra which connects us to the expanded truth of who we are as universal souls will help them reach more people in more ways and help us all gain contact with the cosmos around us.

Many of us have not cleared our emotional baggage, allowing the new chakra to activate and it is the most crucial part of this process. Michael Hathaway, author of nine books on spiritual awareness and connection to inner self gives simple advice on how to clear old energetic blockages that we no longer need to hold on to.  “The purpose of our existence is to connect to our higher self, fulfill our soul contract and evolve as spiritual beings,” he explains.  “At this crucial time, we all need to humbly surrender to our own spiritual growth.”


For More Information:

DNA Activation, Hopi & Mayan Prophecies, Alien Origin:

Life in the Universe, Marshall Vian Summers:

Disclosure of UFOs and Alien Life:

Ascension and Light Body Activation:

Edgar Cayce Center.

Secret US alien agreements may be valid under international law

Secret ET Agreements-1050

The legitimacy of secret agreements between the U.S. Government and alien civilizations may be valid under both U.S. and international law contrary to widespread public perceptions. This shocking conclusion has emerged from legal research into the status of agreements reached by a sitting US. President with the chief executive officer of a foreign power.

According to whistleblower testimonies that have been documented in the book, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET, President Dwight Eisenhower met with and reached agreements with representatives of at least two extraterrestrial civilizations. According to Galactic Diplomacy, these secret agreements lacked legitimacy since they were never ratified by the U.S. Senate as required by the U.S. Constitution. Article II.2, of the Constitution requires that any international treaty signed by the Executive branch needs the advice and consent of two thirds of the U.S. Senate:

The President … shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.

Consequently, it was reasoned the agreements reached between President Eisenhower and the chief executive of an extraterrestrial delegation were questionable under U.S. law. At best, it was reasoned that they were quasi-legal since they were only signed but not ratified as constitutionally required by Article 2.II:

… this constitutional provision [2.II] has been bypassed by a series of executive orders and congressional actions that make it possible for agreements to be signed and implemented without the consent of two-thirds of the Senate nor with the knowledge of the general public. These extra-constitutional arrangements have dubious legal standing and while these may at most have standing for short periods such as national emergencies, it is extremely doubtful that their legal standing would be sufficient for a semi-permanent arrangement which has existed for almost 60 years. (Galactic Diplomacy, p. 24)

Recent research has however discovered the legal concept and practice of an “executive agreement” that rules out such reasoning.

According to the U.S. State Department website:

international agreements brought into force with respect to the United States on a constitutional basis other than with the advice and consent of the Senate are “international agreements other than treaties” and are often referred to as “executive agreements.”

An “executive agreement” makes it possible for a U.S. President to reach an agreement with a foreign power without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. Furthermore, under international law, executive agreements are recognized as valid, even if these have been conducted in secrecy. Also, the U.S., Supreme Court has ruled that executive agreements are valid, even if the U.S. Congress is not consulted.

In a case involving an Executive Agreement between President Roosevelt and the Soviet Union (United States v. Belmont 301 U.S. 324 [1937])the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the President’s power to sign executive agreements without consulting or gaining the consent of the US Senate. The reasoning for the decision from the perspective of one of Justices was summarized as follows:

The President’s act in recognizing the Soviet government, and the accompanying agreements, constituted, said the Justice, an international compact which the President, “as the sole organ” of international relations for the United States, was authorized to enter upon without consulting the Senate. Nor did state laws and policies make any difference in such a situation, for while the supremacy of treaties is established by the Constitution in express terms, yet the same rule holds “in the case of all international compacts and agreements from the very fact that complete power over international affairs is in the National Government and is not and cannot be subject to any curtailment or interference on the part of the several States.”

The disturbing conclusion is that executive agreements signed by President Eisenhower and his successors with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization may be legal under both international and U.S. domestic law. The only caveat is if the executive agreement violates the U.S. Constitution, then the Supreme Court could strike it down. If an executive agreement is highly classified, however, then it is highly unlikely to be brought before the Supreme Court for adjudication. This basically removes the sole known judicial mechanism for striking down an executive agreement signed by a U.S. President.

According to whistleblower testimony, in exchange for President Eisenhower giving aliens the right to establish bases, extract Earth resources and to conduct limited biological research on humans, the U.S. received assistance in studying and reverse engineering alien technologies. Consequently, the U.S. has participated in the development of a secret space fleet that operates in deep space, and conducts diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial civilizations. According to one whistleblower, the secret space fleet is part of an organization called the “Earth Defense Force,” while other whistleblowers call it “Solar Warden.”

The idea that secret “executive agreements” reached by U.S. Presidents and extraterrestrial civilizations may be constitutional will come as a shock to many. Unfortunately, executive agreements are valid in international law and even recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court. Consequently, there is likely to be an extensive number of secret “executive agreements” reached between the U.S., and perhaps even other governments, with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Urgent action needs to be placed on exposing these agreements to eliminate any wrong doing, and ensure that they comply with the U.S. Constitution, and International law and Human Rights standards.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading:

It’s official – extraterrestrials can now land at Hawaii UFO Sanctuary

Star Visitor Sanctuary Opening CeremonyThe Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary was officially launched on Friday June 27, 2014 in a dedication ceremony on the Big Island of Hawaii. A video released today shows many of the events conducted with the goal of inviting extraterrestrial visitors to land, and meet with representatives of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii and private citizens. The ceremony began with a traditional Hawaiian blowing of the conch shell followed by a blessing by the Minister of the Interior for the Kingdom of Hawaii. The video then shows a dedication by the “Women of the Womb” that was followed by the building of a traditional “Ahu” designed to sanctify the Sanctuary in accord with Hawaiian tradition.

Michael Weeks, the Kingdom’s Representative for the Puna region, ended the formal part of the dedication ceremony by reading the “Declaration for the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary”. The Declaration explains the sovereign legal authority of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Kingdom’s history of international neutrality, and protocols for extraterrestrials or “star visitors” to land and begin formal diplomatic relations with Kingdom representatives.

The dedication of the Sanctuary is the second time that a sovereign state has dedicated land for the exclusive purpose of extraterrestrials to land and meet private citizens. The Sanctuary is hosted on land provided by the Kingdom of Hawaii in the area of Kalapana in the Puna region. Up to 200 people attended the ceremony and gave their enthusiastic support to organizers and those conducting various parts of the ceremony. This video captures most of the events that made up the dedication ceremony and post-dedication interviews revealing the aspirations of those attending for contact to happen with extraterrestrial visitors. It’s now official – extraterrestrial visitors can land at the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary!

More Info at:

Surfing into the Cosmos More Likely: Humanity’s Forthcoming ET-Like Technology Increases Rational Credibility of ET Visitation

alcubierre drive spaceship with double torus

Image by Mark Rademaker depicting NASA’s IXS Enterprise, a Plausible Double Torus Alcubierre Drive Spaceship

There’s work going on at NASA which might be slowly revealing a shift in mindset from conventional action-reaction, Newtonian science and denial of extraordinary (i.e “non-classic”) events into a more “exotic,”  very useful, no-nonsense science perfectly allowed by the known laws of physics. The “Alcubierre Drive” (based on a paper published in 1994 by Miguel Alcubierre) is becoming feasible.  CNN gave the news on 06/18/2014 but advances had been in the works at least officially for a few years.  The news mentioned travelling “faster than the speed of light” which is not quite accurate but, nonetheless, the possibility of developing technology to reach distant locations like Alpha Centauri within months or even two weeks made the news a bit of a pro (ET presence) disclosure, an eye-opener.

The chief scientist working on such important interstellar matters for NASA is Engineer Harold “Sonny” White.

In we read Dr. White holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Rice University, a Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Wichita State University, and a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from University of South Alabama. Dr. White has accumulated over 15 years of experience working in the aerospace industry with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and NASA.” “Wormholes” and “Warp Drives” come to mind to practically travel great distances in space as allowed by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Both involve manipulating the “fabric” of spacetime and both would require an exotic form of energy known as “negative energy” and-or “negative vacuum energy” which – as of today – is conventionally difficult to obtain.

“Warp Drives” refer to encapsulating spaceships inside a distorted spacetime “bubble” (warped or distorted in relation to an exterior spacetime reference frame). They’re about expanding spacetime behind the spaceship more than at its front (the direction they want to travel). The vehicle thus encapsulated inside this “bubble” would “surf” or “slide” towards a destiny focused ahead of the contracting front and, since there’s is no limit in principle to the amount of space contraction and dilation, it would be able to “surf” at relative speeds many times that of light. More specifically, in relation to the quantum vacuum (which can have different energy densities), two distinct spacetime energy densities derived from that vacuum can move faster than “C” in relation to each other.


