UFOs Saved Earth From Devastating Meteor Strike, Claim Conspiracy Theorists
By Sean Martin December 12, 2017 (express.co.uk)
• On February 15, 2013, a 20-meter meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, smashing windows and causing over 1,000 injuries. But it didn’t impact the Earth. If it had, it would have been devastating to the entire planet.
• Russian UFO enthusiasts have closely studied video at different angles of the meteor’s decent and explosion in the atmosphere, and they are certain that another smaller “UFO” type object streaked in from above the planet colliding with the meteor and causing it to explode before impacting the Earth.
• In 1908, a similar incident took place when a small asteroid exploded over Siberia’s Tunguska region, devastating 800 miles of woodland. The Russians believe an outside object crashed into that meteor as well, saving the world. Metallic fragments not native to this planet were recovered from the Tunguska site, indicating that the object that hit the meteor was destroyed. “If not for the intervention of the UFO in the Tunguska event, the Earth could have been plunged into a second stone age.”
The 20 metre meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013, which smashed windows and caused injuries to more than 1,000 people in the area.
Experts had not anticipated the incident, leading to fears Earth could be surprised by a more devastating asteroid strike in the future.
But, conspiracy theorists are now claiming a more intelligent species than humankind had predicted the event, and duly intercepted it to save Russia.
UFO believers studied videos of the incident and state there is an object which can be seen crashing into the rock from outer space.
Alexander Komanev, coordinator for the Russian UFO community in Yekaterinburg, said: “At first, we also believed the Chelyabinsk meteorite was just an ordinary meteorite, a cosmic body.”
However, on closer inspection, Mr Komanev says “you can see how an object catches the meteorite”, adding a much smaller object “flies into it – and the meteorite explodes and falls”.
He adds: “Such a number of videos, made from different angles, leads us to believe that something has blown up the meteorite.”
In 1908, a similar incident took place when a small asteroid exploded over Siberia’s Tunguska which ruined woodlands across 800 miles.
Russian conspiracy theorists also believe aliens saved the world in that event too.
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Chelyabinsk, meteor, Russia, Tunguska