Tucker Carlson Talks Underwater UFOs
Article by Phil Owen December 15, 2020 (thewrap.com)
• On hi December 11th Fox News show, Tucker Carlson (pictured above with Tom Rogan) discussed UFOs that travel underwater. “A new report from American intelligence confirms something that’s been rumored for a while. Late last year a US Navy F/A-18 fighter jet took a very clear photograph on a personal phone of a triangle-shaped unidentified aerial phenomena,” Carlson said. (see 3:21 minute clip of Carlson talking with Joe Rogan on Fox News below)
• “That vehicle, whatever it was, appeared to be operating with a propulsion system that generated no visible exhaust. Hard to see how that can happen,” Carlson continued. “The setting likely places the UFO near a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. That shouldn’t be surprising because a string of UFO sightings have involved nuclear reactors and warheads.”
• Carlson brought in Washington Examiner reporter, Tom Rogan, who reported on the UFO incident on December 2nd (see Rogan article here). Rogan began by thanking Carlson for covering UFOs. “[N]ot enough journalists, I think, do,” he told Carlson. According to Rogan, “The late 2019 incident essentially involved a US carrier strike group, as with the incident in 2004 and ’15, doing its workups on pre-deployment, preparing to go abroad and do the missions that the Navy are assigned.”
• “[T]he pilots (were) flying off the coast off the Atlantic seaboard and see essentially a black triangle, white sort of indicator lights on its peripheral tips coming out of the water very quickly and then accelerating at extremely high speed at about a 90 degree angle,” says Rogan. [O]ne of the pilots took a photo, very good photo I’m told by multiple sources, on his iPhone.”
• “It came out of the water?” Carlson asked. “There have been over the years a number of reports of unidentified underwater vehicles moving in ways that don’t make any sense at all. Tell us what you know about that.” Rogan said that the reason the Navy doesn’t publicize this stuff is because they don’t want China or Russia to figure out whatever these vehicles are and how they do what they do. “They maneuver in ways that would essentially render a submarine or an aircraft carrier or any, quite frankly, military warship extremely vulnerable to attack,” Rogan told Carlson. “This is some special stuff whatever it is.”
• “Well, a bullet doesn’t travel hundreds of knots an hour underwater, for long,” Carlson remarked. “I mean, I don’t think any human made object ever has — we’ve never imagined something like that.” Rogan responded, “What these things can do, in air, under water, in space, at least in low orbit, are beyond any capability that we can identify with an earth nation, either in platform, something that a military is showing, or is in development.” “Or has even been conceived of,” Carlson replied. “I mean, let’s be honest, this is this is really out of the realm.”
• Earlier this year, Fox News lawyers argued before a judge that Tucker Carlson is not a credible source of news. The judge agreed, saying that “any reasonable viewer” would not take him seriously.
• [Editor’s Note] Indeed, sometimes Tucker Carlson doesn’t get it right. For instance, Carlson claims that the kind of propulsion technology that would allow a craft to travel at high speed underwater and then climb at a 90 degree angle straight up into the sky at a high speed is beyond anything that humans can “conceived of” and is “really out of the realm”. Not so.
Through a series of patents filed in 2019, the US Navy has revealed that they have an operable propulsion system technology for a “Hybrid Aerospace-Underwater Craft” or “HUAC”. I would point Tucker Carlson to ExoArticles such as these: “Paper on Nuclear Fusion Reactor for Hybrid Spacecraft Published in Prestigious Journal”; “US Navy Disclosing Secret Space Program Technologies through Patents System”; and “US Navy Regards Electromagnetic Propulsion & Tesla Shield Patents as Operable”.

As he so often does, Tucker Carlson talked about aliens and UFOs again Tuesday night. But this time there’s a new wrinkle: these UFOs can fly not just in the air, but also underwater.
“A new report from American intelligence confirms something that’s been rumored for a while. Late last year a US Navy F/A-18 fighter jet took a very clear photograph on a personal phone of a triangle-shaped unidentified aerial phenomena,” Tucker said excitedly.
“That vehicle, whatever it was, appeared to be operating with a propulsion system that generated no visible exhaust. Hard to see how that can happen. The setting likely places the UFO near a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. That shouldn’t be surprising because a string of UFO sightings have involved nuclear reactors and warheads.”
But Tucker isn’t just here for the regular UFOs. He wanted to talk about the “underwater UFOs, which behave in ways that science can’t explain.”
To that end, Tucker had on Tom Rogan from the right-wing Washington Examiner to talk about a report he wrote two weeks ago that has gained no traction among respected news outlets.
Rogan began by pointing that out himself in a way. “Thanks for covering this because not enough journalists, I think, do,” he told Tucker.
3:21 minute Tucker Carlson – Evidence of Underwater UFOs (‘TuckerOnly’ YouTube)
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Fox News, Tom Rogan, triangle-shaped unidentified aerial phenomena, Tucker Carlson, Underwater UFOs, US Navy, Washington Examiner