Original single torus capacitor “ring” design warping spacetime with traveling compartment inside

While inside the altered spacetime “bubble,” the spaceship itself never travels beyond “C” (the speed of light limit in the vacuum), but that spacetime “bubble” in relation to the spacetime frame outside of it can indeed “move” faster than “C” carrying along the vehicle inside toward an otherwise unbearably distant destination. Impractical differences in the passage of time occurring through Lorentzian effects incurred when accelerating close to the speed of light (but within the same spacetime energy density) would also be overcome. After the warp field/“bubble” within which “surfing astronauts” are traveling is turned off, the time passed within it would correspond to the time passed outside. Passengers would return to their original time frame without having incurred Lorentzian time-dilation effects.

I wonder if the alleged electrogravitational “Biefeld-Brown Effect” is a related way to generate an Alcubierre or Alcubierre-type of propulsion effect. Regarding this effect (thoroughly researched by Thomas Towsend Brown who produced available and also classified patents) it is alleged that – in a disc-shaped, high k (dielectric) capacitor which distributes charges in opposite directions, space-time dips into a “well” on the side of the positive charges as it simultaneously expands as a “hill” on the side of negative charges. Also, allegedly some configurations with high dielectrics, extremely high pulsed voltages and different amperage may result in thrust and movement towards the positive charges even in a hard vacuum, eliminating the possibility that the effect is only due to a coronal discharge interacting with air. Perhaps space-time itself is also distorted by this method which is said to generate a separate, modified space-time “bubble” around a craft, isolating it from inertial effects as it moves in relation to exterior space-time. Does this system also produce negative energy states?

Thomas Townsend Brown tested many disc-shaped capacitors. His work should be considered even today.

The expansion and contraction of gravitational forces would (like in the Alcubierre Drive concept) allow a craft to “surf the cosmos” within its own modified space-time that would (in different degrees) be uncoupled or out of phase with ordinary, exterior space-time. The most efficient shapes, materials, pulsed frequencies, the architecture of multiple smaller capacitors and other details must be classified.

Resultado de imagen para biefeld brown effect Resultado de imagen para G-hill G-well T.T. Brown


NASA’s Advanced Propulsion Physics Laboratory (“Eagleworks”) is the lab working (within the Johnson Space Center, in Houston, TX) on this promising development and, thus far, there seems to have been some success in spite of the small amount of funding given for this project (perhaps in the order of 50,000 USD). However, scientists are working in a laboratory that was also used to develop inertial components for the Apollo Missions and which can be isolated from vibrations outside. They also have access to precision instruments because the measurements they are attempting to make (with small warp field-generating prototypes) are very small.

The positive effects apparently obtained as of today are tiny but likely (about to be replicated and sufficiently verified) as “proof-of-concept,” perhaps thereafter eventually “maturing” into a practical application. Still, much needs to be carefully tested but, apparently, these almost “proof-of-concept” experiments are quite promising. For success in interstellar travel activities, it seems crucial to produce “negative density/negative pressure,” through a charged negative potential “ring” (or torus) perpendicular to the craft. Capacitors are being used with this toroidal topography. Alcubierre originally suggested his drive would be more feasible with “exotic” negative energy. However, Dr. Harold White has shown that the required potential field may be sustained by using toroidal capacitors with positive energy oscillating within. However, I understand that in order to expand spacetime behind the craft that positive energy oscillating within the toroidal capacitors would still have to produce negative energy states that can be directed.

As one increases the oscillation and the thickness of the toroidal component one may need less exotic mass-energy requirement to produce the space warp but there would be no flat space left for the spacecraft and the oscillations could destroy it.  So, in order to protect the spacecraft and its occupants, a careful relationship between the frequency of the oscillation and the thickness of the 3D torus must be found along with a proper separate spacetime warp bubble around the spacecraft, all the while preserving the flat region where the spacecraft is located. To facilitate this, Dr. White found that it would be useful to add a second 3D torus producing the oscillations.

Good general information on Dr. White’s general concepts can be found in “WARP FIELD MECHANICS 101″ and WARP FIELD MECHANICS 102” by Harold White at: and at

I wonder if the metamaterials being studied by To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) and the proposals of Dr. Jack Sarfatti can be added into the mix 1) To facilitate the production of negative energy states that expand spacetime, 2) The weakening of the rigidity of spacetime to be able to distort it with even less mass-energy requirement and 3) To facilitate the isolation of the spacecraft from the spacetime warp forming a surrounding Alcubierre Drive-shaped bubble.

A question to think about: May current toroidal “ring” forms perpendicular to the section containing the spaceship crew eventually evolve into whole ellipsoidal forms and/or double discs, thus classic UFO shapes? If we continue to surround the central “cabin” with thick rings or torii it looks like we could form an enclosed ovoid. Another question is whether opening an energy flow from the vacuum (obtaining from the vacuum the energy to oscillate) would potentiate the effect.

Are both disc-shaped and tubular ET craft structured by combining “rings” that can be thought of as torii? Below photograph by Antonio Urzi

Antonio Urzi-26-8-08a

The warped bubble of spacetime apparently created inside that negative potential “ring” or torus would be FLAT. Thus the craft inside this “bubble” would experience ZERO acceleration and – within its own frame of reference – it wouldn’t, in fact, go faster than the speed of light.The central region of the bubble (where the warp space spaceship is) would remain within the astronaut’s original spacetime frame and not be affected by relativistic time dilation. But there is no theoretical limit for the speed the spacetime bubble would be able to move with respect to the contextual spacetime in the rest of the universe.

Without feeling/experiencing any acceleration or a challenge to inertia people or objects inside the craft (itself inside the warp or “bubble”) would not crash against the walls. Interestingly Dr. White found (in 2011 and 2012), by making the “ring” (the torus) thicker (like a “lifesaver” candy) the effects are potentiated; while the flatness of space is decreased (would not be a good thing for crew members) the mechanical ‘strain’ required to manipulate spacetime is decreased; meaning that less negative energy would be needed to achieve the Alcubierre Drive effect. Thus the energy density inside the warp or “bubble” would collapse many orders of magnitude. For a 10-meter diameter craft, by thickening the “ring,” “torus” or “donut shape,” the Jupiter-size mass as an energy source once needed can be reduced to, let’s say, the mass the Voyager spacecraft.

Alcubierre’s original work required the use of “negative energy” to expand spacetime behind the spaceship and this poses a technical difficulty. However,  in 2017, a small amount of matter behaving in a negative energy state was produced at Washington State University.

As shown in the first image perhaps the single torus can be doubled. Different configurations can be experimented upon. In a basic presentation found at a Space Vision’s Student Conference found at Dr. White explains that “A series of Barium Titanate ceramic capacitors are charged to very high (DC) voltages to establish a very large potential energy, to establish a blue-shifted frame relative to the lab. The net effect according to the field equations should change the perceived wavelength of that leg of the interferometer for a photon as it moves through that (warped) region.” Moreover, “The interference patterns seem to change as a function of time.”

Experimenters are also trying to find Fourier transform changes. They have detected some interesting but (as per this article) not definitive changes. As of today I’ve found little information about the oscillating charge-discharge frequencies used but suspect that they are a key component also needed to magnify the Alcubierre Drive Effect. Could it be that frequencies that may cancel out and “warp” our 4D regular spacetime (possessing a specific stable energy density framework in the quantum vacuum) would be understood as out of phase multiples of a fundamental spacetime oscillation in which our known universe is located?

With a Helium-Neon laser-based interferometer detecting shifting light interference properties Dr. White and his team are trying to measure a small-scale warp bubble effect to achieve proof-of-concept. The effect to be measured is very tiny (about 1/100 a wavelength of light) so it requires much precision and a seismically isolated room and computer analysis to overcome the signal-to-noise ratio.  Perhaps a larger prototype will show a greater effect. They are also trying to use a Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure it. They also used a new interferometer and claim to have measured a small warping effect in 2013. 

A spaceship sent to Alpha or Beta Centauri would have to start with a small acceleration in order for its spacetime “bubble” to continue to move forward in relation to the outer frame of reference. I don’t know how the direction of movement could be re-directed.

