UFO Religions Back in the News

by Paul Seaburn               May 12, 2018                 (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• A hearing was recently held in Boston on the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a French national who wants to become an American citizen. Perrier-Bilbo refused to take the oath of citizenship because it ends with the words “So help me God.” Perrier-Bilbo is a devout Raelian who doesn’t believe in God.

• The Raelian Movement is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by French car racing journalist Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Raël after being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft who claimed to have selected him to deliver a new origin message to humanity and start a religion based on it.

• Raelians believe that an alien species sent scientists called Elohim who created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation. Raelians support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and other futuristic technology.

• Vorilhon was taken to the alien’s planet where he met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who told him to be more like the aliens, who were peace-loving and had no money, sickness or wars.

• Said Perrier-Bilbo, “My hope is for the phrase, ‘So help me God’ to be stricken from future naturalization ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists or agnostics who want to defend the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional oath.” The results of the hearing are still pending.

• In Britain, George King founded the Aetherius Society in1955 after he received a telepathic communication from an alien intelligence representing an “Interplanetary Parliament” that existed on Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. King claimed to have met Jesus on Venus in 1958. King’s Aetherius ‘religion’ borrows from yoga, Eastern mantra and New Age and promotes spiritual self-advancement and world service. King died in 1997.

• Members of the Aetherius Society recently announced its “Operation Prayer Power” pilgrimage in July to Holdstone Down in north Devon, England. Other Aetherius pilgrimage destinations are Castle Peak in Colorado, Mount Ramshead in New South Wales, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Le Nid d’Aigle in France.


While the big three major world religions get all of the publicity, there are plenty of other spiritual collectives between them and atheism. One group that attracts a lot of paranormal fans are the UFO religions whose members subscribe to the existence of extraterrestrials traveling to Earth in unidentified flying objects, often to take part in the evolution of humanity. Two such groups coincidentally popped up in the news recently, proving that they’re not as obscure as some might think (or hope).

A hearing was held in Boston this week in the case of Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, a French national who wants to become an American citizen … except for the part about taking an oath of citizenship that ends with the words “So help me God.” Perrier-Bilbo’s objection comes from her membership in the Raëlian movement, which is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by French car racing journalist Claude Vorilhon, who changed his name to Raël after being contacted by an ET in a spacecraft who claimed to have selected him to deliver a new origin message to humanity and start a religion based on it.

In his first book, Le Livre qui dit la vérité (“The Book Which Tells the Truth“), Vorilhon says the alien’s species sent scientists called Elohim (“those who came from the sky”) who created all life on Earth through DNA manipulation. The alien, also an Elohim, took Vorilhon or Raël to their planet where he allegedly met Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, who told him to be more like the aliens, who were peace-loving and had no money, sickness or wars. Raël’s followers support human genetic engineering, genetically-modified foods and other futuristic technology.

Perrier-Bilbo just wants to be a good Raëlian-American and she was given the opportunity to take a modified oath in a private ceremony, but in this litigious, political and social media world, that wasn’t enough.

“My hope is for the phrase, ‘So help me God’ to be stricken from future naturalization ceremonies and for this lawsuit to encourage other atheists or agnostics who want to defend the constitution to fight against this anti-constitutional oath.”


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Claude Vorilhon, George King, Olga Paule Perrier-Bilbo, The Aetherius Society, The Raelian Movement

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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