What Christianity Islam Buddhism Say About Alien Life and Extraterrestrial Contact
by Arjun Walia February 7, 2018 (collective-evolution.com)
• UFOs were once a conspiracy theory. Now they’re not. The idea that we have been visited and are currently being visited by extraterrestrial beings is becoming more of a reality. The implications are far reaching – from science and technology, to human history, to religion. How will our world religions view extraterrestrial visitation?
• Prior to the Roman Empire, the world’s ancient cultures were predominantly “spiritual,” with the same core message and the same guidelines for living life. The predominant theme in ancient spirituality was that a large portion of our world is non-material, but rather spiritual in nature. There was no fear of hell, and no ‘wrath of God’. There was a general recognition that we are more than just our physical body, and that non-material ‘spiritual’ forces play an important role in what we call our physical world.
• Ancient “spiritual” cultures, such as Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Sumer and Babylon, all took for granted mysterious flying objects and people from other planets. Native American cultures always maintained the existence of the ‘Star People’.
• When religion was born it seemed to be a man-made force that set out to conquer the world, killed and forced it’s own beliefs onto others, and eventually wiped out the last traces of spirituality. Religion has now turned into a business, a place of brain-washing, a tool used to explain and justify war, which is completely contradictory to spirituality.
• Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American Catholic Bishop, said that, “religion is … in the guilt-producing, control business.” Modern day religion seems to disguise itself publicly with an image of good-will while practicing deceit behind closed doors. Religion, for the most part, represents not God but greedy interests that capitalize on the innocence of the human soul.
• A 2002 Roper Poll asked, “Would an announcement of extraterrestrial Intelligence precipitate a religious crisis?” The answer was a resounding “no.” The survey concluded that most religious people would not have a breakdown in faith, or even fear any type of extraterrestrial contact.
• The Vatican has actually been quite open about extraterrestrial contact over the past few years, which means it’s followers will be the same way. Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno said that humankind is facing a future discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. Monsignor Corrado Balducci has stated that contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already happened.
• Chapter One of the Mormon Book of Moses finds God saying, “worlds without number have I created …and the first man of all men, which is many, have I called Adam.” God is telling Moses that there are other worlds and other people on those worlds.
• Judaism references at least 18,000 other worlds, according to the Talmud. There is mention in one Kabbalistic book of a planet called Meroz, where extraterrestrial creatures exist.
• While Islam (Muslim) takes no firm stance on extraterrestrial contact, the Koran does imply that God is “Lord of all the worlds.” In the 1930’s, Islamic Scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali commented, “…it is reasonable to the millions of heavenly bodies scattered throughout space.” Islam does have the concept of the ‘jinn’. According to the Koran, the jinn occupy other dimensions and parallel worlds, along with humans and angels. They are one of the three sentient creations of God.
• Buddhism has long understood that life is present throughout our reality, and it has no problem with extraterrestrial contact. Buddhist scriptures depict Buddhas and bodhisattvas from many different world systems throughout the universe. Hinduism and Sikhism closely correlate with Buddhism with regard to extraterrestrials.
• For the most part, we should take comfort in knowing that we’ve probably been visited by extraterrestrials for longer than we know. If there were to be some sort of physically destructive ‘attack,’ it would have already happened by now. Ironically, ETs may be reluctant to make their presence known to humans on Earth. The human race has a tendency to reject that which is different, instantly categorizing them as demons.
UFOs (doesn’t always mean extraterrestrials), extraterrestrials, and life on other planets have been a hot topic for decades. These are the topics that receive some of the highest search engine results every single year on the internet, which is no surprise, as we’re naturally inclined to ponder about the unknown, or, as more people are starting to find out, the known.
At the end of 2017, the United States government officially admitted to the existence of UFOs with the release of previously classified footage of two navy pilots scrambling to intercept one (a UFO), with more footage on the way. Luis Elizondo, a former high ranking military intelligence officer who was in-charge of the Pentagon’s recently disclosed UFO program, made an appearance on mainstream national news to discuss the topic.
The video released showed an object travelling at a high rate of speed, and performing maneuvers that should be impossible based on our known laws of aerodynamics. The Pentagon released two videos of separate objects, and both of them were displaying maneuvers that no known man-made air-craft can perform. In one of the videos, a smaller object was seen coming out of another, making three objects. When the pilots began approaching the object at a close range, both of them accelerated instantaneously (from an already high speed), and disappeared within seconds.