The amount of energy required would be a function of the radius. A much smaller amount of negative energy would still be needed with a thicker toroidal capacitor and an adequately fabricated potential field. Moreover, the possibility of learning to produce some of it became real since in 2017 WashingtonState University physicists published in Physical Review Letters “Negative-Mass Hydrodynamics in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate” and University of Rochester physicists published in Nature Physics “Anomalous Dispersion of Microcavity Trion-Polaritons.” In both cases, small amounts of negative energy states were produced and verified.  Links:  and 

For space-time to ‘know’ which direction to contract and to expand – if indeed it is “catalytic” – one would need to accelerate first with a conventional propulsion system to establish an initial velocity relative to some ecliptic or solar inertial frame. Then turn the field on.

Then space expands and contracts as a result, but not itself as a catalyst, contracting in the front and expanding behind. The spaceship would then be carried within the “bubble” in the direction of the contraction and spacetime as a reference frame can move faster than “C” in relation to the spacetime frame exterior to the bubble. We would have an oscillating potential field given by the relation dϕ/dt. I wonder about adequate frequencies and if a frequency multiple as a rotating or counter-rotating field out of phase with a fundamental 4D spacetime frequency would be useful. For this, we would need to know if there is a basic resonant frequency within the fabric of our spacetime.

Another approach that is being tried at NASA’s Eagleworks Lab: Instead of placing a ring of potential energy around the beam path they tried to put a very high potential region in the middle of the light beam path. So a capacitor was placed in the middle of the beam path and they apparently got even more interesting results.  

Calculations explained by Dr. Harold White show that increasing the thickness of the torus-ring and oscillating the bubble field intensity would reduce the amount of energy required for a PRACTICAL Alcubierre “propulsion” implementation. I wonder how much negative energy would it still be necessary and whether a particular configuration of the oscillating potential field is able of producing it.

Update (April, 1st 2020): Maybe recent work conducted by To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) on anomalous metamaterials will show that negative energy states capable of expanding spacetime can be harnessed from the quantum vacuum. I suppose that the negative resonances produced in these metamaterials when pumped by high-frequency EM energy (perhaps in the terahertz range) might also produce “anti-gravity” negative energy states.

I really recommend this transcript of a very informative lecture by Dr. Hal Puthoff:

Moreover, besides the toroidal topography that (as demonstrated by Dr. Harold White) diminishes the amount of energy needed to warp spacetime, perhaps these metamaterials (with unique isotopic ratios and allegedly obtained from genuine UFOs) may slow the speed of light making (according to Dr. Jack Sarfatti) spacetime less rigid and, therefore, easier to be distorted.


Another method also being explored as a non-classical form of space travel (the so-called “Q Thrust”) works by pushing off against the quantum vacuum’s virtual particles popping in and out of existence in space.  Where fields are stronger there are more virtual particles popping in and out of existence whereby creating such fields would make such a thrust theoretically plausible. I think that creating a warped bubble field would also make the “Q Thrust” more feasible. To me, this indicates that a series of technologies based on similar principles reinforce each other.


Some questions: As of today I’ve found little information about the oscillating charge-discharge frequencies used but suspect that they are a key component needed to magnify the Alcubierre Drive.

Could it be that frequencies that may cancel out and “warp” our 4D regular spacetime (possessing a specific stable energy density framework in the quantum vacuum) would be understood as out of phase resonance-canceling multiples of a fundamental 4D spacetime oscillation? I wonder if switching the toroidal capacitors on and off with and-or generating vortical, circulating field cycles around them with a specific resonant multiple of a basic quantum vacuum spacetime frequency might enhance the effect. I wonder if the appropriate frequency might also relate to a completely out-of-phase resonant multiple of gravity wave frequencies in 4D spacetime? Furthermore, I think that other functions of the torus need to be recognized as a bridge between “dimensions,” branes, realities.

torus and quantum hologram

May these recent advances in Alcubierre Warp Drive generation relate to the model (and predictions) produced by Engineer Robert L. Schroeder?

Schroeder’s model (coming from a particle physics perspective) is connected with RS1 Warped Geometry Theory, a variety of String and Cosmological Brane Theory attempting to explain the weakness of the force of gravity). It explains ET-UFO effects as gravity cancellation effects in relation to Kaluza Klein Gravitons that may exist in a Five-Dimensional “Bulk” and which – in turn – may generate micro black holes capable of canceling normal gravitons in our normal 4D spacetime. If this occurred, the spaceship would also partially move into the 5-dimensional “bulk” (See: ).

Robert L Schroeder KK Gravitons Micro Black Holes UFOS

Intuitively, for me Schroeder’s proposal and Harold White’s are compatible. This should be studied further. Above’s depiction may be that of a complementary method emphasizing particles but also the role of a 5D higher dimensional “bulk” as per Robert L. Schroeder’s approach. For instance, Dr. White found that expanding the Alcubierre metric into a higher spacetime would change the stiffness of spacetime. Apparently, if the “bubble’s” intensity also oscillated, the stiffness of spacetime would be decreased and this would also reduce the energy requirement.

A minimum, non-trivial amount of negative energy would still be needed to reduce the stiffness of spacetime according to the following basic relation:  dϕ/dt.  However, in relation to a higher spacetime frame (like the 5 D “bulk”), a positive vacuum energy density might induce a negative vacuum energy density and warp field.  

In a paper published by Dr. Harold White and by E. W. Davis titled “The Alcubierre Warp Drive in Higher Dimensional Spacetime” (it can be found at ) we read in the conclusion that there is a “remarkable discovery that a spacecraft’s spacetime expansion boost in the Alcubierre warp spacetime actually represents a movement of the spacecraft off our local brane (3 + 1 dimensional spacetime) and into the higher dimensional bulk space. The Alcubierre warp spacetime expansion boost merely acts as a scalar multiplier acting on an initial velocity. The consequence of this is that the equation of state for the energy density and pressure that induces this effect is equivalent to the dark energy equation of state and the equation of state for the vacuum energy in space. This suggests a conceptual laboratory experiment whereby a toroidal positive energy density induces a negative pressure warp field.”

In other words, achieving exotic negative energy effects MIGHT be plausible through positive energy manipulation if we indeed live in a higher dimensional, 5D “bulk.” This may also mean that electromagnetic photons emitted by the spaceship while inside the spacetime warp “bubble” might not be detected in the regular 4D (3 space + 1 time) spacetime frame.  The spacecraft would become gradually INVISIBLE as it moves off our normal reference frame (or 4D brane) and into the 5D bulk.

I wonder if using faster-than-light scalar longitudinal EM waves (Dr. Konstantin Meyl shows a method on how to generate them) inside the toroidal ring capacitor (instead of transversal EM waves) would help to induce a negative pressure warp field. And what if these waves were set at specific pulse frequencies or resonant multiples of frequencies that may cancel or enhance gravity waves or resonate with zero-point vacuum energy allowing it to cohere perhaps in conjunction with polaritons and other quasi-particles?

In an interview for Popular Science Dr. White basically mentioned that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement that prohibited him from revealing how he might produce the small – but sufficient – amount of negative energy required for the project to work. Moreover, he wasn’t able to mention with what entity he had signed that agreement. What is known is that DARPA is financing NASA’s Eagleworks Lab and that the lab recently moved into a larger facility.

Interestingly, many of the unique (beyond Newtonian) characteristics (also listed by Robert L. Schroeder) observed through the best available evidence of what could reasonably be considered as technologically advanced extraterrestrial vehicles seem to be partially explained not only by Dr. Schroeder’s model but by the model being developed at NASA. While NASA uses the so-called “Chung-Freese Model” and Schroeder uses Randall-Sundrum’s RS1 Model, both consider that our perceived 4D Universe exists within a more encompassing 5D brane called “the bulk.”

I think these models (Alcubierre’s and Schroeder’s) should be carefully compared, especially if both allow for similar non-classical spacetime distortion, gravity modification and practical, spacetime “travel” behavior. And, are these models compatible with T.Towsend Brown’s electrogravitics allegedly producing thrust in the direction of [ositive charges and also apparently distorting spacetime?

Perhaps the more we differentiate a spacetime bubble around a craft from the external spacetime of the planet the more we enter an alternative higher-dimensional universe? Interestingly, besides, an annulment of inertial effects, and a way to reach otherwise exceedingly distant locations in 4D spacetime, we may speak of a way to become translucent and even to achieve invisibility. As White and Davis suggest in the aforementioned paper: “As the Alcubierre LIF (ALIF) warps as suggested by equation (7), the photons emitted from it will not be able to intersect the coordinate observer (lab)frame because the photons were emitted off-brane from the ALIF. This is the reverse scenario we discussed earlier where photons on the brane were not able to interact with an electron off of the brane. Unless something acts on the off-brane photons to reduce their boost, they will not be detected by the on-brane coordinate observer. Hence, an Earthbound coordinate observer will most likely see a dimming effect when viewing the ALIF as its spacetime expansion boost increases. Similarly, the ALIF will see his/her surrounding universe grow dimmer and dimmer as photons emitted on-brane cannot reach the now off-brane ALIF.”  

