Is the Pentagon anticipating an alien invasion?

American Professor says US military has a contingency plan.

Toronto, Canada [ZNN] Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College has been authorized by his employers to discuss US military plans to respond to an alien invasion.

Springer’s statement, according to research by Dr. Michael Salla of the Exopolitics Institute, reveals that the Pentagon does indeed have contingency plans in place to react to an alien invasion.

The fact that a US government agency like the Pentagon would entertain such a scenario could be considered a reaction to documentation by former military personnel that craft of unknown origin have been captured on radar and have indeed intruded upon restricted air space over nuclear installations.

The Pentagon’s alien invasion contingency plan also appears to contradict the US Air Force stated position that no intrusion by craft of unknown origin – reported, investigated or evaluated – was ever an indication of a threat to national security.

Why an academic of high standing like Professor Springer has been permitted to speak out is unknown – although recent events involving surveillance of ICBM nuclear installations by craft of unknown origin and a growing list of commercial and military pilot sightings of UFOs may be factors in a Pentagon decision to leak information through an accredited professional, thus linking alien intelligence with unacknowledged national security priorities. Dr. Salla states, “…Springer reveals that the Pentagon acknowledges the importance of thinking through the many national security issues surrounding the possible existence of extraterrestrial life and technology.”

Furthermore, in the midst of an on-going effort by the US government to deny the presence of extraterrestrial intelligences, it is more than perplexing why public statements about an alien invasion plan would surface on Australian television, while receiving little or no media coverage in the United States.

When asked about these plans, one UFO research expert stated: “These plans represent a military mind-game designed to incite fear and uncertainty among an uninformed public. Two major issues need to be answered; first, when will the US government realize that well over half of Americans polled believe their government is engaged in a cover-up? Secondly, citizens are mature enough to engage in discussions about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. Once these questions are addressed, a responsible and authentic public dialogue will emerge.”

The spokesperson went on to say, “Regrettably, while the Pentagon continues to deny UFOs are real – a military style of cowboy-diplomacy and a foreign policy entrenched in the 1940’s demand they shoot first and ask questions later.”

Read the assessment by Dr. Michael Salla about the Pentagon plan to deal with an alien invasion at: (The Australian TV news interview of Professor Springer is also available at this site.)


[ED. NOTE: Journalists, editors, investigative television and radio news program producers and other members of the press interested in becoming apprised of these critical issues are invited to contact the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork. All communications will be kept in the strictest confidence.]

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Toronto Ontario Canada
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Alien Invasion plan, Australia Today, Dr. Michael Salla, exopolitics, national security, Paul Springer, Pentagon, UFOs, US Air Force, ZlandCommunications


  • It is the genocidal psychopaths that lead mankind that are the real problem. They killed over 130 million of us in WWI and WW II combined. The aliens have helped us in times of trouble. Google: NOAH’S ARK – Verification of Alien Contact

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