Luis made it a point to emphasize that this is something that’s been happening for a long time, and something that happens a lot. This has been made clear by hundreds of other high ranking personnel from within the military, several other fields, and the release of millions of pages of UFO documents from dozens of governments.
These documents are full of radar returns, visual confirmations and electrooptical data. The next question to ask is, who is the intelligence behind the wheel?
When asked if he believed these objects are extraterrestrial, Luis stated that there is “compelling” evidence to suggest that we “may not be alone, whatever that means.”
“I will tell you unequivocally that through the observations, scientific methodologies that were applied to look at this phenomena, that these aircraft are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory, nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of.”
Luis also made another strong point, “We have deliberately stayed away from going down the rabbit hole of, who’s behind the wheel and what are their intentions, because a lot of people have a lot of feelings towards that, and are very emotional about that.”
The pilot, David Fravor, as with hundreds of others who have had the same type of experience, stated his belief that these objects are “not from our world”.
This is precisely why, when bringing up the topic to friends or family, you may receive a bizarre look, or instantaneously receive “conspiracy theorist” allegations. The truth is, people still ridicule the subject, despite the fact that it’s a very serious issue. Perhaps the quote below from the first CIA director sheds some light as to why.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960
Apart from secrecy and ridicule campaigns, the idea that we may have been visited, and are currently being visited is becoming more of a reality, and the implications are far reaching. From science and technology, to human history, the nature of our reality, and more, this realization, if made, will change humanity forever and really open us up to a much broader view of reality, and touch upon all aspects of life.
It also conflicts with the belief systems of many. When a human being has a certain picture of the human experience in their head, and the way things are, when confronted with information and evidence that completely counters it is something hard to do. As a result, our mind hangs on to our current belief system, not willing to let go or even entertain the idea that what they previously thought, might not actually be true.
Information like this can cause a global mental paradigm shift for many people.
So, let’s take a look at one aspect of life that might be affected, or not? Religion.
Comments on Religion
Religion is fascinating to say the least. This is because, on one hand, we have multiple religions preaching the same message at their core, one of peace, love, trust, good-will, non-violence , and the “Golden Rule.” On the other, it’s not uncommon to come across several contradictions between them all, and various interpretations of the same religion, which has created even more division within religious movements.
It’s quite obvious that many of the core messages shared from religions resonate with billions of people, as they should, there are some golden messages and guidelines in there, which is why so many souls gravitate towards it.
What I also find very interesting is that, prior to the Roman Empire, the ancient cultures from around the world were predominantly “spiritual,” with the same core message, and the same guidelines for one to live their life. We also see similar ways of life prior to religion, a great example would be the construction of pyramids by ancient cultures around the world that had absolutely no contact with one another. The predominant theme in ancient spirituality is the fact that a large portion of our world is non-material, spiritual in nature, and it did not use fear as part of its preaching.
There was no fear of hell, or no ‘wrath of God’ waiting to come down on an individual for their wrongdoings, but rather a spiritual, non-material perspective, opportunities for growth, and a recognition that we are more than just our physical body, and that non-material ‘spiritual’ forces play an important role in what we call our physical material world.
It is yet another “faith” that preaches the good-will of Earth and our planet.
When religion was born, it seemed to be made by man, originating within the Roman Empire, a force that began conquering the world and eventually wiped out the last trace of spirituality that pre-dated religion, which was the indigenous wisdom of North America, something that was not contradictory to the teachings of global indigenous culture.
This type of religion killed, and forced it’s own beliefs onto others, and it’s something that seems to have been happening globally for a very long time.
Religion has now turned into a business, a place of brain-washing, a tool used to explain and justify war, which makes no sense at all and is completely contradictory.
A great modern day example would be the “Islamic State.” Today, it’s not a perspective that’s commonly expressed by mainstream media, but despite that, multiple professors, politicians and more have emphasized that the Islamic Sate, the group the United States and their allies claim to be fighting against, is actually a creation of the United States (and their allies) themselves.
Terrorism is not representative of Islam…Islam is just being used by those who wish to manipulate us.
This narrative has been emphasized by multiple people from within the field. Jon Shelby Spong, a retired American Bishop, for example, told the world that that “religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in the guilt producing control business.”