In other words, the translucent and invisibility-achieving aspects of UFOs would also be part of the effects predicted by this technology developed at NASA. Moreover, as “proof-of-concept” is finally reached to reasonable satisfaction, overly skeptical scientists (excessively attached to accepting “reality” only in classical terms and unable to conceive that other intelligences may be able to reach Earth from remote locations) will also have to contend with the theoretically canonical and experimentally established idea that some interstellar civilizations may have had enough time and opportunities to develop a form of practical Alcubierre Warp Drive. This and further amounts of high-quality ET-UFO evidence and more scientific advancements will make blatant, closed-minded,witness-testimonies-annulling criticisms and “anti-research” extremely untenable.

While empirical data forces us to modify our explanations, worldviews, or theories there’s also a tendency among social structure supporters to ridicule and combat data in which our preferred theories don’t fit…but in the end, a plain common sense understanding about the evidence prevails and there’s an inevitable shift. Would fusing multiple torii or “rings” turn Mark Rademaker’s depiction of NASA’s IXS Enterprise into a “cigar-shaped UFO” or tubular space-warping gravity control vehicle? See video of an alleged cylindrical-shaped UFO over Korosten, Ukraine

This image was taken by Navcam: Right B (NAV_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 613 (2014-04-28 04:48:22 UTC). Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
This image was taken by Navcam: Right B (NAV_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 613 (2014-04-28 04:48:22 UTC).

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


The “Alcubierre Drive” (by which a spacecraft would, in fact, “surf” a locally warped segment of space-time), Robert L. Schroeder’s engineerable micro black holes hypothesis in combination with T.Towsend Brown’s “electrogravitics” (which in some cases may function in a hard vacuum), Konstantin Meyl’s superluminal scalar-longitudinal waves and Roger Shawyer’s “EM Drive” (now also being enhanced and perfected in China along with a – related – “Cannae Drive” elsewhere) indicate that it is possible to modify and/or circumvent classic spacetime limits. Moreover, perhaps older, more technologically proficient cosmic civilizations connecting with higher levels of reality and with consciousness would not only have become (at the very least) interstellar but (more powerfully) capable of using the non-physical domain or realm (beyond the zero-point energy) underlying all physical possibilities and manifestations.

I may be way off the mark but suspect that all of these alleged “drives” may work not only because they generate interaction with virtual particles but also because they harness negative energy states and that these states (and the whole process) relate to a physics of interactions with a deeper superluminal, information-connected layer of reality, inclusive and transcendent of local closed time-like loops with retrocausal quantum mechanical components between real particles and real pilot waves, as related to the Post-Quantum Theory expounded by Dr. Jack Sarfatti.

Dr. Sarfatti also contends that if the speed of light can be dramatically reduced in a metamaterial, the energy required to bend spacetime is greatly reduced.

This engineering would allow us to create a local gravitational near field around an object and regulating it (as an Alcubierre gravitational bubble) would also allow us to move this object around (between spacetime fields) unaffected by inertia in relation to exterior gravity. If this were possible, I suppose that an object could also be disconnected from its original exterior spacetime surroundings incrementally, first increasing its relative rate of time.

Observing the object from outside of its artificial gravitational bubble the object would be blueshifted. However, what if the artificial field also affects the interior of the object? Would quantum retrocausal influences become more obvious for the object that would eventually shift into another level of physical reality (one in which greater retrocausal influences allow minds to interact more readily with matter)? Furthermore, if the normally experientially hidden, quantum retrocausal component becomes as actual as experienced time-forward causality, would the object (and anyone in it) return to a more fundamental, ontologically real, non-physical realm in which all possibilities for physical events and possible physical universes originate?


There were also some patents (not reviewed here) awarded to Salvatore Cezar Pais. It was done with the support of the U.S. Navy which might be technologically compatible with any of the proposals here mentioned.

High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator (2017)
Patent US20180229864A1

Craft using an inertial mass reduction device (2016)
Patent US10144532B2

Perhaps elements of the Government handling part of the UFO secrecy (and even perhaps a more advanced Secret Space Program) are allowing To the Stars Academy of Sciences to act as a venue to begin introducing major worldview-changing evidence, ideas and details about some technologies already capable to warp spacetime to some degree. The success of this effort might depend on how much is revealed and in what way besides public trust, interest, and support. Be as it may, taken together, these and the timidly emerging, non-conventional “spacetime modification” proposals appearing in the “white” unclassified world (like the EM and Cannae drives) already provide an array of visionary possibilities for humankind. Hopefully, soon, an officially sanctioned (or instead, an officially allowed) method to “surf into the cosmos” could be revealed in order to promote the evolution of humanity needing to reconnect with an already partially conversant and partially hiding cosmic community. But this would likely require a responsible, unified, human effort and to abide by transplanetary (probably even trans-reality or “transdimensional”) rules.


Sometimes the proponents of one theory or technology dismiss those of others but can some of the proposals shown be effectively combined?

But if the technologies capable of modifying spacetime and “surfing into the cosmos” exist how do we educate and reveal? And who should decide who may use these spacetime altering technologies responsibly?

Perhaps we require an intelligent, non-co-dependent type of guidance from benevolent, elder cosmic siblings that want us to become the best we can be. Perhaps secret managers of the technologies know that they cannot continue doing it without including society? Moreover, besides the ethics and exopolitical decisions required to manage these technologies, how do we educate and include billions of prone-to-quarrel human beings (and their often narcissistic leaders) at a time of institutional disruption?

What if the more we disentangle a spacetime vehicle and occupants from the limits of our exterior classical physicality the more it acquires the characteristics of an underlying, meaningful mental connectedness? Are we prepared to deal with a mental interconnectedness underlying physical reality (and perhaps capable of modifying it) not only as a vague idea but in practice?


Obama & senior US officials blackmailed into silence about UFOs & alien life

Title screen from new ExoNews TV Episode examining blackmail of Obama and US officials on UFOs.
Title screen from new ExoNews TV Episode examining blackmail of Obama and US officials on UFOs. Click here or image to watch

Edward Snowden has released official documents that show the extent of NSA surveillance of foreign political leaders. According to another NSA whistleblower, Russell Tice, the NSA does the same in the U.S. It conducts regular surveillance of senior U.S. officials including military officers, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices and even members of the executive branch. The goal, Tice claims, is to gain sensitive personal material on such senior U.S. officials for the purpose of blackmailing them into supporting policies favorable to the recipients of the NSA surveillance information. One of the policies is maintaining secrecy about UFOs and their extraterrestrial origins.

In December 2005, Tice came forward to publicly reveal how the NSA and the Defense Intelligence Agency were conducing unlawful wiretaps of U.S. citizens. He revealed to various media sources that among the targets were senior U.S. officials:

They went after high-ranking military officers; they went after members of congress — Senate and the House — especially on the intelligence committees and the armed services committees, lawyers, law firms, judges, State Department officials, part of the White House, multinational companies, financial firms, NGOs, civil rights groups …”

In June 2013, Tice was asked about the potential for blackmail of senior U.S. officials from NSA surveillance files:

Collins: Now Russ, the targeting of the people that you just mentioned, top military leaders, members of Congress, … intelligence committees, … and then executive branch appointees. This creates the basis, and the potential for massive blackmail.
Tice: Absolutely! And remember we talked about that before, that I was worried that the intelligence community now has sway over what is going on.

While Tice was not widely believed at the time, the Snowden NSA document leaks have confirmed many of his claims.

In a June 2014 interview with the Washington Blog about forthcoming Snowden based stories of NSA surveillance of U.S. citizens, Tice explained that the Snowden documents belong to a database called the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System.

These documents are accessible to all within the NSA with the necessary Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance levels. However, Tice claims that there are more restricted NSA information networks based on higher security levels. He describes two of these as Exceptionally Controlled Information (ECI) and Very Restricted Knowledge (VRK). It is in these more secretive networks that Tice found information concerning the surveillance of senior U.S. officials going back as far as the 1970s and the surveillance of Senator Frank Church who led a Senate investigation of the U.S. intelligence community.

