The Secretive Inventor of the Navy’s ‘UFO Patents’ Finally Talks
Article by Brett Tingley January 22, 2020 (thedrive.com)
• Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais (pictured above) is the inventor of next-generation technology that has been patented and assigned to the US Navy. These patents include high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact fusion reactors, and high-energy electromagnetic field generators. Pais has patented a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” that seemingly bends the laws of physics as we know them. Mainstream scientists and physicists have made it clear that they find the patented technology largely absurd and not grounded in scientific fact. But while the US Patent Office initially rejected the validity of the patents, the Chief Technology Officer of the US Naval Aviation Enterprise personally attested to the reality of these inventions in the successful patent appeal.
• So what exactly is going on with these patents? Are they proactive of future technology or simply misinformation aimed at rival nations? Is the Navy on the verge of changing human technological progress as we know it? Or do they represent a breakthrough that has already occurred?
• Dr. Pais published a new academic paper in the journal IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science detailing his work on his patented Plasma Compression Fusion Device – a compact fusion reactor capable of creating a net energy gain that would revolutionize energy production. It’s worth noting that the US Navy did not make use of the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 to make these patents classified and unavailable for public viewing. Pias’ patents were filed publicly.
• The IEEE publication notes that Dr. Pais currently works at the U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs which develops the Navy’s submarine-launched ballistic missiles, nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, and the new hypersonic Intermediate-Range Conventional Prompt Strike that can potentially reach any target on Earth within an hour, depending on the location of the launch platform.
• The author section in this new academic paper states that Dr. Pais has “advanced knowledge… in aerodynamics… and missile design”… as well as “expertise in electro-optics and emerging quantum technologies, particularly the laser power… high-energy electromagnetic field generation… (and) condensed matter physics, such as… room temperature superconductivity, as related to advanced field propulsion.”
• Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais recently responded to a few questions from The War Zone by email. Reiterating what is already on public record, Pais confirmed that he is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University earning his Ph.D in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in 1998. But Pais stresses that all of the former patent work he did was conducted under NAVAIR/ NAWCAD. His current position with Navy’s Strategic Systems Programs has nothing to do with this type of advanced physics work. As testing by the Naval Air System’s Chief Technology Officer ostensibly showed that his patents were indeed feasible, it is puzzling that Pais would transfer to another unit in a separate field of study.
• In his emailed response to Brett Tingley, Pais stands behind the science underlying his ‘Compact Fusion Reactor’ which is patented and published in the prestigious IEEE TPS journal. Pais explains that his work culminates in the “Pais Effect” where energy flux is generated by electrically charged matter changing from solid to plasma states, and subjected to accelerated vibration and spin via rapid acceleration transients, to create a “Macroscopic Quantum Coherence” – the fundamental structure from which everything else in our Quantum Reality emerges.
• In 2001, the Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry concluded that “… breakthrough energy sources… such as nuclear fusion and anti-matter, must be credibly investigated in order for us to practically pursue human exploration of the solar system and beyond”. “[T]hese energy sources should be the topic of a focused… research effort.”
• However, Carl Willis, a nuclear engineer at the University of New Mexico and Senior Research Engineer for Verus Research, says the literature for Pais’ plasma compression fusion device contains invented jargon, nebulous adjectives and adverbs, and nonsensical statements that seem to contradict basic and accepted physics.
• Dr. Charles Collett, assistant professor of Physics at Muhlenberg College (in Allentown, Pennsylvania) also remains skeptical. While he admits that the theoretical basis for the so-called Pais Effect “is not outlandish”, there are likely “significant engineering challenges in creating a device” capable of producing such high electromagnetic forces. Collett says that he “cannot see how that interaction could lead to any of the claimed effects.”
• Some scientists even suggest that the intended audience of the empty jargon and pseudoscience contained in these patents may not be the scientific community. In fact, not a single mainstream scientist or engineer will corroborate the claims made in Dr. Pais’s patents. Nevertheless, Dr. Pais assures, “[M]y work shall be proven correct one fine day…”.
Over the last six months, The War Zone has been deeply reporting on a set of bizarre patents assigned to the U.S. Navy. The patents, which are all the product of a single inventor, truly sound like the stuff of science fiction and include high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact fusion reactors, and high-energy electromagnetic field generators. Most radical of all is the “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” claimed to be able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by seemingly bending the laws of physics as we know them. Together, these patents seem to be the building blocks of a vehicle with truly out-of-this-world, UFO-like performance. As part of our reporting, we have been working to better understand the mind behind this mysterious intellectual property. Now, the elusive Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais has spoken to The War Zone.
Despite the patents sounding extremely far-fetched, official documents show that the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise personally attested to the reality of these inventions and their importance to national security and peer-state competition in appeals with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Meanwhile, the scientists and physicists we have talked to on and off the record have made it clear that they find the claims largely absurd and not grounded in scientific fact. At the same time, there is, in fact, many decades of government research into similar technologies that are very much alike in concept to some of Pais’s work. As such, while these are obscure ideas and remain on the edge of science, they are not exactly brand new.
All of this has led many to wonder what exactly is going on with these patents and a multitude of questions remain unanswered. Are the Salvatore
Pais patents simply proactive, hoping to get ahead of the game for when or if these technologies actually become feasible? Are they part of a

misinformation campaign designed to lead America’s adversaries on a fruitless wild goose chase? Could they be an attempt by the Navy to try to emulate seemingly unexplained craft with incredible capabilities that its personnel have encountered? Could the Navy really be on the verge of changing human technological progress as we know it? Or maybe they even represent a breakthrough that has already occurred. Then again, could they be just the flimsy product of a persuasive and imaginative inventor and his gullible Navy bosses?
The one person who would actually know the answer to these questions and more is Dr. Pais himself.
New Details Emerge
Dr. Pais recently published a new academic paper in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science journal detailing his work on his Plasma Compression

Fusion Device. That device, the patent for which The War Zone has previously reported on, is a compact fusion reactor claimed to be capable of creating a net energy gain, a breakthrough that would revolutionize energy production if truly feasible.
Like all of Dr. Pais’s other patents and publications, the paper claims that this revolutionary new fusion reactor employs “controlled motion of electrically charged matter through accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth, yet rapid acceleration–deceleration–acceleration transients, to generate extremely high energy/high-intensity electromagnetic (EM) fields.” In the case of this reactor, those EM fields are claimed to both heat the plasma within the core and also confine and compress it, enabling energy production levels currently out of reach.
In the author section of the paper, it is stated that Dr. Pais has “advanced knowledge of theory, analysis, and modern experimental and computational methods in aerodynamics, along with an understanding of air-vehicle and missile design, especially in the domain of hypersonic power plant and vehicle design” as well as “expertise in electrooptics and emerging quantum technologies, particularly the laser power generation arena, and high-energy electromagnetic field generation, besides condensed matter physics, such as the emerging breakthrough field of room temperature superconductivity, as related to advanced field propulsion.”
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Carl Willis, Charles Collett, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Plasma Compression Fusion Device, Salvatore Cezar Pais, U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs, US Navy