On a personal level, I believe religion is filled with much truth, real events and real historical figures. I also believe much of it is made by man, some of which has been changed to support the greedy interests of the powerful who wish to impose their way on others. Many aspects of religion are simply used as a means to an end, but not to really meditate, and inquire upon the mysteries of the universe, the origins of the human species, the meaning of life and the good-will of humanity. It claims to work for the good-will of all people, but seems to disguise itself publicly with the image of good-will while practicing deceit behind closed doors.
That being said, there are many different religions, and all are different. Some may be filled with lies, deceit and corruption, and others not. Again, this is why we may get so many different contradictions, they can’t all be true? Can they?
Then we have weird, strange type of phenomena that seems to be taking place under the name of God, one of many examples could Satanism within the Vatican.
This is why when it comes to the Religious interpretation of extraterrestrials, it’s important to take with a grain of salt. Instead of looking outside of yourself for answers, perhaps try looking within and seeing what your intuition tells you after examining a variety of sources, before and after religion.
How can a group of powerful religious Royals, from the time of Ancient Rome, completely take over the world and impose their views of reality on others? In ancient times, figures like Plato, and scientists who opposed the church later decades after the Roman Empire took rule were put to death.
Religion wiped out spirituality, ritualistic practices, our understand of the nature of the universe and even our ability to inquire or entertain alternate views of reality.
If you asked God about religion, I’m sure God would have no idea what it even is. I feel that religion, for the most part, does not represent God, but powerful mens greedy interests that capitalize on the tenderness and innocence of the human soul.
God and religion, in my opinion, do not fit in the same discussion, as I feel religion is simply man made, much of which comes from good intentions, and much of which does not.
Religion & Extraterrestrials
So, when it comes to religion, where does life on other planets fit in? “Spiritual” type of cultures, those that pre-dated modern religion like Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Summer and Babylon (to name a few) all make pretty good cases for being in direct contact with people from other planets. It’s even a common theme, and has been, throughout many indigenous culture traditions. Mysterious flying objects in antiquity are filled with many examples.
For example, Richard Wagamese, One of Canada’s foremost authors and storytellers from the Wabaseemoong First Nation in Northwestern Ontario writes how: “My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”
If we look at modern day religion, the top three are no doubt Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, although Buddhism is not considered a religion by many, given the fact that its origins alone predate modern day religion, similar to ancient Vedic scriptures, Greek Scriptures, Sumerian texts and more.
Buddhism has more of a spiritual undertone to it. And no, I personally do not believe spirituality is just another religion. That’s a discussion for another article that could also be quite lengthy.
Dr. Jacques Vallee’s 2010 book, Wonders of the Sky, includes an analysis of 500 UFO cases from biblical antiquity to 1879 before the development of the modern day industry. Vallée co-developed the very first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA. He is also noted for his work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where he helped create ARPANET.
Would Religion Collapse?
Would modern day religions collapse with the realization of extraterrestrial intelligence? That’s the common belief, but there is really no evidence to support that belief, which makes one wonder, where did it come from?
For example, in early 2010 a survey designed by Ted Peters, a professor at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California, was put out titled The Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey. He and his colleagues interviewed 1300 people, which included believers from Roman Catholicism, mainline Protestantism, evangelical Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. They hypothesis of the survey was that, “upon confirmation of contact between Earth and an extraterrestrial civilization of intelligent beings, the long established religious traditions of Earth would confront a crisis of belief and perhaps even collapase.
Here are some of the responses the survey received: “Finding extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), I believe, would be a profound and wonderful event.”
“Extraterrestrial religious beliefs and traditions will differ, perhaps greatly in some ways. However, they live in the same universe with the same God, and a similar array of religious responses and developments would likely have developed on their world.”
“Nothing would make me lose my faith, God can reach them if they exist.”
I believe that Christ became incarnate (human) in order to redeem humanity and atone for the original sin of Adam and Eve. Could there be a world of extraterrestrials? Maybe. It doesn’t change what Christ did.”
8 years prior, a Roper Poll asked, “Would an announcement of extraterrestrial Intelligence precipitate a religious crisis?” The answer was a big “no.”
The survey concluded that most religious people would not have a breakdown in faith, or even fear any type of extraterrestrial contact.
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Buddhism, Catholic, Hindu, Islam, Jon Shelby Spong, Judaism, Mormon, Muslim, Sikh, Star People