Tice revealed that one of the recipients of the NSA’s secret surveillance files of U.S. leaders was former Vice President Dick Cheney:

… the whole thing was being directed and was coming from the vice president’s office … Cheney, through his lawyer David Addington…. all “sneaky pete” under the table, in the evening when most NSA employees are gone for the day. This is all being done in the evenings … between like 7 [at night] and midnight.

According to another whistleblower, Derek Hennessy, Cheney had direct knowledge of a secret UFO program based on extraterrestrial technologies at the highly secret S-4 facility at Area 51. Cheney was therefore well placed to use NSA information to find out who among U.S. officials had received information about UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies. He could use this NSA information to blackmail senior U.S. officials in order to maintain UFO secrecy.

Among the U.S. officials that have been monitored and blackmailed, according to Tice, is President Barack Obama who first came under the radar of the NSA when he became a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

In the summer of 2004, one of the papers that I held in my hand was to wiretap a bunch of numbers associated with a forty-some-year-old senator from Illinois …. That’s who the NSA went after. That’s the President of the United States now.


This helps explains why Obama backtracked on many campaign pledges, including that of the most open and transparent U.S. government in history. Obama’s pledges and choice of administration officials fueled speculation that was being prepared to disclose the truth of UFOs and their extraterrestrial origins.

The Art of Deception is a 50 page powerpoint presentation released by Snowden that confirms deception involving UFOs is part of online covert operations maintained by the NSA and its global intelligence partners.  Blackmailing senior U.S. officials into silence would be critical for the success of covert programs aimed at deceiving the public about UFOs. Based on documents released by Snowden and Tice’s earlier revelations, one can conclude that President Obama and senior U.S. officials are blackmailed by recipients of NSA surveillance information on a number of issues, including maintaining secrecy about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading:

Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii to create extraterrestrial visitor sanctuary

Official signing of Declaration for Star Visitors

On May 28, 2014 official representatives of the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii released a declaration creating a sanctuary for extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. The “Declaration for Creating Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary” will make it possible for extraterrestrials to land on property set aside exclusively for hosting “star visitors” in the area of Kalapana on the Puna coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. The “Star Visitor Sanctuary” will be on sovereign land claimed by the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii. The Kingdom comprises a government led by a Prime Minister, elected representatives to two houses of Parliament, and a revised Hawaii Constitution.

The Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary will be the second time a piece of land has been officially dedicated for the purpose of inviting extraterrestrial visitors to land and to promoting peaceful relations with them. On June 3, 1967, the city of St Paul in the Canadian province of Alberta, created the world’s first landing pad for UFOs. The sign besides the pad shows that part of the intent was to create a sanctuary for extraterrestrial visitors:

The area under the World’s First UFO Landing Pad was designated international by the Town of St. Paul as a symbol of our faith that mankind will maintain the outer universe free from national wars and strife. That future travel in space will be safe for all intergalactic beings, all visitors from earth or otherwise are welcome to this territory and to the Town of St. Paul.

Weighing just over 130 tons the landing pad was officially opened by Canada’s then Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer. Later in June 2006, Hellyer gave the keynote address at the Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference held in Kailua-Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii, again affirming his support for developing peaceful relations with extraterrestrial visitors.

The Hawaii Declaration similarly declares the intention of establishing peaceful relations with extraterrestrial visitors. Drawing on the rich history of international neutrality that was practiced by the Kingdom of Hawaii prior to its illegal annexation by the U.S. the reinstated Kingdom aims to establish formal diplomatic relations with Star Visitors. The preamble to the Declaration points out that according to Hawaiian legend, the Na Huihui o Makali’i (the constellation of Pleaides/Seven Sisters) is the place from which the first Hawaiian people came to Earth.

The Declaration contains four substantive points the first of which invites extraterrestrials “to fly over and land” at the “Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary.” The next invites the Star Visitors to “formally establish diplomatic relations” with representatives of the Kingdom of Hawaii. The Star Visitors, in point three, will be subsequently “invited to meet with private citizens interested in establishing cultural, educational, and scientific relations with the Visitors.” The final point affirms that “Star Visitor technologies can be safely demonstrated, understood and developed for the benefit of all humanity, marine and animal life, and planet Earth.”

The Kingdom of Hawaii gains its authority from international law that never formally recognized the illegal annexation of the Kingdom by the U.S. government, and which has long recognized that the native Hawaiians right to self-determination was violated. This was belatedly recognized by the US Federal Government on November 23, 1993 by a joint resolution of Congress signed by President Bill Clinton (U.S. Public Law 103-150) that apologized for the illegal annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaii. The right of the Native Hawaiians to self-determination was also recognized by the Legislature of the State of Hawaii that passed a bill signed by Governor Bill Abercrombie on July 6, 2011.

In recognition of the illegality of US annexation of the Hawaiian Islands and the inherent right to self-determination of native Hawaiians under international law, on March 13, 1999, representatives of the Hawaiian people reinstated the provisional offices of their former Kingdom with the purpose of holding elections to appoint a new Hawaiian government. The provisional government held a plebiscite on November 9, 1999 that resulted in the election of representatives to a bicameral system of government. The newly elected parliament passed a revised version of the last Kingdom of Hawaii Constitution on March 29, 2000, that enshrined the rights and powers of the lawful Hawaiian Government over the territories of the Hawaiian islands.

Five duly appointed representatives of the reinstated Hawaiian government have signed the “Declaration for Creating Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary” thereby giving it full legitimacy and protection under the laws of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii.

In an exclusive interview, one of the signatories, (Uncle) Robert Keli’iho’imola, Sr., a noble within the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii, explains where the Sanctuary will be located. He also describes how the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii plans to help the general public prepare for extraterrestrial contact, and what he hopes will be achieved by the Sanctuary.

On Friday, June 27. 2014, there will be a public ceremony dedicating the land assigned for the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary, in accordance with Hawaiian tradition. The ceremony will occur on the first day of a Hawaiian Sustainability conference scheduled for June 27-29, at Uncle Roberts, Kaimu-Kalapana, Kingdom of Hawaii.

All are invited to attend this free public event.

For more information about the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary, visit:

To watch an ExoNews TV report about the Star Visitor Sanctuary, visit:

To learn more about the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii, visit:

Chief Russian Investigator suggests (UFO) sabotage caused rocket failure

UFO intercepts Proton Rocket-Sabotage

On Thursday morning, RT News reported that Russia’s chief investigator into the cause of the May 16 Proton-M rocket crash raised the possibility that sabotage was involved. Aleksandr Danilyuk, who chairs the inter-departmental commission investigating the crash, said:

All variants are being analyzed in detail. As of today the most likely version involves the failure of a bearing unit in the turbine pump assembly. But, I repeat, all versions are under consideration. The sabotage version has not been ruled out.

Given video evidence extracted from the Russian Space Program that a UFO intercepted and apparently caused the third stage malfunction that led to the rocket’s destruction, Danilyuk appeared to be suggesting that a UFO did indeed “sabotage” the rocket.

In a related development, UFO debris was collected by Chinese government officials shortly after the Proton-M rocket crash. Initial media coverage suggested it was remains of the rocket but Russian scientists insisted that the rocket would have largely disintegrated before impacting the earth. This raised the possibility that the strange spherical objects retrieved in China may be the remnants of the UFO that intercepted the Proton-M rocket. Presently, Chinese authorities are investigating the spherical objects.

Danilyuk’s public admission earned a rare public rebuke by Russia’s deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Rogozin, who said in a statement released today shortly after RT’s earlier report:

The Roscosmos commission which has been investigating the accident should first complete its work and submit the results of the investigation to the government before “tormenting” the society with new versions of the accident.

Was the public spat between senior Russian officials merely due to an overzealous space investigator overstepping his authority, or was he spilling the beans on a belligerent action conducted by a foreign power against the Russian Federation?

Video footage of the crash clearly shows the trajectory of what appears to be a UFO that intercepts the rocket about 40 seconds before the deployment of the sophisticated communications satellite. Despite video evidence of something intercepting the rocket, official reports on the rocket’s demise focused on a possible malfunction of the rocket’s engines. Danilyuk’s public admission has placed the spotlight on the intercepting UFO as the possible source of “sabotage.”

