The Sun’s Famous UFO Question Keeps Going Viral
Article by Daymond Steer February 7, 2020 (conwaydailysun)
• For years, The Conway Daily Sun (in Conway New Hampshire) has made it a habit at election time to ask the candidates about their stance on UFO disclosure. So what do the Democratic Presidential hopefuls think about extraterrestrials and UFOs?
• Andrew Yang of New York (who dropped out of the race earlier this week) said, “I’m very curious about UFOs. I have a feeling they probably do exist.”
• Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar suggested opening the government’s older ‘X-Files’. She told Fox News and New York Magazine, “Why can’t you see if you can let some of (the UFO truths) out for the public so earnest journalists …who are trying to get the bottom of the truth would be able to see it?” New York Magazine rated Klobuchar’s UFO comments as both “high brow” and “brilliant.”
• Former Navy Reserve lieutenant and South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg responded, “Well, strange things happen out there, and I think it’s important for there to be processes for anybody who observes strange things — especially in the military.”
• Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders told Joe Rogan that his wife would demand he disclose the truth about UFOs and Sanders offered to do it on Rogan’s podcast show. The Sun asked Sanders whether studying the ‘Tic Tac’-shaped UFO could possibly lead to green technology. Waving his hands, Sanders exclaimed, “Let’s not jump the gun!” But Sanders is willing to use ‘Tic Tac’ technology to advance environmentally healthy green technology. “Presumably they are coming from a rather long distance away,” said Sanders. “Of course we have to explore that.”
• Colorado Senator Michael Bennet (who has also dropped out of the race) responded to “the question” saying, “Our guys are seeing unidentified stuff. They don’t know what it is. And I don’t know what it is. I don’t think they’re saying that it’s necessarily things from outer space, but it’s unexplained stuff.” “We’re trying to learn more about it.”
• Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said “It’s not something I have been spending a lot of time on.”
• Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick (who also just dropped out of the race) said, “I used to be on the board of an airline, I talked to pilots who told me about that sort of thing.” “I have met … pilots, commercial pilots, who have said that there are things that they’ve seen in the night sky, mostly the night sky.”
• Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld, a Republican candidate, said, “So I do think life is out there? Do I think it’s intelligent life? Yeah, I think it’s probably more intelligent than us homo sapiens.” “So does that admit the possibility of space exploration by them? It does. It’s a little too convenient to have it be a flying saucer thing. I think it might take some other form that we couldn’t see so readily, but I would never say never.” Weld added, “One thing I do very much believe in is people can remember by having stored in their brain cells that came down from their grandmother and their grandfather things that happened a couple hundred years ago.”
• In the 2016 Presidential race, The Sun asked Hillary Clinton “the question”. Her campaign chief, John Podesta, had long been a UFO disclosure advocate. Clinton replied with a laugh that after being elected, she would “get to the bottom of it.”
CONWAY — The Sun has been asking presidential candidates for federal offices about UFOs since 2015, when we lobbed the question at Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton, whose campaign chief, John Podesta, had long been a UFO disclosure advocate.
Although she never got the chance, Clinton replied with a laugh that after being elected, she would “get to the bottom of it.”
The story went viral, spanning the globe to news outlets like London’s Daily Mail and even newspapers in India.
This election cycle, Democrat Andrew Yang of New York visited the Sun March of last year.
Asked the question, he said: “I’m very curious about UFOs.I have a feeling they probably do exist.”
His response about UFOs sparked an article in Newsweek, which said: “For years, New Hampshire newspaper The Conway Daily Sun has pressed potential presidential candidates barnstorming the early primary state about their stance on UFO disclosure.”
The response of Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Min.), referring to the possibility of opening the older X-files, caught the attention of Fox News and New York Magazine.
“One of the Democratic presidential candidates made an out-of-this-world promise campaign promise,” said Fox’s Steve Doocy. “You’re gonna wanna hear it.”
Klobuchar said, “Why can’t you see if you can let some of that out for the public so earnest journalists like you who are trying to get the bottom of the truth would be able to see it?” she asked rhetorically.”
On its weekly “Approval Matrix,” New York Magazine rated Klobuchar’s UFO comments to be both “high brow” and “brilliant.”
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Amy Klobuchar, Andrew Yang, Bernie Sanders, Conway Daily Sun, Deval Patrick, Hillary Clinton, Michael Bennet, Pete Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, William Weld