Danilyuk’s admission that sabotage was a possible cause of the rocket’s failure is significant given video footage of an intercepting UFO. If a UFO did “sabotage” the rocket, why would the Russian Deputy Prime Minister be so quick to slap down such speculation? Perhaps he is being cautious and wants to defuse public speculation about sinister forces acting against the Russian Federation. Alternatively, the public spat may be a way for the Russian government to indirectly confirm that a belligerent foreign power possesses UFO technologies that was used to intercept and destroy a Russian rocket.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading

A Worthy Attempt to Solve the Enigma of Extraterrestrial UFO ‘Propulsion’

Robert L Schroeder KK Gravitons Micro Black Holes UFOS


I felt compelled to make a summary of engineer Robert L. Schroeder’s thinking about a scientific basis for the technology of ET spaceships. If his predictions and general ideas are verified through predicted measurements and further experimental advances in particle accelerators, his work will help demystify the concept that scientific laws related to General Relativity make it impractical to “travel” between great cosmic distances. Schroeder’s concepts might show one of the various associated mechanisms used by UFOs. I have written about other plausible aspects of these mechanisms (such as longitudinal waves and that consciousness may be central to “transdimensional” and “holographic” technologies) in Exonews. The point is that we might begin approaching a physics of “UFOs.”

Here the acronym “UFO” will be basically equivalent to “extraterrestrial space vehicle based on gravity control.”         

Mr. Schroeder usually starts his lectures by affirming that the universe known by standard physics is rather simple in that it has 3 types of main components: The 4 basic particles of matter, the particles that transmit the 4 known forces of nature and space-time.

Then, the “messenger” particles that transmit the 4 fundamental forces of nature are: The photon (electromagnetism), the gluon with spin 1 (the strong nuclear force that keeps the nucleus of the atoms together), bosons w+, w- and z neutral (the weak nuclear force responsible for radioactivity) and the graviton with spin 2 (gravitational force).


The Higgs particle with spin 0 would be responsible for giving mass to subatomic particles and could also be considered in terms of a field. Among the 4 basic particles of matter, there are electrons (which is a lepton), protons and neutrons, but protons and neutrons are themselves made up of “quarks” and in 99.9999% of matter there are 2 basic types of quarks. These are the “up quark” and “down quark.” We also have a ghostly particle called “neutrino.” Thus, including the electron, up quark and down quark, we would have 4 fundamental particles which make most of the known material universe.


Also, considering the possibility of a super symmetry1 there might exist more energetic versions of these 4 particles, (now called sparticles). “Space-time” would be the scenery or background environment in which matter particles and the particles of force interact. Scientists are quite interested in the particles of forces, in the forces of nature that lead us to think that they were all unified in a “super force” during the “Big Bang.”


Unifying these 4 forces would be the great goal of physicists. They have already been able to theoretically reunify/explain the electromagnetic force with the weak nuclear force and they call this the “electroweak” force. In particle accelerators, they have also recreated this force. They are also trying to reunify (above all theoretically) the strong nuclear force with the electroweak force and this effort is called “GUT” (Grand Unified Theory). The big problem has been that they have not been able to include gravity along with the other forces. The force of gravity is very weak compared to the other forces. What is interesting is that the development of some theoretical approximations could explain both why gravity is so weak and some of the behavior of extraterrestrials spaceships as observed in aspects of the UFO phenomenon.


Maxwell’s electromagnetic physics, quantum physics and Special and General Relativity assume that the universe possesses 4 dimensions (three dimensions of space and one of time). Since Minkowski’s work, we can use the speed of light as a convergence factor in order to treat time as one more dimension.  Before, particles were thought as points without dimensions but with string theory physics they are thought of as being made by strings with a longitude. However, these string theories require a universe with more than 4 dimensions. Physicists also think that it could require 11 dimensions. This is important because it was previously thought that spaceships had to travel through a four-dimensional space-time (3 of space + 1 of time) but limited to the speed of light and to the amount of energy needed to approximate this speed.


Key Specific Ideas related to Robert L. Schroeder’s thinking:

One of the important theories derived from “M Theory” (with 10 dimensions of space + 1 of time) is Warped Geometry Theory which tries to explain why gravity is so weak. Robert Schroeder believes it is key to understanding how UFOs may reach Earth from distant stellar systems. String Theory evolved toward “M Theory” and it is believed that we live in a space-time membrane floating on a vaster pentadimensional space. This other space is referred to as “the bulk” and it would represent our universe as a 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. The elementary particles (including 3 force “messenger” particles) would be confined to our membrane of 4 dimensions…except for the graviton.


1)   According to Harvard physicist Lisa Randall and her “RS1” version of 5-Dimensional Warped Geometry Theory, the space between the membranes would be extremely distorted or twisted, so much so that the number of gravitons in this space would exponentially increase by going into it, to the point in which the force of gravity would increase by 16 orders of magnitude. She works with the idea of extended dimensions and suggests that the reason why particles have the masses that they have (instead of many orders of magnitude heavier as expected by quantum mechanics) might be related to “extending the symmetries of spacetime into the quantum regime” the idea that “gravity changes in other dimensions.” 


2)     Most of the gravitons would be within the “bulk” and not in the space-time membrane where we live. We would live in the weak space-time membrane (also simply “weak brane”) which is also referred to as the “TeV brane” with energies only up to 103 GeV (Giga electron Volts). However, there would be another parallel membrane connected to ours but with a much stronger gravity called the “Planck Brane” with energies up to 1019 GeV (Giga electron Volts). The graviton’s probability function would be greater in the Planck’s Brane. Most gravitons would be located here. Each “brane” would be like a lower dimensional surface located in a higher dimensional space.


3)   In order for a spaceship to be able to traverse great cosmic distances it would just have to go into the bulk by a tiny amount; let’s say 1/10,000 towards where gravity would be strongest in the “bulk.”


4)      General Relativity Theory says that, if gravity could increase, distances would shorten. Time would also slow down. By going into the bulk 1/10000 of the maximum gravitational force possible, the distance to the star Alpha Centauri would shrink to 25 miles in relation to our weak brane. 


5)      Thus, UFOs could be very efficient particle accelerators and this would be a reason why most UFO types have a circular aspect. Even triangular UFOs have been seen to have circles on the extremes and/or the center. Nature would also provide us with a way to distort space-time without the need of so much energy. 


6)      Lisa Randall et al believe that particle accelerators like the LHC at CERN will eventually produce Kaluza Klein gravitons (or KK particles). Hopefully, the current LHC will produce sufficient energy. A much more powerful one that was planned was not built. However, with enough energy, these (hopefully produced) KK particles would be gravitons with mass and would also be a manifestation of extra spatial dimensions if these dimensions indeed were to exist. Thus, KK gravitons would confirm the existence of these dimensions.  

KK gravitons with mass would have a -2 spin and be the result of particles being treated as waves within a superior space dimension. These waves would only be able to oscillate a whole number of times in the extra dimension when it is treated as a curled circle. When the oscillation frequency is very high mass in gravitons may be detected in our 4D brane.  


7)      KK gravitons would be able to generate such a powerful gravitational force (with an upper limit of 1016 GeV as mentioned) that they will, in turn, induce the generation of micro black holes that could be detected in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN because – if any energy is missing – and, due to energy conservation laws, there will be detectable signs that something unusual is taking place. These micro black holes would be real.


8)      Robert L. Schroeder thought that gravitons and photons in 4 D space-time travel at the speed of light and that –just as photons are absorbed by black holes – gravitons in 4D space-time might also be devoured by the micro black holes. He also found scientific articles backing up that hypothesis.


9)      The micro black holes would form an “envelope” around the UFO. They would cancel out both the UFO’s gravitons and the gravitons trapped in our 4D space-time brane also produced by Earth’s mass (both of which are bound by the speed of light). However, generally speaking, all gravitons would be formed by closed strings capable of detaching from our 4D brane and moving through the “bulk.”


10)   If more gravitons are exchanged between the mass of an object and the mass of the Earth, the distortion of space-time where they are located will be greater. If one of the methods for overcoming classic spacetime limitations is that the extraterrestrial spaceships are using micro black holes to “eat up”/cancel gravitons (both of the UFO and of the Earth), what ends up taking place is that the Earth stops “seeing”/interacting with the UFO’s mass but perhaps now interacts with something much lighter.  

This is NOT “antigravity” (which is also not recognized in modern physics). This pertains to the reduction or cancelation of the force of gravity and generating KK gravitons would admit the UFO into the “bulk” or 5-D space.


11)   The rotation component frequently seen on UFOs may be for stabilizing purposes, quite like a frisbee, and it would be due to the fact that they have become very light objects. If a rotating element is not seen it might be hidden perhaps as a ring inside the structure.


12)   The evidence that UFOs produce black holes would be that they would also produce “Hawking’s Radiation.” This radiation includes gamma and X rays and would be detectable.


13)   When micro black holes decay (and they do it quickly) they generate this radiation that resembles the radiation of a rotating black body, with intensity on the “Y” axis and with frequency on the “X” axis. This radiation in equilibrium with its environment may be measured with specialized equipment and spectrographic analysis during UFO waves (or in the presence of a programmed UFO sighting) in order to detect EM emissions. This would be a major contribution from Ufology to science. We would need to learn more about the EM frequencies and intensities, especially those of gamma rays.


14)   Micro black holes decay emitting fermions, scalar particles (Higgs bosons) and Gauge bosons (photons, gluons and W and Z bosons). They would also produce gamma rays such as the ones that NASA Engineer Paul Hill and colleagues detected in relation to UFOs. Micro black holes would also produce intense magnetic fields such as those detected by airplanes near UFOs. Interestingly, tritium (a radioactive isotope of hydrogen only produced in nuclear reactors or in particle accelerators) was found in the 1970’s in Sonora, California, in relation to a UFO producing a product called “angel’s hair.”


We cannot see into the “bulk” (with a 5th linear dimension) because we see using photons which are trapped in the weak brane. Thus, a UFO leaving behind our weak brane and going into the “bulk” would become partially or completely invisible. Graviton emissions caused by decaying mini black holes would disappear into the “bulk” or 5-dimensional space.


When the micro black holes absorb the gravitons located in the 4D brane (according to the portion of the probability wave function in which they also necessarily manifest) there would be decay and, during this decay, their energies would be emitted in our weak brane as gamma rays, gauge bosons, fermions (leptons and quarks). Their energies would also be emitted as 5D gravitons into the “bulk.” Thus, energy is conserved. If the equivalence principle is correct, by reducing gravitational mass UFOs would also reduce inertial mass.


Interestingly, near UFOs there would be an attractive gravitational force (perhaps re-directed to its underside or to other sections). It would not be a repulsive force as in the idea of “anti-gravity”). This effect would be due to KK gravitons generating a strong attractive gravitational field.


In some UFO sightings over bodies of liquid water, water was apparently observed being lifted towards the UFO. Kaluza Klein micro black holes may be soon produced at CERN and may show not only that they cancel gravitons but that they decay quickly into Hawking Radiation (with gamma rays). IF Schroeder’s theory is correct that radiation could be detected coming out of the higher dimensional technology of “UFOs” allegedly capable of moving into “the bulk” it can be tested.

braneworld 5th dimension randal sundrum

  Conclusions: If KK gravitons are verified in particle accelerators and they are found to indeed cancel out gravity through their production of micro black holes it would also be a finding that would boost the idea that we live in a larger dimensional frame whose properties can be engineered to overcome classic 4D space-time constraints. Moreover, if these KK gravitons can be produced in devices more practical and smaller than the LHC at CERN and, if the RS1 variant (or another compatible variant) of Warped Geometry Theory is verified, some of the key features behind UFO “propulsion” may have been discovered.


Furthermore, I expect that this scientific approach devised under the geometry of an anti-de Sitter space to explain a plausible higher dimensional “bulk” may also turn out to complement some “universe-as-a-hologram” theories in which information (related to entropy and to entropy reduction but also to measurement and to a plausible decoding process of consciousness) is fundamental and non-locally shared.


I find that the idea of modifying the density of zero-point energy to produce an “Alcubierre Drive” (perhaps through the production of KK gravitons if they are found) and the idea about focusing a gravitational “beam” to attract or bring closer a distant region in 4D space-time might also be compatible with the other ideas here exposed.


However, these other concepts are appropriate for yet another discussion.



Randall, Lisa (2012). Interview: The World We Dream – Lisa Randall & Ron Garan Zeitgeist Americas 2012. Retrieved from   

Schroeder, Robert (2014). DVD: “How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOS” International UFO Congress. Open Minds, Fountain Hills, AZ. Schroeder, Robert (2011). “Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs.” Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. YouTube interviews retrieved from and




  1. In particle physics, supersymmetry (SUSY) is a proposed extension of spacetime symmetry that relates two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons, which have an integer-valued spin, and fermions, which have a half-integer spin. A central motivation for supersymmetry close to the TeV energy scale is the resolution of the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model.…

  Without the extra supersymmetric particles, the Higgs boson mass is subject to quantum corrections which are so large as to naturally drive it close to the Planck mass barring its fine tuning to an extraordinarily tiny value. In the supersymmetric theory, on the other hand, these quantum corrections are canceled by those from the corresponding superpartners above the supersymmetry breaking scale, which becomes the new characteristic natural scale for the Higgs mass…   Other attractive features of TeV-scale supersymmetry are the fact that it often provides a candidate dark matter particle at a mass scale consistent with thermal relic abundance calculations,[6][7] provides a natural mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking and allows for the precise high-energy unification of the weak, the strong and electromagnetic interactions…   (Retrieved from Wikipedia at http: //


More CIA documents confirm validity of leaked Monroe JFK UFO document

Summary of CIA Wiretap Document copy
Summary of analysis of Leaked CIA document in response to critical analysis. Source: Lee Nicholson

On May 19, 2014 Lee Nicholson from the popular Outpost Forum, announced the results of a detailed analysis of more declassified documents from the CIA electronic archives that help confirm the validity of a leaked document allegedly of a CIA wiretap of Marilyn Monroe and her closest friends. Monroe had been under CIA surveillance due to her friendship with the Kennedy brothers and communist sympathizers up to the time of her mysterious death on August 5, 1962, two days after the Wiretap document. The Wiretap document is a summary of her recent phone conversations where she planned a “tell all” press conference revealing President Kennedy’s secrets and knowledge about a retrieved UFO at a USAF facility. In response to a critical analysis of his initial article about his research at the CIA electronic archives, Nicholson analyzed further CIA documents that addressed the criticisms and published the results. His conclusion is that the Wiretap document matches authentic CIA documents so closely “that it could not have been faked without access to CIA archives.” Consequently, the leaked wiretap document is either an authentic CIA document leaked to the public, or a document that was created by some with access to the CIA archives who likely had authorization to do so.

In response to Nicholson’s first article released on April 14, four key points emerged in a critical analysis of his research. These were:

1. All CIA documents from that time frame contained a phrase on the bottom of the page which stated: “Automatically declassified by code xxxx on xx/xx/xxxx.” This is noticeably absent on the Marilyn wiretap document.

2. The classification “Top Secret – Not for publication” never appeared on documents. It is a non sequitur. The ranking of a document as “Top Secret” is and of itself the actual highest ranking, higher even than any document containing other code names or phrases along with the Top Secret stamp.

3. The document is also missing a border color. It should have a blue stripe on it.

4. The CIA was not using typewriters in 1963. By that time everything that was typed came from either teletype machines or by early computers and printers.

Nicholson used newly declassified Information Reports from the CIA’s electronic archives to answer each of the criticisms. In response to the first criticism, he found that Information Reports contain classification information at the very bottom. In the leaked CIA Wiretap document, Nicholson points out:

One thing we can say for sure is that our leaked document has been cropped both top and bottom, it does not contain the words “Information Report”, this may have been done accidently or on purpose by the individual that leaked the document.

Information Report with Multiple Markings. Click image to expand. Source: Lee Nicholson
Information Report with Multiple Markings. Click image to expand. Source: Lee Nicholson

With regard to the second point, Nicholson found multiple classification stamps on CIA documents. This signified that documents are routinely downgraded and stamped accordingly prior to release. He provided an example of a CIA document with multiple security stamps. He wrote:

It is my contention therefore that the Marilyn Wiretap was initially classified Top Secret but was later downgraded prior to leaking, at which time the second “NOT FOR PUBLICATION” stamp was added.

Regarding the third point, of a missing border color, Nicholson points out that it is missing due to the document being cropped prior to being leaking.

Finally, with regard to the document being created using a type writer or teletype machine, Nicholson analyzed the fonts of the leaked document and declassified CIA documents and found them to be virtually identical with each other as he demonstrated in a comparison graphic. He wrote:

Type face comparison between leaked CIA document and a declassified CIA Information Report. Source: Lee Nicholson
Type face comparison between leaked CIA document and a declassified CIA Information Report. Source: Lee Nicholson

Whether the Marilyn wiretap document was hand typed or printed is really as moot point, as either way it is 100% consistent with declassified CIA Information Reports …

Nicholson’s conclusion from his analysis of a number of declassified CIA Information Reports is that the Monroe wiretap document was an Information Report subjected to a review prior to its dissemination. Nicholson suggested:

… either a semi-official declassification process occurred, in the case of a sanctioned release. Or an extremely cautious and experienced archivist sanitized the document before it was passed to Tim Cooper in 1992, if the document was smuggled out and leaked without consent.

The implications of Nicholson’s research are staggering. Authenticating the allegedly leaked CIA Wiretap document shows not only that Monroe was under official surveillance by the CIA, but that her death was more than likely linked to her planned tell all press conference. Monroe’s knowledge that President Kennedy had seen artifacts from a crashed UFO housed at a classified Air Force facility would have shocked the nation then. Today, such knowledge not only helps explains Monroe’s mysterious death two days after the Wiretap document date, but also casts light on JFK’s assassination just over a year later.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading

Messages from Space – Past and Present contact


New Course Exo-109 returns to the Contact of the 1950’s

Paola Harris, Med, instructor for the Exopolitics Institute has created a  14 week course with an international perspective that highlights contact with Human –type aliens and also messages given to contactees in a 1950’s  possible nuclear annihilation scenario.

    The return to the southern California Giant Rock Conferences sponsored by George Van Tassel included numerous contactees receiving precise messages and warnings at a crossroads in  our civilization. These writings are relevant even today. According to the communication given by the Venusian space traveler Orthon to George Adamski in the early 1950’s, Humanity could have transitioned from a “war economy” to a “rocket travel among the stars economy” that would have been equally lucrative. By now,we could have entered the proverbial cosmic neighborhood to meet our neighbors and we would have avoided the path to self destruction that we are on today.

   Likewise, according to Dr. Frank Strangess, spokesman for the Venusion Commander Valiant Thor who spent three months advising Eisenhower and Nixon at the Pentagon( Book: STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON), we could  have altered our lifestyle and our diet so we could live longer. But it seems our institutions are based on promoting stress, sickness and ill health as a form of population control and an economic dependence on drugs and pharmaceuticals.

     If we review this material today, we find also that according to messages given to  Howard Menger in Highbridge, New Jersey in 1954, we should keep our blood alkaline to avoid cancer and other diseases, and eat a diet of organically grown fruit and vegetables to prolong life. In those days, these extraterrestrial races walked among us undetected, and according to the Giant Rock contactees and the Giant Rock Convention literature, they were our “space brothers”!

    This events have not only occurred in the American scene of 1950’s, but we know now that similar human-alien interaction was also taking place in Pescara, Italy in 1956 . According to the late engineer Stefano Brescia who wrote the book “Mass Contacts”, recently translated into English, a unique situation was taking place on the Adriatic coast of Italy. To promote and promulgate a friendship experiment, a selected human group of contactees in 1956,were asked to maintain URREDA, a technology of love and harmony created by the extraterrestrials. Appropriately named the W-56’s, this ET group was able to interact with the Italians for a number of years before conflicts set in.  A similar friendship case is recorded in Chile and other places in Latin America where contactees are presently engaging the space brothers.   



Engaging the human population in any kind of relationship seems to have irritated the management group of UFOLOGY who found a chance to switch the contact scene exclusively to the fear based alien abduction scenario after the onset of the Betty and Barney Hill case of 1961. The entire field of Ufology has fossilized into this stereotypical view ever since the 1960’s, alienating us from our possible cosmic relatives.

  However, a ray of light surfaced in 2009, when Vatican Jesuit Astronomer, Father Funes stated that the Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom… “Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation…”

Perhaps, is time to return to the past to study the future, to study those past messages and bring back a more balanced perspective to the entire UFO research community.

Information about Exo-109 – Messages from Space – Past and Present contact is available here.

To learn about the Exopolitics Institute Certfication program, click here.

Hard evidence of life on Mars that NASA doesn’t want to discuss

Sequence of three of the five images showing the moving object
Sequence of three of the five images showing the moving object.  Source: UFO Sightings Daily

UFO Sightings Daily revealed yesterday that the NASA Spirit Rover took a sequence of five images over an approximate seven day period that showed what appears to be an animal near a distinctive set of rocks. Two of the five images show an object that appears where other images in the sequence show nothing else was previously there. The object, about the same size as a basketball, had clearly moved, not once but several times in the sequence. The object appears to have a relatively long neck and blends in well with the surrounding rocks. The conclusion drawn by Scott Waring, owner of UFO Sightings Daily is startling. Spirit Rover had captured images of an indigenous form of Martian life that blends in well with the surrounding rocks.

The sequence of Spirit Rover images was first found three years ago by Waring. On May 14, 2014, he decided to post an update on his blog providing more detailed analysis of the moving object in the Spirit Rover images. Waring provided the chronological sequence of images that clearly show an object twice appearing where previously there was nothing there. No alteration of the images occurred which were all taken directly from the NASA JPL website created for storing Mars Rover imagery. Waring’s conclusion, is that the images reveal some kind of animal moving on the Mars surface.


It’s pretty hard to ignore NASA’s own imagery that clearly shows a basketball sized object appearing to move on the Martian surface. So why hasn’t NASA said anything about it? I thought I would give someone from NASA a chance to respond.

On May 15, 2014, I wrote a post on the NASA affiliated science forum,, to get expert feedback about the sequence of Spirit Rover images. was conceived by its owner, Chris Bergin, with the support of NASA spaceflight managers to give engineers from different national space programs a forum to share information about space missions. Here is what I wrote:

There is a sequence of images by the Spirit Rover over an approximate week (Sol 1830-1836) that show a distinctive set of rocks. An object appears in the sequence. Some claim it is an indigenous form of life. I’d like some expert opinion on what it is. I’ve attached a composite of three images in the sequence which show the object (notation is by the life proponent).

Click Image to Enlarge
Click Image to Enlarge

My post was quickly removed by Bergin, and I was banned indefinitely from the forum. The reason given was that the forum does not discuss UFOs, yet in my request for feedback about the Spirit Rover images, I did not mention UFOs or anything flying for that matter. Clearly, space experts do not want to discuss questions arising from NASA’s own scientific instruments that suggest possible life on Mars, let alone the existence of UFOs.

The five images from the Spirit Rover mission show an object that has clearly moved in the sequence. The object appears to be some kind of animal that blends in well with the surrounding rock. Given that NASA experts refuse to discuss such a possibility, it is reasonable to agree with Waring. Hard evidence has been found that there is some kind of indigenous life roaming the surface of Mars.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Is a giant cigar UFO hovering near the International Space Station?

ISS Mothership

Video footage captured from the live camera stream of the International Space Station (ISS) shows what appears to be a giant cigar shaped UFO hovering nearby. The live footage was captured on May 13, 2014 and has been archived on the ISS video channel on Ustream. The UFO appears to have up to half a dozen orange lights flashing on and off in a random manner, and is stationary relative to the ISS though at some distance away. It appears for approximately seven minutes before fading away. The footage was taken by one of the ISS external cameras that are normally directed earthwards. The stationary nature of the UFO and the way it slowly disappears has led some to conclude it is little more than a lensflare. Not so according to Blake Cousins who was the first to upload a recording of the ISS live video feed on his popular YouTube channel, Thirdphaseofmoon. He along with a co-host believe the footage may be evidence of an alien mothership tracking the ISS.

The footage of the UFO has been given a preliminary examination by Cousins who enhanced the lighting and contrast to determine what kind of an object it is. His analysis suggests that it is a solid object and not a lensflare. If it is a genuine alien vehicle as Cousins contends, then it appears to be deliberatedly tracking the ISS. For what purpose?

This is not the first time that the ISS live camera feed has captured what appears to be a large UFO in the vicinity. Back on January 29, NASA live streaming showed what appeared to be a sleek elliptical UFO docked with the hull of the International Space Station. The object was between the Russian research module and the Soyuz escape capsule. Its size was approximately 10 meters. Some claimed that the UFO was related to an ISS ceremony featuring the Olympic flag. Yet the ISS ceremony was held in November 2013, and the flag was only about a meter in size, far smaller than the estimated 10 meter UFO.

Another incident on March 3 again recorded from the ISS live stream, showed a UFO again very close to the ISS. The UFO appeared different to the earlier January 29 incident. NASA’s response to public requests to explain the docked UFO incident and the March 3 incident involving the ISS was startling. NASA decided it would end ISS live streaming at the end of March. Only a public outcry thwarted the attempt to end ISS live streaming. On March 27, United Space Alliance, the NASA contractor that runs the ISS live stream, announced that the live streaming would continue. Perhaps alien spacecraft are visiting the ISS and NASA is trying to stop the public learning the truth. Alternatively, the ISS incidents may have more conventional explanations with the latest being little more than a lensflare. More detailed analysis of the latest ISS video footage will help us get a definitive answer one way or the other.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

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